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Prepared for:
Farhana Nur Malik
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
Prepared by:
Shaba Mumtahna
Date of submission: September 23, 2010
BRAC University
Letter Of Transmittal
Septe"ber #3$ #0!0
%arhana &ur 'ali(
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
'oha(hali$ )ha(a*
Sub+ect: Submi!!i"n "# Intrn!hi$ R$"rt%
)ear 'ada"$
,his is "y pleasure to present "y internship report entitled &Intrn!hi$ R$"rt On
Human R!"ur' Di(i!i"n "# BRAC Bank Limit)%* - have conducted "y internship
pro.ra" in BRAC Ban( Li"ited$ /ead 0ffice$ ! 1ulshan Avenue$ 1ulshan2!$ )ha(a 3
!#!#$ under your close supervision*
- believe that (no4led.e and e5perience - .athered durin. the internship period 4ill be
helpful in "y future professional life* - 4ill be .rateful to you if you accept the report* -
4ill be available for defense on this report any ti"e*
6our support in this re.ard 4ill be hi.hly appreciated*
,han(in. you*
Sincerely yours7
Shaba 'u"tahena
-) 3 05300!0
Co"pletion of this report has "ade "e .rateful to a nu"ber of persons* %irst of all -
4ould li(e to ac(no4led.e "y supervisor and teacher Farhana Nur Malik not only for
.ivin. the opportunity to prepare the report but also for providin. "e the opportunity to
i"prove the report by e5tendin. the sub"ission deadline on this se"ester* She 4as also
available 4hen - needed her for help$ su..estions and .uidelines* - a" also .rateful to
M!% Tahni+at Ahm) Karim, /ead of /u"an Resources$ BRAC Ban( Ltd* for .ivin.
"e the valuable opportunity to do "y internship in her depart"ent and supportin. "e
4ith (no4led.e and resources* - a" also .rateful to the entire /R ,ea" of BRAC Ban(
Ltd* as they have al4ays been there for "e 4hen - needed the" the "ost* ,heir active
participation to all "y 9uestions$ 9ueries durin. "y internship has "ade this +ourney a
true success* - 4ould li(e to na"e here M)% R-aul Amin :/ead of Recruit"ent$
Co"pensation ; Benefits<$ Mr% Mahbub Alam :/ead of Learnin. ; )evelop"ent<$
M)% Shan.i)ul Bari :/R Relationship '$ =holesale Ban(in.<$ Mr% A%R%M
Rukunu--aman :'$ Co"pensation<$ Mr% Ab)ullah Harun Imam :'$
Recruit"ent<$ Mr% /a#ar I0bal :Actin. '$ >5ternal ,rainin.<$ than(s to all of
the" for providin. valuable su..estions and infor"ation in preparin. this report* -t 4as
"y privile.e and - a" truly honored 4or(in. 4ith such a 4onderful tea"*
Table of Content
C"ntnt N"%
Content Name
! Intr")u'ti"n 0?
BRAC Ban( Ltd* 3 An 0vervie4 of the 0r.ani@ation !*! 0A
Scope of the Report !*# 0B
'ethodolo.y !*3 0B
Li"itations of the Report !* !0
Or1ani-ati"n # !!
/istory of BRAC Ban( Li"ited #*! !#
Product ; Service of BRAC Ban( #*# !
0r.ano.ra" #*3 ##
Cision ; 'ission of BRAC Ban( Li"ited #* #
M+ Intrn!hi$ E2$rin' 3 #?
Dob )escription 3*! #A
Critical 0bservation 3*# #B
Areas need to i"prove 3*3 33
Human R!"ur'! Di(i!i"n "# BRAC Bank Limit) 3
)ifferent types of e"ployees *! 35
/u"an Resources )ivision *# 3?
Recruit"ent *#*! 3B
,rainin. ; )evelop"ent *#*#
Co"pensation$ Pay ; Benefits *#*3 A
/R Ad"inistration *#* E0
'-S ; Strate.ic Plannin. *#*5 E?
Anal+!i! 3 R'"mmn)ati"n 5 ?0
S=0, Analysis 5*! ?!
Reco""endation 5*# ?3
Conclusion 5*3 ?
Executive Summary
,his is the internship report based on the three "onth lon. internship pro.ra" that - had
successfully co"pleted in BRAC Ban( Li"ited under /u"an Resource )ivision fro"
03*05*#0!0 to #B*0?*#0!0 as a re9uire"ent of "y BBA pro.ra" on )epart"ent of
Business Studies$ BRAC University* As bein. co"pletely ne4 to practical$ corporate
4orld settin.$ every hour spent in the /R) .ave "e so"e a"ount of e5perience all the
ti"e all of 4hich cannot be e5plained in 4ords* But nevertheless$ they 4ere all useful for
"y career*
,his report includes ho4 an /R )epart"ent 4or(s$ 4hat are the possible divisions and
4or( distribution in an /R)$ recruit"ent process$ trainin. and develop"ent initiatives$
ho4 to (eep e"ployees "otivated as 4ell as ho4 to control insubordinations$
co"pensation and benefits plannin.$ ho4 to lead etc*
- have 4or(ed in /u"an Resource )ivision of BRAC Ban( Li"ited 4ith al"ost all the
4in.s of /R li(e Recruit"ent$ Learnin. ; 0r.ani@ation )evelop"ent :,rainin.<$
Co"pensation$ Pay and Benefits and /R Ad"inistration*
BRAC Ban( has a rich /u"an Resource )epart"ent* -t "aintains the or.ani@ational
responsibilities successfully* ,he /R tea" of BRAC Ban( is co"pletely or.ani@ed and
4ell reputed tea"*
%irst si5 4ee(s of "y internship pro.ra" on /u"an Resource )ivision - have 4or(ed
4ith the full support of recruit"ent 4in. and the ne5t three 4ee(s - 4or(ed 4ith the
trainin. 4in. then the ne5t t4o 4ee(s - .ot attached 4ith the Payroll 4in. and the last
one 4ee( - 4or(ed 4ith the Ad"inistration 4in.*
- have 4or(ed 4ith different types of recruit"ent procedure of BRAC Ban( Li"ited*
=ithin "y three "onths internship around # re.ular e"ployees and !B contractual
e"ployees are recruited in re.ular basis in BRAC Ban( Li"ited in different procedure
and syste"* - have also assisted the recruit"ent tea" in doin. other 4or(s li(e +oinin.
4or(ers$ updatin. CCS etc*
-n ,rainin. 4in. - have "ainly assisted the trainin. tea" in updatin. the personal files of
re.ular e"ployees 4ith the nu"ber of trainin.s that they have done in #0!0* - have
assisted the co"pensation$ pay and benefit tea" in order to process their final settle"ent
data and the ad"inistration tea" in processin. of leave of the e"ployees*
'y personal vie4s about the /R)$ "y value addition to the /R) are also included in
the report* =ith li"ited (no4led.e and e5perience - tried "y best to "a(e this report as
"uch understandable as possible and translated the real 4orld e5perience into a
docu"ent* ,he various boundaries to process i"prove"ent and "aintainin. ethical
standards in a corporate environ"ent have also been e5perienced* But even so$ ho4 those
policies and practices are -n2Line 4ith the corporate strate.y are discussed in this report*
Before dra4in. any conclusion based on this report it "ay be noted that the report 4as
prepared in a very short ter" and there is lac( in data* But still the report "ay be useful
for desi.nin. any further study to evaluate the /R facilities provided by the ban(s*
Chapter !"
1 0b+ective of the report
2 Scope of the report
3 'ethodolo.y of the report
4 Li"itations of the report
"# $ntroduction %
4%4 &'AC &ank Limited ( An Overview of the Organi)ation
BRAC Ban( Li"ited is a full service scheduled co""ercial ban(* -t has both local and
-nternational -nstitutional shareholder* ,he ban( is pri"arily driven 4ith a vie4 of
creatin. opportunities and pursuin. "ar(et niches not traditionally "eet by conventional
ban(s* BRAC Ban( has been "otivated to provide Fbest2in2the2classG services to its
diverse assort"ent of custo"ers spread across the country under an on2line ban(in. dais*
At present$ BRAC Ban( is one of the fastest .ro4in. ban(s in the country* -n order to
support the planned .ro4th of its distribution$ net4or( and its various business se."ents$
BRAC Ban( is currently loo(in. for i"pressive .oal oriented$ enthusiastic$ individuals
for various business operations*
,he ban( 4ants to build a profitable and socially responsible financial institution* -t
carefully listen to the "ar(et and business potentials$ -t is also assistin. BRAC and
sta(eholders to build a pro.ressive$ healthy$ de"ocratic and poverty free Ban.ladesh* -t
helps "a(e co""unities and econo"y of the country and to help people achieve
their financial .oals* ,he ban( "aintains a hi.h level of standards in everythin. for our
custo"ers$ our shareholders$ our ac9uaintances and our co""unities upon$ 4hich the
future affluence of our co"pany rests*
Accordin. to the /alf26early %inancial State"ent of #0!02 the nu"ber of >"ployees
includin. contractual en.a.ed for the 4hole year or part there of :4ho received a total
yearly re"uneration of ,(* 3E$000 or above< 4ere E$30E 4here as the total nu"ber of
e"ployees 4ere ?$0?5 as the sa"e period of pervious year*
4%5 S'"$ "# th R$"rt6
/u"an Resources are essential and foundational to the .ro4th and develop"ent of any
or.ani@ation and hence the ability to satisfy and retain 9uality and trained e"ployee is
vital* -t "ust be therefore very crucial to identify if there is an underlyin. dissatisfaction
a" the e5istin. e"ployees of the or.ani@ation* ,herefore$ the ban( is the lar.est
beneficiary because throu.h this report 4e can identify ho4 to confront the*
,his report 4ill .ive a clear idea about H/u"an Resources )epart"ent in the BRAC Ban(
Ltd*G /o4 efficiently they utili@e their resourcesI =hat types to benefits they offer to their
e"ployees to "otivate their 4or(I )oes the trainin. pro.ra" that they or.ani@ed is
effective or notI =hat are the ai"s to develop trainin. pro.ra"I ,o have ans4ers of all
these 9uestions$ it is tried to .o throu.h the BBL /R policiesJ 4ith three "onths 4or(in.
e5perience in /R and had discussions 4ith officials of different 4in.s*
4%7 Mth")"l"1+6
-n order to attain the ob+ectives$ collection of pri"ary data is necessary* ,his data 4ill be
used to analy@e the proble" state"ent* ,he lar.est part of the analysis ho4ever 4ould
obviously be conducted by carryin. out the e"ployee satisfaction survey* ,he intention is
to obtain a rando"ly selected unbiased sa"ple of !00 e"ployees across the ban( and to
9uestion the" on various /R 1rounds to assess the e"ployee satisfaction level* ,herefore
the "ethodolo.y 4ould include relevant infor"ation is collected fro" intervie4s$ Surveys$
observation and annual reports of the ban(* ,he relevant infor"ation is collected fro" the
pri"ary sources and also uses the secondary sources of infor"ation*
Primary data are collected through:
1 0bservation for the total internee period
2 0pen ended and close ended 9uestions
3 Conducted discussions 4ith 0fficers of /R)
Secondary data are collected through:
1 'anuals and Annual Report of BRAC Ban( Li"ited
2 =ebsite bro4sin.*
4%8 Limitati"n! "# th R$"rt6
,he sources of the report are collected fro" different des(s$ various docu"ents of BRAC
Ban( Li"ited :BBL<* ,hou.h the entire staff "e"ber re"ains busy all the ti"e for their
des( 4or( they helped a lot to "ana.e and collect the data ; infor"ation* But it 4as very
difficult to collect infor"ation on the client as it is very sensitive and secret issue for the
Ban(* >very tas( has so"e li"itations* So$ there have also so"e li"itations of the study*
,hese are as follo4s2
1) Shortage of time period: ,his report is 4ritten 4ithin a shorter period of ti"e
since "any days have passed durin. the trainin. session* So the ti"e constraint of
the study hinderin. the course of vast area and ti"e for preparin. a report 4ithin
the "entioned period is really difficult*
2) Busy working environment: ,he officials had so"e ti"es been unable to provide
infor"ation because of their hu.e routine 4or(* ,hat is 4hy 4e do not .ather vast
(no4led.e about the critical issues*
3) Secrecy of Management: ,here so"e infor"ation 4hich are confidential for
collectin. the data* So$ so"e data could not been collected for confidentiality or
secrecy of "ana.e"ent*
4) Uneven Sample Distribution: ,he sa"ple distribution "ay not be even$ there
"ay be a "a+ority of people co"in. fro" a fi5ed ran.e of inco"e level*
Chapter !*
1 /istory of BRAC Ban( Ltd*
2 ProductK Service of BRAC Ban( Ltd*
3 0r.ano.ra" of BRAC Ban( Ltd*
4 Cision$ 'ission state"ent of BRAC Ban( Ltd*
*# Organi)ation%
5%4 Hi!t"r+ "# BRAC Bank Limit)6
BRAC Ban( Li"ited$ one of the latest .eneration of co""ercial ban(s started its +ourney
on Duly 0$ #00!* -t is an affiliate of BRAC :Ban.ladesh Rural Advance"ent
Co""ittee<$ one of the 4orld7s lar.est non2.overn"ental develop"ent or.ani@ations
founded by %a@le /asan Abed in !B?#* -t has been the fastest .ro4in. Ban( in #00 and
#005* ,he Ban( operates under a Ldouble botto" lineL a.enda 4here profit and social
responsibility .o hand in hand as it strives to4ards a poverty2free$ enli.htened
BRAC Ban( Li"ited$ 4ith institutional shareholdin.s by BRAC$ -nternational %inance
Corporation :-%C< and Shore Cap -nternational$ has been the fastest .ro4in. Ban( in
Ban.ladesh for the last three consecutive years* -n the recent past the ban( has .one
public 4ith price of shares reachin. i"pressive hei.hts$ further sho4in. pro"isin.
BRAC Ban($ a fully operational Co""ercial Ban($ focuses on pursuin. une5plored
"ar(et niches in the S"all and 'ediu" >nterprise Business$ 4hich hitherto has
re"ained lar.ely untapped 4ithin the country* -n the last five years of operation$ the Ban(
has disbursed over B), ##00 crore in loans to nearly 50$000 s"all and "ediu"
entrepreneurs in #00?* And this year Ban(7s disburse"ent plan is B), !00 crore* ,he
"ana.e"ent of the Ban( believes that this sector of the econo"y can contribute the "ost
to the rapid .eneration of e"ploy"ent in Ban.ladesh* Since inception in Duly #00!$ the
Ban(Ms footprint has .ro4n to 3E branches$ "ore than 00 S'> unit offices and 3A A,'
sites across the country$ and the custo"er base has e5panded to #00$000 deposit and
5$000 advance accounts throu.h #00E* -n #005$ BRAC Ban( had a N!?A "illion
portfolio consistin. of around #!$000 loans 4ith an avera.e loan si@e of NA$000* -t has
around 00 re.ionally2placed loan processin. units offerin. services in the heart of rural
and urban co""unities and e"ploys over ?00 business loan officers 3 around E0O of
total staff*
-n addition to s"all business lendin.$ BRAC Ban( has fast .ro4in. re"ittance$ savin.s
"obili@ation and consu"er lendin. businesses* -n the years ahead BRAC Ban( e5pects to
introduce "any "ore services and products as 4ell as add a 4ider net4or( of S'> unit
offices$ Retail Branches and A,'s across the country*
Intrnati"nal Finan' C"r$"rati"n:
BBL has i"portant international shareholdin.s apart fro" BRAC: -%C and ShoreCap*
-nternational %inance Corporation :-%C< is the co""ercial 4in. of =orld Ban(* Usin.
certain channels and overseas representatives$ -%C helps local financial institutions find
profitable 4ays to s"all and "ediu" si@ed co"panies* %undin. co"es fro" the
Asian )evelop"ent Ban($ Canada$ the >uropean Co""ission$ the &etherlands$ &or4ay$
the United" and -%C itself*
-%C is a B*5O shareholder in BBL* A ne4 assistance pro.ra" si.ned in Au.ust #005 ai"s
to double the ban(7s nu"ber of s"all and "ediu" enterprise clients in !A "onths throu.h
ca"pai.ns to 4o"en entrepreneurs and rural clients$ introduce ne4 products and
train branch "ana.ers*
Sh"r Ca$ Intrnati"nal Lt)
Another international institutional investor Shore Cap -nternational Ltd* is an
international private non2profit$ e9uity co"pany see(in. to invest in s"all business ban(s
and re.ulated "icro finance institutions in countries 4ith developin. and transitional
econo"ies* Shore Cap typically invests bet4een N500$000 and N# "illion for an
o4nership position of !02#5O of a co"pany* As a "inority shareholder$ Shore Cap see(s
financial institutions 4ith a stron.$ e5perienced "ana.e"ent tea" and a co""itted set of
local develop"ent2"inded investors* Shore Cap currently o4ns A*?5O of BBL7s
5%5 Pr")u't 3 Sr(i' "# BRAC Bank
BRAC Ban( Ltd* is currently focusin. on four different areas of business activities*
,hese are:
1 S'> Ban(in.
2 Retail Ban(in.
19 Retail )istribution
29 &on %unded Business and Secured Calue Center
39 Alternate )elivery Channel
49 Unsecured Calue Center
59 Liability
69 Service QualityKBusiness -ntelli.ence
79 Collections
89 Cross Sellin.
99 Re.ional )istribution
2 Corporate Ban(in.
3 Probashi Ban(in.
4 Cards
5 ,reasury ; %inancial -nstitutions
6 'ar(etin. ; Corporate Affairs
,he businesses directly related to custo"er service are briefly described in the follo4in.
SME Bankin16
BRAC Ban( considers the population of Ban.ladesh the "ost valuable resource of the
country* Accordin. to BRAC Ban($ after achievin. liberation$ the attain"ent of econo"ic
uplift should be our "ost i"portant .oal* 'icro lenders are 4or(in. here in the financial
field$ providin. very s"all a"ount and on the other hand re.ular co""ercial ban(s have
been providin. a"ount of loans to industries and tradin. or.ani@ations* But
the s"all and "ediu" entrepreneurs 4ere overloo(ed* ,his "issin. "iddle .roup is the
s"all but strivin. entrepreneurs$ 4ho because of lac( of fund cannot pursue their
financial uplift$ as they have no property to provide as e9uity to the co""ercial ban(s*
=ith this end in vie42BRAC Ban( 4as opened to serve these s"all but hard 4or(in.
entrepreneurs 4ith double botto" line vision* As a socially responsible ban($ BRAC
Ban( 4ants to see the e"ancipation of .rass2roots level to their econo"ic and also
to "a(e profit by servin. the interest of "issin. "iddle .roups* 50O of BRAC Ban(7s
total portfolio usually collected fro" urban areas$ are channeled to support these
entrepreneurs 4ho in future 4ill beco"e the potential of our econo"y* ,he Ban(
currently is the "ar(et leader in .ivin. loans to S"all and 'ediu" >ntrepreneurs* -t has
been doin. this for the last five years* Sho4in. S'> &et4or( covera.e in the fi.ure
SME Products
Currently BRAC Ban( is offerin. !3 S'> pac(* ,hese are listed and briefly
e5plained belo4:
1 An"nn" Rin 2 FAnonno RinG is a business loan desi.ned to finance s"all scale
tradin.$ "anufacturin. and service ventures$ especially to help s"all and "ediu"
entrepreneurs to "eet their short2ter" cash flo4 and brid.e the fund2flo4
2 A$urb" Rin 2 Apurbo is a loan facility for S"all and 'ediu" business* Apurbo loan
has been desi.ned and tar.eted for relatively business units re9uirin. loan
above t(* A lacs to 30 lacs*
1 Path!hala Rin 2 FPathshala RinG is a loan desi.ned to "eet the needs of s"all and
"ediu" si@ed private educational institutions$ such as (inder.artens$ schools and etc*
2 Ar"11" Rin 2 FAro..oG is a loan allo4ed to various /ealth service Provider li(e
private clinics$ dia.nostics centers and doctorsM cha"bers* ,he product offers fi5ed
assets purchase financin. under e9uated 'onthly -nstall"ents*
3 Di1""n Rin 2 ,his is a double loan on clients7 deposits* =ith this$ clients do not need
to encash their savin.s rather they can ta(e double a"ount of loan on their deposit for
their business e5pansion*
4 Su$$lir Finan' 2 SUPPL->R %-&A&C> is a loan facility for the enlisted Suppliers
of various lar.e retailers$ "ar(etin. co"panies$ distributors$ e5porters etc* ,his
product7s "ain ob+ective is to help various Suppliers to "eet their short2ter" cash
flo4 or brid.e the fund2flo4 .aps* A"ount is "ini"u" B), 3 lac up to
"a5i"u" B), 30 lac*
5 Pr"th"ma Rin 2 LPR0,/0'A R-&L is a loan facility for s"all and "ediu" si@ed
business$ 4hich is operated by 4o"en entrepreneur* ,he product offers ter"inatin.
loan facilities for the purpose of 4or(in. capital finance andKor fi5ed assets purchase*
Loan li"it is fro" "ini"u" B), 3 lac up to "a5i"u" of B), B*5 lac*
6 BI/NESS A''"unt 2 FBi@ness AccountG is an interest bearin. current account for
sole proprietorship business >ntrepreneur* 0penin. balance re9uired is only B),2!0$
7 Ca!h S'ur) L"an 2 LCash Secured LoanL is a loan facility for s"all and "ediu"
si@ed business* ,here are t4o types of loan facility in the product i*e* Secured Loan
and Secured 0verdraft* ,hese facilities are fully secured by fi5ed deposit of BRAC
Ban(* A"ount is "ini"u" B), 3 lac up to "a5i"u" B), 30 lac*
8 BI/NESS L"an 2 Bi@ness loan is an e9uated "onthly loan facility for all types of
business 4ho have healthy ban( transactions for the purpose of 4or(in. capital
finance andKor fi5ed assets purchase* Loan li"it is "ini"u" B), !0 lac to "a5i"u"
of B), 50 lac*
1 Pr"!har 2 LProsharL is a loan facility for s"all ; "ediu" si@ed "anufacturin.
business* ,he product offers loan facilities for 4or(in. capital finance andKor fi5ed
assets purchase*
2 Tra) Plu! 2 ,rade plus is a co"posite facility for s"all ; "ediu" si@ed i"port2
oriented businesses to "eet their trade finance re9uire"ents*
3 Su$r Su$$l+ L"an 2 Super Supply Loan is a loan facility for Suppliers of various
lar.e retailers$ "ar(etin. co"panies$ "anufacturin. co"panies and various corporate
houses* ,his product7s "ain ob+ective is to help various Suppliers to "eet their
financial re9uire"ents*
Rtail Bankin16
,here are retail ban(in. products of three cate.ories* 0ne is Loan Products$ second is
)eposit Products and the other is Cards*
-n Loan Products cate.ory there are eleven servicesKproducts facilitatin. clients7
de"ands* ,hese are:
Salary Loan$ &o= Loan$ Car Loan$ ,eacher7s Loan$ Study Loan$ ,ravel Loan$ Credit
Card Loan$ ,op Up Loan$ /i.h%lyer Loan$ Secured LoanK 0) and )octor7s Loan*
Under )eposit Products cate.ory currently there are ten servicesKproducts in total* ,hese
%i5ed )eposit$ -nterest %irst$ Abira" Account$ )PS$ >Ree Account$ Savin.s Account$
Short ,er" )eposit$ Current Account$ Salary Account and Step Up %i5ed )eposit*
Under Cards cate.ory there are t4o types of cards products active* 0ne is A,' )ebit
Cards and the other is Co2Branded Cards* A,' )ebit Cards facilitates "oney 4ithdra4al
of upto B), #0$000*00 per day* Also chec(in. balance state"ents of A,' and P0S
:Point 0f Sale< transactions* ,he Cards )epart"ent provides # hour custo"er support
hotline to resolve 9ueries and proble"s*
,he Co2Branded Cards are fro" Aaron.$ AL-C0 and )-A 1old* ,he BRAC Ban(
Aaron. A,' Card .ives users 5O cash bac( facility fro" shoppin. in any Aaron.
outlets* ,he holder of BRAC Ban( AL-C0 A,' Card can en+oy a special life insurance
facility 4ith insurance covera.e of upto B), #00$000*00* And BRAC Ban( )-A 1old
A,' card holder 4ill en+oy a special cash bac( and cash discount feature* ,his feature is
!0O discount fro" any dia"ond product and AO discount on "a(in. char.e of
any .old products fro" )-A 1old*
C"r$"rat Bankin16
Corporate Ban(in. section has three types of covera.e currently* ,hese are:
1. Corporate Loan Products
2. ,rade %inancin.
3. Corporate Cash 'ana.e"ent
Corporate Loan Products is offerin. si5 services at the "o"ent* ,he services are listed
and described in the follo4in. section:
C"r$"rat L"an Pr")u't!
O(r)ra#t 9 ,his is an on2de"and credit facility desi.ned to "eet day2to2day operational
activities of the business$ includin. purchase of ra4 "aterials and e5penses*
Trm L"an 3 Short ,er" LoanKRevolvin. Loan: ,his sche"e is to "eet different short2
ter" fund re9uire"ents of the client* Pay"ent of duty$ ,a5$ CA, and other e5penses
related to the release of .oods fro" custo"s throu.h pay orders in the na"e of custo"s
authority or Ban.ladesh Ban( che9ue is payable throu.h this sche"e*
La! Finan' 3 0ne of the "ore convenient lon.2ter" sources of ac9uirin. capital
"achinery and e9uip"ent* ,he client is .iven an opportunity to have e5clusive ri.hts to
use an asset$ for an a.reed period of ti"e$ a.ainst pay"ent of rent*
L"an A1ain!t Tru!t R'i$t :LATR; 3 ,his is advance"ent a.ainst a ,rust Receipt
provided to the client 4hen the docu"ents coverin. an i"port ship"ent are .iven
4ithout pay"ent* Under this syste"$ the client 4ill hold the .oods of their sale proceeds
in trust for the ban($ until the loan allo4ed a.ainst the ,rust Receipt is fully paid*
<"rk Or)r Finan' 3 BRAC Ban( provides =or( 0rder finance facility for its valued
clients* ,hrou.h this arran.e"ent$ clients can avail loan facilities a.ainst valid =or(
0rders up to a certain proportion*
M)ium Entr$ri! 2 ,he products offered under this sort of financin. are versatile in
nature and each product is tailored accordin. to the need of the borro4er$ under certain
para"eters* ,he ran.e of or.ani@ations this sort of financin. caters to include
proprietorship concerns$ private li"ited co"panies$ educational institutions as 4ell as
,he purpose of this unit is to serve "ediu" enterprises havin. facility re9uire"ents li(e a
lar.e corporate in nature$ but s"aller in volu"es* ,he facilities "ay ran.e fro" a sin.le2
funded or non2funded li"it to a co"posite credit facility that includes various corporate
products* ,he Ban( believes that the e" "ediu" enterprise of today is to"orro47s
lar.e corporate that 4ill facilitate the true .ro4th of the nation*
Tra) Finan'6 Lttr
"# Cr)it :LC;6
,his facility is related to i"port or local purchase of different ite"s* -t is also provided
for the i"port and e5port of .oods :such as ra4 "aterials$ "achinery$ e9uip"ent$ any
tradin. ite"<*
Lttr "# =uarant :L=;6
,o "eet different contractual re9uire"ent such as participatin. in Bid$ Perfor"ance
1uarantee and Advance Pay"ent .uarantee for different contractual re9uire"ents*
C"r$"rat Ca!h Mana1mnt
NCS 3 BRAC Ban( 4ill collect clients7 bills throu.h their Bills Pay 'achines in the
strate.ic locations of the city and also at the correspondent branches$ 4here the BRAC
Ban( branches are not available and at the booths*
PTS 3 P,S 4ill allo4 clients to disburse all (inds of pay"ents any4here in the country
throu.h BRAC Ban(7s o4n branch net4or( in )ha(a$ Chitta.on.$ Sylhet$ Savar$ %eni
and the partner ban( branches all over the country*
A)(anta1! t" Em$l"+r! 3 BRAC Ban( provides services such as Salary Upload$
'ulti2Location Salary$ payroll "ana.e"ent$ '-S on payroll etc* Salary Upload facility
re9uires a consolidated che9ue of the total salary a"ount and a brea(2up of the
disburse"ents to the e"ployees in soft and hard copy for"at$ BRAC Ban( 4ill do the
rest* 'ulti2Location Salary features salary disbursal in "ultiple locations 4ithin BRAC
Ban( net4or(* Payroll '-S creates standard reports for corporate clients 4ith neatness
and conciseness*
A)(anta1! t" Em$l"+! 3 Alon. 4ith all other Retail Ban(in. services$ e"ployees
can avail # /our Ban(in. throu.h A,'s$ 0nline Ban(in.$ >5tended Ban(in. /ours till
A:00 P' e5cept for ,hursdays and %ridays and Payday 0verdraft on re9uest for
e"er.ency situations :this is ad+usted 4ith the e"ployee7s follo4in. "onth7s salary<*
Ca!h Mana1mnt Sr(i'! 9 BRAC Ban(Ms national Collection Services :&CS< is
desi.ned to assist corporate 4ith nation4ide collection re9uire"ents by providin. faster
funds availability in a cost2 effective "anner*
Ca!h C"ll'ti"n Sr(i'!: ,hrou.h BRAC Ban( Cash Collection Services they collect
cash directly fro" clients officesKbusiness pre"ises* ,he 4hole process is arran.ed 4ith
e5ecutive lo.istic services*
Dr"$ B"2 Fa'ilit+: 0n re9uest$ BRAC Ban( can install )rop Bo5 at custo"er7s office
4hich can be used for depositin. che9ues or any instruction* ,heir representative 4ill
visit client7s office and clear the bo5 every day*
Pr"ba!hi Bankin1
0ur nation7s 4or(force 4ho are a4ay fro" their fa"ilies$ relatives$ friend and above all$
fro" breathin. the air of our country$ 4or(in. abroad for the prosperity of their lives and
the nation in the lon. run 4hile sacrificin. a lot* BRAC Ban($ throu.h Probashi Ban(in.
services$ is facilitatin. the ban(in. needs of re"itters* Currently BRAC Ban( is
providin. si5 services for re"itters under Probashi Ban(in.* ,hese productsKservices are
described belo4:
Pr"ba!hi Currnt A''"unt 3 -t is ideal for Probashi Ban.ladeshis 4ho do not 4ish to
earn interest due to reli.ious reasons* ,his account also co"es 4ith che9ue boo( and
A,' card and is ideal for re.ular transaction*
Pr"ba!hi Sa(in1! A''"unt 3 ,his account provides interest 4hich is paid in Dune and
)ece"ber of each year* ,his account co"es 4ith a che9ue boo( and A,' Card and is
ideal for Probashi Ban.ladeshis 4ho 4ant to save* Accounts are "aintained in ,a(a*
Pr"ba!hi DPS 3 -s a savin.s sche"e specially desi.ned for the Probashi clients* ,his
service re9uires "onthly install"ent of "ini"u" ,(* 500*00 and any "ultiples* Provides
a savin.s account 4ith a personali@ed che9ue boo($ earnin.s re"itted to savin.s account
4ill be auto"atically transferred on the due dates and loans are provided a.ainst B0O of
deposited a"ount*
M"nthl+ In!tallmnt
Am"unt a#tr maturit+
years ? years !! years ! years
500 #A$EE? 5A$E50 !!E$E03 !?B$550
!000 5?$33 !!?$300 #33$#0? 35B$!0!
Pr"ba!hi Fi2) D$"!it 3 A fi5ed deposit account allo4s re"itters to deposit their
"oney for a set2period of ti"e$ thereby earnin. the" a hi.her rate of interest in return*
%i5ed )eposits can be "ade fro" 3 "onths to 3 years* -nterest is paid on the "aturity at a
very attractive rate* Accounts are "aintained in ,a(a*
Pr"ba!hi Abiram 3 Probashi Abira" is a %i5ed )eposit 4hich is ideal for Probashies
4ho 4ant to .et a return every "onth* -f one has sufficient funds$ this can be "ade into a
fi5ed deposit fro" ! year to 3 years and interest 4ill be paid every "onth on their
Savin.s Account auto"atically* ,his is ideal for custo"ers 4ho 4ant to pay their )PS
install"ents* Accounts are "aintained in ,a(a*
Pr"ba!hi Shubi)ha :NRB Bn#i'iar+; A''"unt 3 ,his is a speciali@ed account for
&on2Resident Ban.ladeshis 4here the re"itter can open an account for the Beneficiary*
,he beneficiary can then avail all the services offered by BRAC Ban( such as: S'S
Ban(in.$ Phone Ban(in.$ -nternet Ban(in. etc* =hen the beneficiary7s account is setup$
the Re"itter +ust re9uires the account nu"ber$ and a"ount of "oney to be sent to "a(e a
safe$ fast and efficient transaction* ,ransaction is co"pleted 4ithin E hours of receivin.
5%7 Or1an"1ram6
B"ar) "# Dir't"r!
Mr% Muhamma) A%
:Rum; Ali
Mr% Shib Nara+an Mr% >ua-i M!% Niha) Kabir
Kair+ M)%Shari#ul Ala )irector :-ndependent<
)irector )irector
Dr% Ha#i- =%A% Si))i0i M!% Tamara Ha!an Mr% S+) Mahbubur
)irector Ab) Rahman
)irector ' )irector
and C>0
Mana1mnt C"mmitt
Mr% S+) Mahbubur Rahman
' )irector ; C>0
Mr% M"hamma) Mr% Rai! U))in Ahma) Mr% Nabil
Mam)u)ur Co"pany Secretary ; Mu!ta#i-ur Rahman
Ra!hi) /ead of$ Re.ulatory ; Chief Credit 0fficer
)eputy ' -nternal Control
Mr% S+) Fari)ul M!% Tahni+at Mr% Fir"- Mr% M"hamm)
I!lam Ahm) Karim Ahm) Khan Rahmat Pa!ha
/ead of S'> /ead of /u"an /ead of Retail /ead of ,reasury
Ban(in. Resources )ivision Ban(in. ; %inancial
Mr% Kh?a.a Mr% Shah Alam Mr% M)% Sar?ar Mr% /!han
Shahriar Bhui+an Ahm) Kin1!huk Hu0
/ead of Cash /ead of 0perations /ead of -A' 3 /ead of Corporate
'ana.e"ent ; Actin. /ead of S'> ; Retail Affairs
Custodial Services 0perational Ban(in.
Probashi Ban(in. Ris( 'ana.e"ent
5%8 Vi!i"n 3 Mi!!i"n "# BRAC Bank Lt)%
1 Vi!i"n6
Before statin. the vision of BRAC Ban( Li"ited$ Ban.ladesh$ let us first have the idea
about the Ban(7s plan of action and .oals in Ban.ladesh*
BRAC Ban( 4ill pro"ote broad2based participation in the Ban.ladesh econo"y throu.h
the provision of hi.h 9uality ban(in. services* ,he Ban( plans to achieve this by
increasin. access to econo"ic opportunities for all individuals and businesses in
Ban.ladesh 4ith a special focus on currently under2served enterprises and households
across the rural2urban spectru"* BRAC Ban( believes in "utual benefits$ the Ban(7s and
its clients7 benefit 4ill depend on each other* So the pursuit of profit and develop"ental
.oals is "utually reinforcin.* ,he is to increase the ability of under2served
individuals and enterprises to build their asset base and access "ar(et opportunities so
that it increases the econo"ic 4ell2bein. for all Ban.ladeshis at the sa"e ti"e$ and this
4ill contribute si.nificantly to the profitability of the ban(*
BRAC Ban( intends to set standards as the "ar(et leader in Ban.ladesh* -t 4ill
de"onstrate that a locally o4ned institution can provide efficient$ friendly and "odern
full2service ban(in. on a profitable basis* -t 4ill produce earnin.s and pay out dividends
that can support the activities of BRAC$ the Ban(7s "a+or shareholder* )evelop"ent and
poverty alleviation on a country4ide basis needs "ass production$ "ass consu"ption and
"ass financin.* BRAC Ban(7s .oal is to provide "ass financin. to enable "ass
production and "ass consu"ption and thereby contribute to the develop"ent of
Ban.ladesh* ,he Ban(7s .oals are thus ali.ned 4ith those of BRAC*
Th Vi!i"n Statmnt
=e (no4 that a vision state"ent should be one$ lon. sentence 4ith specific details about
4here an or.ani@ation 4ants to be in future* -n the lon. run a business or an or.ani@ation
has to "eet a certain or .oal$ 4hich is 4hat$ co"es into the vision state"ent* So the
above plan of BRAC Ban( is su""ari@ed as follo4s:
FBuildin. a profitable and socially responsible financial institution focused on 'ar(ets
and Business 4ith .ro4th potential$ thereby assistin. BRAC and sta(eholders build a
L+ust$ enli.htened$ healthy$ de"ocratic and poverty free Ban.ladeshL*
1 Mi!!i"n6
BRAC Ban( 4ill adhere to hi.hly professional and ethical business principles and
internationally acceptable ban(in. and accountin. standards*
>very BRAC Ban( professional 4ill need first of all a co""it"ent to e5cellence in all
that heKshe does$ a (een desire for success$ a deter"ination to e5cel and a drive to be the
best* BRAC Ban( Ltd* 4ill individually and +ointly learn continuously fro" custo"ers
and professional collea.ues around the .lobe to i"prove the 4ay of doin. business so
that the Ban( re"ains the best in "ar(et* ,he Ban( is 4illin. to 4al( that e5tra "ile 4ith
enthusias" and e"pathy to serve their custo"ers and to solve proble"s to.ether so that
their custo"ers succeed in their business and re"ain loyal to the Ban(* BRAC Ban( 4ill
set up .oals for the"selves and then e5ceed the .oals that they have set up* ,he Ban(
shall not accept failure*
Th Mi!!i"n Statmnt
/ere also 4e (no4 that the "ission state"ent for any business or or.ani@ation "ust be in
line 4ith its lon. ter" plan or vision* ,he "ission state"ent should clearly state H4hat is
the short ter" plan of the or.ani@ation to achieve its lon. ter" .oal7$ 4hich is the vision$
or Hdoin. 4hat e5actly no4 as 4ell as in near future 4ill ensure our .oal in distant
future7* But BRAC Ban( has "ultiple "ission state"ents$ each i"portant and specific to
its vision* ,he follo4in. lines 4ill sho4 the "ission state"ents of BRAC Ban( Ltd:
1 Sustained .ro4th in MS"all ; 'ediu" >nterpriseM sector*
2 Continuous lo4 cost deposit .ro4th 4ith controlled .ro4th in Retail Assets*
Corporate Assets to be funded throu.h self2liability "obili@ation* 1ro4th in Assets
throu.h Syndications and -nvest"ent in faster .ro4in. sectors*
1 Continuous endeavor to increase fee based inco"e*
2 Peep our )ebt at #O to "aintain a steady profitable .ro4th*
3 Achieve efficient syner.ies bet4een the ban(Ms Branches$ S'> Unit 0ffices and
BRAC field offices for delivery of Re"ittance and Ban(Ms other products and
4 'ana.e various lines of business in a fully controlled environ"ent 4ith
no co"pro"ise on service 9uality*
5 Peep a diverse$ far flun. tea" fully "otivated and driven to4ards "ateriali@in. the
ban(Ms vision into reality*
Chapter !+
M+ Intrn!hi$ E2$rin'
1 Dob )escription
2 Critical 0bservation
3 Areas &eed to -"prove
7% M+ Intrn!hi$ in BRAC Bank HRD
As an intern - 4as .iven all the liberty to 4or( freely in BRAC Ban( /R)* - 4as .iven
specific tas(s periodically 4hich 4ere i"portant for the depart"ent* ,he first si5 4ee(s -
4or(ed 4ith the Recruit"ent 4in.* ,hen the subse9uently three 4ee(s - 4or(ed 4ith the
,rainin. 4in.* After that the ne5t t4o 4ee(s - .ot attached 4ith the Payroll 4in. and the
last one 4ee( - 4or(ed 4ith the Ad"inistration 4in.* 'y value addition to BRAC Ban(
/R) is discussed belo4:
7%4 @"b D!'ri$ti"n6
1 Creation of )atabase of the intervie4 candidates*
2 Conductin. different intervie4s*
3 'aintainin. ; updatin. database of the e"ployees*
4 %ile processin.*
5 Updatin. personal files*
6 Chec(in. the docu"ents of personal file*
7 Sendin. reference letters*
8 'aintainin. the e5ternal CCs*
9 >"ployee Satisfaction Survey results preparation*
10 Preparin. final settle"ent data*
11 CC data entry*
12 Callin. the candidates*
13 Doinin. of the selected candidates and interns*
14 Assistin. the recruit"ent tea" in chec(in. the reference of all the BRAC
Ban( e"ployees*
15 'aintenance of the e5ternal CCs in archive that co"e to the /R or
collected fro" the +ob fair*
16 Assistin. trainin. tea" to evaluate the e5a" scripts of the trainees*
17 Assistin. trainin. tea" for updatin. the personal files of the per"anent
e"ployees 4ith the no* of trainin.s they have done
18 Processin. of leave of the e"ployees*
1 Updatin. the )atabase of disciplinary actions*
2 Updatin. the )atabase of provident fund*
3 Creatin. the )atabase of full ; final settle"ent of the resi.ned or ter"inated
7%5 Criti'al Ob!r(ati"n!6
As - have "ostly 4or(ed 4ith the recruit"ent tea" - have noticed that one of the
characteristics of this fastest .ro4in. ban( is rapid e5pansion of service area* And to
support this$ BRAC Ban( relies on heavy recruit"ent* -n the past three "onths$ BRAC
Ban( has recruited over A00 people* But this lar.e volu"e of recruit"ent .ives rise to a
9uestion that 4hether BRAC Ban( is preferrin. 9uantity over 9uality re.ardin. its
"anpo4er* ,he follo4in. sections 4ill briefly describe this issue*
=e (no4 that in /u"an Resource 'ana.e"ent$ Recruit"ent is one of the (ey activities
of an /R )epart"ent 4here the 9uality of recruit"ent directly affects or.ani@ation7s
productivity thus success in the lon. run* So the perfor"ance of /R )epart"ent in
findin. .ood candidates and selectin. the best fro" the pool is vital for an or.ani@ation*
-n BRAC Ban($ staff re9uisitions co"e in short interval every 4ee( and )epart"ent
/eads$ 'ana.ers puts pressure on Recruit"ent to .et the re9uisitioned nu"ber of people
as soon as possible* -t is as if they don7t care 4hether the ne4 hires 4ill fit for the post or
not* ,hey co"pletely rely on the intervie4 and never concern the"selves 4ith the fact
that 4ithin a li"ited a"ount of ti"e$ 9uality recruit"ent is i"possible* 'ost of the ti"e$
Recruit"ent 4in. in /R) .ets re9uisition for processin. alon. 4ith so"e pre2selected
CCs co"in. fro" the concerned depart"ents* ,he "ana.ers 4ho place re9uisition for
"anpo4er intervie4s those candidates unofficially and then they send the CCs alon.
4ith their re9uisition for"* ,his reduces the 4or( of the Recruit"ent 4in. in /R) to a
.reat e5tent but chances of selectin. a deservin. candidate fro" e5ternal sources is
reduced as 4ell and it also opens up scope for nepotis"* References fro" superior levels
are also entertained as those CCs are al4ays .iven priority in ti"es of recruit"ent even if
the candidate is unfit or un9ualified for the vacant post*
,his bold style of recruit"ent " be the reason behind hi.h turnover rate in BRAC
Ban( Ltd* ,he follo4in. data analysis 4ill sho4 last year7s and startin. of this year7s
"anpo4er status in the Ban( in ter"s of nu"ber of recruit"ent versus nu"ber of
e"ployees resi.ned*
umber of umber of !"
Month Status "egular #ontract $otal
Employees Employees
Ma+ Recruit"ent #EE ?! 33?
5A4A Resi.nation ?E !35 #!!
@un Recruit"ent ?# !#B #0!
5A4A Resi.nation B !35 ##B
@ul+ Recruit"ent AE #!B 305
5A4A Resi.nation ?! B? !EA
T"tal R'ruitmnt 858 84B 45C5
thr R!i1nati"n 7DC 7CD D87
Chart R'ruitmnt (!% R!i1nati"n
1400 Number of Regular
Number of HR Contract 00
!00 Employees
400 "otal
#ay$10 %un$10 %ul$10 "otal in
,he hi.h level of resi.nation tendency seen a"on. the /R Contractual staff is due to the
fact that they do resi.n for better opportunities and additionally$ the /R Contractual staffs
beco"in. per"anent or re.ular "ore fre9uently as a considerable nu"ber of CCs a.ainst
an -nternal Dob =atch co"es fro" e5istin. contractual e"ployees of the Ban( alon. 4ith
their respective line "ana.ers7 reco""endation*
0ther issues re.ardin. /R Recruit"ent are discussed belo4:
1 &ot Sufficient "anpo4er to e5ecute lar.e si@ed recruit"ents* %or a s"all
recruit"ent tea" :? "e"bers only< the lar.e nu"ber of re9uisition processin. has
beco"e a challen.e recently as the Ban( is .ro4in. faster than e5pectation*
2 ,here is no rule$ policy or .uideline provided to the recruit"ent officers for the
CCs 4hich are re+ected after an intervie4*
3 ,he accepted candidates7 CCs .o to their personal file upon their +oinin. in the
Ban( and so"eti"es the selected CCs are also .et stored 4ith the not selected
CCs or 4ith ne4ly arrived CCs* So these candidates are also called durin.
4 ,he re+ected CCs are al4ays (ept stored 4herever there is so"e space in the
office* ,ea"s7 coordination is vital for a
depart"ent7s success* ,he 4in.s related
to Recruit"ent often fail to coordinate the"selves due to sta.nant or duplicated
)urin. internship pro.ra"$ - have found so"e critical issues in the other 4in.s of
/u"an resources )epart"ent of BRAC Ban( Li"ited2
1 -t has seen that BRAC Ban( does not .o for paper ad that "uch 4hen they
recruit e"ployees* 0nly 4hen they recruit the 'ana.e"ent ,rainee 0fficers and
hi.her positioned e"ployees li(e C>0$ then they .ive ad in the ne4spaper* ,hey
should .ive "ore paper ad so that "any people can (no4 about it*
2 BRAC Ban( is a bi. co"pany no4* -nsufficient "anpo4er in proportion
to the ban(7s total 4or(force* ,hey should recruit sufficient people based on the
de"and of different 4in.s in /R as there is lots of pendin. 4or( in /R ad"in ;
in Pay benefits because of less "anpo4er* So"eti"es they (eep a lot of 4or(
pendin.* -f they chec( the papers on re.ular basis then the 4or( does not re"ain
3 Stron. influence of e5ternal references in so"e cases* ,he e5ternal forces
should be reduced*
4 /R soft4are in use needs up .radation and "odifications*
5 BRAC Ban( uses C-S,A ' as soft4are for different purposes*
So"eti"es it disturbs and .ets slo4*
6 -n /R) there is no specific place for interns 4here they can 4or( so they
have to roa" around and search for e"pty des( to do their 4or(* So"eti"es all
the des(s .et busy and interns found no place* ,his consu"es a lot of ti"e of the
interns and as 4ell as the e"ployees*
7%7 Ara! n) t" im$r"(6
1 A CCs7 archive should be "aintained in a co"puteri@ed database to reduce paper
uses and space consu"ption* ,he CCs can be scanned as P)% files and
"aintained in Co"pact )is(s archive*
2 ,he e5istin. re9uisition for" can be "ade si"pler by turnin. it into a one pa.e
for" instead of t4o includin. only the needed fields so that one .lance is enou.h
to verify it* ,his 4ill also reduce hassle 4hen photocopyin. the" for personal
files or other docu"entation or filin.*
3 ,he -ntervie4 Scorecard can be 9ualitative instead of 9uantitative so that Board
'e"bers can easily fill up and co""ent about an intervie4ee in the scorecard*
4 /R Cista ' needs to pic( up "ore features ; speed* -t should be up.raded*
5 ,hey can .o for paper advertise"ent also for the other vacancies rather than
'ana.e"ent ,rainee 0fficers and hi.her positioned e"ployees*
6 ,hey can (eep a specific place for interns 4here they 4ill assi.n their 4or( to
Chapter !,
Human R!"ur' Di(i!i"n "# BRAC Bank Limit)
1 )ifferent types of e"ployees
2 /u"an Resource )ivision
8%4 Di##rnt t+$! "# m$l"+!6
,he BRAC Ban( Li"ited has in different e"ployee7s criteria* ,here are different types of
e"ployees 4or(in. in different places inside BRAC Ban(* ,he types of e"ployees are2
4% R1ularE Full tim m$l"+6
-n full ti"e cate.ory$ e"ployees are +oined as probationary for si5 "onths or one year
dependin. on +ob cate.ory* ,hey also have to si.n a deed for three years a lon. 4ith
depositin. ta(a one lac refundable% ,he re.ular e"ployees are allo4ed to .et the
bonus$ incentives and other allo4ances 4ith their basic salaries* And these types of
e"ployees also have the benefit of .ettin. e5tra facilities the BRAC Ban( li"ited is
providin. for their e"ployees*
5% HR C"ntra'tual6
Contractual e"ployees are ta(en for specific period li(e si5 "onths basis* Alon. 4ith
their salary$ they .et attractive perfor"ance bonus if they achieve their 4hich
deter"ined by or.ani@ation% /R te"porary contract are for those cate.ories 4hose
Dob description is such$ 4here heKshe needs to be under the direct supervision of
Ban(7s authority$ 4hose perfor"ance is "onitored by the Ban( 'ana.e"ent* ,hey
" be specialist$ consultant$ and specially assi.ned staff* Staff under /R contract
are those people 4ho directly or indirectly deals 4ith custo"er$ has access to Ban(7s
confidential data7s ; valuable properties :car$ etc*<$ deals 4ith sensitive areas$ also
4here staff need to deal 4ith custo"er as a representative of BRAC Ban( directly*
7% Out!"ur' Sta##6
0ther contractual e"ployees are not entitled for any service a.ree"ent* ,hey 4ill be
recruited throu.h outsource a.encies* ,he re9uire"ent of any support staff throu.h
outsource a.ency "ust co"e throu.h /R si.ned by the )ivision /ead* /R 4ill send
the re9uire"ent to provide staff by the 0utsource A.ency* 0utsource Staff
recruit"ent depends on the bud.eted re9uisition of the staff fro" the respective
depart"ents* /o4ever$ for non2bud.eted re9uisition it 4ill .o throu.h after the
approval process of 'A&C0'* ,he ban( reserves the to ter"inate the contract
4ith the 0utsource A.ency 4ithout assi.nin. the reason 4hatsoever* ,he 0utsource
Staffs salaries are fi5ed and they 4on7t .et any allo4ances 4ith their salary*
8% Intrn6
,o encoura.e and help hu"an resource develop"ent in the financial industry the
Ban( "ay decide to offer internship pro.ra"s to individuals or educational
institutions* ,he decision to enter such an en.a.e"ent 4ill be decided by the ');
C>0 on the reco""endation of the )epart"ent /ead*
,he /R) 4ill prepare the proposal of such en.a.e"ent 4ith individualKinstitution
and for4ard it to the '); C>0 for consideration 4ith the reco""endation of the
/ead of /R* -ndividuals en.a.ed as -nternees 4ill be paid a consolidated
/onorariu" of ,(* 3500K2 per "onth$ as decided by the ')K'A&C0' and 4ill not
be entitled to any other benefits* ' )irector ; C>0 4ill deter"ine and
analy@e the necessity of intern on the basis of yearly and also re9uire"ent of
special pro+ects* As per re9uire"ents )epart"ent /ead 4ill "a(e the intern
re9uisition and after receivin. intern re9uisition /R 4ill ta(e !5 days for an intern to
All -nternships pro.ra" 4ill be for a three "onths* Prior approval by '); C>0
internship pro.ra" can be e5tended for a "a5i"u" period of si5 "onths*
F% Mana1mnt Train O##i'r :MTO;6
'ana.e"ent ,rainee 0fficers hi.hly 9ualified students of BRAC Ban( Li"ited* ,he
',07s are re.ular e"ployee but they have to learn as a student inside BRAB Ban(
for the period of one year* After one year if they can co"plete their learnin. period
successfully they 4ill beco"e a senior officer directly fro" the ',0*
8%5 Human R!"ur'! Di(i!i"n6
/avin. a /u"an Resources )epart"ent in Ban.ladeshi business or.ani@ations today is
beco"in. a co""on and i"portant part* But /u"an Resource 'ana.e"ent is a
relatively ne4 discipline to study and i"ple"ent in this part of Asia and in "ost
or.ani@ations /R )epart"ent 4or( as a HSupport7 depart"ent to the or.ani@ation*
=hereas it 4as supposed to be an inte.ral part of the business 4ithout 4hich an
or.ani@ation cannot "a5i"i@e the utility of its "ost valuable resource$ 4hich is the
4or(force$ the e"ployees of the or.ani@ation* -n /R)$ there are 3B per"anent
e"ployees are currently functionin.*
-n BRAC Ban( Ltd* there are three different divisions of depart"ents* 0ne is HBusiness7$
another is HSupport7 and the other is H0perations7* /ere also /R) is a Support
depart"ent to the Ban(* ,he HBusiness7 division includes the depart"ents 4hich are
directly related to the Ban(s ban(in. business$ ban(in. products e*.* S'>$ Retail$
Corporate etc* =hereas H0perations7 division includes depart"ents related to lo.istics$
transports etc* e*.* the 1-S :1eneral -nfrastructure Services< )epart"ent* BRAC Ban(
also outsource for contractual posts e*.* the Ban( is currently outsourcin. fro" an
or.ani@ation na"ed FCL>A&C0G for floor "aintenance* ,hey also hire /R Contracts
4ho$ upon satisfactory perfor"ance and e5perience$ can achieve a re.ular post in the
ban(* ,he /R policies re.ardin. e"ployees of BRAC Ban( 4ill be discussed later*
,he /u"an Resources )epart"ent currently has 5 different 4in.s* ,hese are:
1 R'ruitmnt
2 Larnin1 3 Or1ani-ati"n D(l"$mnt :Trainin1;
3 C"m$n!ati"n, Pa+ an) Bn#it!
4 HR A)mini!trati"n
5 MIS 3 Strat1i' Plannin1
All the senior "ana.ers of these 4in.s reports to the /ead of /R$ 's* ,ahniyat Ah"ed
Pari" 4ho is also one of the Senior Cice Presidents and "e"ber of the 'ana.e"ent
Co""ittee :'A&C0'< of BRAC Ban( Ltd* 0r.ano.ra" of /R) is .iven belo4:
HO L&D = Head of Learning and Development
= Head of Recruitment Compensation & Benefts
HO HCD = Head of Human Capital Development
RM = Relationship Manager
ARM = Associate Relationship Manager
Fun'ti"n! "# th HRD
,hou.h there is a bi. difference bet4een te5t boo(s and real 4or(place scenario$ BRAC
Ban( /R)7s functions does not differ "uch* Accordin. the /R discipline$ they too have
a recruit"ent division$ trainin. ; develop"ent division$ co"pensation ; benefits
plannin. division and there are perfor"ance "easure"ent "ethods and re4ards for .ood
perfor"ance as a "otivational drive in BRAC Ban( /R)7s policy* ,he /R
Ad"inistration division and '-S ; Strate.ic Plannin. division 4ere out of the ordinary
/R theory* ,he functions of BRAC Ban( /R) are discussed elaborately in the follo4in.
8%5%4 R'ruitmnt
,he recruit"ent division is responsible for collection of CCs$ Dob Applications for vacant
posts$ -nternship Applications etc* ,he recruit"ent officers collect and store these hard
copies and also updates$ "aintains co"puter databases re.ularly* ,he recruit"ent
officers7 tas( is to or.ani@e CCs for potential candidates so that in ti"e of recruit"ent
they can be found and short listed 4ithin a reasonable ti"e* ,he very .eneral idea about
the functions of recruit"ent division is that after CC short listin.$ the short listed
candidates are contacted :usually by telephone< for intervie4s* -n case of lar.e nu"ber of
candidates$ letters are "ailed to the applicantsKcandidates "ailin. address* ,hese are done
accordin. to the intervie4 schedule "ade before contactin. the candidates* ,he intervie4
or 4ritten test schedule is "ade prior to contactin. 4ith the short listed candidates by
co""unicatin. 4ith respective depart"ents 4ho sub"itted re9uisition for the needed
4or(force* ,he respective )epart"ent /eads acco"pany the /ead of /R in the
intervie4 board and cross )epart"ent /eads also +oin the board* After the intervie4 the
recruit"ent division ac9uires the -ntervie4 Score Sheet 4hich is printed and handed to
-ntervie4 Board before startin. the intervie4s* ,he filled out -ntervie4 Score Sheets are
then used to list the finally selected candidates for the respective posts* Accordin. to the
Score Sheets$ the Recruit"ent )ivision issues 0ffer LettersKAppoint"ent Letters to the
finally selected candidates and re9uests the" to collect their Letters fro" the /R)* ,he
ne4 e"ployees are then .reeted to finish all the official for"alities :e*.* Bond
Si.nin.$ P-& nu"ber assi.n"ent etc*< and assi.ned a +oinin. date in their respective
depart"ents* =ritten tests are only arran.ed 4hen necessary$ usually in case of lar.e
nu"ber of applicants* Before a recruit"ent process is co"pletely finished$ the
recruit"ent officers "ust co""unicate 4ith the Learnin. ; 0r.ani@ation )evelop"ent
officers so that they can arran.e orientation or initial trainin. sessions for the ne4ly
recruited e"ployees on ti"e* ,his is done fre9uently because "ost of the ti"e the posts
.ettin. filled up re9uire an initial trainin. or orientation*
BRAC Ban( also provides a lar.e nu"ber of internship opportunities for students all over
the country* Co""unicatin. 4ith different depart"ents and findin. out open internship
scopes is one of the tas(s for a recruit"ent officer* )epart"ents$ Branches also
co""unicate 4ith Recruit"ent ,ea" 4henever there is an -nternship opportunity is
available in their respective stations* 'atchin. the sub+ect studied by the student and the
open depart"ent enables the recruit"ent officer to "a(e decision in selectin. an intern*
BRAC Ban( /R) .ives priority to interns :4ho have successfully co"pleted their
internship in any depart"ent or branch of BRAC Ban(< 4hen they apply for a vacant
,he steps involved in a recruit"ent process are as follo4s:
1. A properly filled2out Staff2Re9uisition %or" is sub"itted by the concerned
)epart"ent /ead or '*
2. ,he Re9uisition should be supported by the 'anpo4er for the yearJ
other4ise$ a &on2Bud.eted Re9uisition "ust be si.ned and approved by the
' )irector upon statin. valid reason for the recruit"ent*
3. )eter"inin. the type of recruit"ent is the ne5t step so that source of CCs can be
identified* %or a %ull2,i"eKRe.ular post an -nternal Dob =atch "ust be circulated
4ith details of the post throu.hout the ban( usin. Lotus 'ail* >5ternal CCs are
also accepted for a post offered throu.h "ail but in these cases$ internal source is
preferred by the concerned depart"ent as so"e posts re9uire e5istin.$
e5perienced e"ployees 4ithin the ban(* %or e5a"ple$ a Re.ular post open in
Unsecured Calue Center usually prefers an /R Contract 4or(in. in Unsecured
Calue Center for past t4o years 4ith satisfactory perfor"ance*
4. Criteria for e5istin. Re.ular e"ployees to apply in an -nternal Dob =atch are: a<
the e"ployee "ust have 4or(ed ! 6ear after hisKher confir"ation and co"pleted
! continuous year of service in hisKher current depart"ent*
2) 'ust have "ini"u" perfor"ance ratin. HP7 :for Proficient<
3) 'ust have co"pleted A "andatory >2Learnin. courses*
5. Condition for /R Contracts is # years of continuous service in the current
6. %or e5ternal CCs the Recruit"ent 4in. loo(s into the archive of CCs applyin. for
any suitable post and for lar.e recruit"ents 4e publish circular in &e4spapers*
Usually in FGProtho" AloG and F,he )aily StarG*
7. 0n the day an -nternal Dob =atch closes or a Paper Ad reaches deadline for CC
sub"ission$ the Recruit"ent 4in. chec(s all the CCs as an initial screenin. and
then sends the CCs for final short listin. to the concerned depart"ents 4ho
sub"itted re9uisition* ,he finally selected applications are then called :issued
intervie4 cards in case of lar.e recruit"ents e*.* CR0Ms for S'> Ban(in.< for an
intervie4 after settin. an intervie4 date and venue*
,he recruit"ent 4in. " -nternal Dob Postin.s$ recruitin. /R ,e"porary Staffs and
0utsourcin. Staffs* ,he Service Level A.ree"ent :SLA< schedule is strictly follo4ed by
all concerned 4in.s*
,he Recruit"ent SLA procedure follo4ed is .iven belo4:
R'ruitmnt thr"u1h Intrnal @"b Sar'h 3 CV Bank
=or(in. )ays
Re9uired to
&o* Co"plete the
-nternal Dob Search 4ill be published or CC 4ill be collected throu.h the CC
0!* ban(K>2Recruit"ent site after .ettin. re9uisition fro" respective depart"ent 05
4ith respective Dob )escription :D)< as per approved head count*
0#* After CC collection intervie4 4ill ta(e place* 05
%ro" the date of CC collection$ /R) 4ill constitute intervie4 Board and
'e"bers 4ill be infor"ed prior to intervie4*
0* Appoint"ent letters 4ill be si.ned after final intervie4* 03
Appoint"ent letters to be handed over to candidate after si.nin. by /0/R
and ' )irector*
R'ruitmnt thr"u1h A)(rti!mnt
After Receivin. Re9uisition fro" Concerned )epart"ent$ 'ar(etin.
0E* )epart"ent 4ill publish the Advertise"ent upon the advice fro" /R)* 0?
Advertise"ent 4ill also publish in our 4ebsite*
0?* Application )uration :Collection of CC 4ith application fro" e5ternal !5
candidates a.ainst the advertise"ent published<
/R) 4ill scrutini@e the CCs :0ther than CR0 ; ',0< after CC scrutini@e
is over*
/R) 4ill arran.e the -ntervie4 :0ther than CR0 ; ',0< after CC
collection is over*
/R) 4ill scrutini@e the CCs :0nly for CR0 ; ',0< after the period for
collection of CC is over*
!!* /R 4ill Process the data of the scrutini@ed CR0 ; ',0 applicants !0
!#* /R 4ill send the letters to the applicants ahead of intervie4 process !5
/R) 4ill arran.e the -ntervie4 :0nly for CR0 ; ',0< after CC scrutini@e
is over*
!* 0ther Process :Sl S 03 to 05<
Sa"e as above
:Sl S 3 to 5<
T',0 refers 'ana.e"ent ,rainee 0fficer and CR0 refers Credit Ris( 0fficer
R'ruitmnt Bu)1t6
1 ' )irector ; C>0 4ill deter"ine and analy@e the necessity of "anpo4er
based on recruit"ent re9uired by the )epart"ents and pro+ected based on
the year after discussin. 4ith different depart"ent heads* ,herefore$ it is the
responsibility of the "ana.e"ent to e5a"ine the 4or( load and carry out the +ob
analysis and as 4ell as loo(in. into the real re9uire"ent of e"ployees under
various cate.ories$ to see 4hether an additional hand is really necessary
2 Board of directors holds the authority to finally decide any "atter re.ardin. any
sort of recruit"ent* Besides they are the supre"e authority to create any (ind of
ne4 position*
3 BRAC Ban( "ust the i"portance of "anpo4er esti"ation and an or.ani@ation structure should be prepared for the Ban( and for
each )ivision ; Branch* ,he or.ani@ation structure shall ho4ever$ not be$ it
"ay be revie4ed and revised 4hen necessary fro" ti"e to ti"e* Sub+ect to revie4
fro" ti"e to ti"e$ the co"petent authority as per po4er dele.ated by the Board
4ill "a(e the appoint"ents*
Th R'ruitmnt P"li'+6
1 All re.ular e"ployees 4ill appointed by the ' )irector*
2 All /R contract and outsource contract e"ployees 4ill be appointed by ,he /ead
of /u"an Resource )ivision*
3 ,he schedule of recruit"ent 4ill be created accordin. to the Service Level
A.ree"ent :SLA<*
4 ,he intervie4 board 4ill 4ith ,he /ead of )epart"ent of that post$ ,he
Supportin. )epart"ent /ead and ,he /ead of /R)*
5 0fficer 1rade - and 0fficer -- can appoint directly after the intervie4*
6 %ro" Senior 0fficer and "ore there 4ill be a second intervie4 4ith the '
)irector of BRAC Ban( Li"ited after the first intervie4*
1 %or internal +ob postin. the e"ployee can only apply if he has the service ti"e in
BRAC Ban( is "ore then t4o years and also need to reco""end the candidate7s
application by the reportin. supervisor of the e"ployee*
2 ,he /R Contract e"ployee can apply for the re.ular post after servicin. "ore
then t4o years in the BRAC Ban(*
3 0utsource Staff can apply for the re.ular post after servicin. "ore then three
years in the BRAC Ban(*
4 ,he ne4 recruited 4ill .et the probationary period of one year if the e"ployee has
less then three years of 4or(in. e5perience and 4ill .et the probationary period
of si5 "onths if he has "ore then three years 4or(in. e5perience*
8%5%5 Trainin1 3 D(l"$mnt
After recruitin. a potential candidate the ne5t i"portant function of /R) is to orient the
ne4 entrant to the or.ani@ation and providin. hi"Kher 4ith all the necessary (no4led.e
about their duties and responsibilities* ,his is done to ensure effective input fro" the
e"ployees into the or.ani@ation thus$ their "ost efficient level of perfor"ance* ,he
trainin. pro.ra" used in the or.ani@ation also ensures e"ployee retention* ,o BRAC
Ban( Ltd* spendin. in trainin. pro.ra"s for e"ployees is not an e5pense$ but an
invest"ent* >ach and every per"anent e"ployee "ust have 30 days of trainin.*
Trainin1 3 D(l"$mnt I!!u!
,he trainin. pro.ra" includes:
1 0rientation ,rainin.: 0rientation pro.ra" consists a five days7 4or(shop
4hich includes brief ideas about BRAC Ban( and its /u"an Resource
)ivision in the first t4o daysJ Anti2"oney launderin.$ &e.otiable Act and
%inacle :%inancial article< are discussion topics of last three days* So"eti"es
seven days trainin. are provided to the contractual e"ployees 4ith their
respective depart"ent*
2 -n2house trainin.: ,his trainin. is conducted by their o4n trainer 4hen it
is necessary for the ne4 or e5istin. e"ployees* /ere the trainers are paid five
hundred ta(a in 4ee(days and seven hundred ta(a in 4ee(end* ,his trainin.
includes both +ob specific and need base trainin.* 0rientation trainin. is also a
part of in2house trainin.*
1 Dob specific trainin.: F'oc( BranchG trainin. is an e5a"ple of +ob
specific trainin. 4hich is applicable for all branch e"ployees* ,his trainin.
i"proves e"ployee7s (no4led.e$ service 9uality$ and ris( and co"pliance
issues about specific +ob*
2 &eed based localKforei.n trainin.: ,hese trainin.s are conducted by hirin.
e5ternal trainers or sendin. the e"ployee in the e5ternal trainin. houses by
seein. advertise"ents of trainin. offers in ne4spapers or via e"ail* As these
are e5pensive trainin.s so every sin.le e"ployee cannot participate*
&o"inations are .iven fro" each depart"ent and then approval is ta(en fro"
division head and only the no"inated e"ployees ta(e part
3 Peer or Supervisor7s coachin.: ,his trainin. is conducted under the
direction of supervisors or fello4 collea.ues*
4 >2learnin.: 0nline trainin. and evaluation* -t is a "andatory part of
trainin.* ,here are si5 courses that every e"ployee "ust do* ,he "andatory
four courses are !* /u"an Resource )ivision$ #* Anti2"oney launderin.$ 3*
BRAC Ban( overvie4 :4hich includes operations$ retail ban(in.$ S'> and
4hole2sale ban(in.< * Co"pany secretariat$ and re.ulatory and internal
control* ,he other t4o courses are based on the respective depart"ent*
>5a"inations and results both held and published via internet*
>very depart"ent has to follo4 an e"ployee perfor"ance "easure"ent "ethod devised
by the /R)* ,his perfor"ance "easure"ent for" is filled out and si.ned by the
supervisors and respective )epart"ent /eads* Based on these perfor"ance revie4s$
trainin. needs are identified for different e"ployees*
Belo4 is a trainin. need identification flo4 chart:
-dentification )iscuss 4ith
Reco""end by Arran.e Co"pletion
of the need the )ept*
)ept* /ead of ,rainin. of ,rainin.
by the /ead
e"ployee in
"easure"ent %eedbac(
to /R
Counselin.$ Record
'entorin.$ 'aterial Peepin. in
Readin. Personal
Trainin1 $r"')ur #"r Mana1mnt Train O##i'r! :MTO;6
1 Doinin.Kparticipatin. in orientation 4ith different depart"ents
1 %oundation Course
2 Attach"ent 4ith S'> Unit 0ffices ; Branches
3 0r.ani@ation of )evelop"ent Pro.ra"
4 Attach"ent 4ith different depart"ents
5 -nfor"ation ,echnolo.y ,rainin.
2 0n +ob hands2on trainin. accordin. to Dob )escription
-n every 3 "onth$ the /R sits 4ith the trainees to follo4 up on their pro.ress alon. 4ith
'A&C0'* ,he 4hole trainin. pro.ra" is divided into t4o "a+or parts* 0ne part is the
trainin. on foundation courses and the other part includes attach"ent in core and support
business and operations unit*
1. Core ban(in. trainin. co"prises of B-B' 3 %oundation course$ -nduction and S'>
; Retail Attach"ent*
2. After co"pletion of foundation courses$ the trainees are attached in different
depart"ents basically on core business depart"ents and operations depart"ents* ,he
trainin. and develop"ent depart"ent conducts this trainin. sessionJ /R depart"ent
4or(s as a coordinator for the 4hole process* ,rainin. 4in. also follo4 an SLA*
,he trainin. procedure follo4ed by BRAC Ban( /R) can be su""ari@ed in the
follo4in. steps:
=or(in. )ays
&o Particulars
Re9uired to
Co"plete the
0rientation ,rainin. after the ne4 hires has co"pleted all the
# Special ,rainin. for Retail Staff and Corporate 4ho deal 4ith Cash 03
Arran.e"ent of Post field attach"ent trainin. for CR07s 4ho have
been no"inated by the concerned authority*
-n2house resource person 4ill be infor"ed prior to trainin.* 03
/R) 4ill be infor"edK Concern person 4ill be infor"ed by /R) prior
to forei.n trainin.*
Concern personKdepart"ent 4ill be infor"ed prior to outside local
/R) 4ill be confir"ed by the concerned depart"entKperson after
receivin. offer fro" /R)*
-f the participants arran.e any course :local trainin. institute<$ it should
A be infor"ed to /R alon. 4ith proper approval fro" ')KC00 for 05
necessary action before trainin.*
,rainin. Arran.ed by Ban.ladesh Ban( or any le.ali@ed body 4here
B any staff of the ban( has been no"inated by the supervisor and the 0
sa"e has been infor"ed to /R*
%or cancellation of participation in any trainin. :Local or in2house<$ /R
!0 "ust be infor"ed throu.h concern supervisorKdepart"ent heads before 03
8%5%7 C"m$n!ati"n, Pa+ 3 Bn#it!
,he Ban( is co""itted to follo4 a fair$ co"petitive and fle5ible re"uneration policy*
,he Board is the final authority for approval of this policy and 4ill a"end and revie4 the
policy on reco""endation of the ' )irector K 'ana.e"ent Co""ittee
,he re"uneration policy of the ban( 4ill cover all persons en.a.ed in per"anent service
of the ban(*
,he different +ob .rades at BRAC Ban( are as follo4s:
1 )eputy ' )irector
2 >5ecutive Cice President
3 Senior Cice President
4 Cice President
5 Senior Assistant Cice President
6 %irst Assistant Cice President
7 Assistant Cice President
8 Senior Principal 0fficer
9 Principal 0fficer
10 Senior 0fficer
11 'ana.e"ent ,rainee 0fficer :)irect Recruit<
12 0fficer 1rade --
13 0fficer 1rade -
,he Salary structure of the Ban( is based on the afore"entioned Dob 1rades* Dob .rades
are decided on the basis of an analytic assess"ent of the position based on the si@e$
responsibilities$ decision2"a(in. authorities and the nature of the +ob*
Th rmunrati"n "# m$l"+! '"n!i!t! "#6
1 Basic Salary
2 /ouse Rent and
3 'edical Allo4ance
Salaries are confidential bet4een the e"ployees concerned and the 'ana.e"ent* ,he
salary for these +ob .rades are revie4ed fro" ti"e to ti"e*
/R ,e"porary ; outsource staff do not have any assi.ned +ob .rade* ,he contracts .et a
consolidated pay"ent per "onth and there are no other entitle"ents applicable e5cept
co""ission based on +ob criteria*
Ba!i' Pa+
Basic Salary :BSRs< is co""ensurate 4ith the +ob .rades and is deter"ined by
the Board on the reco""endation of the ' )irector* ,he Board revie4s the BSR
at least once every t4oKthree years*
!ouse rent allowance:
/ouse Rent Allo4ance "ay be paid to the e"ployees at such rates and on such
conditions as "ay be prescribed by the Co"petent Authority fro" ti"e to ti"e*
Medical allowance:
'edical Allo4ances "ay be paid in accordance 4ith the +ob .rades and on such
conditions that "ay be prescribed by the Co"petent Authority fro" ti"e to ti"e*
F!ti(al B"nu!
All re.ular and confir"ed e"ployees .et t4o bonuses each year* 0ne in >id2Ul2%itr and
another durin. >id2Ul2A@ha only for 'usli"s and e"ployees of different reli.ion .ets
that bonus durin. their respective reli.ious festival*
,here is also a perfor"ance bonus syste" "aintained by the Co"pensation$ Pay ;
Benefits 4in.* But final evaluation is al4ays decided by the 'A&C0'*
0ther than the above benefit there is a Provident %und Syste"$ a 1ratuity Syste"$ 1roup
/ospitali@ation -nsurance Policy$ >"ployee Security and =elfare %und "aintained by the
Re.ular and confir"ed e"ployees can apply for /ouse Buildin. Loan and Car Loan*
Allo4ances are also available to only re.ular and confir"ed e"ployees but Car
Allo4ances are only for the .rades above Senior Princip!al 0fficer :SP0<*
,here is an annual incre"ent for all re.ular and confir"ed e"ployees on their +oinin.
1 %estival Bonus 4ill be paid to all confir"ed officersKstaff at one "onth
basic salary 4hich 4ill be rei"bursed t4ice in each calendar year* All
confir"ed e"ployees 4ould .et one bonus durin. >id2ul2%itre and another
one for 'usli"s durin. >id2ul2A@ha and for others based on their
respective reli.ious festival*
1 &on2confir"ed e"ployees 4ill be entitled to .et %estival bonus as pro rata
basis dependin. on hisKher BBL +oinin. )ate*
2 /R Contract ; 0utsource Staff 4ould .et ! bonus$ 4hich is 50O of this
.ross salary*
,he Board of the )irectors 4ill decide the annual salary revision and reco""endation
4ill be based on:
1 Revised Pay Scale$ andK or
2 -nflation ad+ust"ent rate
3 Perfor"ance
Performance Bonus %PB& '% once a year&:
,he Board of )irectors at its discretion$ based on the Ban(7s profit 4ill declare a certain
percenta.e of the pre2ta5 profit as Perfor"ance Bonus*
,he contribution "easure"ent 4ill be co"in. fro" the Perfor"ance 'atters*
Perfor"ance 'atters for such purpose shall be "ade on the criteria set by the
"ana.e"ent fro" ti"e to ti"e*
A"ount of Perfor"ance Bonus 4ill be 3O based on net profit after ta5 and "ethod of
distribution 4ill be based at 'ana.e"ent discretion
&o bonus 4ill be applicable to the e"ployees ratin. "ar.inal ; unsatisfactory*
%inal >valuation 4ill be decided by the 'A&C0' for the entire ban( after .oin.
throu.h a Hratin.7 process to ensure that a consensus is reached for the entire ban(*
(eave )are assistance %()*&' %once a year&:
Leave %are Assistance is a non2recurrin. benefit for all the per"anent e"ployees of the
Ban( 4ho have co"pleted at least one year service* Accordin. to Ban.ladesh Ban(
policy all the per"anent e"ployees have to ta(e !5 days "andatory leave in one .o and
L%A 4ill .ive in this leave period$ so that everyone 4ill be encoura.ed to avail the leave*
,he Board has approved the L%A in its B#nd 'eetin.*
BRAC Ban( provides Leave %are Assistance to its >"ployees to ensure that the
e"ployees en+oy a sound "andatory leave of !5 days in one .o* ,his 4ill definitely
enhance the e"ployees7 satisfaction and it 4ill enhance co"petitiveness 4ith peer
or.ani@ation in the industry*
>very Per"anent e"ployee of the ban( is eli.ible to receive the L%A 4ho have
co"pleted at least one year service* ,his benefit is available at the ti"e of "andatory
Leave* /o4ever$ after co"pletion of one year service and bein. confir"ed$ calendar year
"ust have the option to acco""odate staff "andatory leave*
L%A 4ill be .iven at the ti"e 4hen an e"ployee 4ill avail the !5 days "andatory leave*
L%A 4ill be the one "onth7s basic salary of processin. "onth for current and future
treat"ent* %or previous treat"ent$ the a"ount 4ill be one "onth7s basic salary of
'andatory Leave Availin. "onth*
>very Confir"ed >"ployee is entitled to receive L%A only once in a year* -f any staff
fails to .o to "andatory leave hisKher L%A 4ill not be carried for4ard* ,hat "eans in a
calendar year only one L%A 4ill be .iven to the staff*
,he Staff has to have enou.h leave balance to acco""odate !5 days one .o leave$
other4ise sKhe 4ill not be entitled to have the Leave 4ith L%A*
Staff can7t clai" the "andatory leave after separation situation arise that "eans if an
e"ployee resi.ns fro" the services or in the notice period sKhe can7t clai" for "andatory
leave 4ith L%A* ,he other hand if any staff is ter"inatedK dis"issed sKhe can7t clai" for
"andatory leave 4ith L%A after receivin. the letter*
1overn"ent rules and re.ulations 4ill be follo4ed re.ardin. ta5 issue* L%A 4ill be
included in the inco"e certificate of staff for ta5 return purpose*
After receivin. 'andatory Leave application /R) 4ill produce the Pay Slip* /ead of
/R 4ill approve this slip and send to %A) :%undin. Allo4ance )ocu"ent< for pay"ent
and %A) 4ill pay*
-t 4ill be co"e into force fro" Danuary #00A accordin. to approval of the board*
$elephone policy:
>"ployees fro" ACP and above are entitled to have "obile phone sets 4ith all facilities
:,;, inco"in.$ out.oin.$ and -S) connection<
>"ployees of the ban( belo4 ACP are re9uested to ta(e up a post2paid "obile at their
o4n e5pense accordin. to depart"ental need and also .iven a ceilin. on the basis of their
+ob functionality*
All others e5cept S'> 4ill have to .et their "onthly bill approved by the
depart"entalKdivisional head prior to sub"ission for pay"ent disburse"ent* 0thers "ay
avail a ban(7s "obile$ provided they see( prior approval fro" the co"petent authority*
!ospitali+ation ,nsurance:
-n the event 4here hospitali@ation or sur.ery is re9uired for a "e"ber of the officer7s
:confir"ed e"ployee< dependent :Spouse and Children< includin. hospitali@ation on
account of "aternity 2 the Ban( 4ill rei"burse the officer :1roup C< up to a "a5i"u" of
,(*35$000K2 per annu"$ for e5ecutives :1roup B< ,(*!00$000K2 per annu" and #00$000K2
per annu" for 'A&C0' :1roup A<*
$ravel allowance:
An e"ployee of the Ban( "ay be allo4ed to dra4 travelin. allo4ance in respect of
+ourneys perfor"ed for the purposes authori@ed by the co"petent authority 4hich
1- 0n officially assi.ned tour
2- ,o .ive evidence in a court of la4
3- 0n transfer
4- 0n co"pulsory recall fro" leave
5- ,o appear at a depart"entalKprofessional e5a"ination as authori@ed by the
co"petent authority
6- ,o attend a course of trainin. sponsored by the Ban(
7- ,o bear the cost of travel of deceased e"ployee
,ypes of allo4ances under travel policy:
1- ,ravelin. Allo4ance :'ode of ,ransport<
2- Acco""odation Allo4ance :/otel Rent<
3- )aily Allo4ance
,he 1ratuity %und is a ter"inal benefit that an e"ployee receives at the ti"e of
1 Eli1ibilit+6
Re.ular confir"ed e"ployees 4ho have co"pleted at least 5 6ears continuous
service are entitled to receive 1ratuity Benefit*
2 =ratuit+ Cal'ulati"n6
Last "onth7s basic Salary "ultiplied by the year of service co"pleted e*.*$ if an
e"ployee serves ,he Ban( for E years and then resi.nsKretires his 1ratuity
Calculation shall be :Let7s assu"e his Basic Salary is ,a(a #0$000*00<:
,a(a #0$000*00 5 E years U ,a(a !$ #0$000*00
,he custody$ "ana.e"ent$ invest"ent and control of the fund shall be vested in
the board of trustees*
3 Re.ular e"ployees after confir"ation need to fill up and sub"it the
FApplication for >nroll"ent as 'e"berG to beco"e a "e"ber*
4 ,here shall be at least E trustees of the fund* ,rustees 4ill be no"inated by
the ')*
5 ,he ') shall be an >520fficio 'e"ber and Chair"an of the Board of
1- ,he /ead of /u"an Resources 2 >520fficio 'e"ber*
2- ,he /ead of %inancial Ad"in 2 >520fficio 'e"ber*
3- At least three representatives fro" the "e"bers as no"inated by the Chair"an*
-f there is a shorta.e of "e"ber of the board of trustees due to resi.nation then the
Chair"an can no"inate trusteeKs to reach the "ini"u" nu"ber*
,he Board of ,rustees shall "eet at least ti"es in a calendar year* At least ? days prior2
notice should be .iven to the trustees before a "eetin.*
All "oney of the fund shall be deposited in a Special Account 4ith any ban($ ,his should
be "entioned here that the Account is "aintained +ointly by authori@ed "e"bers of the
board of trustees*
,he ,rustees are authori@ed to invest the surplus "oney of the fund in accordance 4ith
the provisions of Co"pany Act !BB and -nco"e ,a5 Rules !BA*
Security )und:
,he ob+ective of the fund is to provide predeter"ined "onetary benefit a.ainst )eath and
Per"anent )isability of re.ular confir"ed staff to hisKher )ependentK/eirK&o"inee by
the Ban(* All Re.ular Confir"ed e"ployees are eli.ible to avail this benefit* ,he fund
for this benefit is created solely 4ith ,he Ban(7s Contribution*
,he Ban( 4ill contribute ,a(a 5*00K,housand on a yearly basis a.ainst the last basic
salary of each eli.ible e"ployee* :,he rate of contribution "ay be chan.ed sub+ect to the
approval of the board*< ,he Ban( "aintains a liability account to "ana.e the fund*
,he total a"ount of benefit 4ill be e9ual to 3E ti"es of the last basic salary of the
T?" #"rm! "# bn#it!6
1) Death Benefit:
1- -f an eli.ible e"ployee dies 4ithin the ter" of e"ploy"ent*
2) Permanent and $otal Disability %P$D&:
)isability resultin. fro" accidental "eans that is continued for at least Si5 "onths and is
certified by Ban(7s desi.nated doctor as incurable*
%or both cases the benefit shall be paid to the no"inee upon receipt of necessary proof*
:-n case of "inor no"inee$ the benefit 4ill be paid to the .uardian of the no"inee<
E2'lu!i"n #r"m Em$l"+ S'urit+ Bn#it6
>"ployees 4ill not be eli.ible for the benefit$ if )eath or disability is caused by:
1- %or further in+ury of >"ployees 4ith pre2e5istin. de.ree of disable"ent*
2- Atte"pted suicide or self2inflicted in+ury*
3- Civil co""otion$ Assault$ ho"icide or any 4ar li(e operations*
1- 'a(in. an arrest as an officer of la4*
2- Co""ittin. a felony*
3- Racin. on 4heels*
4- Accident 4hile the e"ployee is affected by AlcoholK)ru.*
,he Board of )irectors reserves the po4er to close fund at any ti"e* At such event the
fund shall be refunded to the Ban(*
BRAC Bank Em$l"+!G Pr"(i)nt Fun)6
,he BRAC Ban( e"ployees7 provident fund re9uires the e"ployer i*e* BRAC Ban(
Li"ited to contribute to the fund !0O of basic salary for all re.ular confir"ed
e"ployees* >very "e"ber of this fund on retire"ent is provided 4ith a su" of "oney as
deter"ined by the established rules for the fund on retire"ent or resi.nation fro" his or
her services* ,his fun has been effective fro" the !st of Danuary #003*
A board of trustee is entrusted 4ith the control$ "ana.e"ent and invest"ent of the fund*
,he trustees of the board are no"inated by the Chief 0peratin. 0fficer :C00< 4ho also
holds the to replace any such trustee* >ach trustee "ay hold the office for a period
of three years*
As stated by the rules$ each "e"ber contributes a su" e9ual to !0O of the basic salary
each "onth that is deducted by the ban( at the ti"e of pay"ent* BRAC Ban( Li"ited
"atches the e"ployee7s contribution 4ith a "onthly pay"ent e9ual to !0O of the basic
salary of each "e"ber* >very half year$ each "e"ber7s account is credited 4ith interest
pertinent to the inco"e earned on the invest"ents fro" the fund* ,he su" of "oney
.iven by the "e"bers and the a"ount contributed by the ban( are credited separately to
hisKher account in a special (ept by the trustee at the head office of the ban( in
At the ti"e of resi.nation or retire"ent$ the e"ployee is entitled to receive the
e"ployer7s contribution and the accu"ulated interest sub+ect to his or her of
"e"bership in the contributory provident fund*
-f the e"ployee has been a "e"ber for less than or e9ual to year then heKshe 4ill not be
eli.ible to receive any of the above "entioned contributions* /eKshe 4ill only be able to
obtain his added contributions over the period of his "e"bership*
-f the duration of "e"bership has been e9ual to or less than three years then the "e"ber
4ill be entitled to receive 50O of the e"ployer7s contribution and accu"ulated interest*
-f the duration of "e"bership has been "ore than 3 years then the "e"ber 4ill be
entitled to receive !00O of the accu"ulated interest and e"ployer7s contribution*
-n case a "e"ber is dis"issed due to or inco"petence$ he or she 4ill be
entitled to receive herKher o4n contribution alon. 4ith the accrued interest thereon at the
settled interest rate* ,he ban(7s contribution ho4ever "ay be forfeited and distributed
a"on. the "e"bers accordin. to the individual balances of the "e"bers*
,he sa"e is applicable in case of an e"ployee dis"issed fro" the ban( due to
"isconduct or fraud* /o4ever$ for such purposes$ only the trustees shall be the sole +ud.e
of 4hether the cause of dis"issal or forced retire"ent is si.nificant enou.h or not*
.elfare )und:
,he "otive behind establishin. the 4elfare fund is to be able to provide the re.ular
confir"ed e"ployees fro" D0 to SP0 4ith financial support for incidents or events 4hen
the cost "ay not be affordable for the e"ployees* ,hese "ay include the follo4in.:
1- Accidents on the +ob
2- >5tended illness
3- >ducation for children
4- 'arria.e of children
>"ployees of the .rade D0 to SP0 "ay be the "e"bers of this fund* ,he a"ount to be
received by the e"ployees under such special circu"stances 4ould be settled on by the
fund "ana.e"ent co""ittee after thorou.h assess"ent of the clai" application and
relevant docu"ents*
A beneficiary 4ill not be entitled to receive fund "ore than once in one calendar year*
'a5i"u" li"it for relevant occurrences are stated belo4:
-Severe Accident ; >5tended -llness ,P 50$000
1- >ducationK>5a"ination:
o SSC ; /SC ,P !0$000
o )e.ree :BAK BSSK BSCK BC0'K BBA< ,P #0$000
o 'aster )e.reeK 'BA ,P 50$000
o 'arria.e Cere"ony ,P !$ 00$000
#ar (oan Scheme:
,he car loan facility is e5tended to e"ployees of or above the .rade P0* ,he a"ount of
loan that these e"ployees can ta(e obviously varies accordin. to their respective +ob
Principal and Senior Principal 0fficers can ta(e loan a"ountin. to ,(*A00$ 000
ACP$ %ACP$ SACP can file for loan a"ountin. to ,(*!0$ 00$ 000
CP and SCP can file for loan e5tendin. up to ,(!$ 00$000
#ar *llowances:
>"ployees of or above the .rade of ACP are also provided 4ith car allo4ances that
incorporate e5penses for %uel$ )river and 'aintenance*
ACP$ %ACP$ SACP can have an a"ount of ,P*#B$ 000 allocated as car allo4ance per
,he CP and SCP can have an a"ount of ,P*3?$ 000 allocated as car allo4ance per
Staff (oan:
Staff loan is .ranted to re.ular confir"ed e"ployees of the ban(* ,he duration of service
of the e"ployee has to be at least a year lon.* ,he e"ployee can apply for loan e5tendin.
up to 5 ti"es of hisKher .ross salary at !0 O interest rate*
!ouse Building loan:
>"ployees 4ho have had a service of 5 years and above are eli.ible to apply for
house buildin. loan* A co""ittee 4ill oversee the loan application and "onitor the
location for house buildin. the debt burden ration of the e"ployee and other relevant
issues* ,he debt burden ratio for the e"ployee has to be 50O or belo4 for the loan to be
approved* ,he repay"ent schedule for the loan has to be before the retire"ent of the
e"ployee* ,he interest rate of the loan is 3O*
$ermination Benefit:
-n case a confir"ed e"ployee is as(ed to resi.n fro" hisKher services by the relevant
authority 4ithout statin. any reason$ heKshe is eli.ible to receive one "onth7s notice in
4ritin. or one "onth7s .ross salary as pay"ent* -f the e"ployee is duly notified 4ith one
"onth7s notice$ heKshe 4ill not be entitled to receive any for" of co"pensation for the
ter"ination of services*
Suspension Benefit:
-n the event that a reportKinfor"ation about "isconduct or fraud is received a.ainst an
e"ployee$ heKshe has to under.o of disciplinary proceedin.s* ,he e"ployee is
presented 4ith char.e sheet and is .iven days to co"e up 4ith an e5planation* A
preli"inary en9uiry co""ittee is for"ed and an en9uiry notice is issued that "ar(s the
be.innin. of a proper do"estic en9uiry* -f$ accordin. to the co""ittee7s report$ the
e"ployee is found .uilty he is duly punished* -n case the e"ployee is found not .uilty$
heKshe is retained 4ith due respect* )urin. the period of en9uiry$ the e"ployee "ay be
suspended and 4ill only receive 50O of his basic salary* -n case heKshe is proven to be
not .uilty$ then the full a"ount of salary "ust be refunded to the e"ployee*
8%5%8 HR A)mini!trati"n
=e (no4 that the 4ord HAd"inistration7 "eans controllin. people* -n BRAC Ban(
li"ited$ /R Ad"inistration is "uch "ore than +ust controllin.* -t includes "otivatin. the
4or(force$ the" to be "ore productive and innovative$ leadin. or selectin.
or providin. an appropriate leader for a leaderless tea"*
So"e s"aller and si"pler day2to2day functions are carried out by the Ad"inistration as
4ell* ,hese includes e"ployees7 leave balance "onitorin. and approvin. if they can avail
leave$ if Hyes7 then plannin. and su..estin. ho4 "any days$ 4hich days etc* Chec(in.
and approvin. e"ployees7 different loan :/ouse Buildin.$ Personal$ Car etc*< re9uests*
Ad"inistration also carries out 9uarterly HRe4ard and Reco.nition7 event 4hich is called
H,he ,o4n /all 'eetin.7* /ere BRAC Ban( e"ployees .et re4arded based on their
9uarterly perfor"ance evaluation*
Ad"inistration also has to underta(e so"e harsh duties 4hich are Sho4 Cause letter
issue$ =arnin. letter issue$ issuin. letter of ,er"ination$ issuin. )is"issal order$ Audit
and -nvesti.ation etc* ,hese are certain unavoidable and rare incidents caused "ostly by
e"ployees and their personal issues that directly violate Ban(7s code of conduct*
,he /R Cista )B'S Soft4are specially desi.ned for BRAC Ban( is used by the
Ad"inistration for e"ployee record updatin.* Ad"inistration also carries out
Confir"ation$ Rene4al of Contract and Pro"otion for"alities*
Since BRAC Ban( focuses "ore on S'> sector$ the Ban( heavily depends on their
Custo"er Relations 0fficers :CR0<* )ue to their educational level and type of duty
depends on ethical standards$ the CR0s are often re9uired to be "onitored and lead*
Assi.nin. a .ood Sales ,ea" Leader :S,L< for different CR0 tea"s in different districts
is also a tas( of /R Ad"inistration*
Another "otivational factor re4arded and "onitored by /R Ad"inistration is
-deas7* ideas are usually those 4hich e"ployees co"e up 4ith fro" their o4n
+ud."ent and if it benefits the Ban( :e*.* Cost reduction$ or.ani@ation or 4or( process
develop"ent< then it is considered as a -dea* ,he respective e"ployees are
re4arded as a factor of "otivation*
,he /R Ad"inistration covers the follo4in. tas(s:
La( S+!tm6
,he policies follo4ed for e"ployee leaves "ana.e"ent based on the types of leaves and
their criteria are .iven belo4:
Annual La(6
All officers 4ill beco"e eli.ible for annual leave of # 4or(in. days after co"pletion of
one2calendar year* 0f these # days !5 days "ust be ta(en as consecutive leave each
year* Any pendin. leave "ay be carried for4ard to the ne5t year*
Annual leave encash"ent facilities "ay be allo4ed to the person for a "a5i"u" of B0
days at the ti"e of >"ployee7s leavin. the ban(* Any leave ta(en in advance to be
ad+usted durin. the final settle"ent period*
Ca!ualESi'k La(6
Casual leave up to ! calendar days can be .ranted per year to an e"ployee 4ho "ay be
unable to attend duty due to sudden illness or ur.ent private affairs* &ot "ore than # days
casual leave can be ta(en at a ti"e in a "onth* Casual Leave "ore than 3 days 4ill be
considered as sic( leave and has to be supported by "edical reports* -n case of prolon.ed
illness the ' )irector "ay .rant "edical leave in e5cess of sic(Kcasual leave 4ith
full pay and allo4ances for a period up to one "onth*
Matrnit+ La(6 %e"ale :confir"ed< e"ployees 4ill en+oy "onths "aternity leave*
0ne e"ployee 4ill be entitled to avail this leave for # ti"es in her entire service period*
Stu)+ La(6 Study leave of "a5i"u" # years can only be .ranted to an e"ployee
4ithout pay and allo4ances provided heKshe has put in at least three years of service* ,his
Leave is only .ranted to those e"ployees 4ho have achieved a "ini"u" of 3 years of
service record 4ith the ban( and also to those 4ho are due to retire 4ithin 5 years of the
date on 4hich heKshe is li(ely to return fro" the study leave* ,his leave shall$ ho4ever be
allo4ed in the entire period of service*
La( ?ith"ut Pa+6 Leave 4ithout pay "ay be .ranted to an e"ployee in special
circu"stances 4here no other leave is ad"issible under these rules* -n case of Leave
4ithout Pay$ the period does not e5ceed E0 days*
La( )urin1 Pr"bati"n Pri")6 %or sic( leave in the probation period$ the leave has to
be specially "entioned by the depart"ent* Casual leave 4ill be .ranted to probationary
e"ployees after co"pletion of E "onths* Any leave ta(en prior to co"pletion of E
"onths 4ill be ad+usted a.ainst the casual leave*
En'a!hmnt Fa'iliti! "# Annual La(6 Annual leave encash"ent facilities "ay be
allo4ed to the e"ployees for a "a5i"u" of B0 days :based on last basic< at the ti"e of
e"ployee7s leavin. the ban(*
Pr"bati"n an) C"n#irmati"n6
,he ter"s of probation are as follo4s:
1 A person selected for appoint"ent 4ith less than 3 years +ob e5perience 4ill be on
probation period of one year*
2 An e"ployee 4ith +ob e5perience of 3 years or "ore 4ill be on probation for E
-n the event of the probationer7s failure to sho4 satisfactory pro.ress and ac9uire
re9uired efficiency durin. e"ployee7s probationary period$ the appointin. authority "ay$
at its discretion$ e5tend his probationary period by a "a5i"u" of additional E :si5<
"onths$ or dispense 4ith his service by .ivin. one "onth7s notice or by payin. a su"
e9ual to one "onth7s pay 4ithout assi.nin. any reason* An officer shall beco"e eli.ible
for confir"ation in the specified post sub+ect to e"ployee7s successful co"pletion of the
period of probation*
-n the case of one year$ if the person fails to sho4 satisfactory pro.ress$ e"ployee7s
appoint"ent 4ill be ter"inated*
,he confir"ation of service of all officers and e"ployees in the services of the Ban( shall
ta(e effect on and fro" the date as 4ill be specified in the order of confir"ation*
After the probationary period of si5 "onths or one year the ad"inistration send the
appraisal for" to the )epart"ent /eads* After co"pletin. the appraisal for" send the
for" to the ad"inistration* -n the procedure the /R) head send this appraisal for" 4ith
his approval si.nature to the )eputy ' )irector of BRAC Ban( Li"ited to
approve and for4ard it ' )irector of BRAC Ban( Li"ited and after that it 4ill
be approved si.ned by the ' )irector* Accordin. to the co""ent and re"ar( of
appraisal for" the e"ployee 4ill .et the confir"ation 4ith incre"ent of salary or
confir"ation 4ith pro"otion or no confir"ation*
Pr"m"ti"n Pattrn6
Pro"otion is a continuous process by 4hich the e"ployee "otivates for batter 4or(J .et
the price for e"ployee7s better 4or(* -n BRAC Ban( there are t4o types of pro"otions2
R1ular Pr"m"ti"n6
Re.ular pro"otion is .iven accordin. to the e"ployee7s re.ular perfor"ance* =hen the
supervisor or depart"ent head of the e"ployee evaluate that his e"ployee is beco"e an
asset for the ban( and deserve pro"otion then the supervisor or the depart"ent head ta(e
a pro"otion appraisal for" fro" /R) and reco""ended the e"ployee for pro"otion* -n
the procedure the /R) head send this appraisal for" 4ith his approval si.nature to the
)eputy ' )irector of BRAC Ban( Li"ited to approve and for4ard it '
)irector of BRAC Ban( Li"ited and after that it 4ill be approved si.ned by the
' )irector* Accordin. to the co""ent and re"ar( of appraisal for" the
e"ployee 4ill .et the pro"otion 4ith incre"ent of salary*
PM Pr"m"ti"n6
Perfor"ance 'atter :P'< is the annual perfor"ance report of individual e"ployee of
BRAC Ban( Li"ited* Accordin. to Perfor"ance 'atter ran(in. scale the e"ployee can
.et pro"otion in the +ob .rade of their o4n*
Accordin. to the policy any e"ployee can7t .et any pro"otion 4ithin a year after the
e"ployee7s +oinin. in the BRAC Ban( Li"ited* And on the other section the e"ployee
can .et pro"otion after si5 "onths of his previous pro"otion*
,he follo4in. sections 4ill display the policies of BRAC Ban( Li"ited re.ardin. its
e"ployees7 resi.nation and ter"ination situations* ,his part 4ill discuss about the
policies and procedures for resi.nation or ter"ination in situations 4hen:
1 A re.ular e"ployee 4ishes to resi.n
2 A probationary or te"porary e"ployee 4ishes to resi.n
3 =hen a re.ular e"ployee is ter"inated
4 =hen a probationary or te"porary e"ployee is ter"inated
R!i1nati"n "# R1ular Em$l"+6
A confir"ed e"ployee "ay leave or discontinue fro" the services of the ban( by .ivin.
one "onth notice$ in 4ritin. or pay to the ban( as co"pensation an a"ount e9ual to the
e"ployee7s total pay for one "onth*
R!i1nati"n "# Pr"bati"nar+ "r Tm$"rar+ Em$l"+6
Probationary or any te"porary e"ployee shall leave or discontinue e"ployee7s service
fro" the Ban( by .ivin. !5 :fifteen< days prior notice in 4ritin. of e"ployee7s intention
to do so or pay to the ban( as co"pensation an a"ount e9ual to e"ployee7s total pay for
fifteen :!5< days*
N"t6 Certificate 4ill not be provided to staffs 4ho 4ere forced to resi.n$ .ot
FunsatisfactoryG ratin. in their Perfor"ance 'atters or have inte.rity issue and non2
confir"ed staff*
Trminati"n "# R1ular Em$l"+6
,he co"petent authority "ay ter"inate the services of a confir"ed e"ployee or call
upon hi"Kher to resi.n 4ithout assi.nin. any reason$ by .ivin. hi"Kher one "onth notice
in 4ritin. or on pay"ent of one "onth substantive pay in lieu of such notice and the
e"ployee shall not be entitled to any for" of co"pensation for ter"ination of service*
,he bond that is si.ned by the e"ployee before +oinin.$ 4hich is actually an a.ree"ent
bet4een ban( and e"ployee beco"e void*
Trminati"n "# Pr"bati"nar+ "r Tm$"rar+ Em$l"+6
,he service of a probationer or a te"porary e"ployee shall be liable to be ter"inated by
the co"petent authority 4ithout assi.nin. any reason 4ithout .ivin. hi" or her any
notice and the probationer or the e"ployee shall not be entitled to any for" of
co"pensation for ter"ination of service*
R!i1nati"n Pr"'!!6
Resi.nation sub"itted to line "
=ith the acceptance ; reco""endation line "
for4ards it to depart"entalK divisional /ead
Resi.nation letter for4arded to /R
/R 4ill ta(e final approval fro" ' )irector to
start the process
Resi.ned staff 4ill collect clearance for" fro" /R 4hich to be
cleared by all concerned )epart"ents
,he filled up clearance for" 4ill then sent to %inance for
final settle"ent
After final settle"ent /R 4ill ta(e e5it intervie4 of the
resi.ned staff
/R 4ill prepare the release letter and a certificate
R!i1nati"n an) Sttlmnt Pr"')ur6
,he official for"alities for resi.nation and settle"ent cases ad"inistered by the
concerned depart"ent and /R) are se9uentially sho4n belo4:
=or(in. )ays
Re9uired to
&u"ber Co"plete the
Resi.nation letter "ust be for4arded to /R) by
# )ays
! concerned supervisor or depart"ent head after hisKher
proper si.nin.*
After Receivin. Resi.nationK,er"inationK)is"issal
# Letter 4ith handover and ta(eover docu"ents /R) 4ill )ays
due clearance fro" various depart"ents*
/R) 4ill do the final settle"ent 4or( after havin.
3 clearance* )ays

%A) 4ill pay the final settled a"ount after havin. final
# )ays
settle"ent docu"ents fro" /R)*
-f separated staff has liabilities 4ith the ban( then the
5 concerned depart"ent K o4ner of liabilities 4ill ta(e Reasonable ,i"e
/R) 4ill send the personal file to F0ro.enicGT after
0nce in a "onth
final settle"ent done in nor"al case*
-n case of unsettled "atter /R) 4ill hold the files* Until settle"ent
,otal Reasonable ,i"e
T 0ro.enic is a co"pany 4hich helps BRAC Ban( to archive their personal files*
Re4ard and Reco.nition is a 4ay to e5press appreciation for another e"ployeeMs hard
4or($ dedication and contribution to the Ban(* ,here are "any levels of Re4ard and
Reco.nition$ to ensure both s"all contributions as 4ell as the ones is*
,here are four levels of re4ards and reco.nition:
LEVEL 46 -ndividual Contribution A4ard ; S'> 'onthly A4ard
LEVEL 56 )epart"ental Co""ittee A4ard
LEVEL 76 0r.ani@ational Co"petence A4ard
LEVEL 86 Chair"an7s >5cellence A4ard
Spot award:
,his is an a4ard is .iven to e"ployees on the spot reco""ended by the custo"ers or the
e"ployees very nicely handle any difficult client Ksituation*
8%5%F MIS 3 Strat1i' Plannin1
As - have not 4or(ed in this 4in. so - do not have any practical e5perience* ,hese are the
basic infor"ation that - obtained fro" the or.ani@ation*
'-S ; Strate.ic Plannin. 4in. is a relatively ne4 division under the /R)* ,he '-S ;
Strate.ic Plannin. section does not follo4 any procedure of 4or($ as "ost of the
functions are pro+ect or assi.n"ent based* -t includes 4or( process i"prove"ent$ pro+ect
"ana.e"ent$ increasin. use of technolo.y "ore and paper4or( less by developin. and
.eneratin. ideas to incorporate technolo.y in different business and day2to2day functions*
BRAC Ban(7s different depart"ents and divisions use different '-S$ there is no
centrali@ed syste" for"ed yet* ,hus '-S ; Strate.ic Plannin. does not .o by any
specific 4or( procedure* ,he '$ '-S ; Strate.ic Plannin. is in char.e of the
Pro+ectsKAssi.n"ents and currently the '-S ; Strate.ic Plannin. section is "aintainin.
the F>2Learnin.G syste" 4hich is an >"ployee )evelop"ent pro.ra" based on 0nline
,rainin. ; >valuation* >"ployees can sit for online e5a"s 4ithin the 4or(place and it is
the duty of the '-S ; Strate.ic Plannin. ' to evaluate the electronic scripts and
distribute the results after evaluation* ,he current pro+ects of '-S ; Strate.ic Plannin.
are develop"ent of t4o co"puteri@ed syste"s na"ed F>2AttendanceG and F>2P'G$ one
for e"ployee attendance "ana.e"ent and the other is for e"ployees7 perfor"ance
"easure"ent "atter respectively*
Fun'ti"nalED$artmntal Strat1+ "r HRD
As "entioned earlier that BRAC Ban( has its eyes fi5ed at one sin.le "ission currently$
4hich is HBrea(in. Barriers #0!0* By the end of year #0!0 BRAC Ban( 4ants to see
itself in the position of the lar.est Ban( in Ban.ladesh* ,he "ini"u" " is #
position* ,hrou.h rapid e5pansion and 4ide covera.e BRAC Ban( is sure to achieve that since their portfolio analysis sho4s that they have 4ay over e5ceeded their
for year #00B* =e (no4 that Corporate Strate.y "ust be co""unicated 4ith the
depart"ents of an or.ani@ation and thus$ it "ust be in line 4ith the )epart"ental
Strate.y* So in a "anner of spea(in.$ the depart"ental strate.y for the /R) of BRAC
Ban( is also to brea( all the barriers to beco"in. the &o* ! Ban( in Ban.ladesh by the
end of 6ear #0!0* ,he /R)7s "ission is to ensure that BRAC Ban( can e5pand the 4ay
it should be 4ith the best "anpo4er at its disposal*
Linkin1 D$artmntal Strat1+ ?ith C"r$"rat Strat1+
/o4 the Corporate Strate.y has been lin(ed 4ith the )epart"ental Strate.y of /R) is
discussed in this section* /R) also "ade the pro"ise that the )epart"ent 4ill do
everythin. possible to reali@e BRAC Ban(7s a"bition to beco"e the lar.est ban( of
Ban.ladesh by the end of 6ear #0!0* -n an intervie4 4ith 's* ,ahniyat Ah"ed Pari"$
/ead of /R$ it has been confir"ed that /R) of BRAC Ban( is fully in line 4ith their
Corporate Strate.y* /eavy recruit"ent is first choice of the /R) no4* =ithout
recruit"ent it 4ill not be possible to cover all the e5pansions in different districts done by
the Business ,ea"s* %or e5a"ple$ it has been seen that the ne4ly opened Co57s Ba@ar
Branch 4as not yet fully decorated and furnished due to bad 4eather but all the
e"ployees assi.ned to that branch 4ere reportin. for duty on the tentative day of
,he /ead of /R also "entioned 4ith ut"ost i"portance that ri.orous trainin. and
develop"ent is co"pulsory* >"ployees "ust sho4 satisfactory perfor"ance at least on
avera.e 4ithin their respective depart"ents*
But to perfor" 4ell and bein. oriented$ e"ployees "ust be co""unicated the
"essa.e of the or.ani@ation$ the corporate strate.y* ,he "essa.e of Brea(in. Barriers
#0!0 is conveyed in every scope possible$ throu.h "ar(et .i""ic(s$ in speeches$
depart"ent "eetin.s$ 'A&C0' "eetin.s$ throu.h internal "ails$ in ,o4n /all
'eetin.s$ even at lunch* ,he "essa.e "ust be co""unicatedJ the strate.y "ust be
incorporated in every depart"ent* ,he /ead of /R as 4ell as all the staff in /R) is no4
fully a4are of this short ter" plan and they are all tryin. to .ive output at their pea(
perfor"ance level*
=hen it co"es to perfor"ance "easure"ent and "onitorin.$ it is also true that different
depart"ents in Ban(s can easily pro+ect their perfor"ance in nu"erical fi.ures* =hen
as(ed ho4 /R) staffs pro+ect their perfor"ance$ the ans4er 4as Hsettin. short ter" .oals
for each staff and "onitorin. ho4 "uch they achieved in a Bi2"onthly "eetin.s7* As the
depart"ent is still s"all this "ethod is 4or(in. perfectly* Later on$ 4hen /R) 4ill also
.ro4$ then also this "ethod has a .ood chance of bein. successful if Senior 'ana.ers can
co""unicate and utili@e it successfully*
Chapter !-
Anal+!i! 3 R'"mmn)ati"n
1 S=0, Analysis
2 Reco""endation ; Conclusion
F%4 S<OT Anal+!i!6
1 BRAC Ban( Li"ited has perfect policies to "aintain and control their
e"ployees* As it has a lar.e nu"ber of e"ployees 4hich is very difficult for any
or.ani@ation to control but BRAC Ban( is controllin. this hu.e nu"ber of
4or(force 4ith .reat distinction*
2 ,he HV7 ; H67 "otivational theories are ri.htly used by the /u"an
Resource )ivision to control the e"ployees properly*
3 =ell or.ani@ed tea"* =hile they 4or( as a tea" they are supportive to
each other7s 4hich are very helpful to fulfill their 4or(*
4 =ell "aintained CC database* All the CCs are stored in "onthly basis so
it is easy to find out the CCs 4hen it is needed*
5 Better e"ployee "otivation .eneration throu.h internal recruit"ent
opportunity* So e"ployees try to put their ut"ost effort to .et a hi.her position*
6 Less dependent on e5ternal recruit"ent a.encies* -n one 4ord it can be
said that they are self2dependent 4hile any recruit"ent is needed and doin. this
by their o4n they are also savin. ti"e*
7 =ell planned trainin. schedule 4ith sufficient ti"e allot"ent* All the
trainin.s ta(e place as scheduled before* ,he ti"e prearran.ed for each trainin.
are also based on the type of the trainin. so that every necessary point can be
8 ,rainin. opportunity provided to e"ployees 4or(in. in every level* %or
better perfor"ance of every e"ployee trainin. is provided*
9 >ffectively Strin.ed 4ith other depart"ents of BRAC Ban(* ,he
co""unication a"on. each and every depart"ent is 9uite .ood and all of the"
have better understandin.* As a result they .et effective output*
10 ,he >"ployees of BRAC Ban( Li"ited respect /u"an Resource
)ivision and the /u"an Resource )ivision earned it*
1 Th "(rall !ituati"n "# Human R!"ur' #"r a '"m$an+ lik BRAC
Bank Limit) i! n"t that mu'h '"ntr"ll) t" b u!) an) utili-) it $r#'tl+%
C"m$ar t" th ?"rkl"a) thr i! n"t !u##i'int am"unt "# r#r!hmnt!% T""
mu'h ?"rk $r!!ur "n th m$l"+! !"mtim! mak! thm )$r!!)
t"?ar)! thir ?"rk%
1 References fro" superior levels are also entertained as those CCs are al4ays
.iven priority in ti"es of recruit"ent even if the candidate is unfit or un9ualified
for the vacant post*
2 Th !alar+ !tru'tur i! n"t hi1h n"u1h a''"r)in1 t" th ?"rkl"a) "#
th m$l"+% Thi! )i!'"ura1! th m$l"+! t" ?"rk har) an) al!"
in'ra!! turn"(r rat%
3 Du t" la'k "# !u##i'int am"unt "# man$"?r it i! )i##i'ult t" '"ntr"l
an) maintain th lar1 am"unt "# m$l"+!%
4 0nline recruit"ent syste" is not up.raded*
1 BRAC Ban( Li"ited has E$30E e"ployees to 4or( 4ith* ,his hu.e
nu"ber of 4or(forces helps this ban( to .et various ideas and plans and increase
its productivity*
2 ,he /u"an Resource )ivision is al4ays thin(in. to do so"ethin. ne4
4ith their e"ployees that can help to "otivate the e"ployees and can able to
"a(e the"
better resourcesKassets for the BRAC Ban( Li"ited* Cery fe4 Ban.ladeshi
or.ani@ations have this (ind of opportunity to be used*
1 BRAC Ban( Li"ited has a hu.e nu"ber of e"ployees* So is difficult to
"aintain the /u"an Resource policies 4ith this lar.e nu"ber of e"ployees*
2 ,he resi.nation rate is too hi.h in BRAC Ban( Li"ited then it anticipated*
3 Reference control on policy is co""on situation of Ban.ladeshi
or.ani@ation* BRAC Ban( is not out of it* Reference control on /u"an Resource
policy can be a bad threat for BRAC Ban( Li"ited*
F%5 R'"mmn)ati"n!6
-n this part of reco""endation$ so"e valuable issues of BRAC Ban( Ltd* :BBL< are
discussed* ,hese 4ere the aspects that ca"e out 4hile 4or(in. as an intern at BBL*
,hese 4ere related to various parts of BBL and thus are placed in the list of .eneral
reco""endation* Accordin. to S=0, analysis so"e decision can be ta(en*
1 >fficiently distribute the nu"ber of e"ployee in re9uired position*
2 'a(e the salary structure attractive to the e"ployee*
3 'a(e succession plannin.*
4 Reduce the e5tra 4or(load of the e"ployee*
5 ,hey should increase the "anpo4er of /R) specially in recruit"ent 4in.*
6 ,he /u"an Resource )ivision7s control "ust be structured*
7 Arran.e co2curricular activities for e"ployee7s refresh"ent*
8 'ana.erial control should be i"ple"ented perfectly*
9 Arran.e proper trainin. for the e"ployee*
10 ,hey should provide that "uch of infor"ation in orientation trainin. that 4ill
ensure the" to do their 4or( their +ob s"oothly*
11 ,he trainin. should be "otivational*
1 %or better trainin. they can .o for professional trainers*
2 Supply "ore trainin. "aterials durin. trainin.*
3 After trainin.$ it is very "uch i"portant to ta(e evaluation about trainin.
pro.ra"* ,hey should evaluate the trainees properly*
4 0nline recruit"ent syste" is not up.raded* ,hey should up.rade it*
5 Better '-S support is needed for s"oother operation*
6 ,here is not any specific place for intern 4here they can 4or(* -nterns have to
roa" around and search for a place so this should be i"proved and a fi5 place
should be .iven to the interns so that they can 4or( co"fortably
F%7 C"n'lu!i"n6
BRAC Ban( intends to set standards as the "ar(et leader in Ban.ladesh* -t de"onstrates
that a locally o4ned institution can provide efficient$ friendly and "odern ban(in.
service on a profitable basis* /u"an Resource )epart"ent is the "ost confidential
depart"ent for any or.ani@ation as 4ell as /u"an Resources )ivision in BRAC Ban(
Li"ited* /ere as an intern$ li"ited infor"ation 4as collected for preparin. this report
because of too "uch confidentiality*
-t 4as an honor to 4or( as an intern in a reputed or.ani@ation li(e BRAC Ban( Li"ited*
,he BRAC Ban( Li"ited is a ban( that confir"s the best service to the custo"ers as 4ell
as to the e"ployees by /u"an Resource )ivision* BRAC ban( Li"ited is the fastest
.ro4in. Ban( in Ban.ladesh* By 4or(in. in /R )ivision the (no4led.e 4as learnt
4ould be helpful enou.h to sustain 4ith the real or.ani@ational environ"ent*
1. http:KKbracban(*co"Kfinancialstate"entKBRAC Ban( Annual Report #00B*pdf
2. http:KKbracban(*co"Kco"pany8profile*php
3. 444*bracban(*co"KphpKinclude8.en
4. /u"an Resource 'anual of BRAC Ban( Li"ited*
5. So"e infor"ation about /R fro" 'd* San+idul BariJ /R Relationship '$
=holesale Ban(in.
6. Several Boo(lets ; &e4spapers fro" BRAC Ban( Li"ited*
7. )ifferent types of products of BRAC Ban( Li"ited i*e* Leaflets$ Brochures$
Synopsi@es etc*
8. Allan Price$ F/u"an Resource 'ana.e"ent in a Business Conte5tG$ 3
9. Ric(y =* 1riffin$ F'ana.e"entG$ B
10. Cynthia )* %isher$ Lyle %* Schoenfeldt$ Da"es B* Sha4 F/u"an Resource
'ana.e"entG$ E
11. /avid A# /eCen)o 0 Stephen 1# 'o..ins '1((()* +Personnel/Human Resource
Management, "&ir, e,ition* -rentice Hall. /on,on0
1 ,he shareholdin. structure of BRAC Ban( Li"ited :
Sharh"l)r! "# BBL
BRAC 3!*?O
Sh"r Ca$ Intrnati"nal A*?EO
=nral Publi' thr"u1h IPO 0O
N"nHR!i)nt! Ban1la)!hi! 5O
Mutual #un)! thr"u1h IPO 5O
T"tal !00O
Tabl6 4%4 Sharh"l)in1 !tru'tur "# BRAC Bank Lt)%
Fi14%46 Sharh"l)rG! $r'nta1
1 /o4 "any years have you been e"ployed by BRAC Ban( Ltd*I
o Less than ! year
o !25 year
o E2B year
o 'ore than !0 year
2 /o4 do your collea.ues feel about 'ana.e"entI
o >ffective
15 >ither effective nor no"inal
15 &o"inal
2 /o4 do you feel about 4or(in. in this environ"entI
15 Satisfied
o 'oderate
15 )issatisfied
2 /o4 satisfied are you 4ith the salaryI
15 Satisfied
o 'oderate
o )issatisfied
1 =hat do you thin( about their trainin.
pro.ra"sI o >ffective
o >ither effective nor no"inal
o &o"inal
2 ,he recruit"ent process is 88888888888888888888 in BRAC Ban( Ltd*
1 As an e"ployee$ - a" 888888888888888888888884ith BRAC BA&P Ltd*

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