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Issue no.

Eight Birthday 2014

Our talented reporter
Sapphire interviewed Rita
Skeeter. What followed? A
juicy interview of course.
In recognition of our third
birthday, reporter Sage takes
a trip down memory lane and
sees who and what we have to
thank for the wonderful place
PFF has become.
Continued on Page 4
River shares with us some
fascinating statistics and
tidbits about past W.A.R.T.S
nominations. Including some
funny nominations
Continued on Page 4

PFFs Three-Year Anniversary
Special Comeback Edition!
Continued on Page 4
A book review on
Gilderoy Lockharts
new book; Who Am
Letter from the Editor
Hello wonderful readers,
The Quibbler is back and Im so proud!
Sixteen months ago we released our
last edition but even then the Nargles
had began their attack. Only three
writers had survived the attack and
articles went unedited. After that
edition was published, the attack got
so bad that there were no survivors.
So the Quibbler went into a hiatus.

Yet now we are back, weve defeated
the Nargles and have a comeback
Birthday issue loaded with quality
articles. How did we defeat them?
Firstly we recruited new members. We
recruited Ashdust and Sage as writers,
RiverFirebolt and Heartrose as editors
and Hermione Leviosa and Raytoria
as graphic makers. Secondly, we
became very organised which is a skill
the Nargles dont possess or

So what articles do we have for you?
Firstly since it is a Birthday Issue we
have a lot of Birthday themed articles.
We have our annual Birthday Interview
and a fascinating article by Sage on
why members chose to stay on PFF.

We also couldnt ignore the two other
events which have been happening
around the forum, the Philosopher's
Stone Game Show and the famous
W.A.R.T.S. We have an interview with
the one and only celebrity host of the
show; Jag17! We also get a look into
W.A.R.T voting, statistics and some
rather amusing nominations.

For those of you who like regularity, we
have our usual columns. A Spell
Dissection Column by Oaknight, Craft
Column by Sapphire, Recipe Column
by Sapphire, Assorted
Announcements, Puzzles and a juicy
interview with Rita Skeeter!

I hope you enjoy this Birthday edition
that all of the Quibbler team has
worked so hard on.
May PFF and the Quibbler live for
another ten years,

Blast from the Past: One Year of PFF
An Interview with Rhynn
In Blast from the Past we present articles from older Quibbler editions, one article each
month. This months article is from August 2012 and is tting to the birthday theme. Its
the one year anniversary interview with Rhynn.
For the rst anniversary interview, we decided there was no better person to
interview than Rhynn. She is one of our oldest and most active members; on top of
that shes one of our wonderful Head Moderators, so she knows everything there is
to know about PFF!
So, without further ado:
Quibbler: Hey Rhynn, thanks
for coming down for the
interview. As one of our
oldest and most active
members, we saw it simply
fit to interview you.

Rhynn: Im happy to be on the
other side of the interview
for a change, haha!

Quibbler: PFF is almost a year
old, how does that feel?

Rhynn: It feels weird! On one
hand it feels as if PFF was
created only yesterday, but on
the other its as if weve
been around forever. PFF was
pretty different in the
beginning; so much has changed,
yet at the core were still
the same place weve always

Quibbler: So, to start the
interview off, maybe you
could tell us a little bit
about how PFF started?

Rhynn: Haha, I saw that one
coming! Charm and Hagrid had
a blog about Pottermore, and
as there wasnt another
community for it yet, they
just created one. In the
beginning PFF was really
focussed on the excitement
(and frustration!) of the
Pottermore beta, the welcome
letters and the opening.
There was a lot of venting
about waiting for the
welcome e-mail, haha! As
Pottermore changed, PFF also
changed; we slowly added
features and evolved into
what we are now!

Quibbler: Well, they
definitely made a good
community for it! For you
specifically, do you
remember what it was like
back then? Was it love at
first sight?

Rhynn: You could actually say
it was love at first sight,
yeah! I saw a small but
promising community about a
subject I was really
interested in, so I couldnt
resist signing up. Here I
could vent all I wanted
about not having Pottermore
access yet, among people who
were in the exact same boat
as me. It built the sense of
community we still have to
this day, I think. I felt
right at home!

Quibbler: A question we
simply must ask; were there
Nargle problems from the

Rhynn: Not from the very
beginning, no. It actually
started when the chat was
installed. There must be
something about it which
they really like! Of course,
once they found out what
kind of place we are, they
couldnt resist and stayed
around the rest is history!

Quibbler: Wow. So do you
think the forum has changed
since? What are some big
events that took place which
changed it? What do you
think is its biggest

Rhynn: The forum has changed
quite a lot, I think. We
always had the Pottermore
bit of course and a place to
talk about non-Pottermore
things, and a general Potter
bit. But the way theyre
made up has changed, and a
lot has been added. The PFF
classes were a big addition.
What really changed the
forum, I think, was the
addition of PFF points. This
opened the way for
competitions; its what
paved the way for the House
Cup, the Triwizard
Tournament, Quidditch, and
even the Olympics we have
right now. Without the PFF
points, I dont think wed
have thought of those!

As for the biggest
achievement thats
definitely the amazing
community we have. On all
forums Ive moderated and
been active on, there was
flaming, trolling and just
general unpleasantness. On
here, we hardly have
anything like that. Weve
had a few incidents, but in
general everyone is
incredibly nice to each
other. The community is very
accepting. PFF is a place to
make friends and hang out
with them - who cares that
youve never met them in
person! So Id definitely
say the amazing community is
PFFs biggest achievement.
Its something Im very,
very proud of!

Quibbler: Yep, PFFs
community is something
amazing. Were very close to
the date of the anniversary,
can you reveal if anything
special is happening for it?

Rhynn: Oooh, fishing for
secrets, huh? I cant say
too much, but Ive heard the
Prefects are planning
something. I have no idea
what, though; theyre
keeping it top-secret, even
from the moderators!

Quibbler: Well, it was worth a
try! It was really fun
interviewing you Rhynn, we
hope to see you again next
year for the second
anniversary edition!

Rhynn: Of course its always
worth a try, haha! It was a
fun interview! And I do hope
well live to see another
PFF year - may it be just as
awesome as this one has

Quibbler: Im sure it will be,
thanks so much for the

Rhynn: Thank you!
Unpublished Articles: Two Years of
PFF - An Interview with Rhynn
During our long break a lot of articles were written but not published. Unfortunately, a lot
of them are not relevant anymore. So weve decided to make a new column;
Unpublished Articles. In Unpublished Articles we present articles which we wrote but
never published. This months article is from August 2013 and like The Blast from the
Past it is tting to the birthday theme. Its the two year anniversary interview with Rhynn.
Last year we interviewed Rhynn for PFFs rst anniversary and with the interview being
the success it was, we decided to interview her again for PFFs second anniversary!
Some great answers were given in this interview and we hope you enjoy it!
Quibbler: Hey Rhynn! Thanks so
much for agreeing to be

Rhynn: No problem! Always
happy to sit for a Quibbler

Quibbler: So straight to the
point; PFF is two years old!
How does that feel?

Rhynn: A bit unreal, to be
honest! On one hand it feels
as if PFF has been around
forever - much longer than 2
years - but on the other
hand it feels as if we
started only yesterday. Im
incredibly proud that PFF is
still going strong and I
hope we have many more years
ahead of us.

Quibbler: So do we! For those
readers who didnt read last
years interview, could you
recount how PFF started?

Rhynn: It all started as a
blog about Pottermore, which
Hagrid and Charm had started.
It still exists I think, but
it isnt really part of PFF.

Hagrid and Charm saw the need
for a community where people
could interact with each other
in a much better way than on
Pottermore itself. So they
created PFF! In the beginning
it was really mostly about
the Pottermore hype and
people waiting to get into
the Beta, but after that it
slowly became what it is
now. Those who want to read
what it was like in the
beginning, should take a
trip into the Archives in
the Cellar!

Quibbler: Speaking of
beginnings, what about your
beginning? When you first
joined PFF did you think you
would stay here for this

Rhynn: When I signed up at
first I didn't think I'd be
staying around this long,
no. I remember thinking
'let's just check it out and
see if it's interesting...'
while filling out the sign-
up form. I usually just
stick around new forums for
a few months at most;
becoming a moderator here so
soon after signing up
changed everything!

Quibbler: Speaking of
moderating; how hard is it
to moderate a forum like
PFF? Is it harder or easier
than most forums?

Rhynn: It's both easier and
harder at the same time.
Because it's so much bigger
than any other forum I've
moderated so far, I've got
to think of a lot more
people when doing anything.
What impact will it have on
the users? What are the
downsides? But on the other
hand I have a brilliant team
of Professors. They are
immensely helpful and if I
didn't have them, PFF would
definitely have died out a
while ago because I simply
didn't have the time to
spend on PFF for a while.
It's a very comforting
thought that I can just
leave PFF in their hands for
a while without coming back
to an unfixable chaos!

Quibbler: You and the mods
sure do a good job of
keeping PFF out of chaos!
Since we spoke last year,
what do you think has been
the biggest change in PFF?

Rhynn: Probably the way the
staff works. The previous
system worked alright, but
professors and prefects were
often not really sure of
what to do. Now they have
much more structured
responsibilities, and having
everyone on the same level
helps a lot (as opposed to
Professors, Head Prefects
and Prefects). It's really
nice to see everyone working
together behind the scenes
and when someone can't be
here for a while, it's much
easier for someone else to
take over for them
temporarily. With such a
'healthy' staff we can focus
much more on improving PFF
where needed.

Quibbler: A healthy staff is
a happy forum! Personally,
what was your favourite
event over the last year?

Rhynn: The Summer Camp! It's
still ongoing [not anymore],
but I really love it. It's a
really nice original
friendly competition between
the houses. It took a lot of
preparation, and keeping it
all running takes a lot of
energy, but the reactions
are completely worth it.

Quibbler: Is there anything
you think PFF can aim to
improve on by next year's

Rhynn: I'm hoping to find a
way to make the Capsule
Machine go automatically,
without the Professors
having to update it.

We need to find a
professional coder for that,
though, which will likely
cost us some money, so we'll
need a budget for it first!

I'm also hoping we can get
the Wizarding Exams to
return in a way which takes
less effort on the part of
the Professors.
They were a big strain so we
had to remove them, but I
know they were really
popular among people who
weren't on the forum so I'd
like to be able to get them
back. We really need to
figure out how to do so
without pressuring the staff
too much, though.

Quibbler: I'm sure your
manage both of off them
without pressuring the staff
too much! But two years
later PFF is still dealing
with nargles and squirrels.
How do you plan on dealing
with the squargle alliance
in the upcoming year?

Rhynn: I can't tell you, or
they'd find out! But it
involves a lot of Nutella, a
precise amount of bacon, and
lots of Butterbeer Corks.
And possibly some mistletoe,
but that's only if we can
find any that's currently
not infested by nargles...
Oh and if any of you stumble
upon something that looks
suspiciously like a honey
badger training camp... it's
uh... that's nothing to
worry about. Just... don't
touch anything if you get
there and make sure to leave
some nutella-covered bacon.
That should- well, might get
you out safely...
Quibbler: Wow that sounds
like an amazing plan! Honey
badger training camp! But
other than nargles and
secret badger training camps
what do you think makes PFF
stand out from other forums?

Rhynn: The friendliness,
definitely. PFF feels like
one big group of friends
where everyone is accepted
for who they are and
everyone is welcome, as long
as you treat everyone

There's none of the
trolling, flaming and
otherwise unpleasantness
that seems to be standard on
other forums and
communities. Even while
everyone is spread out all
over the world, we manage to
forge some real friendships.
It's quite amazing really,
and something I'm incredibly
proud of!

Quibbler: Do you think PFF
has been noticed by
Pottermore at all? Would
that be the ultimate dream

Rhynn: Unless they've never
bothered to google
Pottermore, it's almost
impossible that they haven't
noticed us at all.

They've never acknowledged
us though - it'd be cool if
they did that (unless it's
of course with a cease and
desist notice. That wouldn't
be nice at all, haha!). I'd
have to say the ultimate
dream goal isn't to be
noticed by Pottermore,
though - that would be
getting noticed by J. K.!

Quibbler: Can you tell us
what events PFF members
should be on the lookout

Rhynn: Well when this
Quibbler publishes we should
be really close to the 2nd
Birthday event of course,
which is going to be full of

Other than that there will
of course be the Halloween
event and the Christmas
event (hopefully - if the
Nargle infestation doesn't
get too bad!).

There is one thing we're
working on - and which you
all already know much more
about than you realize -
which is bound to be a hit
amongst everyone. Can't say
too much about it, but we
know you all love it!

Quibbler: Thanks for
agreeing to be interviewed.

Rhynn: Thank you!
W.A.R.T Statistics
With the eighth WART's
happening this weekend
we are going to take a look
back at some statistics from
previous awards.

There have been seven
award ceremonies, with the
rst one taking place in
October 2011, with a total of
185 Awards and 55 different

Only one person has won
awards at each ceremony,
that is our Headmistress
Rhynn, who also holds the
title for most awards, 22 to
date, and shares the title for
most won in one ceremony,
6 which she shares with
Thestral. Rhynn also holds
the record for most wins in
one category, having won
Best Female ve times now.
The two categories which
seem to give our members
trouble are Scariest Member, the
most common category to be left
out by the CON and Most Likely
to Slay a Dragon, in the 6th
awards no fewer than 18 different
members were nominated for this
one award.

Looking at the nominations
overall they seem to fall into
three categories, the serious
votes, the personal votes and the
sarcastic votes.

The serious ones tend to be in
categories like Best Professor/
Prefect, Best Artist and Best
Writer, people do seem to put
quite a bit of thought into these

The more personal votes seem
to be in categories like The
Emmy, where people vote for
their friends, for obvious reasons.
Then we have the sarcastic
votes...Emmy for Scariest
Member, Jag and Hermione for
Then we have
the sarcastic
votes Emmy
for scariest
There have
been a couple of
behind the
Most Likely to Slay a Dragon, Me for the Silver
Award, (Yes I know who you are...and will be
having strict words with you all later on)

My favourite vote in the last awards was the one
for Minister as Most Likely to Become a Dark
Wizard. They do say power corrupts

There is an element of myth surrounding the
WART's, the most popular legend is that Dani is
the scariest member, while she has been
nominated for this a few times, she has never
actually won it. Although she has in the past
won Best Professor, Most Helpful and the MoM
Award, so next time she tells you that she is
scary, don't believe her it is all a front. She is
really a soft cuddly teddy bear.

You can also see a great deal of stereotyping in
the nominations and the winners, Only once has
the winner of Most Likely to Become a Death
Eater or Dark Wizard been won by anyone
other than a Slytherin and in the three years we
have had the Most Likely to Become an Auror
category, we have had only three nominations
for Slytherins, two for Rhynn and one for Riv,
who was also nominated for Most Likely to
Become a Dark Wizard in the same Awards,
showing exactly how sneaky these Slytherins

One category which does break the mould
slightly though is the Most Likely To Discover a
New Spell and its predecessor Brainbox which
although there is generally a large number of
votes for Ravenclaws it has so far always been
won by a Hufepuff. Mainly Oak, but it has also
gone to Mad Arrow and FeatherAsh in the past.

There have been a couple of behind the scenes
controversies at the WART's, with on one
occasion nominations for Scariest Member and
Most Likely to Become a Dark Wizard being
suppressed by the powers that be as it was felt
it would cause too much upset if it was

Also a nomination for Best Newbie
caused some upset as the person
had been on the site for a while,
but as this was their rst WART'S
it was allowed to stand.

Talking of Best Newbie, they do
seem to be cursed,
ElmSparks30289 won the rst one
and vanished shortly after,
Riddle7052 won the second and
hasn't been a regular visitor to the
site since and
ThestralUnicorn21416 won the
last one and he has also vanished
from the site. Let's hope whoever
wins this time breaks the curse
and stays with us.

Finally just a couple of random
facts to leave you with.Emmy is
unique in that she is the only
person to have an award named
after her, the Emmy, obviously,
which used to be the BFF, she has
won it 4 times and the other three
awards she wasn't active on the
site when they were held or I am
sure she would have won it then
as well.

Also it is interesting to see that
Potsy, although being nominated
for countless awards has only
ever won one, The MoM award,
the most prestigious award, proof
if it is needed that the Minister
sees all and recognises the work
that goes on behind the scenes..

So who will win awards this time?
Will your choices win? Will there
be any surprises? The results of
the birthday WART's will be
announced this weekend, good
luck to all of you.
Spell Dissection
One of the most well known charms is Alohomora, the Unlocking Charm,
but why is it that such a strange word can open locks?

If you just sat down and tried to think about it (during History of Magic, since theres
nothing better to do), youd probably get nowhere fast. Perhaps youd start
daydreaming. Maybe youd daydream about sunbathing in the Hawaiian Islands
and think, Alohomora sounds an awful lot like Aloha, doesnt it? At this point
youve probably snapped out of your daydream and are wondering what a word
meaning hello and good-bye, as well as love, has to do with unlocking.
And the answer would be that they have nothing to do with each other. What
looked like a promising lead was false, and lacking any other ideas, its off to
the library.

And its a good thing you went to the library too, because there was no way
you were guring this out on intuition and knowledge of languages alone!
The word Alohomora actually comes from the West African Sidki dialect. If
youve read Miranda Goshawks Book of Spells this might make a good deal
of sense to you, seeing as you would have learned that the spell is African in
origin and was brought to Europe in the 17th century by the famed thief
Eldon Elsrickle.

Originally Alohomora was just a word, and not a spell. It was used in geomancy,
a type of divination in which patterns of tossed stones or soil are examined
based on the patterns they make. Alohomora is the name of one of the gures. It
looks like this.
This symbol means the diviner, the crowd, heartbreak, and - most important to us
- favorable to thieves. The charm is also known as the Thiefs Friend after all.
So a West African wizard must have been practicing geomancy one day and
realized that the symbol name would also make a great spell incantation.

Curiously, the European name for the same geomancy symbol is - wait for it -
Albus. European geomancy, however, does not ascribe the same meanings to
the symbol. Instead, Albus means peace, illumination, wisdom, and patience,
among other things. Make of that what you will.
PFF Gossip
Its been a while since our last
edition and a lot has changed since
then, lots of new staff, new events
etc, but we aren't interested in that,
what we all want to know about is the

My sources tell me that our Deputy
Headmistress had to step down from
her role, not because she was too
busy, but because she wanted to take
part in a certain reality dating show,
trying to bag herself a Royal ginger

The proof
Turns out Dani wasn't to be lucky this
time as not only was he not a Prince,
but worse than that he wasn't even
ginger. Never mind Dani, I hear Percy
is still free.

In other stories, I have heard that our
new Deputy River has been spotted
out and about in a Slytherin t-shirt. No
surprise to some of us...well most of
us...ok all of us, but come on River
why not come out of the closet and
admit it, you are a Slytherin and you
love Professor Snape.

Talking about River he has denied
vehemently all rumours that he has
been deliberately trying to scare new
members of the forum, just so he can
win Scariest Member at the upcoming
WART's. I've told you River, if you
want to win Scariest Member, just post
a picture of yourself, that should do it.

And have you all been wondering
where our very own Thestral vanished
to? Well I can exclusively reveal he
has been spotted working as a Draco
Malfoy lookalike at the Harry Potter
Studio Tour. Totally confusing fans as
they are all convinced he is actually
Tom Felton.
One nal thing, I am sure there is no
truth at all in the story that Pumpkin,
our only male prefect, has had such an
identity crisis with his name being in
pink that he has taken to wearing
dresses, has put his hair in pigtails and
has been seen round the common
room asking people to call him Justine.

Anyway that's all we have time for this
issue, back soon with some more
scurrilous scandal, half truths and
outright lies.

(Have a story for us? Please PM it to
Ash...all sources will be protected.)
PFF from beginning to present, now
celebrating our third birthday
Today we are celebrating PFFs Third Birthday. This marks the third year
since our founders, CharmSpell199 and his brother, ProfessorHagrid created this
site that is still as active as ever. Without these two Administrators, PFF would not
be what it is today, because no one would have created it.
As PFF grew bigger, more moderators joined the group. They were important for
keeping the peace, and helping people out.
~On September 11th 2011 at 1:36PM, RoseFirebolt77 and treble.maker joined the
Moderator team. That was when there became four original Heads of Houses. Rose,
a Ravenclaw, became the Gryfndor Head of House because there was no other
person who could do it, while Garnie became the Hufepuff Head of House,
treble.maker the Ravenclaw Head of House, and Rhynn the Slytherin Head of
~Five days later, on the 13th of September, Draconis became the Hufepuff
~On September 25th, Niffz joined the moderating team next, but declined the
position for ~Gryfndor Head of House, leaving Rose in charge.
~Two days later on the 27th, Possa also joined the team.
~On November 27th, Possa replaced treble.maker as Ravenclaw Head of House.
~On the 3rd of December, MagicGalleon4 and Casty became the rst Head
Prefects PFF ever had.
~On the 28th, NimbusHeart42 joined the Head Prefects. These administrators,
moderators, and Prefects all worked together to keep PFF alive, in a very rare way.
Very few forums have lasted as long as this one.
~On June 6th 2012 at 12:12PM, several new moderators replaced the old ones.
Oaknight replaced Rose as Head Moderator, having replaced Garnie as the
Hufepuff Head of House in May. Niffz replaced Rose as Gryfndor Head of House,
DawnPumpkin33 replaced Casty as Head Prefect and Possa as Ravenclaw Head of
House. KCMarauder replaced DawnPumpkin33 as Ravenclaw Prefect. Dia also joins
the circle of Moderators. PFFs rst birthday came with no more additions or changes
to the moderating team.
~On August 30th, more changes were made to the moderating team. Dia replaced
Rhynn as Slytherin Head of House, DawnPumpkin33 became a Professor, EmmyK
and KCMarauder became Head Prefects, along with Raytoria, Heartrose and Jag17,
who become part of the Prefect team.
~On October 10th, Dia decided to leave the moderating team. Rhynn replaced
her as Head of Slytherin.
~On the 12th, Rhynn leaves the moderating team to become an Administrator,
~On December 4th, EmmyK and Niffz made the decision to step down from their
roles. KCMarauder and xAppleChaix were made Professors. Danul and Soleil
joined The Head Prefect team following KC's promotion. Elena has been made
Prefect of Hufepuff House, while Skyye of Ember becomes the Slytherin Prefect
and Nim became Head of Gryfndor House. With Rhynn resigning, xAppleChaix
takes over as the Slytherin Head of House.
~January 30th, 1:31AM, RiverFirebolt joined the Prefect team.
~ March 8th, the Moderating team was recongured, resulting in this:
Headmasters - CharmSpell199, ProfessorHagrid, Rhynn; Deputy Headmaster -
DawnPumpkin33; Professors: Aspy, covlolly, Danul, Elena, Hermione Leviosa,
PotionScale, RiverFirebolt, Skyye of Ember; Prefect: Nim; Class Professor:
~On July 4th 2013, 3:30AM, Avis was promoted to a Professor. She was the last
change to the moderating team until after PFFs second birthday celebration.
~On Dec 20th, RiverFirebolt and Elena were promoted to Deputy Headmasters.
~On January 2nd Poppy joined as V.I.P Prefect, KCMarauder as Ravenclaw
Professor, and Heart as Gryfndor Professor.
~Sapphire joined as Ravenclaw Prefect on April 5th 2014. Emmy joined the same
day as Hufepuff Professor.
~Pumpkin joined as Slytherin Prefect on April 15th.
~On July 15th, Jag17 joined the Moderator team, and MoonlightFox replaced
KCMarauder as Ravenclaw Professor.
Most of you probably skipped all that, because it seemed pointless to you. Why
should you care about all the moderators that have come and gone? Let me tell
you why. Without them, you would not be here. That is for certain. You would have
found this place miserable, deserted, obsolete and nothing more than a barren
desert, if you had found it at all. It would have been inhabited by nargles, squirrels,
and Death Eaters, if there was even a site left after their destruction.

I wanted to know what kept the moderators here to keep up the defense against
the nargles, and what kept bringing new people. I asked around, phrasing question
after question, listening to all the details that I could, trying to get every new one
possible. But I didnt walk into it as oblivious as I might have let on.

For two weeks, a theory was playing in my mind. Did I dare to suppose that
perhaps I knew what was going on? Dare I consider myself that arrogant? But oh,
did I want to know the answer.
And I found it. I found what I was looking for. I had been right, to an extent.
My thirst for knowledge had led me to asking other people why they came to the
forum. Why were they so active even when others were not? What was it about this
place that enticed them as much as the Mirror of Erised?

It was their own mirror. That was what led them to being as active as they were. There
were two components, and I found it in everyone, with few exceptions.

I worked my way from the newest active players to the oldest, conducting interview
after interview, asking the same questions to as many people as I could. What brought
you to the Pottermore Fan Forum? What enticed you to remain? Few answers varied.
Sage: What brought you to the Pottermore Fan Forum?

Little_Tee: First off: I'm a Ravenclaw. I came to PFF because I
wanted more social interaction then Pottermore provided.
(Don't get me wrong I love Pottermore, but there are a few
things it doesn't offer.) I searched and found PFF. After
reading into what PFF was about and what it offered (like
classes similar to Hogwart's curriculum) I knew I had to join

Sage: What about this forum will make you want to stay?

Little_Tee: Right now I would say that I would stay because of
the friendly users that have made me feel truly welcomed to
the Potter-verse.
Sage: What brought you to the Pottermore Fan Forum?

ShadowCloak: I've recently returned to Pottermore after quite a
long absence. I was trying to find fellow Ravenclaws to chat,
see if we could team up to win this House Cup, engage in some
HP discussion, but since Pottermore has no effective way of
promoting social interaction, I turned to forums.

Sage: How do you like it here?

ShadowCloak: It's nice. People seem to be really receptive to
newcomers and everyone seems to be doing their share to help
maintaining the forum topics always alive, what is really
vital to any forum.
Sage: What brought you to the Pottermore Fan Forum?

Castle: I was looking for a place to roleplay so I was
searching for places and found this.

Sage: I'm sure that a lot of new members register and don't
come back. What about this forum is going to keep you here?

Castle: The users (new friends now) and the roleplay is what
is keeping me here.
Sage: What brought you to the this forum?

SuperSeeker: I had just joined Pottermore and I was looking
for a community where we could discuss Pottermore and help
each other out. So I googled some stuff and found this.

Sage: Seeker, what kept you here at the forum, instead of
leaving and never coming back?

SuperSeeker: Well, the forum stayed as brilliant as ever, but
mainly the people. PFF has a community that is so fair and
trustworthy and just really nice that I have never seen
before on any forum.
I asked some of the older members for their opinions. Mostly the same as the
questions I asked the newer members. I also asked a question that might have
been a slightly sore subject. In real life, you have more than one way to contact
someone. You also have ways to nd out when bad things happen. That is one of
the disadvantages of a forum. Unless someone logs in, you have no idea how they
are faring. Since I was unable to ask the people who disappeared what they think
the reaction of someone else was, I asked the people who might have seen it the
most often.

I asked the older members, Prefects, and Moderators both new and old what
brought them to PFF in the beginning. I asked them why they remained active for
so long. What bound them here, instead of ying away with the change of the
wind? How are they affected when people simply vanish, and are rarely seen or
heard from again?
Sage: What first brought you to the PottermoreFan Forum?

Whispers: I've been a Harry Potter fan since the books first
came out, but it wasn't until I started talking to Rhynn on
another forum, that I became aware of PFF. So I guess I
ended up here through Rhynn.

Sage: What enticed you to remain an active person?

Whispers: I stayed because I like the people. They're very
welcoming and PFF has a great sense of community, with a ton
of activities and competitions. Real life is eating into my
online time right now so I'm not as active any more, but I
still enjoy the Hogwarts Roleplay.

Sage: You've been here a little more than a year, and you're
interactive with people coming and going. How does it make
you feel, knowing that people might simply vanish with no

Whispers: That's the way of the internet, I guess. Though it
saddens me when it happens with roleplayers. I view roleplay
as a story told by all players together and it's sad when
one of those narrative voices suddenly falls silent. On a
practical note with role playing there's also the issue of
other players wondering where people have gone, and their
characters waiting for friends and classmates, so I usually
ask people to leave a note if they plan to quit. That way we
know and can move on. Then we're back to the way of the
internet though, and life interfering even when people
intended to leave a note.
Sage: What brought you here in the first place? What enticed
you to remain?

MoonlitFox: I was a member on another forum called Pottermore
Central and one day the site admins closed down the site.
Went on google looking for another Pottermore forum and I
found PFF. The lovely community and atmosphere is what made
me decide to stay here. I've been to many other forums and
they have never had the same friendly community or
Sage: You've been here a long time. How does it make you feel,
knowing that people you chat with regularly might vanish and
never return?

MoonlitFox: Well, it makes me feel sad.

Sage: How do you feel about the PFF community here?

MoonlitFox: I love it here. Everyone is friendly and there is
many things to do here. I consider everyone on here my friend.
Sage: What first brought you here?

Riverrebolt: Erm, I was bored between college and work, joined
PM and searched for help, found Rhynns guide, then realised
how friendly everyone was here and signed up.

Sage: Once you signed up, what was it that made you decide to
stay as an active participant?

Riverrebolt: Oh dear, well truthfully, I meant to only stay for
a few weeks until I found a job, but I started chatting a lot
to Heart and decided to stay so I could talk to her.
Sage: You've been here a long time. What first brought you to
the PottermoreFan Forum?

Sapphire: Well in the beginning, I stumbled across PFF because
it was on the same page when I googled Pottermore. I'd
registered as a Beta Tester and while I was waiting to
receive my email, I'd check the site endlessly for any news.
I scrolled down one day and saw PFF, clicked it and had a
look around. I really wanted to get involved with some of the
things I saw, so I registered and the rest is history.

Sage: What enticed you to remain as a fairly active person?

Sapphire: As for being active, I think it was the social aspect
that enticed me. To say the least, I'm an introvert, and I
found so many people on PFF who were just as crazy about
Harry Potter as I was. I made new friends, and I realised
that I wasn't alone with my quirky little ways. Plus there is
so much to do, I just love being a part of the PFF family!

Sage: How does it make you feel, knowing that active people
you might get along with very well, could at any time
disappear and not come back?

Sapphire: That's a tough question, as I've experienced this
over the past few months... But I suppose that's life. I
guess it makes me feel a little sad, but at the same time,
I accept that PFF is just a forum, it isn't real life, and
of course real life will always come first. I do and will
miss those who leave, but you never know, it's a small
world, and I'm glad that I knew them for even a short
amount of time. That's why I try to play as active a part I
can on the forum, so that if people do leave, at least I'll
have known them, and shared my love of Harry Potter with
Sage: Poppy, how did you end up at this forum?

Poppy: I was looking for an interactive Harry Potter
experience and I found the PFF classes.

Sage: What was it about the forum made you want to stay

Poppy: When I joined I made a welcome topic and I got a lot
of really nice welcomes. Also on all the previous forums I
had tried out, everyone had been so strict with the rules
and here they make sure everyone is behaving appropriately
but they do it in a fun environment not in a formal and
strict environment. There was also a lot to do like
Quibbler, Quidditch, Hufflepuff Common Room, and more.
Everyone was really nice in chat to me as well which
definitely was a factor in me keeping active.

Sage: You've been here long enough to probably have known
people who were active, who then stopped being active. How
does it make you feel, knowing that at any time, someone
you talk to frequently could vanish and not come back?

Poppy: That is a great question. When people go inactive it
is really sad and there are some members who haven't been
on for a year or more and I still randomly think about
them. I think about it sometimes but I try to just enjoy
talking to them and really just enjoy the moment.
Sage: What do you remember about the original mods?

Poppy: I remember that they put a lot of effort in. We had a
mod named Danul who spent hours and hours working on making
the amazing capsule machine we have now. But yeah they all
worked tirelessly to make everyone feel welcome.
Sage: Hermione Leviosa, what caused you to remain an active

HermioneLeviosa: PFF is like my Hogwarts. PFF has been a
light in a dark time of my muggle life. I really love the
people here. I may have not conversed much with every
member, but I miss all that have made it past the First Year
here. Even though I'm not good at conversing with people, I
am able to interact with PFF member's through art requests
and PFF events. Therefore, when members leave it is really
sad for me. I truly rejoice to see old members come back and
look forward to see new members as well.

Sage: You mentioned missing everyone who made it past first
year. Did you know everyone who made it past first year?

Hermione Leviosa: Surprisingly enough I think I know most of
them. When I say I know them, it means I know them from
their posts. I am very visual so that their sigs as well as
their words make a mark in my mind.

Sage: What do you think causes them to leave? Where any of
them active members at one time?

Hermione Leviosa: Sadly many active members have left over the
past 3 years. Fortunately some still pop back in every now
and them. I think most leave because of their muggle life.
So you never know when a PFF family member will come back. I
keep hope alive that they will come back.

Sage: How does it make you feel, knowing that an active
person now might go away without warning and not come back
for a long time?

Hermione Leviosa: That has already happened.Immediately Elmo
and Rose come to mind. Rose was our Gryffindor Head of House
and I really looked up to her for many reasons.
She had a beautiful baby girl and left quietly without
letting us know. I'm glad she came back and let us know the
second time that she would have to be inactive. I was
really scared when Elmo left. She was so active then
suddenly disappeared. I was so worried that she got ill or
something. We did everything we could to find evidence that
she was still out there. She did finally come back a long
time later and thank God she too let us know when she would
have to be inactive.
Sage: Riv, What brought you to PFF? What enticed you to
remain, instead of turning your back at the very beginning?

Riv: Well, what at first brought me to PFF was the fact that
I had successfully entered the Pottermore Beta. I was
waiting for my letter to arrive, and in the meantime I
googled around on that subject. At some point I stumbled
upon PFF, still in kid's shoes at that time, but already
nicely established with great administrators and user
groups. I peeked around in some of the topics at that time
and decided it was a pretty nice place. So I joined.

I'm usually not a person to stay by something for long. I
find something new, like a game, play it for a few days,
and that's it. No more of it. But it was different with
PFF. I think the biggest factor in me staying longer than a
month was the sheer amount of nice people on this forum.
I've seen other forums before, and there have ALWAYS been
some that bully others, start fights and whatnot just for
the fun of it, but not here. The user base on PFF was the
friendliest ever. I'd never encountered something like that
before. So I started typing, and chatting, and before I
knew it, I'd already been here for a year.

I'm not even sure how long I've been here now, I'm one of
the older members who's still around. I've had to take a
few breaks in between, like right now, but I always came
back, and I'm never really gone. I do check in from time to
time, and once my life calms down again, I'm pretty sure
I'll be jumping right back into the fray.

Long story, short point: what made me stay were the
wonderful people here who immediately made me feel like
home. This place was the only one where I could be free and
exactly who I was, where I didn't have to hide anything
about myself from the people here who understood me.

Sage: What brought you here in the first place, and what
enticed you to stay?

Jag17: Well I join back in the early days of PFF.
Pottermore was new so was just looking for much
information I can get. And as I say earlier wasn't a
forum person so wasn't planning on staying but after
being on a few days I met a lot of nice people on here so
stay for a few weeks but then that turn into years now
lol. Big thing is the members and the atmosphere on here.

Sage: You've been here a very long time, Jag. I'm sure
that you've seen lots of once active players come and go.
How does that make you feel, knowing that any of us
active players could simply vanish at any time?

Jag17: Interesting question, Sage. Yes, you are right many
active members have left the forum. It makes me feel sad,
since I was friends with many of them. But I know real
life can take over peoples lives, so I understand when
people do leave, but I do miss them a lot.

From all the answers the questions I asked, I found that almost everyone had
three things in common. People came to the forum looking for one of two
things. They came looking for information, or human interaction. It was the
human interaction that caused them to stay active in this forum.

I see positive social interaction as one of the things that makes us human. We
get far too little of it in our day to day lives where technology controls us. So
we take what we can get. If it means looking for forums, so be it. Apparently,
we all found this one. For that, we have to thank the Moderating team and the
Administrators. We also have to thank ourselves, because without active
members, there would not have been a need for the Moderators to try to suit
our needs. Our forum would have died, just like so many others will continue
to do.

New members are the life of the forum, and we remember that. In this forum,
everyone is treated as equals. That is the main component of this forum. The
Moderators in this forum do not stand on pedestals surrounded by ropes with
signs saying do not touch. The Moderators here are special. They remind us
to talk to them if we have problems. They hang out on the chat, asking us
what we are doing, and answer if we ask them the same.

If we are chatting with them, they cheer us up if were having a bad day, and
ask about people who seem to be missing. That is what has kept the forum

You might be one of the newer players who has never noticed the absence of
someone who was active, or who you were friends with. But everyone who
has felt that, responds to it the same way. It saddens the oldest active players
when people go missing. If you remain active, this problem will affect you too
someday. Because it hurts us, all of us, when people leave. While we
understand that life can get the better of anyone, we still worry, and were still
sad. But the forum continues to thrive, and get older. Younger players take up
the mantle passed down by older players, and three years later, new players
still comment on how nice and kind the people of this forum are, and they
remain because they dont realize that time is passing, or they dont care.
They have friends, and are continuing to make new friends, and theyre all
Monthly Craft: Timeturner
Hi Quibbler readers, Sapphire here! In this great craft tutorial, I'm going to
show you how to make an amazing time turner all by yourself! Ever wanted your
very own time turner just so you can go back in time? This project is so cheap and
simple to do, you will have one in no time!
-WARNING- May not actually turn back time.

-Thin metal wire (around 30cm will do)
-Small key ring or ring.
-Medium key ring.
-Large key ring.
Note- make sure all of the rings can t inside each other.
-2 Small round beads (big enough to t inside smallest ring)
-4 Very small round beads (big enough to thread onto wire)

Step 1-

Start by threading your two small round beads onto the wire. Then place the wire
over the smallest ring so the beads are in the centre. Then wind the ends of the
wire around the edge of the ring so it looks like this. (Be sure to leave excess)
Step 2-

Now slide the excess wire into the next largest key ring. Before you put the
next ring on, slide a tiny bead onto the wire either side of the key ring. Then
you can slide the wire onto the next largest key ring. This is what it should
look like.
Step 3-
Now you are almost done. Thread a tiny bead either side of the key ring
on the wire and bend the wire into loops using the pliers. Then paint the
whole thing gold and voila! You have your own time turner!

Hermione Granger eat your heart out!
Interview with the host of the PS
Poppy: Hello! Its such a
big honour to be
speaking to you. For
anyone who must of been
dozing off for the last
month or so, Jag is a
celebrity who has been
the host of many reality
shows including our very
own Philosopher Stone
show. Thank you for
agreeing to be
interviewed for the

Jag17: Thanks for having
me Poppy.

Poppy: So first of all;
how did you get the
desirable job of being
the host for one of the
biggest TV hits this
year? Who approached
you? Did you know you
would accept the job
from the start or were
there considerations?

Jag17: Well I was ask by
the head writer of the
show and since she saw
me hosting the new game
show in the next studio
she offer me the job
right there but I did
say no at first since I
was going be filming a
new movie during the
same summer but then she
offered 10 million
dollars to do it so I
say yes. Turns out that
was best since the movie
got cancelled.

Poppy: That was good luck
for us. What was your
favorite day or event on
the Challenge?

Jag17: Oh they were many
great days but I must
say the Winged Key
challenge was my
favorite since many
surprises for our teams
on that space.

Poppy: Did you enjoy
sending players to
detention? Or did you
feel bad about leaving
them in Mr Filch's

Jag17: Well in all
honesty Poppy it was
really funny sending
them to detention
she offered
10 million
it was
really funny
them to
was my
especially after they
spent so long in
detention but then
some of the players
was just sent back in
the Winged Key

Poppy: What was the
hardest part of the
Event for you?

Jag17: Well I know
people going to call
me lazy but as you
know Poppy we had 3
different boards for
our teams so they will
be separated but it
was difficult to walk
to each of them all
day since I had to
move every few minutes
back and forth to all
the boards.

Poppy: That must have
been difficult. As you
apparently had hidden
cameras in all the
Teams areas is there
anything that went on
in secret that you
could tell us about?

Jag17: Oh yes we had
cameras everywhere
around the teams
boards on every space.
One of my favorite
things to watch that
sadly we had to edit
out for time reasons
was when our teams
were sleeping.

You might not know this
but all our teams slept
on the boards all
summer. We were
planning on showing
what our teams did at
night but sadly that
part got cancelled but
I can say that many of
the players snore
really loud. But that
all I can say about any
secrets or I could get
sued by the studio.

Poppy: That would have
been good to see. Any
scandal or gossip from
the Judge's Chambers
you can share? Don't
worry River doesn't
read the Quibbler.

Jag17: Oh yes many crazy
things happen in there.
Of course I love the
staff we had on the
show but between you
and me Poppy the show
got much harder after
the Head Judge Rhynn
went on vacation. I
can't officially say
anything but I did see
River talking to one of
the show writers
telling him he was in
charge now.
Poppy: Is there any
truth in the rumour
that there was trouble
keeping track of the
the players
snore really
If you did it again
would you employ an

Jag17:Well those
rumours are not true
Poppy we had
everything under our
control but as I said
in the final episode
we did lose our math
interns that were in
charge of the galleons
but they did leave
their notes so we were
never in any trouble.
But it would be best
to have a official
accountant if this
studio does anything
like this again.

Poppy: On that note,
if there is a sequel,
and you aren't busy in
Hollywood, would you
be back to host it

Jag17: Well Poppy my
agent has already told
me right after the
season finale that the
studio already called
her office to make
some type of deal for
a new season so
hopefully if the
paperwork and
contracts and of
course money all works
out I will be back
next season.
Poppy: That is good
news. Can you give us
any hint as to what
you and the Studio are

Jag17: Well can't say
much right now since
we are just in the
early stages but part
of my new deal if I do
sign it is that I have
to read Twilight and
watch all the movies.

Poppy: That sounds erm
interesting. Sure all
our viewers will be
fascinated to see how
that works out.
Finally now the
Challenge is over,
what is next for you?

Jag17: Well right now
actually filming a new
pilot tv show that is
about a 20 year old
guy trying to follow
his dreams to build
his own theme park so
hopefully the network
will pick it up. If
they do check it this

Poppy: Looking forward
to seeing that. Hope
it works well for you.
Thank you for taking
the time to do this
interview, here's
hoping to see you back
next year.
Jag17: Thanks Poppy
I will be
back next
I have to
Well those
rumours are
not true
Three Years of PFF
An Interview with Rhynn
Quibbler: Hi Rhynn, thanks for
coming to the third annual
PFF anniversary interview!

Rhynn: My pleasure! It's
always an honour to be
interviewed for the

Quibbler: PFF is still alive
and kicking after three
years. How does that feel?

Rhynn: Pretty fantastic,
really. Not many forums can
stay alive for even a year,
let alone three. On to the
next three!
Quibbler: From previous
anniversary interviews our
readers already know how PFF
started, but how did you
find PFF? Had you been a
part of forums prior to PFF?

Rhynn: I've been on many,
many forums before PFF, yes.
Even created a few, though
none of them really took
off... The forum through
which I found PFF is
ChickenSmoothie, part of an
adoptables website. I wasn't
very active there, but there
was a Pottermore thread I
read (this was even before
the Magical Quill
challenge). In there at some
point someone posted a link
to the newly made Pottermore
Fan Forum. I followed the
link and well... here I
am :)
The person who posted the
link? Niffz!

Quibbler: Were there any
moments which you did not
think PFF would be able to
pull through?

Rhynn: To be honest, yes.
I've had a few periods where
I was a bit burnt out and
kind of neglected the forum.
At some point I realised I
needed more people with a
bit more power, and River
and Elena stepped up to take
over. Now I'm sure the forum
is in safe hands even if I'm
not around!

Quibbler: Since we spoke last
year how has PFF changed?

Rhynn: Hmm, difficult to say.
I feel we're slowly shifting
more towards a community of
people who just happen to
like Harry Potter and are on
Pottermore, instead of
people really talking about
Pottermore. I feel this is
only natural with the
'speed' at which Pottermore
updates; it's simply not
enough to keep us busy, so
together we're finding other
things to talk about. I'm
happy that the forum is
still as welcoming and
friendly as it has always
been and hope that part will
never change!

Quibbler: Who are three
members (other than Charm
and Hagrid) who you dont
think PFF would be what it
is today without?

Rhynn: Hard to say, there's
so many! But I feel
especially the past months
PFF wouldn't have survived
without River and Elena
keeping things running. But
I don't think I can really
name a third member...
there's just too many
deserving members!

Quibbler: What was your
favourite event on PFF?

Rhynn: April fools! Can't
really name a specific year,
I love all the pranks we've
pulled. Twilight Fan Forum,
Umbridge's take-over, Nargle
chaos... I really love the
challenge of coming up with
a new original prank each
year and making it happen
with everyone else.

Quibbler: Speaking of events,
we recently had the
Philosopher's Stone
Challenge, what did you
think about it?

Rhynn: I think it was great!
Lots of different small
challenges in a somewhat
familiar setting. Team
events are always fun, and
since we just don't have
enough constantly active
members for a Quidditch
tournament, things like the
Philosopher's Stone
Challenge are a brilliant
way to keep the friendly
competition going. Bring on
the Chamber of Secrets!

Quibbler: What about the
future of PFF, any plans?

Rhynn: I still really want to
find a way to make the
Capsule machine work
automatically. It would be
so cool to have it built
into the forum, with members
being able to purchase and
use tokens themselves
without needing to wait for
moderators, easy trading...
sadly, I lack the technical
capabilities. If anyone is
wondering what would be
needed: we'd need a
programmer with very good
knowledge of PHP, who knows
how to work with the back-
end of a phpBB forum.
Another problem is the fact
that I don't exactly have a
budget for it; I'd either
have to pay for it myself,
or we'd have to collect
donations for it. Someday,
Quibbler: Wow, moderating PFF
and planning things like
that must be quite
difficult, what has been the
hardest part of moderating

Rhynn: For me, the hardest
part is dealing with
moderators who have just
vanished without a word. You
never know if there's
something personal that came
up suddenly and they're
itching to get back or they
just lost internet for a
while, or if there's
something bigger going on.
Perhaps they lost interest
in PFF, or something worse
happened here... you just
don't know, and it's
difficult to decide to
remove them from staff.

Quibbler: We appreciate you
doing it. Why do you think
PFF is still going strong?

Rhynn: The members,
definitely. And I count the
moderators among those.
Without the moderators
putting in effort to make
things happen the forum
would be a lot more boring
than it is, and without
members to take part in the
events the moderators would
just get demotivated.

Quibbler: We hope that it
continues to make members
stay on PFF for a long time.
As always it was a pleasure

Rhynn: Thanks for interviewing me
to interview you and we look
forward to next years

Rhynn: Thanks for
interviewing me once again!
Next year will be here
before we know it.
Gilderoy Lockhart - Who Am I?
I've been lucky enough to meet
Gilderoy Lockhart a few times before,
having the pleasure of interviewing him for
the last six of his books. So I was surprised
to walk into St Mungo's and see the
pleasantly humble man who met me.

Although I always enjoyed these meetings,
some people have previously seen Lockhart
as a bit of a Peacock, strutting around and
trying to dazzle people with his smile,
(admittedly it worked on me), which we must
not forget won him the Witch Weekly Most
Charming Smile Award ve times, not that
he can remember that of course. But now
his smile is sweet and quite humble, much
nicer really. And even more charming, in fact
judging by the way the Mediwitches keep
popping in it is far too charming.

When we nally get rid of all the witches
wanting to sit in I start with the interview. But
although Lockhart was witty and fascinating as
usual I didn't get much on my parchment
about the book. He just wanted to tell me about the lovely fans who still write to
him regularly, although he has no idea why, and how nice all the staff are. (For
anyone interested a full transcript of the interview will be published in my
upcoming book "Lockhart - the St Mungo's Years, Meddling with Memories"
Plus highlights in next Month's Quibbler)

So instead for now I will give you a review of this amazing new book "Who Am
I". First thing that strikes you looking at the book, you can tell it is a very
different Lockhart to his previously published works, the man on the front of this
book, although handsome as ever, looks confused and quite sad, the old
Lockhart was never seen without his trademark smile. But don't worry ladies
there are lots of lovely pictures inside.

The second thing is that this book was obviously not written by Lockhart
himself, even now three years on he is having trouble expressing himself, he is
of course still charming, but maybe not very coherent at times.

The book itself starts off by summarising Lockhart's life briey up to his time at
Hogwarts. It skims way too quickly over all his heroic acts in his early career. It
then spends a little more time on his fateful year at Hogwarts, where he came
into contact with the Famous Mr Potter. Reading the book I do nd it hard to
believe part of the accounts of the night that he actually lost his memory,
something about giant snakes, He Who Must Not Be Named and ying... seems
a little shy to me, but whatever the story the outcome is the same, a spell
backred completely stripping Gilderoy Lockhart of his memories... the book
itself is very sketchy on why he was using a memory charm in the rst place, I
can only assume it was to help Mr Potter with his tasks in some way. I give no
credence whatsoever to the scurrilous rumours put about that he was trying to
purge Mr Potter's memory of some terrible secret he knew about dear sweet Mr

The more involved part of the book is the section that deals with his life after the
infamous incident, his time at St Mungo's and how he has dealt with that. One
of the most interesting facets of his memory loss is that he has no recollection
of magic at all. He still, three years on is not allowed a wand as the mediwizards
feel it is not safe for him yet. Apparently they made this decision after an
incident with some hair curlers, a plate of mashed potatoes and the umbrella
belonging to a visitor of the patient in the next bed, but best not to go into that

It is also interesting how he could remember some everyday things without any
issues, but anything too closely connected with his past life has vanished, for
example one thing he had major problems with is writing, The poor man found
this especially trying as he had so many requests for signed photos still from his
adoring fans. Some of us had to wait a lot longer than normal for our pictures
and letters. Still we forgive him as we understand what he has been through all
because he tried to help the Boy who Lived. One thing which hasn't changed
though is his love of the camera, he smiles automatically every time he sees

Overall, the book is a fascinating read, although the writing style is not up to Mr
Lockhart's usual high standards, just more proof, that the book was written for
him not by him, (he should have asked me). This book though despite it's
writing style is a must for all his many fans. And I would thoroughly recommend
you getting yourself a copy, before his legions of female admirers buy them all.
Interview with Rita Skeeter
We all know her as the hard-hitting, extravagant -and quite frankly nosy-
Daily Prophet Reporter, but today we've turned the tables on Rita Skeeter.
Now she's on the other end of the Quick Quotes Quill, when I went along to
chat to her about her writing, her 'unique' way of digging for a scoop, her
opinion of The Boy Who Lived, and of course, THAT Quidditch World Cup
article. As usual, Ms Skeeter was her charming self, wearing a lovely pair of
turquoise robes and sipping a Trelawney cocktail as I set quill to parchment.
So, Rita, welcome back to the
Quibbler! How do you feel about
being on the opposing end of the
questions? (Ignore the quill)

Well my dear, I am a little surprised
that someone of your writing skill
would be interviewing me, let alone at
this rag you call a newsletter.
However, I am willing to answer your
questions, for the sake of my many

Well, I see your unique point of view
hasn't changed! Now, what is this I
hear about your strange methods of
investigating? A little birdy told us
at the Quibbler that you have a
beetley little secret...

How dare you! You've been talking to
that horrid Granger girl haven't you?
Honestly that girl has no class. Well for
your information, I do not know what
on earth you are insinuating. Now can
we please turn back to the subject at

Of course you don't know what I'm
talking about dear... So as we know,
you have made most of your money
from your controversial reporting
on various celebrities of the
wizarding world, as well as your
many books. Do you ever feel
sympathy for the problems your
articles have caused the celebrities
they are based on?

Sympathy? Pah! It's their own fault! If
they weren't so desperate for attention,
I would not need to write about them.
In my opinion, they all had it coming.
Take Dumbledore for example, people
had been whispering about him for
years. All I did was put it in writing.
Number one best seller you know,
available at all good booksellers.

Yes of course, The Life and Lies of
Albus Dumbledore. Do you regret
some of the things you wrote about
him? Or do you think that he
deserved the criticism you

Didn't you hear what I just said? That
criticism was already there dear, I just
allowed the whisperers the chance to
speak freely. I mean, some of the
secrets he had, my that man wouldn't
have been half as popular if he had
not lied so much! He deserved
everything he got, in my opinion. And
of course I had to dig deep,
Dumbledore was such an expert at
hiding things. But my research is
thorough, I had the best source, dear
sweet Bathilda. She knew the truth
about the Dumbledore family.

As you say, you did have a very
reliable source. Do you think it was
fair to use Veritaserum on the late
celebrated historian, Bathilda

She didn't mind did she? I mean, let's
face it, the old bat was a bit of a
cuckoo. I doubt she even noticed that
she was telling me all of those juicy
little secrets. Bathilda had been such a
wonderful historian in her youth of
course, but when I caught up with her
in Godric's Hollow, I'm afraid she'd just
gone round the bend... Yes, such a
sad story. But I must say, she had a
memory sharp as a pin. Never forgot
one little detail of the Dumbledore's
lives when she was telling me. Such a
sad story. But I must say, she had a
memory sharp as a pin. Never forgot
one little detail of the Dumbledore's
lives when she was telling me. Such a

Indeed. Now we cannot talk about
Albus Dumbledore without
mentioning The Boy Who Lived,
Harry Potter. I remember your
articles from the historic Triwizard
Tournament. Do you feel that your
publishings about Harry Potter were
too negative, especially for a boy of

Ah, Harry Potter. Such a... disturbed
little boy. I think that he really wasn't
the same after that tournament; Then,
what can you expect, he'd been
treated like he was so special, and
then to be thrown into the limelight
once more, I think he took advantage.
He really cracked I think, so many
people vying for his attention, trying to
become friends with 'The Boy Who
Lived.' Such a sad little boy, desperate
for attention, to live up to his parent's
memory. Of course, I tried to point him
in the right direction, told him in an
interview that he should think of what
his parents would say, how they would
react to his selsh and often
dangerous pursuits. Of course, this is
Harry Potter we're talking about,
stubborn as a bowtruckle when
confronted with an axe. He did not
heed my words. *Rita shakes her head
sadly* I tried to show people the truth
about him, the dark side he hid away.
Too negative on him you say? Pah! I
must say my dear, you are mistaken.
You, like so many before you, have
fallen for the fame and fortune that
Harry Potter carries with him wherever
he goes. I simply showed the world
what he is really like; The readers
reaction said it all. After all, what's the
point in being a gorgeous, successful
reporter and author if you can't stir up
a little interest?

Yes... And we all remember when
you published your epic biography
of his life shortly after The Battle of
Hogwarts (1998), as well as the
controversial 'Snape: Saint or
Scoundrel?' Some have described
your books to be 'One quarter truth,
three quarters lies.' What is your
opinion of these views?

Lies? Who said this? How dare they!
For your information Missy, my books
are 100% cold hard fact. Whoever
says differently is just jealous. Some
people call my writing insulting, I call it
controversial. If people can't handle
the truth, they should not try to hide it
in the rst place. Too many people
have skeletons in their closets, and it
is my duty to the wizarding world to
expose these so called celebrities for
what they are; Cheap frauds who will
so anything for a drop of fame. My
books contain every scrap of truth I
can nd, so just because I am efcient
enough to research my subject, write
the book, and publish it within four
weeks, it does not mean that I cut
corners, or as some people believe,

And of course, you have continued
to follow the life of The Boy Who
Lived as he grew up, married a
lovely girl, and had three children.
More recently, we all saw your
infamous Daily Prophet report from
the Quidditch World Cup, catching
up on Harry Potter and many of his
old school friends. What is your
honest view on the now adult
Dumbledore's Army? (Come on, you
can tell us.)

Well, I wouldn't call that girl lovely for a
start, she's a Weasley for goodness'
sake! And how on earth she got that
job commentating on the Quidditch
World Cup, I have no idea.

I have a feeling it had something to do
with her rather suspicious connections;
It is shameful riding the back of your
own husband's fame just to get a more
exciting job, and a tropical holiday at

Now what was your question? Oh yes,
Dumbledore's Army. They are all
grown up now, so you'd think they'd all
be sensible. Sadly, no. Harry Potter is
the same as ever, the same attention-
seeking, fame-loving young man who
thinks he can do no wrong. And now
he has children who are going down
the same path!

To be honest, I don't think any of them
have changed. They are all the same
as ever, all rule breakers, the lot of
them. That Weasley boy, going into the
joke business! Giving up a Ministry
position for a joke shop? There's
something shy going on there if you
ask me. Needless to say, Miss
Granger is very successful, but what I
would like to know is how she got her
success. A muggle-born like her, no
doubt smart, but with no charisma and
a terrible attitude, does not get a
position of power like that for nothing.
And of course, some have jobs at
Hogwarts now, that Longbottom boy is
a Herbology Professor, and his wife
may be joining the staff too! I
personally am quite concerned for the
students of Hogwarts. These
Professors may have been somewhat
famous in their youth, but you must
remember why they were famous in
the rst place. After all, Dumbledore's
Army was a highly illegal organisation
that both undermined the authority of
Hogwarts and taught quite frankly
dangerous magic, which had been
deemed unsuitable to students.

Did Umbridge tell you to say that?
I'm only joking! So now we come to
your new book, 'Dumbledore's
Army: The Dark Side of the Demob.'
Could you give us a little taster as
to what it is all about?

Well this book contains everything we
didn't know about Dumbledore's Army.
(And let's face it, there's a lot!) What
were the students really learning under
the tutelage of the notorious Harry
Potter. Was it really defence against
the dark arts, or something more
sinister? Was the 'humorous' use of
the word Army, really such a joke after
all? All will be revealed in over 2000
pages, available now at all good
booksellers! Also, if any of my fans
would like a signed edition, they can
reach me by owl - for a small fee, of

Well, we'll all be picking that up
soon in Flourish and Blotts I'm
sure! That's all we've got time for
I'm afraid, but it's been a pleasure
talking to you Rita, I'm sure we'll be
seeing you back at the Quibbler
very soon.
Monthly Recipe: Pumpkin Pasty
As we did a sweet recipe last month, here is how to make a great slightly more
savoury treat, the humble pumpkin pasty!


- 2 eggs, slightly beaten

- 3/4 cup (150g) sugar

- 1 lb canned pumpkin (or 2 cups (400g) fresh pumpkin, roasted)

- 1/2 tsp salt

- 1 tsp cinnamon

- 1/2 tsp ginger

- 1/4 tsp cloves

- 1/2 tsp all-spice

- 1 can (2/3 cups) of evaporated milk

- butter for greasing

- 9 oz. ready made shortcrust pastry (enough for two standard pie crusts)
- large casserole dish

- baking sheet


1) Mix the eggs and sugar together until well blended. Add the pumpkin, salt and
spices and mix well. Then add the evaporated milk.

2) Bake the lling in a large greased casserole dish. Bake at 425F (220C, Gas Mark
7) for 15 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 350F (180C, Gas Mark 4) and
continue baking for 45 minutes or until a knife inserted in the lling comes out clean.
Leave to cool completely.

3) Roll out the shortcrust pastry or make your own if you prefer. Cut into circles
approximately 4 inches in diameter.

4) Place a tablespoon of the cooled pumpkin mixture on one side of each circle and
fold over the pastry into a semi circle shape. Crimp the edges and make three slits in
the pasty for vents.

5) Place the pasties on a greased baking sheet and cook in the oven for 10 minutes
at 400F (200C, Gas Mark 6) or until the crust is golden brown.

Serve at room temperature, with a dusting of sugar or cinnamon for that extra magic.
I didnt know that!
Welcome to the rst edition of I didnt know that! In each edition of
this column I showcase a job which one of our members has. I ask
them to reveal a few things you might not of realised that their job
consists of. This column is perfect for anyone who is unsure what job
they would like to have in the future but is also interesting for
everyone else. In this rst edition I asked Raytoria, who is a
photographer, to share some facts about her job with me.

I started my own Photography business after Graduation in 2012, at the age
of 22. I absolutely love my job! I feel so blessed to be such a big part of a
couple's big day, its a real privilege to be trusted with something so
important. Its hard work but its my passion and it drives me through hard
times. Here are some facts about being a photographer you might not of

1) I have a pre-wedding routine the night before. Pack and prepare
everything, take a relaxing bath, just chill out and grab an early night. I
always wake up prepared and raring to go!

2) On the day of the wedding, I work very long hours with very little rest. A
wedding can last anything up to thirteen hours and is pretty much solid work
(I probably get an hour - an hour and a half break when the guests eat.)

3) I eat when everyone else has their meals. Some couples will ask if I need
a meal, which is great. If they don't say anything about a meal, I just take
my own food!

4) I also work long hours after the wedding, too. This is the part most people
dont think about. Post-Processing (editing) the images takes many hours
as I have to perfect each image. You can have 800 photos minimum from
one day of shooting, so it takes 2-3 weeks and many, many hours of editing.
A standard editing day starts at 9am and nishes at 6pm (I try to give myself
ofce hours to keep me sane.) Sometimes Ill work up to 11pm to get work
done. I pride myself in making sure every image is print worthy.
5) Different photographers use different software to Post-Process the
images they took. Personally, I use Adobe Photoshop CS6. A lot of other
photographers use Lightroom, but its all personal preference.

6) You usually end up deleting more than half of the photos you took.With
group shots, I take about 3-4 of the same shot in case someone looks away
or blinks you can easily save a photo by photoshopping eyes/faces over.
You can start off with about 1000 photos and whittle them down to anything
between 400-600 photos. It's always best to have loads of photos you can
choose to keep or delete, than not having taken the photo at all.

7) If my clients make it clear they only want to pick me because Im not as
expensive as someone else, theyre not for me. If they picked me because
they love my work, thats amazing. I also have to get along with them. Im in
their space during their most important day, its necessary we get along.

8) I carry a lot of stuff! In my {super cute} camera bag, I have: my main
camera body, two lenses, ash gun, x4 camera batteries, a load of AA
batteries, lens wipes, chargers then of course my phone, water, food,
keys money My camera bag looks like a handbag. But it has padded
compartments for camera bits and bobs. Its mustard yellow in colour
because I love Hufepuff so much! It makes me feel a little more feminine
and let's face it every woman loves a multi-use handbag!

9) Photography keeps me t and healthy! Spending a lot of time outdoors,
which is good for the soul. My equipment is heavy, which helps build upper
body strength. I like to shoot from heights and angles, so I often do a lot of
squats. I spend a lot of time on my feet and running round. I also drink more
water when Im working so I dont get dehydrated and I eat things like
bananas to give me more energy. (I do spend a lot of time behind the
computer afterwards, so its great to be out and about.)

10) You have to be thinking every second when youre working. During the
wedding day, I wear my camera around my wrist and not around my neck.
This is because I always want to be ready to shoot at every possible
moment. If its round my neck, it can just hang there. In my hand, I dont
miss a moment.

11) I've made a lot of friends from my work. I've become friends with most of
the couples from the weddings I've photographed.

12) I also shoot Christenings and Portraits. Portraits can be anything from
couples, families and even Pet Portraits. While weddings are my main
focus, it's great having other work to do when the wedding season is over.

13) You never stop learning. Everyday is a school day. Even the bad times
have made me a better a better business woman and photographer. The
tears, the misery it has all pushed me to be better. Failure is not an option
for me. There are so many more good times though and its
those times that remind why I do what I love.

If you love your job and would like to be featured in the next edition,
PM Poppy.
Assorted Announcements
Since we havent published a Quibbler edition since April 2013, we are not
going to cover all of the assorted announcements since then. Instead, well
cover the announcements from the last two months since that is how often
Quibbler editions will be coming out from now on.
In the last two months, some Hogwarts
students have graduated and entered
unemployment! We congratulate them
and wish them luck with getting a job!
The graduates:
The Ministry of Magic is pleased to
announce that Jag17 and Heartrose
have gotten new jobs as members of
the Wizengamot. Poppy has also
gotten a new job as an Unspeakable.
Until our next edition (October 1st), the
following members will be celebrating
their birthdays and we would like to
wish them a happy birthday from the

-13: Heartrose
-14: Oaknight
-19: Jag17

-22: RiverFirebolt
-30: Riv
The complimentary birthday package
courtesy of Sugarplums Sweet Shop
will soon be making its way towards
the birthday girls and boys! As always
this is provided Errol Jr. will nd its
way. Congratulations!
We wish to congratulate the following people on getting a well-deserved
promotion on PFF!

Congratulations on your promotion to Professor!

Congratulations on your promotion to Professor!

Hermione Leviosa
Congratulations on your promotion to Prefect!
Want to work for the Quibbler?
Applications as Editors, Graphic Makers and Writers are still open in the
Wizarding Wireless Network. Were particularly interested in Editors.
For this months puzzles we have a 9 Letter Substitution and Tail Tag.
Send your answers to Poppy by owl or Private Message to be featured in
the next edition.
The 9 letter substitution is a fairly simple puzzle. A list of nine related items is
compiled then nine letters are substituted out for numbers. The letter
represented by each number is the same for every word in the list. The theme
of this game is spells.

L18151214 514236
9374212U5 L18151214
94314 3N8AN2A21
F3N327 3N8AN2A275
So a 'Tail Tag' is a variation of a 'word search' where the next word in the list
starts with the last letter from the previous word. On the right hand there is a
list of blanks with a number in parenthesis - this tells you how long the next
word in the search is. Words can be written in any direction - up, down,

Text editors: Riverrebolt and
Layout: Poppy
Reporters: Ashdust, Oaknight,
Poppy, Riverrebolt, Sage and
Graphic Artists: Hermione Leviosa
and Raytoria
Butterbeer Ad: Raytoria
U-No-Poo Ad: Riverrebolt
Florean Fortescue Ad: Hermione
Firebolt 7 Ad: Rhynn
Who Am I? Ad: Ashdust
Fire Whiskey Ad: Sailor Slytherin
St Mungos Ad: Rhynn
Madam Malkins Ad: Rhynn

Images which have not been made by
our team and which were not
separately credited here, were found
on Google. As such, we do not know
who made them and thus, who
should get credit for them. If you
recognize an image as belonging to
you, please contact any Quibbler
reporter and we will give you your
due credit in the next issue.
Have an article or image for the
Quibbler? Send it to any Quibbler
reporter and it might get published in
the next issue!

Next month in
the Quibbler:

Dont miss the next issue! It will be
available on PFF October 1st.
If you have anything to send in, make
sure we have it before the 25th of the
month - preferably the 20th. Dont be
shy - we love to see your

Ideas on new sections are, of course,
welcome as well. Dont forget to send
in your completed Puzzle.

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