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APR 19/20 2014 | VOL 16 EASTER SUNDAY

19 Pasir Ris St 72 Singapore 518771 |
DMA Services and Contacts
Chairperson: Bridget Lee
Services: Prayer for the Sick,
Funeral Services Choir, Wake
Services - please contact
65833378 (Parish Ofce)
or Email: dmapostolate@
Neighbourhood Christian
Community (NCC)
Chairman: Sidney Edwards
Contact: 97381130

6:30am, 6:15pm
6.30am, 5:30pm
7.30pm Tagalog Mass
(Every 3rd Saturday of the month)
7:00am, 9:00am, 11.30am, 5.30pm
Confessions 15 min before Mass.
Divine Mercy Devotion
Daily at 6.45pm (Chapel)
Every Saturday at 5.00pm (Main
Prayer for Priests
Every Thurs 5.15pm followed by
6.15pm mass
Fr Johnson Fernandez
Tel | 6583 6393
Fr Terence Kesavan
Tel | 6583 8789
Mon, 21 Apr: Easter Monday
Acts 2: 14. 22-33 Ps 16: 1-2, 5. 7-11 Mt 28: 8-15
Tue, 22 Apr: Easter Tuesday
Acts 2: 36-41 Ps 33:4-5.18-20. 22 Jn 20:11-18
Wed, 23 Apr: Easter Wednesday
Acts 3: 1-10 Ps 105: 1-9 Lk 24:13-35
Thur, 24 Apr: Easter Thursday
Acts 3: 11-26 Ps 8: 2. 5. 6-9 Lk 24: 35-48
Fri, 25 Apr: Easter Friday
Acts 4: 1-12 Ps 118: 1-2, 4. 22-27 Jn 21: 1-14
Sat, 26 Apr: Easter Saturday
Acts 4: 13-21 Ps 118: 1,14-21 Mk 16:9-15
To ofer feedback, e-mail us at Subscribe
to our e-bulletin at
General Ofce: 6583 3378 Fax: 6583 1694
Raymond Tan and Luke Teo
Youth Co-ordinator: Gloria Samantha
Opening Hours:
Mon: 2pm to 7pm, Tue - Fri: 11am to 7pm
Sat: 12.30pm to 5.30pm, Sun: 9am to 1pm.
Closed on public holidays
Romans 6:3-11 (Vigil Readings) Acts 10:34, 37-43 Matthew 28:1-10
Colossians 3:1-4 or Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 John 20:1-9
Since you have been raised up in company with Christ Colossians 3:1
heaven (Mt 26:64).
You have been raised up in company with
Christ (Col 3:1). Your life is hidden now
with Christ in God (Col 3:3). Be intent on
things above rather than on things of earth
(Col 3:2). Serve the risen Son. Bear witness
that Jesus is risen (Acts 10:42). Like Mary
Magdalene, run and tell a hurting world that
Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life (Jn
11:25). Alleluia!
Prayer: Jesus, give me a risen tongue and a
risen vocabulary. May I speak to all of risen
freedom in You..
Promise: Everyone who believes in Him
has forgiveness of sins through His name.
- Acts 10:43
Praise: This is the day the Lord has made;
let us be glad and rejoice (Ps 118:24). Alleluia!
We are free indeed! (Jn 8:36)
Happy Easter! As the heavenly messengers
said, let us remember what Jesus told us
to expect after the cross (see Lk 24:6):
The Son of Man is going to be delivered
into the hands of men, who will put Him
to death, and He will be raised up on the
third day (Mt 17:22-23).
After I am raised up, I will go to Galilee
ahead of you (Mk 14:28).
Do not tell anyone of the vision until
the Son of Man rises from the dead (Mt
I lay down My life to take it up again. No
one takes it from Me; I lay it down freely.
I have power to lay it down, and I have
power to take it up again (Jn 10:17-18).
The world...cannot hold Me (Jn 8:23).
I tell you this: soon you will see the
Son of Man seated at the right hand of
the Power and coming on the clouds of

Early on the frst day of the week, while it was still

dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb... ]ohn 20:1
Imagine how early Mary had to get up to get to the
tomb. Think of the courage it took to go in the predawn
No street lights to guide her footsteps, no way to see
any lurking dangers. She was in a graveyard, not the
most comfortable place to be strolling. What love and
dedication this woman had. How much she must have
loved Jesus to risk doing what she did.
As I celebrate Easter this year, I look at all my lame
excuses for not being more dedicated and loving in my
relationships and in my work. I sometimes fnd myself
whining about the littlest things like getting up early to
pray, answering another phone call, etc. I forget that
there is a price to be paid if one is to be a disciple of the
Risen Christ. If I truly have the joy and fre of Easter in
my spiritual bones, I will be willing to do such things and
make an extra efort to have quality prayer, graciously
do what is needed as part of my ministry, and give of my
precious time for the sake of loving another. - Sr Joyce
A Joyous and Blessed Easter!
Frs Johnson & Terence
Something to think about...
He asked, How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?
The man was speechless (Mt 22:12)
Let us show reverence to God by wearing the proper attire in Church.
He is not here;
He has risen!
- Luke 24:6
Read more on Buzz an Easter
sharing from our parishioner.
This year, we have 51 Elects and one
Candidate to be received into the Catholic
Church during the Easter Vigil Mass! For
the frst time, they will don Baptismal
gowns which have been prepared and
made by our sponsors.
The period of Mystagogy
This is the period when our newly
baptised, now called neophytes have
the time and space to go deeper into
what it means to be a Catholic. During
this period, we will be welcoming our
neophytes into the community by inviting
our various ministries to attend the 9am
Mass and have breakfast with them
afterwards. During these Sundays, our
neophytes will be attending Mass in their
baptismal gowns.
First session: 27 April, Feast Day Mass
and breakfast with the Archbishop.
The Catechetical and RCIA ministries will
be at this 9am Mass. They will also be
contributing sandwiches for our Feast
Day breakfast.
Feast of Divine Mercy - Free Breakfast!
In conjunction with our feast day, there
will be free breakfast for all at our canteen
from 7.30am to 11am on Sunday 27 April.
Prayers for Priests
Prayers for priests will be taking a break
and will resume on 8 May.
Catechism Classes
Catechism Classes will take a break from
19 & 20 April and resume on 3rd May.
Christian Life Program (Couples for Christ)
When Starts Sunday 11 May
for 12 Sundays
Venue Chapel
Open to all Singles and Couples aiming
towards a personal and family renewal
with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Contact: Bobby 97643327, Boni
96168645, Zap 84848065
CDM ANNOUNCEMENTS Our Lenten Experience in
the Holy Land a 3-part series
This is the fnal Lenten sharing and
refection from 5 of our parishioners who
had the opportunity to visit the Holy Land.
The Promise of the Passion of Christ
by Tricia Kat
Upon reaching the 14th and last Station
of the Via Dolorosa (Sorrowful Way) at
the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, I felt a
strange sense of joy. Not because I was
happy to see Jesus tomb, but because I
think I gained a tiny bit of understanding
of our Salvation journey. There wont be
Easter without the Passion. Indeed many
were saved, especially those who were in
union with Christ when He sufered.
Jesus told St. Faustina, I do not
reward for good results but for the
patience & hardship undergone for
My sake. (Diary entry #86). Inspired by
this possibility, I am encouraged to face
challenges and suferings which may
come my way with a diferent mindset.
Looking up at the ceiling of the Church
of Holy Sepulchre, above the tomb, it
reminded me also of the Crucifx in our
Church of Divine Mercy, where Jesus
seemingly broke free from the Cross,
to victoriously join His Father. What
a wonderful thought! On this Easter
Sunday, may you too be uplifted by this
promise of everlasting life! Happy Easter!
Easter Trivia
40 days of Lent have come and gone, the
day that we have been counting down to
is fnally here; EASTER! Here are some
interesting Easter trivia!
Q: What is the signifcance of the
Easter Egg?
A: Eggs are more symbolic to Easter than
you think. Eggs are a symbol of renewal
and rebirth, which ties it back to Christs
resurrection and the promise of a new
life for us. The hard egg shell represents
Jesus tomb which was cracked to
symbolise the Lords emergence.
Q: Jesus rose from the dead 3 days
after Good Friday, but there are only
2 days from Good Friday to Easter
A: The Jews have a diferent system of
counting the days than what we are used
to. They believe that a new day began at
sundown. Thus the sunset on Friday was
day 1, the sunset on Holy Saturday day 2,
and on Easter Sunday, day 3. Thus, it was
3 days from Good Friday to Easter!
Have a blessed Easter and
remember to indulge in some
chocolate bunnies and eggs
while remembering the true
meaning of Easter!
Our heartfelt thanks for our priests,
ministries and parishioners for their
tireless contributions in making
our Lenten and Easter celebrations
meaningful. Thank you to the RCIA
coordinators and sponsors for their year-
long dedication in journeying with our
newly baptised!
A glorious ray
shining above the
tomb of Jesus at
the Church of the
Holy Sepulchre
reminded me of
the light just
above the Crucifx
at our Church of
Divine Mercy.
Feast of Divine Mercy
Theme: Jesus, the Seat of Divine Mercy
Our parish will be celebrating our feast
day on Sunday, 27 Apr which will be
preceded with 9 nights of Novena
prayers. 1st-3rd day Novena will be
held in our parishioners homes; 4th-9th
day Novena and Mass will be a CDM,
celebrated by Fr Marceline De Porres.
Hosts for 3
Day Novena
3rd day 20 Apr 14, 8pm | Easter Sunday
Bridget & Anthony Ding
Blk 178, Edgefeld Plains, #06-230
Gerard & Luz Anthony
161P, Jalan Loyang Besar
Novena Theme & Schedule (21-26 Apr)
Nightly (Mon-Fri). No morning Mass
7.30pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy
8.00pm Mass followed by preaching by
Fr. De Porres
21 Apr Jesus, the Source of Forgiveness
22 Apr Jesus, the Divine Healer
23 Apr Jesus, the Way, the Truth & the Life
24 Apr Jesus, the Bread of Life
25 Apr Jesus, the Good Shepherd
26 Apr Jesus, the Redeemer
Feast Day Celebrations (Sun, 27 Apr)
Theme Fountain of Mercy and Love
Mass as usual
7am, 9am, 11:30am, 5:30pm
9am Mass celebrated by Archbishop
William Goh DD
2.15pm Chaplet of Divine mercy
3.00pm Mass and preaching by
Fr. De Porres


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