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Character Profile Project

You have been commissioned to revise the novel, Coraline, by Neil Gaiman.
Your editor wants you to add in another character to develop the story
differently. You have four major tasks to undertake in order for you to prove
to the editor your character is right for the new revised novel.

Character Biography
Written Excerpt of the Characters Dialogue
Model of the Character
Character Theme Music

All wri


haracter Biography
ters begin their story with pre-writing. They do what is called a
racter analysis, or character biography. It is the key to developing a good
story. This helps to develop the characters physical description, attitud
dialogue, and how they function in the story.

You will need to complete the attached Character Biography
Assessed for thoughtful development & unique choices that are logical
for the story

Written Excerpt of Dialogue
Dialogue is what gives breath and life to a character.
It is important that each character in a novel has
his/her own style of language, attitude, and word

Choose one chapter in the novel to revise-State the chapter number at the
top of your typed copy
Write your character into the story
Use dialogue which shows their personality and function in the story
Typed in 12 pt, TNR font
Minimum of 3 pages, double spaced
Assessed for word choice, correct commas used in dialogue, plot, and
format development (6+1 Writing Traits Rubric)
Model of the Character
The model of a character is what an illustrator might develop, or a
ommercial artist might develop to be used for merchandise. Your task
to sell all aspects of your characterincluding making a model.
Must be a 3D model or animation generated on the computer
Model should be 12 inches or larger; or animation showing 1 action
Model/animation should reflect the Character Biography Worksheet
Assessed on 3D quality, size, originality, accuracy of the model
based on the characters written description

Character Theme Music
J ust like in the movies or in fine arts productions, music can speak volumes
about a character or plot events to come. To help market your
character, music will be played during your presentation to the
editor. What music best represents your characters

Select music that reflects your characters personality
Make a copy of the music on a CD or your IPod
Yes, you can bring in your IPod on the day we display t
profiles; or you can borrow my CD player
atches You will be assessed on how well your music m
your characters personality (not just because you like it)


Tasks Assessment Points
Character Biography
25 pts.-HW
Written Dialogue Writing-word choice,
ideas, & comma review
50 pts.-WRITING
Model Literature-non print
20 pts.-HW
Music Literature-Character
5 pts.-HW
100 total points

*Rubrics will be posted on my web page as well as other helpful links

Character Biography Worksheet
Coraline Character Analysis

1. Characters name:________________________________________
Why did you choose this name? What meaning is behind it?

2. What type of character (major, minor, static, dynamic, antagonist)?____________
How did you decide this?

3. What is the main purpose of your character in the plot?

4. How does this character first meet Coraline?

5. Where does your character live? How does that impact the characters actions?

6. Physical Descriptions:
a. hair:________________________________________
b. eye color:____________________________________
c. size/build:____________________________________
e. age:_________________________________________
d. sound of their voice:____________________________
e. other features that make him/her unique:___________________________

7. Emotional Descriptions:
a. what does the character want?___________________________________
b. what does the character fear?__________________________________
c. strengths:___________________________________________________
d. what makes your character happy?_______________________________
e. what makes your character frustrated/angry?________________________

Other Descriptions:
8. If your character was an animal, what would it be?_________________________

If your character is an animal already, what type of profession would it have if it
were human? Why?

9. What type of color would best represent your characters mood? Why?

10. What type of food would best represent your characters personality? Why?

11. What type of music would best represent your characters dialogue? Why?

12. Write 5 adjectives to describe your character over all

13. Write 5 adjectives OTHER characters would choose about your character (think
about how you might see yourself differently than others)

14. If the mice were to write a 7-10 line poem about your character, what would they
say? Write the poem below.

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