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Accreditation Area

Rating Items Identified as inadequate/weak Accreditor's Recommendation/s

Strategies/Measures/Actions to be taken to
improve and comply
Soc Sci
AB Social Science AB English AB Social Science AB English
AREA I: Vision, Mision,
Goals and Objectives
Chairman: Ana Maria S.
Ryan Floyd S. Sorolla
3.81 3.81 A.4 Statement of the Program
Objectives - 3
A.4 Statement of the Program
Objectives - 3
1. Provide required
documents on item
2. Provide proofs
on items rated
three (3) and four
1. Provide additional
documents on items
rated three (3), four (4).
2. Provide the required
documents on item C.2
1. Finalize the VMGO to be presented to the
SAS academic council then to the college
academic council and BOT.
A.6 Minutes of meetings on the
formulation, review and revision
of the VMGO - 3
A.6 Minutes of meetings on the
formulation, review and revision of
the VMGO - 3
1. Retrieve/write the minutes of the previous
2. Minutes of the meeting should be
Religiously monitored & recorded.
B.3 Evidence/s of awareness and
acceptability of the VMGO - 3
B.3 Evidence/s of awareness and
acceptability of the VMGO - 3
1. Conduct awareness and acceptability study
of the SAS VMGO Integrate VMGO in the
course outline and examination Post tarpaulin
and posters with VMGO inside the classrooms,
offices, hallways, and gates of the campuses.
Distribution of brochures and posters, and
other souvenir items.
C.1 Evidence/s of congruence
between educational
practices/activities and the VMGO
- 3
C.1 Evidence/s of congruence
between educational
practices/activities and the VMGO - 3
1. VMGO should be reflected on the course
outline and should be discussed during the
classroom orientation VMGO should be
reflected on the programmes Educational
practices and activities should be anchored on
the VMGO.
C.2 Awards/citations received by
the program under survey - 0
C.2 Awards/citations received by the
program under survey - 0
1. Link the programs to any gov't and private
professional organization for recognition.
C.4 Data on employability of
graduates - 3
C.4 Data on employability of
graduates 3

1. Continue the tracer study.
AREA II: Faculty
Chairman: Wilyn C.
Ger Ann D. Lopez
Jyan Rome A. Bascar
Desiree A. Donesa
Rea Michelle P. Tolentino
4.43 4.43 B.6 Policies on inbreeding - 0 B.6 Policies on inbreeding - 0 1. Provide the
needed documents
on item B.6
2. Provide
documents on item
marked 3 and 4.
1. Provide the required
documents on item B.6
2. Provide additional
documents on items
marked three (3) and
four (4).
1. Follow the policies in the president's office
E. 5 Budgetary allocation for
faculty development - 3
E. 5 Budgetary allocation for faculty
development - 3
1. Follow up the documents pertaining on the
budget from the Training Office.
2. Collect the evidences from the respective
F.2 Samples of instructional
materials developed and
produced by the faculty
(workbook, manual, module, ICT
materials etc. ) - 3
F.2 Samples of instructional materials
developed and produced by the
faculty (workbook, manual, module,
ICT materials etc. ) - 3
1. Require teachers to produce and develop
instructional materials.
F.3 Composition and Profile of the
Instructional Materials
Development Committee - 3
F.3 Composition and Profile of the
Instructional Materials Development
Committee - 3
1. Follow up Ms. Mijares
F.4 Faculty who served as lecturer,
resource person, consultant in
his/her field of specialization as
well as in allied discipline - 3
F.4 Faculty who served as lecturer,
resource person, consultant in his/her
field of specialization as well as in
allied discipline - 3
Organize events to utilize faculty
Collect certificates from the faculty who
served as lecturer, resource speaker.
H.6 Personnel Records on
Adnistrative/Disciplinary Cases, if
any - N/A
H.6 Personnel Records on
Adnistrative/Disciplinary Cases, if any
- N/A
1. Ask for Certificate from HR Office
H.5 Records of termination cases,
if any - N/A
H.5 Records of termination cases, if
any - N/A
1. Ask for Certificate from HR Office
AREA III: Curriculum and
Chairman: Soledad D.
Roselyn R. Alegarbes
Shirley Jane C. Bernadas
Ana Rosa Caraballe
4.10 4.03 A.3 Copies of MOA or MOU with
agencies/institutions regarding
Immersion, OJT, RLE, Practice
Teaching and other related
activities - 2

1. Provide the
needed documents
on item F.8
2. Supply
documents on
items rated two
(2), three (3) and
four (4).
1. Provide the needed
documents on item F.8
2. Supply additional
documents on items
rated two (2), three (3)
and four (4).

A.6 Policies on validation of
subjects taken by transferees, and
accommodation of students with
special needs - 3
A.6 Policies on validation of subjects
taken by transferees, and
accommodation of students with
special needs - 3
1. Coordinate with the Guidance Office and
B.2 Evidence/s on remedial
programs conducted - 2
B.2 Evidence/s on remedial programs
conducted - 2
1. Formulate policy/system on remedial
teaching. Recommend students for remedial
class. Document the remedial undertaken.
B.3 List of teaching startegies used
in the different subject areas - 3
B.3 List of teaching startegies used in
the different subject areas - 3
1. Implement varied teaching strategies with
supporting documents like
pictures/assessment tools ( this should be
complied by all teachers) Note must be
informed at the start of the S.Y and should be
collected at the end of every sem.

C.5 Copy of the grading system,
including evidence that it has been
approved - 3
1. Strict compliance of the required grading
system as provided by the VPAA as of First sem
2013 (Note: the DEAN should give the memo
for this).
E. 2 Sample copy of a Students'
Clearnace before graduation - 3
E. 2 Sample copy of a Students'
Clearnace before graduation - 3
1. Review the existing clearance (if revision).
2. Supply additional evidences
E. 4 Policies on OJT, (Practice
Teaching, RLE, Apprenticeship,
Practicum, etc.), if applicable - 2
E. 4 Policies on OJT, (Practice
Teaching, RLE, Apprenticeship,
Practicum, etc.), if applicable - 2
1. Formulate policies on OJT.
2. Recommend to ADCO the creation of
External and Linkages Office.
F.5 Results of a study on the
licensure performance of
graduates, if applicable - N/A
F.5 Results of a study on the licensure
performance of graduates, if
applicable - N/A
1. Certificate from the Registrar
F.6 Evidence of administrative
support to improve licensure
performance of graduates, if
applicable - N/A
F.6 Evidence of administrative support
to improve licensure performance of
graduates, if applicable - N/A
1. Certificate from the Registrar
F.7 Conducts of a tracer study on
the employability of graduates - 2
F.7 Conducts of a tracer study on the
employability of graduates - 2
1. Continue the tracer study
F.8 Feedback from employers
regarding performance of
graduates - 0
F.8 Feedback from employers
regarding performance of graduates -
1. Create an employer's feedback tool
AREA IV: Students
Chairman: Maria Victoria
G. Violanda
Leonisa A. Impil
Ralph Romeo B. Bascones
Geraldine B. Lacsi
Juliet Trujillo
4.84 4.84 D.4 Copy of sanitary permit for
canteen operation - 3
D.4 Copy of sanitary permit for
canteen operation - 3
1. Provide
documents on item
three (3) and four
1. Provide additional
documents on items
rated three (3) and four
1. Secure the recent sanitary permit for
canteen operation (for all food outlets)
sanitary permits of the food servers.
AREA V: Research
Chairman: Lovelyn S.
Mary Grace B. Nacionales
Andrew Eusebio S. Tan
Darleen M. Claro
Christian M. Montojo
4.12 4.12 B.1 Copy of the budget allocation
for research - 3
B.1 Copy of the budget allocation for
research - 3
1. Provide required
documents on item
B.5 2.
Provide additional
documents on item
rated two (2),
three (3) and four
1. Provide needed
documents on item B.5
2. Provide additional
documents on items
rated two (2), three (3)
and four (4).
1. Secure from the Finance Office the specific
budget allocation for SAS.
2. Documents of the utilization of the budget.
B.5 List of patents, licenses,
copyrights and other research
outputs, including income
generated from each of them, if
any - 0
B.5 List of patents, licenses, copyrights
and other research outputs, including
income generated from each of them,
if any - 0
1. Encourage the faculty to produce research
C.5 Evidence/s that research
results have been utilized - 3
C.5 Evidence/s that research results
have been utilized - 3
c/o Mam Impil
D.3 Copies of published articles - 2 D.3 Copies of published articles - 2 1. Secure the evidences of the published
AREA VI: Extension and
Community Involvement
Chairman: Maria Rowena
J. Tuscano
Lucy M. Tingas
Teresa B. Lopo
Everlou E. Maquiling
Julie Ann B. Mario
Merilyn B. Gaitan
3.50 3.2 A.3 List of linkages established
with extension-oriented agencies -
A.3 List of linkages established with
extension-oriented agencies - 3
1. Provide the
documents on
items rated (0). 2.
Provide the
documents on
items rated two
(2), three (3) and
four (4).
1. Provide required
documents on items
rated (0).
2. Provide more set of
evidence on items rated
two (2), three (3) and
four (4).
Add more linkages
A.4 Copies of MOA or MOU with
partner or collaborating GA's,
NGO's and institutions - 3

B.5 Operational Plan of the
Extension Program, with focus on
implementation strategies - 0
B.5 Operational Plan of the Extension
Program, with focus on
implementation strategies - 0
1. Make a yearly plan based on the five-year
plan (college wide) sustainable.
B.8 Samples of packaged
disseminated to the clientele - 0
B.8 Samples of packaged
disseminated to the clientele - 0
1. Produce brochures, newsletter on whatever.
B.10 Copy of the monitoring and
evaluation instrument/s - 2
B.10 Copy of the monitoring and
evaluation instrument/s - 2

B. 13 Evidences of outsourcing for
fund augmentation - 2
B. 13 Evidences of outsourcing for
fund augmentation - 2

B.14 Evidence of outsourcing for
technical assistance and service
inputs from other agencies - 2
B.14 Evidence of outsourcing for
technical assistance and service inputs
from other agencies - 2

C.2 Evidence of technology
adoption, utilization and
commercialization - 0
C.2 Evidence of technology adoption,
utilization and commercialization - 0

C.4 List of collaborating agencies,
including the nature of
collaboration - 3
C.4 List of collaborating agencies,
including the nature of collaboration -

AREA VII: Library
Chairman: Ana
Magdalena M. Cherniguin
Rosemarie L. Venegas
Ma. Luisa R. Tejada
Joecylda J. Perez
4.61 4.61 B.2 Evidence of compliance on
adequacy of library personnel - 3
B.2 Evidence of compliance on
adequacy of library personnel - 3
1. Provide
documents for
items rated three
(3) and four (4).

AREA VIII: Physical
Chairman: Marivic S.
Josil B. Fulgarinas
Geceila G. Guanzon
Novemay B. Celis
Ray Anthony C. Zuniga
4.41 4.41 B.2.5 security of the academic
community inside the campus - 3
B.2.5 security of the academic
community inside the campus - 3
1. Provide
documents for
items rated two
(2), three (3) and
four (4).
1. Provide additional
documents for items
rated two (2), three (3)
and four (4).
1. Secure the list of security personnel per
station. Working schedule. Recheck the
collected policies on security. Recommend the
installation of cctv cameras, permit forms for
the utilzation of the campus beyond school
hours/outsiders; visit and secure policies from
the risk disaster management office
C.2 Evidence that electrical lines
are safely installed and
periodically checked - 2
C.2 Evidence that electrical lines are
safely installed and periodically
checked - 2
1. Require the concerned office of the monthly
report on electrical inspection.
J.1 Inventory of equipment,
furniture and amenities - 3
J.1 Inventory of equipment, furniture
and amenities - 3
1. Request for SAS accreditation center with
complete equipment, furniture
AREA IX: Laboratory
Chairman: Leah L.
Edwin B. Ditching
Mary Grace F. Langcoy
Lilibeth S. Balsicas
Lydia F. Gorriceta
4.50 4.50 B.2 List of fabricated tools and
apparatus, including relevant
information - 3
B.2 List of fabricated tools and
apparatus, including relevant
information - 3
1. Provide
documents on
items rated (3)
three and (4) four.

1. Provide additional
documents on items
rated three (3) and four
1. Secure a certificate.
2. Ask list of fabricated tools and apparatus
from CIT
B.3 List of fabricated equipment
with patent (state patent number)
if any - 3
B.3 List of fabricated equipment with
patent (state patent number) if any - 3
C.1.3 coding and inventory - 3 C.1.3 coding and inventory - 3 1. Formulate a system of coding and inventory.
2. Require the new lab technician to do task.
AREA X: Administration
Chairman: Richard E.
Zion Rose E. Parpa
Rolyzer R. Cajucson
4.08 4.21 G.3 Evidence of participatory
financial management - 2
G.3 Evidence of participatory financial
management - 2
1. Provide
documents on
items rated two
(2), three (3) and
four (4).
1. Provide additional
documents on items
rated two (2), three (3)
and four (4).
1. Add the pertinent documents - students
participation , secure a resolution passed by
the SSG to prove that they are considering the
needs of the students, evidence of student
consultation on tuition fee increase, pictures.
G.6 Evidence on the use of the
Personnel Evaluation results to
improve performance and delivery
of services - 2
G.6 Evidence on the use of the
Personnel Evaluation results to
improve performance and delivery of
services - 2
1. Conduct research on the evaluation of
personnel performance.

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