Decision Making 2013

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Suppose you are waiting to catch a bus, late at night, in a lonely bus depot, where there are few people
around. A stranger approaches you and says: 'So your
bus is late as well. You just cannot trust these
time tables now a days.' You look at him and find him ui!!ically smiling at you.
"ow would you react to the abo#e situation$
a) You would answer him politely and carefully.
b) You will stare at him a id walk away.
0) Without looking at him you would walk to a place where there are people.
c) You will smile back and shift to a safer spot.
% Suppose you are stayi ng as a paying guest in a flat with a balcony and it is around & ani in the morning
and you hear Some noises in the balcony. You get up and peep from the window to find out 'here the
noise is comin
from and you reali!e that there are two men standing and speaking. You could only hear them
but you am not sure of thei r location, it sounds like they may be in the neighbor's ba any. (ut you
are not sure'of anything:
'hat would be your response$
a) Stay at the window and try to keep a watch.
b) Slightly open the window and put your head out to locate the noise.
c) Start crying as you find yourself helpless.
0) Start shouting in order to attract . attention and to scare them as well.
&. )magine you are at a railway station to catch a train and while you are waiting for the train to arri#e, a
small girl of about 1* years walks up to you sobbing and tells you that she has got separated from her
parents and she is unable to find them. You look at her and at the same time you look at your watch, you
ha#e about &* minutes for the train to arri#e.,
'hat would you do$
a) You will take her hand and leave her at the police booth.
b) You will take her to the station superintendent's office and entrust the girl to him.
c) You will take her to the public announcement booth and get the staff there to make a public announcement.
d) You will leave her at the ladies waiting room and go and inform the police about the lost girl.
+. )n your neighborhood lane, there is an unco#ered manhole without any warning sign. You reali!e that the
manhole is a death imp and how would you respond to the disaster waiting to happen$
a) You would collect a few friends and put up a warning sign.
b) You would collect few friends and try to cover it with a make shill cover.
c) You would call the municipal authorities and inform them.
d) You would collect a few residents a nd me et t he muni c i pal authorities so that the manhole gets covered
,. )magine you are staying in a hostel and it is e-am time. You ha#e a roommat e who was a l i t t l e
depressed about the e-am and since the last few days, you notice him. her a little lost and the beha#iour
also had become a little out of normal. "e.she started talking about the most painless method of
ending one's life.
Seeing this beha#iour how would you respond$
a) You would report it to the warden, as you find hisher behaviour disturbing.
0) You will take himher to the campus counselor.
b) You would try talking to himher to find out what was wrong.
c) You would call himher parents and inform them.
/. 0uring the recent pulse polio campaign, your neighborhood doctor was acti#ely in#ol#ed and it
was his in#ol#ement which made the campaign successful. 1ol after few days, you and your neighbors
notice that the children who were admi ni st ered t he doses had de#el oped rashes and ot her
symptoms like nausea. Some of your neighbors started getting #ocal about the doctor and made
it an issue of negligence.
"ow would you respond$
a) You would keep quiet as you are not sure because you found the doctor quite responsible with his contribution.
b) You would try to reason with the complaining neighbors and try convincing them about the positive role
played by the doctor.
0) You would !oin the neighbors' and initiate a police complaint.
a) You would approach a Senior "octor and request him to ascer t ai n t he connect i on between the doses
and the symptoms.
2. Your neighborhood roads were being re3laid as it had de#eloped a lot of pot holes due to the rains. As
the work was progressing, you notice that the contractor was careless about the uality of the
material. in fact you are not the only one who noticed it4 there were others also who had made
the similar obser#ation.
'hat should you do$
a) You should collect everyone and start a signature campaign against the contractor.
b) You should wait for a while and see what others do about it and then decide your course of action.
c) You collect the residents of your neighborhood and threaten the contractor with consequences.
d) You should inform the police.
5. You recently mo#ed into a new house and within a week you get to know that 3your neighbor is a
bootlegger. After making some discrete enuiries, you get to know that he has patrons within the police
and the local administration. 'hat would be the wisest thing to do$
a) #gnore it knowing that his business does not harm you personally.
b) Write an anonymous complaint to the e$cise and enforcement department.
c) Stay quiet but at the same time look for a new house and shift when you find one.
d) %e friendly with your neighbor but at same time you will watchful about him.
6. )t is 0iwali time and you notice that in your local shopping comple- a number of makeshift cracker shops
ha#e sprung up. 7n enuiring, you find that some of the shops do not ha#e licenses to sell fire crackers
and you notice that they were #ery casual about handling the crackers. All this makes you a little worried.
"ow do you think that you should respond to it$
a) &alk to the local shopkeepers association and make them aware of the dangers.
b) 'ersonally visit the local police station and complain to the S().
c) Sensiti*e the shopkeepers about the importance of safe handling.
d) &alk to your residents association and let them take it up with the shopkeepers.
1*. You are in your neighbors' house as a guest in a birthday party of his son. 'hile attending the celebrations,
you noti ce that your fri endl y neighbor is stealing power by attaching cables illegally. 'hat
should you do$
a) +eep quiet till the party gets over and then talk to him.
0) +eep quiet but later you will inform the electric company about the power theft.
c) You will talk to your neighbor the, very ne$t day and make him aware of his civic responsibilities.
d) You will talk and advise him to change his ways if he wants to avoid legal consequences.
11 At around % am, a car alarm goes off in your colony car parking right behind your house. "ow would you
a) You would go to the window and see whose car is it.
0) You will immediately call the colony guards and tell them to check.
b) You will intimate the police.
a) You will collect your neighbors and go down to the parking lot to check.
1%. )n the approach road to your colony, you notice that in the last few months a
makeshift temple has
'come up under a tree. And this encroachment of public space bothers you. "ow should you
a) You would write to appropriate authorities.
b) You would talk to the local police authorities.
c) You would collect some of the residents and approach the municipal authorities.
d) You would approach the local p o l i t i c i a n t o s t o p t h e encroachment.
1&. 'hile tra#elling in train, you notice a shady looking character standing at the entrance and beha#ing
suspiciously. 'hat would you do$
a) You would approach and talk to him to find out more about him.
0) You will intimate the railway protection force.
0) You will inform your ,o. passengers and will keep an eye on him.
a) You will collect few co- passengers and confront him.
1+. You are a police officer and on a mobile patrol when you recei#e report of a robbery at a bank. 8he
robbers were armed as they had used firearm to threaten the bank staff Since you were close to the
scene of the robbery, police control room instructs you to rush to the scene. As you are nearing the bank,
you see the two masked men coming out of the bank and running towards their getaway car.
'hat should you do$
a) You should accelerate and crash your car into the getaway car to prevent them from escaping.
b) You should start firing at them in order to in!ure them so that they are unable to escape.
0) You will stop the car and observe their ne$t move and then decide your course of action.
c) You will park your car in parallel fashion in the middle of the road so that they are unable to get away.
1,. 8his morning you found one of your colleagues discussing some personal matter on office phone for a
long time which was #ery much unlike him or her. And your office had a strict policy about phone. 'hat
should you do$
a) #gnore it as one of' those aberrations.
0) .eport it informally to your boss.
a) /ock your colleague in front of others.
b) &alk to your colleague and make him or her aware of the office policy.
1/. Your hostel roommate has been sick since last week and you notice that his cupboard is in a mess with
clothes in disarray. 'hat would you do in such a situation$
a) You will try to make it look little less messy.
b) Seek help from other friends of your roommate in cleaning up the cupboard.
c) You don't do anything for the fear of disorgani*ing your roommate's clothes.
d) You will try to clean up the cupboard of your roommate when you get time.
12. You are organi!ing an e#ent in your college festi#al and during the e#ent power fails and you had made
no power back up arrangements as you did not foresee power failure. 'hat would you do to handle the
resti#e students$
a) You would send one of your team members to get the 'resident of the )rgani*ing ,ommittee, as you feel he is the
right person to take the call.
0) You would apologi*e and cancel the event.
b) You would apologi*e and tell the audience the nature of the problem and postpone the event.
c) You would try to arrange for some power.
15. 'hen you reached office early, you find your colleague entertaining a #isitor and you o#erhear them
conducting some sort of personal business.
"ow should you react to the abo#e situation$
a) 'olitely tell your colleague that you will inform the (ead the ne$t time if you see him using office pr emi ses f or
conduct i ng personal business.
b) .eport the incident to the (ead.
c) #gnore it.
d) #nformally talk to your colleague about it.
16. Your subordinate has a #ery negati#e attitude towards you and to other members of the staff. )n
fact he i s pro#i ng t o be personal nuisance but on the other hand, he is a #ery good worker. )n
the abo#e situation, how would you respond$
a) Warn the subordinate that he can be removed on disciplinary grounds.
b) &ransfer him.
c) &ry talking to him.
d) &alk to him and send to him to a couns el or t o s or t out hi s behavioral issues.
%*. You are a 0epartmental "ead and your department has suffered a significant theft. After making
discrete enuiries, you are able to' identi fy the suspect. (ut you wanted the suspect to confess and
how would you facilitate this$
a) &ell the suspect that you are his friend and will help him through the situation.
b) &ell him that you have an idea of the people involved in the theft.
0) 0sk the suspect if he has any information regarding the theft.
a) &ell the suspect that it is in his best interest to confess.
%1. You are the "ead of a comple- project and as a head you had to coordinate the work of 1* indi#iduals to
meet the project deadline. 9our of the team members are on schedule but the rest ha#e fallen behind,
jeopardi!ing the project deadline of the team. 'hat should you do to keep the members on schedule$
a) Switch tasks between the members.
0) &alk to the members who have fallen behind, to find out the reasons for their slow down.
0) &alk to the members who have fallen behind, to help them.
a) .equest the members who have fallen behind to put in overtime.
%%. A new staff member who is highly ual i f i e d has j oi ne d your department and since he was new
to the department, the "ead assigns him an insignificant task. A week into the task, the new staff member
starts complaining to you about the task and how demeaning it was to be an insignificant member of the
department. 'hat should you do$
a) .eassure him that the (ead did not intend to belittle him by assigning him an insignificant task
b) &ry to comfort him by listening to him patiently.
0) 0dvise the new staff member to do as directed as he is the (ead.
a) .eport it to your (ead.
12. Accidentally you send the mail which was meant for your friend to your boss. 8he problem was that the
mail had some unpleasant references to your boss's working style. "ow would you handle it$
a) ,all and apologi*e.
0) #mmediately send an apology mail.
c) ,all, e$plain and apologi*e.
d) ,all and accept the mistake.
%+. You ha#e a roommate who at times annoys you with his habits and if not for the habits, he is a nice and
helpful indi#idual. "ow would you handle the situation$
a) Seek suggestion from your f r i e nds on ha ndl i ng t he situation.
b) ,hange your roommate or change your room.
0) &alk to your roommate frankly about his behaviour.
a) %e tolerant with his behavior as he is a nice person.
%, )n an office meeting, while you were presenting the report, couple of your colleagues try to derail your
presentation by asking irrele#ant uestions. "ow would you handle the situation$
a) #gnore them and carry on with your presentations.
b) &ry to address their questions without getting annoyed.
0) 'olitely tell them of their question's irrelevance and carry on.
0) &ell them that you would take their questions at the end.
%/. You notice that some of your colleagues ha#e the habit of lea#ing out procedures while e-ecuting a task.
You are worried that this kind of negligence may be disco#ered by the head and if that happens your
colleagues career may be in danger. 'hat should You do$
a) 3$pl ai n t o t hem why t he procedures are important.
b) #gnore, as it is not your problem.
c) #nformally tell your boss about what is happening,
0) Send a mail e$plaining the consequences of negligence.
%2. You noti ce that one of your colleagues is always catching up pending work. )n fact his problem is
that he is ne#er able to complete his assigned task in time. "ow would you help him$
a) %y teaching him time management.
0) %y teaching him self- management.
0) %y suggesting him ways of managing work.
d) %y making him meet a work counsellor.
%5. :;r. <apil, ) am concerned about your commitment to work. You were on lea#e for more than a month and
e#en after reporting you ne#er bothered: to catch up. 8oday you want to lea#e early because it is your
son's birthday:. 8he abo#e is an e-ample of:
a) 0 statement focusing on specific behaviour4
b) ,riticism.
0) statement displaying your anger.
0) Statement displaying your unhappiness.
%6. You ha#e recently3 joined the 0epartment and in the first week itself you notice that there are a lot of
interpersonal distances among the staff members. "ow should you handle the situation$
a) You will try talking to your colleagues informally to find out reasons for people being distant in office.
b) You will ignore the entire thing and concentrate on work.
c) You will try to get all the members close by organi*ing an after office party.
d) You will try to be as friendly as possi bl e wi t h peopl e who approach you.
&*. 7ne of your friends has suffered an unfortunate accident and in this situation how would you console
a) 5isit his family.
0) ,onsole him by calling and conveying your sympathies.
b) 5isit him personally in the hospital after a few days.
0) Send flowers immediately.
&1. You and your friend are talking about something interesting and it is your friend who is doing all the
talking. (ut as the con#ersation goes on, you notice a slight change in posture, and his rate of speech has
slowed down. Seeing this you feel:
a) that he wants' end the interaction.
b) that he is distracted.
c) that he is losing interest in the topic.
d) that he is trying to think.
&%. Your friend who was sitting ne-t to you in the e-am was caught cheating from your answer sheet. 8he
teacher in charge in the e-amination hall suspects you also of conni#ing with your f ri end. "ow
woul d you reipond$
a) You would defend yourself by 6saying
that you were completely unaware.
b) You would defend by saying that it was your friend who was cheating and not you.
b) You will maintain a dignified silence.
c) You would accept the mistake and seek permission to get back to the e$am.
&&. Your friend always speaks of #alues and morals but when it comes to e-ams or other desperate situations, he
forgets all morals. "ow would you react to such a friend$
a) &ell him of his hypocrisy.
b) #gnore it lest it hurts hint.
c) &alk to him about this behavioral contradiction.
d) &alk to his parents 7about it.
28. Your friend has failed in an e$am and in such a situation, what would you say to himher9
a) ':ever mind, it is bound to get better.'
b) '"on't worry, you will do fine.'
c) 'What do you plan to do now9'
d) 'You look so disturbed.'
2;. '# am feeling both e$cited and scared about starting the new !ob.'
&he above statement reflects4
a) 3$citement of the speaker
b) 0n$iety of the speaker
c) /i$ed feelings of the speaker
d) <ncertain feelings of the speaker
&/. ') am sad "arry died, but ) am relie#ed he's no longer in pain.' 8be,4abon,Atatement reflects:
a) /i$ed sympathy
b) <ncertain empathy of the speaker
c) /i$ed feelings
d) /ore relief than pain
' # understand that you want to borrow my tennis racket, and # know you are careful, but # am !ust not
prepared to lend it to anyone.' &he above statement shows that you are4
a) 0ssertive
b) Selfish
c) 3mpathically assertive
d) 'ossessive
2=. '# need to go to the library. Will you lend me your bike9'
Which of the following is the most appropriate refusal response to the above request9
a) '# reali*e that you need to go the library, but # am not comfortable lending my bike.'
b) '"o you have a license to drive a bike.'
c) 'Sorry not today as # may need it later.'
d) >:ope, not today. )n fact # am going to go later, why don't you !oin me then.'
2?. '# love my work, but .# get very angry when my opinions or ideas are ignored.'
&he above statement reflects your4
a) @rustration at work
b) /i$ed feelings to work
c) 0ngry nature
d) Aove for work
8B. 'rashant4 # am a nervous wreck this week. /y roommate's brothers are coming to stay for a week and they are
absolute horrors. Wonder how # am going to preserve my sanity
a) You're dreading the ne$t week and have already started feeling fra**led.
b) #t's !ust your imagination7 it's always nice to have people around.
c) # am sure it will work out fine.
0) Cust ignore your roommate's brothers you will do fine.
8D. 'rakash4 #f we have another scene over using the computer, god # will surely smack you.. .so stay away. Which
of the following is the most
appropriate response to the
above statement9
a) (ow many times have # made a scene9
b) You really have the habit of getting angry
c) )hE Fo onE # will stay away
d) You !ust upset and please don't let your steam out at me.
81. )ne of your good workers had devel oped a per s onal i s sue because of which his work and his work
place relationships were suffering. (ow would you go about this9
a) You will call him at his home to know how things are.
b) You will give him a week off so t h a t h e c a n g e t r e g a i n composure.
c) You will meet him in office during a break and try to talk to him informally.
0) 0t a personal level you may empathi*e with him but officially you wi l l t el l hi m what i s
acceptable and what is not. nv.
82. #magine you are asked for lending a book that you do not wish to lend.
0nd your response is, 6# am sorry. # would
like to help you out, but # bought this book so # would always have it to refer to, so # never lend it to anyone.6
@rom the response that4
a) You are possessive about your things.
0) You are inconsiderate when it comes to helping others.
b) You consider your need first and then the others.
0) You are very clear about what you
will lend and what you will not. Your departmental staff members are habitual late corners and they
have a very casual attitude toward work. (ow would you respond to this
a) ,all a staff meeting to address the issue.
0) #mpose penalties for late coming.
a) 0rrange a counselling session to change their behaviour.
0) Set long term incentives for punctuality.
H You are going along with your 'rofessor to attend a seminar, and on the way to it, you notice that your 'rofessor
has some spinach in his t eet h and i t was ver y vi si bl e whenever he spoke. (ow will you handle this
a) You will maintain a safe distance from him so as to avoid getting embarrassed by staying close to
b) You will indirectly point it out to him by using gestures.
0) You will directly tell him by looking at his face.
a) You will directly tell him by avoiding making an eye contact with him.
8I. You are at the doctor's clinic, waiting for your turn to consult him on an awful headache. While you are
waiting, an old lady and her companion are talking very loudly, much to your discomfort. #n fact, you get irritated
and as you get irritated you will tell them4
a) Stop shoutingE 'lease. JYou say this with a contemptuous look)
b) "o you mindEE &here are others also in the room. JYou say this with a glare)
0) ,ould you please take the conversation outside. JYou say this with a smirk)
c) 'lease... JYou say this with a pleading tone and with a very painful face)
0! a y us ed t he e$t r a poi nt s generated by his boss's corporate credit card to buy electronics for himself. (e
used it because he knew about the points and also that they were lying there for years. #n fact, he used those
points because he knew that if someone did not redeem those points they would e$pire. <nfortunately his boss
discovered this and called 0!ay for e$planation. What shoul d 0! ay do i n t hi s situation9
a) 3$plain it to his boss that he was being pragmatic in using those points
we can deduce
b) He should apologize for his presumptuous behaviour.
c ) (e s h o u l d a c c e p t h i s irresponsible behaviour and must offer apologies.
d) (e should resign from the post owing moral responsibility for the misdeed.
8=. #t was late in the evening and as you were walking in the balcony you noticed that some miscreants are
defaci ng t he wal l by t he roadside by writing provocative s l o g a n s . 0s yo u r e a d t h e slogans, you
feel that it has the potential to hurt sentiments of a part i cul ar communi t y. What should you do9
a) You immediately go down and confront them.
b) You will call your friends and confront them.
e) You will immediately call your (ousing Society 'resident and urge him to reach the scene.
d) You will call the police and inform about the defacing activity.
8?. )ne morning as you were getting your bike refuelled at your neighbourhood petrol station, you notice a petrol
station attendant adulterating the fuel kept in a barrel close by. What would you do9
a) #gnore it as it was not your concern and it did not in any way affect you.
0) You will confront the attendant.
c) &alk to the /anager and write a complaint in the complaints . register.
d) &alk to the /anager and call the company's customer complaints cell.
;B. )ne of your friends had a minor road accident and in a profusely bleeding condition you rush him to the nearest
Feneral (ospital. %ut the hospital refused to admit him without a copy of 'olice @#. as they found it to be a
medico-legal case. What would you do9
1. d. Exp: &he most appropriate option would be to move to a safer spot Jd) and the ne$t best option
would be to move to an area where people are standing so that you feel secure in the presence of
2. a. Exp: Since you are inside your room and secure, the best option would be to come near the window and
watch out for further noise. &he ne$t option would be to open the window and see where the noise
is coming from.
c. Exp: You will first take her to the public announcement booth and get the staff to announce her name and if no
one turns up then it woul d be wi ser t o t ake her t o station superintendent's office.
4. a. Exp: You would first put a warning sign and then try to cover it with make shift cover. &hese are the
primary preventive measures you can
5. c. Exp: You will first try talking to him, and then you will inform his parents, followed by the warden.
a) d. Ex p: d woul d be t he mos t Aeave your friend at the Feneral (ospital waiting room and go to file
an @#. at the nearby 'olice Station.
0) &ake him to a private nursing home.
b) "ial police help line, in presence of the (ospital authorities.
c) /eet the hospital superintendent and e$plain the situation.
d) appropriate option, while b would be the ne$t best.
7. b. Exp: #n the above situation, our suggestion would be to wait and watch what others are doing. &hen you
should try to collect everyone and start asignature campaign.
0. b. Exp: b woul d be t he most appropriate option, while d would be the ne$t best option.
1. d. Exp: )ption Kwould be the most appropriate, while option a would be the ne$t best option.
0. 'c. Exp: )ption c would be the most appropriate, while option d would be the ne$t best.
DD. c. Exp: #n the above situation, your first reaction would be to call the guards to check, while your ne$t
best option would be to collect the neighbors and check.
12. c. Exp: )ption c would be the most appropriate, while option b would be the ne$t best option.
13. c. Exp: #n the above situation c would be the best option, while b would be the ne$t best option.
14. c. Exp:c would be the best option, while d would be the ne$t best
I , I F L I W I 1 V V, . . . 4 1 1 4 Li Ile
option, while option b would be the ne$t best option.
0. d. Exp:Option d would be the best option, while b would be the ne$t best option.
1. u Exp: )ption c would be the most appropriate, while a would be the ne$t best option.
16. d. Exp: )ption d would be the best option while option a would be the ne$t best option.
17. d. Exp: )ption d would be the most appropriate, while option c would be the ne$t best. &he action
referred in opt ions a and b is possible only after talking to him. %esides, he is a good worker, so one
must try to be considerate with him.
0. b. Exp: )ption b would be the most appropriate, while option d would be the ne$t best option.
1. b. Exp: )ption b would be the most appropriate, while option c would be the ne$t best option
2. a. Exp: )ption a would be the best option, and option c would be the ne$t best.
3. c. Exp: )ption c would be the most appropriate, while option % would be the ne$t best
4. c. Exp: )ption c would be the best option, while option d would be the ne$t best option.
5. c. Exp: )ption c would be the most appropriate while option d would be the ne$t best.
6. a. Exp: )pt i on a i s t he most appropriate while option c would be the ne$t best option.
be the ne$t best.
2. d. Exp: )ption d would be the most appropriate, while option 0 would the ne$t best option
2!. d. Exp: )ption d would be the most appropriate, while option b would be the ne$t best option.
30. b. Exp:Option b would be the most appropriate, while option c would be the ne$t best option.
31. b. Exp: )ption b is the most appropriate, while option c is the ne$t best option.
32. b. Exp: )ption b would be the most appropriate while option a would be the ne$t best option.
33. c. Exp: )ption c would be the most appropriate, while option a would be the ne$t best option.
0. b . Ex p : )p t i o n b i s mo r e appropriate because the statement s o u n d s c o n s o l i n g a n d
encouraging, while option a will be the ne$t best option because it is !ust encouraging with no hint of
1. B. Exp: c woul d be t he mos t appropriate because the statement r ef l ect s t he speaker ' s mi $ed
feelings as the person feels an$ious and at t he same t i me e$ci t ed because he or she is starting a new
!ob. While among the given options 0 would be the ne$t best.
34. d . Ex p : )p t i o n d i s mo r e appropriate while c would be the ne$t best.
35. c. Exp: &he speaker refuses to part wi t h t he t enni s racket despi t e appreci at i ng t he fact t hat t he
on part of the speaker. Option a, which talks about only being assertive, refects the next most
appropriate option.
3. a. Exp: )pt i on a i s mor e appropriate refusal strategy because here the speaker respects the
borrower's needs while in the other options there is no such respect for the borrower. So, from the above set of
given options d would be the ne$t best.
0. b. Exp: )ption % would be the most appropriate and d would be the ne$t best.
0. c Exp:c would be the best option becaus e her e you s our wl encouraging while b would be the ne$t best
because here you are giving him a reason to be positive without being encouraging.
0. c. Exp: )ption c would be more appropriate because the best way of handl i ng a person i n an aggressive
state of mind like 'rakash, is to let him have his way for the moment but after his aggression passes away one
can al ways get back t o normal interaction. @rom the above options, " would be the ne$t best.
1. d. Exp: )ption d would be most the appropriate because here you are clearly making a distinction between
personal issues and professi onal commi tment s. )ption c would be the ne$t best option.
0. Exp: )ption d would be the most appropriate, while option c would appropriate, while d would be the ne$t best
option. #ncentives are always better than penalties when it comes to motivating people.
45. d. Exp: Situation demands tact because you have to get the me s s a ge a c r os s wi t h ou t embarrassing the
'rofessor. &hereby, option d would be the . best option, while b would be the ne$t best.
0. F#., Exp: )ption d is the best combination of verbal and nonverbal behaviour and # guess a very effective one
too. 0nd option c would be the ne$t best option.
1. *. Exp:Option c would be the most appropriate, while b is the ne$t best. Whenever one commits a mistake or
acts irresponsibly, one should own it and offer apologies as this is the most appropriate behaviour e$pected of
0. c. Exp:Option c would be the most appropriate, while d would be the ne$t best.
L +6. do Exp: )ption d would be the most appropriate because here you are ensuri ng t hat your complaint
is registered and taken
notice of by calling the complaints cell. )ption C would be the ne$t best option.
;B. ,. Exp:Option c would be the most effective in the above situation as you e ns ur e t ha t hos pi t a l
requirements are met without losing time. d would be the ne$t best option but it may take some tine.

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