8846 The Working of The Spirit Exceeds A Scholar's Knowledge ....

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... through Bertha Dudde

The working of the spirit
exceeds a schoar!s knowedge ....
"n#one who truthfu# wants to ser$e %e &ust aso endorse the
truth to his feow hu&an 'eings .... for he recei$es it through
the $oice of the spirit.
This is a pri$iege he cannot $aue enough( since he is there'# in
possession of the pure truth which no)one can take awa# fro&
hi&. "nd to know the truth &eans to 'e so iu&inated that the
darkness is una'e to har& hi&.
What coud 'e &ore peasing on earth than to partake in the
ight( to 'e iu&inated '# the ight of &erc# which 'estows
'rightest reaisation upon a person* .... "nd it is his task to share
this with feow hu&an 'eings( to kinde a 'right ight in the& as
we and aso to dispe the darkness the# are 'urdened with.
+et #ou wi aso encounter resistance a o$er the pace( for on#
those peope who re,uest the truth fro& %e the&se$es are
wiing to accept it( who& - can therefore approach and speak to
through #ou. "nd - know their hearts( - know that the# #earn for
the truth( and co&e to &eet a those who wi not re.ect #ou.
/e$ertheess( on# a few wi possess the fu truth( for spiritua
arrogance is far too o'$ious in the word.
The kind of education that #ou experience wi on# rare# find
credence. -nstead( peope think that the# wi on# disco$er the
&#steries through stud#( and thus the# wi 'e granted more
credence0 and the pro'e& a o$er the word consists of the fact
that on# those who ha$e far ess knowedge than #ou fee caed
to educate their feow hu&an 'eings 'ecause the# don!t draw
their knowedge fro& the source.
The purest form of truth can only come forth from Me
Myself ....
"nd neither ha$e - e$er re,uired the study of spiritua issues.
1$er#thing concerning #our spiritua ife co&es under %#
.urisdiction and - distri'ute the pure truth to those who appea to
%e %#sef in their desire to recei$e it( and the# wi 'e taught
correct# and their knowedge wi far surpass that of a 2schoar!.
3owe$er( if - instruct a 'earer of truth to use his spiritua
knowedge and educate his feow hu&an 'eings( then - wi aso
&ake sure that #ou wi &eet those #ou are intended to instruct
and #ou wi find wiing isteners in the& ....
4onse,uent#( #our &ission is of greatest i&portance and #ou
&ust not aow #ourse$es to 'e hed 'ack '# those who are
unappointed( 'ecause - consider those 2unappointed! who do not
'eie$e in #our task( who oppose such o'$ious proof of %#
working with their un'eief( 'ut who assu&e a teaching task for
the&se$es which the# are not entited to as ong as the# ha$e
not recei$ed the truth fro& %e %#sef( which awa#s necessitates
a ife of o$e.
On# then wi the# aso 'eco&e enightened( 'ut in that case
the# wi no onger oppose #ou( the# wi on# e$er find additiona
infor&ation which carifies their knowedge and wi accept what
#ou offer to the&( for then the# wi recognise the di$ine origin
and 'e deighted with an expanation where the# hitherto were
sti una'e to see cear#( and the# wi 'e gratefu that the#( too(
can refresh the&se$es at the source of the truth .... that the#(
too( &a# draw fro& the i$ing water and that this source has
opened itsef for the& ....
5u'ished '# friends of new re$eations of God 6 -nfor&ation(
downoad of a transated re$eations( the&e)'ookets at7


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