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Protection on HV Side of Delta Star Transformer

We are using 11 /6.9 Kv 3.15 MVA transformer for 6.6 KV motors. The transformer is
Delta /Star
On the 11 KV side a 7SJ62 relay of siemens make is provided. The relay has 4 current
inputs. Three CT's on the 11 kV side have been wired to 3 sets of inputs and the the 4th
input has been wired to 6.9 KV side neutral side CT.
The three CT,s on the 11 KV side offer Over current and earth fault protection to the
transformer on the primary side. The earth fault current is calculated internally by the
relay using the three phase CT currents. The earth fault protection has been set for 10%
and instantaneous protection. The problem is that on the 6.6 KV side, the earth fault
protection is IDMT based.
Even if an earth fault occurs on the star side, this should not be reflected in the primary
side which is delta connected, but it is frequently observed that for an earth fault on
secondary side or starting of multiple motors simultaneously also is resulting in
unbalance currents on the primary side sufficient enough to cause tripping of the
transformer on earth fault protection. It may be worth mentioning that there is no
stabilising resistance had been used in the CT secondary circuit.
Kindly suggest how to overcome these problems
Re: Protection on HV side of Delta Star transformer
10/05/2012 11:00 PM

Can you give the setting details of relays at both HV side and LV side.
How do you infer the HV side relay has tripped due to earth fault on the LV side.Is there
any recordings on the relay, if you have recordings please furnish.We have to analyse
before offering any suggestion.
Is this incidence of tripping recent one or from commissioning time.
How many heavy duty motors are connected and its details also required.
Re: Protection on HV side of Delta Star transformer
Thanks for the prompt reply and sorry for the delay in providing the data.
The Primary current of the transformer is 165 Amps and the secondary current is 263
Amps. The load on the transformer is 2 Nos of 315 KW motors running on Variable
Frequency Drives and 2 Nos of 508 KW motors on Direct on line starting. Few more loads
are to be added to this board.
The starting current of the 508 KW motors are 320 Amps for 3 Seconds (Pump
Application). The 508 KW motors are provided with a Micom P242 Motor Management
relay with an earth fault setting of 10% and a time delay of 500 milliseconds.
The transformer secondary had been provided with a Micom P142 Feeder Management
Relay and the Over current and earth fault settings for this relay are all IDMT settings.
Earthfault setting is 10% and TMS is 0.2. The CT ratio on Secondary is 300/5
The transformer Primary had been provided with instantaneous earth fault protection at
10% without any time delay. The CT ratio on the transformer primary is 180/5
The over current settings on both sides of the transformer are in order to take care of
the 508 KW motor starting with the other 3 motors in operation.
Also only one motor is started at a time and generally the time between starting of one
motor and another motor is more than 10 minutes, hence starting of all motors at a time
is ruled out.
In the present case one 508 KW motor burnt during starting. As the motor protection
relay was provided with 500 milliseconds for earth fault protection. This relay did not
operate immediately, the feeder management relay P142 was provided with IDMT
feature and required time to operate as the magnitude of the earth fault was limited to
200 Amps because of the Neutral grounding resistor. During that period none of the
motors were running on the transformer
The unbalance caused on the transformer secondary due to the burning of the motor
reflected on the primary side as minor unbalance and caused the transformer primary to
trip on earth fault protection.
The disturbance recording obtained from the relay 7SJ62 also indicates that the
unbalance was not not too high to cause the trip (the unbalance was derived from the
three phase current transformers readings as measured by the relay). But the
transformer tripped on HV earth fault. The relay was subsequently taken out of service
for testing and the tests performed on the relay indicated that the relay performance
during test was perfectly normal.
The settings of the relay have been reviewed by Siemens personnel and have found
every thing to be perfectly as per requirement.
Inspite of all the above the tripping had occurred.
Hope that clarifies the queries. Expecting a prompt reply
Re: Protection on HV side of Delta Star transformer

Curves drawn based on the present settings.You will notice that settings are not properly
coordinated.Red curve: LV side relay.Black curve :HV side curve
For any fault current the relay on HV side is bound to trip first ,before LV side as per the

Curve1 based on present setting

Curves based on proposed settings
The present settings are :
6.6 kV side:
Ie=10% tms0.2 ,NI,IDMT
11 kV side:
Ie=10% delay=0,DT
Proposed setting
6.6kV side:
Ie=10% DT 0.025 sec
11 kV side
Ie=0.12% DT 0.15 sec
Try the proposed settings,I hope this will solve the problem of HT side tripping before LV
side tripping
We have given some suggestions for your posting to sort out the issues. We would like
to know whether you have tried out and what is the out come.
If you have sorted out the issue what was the problem ?
This feed back will immensely help us.
Re: Protection on HV side of Delta Star transformer
As has been rightly observed by you, the primary side earthfault protection in the relay is offered by
measuring/monitoring the zero sequence components in the HV side phase currents. When multiple
motors are a single large capacity motors are started, there is bound to be zero sequence
components in the phase currents, due to the magnetising inrush currents in the motor(s). Not
surprised that the earth fault relay on the primary side (which is set to instantaneous) is tripping.
You may introduce a time delay of about 100 milli-secons to avoid tripping or add a stabilising
resistor in the HV side CT secondary wires.
Re: Protection on HV side of Delta Star transformer
Please before I can offer any solution, I want you to send me the AC PROTECTION
DIAGRAMS used for the TRANSFORMER PROTECTION. Has the Transformer been
provided with DIFFERENTIAL Protection?
Meanwhile, I have the following suggestions to give regarding the temporary solution
pending the time I will get your DRAWINGS:-
(i) Increase the INSTANTANEOUS setting of the O/C & E/F relays on the PRIMARY side of
the Transformer( SET AT X4).
(ii)The setting of the IDMT Relay on the 6.6kv side of the transformer should be
increased to 20%
(iii) The motors should NOT all be STARTED SIMULTANEOUSLY. The Motors should be
started one after the other. This will solve this unwanted tripping of the transformer.
Please forward my requests to my mail box

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