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... through Bertha Dudde

Importance of the missionary work ....
aking use of the know!edge ....
"ime and again you need to #e to!d that your task so!e!y consists
of searching for e so that I can !et yse!f #e found #y you$
#ecause I want to #e the o#%ect of your !o&e$ and what you
search for is what you desire$ what you !o&e .... I on!y want to
gain your !o&e and then you wi!! ha&e accomp!ished your purpose
in !ife.
"hen I wi!! #e a#!e to return your !ost rea!isation to you whi!e you
are sti!! on earth and you wi!! enter an en!ightened state$ a!!
darkness wi!! ha&e #een o&ercome$ you can !et a!! a#i!ities in you
#reak through again$ your earth!y !ife wi!! resu!t in &isi#!e
progress #ecause you wi!! ha&e esta#!ished a heartfe!t #ond with
e which gi&es you !ight and strength in a#undance.
'nd if you are therefore instructed #y e yse!f a#out your
origina! state$ a#out the purpose and goa! of earth!y !ife$ you
need not fear any dec!ine anymore$ for this rea!isation wi!! stay
with you fore&er.
(our on!y task remains to !et your fe!!ow human #eings partake
in this rea!isation of yours$ e&en though it is up to them whether
or not they want to accept this. (ou$ howe&er$ possess the
know!edge$ and this can no !onger #e taken away from you ....
)owe&er$ as !ong as you sti!! !i&e on earth you must a!so make
use of this know!edge$ you cannot use it %ust for yourse!&es$ it is
connected to the task of passing this know!edge on to your fe!!ow
human #eings who are sti!! comp!ete!y ignorant and who wi!!
react to it entire!y different!y. "hat which seems perfect!y natura!
to you is incomprehensi#!e to them as !ong as they are not
seekers themse!&es and ha&e an open ear for your disc!osures.
*o this is the work you shou!d do for e$ #ecause it is y wi!!
that a #right !ight sha!! shine in a!! p!aces$
#ecause I want to counteract y enemy and #ecause I want you
to participate in this #att!e. For he has done an e+ce!!ent %o# #y
co&ering humanity with impenetra#!e darkness .... he has done
e&erything in his power in order to undermine the pure truth
from e. 'nd he has succeeded$ for on!y a few peop!e know their
purpose in earth!y !ife$ on!y a few peop!e keep y two
commandments which I ga&e peop!e as a #asic prere,uisite in
order to gain the know!edge again.
Love is indeed necessary in order to understand the offered
information$ without !o&e it wi!! remain dark in them$ and
without !o&e they cannot esta#!ish contact with e which wou!d
gi&e an understanding of the know!edge to them.
'nd therefore I can on!y e&er te!! you again- inform peop!e of y
commandments of !o&e and$ depending on their attitude towards
them$ the know!edge they are offered wi!! either appea! to them
or not. But you must not fai! to constant!y draw their attention to
My love and e+p!ain to them that I do not imp!ement anything
which is not #ased on My love ....
For peop!e cannot understand that all kinds of misfortunes
shall only ever impel them to turn to Me, to appeal to Me
for advice and help, and I wi!! tru!y he!p them as we!!$ #ut this
cannot happen if they don.t #e!ie&e in e ....
)ence you must teach them to #e!ie&e in a God of !o&e$ wisdom
and power .... Once they ha&e gained this faith they wi!! take the
path to e #y themse!&es$ and then your he!p wi!! #ecome
e&ident$ then they wi!! a!so accept the know!edge and it wi!! #ring
them peace and %oy$ %ust as you yourse!&es ha&e recei&ed. I want
to draw c!ose to a!! peop!e$ I want to !ead a!! peop!e to the !ight$
each one of them is dear to e and I want to gain their love.
/e&erthe!ess$ y ad&ersary.s acti&ity wi!! continue unti! the end
and he wi!! sti!! win many &ictims for himse!f. For this reason you
shou!d c!ass yourse!&es as y fighters who fight #y y side for
the sa!&ation of sou!s. 0&en if on!y a few !isten to you$ e&ery
sing!e sou! is a gain for e and it wi!! #e eterna!!y gratefu! to you
that you protected it from the fate of a renewed #anishment.
'!ways !isten to what I ha&e to say to you and don.t think that I
don.t re,uire your he!p .... I 'm a!ways wi!!ing to speak to you
and to constant!y increase your know!edge$ and thus I want to
continue instructing you #ecause I sti!! ha&e much to say .... "he
time is approaching its end and you cannot #e nourished often
enough with y Word$ for with y Word you a!so constant!y
recei&e strength$ which is urgent!y needed #y a!! of you for the
work in y &ineyard ....
1u#!ished #y friends of new re&e!ations of God 2 Information$
down!oad of a!! trans!ated re&e!ations$ theme3#ook!ets at-


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