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How the Versaillism and the demagogy turned Brazil unviable

Cacildo Marques


"mong the recommendation o# $ant% that our &udgement be always universal% and the one o#
'olstoy% that who wants to be universal sings his village% ( tried to stay in the middle o# both)
'hose who cloistered% *oisoned and mutilated me in the dictatorshi*% with the ob&ective o# doing me
to remain silent% now are dead) 'he time and the worms too+ charge o# their tas+) Even with a #oot behind% (
s*ea+% #inally)
( wrote this wor+ #or the reader% who has it in his hands% and also to reta+e an old debate with
university #riends% among which the current Minister o# the Civil House and the current ,resident o# the City
Hall o# -ao ,aulo) ( treat here o# the luso*hone *ortion o# -outh "merica) "s we were almost one century
under monarchic regime% we have s*eci#ic *sychological characteristics in the "merican continent) But as%
be#ore this% we almost *assed one century under -*anish domain% we have more identity with the brothers o#
His*anic s*eech o# what we consider% while we continued to use the *roclitic in the colloquial language and
the Castilian #orm o# the gerund% besides understanding what they s*ea+% notwithstanding the contrary e##ort
o# television)
( didn.t write this boo+ to the *ro/#ascist conservatism% nor to the *ro/conservative le#t% those two
currents that embrace each other against the #reedom and the social *rogress when the winds are #avorable to
them) (# they intend to s*ea+ badly o# this wor+% they will be *rovo+ing rain in the wet) Between those two
ty*es% we can identi#y the classic liberals% even the ones who imagine conservatives% and the *rogressives%
#rom where ( wait constructive critics come)
( in#orm at once that he who classi#ies me as *essimist with base in the analysis ( *resent in these
*ages will be wrong) ( see our *ossibilities starting #rom the search o# the ,eter.s *ers*ective% that 0a
thousand days are how one day0% and o# the relative #aith in the .Fi#th Em*ire. delineated by "ntonio Vieira)
-outh "merica can come to be great in human develo*ment% i# it changes the arrogance #or the #irm *ur*ose
o# riding o# the old s+in that arrests it in a *re&udicing world done o# *olitical illusions% economical losses
and intellectual limitation)
Brea+ing the metal chains doesn.t &ust mean to get rid o# the *hysical &ails) Freeing o# the mental
cave is more im*ortant and more urgent) ithout this movement% we would be still today burning witches in
the bon#ire% #or delirium o# the masses% while &udging to be this a correct and advanced attitude)
-o that the historical times close its cycle we needed to give the necessary ste*s #or ma+ing the
human society to overcome the *hase o# embryo) "nd we won.t ma+e this i# we don.t have clear that the
society% #ar away #rom being a #allen gi#t o# heaven% is #ruit o# a ris+y engineering% which% i# continues
neglecting scale% square% level and *lumb line% will destroy the world)

1) On interests

Impossibility) hy cannot the interests in Brazil be reduced to civilized levels2
e will begin #or this almost mystery that bestirs all the thin+ing beings)
Be#ore 1334 this was not a relevant sub&ect% because everybody understood that in regime o# high
in#lation there was not how living together with low interests) But since the *lan o# stabilization a**lied by
,resident (tamar Franco brought the in#lation ta5es to bearable levels% the attem*ts o# doing the interest and
the e5change to be held with civility have been bringing insomnias to the *ersons res*onsible #or the
economical *olitics)
(t ha**ens that high in#lation% su*erevaluated e5change and interests above the reasonable are the
three sym*toms o# a sic+ currency) 'he Real ,lan didn.t intend to cure the Brazilian macroeconomics% but
&ust to tame the mani#estation o# the in#lationary *ulse) O# a boo+ that *resented the *aths to solve the
*roblem% the technicians o# the 'reasury used a single *age when o# the elaboration o# the *lan o#
Losing) ho does lose with the in#lation2
'he in#lation reaches big and small ones% with smaller damages among those who +now mani*ulate
the #inance mar+et) For the ones who are not rentist% the loss is the largest one can imagine) For a monthly
in#lation o# 1667% a wor+er who had +e*t under the mattress a note o# 8 m) u) 9#ive monetary units:% enough
to buy a +ilo o# tomato% he would see a#ter ;6 days that his money could buy only hal# +ilo o# the *roduct%
because the +ilo o# the tomato would not cost more 8 m) u)% but 16 m) u) 'he result is that the wor+er has lost
hal# o# the value that he had +e*t)
(# the #antasy o# the .in#lationary tribute. wor+ed% the government would not have a lot o# motivation
to su##ocate the e##ect o# the in#lation% because it would be winning) But the government does not win with
that% although the ban+s% which are the main rentist% and other *layers o# the #inances% +now how to guard
against that and to maintain their values% while most loses) ith this% by a ty*e o# domestic e5change
arbitration% some *ersons are going being richer and other more *oor% in in#lationary regime) "s the loss is
#or most% the governments are urged to #ind a solution #or the *roblem)
!ilty) ho does carry the #ault #or there being high in#lation2
-till more serious% the voters are a solid sure that every in#lationary *rocess arises under
res*onsibility o# the government% which ultimately is who manu#actures the money) (# ne5t month the
*rinted money has hal# o# the value that it has today% in the common citizen.s mind this is wor+ o# the
government% and o# anybody more) 'he voter gets right when he sees in the ruler the res*onsible #or the loss%
but he wanders when imagines that the government has clarity o# what is doing) (# it was something so
sim*le% as it seems to be in the boo+s written by the memorable and nice monetarist Milton Friedman% no
government would live together with an in#lation regime% because the *ublic.s rage is not something *leasant
o# #acing) For Milton Friedman% in#lation only e5ists by im*ression o# money% then% it is enough the
government to sto* *rinting) 'his is very easy% but useless% because based on a #allacy)
<i+e this% it was o# the Brazilian government.s concerning in 1334 to stabilize the value o# the
currency% by the control o# the in#lation) (nterests and e5change rate would be *roblems to be treated later)
Limit) (s a matter o# legislation the ado*tion o# a ma5imum limit o# interest rate2
'he re*resentatives o# 13== had a**roved an article in the Federal Constitution limiting to 1>7 *er
year the basic ta5 o# interests o# the country% with base in the low interests *racticed in the year o# 13=?%
during the validity o# the e*hemeral Cruzado ,lan) 'he *roblem is that% a#ter the *romulgation o# the
Constitution% nothing made too+ account o# bringing the interests. rate #or that level)
,resident Fernando Henrique Cardoso% FHC% had gotten% than+s to the calm that the *lan o#
stabilization had *ro*itiated% to abolish the *rece*t o# the *rohibition to the *residential reelection% which
was in #orce #rom the #all o# the @ew -tate% in 1348) 'hen% while getting to reelect to the *residency% he had
close to the end o# his *eriod the *ur*ose o# lowering the interests% because the service o# the debt was
e5hausting the country) 'he *resident o# the Central Ban+% "rminio Fraga% surrendered to this tas+% and
gradually the Co*om 9Council o# Monetary ,olitics: was reducing the ta5es% #or ha**iness o# Brazilians)
hen that #all arrived to the height o# the 14%87% the in#lation arose again) O# course the reduction arrived
to a rec+less level) 'hen Fraga retoo+ the discharge *ath% so that on the eve o# the *residential election%
which could not more be run by FHC% who was already in his second mandate 9his *ro&ect was o# co*ying
the system o# the A-"% which lowered o# in#inite reelections #or &ust one% while in Brazil the number o#
reelections arose o# zero to one:% the ta5es were in level very high% above the >>7 *er year) 'his #acilitated
in >66> the victory o# the ,arty o# the or+ers% still more because the candidate to the vice/*residency in the
*lat#orm% entre*reneur Bose "lencar% had as li#e ob&ective the reduction o# the interest rates)
"mong the several dozens o# re#orms su##ered by the Constitution% is counted the article that limited
the interest rates% because% besides creating the consensus that this was not a constitutional matter% the
*oliticians began to con#orm to the #atality o# living under a regime o# high interest)
B"n#s) hy are the mar+et interests much higher than the basic ta52
"#ter ten years% the technicians #orgot the e5*erience o# "rminio Fraga) Or% more *robably% they
thought Fraga didn.t +now how to a**ly the reduction *lan% and that in >61> the new technicians o# the
Central Ban+ were already endowed with that science) "nd one began a *ro&ect o# slow reduction) Be#ore
this% one has created the myth that the in#lation was thing o# the *ast% and that the country was already #ree
#rom new stri+es) Even considered economists hammered more this su*erstition) "nd it came being
rein#orced by the #act that the reduction o# the interests had arrived to a much lower level than that o# the
FHC governmentC the ta5 -elic 9-*ecial -ystem o# Clearance -ale and Custody: o# the Central Ban+ went
down to the number o# D%>87) "s they didn.t see the e5*lanation #or this di##erence% they began to believe
that there was no more in#lationary ris+) "nd the e5*lanation was very sim*leC with the e5tinction o# the
state *ublic ban+s since the end o# the FHC government% the level o# the .s*read.% the value o# the mar+et
interest rate% was maintained in the heights by the *rivate ban+s% against which the Federal Economic
Cashier and the Ban+ o# Brazil could do almost nothing) Only when ,resident !ilma Rousse## has begun
strong *ressure on those ban+s% in the beginning o# >61;% it was that the mar+et ta5es started to lower% in
sense contrary to the in#lation ta5) Certainly% much better #or the government would have been to leave the
ban+s to collect their ta5es o# 1=67 *er year% what was not good #or the consumers o# a**liances% but that
was constituted in a mechanism o# de#ense o# the economy% holding the in#lation) ith the ta5 -elic low% the
government would *ay very reduced interests in the service o# the debt and% #or administrative e##ect%
although not electoral% that would be very *ositive)
R$p$tition) as very rec+less to reduce the interests a lot in >61>2
ho +nows the o*eration o# the Brazilian macroeconomics +new the #uture result o# that *olitics o#
*ressing #or the #all o# interests) One &ust waited the day in that the youth% as in the Collor government% in
133>% when their *lans o# control o# the in#lation #ailed% would run to the streets in uncontrolled crowds
demanding changes)
'hat ha**ened in Bune o# >61;% when the governments o# the -tate and o# the city o# -ao ,aulo
announced the new increase in the *rice o# the tic+ets o# urban buses% metro*olitan trains and subway%
increase that came being *ost*oned #rom the beginning o# that year% e5actly #or weighing less in the
in#lation) For the buses% the increase was o# twenty cents% and the activists incor*orated among their order
words this that 0it is not only #or the twenty cents0% while leaving e5*licit that the revolt #elt #or several other
reasons% including the *rice o# the +ilo o# the tomato% which arose #rom > m) u) to 1= m) u) in a matter o# a
#ew wee+s)
But we *ass now to the sub&ects o# *olitics% education% health% industry% culture% religion% ethnicism%
legislation% sa#ety% house% energy% environment% tributes% &ob% income% geogra*hy and communications%
among others) e will return to the macroeconomics in the #inal *ages o# this wor+)
>) On lies

S%o&#) "re all o# the citizens o*en to the new ideas2
'here are *eo*le who are angry only by hearing or reading statements to contradict their #aiths
nurtured #or a long time) 'his is the most e5*ressive dis*lay o# lac+ o# resilience) 'he normal *erson
disagrees% and is sur*rised when coming across with ideas that shoc+ with their old convictions% but he
ma+es this inside a mental *rocess% without screams% grimaces or other *hysical mani#estation% and soon he
is recom*osed% while absorbing the new data and *utting it in the scale to decide i# he substitutes his
*revious thought by the new one or i# has good reason to maintain his old *osition)
'his *resent wor+ would not have been written i# it was to com*ile current evaluations% which
circulate as the most absolute truths) (t is here to increase% no matter how much it can bewilder com#ortable
'!bits&%$#) hich historical e*isode did lead o## the articulation o# the cou* o# 13?42
e treated here then o# the cou* o# "*ril 1% 13?4% shot o## u*on the *residency o# the Re*ublic by
the Brazilian *arliament) 'he egg o# that anachronic dinosaur was not released on "ugust >4% 1384% with the
suicide o# Vargas% as someone already said% but on October ;% 1388% with the election to the *residency o# the
lieutenant/colonel *oliceman doctor Buscelino $ubitsche+ de Oliveira 9,-!:) Buarez 'avora 9A!@: and
"dhemar de Barros 9,-,: had together 8?7 9;67 and >?7: o# the votes% while $ubitsche+% the elect% got
;?7) ,linio -algado 9,R,:% #ourth and last *residential candidate% obtained =7) "ccording to the
Constitution o# 134?% the vice *resident was chosen se*arately% and the election occurred in a unique round%
because still the model o# the second round% cathartic so*histication o# the demagogy% co*ied o# the Fi#th
Re*ublic o# France% had not been introduced in Brazil) (n the winner coalition% the vice was Boao Eoulart
9,'B:% nic+named Bango% #ormer/minister o# the or+) $ubitsche+ lost #or "dhemar de Barros in -,% ,R%
"M and RO 9then territory o# Eua*ore:% and lost #or 'avora in #ive -tates o# the @ortheast 9-E% "<% ,E% ,B
and CE:) One can see that the electoral bac+rest o# $ubitsche+ was very #ragile)
("&")$"&"ng") as the $ubitsche+ government well acce*ted in its beginning2
hen having ta+en the oath o# o##ice on Banuary ;1% 138?% $ubitsche+ had to #ace an attem*t o#
military cou*% initiated on February 16% when some o##icers o# the "eronautics deviated air*lanes in the
Field o# "#onsos% Rio de Baneiro% #or the air base o# Bacareacanga% in ,ara.% and dominated some close cities)
Only a#ter 13 days% the rebellion% +nown as .Riot o# Bacareacanga.% was *ut down) 'hose soldiers accused the
*resident o# having strong connection with le#tists and% there#ore% o# intending to lead the country #or the
route o# the socialism)
On @ovember 11% &ust a#ter the election% a cou* well succeeded in the contrary sense had ha**ened%
and this maybe to have urged the military o# the "eronautics in their action) Marshal Henrique 'ei5eira <ott
de*osed the interim *resident Carlos <uz because there were strong noises that he wor+ed to im*ede the
oath o# $ubitsche+) (n his *lace% the *resident o# the -enate% @ereu Ramos% was raised to the interim
*residency o# the country) <ott had high *retensions% because #ive years later he ran to the *residency% by the
coalition ,-!/,'B% when he lost #or Banio Fuadros 9,'@:)
Wo)#s) hich good wor+ did $ubitsche+ leave as legacy2
hen one as+s to some Brazilian which are the im*ortant wor+s o# the $ubitsche+ government%
soon the changing o# the ca*ital #or Brasilia and the installation o# new automotive industries by Eerman
and @orth "merican com*anies come to mind) However% the enlargement o# the industry o# cars brought the
shut down o# the railways and the construction o# Brasilia im*osed to -outh "merica the tragedy o# living
under the Versailles/eimar E##ect decades a#ter decades) 'he ,lan o# Eoals o# $ubitsche+ was *re*ared by
economist Roberto de Oliveira Cam*os% who never #orgave the *resident #or having #it in the *ro&ect the
*endant Brasilia) "s Celso Furtado told% it was in a cam*aign assembly in Batai 9ME: that a man screamed
to the candidateC 0(# you are said so good% why don.t you build Brasilia20 $ubitsche+ decided on that moment
the matter and answeredC 0O# courseG ( will build BrasiliaG0 One didn.t im*rove soon a#terwards i# that
challenging voter was or not a great *ro*rietor o# lands in the area o# the savanna) Clear he was not
'he A!@% o**osition *arty to Vargas and $ubitsche+% *romoted long cam*aign against the
construction o# Brasilia) But% #or unha**iness o# the country% the *arty made that moved &ust by the
o**osition s*irit% without +nowing against what it was struggling% there#ore the argument was &ust this o# the
*ublic e5*enses) @ow% that corres*onded to the cost o# a mere bric+ o# the ,alace o# Versailles% given the
mis#ortunes that the country would have to live the #ollowing decades) (ronically% $ubitsche+ was nic+named
.,resident Bossa @ova.% since the bossa nova was the great musical innovation that the world has &ust
invented% what occurred in some carioca a*artments% a#ter a small *eriod o# sel#/con#inement o# the guitarist
Boao Eilberto in the city o# !iamantina 9ME:% accidentally% the home town o# $ubitsche+) Far away o# being
*resident bossa nova% the ,resident buried this musical gender% in the cemetery o# the vicissitudes to which
he submitted the Brazilians)
Anli+e the A!@ thought% the e5*enses o# the construction o# Brasilia would not have brought any
*roblem to the country i# the mission o# the city had been other% di##erent o# that o# sheltering the chie# o#
-tate% as the one o# being an industrial *ole% the ca*ital o# a #uture -tate o# 'ocantins / or o# the -tate o#
,lanalto /% the headquarters o# a great aeronautics school or a mystic/tourist center) ith any other ob&ective%
the costs would have been *aid quic+ly and the country would have achieved great earnings)
For reminding to those #orgotten ones% the great wor+ o# $ubitsche+% which only brought bene#its%
was the !am o# Oros% in Ceara)
In*l"tion) How did occur the beginning o# the su*erin#lation *eriod2
!e*uty Alysses Euimaraes said% in one o# his interviews to 'V Cultura 9-,:% that $ubitsche+ called
him to *alace to e5*ose him a great doubt) ould he owe or not to *rint money2 (# he *rinted% there would
be the great ris+ o# creating an in#lationary *eriod) (# he didn.t *rint% it would be #or him di##icult to tolerate
the *ressure o# the unions #or salary increases% because the *o*ulation needed to do #ront to the shortage that
*ro*agated #or the country) 'he +nown #acts were the shortage and the *ressure o# the unions% not the
su*erin#lation% which still didn.t *ass o# abstraction in the mind o# Brazilians) 'hen Mr) Alysses
recommendedC 0,resident% rotate the guitar0) 'he money became *rinted% the wages were increased and the
*rices received new increments) ith new money im*ression and new increases o# *rices% the wild race
among *rices and ban+notes began in that moment% #or lasting almost #orty years)
(n 138=% coins issued in the -econd Reign still circulated% showing the #ace o# !on ,eter (() 'hey
had% obviously% small value% but had value still) -tarting #rom the entrance o# the in#lation% those coins le#t
circulation% some going to the museum% other #or the garbage)
"nd li+e was already said% in 1334 a *lan o# stabilization was made with views to su##ocate the
in#lationary *ressures% which% as even the most naive economists +now now% didn.t cure the currency)
+ilit")ism) hich was the doctrinaire base o# the #ormation o# the military men2
(n this >1st century we see that is *assed already the hour o# a *act in the Anited @ations against
the installation o# military regimes% which had their role in the history in time in that the war was the
language o# the relationshi*s among the countries% whenever there was reason o# tension) Early% a military
one is trained to obey% and to ma+e war% in de#ense o# the homeland) (n the to* o# the command% as a
general% he has as ethos o# wor+ never to let someone to disobey him) " general who occu*ies the *osition o#
chie# o# -tate doesn.t get to disentangle himsel# o# this *ro#essional a**renticeshi*) (t was li+e this that
@a*oleon Bona*arte% #or instance% as *resident and as em*eror% never sto**ed acting as military boss)
Ander that rigorous training #or the hierarchical obedience% a military man is rebelled by having to
beat continence to another military who is o# lower *atent and #or some reason has &um*ed over the *osition
o# su*reme chie# o# his country) Cor*oral "dol# Hitler% lieutenant/colonel Buscelino $ubitsche+ and colonel
Hugo Chavez had to #ace their subordinates. resistance in the barrac+s) (t is a rec+less choice this o#
abandoning the barrac+s without reaching the ma5imum *atent% be in the *olice% be in the aeronautics% in
the navy or in the army% and to loo+ #or cutting road while reaching the chair o# chie# o# -tate% #or *utting
under his command his old commanders) (# to give o##ice to a general as *resident can be the sign o# a
nightmare% to vest o##icial o# in#erior *atent is right nightmare)
Co!p) (s there in Brazil a history o# military governments coming via the military cou*s2
'he Brazilian military men% since the beginning o# the Re*ublic% have some s*ecies o# conscience
in relation to the negative aura o# military governments resulting o# cou*s) Marshal <ott struc+ a cou*% yes%
in 1388% but to vest a elected man) (n October 13;6% military men gave a cou* d.Htat% but a#ter ten days they
called lawyer Eetulio Vargas to occu*y the *residency o# the Re*ublic% and he has ta+en the oath on
@ovember ;)
"nd in 13?4 the e5actly contrary o# the cou* o# 13;6 ha**enedC civilians gave a cou*% on "*ril 1%
and a#ter ten days called Marshal Castello Branco% who was con#irmed in the *residency o# the Re*ublic by
the @ational Congress on the "*ril 11 and vested on the 18)
(n that moment the lie o# the century was built in -outh "merica)
(t is strange that no old general has come to *ublic attention to admit this #iction) 'he holders o# the
*ower have immense ca*acity to #orge and to im*ose a s*eech) But there is one moment in which the things
should be cleared u*) " lot o# *eo*le thin+ that is irrelevant% but it is not so) 'he cessation o# the
maintenance o# the #arce will do well to the armed #orces and to the way itsel# li+e they are seen by
'here is who tries to argue in #avor o# the militarist version o# the cou*% while alleging that the
generals were *artici*ant o# the scheme) @ow% never a cou* *urely civil has e5isted in any country% because
the *ower is sustained by the armed #orces and% i# somebody underta+es the de*osition o# a chie# o# -tate%
some military su**ort he has #or bac+% or he will be seen soon a#terwards as a &ester or as a demented) 'hen
what distinguishes a civil cou* o# a military cou* is the nature o# the leadershi* o# the action) (# a military
man is who *uts the ti* o# the bayonet in the ruler.s throat and throws him down% the cou* is soldierly) (# a
civilian is who signs the de*osition action% or who gives an oral ultimatum% not matter how many legions
de#end him% this is a civil cou*) Otherwise% civilians would be always the good young men o# the history%
because they would never have as a**lying a cou*) "nd who wants e5am*les o# military governing a#ter
soldiers to a**ly cou* d.Htat doesn.t need to go very #arC it is enough to study the cases on "ugusto ,inochet
Agarte% in Chile 913D;:% and Borge Ra#ael Videla% in "rgentina 913D?:)
R$,ol!tion) here we can #ind sources telling about .civil cou*. in 13?42
'here is a s*ecial number o# the magazine O Cruzeiro on the cou* o# "*ril 1) 'he edition came out
on "*ril 16 9htt*CIIwww)memoriaviva)com)brIocruzeiroI1664?4su)htm:% when commemorating the .civil
revolution.) 'he editors didn.t sus*ect that already on the "*ril 3 the delivery o# the government to the
generals had been in agreement% and that on the 11 the @ational Congress would choose Marshal Humberto
de "lencar Castello Branco as ,resident) "ny other re*orts o# the great *ress *ublished on those #irst ten
days o# "*ril o# 13?4 will bring the same chronicle o# civil cou*% although they don.t use the word .cou*.)
"ll o# the *eo*le +now what ha**ened #rom then% but they continue buying the version built by the
military government)
'he cou* o# "*ril 1 was un#urled by the *resident o# the -enate% "uro -oares de Moura "ndrade
9,-!/-,:% aided by the revolt o# the *o*ulation against the in#lation and by the governors o# -ao ,aulo%
Euanabara% Minas% Bahia and others)
hen decreed the de*osition o# Bango% in the #irst hour o# the dawn% the activists certi#ied that the
bosses o# the "rmy% e5*licit de#enders o# the .legality.% would not be revolted against that action) 'he day
was very tense) hile the activist governors brought #or their side the commanders that were close% the (((
"rmy.s commander% o# Rio Erande do -ul% only came to adhere to the movement at the >6 hours o# that
"*ril 1) 'hen be#ore o# that schedule nobody +new i# the chie# o# -tate was really Ranieri Mazzilli or would
be Boao Eoulart again% or a con#rontation there would be been among the troo*s loyal to the de*osed
*resident and those loyal to the insurgents) "s the Eaucho o##icials are not crazy% a#ter a com*lete day o#
evaluations% they gave u*% #or <eonel Brizola sadness% who waited more lingering resistance)
R$--)iting) How was the #arce built2
From that the hilarious creation o# the descri*tion o# the cou* came) 'here are usually
dis*lacements o# troo*s inside the country% because this is *art o# the military routine) On the eve o# the
"*ril 1% the "rmy +new that Eeneral Mourao Filho had brought his battalion #rom Buiz de Fora toward the
Fluminensis @orth% where he was with other military bosses and where they #raternized) (t consists that the
ob&ective o# Eeneral Mourao was to lead his military detachment to the city o# Rio de Baneiro% because%
maybe% he had not been in#ormed that the ca*ital o# the country had been moved to Brasilia% on the o**osite
side% #our years be#ore% nor that the city% which was the -tate o# Euanabara% came being already governed by
the conservatives% in the *erson o# Carlos <acerda) Even so% the action was the great discovery o# the military
menG 'he Eeneral Mourao.s dis*lacement was ordained% later% as the great military action that engendered
the cou*% which was called a#ter .Redeemer Revolution.) Certainly% neither !arcy Ribeiro% Minister/chie# o#
the Civil House% nor the *residency o# the Congress +new about this) 'hey have come to +now together with
all o# the Brazilians% some days later% when Castello Branco was vested and his assistants were
manu#acturing the historiogra*hy) (t was without +nowing o# Eeneral Mourao that !arcy Ribeiro% in the #irst
minutes o# the "*ril 1% when ta+ing +nowledge o# the *ro*osal #or the ,resident de*osition% ordered message
to the -enateC 0(# they de*ose Bango% ( can order the military device to close the @ational Congress0) -enator
Moura "ndrade% who minutes be#ore had des*ised !arcy Ribeiro message as #or the tri* o# Boao Eoulart to
,orto "legre% *ic+ed a #ight and made to a**rove the de*osition o# the ,resident o# the country% and the
military device remained silent% *er*le5ed) How could they to #ace the ,-!2
@o chie# o# -tate is sa#e on his chair when the in#lation corrodes the government) @either Romulus
"ugustulus 94D?:% nor <ouis JV( 91D3;:% nor "braham <incoln 91=?8:% nor Franz Bose*h ( 91314:% nor
Friedrich Ebert 91313:% none o# those was sa#e while the discharge o# *rices tormented his *o*ulation)
P)i.$s) hat relevance did have Eeneral Mourao in the military governments2
Mourao received as *rize #or yours .*recedence. in those events &ust an evanescent tem*orary
*residency o# military tribunal% because he entered the history as ,ilate entered the credo% by triangulation)
"nd he was later severely criticized by Magalhaes ,into% #or having set u* his su**osed .s+irmish. o# the
March ;1)
'he main activists o# the cou* wereC "uro -oares de Moura "ndrade 9-,:% Magalhaes ,into 9ME:%
"dhemar de Barros 9-,:% Carlos <acerda 9EB:% "ssis Chateaubriand 9-,:% Bulio de Mesquita Filho 9-,: and
Roberto Marinho 9EB:)
"nd why did the civil activists give the government to the generals2 (t is very easy to understand
this) Ranieri Mazzilli didn.t have enough leadershi* to solve the economical *roblems that generated the
cou*) 'he *rices would continue to arise and the interim *resident would be dro**ed o# a way or other)
Be#ore he was dro**ed by the le#t/wing% regimented by the trade/unionist leadershi*s and leaning by some
military allied to Brizola% Magalhaes ,into 9called by the magazine O Cruzeiro .the Hero o# the Revolution.
and leaning #or the ambassador o# the Anited -tates and his !emocratic ,arty% which was in the "merican
government:% Moura "ndrade and others o*ted to call the armed #orces)
(t would be not well #or the generals to order to register in the boo+s o# history that they won the
government as a *resent o# a coward right/wing) 'hen the events were retroactive in 11 days% they
overdimensioned Eeneral Mourao.s e5ercise and #astened% authoritatively% the date o# the #ictitious cou* on
March ;1)
Fi"s&o) ere the military men better #or having not been authors o# the cou*2
Entering the decision o# the cou* as subsidiary doesn.t ma+e the military men better) 'hey would
only have been better i# they had not acce*ted to head that government resulting o# a cou* they didn.t #orge%
since they were de#ensive o# the .legality.) !id they have *revious *lans to Brazil2 'hey always had%
obviously) "nd why didn.t they reveal later the #actual truth o# those days% while a*ologizing2 Because the
nonsense they made and the role they e5ercised in the sequence were so catastro*hic that they have
evaluated to be better to maintain silence) Besides% so much the s+e*tics Castello% Orlando Eeisel% Ernesto
Eeisel and Eolbery% as the dogmatic Costa e -ilva% Medici% -ylvio Frota% Figueiredo% Meira Mattos and
Radema+er% the great bosses who made the sli**ed% in the two lines% all o# them are died)
'he civil entre*reneurs who were allied o# the dictatorshi* bear testimonies% are &usti#ied and re*ly%
but they don.t hel* to e5*lain the #acts% because they are considered su**orting% or bac+ers) @ow% it is not
this what ma+es the cou* a .civil/military. cou*) 'he unquestionable #act is that the cou* was #ired by
conservative civilians) 'he military men entered later to accom*lish their orders% as armed *artners)
Obviously% some o# those% li+e Carlos <acerda% didn.t understand the game and were banished% because little
by little the generals went noticing that% i# the su*reme leadershi* o# the country was given them% they would
not have to obey to *oliticians. orders% not even o# those that gave them oath) On the contrary% the order o#
the day starting #rom there came to be the withholding% the banishment and other #orms o# the *ersecution o#
the rebels who re#used to acce*t their orders)
Co))$&tion) (s it very e5*ensive to undo the already consolidated lies2
<ies are wrought the whole time% and Brazil not even is the more *rodigal in this art) hat one
should have in account always is that the harm#ul lies need to be undone) Recently a great statistical
mani*ulation was winning the credulous *eo*le.s minds% and this was the myth o# the #ull em*loyment% built
starting #rom de#ective methods o# the (BEE% the (nstitute o# Eeogra*hy and -tatistics) 'raditionally% it is
considered that the level o# #ull em*loyment is reached when 17 o# unem*loyed are had in the mar+et% what
ha**ened in 1344 in the Anited -tates) (n Brazil% #or the rudimentary calculation that they were *ublishing%
the ta5 was between 47 and 87) Even so% the credulous ones hammered that the country lived the
abundance o# the #ull em*loyment% against all o# the em*irical evidences) Finally% on Banuary 1?% >614% the
(BEE announced that it had a new statistic% built on new bases) Be#ore% si5 metro*olitan areas were
researched) (n the new method% all o# the metro*olitan areas o# the country are covered) On the *rete5t o# to
introduce the new method% the un&usti#ied lie was abandoned) 'he ta5 o# o##icial unem*loyment o# Brazil
became D%47)
R$sp$&t) ill the Brazilian military men always be sus*ects o# scheming cou* d.Htat2
(t doesn.t suit to the Brazilian military men today to carry in the bac+s this stain that associates
them to activists and disres*ecter o# the laws and institutions) Ander the in#luence o# that badly told history%
conservative youths% in several corners o# the country% shout #or military intervention against governments
that they didn.t choose% since they have voted #or de#eated candidate) 'he military men have their *olitical
convictions% but they undergo their constitutional role) (# #ascist youths as+ #or a quartered% they need to
receive as answer the in#ormation that the Brazilian military men receive solid #ormation to do to be worth
the dictates o# the law) "nd so that this answer has sense% the youths need to +now that military governments
o# the Brazilian *ast didn.t ha**en via the cou*s #ired by generals) 'his means that the military ones
themselves need to give u* the #iction o# "*ril% which they ado*ted as having been #actual history)
;) On ca*itals
/$&"0$s) "re there available writings on the role o# the national ca*itals in the history2
'his author already treated the sub&ect o# this cha*ter in other boo+s *ublished *reviously% but he
didn.t notice sign that he had been understood until today% #or this the inclusion here) 'he #irst boo+ was
.Brasilia - capital of the fair weather?.% o# 13==% how develo*ment o# a small te5t written in 13D8) -oon
a#terwards% .Ten ways to abolish the inflation.% o# 133;) (n 133D% .How to build a world only of wealth. and%
#inally% in >61>% .The Brussels Crisis.)
(t is a study develo*ed along many years% while incor*orating% o# times in times% new
unquestionable #acts% which% as one can see by the dates above% have ri*ening *eriod going #rom 13D8 to
>61>% in an e5tension% there#ore% o# ;D years% at least)
!uring the wor+ o# the writing o# . The Brussels Crisis.% in the ;1 days o# Banuary o# >61>% the
author #ound a lin+ until then lost% which was the *erce*tion that the First orld ar was also submitted to
the umbrella o# this conce*t greatly analyzed% which receives the name o# Versailles/eimar E##ect% or
Ravenna E##ect)
V$)s"ill$s) hich is the core o# the conce*t o# Versailles/eimar E##ect2
For e5*laining the conce*t o# the Versailles/eimar E##ect would be *ossible to write a boo+ o#
thousands o# *ages% but it can also be summarized in hal# *age% or little more) (n this *resent wor+% he will
come in a way very summarized% even because% as was said above% it has already been develo*ed in *revious
'he name Ravenna E##ect% or Versailles/eimar E##ect% which was &ust Versailles E##ect in the
beginning% changed because other studious had already used this more sim*li#ied #orm to re*resent another
*henomenon 9which was this o# the e5*ort o# habits and #ashions:% was born o# the com*arison o# the
economical and social consequences o# the ado*tion o# the ca*ital Brasilia with the one o# the ca*ital
Versailles% both seen as new cities% in their time) 'he original s+etch o# the conce*t bro+e o# the idea that
u*sets in the li#e o# the society are inevitable when the su*reme *ower o# a country is installed in recently
built city) More ahead% the name .eimar. was increased to the conce*t because the vision was enlarged) 'he
u*set doesn.t &ust ha**en under the in#lu5 o# a new city% but o# any ca*ital without secular status o# residence
o# the ma&or leader) "lso the name eimar E##ect was already used #or other studious to designate the
im*overishment o# the *o*ulation under the action o# the hy*erin#lation% de#ined #or ,hilli* Cagan as the
in#lation regime with ta5es larger than 867 *er month)
-o% a country is ridden o# the Versailles/eimar E##ect% or Ravenna E##ect% i#% #irst% it doesn.t su##er
a stronger neighbor.s *olitical/geogra*hical in#luence% not necessarily contiguous% which is living that
*roblem / ,ortugal in relation to France 1D=3% #or instance / and% second% it has its hegemonic ca*ital
installed by at least 1>6 years in the same city% which acquired% then% secular status o# ca*ital) E5am*les are
Ba*an today% but not the one o# 1=?3% with Mutsuhito recently installed in 'o+yo% China today% but not the
one o# 1343% with ,resident Chiang $ai/-he+ installed in @an&ing% and Kan+ "merica today% but not the one
o# 1=?1% when o# the -ecession ar% under in#luence o# a ca*ital ashington still without secular status)
Con&$pt) How does the Versailles/eimar E##ect wor+ a#ter all2
Be#ore mentioning cases o# countries that are under the e##ect in this millennium beginning% it is
convenient to do a summary o# the theory)
'he brea+ o# the bows with the leaders o# the society% in the search #or a new elite% what is
characterized by the change o# the chie# o# -tate #or another city that is not the one that holds the status o#
secular ca*ital% inaugurates in the mind o# the citizens a *sychosocial state contem*tuous to the consolidated
symbols) ,ractically all o# the *atriotic symbols% accom*anying the abandoned ca*ital% su##er that wastage%
but what *rovo+es larger damage is the de*reciation o# the money) Mechanisms can be develo*ed and
im*lanted with views to su##ocate the in#lation% but not the in#lationary *ulse) 'his only disa**ears with the
cessation o# the new *residential residence% or with the substitution o# the status% a#ter 1>6 years% as it
ha**ened with the new ca*itals 'o+yo and ashington) "lthough technicians #ind ways to control in#lation%
interest and e5change% the *roblem o# the liquidity and credit remains% because the dragon needs to breathe)
(t is *ure insanity to want to outline the situation with measures o# neo*alacian sustentation) 'his was
&usti#iable in the 1=th century% when rulers and ministers were innocent in relation to the monetary and
#inancial +nowledge)
'hose courtiers heads o# the society% which are changed automatically when the chie# o# -tate
abandons them and goes to a new ca*ital% don.t #orm a small grou* o# *eo*leC they are the city) "nd even i# a
crazy tyrant decided to change the ca*ital ta+ing all o# the inhabitants o# the old ca*ital #or the new% these
would not be in their habitat% but% yes% moved in a new atmos*here% as any u*starts) 'he substitution o# the
social hegemonic class o# the country is inevitable when one settles a recent ca*ital)
"nd this is the reason because the e##ect was not noticed along the history% at least u* to 13D8C the
longevity o# its action% which esca*es to the usual *aradigms) Maybe one doesn.t come to discover any other
*henomenon o# social change whose e##ect lasts more than a hundred years)
Appli&"tion) Has the conce*t been veri#ied in *ractice2
hen a *sychosocial *attern is discovered% the way o# con#irming it is to a**ly it to the historical
#acts) "nd when it is something that brings high costs is more com#ortable to do this with situations o# the
*ast) 'he #irst con#irmation has occurred through a bet% without money involved% obviously) (n a lecture in
the (bero/"mericana College 9Anibero:% in -ao ,aulo% the author a##irmed that in the year 4D?% year o# the
#all o# the Roman Em*ire o# the Occident% certainly the im*erial residence was not installed in Rome) How
is this2 here was it2 'he students as+ed% but the author didn.t +now% because the courses o# history were
never concerned with the social role o# ca*itals) 'here was not (nternet still) 'he author would research and
he would send the answer in another day) Returning home% a #ast consultation to manuals brought the
answerC Ravenna) Em*eror Honorius had changed the im*erial residence #or that city in 46>) hen in 4D?
Romulus "ugustulus was +noc+ed down% while losing the em*ire #or the barbaric invaders% he lived in
Ravenna% not in Rome) -omething that one can imagine is that the invaders were well received in the
abandoned ca*ital% Rome) Fact) hat ha**ened was really this% whereas the Romans no longer tolerated so
many civil wars% so many *rovincial rebellions and so much shortage)
(n that same *hase% the author consulted ,ro#essor -iang u -un% o# com*utation% in the A-,) (n
what city was Chiang $ai/-he+ when the Mao 'se/'ung.s revolutionaries entered ,e+ing and too+ the
*ower in 13432 <ightning/answer o# ,ro#essor -unC @an&ing)
Vi$nn") E5ce*t Versailles and eimar% there is any case really notable to which is the idea
'he most recent veri#ication didn.t involve third *ersons) (t was the case o# the First orld ar)
-uch great events in the modern history involve always increasing o# *rices) 'he manuals say that archdu+e
Franz Ferdinand% heir o# the "ustro/Hungarian throne% was murdered by an activist in the streets o# -ara&evo
and this unchained the war) 'he im*ression that the boo+s leave in the students. mind is that the activist%
crazy or not% had some *ersonal anti*athy #or the #uture monarch and +illed him) "n anarchist2 Maybe) But
it is not common anarchists to go shooting #utures chie#s o# -tate% &ust because they don.t want to live under
constituted governments) 'he thing was more reasonable 9not that any crimes can be &usti#ied:C the "ustro/
Hungarian currency was sic+) 'he in#lation ta5es grew in that distant 1314) But the ca*ital was not in
Vienna2 "lmostG
Em*ress Elisabeth o# Bavaria% the #amous -issi% came being seconded% #or a long time% by actress
$atharina -chratt% +nown as em*ress without crown% who was maintained by em*eror Franz Bose*h ( not in
Vienna% but in Bad (schl.s city) "nd #or the sub&ects% it doesn.t matter where the em*eror lives o##icially% but
where he stays overnight systematically) 'he disaster was mounted)
P")is) How did the e##ect occur in France itsel#% the ins*iring o# the discovery2
'he case o# Versailles has been base% not an ob&ect o# con#irmation) But to the ones who imagine
that the French Revolution only bro+e out because o# the *reaching o# some *hiloso*hers% and there is who
believes in this still% it suits to munition them with data) (t is +nown that in the morning o# Buly 14% 1D=3%
didn.t ha**en anything o# very s*ecial be#ore the crowd to ta+e Bastille and to loosen the *risoners% but in
the *revious day% Buly 1;% the im*ortant registered #act is that the government authorized% #or ordinance% an
increase o# 1667 in the *rice o# the bread) Meanwhile% <ouis JV( was in the ,alace o# Versailles% while
seeing Marie "ntoinette to ta+e care o# her goats and roses)
'he city% obviously% should not be blamed o# the *olitical and economical disastersC the #ault is in
the *eo*le.s decision) -o% one should enroll that <ouis JV( didn.t build a sca##old #or himsel#% but he
inherited it indirectly) 'he trans#er o# the court #or Versailles ha**ened on May ?% 1?=>% under <ouis J(V)
<ittle more than one century later% <ouis JV( was beheaded% not li+e a #ool% as the columnists registered% but
li+e a martyr% because he had acce*ted #ew days be#ore the revolutionaries. demand #or the rehabilitation o#
the real residence in the ,alace o# <ouvre% at ,aris) 'he #atidic century o# Versailles was #inished) Certainly%
the indis*osition that this created among the enemies o# the abru*t changes% even i# restorative% added to the
wave o# beheadings in the -quare o# the Concordance% too+ the *anic to the interior o# the *alace% ma+ing
him to gamble the #rustrated and tragic attem*t o# esca*e #or Varrenes) 'he real cou*le died without having
en&oyed the glory o# the decision to return to <ouvre% while leaving this #or @a*oleon Bona*arte% because
also Robes*ierre% author o# the <aw o# the Ma5imum% the #reeze o# *rices that would be constituted in the
necessary &uridical ste* to *ut down the in#lation de#initively% was beheaded equally little later)
(t suits to remind that <ouis JV( was not the only martyr #or ,aris) 'hree centuries be#ore% Boan o#
"rc% in her eighteen years old and with a trace o# successive victories against English ahead o# the French
troo*s% decided% even without the #ormal su**ort that until that moment she came having o# Charles V((% the
dol*hin whom she made to crown% to reta+e ,aris #or France) (n that itinerary% she had to reta+e the cities
that were in the hands o# English and% even when having received the hel* o# the (talian army o# Berthelemy
Baretta% in the battle #or the rescue o# the city o# Com*iLgne she was ca*tured #inally by enemies% to die in
the bon#ire one year later% by a *rocess *olluted #or #rauds)
o!l")t) Ander this e##ect% would there be some *ossibility o# Eoulart to #inish his mandate2
(n Brazil% the beginning o# the year o# 13?4 #ound ,resident Boao Eoulart to the turns with an
in#lation more and more growing% which came corroding the country since $ubitsche+ decided .to s*in
round the guitar.% i) e)% to *rint money to do #ront to the discharge o# *rices) hile imitating his *olitical
god#ather Eetulio Vargas% Eoulart also decreed increase o# 1667 in the minimum wage) Anli+e the action o#
Vargas% in the beginning o# the #i#ties% this increase now didn.t hel* a lot% because it &ust covered last
in#lation and was ahead to new chimings that certainly would come) "nd they came% while doing the chie# o#
-tate to start to govern as i# he ste**ed on eggs) On March ;1% 13?4% he didn.t ta+e a #light to Rio de Baneiro%
the ca*ital abandoned some years be#ore) He #lew #or ,orto "legre% to &oin his brother/in/law <eonel Brizola%
#ormer/governor o# Rio Erande do -ul) 'he rumor that circulated among the conservatives in Brasilia was
that he had le#t to Aruguay% without any #ormal communication) 'hen% instigated by the governors o# most
*o*ulous -tates% the -enate decreed his de*osition% in the #irst hour o# the dawn o# the "*ril 1)
'here was an established *ath with views to do Boao Eoulart to com*lete the mandate that he
inherited o# Banio Fuadros when this resigned in 13?1C the *arliamentarism) "s well as in the wee+s that
*receded the oath o# $ubitsche+% the conservatives. resistance to acce*t the oath o# Eoulart was very big% so
much in the civil middle as among the military ones) 'hen general Ernesto Eeisel% boss o# the Military
House o# the interim *resident Ranieri Mazzili in those agitated days that were succeeded to the *residential
resignation% *resented his e5it #or the im*asse% which was the acce*tance o# the oath under the condition that
the *resident im*lanted the *arliamentarism) 'he agreement consolidated and Eoulart too+ oath% while
having 'ancredo @eves as *remier% but% #or in#luence o# Brizola% a *rovocative clause was introducedC in
Banuary 13?;% it would be summoned a *lebiscite so that the *o*ulation said yes or not to the return o# the
*residentialism) "#ter the short *eriods o# 'ancredo @eves and Hermes <ima in the government.s
leadershi*% Eoulart% as way o# showing that he was o*en to the conciliation% vested in the end o# 13?> as
*remier senator "uro -oares de Moura "ndrade 9,-!/-,:% an ally% but conservative) 'his noticed that he
would govern #or a very small *eriod% given that the chance o# a**roval o# the *arliamentarism in the
*lebiscite was very low) 'here#ore he demanded the *resident *ost*oned the *lebiscite% without +nowing that
this was a dogmatic matter in the mind o# Eoulart and Brizola) 'he *resident didn.t give in and the *remier
gave u* the *osition% a#ter having e5ercised it #or only >4 hours% insu##icient time to include his *assage at
the government in the boo+s o# history o# the medium teaching) Eoulart invited then #or being *remier
Francisco de ,aula Brochado da Rocha% one his ally #rom Rio Erande do -ul% brought o# the trade/unionist
/$position) !id Eoulart then underestimate the destructive *ower o# the in#lation2
(n Banuary o# 13?;% the *o*ulation mani#ested about the return o# the *residentialism) (n the #i#teen
#ollowing months% Moura "ndrade and his co/religionists were dedicated to the elaboration o# the *lan o# the
,resident de*osition% a *lan hel*ed #or many im*erial decisions that the *resident started to ta+e% wra**ed
by the clout that he &udged to have acquired with the victory in the *lebiscite% as the <aw o# Remittance o#
,ro#its 9which rioted investors and government #rom the Anited -tates:% the instruction >4> o# -umoc /
-u*erintendence o# the Currency and the Credit 9which threw the debt o# im*ort o# ca*ital goods o# the
*rivate national com*anies in the bac+s o# the Ban+ o# Brazil% while trans#orming *rivate debt in *ublic
debt: / and the brea+ o# the military hierarchy% in the #raternization done with the Club o# the -ergeants
without *artici*ation or a**roval o# the generals)
" suicide *erson can drin+ *oison and to die soon a#terwards% by cardiac crash% or breathing sto*)
ho wants can believe since then that the .causa mortis. was the sto*% be cardiac% be res*iratory) But who
accom*anied the *rocess and who did the auto*sy in the <egal Medical (nstitute +now that the death was
*rovo+ed by the *oison) (n the same way% the ones who have #ull conviction that Boao Eoulart was only
dro**ed because o# the cruelty o# conservatives% have the right o# continuing to have #aith in this) 'he true
cause% however% was the same that dro**ed the Roman Em*ire and the "ustro/Hungarian Em*ire and drew
o# the *ower <ouis JV( and Chiang $ai/-he+C in#lation)
ho doesn.t believe in this% with very less reason can believe that those and other countless cases o#
destruction ha**ened because o# change o# ca*ital% the Ravenna E##ect) @obody is #orced to believe in what
doesn.t want% but he cannot since ever allege that the warning has not been given)
Histo)y) (s it di##icult to do a roll o# the tragedies that had as base the e##ect2
From a lot be#ore the introduction o# the *a*er money in the economy% what ha**ened in China on
Banuary 1>% 16>4% the shortage tormented the *eo*le% although the in#lation was hindered by the small
*ossibility o# re*lacement o# the money) But% unli+e what some economists im*ly% the release o# the *a*er
money didn.t bring in#lation in the #irst decades) Only one century later% in 11>D% the loss o# value o# the
Chinese currency was registered #or the #irst time) 'his was due to the change o# the ca*ital% #rom $ai#eng to
Hangzhou% on that same year% when the Bin dynasty incor*orated the Chinese north and #orced the -ong
dynasty to move #or the -outh) (t was% there#ore% in #unction o# military de#eat% which dislodged the em*eror
o# his residence% and not #or some *haraonic im*ulse o# construction o# new ca*ital% that the in#lation o#
China corroded and damaged #or several centuries its im*ortant invention% which was the *a*er money)
hile ta+ing as much the cases o# devastating shortage as the one o# in#lation% the re*ort o# #alls o#
em*ires or em*erors #orced by the Ravenna E##ect includes at least the cases below)
1;8; BC / Reign o# "+henaten% in "ten 9"marna:% which ruined Egy*t)
3;1 BC / !ivision% a#ter -olomon% o# the +ingdom whose ca*ital !avid installed in Berusalem)
;>; BC / !eath o# "le5ander in the new ca*ital "le5andria% and disassembling o# the em*ire)
4D? / Fall o# the Roman Em*ire% with the im*erial residence in Ravenna since 46>)
18?1 / Residence o# ,hili* (( in Madrid% in 18?1% and .Revolution o# ,rices. in 18?=)
1=66 / Construction o# ashington/!C% set on #ire in 1=1>% with secession in 1=?1)
1?=> / (nstallation o# the French court in Versailles% which led to the Revolution in 1D=3)
1=?3 / 'rans#er o# the ca*ital o# Ba*an #or 'o+yo% while #ollowing by !ias*ora and wars)
1313 / Beginning o# the eimar Re*ublic% which brought hy*erin#lation and led to the @azism)
134? / ,residential re#uge in the Balaton <a+e% Hungary% with the larger in#lation o# the history)
1343 / ,residency o# China in @an&ing% while *rovo+ing hy*erin#lation and revolution)
1334 / (tinerant ca*itals in Bal+ans% *ost/'ito% with hy*erin#lation and war o# Bosnia)
To0"y) ho is living on these days the Versailles/eimar E##ect2
'he most recent case o# Ravenna E##ect is the Euro*ean Anion% which a#ter becoming a monetary
union decided to #orm a #ederation in #act% with a *resident.s election) @ow% the *residential residence o# the
Euro*ean Anion was installed in the administrative ca*ital% Brussels% which is a ca*ital with secondary
status in estern Euro*e) 'he *resident would have to live in ,aris% maybe Berlin% i# the Euro*eans
recognize more the Eerman ca*ital as their main ca*ital among the -tate/members) Be#ore this case% we had
"bu&a% 1331% in @igeria% and Borrowdale Broo+% >66?% in Mimbabwe) "nd among them the case o#
@ay*yidaw% >668% the new ca*ital o# Myanmar 9#ormer/Burma:% country that% li+e Brazil and 'ur+ey%
su##ered a lingering military regime) 'he ca*ital o# 'ur+ey% "n+ara% wor+s in the same city since 13>;% and
is almost about to consolidate)
For relie# o# the ones that de#end the maintenance o# the new ca*itals% the solution o# the .Enigma o#
Berlin. came in 133;) 'he reason #or which the ca*ital Bon% which wor+ed during the years o# the Federal
Re*ublic o# Eermany% se*arated #rom the Eerman !emocratic Re*ublic% didn.t bring the u*set o# the
in#lation was deci*hered) Bon didn.t have ca*ital status% and% nevertheless% the Ravenna E##ect was not
veri#ied in it) 'he e5*lanation isC the new ca*ital is only harm#ul when one settles in it the chie# o# -tate)
'he *remier and all the remaining o# the government can stay in it% without *roblem) (n the Eerman case%
the ,resident always stayed in Berlin% even with the wall that se*arated the oriental *art o# the western *art%
and that was dro**ed in 13=3) 'here#ore% #or the Euro*ean Anion% there is no need to remove the Euro*ean
,arliament or the "dministrative Commission #rom the city o# Brussels) (t is enough to remove #rom there
the residence o# the *resident o# the Euro*ean Council)
'o @igeria% it is enough to install the *resident in <agos) Mimbabwe% which gave u* on having own
currency% sim*ly needs to return the *residency to his old *alace% in Harare) "lso the *resident o# Myanmar
only needs to return to the old ca*ital% Rangoon) "nd% #or Brazil% &ust to install the *residential residence in
Rio de Baneiro% while maintaining all the remaining o# the government in Brasilia% governed by the minister/
chie# o# the Civil House)
4) On advantages

Vi)t!$s) "re there Brazilian virtues to identi#y as valuable social ca*ital2
Everybody +nows that Brazil never made to res*ect as country because it lac+s something subtle%
which needs to be e5*lained% not because it doesn.t have high *otentialities)
'he advantages o# the country are countless% and many o# them are seen by Brazilians as wrong
thing% thing that brings shame% &ust because it doesn.t re*roduce the rituals or the drawings o# the model%
which be#ore was France and today is the Anited -tates) Few *ersons notice that the Anited -tates are much
su*eriors in technology% and% there#ore% in material wealth% but they are a lot behind Brazil in many as*ects
o# the &uridical/*olitics organization)
(n the *urely *sychological e5tent% which comes #rom the history and #rom the culture o# the
country% it suits to re*roduce what here was *ublished already some years ago in the internet 9it is enough to
ty*e at a search engine 0Estigma de ,indorama0:% which is the grou* o# virtues common to the almost
totality o# the Brazilians% identi#ied #or unsus*icious intellectuals)
1) Courage 9Rui Barbosa:N
>) Faith 9"delia ,rado:N
;) ,atience 9"lberto Moravia:N
4) -ensibility 9!arcy Ribeiro:N
8) Eenerosity 9!on ,aulo Evaristo "rns:N
?) Cordiality 9-ergio Buarque de Holanda:N
D) Ha**iness 9Mario de "ndrade:N
=) !iligence 9Roberto !aMatta:N
3) 'olerance 9-te#an Mweig:N
16) Rece*tivity 9Bose Boni#acio de "ndrada e -ilva:)
Boni#acio still increases other ten behavioral as*ects% while a##irming that Brazilians areC 9a:
enthusiasts o# the idealN 9b: #riends o# the #reedomN 9c: enemies o# the arbitrarinessN 9d: talented% even when
without instructionN 9e: imaginativeN 9#: adherents o# ennobling innovationsN 9g: generousN 9h: ca*able o#
great actions% although not systematizedN 9i: im*assioned by se5N 9&: enter*rising% although hardly conclude
(# the Brazilian leadershi*s +now how to channel those virtues% when ma+ing them to converge #or
*ositive ends% while identi#ying% to neutralize% de#ects and bottlenec+s% -outh "merica will then be able to
blunt as ob&ect o# admiration o# the other *eo*le o# the world)
Sto&#) hich national institutions are good and correct and doesn.t Brazilians +now how to value2
Many o# the Brazilian advantages are a##ronted because they are seen by many as bales) Others are
des*ised because not even are noticed% at the same time in that *oisonous ladies o# the night are cultivated as
i# they were balm)
e will *resent here a roll o# consolidated institutions that need to be valued and de#ended by
Brazilians% instead o# su##ering gibe and stoningC a: #our/year mandates% b: government mobility% c: electoral
biannuality% d: uninterru*ted *arliament% e: .com*ulsory. vote% #: *ro*ortional election% g: electoral
#inancing% h: #reedom% i: *eace% &: o##icial teaching% +: hydro/rail/highway mesh% l: *ower#ul hydroelectrics%
m: rich culture% n: s*orting ca*acity% o: cognitive dis*osition% *: agricultural su*er*ar+% q: giant wateries% r:
mineral wealth% s: climatic diversity% t: e5uberant nature)
'he items o# 9a: to 9l: have been built through the e##ort o# rulers and *arliamentarians% with the
su**ort o# the civil society) 'he items 9m:% 9n: and 9o: are characteristics o# the *o*ulation% built starting
#rom the settlers. inheritance% o# all o# the origins) "lready the #ive remaining *oints% 9*:% 9q:% 9r:% 9s: and 9t:%
are gi#ts o# heaven% which indigenous% Euro*ean% "#ricans% -emites and "sians here have #ound% as *rize #or
their tri* to this ground)
e show now the meaning and the value o# each one o# those *oints)
1!"0)$nni") hy are so im*ortant the twenty items above2
'he *eriod o# #our years #or the government and *arliamentary mandates was not &ust drawn in the
last years or in the last decades% but it is resulted o# those whole centuries in that the democratic system has
been im*roved since ,ericles inaugurated it in "ncient Ereece) (n two and a hal# millennia o# *olitical
e5*erience% the humanity learned that the quadrennium is the ma5imum o*timum *eriod) Many rulers% #or
*ersonal interest% stretch out it% as ,resident ladimir ,utin made in Russia% when changing #rom #our to si5
years the *residential *eriod) 'his +ind o# measure is ta+en in many *laces and in several times% but is in
#orce while his author has to be able to guarantee it) France already cultivated *residential mandates o# seven
years% when having% #or instance% ,resident Miterrand #or 14 years sat down in the chair o# Elisees% because
he has been reelected) More ahead% ,resident -ar+ozy reduced the *eriod #or #ive years% with *ossibility o# a
reelection% which he didn.t get to en&oy) Brazil established many decades ago the quadrennial *eriod #or the
*residency% *eriod disres*ected in the Revolution o# 13;6) 'he Constitution o# 134? #astened in #ive years
the mandate% and this only came to be altered with the Figueiredo *residency% once ,resident Eeisel changed
the *eriod #rom #ive #or si5 years #or their successors) (n 13=8% the ,resident Bose -arney restored the
quadrennial mandate% but in the middle o# his administration he converted himsel# to the quinquennial and
made the *arliament to a**rove the return o# that model) He was however the only to *reside the country #or
#ive years #rom Eeisel% because the Constitution o# 13== retoo+ the quadrennial #ormula) Finally% in 133D%
,resident FHC% a#ter doing to a**rove dozens o# innocuous amendments to the Constitution% with the aim o#
o*ening road #or his li#e *ro&ect% which was the installation o# the reelection% made to a**rove the statute o#
the reelection #or the elective e5ecutive *ositions) 'he *oliticians% however% need to become aware o# the
#ollowing #actC *eriod larger than #our years is too big #or a res*onsible ruler to tolerate% and is also too much
time #or a country to tolerate an irres*onsible chie#) 'he leaders. res*onsibilities need to be shared% and every
wise individual should see that the sce*ter should be *assed to other hands a#ter his valuable democratic
contribution as chie# o# -tate) $arl Manhein denominates .contradiction o# the democracy. the *henomenon
that is observed in the situation in that a ruler receives the news that he was chosenC he% who was
theoretically one equal among his *airs be#ore the counting% sto*s immediately being an equal a#ter being
chosen) 'his is the contradictionC all are equals% but only u* the name o# the one who sto*s being equal is
revealed) (n reelection situation% one among the contestants is had no longer as equal% by nature) 'here#ore%
the device o# the reelection #or leadershi* *ositions is quite antidemocratic) 'he quadrennial *eriod is a
*atrimony% which Brazilians need to de#end% *re#erably liberating it o# the com*romising device o# the
+obility) !oes the rulers. change have great value #or the democracy2
'he statute o# the *eriodic change o# names in the leadershi* o# -tate is o# e5treme im*ortance)
-uch a mobility is essential #or there being social mobility) 'he systems o# breeds only grew in certain
societies because the *o*ulation lived under the regime o# the li#elongness o# the leadershi*) (# the chie# o#
-tate could be the same during his com*lete li#e% with more reason the social condition o# one or other
sub&ect should stay una##ected% li#elongly) Bust the *eriodic substitution o# the su*reme chie#% *re#erentially o#
quadrennial #orm% will guarantee in the #uture the com*lete abolition o# the trace o# the breeds% in any society
in the world) "ll o# the countries that lived under monarchic regimes carry this rancidness in their social
relationshi*s) 'here#ore% it is im*ortant that one doesn.t underestimate what the Anited -tates can give to
this res*ect) 'he analyses on the theme le#t by 'ocqueville and -tuart Mill% views with #oreigner loo+ing%
and by 'homas Be##erson% views #rom within% are valuable)
(n Brazil% #rom the #all o# the monarchy% in 1==3% only Eetulio Vargas% enchanted with the Fascist
regimes in Euro*e% loo+ed #or disres*ecting this commitment o# the command change in the leadershi* o#
-tate) "nd even when o# his return% elected .by the *eo*le.% he declared that #rom the ,alace o# the Catete he
would only leave dead% when A!@ urged him to resign% a#ter the murder o# ma&or Rubens Florentino Vaz%
assistant o# Carlos <acerda% by shot struc+ by the boss o# the *resident.s *ersonal sa#ety% Eregorio Fortunato%
as revealed by subsequent investigations) (n #act% he le#t dead the *alace when dead% by suicide% but he le#t
the sus*icion that his declaration could mean that he would try to *er*etuate in the *osition% somehow
Eeneral Franco made in -*ain% as remainder o# the nazi/#ascist years)
(t is necessary that Brazilians inter*ret those *retensions o# Vargas as *oint out o# the curve% #or
valuing with nails and teeth this national *atrimony that is the res*ect to the limit o# mandates) "nd this is
not a &aboticaba% an endemic #ruit% but a great discovery% vital #or all the humanity)
Bi"nn!"lity) (s it im*ortant to res*ect the regular *eriodicity o# the elections2
From the right #inal ad&ustment in the Constitution o# 13==% the Brazilian elections were
regularized% a#ter a lot o# cost% #or ha**ening in a biannual way% with munici*al elections in lea* years% and
#ederal elections in the even no/lea* years% always in the month o# October) Many *oliticians who ma+e bet
in constitutional amendments to brea+ this regularity see as nonsense the e##ort that the country did to reach
this a**renticeshi*) (n three elections% necessary #or the settlement o# *eriods as way to arrive to the
biannuality% voting ha**ened #or all o# the *ositions o# the Re*ublic e5ce*t the one o# *resident) (n a single
day o# October% in the years o# 1==>% 1==? and 1=== / and the Brazilian election% when there is not second
round% is done in a single day o# October% what also means great earnings /% voters su##ered in the lines o# the
electoral sections u* to >6 h% not u* to 1D h% as always ha**en) For it was not easy to vote in a same seating
#or senator% #ederal de*uty% state de*uty% governor% mayor and town alderman) "nd this was what the voter
did in those elections% which were still handy)
'he largest advantage o# this biannual regularity is that the voter +nows that in every lea* year he is
called to renew the munici*al mandates% and% in the even no/lea* years% the mandates o# #ederal de*uties%
senators% governors and *residents) (# the month o# October o# an even year to ha**en and the summons will
be not made% the voter will +now that something very serious is ha**ening in the *olitical system) Badly
com*aring% it would be as to arrive to !ecember >8 o# any year and to see that the stores didn.t *resent
Christmas decoration and that every re#erence to -anta Claus and the Christmas *arty was *rohibited)
Brazilians need to struggle always to maintain this biannual regularity% which is *art o# the
democratic health% o# the little that is had u* to now in the country o# democratic and citizen normality)
P")li"m$nt) "re sound the verbal attac+s ordered against the @ational Congress2
hile the voters o# the Anited -tates are accusing the members o# their national *arliament o#
being .!o/nothing Congress.% in Brazil the *arliamentarians are also very criticized% but #or doing a lot% and
very wrong) (t is di##icult to +now what is worse) But the Brazilian critics edge the intolerance) 'he #ederal
*arliamentarians are disres*ected and censured as corru*t% inde*endently o# deserving or not the accusation)
One o# the more discussed *ro*osals in the *o*ular circles is the one o# the reduction o# the number o#
#ederal de*uties #rom the current 81; #or less than hal#) "nd great *art o# the voters sim*ly de#ends the
abolition o# the *arliament) Kes% while being the *residency o# the Re*ublic in the new ca*ital% the
institutions are really des*ised% but the *arliament su##ers a systematic attac+ very dis*ro*ortionate in #ront
o# its res*onsibilities)
'he e5istence o# the *arliament% in its #ull o*eration% #or the evil or #or the good% is a democracy
warranty% even i# it is o# relative/democracy% as it ha**ened during the military regime) 'he ,inochet regime
s*ared it% in Chile% and in @azi Eermany it &ust e5isted as decoration% a#ter some smart one invented #or the
#Ohrer the device o# the decree/law)
(n the whole history o# the Re*ublic in Brazil% the *arliament &ust su##ered short *eriods o#
interru*tion) (n the military regime% although many *arliamentary have been e5*elled% the @ational
Congress was closed #or very short *eriods% the last time having been in "*ril o# 13DD% when ,resident
Eeisel edited the #amous ."*ril *ac+age.% which introduced some anachronic items% soon discarded% as the
im*osition o# the indicated senator% but this began the disassembling o# the military regime itsel#) hen the
@ational Congress was re/o*ened% one month later% the country was sure that it would *ass to live a new era)
(n #act% ever since% never again the Brazilian *arliament was authoritatively closed% and it is waited that
never again this comes to ha**en) (#% #or mis#ortune% this e5*ectation comes to be #rustrates% Brazilians can
be sure that a great *olitical retreat too+ *lace)
,arliamentarians need always to be criticized% with res*onsibility and *ublic s*irit) But the
*arliament has to be res*ected% and it has to be a**reciated by the *o*ulation as #undamental institution #or
the warranty o# the *ublic #reedoms)
Comp!lso)y) -hould not we return to the system o# voluntary attendance to the urns2
"s well as the *arliamentarians are criticized severely% one claims a lot also in Brazil against the
so#t com*ulsory nature o# the vote) 'he com*ulsory nature is so#t because the #ine #or the ones who in#ringe
the norm is ridiculous% the cost o# one or two co##ees% and the *unishment #or who doesn.t regularize the own
electoral situation weighs a little on *ublic em*loyees% but is *ractically ine5istent #or the wor+ers o# the
*rivate section) (# the voter doesn.t e5ercise his vote% nor &usti#ies his lac+% he will be im*eded o# renewing
his *ass*ort% while getting not able to travel to the e5terior% until to solve his dis*ute with regard to the
electoral tribunal) (# he wants to ta+e oath in some *ublic *osition% he also needs to *rove that he voted #or in
the most recent election) hen sto**ing voting #or% no voter will be arrested by this% nor he will sto* being
*rimary de#endant) 'he sanction is in #act very small% and it doesn.t need to be harder) (t &ust e5ists as #orm
o# *ressure) -o much that the most *o*ular elections get to ta+e to the urns a ma5imum o# >I; o# the
registered voters% or little more than this)
"s some &urists remind% the vote right is not a sub&ective right% something that the citizen can
release when he wants% but a social obligation)
'he Brazilian voter is not #orced to su##rage any *arty or candidate) He &ust has to attend the
electoral section% according to the legislation% to sign and to mar+ his vote% which can be valid% white or null%
according to his will)
'hat com*ulsory nature was introduced as mechanism o# overcoming o# the old curse called .halter
vote.% in which the colonels too+ to the urns the voters whom they chose% and these had to vote #or on whom
they ordered) 'he com*ulsory nature #or everybody neutralized that *ower o# the colonels) "nd that *ower
e5isted% and will e5ist again% by the #act that Brazilians are not dis*osed to accom*lish their electoral
obligation i# they will be not submitted the any coercion #orm) (# the com*ulsory nature be abolished% as
some voters want% enchanted with the news that they hear on the electoral models o# the Anited -tates and o#
France% a #irst election will count with some 867 o# the attendance o# the citizens registered to vote #or% but
in the #ollowing elections the number will #all% until stabilizing in the level o# the >67) 'he only motivation
to do this e5*erience totally unnecessary is the habit o# imitating% #or imitating% any thing that they hear that
ha**ens at richer countries) 'he voluntary voting o# those countries is something old and antiquated% as it is
in the Anited -tates the *assion #or the schools with #ee 9they didn.t read Condorcet:)
P)opo)tion"l) hy should not be restored the district vote in Brazil2
'he *ro*ortional vote is also very criticized by reason very similar to the one o# the com*ulsory
vote) 'he alternative is the district vote% in some cases seasoned as .mi5ed/member system.)
(n general% e5ce*t the con#irmed conservatives% li+e ,inochet% who restored the district vote in
Chile% the voters who de#end this electoral model don.t have a clear idea o# its o*eration)
'he district vote is the original model o# voting% created in "ncient Ereece% because nobody had
gotten to imagine other) 'his system is what is in #orce until today in the Anited -tates and in England% but
not in France and in (taly)
(n this system% the electoral tribunals divide the country in .electoral districts.% which are not the
regional districts in that the voters live and with which are accustomed) "n .electoral district. is a regional
cacique.s #eud) For instance% i# Brazil restores this system today% there will be 81; constituencies in the
country #or e##ect o# voting #or the Federal Camera) Each district o# those will choose a single re*resentative%
the owner o# one o# the 81; chairs% while discarding all the other contestants o# the area) hen dividing the
number o# munici*al districts #or the number o# chairs in the Camera% one sees that% on average% each district
will contain eleven munici*al districts) (n *ractice% #or the *o*ulation density% some districts will have less
than eleven and others will have more)
'hose regional caciques% who bite the only available vacancy #or his constituency% are in general
#igures who have some e5*ression in their #eud% but nothing besides) 'he e5*lanation #or the nic+name o#
the *arliament o# the Anited -tates% as .do/nothing Congress.% is here) " #ederal de*uty in the system o#
district vote only becomes *olitician o# e5*ression% state or national% when he is chosen *resident o# the
house% or when% #or mis#ortune% he goes by some tragedy% as it ha**ened with nice Eabrielle Ei##ords% who
was shot in an assembly in her district in "rizona)
'here are two advantages in that systemC the de*uty.s election is chea*er and he is somebody
*hysically close his voters) 'he advantages close u* there% and they are illusory)
hen Brazil le#t that system% in 134?% and chose its #irst *ro*ortional *arliament% it too+ to the
Congress @ational #igures as writer Borge "mado and di*lomat "#onso "rinos) 'oday the *arliament is
com*osed by #ormer/rectors o# universities% #ormer/mayors% #ormer/governors% writers% actors% musicians%
comedians% notable *olicemen% renowned &urists and many other *ersons o# e5*ression) 'here are% obviously%
many ine5*ressive de*uties% chosen in the vacuum o# the coalition votes% or sim*ly in the sur*lus o# the vote
handles% but this is the *rice to *ay to have a *arliament constituted by im*ortant members) @or all o# the
#amous *eo*le have some merit% besides the own #ame) -ome de*uties o# the *ro*ortional system are in this
category) But among all the varied critics that Brazilians ma+e today to their de*uties% none o# them includes
the #act o# they be hidden *eo*le% which nobody +nows who are% out o# the #eud that sent them to the
'his is why Brazilian *arliamentarians *roduce too much) "nd the country &ust needs to create
mechanisms to reduce them in this) 'hey understand that they are *aid to create new laws% in amount% and
this is resulted o# lac+ o# *olitical education in the society) 'he country only needs good laws) -hort% sim*le%
e##ective% but good laws) "nd in the necessary minimum amount)
"s #or the *ro*ortional vote% it is not something sim*le o# understanding% as it occurs with the
district vote% invented in time in that one nor at least could dream about the so*histicated arithmetic methods
that the electoral tribunals use today in the *ro*ortional elections) 'he model% ins*ired in ideas o#
Condorcet% was *resented in boo+ *ublished in ,aris in the year o# 1=D6% #or the Belgian teacher B) Borely)
Belgium was the #irst country to ado*t it% in 1=33) hen Hitler was chosen% in 13;>% #or the district vote% the
new model was ignored by almost everyone) ,resident Hindenburg canceled the elections% indignant with the
result% and summoned new dis*ute) "s he only +new the very old district vote system% the voters went bac+
the urns to choose again))) Hitler% who &ust lowered his number o# chairs in the *arliament o# ;D7 to ;>7%
but maintaining most relative) Hindenburg gave oath to Hitler in 13;;% and% as soon as he died% in 13;4% he
had his *osition o# *resident absorbed by the "ustrian% who became absolute chie# o# -tate and o#
government in Eermany)
C"mp"ign) -hould the *ublic *ower to #inance integrally the electoral cam*aigns2
(t is strange as the *oliticians discuss a *ossible #uture coming o# the *ublic #inancing o# cam*aigns
in Brazil without they to be alerted that this is already a norm% #rom the Boao Eoulart government) (n that
government was instituted that the television and radio com*anies are com*ensated o# the losses o# the
schedules given in to the electoral advertising o# candidates) (n *ractice% the government shoulder the larger
*art o# the e5*enses o# cam*aigns% which is the *ayment o# the schedules o# 'V) (n the Anited -tates% only
rich candidates% or those who get good contributions in the mar+et% can ma+e cam*aign in 'V% because there
the .#ree schedule. doesn.t e5ist)
'here is also the *arty #und% which is maintained with *ublic budgets% which #inance% inclusively%
the *arties o# very low *er#ormance% some o# them created only as instruments o# croo+ed deal)
Even so% ban+s and building site com*anies s*ill a lot o# money in the cam*aigns o# candidates o#
their *re#erence) Many *oliticians want an assumed #uture *ublic #inancing to substitute this e5tra source o#
resources% without noticing the dimension o# the hole that their *ro*osal will cause to the treasure) For the
*ublic #inancing% it is enough the *arty #und to win a larger substance and the distribution o# the budgets
among the *arties to be more rational) 'he *arties themselves should ta+e charge o# the im*ression o#
advertising material #or candidates% and the e5*enses with tri*s 9not the aerial ones: should be com*ensated
by *resentation o# recei*ts a#ter the election)
Kes% the .#ree schedule. in 'V and radio% guaranteed #or the *ublic *ower% is an e5cellent democratic
*atrimony% which Brazilians should de#end and never to allow that one or another threaten)
F)$$0om) (s Brazil today a country that cultivates #reedom2
'he Constitution o# 13== consolidated and guaranteed at the country the res*ect to the cultivation
o# the citizenshi* and the conscience o# the value o# the usu#ruct o# #reedom) (ts #i#th article% which is *art o#
the stony clauses% which cannot be altered% o##ers to Brazilians the basic &uridical instrument to re*resent the
synthesis o# their rights and duties% con#irming the *olitical #reedom as one o# the citizen.s most sacred
'he right o# coming and going% the #reedom o# e5*ression% the warranty o# .habeas cor*us.% the
de#ense right be#ore the tribunals% the right o# *olitical *artici*ation% the labor warranties and the universal
access to the systems o# basic education and health are gains that Brazilians obtained% +now well and don.t
tolerate that one or another want to subtract them)
However% maintaining such a status demands citizen militancy and *ers*icacity) @a**ing in
relation to the social conquests is a great ris+% in any time and *lace) For contributing with this is that this
cha*ter was written) (# Brazilians are not aware o# the *rogresses that they obtained already% o# the
advantages that they already dis*ose% while acce*ting to throw them out because they imagine that they are
cause o# in#eriority or shame% then the country will never be made *ossible% while undergoing *eriodic
retreats and ma+ing to increase the international distrust on their *romises)
"n e5am*le o# healthy institution that Brazilians have is the #act o# the *olice to be state% not
munici*al) (# now the *olicemen *resent cases o# bad conduct% or di##icult treating% this is due to the situation
o# calamity o# the basic education system% not to the state model) 'he munici*al guards% which Banio
Fuadros brought to the country when o# his last *assage by the city hall o# -ao ,aulo% they are a
rec+lessness% an immense ris+ to the warranties o# the #i#th article) 'he munici*alization is good in certain
as*ects% but terrible in other) ith munici*al *olice% a tenth o# the adult *o*ulation o# the Anited -tates is in
the chain) (n China% when the tribunals o# munici*al e5tent could decree death *enalty and e5ecution% the
cities attended enormous lines o# unha**y *ersons who underwent the corridor o# the death% e5actly as the
o5en in the slaughterhouses% with the *ro&ectiles used #or the slaughter being collected o# the convicts.
#amilies% in a dis*lay o# how the *ublic *ower was miserable) Finally% ,resident Hu Bintao signed law
restricting to the #ederal tribunals the *rerogative o# decreeing death sentence% in one o# the largest
revolutions o# the Chinese history in its wal+ heading #or the civilization) @ow *resident Ji Bin*ing has been
revealing himsel# as a dogmatic and maybe he doesn.t move #orward in this *olitics)
'he munici*al guards need to be trans#ormed urgently in social wor+ers board and in munici*al #ire
brigades% #or all o# the conscious mayors% while esca*ing #rom the *reaching o# some sales*ersons o# blood o#
the television *rograms o# si5 *) m) 'his is a necessary road #or Brazilians not to throw in garbage bas+et
their #reedom so hardly conquered) "nd the @ational Congress needs to revo+e soon the law that allowed the
use o# #irearms #or those guards) One neither can &o+e with the #ascism% nor to o*en the teeth in #ront o# it)
P$"&$) ere Brazilian and -outh "merican always *eace#ul2
'oday% we lived in harmony in -outh "merica) 'he *rovincial *re&udices% o# .green/bellies. against
.#lat/head.% o# hill/bills against Bahiensis% o# #arro*illas against maragatos% o# Brazilians against
"rgentineans and o# mestizos against (ndians are not reasons #or civil war% as it has still been ha**ening at
Middle East and as it already ha**ened in other centuries in -outh "merica itsel#) e are not naturally
*eace#ul% as o# rest no *eo*le are it% although lately many *ersons believe in this) e have *olitical *eace
because we built it along the history) "nd the delinquency in the con#licts o# the #ield and in the *eri*hery o#
the great cities% with growth *ro*ortional to that o# the *rogress o# uncultured religions and badly dri#ted
9certainly% the church o# the reader.s *arents is better% be which goes:% shows that% in their root% the -outh
"merican *eo*le are as violent as any other in the *lanet)
" history teacher made estimations and she reached the conclusion that o# every *eriod o# three
years% lived by the inhabitants o# Brazil be#ore the Re*ublic% two years were o# war) 'his means that we were
more warli+e than *eace#ul) Brazil built the *eace at the e5*ense o# a lot o# *olitical trans#ormation% and this
is still in course)
For ma+ing *ossible the *olitical organization o# -outh "merica will mean to delegate to the world
the larger e5am*le o# road o# *rogress #or man+ind) Brazilians and all o# the brothers o# the neighborhood
need to be alerted as #or this)
S&%ools) !id Brazil have already a good net o# basic teaching2
'his author wrote already in several situations and *ublished in boo+ a truth that #ew *eo*le too+
accountC Brazil had the best o##icial school system o# the world% until the beginning o# the eighties)
He was diversi#ied% yes% because this is natural in every quality *rocess / i# everything is strictly
similar it is because nothing wor+s / unless one is s*ea+ing about electronic a**arel o# the same series or
something o# this ty*e) Everybody +nows the *roblemC it didn.t contem*late the whole *o*ulation) " *ortion
too much substantial was out o# it)
hen the governments decided to enlarge the system #or all% then the demagogues and the
malicious ones entered #ield to do the very +nown damage)
"lso the construction o# that better school was not a wor+ o# mediocre *eo*le% nor a**eared
naturally) Fernando o# "zevedo% "nisio 'ei5eira% Mario de "ndrade% Heitor Villa/<obos% Cecilia Meireles
and !arcy Ribeiro are among the intellectuals res*onsible #or the drawing o# that com*le5) 'hey built little
by little the school model that came to be a**roved in the <aw o# !irectresses and Bases o# 13?1 9<!B/?1:)
"nd they wor+ed on the model le#t by Ben&amin Constant Botelho de Magalhaes in the beginning o# the
Re*ublic% with the curriculum mirrored in the basic sciences 9Mathematics% ,hysics% Chemistry and
Biology:% a *atrimony whose immense value the Brazilians need to sto* underestimating)
Everybody +nows that Brazil is world *entacham*ion o# soccer% but #ew *ersons +now that the
country is also world he5acham*ion o# Mathematics% with *rizes obtained in the (nternational Olym*iads o#
Mathematics% a**lied to students o# the third year o# the medium teaching 9High -chool:) 'his is #ruit o# a
time in that the school system was good% and no country o# the world arrived close to Brazil in this) @ow%
under the mythical validity o# the demagogic *o*ulism% Brazil soon will be le#t bac+% outdated #or other
country% *robably Finland or China)
'he e##orts to rescue the teaching need to be embraced by all) For this it is necessary to go
neutralizing the demagogy% until its com*lete incineration)
R"il-"ys) !o the Brazilian railways% hydroways and highways receive the deserved attention2
Brazil had a lot o# railways and was wal+ing to have an including rail mesh% to guarantee the
*rogress in several senses) (n the $ubitsche+ government% several *ro&ects were canceled% as the one o# the
'ransnortheastern Railway% #or o*ening s*ace #or the road model)
-everal times the chea*est and e##icient things are not the more ado*ted) 'he rail trans*ort is ten
times more e5*ensive than the aquatic one% but the road is sim*ly thirty times more e5*ensive than the
However% the country still has a railways. net o# big account% although some highways have been
destroyed) Only in the last years it is that the governments are reta+ing the enlargement o# this trans*ort
model) Railways and hydroways are great develo*ment *ro*ellers% but the #rivolity o# many rulers le#t them
in last *lan) Many cities o# great strength% mainly inside -ao ,aulo% were reduced in hal#% or arrived to
almost to disa**ear% by the abandonment that the country devoted to the railways in the last decades) (t is a
great wealth% built in other times% but almost totally des*ised)
ithout neglecting o# the e5istent highways% it is necessary to treat with devotion and seriousness
the rail system% as well as the hydroways system) "nd the country has to invest a lot in those areas% while
building new ways)
Hy0)o$l$&t)i&s) "re hydroelectrics a sound wealth #or Brazil2
Brazil doesn.t ta+e ris+ o# generating insu##icient energy #or its demand) 'ransmission lines are
what can lac+ to ta+e electricity abundantly to all o# the *oints) (nstead o# s*ending #orces in *rocess against
the construction o# hydroelectrics% the environmental movement should wor+ so that new *ower stations o#
#ission nuclear are not built) hile the nuclear #usion *lants don.t ma+e *ossible% the nuclear *ro&ects o#
#ission should be all sus*ended% and not only in Brazil% because they re*resent danger without account)
ith the construction o# the ,lant o# (tai*u% in the beginning o# the seventies% according to the
*ro&ect o# the Boao Eoulart government% a big natural good was eliminated o# the ma*% the -even Falls 9or
Euaira Falls:% which was the largest water#all o# the world in volume o# water) (# the environmental
movement was strengthened in that time% maybe it had gotten to im*ede the wor+) (t was a great loss% but it
ha**ened in e5change #or the warranty o# su**ly o# energy #or residences and industries that would not have
other substitute e5ce*t the use o# the atomic *lants% or the *roli#eration o# the insane thermal *lants)
O# course who has horror to the technological *rogress detests that creation o# @i+ola 'esla% the
hydroelectric% but the contrary cam*aigns are% most o# the time% done with the use o# a**arels switched in the
Hydroelectrics are% yes% a valuable *atrimony% in material and human terms)
C!lt!)$) !id Brazil already stand out in the arts some time2
'he Brazilian art had their days o# glory) O# the sym*honies o# Bose Mauricio @unes Earcia% in the
beginning o# the 13th century% to the murals o# ,ortinari and the suites o# Villa/<obos% the world didn.t *ass
#ar o# the Brazilian *resence) 'he golden era% soon buried by the *olitical decisions% was the bossa nova% in
its birth) (n >668% an im*ortant *ortal o# the (nternet classi#ied the ten songs more downloaded in the world
#or cellular *hone) 'hree o# them were Brazilian% and all o# the #i#tiesC Road to the Sun% The Little Boat and
The Girl from Ipanema) Ander the Brasilia cost everything deteriorated% although internally #ew *ersons
have noticed) (n 13D1% the Re#orm o# the Medium 'eaching abolished o# the basic gymnasial teaching the
sub&ect/matter Or*heonic -inging% which Villa/<obos had gotten to introduce in the national curriculum
a#ter a lot o# #ight% as a way to teach musical theory to the adolescents) 'he intention o# the elimination o#
the matter was that the content was incor*orated to the new sub&ect matter "rtistic Education% #act that%
#oreseeably% never ha**ened) (n >663% the @ational Congress a**roved the return o# the music to schools% but
it was victim o# an unusual *ran+) Be#ore *roceeding #or *residential sanction% ministry o# Education made
to be worth its *osition embraced since 13D1 and introduced the harm#ul clause that would trans#orm the
*ro&ect in died letter% in *racticeC the music would return% in .obligatory way .% but as *art o# the content o#
"rtistic Education) 'his means that% o# the two hundred days o# the school year% i# the teacher o# "rtistic
Education dedicates a day o# class to the music% the law is being accom*lished)
'he sub&ect matter "rtistic Education has had &ust a visible e##ect #rom its introduction by the
military governmentC the e5hibitions o# wor+s o# im*ortant *ainters or scul*tors% li+e ,icasso and Rodin% get
to &oin lines o# +ilometers at the doors o# the stands) O# rest% the !rawing was already sub&ect/matter% be#ore
that content) (t didn.t bring anything besides the #ormation o# those lines and #or the country the only way o#
giving musical #ormation to its adolescents again% o# @orth to -outh% is to *rohibit the "rtistic Education and
to a**rove the Music as obligatory and inde*endent sub&ect/matter% in all o# the schools o# #undamental
"s #or the scenic arts% the actors have good level and the soa* o*eras are sold to the e5terior% while
bringing e5change value) But the movies crawl% without great memorable *roductions% #or #ault o# a still
inci*ient literary cultivation) For having good movies it is necessary to strengthen the literature% but the
reading habit still was not built% what does that% o# what one sells as literature% little thing survives in quality)
hat is had then o# advantage in the artistic #ield2 Ereat *otential) (# the education gets better
again% and the reading habit to s*read% the country will win a *rivileged s*ace in the world artistic scenery)
Spo)ts) (s Brazil really good in the s*orts2
"s world *entacham*ion o# soccer% Brazil already reserved its *lace in the history as #or its s*orting
ca*acity) 'he *roblem is that the other dozens o# im*ortant s*orting modalities have received little attention)
(n the last times% other <atin/"merican countries% as well as ,ortugal% -*ain% England and many others%
have been *roducing talents in the soccer in larger *ro*ortion than Brazil% while indicating that it is hour o#
the country to diversi#y in the s*orts) -*orts cultivated at the school% as volleyball and bas+etball% o##er great
o**ortunities) 'his range needs to increase% and the investment too) Com*anies have been sto**ing
su**lying su**ort% and% there#ore% the government cannot neglect the area)
High *otential e5ists% and it was already *roven) Bust one has to cultivate it)
T"l$nt) "re Brazilians good #or learning things2
-omeone can thin+% be#ore the Brazilian students. shame#ul results in the international tests o# the
beginning o# the >1st century% as the e5am o# the ,(-"% o# the OEC!% that Brazilians have learning
di##iculty) 'hese% who are not many% are widely mista+en) Most +nows% ha**ily is aware o# the *roblem% that
the question concentrates on the deterioration o# the education system)
hat is had in *ro#usion lately are wasted talents% due to they have studied at bad school% which is
synonymous o# rela5ed school% without commitment with serious evaluation and with the acquisition o# solid
+nowledge) (# the school went an institution driven *rimordially to se5agenarians% maybe the mechanism o#
the evaluation went something dis*ensable% because mature *eo*le have notion o# their res*onsibility) (n the
child% the res*onsibility% #or the studies and #or other commitments% is something in construction) Educating
means develo*ing this sense) 'he school that starts o# the *resu**osition that the children are already
res*onsible by nature% and that% there#ore% nobody needs to coerce them 9in the more noble sense o# the term:
to render accounts o# their academic dedication% such a school has #or *lan to destroy their students)
(t is necessary to elevate the *attern o# the school system% so that Brazilian citizens can be sa#e)
F")ming) (s the Brazilian agriculture late2
Brazil was endowed by the nature o# immense agricultural and #ishes #armer *otential) However%
the small *roducers don.t receive the su**ort that they need% in most o# government.s administrations% and
the big ones% these are seen as villains by the creators o# symbols)
Farmers wor+ with the earth% with the de#ense o# their *ro*erty 9estate: and with the e5*ectation
that they will neither be surta5 nor con#iscated) 'hen they loo+ #or conservative clubs and *arties% because
the *rogressive ones #ind strange those demands) 'he e5istence o# lati#undia is a com*lication in the
relationshi*s o# the #armers with the remaining o# the society% but% in theory% the landowner is not the
#armer% being in general an heir who is not concerned with *roduction% but with maintenance o# his domain)
'he lunges o# the government in the sense o# the im*lantation o# the land re#orm should not threaten the
*eace#ulness o# the rural *roducer who brings new wealth to the country) 'hey owe% yes% to worry the ones
who have *ro*erties &ust as &ewels% +e*t under o*en s+y) Besides% a government that intends to solve the
agrarian *roblem in an administration% or in a single generation% doesn.t *ass o# rioter) 'he *roblem comes
#rom the Eracchi brothers% in "ncient Rome% and it is not suit to retread the same strategy eternally)
(n Brazil% lati#undia would not e5ist today i# some decades ago one had ta+en measures in relation
to its transmission% as inheritance or as alienation) (t is enough to institute limit o# area *ro*erty #or #utures
*ro*rietors% a thousand hectares% #or instance% but not #or the current *ro*rietors) 'he ones who will buy it%
they will do this inside the established limit) 'he ones who will inherit it% receive as *ro*erty &ust what is
inside the limit% being #orced to undo o# the sur*lus% while selling it) (n this case% relatives in #irst degree
should be #orbidden o# inheriting contiguous areas% so that never they can unite again and to restore the
"nd won.t the great *roducers need larger areas than the one o# the established limit2 Kes%
#ortuitously% and in those cases% they should have the entire #reedom o# leasing lands% in the e5tensions that
they need)
'he scienti#ic researches% through the institution Embra*a% brought an enormous increment to the
agricultural *otential the country already dis*osed) (t is hour o# doing the *olitics to hel*% instead o#
disturbing this economical activity) !o they want to ta+e lands o# (ndians2 'hey won.t ta+e% certainly% lands
that are regularized as *ro*erty o# other% be com*anies% be individuals% be indigenous communities) "nd i#
they invent o# in#ringing the law% be accused *ro*erly) 'his will never be the case #or most)
'he indigenous reservations% however% should not have #ederal or state roads *assing in their
interior) (# such a thing to ha**en% those #amilies should be moved #or &ust one o# the sides o# the highway)
'hey who thin+ that to trans#er is inhuman should be in#ormed that the (ndians are not chained to the area)
hile treating the #armers well% Brazil will always be well nurtured% and% there#ore% well treaty)
A2!i*$)) !o we have water #or the #uture2
Brazil already *ossessed% than+#ully% what was considered the largest watery o# the world% which is
the Euarani "qui#er% shared with "rgentina% Aruguay and ,araguay) (n >616% however% the scientists
identi#ied in the "mazonian what is today had as the largest reservation o# #resh water o# the world% which is
the "mazon "qui#er 9or "lter do Chao "qui#er:% which is under the soil o# -tates o# "mazon% ,ara and
'he ris+ o# contamination #or industrial activities has been denounced% mainly in relation to that
reservation o# more water to the -outh% and this im*licates care governments have to ta+e% to guarantee the
healthy li#e o# the #uture generations)
(# -outh "merica ta+es care well o# its watery ones% we will have *reserved here what can come to
be the largest natural wealth o# the *eo*le% which is the drin+able #resh water) (n the 13th century% Malthus
issued his scream against a *ossible crisis o# alimentary *rovisioning) 'oday we +now that the larger ris+ is
in a *ossible crisis o# water su**ly)
Brazilians need to loo+ with *ride% but also with a lot o# a##ection% their reservations o# water)
O)$s) !oes the mineral wealth still re*resent a good *otential2
'he mineral wealth o# Brazil is well/+nown) From the times o# the colony% the taming o# the
interiors occurred almost e5clusively because o# the search o# diamond% gold% silver and *recious stones) 'he
more the *ros*ectors went obtaining results% more they *enetrated the #orests and more the country went
being discovered and *eo*led)
(n the last times% those ores o# high value no longer are very abundant% so that the larger e5*loration
o# the underground is in the e5traction o# the iron% to su**ly the industries o# China% more than the ones o#
Brazil% which are being shrun+ #rom the beginning o# the eighties)
'he *etroleum% whose era was almost in its death/rattles% has received a great encouragement with
the e5*loration o# the *re/salt% under the sea) (t is an immense wealth% but with *eriod o# very certain and
short validity) Brazilians need to +now how to ta+e advantage o# it)
"nyway% Brazil has valuable ores% which are a great *atrimony% and on them it is necessary to a**ly
the best *olitics)
Clim"t$) (s the climatic diversity a negative *oint to Brazil2
Frost in the Eaucho Mountain in Bune and scalding sun in the ,lated o# "rari*e in !ecember)
Humid winds% hot winds% hurricanes% low humidity o# the air% high humidity o# the air% hail% torrential rains
and big *eriods o# droughtC Brazilians are accustomed to this climatic diversity and have been learning how
to live together with it along the centuries)
(t is right that the country still lac+s o# good *reventive *olitics% mainly as #or the #loods and as #or
its o**osite% the droughts) Rigorous ins*ection so that residences are not built in ris+ areas is a demand o#
the most *ressing) "nd% as #or the drought% it is not #ar in the horizon the day in that it will sto* being
*roblemC weir/dams #or all o# the susce*tible cities and e##icient systems o# irrigation are the wor+s the
*o*ulation needs)
ith the necessary investments% the climatic diversity o# the country will only be able to be seen as
a wealth)
N"t!)$) !oes Brazil still account with great natural wealth2
'he tourism has not been yielding the Brazilians everything that its *otential *romises #or #ault o#
the *roblem that generates the disease o# the currency% which is the same that generates the bad education
and% in consequence% the rude treatment that the #oreigners receive o# certain *ortion o# citizens% including
the criminals there) ithout the 0Brasilia cost0% Brazilians could ma+e a lot o# money with the tourist
activity% because the nature was e5cessively generous to the country) 'he e5uberance o# beaches is
unquestionable) 'he diversity o# the #auna and the #lora% accessible #or tri*s along Rio @egro and "mazon
River% is reason o# charm #or all o# ones who are dis*osed to s*end more than the reasonable to visit those
areas) Big tablelands% thousands o# water#alls% and even a desert% #ormed by the <encois Maranhenses% are at
the dis*osition o# visitors% be e5ternal% be domestic)
Brazilians will s*end vacation in @orthern Hemis*here because they discover that it is much more
e5*ensive to travel inside the own country)
(# the larger bottlenec+ will be e5*ired% i# the li#e will be chea*er #or the tourist% i# the e5change
comes to be #avorable% the nature will be the largest allied o# Brazilians in the #ield o# the hostelry industry
and o# the tourism)

8) On *olitics
o,$)nm$nt) Chie# o# -tate while accumulating government.s leadershi* is sound *olitics2
hen in the Re*ublic the chie# o# -tate also e5ercises the *osition o# chie# o# government% one has
what was sti*ulated to call *residentialism) 'here are several inconveniences in this device)
ith the death o# the *resident o# Eermany% the chie# o# government% Hitler% accumulated the
leadershi* o# -tate% as it was already said above) (# he was a man o# less unhealthy Messianism% he would
have coordinated the election o# the successor o# Hindenburg% or% in the case o# not having really how to
esca*e to the calling% he would have become *resident and *rovided the indication o# a successor as
chancellor 9*remier:) One should be notice that this *olitical model% a**arently invented in the Anited
-tates% is not something usual in Euro*e)
'homas Be##erson% who too+ the #ault by the #ormulation o# the conce*t o# *residentialism% didn.t
have intention o# creating this that came being #ormed as snowball and became the so/called *residentialism
nowadays) (n his *ro&ect% the #unction o# governing the Anited -tates should #all to the governors) 'he
*resident o# the union should have the role o# re*resenting the #ederation% with 0a very small body o#
em*loyees0) (# it was to he to govern% he would have a ministry% not a grou* o# secretaries) Obviously% as the
country strengthened a lot% one demanded o# the *resident the tas+ o# involving in several ty*ical actions o#
'he countries o# <atin "merica co*ied the system without ta+ing into account the concern o#
Be##erson as #or the *reservation o# the #ederalism% i) e)% without ta+ing care #or the detail that the role o#
governing should belong to the chie#s o# state e5ecutives)
-o% the *residential system o# <atin "merica% with strong *resident% while governing in almost all
o# the #ronts and in almost all the themes% aided by a ministry% is a counter#eit% which didn.t emerge #rom the
#eather o# any theoretical one) (t a**eared #rom an accommodation and a co*y badly done o# the model o# the
head o##ice% which no longer accom*lished the role originally drawn)
P")li"m$nt")ism) -hould then Brazil become *arliamentarist2
(n the new cam*aign #or the im*lantation o# the *arliamentarism% which would ha**en on "*ril >1%
133;% in the *lebiscite that resulted in the con#irmation o# the *residentialism% as victory o# Brizola% by the
second time in his li#e% and o# Roberto Marinho% circumstance allies% in that cam*aign Mr) Alysses e5*lained
because he su**orted the clause o# limitless reelection #or *resident) He said that once the *arliamentarism
was ado*ted% the country would have to acce*t all the built/in *ractices in that system) (n his mind%
reelection *er times without account was an intrinsic com*onent)
Finally% Brizola and Roberto Marinho convinced the voters and the *arliamentarism didn.t return)
'his author and a greater *ortion o# su**orting o# the *arliamentarism were relieved with that de#eat%
because the victory would im*licate to carry all o# the de#ects that the *olitical leadershi*s &udged o#
obligatory im*lantation% while being the most terrible that o# the limitless reelections) @ow% those *oliticians
didn.t notice that the one that they saw as elements inherent to the system were% in the reality% retrograde
*ieces% de#ects that the *arliamentarist countries still had not gotten to re*air)
'he *lebiscite% in #act% in the two editions in that it ha**ened% was lost be#orehand% because o# the
way as the question was as+ed) (t wondered .*arliamentarism% yes or not.% and this was the same as to as+
.integral o# analytical #unctions% yes or not.) 'he voter had to vote #or in the code that the leadershi* o# larger
credibility ordered% without having idea o# what he was doing) -o much that% a #ew days a#ter the heavy
de#eat o# the *arliamentarism in 133;% an in#ormal *o*ular survey with the question .the *resident should
direct Brazil aided by a *rime/minister% yes or not.% o# absolutely clear meaning #or any literate citizen% he
gave as result =>7 o# .yes.) "nd be#ore the accom*lishment o# the *lebiscite% other in#ormal survey revealed
that among the #reshmen o# the medium teaching students the *re#erence #or the *arliamentarism was o#
>87) 'his number was growing linearly until that% among the #reshmen o# the university% the
*arliamentarism had D87 o# *re#erences)
'oday% some decades ela*sed% only #ew *arliamentarist countries maintain the statute o# the
*residential reelection #or in#inite times) 'he mechanism o# the dissolution o# the *arliament% without
res*ecting the quadrennial *eriod% has been reviewed in several democracies) -ome items that the Brazilian
*oliticians &udged e5clusiveness o# the *residentialism were% truly% neutral *rogresses% which should be
ado*ted in any system)
Kes% every serious country should wor+ #or the im*lantation o# the *arliamentarism) But instead o#
#oreseeing the dissolution o# the *arliament as way o# overcoming crises% the wiser is to create vice/*remier
*ositions% at least about three% #irst vice% second vice and third vice) Most o# the crises that seem insoluble
can be solved with the change o# the leadershi*% sim*ly)
hat an 9im*erce*tible: ha**iness a substitution o# Hitler #or a &udicious vice/*remier% be#ore the
death o# Hindenburg% would have been #or the world2 'he *resident could have used one o# the chancellor.s
harsh and rough measures% as% #or instance% the e5clusion o# the Bews o# the *ublic service% #or creating a
noisy crisis% with good *ur*oses% and then to *roceed to the de#enestration o# that nut) 'he world would
never come to +now the debt o# gratitude that it should have to the *resident)
-ome advantages o# the *arliamentarism can be reminded hereC 91: the *arty that wins most o# the
chairs% which is the really winner *arty% receives the incumbency o# #orming the government / he who wins
governs /% liberating the country o# the very common situation in the *residentialism in that a *resident wins
the election #or conducting soon the government against a hostile *arliamentN 9>: the division among two
*eo*le o# the command o# the country is a warranty against cou* d.Htat% although not absoluteN 9;: the chie#
o# -tate is *reserved o# businesses that can commit the -tate itsel#% while being able to cultivate a breeze o#
*urity% e5ce*t by the *ast li#eN 9;: the *remier change is much less traumatic than the one o# *resident in
moments o# crisisN 98: a *ossible *residential resignation doesn.t a##ect the conduction o# the government% as
one can see by com*aring the resignation o# Banio Fuadros in Brazil% in 13?1% with the resignation o#
,resident Horst $oehler in Eermany% in >616% #or re#using to sign the sending o# new troo*s to "#ghanistan)
'he *arliamentarist system% used by Hitler as stairway and later tram*led by him% is the sound
o*tion to we can install the more #unctional *ossible ty*e o# government)
El$&tion) (s there some insoluble *roblem in the model o# *residential direct election2
'he neuralgic *oint o# this boo+ is here) "t the beginning% it is im*ortant to in#orm that the author
was an enthusiast o# *residential direct election% u* to 13D;)
Be#ore the cou* o# 13?4% direct election or election by council were indi##erent methods to the
author) But the cou* le#t the im*ression that% i# the conservatives avoided the direct election% it is because it
should be goodC reasoning #or reverse e##ect) Ander the #irst times o# the most dictatorial quinquennium o#
the military regime% which was the Medici *residency% this im*ression was stiller rein#orced) But we cannot
&ust loo+ at our own navel) (t is necessary to see estern Euro*e% Russia% @orth "merica% "sia and other
'he re*ort o# the direct election should be ta+en into account by they who continue in its de#ense)
ith ins*iration in ideas o# Rousseau% Robes*ierre tried to introduce the model% but he was
guillotined be#ore having time o# rendering his *lan)
"#ter some *rogress and many retreats% France lived in 1=4= one almost entire year o# revolution%
with the Communes o# ,aris) (n the month o# @ovember% to *ut a term to the days that had been begun in
February% the *olitical leadershi*s got right a direct election to the *residency) 'hat was consensus
*ractically% be#ore the e5haustion o# those months o# #ight% and this seemed a salvation board) Minus #or a
grou*% the one o# the historical materialism% which came *artici*ating actively o# the collisions) 'he
leadershi*s o# this grou*% as one +nows% were *eo*le arising #rom Eermany% England and even Cuba% but
with #ew *eo*le #rom France) 'heir alerts didn.t have re*ercussion on that moment% although their
*ro*hecies came to show themselves well aimed)
hen the direct votes were counted% suddenly is chosen nobody less than @a*oleon.s ne*hew% <ouis
Bona*arte% a born activist o# cou*) (t is not that most noticed this) He went governing% convincing% until that
the time came in that he would have to *re*are the *assage o# the *osition to other) On !ecember >% 1=81%
Charles <ouis @a*oleon Bona*arte closed the *arliament and gave cou*% while trans#orming France again in
im*erial regime% governing #rom then as @a*oleon ((()
(t was li+e this the e5*erience o# the #irst direct election to the *residency in a big and im*ortant
E3"mpl$) Even so% does France recognize <ouis Bona*arte.s re*ublican *residency2
'he shame by that #iasco settled among the French historians and among the organizers o# the
ceremonial o# the *residency o# the Re*ublic themselves) <ouis Bona*arte is not the man worshi**ed as the
#irst *resident o# France) 'he #irst *resident% o##icially% is <ouis "dol*he 'hiers% elect by the *arliament in
1=D1% a#ter the Franco/,russian ar and the consequent #all o# the em*eror)
On those times% the mirror o# Brazilians was not still Kan+ee "merica% but France) (t is so that%
some years later% !on ,eter (( was dethroned and the Re*ublic was installed) 'he #irst ,resident% marshal
!eodoro da Fonseca% arrived to the *osition by *arliamentary election% as well as marshal Floriano ,ei5oto
who succeeded him a#ter resignation% but already in the #ollowing election% in 1=34% Brazil not #ollowed
France o# then% but the one o# 1=4=% because the electoral *rocess was direct% resulting in the victory o#
,rudente de Morais) 'he system% which is *redestined to the disaster% was in #orce until the Revolution o#
'he direct method% reta+en by the Constitution o# 134?% chose marshal Eurico Eas*ar !utra 9134?:%
Eetulio Vargas 91386:% Buscelino $ubitsche+ 91388: and Banio Fuadros 913?6:) O# the >; *residents% o#
com*lete mandates or not% between that Vargas o# 13;6 and ,resident !ilma Rousse## o# >616% eight o# them
were chosen directly to the *residency) "s the method seems to be consolidated% in s*ite o# the #irst chosen
directly a#ter the military regime to have gone by congressional de*osition% Brazilians tend to trust the
*rocess% because ,resident !ilma Rousse## is already the third titular o# the *osition who doesn.t su##er
mandate interru*tion% while com*leting two decades in a**arent institutional *eace#ulness% a#ter the FHC
and <uiz (nacio *residencies) 'he res*onsible #or this .miracle. is not other that not the *lan o# monetary
stabilization) But% as it was *roven in the days o# Bune >61;% the country has a highly e5*ensive stabilization%
#or being very #ragile) 'he in#lationary *ulse% great villain o# Brasilia% was &ust anesthetized% while being able
to wa+e u* at any moment)
Cl$","g$) (s not the *residential direct election used at the best countries2
'he club o# the Re*ublics that maintain in this beginning o# millennium the method o# the
*residential direct election has a common characteristic% e5ce*t -outh $orea% which co*ied the French
model in 1336C those countries are Re*ublics o# Cassoc+) -ome are #ormed under Catholic cassoc+s% be
Roman% be orthodo5) Other are #ormed under the blac+ cassoc+s o# the mullahs% li+e "#ghanistan% (ndonesia
and (ran 9in #act% this country% not @orth $orea% lives the worst imaginable *olitical situation today% with its
su*reme chie#% #or li#e theocratic% in the Versaillist city o# Fom:) (n the case o# the -hiite Re*ublics% the
*o*ulations have science today that they live under theocratic regime) (n the case o# the Catholic ones% the
citizens live in a world o# *ermanent rebelliousness in relation to the Church% but su##ering in their #lesh the
e##ects o# the negative *ortion o# the religious #ormation to that they renounce) 'he good and *ositive as*ects
o# the Catholicism are cultivated and en&oyed by #ew) 'he most harm#ul trace% which is this that ma+es the
citizen to enchant with the *residential direct election% is not% nor #rom a distance% seen as a *roblem)
However% the *residential direct election is the great Catholic/-hiite disease)
Bust Cuba% whose government lives a trans#ormation *rocess inside the *hiloso*hy o# the
materialism% and (taly% on the other side o# "tlantic Ocean% are countries o# Catholic #ormation that esca*e
now #rom the destiny o# Re*ublics o# Cassoc+) 'he reason o# (taly to esca*e is due to a *athetic #igureC
Benito Mussolini) 'he years that (taly lived under this deceiver leader has le#t it vaccinated against the
demagogy and the *o*ulism% although he has never been chosen directly as ,resident)
"nd in the years o# >61; and >614 the world attended amazed to the delivery o# Egy*t to the
inebriating enchantment o# the directism% a#ter to dro* and to im*rison its very brie# #irst elected demagogue)
F"ll"&io!s) "nd as #or the *ositive things what do they say on the *residential direct election2
" harm#ul system could not last decades% as it has ha**ened in Me5ico during one century% i# a
grou* o# ennobling lies was not built) ,ractically everything that is said o# advantageous in the directism is
lie or illusion) hat is the direct election2
1) Federalist2 @o% each man is a vote in the chie#% soon it is unitarist)
>) Chea*2 @o% it is the more waste#ul model o# election)
;) ,ro/*arliament2 @o% it erodes the *arliament and leads it to croo+ed deals)
4) ,artici*ative2 @o% it is mythicizer% because candidates come #rom the summits)
8) ,rogressive2 @o% it is demagogic and dro*s the countries that ado*t it)
?) Educational2 @o% it is destructive o# the quality o# the education system)
D) -u*erior2 @o% it is the system o# the mediocrity)
=) ,erennial2 @o% only in Me5ico it has some longevity)
3) -a#e2 @o% it is the game o# the &um* in the dar+ness)
16) <aic2 @o% it is the *seudolaicity o# the Re*ublics o# Cassoc+)
Me5ico% only country that *assed one century in *ractice o# the direct election% serves as e5am*le o#
how the system delays the society% because Me5ico is beside the Anited -tates% the richest country in the
world% se*arate by a *oor/rich segregation wall% having been #ormed at the same time% on an indigenous
society very much more advanced than the ones o# the Anited -tates and o# Canada) Basically two as*ects
guaranteed that longevityC *rohibition o# reelection and indication o# candidates among the government
cadres better acce*ted by the voters) Ma5 eber% who e5*lained the .ca*italism. as a result o# the ,rotestant
ethos% inter*reted the *recedence o# the religion correctly among the social #acts% but he didn.t e5*lore the
inter#ace that ta+es #rom the religion to the economy% which is the *olitics *ro*erly) Me5ico could have
equivalent *er ca*ita income to the one o# the Anited -tates i# it had other electoral model% even being
Catholic country% as the highly develo*ed <u5embourg)
Me5ico never *roduced scienti#ic cadres at the height o# an (rene Boliot/Curie% the French who
demonstrated the *ossibility o# the #ission o# the atom) But France is not a Re*ublic o# Cassoc+2 Kes% but in
the #irst hal# o# the >6th century% when *eo*le li+e <uc Montagnier and ,ierre/Eilles de Eennes were
#ormed% both o# 13;>% there was not direct election% system that was e5humed by general !e Eaulle% #or the
Constitution o# 138=) Ever since% France and Me5ico com*eted by the anti/science% but in @ovember o# >663
France was saved by the Euro*ean Anion% whose *resident is chosen by the chie#s o# government) @ow what
is waited is that the Euro*ean Anion gets rid o# the Versailles/eimar E##ect% brought by the installation o#
the *residency o# the Euro*ean Council in Brussels)
Pop!lism) 'he *o*ulism is not a good *ath #or the *olitics2
'he *o*ulism% a #ew *ersons noticed% is the <atin/"merican version o# the #ascism) hile in (taly
and in Eermany the #ascist leaders used the *arliament to arise to the command *ositions% in <atin "merica
the road would have to be the *residential direct election% #or the construction o# the same ideals)
Bertolt Brecht recommended with vehemence that the intellectuals avoided the word .vol+. 9*eo*le:%
because the #ascists o# all the shades abused that term) (n ,ortugal% the -alazarism im*osed that the word
was written with u**ercase .,.)
'he root o# the *o*ulism is this cultivation o# the .*eo*le. as mystic entity% the same root o# the nazi/
'he nazi/#ascism is a movement o# demagogues who deceive and seduce the le#t and center/le#t
*arties #or later give their heads in the tray% as Herod did with Bohn the Ba*tist to assist -alome) 'his
dancer% -alome% is the re*resentation o# the conservative anti/liberal hosts)
hile +nowing that conservatism and right/wingism are the *olitical tendencies that ignore or
re&ect the #ight #or the im*rovement o# the conditions o# the *oor li#e% it is necessary that the voters +now
how to distinguish the two basic ty*es o# le#tC on a side% the *rogressive democratic le#t% and% o# other% the
cry*to/#ascist le#t% cultivator o# the acce*tion o# *ersons and o# the violence% some times e5*licitly% other
times in latent #orms% with authoritarian inclination and #or li#e *retensions)
(n this *oint% other rude lie o# the *oliticians and intellectuals #rom <atin "merica needs to be
denounced) (t consists o# teaching to the youths that nazi/#ascism and right/wing are a same thing) @ow% the
climbers that use the le#t to guarantee their ascension and later to #orm an alliance with the conservative
*arties act in the same way that #ascists o# Euro*e in other time% who had #or #orming Mussolini the (talian
socialism% #or #orming Hitler% the national/socialism% old .!eutsch "rbeiter ,arty.% and #or Franco% in -*ain%
the national/syndicalism) 'hose <atin/"merican leadershi*s cultivate the *o*ulism) 'hey survive mounted
in this lieC nazi/#ascist is the other% the individual o# the right/wing% or classic liberal)
@ow% who is classic liberal% or o# the right/wing% without being o**ortunist conservative% is heavy
enemy o# the #ascism) (n the hard years o# the #ight against the military regime% the liberals #ormed an
alliance with the le#ts in the same old Brazilian !emocratic Movement 9M!B:% against the conservatives
who used the military men in their bene#it) Many liberals were inside the military government initially% li+e
'eotonio Vilela and -evero Eomes% but little by little the things went being e5*lained and they closed lines
on the right side) 'here is even the case o# ,ro#essor "ntonio !el#im @etto% $eynesian and Fabian% who
served to the regime in two di##erent mandates and continued in the *arty o# the dictatorshi* 9,,:% being
chosen de*uty later% only entering much later the ,M!B) 'he case o# the ,resident Bose -arney is a s*ecial
case) Convinced by the leader o# the old M!B% Mr) Alysses Euimaraes% and by others o# the *arty o# the
o**osition% to abandon the *arty o# the dictatorshi*% o# which he was *resident% and to ally to the o**osite
side% to guarantee the transition 9and% #inally% to lead it:% he was chosen as vice *resident in election by
*arliamentarians and he had to head the leadershi* o# -tate% once the title/holder 'ancredo @eves died on
the eve o# what would be the day o# the oath) (# -arney went a demagogue shaver% he would have included in
the election o# 13=?% when he was with 3?7 o# *o*ular a**roval% a re#erendum that con#irmed his mandate)
"s *arliamentary% he was always vigilant) "s a registration% in the second year o# the !ilma Rousse##
*residency a senator wanted to give to her a su**osed *resent in the daytime o# omen% while destroying
without +nowing the device o# C<' 9Consolidation o# the <aws o# Bob: that bans *ayment o# di##erent wages
#or man and woman in the same #unction) (t would start there to be &ust a small #ine to the o##enders) 'his
author in#ormed the *resident o# the -enate% -arney% and immediately he bloc+ed the measure% with hel* o#
-enator Romero Buca) (n any o# his *er#ormances% however% -arney was victim o# slanders% always accused
o# being blamed by the *overty o# his -tate% Maranhao)
O# course the military regime disentangled o# the *o*ulism% because its *lan was to *resent other
*ers*ective to the conservatives% who no longer trusted a lot in the demagogues) But *o*ulism and
conservatism% #inally% are only two #aces o# the same retrograde coin)
S!p$)-*"t%$)) -hould the *o*ulation trust the great li#e long leaders2
'he countries that create *o*ulists are not &ust harmed themselves) "ustria% Re*ublic o# Cassoc+%
which be#ore was *art o# the "ustro/Hungarian Em*ire% #ormed the most terrible demagogue o# all o# the
times% and e5*orted him to EermanyC "dol# Hitler)
'hose countries% there#ore% don.t &ust nourish the voters that loo+ #or the #ather/o#/the/*oor% while
dreaming about the direct election #or electing him then) 'hose voters are% in their ma&ority% in search o# that
#igure o# sweet s*eech and bitter heart) "nd the e5istence o# voters #ormed in this way is a tragedy itsel#)
But as serious as this voter ty*e to e5ist is the #ather/o#/the/*oor in #ormation to e5ist% because he is
not the deceived% he is the magician% the illusionist who +nows how to ta+e advantage o# the good will and
credulity o# the *oor)
'he *rogress o# the society is a collective construction% and no man can want to give himsel# to the
lu5ury o# saving homeland anywhere in the world) Many *ersons com*lained Mandela% #or he not being the
*romoter o# the social elevation o# the -outh "#ricans% without noticing that the role that he gave himsel#
was this o# accom*lishing the transition o# the segregationist regime to the *olitical democracy% in the one
that he was im*eccable) (t will #it to other ones% and many others% to embrace the #ight #or the im*rovement
o# the material conditions o# the li#e o# the *o*ulation) "nd it has to be so% without anybody wanting alone to
hug the world% because every candidate to #ather/o#/the/*oor% be similar to Hitler% Mussolini% ,eron% Vargas%
-alazar% Banio Fuadros or Ferdinand Marcos% needs to be re&ected #or who has condition #or this)
Un,i"bl$n$ss) (s Brazil viable as a *olitical entity2
Brazil% as a *olitical entity% is not a viable country) ho said 0Brazil is viable0 was
marshal "rtur da Costa e -ilva% a#ter sitting down in the *residential chair in 13?D) ith the time%
he must have noticed that he made a hurried evaluation)
Obviously% the territory is viable and the *o*ulation is viable) hat is not2 'he *olitical entity
Brazil) hich are the indications o# this2 'hey are countless) ithout a hierarchical order% we *ointed some
o# them here)
(n 13?6 Brazil inaugurated a new ca*ital o##icially built in the middle o# the bush% among the
corrals% with magni#icent cement *lans% around a great arti#icial la+e) 'his would be even &usti#iable i# the
country was not abandoning the more beauti#ul city o# the world in e5change #or that)
(n 1=6= !on Bohn V( doc+ed in Bahia% while esca*ing #rom @a*oleon Bona*arte.s troo*s% with
intention o# doing o# Brazil the headquarters o# the Anited $ingdom o# Brazil% ,ortugal and "lgarves 9it was
recommendation done by ,riest Vieira two centuries be#ore:) "s the administration had already been
installed years be#ore in the city o# Rio de Baneiro% !on Bohn V( steered there with his cortege to install the
court) His idea was .to tame. the city to turn it ca*ital o# a great +ingdom% without +nowing at that time that
this would ta+e more than one century) He didn.t bear it) Contem*t on the *art o# the sub&ects in Brazil%
beginning o# revolution being established at the ,ortuguese city o# O*orto% the roughness and the hell
*roduced by the Ravenna E##ect% all this too+ him to return to <isbon% in "*ril o# 1=>1% while leaving in
Brazil his son ,eter% to ta+e care o# the territory that returned to the colony condition)
(# it was not easy #or !on Bohn V( taming the wild tiger called Rio de Baneiro% either it was to his
son) From "*ril >?% 1=>1% to "*ril D% 1=;1% day o# the Regency% when he returned to ,ortugal% his li#e in
Brazil was to #ight) Revolutions and se*aratists wars crac+ed #rom @orth to -outh% with victories and
reverses that would not be so current i# they were not being stimulated by the new ca*ital)
ith the cou* o# the ma&ority% co*ied o# Russia% !on ,eter (( had his ma&ority declared when he
com*leted 14 years old% and the *eriod o# the Regency was #inished then) !on ,eter (( was crowned on Buly
1=% 1=41% and Brazil ho*ed to enter an era o# *eace) However% the tiger was not calmed down still) "#ter
many minor con#licts set u*% the em*eror had to #ace% >; years a#ter the coronation% the largest war already
#ighted in the history o# -outh "merica% which was the ,araguayan ar% ha**ened between 1=?4 and 1=D6)
Many #ascists who are always re*eating that it misses to -outh "merica a great bloodbath% to mature the
.character. o# the .*eo*le.% certainly never sto**ed to thin+ o# what that massacre re*resented)
hen the Re*ublic was *roclaimed% in 1==3% with the consequent de*ortation o# the Orleans and
Braganca #amily to Euro*e% the domestic con#licts were reduced% but the country still had to *ass #or the ar
o# Canudos and #or the *eriod o# economical crisis called .girthing.% a rural name #or .*ressure.)
-uddenly% when less it was waited% Rio de Baneiro was consecrated as ca*ital) (t ri*ened and started
to #avor the country) 'he introduction o# the musical sub&ect/matter o# Villa/<obos% the creation o# the bossa
nova and the shine o# ,ele in -weden were #ruits o# that tree that% #inally% allowed *ro#itable vintage)
'hen a *residential administration resulting o# unhealthy *rocess% the *residential direct election o#
the ab&ured Re*ublics o# Cassoc+% decided to build another ca*ital% and to throw the country in the cage o#
the #urious lion) 'he "rmy acce*ted the incumbency o# taming it in 13?4% but the wea*ons o# the "rmy were
#or another thing)
Finally% that systematic disres*ect to what the ancestors built% at the e5*ense o# a lot o# blood% as it
was the case o# the consolidation o# the more beauti#ul city o# the world as ca*ital o# the country% this
disres*ect and this contem*t are a #irst dis*lay that Brazil is unviable) 'his *ulse was not an im*osition o#
that man% who &ust removed it o# the *ro#undities o# the *o*ulation.s dar+ basement o# the unconscious)
Otherwise% it would be enough to convince the country that the leader was wrong% and everything would be
Signs) hy do some *ersons say that Brazil *asses as i# it was invisible2
(t is not the #act o# the country to have built a new ca*ital that *roves its unviableness) 'his is &ust
one among many indications) hen the *ath was shown% rulers *re#erred .to shoot the trouble.% with the *lan
o# stabilization that #ans the breath o# the dragon% instead o# e5terminating the monster)
"s was said in the .Estigma de ,indorama.% there is no re&ection to the territory% but to the symbol)
'he words .Brazil. and .Brasilia. and the Brazilian #lag are symbols o# o**ression in the humanity.s
One day Brazil will win @obel% o# <iterature% #or instance) 'his won.t be a sign that the country is
viable 90and a determined author was wrong0:% but that the "cademy decided to #eel sorry #or this country
that so many times enrolled authors and had never been assisted)
One day Brazil will win Oscar) 'he reason o# the *rize in the "cademy o# Hollywood will be the
same used in the "cademy o# -toc+holm)
'here#ore% it is o# good *rudence that Brazil loo+s #or re#ormulating% be#ore being honored &ust
because they #elt *ity)
-ome *ersons will sayC one day Brazil would win a saint% and it wonC -aint "nthony Ealvao) Kes%
but they should not ignore the #act that the Holy -eat treats o# the things that are not o# the +ingdom o# this
world) 'o the +ingdom that is not o# this world% countries don.t e5ist% souls e5ist)
Being a country hated by the others is something more *reoccu*ying than to be an un+nown
country) "nd a hated country su##ers many times warli+e attac+ o# its disa##ections) ould the case be o# not
warming u* mind with the Brazil.s dis*lays o# invisibility in the e5terior2 (t would be% but only i# this didn.t
go a demonstration that the country is unviable) <et us see some cases)
": .Balloon.) Roger Bacon described the balloon o# hot air in England% in the 1;th century% but the
#irst *erson to build the a**arel and to elevate it o# the ground was the born in -antos Brazilian ,riest
Bartolomeu de Eusmao% in <isbon% in the year o# 1D63) 'he recognition% however% #alls to the Montgol#ier
brothers% in invention o# 1D=;)
B: .irplane.) -antos !umont discovered the vertical *ro*ulsion o# the motors in 136? and% with
this% he created the air*lane with ta+eo##) Be#ore% this was im*ossible) But the right brothers registered the
*atent o# the air*lane in the Anited -tates in 136;) (t is right that it wor+ed by cata*ult% not #or ta+eo##% but
the *atent that is worth #or the world is the one o# them% what guarantees them the *rimacy) Be#ore% the
dirigibleness o# the balloons was develo*ed by the ,araensis *ilot Bulio Cesar Ribeiro de -ousa% with his
balloon .-anta Maria o# Belem.% in Buly o# 1==4% *rimacy which is not recognized internationally until today)
C: .!thanol.) 'he combustible alcohol% #or automobiles% was resulted o# the ,rogram o# the "lcohol%
,ro/alcohol% 13D4) (t was a slow and very costly *rocess% which involved almost the whole ,olytechnic
-chool% the (nstitute o# 'echnological Researches and at least hal# o# the College o# Economy and
"dministration o# the A-, 9Aniversity o# -ao ,aulo:) For somebody *ublished that Henry Ford tried in the
beginning o# the >6th century three ty*es o# #uels% alcohol% !iesel and gasoline% while having o*ted #or this
last one #or the low cost) @ow% the Anited -tates consider that the #ather o# the combustible ethanol is
nobody less than Henry Ford)
"s #or ,riest Roberto <andell de Moura % had as inventor o# the radio% in 1=33% in -ao ,aulo% it is
done necessary to *ublish an im*ortant in#ormationC the *atent now recognized o# the radio is o# @i+ola
'esla% 1=3D% no more the one o# Marconi)
"lso the #act o# the A-, to have le#t the roll o# the #irst two hundred universities o# the world in
>61;% in the 'imes Higher Education classi#ication 9'HE: o# England% doesn.t mean that the world made the
arbitrary decision o# turning invisible Brazil in the academical e5tent) 'he *roblem was internal and it was
due e5clusively to the destruction o# the basic teaching) (n certain moments% many *ersons *resented as
contradiction the #act o# Brazil to have a horrible basic teaching and an academical teaching o# high level%
internationally recognized% without noticing that this .horrible basic teaching. was resulted o# bad *olitics
and that it would necessarily dro* the academic e5cellence o# the universities in the course o# time) 'here
was not any contradiction% &ust histeresis% the *henomenon that ma+es an e##ect to maintain during some
time a#ter having interru*ted its source)
(n the turning o# the century the <atin/"merican universities in that classi#ication were twoC the
"utonomous Aniversity o# Me5ico and the A-,) For the same reasons that the Brazilian case% the
"utonomous went down be#ore) Finally% no university o# the area is listed) 'he A-, and the Anicam*
9Aniversity o# Cam*inas: are still among the #irst #our hundred% but they ta+e the ris+ o# going down more)
/$*$&ts) "re the Brazilian de#ects easily corrigible2
Brazilians have their many virtues and advantages% but these can be neutralized by the de#ects% i#
these don.t su##er the necessary load o# attac+s that will trans#orm them in domesticated animals) 'he main
de#ects% with the names o# the ones that identi#ied them / even &udging them quality /% *roceed below)
1) Frivolity 9Michael $e**:
>) (conoclasty 9Oswald de "ndrade:
;) !ila*idation 9Bose Honorio Rodrigues:
4) !i*lomism 9"#onso Henriques de <ima Barreto:
8) ."ccusaltrism. 9Eduardo Eiannetti da Fonseca:
?) Mon+eyishness 9Bose Marti:
D) .Miso*atry. 9"ntonio Carlos Bobim:
=) Ergo*hobia 9Eilberto Freyre:
3) .E5am/cheatism. 9!olores -ala:
16) "rithmo*hobia 9Mario Henrique -imonsen:
'he relationshi* above is not in gravity order% but mnemonic convenience% because it #orms the
acrostic Fiddammeea) (t is necessary to comment on some o# those de#ects) 'he Frivolity is something
wides*read% but very identi#iable in some characteristics that the @orth "merican re*orter Michael $e**
identi#ied in the Brazilian behavior% mainly the inca*acity o# saying .not.% while *re#erring to leave the others
.in the hand.% and o# the old habit o# arriving late) 'he ."ccusaltrism.% habit o# accusing the others without
*roo#% or o# *ro&ecting in the other the own de#ects% is a disturbing element o# the good coe5istence among
Brazilians% which needs to be treated in the educational *rocess) 'he Mon+eyishness% that be#ore in
,ortuguese was .macaquice.% term whose use became *olitically incorrect% since "rgentinean soccer #ans
mi5ed everything% while thin+ing that it was blemish o# ethnic aggression% is very harm#ul in the measure in
that the Brazilian *oliticians have the habit o# co*ying nonsense o# all o# the im*ortant countries / and even
o# very small and badly governed countries% as the device o# the vote o# the 1? years old co*ied o# @icaragua
by !e*uty Francisco Rossi /% while disturbing the co*y o# the good measures and *ractices% which *ass
getting con#used with the mere cultural colonization) (t is not *ossible to build a conduct o# *ride without
giving u* this submissive habit o# co*ying nonsense) 'he .Miso*atry.% horror to the homeland things or to
the com*atriots themselves% comes #rom long time) For Brazilians to watch the wor+s o# the national movies
is done necessary to a**rove law o# .quotas. 9who wants to +now what .quotas. ma+e% should read ) E)
!eming:) For ma+ing they to buy national *roducts% sometimes very su*erior to the im*orted o# the same
category% is necessary to a**rove laws o# the national similar) hat sense does it ma+e% #or instance% to buy
trains o# -*ain and France when the Brazilian engineering is today su*erior to the one o# those two
countries2 For it is so) 'he contem*t #or the homeland *roducts is so big that the country nor has more
#actories o# trains) (# a Brazilian blunts% soon he becomes victim o# his com*atriots% who% instead o# envying
him% i# don.t want to admire him% sim*ly start to hate him) "ntonio Carlos Bobim saidC 0Ma+ing success in
Brazil is an insult0) 'he horror to the culture o# the merit 9HCM: is so ingrained that% i# somebody ascends%
he im*lies that got his *osition #or e5cused means) Many *ersons get to arise #or own merits% in s*ite o#
everything% but they are target o# distrust% because most doesn.t +now what is merit) 'he Brazilian su*er/
talents have to be *re*ared very early to #ace the envy% the s*ite and the contem*t o# the *art o# their
com*atriots) Carlos Chagas% Osvaldo Cruz% Villa/<obos% <uiz Eonzaga% ,ele% Bobim% "yrton -enna and
several others had to *ass their di##iculties o# coe5istence inside the country)
Inno,"tion) From where does the resistance to the domestically *roduced innovation come2
For >866 years Brazil% then ,indorama% was colonized by the 'u*is% a strayed branch #rom the (nca%
who went u* the "ndes and came wal+ing to s*read #or the oriental coasts o# -outh "merica) (t is su**osed
that they were (ndians who didn.t acce*t any innovations that could ha**en among theirs% being this
*robably the reason o# the migration to so #ar) !is*ersed #or ,indorama% the ethnic grou* 'u*i established
the code o# the re&ection to the innovation% as way o# building a civilization rid o# the con#lict caused by the
social mobility) ars always e5isted% but they came because o# honor) "ll o# them were equal in the
condition o# men o# the @eolithic% when Euro*e already *roduced cannons% great caravels% windmills% *ens%
com*asses% mirrors% stained glass windows% swords and #ine woven) 'he li#e o# 'u*is limited to hunt% #ish%
#ight% *ractice ritual s*orts% *aint *atterns% build hollow% weave bas+ets and coo+ ceramic% always in the
same re*eated molds during centuries) -omebody who brought some innovation% even i# was some technique
o# counting until si5% was ridiculed quic+ly% e5cluded o# the conviviality o# his com*anions) 'hat is not such
an unusual li#e way% because% in the old world% Bose*h% son o# Bacob% was sold as slave by the own brothers to
merchants who went to Egy*t% &ust because he was more talented than the others o# the house and% later% as
administrator o# that country% .premier a"ant la lettre.% he ordered to get u* and to register that whole
history) (n ,indorama% any Bose*h who a**eared would have to su##ocate his creative lines and inclinations%
as condition to continue acce*ted in the tribe) -tarting #rom 143=% when !uarte ,acheco ,ereira% Bohn
Ramalho and "merico Ves*ucio started to e5*lore the coasts that today #orm Brazil% 'u*is discovered that
there were human beings with other degree o# develo*ment in li#e way and they started to see them as *eo*le
endowed with e5traordinary *owers) (t was so that *ioneer Bartolomeu Bueno deceived a whole tribe% while
setting #ire in a bottle gourd o# liquor and threatening to do that with all o# the waters o# the rivers and la+es)
'he result was that the innovation ca*acity became acce*ted% but it would have to come #rom other
*eo*le) (nventions o# the ones who were born in the Brazilian territory continued to su##er o# the same
contem*t that they were already su##ering there was more than two millennia) Homeland talents continued to
be de*reciated) "lso the mon+eyishness comes #rom this) "s the country cannot innovate% but he needs to
accom*any the evolution o# the *eo*le% it remains to co*y #rom #oreigners% be any nonsense)
Wo)#) !oes Brazil devote res*ect to the manual wor+2
'he horror to the manual wor+ 9HM: comes #rom time very di##erent #rom that o# the horror to
the innovation) 'u*is were diligent manual wor+ers and they would not be the res*onsible #or leaving this
harm#ul mar+ in the Brazilian li#e) 'he *roblem was built in the colony and in the reign% stressed with the
*eriod o# the slavery)
,laying a *ac+ing *a*er in the ground and to lower to catch it% while ta+ing it to the garbage can% is
a habit cultivated in Brazil only by very well trained *eo*le% in education terms% in the wide sense% not only
in the one that concerns to the learning o# the grammar and counts)
O# course the noblemen% and the owners o# slaves% in their golden times o# colony and reign% had
slaves at their dis*osal to clean any dirt thrown to the ground) "ll those who were not owners o# slaves% but
that as*irated to be it% saw in that ty*e o# *rivilege something to be reached) 'his is why today Brazilians o#
any social segment dirty their s*ill ho*ing others come to do the cleaning% same +nowing that no longer
there is slavery) 'hey wait that somebody without being slave% but being subordinate% come to accom*lish
that role)
(n the basic schools% o# gymnasium level% the sub&ect/matter Manual or+s was introduced in the
Ca*anema Re#orm in 134> and it lasted until the Re#orm o# the Medium 'eaching% o# the military regime% in
13D1% with e5tinction im*lemented in 13D;) 'hose three decades o# cultivation o# the sub&ect/matter were an
im*osition that the Brazilian middle class didn.t acce*t to swallow% and came to rid o# it in the #irst
o**ortunity) (t didn.t go by the mind o# those anachronic a**rentices o# owner o# slaves that the learning o#
the manual wor+s re*resents cultural and bio*hysical enrichment #or all o# the human beings% while serving
as base #or the *oor to enter*rise activities and as source o# s*lendid human +nowledge #or the children o#
the high classes) How do they want to have in their #amily a good doctor i# this didn.t get ability to handle
the bistoury% #or not having wor+out in the last years o# the #undamental course the handling o# scissors%
square% com*ass% hammer% handsaw% line and needle2 'he one that the middle class wanted% #inally% at least
the rude middle class% was the ignorance in relation to the wor+)
'hat middle class doesn.t +now that the gymnasium learning o# the Manual or+s% at least #or one
or two years% is constituted in the largest device against the &uvenile nihilism that ta+es to the delinquency
and the suicide) For this reason% the country retrograded #rom the well/+nown light/hand ones o# the si5ties%
the *ic+*oc+ets *roduced by the &ob lac+ and by the high in#lation o# that time% to the unha**y authors o#
armed robberies who act in almost e*idemic level in the beginning o# the >1st century) 'he #irst year without
Manual or+s% 13D4% was the year o# the creation o# the Febem 9#oundation o# the teenager wel#are:% the
house o# boys .in con#lict with the law.)
Antil some years ago% in the >6th century% Brazilians were res*ected at other countries as hard/
wor+ing *eo*le) (n the last times% the laziness and the #raud became curse among the Brazilian youths% with
the *ractice o# the academic *illage% the habit o# the .e5am/cheating.% while wor+ing as great #irst and
wides*read training #orm #or that way o# li#e)
(t is necessary with urgency% through the school and the communication media% to value the dignity%
the aggregated economical earnings and the thera*eutic *ower o# the manual wor+)
N!mb$)s) ,sychologically% do Brazilians a**reciate numbers2
Be#ore the construction o# the de#ect o# the Ergo*hobia% Brazilians received as inheritance the
"rithmo*hobia% horror to the use o# the Hindu/"rabic numerals)
(t is well +nown that this *roblem came #rom ,ortugal and there is no innovation here in re*eating
the statement) 'he same "rabs who ins*ired in a direct way and hel*ed (n#ant !on Henry to set u* the
-chool o# -agres and to leverage the country #or the e5*loration o# the seas% in an indirect way they
im*lanted in the ,ortuguese lands the re&ection to the cultivation o# the numeric calculations)
'he in#ormation that is *robably new to the reader gives account that this re&ection to the numbers
was built by reverse e##ect)
"long #ive centuries% #rom D11 to 1>43% time that the "rab occu*ation o# the (berian ,eninsula
lasted% the ,ortuguese% &oined to the -*aniards% develo*ed a #ight much less *hysics than cultural against that
dominance) 'his consisted o# re&ecting many items o# the culture that "rabs brought) "lthough the language
has been very *olluted o# "rabic e5*ressions% the names o# *eo*le% the ci*hers and other characteristics o#
those settlers were disli+ed goods) 'he common *eo*le didn.t +now that the ci*hers were Hindu% and they
re&ected then as one o# the worst things brought by the (slamic)
<atin "merica% #inally% received this load o# re&ection% very located) 'here is no *re&udice against
"rab in Brazil% being enough to see the *ro*ortion o# elected *oliticians who have this origin) But the
resistance to the ci*hers% a sa#e source o# underdevelo*ment% reaches enormous *ortion o# <atin/"merican)
(n the soul o# each one% it is as i# it was reason o# *ride to maintain this .ideological. line o# the ,ortuguese or
-*anish settler) -o much that Bulio Cesar de Mello e -ouza 91=38/13D4:% when decided to write his boo+s o#
*o*ularization o# history o# the arithmetic in Brazil and other countries o# <atin "merica% noticed that with
,ortuguese name he would not have chance o# going very #ar) He created a *seudonym then% Malba 'ahan%
to s*ea+ o# an "rab character s+illed in doing calculations) He became success o# sales% while indicating that
it came to #ill out an immense ga* o# the culture o# the subcontinent)
'o abolish the horror to the numbers% the Mathematics teachers% with the su**ort o# the
governments% need to use arti#ices% as Malba 'ahan made% and to trans#orm themselves in enthusiastic
advertisers o# the marvels o# this science% not &ust instructors o# its techniques)
E3t)","g"nt) !o the behavioral de#ects o# Brazilians get com*lete here2
Certainly the de#ects above are not &ust the only ones that Brazilians carry% #or tradition) But almost
all the other identi#iable de#ects #it in those ten) For instance% the habit o# deceiting line% not the *hysician
line% because almost nobody li+es to be hit% but the virtual line% how to *ay medical agreement with the
intention o# being called #irst at the *ublic hos*ital o# high level) Other de#ects are really e5travagant% as the
one o# stealing #or the -tate) Everybody +nows that to steal o# the -tate is corru*tion% a thing o# criminals)
But there is also the habit o# stealing o# the citizen% mainly o# the humbler *ublic em*loyee% to trans#er the
earnings to the -tate) "n e5am*le is this o# #orcing the servant to wor+ more time than that legally #oreseen)
"n emblematic case is that o# a #riend o# the author who decided to cancel the labor agreement in a *ublic
university) 'hey brought the #ine #or he to *ay% with moc+ery air% while thin+ing he would not get it) But his
wi#e sold an a*artment received in inheritance and she lent all the money #or the *ayment o# that #ine) 'he
ones who ma+e that ty*e o# subtraction are insane delinquent% because the -tate is a cold machine 9Ma5
eber:% which doesn.t reward the #latterer) ho has di##iculty in understanding the coldness o# the state
machine% thin+ about the two centuries o# guillotinements in France)
"s well as one should not acce*t the *ractice o# stealing o# the citizen to #avor the -tate% either it
sounds *lausible to wor+ .by grace. #or the -tate) ho wants to be Eood -amaritan% should hel* his brother%
natural *erson% not the machine) 'he two larger cases o# corru*tion in Brazil% in 133> and in >66?% were
*layed by two citizens who% in *ractice% rendered service without remuneration) 'he #irst died murdered%
while the second was condemned to #orty years o# seclusion)
or+ing .by grace. #or the -tate almost always involves some e5cuse ob&ective and #or this it is a
*ractice that should be banned categorically) Munici*al counselors% #or instance% should receive *ayment #or
their wor+% at least as P&etonQ% i) e)% #or session) "lso the situation in that somebody wants to remunerate o#
the own *oc+et the e5*ense that should be *ublic should be banned) hat Michael Bloomberg did as mayor
o# @ew Kor+ in his three continued *eriods% while *aying o# the own *oc+et o##icial tri*s and several other
e5*enses o# the city hall% can seem a citizen action% but it is the o**osite) He gave a bad e5am*le% maybe
with the best o# the intentions)
P)$4!0i&$s) Have the negative discriminations been increasing in Brazil2
e cannot also let to *ass without mention the sub&ect o# the ethnic and socioeconomical
*re&udices) 'he racism in Brazil was hidden% almost always veiled) ith the *enetration o# 'V in the
*o*ular classes% while bringing its *rograms #rom the Anited -tates% the color *re&udice in Brazil came to be
less and less veiled% more and more e5*licit% even with the "#onso "rinos <aw% which *unishes the racist
attitude and was welcomed in the Constitution o# 13==) "nd it is good to notice that ca*ital crime o# racism%
crime o# racial #eeling% cannot e5ist% but &ust crime o# racist mani#estation) "nd this is what comes
increasing% besides receiving rein#orcement on the *art o# the *ossible victims% instigated by in#luential
*eo*le% but colonized mind) "s #or the social discrimination% it is something more noticed by the #oreigners
who visit Brazil) Boo+s o# business tactics% written in the Anited -tates% teach the #oreign investor to wor+ in
Brazil while showing the *sychological characteristics o# the country) 'he #irst *oint that those boo+s treat is
the enormous discrimination o# social class% &oined to the great dis*arity o# income between the richest and
the *oorest% *henomenon to what French "ndre Eorz denominated .brazilization.) " country with such a
discre*ancy is a divided house) (# Brazilians insist on maintaining this situation% it won.t #orm a country o#
brothers% but a resent#ul one) 'he education cannot be .ideological.% one that maintains the *oor in the
*overty) (t needs to be *ro human being% *romoter o# the humble ones% #or turning itsel# into instrument o#
social mobility% not o# enchasement)
?) On structures

P")ti$s) !oes the organization o# the *olitical *arties in Brazil need correction2
Brazil never lived under a unique *arty% and will *robably never live) 'his is *art o# the hal#
anarchical soul o# the Brazilians% who re&ect% #or this% the sim*le mention to *ass some *eriod submitted to
retreat% as the dictatorshi*s ma+e world out) (n the monarchic time% the government was dis*uted by two
*arties% the liberal and the conservative) ith the coming o# the Re*ublic many *arties went being created%
until that the military regime% established on "*ril 18% 13?4% dissolved all o# them and o*ened s*ace #or the
#ormation o# only two% which came to be the @ational Renovating "lliance 9"rena:% to su**ort the activists%
and the Brazilian !emocratic Movement 9M!B:% to do what was called at that time .consented o**osition.)
-till inside the Figueiredo government% last o# the military regime% one e5tinguished the *rohibition
o# #ormation o# new *arties% and then the ,arty o# the or+ers 9,': and the Brazilian <abor ,arty 9,'B:
a**eared% both in 13=6) "s the ,'B resurged in bases eminently conservatives% #rom the hands o# !e*uty
(vete Vargas% niece o# Eetulio Vargas% <eonel Brizola #ounded the !emocratic <abor ,arty 9,!':% which
obtained registration in 13=1) 'he ,' and the ,!' a**eared basically as dissidence o# the M!B% but o# the
,'B we cannot say the same) One o# the #irst a##iliated came to be the great o**onent o# the old ,'B% Banio
ith the @ew Re*ublic% in 13=8% new *arties were being created% while reaching the number o# ;>
in the year o# >61;)
'he s*ecialists o# the *olitics +now that the *ro*ortional system o# *arliamentary voting tends to do
to increase the number o# *arties% while the old ma&ority district vote restricts the amount) But the Brazilians
notice that the great *ro#usion o# created *arties has not been good #or the *olitical health o# the country and
they shout #or some measure that reduces the e5istent number)
Kears ago one tried the acting clause% which would im*ose a minimum o# chairs obtained #or the
*arty to guarantee re*resentation in the Federal Camera) @ine years a#ter a**roved% the measure was
dro**ed in the Federal -u*reme Court% under the #rightening allegation that the restriction would attem*t
against the #reedom o# e5*ression) "lthough many *oliticians dream in reta+ing this *ath% it was dynamited)
(t is necessary to loo+ #or new e5its)
(nstead o# im*osing a minimum number o# chairs% it can be made the demand o# number o# -tates%
#or instance) ,arty that not to elect de*uties in at least three unities o# the #ederation% gets without chairs)
hen re*eating this in the #ollowing election% it loses the registration) (t also suits% with the largest *ossible
urgency% that one eliminates the mechanism o# the coalitions #or *ro*ortional elections% what allows
minuscule *arties to choose re*resentatives in the vacuum o# the votes o# the big *arties) "nd *arties with
religious names should be *rohibited% because the mi5ture -tate/religion is the most dangerous #orm o#
"nother measure that can be ta+en is the determination that each one o# the *arties uses one o# the
three *rimary colors 9o# Ma5well:% blue% red or green) 'hese colors can re*resent three o# the #our
"ristotelian cardinal virtues% which are the moderation% the &ustice and the *rudence) 'he #ortress% #ourth
virtue% is in the hands o# the armed #orces% not o# the *arties) -ince then one ta+es measures that motivate the
coalition o# the *arties o# a same color) Finally% the number o# each *arty is reduced to a single digit% what
should traverse the scale #rom 1 to 3% once nobody will want his *arty has the digit zero) (# the ma5imum
number o# *arties is restricted to nine% Brazilians will have very more clarity o# the *ro*osals o# each one%
and the *oliticians themselves will +now how to ta+e *lace doctrinally while having to wor+ with a small
number o# associations)
'oday there is% #or instance% only two heavy conservative *arties% which are ,, and ,'B% su**orted
by two mini*arties% ,R'B and ,'C) "s liberal *arties can be counted !EM% ,R% ,-!% ,RB and one more
quartet o# smaller acronyms) Others locate themselves in the social/democratic s*ectrum% o# center/le#t% li+e
,M!B% ,'% ,-!B% ,-B% ,V% ,!'% ,CdoB and ,,-% being classi#ied in the le#t ,-O<% ,CO% ,,<% ,CB and
,-'A) 'he others are satellites o# the center/le#t *arties)
'he classic liberals% who have #right o# the *ossible situation o# #alling in only *arty% don.t need to
have this concern in mind% because the antidote was created right here in -outh "merica) (# the number o#
*arties shrin+s #or one or two% a#ter restriction measures% the mechanism o# the sub/lemmas is a**lied 9<uis
Vicente Varela% Buenos "ires% 1=D8:) Each *arty that to remain is automatically divided in three currents% or
sub/lemmas% #or e##ect o# cam*aign and *ro*ortionality o# chairs) 'he institute o# the *ro*ortional vote itsel#
demands this)
(# the *arties that #eel o# le#t% and also the teachers o# the same condition% understand that is
necessary to e5*lain to the youth as #or the di##erence between #ascism and right/wingism% those same *arties
and teachers need to admit that to renounce the idea o# com*etition means to wor+ #or the worst com*etition
ty*e) 'hey should understand that the only alternative to the sound com*etition is the rude com*etition o#
the natural selection) 'he #irst ty*e involves learning% coo*eration% trans*arency and mobility% while the
second only acce*ts the dominance and the slaughter) ho loo+s #or a third o*tion is concealing the #irst
and% there#ore% is giving the youth to the wild animal o# the second one)
+inist)i$s) For the good administration% is the amount o# ministries indi##erent2
'he increase o# the number o# ministries% through the growth o# the demagogy% is sym*tom o#
deterioration o# the *olitics) hen -ar+ozy too+ oath as *resident o# France in 1336% there were ?>) He
*romised to reduce that amount% and it #ell #or #i#teen) (n -omalia% a#ter the anomie *eriod% between 133;
and >666% the government was redone and the amount was a**ro5imately the same than o# France) " great
administrator% *remier ,ro#) "li $hali# Ealaydh% who governed during the year o# >661% reduced the number
o# ministries #or eighteen)
'hose numbers% #i#teen% eighteen% or any other close to this% are good numbers% but they have
something o# arbitrary and are changed by the #ollowing governments again% sooner or later) 'he ideal is to
#asten in a dozen the ma5imum number o# organs% or% better still% in ten) Even so% "rgentina% that had ten as
limiting number% now is with #i#teen ministries 9it is not *ossible to hold the de#orming *ower o# the
'he ten necessary ministries should beC
1) Finance/*lanning
>) (ndustry/energy
;) Civil House / science
4) 'rans*ort/communications
8) Foreign Relationshi*s
?) Education/culture
D) Bustice/wor+
=) "griculture/cattle
3) !e#ense/environment
16) Health/wel#are
'hey are the ten #ingers o# the hand and the ten colors o# the electronics% besides the ten
"ristotelian categories) (n those ten organs all o# the activities o# the government can be contained) (n the
case o# the *rovincial or munici*al governments% the area o# E5ternal Relationshi*s can be substituted by
,ublic ,olitical or (nstitutional Relationshi*s) (n the national government% the agencies% the autarchies% the
*ublic ban+s and any organs o# the administration are subordinated to the ministries) (nstead o# three or #our
ministries to ta+e care o# a same area% as it ha**ens today with the Bustice% the Foreign Relationshi*s and the
"griculture% a single ministry ta+es care o# all o# the correlate activities) (n the Ministry o# the (ndustry% #or
instance% besides the Energy% the general o##ices o# 'rade% 'ourism% -how/business% ,ro#essional -*orts and
Mines can be included) (n the Civil House% besides -cience% one can include 'echnology% "dministration
and (nstitutional Relationshi*s) "nd the title/holder o# this Ministry is the *remier% who accumulates the
*osition o# *residential s*o+es*erson) (n the Ministry o# the Bustice one can &oin or+% Bob% Cities% (nterior%
-a#ety% oman% ,romotion o# Minorities and @ational (ntegration) (n the "griculture should be Cattle%
Fishes% "grarian !evelo*ment% Estate ,olitics and (rrigation) 'he Ministry o# Health% besides the general
o##ice o# the -ocial el#are and others% also &oins the general o##ice o# the ,uericulture% to ta+e care o# the
,reschool Education 9children o# zero to #ive years old:% which is not instruction% but .nursery.% i) e)% child
care% sub&ect o# health% not o# the Ministry o# Education)
(n the distribution o# the ministries% the care should be had #or vesting #ive ministers coming o# the
area o# e5act sciences and technology 9technical elite:% and other #ive o# the area o# biomedical sciences and
humanities 9classical elite:) -o we have the bi*artite administration% which incor*orates the modernity there)
Kes% it is di##icult to do businesses with *arties #or constitution o# allied base with a reduced number
o# ministries) But the big number% as much o# *arties as o# ministries% serves be#ore everything to trans#orm
the government in hostage o# o**ortunists and climbers)
T)"nsition) How can the country% without traumas% become *arliamentarist2
How the country wants that the government has a *rime/minister% some measures could be ta+en% in
a slow way% to arrive to the -o#t ,arliamentarism% a #orm o# *arliamentarism that *reserves the *ositive
as*ects o# what was built as *residentialism) 'he mechanism is ad&usted to what the Constitution #oresaw in
its initial elaboration and serves as *revention against #uture *olitical crises) 'he ste*s should be the
": 'he minister/chie# o# the Civil House is the #irst to be indicated by the *resident)
B: 'he minister/chie# aids the *resident to #ill out the other ministries)
C: 'he minister/chie# becomes called *rime/minister% or *remier)
!: 'he *remier accumulates the *osition o# *residential s*o+es*erson% to win e5hibition)
E: 'he *remier is member o# the *arty with more chairs in the Camera in the oath day)
(# tie ha**ens among the *arties with more chairs in the Camera% the Electoral -u*erior Court
decides the election in #avor o# the *arty that has more chairs in most *o*ulous Federal Anity) (n this case%
that *arty wins a new chair #or this same Anity% in dis#avor o# the *arty with smaller number o# chairs%
which loses this chair that would be the arduously conquered% even i# it is only one) (# somebody to #ind
strange that the *resident has to vest as minister/chie# somebody o# the *arty with more chairs%
inde*endently o# the com*osition o# the Camera% he should notice that this is the alternative to the old
croo+ed deals to what the *resident has to give to set u* the government in the e##ective *residentialism until
this beginning o# millennium)
hen vesting the minister/chie#% who becomes the *remier% the ,resident indicates a #irst and a
second vice *rime/ministers% who won.t be *aid in this #unction o# waiting)
E3$&!ti,$) "re there many changes to im*lement in the *er#ormance o# the ministries2
(n each area there is a grou* o# actions that should orientate a *ro&ect o# develo*ed country% once
guaranteed the end o# the larger bottlenec+) (n the economy% managed by the Ministry o# Finance and the
Central Ban+% it is necessary to guarantee liquidity and low o# interests% inside sound limits% with credit
warranty to the recently #ormed entre*reneurs% and to always *romote a #avorable e5change *olitics to the
e5*orter) 'he ta5 burden should be rationalized% with substantial reductions% being avoided e5em*tions%
allied to a strategy o# severe combat to the withholding and the corru*tion) 'he *rogressive ta5 rates should
be #orbidden gradually in all o# the instances o# government% with the attendance o# a *ermanent wor+ o#
rein#orcement in the teaching o# the theory o# the *ro*ortions in the schools starting #rom the gymnasium
level% so that the economical agents understand and su**ort the a**lication o# the *ro*ortional tributes) 'he
legal entities% o# all o# the ty*es% should collect monthly in s*eci#ic bill in the ban+ 1I>4 o# the conceited
income ta5 #or the year in sub&ect) (n the Ministry o# the (ndustry educational cam*aigns should be released%
always renewed% o# service to the tourists) <aws should guarantee the interiorization o# the industrialization%
being avoided the concentric cycles in the metro*olitan areas% and #or these new #actories are *ermitted &ust
along highways and railways% at a distance never larger than 866 m) @ew sources o# energy should be
researched and% i# *ossible% im*lemented and the investments should increase in the transmission lines
starting #rom the hydroelectrics) ,atents o# inventions and models o# use#ulness should receive #inancing% or
even *arceling o# *ayments% and the signi#icant innovations should receive *rizes% in annual editions)
'he Ministry o# the Ci"il House and -cience need to im*lement an e##icient *lan o# abolition o# the
culture o# the waste% without that comes to mean abandonment o# the su*er#luous ones% #or not #alling in the
.Fable o# the Bees.% o# Mandeville) 'he giving without com*ensation 9.datio.: needs to be discussed and seen
as dangerous thing to the government and to the #uture o# the *o*ulation) 'he *ositions o# trust should have
limiting number #astened in law) 'he teachers% in the schools% and the doctors and *aramedical% in the
hos*itals% direct their institutions again% with warranty o# *rohibition o# courses that #orm *ro#essional
bureaucrats #or the leadershi* *ositions in those organs% namely% school administration and hos*ital
administration) 'he central ob&ective o# the government should be the *ermanent elevation o# H!( o#
Munici*al districts and -tates) One should *ublish every month o# !ecember in bilingual edition% English
and homeland language% the "nnual o# the -cience% with abstracts o# the notable researches% and the
develo*ment o# the *assion #or the science in the youths. mind needs to dominate the concern o# the rulers)
'he Ministry o# Transports% which absorbs the areas o# Communications and 'elecommunications%
should invest heavily in the revitalization and construction o# railways and hydroways) "nd one should
*rohibit dubbing in 'V out o# in#antile *rograms% so that the *o*ulation leaves the glass dome o# the
com*lacency o# not reading% at least legends) ,rograms on crimes should only be allowed at night% starting
#rom >; h)
'he Ministry o# #orei$n Relationshi*s needs to struggle #or the return o# the teaching o# ,ortuguese
language in Eoa% in (ndia% because the youths o# this area no longer s*ea+ the language that belonged to
their *arents) 'he same should be made in relation to Macao) (t should also abandon the insistence in doing
with that the rich countries sto* subsidizing their #armers and abandoning the search #or a *ermanent chair
in the -ecurity Council o# the Anited @ations) (# the *ractice o# Brazil is to abstain in the votings% what grace
there is in getting this chair2 Besides% why to embrace this cause% without +nowing i# the country is viable2
'he Ministry o# !ducation will have arduous wor+ a#ter the removal o# the bottlenec+% i# it ha**ens)
(t is necessary to *rohibit graduations in *edagogy and in su*erior normal% substituting all this #or the
graduation in ,sychology o# Education% a course mounted in scienti#ic bases% with the sub&ect/matters
-tatistics and <aboratory o# ,sychology) 'he education degrees need to be abolished% being introduced the
sub&ect/matter Eeneral ,sychology in all o# the baccalaureates% because the necessary general +nowledge #or
the teaching is the one o# the *sychology) 'he materials that lately are #reely distributed at the schools #or
the child are% in the way in which the thing is made% a mis#ortune #or the trade% because it tram*les it and
+ills it) "ll material to be su**lied% #rom blouse to *encil% going by noteboo+s and boo+s% should be given in
the #orm o# tic+ets% to the *arents. hand% never o# the little students% so that those *arents change them in the
stores) "nd the boo+s cannot have edition di##erentiated in relation to those sold to *rivate schools) "#ter the
release o# the *rogram o# boo+s o# the medium teaching% the closing o# boo+stores in Brazil became
e*idemic) 'his in a country lac+ing o# stores o# boo+s) "s #or the scholarshi*s% they should not be o# the
same value #or students accom*lishing o# the study obligations and those who &ust warm u* the school seats)
-tarting #rom a basic value% the *ayment should receive increment relatively to the good *er#ormance o# the
student) Otherwise% the sign that the ministry gives to the schools is that the .#rolic. should be rewarded% so
much when the dedication)
"s #or the contents% ,hysics should be the sub&ect/matter more valued and *rotected in the medium
teaching% and in the gymnasium level as inde*endent sub&ect/matters the Eeometric !rawing% the Music and
the Manual or+s should return) 'eachers o# the o##icial teaching% as well as any *ro#essionals o# su*erior
level in the *ublic service% who maintain their smaller children in the o##icial schools% without using *rivate
net% should receive salary incentive #or this% at least a monthly bonus o# >7% the son/bonus% bene#it that
e5tinguishes when the servant doesn.t have more minor children in the net) "nd the hour is almost *assed
#or beginning the *re*aration o# the abolition o# the *resence o# the teacher in the elementary three/year
*eriod% o# the children #rom si5 to eight years old% according to scienti#ic discovery o# Maria Montessori)
'hose children should be ta+en care by students. ins*ectors% and the traditional role o# the teacher sto*s
being to accom*any them in the room and become the one o# e5aminer% who *re*ares tas+s% evaluations and
corrections% without entering class) ith role similar to teacher% one o*ens u* e5ce*tion &ust #or the music
instructor% who should enter class% one hour a wee+ when a lot% to teach ballads #or literacy and other songs%
including also those in #oreign language) 'his system should begin in *ilot/unity% to enlarge as soon as the
results show su*eriors to that o# the traditional model) (n the remaining o# the basic teaching% the *resence o#
the teachers in class% with the students% should never cross the daily *eriod o# 8 h) (n the higher education%
the ministry should wor+ so that in the #uture the only s*eci#ic di*lomas obligatory by law come to be the
ones o# Medical -urgeon and !entist -urgeon)
'he Ministry o# %ustice% which incor*orates the general o##ices o# or+% -a#ety% (nterior and others%
has several incumbencies in the tas+ o# unloc+ing the *aths o# the country) 'he #irst is to abolish the
.industry o# the in&unction.) " &udicial in&unction becomes &ust acce*ted i# signed by two &udges% o# di##erent
districts when they are &udges o# #irst instance) (n the Federal -u*reme Court 9-'F:% 'uesdays should be
reserved to the dis*ute relative to the *ublic service% while *assing to other cases when there is not *rocess o#
*ublic service in the line) 'o the document o# national identity% .nationalized (!.% it is enough the added state
numbers o# the acronym o# the #ederal unity to be used% #or instance% somebody o# -ao ,aulo% with number
8)D;1)314/8% starts to have his identity number added o# -, soon a#ter the veri#ication digitC 668)D;1)314/8/
-,) (t is not necessary to do any revolution in the numbering o# identi#ication o# the Brazilians) 'he
ma5imum *enalty should be changed urgently o# ;6 years #or 86 years% once the inter*retation on the bene#it
o# the *enalty reduction destroyed the original s*irit o# the *ro*osal o# "rmando Falcao and the criminals
are loosened very much be#ore the hour% many o# them coming to +ill the &udges who condemned them)
-till in the e5tent o# the Bustice% it urges to re*air the <aw o# "uction% with views to eliminate the .
industry o# the #raudulent auction.) 'hey are only two the necessary mechanismsC 9a: who *etitions in the
&ustice *rocess #or annulment o# result is im*eded o# com*eting to #ollowing rounds o# the auction in sub&ect
and 9b: com*any that wins auction is #orbidden o# subcontracting losers)
(n the e5tent o# the or+% one should institute that the trade/union *residency should be o# one
year% without right to reelectionN one should substitute .dismissal o# em*loyees . #or .com*ulsory trans#er.% in
that the em*loyee discarded o# the com*any is trans#erred #or another com*any or #or a *ublic organ
res*onsible #or his relocating in the &ob mar+et% without there being the commitment that his #ollowing wage
is not smaller than the *reviousN one should demand that the registration in wallet includes% besides the
direct wage% the roll% with values% o# all o# the indirect wages to what the em*loyee has rightN one should
demand that great com*anies o##er vacancies #or minor a**rentices% and the #ourteen years old minimum age
should be lowered #or thirteenN one should guarantee that the em*loyer is released o# *aying res*onsibilities
while his em*loyee renders military serviceN one should build gradually the era o# the #ull em*loyment%
which im*licates control in *olitics o# immigration and birth rateN one should legally im*ede the
*rogrammed sto**age o# *ublic service% even o# concessionaire 9*ublic servant doesn.t ma+e stri+e% he ma+es
loc+out: and one should continue guaranteeing the stability o# the *ublic servant in the *osition% not in the
wor+ *lace)
"s #or the area o# -a#ety% one should *rohibit sale retail o# distilled alcoholic drin+N the trade o#
narcotics should be instituted #or hos*itals and universities 9B>B:% while staying *rohibition #or natural
*ersonN the inconsistent .abating law. should be revo+ed and one should determine that all #allow *ublic land
in the urban area becomes *ar+) 'he Ministry should also collect the abandonment o# the #ascist regional
division o# (BEE 9Brazilian (nstitute o# Eeogra*hy and -tatistic: im*lanted in 13D6% which created this
#rightened entity called -outheast Region% and to demand the return o# the historical/cultural regional
division as it consisted o# the "tlas/Mec o# 13?;% o# the !arcy Ribeiro administration% in that -ao ,aulo
belongs to the -outh Region)
For the Ministry o# $riculture% the tas+s are to turn e5clusive #or agriculture the stri* o# width >6
+m in the whole border e5tension% e5ce*t in the *assages in that there is natural im*edimentN to determine
that in the "mazonian area the *ro*erties are im*eded o# dro**ing stri*s o# more than ;6 m o# #orest% while
having to alternate ;6 m o# #orest and ;6 m o# cultivationN it suits to im*ede that lands are donated in the
#ield 9to avoid mortal con#licts:% while guaranteeing that every acquisition is made by inheritance or #or
*urchase% with #acilitation o# mortgages% in action o# citizenshi*% not o# guardianshi*N it suits to wor+ so that
every @ortheastern city o# the *olygon o# the droughts has its weir/dam% in way to no more to su##er #or lac+
o# waterN it suits to guarantee regulator stoc+ with *riority in the *urchases to the small *roducer and to
invest in research o# #ruits and grains o# high *rotein tenor)
O# the Ministry o# &efense% which incor*orates the general o##ice o# Environment% #or the
conclusion o# the @orthern ,erimetral Highway is waited% as ecological highwayN the surveys o# most o# the
"mazonian #orest still live and the calling to the military service o# all o# the si5teen years old youths who
continue illiterate% without e5ce*tion% with views to al*habetize them in the barrac+s) For this% the selection
is instituted #or all at the si5teen years% summoning the literate selected one to *resent at the eighteen years
old) 'hose si5teen years old who are illiterate are summoned immediately #or the installment o# the military
service% #or two years% in this case) 'he #ather who not to agree has annulled his #amily *ower on the minor%
who *asses to the guardianshi* o# the commandant o# the military detachment to what he will serve) 'he
alternative would be to lower the civil ma&ority o# the illiterate% but this should not be made% #or not signaling
su**ort to the reduction o# the *enal age) Anli+e what the conservatives thin+% the minor ones need hel*% on
those times in that they are #ed with all o# the ty*es o# data% which are to delay their matureness% not to
accelerate it% once datum is not in#ormation)
Finally% the Ministry o# Health% which incor*orates -ocial el#are and ,uericulture% ta+es care o#
*ublishing a ,hytotera*ic Magazine% annual% to be distributed in the Basic Anits o# Health% and o# reviewing
the *olitics o# childbirths% while attributing *riorities to the obstetrician doctor and the obstetrician nurse%
and to the traditional midwives and doulas% not to the common doctor) (t also ta+es care o# *rohibiting
*sychotro*ics to minor o# eighteen years old) (n relation to the el#are% it is urgent that it se*arates the
social security #und o# the other bene#its% and he should go by annual auditing)
P")li"m$nt) hich will be the *aths to im*rove the image o# the *arliament2
ith the institution o# the -o#t ,arliamentarism% the @ational Congress strengthens a lot% while
becoming more res*ected by the *o*ulation) But it is necessary to ado*t many other ways to im*rove the
image o# the re*resentatives o# the *o*ulation)
1) Minute o# the Congress in 'V 91 min *er wee+ / one reduces the Voice o# Brazil in the radio:)
>) ,arliamentary ,rize o# the Kear% by the *airs% to the author o# the best revocatory law)
;) ,o*ularization at each year/end o# the classi#ication o# most #requent *arliamentarians)
4) ithholding only to &udicially condemned% never withholding by lac+ o# decency)
8) -ubstitute o# -enator is the more senior #ederal de*uty o# the bench)
?) @ormC in *residency o# City Council% woman succeeds man and vice/versa)
D) ,riority in the candidacies to the retired ones / a#ter *arliamentarians with mandate)
=) 'em*orary Measure only in the #irst use#ul day o# the semester 9or those said .very urging.:)
3) "nnual seminars in the (nterlegis on Malthus% $eynes and -chum*eter)
16) riting Elementary E5am o# Erammar and Mathematics #or candidates 9beginners:)
11) E5hibition o# the notes o# the e5am o# Erammar and Mathematics in the electoral schedule)
1>) Re#orms in the Constitution only voted #or o# ten in ten years / in the years o# end 1)
"nother im*ortant care is that the Commission o# Constitution and Bustice needs to enlarge its
incumbencies% as way o# increasing the credibility o# the *arliament) Be#ore the *ro&ects that are a**roved be
liberated #or the *lenary session or #or the #ollowing commissions% they should go to *ublic audience% a#ter
having released to the *ress% with the ob&ective o# discussing their *ertinence and o**ortunity) Ridiculous%
innocuous% no5ious and discriminatory *ro&ects should be discarded% with the hel* o# the civil society)
'he hour is almost *assed to the *arliament to guard against the *endant *ro&ects o# o**ortunist
re*resentatives% the called .smuggling o# *ro&ects.) -omebody that tries to *ush an ina**ro*riate law and
doesn.t get it% cou*les it as smuggling o# a *ertinent *ro&ect and% by incautiousness o# most% he a**roves his
'ro&an Horse) For instance% whenever some *arliamentary tries to legalize the zoo animal game% another one
mends the *ro&ect with the legalization o# the casinos) Michel 'emer% when *resident o# the Camera% too+
measures against the smuggling in 'em*orary Measures% but the one o# common *ro&ects continue to
threaten the country)
Cons$),"tism) (s it *ossible to identi#y the true conservatives starting #rom their ideas2
Each time has its cave% #ormed by a grou* o# #aiths that are believed the state o# the art% but that are
*ure .ideology.% in the original sense o# the term% which is the one o# the mental con#usion)
(n the last times% it is common among the youths to attac+ the *rogress o# the Catholic Church%
trodden a#ter 13?8% when o# the conclusion o# the -econd Vatican Council% as being a conservative agenda%
without noticing the #act% and without ones o*en their eyes #or it% that conservative was the *olitics o# the
Hitlerist times% which tolerated and even cultivated the #orms o# *rogrammed death that the -tate o# that
time im*lemented 9a little be#ore being in #orce the new Church% the immense ma&ority o# the clergy
su**orted the cou* o# 13?4 in Brazil:)
ith this% the true conservative thought *asses as an innocent thing% and even acce*table% #or the
great *ortion o# youth) (t is never too much% there#ore% to *resent the more central *oints o# this *olitics%
which are not the one o# the citizens who conserve good things% as some &udge to believe% but the one o# the
ones who de#ends the saddest *ractices o# the human history) Churchill was in the Conservative ,arty as
well as -evero Eomes was in the "rena% *arties o# the status quo% but they were not e5am*les o# conservative
*eo*le) Conservatives were Meletus% Commodus and Filinto Muller) 'he *oints that identi#y them in the
days today go below)
": ,olitics / guaranteeing ma&ority% volunteer and district 9or mi5ed: vote)
B: Economy / assuring laisse'-faire #or the em*loyment)
C: Eovernment / *romoting *rivatization o# the *ublic services)
!: ,romotion / maintaining a breed o# donors o# alms)
E: -ociety / cultivating contem*t to the social res*onsibility o# the com*anies)
F: -a#ety / instituting munici*al *olice)
E: Bustice / su**orting ca*ital *unishment)
O# course the citizen can be #ollower o# one or two o# those *oints without &oining the traditional
conservatives) But% anyway% it will be a *reoccu*ying sign)
'he district vote was already discussed above% but there are still other as*ects o# this sub&ect% as the
minimum age) 'o the #irst view% lowering the minimum age seems thing o# advanced *eo*le) (t is not) ho
lowered #rom eighteen to si5teen years old this age in the Constitution was a *olitician o# the ,'B) 'he
game is to argue a#ter the *enal age should also be lowered) @ow% who votes #or can be voted #or% there#ore%
the minimum age should be #astened in >1 years)
"nd as #or the unem*loyment2 (t is not more reasonable than this e5ists% a#ter so much time *assed
#rom Bohn Maynard $eynes death) "s the message o# that economist was not *ublished with honesty% what
was an e5igency that he always did% the world attends the creation o# lids that are to move away #or #ar away
the arrival o# the system o# #ull em*loyment) 'he .#ood stam*s. 9#eeding cards% im*lanted by the Fran+lin
!elano Roosevelt government: and the unem*loyment insurance are e5am*les o# this) 'he government
owes% yes% to su**ly #eeding% but only #or the disable *ersons% according to 'homas Robert Malthus *ro*osal)
For the others% it should *rovide &ob% having this been the *ur*ose o# $eynes in his entire academic wor+)
'he unem*loyment insurance seems something good% but it can only be considered as good thing be#ore the
sabotage that ones did to the $eynesian ideas% which are not summarized to the *ro*osal o# the government
intervention in the moments o# economical crisis) 'he *ro*osal is government *olitics that guarantees #ull
em*loyment) Conservatives want the laisse'-faire% the illusion o# the -ay.s <aw 9everything that is *roduced%
one sellsN this assumed law was one more #ruit o# the old con#usion between antecedent and consequent%
between necessary condition and enough conditionC everything that is sold is because it was in o##er% and not
the o**osite:)
"s #or the *rivatization o# the *ublic services% this is another de#ense that seems advanced thing)
But it incor*orates at least two tra*s against the *rogressC it im*licates .robbing. entre*reneurs o# the
*roduction to bring them to the *ublic service% which should be the incumbency o# the government% and it
also im*licates to bring damages to *eo*le who belong to some *re&udiced category by the demand o# .good
loo+.% *eo*le who are em*loyed easily in the *ublic service% through contests that don.t ta+e into account the
color o# the eyes% but who get without the corres*ondents wor+ vacancies in the *rivate services)
'he breed o# donors o# alms is quite necessary in the view o# conservatives% because in their *olitics
should there are not &obs #or all and% so% many will #all in *overty situation% while becoming de*endent o#
charitable *eo*le who sustain them% once the government should not be assigned o# this) <i+ewise% the social
res*onsibility o# the com*anies% which is an e5igency o# the *rogressive lines o# the academy% should not be
cultivated) For the conservative% one should give to the com*anies absolute #reedom% without any im*osition
besides the tributes)
Finally% in relation to sa#ety and &ustice% the deterioration o# the human behavior is always seen as
moral *roblem% without concerning with ob&ective conditions% while being% there#ore% the death *enalty a
good instrument o# solution o# the social *roblems% always according to the conservatives) "nd% in their
understanding% #or there being more e##ectiveness in the a**lication o# the re*ression on the criminals% even
i# is not *ossible to guarantee the death *enalty% the *olice has to be munici*al% *resent in all o# the moments
and maintained under res*onsibility o# the local *ower)
'hese are the more central as*ects o# the conservatives. action today)
)$"tn$ss) ith the *ositive *rograms above% is not guaranteed the viability o# Brazil2
Anha**ily% or maybe even ha**ily% there is not the *ath to ma+e *ossible Brazil as a *olitical entity)
'here are #ive crystallized bottlenec+s% whose combined removal is not in the horizon o# the *robable)
": Brasilia as *residential residence / Ravenna E##ect)
B: ,residential direct election / the a**le o# the eyes o# the Messianic *o*ulism)
C: Fascist regional division% o# 13D6% with its -outheast Region)
!: Horror to the Culture o# the Merit and to the autochthonous innovation)
E: Re&ection to the entity Brazil by the unconscious / what induced Brasilia and direct)
Brasilia a**eared by u*start im*ulse o# a chie# o# -tate slashed #or that moment) He had only to
accom*lish a *lan designed long time ago in the dreamli+e area o# the minds% as a nightmare that made to
advance as a dream o# glory)
'he *residential direct election came #rom reverse e##ect against the military regime) (# the military
ones had given two *resents to Brazil% the ta+en o# Brasilia already in 13?6 and the ado*tion o# *residential
direct election ever since% by reverse e##ect Brazilians would have moved away the two disasters in 13=8C
they would have returned the *residential residence to Rio and would have abolished the *residential direct
election) But the viability o# the country was not drawn in the unconscious o# the humanity)
'he solution is in a di##erent *lan) 'he *ath is to dilute the country in -outh "merica) 'his doesn.t
mean to give u* the history% the culture and the unit o# heart o# the Brazilian *eo*le) On the contrary% this
means to strengthen stiller this *ers*ective% with the hel* o# the brother countries o# the area% also o##ering to
them% by synergy% o**ortunity o# united growth)
(n the beginning o# >614% seven Brazilian *arties counted with more than a million a##iliatedC
,M!B 9>%;? million:% ,' 91%83:% ,, 91%4>:% ,-!B 91%;8:% ,!' 91%>1:% ,'B 91%13: and !EM 91%63:) O#
these% at least the #irst #our ones need to embrace with enthusiasm the cause o# the -outh "merican
integration% as delineated below% mainly the largest among them% ,M!B) (t was in the -arney government%
,M!B% that the integration has had beginning in #act)
One cannot count on the structure o# the Ana/-ur 9Anion o# the @ations o# the -outh:% which is an
entity built by the Bolivarian rulers% but little #unctional) @or on the old Erou* o# Rio% uniting <atin "merica
and Caribbean% which the Bolivarians changed #or Celac 9Community o# -tates o# <atin "merica and
Caribbean: and that is *resided now by Raul Castro) 'he base o# the su*er/#ederation is the Merco/-ur
9Common Mar+et o# the -outhC the *ronunciation in ,ortuguese% without hy*hen% would have to be
.mercozul.:) (n #act% the ugliness o# this im*ure acronym% Merco/-ur% is a great reason to leave bac+ the
*resent *hase o# the relationshi*s among -tates o# -outh "merica)
(# the Merco/-ur incor*orates Bolivia% it will have area o# 1;%==3%D?8 +mR% smaller &ust than the one
o# Russia% among the countries) 'his #ederation becomes the #i#th country o# the world in nominal E!,% with
;%4?1%4?8%666 o# @orth "merican dollars% in values o# >611% while being behind only o# Eermany% Ba*an%
China and A-" 9being ta+en into account that the Euro*ean Anion still doesn.t come as a country:) ith the
#uture entrance o# Colombia% it *asses to the #ourth *osition% above Eermany)
'he Merco/-ur% which should *ass to be called Anion o# -outh "merica% has all o# the *ossible
*ro5imities to already turn a single country) (t is the <eviathan ,rocess% in that each -tate/member delivers
*ower% #or reaching a larger *ower) Below we see how ma+ing *ossible the new stage)
": (andate) 'he *residency o# the Anion o# -outh "merica should be e5ercised under biannual
mandate% without reconduction% with the oath o# the title/holder always in Banuary% >% o# the even years) (n
the action o# the oath% the ,resident cancels a##iliating o# any *arty to what he is lin+ed) 'he ne5t ,resident
can already e5ercise the mandate during the *resent even/odd biennium)
B: )residency) 'he ,resident o# the bloc+ should be a *rominent #igure% internationally recognized%
at least 86 years old% chosen by the *residents o# the -tates/members o# the AnionC when "rgentinean% he
can be somebody as FuinoN when Brazilian% somebody li+e ,ele) "#ter #ive *residents% i) e)% a#ter ten years%
the demand o# a name o# international e5*ression won.t be so more relevant) 'he chosen name needs to be
countersigned and vested by the ,arliament o# the Merco/-ur% the ,arlia/-ur)
C: Residence) 'he ,residents o# the bloc+ should live in the #i5ed ca*ital% the *residential ca*ital%
during the biennium o# the mandate% and this ca*ital is Rio de Baneiro 9.conditio sine qua non.% to avoid the
terrible Versailles/eimar E##ect / other city can give worse result than Brussels:) 'he *residential ca*ital
should always be Rio / saving Rio% destroyed by the Buscelinist abandonment% is to save <atin "merica) e
have to avoid always the three motors o# the historical tragedyC ca*italnewism% li#elongness and theocracy)
!: Geo$raphy) 'he *residency o# the #ederation is occu*ied by luso*hones% o# the #ive Brazilian
*eo*le 9they become the re*ublic/regions o# ,inegroves/-outh / R- to -, /% "tlantic/East / RB to -E /%
,alms/@ortheast / "< to M" /% "mazonian/@orth / 'O to "C /% -avannah/est / RO to EO/!F /% hile
having as honorary *residents the governors o# the #ederal unities o# the main ca*itals% which are%
res*ectively% -ao ,aulo% Rio% Fortaleza% Manaus and Brasilia / the base is the historical/cultural regional
division% not the one o# the military government% o# 13D6% and those governors become *residents o# the
develo*ment su*erintendence% -udene% -udam% -udeco% -udessul and -udeleste:% and His*anic% o# -tates o#
the -outhest/Cone and "ndes% by the al*habetical orderC "mazonian% "rgentina% "tlantic% Bolivia 9a#ter
entering:% -avannah% ,alms% ,araguay% ,inegroves% Aruguay% Venezuela) 9'he His*anic members can
*resent resistance to the idea o# occu*ying the *residency in this way% but a sim*le rota among the current
countries% as occurs today% wea+ens the bloc+ and *ractically ma+es it un#easible% because o# the weight o#
Brazil% which% #or this% needs to be #ractionated in the #ive re*ublics / the Constitution o# Brazil #orbids the
end o# the #ederation% but not a redivision):
E: Commission) 'he *arliament and the administration 9E5ecutive Commission: should move o#
Montevideo to Buenos "ires / maintaining those organs in Aruguay means to remove o# "rgentina the
motivation to *artici*ate in the bloc+)
F: )remier) 'he ,arlia/-ur chooses the minister/chie#% *resident o# the E5ecutive Commission in
Buenos "ires% with #our year mandate% without immediate reconduction% while being able to come bac+ to
the *osition a#ter eight years out o# it) 'he E5ecutive Commission wor+s with ten organs 9ministries:% as
ma5imum number 9Finance% (ndustry% -cience% 'rans*ort/communication% Foreign Relationshi*s%
Education% Bustice/wor+% "griculture% !e#ense/environment% Health/wel#are:)
E: Capital) 'he Central Ban+ is settled in Montevideo 9#inancial ca*ital:% the -u*reme Court in
Caracas 9&udiciary ca*ital:% the -chool o# ,olytechnic Engineering o# the "rmy in "ssum*tion 9strategic
ca*ital:% cities that will account to Buenos "ires 9administrative ca*ital: and Rio de Baneiro 9*olitical
ca*ital:) 'he Anion doesn.t ado*t Constitution% but &ust the Electoral <aw and the habitual codes 9civil%
*enal% ta5%))):)
H: Currency) 'he common currency should be created% while wor+ing in the #irst years in scri*tural
#orm% not coined) (t should be ta+en into account the brie# li#e o# coin called by trisyllable% as .*eseta. or
(: Balance) (n all o# the mandates% #ive title/holders% among the ten ministries% should belong to the
technical elite 9*ro#essionals o# engineering% com*utation or e5act sciences: and other #ive ones should be o#
the classical elite 9*ro#essionals o# biomedical sciences or humanities:) 'he Carly Fiorina E##ect is avoided)
B: Structure) Close to the *residency in Rio one should create 9a: a small *residential guard /
#ormed by members o# the armed #orces o# the -tates/members /% 9b: an agency o# news with a *roducing o#
radio/'V and internet and 9c: a daily video/con#erence system connected with the administration in Buenos
"ires) " biannual *residency e5ercised in the #astened *residential ca*ital 9Rio: will bring the de#initive
consolidation o# the #ederation% while recruiting res*ect and recognition on the *art o# the *eo*le o# the
&urisdiction) On #irst -unday o# every semester the ,resident tal+s in chain o# radio/'V about the *olitical/
economical situation o# the bloc+ 9i# in -*anish% with subscri*ts in ,ortugueseN i# in ,ortuguese% with
subscri*ts in -*anish:) Brazil% with its #ive *eo*le% commits to introduce the sub&ect/matter -*anish
<anguage in the last series o# the #undamental teaching% ninth grade% because the o##icial languages o# the
Anion o# -outh "merica should be 91: -*anish% 9>: ,ortuguese and 9;: 'u*i/Euarani / herea#ter% also
English% because o# Euyana) On sa#ety% the -tates/members commit to *rohibit trade and load o# wea*ons o#
short *i*e 9light wea*ons or short guns:) 'he di##erences o# economical level% as this e5istent between
Bolivia and "rgentina% will be overcome much more quic+ly in the new *olitical geogra*hy) ith the time%
the -outh "mericans o# the ,aci#ic Ocean will start to *artici*ate in the #ederation)
(t suits to re*eat that the .conditio sine *ua non. #or the o*eration o# the #ederation% and o# the
consequent viability o# the continent% in the direction o# the conquest o# the -outh "merican *o*ulation.s
ha**iness% is the installation o# the *residential residence in Rio de Baneiro) Being dis*osed 9i: the *resident
in Rio de Baneiro and 9ii: the chie# o# the E5ecutive Commission 9*remier: in Buenos "ires% one creates the
necessary sharing that will ma+e the -outh "merican brother *eo*le live really as siblings) For this% one
cannot neglect 9iii: the regional division o# Brazil% which should not be the one o# the #ascism% o# 13D6) (t is
also very im*ortant% #or the warranty o# *rogress% that 9iv: the ministries are distributed hal# #or *ro#essionals
o# e5act sciences and technology and other hal# #or *ro#essionals o# biological sciences and humanities)
Finally% 9v: the *resident o# the Anion% it suits to stress% has two year mandate% without reconduction) "nd
the regional demagogies become neutralized by the central *ower% built on strategic #oundations% rid #rom
the *o*ulism that has been diving in the mediocrity and in the absence o# *ers*ectives the <atin/"merican
*o*ulations in general)


Cacildo Marques was #ormed in Mathematics and "dministration by the Aniversity o# -ao ,aulo
9A-,:% a#ter being e5*elled o# Anicam*% in the military regime% because o# artistic/*olitical activities)
He made masters degree in Economy in the -tate Aniversity o# -ao ,aulo 9Anes*:% with a**roval in
the credits and in the quali#ication% but without *resenting master.s degree dissertation% #or academic
He is #ounder and #ormer/*resident o# the Cultural Organization o# !e#ense o# the Citizenshi*
He has *ublished the #ollowing boo+s% among #iction% *oetry% didactic and researchC
U Ri#ts o# Blue Fringe 9Ed) -cortecciV13=>:
U -tories o# the Future 9Ed) CamatianasV13=4% in *artnershi*:
U Eyes and Fonts o# the <argest <atin -oil 9Ed) <umineV13=8:
U Brasilia% Ca*ital o# the Bonanza2 9Ed) <umineV13==:
U !rawings in M-J 9Ed) -ci*ioneV13=3:
U 'he -ol o# the Flute 9Ed) <umineV133>:
U 'en ays to "bolish the (n#lation 9Ed) <umineV133;:
U -tories o# Friends 9Ed) -cortecciV133?% in *artnershi*:
U How to Build a orld only o# ealth 9Ed) <umineV13==:
U Mathematics #or E5am*le 9Ed) <umineV133=:
U Elegy to the !estroyed 'eaching 9Ed) E*istemeV>668:
U From the ,inewoods to the "mazon 9Ed) E*istemeV>66?:
U 'he Brussels Crisis 9Ed) -cortecciV>61>:
S<ast coverT

'he Ravenna E##ect

hen the ca*ital o# the country was in the coast% *oet RubHn !arWo le#t his registration o# what he
saw as a *romise o# glorious #uture% which came to su##er a lamentable route deviation later% seen #or very
#ew *eo*le) 'he *oet said in his Xthe Ballad o# the beauti#ul girl #rom BrazilYC
0" charmed country e5ists
where hours are so #ine
that the time goes% quiet ste*%
Ander diamonds% under stars) 9))):
(t.s a magic Eldorado
here the +ing.s love is%
"nd 'i&uca and Corcovado%
"nd where the thrush trills) 9))):0
(n another situation he wroteC X(t is certainly the heart o# this "tlantida% in whose main ca*ital there
were seven golden doors)Y
'he Ravenna E##ect% which is the result o# the change o# the court #or an illusory square on the *art
o# the ma&or chie#% brought ho*es to the one who believe in magics) (n *ractice% as always it ha**ened in any
country and in any time% it re*resented a very bitter gi#t) "nd in the case o# -outh "merica it &ust
accom*lished an unconscious *lan o# disassembling o# the &uridical entity called Brazil) -olution e5ists% but
it de*ends on resilience% will% humility and ca*acity to esca*e o# slavering *aradigms) 'hin+ing that the
*olitical geogra*hy and the democracy #orm now cultivated are the ideal ones is the #irst ste* #orward the
'his boo+ ma+es a 5/ray o# the country in a new way% but that should be old and current% i# the
*eo*le could thin+ #reely)
Contact the authorC &"&il0om")2!$s5gm"il6&om
(n ,ortugueseC (-B@ 3D=/=8/;??/;?86/4 year >614 -ao ,aulo

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