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Lesson Plan

Date: Monday December 8, 2008

Time: 2 (9:50-10:30)
Class: 6-3
Teachers: Matthew (Native Teacher – NT)
SunYoung (Korean Teacher – KT)
Unit: Lesson 15-1 (It’s Time to Go Home?)

Objectives: Students will practice and begin to understand expressions about daily
life and how to tell someone not to do something
Materials: Textbook, CD-Rom

Introduction and Review (5-6 minutes)

Do a short introduction and review to prepare the class with the previous day materials
and teachers. This introduction will go as follows:
 NT & KT: “Good morning students”
Students (Ss) “Good morning Matthew Teacher…”
 KT: “How are you today?”
 Ss “I’m fine, thank you”
 NT: “How’s the weather today?”
 Ss “It’s ________________”
 NT: “Ok, very good!”
Next the KT goes over some of the points of the previous lesson
KT What did we study last lesson?
SS Would you like to come to my house?
The KT can go around to some students and ask them “Would you like to come to my
After the asking, the teachers can use the picture and flash cards from Chapter 14 and
go over them with the students one more time before moving on to the new lesson.

Look and Listen (10 minutes)

Start by introducing the picture to the students by asking some simple questions
 NT Look at the pictures. Who are they?
 Ss Nami, Nami’s mother, and Nami’s father
 NT Good. What are they doing are they playing baseball?
 Ss No
 NT Are they reading a book?
 Ss No
 NT Do you know what they are doing?
 Ss They are ice skating
Next, the children listen to the dialogue.
Dad Let’s skate together.
Nami Wow! Great!
Mom I can’t skate well.
Dad Come on. I’ll help you.
Mom Where’s Nami?
Dad She’s over there. She is a good skater.
Mom Nami, don’t go that way. Watch out!
Mom Nami, come here. It’s time to go home.
Nami What time is it?
Mom It’s 4:40 already. Let’s go home.
Nami Not now. I want to skate more.
Mom Come back, Nami.
[Nami runs into someone else]
Dad Oh, no.

After the students listen to dialog they can answer some easy questions about the dialog.
• NT Who are the people in the dialog?
• SS Nami, Nami’s mother, Nami’s father
• NT At the beginning of the dialogue, where are they?
• Ss They are at Lotteworld
• NT Do you like LotteWorld?
• SS Yes, I do/No, I don’t.
• NT Nami’s mom gave a warning. What did Nami’s mom say?
• SS Don’t go that way. Watch out.
• NT Right, what did Nami say
• SS What time is it?
After the questions, listen to the dialog one more time and then we move to listen and
Listen and repeat (5 minutes)
First the students listen carefully to the new dialog.
1) Mom Nami, don’t go that way…….Watch out!
2) Mom Nami come here……It’s time to go home.
Nami What time is it?
Mom It’s four forty already.
Now, with the teacher’s help, the student’s practice the listen and repeat. After one time,
the student’s can be split up into groups (maybe boys and girls, or row-by-row). Then
after that, we can have two or three students attempt the dialog.

Powerpoint Presentation (10-15 minutes)

The powerpoint presentation will go over the vocabulary and new expressions the class

Time to finish the class
 NT “Ok, children we are finished English Class today.”
 KT “Did you have fun today?”
 Ss “Yes!!!!”
 KT “Ok, goodbye students, say goodbye to Matthew Teacher”
 Ss “Goodbye, goodbye Matthew Teacher
 NT “Goodbye, see you next time.”

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