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There are two important parts of Logistics.

1. PGI
2. Shipping Point Determination
What the system does after Chelan
1. !pdates Depot " #actory Stoc$ %&'
2. Stoc$ in Transit (pdated %)' %!pdated *y the +al(e red(ced from Depot " #actory
,. Ins(rance Co+erage (pdated. -nly Information is generated . sent. This is done
for own Logistics i.e. if own transportation is (sed.
/. !pdates C-GS %Cost of Goods Sold' Ledger %I01 or respecti+e +al(e'.
2. Credits 3aterial Ledger. This is wor$ing for f(t(re li$e 1aw 3aterials proc(ring
time etc.
Shipping Point Determination
T Code4 -5L2
3en( Path4 Logistics 67ec(tion Shipping 8asic Shipping #(nctions Shipping
Point and Goods 1ecei+ing Point Determination 9ssign Shipping Points
Shipping point is Sales 9rea specific.
The shipping point is the central $ey to a deli+ery: no deli+ery can *e made witho(t one.
Shipping Points are determined from a com*ination of Shipping Condition; Loading
Gro(p . Deli+ering Plant. Shipping Condition is gi+en in C(stomer 3aster and Loading
Gro(p is gi+en in 3aterial 3aster . Plant is entered in the sales order.
Shipping Point which sho(ld appear in the sales doc(ment<s shipping line as a defa(lt
shipping point. =o( can specify other shipping points which yo( can replace man(ally in
the sales order line.
If Shipping Point Determination is not maintained; yo( will get error message >Shipping
Point is not defined for this Transaction< while creating sales doc(ment li$e ?(otations;
Sales -rders etc.
Com*ination of one proposed Shipping Point with a partic(lar com*ination of Shipping
Condition; Loading Gro(p . Plant are allowed. Shipping Condition; Loading Gro(p .
Plant is the Primary @eys.

Pic$ing Location Determination
T Code4 -5L,
3en( Path4 Logistics 67ec(tion Shipping Pic$ing Determine Pic$ing Location
9ssign Pic$ing Locations
Pic$ing is the process where the stoc$ is selected from the storage facility to f(lfill a
deli+ery. It can *e said to *e a process of mo+ing material from storage location to
shipping point
This set (p is not mandatory.
8(t; if yo( ha+e more than one storage location defined for yo(r plant; e+ery time when
yo( ma$e deli+ery of the goods; yo( will ha+e to enter man(ally the storage location. To
o+ercome this; yo( can ma$e system determine the storage location.
#irst yo( ha+e to set r(les for Pic$ing Location Determination. Three standard r(les are
maintained *y S9P.
1. 39L9 && Shipping Point" Plant" Storage Condition
2. 16T9 && Plant" Sit(ation" Storage Condition
,. 3916 && #irst 39L9 then 16T9
Then yo( ha+e to maintain Storage Condition.
Com*ination of Shipping Point; Plant; Storage Condition . Storage Location determine a
pic$ing location.
It is reflected in Deli+ery Doc(ment %Challan' . 8illing Doc(ment %In+oice'.
0ote4 Storage Condition is entered in 3aterial 3aster %Plant Data screen'. This
determination is *ased on the 39L9 r(le specified in the field >Storage Location 1(le< in
Shipping Point; Plant . Storage Condition are the Primary $eys.
3aterial Pricing Gro(p
Sales and Distri*(tion 8asic #(nctions Pricing 3aintain Price&1ele+ant 3aster
Data #ields Define material gro(ps
3aterial Gro(p
Logistics A General 3aterial Gro(p Create 3aterial Gro(p
TCode WG21

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