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443 June 26, 2002

Breaking the Vicious Cycle

Preserving Our Liberties While
Fighting Terrorism
by Timothy Lynch

Executive Summary

When terrorists perpetrate atrocities against Congress with lopsided majorities. As the presi-
innocent American civilians, the public response is dent signs the antiterrorism bill into effect, too
initially one of shock, which then quickly turns into many people indulge in the assumption that
anger. It is also common for people to experience a they are now safe, since the police, with their
deep sense of anxiety in the aftermath of such newly acquired powers, will somehow be able to
attacks—especially as they hear poignant stories foil the terrorists before they can kill again. The
about fellow citizens who were so suddenly and plain truth, however, is that it is only a matter of
unexpectedly killed. Such stories are a harsh time before the next attack.
reminder of one’s own mortality and vulnerability. This cycle of terrorist attack followed by gov-
Government officials typically respond to ter- ernment curtailment of civil liberties must be
rorist attacks by proposing and enacting broken—or our society will eventually lose the
“antiterrorism” legislation. To assuage the wide- key attribute that has made it great: freedom.
spread anxiety of the populace, policymakers The American people can accept the reality that
make the dubious claim that they can prevent the president and Congress are simply not capa-
terrorism by curtailing the privacy and civil liber- ble of preventing terrorist attacks from occur-
ties of the people. Because everyone wants to be ring. Policymakers should stop pretending oth-
safe and secure, such legislation is usually very erwise and focus their attention on combating
popular and passes the legislative chambers of terrorism within the framework of a free society.

Timothy Lynch is director of the Cato Institute’s Project on Criminal Justice.
Too many of our ment and a willingness to reverse longstand-
policymakers Introduction ing, but wrongheaded, government policies.
Unfortunately, such matters have been
seem to believe When thousands of innocent civilians were brushed aside in the wake of the September
that the way to murdered in a terrorist attack on September 11 attack. Congress made a dreadful mistake,
11, 2001, President Bush declared, “Freedom for example, by rushing to enact a sweeping
deal with terror- has been attacked, but freedom will be defend- “antiterrorism” law before reaching a deter-
ism is to pass ed.”1 Within a matter of weeks, American mil- mination as to whether law enforcement and
more laws, spend itary forces were hunting down the culprits by intelligence officials were negligent or
attacking terrorist base camps in Afghanistan. incompetent in failing to prevent the calami-
more money, and That decisive military action was a perfectly ty. Since the American homeland will remain
sacrifice more appropriate move to defend the lives, liberties, vulnerable to terrorist attack for the foresee-
civil liberties. and property of the American people. able future, policymakers must come to grips
Here at home, however, President Bush and with their responsibility to defend the people
Attorney General John Ashcroft have done a from foreign aggressors while maintaining a
poor job of “defending freedom.” The Bush free society.
administration has supported measures that This paper will discuss the limited policy
are antithetical to freedom, such as secretive options that are available to the president
subpoenas, secretive arrests, secretive trials, and and Congress with respect to the terrorism
secretive deportations. A vigorous investigation problem. The paper will conclude that the
into the worst attack on American civilians was best defense against terrorism, as Secretary of
necessary, but the administration, with the Defense Donald Rumsfeld has noted, is a
acquiescence of Congress, has disregarded vital good offense.2 That means sending our mili-
constitutional principles. tary to the terrorist base camps and killing
If one examines the history of the federal the terrorist leadership. Here at home, it
government’s responses to terrorism, a dis- means resisting the establishment of a sur-
turbing pattern emerges. The federal govern- veillance state.
ment responds to terrorist attacks on U.S.
soil—such as the Oklahoma City bombing in
1995—by rushing to restrict civil liberties. The Cycle: Terrorist Attack
Rarely, if ever, do lawmakers examine
whether prior civil liberties restrictions were
and “Antiterrorism”
enacted hastily—or even whether such restric- Legislation
tions have proven to be effective law enforce-
ment measures. Rarely, if ever, do lawmakers Recent experience has shown that policy-
fully investigate whether government makers in America invariably respond to ter-
employees were partly responsible for the rorist incidents by proposing and enacting
tragedy because of their negligence or incom- “antiterrorism” legislation. Even though
petence. Instead, without pausing for reflec- every sort of harmful behavior—murder,
tion, lawmakers have rushed to confer yet attempted murder, bodily injury, destruction
more power to government. of property—is already prohibited by law and
All indications are that the United States carries severe criminal penalties, antiterror-
remains trapped in that same destructive ism proposals have proven to be very allur-
cycle post–September 11. Too many of our ing. After all, the very fact that an atrocity has
policymakers seem to believe that the way to occurred is irrefutable proof that the police
deal with terrorism is to pass more laws, were not able to thwart the attack. Thus, pol-
spend more money, and sacrifice more civil icymakers reason that they must take action
liberties. But genuine leadership surely and “alter the balance between liberty and
includes ensuring accountability in govern- security.” With their newly acquired “tools,”

the argument runs, the police will be able to enforcement that is not somehow involved in
stop the terrorists before they can kill again. ensuring that the 1996 Olympic Games are
This cycle of terrorist attack followed by con- safe and secure. . . . The FBI, DEA, ATF, U.S.
sideration of antiterrorism legislation has Secret Service, U.S. Customs Service, and the
repeated itself many times in recent years. U.S. Coast Guard are handling federal law
The first major terrorist attack on enforcement responsibilities.”9 On July 27,
American soil occurred on February 26, 1996, however, a pipe bomb exploded at one
1993. Islamic fundamentalists placed a car of the outdoor exhibits, killing two people
bomb in the parking garage beneath the and injuring 111 others. President Clinton
World Trade Center. The explosion killed six responded to the attack by demanding that
people and injured more than one thousand Congress quickly pass another antiterrorism
individuals. A few weeks later, then New York law. White House spokesperson Mary Ellen
congressman Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) Glynn told the press, “He’d like to give the
introduced the Terrorism Prevention and FBI more tools so there will be no more
Protection Act of 1993.3 Among other things, bombing like at the Olympics.”10
the proposed bill would have federalized all On September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda terror-
violent offenses, allowed the use of secret evi- ists hijacked four airplanes. The terrorists
dence in deportation proceedings, and flew two planes into the World Trade Center, President Clinton
increased the surveillance powers of the collapsing both office towers. The third responded to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation. plane crashed into the Pentagon. The fourth attack by
On April 19, 1995, domestic terrorists con- plane crashed in rural Pennsylvania, appar-
spired to detonate a truck bomb outside of the ently after passengers attempted to wrest demanding that
federal office building in Oklahoma City. The control of the aircraft from the hijackers. Congress quickly
explosion killed 168 people and injured hun- Those coordinated attacks killed more than
dreds more. President Bill Clinton responded to 3,200 people and injured hundreds more.
pass another
the attack by urging Congress to pass antiterror- Two weeks later, President Bush and antiterrorism law.
ism legislation.4 Within weeks, Sen. Robert Dole Attorney General John Ashcroft proposed
(R-Kans.) and Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) the “Antiterrorism Act of 2001.”11 Among
introduced the Comprehensive Terrorism other things, the bill would give the govern-
Prevention Act of 1995.5 Among other things, ment a freer hand to conduct searches, detain
the bill would spend $1 billion on various or deport suspects, eavesdrop on internet
antiterrorism efforts, place restrictions on the communication, and monitor financial
“Great Writ” of habeas corpus, and ban the sale transactions. Sen. Trent Lott welcomed the
of goods and services to countries that the presi- proposal, declaring “We cannot let what hap-
dent determines are not cooperating fully with pened [on September 11] happen in the
U.S. terrorism efforts.6 When President Clinton future.”12 When President Bush signed the
signed a version of that bill into law, he pro- bill into law in October, he said the legisla-
claimed that “our law enforcement officials will tion would enable the police “to identify, to
[now] have tough new tools to stop terrorists dismantle, to disrupt, and to punish terror-
before they strike.”7 ists before they strike.”13
A few months later, the FBI’s top terror- In a matter of weeks, however, it became
ism official, Robert Blitzer, briefed senators clear that the new antiterrorism law could
about security precautions for the Summer not alter reality. On December 22, 2001, al-
Olympics in Atlanta, which was only a few Qaeda terrorist Richard Reid boarded an
weeks away. Blitzer told a Senate committee American Airlines flight from Paris to
that the FBI had made “security for the Miami.14 In mid-flight, Reid tried to ignite
upcoming Olympics a priority of the highest explosives that were hidden in his shoes. By
order.”8 Blitzer observed that “there is hardly sheer happenstance, a flight attendant
a government agency in public safety law noticed that Reid had struck a match, so she

immediately confronted him about what he poor performance, and corruption, why in the
was doing. When Reid assaulted the flight world should it be rewarded with additional
attendant, passengers intervened and over- funds and additional powers? Here are just a
powered Reid, tying him up until the plane few of the issues that Congress should have
could make an emergency landing in Boston. investigated before it acquiesced to the presi-
An FBI agent later testified in court that Reid dent’s demand for antiterrorism legislation fol-
could have blown a hole in the airplane, pos- lowing the September 11 attack.
sibly killing all 197 persons on board the air-
craft.15 The Reid incident and the anthrax- • Federal officials in both the intelligence
laden letters that have killed several people and law enforcement community were
are the most powerful recent evidence that repeatedly warned that terrorist attacks
the president and his police agents are not in the United States were likely. The
capable of stopping terrorist attacks. respected Israeli journalist Ze’ev Schiff
reported that when the former head of
Israel’s Shin Bet security service warned
Breaking the Cycle Attorney General Janet Reno, FBI direc-
tor Louis Freeh, and Central Intelligence
Defense and intelligence experts know Agency director George Tenet that ter-
that it is only a matter of time before the next rorist cells were being set up on U.S. soil,
terrorist attack. In fact, Secretary Rumsfeld “They looked at him forgivingly, and
warns that Americans should brace them- claimed that he was exaggerating.”17
selves for attacks “vastly more deadly” than • The Department of Justice and the FBI
the September 11 calamity.16 If recent experi- want to access and monitor the check-
ence is any guide, policymakers will respond ing account activity and e-mail traffic of
to any such an attack by rushing to enact 200 million American citizens, but fed-
more antiterrorism legislation in a desperate eral investigators inexcusably failed to
attempt to give police and intelligence agen- monitor U.S. flight schools for potential
cies additional powers to stop the killing. terrorists. Shortly after the September
That would be a profound mistake. It is vital- 11 attack, FBI director Robert Mueller
ly important for policymakers to break the described news reports that the suicide
recurring cycle of enacting antiterrorism leg- hijackers had received flight training in
If the government islation before the pillars of our constitu- the United States as “news, quite obvi-
tional republic are completely undermined. ously,” adding, “If we had understood
cannot discipline When the next terrorist atrocity occurs—and that to be the case, we would have—per-
itself for derelic- it will occur—policymakers should refrain haps one could have averted this.”
tion, negligence, from legislation—at least until they have Mueller, who had only assumed the
paused to deliberate four issues: (a) account- directorship of the FBI a week earlier,
incompetence, ability, (b) history, (c) reality, and (d) liberty. was apparently not yet aware that the
poor perfor- bureau had known for years that sus-
Deliberate Accountability before Legislating pected terrorists with ties to Osama bin
mance, and cor- Before policymakers come to the conclu- Laden were receiving flight training at
ruption, why in sion that there is too much freedom and priva- American schools.18
the world should cy in America and that the police and intelli- • Members of Congress recently heaped
gence agencies do not have enough power, they praise on FBI whistleblower Colleen
it be rewarded ought to thoroughly examine the question of Rowley and Enron whistleblower Sherron
with additional how well the government has utilized the pow- Watkins, but thus far no congressional
funds and addi- ers that it already wields. This is common committee has invited Mary Schneider to
sense. If the government cannot discipline the nation’s capital to tell her story.
tional powers? itself for dereliction, negligence, incompetence, Although it is now common knowledge

that al-Qaeda terrorists involved in the issues mentioned above, the future of America One wonders
September 11 attack used Orlando, seems quite bleak. It is noteworthy that not a what a senator
Florida, as a staging area, Schneider report- single employee in the federal government has
edly tried to blow the whistle on their activ- lost his or her job in the wake of September has to do before
ity months in advance of the attack. 11.22 While it is possible that no one was truly his colleagues will
Schneider, a 20-year veteran of the at fault, a much more plausible explanation is institute formal
Immigration and Naturalization Service, that there is a general unwillingness to hold
reportedly warned both the FBI and government officials accountable for failure. expulsion pro-
Attorney General John Ashcroft that aliens ceedings or even a
connected with bin Laden were illegally Deliberate History before Legislating
residing in the Orlando area. Schneider History should matter. Before policymakers censure.
came to believe that terrorists were plot- come to the conclusion that there is too much
ting an attack on an American target, but freedom and privacy in America and that the
her pleas for an investigation fell on deaf police and intelligence agencies do not have
ears. If her explosive allegations are true, enough power, they should pause to consider
one wonders how the Enron whistleblow- how much respect the federal government has
er could be called to testify before shown for individual American citizens, the law,
Congress, but not Schneider. After all, the and the Constitution. Here are just a few events
collapse of the World Trade Center is far that should not be soon forgotten.
more serious than the financial collapse of • The FBI has used its surveillance powers
an energy company.19 to interfere in domestic politics. During
• After September 11, an invaluable lead the 1960s and 1970s, the bureau tried to
on bin Laden’s whereabouts was report- undermine and disrupt the civil rights
edly compromised when certain sena- movement and the movement against
tors divulged highly classified informa- the Vietnam war. In 1964, the bureau
tion regarding an intercepted phone call went so far as to attempt to blackmail
by al-Qaeda terrorists. That lapse in Martin Luther King in the weeks preced-
judgment was both astonishing and ing his ceremony to receive the Nobel
unpardonable. Capturing or killing bin Peace Prize. To thwart King’s rising
Laden is the key to destroying the al- stature, the FBI threatened to give the
Qaeda terrorist network. Tipping off the news media evidence of King’s adulterous
terrorists about our capability to inter- affairs if he did not commit suicide.23
cept their phone conversations, and • The FBI has given some of its informers a
thus letting bin Laden slip through the license to commit crime. The bureau has
fingers of the CIA, put scores of looked the other way while sociopaths
American lives at risk. One wonders committed murders and innocent people
what a senator has to do before his col- were jailed for those crimes. 24
leagues will institute formal expulsion • When an FBI sniper was indicted by a state
proceedings or even a censure. To allow prosecutor on manslaughter charges, the
such irresponsible people to cast a vote Department of Justice urged the court to
on antiterrorism legislation, and to have dismiss the case because “federal law
them exercise their judgment on the enforcement officials are privileged to do
possible necessity of curtailing the civil what would otherwise be unlawful if done
liberties of the American people, is noth- by a private citizen.” In other words, homi-
ing short of a travesty.20 cide statutes do not apply to federal police
Columnist George Will once observed that • In 1993, the FBI used tanks to demolish
when failures are not punished, failures prolif- a building containing children. Attorney
erate.21 If our policymakers evade any of the General Janet Reno told everyone that

such an operation was necessary because criminals invariably decide to strike when the
“babies were being beaten” and the police are not on the scene.
tanks were creating “escape routes.” Because terrorists enjoy the same key
However, a week later, the attorney gen- advantage against our intelligence and law
eral admitted that she had no evidence enforcement agencies, policymakers must
that children were being beaten.26 pause before they rush to the conclusion that
• The Department of Justice has told the more government power is the “solution.”
Supreme Court that it is perfectly legal Even though America has the most powerful
for the government to take property military force in the history of humankind,
away from a citizen who has done defense and intelligence experts have been
absolutely nothing wrong.27 forced to acknowledge the relative ease with
• In 2000, the Department of Justice main- which Americans can be attacked. In 1997,
tained that the Second Amendment to the Secretary of Defense William Cohen observed:
U.S. Constitution does not really guaran-
tee the right of citizens to keep and bear With advanced technology and a
arms. The government can, in its discre- smaller world of porous borders, the
tion, take guns away from the citizenry.28 ability to unleash mass sickness, death,
Policymakers • The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. and destruction today has reached a
should carefully Constitution says that the powers that far greater order of magnitude. A lone
consider the are not delegated to the federal govern- madman or nest of fanatics with a bot-
ment are reserved to the states, or to the tle of chemicals, a batch of plaque-
lessons of history people. The Department of Justice, how- inducing bacteria . . . can threaten or
before they decide ever, has maintained that the federal kill tens of thousands of people in a
government’s powers are essentially single act of malevolence.30
to confer more unlimited or “plenary.”29
power on the The harsh reality was summed up best in
government. Lord Acton was correct when he observed a Defense Department Task Force report:
that power tends to corrupt. All too often, “While clearly it would be preferable to pre-
government officials come to disdain any vent incidents rather than mitigate them, the
limitations on their power. Policymakers United States cannot count on prevention.”31
should carefully consider the lessons of his- Unlike nuclear weapons, chemical and bio-
tory before they decide to confer more power logical weapons can be fairly easily built,
on the government. stored, and disseminated. A terrorist can
spread biological or chemical agents with an
Deliberate Reality before Legislating aerosol sprayer from the rooftop of an apart-
In a free society, the police maintain law ment building or by leaving a suitcase in a
and order primarily by reacting to citizen busy train station or sports arena.
complaints, investigating crimes that have When Attorney General Ashcroft testified
already occurred, and then apprehending the before Congress after September 11, he was
culprit. In America, the government is only asked whether the expanded powers that he
rarely able to “prevent” a crime before the was seeking would have given the FBI the abil-
fact. Unlike, say, the secret police in China, ity to prevent the attack on the World Trade
our government cannot move against a per- Center. Ashcroft conceded that it would be
son who has not yet broken the law. Thus, misleading for him to offer that kind of assur-
criminal predators can often bide their time ance.32 Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) was even
for the most advantageous set of circum- more blunt when he acknowledged:
stances conducive to their success. That is,
criminals can choose the time, place, and vic- No one can guarantee that Americans
tim. Not surprisingly, to avoid detection, will be free from the threat of future

terrorist attacks, and to suggest that at work here. When terrorists are able to per-
this legislation—or any legislation— petrate a dramatic, surprise attack, elected
would or could provide such a guar- officials spring into action because they want
antee would be a false promise. I will to help to solve the problem or, at the least,
not engage in such false promises, and be seen as helping to solve the problem. As
those who make such assertions do a noted earlier, altering the “balance between
disservice to the American people.33 liberty and security” is invariably viewed as
the “solution” to the terrorist problem. Sen.
True enough, but it would also be a grave Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) was the only senator
disservice to the American people to curtail to vote against President Bush’s proposed
their privacy and liberties for nothing more Antiterrorism Act of 2001. Feingold had
than the illusion of increased security. enough self-confidence to step back from the
Indeed, if actions speak louder than words, it legislative details and to take cognizance of
is telling that President Bush moved essential the long-term implications of continuously
government personnel into underground “rebalancing” liberty and security. He
bunkers outside of Washington, D.C., to expressed his opposition to the proposed leg-
ensure the continuation of government ser- islation in the following terms:
vices in the event of a terrorist attack.34 Bush
took that step because he knows that antiter- If we lived in a country that allowed
rorism legislation does not invest him with the police to search your home at any
supernatural powers that will somehow time for any reason; if we lived in a
enable him to prevent an attack on the country that allowed the govern-
nation’s capital. ment to open your mail; eavesdrop
on your phone conversations, or
Deliberate Liberty before Legislating intercept your email communica-
Freedom is the essence of America. Many tions; if we lived in a country that
people, including President Bush, believe allowed the government to hold peo-
that the al-Qaeda terrorists attacked America ple in jail indefinitely based on what
because of their disdain for our free society. they write or think, or based on mere
Unfortunately, in the days and weeks follow- suspicion that they are up to no
ing the September 11 calamity, President good, then the government would
Bush pushed several initiatives that severely no doubt discover and arrest more
undermined freedom in America. Too many terrorists. But that probably would
of the men and women who occupy public not be a country in which we would Too many of the
office only talk about the blessings of liberty. want to live. And that would not be a
Very few have any deep appreciation for the country for which we could, in good
men and women
conditions that are necessary for individual conscience, ask our young people to who occupy pub-
liberty to flourish. For most government fight and die. In short, that would lic office only talk
officials, freedom is an abstraction that can not be America. 35
be ignored in face of a concrete danger—such about the bless-
as a truck bomb. Because that worldview per- After Feingold cast his lonely vote against ings of liberty.
vades Washington it will be useful to exam- the popular antiterrorism bill, several senators
ine how certain antiterrorism provisions and told him privately that they agreed with him,
Very few have any
related initiatives are having the real, though but that they were afraid of being perceived by deep appreciation
far less dramatic, effect of undermining the the public as being “soft” on terrorism.36 for the conditions
pillars of our constitutional republic. Whatever their motivations, it is the responsi-
Before addressing the specifics, one must bility of elected officials to defend Americans that are necessary
first recognize both the short-term politics from foreign aggressors without violating the for individual lib-
and the long-term legal implications that are safeguards set forth in the Constitution. Thus, erty to flourish.

The prisoner can President Bush’s antiterrorism initiatives challenge the legality of the arrest.40 The pris-
only file appeals must be closely examined for their necessity, oner can only file appeals with the official
wisdom, and constitutionality. who ordered his arrest in the first instance,
with the official Bush Seeks to Expand the Power to Arrest. The namely, the president. The whole purpose of
who ordered his Fourth Amendment of the Constitution pro- the Fourth Amendment is to make such a
arrest in the first vides, “The right of the people to be secure in procedure impossible in America.
their persons, houses, papers, and effects, Some have defended the constitutionality
instance, namely, against unreasonable searches and seizures, of that presidential order because it applies
the president. The shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall only to noncitizens. That argument has some
issue, but upon probable cause, supported by surface appeal, but it cannot withstand
whole purpose of Oath or affirmation, and particularly scrutiny. It should be noted that while some
the Fourth describing the place to be searched, and the provisions of the Constitution employ the
Amendment is to persons or things to be seized.” term “citizens,” other provisions employ the
The arrest of a person is the quintessential term “persons.” Thus, it is safe to say that
make such a pro- “seizure” under the Fourth Amendment. In when the Framers of the Constitution want-
cedure impossible many countries around the world, police agents ed to use the narrow or broad classification,
can arrest people whenever they choose, but in they did so. The Supreme Court has always
in America. America the Fourth Amendment shields the affirmed this plain reading of the constitu-
people from overzealous government agents by tional text.41
placing some limits on the powers of the police. Second, President Bush and the FBI have
The primary “check” is the warrant application tried to dilute the “probable cause” standard for
process. This process requires police to apply for citizens and noncitizens alike. The Supreme
arrest warrants, allowing for impartial judges to Court has repeatedly noted that a person can-
exercise some independent judgment with not be hauled out of his home on the mere sus-
respect to whether sufficient evidence has been picion of police agents—since that would place
gathered to meet the “probable cause” standard the liberty of every individual into the hands of
set forth in the Fourth Amendment.37 When any petty official.42But in the days and weeks
officers take a person into custody without an following September 11, the FBI arrested hun-
arrest warrant, the prisoner must be brought dreds of people and euphemistically referred to
before a magistrate within 48 hours so that an the group as “detainees.”43
impartial judicial officer can scrutinize the con- Many of those arrests were perfectly law-
duct of the police agent and release anyone who ful, but it is also obvious that many were not.
was illegally deprived of his or her liberty.38 The FBI has tried to justify dozens of arrests
President Bush and his subordinates have with the following argument:
undermined the Fourth Amendment’s pro-
tections in two distinct ways. First, President The business of counterterrorism
Bush has asserted the authority to exclude intelligence gathering in the United
the judiciary from the warrant application States is akin to the construction of a
process by issuing his own arrest warrants. mosaic. At this stage of the investiga-
According to the controversial “military tion, the FBI is gathering and pro-
order” that Bush issued on November 13, cessing thousands of bits and pieces
2001, once the president makes a determina- of information that may seem
tion that a noncitizen may be involved in cer- innocuous at first glance. We must
tain illegal activities, federal police agents analyze all that information, howev-
“shall” detain that person “at an appropriate er, to see if it can be fit into a picture
location designated by the secretary of that will reveal how the unseen
defense outside or within the United whole operates. . . . What may seem
States.”39 According to the order, the person trivial to some may appear of great
arrested cannot get into a court of law to moment to those within the FBI or

the intelligence community who Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of
have a broader context.44 habeas corpus—so that the prisoners could
not challenge the legality of their arrest or
At bottom, this is an attempt to effect conviction in a civilian court.50 The one case
what Judge Richard Posner has aptly called that did reach the Supreme Court, Ex Parte
“imprisonment on suspicion while the police Milligan (1866), deserves careful attention.51
look for evidence to confirm their suspi- In Milligan, the attorney general of the
cion.”45 Since the Supreme Court has repeat- United States maintained that the legal guar-
edly rebuffed police and prosecutorial antees set forth in the Bill of Rights were
attempts to dilute the constitutional stan- “peace provisions.”52 During wartime, he
dard of probable cause, that gambit should argued, the federal government can suspend
not be tolerated.46 the Bill of Rights and impose martial law. If
Bush Seeks to Expand the Power to Prosecute the government chooses to exercise that
and Imprison. Article III, section 2, of the option, the commanding military officer
Constitution provides, “The Trial of all becomes “the supreme legislator, supreme
Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment; shall judge, and supreme executive.”53 Under that
be by Jury.” The Sixth Amendment to the legal theory, many American citizens were
Constitution provides, “In all criminal prose- arrested, imprisoned, and executed without
Under Bush’s
cutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a the benefit of the legal mode of procedure set military order, he
speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury.” forth in the Constitution—trial by jury. will decide who
To limit the awesome powers of government, The Supreme Court ultimately rejected the
the Framers of the Constitution designed a legal position advanced by the attorney gener- can be tried
system in which citizen juries stand between al. Here is one passage from the Milligan ruling: before a jury and
the apparatus of the state and the accused. If
the government prosecutor can convince a The great minds of the country have
who can be tried
jury that the accused has committed a crime differed on the correct interpretation before a military
and belongs in prison, the accused will lose his to be given to various provisions of commission.
liberty and perhaps his life. If the government the Federal Constitution; and judicial
cannot convince the jury with its evidence, the decision has been often invoked to
prisoner will go free. In America, an acquittal settle their true meaning; but until
by a jury is final and unreviewable by state recently no one ever doubted that the
functionaries.47 right to trial by jury was fortified in
President Bush would like to be able to the organic law against the power of
deny the benefit of trial by jury to nonciti- attack. It is now assailed; but if ideas
zens accused of terrorist activities on U.S. can be expressed in words and lan-
soil. Under Bush’s military order, he will guage has any meaning, this right—one
decide who can be tried before a jury and who of the most valuable in a free coun-
can be tried before a military commission.48 try—is preserved to every one accused
Conservative legal scholar Robert Bork, who of crime who is not attached to the
is widely known for stressing the text of the army, or navy, or militia in actual ser-
Constitution and the original intent of the vice. The sixth amendment affirms
founders, not only came to the defense of that ‘in all criminal prosecutions the
Bush’s military order, but went further and accused shall enjoy the right to a
maintained that that order could and should speedy and public trial by an impar-
be revised and extended to American citizens tial jury,’ language broad enough to
as well.49 embrace all persons and cases.54
The federal government did try people
before military commissions during the Civil The Milligan ruling is sound. While the
War. To facilitate that process, President Constitution empowers Congress “To make

Rules for the Government and Regulation of power is “checked” by the judiciary and by
the land and naval Forces” and “To provide citizen juries.56
for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Bush Seeks to Expand the Power to Eavesdrop.
Militia,” the Supreme Court ruled that the In November, 2001, Attorney General
jurisdiction of the military courts could not Ashcroft announced that the Department of
extend beyond those people who were actual- Justice would begin to monitor the conversa-
ly serving in the army, navy, and militia. That tions of lawyers with their clients in federal
is an eminently sensible reading of the con- custody.57 The new policy represents an
stitutional text. abrupt change from existing practice. Up until
President Bush and his lawyers maintain now, prison facilities have had two sets of
that terrorists are “unlawful combatants” phones for prisoner use. One set is used by
and that unlawful combatants are not enti- ordinary visitors to the jail, such as friends and
tled to the protections of the Bill of Rights. relatives—and that set of phones is ordinarily
The defect in the president’s claim is circular- monitored and recorded by government. The
ity. A primary function of the trial process is other set of phones is reserved for attorney-
to sort through conflicting evidence in order client conversations. That set of phones is not
to find the truth. Anyone who assumes that a monitored—so that lawyers can confer with
person who has merely been accused of being their clients in private. Under the president’s
an unlawful combatant is, in fact, an unlaw- new policy, the attorney-client privilege, one of
ful combatant, can understandably maintain the oldest privileges for communication
that such a person is not entitled to the pro- known to the common law, will now have to
tection of our constitutional safeguards. The make room for state eavesdroppers.58
flaw, however, is that that argument begs the The purpose of the attorney-client privi-
very question under consideration. lege is to encourage full and frank communi-
To take a concrete example, suppose that cation between attorneys and their clients.
the president accuses a lawful permanent res- Sound legal advice depends upon a lawyer’s
ident of the U.S. of aiding and abetting ter- being fully informed by a client. Limitations
rorism. The person accused responds by on the power of the state to compel disclo-
denying the charge and by insisting on a trial sures by the attorney gives clients confidence
by jury so that he can establish his innocence. that conversations with their lawyers will
The president responds by saying that “ter- remain confidential. Note, however, that the
rorists are unlawful combatants and unlaw- attorney-client privilege is not absolute. The
ful combatants are not entitled to jury trials.” government already has the power to wiretap
The president The president also says that the prisoner is attorney-client conversations—provided that
not entitled to any access to the civilian court it has gathered enough evidence to persuade
cannot make him- system to allege any violations of his consti- a judge to issue a wiretap order for an attor-
self the police- tutional rights.55 With the writ of habeas cor- ney who appears to be corrupt.59
man, prosecutor, pus suspended, the prisoner and his attorney Although the Bush-Ashcroft eavesdropping
can only file legal appeals with the presi- initiative has a laudable purpose—to stop ter-
and judge over dent—the very person who ordered the pris- rorists from using their attorneys to pass useful
people on U.S. oner’s arrest in the first instance! information to their confederates outside of the
soil. In America, The Constitution’s jury trial clause is not prison walls—the policy is disturbing nonethe-
a “peace provision” that can be suspended less. First, it is noteworthy that the president
the president’s during wartime. Reasonable people can did not include this initiative in the package of
power is argue about how to prosecute war criminals antiterrorism proposals that he submitted for
who are captured overseas in a theater of war, congressional approval. Rather than defend the
“checked” by the but the president cannot make himself the wisdom and necessity for this measure in the
judiciary and by policeman, prosecutor, and judge over peo- legislative chamber, the president chose to
citizen juries. ple on U.S. soil. In America, the president’s bypass Congress and issue a “rule” with respect

to the internal operations of federal prisons. the president would like to be able to monitor President Bush’s
The practical effect is that the onus is now upon the attorney-client conversations of not only eavesdropping
the legislature to overturn the new policy by convicted prisoners, but of those who have
passing a new bill, a move that will undoubted- been arrested and are awaiting trial. As dis- initiative is, at
ly be vetoed by the president. cussed above, the president has also sought to best, wronghead-
Second, the new eavesdropping policy lower the legal threshold by which people can ed. It should not
bypasses the judiciary. Like the power to arrest be taken into custody by the police and intelli-
and search, the primary “check” on the power gence agencies. Thus, while perhaps technical- be possible for a
to wiretap is the warrant application process. ly “legal,” the eavesdropping policy is alarming single person to
By requiring the police to seek advance when it is seen as a part of concerted effort by
approval from a judicial officer, the process the president and his lawyers to aggrandize strip apprehend-
allows wiretap applications to be vetted by an power in the executive branch. The strategy is ed suspects of
impartial judge. In this way, meritorious appli- to augment the power to deprive individuals such a longstand-
cations can be separated from fishing expedi- of their liberty, to allow no privacy whatsoever,
tions. Under the president’s initiative, howev- and to make redress in the court system very ing legal privilege
er, the attorney general retains exclusive deci- difficult, if not impossible. as attorney-client
sionmaking authority to conduct monitoring The president and his attorney general
without being subject to judicial approval, have tried to deflect criticism by stressing the
review, or oversight.60 fact that their eavesdropping initiative will be
The plea of “necessity” to justify the poli- limited to a small group of prisoners and
cy simply does not stand up to scrutiny. Even that certain protocols will be implemented to
in emergency circumstances outside prison protect the rights of prisoners. Those assur-
walls, for example, the law does not dispense ances may be sincere, but they should not
with judicial oversight. Federal law provides divert one’s attention from the fact that a
that when there is an emergency situation legal precedent is being established here. The
that involves “(i) immediate danger of death plain truth of the matter is that if the presi-
or serious bodily injury to any person, (ii) dent can have a single prisoner’s conversa-
conspiratorial activities threatening the tion with his attorney monitored, the presi-
national security interest, or (iii) conspirator- dent can expand his policy tomorrow to
ial activities characteristic of organized include all prisoners in federal custody.
crime,” the wire interception may be made Similarly, the safeguards that the president
without an order if there is probable cause has instituted can be altered, modified, or
and there is judicial approval of the intercep- completely removed should he (or any one of
tion within 48 hours after the interception his successors) deem it appropriate.
has occurred, or begins to occur.61 If the President Bush’s eavesdropping initiative
order is denied by the judicial officer, then is, at best, wrongheaded. It should not be
“the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic possible for a single person to strip appre-
communication intercepted shall be treated hended suspects of such a longstanding legal
as having been obtained in violation of this privilege as attorney-client confidentiality.
chapter.”62If the attorney general can abide Bush Seeks to Expand the Power to Deport.
by these strict rules in emergency circum- The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution
stances for suspects outside prison walls, he provides that no person can be deprived of
can surely operate with judicial oversight for life, liberty, or property, without due process
suspects who have already been captured and of law.” While no alien has a “right” to enter
imprisoned. the United States, once an alien has already
Finally, when the new eavesdropping policy made an entry into our country, his constitu-
is viewed in combination with all of the other tional status changes. Any person threatened
powers that the president has been seeking, its with deportation has a constitutional right
breadth is alarming. It should be noted that to be accorded due process in a fair hearing.63

President Bush would like to be able to than 4,000 business firms, organizations, and
seize and deport people without any hearing individuals with fines and jail if they do not
whatsoever. Under the controversial military give the Department of Justice the informa-
order, Bush can have people arrested outside tion it demands.71 What is worse is that the
of the judicial process and held incommunica- federal government is compelling every sector
do at military bases. Another section of that of American industry to assist police investiga-
order provides: “I reserve the authority to tions by systemic surveillance of customers
direct the secretary of defense, at anytime here- and employees.72 The American tradition of
after, to transfer to a governmental authority voluntary cooperation with law enforcement
control of any individual subject to this is being perverted into a system of compulso-
order.”64 That means that any person arrested ry cooperation.
could be flown to another country at any time This pernicious trend began with the Bank
where he could possibly then be tortured by a Secrecy Act of 1970. The Department of Justice
foreign intelligence agency.65 The prisoner is and the Internal Revenue Service convinced
barred from filing a writ of habeas corpus, Congress that they could launch a more effective
which would allow him his “day in court” to attack on organized crime if domestic banks
perhaps show that there has been a miscar- could be made to provide greater evidence of
President Bush riage of justice in his particular case.66This financial transactions. Under that act, banks
would like to be sweeping assertion of presidential power is must spy on their customers and report to the
able to seize and worrisome because “no society is free where police any transaction involving more than
government makes one person’s liberty $10,000. Furthermore, every bank must keep a
deport people depend upon the arbitrary will of another.”67 copy of every check drawn on it or presented to it
without any hear- One should not forget that the power to for payment. In this way, the police could bolster
ing whatsoever. deport has been abused. American citizens their fight against money laundering.
have been unlawfully deported. 68 Others have The Supreme Court upheld the constitu-
become pawns in political machinations. For tionality of the Bank Secrecy Act in a six to
example, six Iraqi men who fought against three ruling in 1974.73 The Court found no
Saddam Hussein have been fighting bogus Fourth or Fifth Amendment violation and did
deportation charges that are tantamount to not find the regulatory burden to be unrea-
a death sentence should they be forced back sonable. But Justice Thurgood Marshall took
to Iraqi territory. 69 issue with the Court’s Fourth Amendment
The federal government has great leeway analysis in a dissenting opinion: “By com-
in establishing the various grounds for pelling an otherwise unwilling bank to photo-
deportation, but the only check on possible copy the checks of its customers, the
arbitrary and capricious action is the due Government has as much a hand in seizing
process guarantee of the Fifth Amendment. those checks as if it had forced a private person
The president should respect, not nullify, to break into the customer’s home or office
that guarantee. and photocopy the checks there.”74 Justice
Bush and Congress Seek to Expand the Power to William O. Douglas expressed his discomfort
Compel Cooperation. Justice Louis Brandeis with the act by extending the government’s
once described the right to be let alone as “the logic beyond banking: “It would be highly use-
most comprehensive of rights and the right ful to government espionage to have like
most valued by civilized men.”70 However, the reports from all our bookstores, all our hard-
men and women who serve in the federal gov- ware and retail stores, all our drugstores.
ernment hold the opposite point of view. The These records too might be ‘useful’ in criminal
federal government takes the position that it investigations.”75 Like Marshall, Douglas
can coerce innocent people into cooperating believed the act to be unconstitutional.
with its investigations. Since September 11, Unfortunately, Justice Douglas’s dissent-
the federal government has threatened more ing opinion has proven to be prescient. Since

1974, the federal government has effectively they cannot control the actions of terrorists.
deputized the telephone, airline, hotel, and Policymakers do, however, retain complete
credit card companies as well as internet ser- control over the extent of government pow-
vice providers into its network of private ers. The adoption of certain policies can limit
informers and data gatherers. 76 The most the power and scope of government and con-
recent antiterrorism legislation will allow the sequently increase the sphere of individual
police to compel records from any business freedom; other policies can expand the scope
regarding any person—including medical and power of government and thus decrease
records from hospitals, educational records the sphere of individual freedom. Because
from universities, and even records of books additional attacks on the American home-
that have been checked out from the local land are virtually certain, a fundamental
library or purchased from the bookstore.77 choice lies ahead with respect to how the
Shortly after the passage of the antiterror- ongoing terrorism problem is going to be
ism law, the Department of Justice started to lay addressed on the home front. One path will
plans to deputize lawyers and accountants. A lead inexorably to government domination
working group of Justice Department and and authoritarianism. The other path will
Treasury Department officials are formulating keep America free, if not completely safe.
regulations that will require lawyers and
accountants to file “suspicious activity reports” The Road to Authoritarianism
about their clients with various federal agen- If policymakers continue to respond to ter-
cies.78 Clearly, the federal government’s insa- rorist atrocities by “enhancing” the power of
tiable appetite for information is destroying the government, it is not terribly difficult to dis-
freedom and privacy that it was supposed to cern the trend lines for the next 20 years.
protect. The most recent antiterrorism law even Power has been flowing, and will continue to
tries to suppress the speech of businesspeople flow, to the federal government and executive
by prohibiting them from telling the press and branch in particular. If present trends contin-
the public about any of the government’s ue, it is likely that America will drift toward
demands, a blatant violation of the free speech national identification cards, a national police
clause of the First Amendment.79 force, and more extensive military involve-
There have been some extraordinary legal ment in domestic affairs. That ought to give
developments since the September 11 pause to people of goodwill from all across the
calamity: warrantless arrests, military trials, political spectrum—since those are the telltale
eavesdropping on attorney-client conversa- signs of societies that are unfree.82
tions, and using businesspeople to facilitate If any president were to propose the If present trends
systemic surveillance of checking accounts issuance of national ID cards, the dissolution
and e-mail. Such expansion of government of the state and local police in favor of a
continue, it is
power has seriously undermined the civil lib- national police force, and much greater mili- likely that
erties of Americans.80 Before our policymak- tary involvement in law enforcement, the America will drift
ers enact additional antiterrorism legislation, proposal would undoubtedly be rejected as
they ought to carefully deliberate the extent un-American. And yet, the federal govern- toward national
to which liberty in America has already dete- ment has already been moving relentlessly identification
riorated and whether it is really necessary to toward the realization of those objectives
surrender more liberty and privacy. 81 without any meaningful political opposition.
cards, a national
With respect to national ID cards, attorney police force, and
and economist Charlotte Twight has document- more extensive
The Road Ahead ed a variety of federal data collection programs
that compel the production, retention, and dis- military involve-
Policymakers cannot guarantee the safety semination of personal information about every ment in domestic
of Americans from terrorist attacks because American citizen.83 Linked through an individ- affairs.

Once a national ual’s Social Security number, these labor, med- police force.”87 Once a national police force is
police force is ical, educational, and financial databases already established and has the power to investigate
empower federal employees to obtain a detailed all manner of offenses, Jackson noted, “in the
established and has portrait of any person: the checks he writes, the parlance of the street, [the state] will have
the power to inves- political causes he supports, and what he says enough on enough people, even if it does not
tigate all manner of “privately” to his doctor. Enacted in the name of elect to prosecute them, so that it will find no
“reducing fraud” and “increasing efficiency,” opposition to its policies.”88
offenses, the state such programs have exposed most areas of With respect to the role of the military,
“will have enough American life to ongoing scrutiny. Since the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 has long
Americans already have Social Security numbers been a symbol of America’s commitment to
on enough people, and use drivers’ licenses for purposes of identifi- keeping the military out of domestic law
even if it does not cation, why not adopt a uniform counterfeit- enforcement.89 Over the last 20 years, howev-
elect to prosecute proof card with biometric identifiers? er, Congress has created so many exceptions
Twight warns that such a move would to the Posse Comitatus Act that it has
them, so that it will mean “metastasizing government control” become a rather feeble limitation on the mil-
find no opposition over society, as individuals, knowing that itary. Why not repeal that law completely?
they are being monitored, would start behav- After all, our military special forces are
to its policies.” ing as the government wants them to. Law already training state and local SWAT teams;
professor Paul Schwartz has also noted the Army units are already conducting drug
connection between a government’s capacity raids; and National Guard units have already
to collect information and the erosion of been stationed in airport terminals. Why
individual autonomy: “The effectiveness of retain a law from the Civil War era when
[authoritarian] regimes in rendering adults America is facing the possibility of a cata-
as helpless as children is in large part a prod- strophic attack from foreign terrorists?90
uct of the uncertainty that they instill regard- One problem with tearing down the wall
ing their use of personal information.”84 between the police and the military is the
With respect to a national police force, the very nature of the terrorist threat. The terror-
foundation has already been laid. First, ist problem is not a short-term crisis, but a
Congress has already been funding local law long-term security dilemma. Thus, America
enforcement and manipulating its priorities would very likely witness more Waco-type
by attaching an endless number of “strings” disasters if the military becomes involved in
to such appropriations. 85 Second, the routine policing activities. Policymakers
Department of Justice already oversees hun- should not forget that during a 1993 stand-
dreds of permanent “joint task forces” made off with a religious community near Waco,
up of teams of federal, state, and local police Texas, the FBI took the advice of Delta Force
agents.86 Why stop with half-measures? Why commanders, using tanks and grenade
not end unnecessary duplication, streamline launchers against a building that harbored
the bureaucracy, and centralize control? dozens of men, women, and children. It
Former attorney general and Supreme turned into the worst disaster in the history
Court justice Robert Jackson, for one, vigor- of modern law enforcement—leaving more
ously opposed the idea of a national police than 80 people dead, including 27 children.91
force. Jackson prosecuted the Nazi war crimi- The military mission is very different
nals at Nuremberg, and one of the lessons that from the mission of law enforcement. The
he took away from that experience was the job of a police officer is to keep the peace
danger posed by a national police force: “I can- while adhering to constitutional procedures.
not say that our country could have no central Soldiers, on the other hand, consider enemy
police without becoming totalitarian, but I personnel human targets. Confusing the
can say with great conviction that it cannot police function with the military function
become totalitarian without a centralized often leads to dangerous and unintended

consequences—such as unnecessary shoot- for additional power in order to reasonably
ings and killings.92 accomplish that mission, so be it.
Despite the dangerous implications noted However, if recent experience is any guide,
above, America will likely continue to mud- one can expect any debate in the aftermath of
dle along the road to national ID cards, a an attack to be framed immediately in terms of
national police force, and more military which civil liberties will have to be sacrificed in
involvement in domestic affairs. That is a safe order to wage a more effective fight against the
prediction because thus far there has been no terrorists. In light of the relative ease with which
meaningful political opposition to those terrorists can kill Americans, this is a danger-
trends. There are at least two reasons for the ously misguided approach to the problem.
absence of opposition. First, elected officials Before policymakers rush to the conclusion
want to be perceived as “problem solvers” that it is necessary to expand the power of gov-
and do not want to be perceived as “soft” on ernment, they should critically examine govern-
terrorism. Second, the path of ID cards, addi- ment initiatives that may be unnecessary,
tional federal controls, and involving the mil- wrongheaded, or counterproductive. Here are a
itary has some allure to it. It is possible that few policies that could make America more
Americans might find a good measure of secure without limiting freedom.
safety by allowing the federal government to
Before policymak-
tightly control our society. But the price for • The federal government should stop ers rush to the con-
that security would have come at the expense playing the role of world policeman. clusion that it is
of America’s soul. Freedom could no longer When U.S. troops are sent on missions
be said to be the essence of America. America that have little or nothing to do with our necessary to
would instead have been transformed into vital national security interests, the expand the power
something resembling a benevolent, authori- move invariably inflames foreign politi-
tarian democracy—a regime not unlike the cal factions that may then want
of government,
one found in today’s Singapore. vengeance. As Richard Betts, director of they should criti-
national security studies at the Council cally examine gov-
The Road to Freedom on Foreign Relations, has noted,
Antiterrorism proposals will emerge in “Playing Globocop feeds the urge of ernment initiatives
the wake of every terrorist attack. That much aggrieved groups to strike back.”93 that may be
is certain. Conscientious policymakers will • The federal government’s civil defense unnecessary,
find themselves on the defensive in a climate programs are flawed and woefully under-
that will be dominated by fear and anger. developed. To take one example, instead wrongheaded, or
What can a friend of liberty and privacy do of stockpiling the smallpox vaccine, the counterproductive.
under such circumstances? It would, of government should allow the vaccine to
course, be unreasonable for a policymaker to be made widely available to the public.
blindly defend every existing policy in place That would allow Americans to take
and never support any bill that might responsibility for their own health and
impinge upon the civil liberties of the safety and not leave them dependent on
American people. At the same time, however, the public health authorities. Advance
there ought to be a strong presumption in distribution might also deter an attack
favor of liberty—and that presumption since the virus cannot spread as rapidly in
should be overridden by policymakers only a vaccinated population. Terrorists tend
after they have carefully deliberated the issues to probe for weak spots and strike at pop-
of accountability, history, reality, and liberty. ulations that are vulnerable.94
The central mission of federal government is • The federal government should abandon
to defend the lives, liberties, and property of its counterproductive war on drugs. It is
the American people from foreign aggres- ludicrous to have federal police agents
sors. If the government has a bona fide need expending energy against marijuana

clubs in California when terrorist sleeper safeguards. First, gigantic antiterrorism leg-
cells may be on U.S. soil plotting addi- islative “packages” should be rejected out-
tional attacks. The lesson of alcohol pro- right. Omnibus legislation vastly increases
hibition is that gangster organizations the chances of a bad proposal finding its way
got rich from black market profits as peo- into the federal books. If a proposal cannot
ple continued to drink. Similarly, the find legislative and executive support on its
drug war is channeling billions of dollars own merits, it should not become the law of
of black market profits into a criminal the land.
underworld occupied by corrupt politi- Second, the final legislative vote on each bill
cians, criminals, and, yes, terrorists. 95 should be postponed to ensure calm reflection
• Federal and state governments should and deliberation. Thomas Jefferson urged a
stop their inane practice of treating gun delay of one year for any piece of legislation: “I
owners like hoodlums or loose cannons. think it would be well to provide . . . that there
For too many years, Americans have shall always be a twelve-month between the
been told that they should not take an ingrossing a bill & passing it: that it should then
active part in their own personal safety. be offered to it’s passage without changing a
The government’s advice to the citizenry word.”97Anticipating the plea of “emergency,”
has been a debilitating message of Jefferson stated that “if circumstances should
dependency: “If you are confronted by a be thought to require a speedier passage, it
criminal, try to call 911. Don’t resist. Let should take two thirds of both houses instead
the police handle it.” The reality is that of a bare majority.”98 Before policymakers come
terrorists and criminals can strike any- to the conclusion that the American people
time, anywhere. Gun control policies have too much freedom and privacy and that
leave citizens dependent on government the police and intelligence agencies do not have
agents who cannot possibly protect enough power, Jefferson’s “twelve-month”
everyone all the time. President Bush seems more than appropriate.
should emulate the tough love policy of Third, sunset provisions should be incorpo-
Colorado sheriff Bill Masters, who tells rated into each bill so that any bill that becomes
the residents of his county, “It is your law will expire after a specified time, say, three
responsibility to protect yourself and years. If new police powers are truly necessary,
your family from criminals. If you rely they presumably will win the continuing sup-
on the government for protection, you port of both the president and a majority of
are going to be at least disappointed and lawmakers after the passage of time.
Terrorists and at worst injured or killed.”96 If the proponents of antiterrorism legisla-
tion cannot abide by these three procedural
criminals can Implementing the above policy agenda safeguards for liberty and privacy, conscien-
strike anytime, would not only enhance the freedom of the tious legislators and citizens will have more
anywhere. Gun American people, it would also dramatically than sufficient grounds to oppose the legisla-
enhance their safety. If the president or mem- tion despite any high-minded rhetoric about
control policies bers of Congress take such policy options off the need to “protect the American people.”
leave citizens the table as somehow not worthy of consid-
eration, friends of liberty and privacy will
dependent on know that civil liberties are about to be sacri- Conclusion
government ficed in the interest of political expediency,
agents who can- not security. The president of the United States wields
If sensible policy adjustments are shunted enormous power, but it is sheer folly for any-
not possibly pro- aside, conscientious legislators can take the one to think that he can stop terrorists from
tect everyone all offensive against bombast and ill-conceived attacking the American homeland. Since
the time. proposals by insisting upon three procedural intelligence and defense experts fully expect

more atrocities in the foreseeable future, it is Louis: Accurate Press, 2001) and James Bovard’s
Freedom in Chains: The Rise of the State and the Demise
clear that Americans have a stark choice: We of the Citizen (New York: St. Martin’s, 1999). The
can either retain our freedom or we can author also thanks Elizabeth Wang for her research
throw it away in an attempt to make our- assistance on the section pertaining to government
selves safe. accountability (or the lack thereof).
This choice must be confronted and not 1. Quoted in Michael Kranish, “Attack on
evaded. No one can deny the fact that if the America,” Boston Globe, September 12, 2001.
cycle of terrorist attack followed by govern-
ment curtailment of civil liberties continues, 2. See Robert Burns, “Defense Chief Warns of
Threats Far Deadlier than Sept. 11 Attacks,”
America will eventually lose the key attribute Associated Press, January 31, 2002. Of course, the
that has made it great, namely, freedom. As use of the military should be measured. See Ivan
Secretary Rumsfeld has warned, we should be Eland, “Robust Response to 9/11 Is Needed but
careful not to “allow terrorism to alter our Poking the Hornets’ Nest Is Ill-Advised,” Cato
Foreign Policy Briefing no. 69, December 18, 2001.
way of life.”99 It is therefore both wise and
imperative to address the terrorist threat 3. H.R. 1301, 103rd Congress, 1st session.
within the framework of a free society. That
means taking the battle overseas to the ter- 4. John F. Harris, “Clinton Lashes Out at
Terrorists, Seeks Expanded Powers,” Washington
rorist base camps and killing the terrorist Post, April 24, 1995.
leadership. Here at home, it means resisting
the implementation of a surveillance state. 5. S. 735.
This course of action is, admittedly, fraught
6. See Benjamin Civiletti Jr. and Elliott Richardson,
with danger. Innocent people at home and “The Constitution on Death Row,” New York Times,
brave soldiers abroad will lose their lives to March 18, 1996. See also Stephen Halbrook,
the barbaric forces of terrorism, but they will “Terror Law Trap for Gun Owners?” Washington
at least have died honorably as free people. Times, March 14, 1996; Robert Cottrol and Glenn
Reynolds, “Greasing the Skids at the Start of Death
Everyone wants to be safe, secure, and free, Row,” Washington Times, April 1, 1996.
but such a desire denies the reality of our cir-
cumstances. In this dangerous world, free- 7. Statement on Signing the Antiterrorism and
dom is a precious thing that must be vigor- Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, April 24, 1996.
ously defended. Anyone who is not prepared 8. “Olympics and the Threat of Terrorism,” Joint
to face down the enemies of freedom with Statement of Robert M. Blitzer, Chief, Domestic
steely determination should seek shelter in Terrorism/Counter Terrorism Planning Section,
the wilderness or outside of America com- National Security Division, Federal Bureau of
Investigation and J. Gilmore Childers, Special
pletely. Freedom is not, was not, and will Counsel for the Olympics, Testimony before the
never be, a free good. Anyone who wants it Senate Judiciary Committee, June 11, 1996.
must be prepared to defend it. And defend-
ing it necessarily carries the risk of seriously 9. Ibid.
bodily injury or death. A free and indepen- 10. Quoted in “Clinton Presses for Anti-terrorism
dent people must take responsibility for their Tools,” CNN Interactive, July 29, 1996. See also John
own safety and deal with their vulnerability F. Harris and John E. Yang, “Anti-Terror Bills Pushed
in a mature fashion. A free and independent by Clinton,” Washington Post, July 30, 1996.
people should not expect supernatural pow- 11. As the weeks passed, the bill was both revised
ers from their president. and renamed. Ultimately, the bill was entitled the
“Uniting and Strengthening America by
Providing Appropriate Tools Required to
Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRI-
Notes OT) Act of 2001.” P.L. 107-56.
The author wishes to acknowledge two works from
which he has benefited greatly: Jeff Snyder’s Nation 12. Quoted in Robin Toner, “Some Foresee a Sea
of Cowards: Essays on the Ethics of Gun Control (St. Change in Attitudes on Freedoms,” New York

Times, September 15, 2001. 2001; Todd Purdum and Alison Mitchell, “Bush,
Angered by Leaks, Duels with Congress,” New
13. Remarks by the President at Signing of the York Times, October 10, 2001. Article I, section 5,
Patriot Act Anti-Terrorism Legislation, October of the Constitution provides, “Each House may
26, 2001. determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its
Members for disorderly Behaviour and, with the
14. Pam Belluck, “Crew Grabs Man; Explosive Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.”
Feared,” New York Times, December 23, 2001; J. M.
Lawrence, “Accused Shoe Bomber Pleads 21. George F. Will, “L.A. Police: Time for an
Innocent to Terror Charges,” Boston Herald, Accounting,” Washington Post, March 13, 1991.
January 19, 2002.
22. See Deroy Murdock, “Status Quo: Heads
15. Pam Belluck and Kenneth Chang, “Shoes Should Have Rolled Six Months Ago,” National
Were a ‘Homemade Bomb,’ FBI Agent Says,” New Review Online, March 15, 2002.
York Times, December 29, 2001.
23. See Richard Gid Powers, Secrecy and Power
16. Quoted in Burns. See also James Risen, (New York: Free Press, 1987), pp. 415–22. See also
“Qaeda Still Able to Strike the U.S., Head of CIA Morton Halperin, Jerry Berman, Robert Borosage,
Says,” New York Times, February 7, 2002. and Christine Marwick, The Lawless State (New
York: Penguin Books, 1976), pp. 61–89.
17. Quoted in Ze’ev Schiff, “America First,”
Ha’aretz, October 5, 2001. See also Fareed Zakaria, 24. See “The FBI’s Dirty Little Secret,” 60 Minutes,
“The Failures That Led to Sept. 11,” Washington January 27, 2002. See also Ralph Ranalli, Deadly
Post, January 15, 2002; Dan Thomasson, Alliance: The FBI’s Secret Partnership with the Mob
“Investigating Intelligence Lapses,” Washington (New York: HarperCollins, 2001).
Times, January 5, 2002.
25. Department of Justice lawyer is quoted in David
18. Mueller is quoted in Steve Fainaru and James Kravets, “Appeals Panel Hears Ruby Ridge Case,”
V. Grimaldi, “FBI Knew Terrorists Were Using Associated Press Online, December 20, 2000.
Flight Schools,” Washington Post, September 23,
2001. See also Kevin Cullen and Ralph Ranalli, 26. See Timothy Lynch, “No Confidence: An
“Flight School Says FBI Trailed Suspect Prior to Unofficial Account of the Waco Incident,” Cato
Hijackings,” Boston Globe, September 18, 2001; Institute Policy Analysis no. 395, April 9, 2001, pp.
and Michael Isikoff, “Unheeded Warnings,” 4–5.
Newsweek , May 20, 2002.
27. See Brief for the United States, Bennis v. Michigan,
19. See Dan Eggen, “FBI Whistle-Blower Assails 516 U.S. 442 (1996). See also Robyn Blumner,
Bloated Bureaucracy,” Washington Post, June 7, “Moving One Step Closer to a Police State,” St.
2002; Pedro Ruz Gutierrez, Roger Roy, and Jim Petersburg Times, March 17, 1996; Roger Pilon,
Leusner, “Investigation Finds a Web of Orlando “Forfeiting Reason,” Regulation 19, no. 3 (1996).
Ties; Men with Possible Links to Hijacking
Suspects Found Central Florida a Good Place to 28. Quoted in Raymond N. Haynes, “Second
Hide,” Orlando Sentinel, September 23, 2001; and Amendment at Stake in Appellate Case,” Los
Bob Norman, “The INS’s Mary Schneider Angeles Metropolitan News-Enterprise, June 27, 2000.
Warned of the Terrorist Threat, But Nobody
Listened,” New Times Broward-Palm Beach, 29. In oral argument before the Supreme Court,
November 8, 2001. The Merit Systems Protection Solicitor General Drew Days stated, “Congress
Board has issued a ruling that the INS had unlaw- was legislating for the entire Nation pursuant to
fully retaliated against Schneider for her whistle- its plenary powers under the Constitution.”
blowing activity. See Schneider v. Department of Proceedings before the Supreme Court of the
Justice, Docket Number: AT-1221-00-0263-W-2 United States, United States v. Lopez, Case no. 93-
(November 16, 2000) (opinion on file with the 1260, Tuesday, November 8, 1994, official tran-
author). Note also Dan Eggen and Cheryl W. script, p. 4
Thompson, “Angry Bush Orders Probe of
‘Inexcusable’ INS Action,” Washington Post, March 30. U.S. Department of Defense, Proliferation:
28, 2002 (reporting a separate INS lapse relating Threat and Response (Washington: Government
to the terrorists). Printing Office, November 1997), p. iii.

20. See John Diamond and Jill Zuckman, “Leak of 31. The Defense Science Board, 1997 Summer Study
CIA Data Angers Officials; Sen. Hatch Denies Task Force on DoD Responses to Transnational Threats,
Revealing Secrets,” Chicago Tribune, September 14, vol. 1, final report, October 1997 (Washington:

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Judges Overreach,” Los Angeles Times, January 24,
Acquisition and Technology), p. 48. 2000.

32. Ashcroft testified, “It’s impossible to say that 48. See William Safire, “Kangaroo Courts,” New
had we had every one of these provisions, that we York Times, November 26, 2001.
would have avoided the attack.” Hearing of the
Senate Judiciary Committee, September 25, 2001. 49. Robert H. Bork, “Having Their Day in (a
Military) Court,” National Review, December 17,
33. Patrick Leahy, Congressional Record, October 2001. But see Robert A. Levy, “Don’t Shred the
25, 2001. Constitution to Fight Terror,” Wall Street Journal,
November 20, 2001; and Robert A. Levy,
34. See Amy Goldstein and Juliet Eilperin, “Misreading ‘Quirin,’” National Law Journal,
“Congress Not Advised of Shadow Government,” January 14, 2002.
Washington Post, March 4, 2002.
50. See William H. Rehnquist, All the Laws but One
35. Statement of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold on (New York: Knopf, 1998), pp. 11–25.
the Anti-Terrorism Bill, October 25, 2001.
51. Ex Parte Milligan, 71 U.S. (4 Wall.) 2 (1866).
36. Robert E. Pierre, “Wisconsin Senator Emerges
as a Maverick,” Washington Post, October 27, 2001. 52. Rehnquist, p. 121.

37. See McDonald v. United States, 335 U.S. 451, 53. Ibid.
455-56 (1948).
54. Milligan, pp. 122–23 (emphasis in original).
38. See County of Riverside v. McLaughlin, 500 U.S.
654 (1988). 55. Because the president’s military order immediate-
ly became mired in controversy, his lawyers have
39. Bush Military Order, November 13, 2001, backed away from what that order actually says. For
Section 3(a). example, the Justice Department denies any attempt
to suspend habeas corpus. That denial is not persua-
40. Section 7(b)(2) of the Military Order provides, sive. See Section 7(b)(2) of the Bush military order.
“the individual shall not be privileged to seek any
remedy or maintain any proceeding, directly or 56. See Timothy Lynch, “Testimony before the
indirectly, or to have any such remedy or proceed- Senate Judiciary Committee on Military
ing sought on the individual’s behalf, in (i) any Tribunals,” December 4, 2001.
court of the United States, or any State thereof.”
57. See George Lardner Jr., “U.S. Will Monitor Calls
41. See Zadvydas v. Davis, 121 S.Ct. 2941, 2500- to Lawyers,” Washington Post, November 9, 2001.
2501 (2001); Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356
(1886); Wong Wing v. United States, 163 U.S. 228 58. See Upjohn v. United States, 449 U.S. 383, 389
(1896). Noncitizens have always benefited from (1981). See also State v. Quattlebaum, 527 S.E.2d
the safeguards of the Fourth Amendment. See Au 105 (2000).
Yi Lau v. INS, 445 F.2d 217 (1971); Illinois Migrant
Council v. Pilliod, 540 F.2d 1062 (1976). 59. See 18 U.S.C. section 2518.

42. See Johnson v. United States, 333 U.S. 10, 13–14 60. See Comments of the National Association of
(1948). Criminal Defense Lawyers on the Attorney
General’s Order Regarding Monitoring of
43. See Elizabeth Neuffer, “Judge Says N.J. Can’t Confidential Attorney-Client Communications.
Hide ID’s of People in Custody,” Boston Globe,
March 27, 2002; and Russ Feingold, “Name the 61. See 18 U.S.C. section 2518.
Detainees,” Washington Post, December 23, 2001.
62. Ibid.
44. Quoted in Amy Goldstein, “A Deliberate Strategy
of Disruption,” Washington Post, November 4, 2001. 63. See Landon v. Plasencia, 459 U.S. 21 (1982). See
also Ludecke v. Watkins, 335 U.S. 160 (1948) (Black,
45. Llaguno v. Mingey, 763 F.2d 1560, 1568 (1985). J., dissenting).

46. See Beck v. Ohio, 379 U.S. 89 (1964); Wong Sun 64. Bush Military Order, November 13, 2001,
v. United States, 371 U.S. 471 (1963). Section 7(e).

47. See Timothy Lynch, “We All Lose When 65. See Rajiv Chandrasekaran and Peter Finn,

“U.S. Behind Secret Transfer of Terror Suspects,” on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime, October
Washington Post, March 11, 2002. 5, 1994, on the use of the National Guard in
Domestic Law Enforcement.
66. As noted previously, the Bush administration
denies that it has attempted to suspend habeas 83. Charlotte Twight, Dependent on D.C.: The Rise of
corpus. The text of the military order, however, Federal Control over the Lives of Ordinary Americans
speaks for itself. See Section 7(b)(2). (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2002), pp. 235–76.

67. Shaughnessy v. Mezei, 345 U.S. 206, 217 (1953) 84. Quoted in ibid., p. 236. See also William
(Jackson, J., dissenting). Safire, “Threat of National ID,” New York Times,
December 24, 2001.
68. See, for example, “Born in the U.S.A.—But
Deported,” San Francisco Chronicle, October 22, 1993. 85. Journalist Ted Gest writes, “By the dawn of the
twenty-first century, the Justice Department was
69. See James Woolsey, “Iraqi Dissidents Railroaded— handing out more than $5 billion in aid each year.
by U.S.,” Wall Street Journal, June 10, 1998. Lower levels of government came to depend on it
for much of their justice system expansion and
70. Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438, 478 innovation.” Crime and Politics: Big Government’s
(1928) (Brandeis, J., dissenting). Erratic Campaign for Law and Order (Oxford
University Press, 2001), pp. 1, 250. See also United
71. See Jim McGee, “In Federal Law Enforcement, States v. Nathan, 1998 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 15124; and
‘All the Walls Are Down,’” Washington Post, Gene Healy, “There Goes the Neighborhood,” Cato
October 14, 2001. Institute Policy Analysis no 440, May 28, 2002
(describing federal program designed to bolster
72. See Timothy Lynch, “The Ominous Powers of firearm offense prosecutions locally).
Federal Law Enforcement,” Cato Handbook for Congress
(Washington: Cato Institute, 1999), pp. 175–84. 86. The FBI has more than 170 “Safe Street” task
forces around the country; the DEA oversees a
73. California Bankers Association v. Shultz, 416 U.S. hundred of its own task forces with state and local
21 (1974). police. See Gest, pp. 80–81; Jim McGee and Brian
Duffy, Main Justice (New York: Simon and Schuster,
74. Ibid., pp. 94–95 (Marshall, J., dissenting). 1996), p. 107. This trend is likely to accelerate in
coming years. Shortly after the September 11
75. Ibid., pp. 84–85 (Douglas, J., dissenting). attacks, Assistant FBI Director Kathleen
McChesney said the bureau was working with
76. See Lynch, “Ominous Powers of Federal Law major police departments on 56 terrorism task
Enforcement.” See also Barry Steinhardt, “New forces throughout the country. See Bill Miller and
Legislation Authorizes Wholesale Invasion of Paul Duggan, “Security Worries Bring a Costly
Privacy,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, November 5, 1996. Shift in Priorities,” Washington Post, February 12,
2002; and Michael E. Ruane, “Attorneys Head
77. Patriot Act, Title II, section 215. Local Terrorism Task Forces,” Washington Post,
September 23, 2001. Furthermore, Congress and
78. “Justice Eyeing Attorneys, Accountants for four Supreme Court justices have already indicated
New Anti-Money Laundering Duties,” Criminal support for the notion that the federal government
Law Reporter 70 (February 6, 2002): 393. can commandeer local police personnel. See Printz
v. United States, 521 U.S. 898 (1997) (Stevens, Souter,
79. See Nat Hentoff, “Big Brother in the Library,” Ginsburg, Breyer, JJ., dissenting).
Washington Times, February 25, 2002.
87. Robert H. Jackson, The Supreme Court in the
80. For a succinct summary, see “Justice American System of Government (Cambridge:
Deformed: War and the Constitution,” editorial, Harvard University Press, 1955), p. 70.
New York Times, December 2, 2001.
88. Ibid., p. 71. Former Attorney General Edwin
81. Bovard. See also Paul Craig Roberts and Meese has also decried the expanding role of the
Lawrence M. Stratton, The Tyranny of Good Intentions federal government in everyday law enforcement.
(Roseville, California: Prima Publishing, 2000). See Edwin Meese III, “Big Brother on the Beat:
The Expanding Federalization of Crime,” Texas
82. See Roy C. Macridis, Modern Political Regimes: Review of Law and Politics 1 (1997): 1. See also John
Patterns and Institutions (Little Brown, 1986), pp. S. Baker Jr., “Nationalizing Criminal Law: Does
13–14. See also Testimony of David B. Kopel and Organized Crime Make It Necessary or Proper?”
Stephen Halbrook before the House Committee Rutgers Law Journal 16 (1985): 495.

89. See Diane Cecilia Weber, “Warrior Cops: The Another Failure,” New York Times, December 30,
Ominous Growth of Paramilitarism in American 2000; William F. Buckley, Jr., et al. “The War on
Police Departments,” Cato Institute Briefing Drugs is Lost,” National Review, February 12, 1996.
Paper no. 50, August 26, 1999. For book length treatment, see Timothy Lynch,
ed., After Prohibition (Washington: Cato Institute,
90. See Vernon Loeb, “Review of Military’s 2000); Steven Duke and Albert Gross, America’s
Domestic Role Urged,” Washington Post, October 5, Longest War (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons,
2001. 1994); and Bill Masters, Drug War Addiction (St.
Louis: Accurate Press, 2002).
91. See Timothy Lynch, “No Confidence: An
Unofficial Account of the Waco Incident,” Cato 96. Masters, p. 119. The federal government should
Institute Policy Analysis no. 395, April 9, 2001. allow airline pilots to carry firearms and states
See also David B. Kopel and Paul H. Blackman, No should enact concealed carry laws. See John R. Lott
More Wacos (Amherst, New York: Prometheus, Jr., “Only Guns Can Stop Terrorists,” Wall Street
1997), p. 86. Journal, September 28, 2001; Dave Kopel and
Captain David Pelteys, “Making the Air Safe for
92. Weber. Terror,” National Review Online, September 14,
2001; Jeffrey R. Snyder, “Fighting Back: Crime, Self-
93. Richard K. Betts, “The New Threat of Mass Defense, and the Right to Carry a Handgun,” Cato
Destruction,” Foreign Affairs, January/February Institute Policy Analysis no. 284, October 22, 1997;
1998, p. 26. See also Ivan Eland, “Protecting the and Daniel D. Polsby, “The False Promise of Gun
Homeland: The Best Defense Is to Give No Control,” Atlantic Monthly, March, 1994.
Offense,” Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 306,
May 5, 1998. 97. Thomas Jefferson, Letter to James Madison,
December 20, 1787, in Thomas Jefferson: Writings
94. See Veronique de Rugy and Charles V. Peña, (New York: Library of America, 1984), p. 918.
“Responding to the Threat of Smallpox
Bioterrorism: An Ounce of Prevention,” Cato 98. Ibid. In 1994, House Republicans adopted a
Institute Policy Analysis no. 434, April 18, 2002; similar proposal, requiring a three-fifths vote to
and Eric R. Taylor, “Are We Prepared for increase taxes. See “House GOP Caucus OKs 60%
Terrorism Using Weapons of Mass Destruction?” Rule to Raise Taxes,” Baltimore Sun, December 8,
Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 387, November 1994.
27, 2000.
99. Quoted in Daniel Patrick Moynihan,
95. See “U.S. Raid Sets Off Protests,” New York “Ethnicity Now,” Washington Post, September 16,
Times, February 13, 2002; Joseph D. McNamara, 2001. See also Donald Devine, “Well-Timed
“The Defensive Front Line,” Regulation, Winter Pentagon Briefing,” Washington Times, September
2001; Gary E. Johnson, “Another Prohibition, 25, 2001.

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