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Republic of the Philippines


School of Arts and Sciences

Local Academic Council

Minutes of the first meeting of the Local Academic Council of the School of Arts and Sciences
of Carlos Hilado Memorial State College held at Bonista Beach Resort, Escalante City on May
30, 2014.

Presiding Officer: Engr. Marlyn G. Jover, Dean of School of Arts and Sciences

Members: Dr. Roselyn Alegarbes
Mrs. Maria Rosa Caraballe
Mrs. Marivic Casili
Engr. Edwin Ditching
Mrs. Soledad Estares
Dr. Leah Fernandez
Ms. Lydia Gorrecita
Ms. Leonisa Impil
Mrs. Teresa Lopo
Mrs. Everlou Maquiling
Ms. Christian Montojo
Mrs. Mary Grace Nacionales
Mrs. Wylyn Quiachon
Mr. Richard Solomon
Mrs. Ana Maria Soriano
Mrs. Maria Rowena Tuscano
Ms. Maria Victoria Violanda

Acting Secretary: Mr. Ralph Romeo Bascones

With the declaration of the secretary that there is a quorum, the presiding officer called the
meeting to order at exactly 2 oclock in the afternoon. Dr. Alegarbes lead the invocation
followed by the singing of the national anthem.

The agendum of the day is the presentation, evaluation, and analysis of the accreditation
results. For efficiency, the presentation was divided to 10 areas. The body evaluated and
analysed the results providing with suggestions on the strategies, measures, and actions to be
taken to improve the results of the accreditation.

The first presenter was Mrs. Soriano, chair of Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objective
(VMGO) accreditation committee otherwise known as Area 1. Mrs. Soriano informed the body
that the result for Area 1 is not favorable because the committee garnered 3.81 in the scale of 5, 5
being the highest and 1 being the lowest. However, Mrs. Soriano noted that accreditors
suggested that:
a. the committee should improve the statement of the program objectives;
b. provide minutes of meetings on the formulation, review and revision of the VMGO;
c. present evidence/s of awareness and acceptability of the VMGO;
d. give proof/s of congruence between educational practices/activities and the VMGO;
e. furnish evidences of awards/citations received by the program under survey;
f. and provide data on employability of graduates for both the AB Social Science and AB
English programs.
With what has been presented, the presiding officer opened the floor for suggestions on
strategies, measures, or actions to be undertaken to improve the rating of Area 1. Ms. Impil
moved that for the committee to improve the statement of the program objectives, the body
should deliberate on a separate meeting to finalize the VMGO to be presented to the School of
Arts and Sciences (SAS) Academic Council then to the College Academic Council and Board of
Trustees (BOT). Ms. Impil posited that it is more effective to have a separate meeting on the
VMGO and request that the next meeting be on May 31, 2014. The presiding chair asked the
body to act on the motion. Unanimously, the body seconded on the motion. The next meeting
will be on May 31, 2014 and the sole agendum will be the finalization of the VMGO to be
presented to the College Academic Council and Board of Trustees (BOT).

Mrs. Nacionales moved that the minutes of meetings on the formulation, review and
revision of the VMGO should be retrieved. Mrs. Casili seconded the motion on the belief that the
accreditors will be happy to see such records. However, a commotion was created by this action
because according to the chairperson of Area 1, she suspects that the old VMGO and the minutes
of its formulation were lost. A discussion on who to blame for the lost documents was afire in
the floor. The secretary requested a point of order from the chair noting that the body is not
observing the proper rules of the meeting. According to the secretary, if the inefficient and
skewed discussion will continue, the body will not be able to finish the agendum of the day. The
chair ordered that the body should observe proper rules of the meeting. The secretary then
requested the chair to recognize a motion to be carried which is the retrieval of the minutes of the
meetings on the formulation, review and revision of the VMGO. The chair recognized the
motion and said action was put into record. Engr. Ditching moved that the minutes of the
meeting should be religiously monitored & recorded. The body seconded in toto. The chair
declared that the motion is carried.

Dr. Alegarbes moved that for the evidence/s of awareness and acceptability of the
VMGO, the School of Arts and Sciences should conduct awareness and acceptability study of
the SAS VMGO. Dr. Fernandez seconded the motion. The chair recognized such carried motion.
After which, Mrs. Tuscano moved to integrate VMGO in the course outline. The motion was
recognized by the chair and Ms. Lopo seconded the motion.

Discussion on posting tarpaulins and posters with VMGO inside the classrooms, offices,
hallways, and gates of the campuses was undertaken. It was also suggested that the School of
Arts and Sciences should distribute brochures and posters, and other souvenir items but no
motion was taken.

A discussion on evidences of awards/citations received by the program was tackled.
According to the presiding officer, the AB Social Science and AB English program have not
received any award to date. Ms. Montojo moved that the two programs be link to any gov't and
private professional organization for recognition. The motion was seconded by Ms. Violanda.

On data on the employability of graduates for both the AB Social Science and AB
English programs, Mrs. Soriano moved that the School of Arts and Sciences should do a tracer
study on the employability of the graduates of AB English and AB Social Science. Dr.
Fernandez seconded the motion. Without further discussion on Area 1, the presiding officer
requested Area2 to present their findings.

Mrs. Quiachon, as chairperson for Faculty Development committee or Area 2, led the
presentation. According to her, Area 2 garnered 4.43 out of 5. The result is favourable but the
accreditors gave suggestions such as:

a. to provide documents of policies on inbreeding;
b. to show proof of budgetary allocation for faculty development;
c. to give samples of instructional materials developed and produced by the faculty
(workbook, manual, module, ICT materials, and the like;
d. to provide documents on composition and profile of the instructional materials
development committee;
e. to show evidence of faculties who served as lecturer, resource person, consultant in
his/her field of specialization as well as in allied discipline;
f. to provide personnel records on administrative/disciplinary case;
g. to provide records of termination cases.

The body discussed the suggestions of the accreditors. Mrs. Soriano suggested that the
SAS should follow the policies in the president's office. Mrs. Estares suggested that the SAS
should also follow up the documents pertaining on the budget from the Training Office. She
further suggested collecting the evidences from the respective faculty. No motion was made.

Dr. Alegarbes moved that teachers should be required to produce and develop
instructional materials so that the suggestion of the accreditors to provide samples of
instructional materials developed and produced by the faculty (workbook, manual, module, ICT
materials, and the like) is satisfied. Ms. Montojo seconded the motion. On the composition and
profile of the instructional materials development committee, it was suggested by Ms Violanda
that SAS should remind Ms. Mijares about the document. No motion was adopted.

With regard to the evidence of faculties who served as lecturer, resource person, and
consultant in his/her field of specialization as well as in allied discipline, the body discussed to
organize events to utilize facultys talents. Mrs. Casili suggested that SAS should collect all the
certificates from faculties who served as lecturer or resource speaker in his/her field of expertise
or allied discipline. As regards the personnel records on administrative/disciplinary case and
records of termination cases, Mrs. Maquiling suggested that the body should request the HR
Office for documents. No motion was adopted.

The presiding officer ordered Mrs. Soledad Estares, chairperson of Curriculum and
Instructions Committee or Area 3, to start with the report. According to her, Area 3 was rated
4.10 by the accreditors. Favorable yet needs improvement. According to the accreditors, the
committee should improve the following:

a. Provide copies of MOA or MOU with agencies/institutions regarding Immersion,
OJT, RLE, Practice Teaching and other related activities;
b. Improve policies on validation of subjects taken by transferees, and accommodation
of students with special needs;
c. Provide Evidence/s on remedial programs conducted;
d. Proof and List of teaching startegies used in the different subject areas;
e. Sample copy of a Students' Clearnace before graduation;
f. Policies on OJT, (Practice Teaching, RLE, Apprenticeship, Practicum, etc.), if
g. Results of a study on the licensure performance of graduates, if applicable
h. Evidence of administrative support to improve licensure performance of graduates
i. Conducts of a tracer study on the employability of graduates
j. Feedback from employers regarding performance of graduates

The chair posited a query on the availability of MOA or MOU. Mrs. Estares answered
that partner agencies or institutions do not sign MOA or MOU with CHMSC. The chair
suggested that next time when CHMSC will enter into agreement with partner agencies
especially on OJT of students. The presiding officer then requested the chair of Area 3 to
coordinate with the Guidance Office and OSA for the validation of subjects taken by transferees,
and accommodation of students with special needs.

Ms. Violanda moved that the School of Arts and Sciences must formulate policy/system on
remedial teaching. Ms. Montojo seconded the motion and suggested that every faculty should
document the recommendation of students for remedial class. The presiding chair reminded the
faculty that the office of the Dean will impose a strict compliance of the required grading system
as provided by the VPAA. Mrs. Soriano suggested that to satisfy Policies on OJT, (Practice
Teaching, RLE, Apprenticeship, Practicum, and the like, the School of Arts and Sciences should
formulate policies on OJT. Mrs. Soriano moved that SAS must recommend to ADCO the
creation of External and Linkages Office. Mrs. Nacionales seconded the motion. Having no
further discussion on Area 3, the presiding chair requested the area 4 chairperson to start her

According to Ms. Maria Victoria Violanda, Area 4 or Support to Students garnered 4.84
out of 5. The area got the highest rating during the accreditation of School of Arts and Sciences.
Very favorable in the eyes of the accreditors but they suggested that CHMSC should comply
with the remaining documents because it concerns with the health security of the students and
teachers. The document in topic is the sanitary permit for the canteen operation. According to
Mrs. Violanda, the City of Talisay is to award the sanitary permit to canteen operators in

With Area 5 or Research Development Committee, Mrs. Mary Grace Nacionales led the
presentation. According to her, the accreditors noted the:

a. lack of copies of the budget allocation for research;
b. absence of list of patents, licenses, copyrights and other research outputs, including
income generated from each of them;
c. lack of evidence/s that research results have been utilized; and
d. absence of copies of published articles.

The presiding officer suggested that the committee should secure from the finance office
the specific budget allocation for SAS. She further stated that documents of the utilization of the
budget are needed for the accreditation. Mrs. Tuscano moved that the office should secure a
physical copy of the documents. Mr. Solomon seconded the motion. Due to the lack of
researches of the department, the presiding officer encouraged the faculty of School of Arts and
Sciences to conduct researches in three months time.
Area 6 or Extension and Community Involvement Committee, headed by Mrs. Maria
Rowena Tuscano, postulated that they have problems in complying with the documents. The
accreditors noted that documents on operational plan of the extension program, with focus on
implementation strategies and samples of packaged technologies/news/information disseminated
to the clientele are lacking. Dr. Fernandez moved that the School of Arts and Sciences should
make a yearly plan based on the five-year plan (college wide) sustainability. Mrs. Soriano
seconded the motion. No further discussion was made on Area 6.

The presiding officer called Area VII or the Library Committee. No member of the
committee was present. The presiding officer then proceeded with Area VIII or the Physical
Facilities Committee. Mrs. Marivic Casili led the presentation. She impressed to the body that
Area VIII got a score of 4.41 out of 5 in the accreditation. Favorable yet lacking. The accreditors
suggested that the committee should:

a. provide additional documents for security of the academic community inside the
b. show evidence that electrical lines are safely installed and periodically checked;
c. provide more documents on Inventory of equipment, furniture and amenities.

Ms. Gorrecita moved that the committee should secure the list of security personnel per
station, their working schedule and have a check on policies on security. Mrs. Maria Rosa
Caraballe seconded the motion. Mrs. Casili then moved that the Local Academic Council will
recommend the installation of cctv cameras within and without the campus. Mrs. Nacionales
seconded the motion after various discussions on the effectivity of cctv.

For evidence of electrical lines safely installed and its periodic checking and documents
on inventory of equipment, furniture and amenities, Mrs. Soriano moved that SAS should require
the concerned office of the monthly report on electrical inspection. Ms. Violanda seconded the
motion. Mrs. Estares then moved that the SAS will request the Administrative Council to award
the school an accreditation center with complete equipment and furniture. Dr. Fernandez
seconded the motion purely based on necessity.

Dr. Leah Fernandez reported on Area IX or Laboratory Committee. She postulated that
her team garnered 4.50 out of 5. The accreditors suggested that the committee should:

a. provide additional documents on the list of fabricated tools and apparatus, including
relevant information;
b. show list of fabricated equipment with patent (state patent number);
c. evidence on coding and inventory.

The presiding chair inquired upon the committee chair of what office is in charge with the list of
tools and apparatus. The committee chair answered that the College of Industrial Technology is
responsible with the list. Dr. Alegarbes moved that SAS must secure a certificate on the
existence of such apparatus and ask the CIT for the list of fabricated tools and apparatus. Ms.
Impil seconded the motion. As with the list of fabricated equipment with patent, the presiding
chair suggested to the committee to just recheck if there exist such patents. With regard to coding
and inventory, the presiding chair gave a short discussion on what is coding as distinguished
from inventory. She posited the importance of coding. Dr. Fernandez moved that SAS must
formulate a system of coding and inventory. Ms. Montojo seconded the motion.

Area X or the Administration Committee wanted to astound the body with 4.08 for AB
Social Science and 4.21 for AB English. However, the body burst into laughter because there are
some areas in accreditation which has a higher score, especially the area on student support. The
body had its light moments with the presenter. Mr. Solomon, as chair of Area X, led the report.
According to him, the accreditors suggested that the committee will:

a. provide additional documents on evidence of participatory financial management;
b. evidence on the use of the personnel evaluation results to improve performance and
delivery of services.

Mrs. Nacionales moved that the committee should add pertinent documents especially on
students participation and secure a resolution passed by the SSG to prove that they are
considering the needs of the students. According to her, these are good evidences of student
consultation on tuition fee increase. Mrs. Quiachon seconded the motion. The chair of the
administration committee suggested to the presiding chair that SAS should conduct a research on
the evaluation of personnel performance. Dr. Fernandez moved that the SAS will conduct a
research on the evaluation of personnel performance. Mrs. Tuscano seconded the motion.

Having done with the agendum, the presiding chair asked the body for other business.
Having heard none, the chair requested an adjournment. The secretary objected because the time
and venue for the next meeting was not yet scheduled. The chair recognized the objection and
Mrs Soriano moved that the next meeting will be on May 31, 2014, 8 oclock in the morning at
Bonista Beach Resort, Escalante City, Philippines. She further added that the meeting will solely
focus on SAS Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives. The motion was seconded in toto. The
presiding chair then again asked the body for any other business. Having heard none, she
declared an adjournment of the meeting at exactly 5 oclock in the afternoon.

Prepared by:

Mr. Ralph Romeo B. Bascones
Acting Secretary

Certified True and Correct:

Engr. Marlyn G. Jover
Presiding Chairperson and Dean,
School of Arts and Sciences

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