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CAT Claim Requirement

Technical Specification
CRISP 8665 - SN30203815
Version: 4.1
Issue Date: 28
Feb 2014
Copri!ht In"ormation
chan!in! 201"
All #i!ht$ #e$e#%e&' No pa#t of thi$ p()lication *a+ )e #ep#o&(ce&, $to#e& in a #et#ie%al $+$te*, o# t#an$*itte& in
an+ fo#* o# )+ an+ *ean$, elect#onic, *echanical photocop+in!, #eco#&in!, o# othe#-i$e, -itho(t the p#io#
pe#*i$$ion of ()e# . An chan!in! Co*pan+'
Confidential do not copy or forward on' The &oc(*ent an& the info#*ation it contain$ i$ #e$t#icte& an& the
ci#c(lation li$t i$ cont#olle& )+ the a(tho# -ho $ho(l& )e i&entifie& in the &oc(*ent'
Note onl+ $i!ne& ha#& copie$ an& elect#onic *a$te#$ of &oc(*ent$ -ill )e cont#olle&' An+ othe# cop+ *a+ not )e
Tra#emar$ In"ormation
Co*pan+, p#o&(ct, o# )#an& na*e$ *entione& in thi$ &oc(*ent, *a+ )e the t#a&e*a#/$ of thei# o-ne#$'
Appro%e# Distribution &ist
Name Title
0a+le Si1$*ith ()e# P#o!#a**e 2ana!e#
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
1 Overview 5
2 Functional Requirement 6
Tec!nical "pproac! 6
3'1 TS01 . C#eate ne- $+$te* pa#a*ete# 6
3'2 TS02 . C#eate ne- Clai* A&&itional E&it Sc#een6
3'3 TS03 . C#eate a ne- Clai* A&&itional 4i$pla+ $c#een 6
3'" TS0" . 3ali&ate Clai* 5o$t A#ea Co&e 6
3'5 TS05 . Up&ate Clai* 2a$te# to Clai* A&&tional 4etail$ 6
3'6 TS06 . Up&ate Clai* A&&tional 4etail$ to Clai* 2a$te# 6
3'6 TS06 . C#eate f(nction to %ali&ate the 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 p#e$ence 6
3'8 TS08 . 3ali&ate 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 . :inali$e Clai* 6
3'; TS0; . 3ali&ate 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 . :inali$e 5a$t Clai* Section 6
3'10 TS10 . 3ali&ate 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 . :inal In&e*nit+ Pa+*ent 6
3'11 TS11 . 3ali&ate 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 . :inal In&e*nit+ Pa+*ent <2(lti-CS=
3'12 TS12 . A(to t#i!!e# Ne- Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ 6
3'13 TS13 . Chan!e 7>o#/ >ith Clai*9 to a&& callin! point to ($e# hoo/ 6
3'1" TS1" . C#eate 7C#t Clai* Pl(!-in 29 ne- ($e# hoo/ 6
3'15 TS15 . C#eate ACU %e#$ion of 7C#t Clai* Pl(!-in 29 ($e# hoo/ 8
3'16 TS16 . Chan!e 7C#t Clai* 2a$te# Rc&9 to a&& callin! point to ($e# hoo/ 8
3'16 P#oce$$ :lo- ;
3'18 :(nctional A#ea$ Affecte& ;
?($ine$$ Co*ponent$@8)Aect$ Affecte& ;
3'1; ;
3'20 4ata 2o&el Chan!e$ ;
# C!osen Tec!nical "pproac! 1$
5 "ssumptions and %imitations 1$
6 Tec!nical &mplementation 12
6'1 TS01 . Ne- S+$te* Pa#a*ete# 12
6'1'14efinition 12
6'1'2Belp Te1t 12
6'2 Confi!(#ation Ite*$ 13
6'3 TS02 . C#eate 7E&it Clai* A&&tl 4tl$ ACU9 <CCUC11= 1"
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 2 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
6'3'18%e#%ie- 1"
6'3'24efinition 1"
6'3'3Sc#een 5a+o(t 1"
6'3'"P#oce$$in! 4etail$ 16
6'" TS03 . C#eate 74i$p Clai* A&&tl 4tl$ ACU9 <CCUC11= 23
6'"'18%e#%ie- 23
6'"'24efinition 23
6'"'3Sc#een 5a+o(t 23
6'5 TS0" . C#eate 7U$e# Spec' C2 3al 2 ACU9 <0U2A06CU= 26
6'5'18%e#%ie- 26
6'5'24efinition 26
6'5'3P#oce$$in! 4etail$ 26
6'6 TS05 . C#eate 7U$e# Spec' C2 Up&ate ACU9 <0CUB31CU= 28
6'6'18%e#%ie- 28
6'6'24efinition 28
6'6'3P#oce$$in! 4etail$ 28
6'6 TS06 . C#eate 7C#t @ Ch! Cl* A&& 4tl ACU9 <0CUB62CU= 2;
6'6'18%e#%ie- 2;
6'6'24efinition 2;
6'6'3P#oce$$in! 4etail$ 2;
6'8 TS06 . C#eate 7ACU 3al 8cc(##ence 5oc9 <RT38?E= 30
6'8'18%e#%ie- 30
6'8'24efinition 30
6'8'3P#oce$$in! 4etail$ 30
6'; TS08 . C#eate 7Clai* :NF U$e# 3al ACU9 <0CCC;CU= 31
6';'18%e#%ie- 31
6';'24efinition 31
6';'3P#oce$$in! 4etail$ 31
6'10 TS0; . Chan!e 7Clai* Sc :NF U$e# 3al ACU9 <0CUB1;CU= 32
6'10'1 8%e#%ie- 32
6'10'2 4efinition 32
6'10'3 P#oce$$in! 4etail$ 32
6'11 TS10 . Chan!e 7U$e# Spec' Ente# A*t$ ACU9 <0CC1ACU= 33
6'11'1 8%e#%ie- 33
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 3 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
6'11'2 P#oce$$in! 4etail$ 33
6'12 TS11 . C#eate 7U$e# Spec' Ente# Cl* ACU9 <0CUB16CU= 3"
6'12'1 8%e#%ie- 3"
6'12'2 4efinition 3"
6'12'3 P#oce$$in! 4etail$ 3"
6'13 TS12 . C#eate 7>o#/ >ith Clai* UB A0R9 <0CUB;0CU=35
6'13'1 8%e#%ie- 35
6'13'2 4efinition 35
6'13'3 P#oce$$in! 4etail$ 35
6'1" TS13 . Chan!e 7>o#/ >ith Clai*9 <0CC22"= 36
6'1"'1 8%e#%ie- 36
6'1"'2 P#oce$$in! 4etail$ 36
6'15 TS1" . C#eate 7C#t Clai* Pl(!-in 29 <0CC211= 36
6'15'1 8%e#%ie- 36
6'15'2 4efinition 36
6'15'3 P#oce$$in! 4etail$ 36
6'16 TS15 . C#eate 7C#t Clai* Pl(!-in 2 ACU9 <0CC211CU= 38
6'16'1 8%e#%ie- 38
6'16'2 4efinition 38
6'16'3 P#oce$$in! 4etail$ 38
6'16 TS16 . Chan!e 7C#t Clai* 2a$te# Rc&9 <0CC226= "0
6'16'1 8%e#%ie- "0
6'16'2 P#oce$$in! 4etail$ "0
6'18 I*pact Anal+$i$ "1
6'1; Te$tin! ReG(i#e*ent$ "1
' (lossary #2
) &ssue %ist #2
* "ppendi+ " ,stimation -roposal #2
1$ "ppendi+ . Requirements Tracea/ility 0atri+ #
11 "ppendi+ C &mplementation Notes ##
12 1ocument Control #6
12'1 4oc(*ent Info#*ation "6
12'2 Re%i$ion Bi$to#+ "6
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e " of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
1 Overview
At ACE, the CRISP $(ppo#t$ the a)ilit+ fo# ACE to #e$pon& to #e!(lato#+ #epo#tin!
#eG(i#e*ent$ /no-n a$ State 4ata Call$' It $pecificall+ a&&#e$$e$ the nee& to #e$pon& to
State 4ata Call$ fo# cata$t#ophe <CAT= clai*$'
In o#&e# to $(ppo#t thi$ )($ine$$ nee&, ACE #eG(i#e$ ne- fiel&$ cate!o#iHe& a$ I8cc(##ence
5ocationJ to )e a&&e& in 0eni($ Clai*$ an& E>A5C at the clai* 2a$te# le%el' A&&itionall+,
$o*e c#o$$-$c#een %ali&ation$ an& a ne- ha#& e&it <e##o# *e$$a!e= a#e #eG(i#e& to p#e%ent
the Clai* P#oce$$o# f#o* $ettlin! the clai* if the 4ata Call$@8cc(##ence 5ocation fiel&$ a#e
not pop(late&'
The$e &i$tinct I8cc(##ence 5ocationJ fiel&$ -ill then ena)le a Clai* P#oce$$o# to #eco#& CAT
e%ent@8cc(##ence 5ocation &etail$ of Place Na*e <Cit+=, Political 4i%i$ion <State@P#o%ince=,
Fip@Po$tal Co&e, an& Political S() 4i%i$ion <Co(nt+= on the clai* file' U$a!e fo# the ne-
fiel&$ -ill )e optional an& -hile the I8cc(##ence 5ocationJ fiel&$ *a+ an& -ill )e ($e& fo#
*an+ &iffe#ent t+pe$ of clai*$ -hen the Clai* P#oce$$o# atte*pt$ to $ettle @ clo$e a CAT
clai* then an& onl+ then -ill ent#+ )e *an&ato#+ if the fiel& %al(e$ a#e not al#ea&+ p#e$ent'
:(#the# &etail$ on thi$ #eG(i#e*ent can )e fo(n& in the SAP Se#%ice notification note$D Ref .
300203815 o# can )e fo(n& lin/D
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@:'
Anal+$i$@?($ine$$ Specification$@CRISP 8665 - CAT Clai* ReG(i#e*ent$ . :inal ?R4'&oc
The E1 E$ti*ate &oc(*ent can )e fo(n& atD
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@:'
Anal+$i$@?($ine$$ Specification$@E$ti*ate$@EST E1 ACU CRISP 8865 CAT Clai*
ReG(i#e*ent$ %1'0'&oc
Thi$ &oc(*ent p#o%i&e$ the &etaile& technical $ol(tion fo# the *o&ification'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 5 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
2 Functional Requirement
ACE USA -o(l& li/e to *a/e *o&ification in o#&e# to *aintain 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 fiel&$
-ithin the Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ p#oce$$in! an& entail$ the #eG(i#e& %ali&ation of the$e ne-
fiel&$ -ithin othe# Clai* 2aintenance $c#een$ <fo# CAT clai*$ onl+='
Tec!nical "pproac!
21 T3$1 Create new system parameter
C#eate a ne- $+$te* pa#a*ete# to in&icate if -e !oin! to call the ne- ACU $pecific Clai*
A&&itional 4etail$ a(to*aticall+ (pon co*pletion of the e1i$tin! 7E&it Clai* 2a$te# 1 4etail$9
<0CC221= an& 7Clai*$ A&&itional 4etail9 <00C21B= $c#een$'
22 T3$2 Create new Claim "dditional ,dit 3creen
C#eate a ne- ACU $pecific Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ $c#een to *aintain the ne- 78cc(#ence
5ocation9 #elate& fiel&$'
2 T3$ Create a new Claim "dditional 1isplay screen
C#eate a ne- ACU $pecific Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ $c#een to &i$pla+ the ne- 78cc(#ence
5ocation9 #elate& fiel&$ *aintaine& th#o(!h the e&it $c#een *entione& a)o%e'
2# T3$# 4alidate Claim %oss "rea Code
A ne- ACU $pecific ($e# hoo/ f(nction -ill )e c#eate& to %ali&ate the Clai* 5o$$ A#ea Co&e
a!ain$t the %al(e li$t c#eate& fo# 78cc(##ence 5ocation Political 4i%i$ion9 <State= . Clai* A&&l
Co&e 10 )efo#e the+ a#e )ein! $+nce& an& (p&ate&'
25 T3$5 5pdate Claim 0aster to Claim "ddtional 1etails
The e1i$tin! A0R %e#$ion of the ($e# hoo/ U$e# Spec' C2 Up&ate ACU9 <0CUB31A0= -hich
i$ t#i!!e#e& f#o* 0CC221, -ill nee& to )e copie& to ACU $pecific an& *o&ifie& to inco#po#ate
an (p&ate f#o* Clai* 2a$te#9$ Cl* 5o$$ A#ea Co&e -ithin the E&it Clai* 2a$te# $c#een
<0CC221= to 8cc(##ence 5ocation9$ Political 4i%i$ion9 <State= -hich -ill )e *aintaine& ($in!
the ne- E&it Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ $c#een *entione& a)o%e'
26 T3$6 5pdate Claim "ddtional 1etails to Claim 0aster
An ACU %e#$ion of the ($e# hoo/ f(nction 0CUB31 -ill )e c#eate& inco#po#ate an (p&ate f#o*
7Political 4i%i$ion9 <State= *aintaine& ($in! the ne- E&it Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ $c#een
*entione& a)o%e, to )oth Clai* 2a$te#9$ Cl* 5o$$ A#ea Co&e an Cl2 U@A 2n& A#ea Co&e'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 6 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
2' T3$' Create function to validate t!e 6Occurrence %ocation7 presence
Thi$ ne- ACU $pecific #et#ie%e o)Aect f(nction -ill )e c#eate& to %ali&ate the p#e$ence of
78cc(##ence 5ocation9 &ata -hen a clai* i$ &efine& a$ 7CAT Clai*9'
2) T3$) 4alidate 6Occurrence %ocation7 Finalise Claim
An ACU %e#$ion of the ($e# hoo/ f(nction 0CCC; -ill )e c#eate& to call the ne- f(nction
c#eate& <in TS05= a)o%e that %ali&ate$ the p#e$ence of 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 &ata &(#in!
:inali$e Clai* -hen a clai* i$ &efine& a$ 7CAT Clai*9'
2* T3$* 4alidate 6Occurrence %ocation7 Finalise %ast Claim 3ection
The ACU %e#$ion of the ($e# hoo/ f(nction 0CUB1; -ill )e c#eate& to call the ne- f(nction
c#eate& <in TS05= a)o%e that %ali&ate$ the p#e$ence of 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 &ata &(#in!
:inali$in! the 5a$t Clai* Section -hen a clai* i$ &efine& a$ 7CAT Clai*9'
21$ T31$ 4alidate 6Occurrence %ocation7 Final &ndemnity -ayment
The ACU %e#$ion of the ($e# hoo/ f(nction 0CC1A -ill )e chan!e& to call the ne- f(nction
c#eate& <in TS05= a)o%e that %ali&ate$ the p#e$ence of 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 &ata &(#in!
:inal In&e*nit+ Pa+*ent -hen a clai* i$ &efine& a$ 7CAT Clai*9'
211 T311 4alidate 6Occurrence %ocation7 Final &ndemnity -ayment 80ulti9C3:
The A0R %e#$ion of the ($e# hoo/ 0CUB16 -ill nee& to )e copie& a$ a ne- ACU %e#$ion of
the ($e# hoo/' Thi$ ACU %e#$ion -ill then )e *o&ifie& to call the ne- f(nction c#eate& <in
TS05= a)o%e that %ali&ate$ the p#e$ence of 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 &ata &(#in! :inal In&e*nit+
Pa+*ent <2(lti-Clai* Section= -hen a clai* i$ &efine& a$ 7CAT Clai*9'
212 T312 "uto tri;;er New Claim "dditional 1etails
The 7>o#/ >ith Clai* UB . P#o&(ct P#oce$$9 <0CUB;0= -ill )e copie& f#o* the e1i$tin! A0R
%e#$ion to an ACU %e#$ion in o#&e# to a(to-t#i!!e# the ne- Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ $c#een if
&efine& -ith the P#o&(ct Clai* an& the ne- $+$te* pa#a*ete# <a$ &efine& in Section 3'1= i$
t(#ne& on' 8nce &efine& an& the $+$te* pa#a*ete# t(#ne& 78N9, the ne- $c#een -ill )e calle&
(pon co*pletion of the Clai* 2a$te# <0CC221= $c#een an& a$ -ell afte# the co*pletion of the
e1i$tin! Clai* A&&itional 4etail $c#een'
21 T31 C!an;e 6<or= <it! Claim7 to add callin; point to user !oo=
The 7>o#/ >ith Clai*9 <0CC22"= c(##entl+ call$ the a)o%e ($e# hoo/ <0CUB;0= &(#in!
7Initiali$e P#o!#a*9 onl+' In o#&e# to p#oce$$ the a(to-t#i!!e# a$ *entione& a)o%e, ne- callin!
point to 0CUB;0 -ill )e a&&e& in o#&e# to p#oce$$ the a(to-t#i!!e# of the ne- Clai* A&&itional
21# T31# Create 6Crt Claim -lu;9in 27 new user !oo=
P#oce$$in! i$ nee&e& to call the ne- Clai* A&&itional 4etail $c#een &(#in! clai* c#eation' Thi$
($e# -oo/ -ill )e calle& f#o* the $a*e 0CC226 )(t at &iffe#ent ($e# point'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 6 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
215 T315 Create "C5 version of 6Crt Claim -lu;9in 27 user !oo=
A ne- ACU %e#$ion of the a)o%e ($e# hoo/ -ill )e c#eate& $o that &(#in! clai* c#eation, (pon
co*pletion of the E&it Clai* 2a$te# <0CC221= $c#een, the ne- Clai* A&&itional 4etail $c#een
nee& to )e calle& )efo#e the e1i$tin! Clai* A&&itional 4etail $c#een <0CC21B='
216 T316 C!an;e 6Crt Claim 0aster Rcd7 to add callin; point to user !oo=
Thi$ f(nction i$ calle& f#o* 0CC221 &(#in! clai* c#eation an& ne- p#oce$$in! #eG(i#e*ent i$
to call the ne- Clai* A&&itional 4etail $c#een )efo#e the c(##ent Clai* A&&itional 4etail
$c#een' In 7C#t Clai* 2a$te# Rc&9 <0CC226=, -e can ($e an& *o&if+ the e1$itin! ($e# hoo/
7C#t Clai* Pl(!-in . Clai* 2a$te#9 <0CC22A=, ho-e%e# -e nee& to *o&ifie& all othe#
c($to*e# %e#$ion$ <incl(&in! A0R %e#$ion= of thi$ ($e# hoo/ fo# thi$ ne- p#oce$$in! to -o#/'
Th($, in o#&e# to a%oi& thi$ an& te$tin! the*, a ne- $i*ila# ($e# hoo/ -ill )e int#o&(ce& an&
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 8 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
21' -rocess Flow
Not applica)le
21) Functional "reas "ffected
Clai*$ 2aintenance
21* .usiness Components>O/?ects "ffected
0odel C!an;es
# C!osen Tec!nical "pproac!
Thei#$ i$ onl+ one cho$en technical app#oach a$ o(tline& in the e$ti*ate &oc(*ent of thi$
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e ; of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
O/?ect &1 1escription
CCUC11 E&it Clai* A&&tl 4tl$ ACU
CCUC11 4i$p Clai* A&&tl 4tl$ ACU
0CUB31CU U$e# Spec' C2 Up&ate ACU
0CUB62CU C#t @ Ch! Cl* A&& 4tl ACU
0CCC;CU Clai* :NF U$e# 3al ACU
0CUB1;CU Clai* Sc :NF U$e# 3al ACU
0CC1ACU U$e# Spec' Ente# A*t$ ACU
0CUB16CU U$e# Spc Ente# 2S Cl* ACU
0CUB;0CU >o#/ >ith Clai* UB ACU
0CC22" >o#/ >ith Clai*
0U2A06CU U$e# Spec' C2 3al 2 ACU
0CC211 C#t Clai* Pl(!-in 2
0CC211CU C#t Clai* Pl(!-in 2 ACU
0CC226 C#t Clai* 2a$te# Rc&
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
5 "ssumptions and %imitations
1' No 00I chan!e$ a#e #eG(i#e& fo# thi$ *o&ification'
2' The 7Fip@Po$tal Co&e9 <Fip Co&e= -ill ha%e it9$ 7Po$tco&e A#ea S(##o!ate9 10aintaine& in
the Clai* A&&iotional 4etail$ file in the fo#* of Po$t Co&e' A Po$tal Co&e -ill then
&ete#*ine the Po$tal Thi#& A#ea an& it9$ Thi#& A#ea 4e$c#iption an& the+ -ill )e &i$pla+e&
in the e&it o# &i$pla+ $c#een$' A$ $(ch, the 7Fip@Po$tal Co&e9 -ill not ha%e a &efa(lt $et fo#
7Clai* A&&l Te1t 01 <CA2=7 (n&e# P#o&(ct Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ a$ it9$ not fea$i)le to
$to#e the 7Po$tco&e A#ea S(##o!ate9 -hich i$ a n(*e#ic (n&e$c#ipti%e fiel&'
3' The 7Political 4i%i$ion9 <State@P#o%ince= an& 7Political S() 4i%i$ion9 <Co(nt+= fiel&$ -ill ($e
the &efine& %al(e$ li$t$ $election@%ali&ation p#oce$$'
"' The $pa#e co&e@fiel&$ $(!!e$te& to $to#e the 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 #elate& fiel&$ a#e not
in ($e )+ ACE tho(!h 0eni($ o# an+ othe# e1te#nal $+$te*$ ($e& in ACE' Bo-e%e#, the$e
$pa#e co&e@fiel&$ can )e &efine& an& ($e& -ithin othe# Clai* A&&itional 4etail e&it
$c#een$ othe# than 0CC21B' ACE $ho(l& en$(#e that no othe# clai* a&&itional &etail e&it
$c#een apa#t f#o* 0CC21B to )e ($e&' 8the#-i$e, the#e i$ a po$$i)ilit+ of &(plicate
($a!e of the$e $pa#e co&e@fiel&$ -hich *ean$ that thi$ *o& *a+ not to -o#/ a$ inten&e&'
5' The *appin! fo# the Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ to *aintain the 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 fiel&$
-ill )e a$ follo-$D
Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ :iel&$ 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 :iel&$
Clai* A&&l Te1t 01 Place Na*e<Cit+=
Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 Political 4i%i$ion <State=
Clai* A&&l Te1t 02 Fip@Po$tal Co&e
Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 Political S()-4i%i$ion <Co(nt+=
6' Settin! the $+$te* pa#a*ete# CCU:NCSF8S <:inali$e Clai* Section$ if 8@S #e&(ce& to
He#oK= -ill $et the 8@S A&A($t*ent T+pe of 7F9 <Fe#o#i$e= to 7:9 <:inali$e&= an& finali$e the
clai* $(**a#+ fo# a $ection &(#in! 8(t$tan&in! ent#+' Thi$ happen$ #e!a#&le$$ of
2o%e*ent T+pe 1 Co&e of 7IN49' A$ clo$(#e of clai* $(**a#+ i$ not the $cope of thi$
*o&, thi$ p#oce$$in! -ill )e i!no#e& fo# f(#the# chan!e$'
6' The &o*e$tic CAT <i'e CAT Clai*$= i$ i&entifie& -ith the p#e$ence of :A:A2C <Cl2 5%l 2
Cat Co&e= -ithin the Clai* 2a$te# <FC:A=' If a %al(e p#e$ent then, thi$ i$ con$i&e#e& a
CAT Clai*'
8' The ne- clai* a&&itional $c#een<CCUC11= -ill )e t#i!!e#e& f#o* the follo-in! pointD
C#eate Clai*
0CC221 <E&it Clai* 2a$te# 1 4etail$=
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 10 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
<a(to t#i!!e# )a$e& on the ne- $+$te*
pa#a*ete# CCUC2AUCA4=
0CC21B <Clai* 2a$te# A&&itional 4etail$=
CC5@++ 8New Claim "dditional 1etails:
0CC222 <E&it Clai* Contact$=
A*en& Clai*
<a(to t#i!!e# )a$e& on the ne- $+$te*
pa#a*ete# CCUC2AUCA4=
0CC22" <>o#/ -ith Clai*$=
0CC221 <E&it Clai* 2a$te# 1 4etail$=
0CC222 <E&it Clai* Contact$=
CC5@++ 8New Claim "dditional 1etails:
A*en& Clai*
<U$in! option 72 . E&it9 on the e1i$tin!
Clai* A&&itional 4etail $c#een . 0CC21B=
0CC21B <Clai* 2a$te# A&&itional 4etail$=
CC5@++ 8New Claim "dditional 1etails:
A*en& Clai*
<U$in! option 729 on the ne- clai*
a&&itional $c#een . CCUC11=
>ill &i#ectl+ call the ne- $c#eenD
CC5@++ 8New Claim "dditional 1etails:
;' It i$ a$$(*e& that anothe# %e#$ion of E&it Clai* 2a$te# <0CC223= -hich i$ &e$i!ne& fo#
Unattache& clai*$ i$ not )ein! ($e& )+ ACE c(##entl+'
10' >hen &efa(ltin! Political &i%i$ion@$tate co&e f#o* ne- Clai* a&&itional &etail $c#een to
Cl* 5o$$ A#ea co&e in Clai* *a$te# $c#een, the $a*e %al(e $ho(l& )e &efa(lte& to Cl*
U@A 2
a#ea co&e al$o'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 11 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
6 Tec!nical &mplementation
621 T3$1 New 3ystem -arameter
62121 1efinition
A ne- c($to*e# $pecific $+$te* pa#a*ete#$ i$ #eG(i#e& to in&icate if -e !oin! to call the ne-
ACU $pecific Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ a(to*aticall+ (pon &(#in! c#eate an& a*en& clai*'
-arameter &1 1escription Type %en 3el>4al
CCUC2AUCA4 A(to T#i!!e#
Ne- Clai*
C4E 1 00AP0; N M NC5AI2S
62122 Belp Te+t
6'1'2'1 CCUC2AUCA4
S+$te* Pa#a*ete# T+pe 5en!th
A(to T#i!!e# Ne- Clai* A&&itional 4etail Sc#eenK
Thi$ pa#a*ete# cont#ol$ if the ne-l+ &efine& Clai*$ A&&itional 4etail $c#een -ill )e calle& afte#
the e1i$tin! 7E&it Clai* 2a$te# 1 4etail$9 <0CC221= an& 7Clai*$ A&&itional 4etail9 <00C21B=
$c#een$' ?oth the$e e1i$tin! $c#een$ a#e &efine& -ithin the 7>o#/ >ith P#o&(ct P#oce$$9
$c#een a$ 72ST . 2a$te#9 an& 7C22 . Clai* 2a$te# A&& 4tl$9 #e$pecti%el+ ' The ne- 7Clai*$
A&&itional 4etail9 $c#een a#e &efine& a$ 7C23 . 2a$te# A&& 4tl$ E1t9'
If the $+$te* pa#a*ete# i$ $et to 7M9, then the ne- Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ -ill )e calle&
a(to*aticall+ &(#in! c#eate an& a*en& clai*, othe#-i$e the ne- $c#een -ill not )e calle&'
Thi$ $+$te* pa#a*ete# *a+ )e %e#$ione& )+ co*pan+@)#anch an& G(alifie& )+ p#o&(ct co&e'
Po$$i)le 3al(e$D M . Me$
N . No
4eli%e#+ 3al(e D N
2aintenanceD U$e#
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 12 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
622 Confi;uration &tems
C#eate an NAfte# p#o!#a* to c#eate a ne- enG(i#+ option fo#D
To c#eate the ne- $+$te* pa#a*ete#'
C#eate a ne- enG(i#+ 8ption fo# ACU to &i$pla+ Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ ($in! co**an&
70CRTENO4E: C248PT<F;= P02C4E<7CCUC119 a$ pe# $ection 6'" =
58N0N2<74i$pla+ Clai* 2a$te# A&&tl 4etail$9= SBRTN2<N4ERI3E= CUSTSP<M=
Up&ate the ne- 7A&&itional &etail$ e&it p#o!#a*9 c#eate& in $ection 6'3 in the 7P#o!#a*9 file
$o that it co(l& )e ($e& -ithin 0eni($ P#o&(ct $et-(p' Thi$ co(l& )e achie%e& )+ the
follo-in! $tate*ent''
CA55 P02<0U2T32= PAR2<7 7 769 7CCUC119 7E&it Clai* A&&itional 4etail$9
7E&it Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7='
C#eate ne- G(alifie# t+pe 7PR84UCT9 ($in! the follo-in! co**an&D
CRTOUA5TMP C84E<PR84UCT= 4ESC<7P#o&(ct Co&e9= 5A?E5<7P#o&(ct9=
S5A?E5<7P#o&'9= A5A?E5<7P#&9= C851<7P#o&(ct9= C852<7P#o&(ct9= SE53A5<00AP10=
A&& the ne- G(alifie# t+pe c#eate& a)o%e to the ne- $+$te* pa#a*ete# CCUC2AUCA4 c#eate& in
$ection 6'1'2'1 ($in! the follo-in! co**an&D
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 13 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
62 T3$2 Create 6,dit Claim "ddtl 1tls "C57 8CC5@++:
6221 Overview
C#eate thi$ e&it #eco#& f(nction to *aintain the 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 #elate& fiel&$'
6222 1efinition
8)Aect Na*e D E&it Clai* A&&tl 4tl$ ACU
8the# 4efinition D Sa*e a$ 70CC21B9
622 3creen %ayout
C#eate a ne- $c#een a$ follo-$D
Type details, press Enter
O!!"ren!e #$!ati$n:
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

&'(E)it &*+(Pre,i$"s &*-(En."iry
CC/0)) *+/12/*' *2:*':+1
A3end Clai3 Peri$d : 14/1*/*' 5 14/1*/*4
P$li!y : D16768-2- 11* CRISP%8276%11+
Clai3 &ile ID : 9Y*'911141*- CRISP%8276%11+
Type details, press Enter
O!!"rren!e #$!ati$n:
City : Pennsyl,ania%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
State/Pr$,in!e: PHI#A %% P:iladelp:ia
;ip C$de : PA *8*17<'741 PHID P:iladep:ila Mid<=est
C$"nty : >/SA%%%% /SA
&'(E)it &*+(Pre,i$"s &*-(En."iry
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 1" of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
Field %en;t! 5sa;e Notes
3a#ia)le Sc#een Title "0 8 Ro- 01
Clai* Bea&in! 1 68 8 Ro- 02
Clai* Bea&in! 2 68 8 Ro- 03
Clai* Bea&in! 3 68 8 Ro- 03
Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 Ttl 15 8 Ro- 06 . :iel& 1
Clai* A&&lTe1t 01 30 I Ro- 06 . :iel& 2 <Cit+=
Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 Title 15 8 Ro- 08 . :iel& 1
Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 8 I Ro- 08 . :iel& 2 <State=
3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 1 15 8 Ro- 08 . :iel& 3
Clai* A&&l Te1t 02 Title 15 8 Ro- 0; . :iel& 1
Po$t Co&e 8 I Ro- 0; . :iel& 2 <Fip Co&e=
Thi#& A#ea Co&e 5 8 Ro- 0; . :iel& 3
Thi#& A#ea 4e$c#iption 15 8 Ro- 0; . :iel& "
Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 Title 15 8 Ro- 10 . :iel& 1
Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 8 8 Ro- 10 . :iel& 2 <Co(nt+=
3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 2 15 8 Ro- 10 . :iel& 3
Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 0#p 2 B N@A
Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 0#p 2 B N@A
622# -rocessin; 1etails
6'3'"'1 USERD InitialiHe p#o!#a*
Sa*e a$ 0CC21B e1cept 7Initiali$e fiel&$9 #o(tine'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 15 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
6'3'"'2 USERD InitialiHe &etail $c#een <ne- #eco#&=
0et the Clai* A&&itional :iel&$ ($a!e$ )+ callin! RT38?E f(nction 7Rt% P#o& Cl* A&& 4tl All
. P#o&(ct Cl* A&& 4tl$9' Pa$$ in the PAR conte1t of Cl P#o&(ct Co&e an& Cl P#o&(ct
SeG(ence an& pa$$ o(t all othe# fiel&$ to 5C5 conte1t'
0et the 7Cl2 5o$$ A#ea Co&e9 f#o* Clai* 2a$te# )+ callin! RT38?E f(nction 7Rt% Cl* 5o$$
A#ea Co&e . Clai* 2a$te#9' Pa$$ in the PAR conte1t of Cl P#o&(ct Co&e an& Cl P#o&(ct
SeG(ence an& pa$$ o(t all othe# fiel&$ to 5C5 conte1t'
In$e#t a $eG(ence <IS= an& $et(p the inp(t fiel&$ a$ follo-$ <na*e thi$ #o(tine a$ 7Set(p
$c#een fiel&$ . 8cc(##ence 5ocation9=D
1efault -lace Name City 8Claim "ddl Te+t $1:
If 5C5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 U$! i$ 74i$pla+@2an&@8pt9, thenD
Set 4T5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 Ttl a$ 5C5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 Ttl
Set 4T5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 01 a$ 5C5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 4ft
8the#-i$e )lan/ o(t the follo-in! fiel&$ if fiel& ($a!e i$ 7hi&e9D
4T5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 Ttl, 4T5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 01'
1efault -olitical 1ivision 3tate 8Claim "ddl Code 1$:
If 5C5'Cl* A&&l Co&e10 U$! i$ 74i$pla+@2an&@8pt9, thenD
Set 4T5'Cl* A&&l Co&e 10 Title a$ 5C5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 Title
If 5C5'Cl2 5o$$ A#ea Co&e i$ 7Not ?lan/9, then $et 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 10
a$ 5C5'Cl2 5o$$ A#ea Co&e, othe#-i$e $et 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 a$ 5C5'
Clai* A&&l Co&e10 4ft '
Set 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 0#p a$ 5C5'Clai* A&&l Co&e10 4ft 0#p'
Ret#ie%e the 4e$c#iption fo# the &efa(lte& %al(e' Call the f(nction 7FRt% 3al
Co&e 8 #ec . 3al(e Co&e 89, pa$$in! in the 4T5 Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 0#p an&
4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 a$ the inp(t pa#a*ete#$ in $eG(ence' Pa$$ o(t the
3al(e Co&e 8 Sho#t Na*e to 4T5' 3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 1'
8the#-i$e )lan/ o(t the follo-in! fiel&$ if fiel& ($a!e i$ 7hi&e9D
4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 Title, 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 an& 4T5'Clai* A&&l
Co&e 10 0#p'
1efault -olitical 3u/91ivision County 8Claim "ddl Code 11:
If 5C5'Cl* A&&l Co&e11 U$! i$ 74i$pla+@2an&@8pt9, thenD
Set 4T5'Cl* A&&l Co&e 11 Title a$ 5C5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 Title
Set 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 a$ 5C5' Clai* A&&l Co&e11 4ft '
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 16 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
Set 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 0#p a$ 5C5'Clai* A&&l Co&e11 4ft 0#p'
Ret#ie%e the 4e$c#iption fo# the &efa(lte& %al(e' Call the f(nction 7FRt% 3al
Co&e 8 #ec . 3al(e Co&e 89, pa$$in! in the 4T5 Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 0#p an&
4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 a$ the inp(t pa#a*ete#$ in $eG(ence' Pa$$ o(t the
3al(e Co&e 8 Sho#t Na*e to 4T5' 3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 2'
8the#-i$e )lan/ o(t the follo-in! fiel&$ if fiel& ($a!e i$ 7hi&e9D
4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 Title, 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 an& 4T5'Clai* A&&l
Co&e 11 0#p'
1efault Cip>-ostal Code 8Claim "ddl Te+t $2:
No- $et(p the 7Clai* A&&l Te1t 029 to &enote the Fip@Po$tal Co&e9' To &o thi$ chec/ if
5C5' Cl* A&&l Te1t 02 U$! i$ 74i$pla+@2an&@8pt9, then $et 4T5' Cl* A&&l Te1t 02 Ttl
a$ 5C5' Cl* A&&l Te1t 02 Ttl'
6'3'"'3 USERD InitialiHe &etail $c#een <e1i$tin! #eco#&=
0et the Clai* A&&itional :iel&$ ($a!e$ )+ callin! RT38?E f(nction 7Rt% P#o& Cl* A&& 4tl All
. P#o&(ct Cl* A&& 4tl$9' Pa$$ in the PAR conte1t of Cl P#o&(ct Co&e an& Cl P#o&(ct
SeG(ence an& pa$$ o(t all othe# fiel&$ to 5C5 conte1t'
Ret#ie%e e1i$tin! Clai* A&&itional &etail$ )+ callin! RT38?E f(nction 7Rt% Clai* A&&l 4tl$ <all=
. Clai* A&&itional 4etail$9' Pa$$ in the PAR conte1t of Clai* 2a$te# Co&e an& pa$$ o(t all
othe# fiel&$ to 5C5 conte1t'
In$e#t a $eG(ence <IS= an& $et(p the ($e& fiel&$ a$ follo-$ <na*e thi$ #o(tine a$ 7Set(p
$c#een fiel&$ . 8cc(##ence 5ocation9=D
3et -lace Name City 8Claim "ddl Te+t $1:
If 5C5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 U$! i$ 74i$pla+@2an&@8pt9, thenD
Set 4T5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 Ttl a$ 5C5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 Ttl
Set 4T5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 01 a$ 5C5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01'
8the#-i$e )lan/ o(t the follo-in! fiel&$ if fiel& ($a!e i$ 7hi&e9D
4T5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 Ttl, 4T5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 01'
3et -olitical 1ivision 3tate 8Claim "ddl Code 1$:
If 5C5'Cl* A&&l Co&e10 U$! i$ 74i$pla+@2an&@8pt9, thenD
Set 4T5'Cl* A&&l Co&e 10 Title a$ 5C5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 Title'
Set 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 a$ 5C5' Clai* A&&l Co&e10'
Set 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 0#p a$ 5C5'Clai* A&&l Co&e10 4ft 0#p'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 16 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
Ret#ie%e the 4e$c#iption fo# the &efa(lte& %al(e' Call the f(nction 7FRt% 3al
Co&e 8 #ec . 3al(e Co&e 89, pa$$in! in the 4T5 Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 0#p an&
4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 a$ the inp(t pa#a*ete#$ in $eG(ence' Pa$$ o(t the
3al(e Co&e 8 Sho#t Na*e to 4T5' 3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 1'
8the#-i$e )lan/ o(t the follo-in! fiel&$ if fiel& ($a!e i$ 7hi&e9D
4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 Title, 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 an& 4T5'Clai* A&&l
Co&e 10 0#p'
3et -olitical 3u/91ivision County 8Claim "ddl Code 11:
If 5C5'Cl* A&&l Co&e11 U$! i$ 74i$pla+@2an&@8pt9, thenD
Set 4T5'Cl* A&&l Co&e 11 Title a$ 5C5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 Title
Set 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 a$ 5C5' Clai* A&&l Co&e11'
Set 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 0#p a$ 5C5'Clai* A&&l Co&e11 4ft 0#p'
Ret#ie%e the 4e$c#iption fo# the &efa(lte& %al(e' Call the f(nction 7FRt% 3al
Co&e 8 #ec . 3al(e Co&e 89, pa$$in! in the 4T5 Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 0#p an&
4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 a$ the inp(t pa#a*ete#$ in $eG(ence' Pa$$ o(t the
3al(e Co&e 8 Sho#t Na*e to 4T5' 3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 2'
8the#-i$e )lan/ o(t the follo-in! fiel&$ if fiel& ($a!e i$ 7hi&e9D
4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 Title, 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 an& 4T5'Clai* A&&l
Co&e 11 0#p'
3et Cip>-ostal Code 8Claim "ddl Te+t $2:
No- $et(p the 7Clai* A&&l Te1t 029 to &enote the Fip@Po$tal Co&e9' To &o thi$ chec/ if
5C5' Cl* A&&l Te1t 02 U$! i$ 74i$pla+@2an&@8pt9, then $et 4T5' Cl* A&&l Te1t 02 Ttl
a$ 5C5' Cl* A&&l Te1t 02 Ttl' Set the
Call f(nction 9Rt% ($in! Po$tco&e S#!t . Po$tco&e A#ea 5in/9 pa$$in! in 5C5' Clai*
A&&l Te1t 02 an& o(tp(t the :i#$t A#ea Co&e an& Secon& A#ea Co&e to 4T5' Po$t
Co&e an& 4T5' Thi#& A#ea Co&e #e$pecti%el+'
If 5C5'E1K Po$tco&e A#ea 5in/ i$ E1i$t, call the f(nction 7Rt% A#ea 5on! Na*e . A#ea9
pa$$in! in Thi#& A#ea Co&e an& pa$$ o(t the 4T5' Thi#& A#ea 4e$c#iption'
3tore initial values of ,dit Claim "dditional 1etails
Set >RC'E&t Cl* A&&l 4tl-)efo#e1 an& >RC'E&t Cl* A&&l 4tl-)efo#e2 a$ 7?5ANC9
Set >RC'E&t Cl* A&&l 4tl-)efo#e1 ($in! #et#ie%e *e$$a!e on *e$$a!e 7E&it Cl* A&&l 4tl
fiel&$"9, pa$$in! in 4T5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 02,10 an& 11'
Set >RC'E&t Cl* A&&l 4tl-)efo#e2 ($in! #et#ie%e *e$$a!e on *e$$a!e 7E&it Cl* A&&l 4tl
fiel&$69, pa$$in! in 4T5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 01'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 18 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
6'3'"'" USERD P#oce$$ /e+ $c#een #eG(e$t
Sa*e a$ 0CC21B'
6'3'"'5 USERD 3ali&ate &etail $c#een fiel&$
If :15 i$ $electe&, call the no#*al enG(i#+ $c#een inte#nal f(nction 7Ente# EnG(i#+ S+$te*' .
Co**an& 8ption9' Set the inp(t an& o(tp(t pa#a*ete# $a*e a$ f(nction 0CC21B'
3ali&ate 4efa(lt 3al(e@4e$c#iption fo# the ($e& fiel&$ a$ follo-$D
4alidate -lace Name 8Claim "ddl Te+t $1:
Chec/ if %al(e ente#e& if ($a!e i$ *an&ato#+' To &o thi$ chec/ if 4T5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 01 i$
7?lan/9 an& 5C5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 U$! i$ 72an&ato#+9 an& pe#fo#* the follo-in! if it9$ t#(eD
Set >RC'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 Ttl a$ 4T5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 Ttl
U$e the (tilit+ f(nction 70@St#ip SAA pa&&in! . Utilitie$9 ($in! >RC' Cl* A&&l Te1t 02
Sen& e##o# *e$$a!e 72an&ato#+ fiel&9 <EP02222= ($in! >RC Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 Ttl
an& 4T5 Clai* A&&l Te1t 01'
4alidate -olitical 1ivision 8Claim "ddl Code 1$:
If 4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 i$ 7Select9, call the f(nction 70@Slt 3al(e Co&e 8 lon! . 3al(e Co&e
89 pa$$in! in the 4T5 Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 0#p an& 4T5 Clai* A&&l Co&e 10' Pa$$ o(t the
%al(e of 73al(e Co&e 8 Sho#t Na*e9 to 4T5' 3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 1 an& $et the
P02'N4efe# confi#* a$ 74efe# confi#*9'
Chec/ the %al(e ente#e& if ($a!e i$ *an&ato#+' To &o thi$ chec/ if 4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 i$
7?lan/9 an& 5C5'Clai* A&&l Co&e10 U$! i$ 72an&ato#+9 an& pe#fo#* the follo-in! if it9$
Set >RC' Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 Title a$ 4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 Title
U$e the (tilit+ f(nction 70@St#ip SAA pa&&in! . Utilitie$9 ($in! >RC' Clai* A&&l Co&e
10 Title'
Sen& e##o# *e$$a!e 72an&ato#+ fiel&9 <EP02222= ($in! >RC Clai* A&&l Co&e 10
Title an& 4T5 Clai* A&&l Co&e 10'
Set the 4T5' 3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 1 a$ 7N?5ANC9
Ret#ie%e the Political 4i%i$ion 4e$c#iption if %al(e ente#e&' To &o thi$ chec/ if 4T5' Clai* A&&l
Co&e 10 i$ N8T 7Select9 an& 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 i$ 7Not ?lan/9 an& pe#fo#* the follo-in!
if it9$ t#(eD
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 1; of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
Call the f(nction 7FRt% 3al Co&e 8 #ec . 3al(e Co&e 89, pa$$in! in the 4T5 Clai* A&&l
Co&e 10 0#p an& 4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 a$ the inp(t pa#a*ete#$ in $eG(ence'
Pa$$ o(t the 3al(e Co&e 8 Sho#t Na*e to 4T5' 3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 1'
If >RC'E1K 3al(e Co&e 8 i$ 74oe$ not e1i$t9, then $en& e##o# *e$$a!e . 73al(e not
fo(n&'9 <00N2133= pa$$in! in 4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 10'
4alidate 3u/91ivision County 8Claim "ddl Code 11:
If 4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 i$ 7Select9, call the f(nction 70@Slt 3al(e Co&e 8 lon! . 3al(e Co&e
89 pa$$in! in the 4T5 Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 0#p an& 4T5 Clai* A&&l Co&e 11' Pa$$ o(t the
%al(e of 73al(e Co&e 8 Sho#t Na*e9 to 4T5' 3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 1 an& $et the
P02'N4efe# confi#* a$ 74efe# confi#*9'
Chec/ the %al(e ente#e& if ($a!e i$ *an&ato#+' To &o thi$ chec/ if 4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 i$
7?lan/9 an& 5C5'Clai* A&&l Co&e11 U$! i$ 72an&ato#+9 an& pe#fo#* the follo-in! if it9$
Set >RC' Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 Title a$ 4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 Title
U$e the (tilit+ f(nction 70@St#ip SAA pa&&in! . Utilitie$9 ($in! >RC' Clai* A&&l Co&e
11 Title'
Sen& e##o# *e$$a!e 72an&ato#+ fiel&9 <EP02222= ($in! >RC Clai* A&&l Co&e 11
Title an& 4T5 Clai* A&&l Co&e 11
Set the 4T5' 3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 2 a$ 7N?5ANC9
Ret#ie%e the Political 4i%i$ion 4e$c#iption if %al(e ente#e&' To &o thi$ chec/ if 4T5' Clai* A&&l
Co&e 11 i$ N8T 7Select9 an& 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 i$ 7Not ?lan/9 an& pe#fo#* the follo-in!
if it9$ t#(eD
Call the f(nction 7FRt% 3al Co&e 8 #ec . 3al(e Co&e 89, pa$$in! in the 4T5 Clai* A&&l
Co&e 11 0#p an& 4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 a$ the inp(t pa#a*ete#$ in $eG(ence'
Pa$$ o(t the 3al(e Co&e 8 Sho#t Na*e to 4T5' 3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 2'
If >RC'E1K 3al(e Co&e 8 i$ 74oe$ not e1i$t9, then $en& e##o# *e$$a!e . 73al(e not
fo(n&'9 <00N2133= pa$$in! in 4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 11'
4alidate Cip>-ostal Code 8Claim "ddl Te+t $2:
Po$t Co&e *($t )e ente#e& if ($a!e i$ *an&ato#+, to &o thi$, chec/ if 4T5'Po$t Co&e i$
7?lan/9 an& 5C5' Cl* A&&l Te1t 02 U$! i$ 72an&ato#+9 an& pe#fo#* the follo-in! i$ it9$ t#(eD
Set >RC' Cl* A&&l Te1t 02 Ttl a$ 4T5' Cl* A&&l Te1t 02 Ttl
U$e the (tilit+ f(nction 70@St#ip SAA pa&&in! . Utilitie$9 ($in! >RC' Cl* A&&l Te1t 02
Sen& e##o# *e$$a!e 72an&ato#+ fiel&9 <EP02222= ($in! >RC Cl* A&&l Te1t 02 Ttl
an& 4T5' Po$t Co&e'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 20 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
Set the 4T5'Thi#& A#ea Co&e an& 4T5'Thi#& A#ea 4e$c#iption a$ 7N?5ANC9'
Ret#ie%e Po$t Co&e if %al(e ente#e&, to &o thi$, chec/ if 4T5' Po$t Co&e i$ not ?lan/ an&
pe#fo#* the follo-in!D
Chec/ if $elect ha$ )een #eG(e$te&' To &o thi$, chec/ if 4T5'Po$t Co&e i$ Select
ReG(e$t, the &o the follo-in! i$ t#(eD
Call f(nction 7F@Re*o%e K f#o* fiel& . Utilitie$9 ($in! 4T5' Po$t Co&e'
Call the f(nction 7Select Po$tco&e . Po$tco&e A#ea 5in/9 pa$$in! the 4T5'
Clai* A&&l Te1t 02 a$ the Po$tco&e A#ea S(##o!ate an& pa$$ o(t Po$t Co&e
a$ 4T5' Po$t Co&e' Set the P02'N4efe# confi#* a$ 74efe# confi#*9'
Call f(nction 9Rt% ($in! Po$tco&e . Po$tco&e A#ea 5in/9 pa$$in! in 4T5' Po$t Co&e
an& o(tp(t the 4T5' Thi#& A#ea Co&e'
If 5C5'E1K Po$tco&e A#ea 5in/ i$ 4oe$ Not E1i$t, $en& e##o# *e$$a!e . 7Po$tco&e
In%ali&9 <00N5;;"=' 8the#-i$e, call the f(nction 7Rt% A#ea 5on! Na*e . A#ea9 pa$$in!
in Thi#& A#ea Co&e an& pa$$ o(t the 4T5' Thi#& A#ea 4e$c#iption'
Call 5ser Boo=
Set 5C5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 01 E## a$ 7No9' 4o the $a*e fo# Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 E##, Clai* A&&l
Co&e 11 E## an& Clai* A&&l Te1t 02 E##'
Call the ($e# hoo/ 7U$#Spc E&t Cl* A&& 4tl0NS . Clai* A&&itional9 <0CUB23= a$ ho- )ein!
calle& in 0CC21B'
Bi!hli!ht Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ fiel&$ in e##o#' To &o thi$, chec/ 5C5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 01 E##
i$ Me$, then call f(nction 7Bi!hli!ht :iel& . Utilitie$9 fo# 4T5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 01' To thi$ $tep fo#
Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 E##, Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 E## an& Clai* A&&l Te1t 02 E## a$ -ell'
If 5C5'E1it Co&e i$ 7E##o#9, then $et P02'N4efe# confi#* a$ 74efe# confi#*9'
6'3'"'6 USERD C#eate 4?: #eco#&
Call f(nction 7ET C#t@Ch! Cl* A&&tl 4tl . Clai* A&&itional 4etail$9 <0CC2"P= a$ ho- )ein!
calle& in 0CC21B'
6'3'"'6 USERD Chan!e 4?: #eco#&
Call f(nction 7ET C#t@Ch! Cl* A&&tl 4tl . Clai* A&&itional 4etail$9 <0CC2"P= a$ ho- )ein!
calle& in 0CC21B'
6'3'"'8 USERD E1it p#o!#a* p#oce$$in!
Sa*e a$ 0CC21B'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 21 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
62# T3$ Create 61isp Claim "ddtl 1tls "C57 8CC5@++:
62#21 Overview
Thi$ i$ a ne- ACU $pecific Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ &i$pla+ $c#een to &i$pla+ 78cc(##ence
5ocation9 fiel&$ a$ *aintaine& E&it Clai* A&&itional $c#een p#o!#a* c#eate& in $ection E##o#D
Refe#ence $o(#ce not fo(n&6'3 a)o%e'
62#22 1efinition
Sa*e a$ 0EC252
62#2 3creen %ayout
C3d Opt ( %%
O!!"ren!e #$!ati$n:

&'(E)it &*+(Pre,i$"s
N=SCRN *+/12/*'
A3end Clai3 Peri$d : 14/1*/*' 5 14/1*/*4
P$li!y : D16768-2- 11* CRISP%8276%11+
Clai3 &ile ID : 9Y*'911141*- CRISP%8276%11+
Type details, press Enter
O!!"rren!e #$!ati$n:
City : Pennsyl,ania
State/Pr$,in!e: PHI#A P:iladelp:ia
;ip C$d : PA *8*17<'741 PHID P:iladep:ila Mid<=est
C$"nty : >/SA /SA
&'(E)it &*+(Pre,i$"s &*-(En."iry
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 22 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
Field %en;t! 5sa;e Notes
3a#ia)le Sc#een Title "0 8 Ro- 01
Ne1t C*& 8pt 2 I Ro- 02
Clai* Bea&in! 1 68 8 Ro- 03
Clai* Bea&in! 2 68 8 Ro- 0"
Clai* Bea&in! 3 68 8 Ro- 05
Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 Ttl 15 8 Ro- 06 . :iel& 1
Clai* A&&l Te1t 01 30 8 Ro- 06 . :iel& 2 <Cit+=
Co(nt+ co&e &e$c#iption 15 8 Ro- 06 . :iel& 3
Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 Title 15 8 Ro- 08 . :iel& 1
Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 8 8 Ro- 08 . :iel& 2 <State=
3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 1 15 8 Ro- 08 . :iel& 3
Clai* A&&l Te1t 02 Title 15 8 Ro- 0; . :iel& 1
Po$t Co&e 8 8 Ro- 0; . :iel& 2 <Fip Co&e=
Thi#& A#ea Co&e 5 8 Ro- 0; . :iel& 3
Thi#& A#ea 4e$c#iption 15 8 Ro- 0; . :iel& "
Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 Title 15 8 Ro- 10 . :iel& 1
Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 8 8 Ro- 10 . :iel& 2 <Co(nt+=
3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 2 15 8 Ro- 10 . :iel& 3
Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 0#p 2 B N@A
Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 0#p 2 B N@A
6'"'3'1 USERD InitialiHe p#o!#a*
Si*ila# to 0EC252'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 23 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
6'"'3'2 USERD 5oa& &etail $c#een f#o* 4?: #eco#&
Con$t#(ct Clai* enG(i#+ hea&e# )+ callin! 0EC200'
0et the Clai* A&&itional :iel&$ ($a!e$ )+ callin! RT38?E f(nction 7Rt% P#o& Cl* A&& 4tl All
. P#o&(ct Cl* A&& 4tl$9' Pa$$ in the PAR conte1t of P#o&(ct Co&e an& P#o&(ct SeG(ence
an& pa$$ o(t all othe# fiel&$ to 5C5 conte1t'
In$e#t a $eG(ence <IS= an& $et(p the ($e& fiel&$ a$ follo-$ <na*e thi$ #o(tine a$ 7Set(p
$c#een fiel&$ . 8cc(##ence 5ocation9=D
3et City Name 8Claim "ddl Te+t $1:
If 5C5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 02 U$! i$ 7Bi&e9, thenD
?lan/ o(t 4T5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 Ttl, 4T5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 01'
Set 4T5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 Ttl a$ 5C5'Cl* A&&l Te1t 01 Ttl
Set 4T5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 01 a$ 5C5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 01
3et -olitical 1ivision 3tate 8Claim "ddl Code 1$:
If 5C5'Cl* A&&l Co&e10 U$! i$ 7Bi&e9, thenD
Set 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 an& 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 0#p a$
8the#-i$e )lan/ o(t the follo-in! fiel&$ if fiel& ($a!e i$ 7hi&e9D
Set 4T5'Cl* A&&l Co&e 10 Title a$ >RC' Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 Title'
Ret#ie%e the 4e$c#iption fo# the &efa(lte& %al(e' Call the f(nction 7Rt% 3al
Co&e 8 #ec . 3al(e Co&e 89, pa$$in! in the 4T5 Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 0#p an&
4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 a$ the inp(t pa#a*ete#$ in $eG(ence' Pa$$ o(t the
3al(e Co&e 8 Sho#t Na*e to 4T5' 3al(e Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 1'
3et -olitical 3u/91ivision County 8Claim "ddl Code 11:
If 5C5'Cl* A&&l Co&e11 U$! i$ 7Bi&e9, thenD
Set 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 an& 4T5'Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 0#p a$
8the#-i$e )lan/ o(t the follo-in! fiel&$ if fiel& ($a!e i$ 7hi&e9D
Set 4T5'Cl* A&&l Co&e 11 Title a$ >RC' Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 Title'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 2" of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
Ret#ie%e the 4e$c#iption fo# the &efa(lte& %al(e' Call the f(nction 7Rt%
3al Co&e 8 #ec . 3al(e Co&e 89, pa$$in! in the 4T5 Clai* A&&l Co&e
10 0#p an& 4T5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 11 a$ the inp(t pa#a*ete#$ in
$eG(ence' Pa$$ o(t the 3al(e Co&e 8 Sho#t Na*e to 4T5' 3al(e
Co&e 8 Sh#t N*e 2'
3et Cip>-ostal Code 8Claim "ddl Te+t $2:
No- $et(p the 7Clai* A&&l Te1t 029 to &enote the Fip@Po$tal Co&e9' To &o thi$ chec/ if
5C5' Cl* A&&l Te1t 02 U$! i$ 7Bi&e9, then )lan/ o(t 4T5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 02 Title an&
4T5'Clai* A&&l Te1t 02' 8the#-i$e, then $et 4T5' Cl* A&&l Te1t 02 Ttl a$ 5C5' Cl*
A&&l Te1t 02 Ttl'
Call f(nction 9 Rt% ($in! Po$tco&e S#!t . Po$tco&e A#ea 5in/9 pa$$in! in 5C5' Clai*
A&&l Te1t 01 an& o(tp(t the 4T5' Thi#& A#ea Co&e'
If 5C5'E1K Po$tco&e A#ea 5in/ i$ E1i$t, call the f(nction 7Rt% A#ea 5on! Na*e . A#ea9
pa$$in! in Thi#& A#ea Co&e an& pa$$ o(t the 4T5' Thi#& A#ea 4e$c#iption'
6'"'3'3 USERD P#oce$$ /e+ $c#een #eG(e$t
Sa*e a$ 0EC252
6'"'3'" USERD 3ali&ate &etail $c#een
Sa*e a$ 0EC252
6'"'3'5 USERD P#oce$$ co**an& /e+$
Sa*e a$ 0EC252
6'"'3'6 USERD E1it p#o!#a* p#oce$$in!
Sa*e a$ 0EC252
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 25 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
625 T3$# Create 65ser 3pec2 C0 4al 2 "C57 8(50"$'C5:
62521 Overview
The A0R %e#$ion of the ($e# hoo/ 0U2A06 -ill nee& to )e copie& a$ a ne- ACU %e#$ion of
the ($e# hoo/' Thi$ ACU %e#$ion -ill then )e *o&ifie& to %ali&ate the Clai* 5o$$ A#ea Co&e
a!ain$t the %al(e li$t c#eate& fo# 78cc(##ence 5ocation Political 4i%i$ion9 <State= . Clai* A&&l
Co&e 10 )efo#e the+ a#e )ein! $+nce& an& (p&ate&'
62522 1efinition
8)Aect Na*e D U$e# Spec' C2 3al 2 ACU
8the# 4efinition D Sa*e a$ 70U2A06A09
6252 -rocessin; 1etails
Chec/ if PAR'U$e# 3ali&ation T+pe i$ 7Afte# 3ali&ation9 ' If t#(e, chec/ that -e &o not p#ocee& if
p#oce$$in! i$ )ein! t#i!!e#e& f#o* 00I' To &o thi$ chec/in!, call f(nction 700I T#an$ S#!t
Ban&le# . 00I T#an$action9 <0U0I8E=, ($in! the con&ition 70et9 fo# the 7A##a+ Ban&le# Action 7'
If 5C5 00I T#an$ S(##o!ate i$ 7Fe#o9 <Non-00I= then &o the follo-in!D
If PAR'Cl2 5%l 2 Cat Co&e <CAT Co&e= i$ Not ?lan/ AN4 PAR'Cl2 5o$$ A#ea Co&e
<5o$$ 5ocation A#ea Co&e= i$ Not ?lan/D
0et the Clai* A&&itional :iel&$ ($a!e$ )+ callin! RT38?E f(nction 7Rt% P#o&
Cl* A&& 4tl All . P#o&(ct Cl* A&& 4tl$9' Pa$$ in the PAR conte1t of P#o&(ct
Co&e an& P#o&(ct SeG(ence an& pa$$ o(t all othe# fiel&$ to 5C5 conte1t'
Call the f(nction 7FRt% 3al Co&e 8 #ec . 3al(e Co&e 89, pa$$in! in the 5C5'
Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 0#p 4ft an& PAR' Cl2 5o$$ A#ea Co&e a$ the inp(t
pa#a*ete#$ in $eG(ence'
If >RC'E1K 3al(e Co&e 8 i$ 74oe$ not e1i$t9D
Then $en& ne- e##o# *e$$a!e . 7Clai* 5o$$ A#ea not fo(n& in %al(e
li$t P19 pa$$in! in PAR' Cl2 5o$$ A#ea Co&e' P1 -ill )e the 5C5'
Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 0#p 4ft -hich nee& to pa$$e& in a$ -ell'
Set PAR'5o$$ A#ea >@E fla! a$ CN4'E##o#
Set PAR'ORM 2e$$a!e I4 a$ CN4'E##o#'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 26 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
626 T3$5 Create 65ser 3pec2 C0 5pdate "C57 8(@5B1C5:
62621 Overview
Thi$ ACU %e#$ion of the ($e# hoo/ f(nction -ill nee& to )e c#eate& to $+nch#oniHe the e1i$tin!
9E%ent 5ocation9 fiel& on -ith the ne- 78cc(##ence 5ocation Political 4i%i$ion9 <State= fiel&
-hich -ill no- )e *aintaine& th#o(!h the Clai* A&&itional Sc#een a)o%e' In othe# -o#&$,
-hene%e# the %al(e 7E%ent 5ocation9 chan!e$ then %al(e of 78cc(##ence 5ocation Political
4i%i$ion9 <State= al$o chan!e$ an& %ice %e#$aQ )oth fiel&$ -ill al-a+$ #eflect the $a*e %al(e'
62622 1efinition
8)Aect Na*e D U$e# Spec' C2 Up&ate ACU
8the# 4efinition D Sa*e a$ 70CUB319
6262 -rocessin; 1etails
A&& pe#fo#*ance enhance*ent co&e'
Chec/ if <PAR'Clai* Up&ate 2o&e ' i$ 7Chan!e Clai* . ?atch9 8R 7C#eate . Inte#acti%e9
8R 7Chan!e E&it 2@39= AN4 PAR'U$e# 3ali&ation T+pe i$ Afte# Up&ate' If t#(e, &o the follo-in!D
If PAR'Cl2 5%l 2 Cat Co&e <CAT Co&e= i$ Not ?lan/ AN4 PAR'Cl2 5o$$ A#ea Co&e
<5o$$ 5ocation A#ea Co&e= i$ Not ?lan/D
Set the 5C5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 a$ PAR' 5o$$ A#ea Co&e'
No-, c#eate an& call a ne- #et#ie%e o)Aect on 7Clai* A&&itional 4etail$9 file' Pa$$
in the 5C5' Clai* A&&l Co&e 10 onl+ to )e (p&ate&@c#eate&' >ithin thi$ #et#ie%e
o)Aect, call the &efa(lt c#eate o)Aect if no #eco#& fo(n& an& chan!e o)Aect if
othe#-i$e' All othe# %al(e$ $ho(l& )e a$ pe# it i$, e1cept Clai* A&&l Co&e 10
-hich $ho(l& )e (p&ate& f#o* the pa$$e& in PAR conte1t'
Sen& a info#*ation *e$$a!e $a+in! 7Clai* 2a$te#9$ &ata ha$ )een (p&ate& to
78cc(##ence 5ocation9 -ithin Clai* A&&itional 4etail$'9
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 26 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
62' T3$6 Create 6Crt > C!; Clm "dd 1tl "C57 8(@5B'2C5:
62'21 Overview
Thi$ ACU %e#$ion of the ($e# hoo/ f(nction -ill )e c#eate& to $+nch#oniHe the ne- 7Political
4i%i$ion9 <State= *aintaine& th#o(!h the ne- *aintenance $c#een &efine& in $ection 6'3 -ith
the Clai* 2a$te#9$ 5o$$ A#ea Co&e an& Cl* U@A 2
A#ea Co&e' In othe# -o#&$, -hene%e# the
%al(e 7Political 4i%i$ion9 <State= chan!e$, then Clai* 2a$te#9$ 5o$$ A#ea Co&e an& Cl* U@A
A#ea Co&e a#e al$o (p&ate& $o that )oth fiel&$ -ill al-a+$ #eflect the $a*e %al(e'
62'22 1efinition
8)Aect Na*e D C#t @ Ch! Cl* A&& 4tl ACU
8the# 4efinition D Sa*e a$ 70CUB629
62'2 -rocessin; 1etails
A&& pe#fo#*ance enhance*ent co&e'
Chec/ if PAR'U$e# 3ali&ation T+pe i$ 7Afte# C#eate9 8R 7Afte# Up&ate9' If t#(e, then c#eate an&
call a ne- chan!e o)Aect <$i*ila# to 70@Chan!e Cl2 5o$$ A#ea C& . Clai* 2a$te#9= that
(p&ate$ the 7Cl2 5o$$ A#ea Co&e9 an& 7Cl* U@A 2
A#ea Co&e9 -ith 7Clai* A&&l Co&e 109'
Sen& a info#*ation *e$$a!e $a+in! 78cc(##ence 5ocation9$ &ata ha$ )een (p&ate& to Clai*
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 28 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
62) T3$' Create 6"C5 4al Occurrence %oc7 8RT4O.D:
62)21 Overview
Thi$ ne- ACU $pecific #et#ie%e o)Aect f(nction -ill )e c#eate& to %ali&ate the p#e$ence of
78cc(##ence 5ocation9 &ata -hen a clai* i$ &efine& a$ 7CAT Clai*9'
62)22 1efinition
8)Aect Na*e D ACU 3al 8cc(##ence 5oc
:(nction T+pe D Ret#ie%e 8)Aect
:(nction :ile D Clai* A&&itional 4etail$
Acce$$ Path D RT3 All fl&$
-arameter 5sa;e Comment
Clai* 2a$te# Co&e I
Cl2 5%l 2 Cat Co&e I
3ali&ation E##o#$ ?
62)2 -rocessin; 1etails
6'8'3'1 USERD InitialiHe #o(tine
Set the PAR'3ali&ation E##o#$ a$ 7No9'
6'8'3'2 USERD P#oce$$in! if 4ata #eco#& not fo(n&
If PAR'Cl2 5%l 2 Cat Co&e i$ Not ?lan/, $et the PAR'3ali&ation E##o#$ a$ 7Me$9'
6'8'3'3 USERD P#oce$$ 4ata #eco#&
If PAR'Cl2 5%l 2 Cat Co&e i$ Not ?lan/, then if 4?1'Clai* A&&l Co&e 10@11 i$ ?lan/ 8R
4?1'Clai* A&&l Te1t 01@02 i$ ?lan/, then $et PAR'3ali&ation E##o#$ a$ 7Me$9'
6'8'3'" USERD E1it p#oce$$in!
If PAR'3ali&ation E##o#$ i$ 7Me$9, $en& e##o# *e$$a!e 7'((urren(e &o(ation "iel#s are require#
entries be"ore (losin! o" CAT (laim is allo)e#.*

chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 2; of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
62* T3$) Create 6Claim FNC 5ser 4al "C57 8(@@EC*C5:
62*21 Overview
Thi$ ACU %e#$ion of the ($e# hoo/ f(nction -ill )e c#eate& to call the #et#ie%e o)Aect f(nction
that %ali&ate$ the p#e$ence of 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 &ata &(#in! :inali$e Clai* -hen a clai*
i$ &efine& a$ 7CAT Clai*9'
62*22 1efinition
8)Aect Na*e D Clai* :NF U$e# 3al ACU
8the# 4efinition D Sa*e a$ 70CCC;9
62*2 -rocessin; 1etails
A&& pe#fo#*ance enhance*ent co&e'
Call the ne- f(nction c#eate& in $ection 6'8 <TS06 . C#eate 7ACU 3al 8cc(##ence 5oc9
<RT38?E== an& pa$$ in all a%aila)le pa#a*ete#$ f#o* PAR conte1t' Pa$$ o(t the 73ali&ation
E##o#$9 to 5C5 conte1t'
If 5C5' 3ali&ation E##o#$ i$ 7Me$9, $et the PAR'Clai* :inali$9n E1it St$ a$ 7E##o#9'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 30 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
621$ T3$* C!an;e 6Claim 3c FNC 5ser 4al "C57 8(@5B1*C5:
621$21 Overview
Thi$ ACU %e#$ion of the ($e# hoo/ f(nction -ill )e c#eate& to call the #et#ie%e o)Aect f(nction
that %ali&ate$ the p#e$ence of 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 &ata &(#in! :inali$in! the 5a$t Clai*
Section -hen a clai* i$ &efine& a$ 7CAT Clai*9'
621$22 1efinition
8)Aect Na*e D Clai* Sc :NF U$e# 3al ACU
8the# 4efinition D Sa*e a$ 70CUB1;9
621$2 -rocessin; 1etails
A&& pe#fo#*ance enhance*ent co&e'
Set the 5C5'Clai* :inali$9n E1it St$ a$ 7No E##o#9 an& $et PAR'Clai* :inali$9n E1it St$ a$
5C5'Clai* :inali$9n E1it St$'
C#eate a ne- #et#ie%e o)Aect )a$e& on Clai* Section file <#e$t#ict )+ Clai* 2a$te# Co&e onl+=
that &oe$ the follo-in!D
:o# each #eco#& #ea& fo# the enti#e Clai*, a&& a co(nt if Clai* Section Stat($ i$
78pen9' Chec/ if the co(nte# #eache$ *o#e than 1, if +e$, $et ne- fla! 75a$t Cl* Sec to
)e :nl$&K9 a$ 7No9 on the PAR conte1t an& G(it' In the 7USERD E1it p#oce$$in!9 ($e#
point, if the co(nt i$ 1, $et the 75a$t Cl* Sec to )e :nl$&K9 on the PAR conte1t a$
If the #et(#ne& 5C5' 5a$t Cl* Sec to )e :nl$&K I$ 7Me$9, contin(e p#oce$$in! a$ follo-$D
Call to f(nction 7Rt% All . Clai* 2a$te#9 to #et#ie%e the 7Cl2 5%l 2 Cat Co&e9 an& pa$$ it
o(t to 5C5 conte1t'
No-, call the ne- f(nction c#eate& in $ection 6'8 <TS06 . C#eate 7ACU 3al 8cc(##ence
5oc9 <RT38?E== an& pa$$ in all a%aila)le pa#a*ete#$ f#o* PAR @5C5 conte1t' Pa$$ o(t
the 73ali&ation E##o#$9 to 5C5 conte1t'
If 5C5' 3ali&ation E##o#$ i$ 7Me$9, $et the 5C5'Clai* :inali$9n E1it St$ a$ 7E##o#9'
Pa$$ the 5C5'Clai* :inali$9n E1it St$ to PAR''Clai* :inali$9n E1it St$'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 31 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
6211 T31$ C!an;e 65ser 3pec2 ,nter "mts "C57 8(@@E1"C5:
621121 Overview
Thi$ ACU %e#$ion of the ($e# hoo/ f(nction -ill )e *o&ifie& to call the #et#ie%e o)Aect f(nction
that %ali&ate$ the p#e$ence of 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 &ata &(#in! :inal In&e*nit+ Pa+*ent
-hen a clai* i$ &efine& a$ 7CAT Clai*9'
621122 -rocessin; 1etails
>ithin the ca$e 7?efo#e 3ali&ate S:5 RC49, a&& the follo-in! afte# all e1i$tin! p#oce$$in! if the
5C5' Clai* Section Stat($ i$ 78pen9D
If PAR'2o%e*ent T+pe 1 Co&e '> i$ 7In&e*nit+9 AN4 PAR'8@S A&A($t*ent T+pe i$
7Fe#o9 then &o the follo-in!D
0et 7Cl2 5%l 2 Cat Co&e9 f#o* Clai* 2a$te# an& *o%e the %al(e to 5C5
Call the ne- f(nction c#eate& in $ection 6'8 <TS06 . C#eate 7ACU 3al
8cc(##ence 5oc9 <RT38?E== an& pa$$ in all a%aila)le pa#a*ete#$ f#o*
PAR@5C5 conte1t' Pa$$ o(t the 73ali&ation E##o#$9 to 5C5 conte1t'
If 5C5' 3ali&ation E##o#$ i$ 7Me$9, $et the PAR'E##o#@>a#nin!K A$ 7E##o#9'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 32 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
6212 T311 Create 65ser 3pec2 ,nter Clm "C57 8(@5B16C5:
621221 Overview
The A0R %e#$ion of the ($e# hoo/ 0CUB16 -ill nee& to )e copie& a$ a ne- ACU %e#$ion of
the ($e# hoo/' Thi$ ACU %e#$ion -ill then )e *o&ifie& to call the #et#ie%e o)Aect f(nction that
%ali&ate$ the p#e$ence of 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 &ata &(#in! :inal In&e*nit+ Pa+*ent <2(lti-
Clai* Section= -hen a clai* i$ &efine& a$ 7CAT Clai*9'
621222 1efinition
8)Aect Na*e D U$e# Spec' Ente# Cl* ACU
8the# 4efinition D Sa*e a$ 70CUB169
62122 -rocessin; 1etails
>ithin the ca$e con&ition 7PAR'U$e# 3ali&ation T+pe i$ ?efo#e 3ali&ate S:5 RC49, a&& the
follo-in! afte# all e1i$tin! p#oce$$in! if the 5C5' Clai* Section Stat($ i$ 78pen9D
If PAR'2o%e*ent T+pe 1 Co&e '> i$ 7In&e*nit+9 AN4 PAR'8@S A&A($t*ent T+pe i$
7Fe#o9 then &o the follo-in!D
0et 7Cl2 5%l 2 Cat Co&e9 f#o* Clai* 2a$te# an& *o%e the %al(e to 5C5
Call the ne- f(nction c#eate& in $ection 6'8 <TS06 . C#eate 7ACU 3al
8cc(##ence 5oc9 <RT38?E== an& pa$$ in all a%aila)le pa#a*ete#$ f#o*
PAR@5C5 conte1t' Pa$$ o(t the 73ali&ation E##o#$9 to 5C5 conte1t'
If 5C5' 3ali&ation E##o#$ i$ 7Me$9, $et the PAR'E##o#@>a#nin!K A$ 7E##o#9'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 33 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
621 T312 Create 6<or= <it! Claim 5B "(R7 8(@5B*$C5:
62121 Overview
The A0R %e#$ion of the ($e# hoo/ 0CUB;0 -ill nee& to )e copie& a$ a ne- ACU %e#$ion of
the ($e# hoo/' Thi$ ACU %e#$ion -ill then )e *o&ifie& to call the ne- Clai* A&&itional 4etail$,
(pon co*pletion of the Clai* 2a$te# <0CC221= $c#een an& a$ -ell afte# the co*pletion of the
e1i$tin! Clai* A&&itional 4etail $c#een'
62122 1efinition
8)Aect Na*e D >o#/ >ith Clai* UB A0R
8the# 4efinition D Sa*e a$ 70CUB;0A09
6212 -rocessin; 1etails
Cop+ the e1i$itin! 7>o#/ >ith Clai* UB A0R9 <0CUB;0A0= an& *a/e the follo-in! chan!e
afte# all e1i$tin! p#oce$$in!D
A&& a ne- ca$e con&ition 7P#oce$$in! S:5 . P#eConfi#*9 an& &o the follo-in! if
PAR'U$e# 3ali&ation T+pe i$ 7P#oce$$ S:5 Rc&<P#e Conf= D
If <PAR' P#oce$$ T+pe i$ 7Clai* 2a$te#9 8R PAR' P#oce$$ T+pe i$ 7Clai* 2a$te# A&&
4tl$9, then &o the follo-in!D
0et the a(to t#i!!e# fla! &efine& in the ne- $+$te* pa#a*ete# CCUC2AUCA4
($in! the 7Acce$$ Pa#a*ete# API . Utilitie$9 <0RUTP5=, ($in! )e$t *atch an&
pa$$ in PAR' Cl P#o&(ct Co&e a$ the O(alifie# 1' Pa$$ o(t the %al(e to a ne-
($e# fiel& 7A(to t#i!!e# Cl A&&l 4tlK9'
If 5C5' A(to t#i!!e# Cl A&&l 4tlK I$ 7Me$9 then &o the follo-in!D
Call the f(nction 70et P#o!#a* Co&e . P#o&(ct P#oce$$9 to chec/ if
P#oce$$ T+pe 7C239 i$ &efine& to t#i!!e# the ne- Clai* A&&itional
4etail$' Pa$$ in PAR conte1t fo# the P#o&(ct #elate& pa#a*ete#$' Set
con&ition fo# P#oce$$ T+pe a$ 7Clai* 2a$te# A&& 4tl$ E1t9 <a&& thi$
ne- con&ition a$ 71109 -ith &i$pla+ %al(e 7C239= an& pa$$ o(t the
%al(e of 7P#oce$$ E&it P#o!#a* Co&e9 to 5C5'
If 5C5' P#oce$$ E&it P#o!#a* Co&e i$ 7Not ?lan/9, then call 7Call E&it
P!* . Cl* . P#o&(ct P#oce$$9 <0UPE2= ($in! PAR %al(e$ -he#e
a%aila)le an& 5C5 fo# othe#$' U$e 5C5 fo# 7P#oce$$ E&it P#o!#a*
Co&e9 a$ -ell'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 3" of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
621# T31 C!an;e 6<or= <it! Claim7 8(@@02#:
621#21 Overview
Thi$ co#e $c#een f(nction c(##entl+ call$ the a)o%e ($e# hoo/ <0CUB0;= &(#in! 7Initiali$e
P#o!#a*9 onl+' In o#&e# to p#oce$$ the a(to-t#i!!e# of the ne- Clai* A&&itional 4etail $c#een, a
ne- callin! point to 0CUB0; -ill )e a&&e& in o#&e# to p#oce$$ the a(to-t#i!!e# p#oce$$in!'
621#22 -rocessin; 1etails
USERD P#oce$$ $()file #eco#& <P#e-confi#*=

Cop+ the call to 0CUB;0 -ithin the ($e point 7USERD InitialiHe p#o!#a*9 to the ($e# point
7USERD P#oce$$ $()file #eco#& <P#e-confi#*=9, #i!ht afte# the 7Re%i$e o# 4i$pla+9 #o(tine' Pa$$
in PAR conte1t'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 35 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
6215 T31# Create 6Crt Claim -lu;9in 27 8(@@0++:
621521 Overview
P#oce$$in! i$ nee&e& to call the ne- Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ $c#een &(#in! clai* c#eation'
Thi$ co#e ($e# hoo/ -ill )e int#o&(ce& an& -ill )e calle& f#o* 0CC226 to t#i!!e# p#oce$$in!
#eG(i#e& afte# he callin! of Clai* 2a$te# Sc#een <0CC221= )(t )efo#e the callin! of the
e1i$tin! Clai* A&&itional 4etail $c#een'
621522 1efinition
8)Aect Na*e D C#t Clai* Pl(!-in 2
8the# 4efinition D Sa*e a$ 70CC22A9
62152 -rocessin; 1etails
Thi$ i$ a co#e ($e# hoo/ an& no p#oce$$in! #eG(i#e&'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 36 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
6216 T315 Create 6Crt Claim -lu;9in 2 "C57 8(@@0++C5:
621621 Overview
The ACU %e#$ion of ne- ($e# hoo/ -ill )e c#eate& to call the ne- Clai* A&&itional 4etail$
$c#een, (pon co*pletion of the Clai* 2a$te# <0CC221= $c#een an& a$ -ell afte# the
co*pletion of the e1i$tin! Clai* A&&itional 4etail $c#een'
621622 1efinition
8)Aect Na*e D C#t Clai* Pl(!-in 2 ACU
8the# 4efinition D Sa*e a$ 70CC22A9
62162 -rocessin; 1etails
A&& pe#fo#*ance enhance*ent p#oce$$in!'
If PAR'E1it Co&e i$ Contin(e 5i$t the pe#fo#* the follo-in!D
0et the a(to t#i!!e# fla! &efine& in the ne- $+$te* pa#a*ete# CCUC2AUCA4 ($in! the
7Acce$$ Pa#a*ete# API . Utilitie$9 <0RUTP5=, ($in! )e$t *atch an& pa$$ in PAR' Cl
P#o&(ct Co&e a$ the O(alifie# 1' Pa$$ o(t the %al(e to a ne- ($e# fiel& 7A(to t#i!!e# Cl
A&&l 4tlK9'
If 5C5' A(to t#i!!e# Cl A&&l 4tlK I$ 7Me$9 then &o the follo-in!D
Call the f(nction 70et P#o!#a* Co&e . P#o&(ct P#oce$$9 to chec/ if P#oce$$
T+pe 7C239 i$ &efine& to t#i!!e# the ne- Clai* A&&itional 4etail$' Pa$$ in PAR
conte1t fo# the P#o&(ct #elate& pa#a*ete#$' Set con&ition fo# P#oce$$ T+pe a$
7Clai* 2a$te# A&& 4tl$ E1t9 <a&& thi$ ne- con&ition a$ 71109 -ith &i$pla+ %al(e
7C239= an& pa$$ o(t the %al(e of 7P#oce$$ E&it P#o!#a* Co&e9 to 5C5'
If 5C5' P#oce$$ E&it P#o!#a* Co&e i$ 7Not ?lan/9, then call 7Call E&it P!* .
Cl* . P#o&(ct P#oce$$9 <0UPE2= ($in! PAR %al(e$ -he#e a%aila)le an&
5C5 fo# othe#$' U$e 5C5 fo# 7P#oce$$ E&it P#o!#a* Co&e9 a$ -ell'
C#eate a #o(tine calle& 7P#oce$$ E1it Co&e9 an& pe#fo#* the follo-in!D
If PAR'E1it Co&e i$ E1it, call f(nction 70@E1it . O(it R01 . Utilitie$9
If PAR'E1it Co&e i$ P#e%io($ AN4 >RC'P#oce$$ E&it P#o!#a* Co&e i$ Not
?lan/, then c#eate #o(tine calle& 7Ta/e into acco(nt )+pa$$ *a$te#9 an& &o the
If 5C5'?+pa$$ 2a$te#K I$ Me$
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 36 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
I: 5C5'4i$pla+ Cl* Sect Attach K i$ No, call 0@E1it .
P#e%io($ R01 . Utilitie$9, othe#-i$e $et >RC'Ne1t p#o!#a* to
call a$ CN4':i#$t'
8the#-i$e, $et the >RC'Ne1t p#o!#a* to call a$ CN4'Thi#&'
If PAR'E1it Co&e i$ P#e%io($ AN4 >RC'P#oce$$ E&it P#o!#a* Co&e i$ ?lan/,
then c#eate a #o(tine calle& 7P#oce$$in! fo# :129 an& &o the follo-in!D
If 5C5'?+pa$$ 2a$te#K I$ Me$
I: 5C5'4i$pla+ Cl* Sect Attach K i$ No, call 0@E1it .
P#e%io($ R01 . Utilitie$9, othe#-i$e $et >RC'Ne1t p#o!#a* to
call a$ CN4':i#$t'
8the#-i$e, $et the >RC'Ne1t p#o!#a* to call a$ CN4'Thi#&'
If PAR'E1it Co&e i$ Contin(e 5i$t, then $et >RC'Ne1t p#o!#a* to call a$
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 38 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
621' T316 C!an;e 6Crt Claim 0aster Rcd7 8(@@02':
621'21 Overview
Thi$ co#e $c#een f(nction -ill )e *o&ifie& to call the ne- ($e# hoo/ <0CC211= a$ &efine& in
$ection 6'15 in o#&e# to p#oce$$ the a(to-t#i!!e# of the ne- Clai* A&&itional 4etail $c#een'
621'22 -rocessin; 1etails
Ri!ht afte# the call to 7E&it Clai* 2a$te# 1 . Clai* 2a$te#9 an& it9$ 7P#oce$$ E1it Co&e9 #o(tine,
in$e#t a call to 7TS1" . C#eate 7C#t Clai* Pl(!-in 29 <0CC211=9 pa$$in! in the $a*e
pa#a*ate#$ &efine& on the call to 0CC22A f#o* thi$ *ain f(nction'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e 3; of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
621) &mpact "nalysis
Thi$ Co#e 0eni($ *o&ification -ill allo- ($e# to *aintain the 78cc(#ence 5ocation9 #elate&
fiel&$ an& %ali&ate the clai* *aintenance acco#&in!l+'
621* Testin; Requirements
Te$tin! $ho(l& )e &one in ACU en%i#on*ent fo# !#een $c#een a$ follo-$D
1' Chec/ that the 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 can )e *aintaine& acco#&in! to the #eG(i#e*ent'
2' Chec/ that the *aintaine& 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 &ata can )e &i$pla+e& th#o(!h 0eni($
EnG(i#+ $+$te*'
3' Chec/ that the Clai* 2a$te#9$ E%ent 5ocation an& a#e al-a+$ $+nce& -ith Clai*
A&&itional 4etail9$ <8cc(##ence 5ocation= Political 4i%i$ion '
"' Chec/ that if the a)$ent of 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 &ata, a clai* &efine& a$ 7CAT9 clai* -ill
)e %ali&ate& an& info#*e& -hile p#oce$$in! the follo-in!D
:inali$e Clai*
:inali$e 5a$t Section Clai*
:inal In&e*nit+ Pa+*ent
:inal In&e*nit+ Pa+*ent <2(lti Clai* Section=
5' Chec/ that &(#in! clai* c#eation, the ne- Clai* A&&ititional 4etail $c#een !et$ calle&
a(to*aticall+ $oon afte# the E&it Clai* 2a$te# <0CC221= $c#een an& )efo#e the e1i$tin!
Clai* A&&itional 4etail $c#een'
6' Chec/ that &(#in! clai* a*en&, the ne- Clai* A&&ititional 4etail $c#een !et$ calle&
a(to*aticall+ afte# the E&it Clai* Contact$ <0CC222='
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e "0 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
' (lossary
Term 1efinition
) &ssue %ist
&ssue Owner -riority Comments 3tatus
* "ppendi+ " ,stimation -roposal
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e "1 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
1$ "ppendi+ . Requirements Tracea/ility 0atri+
CR&3- ))65
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e "2 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
11 "ppendi+ C &mplementation Notes
In o#&e# to ($e the ne- Clai* A&&itional 4etail$ $c#een <e'!' CCUC11 in thi$ e1a*ple= -e -ill
nee& to &efine it a$ follo-$ (n&e# the P#o&(ct P#oce$$D
GPPMC7 Work with Product Process 20/01/14

Product . . . : SWSQ! Q" #est Product $ %code &!id'
(ersio) . . . : 001 1/01/00 $ *1/12/*9 St+tus . . . : Curre)t
Proc c+te,or- : C C.+i/s
#-0e o0tio)s1 0ress ")ter.
22Ch+),e 423e.ete

40 Se5 #-0 3escri0tio) "dit Co//+)d
Pro,r+/ 40tio)
10 6S7 6ser 40tio) C8G907
10 CMS M+ster
20 CSC 8/ou)ts +)d Sectio)s
25 6S7 :CC; 7e0orti), Codes GWC904
*0 <;# <iti,+tio)s
40 7"C 7eco=eries
50 C:; :+/e ;)=o.=e/e)t
60 C7C 7e.+ted C.+i/s
70 C3C 3ocu/e)ts
>0 CM2 8dditio)+. 3et+i.s G99M1!
90 CM* C.+i/ M+ster 8dd 3t.s CC69??
%*2"?it %628dd %>2:+rr+ti=e %122Pre=ious
GPPM82 "dit Product Process 20/01/14

Product . . . : SWSQ! Q" #est Product $ %code &!id'
(ersio) . . . : 001 1/01/00 $ *1/12/*9 St+tus . . . : Curre)t
#-0e det+i.s1 0ress ")ter.

Proc c+te,or- : C C.+i/s
Process #-0e . : CM*

<o), :+/e . . : C.+i/ 8dditio)+. 3et+i. "?t
Short :+/e . . : C./ 8dd 3t. "?t

Se5ue)ce . . . : 90

"dit Pro,r+/ . : CC69@@
Co//+)d 40tio) :

%*2"?it %122Pre=ious
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e "3 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
Note that 0eni($ onl+ allo-$ one p#oce$$ t+pe of 7C229, th($ the ne- $c#een -o(l& nee& to
)e &efine& a$ p#oce$$ t+pe 7C239' Thi$ 7USR9 p#oce$$ t+pe i$ a ($e# &efine p#oce$$, th($ it -ill
not )e a(to*aticall+ t#i!!e#e&@calle& &(#in! clai*$ c#eation' U$e# inte#%ention i$ #eG(i#e& to
($e option 72SChan!e9 a!ain$t the ne- ($e# option in o#&e# to *aintain the ne- Clai*
A&&itional 4etail$, in -hich in thi$ ca$e -ill )e the ne- 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 fiel&$'
The ne- 78cc(##ence 5ocation9 fiel&$ -ill )e optional ent#ie$ an& *a+ )e ($e& )+ the Clai*
P#oce$$o# <)($ine$$ ($e#= fo# an+ t+pe of clai* ente#e& into 0eni($ an& at an+ ti*e &(#in! the
clai* lifec+cle'
chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e "" of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@
Technical Specification
CAT Claim Requirements
3e#$ion "'0
12 1ocument Control
1221 1ocument &nformation
-repared /yF Seli+an S-a*inathan
-ro?ect 0ana;erF 0a+le Si1$*ith
-ro;ramme 0ana;erF 0a+le Si1$*ith
1222 Revision Bistory
4ersion 1ate "ut!or 1escription
0'1 1;@0;@2013 Seli+an S-a*inathan 4#aft
0'2 26@0;@2013 Seli+an S-a*inathan Afte# #e%ie- )+ Shan 0(#($a*+
1'0 26@0;@2013 Shan 0(#($a*+ A(tho#i$e&
1'1 20@01@201" Seli+an S-a*inathan Chan!e$ in #eG(i#e*ent f#o* ACE
1'2 23@12@201" Seli+an S-a*inathan Afte# #e%ie- )+ Shan 0(#($a*+
2'0 2"@12@201" Shan 0(#($a*+ A(tho#i$e& <Pen&in! an$-e#$ f#o*
ACE con%e#te& a$ a$$(*ption$=
2'1 12@02@201" Seli+an S-a*inathan Chan!e$ to Sc#een :lo-
3'0 12@02@201" Shan 0(#($a*+ A(th %e#$ion
3'1 26@02@201" Seli+an S-a*inathan :inal (p&ate$ on a$$(*ption$ an&
$+ncho#iHation of Cl* U@A 2
"'0 28@02@201" Seli+an S-a*inathan A(tho#iHe& 3e#$ion afte# #e%ie- an&
confi#*ation f#o* ACE'
"'1 05@03@201" Seli+an S-a*inathan Chan!e$ 4(#in! PUT <Appen&i1

chan!in! 201" . Confi&ential 4oc(*ent (ncont#olle& once p#inte& Pa!e "5 of "5
httpD@@$ha#epoint'1chan!in!'co*@$ite$@IS>@P#oAect$@ACEUS@PERT Pha$e$@0' 4e$i!n@Technical Specification$@

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