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*maven-ide.txt* For Vim version 7.x.

Last Change: Sun Nov 25 21:12:36 EST 201

Plugin for managing java maven projects.
Version 0.6
by Daren Isaacs
ikkyisaacs email-at-sign gmail com
*maven-ide* *maven-ide-plugin*
The goal of maven-ide plugin is to provide ide functionality for the
development of java maven projects.
Features include:
o Project tree for file navigation and environment context management.
o Quickfix for output of maven plugins compile,junit,checkstyle.
o Optional single source file compilation directly with javac.
o Compilation is background via AsyncCommand.
o Debug using yavdb, allows debug of class main or attach to jvm debug
o Allow attach to a debug process on a remote host.
o Junit run/quickfix/debug.
o Dependency source file and javadoc integration. Javadoc viewing uses
o Exctags tag navigation.
o Extract the maven main (source, resources), test (source, resources)
directories from the project pom.xml.
o Auto generation of project environment ie classpath, tag files.
o Dependency management for maven parent/child/sibling projects extracted
from project poms.
o Autocomplete on methods, auto add of imports etc is via the vjde plugin
o Auto build of javadoc from source when it does not exist.
DEPENDENCIES *maven-ide-depends*
External Dependencies:
o Developed and tested on Linux and FreeBSD.
o Tested on jdk1.6, maven2, maven3.
o Lynx browser: javadoc display.
o Perl XML::XPath module for pom.xml processing.
o Exuberant Ctags: tag navigation.
o yavdb dependencies: python 2.5, vim compiled with signs, client-server
and python support, an os with named pipes support.
Vim Project Dependencies:
o Project by Aric Blumer: project navigation and environment management.
o AsyncCommand: background compilation.
o yavdb: debug.
o javac.vim: the default javac vim compiler file.
o vjde: method autocomplete, auto import etc.
TODO *maven-ide-todo*
o Improve debug variable inspection functionality. Currently variable
values are printed in the jdb console, and dump of variables is
directly via jdb.
o Adjust mappings to the correct context.
o Add unit tests for all functionality in MvnRunTests().
LIMITATIONS *maven-ide-limits*
o Source files not opened via 'Project' do not configure the maven
environment - limitation of the 'Project' plugin. The environment
may be set manually by jumping from the file to the tree with \gt
then <RETURN> on the file to set the environment.
o The java project must successfully complete the execution of:
mvn -fn dependency:tree help:effective-pom
The project configuration is captured from the output of the
maven command.
o Changes to the pom.xml are not automatically processed and must be
manually processed with \rp.
o The maven compiler version is fixed at 2.5. The compiler error output
format changes across compiler version and maven version; for error
processing simplicity the compiler version is fixed.
INSTALLATION *maven-ide-installation*
o Install lynx text browser.
o Install Exuberant Ctags. FreeBSD devel/ctags.
o Install the perl XML::XPath module. FreeBSD - textproc/p5-XML-XPath
No longer require:: (, Linux - libxml-xpath-perl, aka perl-XML-path)
o Recommend the installation of pathogen to organise plugin installation.
(Pathogen allows plugins to be installed separately in their own
subdirectory of ~/.vim/bundle/)
o git clone
o mkdir ~/.vim/bundle
o cp pathogen.vim ~/.vim/autoload
o echo "call pathogen#infect()" >> _vimrc
o Install Project
o Download the tar and extract into ~/.vim/bundle
o :helptags ~/.vim/bundle/project/doc
o Install yavdb
o mkdir ~/.vim/bundle/yavdb
o copy yavdb and yavdb.vim into ~/.vim/bundle/yavdb
o Install AsyncCommand in ~/.vim/bundle/asynccommand
o :helptags ~/.vim/bundle/asynccommand/doc
o Install vjde in ~/.vim/bundle/vjde.
o :helptags ~/.vim/bundle/vjde/doc
o Install maven-ide in ~/.vim/bundle/maven-ide
o :helptags ~/.vim/bundle/maven-ide/doc
o cd ~/.vim/bundle/maven-ide/yavdb and run
o cp the patched yavdb executable to a directory in your path.
o :helptags ~/.vim/bundle/yavdb/doc
o bufmru - easily switch to most recently used buffers.
o vcscommand - version control.
UPGRADE *maven-ide-upgrade*
o Version 0.5 to 0.6
o remove all in.vim configuration files and recreate.
o remove the #PROJECT_IDS line from the end of the .vimprojects
SETTINGS *maven-ide-settings*
The default settings for the maven-ide global variables.
g:mvn_javadocParentDir *mvn_javadocParentDir*
- directory for dependency javadoc installation by maven-ide: >
let g:mvn_javadocParentDir = "/opt/work/javadoc"
g:mvn_javaSourceParentDir *mvn_javaSourceParentDir*
- directory for dependency source installation by maven-ide: >
let g:mvn_javaSourceParentDir = "/opt/work/javasource"
g:mvn_additionalJavadocPath *mvn_additionalJavadocPath*
- path for javadoc (non maven dependency): >
let g:mvn_additionalJavadocPath = "/opt/work/javadoc/jdk-6u30-apidocs/api"
g:mvn_additionalJavaSourcePath *mvn_additionalJavaSourcePath*
- path for java source (non maven dependency): >
let g:mvn_additionalJavaSourcePath = "/opt/work/javasource/openjdk6-b24_4"
g:mvn_javaSrcFilterList *mvn_javaSrcFilterList*
- extension list for source files: >
let g:mvn_javaSrcFilterList = ["*.java", "*.html", "*.js", "*.jsp"]
g:mvn_resourceFilterList *mvn_resourceFilterList*
- extension list for resource files: >
let g:mvn_resourceFilterList = ["*.vim", "*.xml", "*.properties", ".vjde"]
g:mvn_debugPortList *mvn_debugPortList*
- ports/hosts for debug prompt:
let g:mvn_debugPortList = ['8888','11550','dev.localdomain:11550']
g:mvn_pluginList *mvn_pluginList*
- maven output processor modules.
o Mvn3Plugin maven3, compiler 2.5.
o Mvn2Plugin maven2, compiler 2.5.
o Junit3Plugin junit 3.8.2
o CheckStyle22Plugin CheckStyle 2.2
These plugins parse the output errors to a quickfix list: >
let g:mvn_pluginList = ['Mvn3Plugin', 'Junit3Plugin', 'CheckStyle22Plugin']
g:mvn_compilerVersion *mvn_compilerVersion*
-maven compiler version (currently only the output from 2.5 is supported).
Different versions of the compiler produce differing output across the
different maven versions so standardize on a compiler version: >
let g:mvn_compilerVersion = '2.5'
QUICKSTART *maven-ide-quickstart*
Note: The initial project configuration requires error free maven execution
of help:effective-pom and dependency:build-classpath goals.
Adjust the|maven-ide-settings|for your environment in your _vimrc.
Invoke vim as the server:
vim --servername ide
Run the unit tests:
:call MvnRunTests()
In vim invoke the|project|plugin:
Create the maven project tree in the left window by invoking
|MvnInsertProjectTree()|(mapped to \bp). The 3 key sequence must be
entered quickly (see|map.txt|timeout|leader|). A prompt will ask for the project
path of an existing maven project:
A|:fold|should now exist for the maven project containing the directory
structure. Position the cursor on the main fold for the project, and first
set the environment (see|project-mapping|):
Then optionally download the project dependency source and install
Optionally download the project dependency javadoc and install
To populate the structure with files, position the cursor on the
project line and use the refresh fold command (see|project-mapping|):
The tree structure should be populated with project source files. To populate
the project environment file (in.vim), position the cursor on the first line
of the project and invoke:
A prompt for the project count will appear, enter 1.
During a work session, open a second vim instance for execution of time
consuming jobs i.e. \rp \ce \bp leaving your initial vim instance free
for use. In the project tree use :e to refresh any tree changes.
MAPPINGS *maven-ide-mappings*
Map Function Context~
\ce *MvnCreateEnvSelection()* project buffer
a) Build the environment file (in.vim) for the 'in='|project-syntax|. The
environment file is run on \e (setup environment |project-mappings|) or
when a file is opened from the project buffer. On execution a prompt for
the project count, collects the setting for the number of consecutive
parent projects the environment will be built, starting from the cursor
position in the project tree. The 'in.vim' for a maven project contains
the classpath, tag file path, java source, documentation paths and data
extracted from the project maven pom.xml. The classpath and source
path will use sibling projects from the tree. Sibling project data is
cached in a file '.vimprojects-mvn-ide', stored at the location of the
project .vimprojects file. See |project-invoking|. The 'in.vim' file is
maintained during |MvnCreateEnvSelection()|and|MvnInsertProjectTree()|execution.
b) Search local maven repo for javadoc and source artifacts for dependencies
and unarchive to|mvn_javadocParentDir|,|mvn_javaSourceParentDir|directories.
c) Build tag files for source files, of maven project and dependency source
but NOT dependency projects in the project tree ie sibling projects.
\bp *MvnInsertProjectTree()* project buffer
At the cursor location in the project buffer, build the directory tree for
the maven project. The maven project directory is specified at the prompt
on execution. Files are not populated in the tree and are added with \R
see|project-mapping|. Directory file structure is extracted from the project
maven pom.xml and cached in the 'in.vim'.
\rp *MvnRefreshPrjIdPomDict()* project buffer
Extract the path data from pom.xml and cache in 'in.vim'.
\dd *MvnDownloadJavadoc()* project or source buffer
Download and install the javadoc dependencies into|mvn_javadocParentDir|
directory. >
\ds *MvnDownloadJavaSource()* project or source buffer
Download and install the java source dependencies into
|mvn_javaSourceParentDir|directory. A \ce must be run after \ds to include
the new source in the project environment.
\fc *MvnFindJavaClass()* project or source buffer
A prompt is given to enter a classname for search. The search is across all
jar files in the maven .m2 repository.
\rm *MvnCompile()* project or source buffer
Compile current maven project (mvn clean install). The Apache Maven compiler
plugin version is fixed by|mvn_compilerVersion|setting.
\cf *MvnMvnCodeFormat()* source buffer
Remove end of line spaces.
\rj *MvnJavacCompile()* source buffer
Direct invocation of javac for compilation of the current file ONLY. A time
saving alternative to running a maven compile. Requires class dependencies
in the target directory. ie do \rm first.
NOTE Compilations run in the background with|AsyncCommand|use <C-L> to
refresh the screen, errors will display in a quickfix window.
\rd *MvnDoDebug()* source buffer
Run debug on the current main or junit test source file or connect to a
preexisting debug process by port.
\rt *MvnRunJunit()* source buffer
Run the current junit source file, with quickfix for errors.
\sd *MvnOpenJavaDoc()* project or source buffer
Open in lynx the javadoc for the classname under the cursor. The full
class name is determined using|vjde|.
\bt *MvnTagCurrentFile()* source buffer
Update the tags for the current file.
\fs *MvnFindSubclass()* source buffer
Search the tag files of the project for subclasses of the superclass under the
\ps *MvnPickInherits()* source buffer
Pick from the list of the previous MvnFindInherits() search.
\gt *MvnJumpToTree()* source buffer
Jump to the position in the tree for the current file.
\pc *MvnPrintCodes()* project or source buffer
Print a table of ascii codes, the buffer needs 30 rows.
NOTES *maven-ide-notes*
Plugin yavdb uses <C-F5> for the debugger run command. The control-function
keys may require mapping ie
map ^[[15;5~ <C-F5>
To display key data use:
set showcmd
For javascript manually generate the tag file to the project home ie in
the project home run:
jsctags `pwd`/src/main/webapp/script/ext-js -f tags-script
Remove \r from the end of the lines in the tag file:
BUGS *maven-ide-bugs*
If possible recreate the bug in a unit test, see MvnRunTests(), before coding
a fix.
vim:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab tw=78 ft=help:

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