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... through Bertha Dudde

Giving account ....
Urgency of distribution ....
I can ony every ad!onish you to re!ain steadfast if you are
hed accountabe for the sa"e of #y teaching. $ou %i sti be
heaviy attac"ed because no&one %ants to isten to the 'ure
For this reason you shoud re(uest !uch strength fro! #e no%)
so that you %i be abe to co'e %ith a onsaughts. *d!ittedy)
you cannot be s%ayed by any counterargu!ents because you are
convinced that you have received the truth. +evertheess) your
o''onents are cever) they %i try to !a"e you %aver and it %i
truy re(uire fir! faith and !uch confidence in #y strength in
order to confront the!.
,hen I %i sti gain a fe% 'eo'e over for #e %ho find the 'ure
truth !ore agreeabe than the distorted teachings %hich you
!ust denounce.
Ony #y Word fro! above is the 'ure truth) and you can aso
endorse it as such %ithout having to fear that you %oud be
acting against My will if you aso enighten your feo% hu!an
beings as to %hat I Myself e-'ect the! to beieve.
,i!e and again I conveyed the "no%edge of this to 'eo'e) yet
as ong as they sti fet co!!itted to a schoo of thought) they
sti hed too dee'y rooted o'inions and the acce'tance of
teachings %hich batanty o''osed their ideas !et %ith resistance
But no% I have been offered the o''ortunity by a too) %hich is
entirey devoid of 'ersona o'inions) to 'er!eate it by #y s'irit
and this truy instructs it correcty.
*nd the urgency of #y doctrine.s truthfu 'ortraya is indeed very
obvious) since 'eo'e are u"e%ar! and do not co!'y %ith #y
divine co!!and!ents of ove at a) a'art fro! a fe% e-ce'tions
%hich %i be /udged according to their degree of ove and not
according to e-terna a''earances) %hich are an abo!ination
before #y eyes.
It is the ti!e of the end .... *nd this aone shoud !a"e the
conveyance of the 'ure truth understandabe to you) for no&one
sha be abe to say that they have not been infor!ed of the truth
I %i sha"e a those u' %ho are capable of receiving the truth
and induce the! to thin" about it .... but %hether they are
willing to receive it is their o%n decision) but they %i aso have
to give account for their %i.
For this reason I have referred to the ti!e %hen #y Gos'e %i
re(uire 'urification) %hich conse(uenty necessitated a vesse
%hich sub!issivey o'ened itsef to #e in order to et a 'o%erfu
ight shine in) %hich offered no resistance and thus gave #e the
o''ortunity to e-'ress #ysef and to reiterate #y teaching as I
%anted the! to be understood ....
If ony you hu!ans %oud beieve that I soey /udge the degree
of ove %hen you de'art fro! earthy ife .... ,hen you %oud aso
!a"e an effort 'urey to fufi these t%o co!!and!ents) you
%oud thereby receive everything I 'ro!ised %hie I %as iving on
earth ....
$ou %oud receive an abundance of strength and grace and %oud
not have to %orry about earthy things) for then you %oud truy
ony ta"e care of your sou and ive your ife according to #y %i.
$ou %oud recognise and ac"no%edge 0esus 1hrist as the 2on of
God and Redee!er of the %ord .... $ou %oud recognise #e
#ysef in 3i!) for a this "no%edge %oud be conveyed to you if
you ived a ife of ove) %hich %oud a%a"en the s'irit in you.
But those of you %ho %ant to serve #e sha stand fir! and dra%
your strength fro! the %eath of "no%edge %hich %i a%ays
fo% to you %hen you !a"e contact %ith #e through "ind&
hearted activity and heartfet 'rayer ....
4ubished by friends of ne% reveations of God 5 Infor!ation)
do%noad of a transated reveations) the!e&boo"ets at6


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