Bai Tap Bo Sung TA 10 (CTC)

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Ngoc Thach
I. Using TO + INFINITIVE or V-ING to complete sentences:
1. She expects (get) . a pay rise next month.
2. His mother wants him (get) a good result in this semester.
3. I will refuse (wor) .on Saturday and Sunday if I can!t get the dou"le pay.
#. $e promise (help) .. him when he is in trou"le.
%. &heir friends hope (see) them again.
'. He seemed ("e) .. happy when he saw you.
(. &he "oss decided (go) .. a"road.
). *iss +inda en,oys (wor) with young children.
-. I start (wor) . at (.// am e0ery day.
1/. &he teacher encouraged his students (wor) . alone without (recei0e) ..
any help.
11. I can!t stop (thin) . of him.
12. $ould you lie (spend) . your holiday with me in 1alat2
13. I remem"er (sit) . near you when we studied at 3ni0ersity.
1#. It!s 0ery impolite (spea) foreign language in front of people who don!t now it.
1%. It!s o"0ious he!s only interested in (mae) . money.
1'. 4ur teacher managed ("oo) two seats on the morning flight.
1(. $ould you mind (open) the window2
1). *y father hates (wear) ... a tie to wor.
1-. I don!t really lie (get) .. up early.
2/. It!s my ho""y (go) shopping.
II. Choose the best answer among ! "! C or # to complete each sentence:
1. 5..................... will she spend her summer holidays2 In Hanoi.
A. $hen B. $here C. How D. $ith whom
2. 5 ......................... fast does +an read2 5 6ifty pages a day.
A. How fast B. How much C. How many "oos D. How
3. 5 .......................... no0el are you reading2 5 &am7s.
A. $ho B. $hich C. $hose D. that
#. 5 How ......................... ha0e you read that "oo2 5 3p to page 12#.
A. far B. long C. page D. many
%. ................... "oo are you reading8 a text"oo or a no0el "y 9harles 1icens2
A. $ho B. $hose C. $hich D. &hat
'. 5 ......................... did you write the letter to2 5 &o my teacher.
A. $ho B. $hose C. $hom D. : ; 9 are correct
(. .................... do you go to the li"rary2 5&wice a wee.
A. How often B. How C. How long D. How far
) . ............. paid the waiter2 5 <ane did.
A. $hom B. How C. $ho D. $hose
-. .............. pictures are those2
A. $hose B. $ho7s C. How7s D. $hat7s
1/. 5 ................ for a li0ing2 5 I7m an engineer.
A. $hat are you doing B. How do you do C. $hat do you do D. $hat are you
11. I70e ne0er met your son8 ..................2
A. how old is he B. what age has he C. what old is he D. how age is he
12. ................7s the weather lie today2
A. $hat B. $ho C. How D. $hich
13. I70e ne0er heard of <ohn =ashe. ............ is he2
A. $ho B. $hat C. How D. $hich
1#. .............. tall you70e grown>
A. $hat B. How C. How much D. How many
1%. 5 ............... is +an waiting 2 5 :t the station.
A. $hy B. $hen C. $here D. $hat
1'. 5 .............. are they lie2 5 &hey7re the "eautiful and friendly girls.
A. $hat B. How C. $hich D. $hom
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1(. 5 How ................. does he run a day2 5 1' miles.
A. much B. far C. long D. fast
1). 5 How ........................... to the post office2 5 &wice a month.
A. often does <ohn go B. far does <ohn go C. fast does <ohn go D. long does <ohn go
1-. ?................... does *ary ha0e to stay at home2? ?@ecause she is ha0ing flu.?
A. $hat B. $here C. $hen D. $hy
2/. How ..................... is *ary2 She is % feet # inches ...................
A. long A long B. high A high C. wide A wide D. tall A tall
21. .................... were you doing at this time yesterday2
A. $hat B. $here C. $hen D. How
22. ? .................... did they arri0e2? 5 ?&en minutes ago.?
A. How long B. How much time C. How many minutes D. $hen
23. .............. ha0e you "een learning Bnglish2 5 6or two years.
A. How much B. How C. How often D. How long
2#. ................. do they ,og e0ery morning ..........2 5 &o toughen their "ody.
A. $hat A for B. $hen A for C. $hy A for D. $hat A to
2%. How ................. do you go to the countryside2 5 4nce a year.
A. often B. long C. far D. fast
2'. How ............... is it from your house to the maret2
A. fast B. far C. long D. much
2(. How ............... were you in the mountains2
A. long B. far C. old D. fast
2). ................. do you go on a trip to +ondon next month2
A. How far B. How often C. How much D. How
2-.................. do you thin of our new house2
A. How B. $hat C. $hy D. : and @ are correct
3/. ............. ind of "oos do you want2
A. $hat B. $hich C. $hose D. $hy
31. ?............ did he finish his homewor2? ?: few minutes ago.?
A. How long B. $hen C. How much time D. How many times
32. ..... were you a"sent yesterday2? ? I was too "usy to go to the clu" yesterday.?
A. $hat B. $hy C. How D. $hen
33. How ......... is your house from here2 It7s a"out thirteen minutes "y "icycle.
A. many B. much C. long D. far
3#. ..................... did he as for2 2 pounds.
A. How many B. How C. How much D. How few
3%. ........... "oo is this8 yours or mine2
A. $hat B. $ho C. $hich D. $hose
3'. ................... do the "uses run2 ?B0ery twenty minutes?
A. How far B. $hat time C. How often D. How much
3(. ?............................ is this house2? ?1/ meters.?
A. How far B. How fast C. How soon D. How long
3). .................... is your sirt8 the yellow one or the "lue one2
A. $hy B. $hich C. $hen D. $hat
3-. ?............... shall I do2? ?$hy don7t you consult a doctor2?
A. $hat B. How C. $hy D. $hom
#/. ..................... languages can you spea2
A. How much B. How many C. How few D. How
#1. How ................ is he2 5 He is % feet ' inches.
A. high B. tall C. long D. wide
#2. .............................. wants some more pudding2
A. $hat B. $ho C. $hom D. $here
#3. ?Ceter is twenty years old.? ?............. is his younger sister2? ?&hirteen years.?
A. *rs. @lac B. $ho C. $hat D. :nd how old
##. .................... do you go to the li"rary2 &wice a wee.
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Ngoc Thach
A. How often B. How C. How long D. How far
#%. ?....................... 2? ?4n <une 1-
A. $hen is your "irthday B. $hat7s the day today
C. $hat7s today D. $hen were you "orn
#'. ?I ha0e ,ust "ought for my mother a sirt on her "irthday.??............... 2? ?Drey.?
A. $hat color is it B. $hat are their colors
C. $hat color has it D. Is it grey
#(. ................ does your grandmother li0e with2
A. $ho B. $hom C. $here D. : and @ are correct
#). $hat ............. does this train get to +ondon2
A. siEe B. color C. time D. ind of time
#-. 1o you now how ................... it is from 1a =ang city to Ho 9hi *inh city2
A. long B. much C. far D. fast
%/. ? ...................... are you2? ?6ine8 thans.?
A. How B. $hat a"out C. How much D. How well
51. do they want2 F : "ox of chocolates.
A. $hat B. $hich C. $ho D. how
52. is this "uilding2 F It!s a"out two hundred years old.
A. How long B. How far C. How old C. How
53. money do they earn2 F :"out G2%/ a wee.
A. How much B. $hat C. How many C. $hich
54. "ag are you carrying2 F <uly!s.
A. $hich B. $hat C. $ho!s D. $hose
55. first stepped on the moon2 F =eil :mstrong8 wasn!t it2
A. $hose B. $ho C. $here D. $hen
56. is your new school2 F It!s 0ery "ig and friendly.
A. $hat B. How C. $here D. $hich
57. is it to the post office2 F :"out two hundred meters.
A. How 6ar B. How +ong C. How often D. How much
58. is your national flag2 FHed and yellow.
A. $hat B. $hich of color C. $hat color D. $hich
59. do they tae a holiday2 F 4nce a year.
A. $hen B. How long C. $hat time D. How often
60. is Dreg lie2 F He!s tall and thin with "rown hair.
A. $hat B. How C. $ho D. $hom
61. did the Second $orld $ar end2 F In 1-#%.
A. $here B. $hen C. $hat time D. How long
62. is a half of foot"all2 F 6orty5fi0e minutes.
A. $hat time B. How often C. How long D. $hen
63. of holiday are you interested in2 F : pacage holiday.
A. $hich B. $hat C. $hich ind D. $hat ind
64. hand do you write with2 F *y right hand.
A. $hich B. $hat C. $hose D. $hat sort of
65. did the pacage come from2 F +ondon
A. $hen B. $here C. $hich D. $ho
III. $a%e &'estions abo't 'n(erline( wor(s or phrases:
1. My mother too me to the museum yesterday.
2. +an didn!t go to school yesterday because she had sore eyes.
3. I got home at 10 oclock last night.
#. $e went to 1alat for our last summer.
%. He left his wallet on the bus.
'. Computers ha0e "ecome part of our daily li0es.
(. *y sister can sing Bnglish songs very well.
). *ary goes to li"rary twice a week.
-. *rs. &uyet is doing the transplanting now.
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Ngoc Thach
1/. Chong gets up at 5:30.
More Exercises Le
Ngoc Thach
IV. Choose one sentence that best rewrites the sentence gi)en:
1. I ha0e tried hard "ut I can!t earn enough money.
A. :lthough I ha0e tried hard8 "ut I can!t earn enough money.
B. :lthough I ha0e tried hard8 I can!t earn enough money.
C. In spite of I ha0e tried hard8 I can!t earn enough money.
D. 1espite I ha0e tried hard8 "ut I can!t earn enough money.
2. :lthough she felt ,ealous8 she tried to hide her feelings.
A. 1espite feeling ,ealous8 she tried to hide her feelings.
B. 1espite her ,ealousy8 she tried to hide her feelings.
C. She tried to hide her feelings in spite of she felt ,ealous.
D. : ; @ are correct.
3. :lthough he too a taxi8 @ill arri0ed late for the concert.
A. @ill arri0ed late for the concert "ecause he taes a taxi.
B. @ill arri0ed late for the concert "ecause of the taxi.
C. In spite of taing a taxi8 @ill arri0ed late for the concert.
D. :lthough @ill too a taxi8 he can!t come to the concert in time.
#. In spite of his suffering from a "ad cold8 $illiam went to school.
A. :lthough he suffers from a "ad cold8 $illiam went to school.
B. :lthough he suffered from a "ad cold8 $illiam went to school.
C. $illiam went to school although he is suffering from a "ad cold.
D. $illiam went to schoolI he suffered from a "ad cold although.
%. 1espite the fact that it was snowing8 I felt warm.
A. In spite of snowing8 I felt warm. B. In spite of feeling warm8 it was snowing.
C. :lthough it was snowing8 I felt warm. D. :lthough I felt warm8 it was snowing.
'. &hough he tried hard8 he didn!t succeed.
A. 1espite he tried hard8 he didn!t succeed.
B. In spite of he tried hard8 he didn!t succeed.
C. In spite of trying hard8 he didn!t succeed.
D. B0en though he tried hard8 "ut he didn!t succeed.
(. *y parents wanted me to go to uni0ersity "ut I didn!t fancy it.
A. *y parents wanted to go to uni0ersity "ut I didn!t fancy it.
B. I didn!t fancy going to uni0ersity as my parents did.
C. I didn!t fancy going to uni0ersity although my parents wanted me to go.
D. I hardly fancied going to uni0ersity "ut for my parents! wish.
). I agree he!s a good worer "ut I still don!t thin he should get the ,o".
A. He can!t get the ,o" though he was a good worer.
B. 1espite the fact that he!s a good worer8 I don!t thin he should get the ,o".
C. He is such a good worer that he can get the ,o".
D. He is too "ad to get the ,o".
-. He was 0ery tired "ut he ept on woring.
A. 1espite he was 0ery tired8 he ept on woring.
B. In spite of he was 0ery tired8 he ept on woring.
C. &hough his tiredness8 he ept on woring.
D. :lthough he was 0ery tired8 he ept on woring.
1/. &he trip was "oring "ut we en,oyed it a lot.
A. $e en,oyed "oring trips. B. $e are "ored with the trip.
C. $e lied the trip 0ery much e0en though it was "oring.
D. &he trip "ored us.
11. :lthough &om too a taxi8 he was still late for the party.
A. In spite of &om too a taxi8 he was still late for the party.
B. &om was still late for the party in spite of taing a taxi.
C. 1espite too a taxi8 &om was still late for the party.
D. @ ; 9 are correct.
12. :lthough he is rich8 he feels unhappy.
A. He feels unhappy "ecause of his richness.
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Ngoc Thach
B. He feels unhappy8 so he is rich.
C. 1espite his richness8 he feels unhappy.
D. He feels unhappy "ecause he is rich.
13. *y grandfather is 0ery old8 "ut he can wal to the station.
A. :lthough my grandfather is 0ery old8 he can wal to the station.
B. *y grandfather can wal to the station despite the fact that he is 0ery old.
C. 1espite his old age8 my grandfather can wal to the station.
D. :ll are correct.
1#. In spite of his old age8 *r. @rown ,ogs se0en miles e0ery morning.
A. :lthough of *r. @rown old8 he ,ogs se0en miles e0ery morning.
B. :lthough *r. @rown old8 he ,ogs se0en miles e0ery morning.
C. :lthough *r. @rown is old8 he ,ogs se0en miles e0ery morning.
D. :lthough *r. @rown is not old8 he ,ogs se0en miles e0ery morning.
1%. :lthough he has a good ,o"8 he isn!t happy in his ,o".
A. In spite of ha0ing a good ,o"8 he isn!t happy in his ,o".
B. 1espite the fact ha0ing a good ,o"8 he isn!t happy in his ,o".
C. He isn!t happy in his ,o" "ecause he doesn!t ha0e a good ,o".
D. He isn!t happy in his ,o" in spite of he doesn!t ha0e a good ,o".
V. *rite a new sentence with the same meaning.
1. :lthough @o" didn!t spea 1utch8 he decided to settle in :msterdam.
In spite of .....................................................................................................................................
2. :lthough he had a good salary8 he was unhappy in his ,o".
In spite of .....................................................................................................................................
3. In spite of not ha0ing eaten for 2# hours8 I didn!t feel hungry.
B0en though..................................................................................................................................
#. In spite of taing a taxi8 @ill arri0ed late for the meeting.
:lthough .......................................................................................................................................
%. In spite of the "ad weather8 we went camping.
&hough .........................................................................................................................................
'. :lthough it was raining hea0ily8 none of the worers came late.
1espite .........................................................................................................................................
(. In spite of his old age8 *r. @rown runs se0en miles "efore "reafast.
:lthough .......................................................................................................................................
). :lthough his legs were "roen in the crash8 he managed to get out of the car "efore it exploded.
1espite of his ...............................................................................................................................
-. :lthough he was worn out8 he managed to get out of the house.
In spite of .....................................................................................................................................
1/. 1espite of the spreading fire8 she managed to get out of her room.
B0en though .................................................................................................................................
VI. Change into +eporte( ,peech.
1) =am said8 JI ha0e li0ed here with my parents for two years.K

2) +an said8 J*y sister is ha0ing a wonderful time in +ondon now.K

3) Ceter said8 JI saw him yesterday.K

4) &om said to me8 JI!m going away for a few days and will phone you when I get "ac.K

5) &he man said to the woman8 J&hese roses are for you.K

6) &he director said to his secretary8 JI must attend a meeting tomorrow.K

7) He said8 JI!ll "e here again tomorrow.K

8) $e said to them8 JLour houses are 0ery nice.K
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Ngoc Thach

9) She said to them8 JHe!s li0ed here for four years.K

10) JI saw her this morning8K he said.

11) JI don!t lie this film8K @etty said to @ill.

12) JI saw <ohn yesterday "ut he didn!t see me8K &om said.

13) JI ha0en!t seen him since I came here8K she said to his mother.

14) *ary said8 JI lie oranges "etter than "ananas.K

15) He said8 J$e ha0e finished our wor.K

16) &he mother said to her sons8 JI will answer your phone tonight.K

17) She said8 JI must wash my hands "efore meals.K

18) &hey said8 J$e can!t go swimming "ecause it!s raining now.K

19) She said8 JI want to "ring my children tomorrow.K

20) *ary said to <ohn8 JI cannot go to the mo0ie with you tomorrow.K

21) *y teacher said to me8 JIf you mae a mistae8 I!ll find it at once.K

22) JI!m 0ery grateful to you for helping me with the Mietnamese lesson8K said $illiam.

23) He said8 JI can!t get into the house "ecause I don!t ha0e my ey.K

24) Harry said to me8 J*y "ie is "roen8 so I can!t ride it.K

25) I said to her8 JI wish I saw it.K

26) 9harles said to me. JI ha0e to lea0e the office "efore 3p.m.K

27) <ac said8 J*y wife went with me to the show yesterday.K

28) &he "oy said to his neigh"our8 JI am going on holiday tomorrow.K

29) &he teacher said to his class8 JLou will ha0e to finish all these exercises "efore next wee.K

30) He said to me8 JI will come and see you.K

31) He said8 J&he test is difficult.K

32) She said8 J*y mum will "e home tomorrow.K

33) He said8 J$e are going "ac to the country.K

34) She said8 JI can!t find my um"rella.K

35) &hey said8 J$e are learning Bnglish now.K

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Ngoc Thach
VII. Choose one sentence that best rewrites the sentence given:
1............................................................................... Someone cleans the floor e0ery morning.
2.....................................................................&hey cancelled all the flights "ecause of the fog.
3......................................................................................Ceople don!t use this road 0ery often.
4.....................................................................Some"ody is using the computer at the moment.
5............................................................Ceople should send their complaints to the main office.
6..........................................................................................&he police ha0e ,ust released <ohn.
7................................................................................: short circuit could ha0e caused the fire.
8.......................................................................Some"ody has ro""ed the "an near our house.
9.................................................................................&he old man treated the little "oys "adly.
10...................................................................................*y "rother "ought that "oo yesterday.
11..........................................................&he "oys carried the hea0y "ox into the room last wee.
12..............................................................................4ur parents warned us not to go out alone.
13....................................................&hey are "uilding a new highway around the city next year.
14...............................................................&hey had to postpone the meeting "ecause of illness.
15.............................................................$e will send you the results as soon as they are ready.
16..................................................................His colleagues ga0e him a present when he retired.
17..........................................................&hey installed a new pump to supply water for the town.
18......................................................................................&he secretary told me to wait outside.
19...............................................................&he computer is used to sol0e the complex pro"lems.
20..................................................................................................&hey didn!t offer :nn the ,o".
21................................................................&hey ha0e sold that old house at the end of the road.
22......................................................................................&hey had cancelled the soccer match.
23..............................................................................=o one has collected the ru""ish this wee.
24..................................................................Lou should peel and chop the onion and then fry it.
25.....................................................Lou must turn off all the switches "efore lea0ing the room.
26.........................................................................................&hey are going to clear those slums.
27................................................................&hey are going to mend the roof tomorrow morning.
28...................................................................................&he farmer is going to enlarge the farm.
29......................................................................She is going to "uy a cooery "oo next month.
30..............................................Someone is going to ser0e <ac "reafast in "ed on his "irthday.
VII. Choose the best answer among ! "! C or # to complete each sentence:
1. Lou ............. disappointed if there ............. no snow for this winter holiday2
A. $ould ........ "e A was B. $ill ....... "e A is
C. $ill ....... "e A are D. 9ould ...... "e A is
2. If she ................. yesterday8 she would come here with us tomorrow night.
A. finished it B. finishes it C. had finished it D. has finished it
3. If your father weren!t the president of the company8 you here.
A. don!t wor B. won!t wor C. wouldn!t "e woring D. wouldn!t ha0e wored
#. If I .............. for an accounting firm8 I would "e woring in a post5office.
A. wasn7t woring B. wored C. hadn7t wored D. weren7t woring
%. $hat would you ha0e done if you .................... a lot of money2
A. had B. will C. had had D. ha0e had
'. If we had nown that you were there8 we ..................... you a letter.
A. would write B. would ha0e write
C. would ha0e written D. had written
(. If we had checed the petrol "efore we started8 we .................... here.
A. wouldn7t stop B. wouldn7t ha0e stopped
C. would ha0e stopped D. would stop
). J1id he study yesterday2K
J=o8 "ut if he ............8 he would ha0e done "etter on today!s test.K
A. had B. has C. will study D. had done
-. *y sister ............. you the techniNue of wea0ing if you as her.
A. would show B. shows C. will show D. showed
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1/. She would "e happy if we .................. her a "unch of flowers.
A. had sent B. sent B. would send C. send
11. If you don!t feel well8 you .................. "etter tae a rest.
A. are B. would C. had D. ha0e
12. $hat would you ha0e done if you .................. a lot of money2
A. had B. had had C. ha0e had D. ha0e
13. &he mo0ie was sad and she wept. If it .................. sad8 she ..................
A. hadn!t "eenA wouldn!t ha0e wept B. wasn!tA wouldn!t weep
C. wasn!tA would weep D. had "eenA would ha0e wept
1#. I!ll "e 0ery disappointed if you .................. the exam.
A. don!t pass B. won!t pass C. aren!t passing D. wouldn!t pass
1%. If he .................. harder8 the results would "e "etter.
A. has wored B. wors C. will wor D. wored
1'. If I had had free time8 I ..................... shopping.
A. would ha0e gone B. can go C. will go D. will ha0e gone
1(. .................. if you tae the map with you.
A. Lou will get lost B. Lou won!t get lost
C. Lou get lost D. Lou got lost
1). If you had come to the party8 you ........ her.
A. would meet B. had met C. would ha0e met D. met
1-. I!m not tired enough to go to "ed yet. I wouldn!t sleep if I ........... to "ed now.
A. go B. went C. had gone D. would go
2/. If I were you8 I ....................that shirt. It!s much too expensi0e.
A. won!t "uy B. don!t "uy C. am not going to "uy D. wouldn!t "uy
21. I decided to stay at home last night. I would ha0e gone out if I tired.
A. wasn!t B. weren!t C. wouldn!t ha0e "een D. hadn!t "een
22. ?1id he lose2? ?Les8 "ut if he had tried harder8 he ...................... won.?
A. might B. might ha0e C. might of D. might has
23. $hat will I do if no one ............ me at the airport2
A. meet B. will meet C. meets D. met
2#. <ean gets 0ery agitated if her daughter .................... her once a wee.
A. doesn7t ringB. didn7t ring C. not ring D. don7t ring
A. Ceople will die if there is no water and air.
B. If there were no water and air8 people would die.
C. Ceople will not die if there is no water and air.
D. If there were no water and air8 people would not die.
2'. If you ................ that plane8 you ................ dead now.
A. had caught A would ha0e "een B. caught A would "e
C. had caught A would "e D. catch A will "e
2(. I would ha0e said ?good "ye? to your "rother if he ................ there.
A. could "e B. had "een C. will "e D. will ha0e "een
2). If you ......................... what =am is doing8 you ........................ 0ery surprised.
A. had nown A would "e B. new A would "e
C. new A would ha0e "een D. new A will "e
2-. I .............. 0ery happy if there ..................... a good film on channel - last night.
A. would "e A had "een B. would ha0e "een A would "e
C. would ha0e "een A had "een D. had "een A had "een
3/. If you see &om8 ........... you mind ........... him to get in touch with me2
A. will A reminding B. will A to remind
C. would A reminding D. would A to remind
VIII. Choose the best answer among ! "! C or # to complete each sentence:
1. I am ........... teacher.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
2. *y uncle is ................ good engineer.
More Exercises Le
Ngoc Thach
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
3. &hat is ................ eraser.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
#. $e are "oth ................... doctors.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
%. &his is ................ in pot.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
'. &hey are ................. tall.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
(. Hoa is ................. good pupil.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
). &hat is a "ag. It is on ....................... ta"le.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
-. $e are in ......................... same class.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
1/. &om is ........................ engineer.
A. the B. an C. a D. one
11. &here is .......................... in 5 pot on the des.
A. the B. a C. an D. some
12. $hat is ......................... color of your pen2
A. the B. a C. an D. any
13. Pate and *ary are going to ...................... cinema.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
1#. 1o you want me to mae ................ reser0ation for you on ........ next plane to +ondon2
A. the8 the B. a8 no article C. a8 the D. no article8 no article
1%. $hat7s ...................... weather lie in winter in your country2
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
1'. Clease8 put these pencils in ....................... "ox.
A. an B. the C. a D. no article
1(. +isten to ........................ teacher8 please. 1on7t tal in class.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
1). :fter dinner8 I always wash ...................... dishes.
A. an B. a C. the D. no article
1-. &he new tas will not "e easy. It will "e ..................... hard wor for you.
A. a B. the C. an D. no article
2/. I read two no0els ............................. wee.
A. a B. one C. once D. an
21. ..................... shop on Hoang 1ieu Street is 0ery large.
A. &he B. :n C. : D. =o article
22. *rs. @rown pared her car in the paring area of ..................... theatre.
A. an B. a C. the D. no article
23. $here can ..................... people "uy "utter and cheese2
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
2#. Here is .................. girl we are taling a"out.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
2%. Her parents are now woring in .................. Burope.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
2'. &hey often go to ................ wor at ' o7cloc e0ery morning.
A. an B. a C. the D. no article
2(. $e li0e at .................. third house from the church.
A. the B. a C. an D. no article
2). He went to "ed with ................. "ad cold.
A. the B. an C. a D. some
2-. .............. rich should help ................. poor.
A. :8 a B. :8 the C. &he8 a D. &he8 the
More Exercises Le
Ngoc Thach
3/. $e plan to go ............... home and ha0e ................ lunch.
A. the8 the B. the8 a C. a8 the D. no article8 no article

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