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Story: - 2nd prep.

"Black Beauty"
Chapter 7
1- Who came to Birtwick Park in James place? What is he like?
2- Where did John & Black Beauty go? Why?
3- What did Joe Green do wrong after Black Beauty's ride for the doctor?
4- Why was Joe heart-broken after this?
5- Why did Joe shout at the man with the brick cart ? What did Joe offer to do? Did the man
6- "Cruelty is everybody's business.
1- Little John Green. He's only fourteen and a half but he has a kind heart. He is a nice boy.He
always came to work singing.
2- John and Black beauty went to the town to fetch Dr. White for Mrs.Gordon who was very ill.
3- Joe didn't put warm cloth on Black Beauty and only gave him cold water.
4- Because Black Beauty became very ill, and Joe knew that it was his fault, although he had
meant no harm.
5- Because the cart-driver was whipping his horses cruelly. Joe offered to help him lighten the
load on the cart, to make it easier for the horses to pull. But the man didn't agree.
6- John Manly said it to Joe Green. When Joe had seen a man cruelly whipping two horses and
had reported the man to his employer. John was telling Joe that he had done the right

Chapter 8
1- How long did Black Beauty live at Birtwick Park?
2- Why did Black Beauty & the other horses leave Britwick Park? Where did they go next?
3- What made Ginger kick herself out of the carriage one day? What did York do?
4- Who is lady Anne? What happened to her while she was in the village?
5- What did Black Beauty do when Lady Anne had an accident ?
6- "You must put those horses higher they didn't look nice."

1- Black Beauty lived at Birtwick Park for three happy years.
2- They left Birtwick park because Mrs. Gorden was often ill and the doctor advised her to go
and live in a warm country for 2 or 3 years. Ginger & Black Beauty were sold to Lord Gray.
Merry legs was given to Mr. Bloomfield.
3- Lady Gray told York to make the bearing reins very tight, and Ginger knew that would be
very painful , so he decided to fight. York cut the horses out of the harness.
4- Lady Anne is the Gray's daughter. She had an accident .When Anne was riding Lissie waiting
for Blamtyre, outside the gate a young horse ran across the road and banged into Lizzie's
back legs .She gave a violent kick , nearly unseating Anne, and galloped away at full speed .
Then Anne fell from the horse on the ground not moving.
5- Black Beauty galloped to fetch help, with a workman on his back.
6- It was said by Lady Gray to York when she asked York to use a tighter bearing rein , as it was
fashionable at the time for carriage horses to have their heads held high.

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