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Bachrach Motors v. Talisay-Silay Milling [G.R. No. 35223.

!" #3.$
En Banc, Romualdez (J): 7 concurring
On 22 December 1923, te !ali"a#$%ila# &illing 'o(, )nc(, *a" indebted to te +,B(
!o "ecure te -a#ment o. it" debt, it "ucceeded in inducing it" -lanter", among
*om *a" &ariano /ac"on /ede"ma, to mortgage teir land to te ban0( 1nd in
order to com-en"ate to"e -lanter" .or te ri"0 te# *ere running *it teir
-ro-ert# under tat mortgage, te a.ore"aid central, b# a re"olution -a""ed on te
"ame date, and amended on 23 &arc 1922, undertoo0 to credit te o*ner" o. te
-lantation tu" mortgaged e3er# #ear *it a "um e4ual to 25 o. te debt "ecured
according to te #earl# balance, te -a#ment o. te bonu" being made at once, or
in -art .rom time to time, a" "oon a" te central became .ree o. it" obligation" to
te ban0, and o. to"e contracted b# 3irtue o. te contract o. "u-er3i"ion, and ad
.und" *ic migt be "o u"ed, or a" "oon a" it obtained .rom "aid ban0 autorit# to
ma0e "uc -a#ment(
6)t "eem" &ariano /ac"on /ede"ma i" indebted .rom Bacrac &otor7 te
circum"tance o. *ic i" not .ound in te ca"e .act"(8
Bacrac &otor 'o(, )nc( 9led a com-laint again"t te !ali"a#$%ila# &illing 'o(, )nc(,
.or te deli3er# o. te amount o. +13,2:; or -romi""or# note" or oter in"trument"
o. credit .or tat "um -a#able on 3; June 193;, a" bonu" in .a3or o. &ariano /ac"on
/ede"ma( !e com-laint .urter -ra#" tat te "ugar central be ordered to render
an accounting o. te amount" it o*e" &ariano /ac"on /ede"ma b# *a# o. bonu",
di3idend", or oter*i"e, and to -a# Bacrac &otor" a "um "u<cient to "ati".# te
=udgment mentioned in te com-laint, and tat te "ale made b# "aid &ariano
/ac"on /ede"ma be declared null and 3oid( !e +,B 9led a tird -art# claim alleging
a -re.erential rigt to recei3e an# amount *ic &ariano /ac"on /ede"ma migt be
entitled .rom !ali"a#$%ila# &illing a" bonu"( !ali"a#$%ila# an"*ered te com-laint
tat &ariano /ac"on /ede"ma>" credit (+7,:;;) belonged to 'e"ar /ede"ma becau"e
e ad -urca"e it( 'e"ar /ede"ma claimed to be an o*ner b# -urca"e in good
.ait( 1t te trial all te -artie" agreed to recognize and re"-ect te "ale made in
.a3or o. 'e"ar /ede"ma o. te +7,:;; -art o. te credit in 4ue"tion, .or *ic rea"on
te trial court di"mi""ed te com-laint and cro""$com-laint again"t 'e"ar /ede"ma
autorizing te central to deli3er to im te "um o. +7,:;;( 1nd u-on conclu"ion o.
te earing, te court eld tat te Bacrac &otor 'o(, )nc(, ad a -re.erred rigt
to recei3e te amount o. +11,;7?(;2 *ic *a" &ariano /ac"on /ede"ma>" bonu",
and it ordered te central to deli3er "aid "um to Bacrac &otor"( +,B a--ealed(
@a#"tac0" (Berne Auerrero)
!e %u-reme 'ourt a<rmed te =udgment a--ealed .rom, a" it .ound no merit in
te a--eal7, *itout eB-re"" 9nding a" to co"t"(
. 'ivil %r(its (n)er *rticle 355 o+ the 'ivil 'o)e
1rticle 3:: o. te 'i3il 'ode con"ider" tree ting" a" ci3il .ruit": Cir"t, te rent" o.
building"7 "econd, te -roceed" .rom lea"e" o. land"7 and, tird, te income .rom
-er-etual or li.e annuitie", or oter "imilar "ource" o. re3enue( 1ccording to te
conteBt o. te la*, te -ra"e Du otra" analoga"E" onl# to rent" or income, .or
te ad=ecti3e" Dotra"E and Danaloga"E agree *it te noun Drenta",E a" do al"o te
oter ad=ecti3e" D-er-etua"E and D3italicia"(E !e Dci3il .ruit"E te 'i3il 'ode
under"tand" one o. tree and onl# tree ting", to *it: te rent o. a building, te
rent o. land, and certain 0ind" o. income(
2. Bon(s not a civil +r(it, not an income o+ the lan)
!e amount o. te bonu", according to te re"olution o. te central granting it, i"
not ba"ed u-on te 3alue, im-ortance or an# oter circum"tance o. te mortgaged
-ro-ert#, but u-on te total 3alue o. te debt tereb# "ecured, according to te
annual balance, *ic i" "ometing 4uite di"tinct .rom and inde-endent o. te
-ro-ert# re.erred to( 1" te bonu" i" not obtained .rom te land, it i" not ci3il .ruit"
o. tat land( )t i" neiter rent o. building", -roceed" .rom lea"e o. land", or income
under 1rticle 3:: o. te 'i3il 'ode(

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