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Kiu Lincoln

(oi Lincoln weaiing a hat)

Robert Swahl
The puipose of this instiuction set is to teach how to folu "Kiu
Lincoln", oi Lincoln with a flat-biim hat, out of a $S bill. "Kiu
Lincoln" is an oiigami ciaft that is fun foi people of all ages to
make anu show theii fiienus. This makes a gieat puppet, anu
even a gieat auuition to any biithuay piesent in the 1u-Su
minutes it takes to folu. The following instiuction set incluues
pictuies to bettei assist in foluing a $S bill to piouuce Abiaham
Lincoln weaiing a flat biim hat.

A ciisp $S bill

"#$%&%'( )*++#$ ,&++- .*--/-- -0#$. /1'/-( 2/ 3#$/45+ #%1
#6*&1 .#./$ 357- #7 #++ 7&8/-(

Step 1
Lay the bill face-up on a flat suiface. Folu the bill fiom the top
iight coinei towaius the miuule of the black, left-hanu ciicle.
!"# %&'(')*+ ,%- #.(# %/ ,"# 0'++ 1"%2+. +*3 *4&%11 5')4%+)61 #3#0&%71 7"#)
,"# /%+. '1 4%8-+#,#9

:%,#; ,*-# 21#. ') ,"# -'4,2&#1 '1 /%& 4+*&',3 -2&-%1#1 %)+3< *). '1 )%, ,% 0#
21#. ') ,"# /')*+ -&%.24,< 2)+#11 ,*-# '1 .#1'&#. %& )#4#11*&3 /%& ,"# 0'++61

Step 2
Flip the bill ovei hoiizontally. Folu the bottom pait of the bill
paiallel to the top folu, fiom the bill so that the oiiginal bottom
euge is aligneu fiom the insiue coinei of the laige-puiple-S to
the insiue coinei of the top-left-S.

Step S
Flip the bill ovei again. Folu the bill unueineath the top flap, so
that the new bottom euge foims a point on the top-left-S
unueineath the folu. This step foims the "biim" of the "hat".

Step 4
Tuin the bill ovei so that the backsiue is facing you. Folu the
top flap of the bottom iight-hanu coinei fiom the last "A" in
"Ameiica" thiough the miuule of the black ciicle.

:%,#; ,"# 4&#*1# 1"%2+. #). ') ,"# 0+*4= 4'&4+#9

Step S
Folu the bottom flap fiom the bottom iight-hanu coinei
thiough that point thiough the ciicle, so that the pievious
enupoint lies on the new folu's ciease.

:%,#; ,"# /%+. 1"%2+. 0# #*13< *). #11#),'*++3 /%+. ',1#+/ ,% ,"# -%1','%)9

Step 6
Folu the top, tiiangulai flap to match the top euges to theii
aujacent siues.

Step 7
Flip the bill ovei so that the
Lincoln's face is visible. Pioceeu
to folu fiom Lincoln's eai to his
jaw, iemoving the left-hanu
white space.

Step 8
Cieate a folu between the "A" anu seconu "T" in states so that
the top iight poition of the bill angles at 9u uegiees along
Lincoln's nose.

:%,#; !"# ,%- &'(", -%&,'%) 1"%2+. +'# 2).#&)#*," ,"# /%+.<
/%&8')( * 18*++ ,&'*)(2+*& /+*- %) ,%- %/ ,"# 0'++9

Step 9
Folu the bill unueineath itself Fiom below Lincoln's nose, to
miuway thiough the bottom folu of the tiiangulai flap.

Step 1u
Folu the bill back up, while maintaining the folu in step 9.
Cieate a ciease fiom the topmost point fiom the last folu, to
the bottom euge, uiiectly unuei the gieen ciicle.

:%,#; ,"'1 /%+. 1"%2+. )%, 0# * .##- /%+.< 02, 8%&# %/ * 1"*++%7 4&#*1#9

Step 11
Folu the bill using Lincoln's jawline as a fulcium, so that the
ciease unueineath the gieen ciicle shoulu line up with the
centei of the "biim" of the "hat".

:%,#; 5')4%+)61 /*4# 1"%2+. )%7 0# '1%+*,#. /&%8 ,"# &#1, %/ ,"# 0'++9

Step 12
Folu the ieai piotiusion uiiectly acioss the "biim" so that the
bottom half of the "biim" is still visible. To holu this in place,
anu to tuck extia papei away, folu the iightmost siue veitically
behinu itself, giabbing the ieai section of the pievious step.

Step 1S
Folu the bill back so that eithei the most iecent folu aligns with
itself, oi the left siue aligns with itself. 0nce this is complete,
folu the top euge to iounu out the "hat".

Congiatulations! You've now finisheu foluing Abiaham Lincoln
weaiing a flat-biim hat out of a $S bill, anu aie ieauy to take
him out in public! An optional bouy can be attacheu by
inseiting the "neck" of the bouy in a folu on the unueisiue of
Lincoln's jaw. Be caieful, this will suiely tuin a few heaus youi

Fiequently Askeu Questions
Q: Wheie can I take "Kiu Lincoln".
A: Nost places aie accommouating to "Kiu Lincoln's" situation,
anu aie eagei to take caie of him.

Q: I've lost "Kiu Lincoln"! What uo I uo now.
A: Check youi most iecent locations. If you can't finu him in the
last place you weie, somebouy most likely kiunappeu him.

Q: Can I take "Kiu Lincoln" to the club.
A: 0nfoitunately "Kiu Lincoln" lacks the capacity to "pop, lock,
anu uiop it," but he may be a useful aiu in the attempt to "make
them mothei 'tiuckeis' hammei-time." Nost often, though,
"Kiu Lincoln" will be founu "making it iain" in the club with his
fiienus ueoige, Anuiew, anu Benjamin.

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