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Case: Karpal Singh Vs Rahimah

Karpal Singh has been serving as a clerk in a

manufacturing company. He is motivated and knows how
to get his job done effectively on time.(HSA+HSE) Karpal
is not popular with his colleagues.(LSO) He alienates
himself from companys functions.(LSO) Karpal resents
being told what to do. (HE) He thinks he is the best among
his peers (HE) and would openly expressed (LM) that he
should be promoted to become a senior clerk. (HE)
Rahimah, Karpals boss is a strict, serious and a meticulous
woman. (HSE) She is a driver and would push her
subordinates to get the results.(HSA+HE) Rahimah sets
high performance standards for her down lines and often
make sure that they do the job her way.(HE) Rahimah likes
to mingle freely (LM) with her subordinates and would
assist them in when they are in difficulties.(HSO)
Last year Karpal confronted Rahimah for not
recommending him for a promotion. He listed down his
achievements and presented them to Rahimah.(HE)
However, Rahimah told him not to complain and that
promotion is her prerogative.(HE) Karpal lost his temper
and accused her for cronyism and discrimination.(HE)
Rahimah lost her cool and order him to get out of his
office. (HE) Karpal yelled back and use profanity on her.
(HE) Soon, Rahimah issued a warning letter for his

After that incident, Karpal began to do his work shoddily.

(LSA) He would do his work at his own pace. (LSA) Often
he would procrastinate his work and when Rahimah
confronted him, (LSA) he would give all kind of excuses
for not being able to meet the target time.(HM)
1. What types of performer is Kaparl before the conflict?
Karpal is a star performer.
2. Identify KYKO personality of
before conflicting with Rahimah

Karpal Singh Profile

Motivated (HSA) and knows how to get his job done
effectively on time (HSE)
(LSO) - Karpal is not popular with his colleagues. He
alienates himself from companys functions.
(LM) Openly expressed
(HE) - Karpal resents being told what to do. He thinks he
is the best among his peers and should be promoted to
become a senior clerk.
3. Identify Rahimah KYKO personality profile
(HSE) - Rahimah, is a strict, serious and a meticulous
woman. (HSE)

(HSA+HE) She is a driver and would push her subordinates

to get the results
(HE) - Rahimah sets high performance standards for her
down lines and often make sure that they do the job her
(LM+HSO) - Rahimah likes to mingle freely with her
subordinates and would assist them in when they are in
4. Using the profile compatibility analysis, identify the
causes of conflicts
Rahimah and Karpal scores HE which explain the reasons
for losing their tempered during their clashes
Rahimah scores HSO while Karpal scores LSO which
explain the rationale for Rahimah not to promote Karpal
but instead promoting someone whose performance is
inferior then Karpal
5. Do you think that Rahimah makes the right decision not
to promote Karpal?
I feel that Rahimah had made a mistake. She should
promote Karpal and send him for a human relations and
interpersonal relationship course to develop his SO.
6. Do you agree on Rahimah style in managing Karpal?

No, Instead of clashing and getting at each others throat,

Rahimah should find an excuse for not promoting Karpal.
By communicating to Karpal that he needs to work on and
improve his SO dimension, a requirement for Supervision
level, it would lessen the Karpals pains and frustration and
the conflict may be avoided.
7. What have you learnt from this case study?
If you mismanage a subordinate he may degenerate and
become a problem employee. In this case Karpal was a star
performer. After being mismanaged by Rahimah, he
deactualizes and become a maintainer.
Notice that the magnitude of Karpal SA degenerates from
HSA to LSA and the M dimension of Karpal develops
from LM to HM as a result of being mismanaged.

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