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Project23:Layout 1 11/18/10 3:14 PM Page 1

l50 9001:2000 CR1lFlb FAClLl1l5

Newark, N1 Penderson, K 1ianjin, China 1ongeren, Belgium
3hamrook Reoyoles' www.shamrecktechnelegles.cem
1he information oontained in the table is for referenoe, is to the best of our knowledge true and aoourate, but no warranty is expressed or implied as to the aoouraoy.
Premlum P1F fer
bemandlng Allcatlens
nanoFLON microFLON
Properties Test Method Unit 101T 114T 118C 119N 150N 160N 124T4 131T1 132T1 132T2 141T2 141T3
particle size
ASTM D4464 microns 6 - 9 4 - 8 4 - 6 4 - 8 4 - 6 5 - 8 16 - 30 4 - 6 4 - 6 10 - 13 10 - 13 14 - 22
particle size
Scanning electron
microscope (SEM)
microns 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
90% ASTM D4464 microns 13 12 10 12 9 13 40 10 10 20 20 35
Melting point ASTM D4591 C / F 323/614 321/610 320/608 320/608 321/610 321/610 325/617 328/622 328/622 327/621 328/622 327/621
ASTM D5675 g/cc 2.15 2.15 2.15-2.2 2.1-2.2 2.2 2.2 2.15-2.2 2.1 - 2.2 2.15-2.2 2.15-2.2 2.1-2.2 2.1-2.2
Bulk Density ASTM D4895 g/l 200 - 500 200-350 250 - 400 250-450 250-450 250-450 300-550 300 - 550 300-550 300 -500 250-400 300 - 500
Surface area ASTM D5675 m^2/g 6.0 - 8.0 6.0 - 8.0 6.0 - 8.0 7.0 - 9.0 11.0-13.0 11.0-13.0 1.0-3.0 3 3 1.0-3.0 1.0-3.0 1.0 -3.0
FDA Status 21CFR 177.1550 175.300 175.300 175.300 177.1550 177.1550 175.300 177.1550 175.300 175.300 177.1550 175.300

Proper est Method TTe
ticle size par
ASTM D4464
ticle size par
Scanning electron
microscope (SEM)

Unit 101T 114T 118C
6 - 9 4 - 8 4 - 6
microns 0.2 0.2 0.2

119N 150N 160N 124
4 - 8 4 - 6 5 - 8 16 -
0.2 0.15 0.15 N/

4T4 131T1 132T1 132T2 141
4 - 6 4 - 6 10 - 13 10

- 13
1T2 141T3
14 - 22
/A N/A

ticle size par microscope (SEM)
90% ASTM D4464
Melting point ASTM D4591
c f Speci
ASTM D5675
Bulk Density ASTM D4895
Surface area ASTM D5675
A Status FD

microns 13 12 10
C / F 323/614 321/610 320/60
g/cc 2.15 2.15 2.15-2
g/l 200 - 500 200-350 250 - 4
m^2/g 6.0 - 8.0 6.0 - 8.0 6.0 - 8
21CFR 177.1550 175.300 175.30

12 9 13 40
08 320/608 321/610 321/610 325/
2.2 2.1-2.2 2.2 2.2 2.15-
400 250-450 250-450 250-450 300-5
8.0 7.0 - 9.0 11.0-13.0 11.0-13.0 1.0-3
00 175.300 177.1550 177.1550 175.3

/ / /
0 10 10 20 2
617 328/622 328/622 327/621 328
-2.2 2.1 - 2.2 2.15-2.2 2.15-2.2 2.1
550 300 - 550 300-550 300 -500 250
3.0 3 3 1.0-3.0 1.0
300 177.1550 175.300 175.300 177.

/ /
20 35
/622 327/621
1-2.2 2.1-2.2
0-400 300 - 500
0-3.0 1.0 -3.0
.1550 175.300

Project1:Layout 1 4/28/10 9:17 AM Page 1
Troy Corporation 8 Vreeland Road Florham Park, NJ 07932 USA tel +1.973.443.4200 fax +1.973.443.0843
Troy Corporation provides paint and coatings manufacturers with the 'Key to Green Coatings' by
offering ecological friendly products that are designed to meet or exceed the toughest performance
standards without compromising sustainability, environmental sensitivity, or regulatory compliance.
Troy is the leader in VOC and formaldehyde-free preservation and provides solutions for complex
technical formulations. Troy develops and promotes sustainable technologies that satisfy wet-state
and dry film material protection needs. Contact your local Troy representative to obtain your
"Key to Green Coatings' and unlock your specific formulation solution.
Visit for more information.
Troy CWM0710.qxd:Layout 1 6/16/10 2:35 PM Page 1
Quality. Reliability. Global knowledge. Technical expertise. WACKER silicone-based materials are so versatile and adaptable, they have
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Wacker Chemical Corporation, 3301 Sutton Road, Adrian, MI 49221, USA
TEL: +1 888 922 5374, FAX: +1 517 264 4068,
Project3:Layout 1 11/5/10 11:08 AM Page 1
15 International Coatings Scene
Latin America Nogales spruces up for border
crossers with a cleaner image.
Europe Powder coatings bounce back.
20 Business Corner Is there a best time to
acquire or divest a business.
DECEMBER 2010 VOL. 15, NO.12
21 Powder Coatings Market Evolves
AkzoNobel and Jotun, two leaders in the global powder coatings market, continue to
develop cutting edge technology and expand their global footprints.
24 Biocides, Fungicides & Algaecides
Following a difficult year, the biocides market is showing signs of recovery.
26 Pigment Suppliers Directory
A look at the latest offerings from select pigment suppliers.
6 Editors Page
8 As We Go To Press
8 Index to Companies
10 Fresh Paint
18 New Products
28 Industry News
29 People
30 Suppliers Corner
34 Final Coat
32 Classified Ads
33 Advertising Index
COATINGS WORLDCoatings World (ISSN 152-711-29) is published monthly by Rodman Publications, Inc., 70 Hilltop Road, Ramsey, NJ
07446 USA. Phone: (201) 825-2552; Fax (201) 825-0553. Periodical postage paid at Ramsey, NJ 07446 USA and additional mailing offices.
Publications Mail Agreement No: 40028970. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to Circulation Dept. PO Box 1051, Fort Erie, On L2A
6C7, POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:; (201) 825 2552 ext. 374; Fax: (201)
825 6582. Free subscriptions to Coatings World are available to qualified individuals. Others are as follows: U.S. one year $75; two years
$105. Outside U.S. and overseas: one year $95 (U.S.), two years $145 (U.S.), foreign airmail: one year $195 (U.S.). 5% GST required on
Canadian orders. GST #131559148. The publisher reserves the right to determine qualification of free subscriptions. Printed in the USA.
Coatings World is used under license from Whitford Worldwide. COATINGS WORLDS circulation is audited by BPA International.
toc:p. 4 tof C 4/04 11/22/10 12:12 PM Page 5
Nanotech Industries, Shunfa
Co. enter deal for Chinese
polyurethane market
Editors Page
Tim Wright
Tom Branna
Kerry Pianoforte
Michael Del Purgatorio
Sean Milmo (Europe)
Charles W. Thurston (Latin America/Americas)
Phil Phillips
Jim Berry (Berry Environmental)
Joseph Cristiano (consultant)
Thomas Frauman (consultant)
Sidney Lauren (consultant)
Joseph Prane (consultant)
Isadore Rubin (consultant)
Richard M. Tepper (PPG Industries)
Shelby F. Thames (University of So. Mississippi)
Rodman J. Zilenziger, Jr.
Matthew J. Montgomery
Dale Pritchett
Kim Clement
Baudry Boisseau Associates
27 Rue J. Lebeau- B-1000, Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: 32-(0)2-513-06-47 Fax: 32-(0)2-514-17-38
ADVERTISING SALES (Hong Kong, Taiwan & China)
Ringier Trade Publishing Ltd
401-405 4/F New Victory House
93-103 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
(852) 2369 8788 Fax: (852) 2869 5919
Patty Ivanov 631-642-2048; Fax 631-473-5694
Patricia Hilla
Joe DiMaulo
Paul Simansky
Jason Lawton
A Rodman Publication
70 Hilltop Road Ramsey, NJ 07446 USA
(201) 825-2552 Fax: (201) 825-0553
Web site:
COATINGS WORLDS circulation is audited by BPA Worldwide.
s its presence on the world stage grows, Chinas paint and
coatings industry continues to adopt greener coatings tech-
nology to attract investors from the Western hemisphere
where regulatory standards are far stricter. Anticipating such
future regulations on its own shores, Chinese companies are follow-
ing the lead of their Western counterparts. The latest deal between
West and East involves Nanotech Industries International and
Shunfa Company.
Nanotech Industries (dba Hybrid Coating Technologies, or HCT)
has entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with
Shunfa from Jiande City, China to manufacture and distribute HCTs
Green Polyurethane technology in China and South East Asia.
Nanotech Industries is a San Francisco-based innovator focused
on improving the quality and safety of coatings and paint for indus-
trial and commercial customers around the world. They are the
exclusive licensee of Green Polyurethane coatings and paint, the
world's first patent protected polyurethane-based coatings and paint
products, according to the company.
Under the terms and conditions of the MOU, Nanotech Industries
will supply its technology and know-how to a jointly owned Chinese-
based LLC and Shunfa Company will be responsible for supplying
the necessary capital and management of the LLC, including manu-
facturing, marketing and sales.
HCT will receive a royalty on all sales from the LLC and a portion
of the profits. The LLC will have exclusive rights to HCTs technology
for China and South East Asia subject to satisfying certain minimum
sales quotas. HCT, Shunfa Co. and the LLC will enter into an intellec-
tual property agreement to protect HCTs technology and the LLC will
apply for certain Chinese patents based on HCTs technology.
We look forward to working with Shunfa Co. in developing one of
the worlds fastest growing markets for our technology, said Joseph
Kristul, CEO and president of HCT, and we expect to generate a sig-
nificant amount of business in the near future.
China has been the world leader in polyurethane (PU) production
since 2007 and is also a significant consumer of polyurethane-based
consumer goods. By 2012 total global production of PU is predicted to
be 18,668,250 tons and China will produce roughly 34 percent, or
6,347,205 tons, of all global PU.
edit:p. 6 Editors Page 11/19/10 12:48 PM Page 6
Quartz CWM0910.qxd:Layout 1 9/3/10 10:03 AM Page 1
As We Go To Press
Dow breaks ground on new Vietnam plant
Dow Advanced Materials has broken
ground on a new manufacturing facili-
ty in Dong Nai Province in southern
Vietnam for the production of acrylic
and styrene-acrylic polymers used in
the paint, coatings, construction, pack-
aging, home and personal care indus-
tries. The new plant, scheduled to go
on-stream in September 2011, will be
shared by three Dow Advanced
Materials businessesDow Coating
Materials (DCM), Dow Building &
Construction (DB&C), and Dow
Adhesives & Functional Polymers
(AFP). "Growing demand for our poly-
mers from global and local paint and
coating manufacturers located in
Vietnam was the primary driver for
building the new plant," said Yoke
Loon Lim, general manager, Southeast
Asia, Dow Advanced Materials. "More
than 90 percent of our capacity will be
sold to Vietnam-based customers, the
majority of which are multinational
companies." Paint and coatings cus-
tomers use DCM acrylic and styrene-
acrylic based specialty polymers as
binders, rheology modifiers, and other
additives for the development of a wide
range of architectural and industrial
products. DB&C customers use related
specialty polymers to produce a wide
range of products, such as specialty
cements, concrete sealers and con-
struction adhesives, caulks and
sealants. Dow AFP customers include
Vietnam-based food and beverage
packagers, textile companies, and
home and personal care manufactur-
ers. "The new acrylics plant in Vietnam
is part of our ongoing, tailored and flex-
ible expansion strategy in Asia," said
Bruce Hoechner, vice president, region-
al director, Asia Pacific, Advanced
Materials Division and general manag-
er, Asia Pacific, Dow Coating Materials.
"We have designed the new plant in
order to provide in-region support to
our customers and offer them the cus-
tomized solutions they need."
Vogel Paint, Orange City, Iowa has
signed an agreement with Hesse-Lignal
of Hamm, Germany to become its exclu-
sive licensee for the manufacture of wood
coatings for the U.S. The newly created
Vogel Industrial Wood Coatings group
will market Hesse coatings and technol-
ogy through independent representa-
tives and distributors throughout the
U.S. Hesse-Lignal is one of the leading
producers of interior wood finishes in
Europe and has 26 partners and daugh-
ter companies around the world. Hesse
has a strong background in a variety of
technologies including lacquer, ure-
thanes, water-based and UV-cure coat-
ings and has a strong portfolio of envi-
ronmentally friendly coatings. With a
staff of more than 100 in the laboratories
and R&D department, Hesse is focused
on developing new, high performance lac-
quer systems to improve the productivity
and quality level in the wood industy.
Vogel Paint is a leading manufacturer of
coatings in the Midwest U.S. serving
painting professionals and industrial
customers. In addition to operating 70
locations in 13 states, Vogel Paint serves
customers nationally through product
lines like Old Masters Craftsman
Quality Stains and Finishes. CW
Index to Companies
This index gives the starting page for a department or feature with
a significant reference to a manufacturer of paint, coatings, adhesives and
sealants. Subsidiaries are indexed under their own names.
AkzoNobel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 21
Arekema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Complementary Coatings Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
DuPont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,
JDSU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Jotun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
NOF Metal Coatings Europe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
PPG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 34
Spies Hecker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Standox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Teknos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Valspar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 18
Vitex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Vogel Paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
as we go:columns 11/18/10 2:43 PM Page 8
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Reichhold CWM1210.qxd:Layout 1 11/18/10 4:08 PM Page 1
Fresh Paint
Two products from PPG's protective and
marine coatings businessAquapon
water-based epoxy and Pitt-Guard
rapid-coat, direct-to-rust epoxywere
specified by Kurt Amundsen, a senior
associate at the architectural firm
Populous, to protect Pittsburgh's CON-
SOL Energy Center's structural steel
from ultraviolet (UV) exposure, rust and
other environmental hazards.
PPG coatings have helped the CON-
SOL Energy Center to become the first
NHL arena to earn Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design
(LEED) Gold certification from the U.S.
Green Building Council (USGBC).
LEED certification was important
to the owners, so the ability to source
the product regionally was an incen-
tive," Amundsen said. He added that
Populous regularly specifies Aquapon
and Pitt-Guard coatings for building
projects. They are a standard in our
product spec list."
PPG is very excited to be part of this
new Pittsburgh landmark, said Ed
Brunins, PPG market manager, protec-
tive and marine coatings, United States
and Canada. Our products are designed
to be tough and resilient, and to exceed
our customers expectations.
Aquapon epoxy is a fast-drying, low-
VOC coating with a hard, durable finish
that resists exposure to corrosive sol-
vents, acids, alkalis and slats. Pitt-Guard
epoxy is engineered for barrier protec-
tion of steel, aluminum, hot-dipped gal-
vanized steel and masonry surfaces. It
has excellent wetting characteristics
that enable application and good per-
formance over tightly adhering rust and
excellent performance over abrasive
blasted surfaces.
The Pacific Northwest Society for
Coatings Technology (PNWSCT) will
hold its 56th annual Spring Symposium,
the Northwest Coatings Fest on May 11-
13, 2011 at the Cedarbrook Lodge in
SeaTac, WA. The Symposium, titled Red
alert: Products and Solutions for Tough
Economic Times, will bring together
technical, sales and business profession-
als for a technical program, conference
lunch and conference dinner. The Society
has issued a call for papers for the tech-
nical program to be held on May 12th
and a half-day session on May 13th. The
topic focus should include the future of
paint manufacturing in the Northwest
and new product technology designed for
the future. This symposium will directly
focus on different substrates such as
composites and vinyl, (siding and win-
dow profile), with products like self heal-
ing, self cleaning and nano coatings. The
abstract should be 250 words or less
with the title of the paper. Contact infor-
mation including author names, compa-
ny name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail
address and speaker bio should be
attached. The deadline for the
Northwest Coating Fest submittal is
January 7th, 2011. The PNWSCT will
send out a notification of acceptance by
February 15, 2011. Upon acceptance into
the PNWSCT NW Coatings Fest techni-
PPG coatings help NHL Penguins protect
home ice at CONSOL Energy Center
PPGs Aquapon and Pitt-Guard coatings protect structural steel at new LEED-certified arena.
fresh:p. 10-11 fresh paint june 11/18/10 2:46 PM Page 10
Project25:Layout 1 11/19/10 12:26 PM Page 1
Fresh Paint
cal program, speakers will be required to
submit a completed paper to the com-
mittee by March 15, 2011. The Best
Paper Award will be presented at the
NW Coatings Fest. Those interested are
encouraged to submit a short abstract
for a 40-45 minute presentation to:
Glenn Carlson, 206-200-5452; email:
A new ASTM subcommittee seeks to
acknowledge the ongoing advances being
made in the field of nanostructured inor-
ganic coatings. B08.16 on Nano -
structured Coatings, part of ASTM Inter -
national Committee B08 on Metallic and
Inorganic Coatings, is currently develop-
ing its first proposed standard, ASTM
WK29468, Specification for Galvanic
Protection of Steel Using a Nano -
structured Coating of 95 % Zinc.
"The primary users of ASTM
WK29468 will be steel companies that
make galvanized products, including
sheet metal, wire and structural prod-
ucts, as well as industry users who face
the challenges of corrosion," said
Christina Lomasney, president and
CEO, Modumetal, and chair of B08.16.
Lomasney noted that such industries
include maritime, transportation, auto-
motive, petrochemical and construction.
All interested parties are welcome to
participate in the ongoing development
of ASTM WK29468. "We hope to encour-
age participation from both suppliers,
namely companies that are actively
engaged in the development and produc-
tion of nanostructured coatings, and
from end users who would benefit from
such coatings, said Lomasney.
ASTM International welcomes and
encourages participation in the develop-
ment of its standards.
JDSU has opened a new facility in
Suzhou, China to manufacture high-
precision optical coatings for a wide
variety of markets that include 3D, ges-
ture recognition, theater projection and
sensing applications. A ceremony took
place today that marked the official
opening of the facility within the Suzhou
Industrial Park.
JDSU has committed more than $20
million to the facility that includes a staff
of over 50 employees and the capacity to
grow to more than 100 employees. The
site also includes new, state-of-the-art
optical coating equipment. Joining major
sites in Beijing, Shenzhen, Singapore,
OF Metal Coatings Europe was recently voted overall
winner of the 2010 European Responsible Care
Awards, beating out a record-number 53 entries from
10 countries. It marked the first time that France-based NOF
Metal Coatings Europe received the award with an innovative
coating technology that offers health and environmental bene-
fits in a more resource efficient, cost effective way.
The awards competition this year was the most
intense in its six-year history, said Christian Jourquin,
president of Cefic, the European Chemical Industry
Council, who presented the awards at the Cefic annual
general assembly in Rome. The winning projects clearly
highlighted how the chemical industry is high-tech, inno-
vative and sustainable.
Overall winner NOF Metal Coatings Europe France
earned top honors for developing a new version of exist-
ing coatings mainly used for small parts such as auto-
motive sector bolts and fasteners. Judges praised the
robust, innovative nature of the award winning submis-
sion, especially highlighting that the high-tech coating
combines a very impressive decrease of VOC emissions
with the phasing out harmful compoundhexavalent
chromiumwhile turning a profit.
The elimination of hexavalent chromium alone was
commended as not easy and very innovative. The new
Cefic president, Christian Jourquin (left), is presenting the 2010
Responsible Care prize to Alain Chesneau, NOF Metal Coatings
research and development manager.
NOF Metal Coatings Europe Wins Responsible Care Award
(continued on the next page)
fresh:p. 10-11 fresh paint june 11/18/10 2:46 PM Page 12
Fresh Paint
Tokyo and Penang, the Suzhou site pro-
vides JDSU with another base to expand
its relationships with Asia-based cus-
tomers and suppliers.
"The new Suzhou site provides a
strategic platform for JDSU to grow our
optical coatings business," said Roy Bie,
vice president and general manager of
Advanced Optical Technologies at JDSU.
"The combination of talented employees,
specialized manufacturing processes and
cutting-edge technology in Suzhou will
ensure we meet the very precise specifi-
cations and large volumes required for
markets that use our optical coatings
"The Suzhou facility is another exam-
ple of how JDSU is collaborating with
customers and suppliers in Asia at a
local level to deliver innovative solutions
that help drive their global business
objectives," said Tom Waechter, president
and CEO of JDSU.
In addition to the Suzhou site, JDSU
has another optical coatings facility in
Santa Rosa, California with more than
300 employees that handle manufactur-
ing, research and development, sales and
Teknos has strengthed its position in the
German market by opening a new cen-
tral warehouse in Fuld, Germany. After
gradually readjustment of its logistics,
the coatings producer will supply cus-
tomers in Germany, Austria and the
neighbouring countries in Central and
Southeast Europe with industrial wood
coatings from the new central distribu-
tion center. In addition to the warehouse,
the Teknos has opened a mixing center
for Gori Industry and Aquatop paints
and coatings. The new warehouse is
another step to expand the site after
Teknos integration of the German Gori
Industry marketing organization in
Fulda a year ago.
DuPont Performance Coatings (DPC)
has expanded the DuPont Performance
Services (DPS) program, now offering
the DPS Learning Academy - Lean
Series. The DPS Learning Academy -
Lean Series is designed for repair cen-
ters interested in implementing a lean
The DPS Learning Academy is a
series of three, three-day events which
are conducted on-site at a collision
repair center that is actively using a pull
production model. Currently, these
events are being conducted at The Body
Shop @ in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, or
Marshall Auto Body in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin. DPC has partnered with
version coating product, designed for use by coating
applicators subcontracted by automotive companies,
required several years of dedicated research, including
working with sci-
entific institutions
to better under-
stand sol-gel tech-
nology. Under a
project launched in
2004, pilot testing
took place in 2007
and full commer-
cial application of
the technology
occurred in March
2010 on two industrial lines in Germany.
According to the NOF Metal Coatings Europe sub-
mission filed last, the anticorrosive coating compound
successfully went from research bench to market as
part of the companys objective to focus on sustainable
coatings development. The environmentally friendly
coating vastly reduces the use of organic solvents from
conventional levels down to between four and five per-
cent. The company also said that the new compound
does not contain methanol (toxic) or ethoxylated
nonylphenol (endocrinian effects).
The panel of judges said this innovative product devel-
opment on the part of NOF Metal Coatings Europe is
clearly moving towards sustainable development and
doing less damage.
Responsible Care is a global initiative of the chemical
industry to drive continuous improvement in its health,
safety and environmental performance and to make a
strong contribution to sustainable development. It was
first launched in 1985 in Canada and is now run by the
national/regional chemical associations in 53 countries
around the world.
With more than 30 years of experience, NOF Metal
Coatings Europe develops, produces and sells, by
licence agreements, the zinc-flake technologies
Geomet and Dacromet. The coatings offer low-thick-
ness and high-performing anticorrosion protection
and are leaders in the automotive and truck indus-
tries, as well as in other industrial sectors such as
renewable energies. NOF Metal Coatings Europe is
the European subsidiary of NOF Metal Coatings
Group, the anticorrosion division of the Japanese
chemical group NOF Corporation, who invented the
zinc-flake technology. An international licensee's net-
work with more than 350 application lines supplies
NOFs coatings worldwide. More information can be
found at
fresh:p. 10-11 fresh paint june 11/18/10 2:46 PM Page 13
these organizations to develop a lean
implementation strategy.
The Academy currently includes the
following courses: 101 Administrative
Process Flow; 201 Production Process
Flow; and Pull Production and
Continuous Improvement.
When designing the DPS Learning
Academy - Lean Series, we were cog-
nizant of the 97 percent lean imple-
mentation failure rate in the industry,
therefore we built our curriculum
around the lean transformation
(Kaikaku) model, said Steve Trapp,
collision services development manag-
er. Using the model, the DPC execu-
tive facilitator uses hands-on exercises
in a workshop setting to have the lean
champion apply the 12 lean principles
to their repair center.
Other exercises include study mis-
sions at repair centers currently
applying kaizen thinking, lean tools
and a pull production approach where
participants can ask questions and
take pictures. Back in the workshop,
the participants can work together to
refine their own tools and processes
based on their customers needs, facil-
ities and staff.
A key to our approach is the weekly
consulting sessions between the acade-
my workshops to help keep the repair
center on track with their unique imple-
mentation plan, said Trapp. The end
goal of the DPS Learning Academy -
Lean Series is to transform participat-
ing repair centers that complete the
entire process to a pull-based kaizen
thinking organization that can solve
problems based on the scientific prob-
lem solving model.
Hirshfields is now the distributor of the
complete line of Valspar wood coatings,
including stains, varnishes, lacquers,
topcoats and other finishing products.
The new distribution agreement marks
the first time the Minnesota-based cor-
porations have partnered to provide
wood finishing products to professional
woodworkers, cabinetmakers and mill-
work producers. Ten Hirshfield locations
in MinnesotaAlexandria, Baxter,
Savage, St. Cloud, Minneapolis,
Rochester, Blaine, Monticello, Hopkins-
Lathrop and Bemidjiand two in North
DakotaFargo and Bismarckwill pro-
vide customer support along with the
complete line of Valspar wood coatings.
The new distribution agreement pairs
two companies that each have long tra-
ditions of providing residential and com-
mercial products. Hirshfield's is a fourth
generation, family-owned company that
has been in the decorating business for
over 100 years. The Valspar Corporation
has produced paints and coatings global-
ly for more than 200 years. Hirshfields
operates stores in Minnesota, Wisconsin
and North Dakota and distributes com-
mercial wall and flooring finishes across
nine Midwestern states from offices in
Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, and
Kansas City. CW
The Southern Society for Coatings Technology held their 74th Annual Meeting
and Technology Conference at the Hilton Daytona Beach Resort on September
2629, 2010. The theme of Racing
to New Technology in Coatings
was highlighted in the 16 technical
presentations and also the keynote
speech by Tom Sasse from BASF,
on the current chemical raw mate-
rial market impacting coatings,
and an overview by George
Schmitz covering the Coatings
Industry Education Foundation
(CIEF). Over 225 were in atten-
dance at the conference that also
included a golf outing, fishing out-
ing, guest program and table top
exhibits by over 35 suppliers.
The meeting began with a
review of the 2010 annual meet-
ing which was held in May to meet by-law requirements and the introduction
of the 2010-2011 SSCT officers which include Randy Waldman, president;
Terry Barrett, vice president; Ursula Thomas, treasurer and Kip Sharp, sec-
retary. The current board of directors was also introduced. The SSCT also
announced their 2010 scholarship winners which represents a $1,000 schol-
arship to the following: Casey Aultman, daughter of Phillip Aultman,
Aultman Technical Sales, LLC; Nigum Dave, son of Dilip Dave, Benjamin
Moore & Company; Christiana Mattice, daughter of Chuck Mattice, Permite
Corporation; Lauren Waldman, daughter of Randy Waldman, Lintech
International LLC.
The meeting banquet was also highlighted by SSCT recognition awards
to Steve Cooper, Dow Coatings/R&H; Dr. Jerry Matson, University of
Florida and Steve Halliday, Marine-Industrial Coatings. The SSCT also
recognized 27 members for over 25 years of membership in the SSCT, sev-
eral members were also recognized with over 40 years membership.
The Southern Society for Coatings
Technology held their 74th Annual
Meeting and Technology Conference at
the Hilton Daytona Beach Resort on
September 2629, 2010.
Fresh Paint
fresh:p. 10-11 fresh paint june 11/18/10 2:46 PM Page 14
International Coatings Scene
he city of Nogales was once a buzzing
U.S. border factory town in the
maquiladora program of the North
American Free Trade Agreement, located in
Mexicos Sonora state. But the city of some
200,000 has had a tough time maintaining an
attractive image for its citizens, much less
tourists, of late. About 200 people reportedly
have been killed in Nogales this year; over
400 pounds of cocaine were seized from a sin-
gle northbound car one day in November; and
U.S. consular workers now are advised to con-
duct routine travel in armored vehicles.
However, new Mayor Jose Angel Hernandez
has come up with a scheme to brighten up
Nogales, including a program to paint more
than a thousand houses, once cement grey, in
the neighborhoods along the border crossing
between the United States and Mexico, which
hosts around 50,000 vehicles per day. Using
paint donated by the State of Sonora, and
funding from a variety of state and federal
sources, the mayor is priming the citys Urban
Image department to literally transform the
look of the city. The federal secretariat for
social development, Sedesol, was one key fed-
eral supporter of the project.
International paint manufacturers often
adopt historic sections of a city, painting
buildings with significant architecture per-
haps registered with organizations like the
United Nations. Other paint makers have
merged advertising and charity activities by
painting soccer stadiums across Latin
America. And some paint companies have
moved into the poorest parts of town to add
color to the lives of the local denizens.
But in the case of Nogales, the mayor intends
to get over 1,400 houses painted by the end of
2010, as new funding materializes. The program,
originally funded at close to $100,000 and led by
Armando Gutierrez Jimenez, did not actually
seek to paint the entire target houses, but mere-
ly the two sides facing the border roadway in
neighborhoods like Los Encinos. Colors also have
been limited to yellow, blue, green, orange and
pink, ostensibly reflecting the five leading politi-
cal parties in the area. And the volume of paint
acquired for the program was originally set at
about 1,000 five-gallon buckets.
Similarly, in Nogaless central Plaza
Pesqueira, the Urban Image department
has painted vendors stalls in orange and
green, to help liven up the area, and to give
it a more planned and maintained look.
Park benches are being repainted, and new
palm trees are being planted to appeal to
tourists and crime-wary citizens alike.
There may be a market opportunity for inter-
national paint companies to step up to the plate
in some of their deeply-troubled market com-
munities, like Nogales, and donate or subsidize
paint to help turn the tide of urban decay into
boot-strap gentrification. The risk, however, of
being drawn by name into the war between the
drug lords that terrorize such cities and the
government officials whom hope to dislodge
them, may seem too great a cost. Indeed, the
continuation of the Urban Image project in
Nogales may help to define a safe solution for
companies now on the sidelines. CW
Nogales spruces up for border
crossers with a cleaner image
border town
a facelift;
spruces up
for border
Using paint donated by the State of
Sonora, and funding from a variety of
state and federal sources, the mayor
is priming the citys Urban Image
department to literally transform the
look of the city.
latin:columns 11/18/10 2:51 PM Page 15
Powder coatings bounce back
International Coatings Scene
emand for powder coatings in
Europe showed strong underlying
growth before the recession. But
it was a rise that was subject to sharp
In fact, after a rapid increase in sales from
a low base in the 1990s, the growth rate in
powder coatings consumption in Europe
began to decline in the first half of the
2000salthough the rise remained well
above the average increase for the whole
coatings sector.
At the start of the post-recession period in
Europe, however, powder coatings demand
is displaying a greater robustness based on
a broader foundation than before. The wide
application of innovative technologies is giv-
ing powder coatings producers the opportu-
nity to attack new segments.
Prior to the 2008 financial crisis the main
impetus behind the growth in demand came
from powder coatings applied to metal sub-
strates in architecture, domestic appliances
and automobiles.
Now a much bigger role is being taken by
powder coatings with low temperature coat-
ing processes which is opening up inroads
into sectors like wood and plastic coatings.
Also producers are being more successful
is exploiting the sustainability advantages
of solvent-free powder coatings, particularly
at a time when new European Union legis-
lation is restricting the emissions of VOCs.
Powder coatings can help to reduce energy
consumption and waste.
After a drop in sales in the first half of
2009, powder coatings sales are returning to
their pre-recession levels, according to
industry sources. This is around four to five
percent globally, bolstered by powerful
growth in emerging economies, and around
two percent in mature markets such as
Western Europe, in line with GDP but ahead
of average coatings demand. In the medium
term the sector in the whole of Europe is
seen as having a potential for even faster
growth especially due to an increased need
for powder coatings in Eastern Europe.
Apart from GDP, the main driver is envi-
ronmental not only because of the VOCs
issue but also energy and waste, said Barry
Tomlinson, AkzoNobels marketing director
for powder coatings. Other factors are also
important including performance, cost and
fashion and special effects.
The Western European powder coatings
market still faces problems of overcapacity
in the wake of an exodus of manufacturing
capacity in sectors like domestic appliances
to Eastern Europe.
In Europe as a whole the sector remains
relatively fragmented so that it is constant-
ly being squeezed between multinational
raw material suppliers and large customers
with global operations. Petrochemical com-
panies are constantly driving up the costs of
key derivatives used in powder coating for-
A capability in research and development
has become a key to competiveness in pow-
der coatings, which has largely favored the
bigger players. R&D has helped companies
push the expansion of new technologies.
It has also stemmed the pre-recession trend
to commoditization. Through their R&D activ-
ities producers have been able to differentiate
their products and to tailor them to meet the
specific needs of customers.
As a result R&D orientated companies in
Europe, most of whom supply markets across
the world, particularly in the Middle East and
Asia, have tended to be benefiting the most
from the post-recession recovery in demand.
Power coatings was the best performing
business in AkzoNobels performance coat-
ings division in the first nine months of this
A wider
array of
is helping
the powder
market return
to pre-reces-
sion levels.
europe:columns 11/22/10 12:13 PM Page 16
International Coatings Scene
year with a 36 percent rise in sales to
574 million ($786 million). Much of
this rise was due to AkzoNobels
takeover earlier in the year of Dow
Chemicals powder coatings opera-
tion, formerly Rohm and Haas.
Nonetheless, after excluding the
acquisition, the sales rise was 18 per-
cent in the third quarter.
The Western European powder
coatings market has partly recovered
from the decline due to the recession,
said Tomlinson. Eastern Europe, by
contrast, continued to grow in most
regions throughout the recession and
is still growing strongly. In Eastern
Europe were increasing our produc-
tion capacity in our plants in Russia,
Czech Republic and Turkey.
Jotun, another major European
powder coatings producer, is expect-
ing solid growth in powder coatings
this year after reporting increased
profitability in the business in the
first eight months of 2010. It has also
been experiencing improved powder
coatings sales in Eastern Europe.
In line with their strategy to differ-
entiate their powder coatings and to
expand in higher value markets,
European research-focused producers
have been enhancing low temperature
curing technologies for application in
the wood and plastics sectors. They
have been resolving problems of loss of
gloss and of chemical and mechanical
resistance when curing temperatures
are reduced from 150C to 140C or
even as low as 120C.
These low-temperature processes are
helping powder coatings to become an
attractive alternative to laminates in
the manufacture of medium density
fiberboard (MDF) for furniture and seg-
ments like kitchen fittings. The Nordic
countries and parts of Eastern Europe
and Russia are global centers for MDF
AkzoNobel sees MDF as a big spur
for future growth in powder coatings
with the aid of both low-tempera-
ture and UV curing processes. We
have products that meet the per-
formance requirements of the mar-
ket, said Tomlinson. In the imme-
diate future the focus will be on
optimizing application technologies
and developing the best product and
application combinations.
Jotun has just launched a range of
furniture powder coatings called
Era-Coat MDF which it says will
open up new frontiers for its powder
coatings business in the wood mar-
ket. The range comprises a primer
and topcoat, which is formulated for
curing temperatures of 140C for
eight to 10 minutes.
In the development of new tech-
nologies, formulators have been put-
ting a lot of effort into reinforcing or
at least retaining the aesthetic qual-
ities of powder coatings. Jotuns new
MDF range allows flexibility of
design because it can be applied to
any shape, as well as to rounded cor-
ners and contoured angles.
The range opens new horizons for the
furniture industry in terms of design
and creativity, said Olaf Conreur, Jotun
Powder Coatings divisional industrial
product manager.
Producers are encouraging greater
creativity among their customers by
not only providing a wider range of
colours and even metallic effects for
wood and plastic substrates but also
metal ones in the architectural,
automobile and domestic appliances
With the wider choice of appear-
ances and greater opportunity for
sustainability through technologies
like low-temperature curing, the big
challenge now for producers is per-
suading potential customers to make
the necessary capital investment in
powder coatings application equip-
ment to switch from liquid coatings.
This may continue to be difficult
while banks in Europe are still
restricting lending. CW
europe:columns 11/22/10 12:13 PM Page 17
New Products
New Spies Hecker Permahyd Hi-TEC
Spies Hecker has introduced Spies
Hecker Permahyd Hi-TEC, a basecoat
formulation that represents advanced
waterborne technology. Featuring a
paint chemistry that allows water and
pigment to work together, Spies Hecker
Permahyd Hi-TEC gives refinish techni-
cians greater control under varying con-
ditions. With a high pigment ratio Spies
Hecker Permahyd Hi-TEC delivers
exceptional coverage in only 1.5 coats
without losing the ability to adjust color.
Based on internal application testing,
shops can expect to save up to 31 percent
in material consumption versus shops
using competitors systems. The unique
resin architecture of this new-generation
finish helps keep time in the booth to a
minimum because there is no need to
flash between coats and surfaces harden
to touch and tape in minutes. Based on
internal testing, shops can anticipate
their process time being up to 56 percent
faster versus shops using competitors
systems. The special pigments in Spies
Hecker Permahyd Hi-TEC allow body
shops to create several thousand new
colors, variants, and special shades.
Additionally, to help refinish technicians
achieve the perfect color match, Spies
Hecker offers the most advanced visual
and digital color matching tools avail-
able, including the largest fan decks in
the industry. Organized in chromatic
order by manufacturer, these fan decks
are produced using Spies Hecker
Permahyd Hi-TEC.
Standox has introduced Standoblue
waterborne basecoat, a premium water-
borne paint that helps meet strict envi-
ronmental guidelines, represents the
highest standards of quality and offers
the advantages of a continuous applica-
tion process. Using a continuous applica-
tion process, Standoblue delivers results
with a 1.5-coat application process,
enabling refinishers to apply paint con-
tinuously without the need to flash
between coats so they can concentrate
completely on the quality of the job with-
out any interruptions. Colors match the
first time and dry quickly to a hard sur-
face, ensuring color consistency. To aid in
color matching, new fan decks have been
produced using a Standox Standoblue
basecoat/clearcoat process that is nearly
identical to vehicle application. The
largest in the industry, these fan decks
are organized in chromatic order by
manufacturer for added convenience.
Standox offers comprehensive classroom
and hands-on training, as well as ongo-
ing technical support, to guide master
craftsmen in producing the best results
with Standoblue.
The Valspar Corporation is expanding
their automotive refinish product plat-
form to include a comprehensive line
from primer to clear coatof low VOC
solvent-based paint products that meet
the most current U.S. standards for low
VOCs, including the South Coast Air
Quality Management District. The
Spies Hecker Permahyd Hi-TEC represents
the latest in waterborne technology for the
automotive refinish market.
Standox Standoblue
np:columns 11/18/10 2:52 PM Page 18
New Products
Valspar Low VOC System features the
companys signature Clean Air formu-
lation with significantly reduced VOCs.
This system allows auto body shops to
switch to a solvent-based option with
an improved environmental profile,
without having to invest in new equip-
ment. The new system delivers the
same level of performance and ease of
application as traditional refinish coat-
ings and helps body shops achieve their
environmental requirements, the com-
pany said. Application techniques, time
and coating coverage for the Valspar
Low VOC System are the same as tra-
ditional solvent-based automotive
refinish products. From High Build
(HB) sandable epoxy hybrid primers,
high strength mixing components that
maximize coverage and productivity to
a clear coat formulated for superior
durability, the Valspar Low VOC
System provides a complete refinish
portfolio. This system complements
Valspar Automotives existing line of
products geared toward meeting air
quality standards including the premi-
um De Beer water-based refinish solu-
tions and the new House of Kolor
Shimrin2 low VOC custom finishing
product line.
AkzoNobel has made the green
debut of its new Wanda Waterbase
VOC-compliant refinish system. The
low-VOC system including Clear,
Primer and Waterborne Basecoat pro-
vide the sam value, simplicity and
color matching as the regular Wanda
car refinish system.
Vitex, the largest Greek paint manu-
facturer has launched the first climate
neutral paint in Greece. This action
fits into the broader context of Vitex
social responsibility, which recently
completed the construction of a state-
of-the-art production unit in As -
propyrgos. In recent years Vitex has
developed for the Greek market inno-
vative products like paints for interior
use without ammonia, a full range of
ecological products, paints for chil-
drens rooms and paints for vulnerable
populations such as those who suffer
allergies. CW
Complementary Coatings Corporation, a Benjamin Moore company,
unveiled a complete portfolio of industrial maintenance coating systems
with the creation of Insl-x-branded Corotech High Performance Coatings.
The new line represents years of research, development and field experi-
ence with high-performing products from Insl-x Industrial Maintenance
and Coronado Industrial Coatings.
The Insl-x brand, which is well known to meet the highest standards
of performance in the industrial maintenance market, will now distin-
guish its line of industrial paints, primers and coatings under the
Corotech sub-brand. In addition, the companys
Coronado industrial line has been integrated into the new label. The
combined portfolio results in a comprehensive offering of superior-grade
industrial coating solutions, featuring over 40 products that include
waterborne acrylics systems, aliphatic urethane systems and an exten-
sive array of epoxies, enamels and corrosion protection primers.
A complete selection of support materials is also under development,
including new product guides, ready-mix and custom-color cards, and
custom fan decks. Newly rebranded Corotech High Performance prod-
ucts began to roll-through and will continue throughout 2010. Dealers
and end-users can expect the full line of Corotech products to be avail-
able by early 2011. Plans to expand the line are slated for 2011.
The transition to the new Corotech High Performance line creates a
fuller, more well-rounded range of products that allows us to better
service our customers, said Don Muller, vice president of sales and
marketing, Complementary Coatings Corporation. In essence, the new
portfolio provides a one-stop-shop of industrial coating systems that
deliver high performance, unsurpassed quality and lasting protection
for any industrial coating requirement.
Wanda Waterbase
VOC compliant refinish system
Vitex Climate Neutral
np:columns 11/18/10 2:52 PM Page 19
ost economists would say that North
America and Europe remain in a quasi-
downturn with mixed positive/negative
indicators. All, I believe, would agree there is a cred-
it crunch in both regions. If 20 executives from
the paint and coatings industry were asked
the following fundamental question, there
would be many varied answers. The question
is, When is the best time to acquire or sell a
business? In a downturn phase or during an
upturn phase in the economy?
There are three scenarios to consider in
either one of the two extreme phases
Proactively seek acquisitions;
Stay conservative and just get through this
phase; and
Sell off non-core or near-core businesses.
Considering a downturn economic environ-
ment some executives would look for opportu-
nities to extract asset bargains that will
assist them in growing and creating future
value for their stakeholders.
It is the opinion of some experts that stay-
ing conservative and just getting through this
phase (a downturn) is absolutely the wrong
strategy. In other words, provided a company
has the resources to acquire, they should do so
in a downturn without question.
Despite the old adage often mouthed by
executives in all industries, Invest in a down-
turn, very few put their money where their
mouths are. They generally become conserva-
tive in downturns, cutting costs, headcount
and other so-called quick-fixes.
After considerable research of 200 global
companies and in their book, The Granularity
of Growth, Baghai, Smit & Viguerie observed
two sets of results were obvious.
First, of the potential strategic moves compa-
nies can take to grow in a downturndivest,
acquire, invest to gain sharean effective
acquisition strategy (defined as growth through
M&A at a rate higher than that of 75 percent of
a companys peers) created significant value for
shareholders during an upturn, on the other
hand, divestments created slightly more value
than acquisitions did.
Second, companies often behave in counter-
productive ways. Fewer than half as many
companies in the segments studied made
acquisitions in downturns rather than in peri-
ods of economic growth. Significantly more
divested businesses in those market segments
in downturns than in upturns.
What is ironic but very natural, are execu-
tives, in downturns act like human beings
normally do. They want to protect what they
are responsible for, which is their business
environment. In downturns, as revenues slow
putting pressure on fixed cost spreads and
margins, management switches its center of
attention to reducing costs to maintain earn-
ings protection.
This tactic, while a normal knee-jerk reac-
tion, is aimed at protecting the balance sheet,
which leads to the deferral of growth and low-
priority investments, the shelving of large
acquisitions and sale of assets. As Baghai,
Smit & Viguerie observed, many companies
simply freeze. Sixty percent made no portfolio
moves at all in downturns. Forty percent made
no moves in upturns.
The best growth companies take a very differ-
ent approach. They view a downturn as a time
to increase their leads in market share and
value enhancements and make acquisitions.
They aggressively seek out and with great zeal,
concentrate on the assets they strategically
need to grow rapidly and certainly, with much
greater speed than competition. Henkels very
quick acquisition of the National Starch busi-
ness from AkzoNobel in 2008 is an outstanding
example of a strategic acquisition in a downturn
economy. CW
Is there a best time to acquire or
divest a business?
A look at the
and pitfalls
of investing
during an
Business Corner
bc:columns 11/19/10 12:48 PM Page 20
Powder Coatings Market Evolves
AkzoNobel and Jotun, two leaders in the global powder coatings market,
continue to develop cutting edge technology and expand their global footprints.
owder coating is a type of
coating that is applied as a
free-flowing, dry powder. The
main difference between a conven-
tional liquid paint and a powder
coating is that the powder coating
does not require a solvent to keep
the binder and filler parts in a liq-
uid suspension form. The coating is
typically applied electrostatically
and is then cured under heat to
allow it to flow and form a skin.
The powder may be a thermoplastic
or a thermoset polymer. It is usually
used to create a hard finish that is
tougher than conventional paint.
Powder coating is mainly used for
coating of metals, such as white-
ware, aluminium extrusions, and
automobile and bicycle parts. Newer
technologies allow other materials,
such as MDF (medium-density fibre-
board), to be powder coated using
different methods.
AkzoNobel has underscored its
ambition to double revenue in China
within the next five years by opening
its sixth powder coatings facility in
the country. The plant is located in the
Wuhan Economic and Technological
Development Zone, a major industrial
and manufacturing hub in central
The new factory will manufacture
AkzoNobel Powder Coatings flagship
Interpon range of products and joins
the business five existing sites in
Shenzhen, Langfang, Ningbo, Suzhou
and Chengdu.
China is fundamental to our new
sustainable growth strategy and this
sixth plant is the latest in a series of
new facilities AkzoNobel has inaugu-
rated in the region, said Leif Darner,
the board member responsible for the
companys performance coatings
activities. Our ambitions for China
are clear and we are committed to
achieving them.
The Wuhan facilitys current produc-
tion capacity is 4,000 tons per year and
can be further expanded. The addition-
al capacity boosts AkzoNobels ability
to meet growing demand in what is one
of the largest powder coatings markets
in the world.
China has the fastest growth rate in
the world in terms of powder coatings
demand. This demand is being driven
by a number of factors, especially the
rapid pace of urbanization and the
associated growth of the housing, con-
struction and automotive sectors, said
Rob Molenaar, managing director of
AkzoNobel Powder Coatings. By tak-
ing advantage of these trends, our own
activities have achieved strong growth
in recent years.
We expect these trends to contin-
ue. So by opening our sixth plant, not
only are we boosting our ability to
meet market needs, but we are also
establishing a strong geographic
spread, with Wuhan being ideally
placed to cater for customers in the
central China area, Molenaar said.
Powder coatings are solvent-free
and Interpon is widely used in the
appliance, architectural, automotive,
furniture, general industry and IT
AkzoNobel currently employs
around 6,500 people in China, with the
country hosting 11 percent of the com-
panys research, development and
innovation resources. Revenue for
2009 totaled $1.5 billion. The compa-
nys focus on China was further
strengthened last month when
AkzoNobel officially inaugurated its
powder:features 11/18/10 2:55 PM Page 21
new 275 million multi-site in Ningbo.
In terms of new product development, AkzoNobel has
launched a sparkling metallic architectural product
Interpon D Brilliance. It is a single coat high quality
metallic appearance coating which is also AAMA,
Qualicoat, GSB and GB compliant.
Part of the global Interpon D1000 range, Interpon D
Brilliance offers a greener option for creating a metallic
effect in coatings, while still maintaining high quality
performance and color options.
Up to now, a bright metallic finish for architecture was
only achievable through either liquid paints (PVDF) or a two
coat powder system consisting of a metallic base coat and a
protective clear coat over the top, said Jean-Paul Moonen,
AkzoNobel Powder Coatings architectural marketing direc-
tor. Single coat metallic powders were based on mica pig-
ments, which do not have the same brightness.
Interpon D Brilliance now provides a single coat bright
metallic, which is both more efficient than the existing
two-coat powder alternative and brighter than the single
coat powder alternative, as well as being greener than
the liquid paint option.
Equally important, according to Moonen, is that cus-
tomers can relax in the knowledge that due to a unique
manufacturing process, Interpon D Brilliance offers the
same levels of weatherability and performance as D1000
without an additional protective clear coat.
The powder can also be reclaimed without color
change or a change in application, Moonen said. Whats
more, our customers are globally active and want consis-
tency and a product they can trust. Interpon D Brilliance
offers just that.
Jotun Powder Coatings, one of the worlds leading pro-
ducers and suppliers of powder coatings has launched
globally its first furniture powder coatings rangeEra-
Coat MDF.
The companys new umbrella brand of powder coatings
for heat-sensitive substrates such as MDF is especially
created for designers and furniture makers. While offer-
ing complete freedom of design to coat even the most
intricate furniture, Era-Coat MDF also provides a more
cost-effective and eco-friendly coating solution.
The new range is based on the latest MDF color trends,
which includes Era-Coat MDF Primo, a uniquely engi-
neered primer and a topcoat Era-Coat MDF 32T, avail-
able in 20 trendy colors and textures.
Formulated to ensure a seamless coated surface, Era-
Coat MDF products can coat both the front and back of
the MDF board at once, and leaves it reclaimable, safe,
resistant to scratches, water, stains and impact.
Adaptable enough to bring to life any design concept, Era-
Coat MDF is ideal for a host of areas including office furni-
ture, retail displays and shelving, flat-pack furniture, doors
and countertops, kitchen cabinets and bedroom wardrobes.
In line with Jotun Powder Coatings commitment to
minimizing any environmental damage, Era-Coat MDF
does not contain solvents nor release any volatile organ-
ic compounds (VOCs).
We have developed a furniture powder coatings solu-
tion that constitutes a strong alternative to established
MDF finishing technologies, and with the quality, dura-
bility and simplicity that make it far superior to other
Tetrachim became the distributor of Arkemas Kynar
ADX powder coating product range. Kynar ADX pow-
der coating is a primerless fluoropolymer coating
with resistance to corrosive and abrasive media.
Tetrachim was selected for the quality of its sales
network and for its expertise in the distribution of
high-tech coatings to surface treatment processors,
Arkema said. Kynar PVDF has been produced for
more than 40 years and is used in major industry
such as construction, chemicals, oil and gas produc-
tion, microelectronics and automotive. More recently
Kynar PVDF has been used for green applications
such as solar photovoltaic panels, electric recharge-
able batteries and water filtration.
Successful Strategies for Decision-Makers
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powder:features 11/18/10 2:55 PM Page 22
systems, said Olaf Conreur, division-
al industrial product manager, Jotun
Powder Coatings.
The Era-Coat MDF range opens
new horizons for the furniture indus-
try in terms of design and creativity,
said Conreur. We have a strong phi-
losophy to provide freedom of design
as testament to Jotuns leadership in
the powder coatings industry and we
also ensure that the environmental
benefits we offer will make our prod-
ucts become more widely used in the
furniture market.
Allowing the most benefit to industri-
al designers, Era-Coat MDF offers
almost unlimited design opportunities,
with properties that allows it to work
for pieces of any shape as well as round-
ed corners and contoured edges.
Complimenting the Era-Coat MDF
32T, the Era-Coat MDF Primo is a
basecoat that gives excellent adhe-
sion and sealing properties to the
MDF board. When used in combina-
tion with Era-Coat MDF 32T as a top
coat, and following strict quality and
process control procedures, Era-Coat
MDF Primo extends the use of MDF
powder coatings to a larger range of
high end products within the furni-
ture industry.
With the launch of Era-Coat MDF,
we are empowering designers to
design, color and coat MDF to the
highest standards, said Conreur.
The unveiling of this new range
underlines our continuous efforts to
introduce technologically-advanced
coatings that answers the specific
challenges faced by the furniture and
other related industries.
Founded in 1926 in Norway, Jotun is
one of the worlds leading paint and
coating manufacturers. Today, Jotuns
diverse product range includes decora-
tive, protective, marine, floor/concrete
protection, powder coatings and intu-
mescent coatings.
A new powder coating process has
been discovered that could help com-
panies in the sector to save costs.
According to Plastics News, a scientist
from Australia has found a way for
powder coatings to stick to plastics
and composites without the need for a
wet paint finish on heat-sensitive sub-
stances. The process is also said to be
zero-waste and removes the impact of
solvent emissions that comes with
wet-paint coatings. Voytek Gutowski,
of the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organization, a
government research agency, expects
the process to be used in automotive,
aviation, furniture and building prod-
uct-manufacturing industries. The
zero-waste process works by coating
plastic components with a layer of
molecules that provide conductivity to
surfaces and allow powder coatings to
stick before they are cured for a
smooth finish. The technology is
already in pre-production trials at sev-
eral commercial ventures in Australia
and internationally. CW
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powder:features 11/18/10 2:55 PM Page 23
Biocides, Fungicides & Algaecides
Following a difficult year, the biocides market is finally showing some
signs of recovery in 2010.
fter weathering a number of
rough years biocides manufac-
turers Coatings World spoke
with reported signs of recovery for
Troy Corporation reported that the
market for biocides has been increas-
ing, independently of the growth rate
of related industries. As coatings man-
ufacturers move to more environmen-
tally-friendly water-based formula-
tions, the need for biocides inherently
According to Gary Horacek, director,
microbiology technical service of Troy
Corporation, Water-based systems are
obviously much more prone to microbial
contamination in the wet-state, but
movement to reduced VOC coatings has
dramatically increased microbial prob-
lems. This is because VOC-containing
coating components were also acting to
inhibit microbial growth. Furthermore,
coatings manufacturers are at the same
time moving away from formaldehyde
adducts as wet-state preservatives, in
favor of new generation formaldehyde-
free, low- or zero-VOC technologies.
Where formaldehyde adducts
used to suffice throughout the pro-
duction process, to treat raw materi-
als, wash water, etc., several new
generation biocides may now be
needed at different stages in produc-
tion, continued Horacek.
The dry film preservatives market is
strong as well, where the shift to low-
VOC coatings formulations has driven
demand for low- and zero-VOC biocide
technologies. According to Don Shaw,
vice president, development for Troy,
Replacing older biocide technologies
has been going on for several years, and
will continue in the following years as
coatings manufacturers reduce produc-
tion of solvent systems. The end result
in both the wet-state and dry film mar-
kets is strong demand for new genera-
tion preservatives.
The global market for industrial bio-
cides has recovered well in 2010 follow-
ing a difficult year in 2009. Restocking
throughout the supply chain and strong
growth in Asia have been the main con-
tributing factors, said David Tierney,
global business, Arch Building Products,
Arch Chemicals Inc.
The biocides market strongly
depends on the economic situation of
the markets in which they are sold,
according to Joseph Druga, new busi-
ness development NA biocides,
International Specialty Products (ISP).
In 2009, the economy was hit by the
recession in automotive and construc-
tion industries. In 2010 ISP managed to
grow not only with our customers but to
gain additional market share, he said.
This resulted in double-digit growth
for ISP. Nevertheless, pricing for com-
modities is tough. We have worked to
contain costs by back-integrating into
actives and product innovations.
In 2010, Dow Microbial Control has
seen increased demand for preservatives
in the paints and coatings markets.
Some of this growth can be attributed to
gradual signs of recovery in regions that
were hardest hit by the 2008 and 2009
economic downturn, including Asia
Pacific and Latin America, said Celso
Magri, strategic marketing manager,
Dow Microbial Control. Demand has
grown slightly less in places where
paints and coatings demand is very
dependent on new construction that has
been delayed due to the economic devel-
opment. Globally, we believe that the
market for architectural paints will grow
three percent in 2010.
Much of the impetus for the growth of
biocides use is coatings manufacturers
shift away from solvent formulations
and formaldehyde, which has created
the need for more wet-state preserva-
tive use in order to protect from con-
tamination during production and from
spoilage in-package. While the indus-
try has made great strides in making
paint better and better for our health
and for the environment, the unintend-
ed result is that the paint itself has also
become more and more hospitable to
microbes, said Shaw.
Troy has been well-positioned and
ready to accommodate the demand for
low- and zero-VOC products, with high
performance Polyphase dry film and
Mergal wet-state preservatives. For
the most part, it has been a case of wait-
ing for the market to ramp up, which it
biocides:p. 44,46waternborne 11/19/10 4:40 PM Page 24
steadily is, said Horacek.
For the past few years, the paint and
coatings industry has been moving
more of their products in the direction
of low VOC and one-VOC products.
This industry trend has increased the
need for biocides, said Druga. Today,
ISP offers a full portfolio of wet state
Nuosept and dry-state Fungitrol prod-
ucts to meet our customers water-
based product demand.
According to Magri, the need for low
and zero VOC coatings affect the bio-
cides market in three ways. The first
and more obvious one is the need for
low- and zero-VOC biocides, he said.
Solutions for this may be straightfor-
ward for some actives, but very chal-
lenging for certain multi-active formula-
tions. To address this need, Dow
Microbial control has developed several
water-based formulations. Additionally,
we have created the unique LE technol-
ogy, which addresses viscosity issues of
water-based dispersions with virtually
no addition to VOC.
The second issue is that low- and zero-
VOC coatings are more susceptible to
microbial contamination, according to
Magri. Therefore, the selection of a suit-
able biocide is not straightforward and
needs extensive testing, Magri said.
There is no one fits all solution. Dow
Microbial Control has nine Customer
Application Centers worldwide, fully
equipped to test and optimize the selec-
tion of biocides for our customers, and a
very wide product portfolio to match any
preservative needs.
Thirdly, it is crucial to have good
plant hygiene in the manufacturing
of low- and zero-VOC coatings. Our
Customer Applications Centers are
staffed with technical experts who
help our customers improve their
plant hygiene to improve microbial
control our trouble-shoot contamina-
tion, said Magri.
Biocides manufacturers have been
developing products that meet their
customers needs and at the same time
meets environmental regulations.
Troy reported that it is constantly
working to develop new dry film and
wet-state preservative products to
meet the changing needs of the market
and the performance objectives of its
customers. Often referred to as multi-
active or cocktail preservatives, these
products are the cornerstones of the
wet-state market today. There are
many performance advantages that
can be achieved by formulating the
right blend. Some of the latest Troy
wet-state preservative technologies
are Mergal 758, 753 and 530.
Mergal 758 is a multifunctional
VOC-free, formaldehyde-free wet-
state preservative that addresses the
industrys need for both short- and
long-term protection. Effective
against bacteria, fungi and yeast,
Mergal 758 offers quick kill to elimi-
nate problematic bacteria introduced
to systems from contaminated raw
materials or poor plant hygiene; it
then employs a slower-acting compo-
nent that provides perseverance to
protect the product over time more
Mergal 753 is also a zero-VOC,
formaldehyde-free wet-state preser-
vative effective against a broad scope
of bacteria, fungi and yeast. Mergal
753, however, is a highly concentrat-
ed product that provides effective
microbial protection with fewer
pounds of preservative per product
batch than competitive technologies,
according to the company. This bene-
fit translates to fewer pounds being
shipped and stored, reduced handling
in the plant, less inventory tracking,
and fewer containers for disposal.
Mergal 530 is a dedicated quick kill
wet-state preservative designed to
rapidly bring severely contaminated
wet-state systems under microbiologi-
cal control, and then quickly dissi-
pate. Mergal 530 is to be used prior to
the addition of a stable, long-term
preservative, and as such, will com-
plement and enhance Troys formalde-
hyde-free treatment programs.
Arch has made several additions to
its Proxel BZ Plus Preservatives in-
can range during the last two years.
This unique combination of Proxel
preservatives and Omadine antimi-
crobrials offers a dual mode of action
for inhibiting microbial growth in
latex emulsions, water-based paints,
adhesives and pigment dispersions,
preventing discoloration and provid-
ing the extra protection our customers
request against mold, mildew and
bacteria, said Tierney. Our latest
endeavor involves formulating inno-
vative dry-film combinations together
with our partner Syngenta.
ISP in EMEA has launched several
innovative products. Nuosept BIC, a
novel solution for formaldehyde-free in-
can preservation and Fungitrol IP24, a
fungicidal protection for dry-boards.
Since regulations differ among
regions, Dow Microbial Control is con-
stantly working to develop new for-
mulations to address regional
requirements. Following restrictions
on Carbendazim, Cybutryn and
Terbutryn in Europe, Dow Microbial
Control developed Rocima 350, a dry-
film preservative based on a patented,
synergistic combination of DCOIT
and IPBC. The product offers long-
term protection, has very broad spec-
trum against fungi, algae and bacte-
ria, and is VOC-free. Additionally, we
are launching Bioban 358 for those
customers who have issues with IPBC
and welcome an additional algaecide
in the formulation. Both products are
free of negative labeling at recom-
mended dosages.
In North America, Rocima 200 was
launched to fulfill a need for a broad
spectrum, long-lasting dry film pre-
servative free of VOC and APEO.
Rocima 368 was recently launched in
Japan as a VOC-free version of the
well-proven Rocima 363. Bioban 518
S and Bioban 551 S are being
launched in Australia, New Zealand
and in some other countries follow-
ing restrictions on CMIT for in-can
preservation. CW
Biocides, Fungicides & Algaecides
biocides:p. 44,46waternborne 11/19/10 4:40 PM Page 25
BASF Corp.
Florham Park, NJ/USA
Fax: 800.971.1123
Pigments Offered: Blacks (perylene, anth -
raquinone, Cu/Cr/Mn oxide, Fe/Cr/Mc oxide);
Blues (phthalocyanine blue, cobalt blue, indan-
throne blue,); Extender Pigments (atta-
pulgite, kaolin); Greens (phthalocyanine
green cobalt green, chrome green); Metallic
Pigments (coated iron oxide aluminum); Reds
(perylene reds, lithol reds, 2B reds, para reds,
naphthol reds, lake reds, lithol rubine, spe-
cialty azo reds, synergy hybrid reds, DPP reds,
quinacridones [reds, magentas, violets],
anthraquinones reds); Specialty Pigments
(mica and glass flakes specialty pigments, pery-
lene black, vacuum -metallized flakes); Yellows
and Oranges (quinaphthalone, azo lake, isoin-
doline, lead chromate, chrome titanate, benzim-
idazalone, specialty azo yellows, monoarylide
yellows, diarylide yellows, nickel titanate,
chrome titanate, synergy hybrid yellows)
Product name: Paliocrom Brilliant
Orange L2850 Effect Pigment
Attributes/comments: Paliocrom Brilliant
Orange offers exceptional brilliance, ultra-
high chroma and excellent hiding power.
This first generation effect pigment in the
orange to red shade area is suitable for waer-
and solvent-based systems.
Product name: Irgazin DPP Rubine TI
Attributes/comments: A universal, trans-
parent blue-shade red pigment for water-
borne and solventborne systems. Offers excel-
lent durability without compromising rheolo-
gy performance, enabling increased rubine
concentration for new styling possibilities.
Product name: Sicopal Orange L2430
Inorganic Pigments
Attributes/comments: Sicopal Orange has
color strength and coloristic properties. It
expands this color space with high hiding
power, resistance to chemicals, weathering
and heat stability for a wide range of coatings
Burgess Pigment Company
Sandersville, GA/USA
Fax: 478.552.4281
Pigments Offered: Extender Pigments (alu-
minum silicate, kaolin clay)
Product name: Optiwhite Pigment
Attributes/comments: Flash calcined kaolin
for true wet and dry hide as well as improved
touch-up, scrub and sheen control.
Product name: Burgess No. 28
Attributes/comments: An ultra-fine hy -
drous kaolin clay for TiO
spacing and
improved gloss.
Caobt Corporation
Billerica, MA/USA
Fax: 978.670.8095
Pigments Offered: Blacks (carbon black).
Product name: Emperor 1800 Carbon Black
Attributes/comments: For water-based for-
mulations; achieve deep black color with an
easy-to-disperse pigment. Benefits include:
superior color performance, reduced disper-
sion time, reduced need for dispersion aid and
lowest overall formulation costs.
Dominion Colour Corporation
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Fax: 416.497.5198
Pigments Offered: Corrosion Inhibiting;
Greens (phthalo); Reds (naphthol, lithol
rubines, DPP, quinacridones); Yellows and
Oranges (benzoimidazolones, hansa, azo,
lead chromates)
Product name: DCC Yellow 2GTA
Attributes/comments: DCC Yellow 2GTA
is a highly saturated, very greenish-yellow
pigment characterized by outstanding light
fastness and weather resistance with superi-
or alkaline stability, durability and high color
Product name: DCC Blue A3R
Attributes/comments: DCC Blue A3R is a
highly transparent red shade blue pigment
with outstanding weather, light, heat and
solvent fastness and is engineered for metal-
lic and mica shades. Ideal for coatings and
Emerald Hilton Davis
Cincinati, OH/USA
Fax: 513.841.3771
Pigments Offered: Blacks (carbon black
dispersions, conductive black dispersions),
Blues (phthalo blue dispersions). Greens
(phthalo green dispersions) Iron Oxide
Pigments (red, yellow, brown, black disper-
sions), Reds (toluidine, organic, brilliant red
dispersions), Yellow and Oranges (perm, fer-
rite, diarylide, dianisidine, dinitraniline
orange and yellow dispersions
Product name: Color Realm Universal
Zero-VOC Dispersions
Attributes/comments: A full palette of zero-
VOC dispersions for in-store tinting.
FlintGroup Pigments
Elizabethtwon, KY/USA
Fax: 270.737.0318
Pigment Suppliers Directory
A look at the latest offerings from pigment suppliers. For more details on the
products listed in this guide, contact the companies directly.
pigments:p. 42, 44-47 pigments copy 11/18/10 3:01 PM Page 26
Pigments Offered: Blues (phthalocyanine,
alkali blue), Specialty Pigments (HPP, DDP)
Product name: Pigment Blue 15:4 (G, NCNF)
Attributes/comments: Product line of
phthalocyanine pigment blue 15:4 with hue
range from green shade to red shade.
Hoover Color Corp.
Hiwassee, VA/USA
Fax: 540.980.8781
Pigments Offered: Iron oxide pigments
(umber natural iron oxides)
Product name: Raw and Burnt Umber
Natural Iron Oxides
Attributes/comments: Umbers are one of
the most versatile natural iron oxides. Hoover
Color offers 22 standard grades of umbers.
Despite their dark appearance, they are close
in crystal structure to yellow iron oxides. In
their raw form, this yellow crystal structure
gives raw umbers their pleasant greenish
undertone. Often referred to as a neutral
toner when used in combination with other
pigments, raw umbers can be used to darken
a color mix without significantly altering the
chromaticity of the other pigments in the mix.
Raw umber has limited heat stability, but this
allows us to heat-treat the umber and convert
it to a heat-stable red structure. The resulting
burnt umber has a pleasing warm red
undertone, along with improved heat stability.
It is widely used as a basic brown in many
applications. It can also be used as the corner-
stone pigment in a base to produce a wide
range of brown shades.
Lansco Colors
Pearl River, NY/USA
Fax: 845.735.2787
Pigments Offered: Blacks (carbon black);
Blues (phthalo, ultramarine, milori, cobalt);
Corrosion Inhibiting; (zinc phosphate, zinc
chromate); Greens (phthalo, chromium oxide
green); Iron Oxide Pigments (synthetic);
Metallic Pigments (aluminum); Reds (lithol
rubine, naphthol, perylene, quinacridone, red
lake C, toluidine); Yellows and Oranges
(diarylide, orthonitranile, hansa, metallized,
chrome); Whites (titanium dioxide)
Product name: Lansco 5051 Phthalo
Blue 15:1
Attributes/comments: Strong, bright blue
15:1 recommended for coatings, plastics and
ink applications.
Product name: Lansco 2338
Quinophthalone Yellow 138
Attributes/comments: This is the greenest
shade yellow with FDA approval for food
packaging and a valuable tool in a color
mathers tool box.
Denver, CO/USA
Fax: 303.713.5769
Pigments Offered: Extender Pigments
Product Name: HAR
Attributes/comments: Excellent barrier
properties in industrial coatings.
Product Name: Jetfine
Attributes/comments: Exceptional hiding
power and whiteness in paint and coatings.
Rockwood Pigments
Beltsville, MD/USA
Fax: 301.210.4967
Pigments Offered: Blacks (iron oxide, car-
bon black, heat stable); Blues (cobalt blues);
Corrosion Inhibiting (zinc phosphates);
Greens (chromium oxide, cobalt greens); Iron
Oxide Pigments (red, yellow, black, brown,
umbers, sienna, ochre, natural); Reds (iron
oxide, cadmium); Specialty Pigments (heat
stable tans), Yellows and Oranges (iron
oxides, mixed metal oxides)
Product name: Solaplex Bright Orange
Attributes/comments: A clean bright inor-
ganic orange. Environmentally friendly,
heavy metal free, heat stable, non-reactive.
Excellent opacity. Ideal for blending with
organic pigments to produce cost effective
bright orange shades.
Sudarshan North America Inc.
Ridgewood, NJ/USA
Pigments Offered: Blues (PB 15:1, PB 15:3,
PB 15:4); Greens (PG 7); Reds (PR 264, PR
254, PR 122, PR 177, PR 170, PR 48:2);
Specialty Pigments (pearls); Yellows and
Oranges (PY 12, PY 13, PY 74, PY 110, PY 151,
PY 154)
Product Name: Sudaperm Red 2953 (PR 264)
Attributes/comments: Sudaperm Red 2953
is the latest high performance red introduced
by Sudarshan. The product benefits the auto-
motive coatings industry color trend of red
metallics in the difficult rubine color space.
Product Name: Sudaperm Yellow 2905 (PY 154)
Attributes/comments: Sudaperm Yellow
2905 is a mid-shade yellow with excellent
weather fastness and is suitable for automo-
tive, industrial and architectural coatings.
Sun Chemical
Cincinnati, OH/USA
Fax: 513.632.1537
Pigments Offered: Blacks; Blues; Greens;
Metallic Pigments; Reds (pearlescent); Yellow
and Oranges
Product Name: Palomar Delta Blue 60:
Attributes/comments: Exceptional durabil-
ity, very reddish blue. Expands color gamut.
High transparency with neutral flop. Color
space occupied by conventional blue 60 can be
tinted with 50% phthalocyanine blue, signifi-
cantly reducing costs.
Product Name: Multiorora Dazzling Blue
M-781S: 292-7251
Attributes/comments: Immense color travel
pearlescent pigment exhibiting an angle-
dependent shift from turquoise/blue to violet.
Its high transparency is ideal for use with
other pigments to create subtle transitions or
dramatic effects.
Toyo Ink Manufacturing America, LLC
Teaneck, NJ/USA
Fax: 201.490.5482
Trust Chem USA
East Greenwich, RI/USA
Fax: 401.398.7321
Pigments Offered: Blues (phthalo, milori,
indanthrone); Reds (quinacridones, napthol,
meta salt azo); Specialty Pigments (benzim-
idazolone, azo condensation, many others);
Yellow and Oranges (diarylides, hansas,
Product name: Azo Condensation Red 166
Attributes/comments: Supply problems,
high cost and few sources has caused high
demand for a new, lower cost source of the
Scarlet RN type. Trust Chem Makes this
at its joint venture factory.
Product name: Benzimidazolone Yellow 194
Attributes/comments: A lightfast green
shade yellow. Tight Supply from the major
source created significant demand for a lower
cost source with stable supply. Trust Chem
makes this at its joint venture factory. CW
pigments:p. 42, 44-47 pigments copy 11/18/10 3:01 PM Page 27
Industry News
Evonik Industries is planning to sig-
nificantly increase its silica (precipi-
tated silicic acids) production capacity
over the next four years. By 2014 we
will have gradually expanded global
capacity at our existing plants by 25
percent, thus securing supply for our
global customers, said Klaus Engel,
chairman of the executive board of
Evonik Industries. Investments to
ensure this increase in production
capacity will be in the mid double-
digit million euro range. Total capacity
expansion is expected to be in the six-
digit metric ton region and will be
implemented mainly at Evoniks exist-
ing silica sites in Asia and Europe. In
May 2010 Evonik had announced
capacity expansion for precipitated sil-
icas at its subsidiary INSILCO Ltd. in
Gajraula, India. The application possi-
bilities for precipitated silicas are
diverse and manifold. Silica, along
with organosilane, is a crucial compo-
nent in low-rolling resistance tires.
Silicas are also used as carriers and
free flow agents in the food and ani-
mal feed industries, and serve as addi-
tives in the paints and coatings indus-
tries, or even as abrasives in tooth-
paste. Evonik produces precipitated
silica at 10 sites in eight countries
around the world.
Lanxess started a new production unit
for high-quality black iron oxide pig-
ments at its site in Jinshan, Shanghai,
China. The produced color shades
include bluish-type black pigments.
With the annual capacity of 10,000 met-
ric tons of black iron oxides, in addition
to the already existing 28,000 metric
tons of yellow iron oxides, Lanxess can
serve customers globally out of the this
iron oxide plant in Asia with the high-
end Bayferrox pigments. Important
market segments for these products are
the construction industry and the paint
and coatings sector, as well as the plas-
tics and paper industries. The rising
demand for inorganic pigments in
China is mainly driven by Chinas ongo-
ing urbanization. This mega-trend has
led to a boom in the construction and
paint industry. Lanxess new production
unit progresses further in new markets
for the bluish-type blacks in the Asia
region including China, Australia and
India. The new facility sets high stan-
dards in terms of environmental protec-
tion. The manufacturing unit not only
recycles by-products from other process-
es into high-quality black iron oxide
pigments, it is also among the first in
the country equipped with an ultra-
modern wastewater treatment facility
that is directly linked to an industrial
water treatment plant. Thanks to this
modern wastewater treatment technol-
ogy and closed circuits throughout the
whole plant, significantly less waste-
water is generated in comparison to
existing production units in the region.
Lanxess Inorganic Pigments started
production in Shanghai in 1996. In
2008, Lanxess acquired its manufactur-
ing site for iron oxide pigments in
Jinshan. In April 2010, Lanxess com-
pleted the first phase of the technical
improvement for yellow iron oxide pig-
ments production. The plant can run at
a full capacity of 28,000 metric tons.
The second phase is scheduled for com-
pletion in 2011 and will again reduce
the plants emissions and improve its
environmental performance. The inor-
ganic pigments business unit belongs to
the Lanxess Performance Chemicals
segment, which achieved total sales in
fiscal 2009 of 1,530 million.
Taminco and Mitsubishi Gas Chem -
ical Co. (MGC) have reached an
agreement for Taminco to acquire a
50 percent share of Ling Tian, MGCs
methylamines- and derivatives-pro-
ducing facility in Nanjing, China.
The deal is subject to regulatory
approvals and customary closing con-
ditions. Investing in this joint ven-
ture represents a significant step
for Taminco in the Asia region, said
Laurent Lenoir, Tamincos CEO.
This transaction will provide a
strong basis for growth within the
amine derivatives market, along-
side a reliable partner well estab-
lished in China. The joint venture
will act as a platform for even
greater growth for both companies.
The partners initially intend to
build a new alkyl alkanol amine
unit in Nanjing, which will mainly
serve the water treatment, personal
care, and oil and gas markets in
Asia. The unit is expected to be
operational by mid-2012.
Eckart America Corp. will consolidate
its sales and distribution network in
the U.S. beginning Jan. 1, 2011. The
northeast will be expanded with DN
Lukens as the regional representa-
tive to include Eastern New York,
Eastern Pennsylvania and New
Jersey. This will give them coverage
from Maine to New Jersey. The upper
Midwest will be expanded with Hall
Technologies as the regional repre-
sentative to include North and South
Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa
and Illinois. In addition, Hall
Technologies acquired Sexton, Inc.,
covering Ohio and Indiana. As a
result, Eckart will further expand
Halls territory to include Michigan,
western Pennsylvania, western New
York and Kentucky. CW
Evonik expands precipitated silica capacity
in:columns 11/18/10 3:02 PM Page 28
People on the Move
BASF names McHenry VP, resins and
additives in North America
BASF has appointed Michael McHenry
as vice president, resins and additives,
in North America. He will be based in
Wyandotte, Michigan. McHenry joined
BASF in 2009 as part of the Ciba
Corporation acquisition. He has served
in a variety of leadership positions in
the specialty chemicals markets, and
has worked for BASFs dispersions and
pigments business since April 2009.
Prior to joining BASF, McHenry served
as president of the Ciba Specialty
Chemicals Coating Effects Segment in
North and South America responsible
for sales, marketing, product manage-
ment, technical service and supply
chain activities for the specialty pig-
ments and additives business.
Gaco Western, manufacturer of elas-
tomeric coatings and polyurethane
spray foam for
the construction
and waterproof-
ing in dustries,
has appointed
Eric Peterson as
its new chief
financial officer.
Peterson will be
located at the
companys corpo-
rate headquarters
in Seattle, Washington. Peterson will
oversee all of Gacos financial strategies
including budgeting and forecasting,
financial reporting, planning and analy-
sis, cash management, insurance, legal
and internal audit.
Univar Inc. announced that Mark Byrne
will be appointed as executive vice pres-
ident and chief operating officer of
Univar. The appointment is pending the
successful acquisition of Basic Chemical
Solutions, L.L.C. (BCS) by Univar, which
is expected to close in the first quarter of
2011. In this new role, Byrne will be
responsible for managing Univars glob-
al business units as well as the integra-
tion of Univar and BCS. He will report
to John Zillmer, president and chief
executive of Univar. Byrne has been the
president and CEO of Basic Chemical
Solutions since he co-founded the com-
pany in 1995.
Bayer MaterialScience LLC has
appointed Dr. Volker Mirgel, Dr. Sharon
Feng and John Brandt to its coatings,
adhesives and specialties (CAS) leader-
ship team in the NAFTA region. Dr.
Volker Mirgel was appointed senior vice
president, coatings, adhesives and spe-
cialties for Bayer MaterialScience
NAFTA. In this role, he directs Bayer
MaterialScience LLC as a raw materi-
als supplier for the coatings and adhe-
sives industry in the NAFTA region. Dr.
Sharon Feng was appointed vice presi-
dent of business development for coat-
ings, adhesives and specialties NAFTA
and is responsible for managing appli-
cation development and product per-
formance. John Brandt was named
head of CAS Specialties NAFTA. In this
role, he is responsible for managing all
aspects of the Baycusan cosmetics raw
materials, Baytubes multiwalled car-
bon nanotubes and Baymedix coating
and adhesive technologies brands for
the NAFTA region.
Evonik Degussa Corp. has appointed
Bonnie Tully as vice president and site
manager for the companys Mobile,
Alabama operations, effective March 1,
2011. Tully will take over from Tom
Bates, president of Evoniks North
America region, who will now concen-
trate on the growth and development of
Evonik in North America. Tully is cur-
rently plant manager for Evoniks lubri-
cant additives facility in Singapore.
NSL Analytical Services Inc. has hired
three new people to help the company
expand across new industries and geo-
graphic areas. Ray Wymer has accepted
the newly created position of chief oper-
ating officer. He will help maintain the
growth NSL has experienced over the
past few years, helping the company
address the challenges that result from
such rapid progress. Anil Joshi is the
companys new quality assurance man-
ager. His extensive experience with high-
temperature aerospace alloys and quality
systems will help to support NSLs
expansion in the aerospace materials and
nuclear industries. Rich Balamut will
represent NSL in the Northeast. As man-
ager of business development, Balamut
will provide face-to-face contact with cus-
tomers to assist them with testing
requirements. He will also help expand
the companys presence in the region.
UCoat It America, a provider of commer-
cial-grade epoxy floor coating systems,
recently hired Hank Van Agen for dealer
development. Van Agen offers more than
22 years of sales and management expe-
rience from various industries through-
out the state of Michigan. He will work
with all current and future authorized
UCoat It dealers in sales assistance, pro-
motions and marketing. CW
Eric Peterson
people:columns 11/18/10 3:02 PM Page 29
Suppliers Corner
CVC Thermoset Specialties, an Emerald
Performance Materials Company, intro-
duced a new glycidyl ester product line.
The companys patent-pending technolo-
gy delivers high peel strength and high
impact strength while maintaining a
high Tg in the epoxy matrix, according to
the company. The new products provide
alternatives to traditional core-shell and
high molecular weight non-epoxy type
polyols used as impact modifiers, which
may offer either high impact or high peel
adhesion but typically are not delivered
optimally. New products include Hypro
1300X63 ETBN, Hypro 1300X68 ETBN
and Hypro 2000X174 ETB. The first two
are diglycidyl esters of low molecular
weight butadiene-acrylonitrile copoly-
mer while the third is a diglycidyl ester
of a low molecular weight butadiene
homopolymer. All three products are
designed to function as toughening
agents for applications such as molding,
adhesives, impact resistant coatings,
prepregs and composites when used at
low levels. At high loadings they offer
highly elastomeric properties to epoxy
systems even at temperatures below -
40C. The new product platform repre-
sents an expansion of Emeralds CTBN
reactive liquid polymer technology which
combines the technology it acquired from
its predecessor, BFGoodrich, along with
technology the company acquired from
CVC Specialties Inc. in 2008. Unlike tra-
ditional epoxy resin adducts, the new
products are essentially 100% epoxy
functional rubber. As compared to tradi-
tional CTBN adducts which typically use
bisphenol A, bisphenol F carrier resins or
other diluents, these new glycidyl ester
modifiers do not utlize resins or diluents.
Because of this, these modifiers can be
used in any epoxy system as there in no
limiting compatibility from the carrier
resin. The new glycidyl ester additives
also allow formulators to modify resin
systems so they can achieve lower for-
mulated viscosities at equal rubber con-
tent, which may be a processing advan-
tage in certain applications, while maxi-
mizing Tg, lap shear, and peel adhesion.
Momentive Performance Materials has
expanded its portfolio of high perform-
ance hardcoat systems with the intro-
duction of the AS4700/SHP470 FT2050
weatherable silicone hardcoat and the
PHC587C primerless thermal hardcoat.
The AS4700 system is a state-of-the-art,
ultraweatherable thermal hardcoat for
black and tinted polycarbonate. It offers
advanced weathering performance com-
bined with high abrasion performance
and superior chemical resistance. The
systems patented ultraviolet (UV) radia-
tion absorber technology offers excellent
photo stability, and its strongly net-
worked siloxane resin provides high
abrasion resistance. PHC587C is the lat-
est generation of a primerless thermal
hardcoat, offering improved performance
and processing features, including a
unique adhesion promoter technology
incorporated into the siloxane resin
matrix and Momentive-patented UV
absorber technology. This can enable
superior outdoor performance and
primerless adhesion.
In other news, Momentive has also
developed a new silicone technology that
uses ultraviolet (UV) light instead of
heat to cure rubber and liquid silicone
rubber (LSR). The new technology allows
for shorter cure times at low tempera-
tures while maintaining the physical
properties of a typical silicone rubber.
Marketed under the Silopren and
Addisil trade names, the UV product
portfolio ranges from extrusion and
molding materials to coatings and gels.
Clariant has launched the UV stabilizer
Hostavin N845PP for polyolefin (PO)
compounds for automotive plastic interi-
or applications. In addition to UV protec-
tion, the new grade offers low fogging
and low migration performance plus pro-
cessing efficiency. Hostavin N845PP pro-
tects PO-based components against sun-
light and artificial light degradation. It
remains within the plastic and does not
migrate to the surface of the component
when exposed to heat. As a result
Hostavin N845PP has a reduced fogging
and migration potential. This advantage
is achieved through the grades compati-
bility with the PO matrix. Hostavin
N845PP is a 2-in-1 active ingredient,
which means that the UV stabilizer is
enclosed in a non-traditional carrier.
Automotive OEM coatings containing
aluminum pigments are subject to
tremendous shear forces. These
mechanical forces can have the tenden-
cy of dulling the metallic appearance of
the final coating by breaking and
deforming the individual aluminum
flakes. Silberline's Tufflake line of "cir-
culation-resistant" pigments is specifi-
cally engineered to withstand these
mechanical forces and maintain their
targeted appearance. Tufflake Premier
is the next generation of Tufflake pig-
ments from Silberline. The overall
brightness, metallic travel, degradation
resistance, smooth patina and
improved Bell-Bell orientation makes
Tufflake Premier pigment well suited
for the demands of the automotive
industry. Tufflake Premier exhibits
excellent degradation resistance for
automotive OEM; improved orientation
and brighter face in Bell-Bell applica-
tions; improved orientation with
brighter face and deeper travel in air
assisted siphon applications; and
Tufflake Premier pigments are avail-
able in a standard package size of 20
kilograms or 44 pounds. CW
CVC Thermosets new glycidyl ester line
sc:p.50 SC-dec 11/18/10 3:07 PM Page 30
Jan. 17-19: The Coatings Summit,
Washington, DC/USA. More info:
Vincentz Network, www.european-
Jan. 28-30: The India International
Coatings Show 2011, New Delhi, India.
More info:
Jan. 31 - Feb. 3: SSPC 2011 Greencoat,
Las Vegas, NV/USA. More info: SSPC:
The Society for Protective Coatings,
Feb. 14: TiO2 2011, Scottsdale,
AZ/USA. More info: InterterchPira,
Feb. 23-25: Smart Coatings 2011,
Orlando, FL/USA. More info: Dr. J.
Feb. 28 - Mar.4: Waterborne Symposium,
New Orleans, LA/USA. More info: The
School of Polymers and High Performance
Mar. 1-3: Middle East Coatings Show,
Cairo, Egypt. More info: The Coatings
Mar. 28-30: European Coatings Congress
2011, Nuremberg, Germany. More info:
Vincentz Network, www.european-coat-
Mar. 29-31: European Coatings Show
2011, Nuremberg, Germany. More info:
Vincentz Network, www.european-
Mar. 31 - Apr. 1: EuPIA Annual
Conference, Vienna, Austria. More info:
May 11-13: Coat Expo China 2011,
Guangzhou, China. More info: Wise
Exhibition (Guangdong) Co., Ltd.,
May 18-19: Asia Coatings Congress,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. More info:
The Coatings Group, www.coatings- CW
The Coatings Summit is January 17-19
meet:p. 51 meetings june 11/18/10 3:08 PM Page 31
Classified Advertising
Stainless IT Stainless ITT
The CONN Blades
Most Efficient & Aggressive Available
w w w . c o n n b l a d e . c o m
(814) 723-7980
Equipment for Sale
Pigments/ Additives
CWM CLASSIFIED 1210.qxd:CWM Class March2004 11/19/10 12:19 PM Page 1
Classified Advertising
Products & Services
Company Name Page Phone Fax Website
Asia Pacific Coatings Show 2010 . .7 . . . . . . . .+44 (0)1737 855078 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chemark Consulting . . . . . . . . .22 . . . . . . .910-692-2492 . . . . . . . .910-692-2523 . . . . . .
Conn & Company . . . . . . . . . . . .23 . . . . . . .814-723-7980 . . . . . . . .814-723-8502 . . . . . .
Reichhold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . . . . . . . .800-431-1920 . . . . . . . .919-990-7670 . . . . . .
Shamrock Technologies Inc . . . .Cov. 2 . . . .973-242-2999 . . . . . . . .973-242-2536 . . . . . .
Shijiazhuang Goldenfish Paint 17 . . . . . . .86 311 85233805 . . . . .86 311 83035061 . . .
Troy Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . .3 . . . . . . . .973-443-4200 . . . . . . . .973-443-0843 . . . . . .
Trust Chem USA . . . . . . . . . . . .Cov. 4 . . . .401-398-7301 . . . . . . . .401-398-7321 . . . . . .
Wacker Chemical Corporation .4 . . . . . . . .888-922-5374 . . . . . . . .517-264-4068 . . . . . .
Advertising Index
Coatings World
Phone: 631-642-2048 Fax: 631-473-5694
CWM CLASSIFIED 1210.qxd:CWM Class March2004 11/19/10 12:39 PM Page 2
Final Coat
PPG hosts, sponsors Pittsburgh Science
Show at Sterling Heights School
PGs automotive coatings business recently hosted and
sponsored two assembly presentations of Captain Greens
Time Machine by Carnegie Science Center of Pittsburgh
at Hatherly Elementary School in Sterling Heights. Students were
welcomed by PPG senior vice president of Automotive Coatings
Cynthia Niekamp, who invited them to join Captain Green on a
quest to save the environment while learning about the science of
climate change and renewable energy technology through hands-
on demonstrations.
PPG is strongly committed to helping enhance the quality
of life in communities such as Greater Detroit where it has a
presence, especially through educational initiatives such as
this Carnegie Science Center assembly, said Niekamp, who
is based at PPGs automotive technology center in Troy,
Michigan. We are very pleased to bring this program, devel-
oped with PPG funding and collaboration, to Hatherly School.
As an engineer myself, I hope it will excite the students about
science and technology and perhaps inspire some of them to
consider careers in related disciplines.
Joseph Konal, principal of Hatherly Elementary School,
said, We thank PPG for bringing this stimulating, interac-
tive assembly about conservation, ecology, climate change
and regional science to entertain and educate our students.
Captain Greens Time Machine is one of four interactive
Science on the Road educational programs that Carnegie
Science Center developed with funding and participation
from PPG. A $1,000 employee program grant from the PPG
Industries Foundation funded the shows visit to Hatherly
Elementary. The programs customized Dodge van also vis-
ited a family day event at the Chrysler Sterling Heights
Assembly Plant, where PPG has on-site coatings operations
and employees. CW
Students at Hatherly Elementary School in Sterling Heights, Michigan, along with PPG Industries
senior vice president, Automotive Coatings, Cynthia Niekamp (in second chair from left by wall)
and vice president, automotive coatings, Americas, Timothy M. Knavish (in chair beside
Niekamp), enjoy a presentation of the multimedia, interactive Captain Greens Time Machine
assembly by Michelle Brooks of Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh. The show is one of four
dynamic Science on the Road educational programs that Carnegie Science Center developed
with funding and participation from PPG, and a $1,000 employee program grant from the PPG
Industries Foundation funded the shows visit to Hatherly Elementary.
final coat:columns 11/18/10 3:08 PM Page 34
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