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Racism towards Middle Easterners,

Arabs, and Muslims after

September 11th, 2001
By: Lindsey MacLeod
Soc 2630
Table of Contents:
Slide 1: Title page
Slide 2: Table of Contents
Slide 3: Reflection Page
Slide 4: Research Journal 1
Slide 5: Research Journal 2
Slide 6: Tables
Slide 7: Book Summary
Slide 8: What I learned
Slide 9: Bibliography
What I know before my research?
After the attack on the twin towers on
September 11th, 2001 Middle Easterners were
treated harshly and with no respect. They were
automatically made out to be bad guys and
suspects, even if a person looked like Middle
Research Journal 1
One of the journal articles I read was about how after the terrorist
attacks there were a lot of hate crimes. Thousands of hate crimes were
reported in the United States. The article talks about how the attacks
really made it so that anyone who appeared to be Muslim, Arab, or
Middle Eastern were automatically identified as terrorists and seen as
no longer citizens. Because of this, there were and still are occasionally
hate crimes against anyone of this race/ ethnicity. This connects to the
topic because this is how these people came to be seen and treated after
September 11th, 2001. The racism against them became very harsh.
Research Journal 2
The second article I read talked a lot about the crimes
that went on against Arabs, Muslims, and Middle
Easterners. There was a ton of violence and hate against
them after this happened. There were murders, assaults,
vandalism of home and businesses, and a ton of verbal
harassment. Many reporters after 9-11 predicted that
there would be a lot of hate violence. The article states
that the violence was inevitable.
Reported hate crimes
across the United States
Before 9-11 After 9-11
Asian- Americans 400-500 TOTAL in 1 year 700 in 1 month
Middle Eastern Americans 400-500 TOTAL in 1 year 785 in 1 month
After September 11th, 2001 hate crimes increased dramatically. Based on my reasearch I
found that across the United States there were 400-500 total reported hate crimes in one
year. In the month after the attacks that increased by 300-400. This increase was very
dramatic because people began to stereotype these races with terrorism.
Book Summary
The book I read was written by an Arab. His name is
Toufic El Rassi, and the book is called Arab in
America. He talks about what it was like for him and
people of his same ethnicity and kind of describes his
experience. He talks about all of the racist names he
heard, and the pain and grief he had to experience.
There was a lot of hate towards Arabs and he talks
about how he really just wanted to avoid it.
What did I learn?
I learned a lot that I wasnt already aware of as I
did my research. Something very interesting that I
didnt know is that hate towards Asian-Americans
also increased after the terrorist attacks.
Something else I learned is that people were taken
into custody by the government and became
suspects just because they had the appearance of a
stereotypical terrorist.
49 UCLA L. Rev. 1575 (2001-2002)
Citized and the Terrorist, The; Volpp, Leti
Muneer I. Ahmad, A Rage Shared by Law: Post-September 11 Racial
Violence as Crimes of Passion, 92 Cal. L. Rev. 1259 (2004).

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