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Vol. 32 No. 2 May 2014

Crime 15%
Down In England
And Wales

RRLeeds Teacher Stabbed

To Death In Class

MINISTERS said last month

that the 15 percent drop in crime
figures in England and Wales
represented good news, and reflected on the success of reforms.

The Crime Survey for England and

Wales reported 7.5 million crimes against
households and adults in 2013, the lowest
level since it began in 1981.
Separate police figures showed a two
percent fall in crime for 2013, with increases in areas such as fraud (25 percent)
as well as a 17 percent rise in reported
sex offences following the Jimmy Savile
The CSEW report, published by the
Office for National Statistics (ONS), estimates crime levels based on how many
people say they have been the victim of
a crime.
Experts said these figures come as no
surprise crime has been falling almost
continuously since the mid-1990s. What
is unexpected, however, is the size of the
reduction: the 15 percent fall is the biggest
percentage decline since the survey began
33 years ago.
The 22 percent drop in violence is also
substantially more than in other years
reinforcing recent findings from Cardiff
Universitys study of people treated for
crime-related injuries.
However, increases in some categories
were recorded, with incidents of shoplifting up six percent and violence against a
person rising by one percent.
The latter is thought to reflect improvements in recording and possibly a rise in
public reporting.
The rise in fraud comes after a move
to centralise the recording of the crime.
Publicity surrounding Jimmy Savile sex
abuse claims may have contributed to an
increase in recorded sexual offences
And allegations against high-profile
figures, including those surrounding the
late DJ Savile, were linked to a jump in
recorded sexual offences.
Adam Pemberton, assistant chief executive at Victim support, said the group
welcomed the fall in crime.
But he added: It is important to remember that for many of the victims of 7.5 million crimes committed last year, the impact
will have been severe and long-lasting.
The figures do not cover Scotland and
Northern Ireland.
In June last year, the Scottish government said there had been a 13 percent
drop in recorded crime in the year to
March 2013.
In Northern Ireland, crime fell by 2.9
percent in 2012/13 compared with the
previous year, according to statistics.


William, Kate and George wave goodbye

to Australia after war memorial visit
Kate Sails Past William In
Race Thats Royal Fun
THE DUCHESS of Cambridge has twice
beaten her husband Prince William during
friendly racing in Americas Cup sailing
boats on Aucklands Waitemata Harbour.
Both had some high-powered teammates Kate was paired with Team New
Zealand skipper Dean Barker while William raced with Grant Dalton, the teams
manager and a veteran round-the-world
The royal couple was on the first part
of a three-week tour of New Zealand and
It rained again as it has most days on
their tour but that didnt put off hundreds
of people who gathered on Aucklands

waterfront to greet them.

After the racing, the couple took a ride
on an amphibious craft called Sealegs,
which drove out of the water at Westpark
Marina to the delight of the crowds.

Royal Couple Meet FirstTime NZ Parents

PRINCE WILLIAM, his wife, Kate, and
their baby son, George, interacted with
first-time New Zealand parents and their
babies last month.
The informal meeting with 10 parents
was held at Government House in Wellington. According to local media, all of
the babies were born within a week or two
of Prince George, who was born last July.

Prince William, And Family

Bid Australia Farewell
PRINCE WILLIAM bid farewell to Australia April 24 in the only speech of his
national tour, revealing that his baby son
George had become particularly fond of a
toy native animal during the visit.
We go away with wonderful memories and George goes away with a cuddly
wombat that hes taken to chewing so
lovingly, the Duke of Cambridge told a
reception at Australias Parliament House
in the national capital Canberra.
William, his wife Kate and George
leave Canberra after veterans day commemorations, ending a three-week tour of
Australia and New Zealand.

Max Clifford Found Guilty Of Indecent Assaults

By Gregory Katz
PROMINENT public relations agent Max
Clifford was found guilty April 28 of eight
counts of indecent assault stemming from
attacks on teenagers dating back more
40 years.
The publicist, known in Britain for handling high-profile celebrity scandals and
representing TV mogul Simon Cowell,
had called the accusations utterly untrue,
disgusting lies.
Prosecutors charged in Southwark
Crown Court that he lured young girls into
sex by offering them acting roles, including in the hit TV soap opera Dynasty.
Peter Watt, director of a national
child protection group, said Clifford had
rightly been unmasked as a ruthless and
manipulative sex offender.
In one case, Clifford was found guilty

of repeatedly abusing a
15-year-old girl after he
made friends with her
family in Spain in 1977.
She said he convinced
her parents he could
make her a star before
taking her out in his car
and sexually abusing her. Max Clifford
A London jury also cleared Clifford,
71, of two counts of indecent assault
and was unable to reach a decision on
another count after more than a week of
He was to be sentenced May 1.
Cliffords trial followed the arrests of
other high-profile show business figures
accused of sex abuse. The investigations
started when British police launched

Operation Yewtree to investigate child

sex abuse after a scandal surrounding late
BBC entertainer Jimmy Savile.
Savile, one of Britains best-known
TV presenters, was named by police as
a prolific sexual predator who used his
fame to target hundreds of teenagers over
five decades. The allegations surfaced
after Savile died in October 2011.
More than a dozen other show business personalities have been arrested as
part of the Yewtree probe. They include
veteran entertainer Rolf Harris, 83, who
has denied charges of assaulting four girls
from the 1960s to the 80s. His trial was
scheduled to begin late last month.
Former BBC radio DJ Dave Lee Travis, 68, is fighting a charge of indecent
assault on a woman in 1995, months
after he was cleared of 12 other counts

were keen to support their
team on the final away game
of the season in fancy
dress and the theme this
year was Thunderbirds.
Over the past three
seasons, the Poolies have
turned up to rival stadiums
dressed as Smurfs, Oompa
Loompas and penguins.

And, for last months trip

to Plymouth, the League
Two club saw groups of
men wearing identical blue
uniforms with gold sashes
made famous by the puppets
from the 1960s TV show.
Supporter John Pearson,
responsible for organising
the fancy dress event told
the Hartlepool Mail: Its a

helluva trek to Plymouth,

it couldnt have been any
further away really, but I
think were taking a decent
number of fans down.

TEACHER Anne Maguire was attacked and killed in a multiple stabbing

by a 15-year-old pupil during a class
April 28.
Maguire, 61, who had been a teacher
at Corpus Christ Catholic College,
Leeds, for more than 40 years, was due
to retire in September.
Police were interviewing the suspect,
who was not named due to his age.
Detective Superintendent Simon
Buldon said: This is clearly an unprecedented and tragic incident thats left
the school and wider community in a
state of shock.
Pupils left flowers, tributes and photographs outside the school
The schools chair of governors
Martin Dowling said: This has been a
shocking but isolated incident. Ann was
a wonderful, dedicated teacher and will
be remembered fondly by all of us.
School head Steve Mort said: Ann
Maguire was a wonderful, caring individual. She was an outstanding teacher
and an outstanding leader.
Continued on page 4

RRCamillas Brother Dies

In US After Head Injury
in Britain say that the
brother of Camilla,
Duchess of Cornwall,
has died after sustaining a serious head
injury following a fall
in New York.
Clarence House said that the 62-yearold Mark Shand died in the hospital
April 23 after falling late the previous
It said in a statement that Camilla, her
husband Prince Charles and all of her
family members are utterly devastated
by this sudden and tragic loss.
Shand, a travel writer, was in New
York for an auction in aid of charities
including the Elephant Family, an organization chaired by Shand devoted to
saving the endangered Asian elephant.
Camilla and Charles are due to go on
a tour of Canada this month.

RRLetter Written Aboard

Titanic Sells For $200,000
A LETTER written by a passenger on
the Titanic describing the wonderful
passage hours before the ship hit
an iceberg has sold at auction for
Auctioneer Andrew Aldridge said
the handwritten note was bought by
an anonymous telephone bidder at an
auction in Devizes, western England,
last month.
The price, which includes a fee
known as the buyers premium, topped
the pre-sale estimate of 100,000.
The letter was written by secondclass passenger Esther Hart on April
14, 1912. The sailors say we have had
a wonderful passage up to now, she
said in the note to family in England.
Hours later the passenger liner described as practically unsinkable hit
an iceberg and sank, killing more than
1,500 people.
Hart was among about 700 survivors.

1 =
uro =
at press time


Page 2

May 2014

in the past month . . .

Afflicted Lamb Gets Woolly
Jumper Made For Her

TITCH the lamb is warming to her new life

now, thanks to some clever knitting.
A difficult birth meant that Titch emerged
into the world shivering and unable to feed
from her mother. She was the last of triplets
and emerged with her feet bent backwards,
which meant she was unable to stand.
Tiny splints were attached to fix her legs
in the correct position and she was hand-fed
by staff at Fishers Farm in West Sussex. The
youngster was also separated to stop her
from getting injured by her bigger and more
boisterous siblings.
However, without her mum to keep her
warm an alternative solution for Titch had
to be found.
Step forward keen knitter Sue Pollard, who
picked up her needles and created a fetching
red woolly jumper for the youngster.
Now, as well as being the best dressed
animal on the farm, Titch is warm and cosy
and is coming on leaps and bounds.

Bad Signmaking Leaves Pub

Owners With Naughty Notice
A PUB sign in Cornwall received lots of
attention last month, for the wrong reason it
had a very rude connotation.
The sign, erected during water company
roadworks in Truro center was just to notify
customers that the pub was open for business. But the sign, saying: The Wig and Pen
is open for business. had some spacing
problems, particularly between PEN and
IS, giving a totally different meaning to the
general public.
It was quickly taken down once staff realised their mistake but by then an amused
regular had posted a snap on Twitter.
It soon went viral and was retweeted
across the globe, with comedian Ricky
Gervais among those sharing the joke and
wryly tweeting: Spacing is very important.
The sign proved something of a publicity
coup for the pub, which has now hinted the
spacing error may not have been entirely
The Wig and Pen, which takes its name
from the nearby crown court, initially refused
to comment. But a remember of staff named
Georgie-Tim later took to Twitter to say:
Well, it got your attention!
We had to do something, the roadworks
were making people think we were closed,
we even had people phoning to ask if the
rumour going around Truro was true.

Black Ring In Sky Leaves

Leamington Spa Locals
AFTER teenager Georgina Heap photographed a black ring in the sky last month,
residents of Leamington Spa were left wondering what exactly was the unusual image
above their homes.
Schoolgirl, Heap, 16, snapped the ring
on her mobile phone. She said the ring was
visible in the sky for around three minutes
before fading away.
Warwickshire Firefighters said no fires
were reported at the time and the Met Office
said it did not appear to be weather-related.
Other explanations include the possibility that
it was a swarm of insects.
Heap said it was the weirdest thing I have
ever seen. I looked up at it and thought what

the hell?, it was amazing. It was just floating

there like a cloud and then it disappeared. It
wasnt birds either.
There were about ten of us who stopped
what we were doing and watched.
UFO expert Nick Pope described the video
as truly bizarre and ruled out it being a
smoke ring.
One other possibility is that the shape
was made up of millions of bees or other
insects, but Ive never heard of insects
behaving in this way before, so if this is the
explanation, its a real-life X-File, he added.
But then came a possible answer to the
mystery: a Reddit user now claims to have
the explanation saying it was actually just
a smoke ring from nearby Warwick Castle.
My friend works there and they did their
usual trebuchet show where they shoot huge
fireballs and it just so happened to create this
smoke ring, they wrote.

Dolly Oldest Barmaid In The

World, 100 And Going Strong

DOLLY SAVILLE was 100 years old last

month, and still works three days a week at
her local pub.
But, the great-great grandmother, who
has been named the oldest barmaid in the
world, has no plans to retire.
Saville works at The Red Lion Hotel in
Wendover, Bucks, where she has been
pulling pints for an incredible 74 years
since 1940.
She started working at the bar when she
was just 26 and King George VI was on the
throne, Winston Churchill was Prime Minister
and Britain was in the grip of World War Two.
Over the last seven decades she has
served scores of famous faces, including
Pierce Brosnan, Ted Heath, Stanley Matthews, Vera Lynn, Margot Fonteyn and
Elizabeth Taylor.
Until six years ago, she was still working
at least six hours a day, six days a week
and has only ever had two weeks sick leave.
She has now reduced her work to three
shifts a week, but still spends hours on her
feet clearing tables, polishing glasses and
serving customers.
Saville, who has three grandchildren,
three great-grandchildren and one greatgreat granddaughter, reckons she has pulled
two million pints in the bar, named Dollys
in her honour.
I love my work and I love the people, it
keeps me going and its better than sitting
around, she said. I never thought I would be
here this long, but Ive loved every minute of
it. My family keeps asking if I want to stop,
but I have no plans to retire. My boss is lovely
and if he asked me to work an extra shift I
would say yes as he has been so kind to me.

When it comes to clearing blockages,
weve come to expect the unexpected.
When were looking for the cause it could be
anything and its surprising what you do find.
The sex toy found actually caused a
major internal flood.

BBC Defends Double Entendre

Crack By Top Gears Clarkson
JEREMY CLARKSON, host of BBC hit show
Top Gear came under fire again last month,
accused of racism during an episode of the
show screened in Burma.
Clarkson, no stranger to previous complaints due to what have been described as
cultural mockery and homophobic statements, used the word slope in a double
entrendre joke.
Top Gears producer has apologised for
broadcasting the light-hearted joke by its
host Jeremy Clarkson that sparked a complaint of racism by an India-origin actress.
IActress, Somi Guha, 36, last month
sued the BBC for up to1,000,000 for the
racist remark.
She instructed her lawyers to take action
against Clarkson, describing the use of the
phrase as an example of casual racism
and gross misconduct.
The shows producer Andy Wilman explained the usage in a statement, It was a
light-hearted wordplay joke referencing both
the build quality of the bridge and the local
Asian man who was crossing.
We were not aware at the time, and it has
subsequently been brought to our attention,
that the word slope is considered by some
to be offensive and although it might not be
widely recognised in the UK, we appreciate
that it can be considered offensive to some
here and overseas, for example in Australia

and the USA, he added.

Clarkson used the word, a derogatory term
for people of Asian descent, while referring
to a man who crossed a makeshift bridge
built over a river.
That is a proud moment, but theres a
slope on it, Clarkson said in the show.

Cornish People Recognized

As Official UK Minority

THE RESIDENTS of Englands windswept,

wave-lashed southwest are Europes newest
official minority.
The British government said last month
Cornish people have been given the same
status as Scots, Welsh and Irish the UKs
other Celtic peoples under EU law protecting national minorities.
Residents of Cornwall traditionally spoke
a Celtic language similar to that of Frances
Brittany region. Cornwall is famous for its
seafaring heritage and for the Cornish pasty,
a popular lunch food.
Some in Cornwall have long campaigned
for greater autonomy, and even independence.
Dick Cole, leader of independence party
Mebyon Kernow, said it was a proud day
for Cornwall, though it is unclear what the
status will mean in practice.
The measure commits Britain to preserving and promoting the Cornish identity, but
does not bring extra money.

Its Just Plane Acting For

Shakespeares Birthday

PASSENGERS on a flight to Verona, Italy

from Londons Gatwick airport got a special
treat last month, when they flew on April 23,
Shakespeares birthday.
An onboard comedy troupe performed
scenes from a Shakespeare play during the
flight; while, at the same time, hoping to be
entered into the Guinness Book of World
Records as the worlds highest theatrical
The Reduced Shakespeare Company
performed an abridged version of the bards

works at 37,000ft for passengers on an

Easyjet flight from Gatwick to Verona. They
performed at the front of the plane after
rehearsing at the airlines Luton training
centre to mark the 450th anniversary of
Shakespeares birth.
EasyJets Paul Moore said: We hoped to
set a Guinness World Record in the process
for the highest ever theatrical performance as
well as providing a highly entertaining show
for passengers.
The show on the flight, which took off
from Gatwick, was also to support a bid to
make April 23 National Shakespeare Day as
well as St Georges Day.
A petition backed by Stratford-Upon-Avon
MP Nadhim Zahawi needs 100,000 signatures by the end of July to take the debate
to parliament.

Jellyfish Stings PM Cameron

At Turkish Resort
REPORTS last month said that the Prime
Minister was stung by a jellyfish while taking
a holiday in Lanzarote in Turkey.
It was said that David Cameron ignored
warnings after locals spotted a number of
the stinging marine animals at the islands
Arrieta beach.
According to the Daily Mirror, tourists saw
him suddenly run from the water rubbing his
arm yelling: Ouch!
One local said Cameron first got his children out of the sea after hearing the warning,
before he returned to his swim.
Local ex-pat Wendy, 59, told the newspaper that one of her friends warned Cameron
the sea was full of jellyfish.
Everyone got out of the water and his
kids walked back with their minders around
the pier, she said.
But then he decided to get back in then
suddenly came out shouting in pain after
getting stung.
A source said the Prime Minister was not
seriously hurt and the sting did not require
medical treatment.

Exhibition Of
Chinese Artist
Popular For People
Not To See
HOLDING his first solo exhibition in
Britain, Chinese artist Liu Bolin is, quite
often, not even seen.
Internationally-acclaimed Bolin
is the master of camouflage and is
known as the invisible man, reported
Metro. Using his own body as a canvas,
Bolin becomes the ultimate human
chameleon as he paints himself into
the background.
He takes on the appearance of his
surroundings and seems to dissolve
into the scenery.
His exhibition Liu Bolin: The Heroic
Apparition is on at Londons Scream
Gallery until May 10.
It features images of his in a supermarket aisle, a marketplace, at the
library and hanging around train depots
but you might struggle to see him.

Sex Toy Flushed Down Toilet

Causes Sewer Backup Flood

FALSE TEETH and dead sheep were just a

small part of odd things found in Devon sewers last month. Another really strange item
was a sex toy; all the findings caused a huge
flood due to blockage in the underground
sewer pipes.
A south west water company revealed
more surprise findings which also included
bicycles, knives and a dismantled greenhouse, reported the Exeter Express and Echo.
A spokesman said during one incident
sewage workers found a sex toy which was
so big it blocked the underground pipes.

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May 2014

who are being exploited, a lot of young people

across London who are having a lot of money
taken off them for very poor accommodation.
This is being driven by greed. Instead
of taking a reasonable amount of rent for a
property, theyll carve it up into little rooms
and turn 1,000 a month into 2,000 or
3,000 a month.
We need all councils across London to
be taking action and we need national government to ensure that renters can complain
without fear of eviction.

Brand New TV Station

For London

LONDON Live, the capitals first major new television station since 1997
launched recently. It will be a beacon for a new era of local TV, Minister
Ed Vaizey said.
In an interview on the launch day of London Live, the Minister for Broadcasting said it
would set the standard for other cities with in-depth local sport, drama and news coverage.
He added: London Live is very important. spokesman said the number of cases was
There are some big cities like Manchester lower than last year.
and Bristol with their own plans, but London
Kenyan world record holder Wilson KipLive is going to be the most prominent. I sang won the mens race in two hours, four
think London Live will be a great beacon for, minutes and 29 seconds, a course record.
effectively, the birth of local television. A lot The womens title was taken by Edna Kiplagat
is riding on the success of the pioneering of Ethiopia, in a time of two hours, 20 minutes
station for the capitals nine million viewers. and 21 seconds. Mo Farah came eighth with
Eventually dozens of licences will be issued, a time of two hours, eight minutes and 21
ranging from towns such as Maidstone to seconds.
cities in a major shake-up of the broadcastA Bull Market For City Slickers
ing industry.
The owner of some of Prince Harrys
I think it is going to be massively welcomed by Londoners, said Vaizey. We do favourite nightclubs has unleashed Britains
get a local London news but this is going to first professional standard bucking bull on
be on a completely different scale of local workers looking to let off steam.
The 60,000 hydraulic beast shipped
programming, both factual and drama.
London Live can be seen on Freeview, Sky from Las Vegas has taken centre stage at
and Virgin. It features five-and-a-half hours a Steam and Rye bar, owned by model Kelly
day of live news and current affairs, as well Brook and Nick House, who runs Mahiki,
as newly-commissioned shows and re-runs Whisky Mist and Bodo Schloss.
House has hoped that bankers will be
of established London-themed favourites,
such as The Shadow Line and Twenty Twelve. keen to take on the mechanical bull used
in training by American rodeo cowboys for
Death After The Marathon
a chance to win a free cocktail.
Around 36,000 runners took part in the
Inspired by a bucking bull he saw at the
London Marathon last month. Temperatures Saddle Ranch chop house in Sunset Boulehad reached 16C by the time they reached vard, Hollywood, House splashed out on his
the finish line in The Mall.
own, featuring cowhides, flashing red eyes
Virgin Money, which organised the event, and steaming nostrils. Drinkers can review
revealed a 42-year-old competitor collapsed their ride, courtesy of GoPro cameras fitted
and died after crossing the finishing line. IT to its stuffed head.
worker Robert Berry received medical attenCustomers can take on the bucking bull
tion but was pronounced dead at hospital. every Monday from 6pm for free with the
Married Berry was competing to raise money chance to win a cocktail if they stay seated
for his inspirational mother, Ann, who was for an entire song. The current world record
diagnosed with a brittle bone condition 20 is 2 mins 15 secs.
years ago. After race organisers confirmed
his name, donations topped 22,000 on Mr Scandal Of The Rogue Landlords
Berrys Just Giving fundraising page. Nearly Exploiting Londons Rental Crisis
2,000 people gave money to the National
The National Landlords Association
Osteoporosis Society.
has said that it is shocked by statistics
Berry was the 12th fatality in the races 34- gleaned from figures obtained under the
year history and is the first death at the event Freedom of Information Act, which show
since 2012, when 30-year-old hairdresser that at least 17,683 complaints were made
Claire Squires, collapsed a mile from the fin- to local authorities about the conditions of
ish line and died later from cardiac failure. The privately rented properties in the capital last
majority of other deaths have been caused by year. However, only 282 landlords were
pre-existing heart conditions, either blocked either prosecuted or in the process of being
vessels or congenital problems.
14 runners were taken to the acciThe majority of the complaints were about
dent and emergency unit at St Thomass disrepair, problems with heating, and damp,
hospital. Three were admitted for active but other issues included illegal eviction.
cooling, while the other 11 were suffering
Adam Smith, from the National Landlords
from muscle-related exhaustion. A hospital Association, said There are a lot of people

Page 3

David Beckhams Latest Pitch? A

Brand Of Scotch Whisky

David Beckham is launching a whisky

brand with friend and music mogul Simon
The footballer will lead the promotion of
the new spirit, called Haig Club single grain
Scotch whisky. Beckham, 38, and Fuller have
worked on the marketing strategy with whisky
maker and Guinness owner Diageo.
The Scotch will be sold in packaging that
resembles a designer aftershave bottle.

Selfridges Going Up

Westminster councillors have approved

an overhaul of the century-old Oxford Street
home of Selfridges to create more selling
The department store is renowned for
its imposing Grade II listed neo-classical
frontage built in 1909, but the estimated
10m plan is to rebuild the newer SWOD
building named after the former Somerset,
Wigmore, Orchard and Duke streets which
surrounded it with an extra floor to the rear
of the grander building facing onto Oxford
Street. The plans are unrelated to Shard
architect Renzo Pianos masterplan for the
stores extension in 2012.
The work will see the creation of a new
customer entrance in Duke Street, decorated
with stone and bronze framing to match the
current classical facade. A tunnel will also run
to the adjacent Nations House building to the
north of the block also owned by Selfridges
for a new staff entrance on Wigmore Street.

to back these reforms, which they currently

oppose as being bad for business enterprise.

Comedian Rory Bremner has said it is

massive privilege to be making his West
End stage debut at the age of 53.
The actor, who is playing a butler alongside Caroline Quentin and Patricia Hodge
in Noel Cowards comedy Relative Values,
said: I feel incredibly lucky and have been
genuinely moved by the whole thing. It has
been one of the great professional experiences of my life.
Ive come away with great respect for
Noel Coward. People come to the theatre
and laugh again and again and again. Its
a delight.
Coward, who wrote the play in 1951, was
clearly as fascinated and amused by the
class system and relations between upstairs
and downstairs as fans of Downton Abbey are
today, Bremner said.

And finally

I stayed up all night to see where the moon

went. Then it dawned on me,

a $35 present
right here!

Londons buses are to be fitted with sensors in a road safety trial intended to reduce
the number of collisions with pedestrians
and cyclists.
Starting in May, a dozen buses on a variety
of inner and outer-London routes will be fitted with the latest kit, which alerts the driver
to anyone coming too close to the vehicle.
The potentially life-saving devices will
employ a version of the parking sensors
used on cars, along with a new generation
of CCTV monitors that pick out vulnerable
road users and filter out street furniture, to
aid the bus driver.
Transport for London says it is blazing a
trail in bus sensor technology and has asked
leading manufacturers to come forward with
Potentially, all 8,500 TfL-run buses could
be fitted with the kit, although it is more
likely to be tailored to particular routes in
inner London.
Stephen Joseph, chief executive of the
Campaign for Better Transport, said: The
Mayor is doing what is within his control
and we welcome that. He is also supporting
moves in Europe to improve safety features
on HGVs. We would call on the Government


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AN IRISH Republican Army veteran

was refused bail at his arraignment last
month on 29 charges of murder for the
1998 car-bombing of the Northern
Ireland town of Omagh.
Seamus Daly did not speak or offer
a plea during the half-hour hearing
at a court west of Belfast amid high
police security.
Police testified that Daly replied
no comment last month when he
was charged with mass murder, then
he read a written statement denying
involvement in the attack committed
by the Real IRA faction.
Lawyers for the 43-year-old Daly
argued that he would not jump bail to
the Republic of Ireland, where IRA
suspects often go to evade the British
justice system. But the judge said he
was likely to flee and ordered him
jailed without bail.

Birthday, Anniversary,
or any other reason . . .

Buses To Have Sensors In Bid

To Cut Cyclist And Pedestrian

If youre a UK national with investments back home: this means you!

Real IRA Man

Charged With Omagh
Bomb Refused Bail

Comedian Takes To London Stage

In Noel Coward Play

Page 4

May 2014

Memorial Service Marks Hillsborough Anniversary

By Steve Douglas

SCARVES donated by football clubs

across the world were laid out in the center
circle at Anfield, forming the shape of the
number 96 beneath a clear blue sky.
Outside the stadium, two middle-aged
men one wearing a Liverpool shirt and
the other an Everton jersey shared a
warm embrace next to the famous Shankly
April 15 was the day the global football
community, and in particular Merseysiders, united to mark the 25th anniversary of
the Hillsborough Stadium disaster in which
96 Liverpool fans were crushed to death
during an FA Cup semifinal.
The focal point on a day of commemoration and remembrance was Anfield,
where Liverpool players past and present
and the families of the victims were among
the estimated 30,000 people who attended
a moving memorial service.
Brendan Rodgers and Roberto Martinez, the managers of Liverpool and
Everton, delivered readings and then made
short addresses in which they paid their
respects to the men, women and children
who died in Britains worst sports tragedy.
Both earned standing ovations.
We will always strive to honor the
families and the memory of the 96 that we
lost, said Rodgers, his voice beginning to

Young Everton and Liverpool fans stand

in memory of the Hillsborough dead.
tremble. Youll Never Walk Alone, he
added, a nod to the clubs anthem.
Bells from churches across the region
rang 96 times and Liverpools public
transport came to a halt for a minutes
silence at 3:06pm the time the fateful
match between Liverpool and Nottingham
Forest was stopped following a crush
in a standing-only section of Sheffield
Wednesdays Hillsborough ground.

A short memorial also was held across

Stanley Park at Evertons Goodison Park,
after which schoolchildren led a procession to Anfield holding 96 linked football
And tributes poured in from across the
world, with FIFA President Sepp Blatter
sending a letter to the English Football
Association in which he expressed my
deepest sympathy to the families and
friends of the 96 who so tragically lost their
lives in the Hillsborough disaster. Flags at
FIFAs member associations were flown at
half-mast for the day.
UEFA President Michel Platini and
British Prime Minister David Cameron
also sent their condolences to the victims
families of the 96.
It isnt just the disaster that has left a
deep scar on the club and city. The grieving
families have spent 25 years seeking justice
after authorities initially sought to place the
blame on the victims by characterizing the
tragedy as a result of hooliganism.
The original accidental death verdicts
were overturned by the High Court in London in 2012 after documents uncovered a
cover-up by police, and fresh inquests into
the fatalities are currently being held in a
bid to get the deaths officially described
as unlawful killings. The inquests were
adjourned for the week of the anniversary.
The authorities took on the wrong city

if they thought they were going to get away

with it, Martinez said to loud cheers. The
service was interrupted on two occasions
by chants of Justice for the 96.
The service started with local clergymen reading out the names of the 96 victims, with a light being lit inside a Band of
Life sculpture in memory of each person.
It ended with 96 balloons being released
as fans sang a stirring rendition of Youll
Never Walk Alone.

Symphony Commemorates
Hillsborough Disaster

COMPOSER Michael Nyman has been

commissioned to write a symphony
commemorating 96 Liverpool soccer fans
crushed to death in Britains worst sports
stadium disaster.
Symphony No 11: Hillsborough Memorial includes the names of those who
died during an April 1989 match between
Liverpool and Nottingham Forest at Sheffields Hillsborough Stadium.
Organizers of the Liverpool Biennial arts
festival say the work will be performed
July 5 at Liverpool Cathedral by the Royal
Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Mayor Joe Anderson said last month
it was a fantastic example of art being
used to help shine a light on the dignity
and bravery of those who have strived for
justice for the 96.

Queen Hosts Irish President On First UK State Visit

AMID REGAL POMP at Queen Elizabeth
IIs Windsor Castle home, the Irish president and the British monarch have begun
Irelands first state visit to Britain with
expressions of mutual affection and respect
and a shared determination to consign
national hatreds to a sorrow-tinged past.
President Michael D Higgins, Irelands
elfin head of state, was guest of honor at a
royal banquet that brought together former
enemies in Northern Ireland and leading
politicians and celebrities of Britain and
Ireland, including Judi Dench and Daniel
Day-Lewis. Gathered together on one massive 160-seat table, they heard the queen
and Higgins pledge to lead their nations
into a new era of friendship.
Higgins trip on his countrys first
state visit to Britain since Ireland won independence nearly a century ago under
scores how much the success of Northern
Ireland peacemaking has transformed
wider relations between the two longtime
adversaries since the 1990s, when Irish
Republican Army car bombs were still
detonating in London.
It comes three years after the queen,
defying threats from IRA splinter groups
still seeking to wreck the peace, made her
own inaugural visit to the Republic of Ireland, where a British monarch last visited
in 1911, when all of Ireland was still part
of the United Kingdom.
As she toasted the health of the Irish
nation, the Queen said she had loved her
Irish visit and found it even more pleasing

The Queen walks with Irish President Michael D Higgins at Windsor Castle.
since then that we, the Irish and British, are Irelands later war of independence.
Even a few years ago, the idea of British
becoming good and dependable neighbors
and better friends, finally shedding our inhi- royals attending celebrations of one of the
bitions about seeing the best in each other. most anti-British events in Irish history
The queen managed a rare joke as she would have seemed farcical, if not dangerlauded the role of Irish immigrants in ous. Not now.
Previous Irish presidents toured England
Britains public, academic and cultural life.
She recalled her own surprise role in the and met the queen in several official trips
Opening Ceremony of the 2012 London since 1993 as part of early peacemaking efOlympics, when she performed in a film forts. But a formal state visit with full honalongside James Bond star Daniel Craig ors had been repeatedly postponed because
before a stuntman dressed as the monarch of security and diplomatic sensitivities.
Higgins, a left-wing politician, poet and
parachuted live into the stadium.
human rights activist who was elected to
She signaled her intention to return to the ceremonial post in 2011, said the two
Ireland for the 100th anniversary com- nations relationship had gone from the
memorations of its Easter Rising, a short- doubting eyes of estrangement to the trustlived 1916 Dublin rebellion that inspired ing eyes of partnership and, in recent years,

to the welcoming eyes of friendship.

When Higgins arrived at Windsor
Castle, a military band played Irelands
martial national anthem, The Soldiers
Song, as the queen and her husband Prince
Philip welcomed the president and his
wife, Sabina, into the castle quadrangle.
Outside, Irish tricolors and Union Jacks
lined the streets of Windsor for the start of
Higgins four-day tour of England.
Also taking part in royal events for the
first time was Martin McGuinness, once a
senior IRA commander, now deputy leader
of Northern Irelands unity government.
He boycotted the queens 2011 visit to
Before the April 8 banquet, McGuinness chatted animatedly with the prime
ministers of Britain and Ireland, David
Cameron and Enda Kenny, but was not
seen to exchange any words with the
For all its symbolism of reconciliation, the queens banquet invitation for
McGuinness dismayed some IRA victims.
Stephen Gault, whose father was one
of 11 Protestant civilians killed in an IRA
bombing in 1987, said it was another
nail in the coffin of the innocent victims
of terrorism.
Gault told the BBC he would like to
see Mr McGuinness behind bars for his
Yes, we all want peace, but peace at
what cost? Its been a dirty peace so far,
he said.

RRLeeds Teacher Stabbed
To Death In Class

Continued from page 1

Some 30 pupils are understood to
have witnessed the killing.
School head Steve Mort said: Ann
Maguire was a wonderful, caring individual. She was an outstanding teacher
and an outstanding leader. Mort added
that he did not think detectors were
necessary, adding that the school was a
safe environment.
He added: And I think ultimately
Ann Maguire herself, if she was asked
that question, would strongly oppose any
suggestion that we should have metal
detectors in this school.
The school opened as normal the following day to allow staff and students
to remember Mrs Maguire, and support
each other. Her death is the first time a
teacher has been stabbed to death in a
British classroom.

RRLawmaker Cleared Of
Rape Wants Legal Fees Paid

THE FORMER deputy speaker of the

House of Commons has demanded that
prosecutors pay his extensive legal fees
after he was cleared of rape and sex assault charges.
Nigel Evans told The Mail on Sunday
that the case has destroyed his reputation and left him in financial ruin. He
said the 130,000 legal fee used up his
life savings.
Prosecutors alleged the 56-year-old
lawmaker used his political position
to sexually assault seven young men
between 2002 and 2013, some of them
inside the Houses of Parliament.
Evans told the newspaper it was unfair that his accusers had been allowed
to remain anonymous while he was publicly accused of crimes he didnt commit.
He plans to stay in Parliament, but isnt
seeking to become deputy speaker again.
Ronald Choularton
Jeff Choularton
Ronald Choularton

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May 2014

Parliamentary Expenses Scandal

Accounts For Another Minister

MARIA MILLER finally faced facts and

Her battle to stay
on as Culture Secretary occupied the
first half of April but
she simply couldnt
hang on. The accepted wisdom in
Westminster is that if
a minister facing calls
for resignation can tough it out for ten days
s/he will avoid the sack. That apparently is
how long it takes before the press and media
give up the story and move on to a different
To recap: Ms Miller was found guilty by the
parliamentary standards committee of having
charged the taxpayer thousands of pounds
to fund a second house in London which
was in actual fact the home of her parents.
Initially, she was ordered to repay 45,000
but this was reduced to 5,400 by an MPs
committee. Moreover, she was ordered to
make a public apology for her claim.
This she did early April in the House
of Commons: a 32-second statement of
apology which most felt lacked sincerity or
remorse. It awoke anew the public anger
over MPs expenses which caused such a
furore back in 2010 when the Daily Telegraph published details of claims made by
parliamentarians on the taxpayer. These led
to mass resignations, MPs standing down
from re-election and prison for the most
egregious cases.
There is a little more to this than meets the
eye for Ms Miller had ministerial responsibility
in connection with the Leveson Inquiry the
body that is examining the role of the Press
in public affairs following revelations of
high-level phone hacking by the News of
the World.
In an attempt to put the Telegraph off
making mischief over Ms Millers expenses,
her personal assistant, Jo Hindley, rang
them and mentioned that her boss would
be talking to the Leveson people, a subtle

Page 5

pressure. Though this

was doubtless a red
herring it turned out
to be a red rag to the
bull a tactic which
was as ineffective as
it was misconceived.
The Telegraph became
more determined then
ever to have Ms Miller
out of office and stepped up the pressure
calling for her to pay tax on the profits from
the sale of this second home.
What is indisputable is that the general
public simply believes MPs cannot be trusted
to pay themselves fair wages and claim
reasonable expenses. To a large extent it
accounts for the growing popularity of UKIP,
headed as they are by Nigel Farage, a man
who persistently asserts he is not a professional politician.
From the start, the Prime Minister, David
Cameron, defended his Culture Secretary,
insisting she was doing a fine job and
protesting that a line should be drawn under
the matter. This drawing of a line under an
embarrassing business was also trotted out
equally ineffectively by the Conservative Party
chairman, Grant Shapps.
Four days into the row, Ms Miller belatedly
realised her apology (with its clear message that in reality she had done no wrong)
was not working. She issued a letter to her
constituency members, Basingstoke, bitterly
regretting her conduct.
Since the controversy concerned her claim
for a second home, it is interesting to note
that it was in Wimbledon. Her first home was
20 minutes further down the line in Basingstoke. I mean, fair does, why does anyone
need two homes separated by no more than
half an hour? Little wonder that she attracted
so much anger.
But why precisely Cameron repeatedly
allowed himself to be drawn into the argument in her defence is a bit of a mystery.
It can only have been politics and the
only explanation here is that he desperately

needs women in his

Cabinet. With Maria
Miller, the female
complement was
four out of 27, the
smallest proportion
of women in a couple
of generations. She
also had the distinction of being the only
mum seated at the cabinet table. In fact the
UK comes twentieth out of the 28 European
nations in terms of the percentage of women
in the cabinet. A pretty dismal statistic that
may not play well in the forthcoming General
Though how the whole affair will indeed
play out at the ballot box is anybodys guess.
To be brutally frank, Maria Miller was always
a bit of a nonentity, doing what in fact is a job
tailor-made for nonentity. John Major created
the position in 1992 to give David Mellor
something to do, made him Secretary of State
for National Heritage as it was called then.
The sheer frothiness of the job soon saw
it renamed as Ministry of Fun which suited
David Mellor, a Chelsea football club supporter whose moment of fame came when
he told the press that they were drinking in
the last chance saloon if they didnt respect
public figures privacy.
The press got its own back on Mellor when
Antonia de Sancha, an actress, revealed she
had had an affair with him in 1992, selling the
story for 35,000 to the News of the Screws.
She gave graphic details of Mellors sexual
proclivities which included dressing in a
Chelsea strip and spawned the Sun heading
when Mellor was subsequently dismissed as
Minister for Fun, From Toe Job to No Job.
Twenty-odd years later, de Sancha is
unemployed and lonely and admits the
Chelsea strip and the toe-sucking were inventions. Never mind, they can be counted on
to enliven a story about a Culture Secretary!
Millers successor is Sajid Javed, the
first Muslim to take
his place in the cabinet, the son of a bus

driver who came to this country a penniless

man. He is an excellent advertisement for
Conservative values, but only destined for
a few quiet weeks to be the guardian of our
national heritage.
I say for a few weeks since the elections
to the European Parliament arrive later this
month. It is generally regarded that Nick
Clegg did a poor job of his public debates
with Nigel Farage: opinion polls taken after
the broadcasts indicated Farage was felt by
two-thirds of those questioned to have been
the winner,
An electoral disaster then beckons for the
Coalition, in all likelihood leading to a Cabinet
reshuffle. Expect a new Culture Secretary,
probably a woman with a few others of the
fair sex chucked in for good measure as
Cameron seeks to prove we are all in this
together, particularly women and a Muslim
bus drivers son.
Life remains interesting at Westminster.

Convicted Mafia Boss

Re-Arrested In Britain

A CONVICTED Mafia boss was back

in custody April 4, just a month after he
avoided extradition from Britain to Italy.
Domenico Rancadore, 65, had won the
right to stay in the UK after a judge ruled
last month that he should not be extradited
to Italy because overcrowding in prisons
there could violate his rights.
But British police apprehended him in
London after they received a new arrest
warrant request from Italy. The warrant
alleges that Rancadore has an outstanding
sentence of seven years of imprisonment
to serve for participation in Mafia association from 1987 to 1995 in Sicily.
Rancadore appeared briefly at a London
court, where lawyer Adam Harbinson,
representing Italian authorities, described
him as one of the heads of one of the
most powerful Mafia associations in Italy.
Rancadore, moved to London in 1994,
changed his name and lived a quiet life
with his wife and two children.
He said at a previous hearing that he
came to Britain to give his children a good
life. He added that he changed his name to
Marc Skinner taking his mother-in-laws
maiden name so that he could end all ties
with Sicily.


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Peaches Geldof Autopsy Inconclusive

AN AUTOPSY on Peaches Geldof
was inconclusive and toxicology
tests will be conducted in an attempt to determine what killed the
25-year-old celebrity, police said
last month.
Geldof was pronounced dead by
paramedics at her home in southeast England last month.
Geldof, the daughter of Irish
musician Bob Geldof and the late
TV presenter Paula Yates, had
worked as a model, writer and television show host.
She grew up in the glare of Britains press,
which reveled in the late-night antics of her teenage years, and in the shadow of her mothers death
from a drug overdose when Peaches was 11.
More recently she had married for a second
time, to musician Tom Cohen, had two young sons
and worked as a broadcaster and fashion writer.
She said in 2009 that her drug-taking years were
behind her.
In a column for Mother and Baby magazine,

published the day after her death,

Geldof wrote that motherhood had
made her happier than ever.
Ive achieved a sort of perfect
balance, she wrote. Right now
life is good. And being a mum is the
best part of it.
Later last month celebrities
joined the Geldof family as they
gathered for the funeral of the
British model and TV personality.
Model Kate Moss and former
Rolling Stones bassist Bill Wyman were among
those attending the private service at a village
church in Kent, southern England.
The church is the same where Peaches Geldof
married her second husband Tom Cohen. It is also
where the funeral of her mother, Paula Yates, was
held when she died of accidental drug overdose
in 2000.
It is not yet known what caused the sudden death
of Geldof, who was found at her home on April 7.
Police say it was non-suspicious and unexplained,
and a toxicology report could take several weeks.

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Page 6

May 2014

Ex-Editor Coulson:
Affair With Brooks
Was Wrong

By Stephen Ure

Third Party Visa

Might Work For You

DO YOU NEED to get a visa? Do you want to

avoid going all the way back to your home
country? If so, third country visa processing
may be good option.
A visa is a document that a person wishing to enter the United States applies for at
a consulate or embassy abroad. Unless you
are coming to visit the United States for up to
90 days on the visa waiver program available
to citizens of certain countries, you will need
a visa to enter the United States. The visa
allows a person to come to a port of entry in
the United States and apply for admission.
Having a visa does not guarantee that the
person will be allowed to enter but it shows
the Customs and Border Patrol officer at the
port of entry that the visa holder has been
prescreened abroad and found eligible for
admission in a particular nonimmigrant category. A visa is only valid for admission in the
category for which it is issued. This means
that if you were granted a B-1 tourist visa, you
cannot use it to enter the US for the purpose
of working or going to college. Remember,
having a nonimmigrant status is not the same
thing as having a visa. For example, you can
apply for and be granted H-1B status by the
United States Citizenship and Immigration
Service (USCIS) but this does not mean that
you have an H-1B visa. To get an H-1B visa,
you must go to a US embassy or consulate
abroad and apply for it.
Generally, the visa process requires that
you apply at the consulate or embassy in your
home country. However, for certain people,
it is possible to do third country processing
which means you can apply for the visa in a
country other than your home country. This
can save a lot of time and money if your home
country is far away.
Often, third country processing is done
in the context of a renewal visa at a US
consulate or embassy in Canada or Mexico.
An individual can generally renew their visa
in Mexico or Canada in any category except
B1/B2 (tourist/business). A renewal is a
case where an application for the same type
of visa is made and does not include those
who need to change from one visa category
to another or who are seeking any other type
of change of status even if that change has
been authorized by USCIS. As of January
2014, the embassy in the Bahamas is also
accepting third country national applicants for
visa renewals in certain categories but only if
the initial visa was obtained in the applicants
home country.
Others that may take advantage of third
country processing include those who are
already residing in a country other than their

home country and seek a visa to enter the

US. For example, you might be a Brazilian
national attending college in England and
want to come to the United States for vacation. Because Brazil is not part of the visa
waiver program that person would need a
tourist visa to come to the United States.
Under the traditional rules, this person would
have to go all the way back to Brazil to get a
visa to come to the United States. However,
the United Kingdom allows for certain third
country nationals to apply for US visas, thus
saving this Brazilian national from having to
go back to Brazil to apply for the visa.
Any time a person applies for a visa at a
consulate or embassy outside of their home
country, there is a risk of denial in which
case youll be required to return to your
home country to get the visa. This can in the
end, cost even more time and money than
if you had gone home from the beginning.
Also as a general rule, if you were already
in the United States and out-of-status or you
otherwise violated the terms of your visa, you
cannot apply for a visa in a third country; you
will need to return to your home country of
nationality. Each consulate and embassy has
different rules and these rules can change
from time to time so make sure you meet
the requirements for a specific consulate or
embassy before making travel plans.
Once you are granted the visa in a third
country, you can now go to a US port of
entry to seek admission. Remember that a
visa does not guarantee entry into the US,
you will still need to be found admissible by
a Customs and Border Patrol officer. Once
admitted, be mindful about the length of time
you are allowed to stay in the United States.
Just because you have a visa that is good
for five years, doesnt mean that you can
stay in the country for that long. The duration
of your stay is determined at the time you
enter the United States and will be noted
in your passport. You can also go online
to the Customs and Border Patrol website
and retrieve your I-94 (the arrival/departure
record) which indicates how long you can
stay in the country. If you stay in the United
States for longer that the authorized stay,
you will begin to accrue unlawful presence
which can bar you from future entry into the
country or prevent you from getting future
immigration benefits.

By Jill Lawless
FORMER News of the World editor Andy
Coulson took the stand at Britains phone
hacking trial last month, saying his affair
with fellow executive Rebekah Brooks was
wrong but didnt lead him to share work
secrets with her.
Coulson, who is on trial alongside
Brooks and five others, also denied knowing while he was editor that a private
investigator employed by the tabloid had
been hacking phones.
Britains hacking scandal erupted in
2011, when it emerged that the scoophungry News of the World had secretly
listened to the voicemails people in the
public eye. The furor led Rupert Murdoch
to shut down the newspaper and ensnared
Britains police and political establishments.
Coulson, 46, told jurors at Londons
Central Criminal Court that his on-again,
off-again affair with Brooks, which began
in 1998 and ended in 2004, was wrong
and it shouldnt have happened.
He denied the relationship led him to
share sensitive information with Brooks.
Prosecutors have suggested the affair
meant that if one was aware that phone
hacking was taking place, the other must
also have known.
Brooks, Coulson and the other defendants deny all charges.
Coulson was News of the World editor
when its royal correspondent and a private
investigator were arrested in 2006 for eavesdropping on the voicemails of royal aides.
Coulson said until those arrests he had never
heard of private eye Glenn Mulcaire, who
has admitted hacking phones for the paper.
Coulson was asked about a budget mentioning a 105,000 payment to Mulcaires
company for special inquiries. He said he
did not ask what the money was spent on.
I dont want to be dismissive of
105,000, but the reality is it wasnt a lot
of money in the business I was running,
Coulson said. We paid double that, I think,
to the astrologer.
Coulson later became Prime Minister
David Camerons communications chief
but said he had not spoken to Cameron
since shortly after
leaving that job in
early 2011.

One Year

The above article is provided for informational

purposes only and should not be considered
legal advice. Please consult your immigration attorney to discuss the specifics of your own case.
I can be reached at (619) 235-5400 or through
my web page at


British Man Gets 17 Years For Sex With Maine Girl

A BRITISH man authorities say traveled
to the US to have sex with a 13-year-old
Maine girl he met on the Internet has been
sentenced to 17 years in federal prison.
Nicholas Cheese of Oxford, England,
was sentenced last month in US District Court in Bangor on a charge of
producing child pornography because
he recorded one of the assaults on the
girl. He was also sentenced to five years


of probation upon release. He pleaded

guilty in October.
Federal prosecutors say the 27-year-old
Cheese met the then-12-year-old girl in an
Internet chat room in 2012.
Authorities say he traveled to Bangor
last June to meet the girl and had sex with
her in a hotel room.
The girls parents reported the assaults
to Maine authorities.



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FATCA The Facts,
And Not The Panic!

A LOT has been written about FATCA

(Foreign Account Tax Compliance Provisions, but it was unpronounceable with
a P at the end!) and much of it has
been alarmist. Lets cut through that to
get to the provisions that may affect US
resident taxpayers who hold UK accounts
and assets.
Firstly, FATCA does not introduce the
requirement you declare UK income on
your US tax return. That has always been
the case! As a US resident, you are taxable
here on your worldwide income, just as
if you were a UK resident, you would be
taxed there on your worldwide income.
The decision to omit income from your
US tax return because its been taxed in
the UK, is not one for a taxpayer to make.
If youve been taxed in the UK, the first
choice is to claim the money back from
the UK. If they wont pay it back because
they feel it should be paid there, then you
declare the income here and claim foreign
tax credit for the UK tax paid. If youre
claiming a benefit under the tax treaty,
you must include a form with your US tax
return giving the IRS details of the income
concerned and the part of the treaty you
are using to support your claim.
All this was the position ten years ago
and five years ago and is the position now!
FATCA hasnt changed any of it!
So what has FATCA changed? The
requirement for an individual taxpayer
to inform the IRS about their foreign
accounts and assets was introduced in
2011 with form 8938. This form has been
redesigned for 2013, and the information
about the number of your accounts and
assets and their total value, is now on
the top of the first page. This, no doubt,
makes it easier for the IRS to sort through
the forms to determine which ones merit
a further look. If you are a single person
you dont need to file form 8938 unless
the total value of your foreign assets is
more than the equivalent of $50,000 at the
end of the year, or $75,000 at any time
during the year. The figures for a married

couple are $100,000 and $150,000. If

you have any doubt about whether or
not you should file this form, please take
further advice! You dont need to take it
from me (though Id be delighted if you
did!), but make sure to ask someone with
knowledge of these requirements.
The big change is that information from
foreign banks and financial companies will
go to the IRS, so they can check it against
individual tax returns. Some countries,
including the UK, have made separate
agreements with the US about the FATCA
obligations. Under the UK agreement, the
information will go from the UK banks
and investment houses to HMRC (the
current name for the Inland Revenue),
and they will pass it on to the IRS. This
made it easier for the UK companies to be
sure they werent acting in breach of the
European privacy legislation.
Most of the concerns in the UK have
been based on how the administrative
procedures will work for the banks and
financial companies. In particular, there
has been concern over how they identify
accounts held by US taxpayers. This has
been the cause of the letters you may
have received from your UK bank or
similar, sometimes asking you to close
your account.
The obvious question to ask is, why are
the UK banks and financial companies going along with this? They are not subject
to the IRS, so why are they taking these
requirements so seriously? The answer is
that the IRS will withhold 30 percent tax on
any US income being paid to a financial
institution that is not compliant. There is
plainly not a bank or financial company in
the world that doesnt invest in the US or
that is prepared to be cut off from the US
market. Now theres a gap in the market!
Mary-Heather Styles is British and has
swapped the grey skies of the Home Counties for the sunshine of Phoenix, Arizona.
Shes been working in tax in the US and the
UK for over half her life, which is not a good
thought for a Monday morning! She can be
contacted at (602) 845.1420 or mhstyles@

May 2014

Page 7


PETER BARLOWS juggling wife Carla and

his fancy-piece Tina. Its a juggling act that
Peter needs to treat with extra care as both of
them think that theyre pregnant. Its enough
to turn any man to drink, and Peter falls off
the wagon in spectacular style and into the
nearest pub. Steve goes to collect him to
bring him home but realising he cant take
Peter home in such a drunken state, he stays
overnight with Peter in a bed and breakfast.
The morning after the night before they wake
up in bed together and Peter realises that hes
got a hangover the size of Salford itself, and
worse still, that hes confessed to Steve about
both his wife and his bit on the side being up
the duff. The two fellas get home, with a story
theyve concocted about Steve being the
one who was the worse for wear for drink.
Steve then has to pretend hes hungover all
day, while Peter gets the shakes in the flat
and tries not to succumb to drinking again.
Tina pops round with a pregnancy test and to
Peters relief shes not pregnant. But Tinas
distraught. I wanted our baby, she cries.
Peter dumps her slowly and carefully, but
definitely, and she leaves the flat, telling Steph
later at home: If he thinks he can live happily
ever after hes got another thing coming!. Im
just glad little Simons rabbit is already dead
because there was a definite bunny-boiler
glint in Tinas eye as she said that.
Over at the garage, Kev loses his temper
with Tyrone who hasnt been keeping the
books up to date. The garage is fined for not
filing taxes on time and Kev blasts Tyrone.
With Stella now out of the way when she
moves to New York, Kevin plans to move
back into No 13 with his son Jack now hes
back on the Street.

Beths over the moon when a cheque for

5,000 arrives in the post. Its a reward from
the woman from the bingo, the one Beth
saved from being mugged. The Weatherfield
Gazette give Beths story a double page
spread and the story goes online too. Nasty
Norris points out to Beth that people have
been leaving horrid comments about her appearance on the website, and of course, Beth
takes a look. Shes upset, as youd expect.
Craig leaves some comments of his own
for his mum, pointing out how lovely she is
while Kirk wonders aloud: Its news to me
that badgers bums are rough!
Theres trouble at t Mill when Owen and
Gary steal some of Phelans tiles to do a job
on the side, and at Phelans expense. But hes
not daft, is Phelan, and figures out whats
going on. He tells Owen that hes keeping the
80k that Owens invested into the building
project. You cant do that, says Owen. I
can, says Phelan, and what Phelan says,
it seems, goes. Anna calls Valerie Phelan
to the house for a chat. She tries to play to
Valeries soft side, asking her to call off Pats
campaign against Owen and Gary. However,
what Anna hasnt realised yet is that Valerie
Phelan doesnt have a soft side and she
couldnt care less.
The gym at Victoria Court opens for business and first through the door is Norris, followed by Kirk. Norris is only there for the free
coffee and Kirk wonders how long the place
has been open. Theyre not exactly the type
of customers that Dev and Kal were hoping
for, but everyone has to start somewhere.
And over at Barlows Buys, Peter tells Rob
and Tracy that their six month free-rent period
is now up and he wants his rent paying, in
full. Its rent that Rob and Tracy cant afford
and so when Jasons dad tells them he can
get them some knock-off goods cheap to
sell in their shop, Tracys interested to find
out more.
Glenda Young

THERE IS going to be a big ten-month-long

whodunit on EastEnders that started on
Easter and will run until EastEnders 30th
Anniversary in February. The tag line of the
BBCs new ad campaign for this whodunit is,
Theres A Killer Amongst Them, which begs
the musical question, When is there ever
not? But first
Something is fishy in the state of Walford,
and true to his nature, even in death (if thats
what he is) is Nick Cotton. Dots newly discovered grandson, Charlie Cotton, is mighty
interested in controlling her access to know
ledge as well as her access to seeing Nicks
body despite her desperately wanting too to
say a proper goodbye. He conspires with the
dodgy undertaker to prevent it and so Nick is
cremated without Dot seeing the body. Was
it Nick in the coffin? We think not, but await
the inevitable dropping of the other shoe
As Carols chemo continues, the genetic
testing results come back: Sonia has the
breast cancer gene, but Bianca does not,
bringing long simmering resentments to the
surface And speaking of long simmering:
Bianca walks in on Terry giving some advice
to Whitney and mistakes the whole thing for
something else, and kicks innocent Terry to
the curb Crazy Jake gets a job at Scarletts

and starts an affair with Lucy Beale Stacey

leaves Walford to go stay with Mum Jean
but not before having it out with Max who is
desperate to get back with her. Though as
soon as she leaves, he starts an affair with
Lucy Beale which is complicated seeing
that Lucy just hired Lauren to be her partner
in a new flat-letting business
In the Vic Lots happening with the
Carter family. Soldier Lee returns on leave
from Afghanistan, but oddly he doesnt come
home directly. He first goes to hated Carter
patriarch Stans council flat until discovered
by accident by Mick. He is traumatized by
what hes seen in combat and is planning
to go AWOL before Mick talks him out of it.
Now Nasty Stan is staying upstairs at the
Vic, causing continual trouble, and Lee has
a date with Whitney, then starts an affair
Lucy Beale Oh, and Stan also knows the
whereabouts of Shirleys son Deano who is
up to no good and stashes bent cell phones at
his flat, causing the old guy to be arrested
Across the Square Sharons new bar,
The Albert opens on the site of another old
bar, The Dagmar. You remember The Dagmar; The place owned by Wilmott-Brown,
burned down by Den after Wilmott-Brown
raped Kathy Beale. Lotta ghosts up in here
Terrys psycho stewardess ex returns And
speaking of psycho: Ronnie has gone from
being a tad disturbed to being just a big bowl
of crazy. And now Carls mother and brother
show up looking for him, and suspicious that
she and Roxy know more about his disappearance than theyre saying and then
she says too much, has the brother beaten
up, and apparently they are scared away

Also Ronnie hits Lola with her car but

she recovers We hear nothing about the
pending perjury charges against Kat (though
she looks unconcerned) And the phantom
Council decides to not close down the Bridge
Street Market after all. It closes down another
market instead and tells those traders that
they will now be able to get pitches on Bridge
Street, setting up some major conflicts to
come. Or maybe not
And now to the long suffering Ian Beale
Just about everything imaginable has happened to him over the last 29 years: Marriage,
divorce, bankruptcy, more marriage, more
divorce, mental illness, attempted murder,
homelessness, the deaths of just about every
adult in his family, random swirlies, and thats
just last week. But now the unimaginable
happens: His daughter Lucy is murdered.
After an argument with Ian over the cocaine
he just found in her room, she storms out
of the house, then after receiving a text, she
walks off into the night. Her body is found on
Easter morning by a little girl who just had
the worst Easter Egg Hunt ever. The Old Bill
turn up at 45 Albert Square and tell Ian that
they suspect the body they found is Lucy.
This storyline is going to be one to watch as
it unfolds, and as (I expect) we see more of
the best work ever from Adam Woodyatt
As always, if youd like to keep up with
all things EastEnders, just email me here
at the Launderette and Ill sign you up for
my FREE, weekly EastEnders e-newsletter
called the E20 Chronicles:E20Launderette@ TA!
Signed, Your Faithful Reporter,
Deborah Gilbert AKA E20Launderette

Londons Gherkin Tower Goes

Into Receivership

Man Cleared Of Policemans

Murder In 1985 Riot

A SLAYING that shocked Britain three

decades ago remains unsolved, after a
jury last month cleared a man of killing a London police officer during a
1985 riot.
Nicky Jacobs was acquitted of murdering Constable Keith Blakelock
during unrest on the Broadwater Farm
public housing development in north
London, triggered when a local resident
died of a heart attack during a police
raid on her home.
Jacobs, who was 16 at the time, was
accused of being among rioters who
stabbed Blakelock more than 40 times
and tried to decapitate him.
But the jury at Londons Central
Criminal Court wasnt convinced
by a prosecution case that relied on
anonymous witnesses suspected of being involved in the rioting but granted
immunity from prosecution in return
for their evidence.
Three men were sentenced to life in
prison for the killing in 1987, but their

convictions were overturned in 1991

after evidence suggested police had
altered statements.
Blakelocks widow, Elizabeth, and
three sons, said they were saddened and
disappointed by the verdict.
We viewed this trial as an opportunity to see some form of justice served
for Keith, they said in a statement.
ACCOUNTANCY firm Deloitte LLP said
last month it has been appointed receiver
of one of Londons most iconic buildings,
the Gherkin.
The 41-story office tower in Londons
financial district is co-owned by Germanys
IVG Immobilien AG, which went into
bankruptcy protection last year.
Deloitte said last month that the building
had run into difficulties due to its complex,
multicurrency capital structure. Its debt
burden has risen through having a loan
partly in Swiss francs, whose value has
risen substantially against the pound in
recent years.

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IVG Immobilien bought the building for

600m in 2007, but has struggled with debts
since the 2008 financial crisis.
Deloittes Neville Kahn said lenders
were reluctant to appoint a receiver but
felt they had no choice due to the ongoing
defaults since 2009.
Kahn said the receivers aim was to
preserve the value of a truly exceptional
building and to ensure there would be no
interruption of services to tenants.
The Norman Foster-designed tower,
nicknamed the Gherkin for its distinctive
pickle-like shape, houses offices of insurance company Swiss Re.

Page 8

LAID BACK, taking it easy, and enjoying

sunny Southern California. Thats what were
known for, right? That is unless youre British
and its BritWeek. Then you fall into certain
categories: those going bonkers working
non-stop to promote the contribution Great
Britain has so freely given to the US via the
arts, theatre, film, television, music, entertainers, business; or, the Brits here waving the
flag attending dozens of functions as theres
something for everyone! And it works as the
Americans absolutely luv it.
Theres so much excitement and enthusiasm it becomes contagious. Were not
whinging but oh the work it takes. Weve put

May 2014

it down to community service. Hey, it beats

going to jail? Can you get credit for that? Not
for what youve done but for what you might
do in the future?
We attended the celebrity Red Carpet
event at Consul General Chris OConnors
residence on April 22 and what a party it was.
Best yet, theme based on Shakespeares A
Midsummers Night Dream with character
actors from the play. Ladies on stilts dressed
as dragon flies, a walking tree covered with
ivy amongst some 200-plus guests, quite
amazing (well post photos on
by mid May).
The food was delicious as were the guests
with everyone having a very, very enjoyable
evening. We managed a brief conversation with Cat Deeley, Bruno Tonioli, Seal,
Sir Ken Robinson, Jason Isaacs, Mischa
Barton, Michael York and wife Patricia, Terri
Seymour, Holly Cavanagh, Owain Yeoman,
Peter Noone, Britt Ekland, Nigel Lythgoe
(co-founder of BritWeek), and Lord Frederick
Windsor. Not bad out of the 95-plus celebrities that attended.
We met up with Executive Director Julia
Chambers of the Maritime Museum Channel
Islands who was having the time of her life,

Lisa Powers, Paul Boettcher (current owner), Phil and Ruth Elwell
(founders), and Melonie Boettcher at the 40th Anniversary party of
the Kings Head, April 23, in Santa Monica. Photo: Leo Lewis.

deserved, as its the first day

off we had all had in six weeks
while organizing Brit Weekend
at the Harbor. The first of what
we hope will become an annual
event. They say you only get
out of it what you put into it, so
if thats the case, lots of good
to come to: Seaside Scottish
Festival, Fusion Soccer, Lets
Buy British SoCal Jet Ski, Island
Packers, Marine Emporium
Landing, Maritime Museum,
and the band, Masters of the
Past, the Union Jack newspaper.
We should be well gratified for
the efforts put in by all that will
be appreciated by the Yanks
and Brits alike. It was free to all
comers! See calendar of events as its still
going on.
On Wednesday, April 23
evening customers old and new
gathered together for the 40th
Anniversary of Ye Olde Kings
Head in Santa Monica, possibly Consul General Chris OConnor, Sharon and Bob Peirce (co-founders of
the most uniquely famous pub BritWeek), LA City Councilman Tom La Bonge; and Nigel Lythgoe (co-founder of
on the planet. How nice to see BritWeek) at the Red Carpet Launch Party. Photo: Leo Lewis
the backbone of the pub, the
regulars, with who we all shared our lives the next 40 years.
spoke about how successful BritWeek has
together thanks to Phil and Ruth Elwell. It was
become. So now, with luck, Brit Weekend
a wonderful moment to remember how lucky
will be an annual event. Bob did tell me that
we were to have shared so many memories
Saturday and Brit Weekend at the Chan- Sharon was the one who created the incredtogether and what a good time we had. nel Islands Maritime Museum, which we all ible Red Carpet Party, so congratulations
Great to see you Ruth and Phil, our thanks. worked so hard to make happen. We had Sharon. That was really spectacular! We will
My personal thanks to John Gordon, John prayed for good weather, but we forgot see you at BritWeek festival May 3-4 on the
Crowther, John and Linda Hiscock, Gillian the wind. And I mean WIND: cold, gusting, Third St Promenade in Santa Monica.
Campbell, Sharon, Alex Hyde-White, Pete, freezing! Not good. Sunday was a complete
Alan Hardy, Derrick Fisher, Vince Lawless, contrast and super successful with everyone
Alan Palmer of Camerons
Flora, and Christina for the time well spent having a fabulous time. Former Consul Genwith so many wonderful people and to the eral bob and Sharon Peirce came out from LA Inn at Half Moon Bay near San Francisco, to
ones no longer with us: comedian Jonathan as did many others. Even the Band Masters congestive heart failure. If we were asked to
Moore, Patrick McGoohan, Terry Thomas, of the Past said it was the most enjoyable give an example of a true Brit Alan would
and Richard Harris, just to name a few.
day they could remember with a large crowd be that man. He was a part of the US Public
Health Service, specializing in spirometry
The Kings Head is in good hands now and dancing in front of the museum.
for the future with owners Donal Tavey and
The highlight of the day was High Tea training, but enjoyed helping run the pub with
Paul Boettcher. In fact its that continuation which was filled to capacity with both Bob his family, more particularly, his pet project
that makes the KH so successful. Heres to and Sharon praising the event! They both the British Import Shop within Camerons and
taking care of his double-decker busses and
London Taxis. We first met Alan many years
ago while traveling through to San Francisco.
Their B&B (bed and booze as they dont serve
breakfast and a great place to stay) was full
up so Alan and his wife Adora insisted we
stay at their house, so weve been friends
ever since and very much a part of the UJ
family. Our luv and condolences go out to
all the Palmer family. Well be up to see you
when time permits. We luv it up there!
Robert Anthony Aviles to cancer, an
extraordinary accomplished musician and
superb human being, who played a sevenstringed electric violin. We produced dozens
of shows with Robert, the warmth and luv
he gave to his audiences was so typical of
Robert: honest, caring, compassionate. On
stage he was mesmerizing. Very good looking and had the charisma to go with it. One
show Karen and I were then in the position to
arrange for him to perform with the Winnipeg
Symphony Orchestra on Canada Day in front
of an audience of 100,000+ his largest ever!
What an honor that was, as Robert was that
good! Needless to say, the audience gave him
a standing ovation. Proud to have known and
loved you. Robert was 50.

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See Page 3

May 2014

I WONDER how many of you readers are

art connoisseurs, not too many Im thinking? I am certainly not one either. Most of
us are familiar with the great artists names
but then few people can name some of
their actual works. Top of the lists of great
artists, in terms of value anyway are such
names as Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent Van
Gogh, Claude Monet,
Rembrandt, Pablo PiE-type
casso, Paul Cezanne,
Andy Warhol and Jean
Renoir, to name but a few
and in no particular order.
Except for da Vinci, with
his masterpiece Mona
Lisa, Im thinking that few
of us can actually name
any of the great works
by the other well-known
artists I have mentioned.
Of the Great British artists
there are Francis Bacon,
Turner, Gainsborough and John Constable
again in no particular order except that the
works of Irish born figurative painter, Francis
Bacon command the highest prices. Again, I
wonder how many of you readers can name
any of his great works?
To name the best of all artists of course is
subjective so my small list compiled here is
in terms of the artists works monetary value.
Automobile design is a form of artwork
also but, unlike the work of painters, it is the
artwork that becomes widely known, not the
artist. This is probably because the artworks
are produced in quantities unlike the painters
single copy but they are masterpieces none
the less.
The list of the most beautiful cars ever
produced is also subjective, but my number
one favorite is the Bertone styled Lamborghini
Miura. Looking closely at the design of this
supercar however, I cant help thinking that
the starting template Nuccio Bertone and
Marcello Gandini used for the Miura design
was copied from the Great British Automobile artist Malcolm Sayer. Born in Cromer,
Norfolk, Malcolm Sayer evolved to become
probably the best Automobile designer of all
time. As is evident here, it is not his name
that is famous but his creations.
Sayer is the Leonardo da Vinci of Motor
Car Design. Educated at the then Loughborough College in Leicestershire, Sayer worked
for the Bristol Aeroplane Company during the
Second World War, which exempted him
from conscription by way of reserved occupation protection. Following the war he married Pat Morgan in 1947, and after his daughter was born he then went to Iraq in 1948 to
work at Baghdad University; this turned out
to exist only on paper, so he worked instead
the fleet of
government vehicles. He
to the UK
in 1950
and joined
Jaguar in
of Sayers
Malcolm Sayer
contributions were the introduction of slide rule and
seven-figure log tables to work out formulae
he invented for drawing curves, work which is
now undertaken by complex Computer Aided
Design software.
Now we come to Malcolm Sayerss most
famous work of art, which was described by
Enzo Ferrari as the most beautiful car ever
made. This masterpiece was his magnificent
E-Type Jaguar. Prior to The E-Type Sayer
designed the immensely successful and
extremely beautiful C Type that won Le Mans
in 1951 and 1953. To surpass the C Type,
Sayer then designed the revolutionary D Type
Jaguar that was one of the most successful

Page 9

racing cars of all time winning Le Mans

in 1955, 1956 and 1957. On the Mulsanne
straight, the D type could achieve a speed
of 192.4mph.
Then came the magnificent E-Type; the
icon of 60s motoring. Beside Enzo Ferarris
description Malcolm Sayers E-Type Jag in
the 60s had been described as the greatest
crumpet catcher known to man*. When the
E-Type was introduced at the 1961 Geneva
Auto Show, it was an instant hit, and well
on its way as an icon of a generation. It was
the choice of celebrities, royalty, and the
ultra rich, who combined style and class
with a penchant for caddish behavior. The
super chic of the time, Brigitte Bardot, Steve
McQueen, Mick and Bianca, and George Best
all chose the E-Type, and even Frank Sinatra
barked I want that car, and I want it now

the moment he saw it. It was sexy, beautiful

and also immensely competent.
In the 1960s the E-Type was the Mona
Lisa of Motor cars, and, like the Mona Lisa it
will live on forever. In the words of the New
York Museum of Modern Art, where an E-type
is on permanent display: Sayer uniquely
blended science and art to produce timeless
shapes of exceptional and enduring beauty.
He brought science to the art of car design;
and scientifically produced works of art.
In 1965, Sayer designed the Jaguar XJ13,
a mid-engined Jaguar sports racing car that
was intended for competition at Le Mans.
Cost constraints and a rule change at Le
Mans meant the XJ-13 was never driven in
international competition, but it exemplified
all of the classical Sayer sophistication in
aerodynamics as his earlier designs. The
XJ13 has been described as the greatest
Jaguar that never was. In 1971 the XJ 13
prototype was brought out of storage to help
promote the new V12 E-Type when it was
largely written off in a major crash. The car
was rebuilt in 1972/73 albeit with changes
from the original losing some of Sayers
classic lines in the process.
Like many great artists before him the
world never got enough of Malcolm Sayers
artworks as Malcolm passed away in his
prime. On April 22nd, 1970 Malcolm suffered a fatal heart attack, outside Parkside
Garage, next to the Regent Hotel in Royal
Leamington Spa, one month before his 54th
birthday. Thanks for the memories Malcolm,
your magnificent Jaguars will live on forever,
a tribute to you, you are probably the greatest
Automobile Artist the world has ever known.
As for your greatest artwork contribution, the
E-Type, I had the honor of owning a copy in
the early 70s, I have fond memories of it to
this day and as a crumpet catcher, well, it
never let me down, Thank you very much
for that and rest in peace.
Happy Motoring
*Crumpet is a slang Brit word for lady

The gentle art of gastronomy is a

friendly one. It hurdles the language
barrier, makes friends among civilized
people, and warms the heart.

Samuel Chamberlain
ENGLISH POTTED meats, pate and terrines,
really have very little difference between
them, and they can be made with a variety
of ingredients, such as fish...smoked mackerel, sardines, salmon etc, or pork, chicken,
mushrooms, etc. Generally pate means a
paste and is originally of French origin, but
all ethnic groups will have their own version.
In the olden days, the potted meats were
covered with fat or butter, which helped
to preserve the meats. During my last two
visits to the UK, I found often that an assortment of pates were served together on
a platter, as a modern day type of Ploughmans Lunch. One I had last year included
game, venison, pigeon, and chicken, pork,
and a smoked trout assortment, served with
crusty bread, quite delicious.
I love making appetizers, and enjoy
having a get together with everyone contributing their own speciality, and together
with some plonk and good friends, what
more does one need! Unfortunately pork
does not agree with me, so although that
is the traditional meat type, I have to be

Country Pate

1 chopped shallot
1/4 cup butter
1/4 lb chicken livers, trimmed
1/4 lb ham, cut into chunks
1 tsp sage
1 Tbsp brandy
2 Tbsp heavy cream
Salt and pepper
Bay Leaves
careful. So many years ago, I adapted and
experimented, with my own version, using
chicken livers and turkey ham, and it is
always very popular. This recipe is always
easier because it can be cooked in the

(Your comments, requests and recipes are welcomed. If you want to contact
me please Email me at: Sandra Cherry

microwave, and can be made up ahead

of time, also it freezes well: lately since
my cooking is reduced so much (just me)
when I do get cooking I often make a regular
portion up, and then divide it and freeze
portions. Came in very handy recently when
I was (and still am) having to take it easy
with a bad back etc at least I had a freezer
full of suppers etc. Now I have to restock it
all again! (Going on a one-week cruise as
my birthday present to me next week, so
maybe I can be inspired to try some new
recipes based on the cruise food!)
Since I cannot eat ham, I have found that
the turkey ham is an excellent substitute,
and it can be found where the regular
hams are displayed, or in a good deli where
turkey substitutes for pork are easily found.
I like to serve my pate with a good french
crusty type of bread slices, or regular or
melba toast.
I hope you enjoy my version
Place onion and half of the butter in a
large shallow dish, and microwave on high
for three minutes. Stir in the livers, ham and
sage. Cover, and microwave 5-7 minutes
on high, stirring occasionally. Drain off
excess liquids, allow to cool. Puree in a
processor or blender until smooth. Stir in
the brandy and cream, and salt and pepper
to taste. Spoon into dish, traditionally an
oval one, and top with the bay leaf, Melt
the remaining butter and pour over the pate
evenly. Chill Serves about 10-12


Sue Townsend,
Creator Of
Adrian Mole

SUE TOWNSEND, 68, the British comic

author, who created angst-ridden teenage
diarist Adrian Mole and sent the Queen
into exile on a public housing estate, has
died after suffering a stroke.
Her publisher, Penguin Books said

that Townsend died in Leicester, central

Townsend left school at 15, married
at 18, and by 23 was a single mother of
three. She worked in a factory, in shops
and at other jobs and wrote, honing her
style for years before breaking through
into publication.
Her first novel, The Secret Diary of
Adrian Mole, Aged 13-3/4, was published
in 1982 and was hailed as a comic masterpiece. Written in the voice of a gauche
but observant teenager, it fused the acute
awkwardness of adolescence with the
zeitgeist of Thatcher-era Britain.
The beleaguered teen bemoaning his
dull suburban life and pining for unattainable classmate Pandora struck a chord with
millions of readers. I have never seen a
dead body or a female nipple. This is what
comes from living in a cul-de-sac, Adrian
lamented early on.
The book was a huge success, selling

more than 20 million copies around the

world, and Townsend followed Adrian
Mole into adulthood in a series of books,
several of which were adapted for the
stage, radio or television. The most recent,
Adrian Mole: The Prostrate Years, was
published in 2009.
Penguin said a 10th Adrian Mole book
with a working title of Pandoras Box
had been slated for publication later this
year. It was unclear how much had been
written before Townsends death.
Townsends work combined satire of
social injustices and a strong sense of lifes
absurdity with warmth for her characters
a distinctive combination that won her
millions of fans.
In later years Townsend, who had diabetes, used a wheelchair and was registered
blind. In 2009 she received a transplanted
kidney from her son, and she suffered a
stroke in 2013. She is survived by her husband, Colin Broadway, and four children.

Roger Rabbits Valiant Bob Hoskins Dies

BOB HOSKINS, the British actor, whose

varied career ranged from noir drama
Mona Lisa to animated fantasy Who
Framed Roger Rabbit, has died at age 71.
A family statement released May 30 by
agent Clair Dobbs said Hoskins died in a
hospital after a bout of pneumonia.
A versatile character actor capable of
menace, quiet poignancy and Cockney
charm, London-raised Hoskins appeared in
some of the most acclaimed British films
of the past few decades, including gangster
classic The Long Good Friday.
He specialized in tough guys with a
soft center, including the ex-con who
chaperones Cathy Tysons escort in Neil

Jordans 1986 film Mona Lisa. Hoskins

was nominated for a best-actor Academy
Award for the role.
His Hollywood breakthrough came as
a detective investigating cartoon crime in
the part-animated 1988 hit Who Framed
Roger Rabbit. He also played the pirate
Smee in Steven Spielbergs 1991 Peter
Pan movie Hook.
In 2012 Hoskins announced that he had
been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease
and was retiring from acting.
His last role was as one of the seven
dwarves in Snow White & The Huntsman,
starring Kristen Stewart.
We are devastated by the loss of our

beloved Bob, said a statement from wife

Linda and children Alex, Sarah, Rosa
and Jack.

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1. Take the Palomar Airport Rd Exit off I-5

2. Go East on Palomar Airport Rd.
(Approx. 6 miles / 10 mins.)
3. Turn Left on Business Park Dr. (2nd light
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4. Turn Right on Poinsettia Ave (one block)
5. 1st Driveway on Left is Target, 2nd
Driveway on Left is Ours

Page 10

May 2014

RRThis paper reaches the British community in all parts of Florida and, of course, the US
tribute to the man, the myth, and the legend,
Dave Daniels. With Churchills sale and
Daves retirement, locals literally leapt at
the idea of a roast to pay tribute to him.
You can expect your favorite bartenders,
musicians, and regulars sharing their most
beloved, and loathed, Dave Daniel experiences. The fun begins at 8pm! Must be 18
and over to attend).
n MIAMI HEAT basketball star Mario
Chalmers has a little girl. Her name is
Queen Elizabeth. Bit daft, but we Brits are
of Commerce hold business and social
eventsthroughout the year. Phone each
for current event and membership details.
President Roy Yates (954) 942-7330.
ORLANDO BACC (407) 226-7251.
TAMPA BABC (813) 221-7243 and ask
for Joanne.
Also: Florida Association of British
Business (FABB) see display ad this
n BRITISH Music icon Morrissey

makes his Miami debut at the Arsht Centre

as part of a new US tour for his first album
in five years. Most pop stars have to be
dead before they reach the iconic status that
Morrissey has in his lifetime! The Independent. Says the press blurb: Recognized
as one of the most iconic and influential
recording artists of all time, Morrissey will
offer a performance full of postpunk tunes
and graceful melodies, providing a perfect
combination of new songs and classic
favorites. Saturday, May 31, 2014 Ticket
information Arsht Centre Box Office (305)


Stock the UJ Newspaper

And get a FREE LISTING in UJ

newspaper (see page 11) and on the
UJ interactive BritBiz map
plus more.
Call NOW for details:


The opinions in this column are Patricia Kawajas and not necessarily shared
by Union Jack Publishing, Inc.

Attention Florida's British businesses,

entrepreneurs and professionals
Established 1997

CALLING FELLOW Brits! Say Farewell May

17 to a British legend in Florida: David
Daniels and Churchills Pub one without
the other is pretty unthinkable. For 35 years,
our Dave has owned and operated the
longest running British business in Florida:
Churchills Pub in Miami, opened in 1979.
This is a remarkable achievement and he
was the first publican in Florida to show live
soccer and rugby by satellite from England.
In the Little Haiti (Lemon City) area north of
downtown, Churchills is Miamis premier
live music venue, fabled for decades,
rather than a traditional pub. Even band U2

dropped by unannounced one night years

ago, to check it out. Dave is fond of telling
that story. Google Churchills Pub Miami
and your screen
will cascade with
information. Originally from Stoke
on Trent, there he
was an entertainment promoter
and impresario.
To honour Daves
Im exhorting Brits

to stop by the pub to shake his hand and say

Farewell between 2 and 5pm on Saturday
May 17. The FA Cup Final is on kicks off at
2 and that will be his final day presiding over
the Footie. He exits the pub forever May 20.
The establishment has been sold to a local
American developer who has bought several
other nearby buildings and is unlikely to
remain any sort of British pub. Reach Dave
directly at Churchills on (305) 757-1807
extension 2.
(FOOTNOTE: On the same evening
Churchills presents The Roast of Dave
Daniels. Join us as local comedians pay

Join us at The British Network

meets May 13, June 10, and
July 8, 2014

A roomful of Brits is never dull. From 6.30 to 9.30pm.

Make British contacts, business or social useful,
enjoyable networking with British professionals.
Hosted by the British Bureau/FABB. We meet at the News
Lounge, 5580 NE 4th Court, Miami FL 33137, one mile
north of downtown. Free to attend buy own drinks/food.

Email queries to:

THE BRITISH BUREAU of FLORIDA British-American PR/Marketing since 1991.

Reaching the British market for our clients
[305] 371-9340 office in Miami. Clients in all parts of Florida and the UK.


May 2014

Page 11


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Amazon. Memoir/autobiography. In 1965 three
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hitch a ride on a freighter. Join illegal immigrants
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is just beginning. 4-4

YORKSHIRE PASSPORTS. Aye, its reet good lad!
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BECOME A UJ distributor and put your Business
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Commando Reg. Royal Artillery for Reunion,
date TBA. Contact Neil (Henno) Hennessey ( 79
Bty) [954] 560-5238 .9-9


6-1/4 inch tall, no batteries required. Place this
solar queen in the sun and watch Her Majesty
deliver her signature subtle changing the light
bulb wave. May she wave forever. Rule Britannia! $17.50 + $4.99 s/h, (CA residents add
9.5% tax) - Call Union Jack Shop Window at
(800) 262-7305.

Specializing in Disney area investment
properties/vacation homes since 2000.
Expert British, Canadian and American
agents-unbeatable after-sales-service.
Check out our hundreds of testimonials. (407) 352-3664 9-8

ENGLISH LADY seeking friendly US penpals. Not
too young, not too old. ALA. Jane Hill, 19 Digby
Close, Leicester LE3 1JE, England. 2-12
PRISON INMATE looking for PenPal. 38 years
old, SWM from UK. All letters replied to. J
Checksfield. #1836498, 2664 Fm 2054, Tenn
Colony, TX 75886.

Get your BRITBIZ listing here and also be included on the UJ Brit Business Map! Call (619) 466-3129

Shakespeares Globe Taking Hamlet To 200 Nations

FOUR CENTURIES after his death, William Shakespeare is probably Britains
best-known export, his words and characters famous around the world.
Its fitting they were first staged at a
playhouse called the Globe.
Now the modern-day Shakespeares


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Globe theater in London is setting out to

test the Bards maxim that all the worlds
a stage by taking Hamlet to every country
on Earth, more than 200 in all.
The company describes the plan as
insanely ambitious. Some suspect its
impossible, and Amnesty International has
weighed in to point out the dark irony of
taking a play about power and regicide to
authoritarian North Korea.
Hamlet opened April 23 on Shakespeares 450th birthday with the first of
three performances at the Globe, a reconstructed Elizabethan playhouse beside the
River Thames.

fax 954-463-3509


Then the cast of 12 and its four-person

crew will board a schooner for Amsterdam,
beginning a journey that will take them
to seven continents by plane, boat, train,
bus and jeep.
The tour is scheduled to last two years,
finishing back at the Globe on April 23,
2016 the 400th anniversary of Shakespeares death.
Shakespeare wrote these plays to tour,
Dromgoole said, noting that the play traveled through northern Europe in the 17th
century and was even performed aboard
a ship off the coast of in Yemen in 1608,
only five years after it was written.


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So these plays werent written to sit

smug and proud in London. They were

written to charge around the world, he

declared. See more of this story

Page 12

Thru 8: Georgia Renaissance Festival at Fairburn, GA.

Thru 18: Renaissance Pleasure Faire of
Southern California at Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale,
CA Rte 605 & 210 FWY (626)
969-4750 1-800-52-faire.
3: ThGatherin Ancient Festival OBeltane
at WaKeeney, KS. (785)
3-4: Tulare County Renaissance Festival at
Plaza Park in Visalia, CA.
3-11: Nebraska Renaissance Faire at Bellevue
Berry and Pumpkin Ranch, near Papillion, NE.
3-June1: Oklahoma Renaissance Festival at
the Castle at 3400 West Fern Mountain Road,
Muskogee, OK.
3-4: Faire in the Grove at Forest Grove, OR
3-4, 10-11, 17-18, 24-25: Utah Renaissance
Festival and Fantasy Faire at Millcreek Hollow,
West Pioneer Road, Marriott-Slaterville, UT. www.
o You Say Tomato has all the goodies you
need for that picnic basket lunch in the park
you know you want. San Francisco, CA. (415)
7: Plaza Pantry in Ojai invites you to their
English Afternoon Tea 1:30 pm (805) 646-6325.
10-11: The Maryland Faerie Festival at Camp
Ramblewood 2564 Silver Road, Darlington, MD.
8: Virginia Renaissance Faire at Lake Anna
Winery, VA.
10-June 15: Crossroads Koroneburg European Old World Festival at Riverview Park
Corona/Norco, CA.
(951) 735-0101.
10-11: Ye Merry GreenWood at Glastonburg
in Toledo, OR.
10-18: The New Hampshire Renaissance
Faire at Shire of the Three Maples, Kingston, NH.
o Ye Olde Kings Head of Santa Monica,
CA invites you to spend Mothers Day either at
Afternoon Tea or a Traditional Sunday Roast
(Complimentary Glass of Champagne to all
dining Mothers over 21); join them Champions
League Final May 24 and FA Cup Final May 17.
(310) 451-1402.
15-18: Calaveras County Faire & Jumping
Frog Jubilee at Frogtown Angeles Camp, CA.
16-18: The Steampunk Worlds Fair at Piscataway, NJ.
17-June 8: St Louis Renaissance Faire at
Rotary Park, Wentzville, MO.
17: Brits International in Kansas City is holding a British Gala May 17. Shop for an array of
British items, and learn about British businesses,
services, social groups, and entertainers from
around the USA. British foods including an
afternoon tea. British car & Motorcycle display,
British Entertainers. Everthing for the family. Info:
(816) 600-7276, or

May 2014
17: Lion & Rose Pub Crawl aboard an Eng
lish double-decker bus. 5-11pm; Free for
BritTX members. Email BritTX President Dan Corbett for details:
17: British Society of Texas is holding a
British Pub Crawl aboard an authentic English
double-decker bus. Free for Brit-TX members.
Seating will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.
But, if you dont get a seat, you are encouraged
to follow us in your private vehicle to each Lion
& Rose location throughout the evening, 5pm
start. Info: Tom Jenkins tomjenkins1969@ Visit all four Lion & Rose British
17-18: Dubuque Renaissance Faire at Camp
Albrecht Acres, Sherrill, IA.
17: Springfield Area Highland Games at
Chatham Community Park, Chatham, IL. www.
17-18: Janesville Renaissance Fair at Traxler
Park, Janesville, WI.
o Camerons Inn of Half Moon Bay, CA has
a full menu you can enjoy on the patio, the BBQ
PIT, or as take-out (650) 726-5705.
24-June 8: Connecticut Renaissance Robin
Hood Springtime Festival at Guilford Fairgrounds,
Lovers Lane, Guilford, CT. www.robinhoodsfaire.
24-June 1: MayFaire Renaissance Festival
at Calhoun County Fairgrounds, 720 Fair St.,
Marshall, MI.
31-June 8: New Jersey Renaissance Faire at
Liberty Lake, Columbus, NJ.
31-July 6: Highland Renaissance Festival
in Eminence, KY. (859)
25: House of England selling sampler plates
(meat pasty, sausage roll, small shepherds
pie) in the Ethnic Food Fair at the International
cottages, Balboa Park, San Diego. Open 12 to
4. Also baked goods in the cottage with a cuppa
tea ( of course!) Contact Fran at fweekle@cox.
net with any questions.
24-25: United Scottish Society Highland Gathering and Festival at Orange County FairgroundsSouthern California
24-26: Iowa Renaissance Festival at Middle
Amana Park, Amana Colonies, near Iowa City
1: Gravette Renaissance Festival at Old
Town Park, 110 Park Drive Gravette, AR www. (479) 787-6955.
1-7: The Valhalla Renaissance Faire at Camp
Richardson, South Lake Tahoe www.valhallafaire.
com (415) 897-4555.
o Mayflower Club of N Hollywood holds
Celtic Irish Dance workshop 5, 12, 19, 26; The
Entertainers 3-4; Rock Candy Band 31 (818)
5-7: Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival at Fort
Walton Beach, FL.
6-8: Colorado Medieval Festival at Boulder
County Fairgrounds, Longmont, CO. www.
7-15: 3 Barons Renaissance Faire at Tozier
Track, Anchorage, AL.
7-8: Texas Pirate Festival at Middlefaire at
Hillsboro TX.
28: TBA: BritTX Annual Golf Tournament. Reg-

The Most Famous

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Can Now Be Yours!
Many of us who have watched
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Now you can have the most famous wave in the world on
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ister with BritTX board member Navin Dayaram


Northeast Ohio Calendar

By Joe Nicholls. Joe & Kevin McGinty can
be heard on The Sounds of Britain and Ireland
Sundays 4-5pm (EDT) on Clevelands WCPN
90.3FM) &
2, 16: British-American Club, Fish & chips dinners, 8564 Ravenna Rd, (off Rte 82) Twinsburg,
6:30-8:30pm, (330) 963-6370.
2, 9, 16, 23, 30: West Side Irish American
Club, Irish-American style dinners, 8559 Jennings Rd, Olmsted Township, 6-9pm, (216)
3: Cleveland Kiltie Band, Annual Highland Ball,
New Orleans Party Center, 8111 Breckville Rd,
Brecksville, 8pm (216) 464-1116.
6: SHANO, Scottish Heritage Meetings, St.
Bartholomew Church, 435 SOM Center Rd,
Mayfield 7:30pm, (216) 464-1116.
8-10: Daughters of the British Empire, National Convention, Mariott Key Center, Downtown
Cleveland, All three days, (440) 461-2533.
9, 23: British-American Club, Pub Nights,
8564 Ravenna Rd, Twinsburg, 8pm, (330)
11: Scottish American Society, Monthly Meeting, Downtown Akron, 3pm, (330) 882-0342.
14: Calon Lan Welsh Club, Lunch Meeting,
Dennys Restaurant, Rte 224, Boardman. 1pm,
(330) 758-4202.
17: Cleveland Manx Society, Meeting and Luncheon, Claddah Pub, Legacy Village, Lyndhurst,
1pm, (216) 481-2476.
17: Jaguar Club of Ohio, JACO Slalom Run,
Powell, (330) 466-1040.
18 Scottish American Society, Celtic Beltane
Festival & Ceilidh, Tudor House (next to Portage
Lakes State Park) New Franklin, All day, (330)
23: RSCDS Cleveland Hts. Group, Free
Beginners Scottish Country Dance Class. Other
classes every Friday, Communion of St Parish,
2175 Coventry Rd, Cleveland Hts, 7:30pm (216)

Email your change of address at
least ONE MONTH in advance of
changes to
to insure you dont miss an issue

The Last Time I Saw You

By Eleanor Moran

THE LAST Time Saw You is a wonderful story

of friendship of a sort and the demands,
confusion and frustration that can go along
with growing up and learning the meaning
of friendship - and that sometimes you dont
really know people like you think you do.
It starts out with Olivia at work in her job
working for an advertising agency. She loves
the work but her boss is a tyrant. Olivia has
learned a lot since working for bat-shit scary
Mary and appreciates it but it has been,
and continues to be, a challenge to say the
least. There are a small group of people in
the office and there is immense competition. A new assignment comes up and they
are divided into two teams to come up with
presentations. The guy that has hired the
agency is a movie star and everyone thinks
hes wonderful that is everyone except
Libby she seems him for the womanizer
con-artist that he is. She hopes she doesnt
have to work with him but still wants to win
the competition
just to prove that
she CAN do this
type of work. Livvy
doesnt have a lot
of confidence in
As for her personal life she lives
with James, a guy
that she loves but
he doesnt return
the love so they
are roommates
and good friends. Shes tried dating several
guys but it just doesnt ever seem to go
anywhere. James very much cares for her
and wants to hang out all the time but he has
commitment issues so they both settle in a
comfortable rut.
We flashback to her first day LEEDS
where her parents (overbearing) are installing her at school. She meets her roommate
at school Sally Atkins and they hit it off
quite well. Initially its a bit rough since Sally
is extremely outgoing and quite the wild child
and Livvy tends to be quiet. Things soon
change however and Sally brings Livvy out of

her shell and over the years they become very

close, yet, at the same time Sally can be very
cutting and can be very mean very quickly if
things dont go her way. They rent a place
along with a couple of other housemates after
the first year and things get quite lively with
boyfriends and such and its a very rocky
relationship with all of them. Sally knows
how to push Livvys buttons and doesnt
hesitate to do so.
After school finishes Sally gets mad and
quits speaking with Livvy, gets married and
moves from England to New York. Livvy
is extremely hurt that she isnt invited to
the wedding but continues on with her life.
Then everything changes very quickly. She
receives a phone call from one of her old
housemates informing her that Sally has
been killed in a car accident. Livvy is gutted
and runs home to James. They attend the
funeral and old memories are brought to the
forefront. Fences are mended between the old
housemates. She then meets Sallys husband
William, and Sallys daughter Olivia. As she
meets William he tells her how great it is to
meet Sallys dearest friend and his daughters
god mother. Livvy is completely taken aback
at this and doesnt understand she thought
Sally hated her she hadnt spoken to her
in years. William has to leave to speak with
other people at the funeral but asks if he can
call her while hes in London and learn more
about Sallys life before they were married.
Livvy isnt sure but says yes and thats where
the story really begins. As she meets and
speaks with William over the next several
months she comes to care immensely for
William and Olivia and she is torn about the
way she feels guilty, uncomfortable yet
she wants to be with William, he is a kind
and loving person.
William then goes back to New York and
cancels an engagement with her she is
hurt and decides its best to just leave things
alone that he doesnt really want to be with
her after all. She throws herself back into her
work William was extremely encouraging
and convinced her that she could win the
campaign she did! Livvy has to go to New
York to meet with the movie star about his
campaign. While in NY she decides to do
some research into a key she found to a storage unit that Sally had. She goes to the unit
and discovers Sally had a separate apartment
and a boyfriend (while married to William).
The boyfriend is also a friend of Williams.
Things happen fast and the ending is as
much of a roller coaster ride as the whole
story. Its a great read, sometimes a bit hard
to follow as it jumps back and forth from
present day to flashbacks, but its well worth
sticking to through to the finish. Very well
written and truly enjoyable.

Transatlantically Speaking: Hilarity Ensues

interested in politics; instead, the weekly
Anglo-American podcast concerns itself
with less weighty issues, such as: why is
there so much grape and so little blackcurrant in the United States? How come
Americans only use litres for buying large
bottles of soda? And if Americans never
use the word holiday to mean vacation, how come theres an American chain
of hotels called Holiday Inn?
Since its inception in November 2012,
the show has gained a following amongst

British expats in the USA, American

expats in Europe and anglophiles every
where. Show host James Van Leer is
from southeast London, but has lived in
California for over 20 years; co-host Paul
Johnson was born and raised in Los Angeles, and its the dynamic between the two
that makes the show work James endless
fascination with the small but profound
differences between the two cultures, and
Pauls insistence that many of the facts he
learns about Britain are Harry Potter-esque
fictions. Conker matches? Lollipop ladies?

with Ron Choularton

-UT-San Diego

-San Diego Reader






LAMBSPLAYERS.ORG / 619.437.6000

Pelican crossings? Come on!

The second part of the show is a quiz
which pits Johnson against a British call-in
guest to see who can identify more words
from their opponents vernacular. Pauls
legendary inability to keep his quiz guesses
above the waist always makes for some
hilarious stuff. A wendy house, he muses
on a recent episode, thats got to be a
brothel, right?
Guests have included British standup
comedians Nish Kumar, Adam Hess, Ray
Peacock and Ed Gamble, along with British ex-pat Claire Bolden McGill (of the
Desperate English Housewife in Washington blog) and Amber, a genuine American
Tour Guide in London.
A much-needed British niche being
filled more-than-adequately by two bright,
intelligent, and very funny lads. Their
sometimes opposing views help us all,
Yanks and Limeys, understand why the
other doesnt understand!
Listeners can access directly from the
shows website, transatlanticallyspeaking.
com, or on a mobile device via iTunes.
Marked explicit for occasional saltiness.

The Perfect Gift - Anytime!

A Union Jack Subscription
~ See Page 3 ~

May 2014

Page 13


Visit today!


Brit Nigel Melville Leads USA Rugby
A Busy Year For
Youth Teams Through
Mens Eagles
USA RUGBY, the national governing body for
rugby in the United States, is an official member of the United States Olympic Committee
and the International Rugby Board. Former
England captain and London Wasps scrumhalf Nigel Melville is USA Rugbys CEO and

President of Rugby Operations, overseeing

the organisations development of the boys,
girls, high school, collegiate and club rugby
programmes, as well as the national teams
in both 15s and sevens formats.
The Mens Eagles, the senior mens national team, will play three international tests
in the month of June. Houston, Texas BBVA
Compass Stadium will host its third match in
as many years as Scotland visits the States
June 7 in an IRB Rugby World Cup 2015

preview. In 2013, the Eagles match against

Ireland drew a 21,000-plus crowd.
The StubHub Center in Carson, California,
and Bonney Field in Sacramento will welcome
Japan and Canada 14 and 21 June, respectively. Both matches are part of the IRB Pacific
Nations Cup.
USA Rugbys Elite City Sevens, a new
sevens competition consisting of 12 teams
from around the country, will play in Houston
alongside the Eagles match against Scotland.
The winning team will represent the United
States in Premiership Rugbys World Club Sevens at Twickenham Stadium August 16-17.
USA Rugby also hosts the mens and

womens Collegiate National Championships May 9-11 in Stanford, California,

and the mens and womens Club National
Championships in Madison, Wisconsin, May
Rugby its fast and furious and sometimes quite brutal. But its not big in the United
States ... yet.
Nigel Melville is the man in charge of
making the sport succeed in America as
head of USA Rugby. The stakes are rising by
the day because a condensed version of the

game called Rugby Sevens will be played

in the 2016 Olympics in Rio, and medals are
up for grabs.
The last time rugby was played in the
Olympics, the US won the gold! (although that
was in 1924 and there were only two other
competing nations France and Romania.)

See more at:

Murray was feeling the strain of having to

play twice on the second day because of
rain, and it showed, as Fognini tamed the
Scot 6-3,6-3,6-4, while Ward went down to
Seppi 6-4, 6-3, 6-4. Whatever the frustration,
it was the farthest Britain had reached in the
Davis Cup for 28 years.
Earlier, Murray (who has parted from his
coach Ivan lendl) was ousted at the Sony
Open in Miami, by Novak Djokovic, who went
on to win the tournament. The umpires decision for not faulting Djokovic for returning the
ball on Murrays side of the court, distracted
the Scot and the Serb prevailed 7-5, 6-4.
Serena Williams won the womens crown
for the seventh time, but strangely, crashed
out of the Family Circle Cup, a week later in
North Carolina, during her opening match to
Jana Cepolova of Slovakia 6-4, 6-4.

Compiled by Larry Gardner

London Marathon;
Mo Gives It A Go !

OLYMPIC DOUBLE gold medalist Mo Farah

ran the London Marathon, April 13, making
his debut over the 26.2 mile distance for the
very first time. The 5,000m and 10,000m
champion tackled a race that was complimented by some of the best marathon
runners in the world. Some had suggested
that he keep to long distance track, but the
31-year-old athlete was eager to give it try.
He eventually settled down with a bunch
of runners behind the leaders and finished
eighth, some four minutes behind Wilson
Kipsang, (2 hours 4min and 27secs) who
won the race for a third time. Kenyan colleague Stanley Biwott was second and
former winner Tsegaye Kebede of Ethiopia
was third. 10,000m Olympic silver medalist
Chris Thompson, finished three places behind Farah. The Olympic champion admitted,
It was pretty tough, but promised; I will be
back. The last British runner to win this event
was Eamonn Martin in 1993.
Edna Kiplagat, who was runner-up the
last two years in a row, won with a time of
2 hours 20min 21secs, followed closely by
namesake and fellow Kenyan, Florence Kiplagat. Ethiopian Tirunesh Dibada was third.
Fastest finishing Brits were Amy Whitehead,
and Emma Stepto, who were 13th and 14th
respectively. The 34th running of the London
Marathon, originally received over 70,000
requests to compete, before that was whittled
down to around 36,000, when the starting
gun finally went off. The oldest runner was
Paul Freedman at 88 years young. 521
American runners were in the fray where 23
water stations kept athletes hydrated, and
there were also 78 pubs along the route if
things got really desperate. Attempting to
win the wheelchair race for a record seventh

31 June 1.
For more information, visit
and LIKE USA Rugby on Facebook http://

Green Jacket For Bubba

time, David Weir, was narrowly beaten by

Switzerlands Marcel Hug, during the final
sprint down the Mall. American Tatyana
McFadden, set a new course record of 1hr
45min 11secs to win the womens wheelchair for the second year running.

India Wins World T20 Cup,

England Struggle

The Fifth World Twenty20 Cup hosted in

Bangladesh, March 16-April 6, witnessed
England lose its two warm-up matches
against the Cup holders West Indies and
India. The tournament got off with a preliminary round that included Zimbabwe and
Bangladesh, plus four non-Test nations.
Bangladesh and the Netherlands made
it to the Super-10s. England started their
round-robin games at Chittagong in Group
A, where rain brought the Duckworth/Lewis
method to decide the first game in favour of
New Zealand. England 172-6 at 20 overs.
New Zealand 52-1 at 5.2 overs. England beat
Sri Lanka by six wickets. Sri Lanka 189-4

at 20 overs. England 190 (Alex Hales 116

not out)-4 at close. South Africas three run
victory put England out of the competition.
England 193-7 at 20 overs. South Africa
195-5. Englands final group game saw
humiliation with a 45 run defeat at the hands
of the Netherlands. The Netherlands 133-5 at
20 overs. England 88 all out.
The semi-finals saw T20 champions West
Indies beaten 27 runs by Sri Lanka, and India
beat South Africa by six wickets. Sri Lanka
claimed their very first T20 international
trophy success beating India by six wickets
in the final at Mirpur. India 130-4 at 20 overs.
Sri Lanka 132-4 at close. In the parallel
womens tournament, Englands women
reached the final only to lose by six wickets
to the Australians at Mirpur, a couple of days
earlier than the mens final. England 105-8 at
20 overs. Australia 106-4 at close.
The traditional start to the new 2014
English cricket season saw the MCC beat
County Champions Durham by six wickets in
the County opener at Abu Dhabi, late March.

MCC 282 and 225 (Virender Sehwag 109)-4

dec. Durham 248 and 257 (Mark Stoneman
115) all out. Sussex got the new cricket year
off to a great start with an innings and 127
runs defeat of Middlesex at Brighton. Sussex
386 (Matt Prior 125). Middlesex 105 & 154.
Kevin Pietersen may have been given the
big elbow by England, but the Indian Premier
Leagues Delhi Daredevils have signed him
up for a hefty fee as skipper. The IPL runs
April 16-June 1,split between Bangladesh,
United Arab Emirates and India.

Disappointment At Naples
Britains quarter-final Davis Cup match
with Italy at Naples, April 4-6, was very close,
but the Italians moved to the semi-finals after
a 3-2 win. James Ward lost a four setter to
Fabio Fognini, while Wimbledon champion
Andy Murray, beat Andreas Seppi in three
straight sets. On the second day, Murray
and Colin Fleming overcame Fognini and
Simone Bolelli 6-4, 6-3, 3-6, 7-5, to take
a 2-1 lead into the final third day of play.

A dozen top British golfers were present at

this years Masters tournament at Augusta,
Georgia, April 10-13, including a 19-year-old
teenager from Sheffield, by the name of Matthew Fitzpatrick, who was there courtesy of
winning the US Amateur Championship last
August. He had been the first Englishman to
win the trophy in 102 years. The youngster
did not survive the cut however, along with
three other Brits and American notable, Phil
Mickelson. Tiger Woods was absent through
injury, while Craig and Kevin Stadler,
became the first father and son duo to ever
compete in the Masters. Bubba Watson
proved that absolute consistency is a must
for winning Majors, where his eight under
280, put him three strokes ahead of the field
and his second green jacket. Top finishing
Brits were Lee Westwood, seven strokes
behind, Rory McIIroy eight, and Justin Rose
and Jamie Donaldson nine distant.
Lee Westwood ended a two year winless
streak, when he won the Malaysian Open
at Kuala Lumpur, April 20, finishing seven
ahead of the field with an 18 under 270.
Same weekend, Luke Donald remained in
contention throughout the RBC Heritage
Classic at Hilton Head, SC, but Matt Kuchar,
overcame a four stroke deficit on the final
round to beat the Englishman by one stroke.
Kuchar smashed a 64 on the final eighteen
and carded a winning 11 under 273.

More Sporting Roundup

on page 14

Page 14

May 2014


Compiled by Larry Gardner

Continued from page 13

25-1 Shot Wins Grand National

The 167th running of the Grand National

at Aintree, April 5, saw Pineau De Re win by
five lengths from Baltazar King (14-1). The
winner ridden by Leighton Aspell, trained
by Doctor Richard Newland and owned
by John Govan, covered the 30 fences and
four mile, three and half long furlong course
at odds of 25-1. Double Seven (jt-fav 10-1)
was third and Alvarado (33-1) was fourth.
Teaforthree, trained by Rebecca Curtis, who
finished third last year was 10-1jt-fav, but fell
at the Chair. 22 horses failed to finish of the
40 starters. A false start caused controversy,
when a steward was nearly run-over by a
horse. When the horses did finally get away
for the second time, Battle Group got left
behind, and refused to move and took no
part in the race. Aintree officials ordered an
inquiry, but the jockeys contend it was not
their fault and did not attend.
Earlier, African Story, a 12-1 shot won
the richest horse race in the world with a two
and three-quarter lengths victory in the $10m
Dubai World Cup. Trained by the Godolphin
stables, the horse is owned by Dubai ruler,
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Mukhadram (14-1) was second and Cat
OMountain (25-1) third, also own by the
Sheikh. Last years Epsom Derby winner,
Ruler of The World (6-1), trained by Aidan
OBrien, had a particularly bad draw and
finished near the tail end of the 16 runners.
British jockey Jamie Spencer, scored a
double with a win on Certerach (33-1) in
the Dubai Cup, and then won the UAE Derby
on Toast of New York.
Late March at Doncaster, Ocean Tempest
won the Lincolnshire Handicap, the big opening race of the new flat season. Trained by
John Ryan, ridden by Adam Kirby, the 20-1
shot won by two lengths from 7-1 jointfavourite Tullius. Robert the Painter (25-1)
was third. 17 ran.

Mishap Gives Oxford Victory

A clash of oars just five minutes in to the

University boat race, April 6, saw Oxford take
advantage of the mishap, to win their fifth
boat race in seven years. The 160th running
of the Putney Bridge to Mortlake race on the
River Thames, a distance of four miles and
374 yards witnessed Cambridge beaten by
11 lengths, the biggest winning margin since
1973. The collision had Cambridge rower
Luke Juckett unseated and the rigger on his
oar broken, but a protest after the race was
denied by the umpire.
A week earlier, the womens boat race
on 2,000m of straight course at Henley-on
Thames witnessed Oxford beat Cambridge
by four lengths. The womens competition
has been staged since 1927, and at Henley
since 1977. Next year it moves to same day
and course location as the mens race.


An over-enthusiastic start to the WBA

light-heavyweight crown in Rostock, April 5,
had both challenger Enzo Maccarinelli and
champion Jurgen Brahmer, bloodied as their

heads came together. The German(45-2) recovered first, and

set about the Welshman(30-7)
with extreme gusto, before Maccarinellis corner pulled him out
in the fifth round European
super-bantamweight champion
Carl Frampton, enhanced his
reputation with a two round demolition of the very experienced
Mexican, Hugo Cazares, at Belfast. The
northern Irelander pushed his record to 18-0,
while Cazares (40-8-2) received his first kiss
from the canvas since 1999.

Seven Gold Medals For Britains


Britains disabled athletes showed their

mettle at the Para-Cycling World Track
Championships in Aguascalientes, Mexico,
April 10-13, where the squad came away
with seven gold, one silver and two bronzes.
Dame Sarah Storey collected two gold medals in the C5 pursuit and the 10km scratch
race. Sophie Thornhill and Rachel James,
won double gold in the time trial and the
tandem sprint, while Neil Fachie and Peter
Mitchell, captured a golden brace in the
mens tandem sprint and time trial. Jody
Cundy took gold in the C4 Kilo England
reached the final of the Hong Kong Rugby
Sevens, but on a wet and rainy day, New
Zealand captured the trophy with a 26-7
win.Britains Jodie Stimpson, won the
first triathlon of the 2014 ITU World series at
Auckland, New Zealand, April 6. World champion Javier Gomez won the mens race, with
Brit, Jonny Brownlee second.Zoe Smith
became only the second British woman to
win a European Weightlifting medal, after she
lifted 204kg for a bronze medal at the EuroChampionships in Tel-Aviv, Israel

Lewis Hamilton & Mike Conway

On The Podium

Lewis Hamilton won the Malaysian

Grand Prix at Sepang, March 30, where he
capitalized on his pole position and controlled
the race from the front. He then won the
Bahrainian Grand Prix a week later, where he
had started second on the grid. He fought a
tense, final ten lap duel with team-mate Nico
Rosberg. Hamilton won the Chinese Grand
Prix at Shanghai, April 20, starting from the
pole and leading from start to finish. Mercedes team-mate Nico Rosburg, was runner
up, and leads the drivers table four points
ahead of HamiltonBritish IndyCar driver
Mike Conway, won the Grand Prix of Long
Beach, April 13. Its the third Indycar career
win for the man from Bromley,Kent., who is
a former formula three champion.

Chelsea Through, United Out

Jose Mourinhos face dropped when

Paris St Germain went ahead after just three
minutes during Chelseas first leg, Champion
League quarter-final tie in Paris. Eden Hazard
put the blues back in the picture after 27th
minute penalty, but a David Luiz own goal
added to the pressure, then the French added
a third in the final minute. At the second leg at
Stamford Bridge, April 8, Andre Schurrle netted after 32 minutes but it was not until three
minute before time that Demba Ba sealed the
victory. The 3-3 aggregate had Chelsea going
through on the away goals rule.
Goalkeeper complications at the first
leg, semi-final in Spain, kept Chelsea busy
where Thibaut Courtois, Atletico Madrids
goalie has been on loan from the blues for
the third season. Attempts to make Madrid
pay a hefty fee to play the Chelsea man in
both games, came to naught after UEFA got
involved and denied the financial request.

The 18th minute witnessed Chelsea lose

goalkeeper Petr Cech through injury and in
the 73rd minute John Terry went off with a
foot injury, but the blues kept the Spaniards
at bay with a goalless draw.
Manchester United hosted Bayern
Munich at Old Trafford, in the quarter-finals,
where a full house of fiery partisanship rocked
the stadium. Skipper Nemanja Vidic, put
David Moyes men ahead in the 58th minute,
while Bastian Schweinsteiger equalized for
the World and European club champions,
eight minutes later. Schweinsteiger would
get a red card near the end. Bayern put some
beautiful moves together, but United stuck to
the job of containment and a 1-1 draw proved
an appropriate conclusion. At the second leg
in Munich, Patrice Evra put United in front
on the 57th minute, but less than a minute
later, Bayern skipper Mario Mandzukic put
the hosts level. The highly focused encounter and the stringent marking and fervent
competiveness continued unabated. Thomas
Mueller and Arjen Robben, penetrated the
United goal in the 68th and 76th minutes to
give the top Bundesliga side a 3-1 win and a
place in the semi-finals.

Sir Alex At Wembley, And Then


Sir Alex Ferguson was at Wembley,

March 30, supporting his son Darren, the
coach of Peterborough, who lifted the
Johnstone Paint Trophy with a 3-1 win over
Chesterfield. The JPT, previously known
under other sponsorships over the years, was
inaugurated by the football league some 25
years ago to give clubs in the lower divisions
a chance of a Wembley final. Joe Newell
was red carded and the Posh finished with
ten men, where a crowd of 35,000 plus,
witnessed the teams revel at the very heartland of English football. Sir Alex is headed
for Harvard, where he has been invited to
elaborate his experiences with a teaching
position under a course entitled The Business of Entertainment, Media & Sport.
Phoenix, Arizona, drew a 65,000 plus
crowd for the United States meeting with
old rivals Mexico, April 3, where Jurgen
Klinsmann, was looking to trim his World
Cup squad from 30 to 23. Michael Bradley
had a terrific game and put the Americans
ahead in the 15th minute, followed by a
Chris Wondolowski goal after 28 minutes.
The Mexicans came back in the second half
with goal by Rafa Marquez and Alan Pulido
for a 2-2 result The new FIFA world rankings for April, has Scotland move fifteen
places up the ladder to 22nd. England are
11th, Wales are ranked 47th with Northern
Ireland 84th. World champions Spain remain
at number one.

Arsenal And Hull Meet In FA Cup

Final, May 17.
The FA Cup semi-finals at Wembley,
April 12-13, witnessed a stoic and rather
unimaginative contest between Cup holders
Wigan and Arsenal. A Jordi Gomez penalty
brought the game to life in the 63rd minute,
but Arsenals Per Mertesacker equalized
eight minutes from the end. The game went
into extra-time before a penalty shoot-out
saw Wigan, miss their first two spot kicks,
and Gunners go to the final, May 17, after
winning the shoot-out 4-2.
The other semi between Hull and Sheffield
United, provided a magnificent goal-feast
with the Tigers coming from behind twice, to
win 5-3. Jose Baxter put the Blades ahead in
the 19th minute, Yannick Sagbo equalized in
the 42nd minute, then one minute before the
break Stefan Scourgall put United 2-1 up.

Coach Steve Bruce made two changes to his

Hull side after the break and Matt Fryatt delivered within four minutes. Tom Huddlestone,
Stephen Quinn and David Meyler brought
the total to five, while Jamie Murphy found
the net for the Tigers in the closing seconds.

Scottish Soccer

The final of the Ramsden Challenge Cup

at Easter Road, April 6, a competition for the
lower divisions in Scottish football brought
out a 19,000 plus crowd for the RangersRaith Rovers encounter. The Glasgow side
started well, harassing the Rovers defence,
but goals were not forthcoming. Goalless at
ninety minutes the match went in to extratime before John Baird, hit the net for Raith
four minutes from the whistle. The only goal
of the game gave Rovers its first Cup trophy
in twenty years, when they last beat Celtic in
a Scottish League Cup final in 1994. Former
British prime-minister Gordon Brown, was
in the stands, blissfully watching his beloved
Raith Rovers make a little history.
The semi-finals of the Scottish Cup, April
12-13, caught a 41,000 plus crowd at Easter
Road, where Rangers coach Ally McCoist
saw his job come under scrutiny as the Ibrox
outfit tumbled out, 3-1 to Dundee United.
Coupled with the Ramsden defeat, McCoists
status must be under serious discussion.
Stuart Armstrong and Gary McKay-Steven
had Dundee 2-0 up by the 36th minute. Steven Smith got one back for the Gers, three
minutes before half-time, then Nadir Ciftci
made it three, seven minutes from the whistle.
At the Ibrox Stadium, in the other semifinal, St Johnstone earned themselves a
place in a Scottish Cup final for the first time
in their 130 year old history, after a 2-1 victory over Aberdeen. Niall McGinn put the
Dons in front after just fifteen minutes, but a
double by Stevie May in the 61st and 84th
minutes, clinches an appearance at Hampden
Park, May 17.

Beckhams MLS Miami Arena

Fosters Opposition

A full page advertisement on behalf of

the Miami Seaport Alliance published in
the Miami Herald, and its Spanish language
equivalent, April 14, came out against David
Beckhams decision for a new MLS soccer
expansion at the Port of Miami. Headed by
David Fox, a former Royal Caribbean Cruise
vice-president, two stevedoring companies
and two local unions representing longshoremen, plus an unnamed cruise company that
could not be identified. Royal Caribbean
Cruise Lines and wealthy car dealer and
political activist Norman Braman, say they
are not against a MLS franchise, but not at the
Port of Miami, which is Beckhams preferred
location at this time. The MSA is aware that
the widening of the Panama Canal will allow bigger ships to traverse the waterway,
bringing more global shippers to Miami. The
facilities must be updated and modernized
to cope with the new business opportunities,
and the building of a soccer stadium at the
location will hinder development of the port
says David Fox. However, the Port is reputedly up to its eyes in debt, and the City is very
wary about further financing.
The soccer stadium site at the south-west
corner of the Port is too shallow for cargo and
cruise ships and that is one of the reasons
most of the 36 acre site is underdeveloped.
Neisen Kasdin, a lawyer and advisor to the
Beckham group, refuted the reasoning.
The plan does not interfere with Port
operations. he said
John Fox and Beckham rep John Alshuler,
debated the issue on the locally broadcast
Jim DeFede show.

England Set For Blanket Betting Ban For Players

By Rob Harris
THE ENGLISH Football Association
moved closer last month to imposing
a blanket ban on anyone involved in
the game from betting on any match in
the world.
A rule change was unanimously recommended by the FA Council, and will
come into effect from next season if it is
approved by the FAs annual general
meeting in May.
Players, coaches and officials are
currently only banned from betting on
matches in competitions involving their
team. But under the new regulations, the
FA says anyone in the top eight divisions
in England could be banned from betting, either directly or indirectly, on any
football match or competition anywhere
in the world.
The FAs plans for such a stringent
ban were first reported by The Associated Press in 2009, but are only now
being pushed through following a string
of high-profile cases.

The latest
action led to
third-tier club
Tranmere firing manager
Ronnie Moore
for admitting
to breaching
betting rules.
winger Andros Andros Townsend
Townsend was forced to pull out of Englands under-21 squad for the European
Championship last year for violating the
FAs betting rules.
The proposed betting rule adjustment to encompass all aspects of world
football provides a simple and straightforward message to all participants on
where the line is drawn, FA director
of football governance and regulation
Darren Bailey said.
The FA, though, has an official betting sponsor and coach Roy Hodgson

named his most recent squad in front

of a backdrop for William Hill. The

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Ireland And France

Set The Early Six
Nations Pace
Six Nations Round One:
Three Home Wins

THE FIRST two weekends of Six Nations

rugby sorted out the field into three groups
of two. Ireland and France emerged unbeaten after two games, while Scotland
and Italy brought up the rear, their seasons
seemingly intent on avoiding the wooden
Wales are chasing their third consecutive championship and started in fine style:
a fifth-minute try from Alex Cuthbert who
benefited from a wicked bounce of the ball
leaving fullback Angelo Esposito in his first
international clutching thin air. It was the
big Welsh wings tenth try in 20 Tests.
The Italians were not to be humiliated two opportunist tries from centre
Michele Campagnaro saw to that. But in
the final analysis, the accurate boot of
Leigh Halfpenny ensured Italian indiscipline
was punished and Scott Williams scored
a try in the crucial dying moments of the
first half. Wales were comfortable but not
convincing winners at 23-15.
England opened their campaign in Paris
and were 16-3 down by the 22nd minute.
In the first half-minute a speculative kick
ahead by the French flyhalf cannoned off
Billy Twelvetrees right into the hands of
winger Yoann Huget a matter of yards from
the English line. But England fought back
with tries from Mike Brown and dbutant
Leighton Burrell and as the final whistle
beckoned, they were 24-19 ahead with a
famous victory at hand.
But the sheer effort had tired the visitors to the point where in the last attack
as the French swung the ball out wide,
Alex Goode bought a simple dummy from
centre Gael Fickou fresh on the field. He
planted the ball behind the posts for a
simple conversion and an unbelievable
26-24 win for France.
In Dublin, Scotland ran into an Irish
brick wall and could only pick up a couple
of penalties from Greig Laidlaw in a 28-6
hammering. Scotland looked bereft of
ideas and their efforts were continually
snuffed out by powerful Irish play. The
Irish ran in three tries from Jamie Heaslip,
Andrew Trimble and Rob Kearney to
secure an easy win.

Round Two:
Ireland And France Benefit
From Home Advantage Again

The following week, Ireland stayed in

Dublin to face Wales in a game that started
in bright sunshine and ended in lashing
rain and deep gloom. That at least were
Welsh feelings as Ireland comprehensively
dismantled them using a kicking game
inspired by Jonny Sexton at flyhalf.
The Irish forwards enjoyed almost total
supremacy, shoving the visitors around
at will. Wales conceded two tries both
earned through powerful Irish scrum play.
Sexton couldnt miss a penalty kick but
Leigh Halfpenny was only allowed one
pot at goal which prevented a whitewash
but not the humiliation of a 26-3 battering
which Warren Gatland later described as
the worst of his career.
France predictably saw off the Italian
challenge in Paris with a 30-10 victory
that exposed the Azzurris lack of class.
England, on the other hand, quickly
made up for the disappointment in Paris
with a punishing 20-0 demolition job
on Scotland. The weather may have accounted for the fact that England didnt
score more, though coincidentally their
two try-scorers as in Paris were Mike
Brown and Leighton Burrell.
Stuart Lancasters decision to go for
youth and pace in the backs has certainly
paid off. This young English side can only
get better, a lapse in concentration against
France in the closing moments the one
thing that may prevent them from winning
this championship.
Remaining games
March 8: Ireland v Italy; Scotland v
France. March 9: England v Wales. March
15: Italy v England; Wales v Scotland;
France v Ireland

May 2014

Page 15

By Ridge Mahoney

Quarter Final Draw Second Leg

Tuesday, April 8
B Dortmund 2, Real Madrid 0 (agg 2-3)
Chelsea 2, Paris St-Germain 0 (agg 3-3)
Wednesday, April 9
Atltico Madrid 1, Barcelona 0 (agg 2-1)
Bayern Munich 3, Man Utd 1 (agg 4-2)
Semi-Final First Legs
Atletico Madrid 0, Chelsea 0
Real Madrid 1, Bayern Munich 0
Semi-Final Second Legs
Tuesday, April 29
Bayern Munich 0, Real Madrid 4 (agg 0-5)
Wednesday, April 30
Chelsea 1, Atletico Madrid 3 (agg 1-3)
Saturday, May 24
At Estdio do Sport Lisboa e Benfica
Real Madrid v Atletico Madrid


Semi-Final First Legs

Benfica 2, Juventus 1
Sevilla 2, Valencia 0
Semi Final Second Legs
Thursday, May 1
Juventus v Benfica
Valencia v Sevilla
Wednesday, May 14
At Juventus Stadium, Turin
Juventus or Benfica v Valencia or Sevilla


Semi-Final Results
Hull 5, Sheffield Utd 3
Wigan 1, Arsenal 1 (2-4 pens)
Saturday, May 17
At Wembley Stadium
Arsenal v Hull City


March 2
Wembley Stadium
Man City 3, Sunderland 1

Sunday, March 16
At Celtic Park
Aberdeen 4, Inverness 2
(Penalties 0-0 FT)

Rangers 0, Raith Rovers 1


Sixth Round Results
Raith Rovers 1, St Johnstone 3
Aberdeen 1, Dumbarton 0
Inverness CT 0, Dundee Utd 5
Rangers 0, Albion 2 (replay)
Semi Finals
Rangers 1, Dundee Utd 3
St Johnstone 2, Aberdeen 1
Saturday, May 17
At Celtic Park
St Johnston v Dundee Utd


The FIFA World Cup is the biggest

single-event sporting competition in the
world and is contested by the senior
mens national teams from the 208
Member Associations of FIFA.

The competition has been played

every four years since the inaugural
tournament in 1930, except in 1942 and
1946 when it was not held because of
the Second World War.

The preliminary competition for the

2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil sees
a total of 204 entries across six
continents competing for 31 available
spots. For the last FIFA World Cup, 200
teams played a total of 853 matches as
31 teams qualified for South Africa.

Saturday, May 3
West Ham v Tottenham
Aston Villa v Hull
Man Utd v Sunderland
Newcastle v Cardiff
Stoke v Fulham
Swansea v Southampton
Everton v Man City
Sunday, May 4
Arsenal v West Brom
Chelsea v Norwich
Monday, May 5
Crystal Palace v Liverpool
Tuesday, May 6
Man Utd v Hull
Wednesday, May 7
Man City v Aston Villa
Sunderland v West Brom
Sunday, May 11
Cardiff v Chelsea
Fulham v Crystal Palace
Hull v Everton
Liverpool v Newcastle
Man City v West Ham
Norwich v Arsenal
Southampton v Man Utd
Sunderland v Swansea
Tottenham v Aston Villa
West Brom v Stoke

Arsenal: The Gunners scored

three times from close range to
down Newcastle United, 3-0. Laurent Koscielney, Mezut Ozil and
Olivier Giroud all connected from inside the
six-yard box in an overpowering display. An
Aaron Ramsey goal opened the scoring and
Lucas Podolski tallied on either side of halftime
in a 3-0 victory at Hull City. Podolski also
scored twice as the Gunners rallied at home
to beat West Ham, 3-1. Podolskis goal just
before halftime tied the game and he added a
third goal after Olivier Giroud fought off two
defenders to chest down a ball from Thomas
Vermaelen and smack it home for the winner.
Aston Villa: A solid defensive
effort limited Southampton to just
three shots and Villa carved out a
0-0 tie. Gabriel Agbonhalor broke
an 11-match goalless streak by equalizing
at Swansea City but Villa quickly fell behind
again and lost its fifth straight game, 4-1.
Assistant managers Ian Culverhouse and
Gary Karsa were dismissed by the club and
replaced by Gordon Cowans and veteran Irish
goalkeeper Shay Given.
Cardiff City: They fell behind
when Stoke City converted the first
penalty kick conceded by City this
season, but rallied after halftime with
a Peter Whittingham spot kick to earn a 1-1
draw. Juan Cala controlled a poor clearance
and evaded pressure to strike a goal that
delighted approximately 2400 traveling fans.
The 1-0 win at Southampton featured seven
saves by keeper David Marshall.
Chelsea: A courageous 2-0 win
at Liverpool with several starters
absent punctuated the Second
Jose Mourinho Era and opened
up the title race. Demba Ba pounced on a
giveaway in first-half stoppage time and
substitute Willian rolled home a clincher in
the final seconds. Tomas Kalas, 20, played
the whole match at centerback in his Premier
League debut. Errors by goalkeeper Mark
Schwarzer and fullback Cesar Azpilicueta
yielded two Sunderland goals in a 2-1 defeat
that ended Mourinhos unbeaten run at Stamford Bridge (77 matches). Bas goal midway
through the second half earned Chelsea a vital
1-0 victory at Swansea City.
Crystal Palace: The Eagles
were stunned by a Man City goal
in the fourth minute and chased
in vain for the rest of the match,
which ended, 2-0. Jason Puncheon scored his fourth goal in the last three
games to give Palace a lead at Everton that
it maintained with goals by Scott Dann and
Cameron Jerome in a 3-2 victory. Puncheon
converted a cross from Yannick Bolasie in
the 76th minute of a 1-0 defeat of Aston Villa.
Everton: The Man United reign
of former Toffees manager David
Moyes ended in a 2-0 result at
Goodison Park. Leighton Baines
was on target from the penalty spot and
Kevin Mirallas scored the second just before
halftime. The scoresheet shows that own
goals by Antolin Alcaraz and Seamus Coleman were the difference in a 2-0 defeat at
Southampton, yet only a few missed chances
and a couple of sharp saves by Tim Howard
kept the game that close. Steven Naismith
and Mirallas scored goals in a comeback
effort against Crystal Palace that never got
closer than a goal and ended in a 3-2 loss.

Fulham: The Cottagers squandered a two-goal lead built on goals

by substitute Ashkan Dejagah and
Fernando Amorebieta and wound
up tied with Hull City, 2-2. Dejagah and Keiran
Richardson came on as subs for the second
half and within three minues Dejagah had
scored and Richardson set up Amorebieta
for his first Fulham goal. Steve Sidwell scored
a first-half equalizer but failed to convert a
penalty kick in the second half of a 3-1 loss
at Tottenham.
Hull City: A ferocious rally
yielded two shots off the woodwork, one by Ahmed Elmohamady, and a pair of Tigers goals
that earned a 2-2 tie at Fulham. Nikica Jelavic
headed home a rebound off the crossbar in
the 75th minute and Shane Long also used
his head to score the equalizer with three
minutes remaining. George Boyd headed
home a Liam Rosenior cross for the only
goal necessary to beat Swansea City, 1-0.
Liverpool: Steven Gerrards
stumble opened the gates for
Chelsea to score their first goal in
a crucial 2-0 decision at Anfield.
It was Liverpools first league
defeat since a loss by the same score to
the same team in late December. Philippe
Coutinhos winner 12 minutes from time
decided a typically thrilling match, a 3-2
home defeat of Manchester City. Goals from
Raheem Sterling and Martin Skrtel staked
City to a 2-0 lead that disappeared early in
the second half, but Coutinho pounced on
a poor clearance to restore the advantage.
Manchester City: Yaya Toure
clipped a great cross that Edin
Dzeko headed home and then
powered upfield to play a pair of
one-twos and curl a fabulous shot into the
top corner as City dumped Crystal Palace,
2-0. Pablo Zabaleta and Sergio Aguero
scored within the first 10 minutes and Martin
Demichelis added a third goal in a 3-1 defeat
of West Bromwich Albion. The title chase
stalled at Liverpool in a 3-2 defeat despite
a rally from two goals down. David Silvas
goal started the comeback but after an own
goal tied the game City crumbled again.
Fernandinho scored in the second minute
but City needed a Samir Nasri goal with
about two minutes left to grab a 2-2 draw
with Sunderland.
Manchester United: Ryan
Giggs debuted as manager in a
4-0 United thrashing of Norwich
in the first game played since the
dismissal of David Moyes. Wayne Rooney
converted a penalty kick late in the first half to
open the scoring and after Rooney connected
again early in the second period Juan Mata
netted a pair to take his goal tally to five in
the last four games. Mata began his scoring
burst by hitting two goals in a 4-0 romp at
Newcastle United.
Newcastle: A grim month
ended with a 3-0 loss at Arsenal
during which they managed just
three shots on goal and didnt
register a single corner kick. Shola Ameobis
goal midway through the first half provided
a 1-0 lead the Magpies couldnt hold; they
conceded at the end of the first half and
then again in the final minutes to lose their
seventh home game in the last nine, 2-1, to
Swansea City.

Norwich City: Goals by Gary

Hooper and Robert Snodgrass
keyed a valiant Canaries effort that
stretched Liverpool but ultimately
fell short in a 3-2 defeat. Neil Adams, chosen
to replace the sacked Chris Hughton, debuted
as manager in a 1-0 loss at Fulham that was
their seventh straight road setback.
Southampton: The Saints
exploited two own goals to beat
Everton, 2-0, and take their
Premier League season tally to
a club-high 52 points. Crosses by Rickie
Lambert and Nathaniel Clyne were turned into
the Everton net, and Lambert also nicked the
post with a shot during an impressive display.
Stoke City: Ryan Shawcross
was dismissed with a second
caution seven minutes into the
second half of a 1-0 home loss to
Tottenham. Marko Arnautovic scored from
the penalty spot and Asmir Begovic came
up with a tremendous save as the Potters
extracted a 1-1 draw at Cardiff City.
Sunderland: A pair of goals
by Connor Wickham, who
spent part of the season on
loan a division down, started
and finished a 4-0 rout of Cardiff City.
Emanuele Giaccherini and Fabio Borini also
scored as the Black Cats won at home for
just the second time in 11 matches. Two
goals 10 minutes apart by Wickham stunned
Manchester City and though the Black Cats
conceded a late equalizer they left the Ettihad
Stadium with a 2-2 tie. Giaccherini sent over
a pair of excellent crosses that Wickham
efficiently dispatched. A Wickham equalizer
and late penalty by Borini carried the Black
Cats past Chelsea, 2-1.
Swansea City: Wilfried Bony
scored early and very late goals
in a 4-1 trampling of Aston Villa.
Goals by Jonjo Shelvey and Pablo
opened up a lead after Villa had equalized, and
in stoppage time Bony put away a penalty
kick. Shelvey nailed a spectacular winner
after his through ball had set up Bonys
opener; he controlled a clearance on his
chest and from the edge of the center circle
volleyed an incredible shot into the top corner.
Bony tallied in first-half stoppage time then
converted a penalty kick in the final minutes
for a 2-1 victory at Newcastle.
Tottenham Hotspur: Emmanuel
Adebayor got free on the right flank
to hit a cross that Danny Rose
headed home for the only goal of a
1-0 victory at Stoke City. Free kicks
by Christian Eriksen produced two of the
goals in a 3-1 defeat of Fulham. Paulinho
poked home the first goal from a set play and
after Harry Kane had scored his third goal in
as many games, Younes Kaboul got on the
end of another Eriksen serve Fulham couldnt
repel and banged it into the net.
West Bromwich Albion: Saido
Berahinos first-half goal gave
manager Pepe Mel his first home
win, 1-0 over West Ham United.
Morgan Amalfitanos service set up Berahino,
making his first start in the last eight games,
who scored his team-high ninth goal. A great
goal by Graham Dorrans briefly narrowed
the deficit at Manchester City to a goal, but
the Baggies were soon breached again and
lost, 3-1.
West Ham United: Andy Carroll nearly scored with a header
that was saved and nailed another effort off the crossbar in a
1-0 defeat at West Brom. A Matt Jarvis goal
late in the first half gave the Hammers a 1-0
lead at Arsenal but the home team soon took
command and won, 3-1.

English Football Is Now Without A Black Coach

NORWICH didnt fire Chris Hughton because hes black. The English
soccer club fired him because it
is petrified of dropping out of the
Premier League and losing millions
in revenue.

With that dismissal, every soccer manager was white. Not just in the Premier
League, but across Englands top five
While English soccer prides itself on the
progress it has made in attacking racism,
there is an inescapable anomaly: More than
a quarter of Premier League players are
black but not one managers is.
Herman Ouseley, the longstanding
chairman of English soccers anti-racism
body, Kick It Out, contends the game
remains institutionally racist.
There isnt the drive and collective
feeling of responsibility to become diverse, Ouseley told The Associated Press
last month from the British parliament,
where he sits in the House of Lords.
Norwichs commitment to fighting
racism is evident. It backed police action

Chris Hughton
against online abuse Hughton faced earlier
this season.
But while the club is unlikely to win the
Premier League, its legitimate ambitions
of staying in the sports top tier have been
jeopardized by a recent run of losses and
in the relegation zone with two matches
Delia Smith, the co-owner who made
her fortune from cook books and television shows, fears missing out on at least
$60m in television revenue next season if
Norwich falls to the second tier.
The 55-year-old Hughtons dismissal
followed a depressingly familiar pattern:
no line of candidates appeared to be in-

terviewed. Instead youth team coach Neil

Adams was hastily promoted to his first
senior managerial job.
David Gold has been a soccer owner for
more than 20 years, first at Birmingham
and now at West Ham. He is white. He said
a nonwhite manager has never approached
him about a job.
When I hear this constant thing its
been going on for a number of years this
concern about Where are the black managers? ... I have never interviewed a black
candidate because a black candidate has
not applied, Gold told a soccer diversity
seminar for lawyers last year attended by
the AP. The applicants are just not there.
But ex-England striker Les Ferdinand,
who is black, thinks his skin color is slowing his progress up soccers ladder. While
coaching at former club Tottenham, he has
been studying corporate governance, along
with 13 other former black professional
players, including Roberts.
Ive always felt as a black person
Ive never been able to hold a position of
authority, Ferdinand said.

As of April 30


Man City
Tottenham H
Man United
Newcastle U
Stoke City
Crystal Palace
Swansea City
Hull City
West Ham U
West Brom
Aston Villa
Norwich C
Cardiff City

P W D L F A GD Pts
36 25 5 6 96 46 50 80
36 24 6 6 69 26 43 78
35 24 5 6 93 35 58 77
36 22 7 7 65 41 24 73
36 20 9 7 57 36 21 69
36 20 6 10 52 49 3 66
35 18 6 11 60 40 20 60
36 14 10 12 52 45 7 52
36 14 4 18 39 57 -18 46
36 11 11 14 39 50 -11 44
36 13 4 19 28 43 -15 43
36 10 9 17 51 52 -1 39
35 10 7 18 36 45 -9 37
36 10 7 19 38 49 -11 37
35 7 15 13 42 54 -12 36
35 9 8 18 36 53 -17 35
35 8 8 19 37 57 -20 32
36 8 8 20 28 60 -32 32
36 9 4 23 37 79 -42 31
36 7 9 20 31 69 -38 30

English Championship

Leicester City
Derby County
Wigan Ath
Blackburn R
Ipswich Town
Nottingham F
Bolton W
Leeds United
Sheffield W
Charlton Ath
Doncaster R
Yeovil Town

P W D L F A GD Pts
45 30 9 6 82 43 39 99
45 26 14 5 70 35 35 92
45 25 9 11 83 51 32 84
45 22 11 12 57 42 15 77
45 21 10 14 58 44 14 73
45 19 13 13 68 54 14 70
45 18 15 12 53 39 14 69
45 17 16 12 66 59 7 67
45 18 12 15 67 65 2 66
45 17 14 14 58 53 5 65
45 16 17 12 66 62 4 65
45 15 16 14 58 49 9 61
45 15 15 15 73 60 13 60
45 14 16 15 57 58 -1 58
45 16 8 21 58 66 -8 56
45 13 14 18 62 63 -1 53
45 13 11 21 54 64 -10 50
45 12 12 21 38 61 -23 48
45 11 13 21 38 63 -25 46
45 10 15 20 45 74 -29 45
45 11 11 23 39 69 -30 44
45 11 10 24 56 72 -16 43
45 9 12 24 42 74 -32 39
45 8 13 24 43 71 -28 37

English League One

Preston NE
Leyton Orient
Rotherham U
Swindon T
Sheffield U
MK Dons
Port Vale
Bristol City
Bradford City
Crawley T
Oldham Athc
Coventry C *
Colchester U
Notts County
Crewe Alex
Tranmere R
Carlisle Utd
Shrewsbury T

P W D L F A GD Pts
45 30 10 5 86 31 55 100
45 27 10 8 70 43 27 91
45 23 16 6 71 44 27 85
45 24 11 10 82 44 38 83
45 23 14 8 84 57 27 83
45 23 4 18 72 58 14 73
45 19 9 17 62 57 5 66
45 17 13 15 46 45 1 64
45 17 9 19 62 62 0 60
45 18 6 21 59 73 -14 60
45 14 16 15 49 48 1 58
45 13 18 14 69 66 3 57
45 13 17 15 55 53 2 56
45 14 14 17 47 53 -6 56
45 14 13 18 49 58 -9 55
45 15 7 23 59 78 -19 52
45 16 13 16 73 75 -2 51
45 12 14 19 52 61 -9 50
45 15 4 26 63 76 -13 49
45 12 12 21 52 79 -27 48
45 12 11 22 51 77 -26 47
45 11 12 22 43 73 -30 45
45 11 9 25 46 70 -24 42
45 9 14 22 43 64 -21 41

English League Two

Scunthorpe U
Fleetwood T
Burton Alb
York City
Southend Utd
Oxford Utd
Plymouth A
Dag & Red
Mansfield T
Cheltenham T
Accrington S
Hartlepool U
Wimbledon *
Exeter City
Bristol Rov
Wycombe W
Torquay Utd

P W D L F A GD Pts
45 22 15 8 69 39 30 81
45 24 9 12 68 46 22 81
45 20 20 5 66 42 24 80
45 22 10 13 65 50 15 76
45 19 15 11 47 41 6 72
45 18 16 11 50 39 11 70
45 18 15 12 55 39 16 69
45 16 14 15 52 47 5 62
45 16 11 18 48 55 -7 59
45 13 19 13 59 51 8 58
45 14 16 15 53 63 -10 58
45 14 15 16 50 57 -7 57
45 14 15 16 48 58 -10 57
45 13 16 16 54 58 -4 55
45 13 16 16 51 60 -9 55
45 13 15 17 51 54 -3 54
45 14 11 20 50 54 -4 53
45 14 14 17 47 54 -7 53
45 13 14 18 52 64 -12 53
45 13 13 19 52 57 -5 52
45 12 14 19 43 53 -10 50
45 12 14 19 39 56 -17 50
45 11 14 20 43 54 -11 47
45 12 9 24 42 63 -21 45

Scottish Premiership

Dundee Utd
Inverness CT
St Johnstone
St Mirren
Ross County
Partick Thstl
Hearts *

P W D L F A GD Pts
35 29 5 1 91 19 72 92
35 19 8 8 48 31 17 65
35 19 4 12 59 58 1 61
35 16 9 10 62 43 19 57
35 15 8 12 40 41 -1 53
35 15 7 13 44 35 9 52
35 9 8 18 37 56 -19 35
35 8 10 17 30 48 -18 34
35 9 7 19 40 59 -19 34
35 7 13 15 39 59 -20 34
35 9 6 20 43 61 -18 33
35 9 7 19 37 60 -23 19

Scottish Championship

Hamilton Ac
Queen ot Sth
Raith Rovers
Alloa Athletic

P W D L F A GD Pts
35 20 6 9 52 25 27 66
35 18 10 7 56 30 26 64
35 18 10 7 58 39 19 64
35 15 7 13 49 37 12 52
35 15 6 14 64 62 2 51
35 12 7 16 49 56 -7 43
35 11 9 15 48 59 -11 42
35 11 7 17 33 48 -15 40
35 11 6 18 49 71 -22 39
35 6 8 21 29 60 -31 26

Scottish League 1

P W D L F A GD Pts
35 33 2 0
105 17 88 101
Dunfermline 35 19 5 11 67 53 14 62
35 13 9 13 54 56 -2 48
Ayr United
35 13 7 15 61 65 -4 46
Stenhousemuir 35 11 12 12 54 65 -11 45
Forfar Athletic 35 12 7 16 54 59 -5 43
Brechin City 35 12 6 17 56 68 -12 42
Airdrie United 35 11 9 15 45 57 -12 42
East Fife
35 9 5 21 30 65 -35 32
35 9 4 22 52 73 -21 31

Scottish League 2

Annan Ath
Stirling Alb
Berwick R
East Stirling
Albion Rovers
Elgin City
Queens Park

P W D L F A GD Pts
35 21 8 6 69 36 33 71
35 18 7 10 66 46 20 61
35 17 6 12 49 44 5 57
35 15 10 10 56 49 7 55
35 15 7 13 62 47 15 52
35 12 8 15 44 57 -13 44
35 11 10 14 42 55 -13 43
35 11 8 16 40 54 -14 41
35 9 9 17 62 71 -9 36
35 5 9 21 36 67 -31 24

Page 16

May 2014


England Womens
Captain Earns
Wisden Award
THE CAPTAIN of Englands womens
team has become only the second female
to be included among Wisdens Five
Cricketers of the Year, an annual award
by the worlds most prestigious cricket
Charlotte Edwards was joined on the
2013 list by Australia players Ryan Harris
and Chris Rogers, India opener Shikhar
Dhawan and England batsman Joe Root.
Edwards compatriot, Claire Taylor,
was the first woman to be given the honor
in the Wisden Cricketers Almanack in
2009. Edwards led England to back-toback Ashes victories over Australia home
and away in a six-month span.
Wisdens selection criteria are based
on players performances during the
English summer season. Being one of the
five Cricketers of the Year is the oldest
individual honor in cricket

Mercedes Technical
Director Leaving
After Season

MERCEDES says its technical director

will leave the Formula One team at the
team of the 2014 season and will not be
The team says Bob Bell resigned in
December but will not leave until November to pursue new challenges outside the
Bells responsibilities will then be assumed by executive director Paddy Lowe,
with Mercedes saying it will stream its
technical organization.
Bell spent 10 years at Renault as technical director before joining Mercedes
in 2011.
After three races, Mercedes leads the
constructors championship, and teammates Nico Rosberg and Lewis Hamilton
are the leading drivers.



Dave Brailsford
Quits British Cycling

DAVE BRAILSFORD, the man who

masterminded Britains medal haul at the
Beijing and London Olympics, has stepped
down from his role as performance director
of British Cycling.
Brailsford will now focus on his activities at Team Sky, which he led to victory at
the Tour de France through Bradley Wiggins in 2012 and Chris Froome in 2013.
Brailsford says this is a big step but it
is the right decision for the team and for
me. Since London 2012, we have worked
hard on succession planning and that has
meant weve got to a point where I can
move on, knowing the team will go from
strength to strength.
The 50-year-old Brailsford presided
over British cyclings most successful era,
with 19 gold medals captured across four
Olympic campaigns.

Cycling Great Chris Hoy

Swaps 2 Wheels For 4
SIX-TIME Olympic cycling champion Chris Hoy
is swapping two
wheels for four
as he embarks on
the first step of his
new sporting goal
to drive in the
Le Mans 24 Hours
Nearly a year after announcing his
retirement from cycling, Britains most
decorated Olympian says he will be competing in this years British Grand Touring
Championship for Nissan.
I was keen to take my enthusiasm for
motorsport to the next level. This wont be
easy but I could not turn down the chance
to give it a go, said Hoy last month.
The 38-year-old has shown promise in
some low-key track races. He is at the start
of a three-year plan that he hopes will end
at the Le Mans race in 2016.

ce syndicate now offers health insurance to all

mple to understand and very reasonably priced.

Suarez Voted Player Of

The Year In England

Rate Table -Medical Coverage Including the US and Canada

w rates are effective through 6/30/10.
$1,000 Deductible $2,500 Deductible
$5,000 Deductible
$1,238 $1,520
$1,009 $1,170
$1,566 $1,713
$1,282 $1,398
$1,965 $1,970
$1,653 $1,609
$3,078 $2,847
$2,553 $2,258
$6,233 $5,187
$5,407 $4,565
$7,580 $6,153
$6,575 $5,319
$10,111 $8,617
$7,983 $6,488
$6,925 $5,608
$10,547 $8.991
$8.330 $6,776
$7,226 $5,856
$10,993 $9,369
$8,690 $7,063
$7,538 $6105
$11,576 $9,863
$9,153 $7,438
$7,940 $6,430

By Rob Harris
LIVERPOOL striker Luis Suarez has
been voted player of the year by his fellow professionals in English football,
capping a season in which his scoring
prowess helped erase memories of
previous bans for racism and biting.
The 27-year-old Uruguay international became the first South American
to collect the Professional Footballers
Association accolade April 27, having
led Liverpools unexpected Premier
League title challenge with 30 goals.
it was
arents are insured underBut
the Economy
Plan. a
Dependent Child rateday
is onlyfor
my Plan. DependentSuarez,
children alonewho
must pay
the age to
19 toLondon
24 Male rate. from
after failing
to score as the
loyds Liverpool
leaders title charge was halted by a 2-0
loss to Chelsea. Member British
Costa, Esquire
Suarez missedAmerican
the first
five league
d Visa matches
of Commerce
of the season
while completanadian Service
ing his 10-match ban for biting Chelsea
Branislav Ivanovic.
He was
suspended for eight games
4 Fax (727)
for racially abusing Manchester United
defender Patrice Evra.
He is a brilliant talent, Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers

said. I think
the supporters
have seen him
mature over the
course of the
last season. I
think he was in
a real low moment after that
game (against
Chelsea last year) but he has gone away
and probably looked in the mirror and
reflected on himself because he is not
that type of guy and it probably just
spilled over.
Suarez had a marred reputation even
before joining Liverpool in 2011 from
Ajax where he was branded the Cannibal of Ajax after a biting incident.
He was also vilified for being sent off
in a 2010 World Cup quarterfinal for
a cynical handball on the goal line
against Ghana.
For the last year, though, he has
regained the admiration of his rivals
by ensuring he is no longer a magnet
for controversy.

Footballer Guilty Of Anti-Gay

Gesture In England

A BRITISH court has found Turkey striker

Colin Kazim-Richards guilty of making an
anti-gay gesture at a match while playing
for Blackburn.
The 27-year-old Kazim-Richards claimed
he was bantering with the crowd at former
club Brighton when he made the gesture in
the second-tier match in February 2013.
But magistrate Darren Reynolds, sitting
at Brighton Magistrates Court, says these
gestures were insulting.
Kazim-Richards, who now plays for Turkish club Bursaspor, was fined 750, ordered
to pay 620 of court costs and a 75 victim
Fans of second-tier English club Brighton
last year published a dossier highlighting
the constant anti-gay abuse they face at
matches. The southern city is known for its
gay and lesbian community.

Former England Striker Kevin

Phillips Retires

KEVIN PHILLIPS, the former England striker

will retire at the end of the season, ending
a 20-year career in which he became the
only English player to win the European
Golden Boot.
Phillips was the Premier League top scorer
in 1999-2000 with 30 goals for Sunderland,
a tally which earned him the coveted prize.
The 40-year-old Phillips currently plays
for second-tier side Leicester, which has
already won the League Championship title.
He played his final match last month.
Phillips, who also had spells at Crystal
Palace, Watford, Southampton, Aston Villa,
Birmingham, Blackpool and West Bromwich
Albion, played eight times for England.
Phillips says every kid dreams of playing for teams like Man United and Chelsea,
winning Premier League titles, but Ive certainly enjoyed my career and have no regrets

Cellino Completes Takeover

Of Leeds United

THE LEGAL representatives of Massimo Cellino say the Cagliari president has completed
his drawn-out takeover of fallen English
power Leeds.
Law firm Mishcon de Reya says on its

Twitter account that Cellinos company,

Eleonora Sport, has completed its purchase
of 75 percent of shares in the second-tier
club and that Cellino has been appointed as
a director.
Cellino was initially blocked from taking
over Leeds by the English Football League
because of his recent conviction in Italy for
tax evasion, but he was successful with an
Bahraini investment bank GFH Capital will
retain a 25 percent stake in Leeds, which
won the English top-flight title in 1992 and
reached the Champions League semifinals in
2001 before falling into financial difficulties.
Leeds is 16th in the League Championship.

Wiggins, Froome
Missing For Team
Sky At Giro

THIS YEARS Giro dItalia will

be missing two of cyclings biggest
names after Bradley Wiggins and Chris
Froome, the last two winners of the
Tour de France, were left out of Team
Skys nine-man lineup for the May
9-June 1 race.
Wiggins is competing in the Tour of
California in May while Froome is being
rested ahead of the defense of his Tour
de France title in July.
The British team will also be without
Australian rider Richie Porte, whose
season has been disrupted by illness.
Porte is looking to be at full fitness to
support Froome at the Tour de France.
Irish rider Philip Deignan will compete in his first Grand Tour for the Team
Sky. Three stages of the Giro are in
Northern Ireland and Ireland.


to turn one of the
worlds most storied and valuable
sports brands into
a mere also-ran
in the space of 10
Thats what David Moyes managed to achieve at Manchester United and there was only going
to be one outcome.
Overwhelmed by the giant task of replacing Alex Ferguson, Britains greatest
ever manager, Moyes was fired by United
last month after exhausting the patience
and losing the support of the clubs American owners, the Glazer family.
The 50-year-old Scot was less than a
season into a six-year contract but the
Glazers had seen enough. So, too, had most
of Uniteds fans and most likely its slew
of big sponsors, with the team languishing
in seventh place in the Premier League
and guaranteed to miss out on Champions
League qualification for the first time in
19 years.
Thats unacceptable for a club that expects to win trophies year in and year out.
Exactly a year after clinching a recordextending 20th English championship,
United dismissed Moyes during a meeting
at its training ground in the morning. The
news was released in a terse, two-line
statement on the clubs website a far
cry from the fanfare of Moyes hiring
last summer.
Manchester United has announced that
David Moyes has left the club, the statement said. The club would like to place on
record its thanks for the hard work, honesty
and integrity he brought to the role.

Rodriguez Out For Six Months

With Ligament Tear

SOUTHAMPTON forward Jay Rodriguez has

been ruled out for up to six months with a
ruptured knee ligament, ending his chances
of making Englands World Cup squad.
Rodriguez has scored 17 goals for the
Saints this season to put him in contention
for Roy Hodgsons team in Brazil, but Southampton said the 24-year-old striker ruptured
his anterior cruciate ligament in a loss against
Manchester City last month.
The club said Rodriguez was due to have
a routine operation.

Lerner Raises Doubts About

Future At Villa

AMERICAN businessman Randy Lerner has

raised doubts about his future as Aston Villa
chairman by saying he will address steady
rumors of a sale of the Premier League club
at the end of the season.
Villa released a statement last month, in
which Lerner said he was committed to
the immediate job of limiting distraction and
confusion as the club looks to secure its
Premier League status.
Villa is 15th in the league, five points above
the relegation zone with four matches left.
Lerner, who used to own NFLs Cleveland
Browns, bought Villa in 2006.



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