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BUS 401.


An incident in a cement industry

Pramit Kumar Das
An incident in a cement industry
Mr. Alex, who works in a large corporation in Greece which operates in a cement industry. The
corporation has a reputation for high quality and for superior customer services. Alex has a really good
position. He controls the result of product quality tests. He gets a very high salary with stock options and
outstanding benefits. After all he plays a very important role in his company where his companys
reputation depend on his work.
The matter had occurred when he discovered that the new batch of product is 15% less durable than the
usual material. So he talked to his CEO, in order to decide if they through away the batch of cement or
sell it with discount. But CEO decided to do nothing and sell at normal price. Alex did not like this
decision but not to make any public issue he decided to remain silent and continue his job.

If I were in Alexs position I will decide not to work in this corporation because I think its a judgment
related reason. I am not just randomly taking this decision there are several reason behind the decision.

Character reason: I will not remain silent and leave the job for the character reason. Personally I
dont support unethical activities and from my point of view it was unethical what happed in the
corporation. Because of ethics I can differentiate the right or wrong as well as make the justice
for me and society. Responsiveness for society must work in me. People of the society will buy
the product but if they are not met the desire expectation they will lose the faith in people like me
who works for quality control.

Responsible employee behavior: Because of responsible employee behavior I know the laws,
regulations, policies and procedures for my role and I know how to take my ethical decisions.
Though their product is 15% less durable compared to others so its almost proven that they are
using bad material. So as a responsible employee I wont support this behavior. Since I cannot
argue with the CEO it will be wise decision to leave the job and make the issue as a public
because people has right to know what kind of product or what quality product they are buying.

Law, Duty, Obligation, and Responsiveness: A business cant ignore law, duty, obligation and
responsibilities. Though they are ignoring it so from my point of view there is no reason to work
with them. So there is a high possibility that in future they will do more corrupted things with the
customer so it will be wise decision and duty for me to quit and make it as a public issue to know
whats going on with this corporation

At all, if I were an employee of that corporation I would have have been left the job for my personal
ethical and will try to make the ethical things clear before joining into the new corporation.

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