Syllabus Classroom Management Plan1415

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DKing 2014 2015 School Year

Syllabus &
Management Plan
Donna King
SC!"C! #
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DKing 2014 2015 School Year
*+ you +ail to ,lan- then
you ,lan to +ail./
C(0SS%&&M %1(!S & P%&C!D1%!S
!ntering class
'e+ore entering stu2ents must sho3 ,a,er- ,encil- an2 noteboo45boo4.
Conse6uences +or not coming to class ,re,are2 are as +ollo3s7
time )ra2e o+ 8ero 9n %oom Sus,ension:
time "ote home ; gra2e o+ 8ero 9%eturn note 3ith ,arent signature:
9n %oom Sus,ension:
time Call home ; gra2e o+ 8ero 9n %oom Sus,ension:
time 0ca2emic re+erral
&nce entere2 into the classroom ,rocee2 in ta4ing your assigne2 seat- an2
begin 'ell %inger.
=hat to 2o 3ith home3or4 & notes +rom home
>ome3or4 3ill be $1%"!D " on the table in the labele2 bo?.
Place notes +rom home 9signe2: in the bo?e2 labele2 *"otes >ome./
>o3 to hea2 their ,a,er
>ea2 your ,a,er on the right han2 si2e o+ the ,a,er accor2ing to the
"ame5"umber 3ill be ,lace2 on the outsi2e right.
"ame o+ the assignment
Failure to head correctly will result in a deduction of 10 points
for that assignment.
%estroom brea4 )o be+ore you come insi2e the class. 9You may 2ro, your
belongings in your seat an2 go.
@eeling sic4
"oti+y the teacher imme2iately an2 a "urseAs %e+erral 3ill be giBen u,on the
teacherAs 2iscretion.
Shar,ening ,encils
Please bring your ,ersonal shar,ener or use mechanical ,encils5,ens.
$hro3ing trash a3ay
Please thro3 trash a3ay be+ore or a+ter class.
Signals to get attention
%aise your han2 to get attention o+ teacherC 2o not yell out in class.
0ssigning te?tboo4s
$e?tboo4s & 3or4boo4s 3ill be assigne2. You 3ill be giBen a number an2 sign
+or each one. Please 4ee, your te?tboo4s & 3or4boo4s 3ith you each class
DKing 2014 2015 School Year
>ouse4ee,ing chores
Please ma4e sure you 4ee, your area clean.
$ransition times +rom one class5actiBity to ne?t.
(isten care+ully +or instructions 3ith grou, actiBities.
You 3ill be 2ismisse2 by the teacher a+ter the bell rings.
>&M!=&%K P&(CY
>&M!=&%K 3ill be giBen throughout the nine 3ee4s- at least t3o a 3ee4 unless
,roDects haBe been giBen.
a. >ome3or4 3ill be giBen each M&"D0Y an2 is to be turne2 in on that @%D0Y
unless other3ise instructe2.
b. @ailure to turn in home3or4 3ill be 2ocumente2 an2 a gra2e o+ 0 3ill be
assigne2. ncom,lete home3or4 3ill result in a gra2e o+ 50.
c. n the case that you are absent- home3or4 can be accesse2 through the
3ebsite or your !2mo2o account.
2. >ome3or4 & ,roDects M1S$ be turne2 in on the 2ay that it is 2ueC i+ you are
absent it can be submitte2 through the class 3ebsite un2er *+orms/ or through your !2mo2o
account. + neither are an o,tion- it 3ill be acce,te2 the ne?t 2ay you are
,resent in class &"(Y.
C(0SS%&&M %1(!S
1. !nter class 3ith a,,ro,riate uni+orm an2 be ,re,are2 3hen you enter class.
a. Pa,er- ,encils- ,ens- boo4s- Dournals- an2 anything necessary +or class.
2. 'e in seat 3hen tar2y bell rings.
<. 'egin 'ellE%inger u,on entering class.
4. Please re+rain +rom 2isturbing class 3ithout ,ermission.
a. %emain seate2 unless giBen ,ermission.
b. %e+rain +rom tal4ing 2uring lessons.
5. 1se grou, time res,onsibly- stay on tas4.
F. %e+rain +rom touching 3ithout ,ermission.
a. Kissing
b. na,,ro,riate se?ual touches
c. >itting
#. Com,lete assignments in entirety.
a. You are res,onsible +or your Gnal gra2e. "ot com,leting assignments
3ill result in a gra2e o+ a 8ero.
H. %e+rain +rom negatiBity to3ar2s teacher- one another- an2 sel+.
DKing 2014 2015 School Year
a. $his is a ,ositiBe enBironment an2 3ill remain so. 0ny negatiBity
comments an2 behaBior 3ill not be acce,te2.
I. %e+rain +rom 2estruction o+ ,ro,erty o+ teacher- school- or others.
a. Do not use or ta4e anything +rom the teacherAs 2es4 3ithout
,ermission. 3ill consi2er it stealing.
b. Do not ta4e anyone elseAs ,ossessions.
c. Do not 3rite on or tear anything that 2oes not belong to youJ
10.=e 3ill not eat or 2rin4 in class unless giBen ,ermissionC this inclu2es the
che3ing o+ gum.
11.Please be >&"!S$- haBe "$!)%$Y- an2 !KC!( " 0(( Y&1 D&J
Classroom Miolations 9$hese are acts that are not acce,table in the
classroom an2 2isci,linary actions 3ill ta4e ,lace.:
Documentation 3ill be recor2e2 +or the +ollo3ing oNenses7
1. $ar2y
a. 0+ter < tar2ies- teachers are re6uire2 to 3rite a re+erral
2. 1ni+orm Miolations 9inclu2es shirt tails- shoes- etc.:
a. 0+ter < Biolations- a re+erral 3ill be 3ritten
<. !?cessiBe tal4ing 9nclu2es tal4ing 2uring 6ui88es or test:
4. nsubor2ination
5. 0rguing in class 3ith others
F. !ating in class
#. Disturbing class or other stu2ents
H. Disres,ect to +aculty or staN member
I. ncom,letion o+ classroom assignments
10. ncom,lete home3or4 assignments
11. "o classroom su,,lies 9boo4s- ,encils- ,ens- ,a,er:
oNence Documentation recor2e2 9n %oom Sus,ension:
oNence "ote home 9n %oom Sus,ension:
oNence Call home 9n %oom Sus,ension:
oNence E %e+erral
DKing 2014 2015 School Year
FI&(TI%&' #!)UA" (AA##M!%T' *!A+O%#
C(0SS %!S&1%C!S This is the class website. Each class has an
assignment blog as well as useful information that pertain to the class. There is also
a section for parents as well. This is an online class in which helps to enhance student
engagement and performance. Videos, websites, practice quizzes, songs, etc. are
posted continuously in order to benefit the student. lso, students can ask questions
and communicate with me when they need help outside of class. !arents also ha"e
codes that allow them to access the assignments that their students are working on.
#emind$%$ This is a free te&ting ser"ice a"ailable to students and parents that
allow me to send class reminders and updates.'king4science The purpose of this channel is to not only record
student performances but to upload "ideo resources such as !ower!oint notes and
(n addition, students and parents can follow us on )acebook, (nstagram, and Twitter
at king4science.

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