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of '48

No. 10 5c A Copy
Seniors PlanCarnival Aprill6
Career Day
All Juniors and Seniors will
attend career day this year on
April <8, at the P etoskey High
School. Two school buses will
be used to transport them over
and back a nd Mr. Luce and Mr.
Berry wil:l drive them.
There are many different class-
es and each student may attend
four of them. They have exper-
ienced persons ther.e to tell you
what they. know about the sub-
ject, and to answer any questions
which mi,ght be asked.
We students are lucky to be
given this day in which we may
learn more about the trade or
profession that we. plan to enter,
fr om people who "really know
their bus.iness."
Let's Go .Smelt Fishing
Swampers Win In
Intramural Play
The Swamp.ers overcame all
opposition to win first place l n
the Senior Intramural Basket-
ball League . . They hold a season
record of five wins and no set-
backs. Playing for the Swampers
were Sanderson, Kormash, Bos-
ma, Allen, Canada and Moyer.
The Loggers and the Wings
tied for second place, each win-
ning three games and l0sing two.
The Nutcrackers were third with
two wl ns and three losses and
the Wildmen and Wildcats fin-
ished last with one win and four
Allen, playing for the Swamp-
ers, led in the scoring with a to-
tal of 27 tpoints. He led in fi eld
goals with 13. SandeTson, also
of the S.wampers, made 9 free
Well, gang, do you have your throws to lead that department.
boots .and spears in shape yet? It Johnston o.f the Loggers was
won't be 'long now before the ice charged with 16 personal fou
will tbreak up and fl oat , and the Leading scorers:
smelt start to run. There's no Player fg
way of telling when the ice will Allen ( s) _____ _ 13
break away from the shore. An I Brubaker (W) --12
East wind may come up J S an derson (S) _ _ 7
and .in a few hours the Ice Wi ll Johnston (L) __ __ 1,0
be gone. *Haven (W) 8
A fellow sportsman told your (W) 7
recently that. as as j *Bosma (S) 7
the ICe breaks up the fish wiil en- Lugibihl (L) 7
ter the streams to spawn. He sai d Canada (S) __ 5
if it goes out in the daytime, it *Lamkin (W) __ 5
will be sarfe to go fishing that *Rhine (N) 6
very night! Snively (L) 5
One report said that the ice Planck (N) 3
shant:es at Smeltania are being Mann (WC) 3
removed, as the smelt won't bite Burgess (N) _____ 3
th,rough the ice. Troup (WM) ___ 3
ft tp
1 27
1 25
9 '23
2 22
6 22
7 21
4 18
3 17
2 12
2 12
0 12
1 11
4 10
3 9
2 8
2 8
Two men on Lake Charlevoix
removed their shanty one day,
.and the next day there was a
school of fish directly under the
spot where the shanty had been!
Key : (S) Swampers; (W)
- L. clancy.
Wings; (L) Loggers; (N) Nut-
cra.ckers; (WC) Wildcats; (WM)
Wild men.
(Continued on back page)
Baseball & Track
Squads Are Active
The Seniors .are holding their
carnival on Friday evening, Apr.
16, and the admission is 25 cents.
The Carnival will get underway
at 8:00. There will be dandng
from 10:00 until 11: 30.
Spdng sports are well under- The four upper grades and
way at Harbor High with Coach- several of the clubs of Harbor
es and working high are busy in the preparation
out w1th their respective squads.! of their booths. There is great .
Lettermen out for ?aseball .are competition for the positions of
Angell, Ayers, Chellis, P locica, and Queen. Candidates for
and Sanderson. . Others out for the honor of ru1ing over the Car-
berths on the diamond team are nival are: Seniors, Dale Angell
Canada, Davenport, Davert, Gale, and J eanne Pisarcyk; Juniors Bob
Lugibihl, Mann, Per- zumbaugh and Millie Troup ;
ry, Petoskey, Planck, Rhme and Sophomores, Bernie Kaltz and
Thomas. Janet Greiner; and Freshmen,
The base ball schedule fol- Dick Troup and Sally Powers.
low.s. .AJpril 15 B(!yne Ciity There will be booths and con-
there; 22, P ellston there; cession of all sorts . The Seniors
Atpril 29, East Jordan there; May are sponsoring .a Fish .Pond, _a
6, Boyne City her e, May 13, Food Booth, a MHk Bot tle Game,
P ellston here; May 20, East Jor- a For tune-telling Booth, and a
dan here. Parcel Post Booth.
Lettermen on the cinder squad The Juniors are having a
are Brubaker, Chellis, Kr uzell, Shooting Gallery, the Sopho-
Lamkin, Radle, and Zumbaugh. mores are holding a Dart Game,
Others are Allen, Angell, Be- and the Freshmen are planning
loungea, Brown, Elliott, Hawk, for a Ping Pong Booth ..
Jessick, Keway, Kormash, B. The Varsity Club is having a
Lamkin, K. Lamkin, Melching, G. Basket Snooting booth, the GAA
Moyer, W. Moyer, Mulder, Ploc- is holding a Baked Goods Sale,
ica, D. Smith, W. Smith, Troup and the Band is holding a Side
and. Wrlght. Show. The Paper Starff is hav-
Harb.or's track schedule: May ing a Mummies Cave - "The
8, Central State Relays at Mt. House of Many Horrors.''
Pleasant; May 15, Olass C Con- This wili ,be an evening of fun
ference Meet, Charlevoix; May and ent ert ainment that I'm sure
22, Reg.i.onal Meet, Cadillac; May none of us will want t o miss!
29, State Meet, Lansing; and one
or two meets at Pellston.
April Showers!
The High School Band, under
the direction Of Miss Day is giv-
ing an "April Showers Dance"
here at the Hig.h School on
9. The proceeds of the dance will
be used f or the new Band uni-
The Hot Shots and the War-
hawks won the Junior High title
each winning three games and
losing One. The Redwings took
second place with two wins and
two losses. The Tigers and the
Eag.les were last with one win
and thr ee losses.
Page Two SPOTI..'IGHT OF '48
r l l l ., l +++++*++H l I I H++++*+-H+++++++++-H:++*+;: I Song Hits
SPOTLIGHT STAFF i I 1-Met cha' Round the Corner
i 1 -Rose Smith.
Editor ---- - --------------- - -------- _____ Audrey Standish I' Sa y We' r e Through
Assistant Editor ---- - -------------- - -- - -------Joel Ayers -Class of '48.
3-0h, Look Her e, Ain' t She
Sports Writers ____ John Canada. Keith Lamkin, Sally Powers
Pretty-Madalon, Van Qeusen.
Reporters-Frances Herrick, Demarice Warner, Shirley Cruff. t 4--Show Me the Way To Go
Leon Clancy, Marjorie Wilcox, Carol Herrick, Vera Vivant Home-Tom Keller.
Typists-Demarice. Warner. Rethal Silverthorne, Delia Keway I 5-Never Trust a Man-Myr th
I ooo!-++++*+++* I I I I 6-You Made Me Love You-
Theresa Greenier.
7-Sweet Man-Duane Rhine.
8-Patience and Fort itude-
One sits down at a desk, takes out paper and pencil,
starts to write, and what happens? Your pencil gets
9-Those Things Money Can' t
caught in a crevice and goes flying off across your pap- Davert.
er, making it a dirty mess! 10-Let Me Call You S weet-
. I h eart-Jean P.
You don't write on the furniture in your home, so 11-A Fellow Needs a Girl-
why Clo it at school? You say "The desks are filled with
Bob Zumbaugh.
names of other students." True, but is that any reason
B-I Double Dare You-Nor-
h d h S
. . . . h rna urgess.
w y you must o t e same? say It IS uman 13-You Don't Have to Know
nature for one to lead and many to follow, but if we t he Langu age-Allene Stolt.
must be the followers, why not pick a leader who does- 14-1'11 Hold You In My Heart
. n't deface other's property, and then follow him or her? -Steve Mulder.
Th I f d l
.k h h H b 15-Worry, Worry, Wor ry,-
ere are p enty o s.tu ents I e t' at ere m ar or 1 Donna Bennington.
High if one would only look for them.
Let's help the Student Council in their campaign
against these "doodlers," and if they still must doodle, H B" hd
teach them to doodle on paper instead! appy Irt ay
Of course we're all proud of our school now, and "To you!
let's keep it something of which to be proud. And the ! P . . .
h h 1 1 ersons born m Apn l have the
surest way of domg t at IS to respect sc
-property! diamond for a birthstone and t he
- -------------------- ---- -:sweet pea for a fl ower_. AprH is a
+++++*+++++++++++++++++ very happy month as It welcomes
.. t
... the real beginning of spring.
+ J.
:j: The foLlowi ng per sons here in
Linehan's + ADAMS' Harbor hi gh were lbOrn in the
i i + fi r st half of April:
News Stand ...
+ Wayne Chellis-Apri'l
+ i Bob Zumbaugh-Apr il 7.
A Good Malted After
-:- +
-:- P aul Radle-April 9.
SCHOOL + Marj orie Lamb- Aprj l 10:
f I SUPPLIES t Charles Bosma-A.pril 12.
! J: i. Norma 13 .
..,. + ... J ane Ir ish-Apri l 3.
, j: . j: Rosie 4.
Tuesday, April 6, 1948

t !
Griffeth Co.
Complete Boating
+ Facilities

f Buy the Peter's way,
save the family pay,. i
... Hey, Hey!" +
IE . C.JW _1-'ool I I l l I l I I ++++looooo l I I I I oo ++++++++++++++++++HHoo_+ I Roger Will!ams-Apnol 11.
"++++H+I I l I ++++HooHoofoloolo+ -++++-1-+-1-+++r++++++++++++-1- .. _H+++++++++-t+++++++++++-t<
i i t . . * Photography +
JUILLERETS. i City Grocery u GAMBLES by ,
+ + +
+ + H
r, Allerding Bros. i i a ynes
t ' Free Delivery :j: + WALLPAPERS :i: Excellent photo-finishing
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-!- -t + y N .
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+++++Hoi H+++++++++++++++++H+++ f-i-+H++++++H++-1-++++++++ +++++++++++++++*+++++H
Tuesday, April 6, 1948

J Beauty


Service Station
:!: Distributors of Texaco
Products I

Dr. F. A. Graham
Dr. T. F. Graham

Jewelry Shop
Super Service
SPOTLIGHT OF '48 Page Three
Senior Sketches
J ack was born on Feb. 19,
1929 here in Harbor. He attend-
ed the Holy Childhood School for
seven ye ars, and t hen came up
here to Harbor High.
He has played foot ball for the
last three years of high school ,
played basket ball the first two
years and basebaH for the second
and fourth years.
Jack is the class pr.esident, and
a good one too ! He is Sports Ed-
itor of t he "Spotlight of '48,"
and Secretary of the St udent
J ack took t he part in the J un-
ior play last yea.r of Henry Blod-
gett, and of Elmer Tuttle in the
Senior play this year.
His l ikes ar.e comparatively
simple-Food, women and danc-
.ing !
After High School, J ack P'lans
on going to Michigan State Col-
lege to take up J our nalism. He
says "I hope t o own my own
small town newspaper some day."
ley was a Sophomore.
She is very active in all sports
and is a Chart er member of GAA.
She has been in Chorus and
Band (where she plays the
snare drum) :f.or three years. Last
year she pl:ayed the part of "Ivy
Lane" in the Junior play "Faith
Hope and Flarity' ' and this' year
she was Business Manager of
" J une Mad."
She plans on Nui'ISing as a car-
Her pet peeves are against
"teachers who pick favorites,"
and "grumpy people." No won-
der! Shirle herself a'lways wears
a friendly smile!
Mystery of the
Week ! ! ! !
One dark moon;light night as
W were riding along . the old
trail we heard a sound that was
not very familiar t o this opart of
the woods. It was a wolf call ! We
were a;bout fifteen miles from
home so we thought we' d bet t er
do some t raveling.
Everything was okay tfor a
while. Then suddenly on our
left we heard a wolf howl clear
.. =-+i-+
Shoe Repair i
I I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I I 1- I I I I 1-
loolooJoooolool I I I I I
I Car Repairing I
of All Kinds
Compliments of
Nonie was born on January 25,
1931. She has a brother in Ger- and coo
1, and then on our right
we cou1d feel them closing in on
The Matthews
many, and a sister Venita, who
graduated last year.
She attended school at Hedrick
until she came to Harbor in her
seventh year .
Nonie has been in Chorus t wo
years and in 4-H e.i ght years.
She won first prize and grand
champion on her 4-H calf at the
County Fair last year , and is
now presid ent of the 4-H Cl ulb.
She enj oys horseback ridi ng and
owns her own horse. Best of all
she likes to help her father on
the farm.
Of her friends, Nonie states
" I like people who are true
fri ends and never t alk about you
behind your back. Concer ning
boys, " I like them tall and blond,
like Lewis!"
Nonie's famous saying- " Gee,
I wouldn't dare write it!"
After graduation, she plans on
visiting her sister in Indiana for
t wo weeks and then .i s going t o
take up stenography in P etoskey
or Har.bor.
us! At that time we were about
five miles from home, but our
horses were tiring .fast and could
not gall op a nymore.
As we were riding around a
bend at .full speed we ran right
into ten huge wolves, with saliva from their jaws ; and H+H + I I 1- 1- I I+H 1"1"1 I I I I
they were l icking their chops! I i
(Cont'd next "We Have Clothes of i
The Mystenous R1ders i
-- All Sizes and Types" i
It's Your Laugh -
Two old schoolmates me.t the JArmy and
street and .the fi rst asked his pal Store
over to t he house. When they
got there the second fellow was BOB ELUOTT
sur pr ised to find three wild kids. *
One was tearing up newspapers
all over the place, the second \Yas
hammering nails into all the fur-
niture, while .the third was scrib-
bling all over the walls.
He t urned to hi s fri end and

. i
said: " Don' t you find thi s meth- -t
od of recr eat ion rather expen- .;.
Compliments of
SHIRLEY (COOTIE) CRUFF I "Oh,_ no," said the host , "I got
the na1ls wholesale." * D } Gl
Shirley began life in North Da- * * I a e eason
kota and acquired ther e the I Mother : " Don' t ask so many
strange nickname O'f. "Cootie."
questions, my child. You know it
When she was still smaU her was curiosity t ha.t killed the cat." 1 +
- - 1 family moved to P etoskey, I . Little Mar y : " Yes, but what It
from there to Hal'bor, when Sh1r- 1 d1d the cat want to know?"
Page Two
The Graphic
Publishing Co.
For Choice, Unusual
SP01L'IGHT OF ' 48
Inquiring Reporter Chit-Chat
The other day a young man
(whose name your reporter won't
mention ) accosted me with the
question, ''Why not ask some of
the students if t hey would rath-
er have the Cheerl ea ders wear
slacks Or skirts, and then see
what t he results are." Below are
S mile everyone!
Life is like a mirror. If
wiU only face it smiling, it
smile right back at you.
No matter how handsome or
homely you are, you always l ook
better when you smi le.
the people who were asked, and Some wise person sai d " A wo-
the answers t hey .gav.e. It seems man never looks her best when
Tuesday, April 6, 1948
the slacks have it. It would lbe she hurries. She leads with her
rather h ard .for t he poor cheer- h lk I h -t-+-t-++++++++++++1
nose, er wa 1s ungam y; s e +++++++++++++*+++++++++
leaders to try and perform with bumps into people, t hen blames t
t he new-look dresses on, wouldn' t them for getting in the way."
people had in mind when they Say .girls ever yone is wearing
it? Perhaps that .is what t he
ans wered this question ! those cute Gibson Girl blouses
Wayne Chellis-Stk k to sl acks. now, with black bow t ies or an -!+
Mr. Beery-What's the diff, old-fashjoned clip. (P age Mag- t
Ed Br ubaker-Skirts and how ! I gi e) ....
Buck Angell-Slacks for me. Danny Dumbo says "Maybe
Mildred Tr oup-Slacks are best there are a lot of dull stude nts
for cheerleading. in High School, lbut t here's cer- T St d
Mr. Vanderslik-I r eall)' think tainly never a dull moment!" =!- rOUpS U 10
it wou,ld be much better
f they Defi nition of a Bandi t-A girl .!. . . h L d +
J. Portra1ts-Fmest in t e an +
wore skirts. who wolfs ar ound someone else' s ...
++i u -++++ Shirley Cr uff-Slacks that ar e man. .. ..
t pressed good l ook neater than The latest version of drop t
t dr esses. dead-"Topple over deceased." :i:
+ The neighbors in Hedri ck de- ...-
*I clar e t hey can tell what time it i
+ is by the same car which goes :t
:j: by everynight at the same t ime, +
* ' t h t b . ' t b t ' th
i * the ,
WM and 4 pts for the V{C. J es- Burt Lamkin is in Colorado vis- i
I sick scored 5 pts. f or the N. Bos- iting will r eturn 1.3. BRING YOUR CARS HERE +
+ rna scored 2 pts for the WC. Senwrs were seen .f1ghtmg :j:
:t :j: Lamkin scored 1 pt. for the WC. over the Times and . i
:t:++++++++++++++H-1-+++++i- Rhine scored 2 pts. for the WM. Tuesday mornmg. . It couldn t I .. ++l-+++++++++-l-+++-l-+H--
*+*++++++++:O+++++H+++ ! * ++++++++++++++++++++:f, have been for Socwlogy, could . , ., .!.+ + H-+++++++o
:0 + + it ? My ! My !. Some attraction ............. ....... +
+ l :t
+ T sides play pr actice in 7th hour
:j: :t C W :j: library huh? Squier
+ :: ager + Well, Fowler- success at last!
:ti !
-.- :- We wonder ed how long it ':Yould :i:
:j: :j: t ake. +
:j: & Son :j: When is he goi ng to get that
+ l- car, Shir ley? :j:
:j: t QUAUTY MEATS :j: Is Ar nie seeing green 'lately? Shop
I + :f; Can't tblame him, can you? -1
:j: t S ay-we like those Easter va- ,
:i: j; cat ions-or is i.t it brings I :j: :t
.. home that we like . ... t++HH-:-..:o::.
I T r


Second for .... -Standard
& Cassidy $l.OO
, Sale Continues Throughout Easter t
I General Hardware I t HARBOR BOOT SHOP !
-- - --- +-!-+++++ I I I :-++++ I I I I I I ++o!o++-Ho++ I I I I I I I I +"..-4-1-#
Harbor Springs
L. N. Hahn, Mgr.

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