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Office of the Vice President of External Affairs


Contact: Abraham Galvn Snchez
Vice President of External Affairs
Associated Students of the University of California, Riverside
Irvine, CA August 8, 2014
Endorsement of Candidate for the Vice Presidency of the United States Student
On Friday, August 8, 2014, Rowan University students Rachel Storch and Jalina Wayser
nominated University of California, Riverside (UCR) alumna Nicole Rosales as a candidate for
the Vice Presidency of the United States Student Association (USSA), the official association of
students from throughout the United States. Nicole has accepted the nomination and is now an
official candidate for the position.
The Associated Students of UCR (ASUCR) Vice President of External Affairs Abraham Galvn
Snchez is formally endorsing Nicole for the position. During his tenure in the ASUCR, first as
a Freshman Fellow for the Office of the Vice President of External Affairs, as a Senator for the
College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, and now as Vice President himself, Abraham
has had the opportunity of working closely with Nicole on a number of diverse issues. From
personal experience, Abraham knows and values the Nicoles intense commitment to improving
the lives of UCR students and all students across both the UC and the nation.
She has extensive experience in student government, first as a Justice on the ASUCR Judicial
Branch and then as National Affairs Director in the Office of the Vice President of External
Affairs; her ability to navigate the space that is the USSA as an organization makes her
qualification to serve self-evident. Moreover, her experience as National Affairs Director,
coordinating teach-ins and actions related to federal student issues demonstrates her knowledge
of federal student issues and her ability to organize around these vital policy discussions. Lastly,
as a previous member of the USSA Board of Directors on which Nicole served as Chair of the
Minority Serving Institution Caucus, she has proven her clout and know-how to not only be
present in critical dialogue but also serve as a leader of her peers within it.
Abraham extends his full support to Nicole and looks forward to continuing to work with her
should she be elected to serve as Vice President of USSA. Furthermore, he strongly encourages
all other UCR, UC, and California students to support Nicole and to continue their engagement
in USSA affairs.

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