Modal Verb Worksheet Answers

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Unit 9

a) Point 1-picture 2
Point 2-picture 1
Point 3-picture 4
Point 4-picture 3

b) Ability
c) Obligation
d) Permission
e) Request
f) Permission
g) Obligation
h) Ability
i) Request

b) Will you be able to/ Can you
c) can
d) couldn’t
e) can’t , can
f) weren’t able to
g) Couldn’t
h) won’t be able to
i) Can’t
j) will be able to
k) Can’t Freddy

b) Q: Can I visit the aquarium?
A: yes, you can.
c) Q: Can I see the dolphin show?
A: Yes, you can.
d) Q: Can I go on the Raging River?
A: No, you can’t
e) Q: Can I ride on the Space wheel?
A: No, you can’t
f) Q: Can I buy a drink?
A: Yes, you can.
g) Q: Can I watch the penguins?
A: Yes, you can.
h) Q: Can I have another drink?
A: No, you can’t
i) Q: Can I get a T-shirt with ‘Ocean Park’ on it?
A: Yes, you can.

b) You: Can I use your computer?
Your brother: Yes, of course.
c) You: May I use the phone?
Mrs. Chan: Of course you can.
d) You: Could you tell me where the MTR station is, please?
The stranger: I’m afraid I don’t know. / I’m sorry I don’t know.
e) You: Can you tell me how to use this digital camera?
Your friend: Yes, of course. / Certainly.
f) You: May I look at your newspaper, please?
The woman: Yes, of course. / Certainly.
g) You: May I borrow a screwdriver?
Your neighbour: I’m sorry I haven’t got one.

b) You mustn’t enter during the exam.
c) You must put rubbish in the bin.
d) You mustn’t take photographs.
e) You mustn’t feed the animals.
f) You must pay with/in Hong Kong dollars.
g) Men must wear a jacket and tie.
h) Children under eighteen mustn’t enter.

She has to finish her Science Report on Monday evening. On
Tuesday morning, she had to hand in her Science Report. On
Tuesday evening, she had to help her mum with the washing up.
At four o’clock on Thursday afternoon, she has to go to the
doctor’s. she has to make biscuits for Friday’s Food Fair on
Thursday evening. She doesn’t have to go to school on Friday
morning. On Friday afternoon, she has to run class 3A’s booth at
the Food Fair. At half past eleven I=on Saturday morning, she has
to take her cat to the vet’s. She doesn’t have to go to her piano
lesson on Saturday afternoon.
a) can
b) must
c) can
d) must
e) Can
f) can
g) cannot
h) must

Unit 10
a) Point 1-picture 3
Point 2-picture 4
Point 3-picture 2
Point 4-picture 1

b) Preference
c) Certainty
d) Advice
e) Possibility
f) Preference
g) Advice
h) Possibility
i) Advice
j) Certainty
k) Possibility

b) Mr. Hui likes scuba diving but he’d rather go wind-surfing.
c) Mr. Brown likes wind-surfing but he’d rather go water skiing.
d) Mrs. Brown likes wind-surfing but she’d rather go water skiing.
e) Miss Young likes scuba diving but she’d rather go wind-surfing.
f) Mrs. Tse likes scuba diving but she’d rather go water skiing.
g) Dr. Chan likes water skiing but he’d/she’d rather go scuba

P.88 & 89-Ex.4

b) He should boy some new ones.
c) She ought to learn Japanese.
d) He’d better not go swimming.
e) He ought to get new glasses.
f) She shouldn’t invite both of them.
g) The Chan family had better get a burglar alarm.
h) She should have remembered to set her alarm clock.
i) They shouldn’t have been skateboarding in the street.

P.91 & 92-Ex.6

b) The books might/may arrive today.
c) She can’t be over thirty years old.
d) He must have forgotten about our appointment.
e) His card might/may have been delivered to the wrong address.
f) It must have been you who was using my computer.
g) The pollution level must be very high today.
h) Broken Tooth can’t have escaped by himself. Someone must
have helped him.

a) C
b) A
c) B
d) C
e) B
f) C
g) C
h) A
i) A

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