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DEC, 2009




KARUMURU SASANKA 2006A7PS125G B.E.Hons Computer Science

Prepared in partial fulfillment of the

Practice School – II Course No.

BITS C412/ BITS C413/ BITS G639





DEC, 2009

Practice School Division

Station: HP GLOBALSOFT. Center: Chennai

Duration: From: 13th July 2009 To: 18th DEC 2009

Date of Submission: 4th DEC 2009



ID No: Name of the Student Discipline

2006A7P125G K.Sasanka B.E. (Hons.) Computer Science

Name of the PS Faculty: Mr. V. R. Rajan

Key Words: Scripting, JavaScript , Error checking, Java function calls.

Project Area: Software development

Abstract: This project aims at reducing the effort put in manually by people and tends to
save a lot of time in making of required documents. It also aims in providing a clear cut
user interface for applications for easier filling in of details. It covers the areas of error
detection in codes according to some details that are otherwise rejected. The main points
discussed are the code behind the main automation in case of the SharePoint and some
other ideals of shell scripting which includes the excel sheet creation for error in sandbox
path, parameters and directories. The main objectives and means of attaining them have
been clearly discussed in the following report.

Signature of the Student Signature of the Expert Signature of PS Faculty

Date: 15/09/2009


I express my deep gratitude to Mr. Seshadri Rengaswamy, Manager Citigroup for giving
me the golden opportunity to undertake this project.

I would like to thank Prof. V. R. Rajan, PS-II Instructor-in-charge, for his constant
support during the entire Practice School period.

I am also thankful to my project guide, Mr. Himansu Sekhar Tripathy, for his guidance
through the course of the project and without whom this project would not have been

Table of Contents
1.1.1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... 6
1.1.2. RUNNING GRAPHS USING SHELL SCRIPT...................................................... 6
1.1.3. JOB SCHEDULING USING AUTOSYS................................................................ 9
1.1.4. CONCLUSION....................................................................................................... 14


1.2.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................... 15
1.2.2 OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................... 16
1.2.3 SIMPLE OBJECTIVES........................................................................................... 18
1.2.4 ADVANCED OBJECTIVES................................................................................... 19
1.2.5 CONCLUSIONS……….……………………………………………………….… 20

2.1. WHAT IS SHAREPOINT? ……………………………………………………….. 21
2.2. WHY IS AUTOMATION REQUIRED? …………………………………………. 21
2.3. WEB TEMPLATE…………………………………………………......................... 24
2.4. HTML TABLE.......................................................................................................... 25
2.5. JAVASCRIPT………………………........................................................................ 26
2.6. CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................... 27

2.1. INTRODUCTION………...……………………………………………………….. 28
2.2. WORKFLOW ACCESS…………………...………………………………………. 28
2.3. WORKFLOW- INDEX DATA……………………………………......................... 28
2.4. DATABASE SCHEMA............................................................................................. 29
2.5. OVERALL MARKIT………………........................................................................ 30
2.6. CONCLUSION........................................................................................................,. 36

4. LEARNINGS............................................................................................................. 37
5. REFERENCES & BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................. 38


1.1 Wrapper scripts

1.1.1 Introduction
Wrapper Scripts are common scripts with all the required functions for scripting pre-
defined in them. These functions can be commonly used for all the scripting needs and
requirements of development at Citigroup. This first assignment can be classified into
two main stages:
A) Running Graphs using Scripts
B) Job scheduling using autosys

1.1.2Running Graphs using Shell Scripts:

i) Introduction
The use of an ETL tool called AbInitio is essential for the maintenance of the huge
data as it proves to be a good data warehousing tool. This tool works only on a UNIX
(Linux) environment. So all the scripts to run the graphs and display the errors or
creation of log files have to be done in a programming language which is supported
by UNIX. Here Shell Scripting is widely used as it is comprised of excellent string as
well as data handling functions. In all the scripts a unique wrapper script is used to
run all the graphs. This common wrapper contains all the basic functions to run the
graphs, like for e.g. rollback, current step, next step, chkerr, etc.

This common script contains all its variables or more specifically environment variables
in specific .env or environment files specific to each profile or project. Importing these
environment files, according to the needs of the graph. So each script will have different
environment files that need to be imported and other variables to be hard coded. An
excerpt of the wrapper script is given in the next page. This demonstrates the use of the
env files and assignment or exporting of standard variables by running the unique project
setup script.

ii) Necessities to run the scripts
Each script has a number of variables and many scripts have some basic common
variables. So it would be a tedious task to export or reassign all the variable values each
time again and again to all the scripts. So for each project a file called as the
Project_setup.ksh exists which exports the variables required for each scripts. Some
variables are also given into the script in the form as parameters to the script itself, these
variables that are passed as parameters to the script are unique to that script only. Paths of
each file are also to be defined in the setup file.

Sample paths or directories

1) BIN – contains all the wrapper scripts
2) SERIAL_LOG- log files generated by wrapper scripts
3) MP – executable files i.e. the ones used to run in the wrapper script
4) SERIAL_ERROR – error log files
5) SERIAL – data or .dat files
6) REJECT - .err or .rej files
7).ssh – profile executable files like project_setup

Each of these paths is setup in the project setup file that executes or is called at the
beginning of each script that assigns all the paths of the respective directories and

iii) Execution of project setup

Apart from the standard project setup file there is also a regular profile file for which
all the variables and paths of all common projects are entered. Here the variable of
AI_DB or AI_RUN is stored but based on an override file. This project had an overrides
called as the bpm_ovrrides file. Here the file execution is:
$AI_RUN= <path>

This command indicates that executes the project setup file which is in the run directory
and then execute it in that folder so as to fix all the variables accordingly.

iv) Execution part of the script

Running the graph after assigning all the paths and variables is the ultimate task of
the wrapper script. The command line execution of the wrapper script is:
cmd = $AI_RUN/<name of the graph>.ksh

This AI_RUN is a path or the directory just like all the other paths that tells the shell that
the path had been defined in the setup file. Then the shell extracts all the variables and
runs the graph giving the necessary output.

v) Generation of output
The output of the script is generated with clear demarcation and lines separating each
step. This output will be generated by the wrapper script in an almost similar fashion for
all scripts.

vi) Concept of Return code

Returncode is the number generated when the entire graph has been called and run
accordingly. This determines whether the graph has been successfully executed or have
there been any untimely or unwanted interruptions to the graph. The return code will
have the following values for the following errors
0 – Successful execution of the entire graph
1 – Failed
2 – Import of graph fails
Any other number – error at random step or unknown error kind

vii) Actions on returncode

The number of scripts used is very large and keeping track of all or knowing that all
scripts are being executed smoothly is a big task , hence when the return code of a

wrapper script is 1 or any other for value for that matter, an e-mail list is maintained(that
too in the main profile, the overrides or the project setup file). An e-mail is sent to all the
email id’s in the mailing list that so and so graph under the project has failed and the
relevant reasons are also given for the filing of the graph. This error report is often
custom and can be generated in any manner we like and can be customized to actually pin
point the origin of error.

1.1.3Job scheduling using Autosys

After the wrapper scripts have been properly setup in the right profile with all
variables assigned they have to be run on a regular basis to update the data or retrieve or
make changes in the data. This can be achieved through tool in Unix environment called

What is Autosys?
Autosys is a product from Platinum it is a job scheduling software. Most basic job
scheduling is done using Unix - Cron (or windows - AT) which is time based it will fire
the job based on the clock. However in real business you need to fire jobs not just based
on scheduled time but also based on events (like an arrival of a file) and based on the
success or failure of other jobs. Autosys is a total job scheduling solution that allows you
to define these events dependencies time schedules alerts etc making it a complete data
centre automation tool.

In other words it can also be put as:

Autosys is a job scheduling software like Control - M and cron with the help
of autosys we can define the runtime day date week and which script or program
needs to be run. The main advantage of using autosys w.r.t crontab is that it is has a Java
front end too so a person do not need to be a Unix professional to create or change a job
in autosys.
The main attributes of AUTOSYS are:

1) Job name :
2) script :
3) owner:
4) machine it has to run on :
5) day:
6) date:
7) week:
8) Error log:
9) output log:
10) alarm:

An insertion of a job into the autosys is an easy job and u need not be a unix professional
to do it. It is just a mere execution of jobs or in other words the wrapper scripts deployed
earlier. Scheduling is easy as mention of date and day would be enough. It can be
programmed to run on success condition or failure to retrieve information or otherwise.

Each attribute in detail:-

1) JOB NAME: The job name should not exceed 30 letters and should follow a
convention for better receptivity of functions. The citigroup convention follows a
unique numbering system for easier remember rance and ease of automation.

2) Script: The script that has been called in the particular job that will execute.

3) Owner: The owner is the one from whose profile this job can be called and
executed i.e. all parameters should get initialized.

4) Machine it has to run on: There are a number of servers available, this field
determines the server on which the given script should run on.
5) Day: This specifies the days on which the given script should run. For example
mo, tu, we, th, fr except us holidays.

6) Date: It can also be programmed to run on specific date only i.e. 09 Sep 2009 etc.

7) Week: weeks to skip or execute can be given

8) Error log: This is the path where the error file will be created if the script fails and
all the adequate reasons of failure will be saved in an error file in this directory.

9) Output log: Either a success or a failure a log file will be generated with all the
contents of execution of the script. This is created in the path given in this

10) Alarm: Alarm or mail alert can be assigned for our sake to know every time a
script has failed.

ii) Uploading the jobs

After creating the 6 wrappers calling respective graphs to do some functions,
inserting these scripts as jobs in autosys. For each script a job name has to be created
with all the details as above. But these 6 wrapper scripts are inter linked to each other
i.e. the 2nd will run only if the first one succeeds and 3rd one on the success of 2nd , so
on and so forth until the last wrapper script. Hence here we make use of another
condition or an attribute in autosys called as the ‘Condition’ attribute.
Ex: - Condition: S (job_name of previous script)

This will take care of the necessary condition of success of previous script.
The jobs will be uploaded into the autosys by the use of ‘jil’ command. All the
attributes can be defined in a text file or word file and the copy pasted into the jil
command prompt.

And then type ‘exit’ in the jil prompt to update the database of autosys. A successful
conformation will occur if the job is perfect i.e. the name doesnot already exist and no
infinite loops of scripts exist.

After putting in all the jobs into jil in the above mentioned way all of them can be tied
up into a small box since they are anyways of the same kind of jobs and depend upon
each other for proper functionalities or otherwise. By putting all of them in one box
we don’t have to give date and time and week for each and every job but can give it
only for the main box and leave it to run. We can put them all in a box by adding an
extra tag to each
Box name : <name of the box>

This addition can be done by tying jil i.e. entering the jil prompt and then typing
update_job:<job name>

And then typing the line for updating i.e.

Box_name: <name of the box>

Now that all the jobs have been successfully entered into the autosys database, we
need to check whether each one of the jobs are successfully running or not, this is our
next phase in autosys.

iii) Running the jobs and verification

The jobs after insertion into database lie there, waiting for date and time to come or
their success condition to occur. They can be force started by the following command

Sendevent FORCE_STARTJOB –j < job name >

This force starts the job no matter what the condition of execution may be. To check
the success or failure of the job we have another command in autosys which is:

AUTOREP –j < job name >

This command displays the last time when this job had been started and what the
result was at that time. But after repeatedly giving this command we see that it starts
running i.e. it goes into the ‘RU’ mode. Sometimes the job might go into the ‘RE’
mode which is the restart mode. The different modes of the autosys jobs are:

ST - start
RU – running
RE – restart
FA – failure
SU – Success

If at the end the display show a ‘SU’ then it is the time to move onto the next job.
But if the end result of the job is ‘FA’ we need a further examination of all files
including the profile file in autosys.

iv) Checking and Debugging

The best way to start the cross examination or debugging is to view the failure reports
generated by the autosys in the error log path we created for it at time of defining the
jobs. This error file will clearly give why thejob has failed and we need to correct it.
The common errors occurring in these are values for different parameters not getting
assigned, this is because the common scripts are generated in ksh with the she bang at
the top of every script (#!\bin\ksh). But the autosys generates all its variables or
execution parameters in sh extension. The solution for this problem is to hard code
the unrelated parameters in the direct profile file. Email alerts for failure procedures
can also be implemented by which it becomes easier to track the failed ones.


Shell scripting is made easier by the use of this wrapper scripts as it calls on common
functions that can be used in many ways. All scripts can be coded using these
common functions. Just the graph to call and path of profile path will change. Hence
they can be executed in any profile by just mentioning one or two paths. Wrapper
scripting helps in speedier movement of projects and their other functions as easier
and smaller coding scale will result in a multiplied output of resources. Since all the
paths will be properly placed in in respective overrides files they will be easily
assigned and quickly taken into account by the shell.

Autosys job scheduling is an important tool for

reducing manual running of scripts on a daily basis. A periodic functioning of the job
ensures the smooth data warehousing and data retrieval for smooth productivity. It
guarantees the success of many jobs as it can be linked to others i.e. in our case a
success of the last 6th job is enough for us to deduce that all the other graphs have run
successfully and have come up with the required output according to user needs.

The combination of the wrapper scripts and job

scheduling of autosys is boon to software developers and programmers all around the
world as the code is broken down to basic functions and the main can be easily
programmed using these functions and necessary precautions such as log and error
files can also be taken. Then the autosys job scheduler further lowers the effort put in
by any system programmer by repetitively calling the required scripts (jobs) in the
particular order of designation. Relevant outputs can be also grouped together by
giving similar extensions of output and hence a very useful and productive program
can be created.


1.2.1 Introduction
The ultimate goal of any program or scripts is to successfully complete the desired
operations. But even after the ultimate goal is reached there are some glitches in the
coding capabilities of every programmer. This is simply to say that a programmer
might give away some useful information that is very necessary for the complete
running of that script. Now if a rival company or rival industry if they get their hands
on it might make use of it in their own way and hence is dangerous in many ways.
Hence to make the code completely secure a standardized procedure is followed to
ascertain the security of scripts. This procedure is known as ‘code review’. This
process is being done manually at the current stage in citigroup.

The following project though still in the development stage has

progressed quite fast and will be completed in the near future. There are many good
examples of code review errors. Some of them are hard coding the user into the
scripts. This gives away your unique id into the citigroup away and hence should
never be done. Another good example is the file extensions of similar kind should be
grouped in the respective directories.

This project aims to automate the entire process of code review i.e.
check all the scripts and directories of sandbox path and output all the errors
associated with them. This output should be in a very readable format possibly in an
excel file (as it is generated manually in an excel sheet). This final shell script should
output all the errors (errors according to previous code review standards) without
manual interruptions and compile them all neatly into an excel file (.csv which is
comma delimited and excel readable).

No. Review Item
All Table and file dmls must be stored in ${AI_DML} directory, having file extension
1 .dml
xfr files if the graph requires it to be parameterized ,must be stored in ${AI_XFR}
2 directory, having file extension .xfr

3 All connection files must be stored in COMMON_DB directory, having file extension .dbc
4 All sql files must be stored in ${AI_SQL} directory, having file extension .sql

All the graphs should have following naming convention:

<Project Name>_<Sequence>_< Subsystem Name>. mp

where <Project Name> is shortened name of the project. E.g. gtpl for Global Trading
Profit and Loss.
Sequence number falls into following convention:

• 000-099 Create Lookups and Reference Data

• 100-199 Extract and Validate
• 200-299 Apply Business Rules and Transformations
• 300-399 Create Load Ready Files
• 400-499 Database Loads
• 500-599 Data archives
Subsystem Name indicates the nature/description or the functionality of the data, source,
and target of the graph.
Using the above convention we can have
• This is a graph to extract and validate positions.
• This is a graph which applies business rules and transformations to
5 trades.

All the subgraphs should have the following naming convention:

<Graph Name>_<Shortened Component Name>_< Sequence >_<Timestamp>. Extension
The Sequence and the Timestamp are optional; their function is to uniquely identify the
files. Sequence can be used say for example when there is a Reformat with multiple ports.
6 The extension for log files is .log and that for the error file is .err.
7 All the data files should have extension of .dat and must be stored in ${AI_SERIAL}
All the look up files should have the extension of .lkp and must be stored in $

All the components must follow the following naming convention:
<Original Component Name>_< Descriptor>
For e.g.
A Join component can have the names of the key fields and the sort order as the descriptor.
A Reformat component doing a lookup for validating the “Department” would have
“Validate Department" as the descriptor
The Employee table when used, as an input source will be denoted by: “Input
Table_Employee”. In this case “Employee” is the descriptor.
The Employee table when used, as an output destination will be denoted by: “Output
Table_Employee”. In this case “Employee” is the descriptor.
A Daily Transactions File when used, as an input source will be denoted by: “Input
9 File_DailyTransactions”. In this case “DailyTransactions” is the descriptor.

All the graph level comments in upper left corner should contain the following in RED:
• Author
• Graph Name
• Description (This should include a brief description of what the graph does and also the
run time
parameters to be supplied to the graph.)
• Date Created
• Change Log This should have the following:
o Date of Change
o Developer Name
o Reason for change
o Description of change
For example:
Author: John Doe
Graph Name:
Description: This graph extracts and validates position data.
Date created: 01-sep-2005
Change Log:
Date of change: 31-dec-2006
Developer Name: Jane Doe
Reason for change: New validation added for positions.
Description of change: Validation using a new lookup file was added.
10 In addition comments should also be put to identify key functional areas in the graph.

All the component level comments should be in blue and should be present at the top
of the component.
For example:
11 Reformat to Validate trade type
12 Nesting of subgraphs should be avoided
13 Sources and targets should not be in sub graph
Reject-threshold should be set as "abort on first reject" and "never abort" should never be
14 used without a valid reason.
15 Upper case should be used for SQL reserved words
16 All lookup files should be at the top of the graph

17 Output files should be set to "don't rollback if the job fails"
18 Make sure that graph maintains the rejected records and log files
All Sandbox and graph level paramters should be defined with ${} interpretation and used
19 with ${} .ex ${AI_DML},${PREV_RUN_TIMESTAMP}
For all Output Table components, its advisable to connect the log port to a file - AND call
When any field needs to be assigned NULL value don’t hard code NULL allow it to take
21 the default NULL value in dml wherever possible.
22 Use api mode while using tables in SQL

23 While working with SQL,ensure that the layouts selected for tables are Database:serial.
Ensure that the staging tables are in truncate and load mode while the core tables are in
24 append mode while Insertion.
25 Ensure that all file dmls have a newline character as their last field.

These are the main objectives of code review.

1.2.3 Simple objectives

So far the script has been created to check for all the directories for appropriate file
extensions. All the files are checked whether they are separated by a “.” and that the
last 3 letters are of the valid file extension or not. An almost similar code for all of
them i.e. the first 8 objectives will be easily attained by replicating the same
algorithm for all of them
The next objectives are to search for Start script or end script
which is directly done by searching for “start script+”. This can be done by the
grep –n “Script Start+” $VARIABLE
where variable can be put in a loop to take all the values of the file in a specified
directory. Similarly replicating for End script the command turns out to be
grep –n “End Script+” $VARIABLE
These two commands only give us the line number of the following scripts. But once
line numbers are captured the in between lines acan be put in a file and then whether
it has any content or not. If there is any content it should be flagged as in displayed in
the output file.

The display should be comma delimited i.e. each word or column separation should
be marked by a comma. Only then a .csv file extension can be created which it
displays in an excel sheet. This can be attained by the following command:
awk “/$^,/” <filename>
the output cane be pipelined using “|” and the free flowing output can be directly
generated into an excel sheet.

1.2.4 Advanced objectives

The main challenges in this code review are the objectives from number 11 to number
24 in the above mentioned table. These pose a difficulty because of their close
association with human perception than code changes. Procedural error checking is
the most difficult of them all. Hence these objectives were attained with the help of an
expert here. Output table of i,o tables had to be configured and compared with
appropriate profile settings which lie outside the whole procedural call, hence the
program would take a long time if the call was made inside the program. It would be
easier to schedule this call in an outside environment of autosys and would be taken
care of while running this code review script.

Reject threshold is also the validation step in this

program. A script running in the autosys should have a limiting number of tries at the
running and should not be forced to access resources after a certain limit. This should
be taken care of in the script itself by checking the outputs of the wait or success files.
By the checking of outputs we mean the internal data of the log or error files created
by the jobs on failure or success or otherwise. Jobs on ice (a term in autosys) are to be
dealt in a brute force manner, by iterating through each and every call, output file,
error log etc.

Automation is the most important thing in the IT industry as the main objective of
software programming has been to ease the life of a human. The programs or scripts
being written are themselves set to automate some very useful purpose for a client,
but now the no: of scripts and graphs is so massive that each one have to checked for
security violations. But such massive numbers of codes cannot be checked manually
as it would make it a tedious work. That is why this code review automation has been
introduced to simplify the security check ups.

Advantages of this script are numerous, to

state a few are it reduces the manual labor of hours put in by a person as it simply
fishes out what the person was originally looking for. In depth search of the code is
maintained i.e. a person may miss many scripting errors by a well organized search
script will not, hence will actually tighten the security. It is sure to give an 100%
effective search of all the scripts and file extensions as the script will be deployed
with necessary sandbox path as a parameter.

The only worry about this automation is that

the code review also conducts a detailed scan on the graphs of AbInitio. This might be
difficult to go through a shell script as it requires searching multiple file of mp, run and
db directories and cross referencing the values for coding errors. This part of the script is
difficult but not and impossible task, so when it’ll all be done the script will be easier to
run , output very readable in .csv file extension format readable in excel. Hence a file that
is valid in format and submittable to code review management will be created at the end
of completion of this script by which all error correction should be done again. Maybe the
ultimate stage of this application is not to merely display the errors but to actually correct


2.1 What is SharePoint?

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 is an integrated suite of server capabilities that
can help improve organizational effectiveness by providing comprehensive content
management and enterprise search, accelerating shared business processes, and
facilitating information-sharing across boundaries for better business insight.
Additionally, this collaboration and content management server provides IT professionals
and developers with the platform and tools they need for server administration,
application extensibility, and interoperability.

2.2 Why is automation necessary?

The project leads of the citigroup had to submit a word document that contains all the
status details of all the projects they are currently working on. This word document had to
be prepared by someone manually using MSWORD. A sample of this document:

Module Application This Week Last Week Graphs Scripts
ISG Production Support Total
In Progress
Not Started

Detailed Project status

RECON BPM Total 7 8

Completed 7 8
In Progress
Not Started

Detailed Project status

Completed 2 4
In Progress 0 0
Not Started 0 0

. Detailed Project status


Completed 0 0
In Progress 2 0
Not Started 0 0

Detailed Project status


In Progress
Not Started

Detailed Project status

DDI COLT Total 1 0

Completed 0 0
In Progress 1 0
Not Started 0 0

Detailed Project status

DDI Trade Mart Total 2 0

Completed 2 0
In Progress 0 0
Not Started 0 0

Detailed Project status

Sl. Module Milestone Completion(%) Original Re-Planned Actual Remarks
No Completion Completion Completion
Date(SIT Date(SIT Date(SIT

Realease) Release) Release)
ISG Production
1 N/A N/A
2 RECON BPM 100% 8/28/2009
3 RECON DVP_RVP 100% 9/18/2009
4 ITERATION 50% 9/16/2009
5 GSM LUX 100% N/A
6 DDI COLT 80% 9/11/2009
7 DDI Trade Mart 100% 9/4/2009 9/4/2009

Actions Planned for Next Week

Module Project Activities Planned for Next Week

ISG Production Support Detailed Project status
RECON BPM Detailed Project status
RECON DVP_RVP Detailed Project status
DDI GSR ITERATION 2 Detailed Project status
GSM LUX Detailed Project status
DDI COLT Detailed Project status
DDI Trade Mart Detailed Project status

The document had to be created this way and sent to the respective clients. So the process
for creation of such a report was manually done. All the employees had to generate a mail
of all their information i.e. their project status, milestone and actions planned for next
week. This is copy pasted manually by someone into the word document and submitted.
This proved to a tedious work and hence some sort of automation was required to ease
the work of the document maker, since all the mails were coming in.

2.3 Web template

A web template for entry of all the details had to be created. This was the customized
web template created by me.

This was coded in an html form. The code is lengthy code of simplicity and hence not
attached in the report.

This template was to be hosted on the centralized SharePoint server. The entries of all the
employees had to be recorded and then made into the sample document as above. The
collection of data was to be an easy task as SharePoint collects all the data and displays it
in the form of an html table with an unique tableid. This table id can be then used by any
client side scripting (JavaScript in my case) and easily the document could be prepared.
Even though JavaScript boasts of a wide range of function that can be used it does not
have the adequate functionality or basis to handle word documents. Word documents had
to be handled by an ActiveX object that had to be defined and for repeated uses would
take up a lot of space and would slow down the process.


The html table created by the SharePoint server is regular vertically arranged column and
not in the format of the required document. The adjacent page contains the sample html

Then there will be a button at the very end of the page to export it into the word
document of desired format. But this button should be only allowable to site
administrators and not all the users. This would be a difficult task as Microsoft
applications tend to hide source of code and hence would be difficult for us to find the

email id of the logged on person. Hence an alternate solution would be to have a built in
password shared only among project heads and administrators of the site. This could be
easily done by the following snippet of the code:

Function passchk
if(prompt("Please enter your password","") == "<administrator desired password"){
alert('Access Denied');
window.location = "<same window>";


The openWin() is a function in javascript that does all the exporting work. Here is what
the function operates on a fool proof mechanism that indulges in arranging the designated
sharepoint table into a reformatted customized report. It also does a randomized check on
the table and arranges it into various other smaller tables. The other prerequisite is also
the arranging of similar module application together in separate tables. Like DDI,
RECON etc. different documents are created and respective project leads have their
reports ready to be submitted to the client group.

The password check is an integral part of the entire
program. It protects the application from harmful other programs that might trigger it.
Only the project leads and the managers have the password, that allow them to run the
application and generate their reports as they seem fit.

The mechanism is that this code i.e.

<input type="button" value="Export FINAL REPORT" onClick="passchk()">
Creates a button that reads ="Export FINAL REPORT” on it. When clicked goes to the
function passchk() which is used to check password and mentioned above. Then when
password is right it exports into the final word document else returns the user directly
back to the original page. Here the TABLEID used is the id of the generated html table of

2.6 Conclusion

SharePoint provides us with an easy and simplistic tool that can be used to gather
information and neatly stack it into a compact and readable format from which it can be
reused or reformatted to fit user needs. This automation save the time of not only the
document maker who otherwise had to spend at least 3-4hrs on making the document but
also the time of all the employees who were sending mail by formatting their status
reports and then sending them. Now all they have to do is click or enter very few words
and then click on save button. The rest is taken care by the SharePoint server in
warehousing the entire data entered. Now the JavaScript takes over which automates the

whole process of creating the document. Frames of desirable border, color, size can be
easily created. An enhanced user interface is provided by this application which also
saves time and effort.
Automation of the weekly status report is really important phase
as it is used every weekend by all the employees and the project leads. Even the color in
the second and third columns can be added in javascript. The user choice could be easily
maximized with additions of new projects by directly importing the project database. And
all the other functionalities are easily upgradeable. This application is open to all types of
changes and upgrades and will be a useful tool until the report submitting is maintained
in the given format. Format changes can also be easily done by a JavaScript coder. Hence
this tool will be a useful instrument for a long time as it is easily upgradeable, less tedious
in handling information, more and more data


3.1 Introduction
“Markit” is the XML loader tool that helps in extracting information from xml files and
neatly ordering data into a Database. This is an automated tool that helps keep track of
the data in the database and regularly updates it with the latest information based on the
xml files.

3.2 Workflow Access

Markit’s servers are accessed using http over conventional internet ports. This method has been instigated
to assist with the firewall and proxy security arrangements within financial organizations. The security and
permissioning associated with accounts is embedded in the URL string. The XML supplied by Markit is

all-relational, such that there are keys that allow for navigation between the information stored on different

Markit Server

Markit XML Pages

with Latest Prices

Mapped for

Client Server

3.3 Workflow – Index Data

It is anticipated that the customer will poll the Markit Equities servers every fifteen to thirty minutes, for
the index data. This server is updated in real-time to reflect the indices that are released throughout the day.
It is advocated that this process is not batched, as the information will be potentially out of date during the
trading day.
The initial URL queried should be as follows:
This URL also contains the permissioning data. This will allow the customer to obtain the Daddid, delta
and names associated with each cluster. The delta is a date and time stamp that indicates when the cluster
has been updated. Therefore if the delta has incremented from the last value stored at the last request, the
composition of the cluster should be requested.
The composition of an index cluster can be requested via the following URL:
The codes associated with each index can be obtained from the following URL:


The database design naturally follows the data structure and format of the XML schema. The database can
be thought of as in two parts, indices and dividends representing the two main strands to the Markit
Equities business i.e. index management and dividend forecasting. A schema diagram is as following

P r o v i d e rs

P K P r o v i d e r ID C lu s t e rs S e c to r P r o v i d e r s
C o m p a n ie s
P o s it io_Hn sis t o ry
P K C l u s te r I D P K S e cto rP ro v i d erID
P ro v id e r N am e P K C o m p a n y ID
P K H i s to r y I D P K C la s s if ic a t io n L e v e l ID
A d d r e1s s
C l u s te r N a m e C om panyN am e P K P o s i ti o n I D
A d d r e2s s S e cto rP ro v i d erN a m e
F K1 P r o v i d e r I D C o n ta c t P K H i s to r y D a t e
A d d r e3s s C a lc u la t i o n s C la s s if ic a t io n N a m e
T e le p h o n e L ic e n s e d P h o ne
D iv id e n d s P K C a l c u la ti o n I D In s tr u m e n t ID L a s tU p d a te d
F ax Fax
D e lta A d d re s s T i m e S e r ie s
W eb
P o in t s D e lt a C a l c u la ti o n N a m e E m a il P o s it io n D a t e
C o n ta c t
C l u s te r D a te C a l c u la ti o n E x p r e s s io n W e b s it e D iv is o r
L a s tU p d a te d
L a s tU p d a te d L a s tU p d a te d C ity V a lu e
C om panyN ote A d ju s t m e n t F a c t o r
L a s tU p d a te d B a s in g C o n s t a n t S e c t o rs
A c c ru e d D iv id e n d
E s t im a t e d C a s h P K S e c t o rI D
T o talC as h
E x c h a ng e R a te s In s tru m e n t s N e t A s s e tV a lu e F K1 S e c t o rP r o v i d e r I D
S h a re s O u t s t a n d in g F K1 C l a s s if ic a tio n L e v e l I D
P K E x c h a n g e R a te ID P K I n s tr u m e n tI D U n d e rl y i n g I D S e c t o rC o d e
S to c k s
U n a d ju s t e d M C A P S e c t o rN a m e
F K1 C l u s t e r I D F K2 C lu s t e r I D P K S to ck ID C o n s t i tu e n t C o u n t L a s tU p d a te d
F ro m C u rren c y I n s tr u m e n tN a m e P r e v i o u s D iv is o r
T o C u rre n c y F ilt e rN a m e S t o c k D iv id e n d I D P r e v i o u s V a lu e
T ra d i n g D a te F ilt e r S toc k N a m e P r e v i o u s A d ju s t m e n t F a c t o r
V a lu e B aseF X T a x C o u n try P re v io u s B a s in g C o n s t a n t
L a s tU p d a te d D a ys InY e a r T a x C o de
C u rre n cy S t o c k N o te
F K1 C a lc u l a ti o n ID D e lt a
R e fI n s t ru m e n t I D D i v id e n d C o v e r a g e
L a stU p d ated F K1 C o m p a n y I D
L a s tU p d a te d

I n s tru m e n t C o d e s
D iv i d e n d s I B E S M e a s u re s S to ck C o d es C a p it a l C h a n g e s P o s i t io n s S to c k S e c to rs
P K I n s tr u m e n t C o d e I D
P K D ivid en d ID PK M e a su re ID P K S to c k C o d e I D P K C a p i ta l C h a n g e I D P K P o s it io n I D P K S to c k S e c to rI D
F K1 I n s tr u m e n t I D P K,F K1 S to c k I D
I n s tr u m e n t C o d e V e n d o r F K1 S t o c k I D F K2 S t o c k I D F K1 S t o c k I D F K1 I n s t r u m e n tI D F K1 S t o c k I D
I n s tr u m e n t C o d e V a l u e F in a n c i a l Y e a r T y pe S to c k C o d e V e n d o r S co p e T im e S e ri e s S e c to r P r o v id e r I D
D e l ta A nn ou n ce d Is A c tu a l F K1 E x c h a n g e ID E f fe c ti v e P o s it i o n D a t e S e c to r C o d e
L a s tU p d a te d T y pe M ean S to c k C o d e V a l u e F a c to r D iv is o r D e lta
D iv id e n d N o t e M e d ia n S t a r tD a te L a s tU p d a te d V a lu e L a s tU p d a te d
E x ch a n ge s G ro s s A m o u n t S td D e v D e lta A d ju s tm e n tF a c t o r
G r o s s A m o u n t C u r re n c y C u rr e n c y L a s t U p d a te d B a s in g C o n s ta n t
P K E xc h a n g eID R a w G ro s s A m o u n t S c a l in g A c c ru e d D i v i d e n d
R a w G r o s s A m o u n t C u r re n c y Y ear E s ti m a te d C a s h
E xc h a n g eC o d e A n n ou n c e m e n tD a te M o n th T o t a lC a s h
E xc h a n g eN am e E x D iv id e n d D a t e P e rio d N e tA s s e t V a lu e
A d d r e1s s C l o s e O f B o o k s D a te L a s tU p d a te d S h a re s O u t s t a n d in g
A d d r e2s s P ay D ate U n d e r ly in g ID
A d d r e3s s A n n o u n c e m e n t P u b lis h e d U n a d ju s t e d M C A P C o n s t it u_H
e n ist st o r y
T elep h o n e E x D iv id e n d P u b lis h e d C o n s titu e n t s C o n s t it u e n tC o u n t
PK H is t o r y I D
F ax C l o s e O f B o o k s P u b lis h e d P r e v io u s D iv is o r
PK H is t o r y D a t e
W eb P a y D a t e P u b li s h e d P K,F K1 C l u s te rI D P r e v io u s V a l u e
PK C lu s te r I D
C o n ta c t G r o s s A m o u n t P u b li s h e d F o re c a s t D e ta ils P K,F K3 S to ck ID P r e v io u s A d j u s tm e n t F a c t o r
PK S to c k ID
C o u n try R a w G r o s s A m o u n t P u b li s h e d P K,F K2 E x c h an g e ID P r e v io u s B a s in g C o n s ta n t
PK F o r e c a s tI D PK E xch a n g eID
D iv id e _H
n d sis t o r y L a s tU p d a te d L a s t U p d a te d PK S t a r tD a t e L a s tU p d a te d
PK S ta r t D a te
P K H i s to ry ID F o r e c a s tK e y S u s pe n d
P K D ivid en d ID F K1,F K2 M e a s u r e I D S us p e nd
F il te r
P K H i s t o r y D a te F K1,F K2 S to c k I D F ilt e r
E n d D a te
E s t im a t o r E ndD a te
S h a re s I n Is s u e
S t oc k ID A n a ly s t N a m e S h a res InIs s u e
P o in_H
t s is t o r y P o in t s S h a re s I n B a s k e t
F in a n c i a l Y e a r A n a ly s t C o d e S h a res InB a s k e t
F r e e F lo a t
A n n ou n c ed P K,F K3 I n s t r u m e n tI D C u r re n tE s t i m a te D a t e F re e F l o a t
A d ju s t m e n t F a c t o r
Type P K,F K1 D ivid en d ID C u r re n tE s t i m a te V a l u e A d ju s t m e n t F a c t o r
B a s in g C o n s t a n t
H i s to r y D a t e D iv id e n d N o t e P K,F K4 P o s itio n ID C u r re n tE s t i m a te C u rr e n c y B as ing C o n s tan t
I n c l u s io n F a c t o r
I n s tr u m e n t ID G ros s A m o u nt P K,F K5 S to c k ID C u r re n tE s t i m a te B a s e C u rr e n c y I n c lu s i o n F a c t o r
P r ic e
D i v id e n d I D G r o s s A m o u n t C u rre n c y P K,F K2 E x c h a n g e ID C u r re n tE s t i m a te S c a l in g P ric e
P r ic e C u r re n c y
P o s i ti o n I D R a w G ro s s A m o u n t C u r re n tE s t i m a te E x c l u d e d P ric e C u rr e n c y
D iv id e n d
S to c kID R a w G r o s s A m o u n t C u r re n c y P ro p o rt io n I n c l u d e d C u r re n tE s t i m a te D ilu t e d D iv id e n d
D i v i d e n d C u rre n c y
E x c h a ng e ID A n n ou n c em e n tD a te I s O f fic ia l P re v io u s E s t im a t e D a t e D iv id e n d C u rr e n c y
N e t D iv id e n d
P r o p o r t io n In c lu d e d E x D iv id e n d D a t e P o in t s V a lu e P re v io u s E s t im a t e V a l u e N e t D iv i d e n d
N e t D iv id e n d C u rr e n c y
I s O ff ic ia l C l o s e O f B o o k s D a te P o i n t s D e l ta P re v io u s E s t im a t e C u r re n c y N e t D iv i d e n d C u r re n c y
P r e v io u s S h a r e s I n I s s u e
P o in t s V a lu e P a y D ate L a s t U p d a te d P re v io u s E s t im a t e B a s e C u rre n c y P re v io u s S h a re s I n Is s u e
P r e v io u s S h a r e s I n B a s k e t
P o i n ts D e l t a A n n o u n c e m e n t P u b lis h e d P re v io u s E s t im a t e S c a li n g P re v io u s S h a re s I n B a s k e t

3.5 Overall Markit

P r e v io u s F re e F l o a t
E x D iv id e n d P u b lis h e d P re v io u s E s t im a t e E x c lu d e d P re v io u s F re e F lo a t
P r e v io u s A d j u s t m e n t F a c t o r
C l o s e O f B o o k s P u b lis h e d P re v io u s E s t im a t e D ilu t e d P re v io u s A d ju s t m e n t F a c t o r
P r e v io u s B a s in g C o n s t a n t
P a y D a t e P u b li s h e d F o o tN o t e D a t e P re v io u s B a s in g C o n s t a n t
P r e v io u s In c lu s i o n F a c t o r
G r o s s A m o u n t P u b li s h e d F o o tN o t e E x p ir y P re v io u s I n c lu s io n F a c to r
P r e v io u s P ric e
It contains a total of 25 tables at Database level, they are :-
R a w G r o s s A m o u n t P u b li s h e d F o o tN o t e P re v io u s P r ic e
P r e v io u s P ric e C u rr e n c y
L a s tU p d a te d P re v io u s P r ic e C u r re n c y
A n n ou n c em en t
A nno u nc e m e n t
L a s tU p d a te d

B1 Table: Parameters
B2 Table: Clusters
B3 Table: Instruments
B4 Table: Positions
B5 Table: Constituents
B6 Table: InstrumentCodes
B7 Table: ExchangeRates
B8 Table: Dividends

B9 Table: Companies
B10 Table: Stocks
B11 Table: CapitalChanges
B12 Table: StockCodes
B13 Table: ForecastDetails
B14 Table: IBESMeasures
B15 Table: Points
B16 Table: Calculations
B17 Table: Exchanges
B18 Table: Providers
B19 Table: Sectors
B20 Table: StockSectors
B21 Table: SectorProvider
B22 Table: Positions_History
B23 Table: Points_History
B24 Table: Constituents_History
B25 Table: Dividends_History

These tables are updated in the following way:

Clusters Job

Get the DaddId [URL_PARAM_INDEXID ] from the above xml.

if bdCluster does not exist, it must be a new cluster so we update database.

1. Calls the ClusterUpdateJob

The DaddId will be inserted/updated in the table Cluster [ ClusterID ]


For Instrument and Constituent data the DADDID is used to get the Instrument ID and
Security ID


Check if the Provider for the Cluster exists in the Provider table and insert the new
Provider ID

Get the IndexProviderID [URL_PARAM_PROVIDERID ] from the above


A. Calls the ProvidersUpdateJob with IndexProviderID


Insert the new Provider ID [ all provider information ] in Provider table

Check if the Calculations for each of the Instruments of the Cluster exist in the database
and insert if needed.

Get the CalculationId for all the Instrument ID in Instrument attributes

Check if the CalculationId for each Instruments exists in the Calculations table and if the
CalculationId doesn’t exists start CalculationsUpdateJob

B. Calls CalculationsUpdateJob


Insert the new DaddId and Calculations information into Calculations table

C. Calls StockUpdateJob with securityID from constituents table.


Check if the Company ID exists , else Update Company Table with the Security ID

And then Updates the stocks table from the above xml.

For stock code details this url is also assigned


1. Calls StockCodesJob

Checks for the Exchange ID in Exchanges Table, if it does not exist

i) Calls ExchangesJob
This job updates the Exchanges Table.

Then it delete/inserts in the StockCode Table from


2. Calls CapitalChangesJob

Using the same Security ID [URL_PARAM_INDEXID] fro the xml


CapitalChanges table is delete/inserted.

3. Calls IBESMeasureJob

Using the same Security ID [URL_PARAM_INDEXID] fro the xml


First it Updates the IBESMeasures table and then

i) Calls ForecastDetailsJob

This job updates the ForecastDetails table with the corresponding Measure ID

4. Calls DividendUpdateJob

Using the same Security ID [URL_PARAM_INDEXID] fro the xml


First is updates the updates the Dividend_History table and then Updates the Dividends

D. Calls ExchangesJob



It Updates the Exchanges table.

The above A , B, C, D jobs come under isvalidforsave function which updates the above
table on specific conditions. Now, the workflow continues with

E. Calls InstrumentUpdateJob

Updates Instrument table from the following xml



1. Calls PositionsUpdatejob

Which updates positions table from the same xml. It also updates the positions_history
Table by copying the previous contents of positions table into this positions_history table.

2. Calls ConstituentUpdateJob
Updates constituent history table by copying previous contents of constituent table
into the former table.
It then updates constituents table from the following xml

Using URL_PARAM_INDEXID=%DADDID% to iterate through clusters.

3. Calls InstrumentCodeJob
Updates all the instrument codes for each instrument [InstrumentID] from


F. Calls ExchangeRatesJob
Updates Exchange rates table from the following xml


2. Calls PointsJob



The Points table contains 5 different ID’s or keys and for the respective parent id’s i.e


In short the diagrammatical procedural call is

XML loaders such as Markit prove to be a very useful tool in the world today, as they
simplify the job of an accountant or a stock exchange updater. It uses Java coding and by
scheduling all the jobs on a cron scheduler it can easily be used to obtain the necessities
of a custom program. It is used by a wide range of subscribers to update, extract data
from or into the database.

This tool will provide a wide perspective of its users as
data can be enveloped into a single model and can be broadcasted or relayed at any
level.With such huge advantages and provisions Markit proves to be an extensively used
tool in the industry today.

The learning’s gained by these projects are:
1) Shell Scripting
2) Validation and profile handling
3) Autosys Job scheduling
4) Wrapper scripting

5) Extensive usage of html and JavaScript
6) Designer capabilities in a Microsoft SharePoint server
7) Advantages of automation
8) In depth debugging of all wrapper and shell scripts
9) Java coding and parameterization
10) Concepts of DBMS & their usage


5) UNIX for advanced programmers by R.L.Stevens

6) Wikipedia –


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