8838 Are The Creations of A Spiritual or Material Kind .... Diversity of Stars ....

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... through Bertha Dudde

Are the creations of a spiritual or material kind ....
Diversit of stars ....
!ou are re"uesting clarification a#out the creations in the
universe$ and % &ant to provide it for ou as far as ou are a#le
to understand it.
'he creations are partl of a spiritual and partly of a material
kind, but these cannot be regarded as earthly-material$ for
( creative &ill is incredi#l versatile and ou should never
assume that other stars have the same composition as earth.
)o&ever$ ou have to consider that it is not *ust earth &hich is
sheltering solidified spiritual su#stance$ that the innumera#le
stars visi#le to our ees &ere called into #eing # (e to help the
ascent of all human souls &hich have not et reached the degree
of maturit in order to continue their development in the
creations of the #eond.
'he &hole of creation is ( emanated strength$ and the earth is
the most misera#le creation #ecause it consists of coarse
matter. 'hus anone covering the process through its creations
&ould #e a#le to completel spiritualise &hat as +soul, gives life
to the human #eing. !et the attained degrees of maturit in
&hich the soul departs from earth after the death of its #od are
ver different ....
And thus it &ill #e received # other creations &hich$ as far as it
is concerned$ certainl also e-ist in the +#eond, #ut &hich # no
means can #e called purely spiritual creations$ since their
substances are likewise solidified spiritual essence ....
strength$ &hich once emerged from (e as a #eing and failed to
#ecome active in accordance &ith ( &ill. However, this
matter is far lighter and more compliant, so that the souls
staing there are impelled into eager activit and mutual
helpfulness$ thus the continue to progress ever more.
'hus it can #e said that this matter is easily dissolvable and
et it also shelters spiritual su#stance &hich once had #ecome
unfaithful to (e #ut &hich does not suffer to the e-tent as is the
case on earth .... &hich gladly is of service to facilitate the souls,
further development$ &hich .this matter/ therefore &ill
disintegrate again as soon as it has fulfilled its task.
'he creations on these stars are inha#ited # #eings .... &hich
can also #e called human #eings .... &ho like&ise have a .the/
task to support these souls, further development$ conse"uentl
material creations have to e-ist as &ell$ et the should not #e
imagined such like those on earth.
'he #eings .souls/ are no& in a &orld &hich offers them
incredi#le things and et it is a tangi#le &orld$ #ecause
everthing is permeated # ( spiritual strength and it &ill
remain a tangi#le &orld until the complete spiritualisation of all
#eings has taken place$ &hich then &ill no longer re"uire a
material &orld.
But since this shall et take eternities and the stars on the
firmament are thus visi#le to ou humans$ ou are instructed to
the effect that all these &orlds are ( &ill having taken on
shape$ that % have emanated strength &hich more or less &as
deepl fallen spiritual essence$ that this strength manifested
itself$ thus it is and remains visi#le for the respective inha#itants
of these stars$ &ho merel possess different degrees of
realisation and are thus also a#le to admit inha#itants from earth
in order to help them further their development.
'hen ou humans &ill e-ist +#eond, earth and et in (
kingdom$ and depending on our maturit ou &ill change our
a#ode in order to enter ever more spiritualised creations. !et
&hatever our ees #ehold as heavenl #odies in the firmament
are creations &hich &ere #rought into #eing # ( &ill0 and
these creations are the original spirits &hich had once deserted
(e$ the &ere given a task # (e that the no& fulfil$ hence the
more or less ackno&ledge (e again$ conse"uentl$ the didn,t
descend "uite so lo& #ut nevertheless re"uire material creations
in order to fulfil their task therein ....
Yet it cannot be said that it is earthly matter$ since this
spiritual essence had fallen into the deepest a#ss &hich the
human #eing on earth has to overcome over an infinitel long
period of time$ rather$ those material creations &ere given to
people for their happiness and to delight in them ....
For a visi#le star must also e-hi#it visi#le creations &hich should
illustrate to the alread more mature spirits their 1reator,s
magnitude and might and also offer the spiritual su#stances still
in need of maturing the opportunit to #e of service. 'his
pro#lem is not eas to e-plain to ou because you only
understand what exists on your earth, and even here our
kno&ledge is limited$ #ut ho& other stars have an effect on our
thoughts &ill remain hidden to ou as long as ou are incapa#le
of seeing spirituall.
'hen$ ho&ever$ &ill this realm #e open to ou and ou &on,t #e
a#le to stop marvelling at the creations on the individual stars.
!et all ( &orks have their reason and demonstrate ( love and
&isdom and might ....
And &hatever seems ine-plica#le to ou &ill #ecome kno&n to
ou the more our soul,s maturit advances$ then there &ill #e
no more "uestions &hich could not #e ans&ered to ou .... And
this &ealth of kno&ledge &ill make ou ver happ$ even if it is
at the moment still concealed from ou ....
2u#lished # friends of ne& revelations of God 3 %nformation$
do&nload of all translated revelations$ theme4#ooklets at5


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