Current Affairs - February 2014: International

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Current Affairs - February 2014

1) Which two countries have on 5 February 2014 agreed to hold reunions of families separated
since the Korean War
!ns" # $orth Korea and %outh Korea
2) Which country has topped in terms of intellectual property &'() environment in the list of 25
countries released recently
!ns"# )%
*) 'n the month of February 2014 %outh !frican president +acob ,uma announced the general
elections will be held on ----#
!ns"# 2014 .ay /
4) 'n the month of February 2014 which country has agreed to develop biggest cargo airport in
!fghanistan on 0erat airport that is located in Western part of the country
!ns"# 'taly
5) Which country1s (arliament on 12 February 2014 passed a law that made it mandatory to put
graphic warning on cigarette pac3s
!ns"# %ri 4an3a
1) Which two countries have signed two umbrella agreements for financial and technical co#
operation on 5 February 2014
!ns"# 'ndia and 5ermany
2) Which country and 'ndia on 11 February 2014 signed a memorandum of understanding &.o))
as part of their efforts to intensify bilateral cooperation in the area of renewable energy
!ns"# $etherlands
*) 'ndia was ran3ed -- in the list of ten countries in terms of digital governance on 11
February 2014
!ns"# 6th
4) Which insurgent group from 'ndia ran3ed fourth among the top ten most active non#state
armed groups in 201*7 according to the '0% +ane1s latest 85lobal 9errorism and 'nsurgency
!ttac3 'nde:71 ; a ma<or defence and business ris3 thin3#tan3
!ns"# 9he =ommunist (arty of 'ndia
5) What was 'ndia1s ran3 among 160 countries in the World (ress Freedom 'nde: 2014 released
on 12 February 2014
!ns"# 140
1) >n / February 2014 the %upreme =ourt of 'ndia upheld recommendations made by the +ustice
.a<ithia wage board? 9he .a<ithia wage board is related to hi3ing salaries for @@@@
!ns"# +ournalists and non#<ournalists
2) 'ndia1s anti#corruption watchdog =entral Aigilance =ommission &=A=) completed how many
years of its establishment on 11 February 2014
!ns"# 50 years
*) Which railway on 2 February 2014 launched a new android#based smartphone app named
80B4'9C%17 which is claimed to be the first of its 3ind of app on 'ndian Dailways offering most
of the enEuiry needs of city#based passengers
!ns"# %outh =entral Dailway ; %=D
4) 'ndia (ost &Fept? of (osts) on 1* February 2014 launched electronic 'ndian (ostal >rder &e#
'(>) for 'ndian =itiGens living in 'ndia? e#'(> facilitates paying online fee for which purpose
!ns"# For see3ing information under the D9'
5) Which ma<or port of the country was renamed Kamara<ar (ort as announced by the )nion
5overnment on 20 February 2014
!ns"# Cnnore (ort in =hennai
1) 'ndia1s first monorail ; .umbai .onorail was opened for the general public on 2 February
2014 after being inaugurated on 1 February?Which authority owns and operates this monorail
!ns"# .umbai .etropolitan Degion Fevelopment !uthority &..DF!)
2) %hri Kapil %ibal7 .inister of =ommunications H 'nformation 9echnology on 4 February 2014
launched a special service of the %peed (ost for boo3ing and delivery of $oticesI %ummons of
which 0igh =ourt with 8(roof of Felivery1 &(oF) facility
!ns"# Felhi 0igh =ourt
*) Which %tate (olice on J February 2014 launched a helpline number K21#6/506/1111 for
foreign nationals in distress
!ns"# Felhi
4) )nion =abinet approved the 9elangana Lill on / February 2014? !s per the bill which will be
the <oint capital of 9elangana and !ndhra (radesh
!ns"# 0yderabad
5) 9he )nion .inistry of )rban Fevelopment gave an in#principle approval to the (hase ; ' of
the -# .etro Dail (ro<ect on 12 February 2014
!ns"# (une
1) 9he 2014 520 Finance .inisters and =entral Lan3 5overnors meeting was held from 22#2*
February 2014 at ---#
!ns"# %ydney7 !ustralia
1) $ame the director of Desearch =entre 'marat &D=')7 the avionics hub of FDF>1s missile
comple:7 on * February 2014 received 'ndian %cience =ongress !ssociation1s 0omi +? Lhabha
.emorial !ward for 201*#14
!ns"# 5? %atheesh Deddy
2) Who was conferred !ward of 0onour by Don Lurton7 (resident of Dotary 'nternational on 11
February 2014 in $ew Felhi
!ns"# (resident (ranab .u3her<ee
*) .alala BousafGai has been nominated for the World =hildren1s (riGe on / February 2014? 'n
which year World =hildren1s (riGe7 also 3nown as the 8=hildren1s $obel (riGe1 was founded
!ns"# 2000
4) Who were received the 'nternational 5andhi !ward for the year 201* on 15 February 2014
!ns"# Fr? Ai<ay3umar Ainaya3 Fongre and (rof? 5uocheng ,hang
1) Who won the Winnipeg Winter =lub >pen trophy on * February 2014
!ns"# 'ndia1s %Euash player +oshna =hinappa
2) Who became the youngest Dussian athlete to win a gold medal at the Winter >lympics 2014
at %ochi7 Dussia on 2 February 2014 in free s3ating in the team figure s3ating competition
!ns"# Bulia 4ipnits3aya
*) 'nternational >lympic =ommittee &'>=) revo3ed ban on 'ndian >lympic !ssociation &'>!)
after how many months on 11 February 2014
!ns"# 14 months
4) 9he 2014 Winter >lympics was held from / ; 2* February 2014 at ---
!ns"# %ochi7 Dussia
5) Which player came out as the most e:pensive player for the /th edition of '(47 auction for
which was held on 12 February 2014
!ns"# Buvra< %ingh
1) =abinet =ommittee on Cconomic !ffairs &==C!) on J February 2014 approved 100M FF' in
which mobile company thus ma3ing it the country1s first telecom player to be fully owned by a
foreign company
!ns"# Aodafone
2) Which two $ortheastern states are set to come on rail map as part of Dailways1 e:tension of
networ3 in the $ortheastern %tates as announced in the interim Dailway Ludget for 2014#157
which was presented in the 4o3 %abha on 12 February 2014
!ns"# .eghalaya and !runachal (radesh
*) What is the name of 'ndia1s first public sector unit &(%))7 the revival plan for which was
approved by the =abinet =ommittee on Cconomic !ffairs &==C!) on 1* February 2014
!ns"# '9' 4imited
4) Deserve Lan3 on 4 February 2014 has issued 8certificate of authorisation1 to four non#ban3
entities to set up White 4abel !9.s &W4!s) in the country? Which among the following was not
in that list of non#ban3 entities
!ns"# Aar3eys Aentures
1) What is the name of the supersonic cruise missile was successfully fired on J February 2014
from a naval warship '$% 9ri3and in salvo mode in the !rabian %ea
!ns"# Lrah.os
2) )nion .inistry of 0ealth and Family Welfare launched third#line drug therapy for people
living with --- on 12 February 2014
!ns"# 0'AI!'F%
*) Which country scientist have recently discovered a pre#leu3emic stem cell that may be at the
root of acute myeloid leu3emia
!ns"# =anada
4) 'ndia1s .ars >rbiter .ission &.>.)7 also called .angalyaan7 completed 100 days in space
on ----#
!ns"# 12 February 2014
1) Who too3 over as !sian Fevelopment Lan31s new =ountry Firector for 'ndia on * February
!ns"# 9eresa Kho
2) Who was appointed as the new =C> and .anaging Firector of .=N %toc3 C:change &.=N#
%N)7 the country1s newest full#fledged stoc3 e:change on 2 February 2014
!ns"# %aurabh %ar3ar
*) +ohn 9hompson was appointed as the =hairman of which tech giant on 5 February 2014
!ns"# .icrosoft )
4) Who was selected as the new (resident of the 'nstitute of =ompany %ecretaries of 'ndia &'=%')
on / February 2014
!ns"# D %ridharan
1) Who resigned as the Firector 5eneral of =ric3et in the (a3istan =ric3et Loard &(=L) on 15
February 2014
!ns"# +aved .iandad
1) Lalu .ahendra7 who passed away on 1* February 2014 at =hennai7 was associated with
which field
!ns"# Films
1) $ame the Foreign .inister of KyrgyG Depublic visited 'ndia from 1* to 15 February 2014
!ns"# Crlan !bdyldaev
1) Which cric3eter <oined hands with an $5> $avbharat %ewa %amiti to roll out a campaign
named O=ancer .u3t (urvi FilliP focussing on awareness7 education and early detection of the
disease on 10 February 2014
!ns"# Buvra< %ingh
1) Which country on 14 February 2014 announced a plan to build the longest underwater tunnel
of the World
!ns"# =hina
1) What is the full form of 8(FDF!1
!ns"# (FDF! ; (ension Fund Degulatory and Fevelopment !uthority
L>>K% '$ $CW%
1) What is the name of second boo3 written by celebrated writer +K Dowling under pseudonym
which will be released during +une 2014
!ns"# O9he %il3wormP
1) 9he committee which investigated allegations of spot#fi:ing and betting in the 'ndian (remier
4eague &'(4) submitted its report to the %upreme =ourt on 10 February 2014?Who headed this
!ns"# +ustice .u3ul .udgal
1) 'nternational .other 4anguage Fay &Lhasha Fivas) was observed on-#
!ns"# 21 February 2014

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