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On Education and Architecture

The current Education system is wonderful - it is just outdated.
Sugata Mitra

21st Century Pedagogy is one that desires change. In current education systems, students are
mass designed. Students are taught how to memorise the same things, the better you can churn
information back out, the better. A world where Information is key. We are not taught to question
what we believe and why we believe it. When asked why do we have to learn this, a stale
because it is on the curriculum just can not sufce anymore. There is no exploration of
individuality - rather a production of the perfect student.

With that being said, movements are being made toward the necessary 21st Century teaching
demographic. The rise in Digital Learning are becoming increasingly more prevalent. However,
herein lies the problem - the same information from the existing model (although in a more rened
basis) - the same content is being regurgitated and applied with the same curriculum, same

Right now we are photocopies of each other - Sal Khan.

This is not the way to unlock every human potential. The 21st century is time to be logical. Current
schooling is made to breed duplicates. When it comes to University, the current system produces
young adults on the basis if they deserve entry. An entry which is admitted by following the
curriculum and being told exactly what to do. It is by this that determines what they pick to be
when they nish year 12.

Being quiet and submissive is the only thing that is being taught right now. How do you sit quietly
for an hour, disengaged, and take it. - Sal Khan.

Rather, a world where the choice for life goals, achievements and career paths are grown,
moulded and polished in school. A self-directed path in to Adulthood - all derive from childhood
experience. The earlier a child discovers who they are, what they are good at, what they love, what
makes them tick - then the earlier a child can pursue enrichment. It makes for select, more
passionate students when they hit the university level - which is better for our world in long term

The premise of doing a University subject that does not suit you, has a sour connotation - while
you may be able to do whatever you want - it may not be something suited to your passions or
persona. If you are passionate, have experience in the eld, or furthermore have the tools to be
able to interact with the subject and career path - then you will be more desirable than someone
who could follow a curriculum. Shirley spoke of this relationship outlined below in the analogy of
having information vs using information:

It was a story how she could do all of the Maths equations - She could do the most advanced
calculus, but could nd no real world application. To what use did this give her? She placed huge
emphasis on the importance of gathering information and the different methods of learning as it
encourages one to use their skills and use what they know. Rather than just memory based
repetition. She speaks of the amalgamation of both approaches - Using specic skills while
learning at the same time.

Inquiry based learning.

An attempt to respond to the current problems is what is known as Inquiry Based Learning.

Children need to be given the tools to nd and work with information themselves. It is much more
useful being able to have the skills to nd, work with, explore information - rather than using
repetition out of a textbook - where information is handed to you. This is also much more
applicable to life application. It is not the information they learn - rather how they learn it.

Furthermore, children need to grow a passion to learn. To nd a reason to study. Children need to
learn what inspires and interests and them - as an adult you should learn something, when you
have a reason to learn it. A passion is something that is not forced - but adored, and wanted to be
explored. Arming people at younger years it a lot more powerful than learning something.
Knowledge is not power, what you do with that knowledge is power.

Coming from this sparks the discussion of Motivation - They shouldnt have to have a rap song
about a parabola to get excited about it.

This is where we must halt the garden of eden tirade, we must be realistic - There are somethings
that are a necessity to learning. These are the basics such as communication, condence,
manners, daily math, creativity, critical thinking, health, environmental sustainability

One does not need to know the sciences, history and maths etc - it must be the student who nds
reason to want to learn these things that needs to be encouraged - and they will have the ability to
do such things with skills of nding information, working with it - rather than having it handed in
front of them.

Pedagogy (in architectural denes) are the teaching styles within the school and how it informs the

How we replicate this and make obvious in the Architecture is the endeavour of this semesters

Enhance Student Understanding

Working in teams

Inquiry Based

Teachers leading by example

Peer Learning (80% of learning is using peers)

Critical thinking

Design Thinking

Stimulation of Curiosity



How do you motivate kids to learn - Lets hypothesise this through architecture.

Utilise 21st Century Skiils

Indulge in Architectural Creativity

We must design for the future and expectations of how education will further develop.

We also have to allow for an Agile future of learning.

Understand the limits of this Exploration - Cant reinvent the wheel

How - This semesters Analysis - The Role of Architecture

Peter Poulet:

A good design is an interesting design.

Radical Pedagogy

Emphasis upon Experience, experimentation, making.

Making space that inspired through an inevitable architecture that makes for a better learning

The Architecture needs to represent the Teaching Pedagogy

Allow for an obvious supportive architecture.

Spatial arrangement for the assignment is important.

Create innovative space.

How do we make and convey spaces for the next generation.

Interrogate every assumption.

Be Radical

Make buildings + spaces that will Revolutionise thought.

Gaming Success analogy: The game designers who were questioned on how they made such
successful games we designed something we knew we would love to play.

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