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WCDMA Radio Network Optimization

Process and Technology

WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

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WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

1 Introduction to WCDMA Network Optimization"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!
1.1 Service Concept of Network Optimization""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!
1.2 Reaon for Network Optimization""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!
1.! "#pe of Network Optimization"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""*
1.3.1 Engineering Optimization.............................................................................................2
1.3.2 O&M Optimization..........................................................................................................2
2 WCDMA Radio Network Optimization $roce and "ec%no&o'#"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""+
2.1 Optimization Workf&ow"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""+
2.2 Optimization Step""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""",
2.2.1 Preparation.....................................................................................................................5
2.2.2 Frequency Spectrum Scanning (Optional)................................................................6
2.2.3 Caliration !e"t (Optional)............................................................................................6
2.2.# $et%or& 'ata Collection...............................................................................................7
2.2.(.1 Drivin' "et )D"* Data""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -
2.2.(.2 Ca&& +ua&it# "et )C+"* Data"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!,
2.2.(.! OMC $erformance Meaurement Data"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!.
2.2.(.( Su,cri,er Comp&aint Information""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!-
2.2.(.- A&arm Information""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" !-
2.2.(.. Ot%er Data""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" !-
2.2.( 'ata )naly"i"................................................................................................................20
2.2.-.1 Drivin' "et Data Ana&#i"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""*#
2.2.-.2 C+" Data Ana&#i""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" */
2.2.-.! OMC $erformance Meaurement Data Ana&#i""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""*0
2.2.-.( Su,cri,er Comp&aint Information Ana&#i"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""++
2.2.-.- A&arm Information Ana&#i""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""++
2.2.-.. Ana&#i of Ot%er Data""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ++
2.2.-./ Common Ana&#i Met%od"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""+,
2.2.-.0 Network Aement"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +1
2.2.* Parameter C+ec& (Optional)......................................................................................38

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WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

2.2., Prolem -ocalization...................................................................................................39
2.2./.1 "#pe of Network $ro,&em""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""+-
2.2./.2 $ro,&em and Re&ated Inf&uence""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""/#
2.2.. Formulation o/ t+e Optimization Plan.......................................................................44
2.2.0 1mplementation o/ t+e Optimization Plan.................................................................47
2.2.12 Optimization E//ect 3eri/ication..................................................................................47
2.2.11 Pro4ect )cceptance......................................................................................................47
2.2.12 'ocument )rc+i5ing....................................................................................................47

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WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

. #ntrod$ction to WCDMA Network Optimization
Radio network optimization means to impro)e the co)erage2 capacity2 3o4 and reso5rce
5tilization o6 the network thro5gh appropriate ad75stment o6 radio comm5nication
network planning and design so that the network operates in a more relia8le and
economical way"
.). Ser%ice Concept o( Network Optimization
A 6ine network comes 6rom good re95irement analysis2 deli8erate planning2 well:
controlled process and contin5o5s optimization"
Operator's revenue
;ig" !"!:! 4er)ice Concept o6 Network Optimization
.)/ Reasons (or Network Optimization
Network optimization is needed in one o6 the 6ollowing e)ents<
When the network 95ality cannot satis6y the planning and design re95irements (most
at the initial stage o6 network constr5ction$
When the network en)ironment changes2 6or e=ample2 the )oice and data s58scri8ers
keep increasing to ca5se deterioration o6 the e=isting network per6ormance or the
5r8an en)ironment keeps changing to ca5se regional co)erage di66erences o6 the
network" When the network en)ironment changes2 the network originally designed
will 8e 5na8le to adapt to the new en)ironment re95irements and th5s the network will
need to 8e optimized and ad75sted" (n this case2 s5ggestions on the s58se95ent capacity
e=pansion o6 the network shall also 8e p5t 6orward"

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.)0 Types o( Network Optimization
The o87ecti)es o6 network optimization )ary with the di66erent phases o6 >MT4 network
constr5ction" ?y the implementation time2 o87ecti)es and steps o6 optimization2 network
optimization can 6all into engineering optimization and O@M optimization"
.)0). "ngineering Optimization
'ngineering optimization re6ers to the network optimization cond5cted a6ter the network
is constr5cted 85t 8e6ore s58scri8er n5m8ers are allocated" (ts ma7or p5rpose is to
ena8le the network to normally operate and ens5re the planned network co)erage and
inter6erence targets"
'ngineering optimization in)ol)es the 6ollowing 7o8s<
Check the consistency 8etween cell con6ig5rations and the network planning targets
Tro58leshoot system hardware 6a5lts
Achie)e a satis6actory le)el o6 co)erage and inter6erence
.)0)/ O1M Optimization
O@M optimization is intended to impro)e the network 95ality and c5stomer satis6action
8y optimization means d5ring the network operation"
(ts p5rposes are to<
!" (mpro)e the network co)erage and grad5ally eliminate co)erage 8lind spots
*" (mpro)e the system capacity
+" (mpro)e the 3o4 o6 the network
/" ?etter ser)e the hot spots

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WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

," Ma=imize the ret5rn on in)estment
O@M optimization co)ers the 6ollowing three 7o8s<
!$ Ro5tine maintenance
Ro5tine maintenance re6ers to ro5tine alarm in6ormation o8ser)ation2
tro58leshooting o6 hidden 6a5lts and handling o6 s58scri8er complaints" (t is within
the responsi8ility o6 the operator"
*$ Phased optimization
(t is intended to impro)e the network per6ormance2 that is2 minimize inter6erence2
impro)e the network capacity and optimize system parameters so that the network
AP(s reach a 8etter le)el"
+$ Network operation analysis
(t means to analyze the possi8le e95ipment tro58les or network pro8lems 8y
periodically e=tracting and analyzing OMC per6ormance meas5rement data and to
s58mit the Operation Analysis Report on the Network in XX Seri!e Area to
pro)ide a re6erence 6or ad75sting and optimizing the C5stomerBs network"
/ WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and
/). Optimization Work(low
The 6ollowing 6ig5re ill5strates the WCDMA radio network optimization 6low<

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WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

Network data collection
Data analysis
Does the network
performance satisfy
the requirements
solution preparation
&reparatory work
Optimi!ation pro'ect
Document archiving
assessment report
Optimi!ation (
ad'ustment plan
Optimi!ation (
ad'ustment records
optimi!ation report
)requency spectrum scanning
Calibration test
Optimi!ation effect
planning report
Optimi!ation solution
pro'ect plan
&arameter check
&roblem location
Note< The steps not mandatory 6or each network optimization are indicated in red and may 8e tailored to the speci6ic onsite
;ig" *"!:* WCDMA Radio Network Optimization ;low Chart
The network optimization 6low co)ers the 6ollowing steps< Preparation2 6re95ency
spectr5m scanning (optional$2 cali8ration test (optional$2 network data collection2 data
analysis2 parameter check (optional$2 pro8lem location2 optimization sol5tion

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WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

preparation2 optimization sol5tion implementation2 optimization e66ect )eri6ication2
optimization pro7ect acceptance and doc5ment archi)ing"
The a8o)e 6ig5re shows the complete network optimization 6low and the steps
may 8e tailored appropriately according to the act5al scale o6 the network2 the
network conditions and the C5stomerBs re95irements" (6 6re95ency scanning
and cali8ration test ha)e 8een done d5ring the planning period2 they may 8e
omitted d5ring the optimization" (n addition2 parameter check is needed only
when it is regarded as necessary thro5gh network data analysis"
/)/ Optimization Steps
/)/). Preparation
The 6ollowing preparatory work sho5ld 8e done 8e6ore the 6ormal optimization<
!" Re95irement analysis
Re95irement analysis shall 8e 8ased on the 65ll and e66ecti)e comm5nication with the
C5stomer and the 6ollowing things shall 8e con6irmed thro5gh it<
!$ The C5stomerBs re95irements 6or network optimization targets2 incl5ding the
speci6ic re95irements 6or the co)erage2 capacity and 3o4 o6 the network
*$ The responsi8ility di)ision inter6ace 8etween 5s and the C5stomer
+$ The pro7ect acceptance time and criteria
*" Work plan 6orm5lation
The work plan shall 8e made on the 8asis o6 the speci6ic network scale2 h5man and
e95ipment reso5rces2 the C5stomerBs re95irements 6or network optimization targets and
other rele)ant conditions" The Opti"i#ation $ro%e!t $lan &or the '()*A Ra+io
Network in XX Seri!e Area shall 8e o5tp5t 6or it" The plan shall co)er the sta66
composition o6 the network optimization pro7ect2 the planned optimization means and
the optimization progress sched5le"
A complete work plan is the g5arantee to smooth deployment o6 network optimization
and can 8e 5sed to monitor the progress o6 optimization"
+" Data collection and in)estigation
The 6ollowing doc5ments and data shall 8e collected 8e6ore network optimization<

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WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

!$ ,"-lation Report on the '()*A Ra+io Network in XXX Seri!e Area and
$lannin. Report on the '()*A Ra+io Network in XX Seri!e Area in the
network planning phase"
*$ Planned network site in6ormation2 antenna 6eeder in6ormation2 system parameter
settings and other rele)ant in6ormation"
+$ '=isting pro8lems o6 the c5rrent network"
/" Preparation o6 optimization tools
!$ The dri)ing test tools are the 8asic tools 6or network optimization tests" They
incl5de the dri)ing test so6tware2 test >'s2 recei)er and CP4" 4ome dri)ing test
de)ices may also re95ire d5al serial port cards"
*$ A signaling analyzer may 8e needed to implement signaling tracing and location"
(6 inter6erence test is needed2 a 6re95ency spectr5m meter and other rele)ant
e95ipment may need to 8e prepared" (n addition2 a compass and other rele)ant
e95ipment may 8e needed i6 engineering parameters are to 8e ad75sted"
/)/)/ 2re3$ency Spectr$m Scanning ,Optional-
4can the 6re95ency c5rrently 5sed 8y the network in the optimization area with consent
o6 the C5stomer2 so as to con6irm that the 6re95ency is clean and a)aila8le 6or 5se"
/)/)0 Cali&ration Test ,Optional-
The cali8ration test co)ers the 6ollowing test items<
!" ehicle:mo5nted antenna cali8ration test
*" Cali8ration test o6 the e=ternal antenna o6 the test >'
+" A)erage penetration loss test o6 the )ehicle
Cond5ct the a8o)e tests in the static condition" Do5 can 5se m5ltiple test >'s at the
same time to make call tests inside the car2 6rom the e=ternal antenna o6 the test >'s to
the top o6 the car and at the normal con)ersation positions in the passages o5tside the
car" Record the recei)ing power o6 these >'s and a)erage them to get the loss o6
di66erent en)ironments relati)e to the en)ironment inside the car"
/" ?5ilding penetration loss test
Test the 85ilding penetration loss with the same method as descri8ed a8o)e2 and
compare the indoor recei)ing power with the o5tdoor recei)ing power to get the
penetration loss )al5e" (n getting the loss )al5e2 yo5 sho5ld a)erage the recei)ing power
o6 m5ltiple test points"

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/)/)4 Network Data Collection
The network data needed 6or optimization generally come 6rom dri)ing test (DT$ data2
C3T data2 OMC per6ormance meas5rement data2 5ser complaints2 alarm data and other
rele)ant data"
?eca5se the network assessment data can 8e compared only in the same load condition
and the same call mode2 yo5 m5st clari6y the parameter selection 6or network data
collection 6irst"
!" Eoad selection
The load 6or network assessment test 6alls into three cases< (n the 85sy ho5r2 when there
is load and when there is no load (or when there is only light load$"
!$ The 85sy:ho5r test re6ers to the network assessment test done in the 85sy ho5r o6
the c5rrent network" (t needs to meas5re the tra66ic o6 each Node ? d5ring the test
thro5gh the 8ackgro5nd meas5rement system" The network assessment data in
di66erent ser)ice areas can 8e compared only in similar load conditions" The 85sy:
ho5r test generally applies to networks that ha)e 8een 6ormally p5t into operation
6or a period o6 time"
*$ The loaded test is 5sed to sim5late the network per6ormance when there are
plenty o6 s58scri8ers in the network 8y adding sim5lated loads in the 5plink and
the downlink (the sim5lated load method applies to the engineering optimization
phase$" The downlink load adopts the OCN4 mode and the 5plink load is
implemented 8y connecting the transmitting end o6 the >' to the atten5ator" The
loaded test can 8e cond5cted at a normal time 6or networks witho5t large:scale
n5m8er allocation 85t can only 8e cond5cted at the midnight when there is )ery
little tra66ic 6or networks that ha)e completed large:scale s58scri8er n5m8er
allocation2 so as to acc5rately sim5late the load and red5ce the impact o6 the test
on s58scri8ers in the act5al network" (n addition2 the OCN4 mode applied to the
downlink load can only re6lect the radio network per6ormance rather than the
processing capa8ility o6 the system" Pre6era8ly the load o6 the 5plink shall 8e
implemented 8y connecting a noise sim5lator to the recei)ing end o6 the Node ?2
85t it is hard to e95ip all Node ?s with a noise sim5lator" There6ore2 the load o6
the 5plink shall 8e implemented 8y connecting the transmitting end o6 the >' to
the atten5ator"
+$ The 5nloaded (or light load$ test is a network assessment test cond5cted when
there are no s58scri8ers or there are only 6ew s58scri8ers in the network" The
5nloaded test can 8e cond5cted at a normal time 6or networks witho5t large:scale
n5m8er allocation 85t can only 8e cond5cted at the midnight when there is )ery
little tra66ic 6or networks that ha)e completed large:scale n5m8er allocation2 so as
to acc5rately re6lect the radio per6ormance o6 the network2 6acilitate the

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comparison with the loaded test to disco)er i6 the pro8lems in the network are
ca5sed 8y the load2 and red5ce the impact o6 the test on s58scri8ers in the act5al
The 85sy:ho5r test is generally adopted 6or networks that ha)e completed large:
scale s58scri8er n5m8er allocation and ha)e 8een 6ormally p5t into operation while
the 5nloaded or loaded test is generally adopted 6or networks newly constr5cted"
*" Call mode
?y call time2 the call mode may 6all into contin5o5s long calls and periodic calls"
!$ The contin5o5s long call test means to originate calls 6or contin5o5s tests in the
co)erage area and a5tomatically re:attempt the call i6 a call drops 8y setting the
call hold time to the ma=im5m )al5e" This test can 8e 5sed to test network
per6ormance parameters s5ch as call drop ratio2 hando)er s5ccess ratio2 hando)er
cell ratio and data ser)ice rate"
*$ The periodic call test is 5sed to periodically originate calls to test network
per6ormance 8y setting the call set5p time2 the call hold time and the call gapping
to a gro5p o6 6i=ed )al5es" (t can 8etter re6lect the processing capa8ility o6 the
system and can 8e 5sed to test network per6ormance parameters s5ch as call
completion ratio and call drop ratio"
The ma7or di66erence 8etween the a8o)e two call modes lies in the call hold time<
The contin5o5s long call test shall ha)e a call hold time as long as possi8le while
the periodic call test shall ha)e a 6i=ed hold time (depending on the speci6ic
(n addition2 the periodic call test relates to more calls and can 8etter re6lect the
processing capa8ility o6 the system" (ts test res5lts are more appro=imate to the
act5al 5se sit5ation o6 s58scri8ers" (n contrast2 the contin5o5s long call test can
8etter re6lect the hando)er per6ormance o6 the system"
/)/)4). Dri%ing Test ,DT- Data
The dri)ing test items o6 the C4 domain ser)ice incl5de the co)erage ratio2 call s5ccess
ratio2 call drop ratio2 con)ersation 95ality and hando)er s5ccess ratio2 whereas those o6
the P4 domain ser)ice incl5de the PDP Conte=t acti)ation s5ccess ratio and the a)erage
5plinkFdownlink transmission rate"
!" The dri)ing test re6ers to the process o6 mo)ing in the speci6ied paths in the co)erage
area and 5sing dri)ing test e95ipment to record all test data and location in6ormation"

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WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

*" The dri)ing test data shall co)er the 6ollowing in6ormation< Pilot Power2 'cF(o2 >' T=
Power2 Neigh8o5rs2 Call 45ccessFDrops2 and GandO)er statistics2 4er)ice allocation
and ;'RF?E'R"
+" The dri)ing test e95ipment incl5des the scanner2 test >'2 test so6tware &CPO4 CNT!
(>MT4 'dition$2 porta8le test PC and CP4" 4ometimes some a5=iliary e95ipment
s5ch as the >4? e=pander2 )ehicle:mo5nted power in)erter and terminal plate may 8e
needed" The signal recei)er and test >' among the dri)ing test e95ipment can 8oth
collect network data and they slightly di66er 6rom each other"
!$ 4canner
The scanner is 5sed to collect complete radio network in6ormation and pro)ide
65nctions s5ch as pilot analysis test and 6re95ency spectr5m analysis test"
*$ Test >'
The test >' is 5sed to learn the 5se condition o6 act5al network s58scri8ers and
collect the downlink in6ormation o6 the network" (t completes the 6ollowing
>' meas5rement data collection< Pilot Power2 'cF(o2 >' T= Power2
Neigh8o5r cells2 R442 ;'RF?E'R2 etc"
Call type e)ent and per6ormance statistics< Call drop ratio2 8locking
ratio2 call s5ccess ratio2 hando)er s5ccess ratio2 )oice 3o42 data
ser)ice rate statistics2 etc"
Collection o6 air inter6ace signaling< E+ message decoding 6or
access2 paging2 synchronization and 5plinkFdownlink ser)ice
/" The 6ollowing principles shall 8e o8ser)ed d5ring the dri)ing test<
!$ The WCDMA system is a sel6:inter6erence system and the DT res5lt )aries with
the speci6ic network load condition" There6ore2 please con6irm the network load
8e6ore the dri)ing test"
*$ Test time
Choose the appropriate test time according to the load condition o6 the network"
The 85sy:ho5r test generally applies to networks that ha)e 8een
6ormally p5t into operation 6or a period o6 time" The 85sy:ho5r
dri)ing test is 5s5ally cond5cted at the most 85sy time o6 the
network2 that is2 6rom Monday to ;riday d5ring non:holiday periods
and the 85sy ho5r 6rom -<## to !#<## e)eryday"

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;or networks witho5t large:scale s58scri8er n5m8er allocation2 the
loaded dri)ing test can 8e cond5cted at a normal time2 s5ch as the
time period 6rom -<## to *!<## e)eryday"
;or networks that ha)e completed large:scale s58scri8er n5m8er
allocation2 the loaded dri)ing test can only 8e cond5cted at the
midnight when there is )ery little tra66ic2 s5ch as the time period
6rom #<## to ,<## e)eryday2 so as to acc5rately sim5late the loads
and red5ce the impact o6 the test on s58scri8ers in the act5al
;or networks witho5t large:scale s58scri8er n5m8er allocation2 the
5nloaded dri)ing test can 8e cond5cted at a normal time2 s5ch as the
time period 6rom -<## to *!<## e)eryday"
;or networks that ha)e completed large:scale s58scri8er n5m8er
allocation2 the 5nloaded dri)ing test can only 8e cond5cted at the
midnight when there is )ery little tra66ic2 s5ch as the time period
6rom #<## to ,<## e)eryday2 so as to acc5rately re6lect the radio
per6ormance o6 the network2 6acilitate the comparison with the
loaded test to disco)er i6 the pro8lems in the network are ca5sed 8y
the load2 and red5ce the impact o6 the test on s58scri8ers in the
act5al network"
Witho5t taking the tra66ic sit5ation into consideration2 generally the test o6 a )ery
8ig city shall last 6or eight ho5rs2 that o6 a 8ig city shall last 6or si= ho5rs and that
o6 a medi5m:sized city shall last 6or 6o5r ho5rs"
Try to co)er the ser)ice areas speci6ied in the network plan while ens5ring the
test d5ration"
+$ Test ro5tes
?e6ore the dri)ing test2 the test ro5tes m5st 8e planned 6irst and the test range is the
areas that sho5ld 8e co)ered 8y the network in this phase o6 pro7ect" The test ro5tes
m5st co)er< aH important 5r8an places s5ch as the densely:pop5lated areas o6 the
city center2 ma7or 8ack8one roads o6 the city2 li)ing area2 8anks o6 the ri)er and
roadwaysI 8H important roads2 areas with a large passenger 6low and important
areas s5ch as to5rist spotsI and cH e=press highways2 national highways2 pro)incial
highways and other important roads (incl5ding roads in the important co5ntryside$"
(6 conditions permit2 it may also incl5de railways and waterways" (t shall co)er the
whole ser)ice area as m5ch as possi8le"

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?y the area o6 the test ro5tes2 the dri)ing test may 6all into the 5r8an dri)ing test
and the main road dri)ing test"
The 5r8an dri)ing test ro5tes shall co)er< a$ important 5r8an places s5ch as the
densely:pop5lated areas o6 the city center2 ma7or 8ack8one roads o6 the city2 li)ing
area2 8anks o6 the ri)er and roadwaysI and 8$ areas with a large passenger 6low and
important areas s5ch as to5rist spots"
The main road dri)ing test ro5tes shall co)er e=press highways2 national highways2
pro)incial highways and other important roads (incl5ding roads in the important
co5ntryside$" (t may also co)er railways and waterways 5pon the C5stomerBs

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The dri)ing test ro5tes o6 the C4 domain ser)ice may 8e the same as those o6 the
P4 domain ser)ice2 or the test ro5tes o6 the P4 domain ser)ice may 8e ad75sted
5pon the C5stomerBs re95est"
Not all optimization 8elongs to network:wide optimization" The network:wide
test may 8e spared 6or local optimization"
/$ Please 6ollow the re95irements 8elow d5ring selection o6 the test ro5tes<
The dri)ing test ro5tes sho5ld 8e radial and circ5lar ro5tes"
A radial ro5te can re6lect the relationship o6 signal 95ality to change
with changes o6 the Node ? distance"
A circ5lar ro5te can 8e 5sed to predict signal 95ality o6 the Node ?
in di66erent directions"
D5ring the optimization test2 generally three test ro5tes sho5ld 8e
de6ined 6or each Node ? cl5ster" Please keep consistency o6 the test
ro5tes 8e6ore and a6ter the optimization"
;ig" *"*:+ 4election o6 the Test Ro5tes
,$ The consistency o6 the dri)ing test condition shall 8e ens5red 8e6ore and a6ter the
The process o6 network optimization can 8e simply s5mmarized as 6ollows<
Network per6ormance test :J Network optimization and ad75stment :J Cond5ct the
network per6ormance test again to assess the e66ect o6 optimization" O8)io5sly2 it is
)ery important to keep consistency o6 the test condition 8e6ore and a6ter the

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The 6ollowing 6actors may ca5se inconsistency o6 the test condition 8e6ore and
a6ter the optimization<
Di66erent test tools (incl5ding parameter settings$ are 5sed 8e6ore
and a6ter the optimization
Di66erent antennas or antenna 6eeders (not cali8rated$ are 5sed
8e6ore and a6ter the optimization
Di66erent analysis sta66s process the data 8e6ore and a6ter the
Di66erent test ro5tes are selected 8e6ore and a6ter the optimization
The mo)ing speed o6 the >' along the test ro5tes )aries 8e6ore and
a6ter the optimization
The network load le)el di66ers 8e6ore and a6ter the optimization2
which will ha)e in6l5ence on the 'cF(o
(nconsistent test time periods
The 6ollowing meas5res can 8e taken pertinently to ens5re consistency o6 the test
condition 8e6ore and a6ter the optimization<
Try to 5se the same test tool and adopt the same parameter setting
8e6ore and a6ter the optimization
>se the same test antennas and antenna 6eeders 8e6ore and a6ter the
'ns5re that the same analysis sta66 processes the data 8e6ore and
a6ter the optimization
>se the same test ro5tes 8e6ore and a6ter the optimization
4elect the sampling 8y distance rather than sampling 8y time 6or the
data sampling mode so as to ens5re consistency o6 the >'Bs mo)ing
speed" (6 the dri)ing test tools cannot 8e implemented with the
sampling mode 8y distance2 try pa5sing data collection when the red
lamp is lit
Check i6 the tested area is ongoing with the load test and ens5re that
the test is cond5cted in the same time period on the day2 so as to
o8tain 8asically the same network load condition
Cond5ct the test in the same time period

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," C4 domain ser)ice
;or the dri)ing test o6 the C4 domain ser)ice2 one network load condition o5t o6
the 85sy:ho5r test2 the loaded test and the 5nloaded test may 8e selected 5pon the
C5stomerBs re95est2 and the contin5o5s long call test or the periodic call test may
8e appropriately chosen according to the C5stomerBs re95est"
;or the 5r8an dri)ing test2 generally periodic calls are recommended (to test s5ch
inde=es as the cal completion ratio and the call drop ratio$2 considering that the
)ehicle mo)ing speed is slow2 there are 95ite many Node ?s and the network
per6ormance largely )aries with the speci6ic area" The call set5p time2 call hold
time and call gapping (idle time$ are !# seconds2 0# seconds and , seconds 8y
de6a5lt2 85t they can 8e ad75sted 5pon the C5stomerBs re95est"
;or the main road dri)ing test2 generally contin5o5s long calls are recommended
(to 8etter re6lect the hando)er per6ormance o6 the network$ so as to ens5re the
contin5ity and integrity o6 data since the )ehicle mo)es rather 6ast" (6 necessary2
periodic calls may also 8e adopted 6or the main road dri)ing test"
0" P4 domain ser)ice
The P4 domain ser)ice test is generally done at an idle time2 that is2 the dri)ing test
o6 the P4 domain ser)ice is done when the network has no load or only has a light
load" The p5rpose o6 completing the test at an idle time is to a)oid the
incompara8ility o6 test data o6 di66erent areas ca5sed 8y 5ne)en distri85tion o6
s58scri8ers or a)oid the in6l5ence o6 the dri)ing test o6 the P4 domain ser)ice on
normal 5se o6 )oice s58scri8ers in the network" The network load 6or the dri)ing
test o6 the P4 domain ser)ice may also 8e chosen 5pon the C5stomerBs re95est"
The dri)ing test o6 the P4 domain ser)ice shall 8e per6ormed in the areas with
important re95irements 6or data ser)ices" The test ro5tes in these areas shall 8e as
min5te as possi8le" ;or the other areas with possi8le re95irements 6or data ser)ices2
the important roads shall 8e tested"
The dri)ing test items o6 the P4 domain ser)ice shall incl5de the 6ollowing<
Attachment s5ccess ratio2 PDP Conte=t acti)ation s5ccess ratio2 a)erage acti)ation
time o6 the PDP Conte=t2 comm5nication interr5ption ratio2 a)erage downlink
transmission rate and a)erage 5plink transmission rate"
The pilot signals on the test ro5tes shall 8e so good as to originate calls 6or the P4
domain ser)ice" (n addition2 the test items can 8e co5nted sim5ltaneo5sly in one
operation2 6or e=ample2 we can co5nt the n5m8er o6 PDP Conte=t acti)ation
s5ccesses in an operation and then co5nt the n5m8er o6 comm5nication
interr5ptions and the time needed 6or each PDP Conte=t acti)ation"
1" Characteristics o6 dri)ing test data

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They incl5de geographical location in6ormation
The test res5lt is restricted to a certain e=tent d5e to restrictions o6
the selected test ro5tes
/)/)4)/ Call 5$ality Test ,C5T- Data
!" Dial calls at the 6i=ed location2 record the data at the test location and dial m5ltiple
calls at each test point" The 6i=ed:point C3T test incl5des the C4 domain ser)ice C3T
and the P4 domain ser)ice C3T" The speci6ic test content is related to the C5stomerBs
re95irements and depends on the act5al sit5ation"
*" The 6ollowing principles shall 8e o8ser)ed d5ring the C3T<
!$ Test time
(n principle2 the C3T test shall 8e cond5cted 6rom -<## to !#<## e)eryday 6rom
Monday to ;riday d5ring non:holiday periods"
*$ Test point selection
The 6ollowing 6actors shall 8e comprehensi)ely taken into acco5nt d5ring the
selection o6 a test point<

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The tra66ic o6 the area where the test point is located" Cenerally2 a
place with large tra66ic is selected 6or networks that ha)e 8een
6ormally p5t into operation"
The geographical 6actors o6 the area where the test point is located"
.#K o6 the test points shall 8e indoor while *#K o5tdoor" (n
addition2 the test points shall 8e e)enly distri85ted in terms o6
geographical distri85tion"
.,K o6 the test points shall 8e indoor< The selected test points m5st 8e the
indoor test points with a co)erage plan prepared and act5al con)ersation
Radio en)ironment o6 the area where the test point is located" The
places installed with a repeater or an indoor distri85tion system
shall 8e pre6erred as the test points"
Areas where network pro8lems possi8ly e=ist" The places that may
possi8ly 8e 8lind spots2 s5ch as the streets 8etween high:rise
85ildings or places located in a m5lti:carrier area2 shall 8e selected
as the test points"
+$ Preca5tions on selection o6 test points
.#K o6 the test points shall 8e indoor while *#K o6 the test points
shall 8e o5tdoor"
The indoor test points shall co)er important places o6 the city2 s5ch
as star hotels2 terminals o6 airports2 waiting rooms o6 railway
stations2 long:distance 85s stations2 metro stations2 port docks2 top:
grade residential comm5nities2 go)ernmental departments2
operatorsB o66ice 85ildings and 85siness halls2 large shopping
martsFresta5rantsFentertainment places2 top:grade o66ice 85ildings2
e=hi8ition centers and important 5r8an to5rist spots" ;or places s5ch
as airports2 railway stations2 star hotels2 large shopping marts2 top:
grade o66ice 85ildings and port docks2 their p58lic places are
generally selected as test points< Airport terminals2 waiting rooms o6
railway stations2 halls o6 hotels2 meeting centers2 resta5rants2
entertainment centers2 5ndergro5nd parking lots2 top:layer g5est
rooms and port docks" When cond5cting the test inside a high:rise
85ilding2 make 6i)e MO (Mo8ile:Originated$ calls on the 6irst 6loor

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(incl5ding two MO calls in the 5ndergro5nd parking lot$2 6i)e MO
calls on the top 6loor and !# MT (Mo8ile:Terminated$ calls on the
intermediate 6loors" The other test points shall 8e e)enly distri85ted
a6ter the geographical and tra66ic 6actors are comprehensi)ely taken
into acco5nt2 and the test shall 6oc5s on the important areas"
Residential areas at the co)erage 8order and streets 8etween high:
rise 85ildings shall also 8e incl5ded in the o5tdoor test points" (n
addition2 the to5rist spots shall 8e co)ered"
A three:star hotel is an important place 6or a small: or medi5m:sized cityI
there6ore2 all three:star hotels shall 8e selected as mandatory test points"
Cenerally2 at least 0# test points shall 8e selected 6or a )ery 8ig city2 /#
6or a 8ig city2 +# 6or a medi5m:sized city and *# 6or a small city"
The speci6ic test points shall 8e selected in accordance with the a8o)e
principles and the act5al sit5ation o6 the pro7ect" They shall 8e stated in
the s58mitted report" The selection o6 test points 6or the P4 domain
ser)ice may di66er 6rom that o6 the C4 domain ser)ice2 or some test
points with 95ali6ied signals may 8e chosen 6or the P4 domain ser)ice
test2 in addition to the test points selected 6or the C4 domain ser)ice test"
+" C4 domain ser)ice
The C3T test items o6 the C4 domain ser)ice incl5de the co)erage ratio2 call
s5ccess ratio2 call drop ratio2 poor con)ersation 95ality ratio and a)erage call delay"
Record parameters o6 the >' s5ch as downlink recei)ing power (R=Power$2 R4CP
and 'cF(o with the related test so6tware" Record the n5m8er o6 MOC s5ccesses2
MTC s5ccesses2 6ail5res and call drop times" Cet the n5m8er o6 calls with poor
con)ersation 95ality thro5gh s587ecti)e 6eeling and e)al5ation" And record the
delay o6 each call with the test so6tware"
The data o6 all test points are 5sed to co5nt the co)erage ratio" Gowe)er2 to co5nt
the call s5ccess ratio2 call drop ratio2 poor con)ersation 95ality ratio and a)erage
call delay2 yo5 m5st select the test points whose recei)ing power (R=Power$ is
e95al to or larger than L-, d?m and whose 'cF(o is e95al to or larger than L!/ d?
(the thresholds o6 'cF(o and R4CP may di66er with the speci6ic ser)ice2 that is2 the
pilot signal sho5ld 8e so good as to originate calls 6or the ser)ice to 8e tested$2
8eca5se these parameters are signi6icant only when the co)erage is ens5red"

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/" P4 domain ser)ice
The C3T test items o6 the P4 domain ser)ice shall incl5de the 6ollowing<
Attachment s5ccess ratio2 PDP Conte=t acti)ation s5ccess ratio2 a)erage acti)ation
time o6 the PDP Conte=t2 comm5nication interr5ption ratio2 a)erage downlink
transmission rate and a)erage 5plink transmission rate"
The pilot signals on the test ro5tes shall 8e so good as to originate calls 6or the P4
domain ser)ice" (n addition2 the test items can 8e co5nted sim5ltaneo5sly in one
operation2 6or e=ample2 we can co5nt the n5m8er o6 PDP Conte=t acti)ation
s5ccesses in an operation and then co5nt the n5m8er o6 comm5nication
interr5ptions and the time needed 6or each PDP Conte=t acti)ation"
," Characteristics o6 the C3T data
They incl5de geographical location in6ormation
The test res5lt is restricted to a certain e=tent d5e to restrictions o6
the selected test points
/)/)4)0 OMC Per(ormance Meas$rement Data
!" The OMC per6ormance meas5rement data e=traction method applies to networks that
ha)e 8een p5t into large:scale commercial application" The meas5rement data are
o87ecti)e and a85ndant2 re6lecting the r5nning 95ality o6 the whole network
statistically" The network per6ormance indices th5s o8tained can ser)e as the most
essential re6erence 6or assessing the network per6ormance"
*" '=traction o6 OMC per6ormance meas5rement data
The co5nter )al5es needed 6or calc5lating the network AP( can 8e 6le=i8ly e=tracted and
co5nted according to di66erent statistical range" 4tatistical per6ormance reports can 8e
c5stomized according to the C5stomerBs re95irements"
+" Characteristics o6 OMC per6ormance meas5rement data
The 8ackgro5nd NM4 indicates the r5nning 95ality o6 the network
it manages 6rom the plenty o6 sampling data statistics"
The statistical range 6le=i8ly )aries" 4ome 5se the RNC as the
statistical 5nit while others logically 5se the Cell as the statistical
A )ariety o6 network per6ormance inde= co5nters are pro)ided"

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/)/)4)4 S$&scri&er Complaint #n(ormation
As the end 5sers o6 network ser)ices2 common s58scri8ers are most directly sensiti)e to
network per6ormance" The pro8lems complained 8y s58scri8ers m5st 8e sol)ed as soon
as possi8le" The s58scri8er complaint in6ormation has the 6ollowing characteristics<
(t most directly re6lects the shortcomings o6 the network
(t contains speci6ic geographical location in6ormation in most cases
The complained 6a5lts are generally a8o5t poor signal co)erage2
di66ic5lty in making calls and call drop
/)/)4)6 Alarm #n(ormation
Alarm in6ormation re6ers to the alarm in6ormation o6 the RNC2 Node ?2 and CN
8ackgro5nd NM4" (t is a centralized em8odiment o6 the a8normalities or near
a8normalities d5ring the e95ipment 5se or network r5nning"
Ci)e an eye to and check the alarm in6ormation d5ring the network
optimization period2 so as to timely disco)er pre:alert in6ormation or the
pro8lems that ha)e occ5rred and th5s a)oid the occ5rrence o6 accidents"
/)/)4)7 Other Data
(n addition to the data listed pre)io5sly2 generally there are the data o8tained thro5gh the
signaling analysis system2 the network tra66ic test system2 the )oice 95ality assessment
system and other systems" These are specialized data 5sed to help acc5rate location o6
network pro8lems"
/)/)6 Data Analysis
Data analysis means to 5nderstand the r5nning 95ality o6 the network thro5gh analysis
o6 the dri)ing test data2 C3T data2 OMC per6ormance meas5rement data2 s58scri8er
complaint in6ormation2 alarm in6ormation and other data2 so as to assess the
per6ormance o6 the network"
Di66erent data analysis methods shall 8e taken 6or di66erent means to o8tain the network
data2 as descri8ed 8elow"

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/)/)6). Dri%ing Test Data Analysis
Dri)ing test data analysis means to make geographical analysis2 ta8le analysis2 graphical
analysis2 c5stom e)ent analysis and statistical analysis o6 the network data collected 8y
the signal recei)er and the test >'"
Thro5gh it2 the 6ollowing ma7or network indices can 8e o8tained<
Co)erage ratio2 call s5ccess ratio2 call drop ratio2 con)ersation
95ality and hando)er s5ccess ratio 6or the C4 domain ser)ice
PDP Conte=t acti)ation s5ccess ratio and a)erage 5plinkFdownlink
transmission rate 6or the P4 domain ser)ice
We can com8ine these indices and test conditions 6or analysis to 8asically learn the
co)erage loopholes2 inter6erence2 pilot poll5tion and other in6ormation o6 the network"
!" Ceographical analysis
Thro5gh geographical analysis2 we can )i)idly )iew the signal intensity and
95ality2 Node ? distri85tion2 cell co)erage2 inter6erence2 pilot poll5tion and other
in6ormation o6 the c5rrent network" Cenerally2 the pilot signal intensity 'c
distri85tion map2 pilot signal 95ality 'cF(o distri85tion map2 pilot poll5tion map
and other maps o6 the signal Node ?2 the Node ? cl5ster and the whole network
sho5ld 8e 6orm5lated" (n addition2 a comparison o6 the e66ect 8e6ore and a6ter the
optimization m5st 8e made"
;ig" *"*:/ Ceographical Analysis Window
*" Ta8le analysis

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The ta8le shows the )al5es o6 all parameters in a data ta8le" They can 8e 8rowsed2
searched and analyzed"
;ig" *"*:, Ta8le Analysis Window
+" Craphical analysis
Craphical analysis means to descri8e the two:dimensional 6eat5res o6 a parameter
in a c5r)e diagram" At present2 there are two types o6 analysis< Common c5r)e
diagram analysis and PD; c5r)e diagram analysis"
!$ Common c5r)e diagram analysis descri8es the 6eat5res o6 a parameter in a two:
dimensional c5r)e diagram
;ig" *"*:0 Common C5r)e Diagram Analysis Window

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*$ PD; c5r)e diagram analysis is pro8a8ility distri85tion c5r)e analysis
;ig" *"*:1 PD; C5r)e Diagram Analysis Window
;or an area with high call drop ratio (or poor ser)ice 95ality$2 the data play8ack2
95ery and statistics 65nctions pro)ided 8y the specialized optimization analysis
so6tware &MPO4 CNA! (>MT4 'dition$ may 8e 5sed to make a 65rther analysis"
/" C5stom e)ent analysis
C5stom e)ent analysis mans to 75dge the stat5s o6 an e)ent )ia the inter6ace
pro)ided 8y the analysis so6tware CNA! to 5sers 8y setting the logic conditions
8etween messages" (t can 8e 5sed to 95ery the e)ents yo5 are interested in"

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;ig" *"*:. C5stom ')ent Analysis Window
," 4tatistical analysis
4tatistical analysis incl5des statistical analysis o6 the original test data in the
speci6ied time period and that o6 the original test data in the speci6ied area" (t can
8e 5sed to co5nt the n5m8er o6 test points and scale o6 a parameter item and
display the res5lt in the 6orm o6 a diagram (8ar chart or pie chart$ or ta8le" The
6ollowing 6ig5re shows the statistical setting o6 R=Power<

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;ig" *"*:- Original Data 4tatistics 4etting Page
;ig" *"*:!# ?ar Chart ;ormed According to the 4tatistical Res5lt
/)/)6)/ C5T Data Analysis
Analyze the C3T test data with the specialized network optimization analysis so6tware
&MPO4 CNA! (>MT4 'dition$"
Eet 5s take delay analysis 6or e=ample" The Delay +nalysis page in the message
analysis window is ill5strated in the 6ollowing 6ig5re"

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;ig" *"*:!! Message Analysis Window L Delay Analysis
The analysis items related to the C3T data also incl5de call e)ent analysis2 c5stom e)ent
analysis2 geographical e)ent analysis2 geographical delay analysis and statistical item
The C3T test data analysis res5lt incl5des call s5ccess ratio2 call drop ratio2 call delay2
con)ersation 95ality and a)erage data ser)ice rate" ;rom these data2 we can learn the
indoor co)erage and inter6erence condition o6 the network in the selected area"
!" Call s5ccess ratio
Call s5ccess ratio N ON5m8er o6 s5ccess65l callsFtotal n5m8er o6 callsP Q !##K
*" Call drop ratio
Call drop ratio N ON5m8er o6 dropped callsFtotal n5m8er o6 s5ccess65l callsP Q
(6 contin5o5s long calls are adopted2 the total n5m8er o6 s5ccess65l calls is
e95al to the total call d5ration (in seconds$ di)ided 8y -# seconds"
+" A)erage call delay
(t re6ers to the a)erage delay meas5red with the WCDMA network optimization
analysis so6tware &MPO4 CNA!" (t is the inter)al 6rom the time when the calling

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>' recei)es the Alerting signaling directly sent 6rom the CN to the time when the
calling >' sends the 6irst RRC Connection Re95est"
The random access delay may )ary greatly d5e to the di66erent radio
en)ironment 95ality ca5sed 8y di66erent network loads" There6ore2 the a)erage
call delay is meas5red on the 8asis o6 the network load"
/" A)erage data ser)ice rate
Co5nt the PDP Conte=t acti)ation s5ccess ratio and the a)erage 5plinkFdownlink
transmission rate o6 all test points with the WCDMA network optimization analysis
so6tware &MPO4 CNA!2 so as to get the PDP Conte=t acti)ation s5ccess ratio and
the a)erage 5plinkFdownlink transmission rate o6 the network"
/)/)6)0 OMC Per(ormance Meas$rement Data Analysis
OMC per6ormance meas5rement data analysis can 8e 5sed to o8tain the general
per6ormance inde=es (CP(s$ and the key per6ormance inde=es (AP(s$ o6 the radio
network2 which are an important re6erence 6or assessing the network per6ormance"
Thro5gh analysis o6 the OMC per6ormance meas5rement data2 we can directly locate the
range o6 area where a pro8lem occ5rred and th5s help acc5rate location o6 the pro8lem"
The reso5rce 5tilization is indicated 8y these inde=es< Worst cell ratio2 s5per 85sy cell
ratio2 s5per idle cell ratio and cell code reso5rce a)aila8ility"
The inde=es o8tained 6rom the OMC also incl5de those that can re6lect the r5nning
95ality o6 the network< Access s5ccess ratio2 call completion ratio2 call drop ratio and
call delay"
These inde=es re6lect the hando)er per6ormance o6 the system (hando)er s5ccess ratio$<
4o6ter hando)er s5ccess ratio2 so6t hando)er s5ccess ratio2 (nter:(5r so6t hando)er
s5ccess ratio2 hard hando)er s5ccess ratio and inter:system hando)er s5ccess ratio"

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Gando)er is an important part o6 system mo8ility management and hando)er
s5ccess ratios are also important inde=es o6 the system mo8ility management
65nction" WCDMA hando)er 6alls into so6ter hando)er2 so6t hando)er and
hard hando)er" 4o6ter hando)er occ5rs to di66erent cells in the same Node ?I
so6t hando)er 6alls into so6t hando)er 8etween Node ?s in the same RNC and
that 8etween di66erent RNCs (with the (5r inter6ace in)ol)ed$" 4o6ter hando)er
and so6t hando)er 8oth 8elong to intra:6re95ency hando)er" Gard hando)er
6alls into co:6re95ency hard hando)er2 inter:6re95ency hard hando)er and
inter:system hando)er" The co:6re95ency hard hando)er occ5rs 8etween
di66erent RNCs (witho5t in)ol)ing the (5r inter6ace$"
Eisted 8elow are se)eral AP(s<
!" Worst cell ratio
A worst cell re6ers to a cell whose call drop ratio is more than aK or ser)ice congestion
ratio is more than 8K in a certain tra66ic condition" The worst cell ratio re6ers to the
percentage o6 worst cells to the total n5m8er o6 a)aila8le cells o6 the system"
Calc5lation 6orm5la<
Worst cell ratio N Total n5m8er o6 worst cells F total n5m8er o6 a)aila8le cells R !##K
The total n5m8er o6 worst cells re6ers to the n5m8er o6 cells whose call drop ratio is
more than aK or ser)ice congestion ratio is more than 8K2 where aK and 8K are
determined 8y the con6ig5ration" The total n5m8er o6 a)aila8le cells re6ers to the
n5m8er o6 a)aila8le cells in the c5rrent system"
*" 45per 85sy cell ratio
A s5per 85sy cell re6ers to a cell whose carrier transmit power 5tilization ratio is more
than cK" The s5per 85sy cell ratio re6ers to the percentage o6 s5per 85sy cells to the total
n5m8er o6 cells"
Calc5lation 6orm5la<
45per 85sy cell ratio N Total n5m8er o6 s5per 85sy cells F total n5m8er o6 a)aila8le cells
R !##K

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The total n5m8er o6 s5per 85sy cells re6ers to the n5m8er o6 cells whose carrier transmit
power 5tilization ratio is more than cK" Gere2 cK is determined 8y the con6ig5ration"
The total n5m8er o6 a)aila8le cells re6ers to the n5m8er o6 a)aila8le cells in the c5rrent
system" The RNC can co5nt the a)erage )al5e o6 carrier transmit power o6 a single cell
o6 the Node ? 8y recei)ing meas5rement reports 6rom the Node ?" The 5tilization ratio
o6 carrier transmit power can 8e o8tained a6ter the ma=im5m )al5e o6 carrier transmit
power is di)ided 8y the a)erage )al5e o6 carrier transmit power"
+" Cell code reso5rce a)aila8ility
The downlink scram8le set (main scram8les$ o6 the WCDMA system is restricted to ,!*
scram8les and each cell is allocated a main scram8le" A main scram8le o6 a cell
corresponds to a spreading code tree (8inary tree$ and each le)el o6 the code tree de6ines
a channel code whose length is the spreading 6actor (4;$" The 4; )al5e ranges 6rom / to
*,0" A main scram8le is 5sed to identi6y a cell and a downlink channel code is 5sed to
identi6y a s58scri8er in the cell" The 6eat5re o6 this spreading code tree is that the
occ5pation o6 a node will ca5se 8locking o6 all the s58:code tree nodes and the higher:
layer nodes directly connected to it"
The cell code reso5rce a)aila8ility indicates the ratio o6 5nallocated code reso5rces on
the c5rrent code tree to all the code reso5rces on the c5rrent code tree" (t can acc5rately
re6lect the code reso5rce stat5s o6 the c5rrent cell"
Calc5lation 6orm5la<
Cell code reso5rce a)aila8ility N !: (the n5m8er o6 codes allocated 8y the 4; to /:code
nodesF/ S the n5m8er o6 codes allocated 8y the 4; to .:code nodesF. S the n5m8er o6
codes allocated 8y the 4; to !0:code nodesF!0 S the n5m8er o6 codes allocated 8y the
4; to +*:code nodesF+* S the n5m8er o6 codes allocated 8y the 4; to 0/:code nodesF0/
S the n5m8er o6 codes allocated 8y the 4; to !*.:code nodesF!*.2 the n5m8er o6 codes
allocated 8y the 4; to *,0:code nodesF*,0 S the n5m8er o6 codes allocated 8y the 4; to
,!*:code nodesF,!*$ R !##K
The characteristics o6 the spreading code tree shall 8e taken into acco5nt when co5nting
the c5rrent n5m8er o6 a)aila8le cell codes" When a certain node is occ5pied2 all its s58:
nodes will not 8e a)aila8le any longer and there6ore they shall not 8e co5nted into the
a)aila8le codes"
/" 4o6t hando)er s5ccess ratio
4o6t hando)er takes place 8etween di66erent Node ?s and the di)ersity signals are
selecti)ely merged in the RNC" The so6t hando)er s5ccess ratio re6lects the mo8ility

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per6ormance o6 the system and can 8e sensed indirectly 8y s58scri8ers" Gere2 the inter:
(5r so6t hando)er is not considered" (nstead2 the inter:(5r so6t hando)er s5ccess ratio is
independently assessed as an inde="
Calc5lation 6orm5la (two are a)aila8le$<
4o6t hando)er s5ccess ratio ! N (the n5m8er o6 times to s5ccess65lly add a radio link
d5ring so6t hando)er S the n5m8er o6 times to s5ccess65lly delete a radio link d5ring
so6t hando)er$ F (the n5m8er o6 attempts to add a radio link d5ring so6t hando)er S the
n5m8er o6 attempts to delete a radio link d5ring so6t hando)er$ R !##K
4o6t hando)er s5ccess ratio * N (Acti)e>pdateComplete times F Acti)e>pdate times R
," 4o6ter hando)er s5ccess ratio
4o6ter hando)er takes place 8etween cells o6 the same Node ? and the di)ersity signals
are merged at the ma=im5m gain ratio in the Node ?" (t re6lects the mo8ility
per6ormance o6 the system and can 8e indirectly sensed 8y s58scri8ers"
Calc5lation 6orm5la<
4o6ter hando)er s5ccess ratio N 4o6ter hando)er s5ccess times F so6ter hando)er
attempts R !##K
0" Access s5ccess ratio
The access s5ccess ratio (RRC connection set5p s5ccess ratio$ re6lects the capa8ility o6
a radio network to admit >'s2 and RRC connection set5p s5ccess means that the >' has
esta8lished a signaling connection with the network" This inde= is also an important
inde= to meas5re the call completion ratio and is incl5ded in the call completion ratio" (t
a66ects the call s5ccess ratio and is a per6ormance inde= that can 8e directly sensed 8y
Many reasons may ca5se an RRC connection set5p re95est2 incl5ding >':initiated RRC
connection set5p re95ests d5e to cell selection2 cell reselection2 call and location
5pdating" (n general2 only the access s5ccess ratio d5e to call reasons will 8e co5nted"
?eca5se non:call access and call access ha)e slight di66erence2 the access s5ccess ratio
here does not di66erentiate the ca5ses o6 the RRC connection set5p re95est"
The access s5ccess ratio is e=pressed 8y the ratio o6 RRC connection set5p s5ccess
times to the total RRC connection set5p attempts2 whose signaling messages are the >':

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initiated RRC CONN'CT(ON R'3 times and the RRC CONN'CT(ON 4'T>P
COMPE'T' times in t5rn"
Calc5lation 6orm5la<
Access s5ccess ratio N RRC connection set5p s5ccess times F RRC connection set5p
attempts R !##K
Gere2 the in6l5ence 6rom retransmission shall also 8e considered"
1" RA? esta8lishment s5ccess ratio
RRC connection set5p s5ccess means that the >' has esta8lished a signaling connection
with the network and is the 6irst step o6 esta8lishing a call connection2 whereas RA?
esta8lishment s5ccess means that a 5ser plane connection has 8een s5ccess65lly
allocated to the s58scri8er (RA? re6ers to the 8earing o6 the 5ser plan and is 5sed to
transmit )oice2 data and m5ltimedia ser)ices 8etween the >' and the CN$2 and is the
last step o6 esta8lishing a call connection"
The RA? esta8lishment s5ccess ratio is a per6ormance inde= that can 8e directly sensed
8y s58scri8ers" (t 6alls into the RA? esta8lishment s5ccess ratio o6 the C4 domain and
that o6 the P4 domain2 and can 8e 65rther di)ided according to the speci6ic ser)ices"

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The RA? esta8lishment s5ccess ratio is e=pressed 8y the ratio o6 RA? assignment
s5ccess times to RA? assignment attempts2 whose signaling messages are RA?
A44(CNM'NT R'3>'4T (RA? esta8lishment$ and RA? A44(CNM'NT
R'4PON4' (RA? esta8lishment s5ccess$ in t5rn"
Calc5lation 6orm5la<
RA? esta8lishment s5ccess ratio o6 the C4 domain N RA? assignment s5ccess times o6
the C4 domain F RA? assignment attempts o6 the C4 domain R !##K
RA? esta8lishment s5ccess ratio o6 the P4 domain N RA? assignment s5ccess times o6
the P4 domain F RA? assignment attempts o6 the P4 domain R !##K
RA? esta8lishment s5ccess ratio N (RA? assignment s5ccess times o6 the C4 domain S
RA? assignment s5ccess times o6 the P4 domain$ F (RA? assignment attempts o6 the
C4 domain S RA? assignment attempts o6 the P4 domain$ R !##K
." Call drop ratio
The call drop ratio re6lects the comm5nication hold capa8ility2 sta8ility and relia8ility o6
the system" (t is an important per6ormance inde= o6 the radio comm5nication system" (t
directly relates to psychological 6eeling and 5se con6idence o6 s58scri8ers"
The radio system call drop ratio only takes into acco5nt the dropped calls ca5sed 8y
a8normalities o6 the access side rather than those ca5sed 8y a8normalities o6 the CN
side or the 6orced call drop processing taken 8y the load control process in radio
reso5rce management in the case o6 o)erload"
(n addition2 we s5ppose that the CN will send a RA? assignment release command" (n
practice2 the CN may directly send the (5 inter6ace signaling connection release
command witho5t sending the RA? assignment release command"
When call drop occ5rs2 the system may trigger one o6 the two signaling proced5res< One
is the RA? release re95est and the other is the (5 inter6ace signaling connection release
re95est" The radio system call drop ratio 6alls into the call drop ratio o6 the C4 domain
and that o6 the P4 domain" (n the DT and C3T test content as we pre)io5sly descri8ed2
the call drop ratio o6 the P4 domain is also called the comm5nication interr5ption ratio2
so as to di66erentiate itsel6 6rom the call drop ratio o6 the C4 domain"

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Calc5lation 6orm5la<
Call drop ratio o6 the C4 domain N (RA? release re95ests o6 the C4 domain S (5
inter6ace signaling connection release re95ests o6 the C4 domain$ F RA? assignment
s5ccess times o6 the C4 domain R !##K
Call drop ratio o6 the P4 domain N (RA? release re95ests o6 the P4 domain S (5
inter6ace signaling connection release re95ests o6 the P4 domain$ F RA? assignment
s5ccess times o6 the P4 domain R !##K
Radio s58system call drop ratio N (RA? release re95ests o6 the C4 domain S (5
inter6ace signaling connection release re95ests o6 the C4 domain S RA? release
re95ests o6 the P4 domain S (5 inter6ace signaling connection release re95ests o6 the P4
domain$ F (RA? assignment s5ccess times o6 the C4 domain S RA? assignment s5ccess
times o6 the P4 domain$ R !##K
-" Call delay
The call delay re6lects the systemBs speed to respond to ser)ice calls and it directly
relates to the psychological 6eeling and 5se con6idence o6 s58scri8ers" (t can 6all into the
a)erage call delay o6 the C4 domain and the a)erage PDP Conte=t acti)ation time o6 the
P4 domain2 and may 8e 65rther di)ided according to the speci6ic ser)ices" To co5nt the
call delay2 a5thentication and TM4( reallocation 65nctions m5st 8e ena8led 6irst and
whether to calc5late the ciphering time shall depend on the speci6ic ser)ice needs"
The a)erage call delay o6 the C4 domain 6alls into the call delay 6rom >' to >' and that
6rom >' to P4TN"
Calc5lation 6orm5la<
A)erage call delay o6 the C4 domain N Tthe time when the calling >' recei)es the
Alerting signaling message directly sent 6rom the CN L the time 6or the calling >' to
start sending the 6irst RRC Connect Re95estH F the n5m8er o6 >' calls
A)erage PDP Conte=t acti)ation time o6 the P4 domain N Tthe time when the >'
recei)es the DT (Acti)e PDP Conte=t Accept$ signaling message L the time when the
>' sends the DT (Acti)e PDP Conte=t Re95est$ signaling messageH F the n5m8er o6
>' calls
/)/)6)4 S$&scri&er Complaint #n(ormation Analysis
?eca5se o6 di)ersity o6 s58scri8ersB descriptions o6 pro8lems and di66erence o6 their
e=pressions in the s58scri8er complaint in6ormation2 the pro8lem may o6ten relate to the
transmission system2 the charging system and other rele)ant systems2 in addition to the

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Node ?" There6ore2 we sho5ld care65lly identi6y and 6ind the in6ormation that can really
re6lect the network stat5s"
The s58scri8er complaints may directly indicate the symptoms and geographical
location o6 a pro8lem" The 6ollowing in6ormation can 8e o8tained thro5gh
reorganization o6 them<
Places with poor network co)erage
Places with low call s5ccess ratios
Places with high call drop ratios
Places with poor )oice signal 95ality
/)/)6)6 Alarm #n(ormation Analysis
Alarm in6ormation contains plenty o6 a8normal pre:alert in6ormation d5ring the network
r5nning and can help 5s 95ickly locate pro8lems and 6ind o5t the way to sol)e them"
When the network per6ormance deteriorates d5e to occ5rrence o6 a certain 6a5lt2 the
OMC per6ormance meas5rement inde=es will o6ten 8e a8normal" There6ore2 it will 8e o6
great help to network 6a5lt location and remo)al i6 we can 6ind o5t the correlation
8etween OMC per6ormance meas5rement inde=es and the rele)ant alarm in6ormation"
(6 we determine 6rom the alarm in6ormation that the Node ? is pro8lematic (s5ch as
4WR alarm$2 then we need to check the pro8lematic Node ? and tro58leshoot its
e95ipment 6a5lts"
/)/)6)7 Analysis o( Other Data
4ome network pro8lems are ca5sed 8y poor radio network co)erage or poor signal
95ality (6or e=ample2 there are many ca5ses 6or so6t hando)er 6ail5re$" (n that case2 the
a8o)e:mentioned analysis methods wo5ld 8e 5na8le to locate the 6a5lts and it is then
necessary to analyze the speci6ic data"

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;or e=ample2 we can trace the signaling o6 )ario5s inter6aces s5ch as >52 (58 and (5r2
co5nt the signaling tra66ic and messages at each inter6ace and 6ind o5t the e=ceptional
signaling proced5resI and com8ine the other statistical data to more acc5rately locate the
6a5lts and disco)er the e=ceptions that can 8e hardly disco)ered at 5s5al times2 so as to
eliminate hidden tro58les"
?elow is an e=ample o6 decoding analysis o6 the air inter6ace signaling 8y 5se o6 the
The list o6 messages collected 8y the test so6tware &MPO4 CNT! is ill5strated in the
6ollowing 6ig5re<
;ig" *"*:!* Air (nter6ace Message Eist Window
The lower hal6 o6 the window as shown in the a8o)e 6ig5re is the message decoding
s58window" (t shows the decoding res5lts o6 the selected system message and parses the
content o6 each system in6ormation 8lock according to the system in6ormation 8lock
stream in the system message" ;or the system in6ormation 8locks transmitted segment
8y segment2 it will assem8le the segmented system in6ormation 8lock streams into a
complete in6ormation 8lock stream d5ring the parse2 decode the complete in6ormation
8lock stream and then display it"
D5ring message analysis2 the message 6ilter condition can 8e set so that yo5 can
con)eniently get the needed in6ormation2 as shown in the 6ig5re 8elow<

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;ig" *"*:!+ Message Analysis Window : 4et5p Eog Mask (Message ;ilter 4etting$
/)/)6)8 Common Analysis Methods
Disc5ssed a8o)e are the analysis methods 6or di66erent data ac95isition means" (n
addition to these analysis methods2 some other analysis methods are a)aila8le d5ring the
M5lti:dimensional analysis2 tendency analysis2 accident analysis2 comparati)e analysis2
rank analysis and ca5se @ impact analysis"
!" M5lti:dimensional analysis
A dimension re6ers to the 6oc5s and direction o6 sol)ing a pro8lem" M5lti:dimensional
analysis is to analyze data 6rom m5ltiple di66erent angles and their com8inations"
;or e=ample2 we shall 6oc5s on access2 hando)er and other rele)ant iss5es in addition to
call drop when dealing with a call drop pro8lem"
*" Tendency analysis
Tendency analysis is to analyze the tendency o6 changes with the time in the time
se95ence to 6ind its law2 as shown in the 6ollowing 6ig5re<

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;ig" *"*:!/ Tendency C5r)e o6 Changes o6 the Call Drop Ratio with Time
+" Accident analysis
Accident analysis is to 6ind o5t the e=ceptional data s5ch as e=cessi)e high inde=2
e=cessi)ely low inde= and e=cessi)e large change amplit5de among the 85lky data2 and
65rther mine data on the impact ca5ses2 as shown in the 6ollowing 6ig5re<
The call drop ratio is a8normally high and it is necessary to 6ind i6 any pro8lem occ5rs to this time period
;ig" *"*:!, Gigh Call Drop Ratio and Time Period 4tatistics
/" Comparati)e analysis

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Comparati)e analysis means to compare di66erent data sets 6rom the same angle2 so as to
6ind the di66erences and 65rther e=plore the ca5ses o6 di66erences" This method is o6ten
applied in signaling proced5re analysis"
," Rank analysis
Rank analysis means to 6ind o5t the Top N or ?ottom N data 8y a certain classi6ication
method 6rom the 85lky data" These data shall deser)e special attention" An e=ample o6
rank analysis is the common worst cell method"
0" Ca5se and impact analysis
Ca5se and impact analysis means to mine the impact 6actors 6rom the 85lky data 6or a
certain res5lt generated and analyze the importance o6 di66erent 6actors or their
')ery analysis method is e66ecti)e 6or certain pro8lems and has certain
restrictions" To locate a speci6ic e95ipment pro8lem2 parameter con6ig5ration
pro8lem (incl5ding engineering parameters and radio parameters$ or radio
reso5rce 5tilization pro8lem2 a single analysis method can hardly work and
yo5 m5st appropriately com8ine the a8o)e:mentioned methods"
Thro5gh data analysis2 we sho5ld learn the 8asic conditions o6 the network s5ch as
co)erage and inter6erence2 the operation per6ormance @ 95ality s5ch as access s5ccess
ratio2 call drop ratio and hando)er s5ccess ratio o6 the network2 and the network
reso5rce 5tilization s5ch as worst cell ratio and cell code reso5rce a)aila8ility"
/)/)6)9 Network Assessment
;irst s5mmarize the network tests and analysis done pre)io5sly and o5tp5t the
Assess"ent Report on the '()*A Ra+io Network in XX Seri!e Area"

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The network assessment report is mandatory at the initial stage o6 the
optimization 85t is not re95ired a6ter the optimization2 8eca5se the network
optimization report to 8e o5tp5t a6ter the network optimization and ad75stment
already contains an assessment o6 the network per6ormance a6ter the
The comprehensi)e score o6 network assessment can 8e o8tained a6ter the DT score2 the
C3T score and the OMC inde= score are weighted and s5mmated"
Comprehensi)e score o6 the network N DT score R /#K S C3T score R +#K S OMC
inde= score R +#K
(6 the rele)ant per6ormance data cannot 8e o8tained 6rom the OMC2 6or
e=ample2 6or the network assessment 8e6ore s58scri8er n5m8er allocation2 the
comprehensi)e score o6 the network may simply 8e o8tained thro5gh
calc5lation o6 the DT score and the C3T score<
Comprehensi)e score o6 the network N DT score R 0#K S C3T score R /#K
The network assessment is 5sed to disco)er the pro8lems e=isting in the network2 g5ide
the ne=t step o6 network optimization and 6acilitate a comparison o6 the network
per6ormance 8e6ore and a6ter the network optimization"
/)/)7 Parameter Check ,Optional-
Dis95ali6ied inde=es o6 the network can 8e disco)ered d5ring data analysis" (6 it is 6o5nd
that some parameters are improperly con6ig5red and a66ect the network per6ormance2
yo5 m5st check the parameter con6ig5ration data o6 the pro8lematic Node ?" The check
shall co)er these contents<
!" Check the single site
Check i6 the site is in the correct position2 i6 the antennas 5sed are o6 the correct model2
i6 the mo5nting height2 azim5th and down tilt o6 the antennas are consistent with the
plan2 and i6 the antenna 6eeders 5sed are o6 the correct model and ha)e appropriate
lengthsI test the 4WR o6 the antenna 6eeders2 and check the other aspects"
*" Check i6 the cell radio con6ig5ration parameters are consistent with the planned )al5es

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A cell is generally represented 8y the 6ollowing parameters< ;re95ency2 scram8le and
common physical channel con6ig5rations"
The common physical channels incl5de the Primary Common Pilot Channel (PCP(CG$2
the primary synchronization channel (P4CG$2 the secondary synchronization channel
(44CG$2 Primary Common Control Physical Channel (PCCPCG$2 the Packet Random
Access Channel (PRACG$2 the 4econdary Common Control Physical Channel
(4CCPCG$2 the access indication channel (A(CG$ and the paging indication channel
(P(CG$" Please check i6 the transmit power o6 these channels is set to the planned
+" Check the rele)ant ser)ice con6ig5ration parameters o6 )oice ser)ices and data
/)/)8 Pro&lem :ocalization
/)/)8). Types o( Network Pro&lems
Radio network pro8lems occ5r in the 6ollowing aspects< '95ipment so6tware and
hardware2 engineering parameters2 radio parameters2 network capacity and others"
!$ '95ipment so6tware and hardware pro8lems
'95ipment pro8lems incl5de so6tware )ersion pro8lems2 Node ? 8oard pro8lems2
antenna 6eeder 95ality pro8lems and others"
The network pro8lems that may 8e ca5sed 8y e95ipment pro8lems incl5de the
6ollowing< No signal co)erage in the planned area2 6ail5re o6 ser)ice initiation tho5gh
there is signal2 6ail5re o6 inter:(5r hando)er (d5e to RNC so6tware )ersion pro8lems$2
and others"
*$ 'ngineering parameter pro8lems
These pro8lems re6er to improper engineering parameter settings2 s5ch as the position2
mo5nting height2 down tilt and azim5th o6 the antennas" The main network pro8lems
th5s ca5sed incl5de poor network co)erage2 se)ere inter6erence2 se)ere pilot poll5tion2
call drop and low hando)er s5ccess ratio"
+$ Radio parameter pro8lems
There are many network radio parameters< Paging and registration2 access2 load and
admission control2 hando)er2 power control2 cell reselection parameters and the ad7acent
cell list" (mproper radio parameter con6ig5ration may ca5se the 6ollowing network
pro8lems< Network access 6ail5re o6 the >'2 low call completion ratio2 call drop2
hando)er pro8lems and others"
/$ Network capacity

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The network load increases as the n5m8er o6 s58scri8ers increases" D5e to the sel6:
inter6erence 6eat5re o6 the WCDMA system2 the network per6ormance and the 3o4 will
decrease" (n this case2 it is necessary to e=pand the network capacity"
The localization o6 network pro8lems is a comple= process that re95ires yo5
to com8ine the test and statistical data 8y 5sing di66erent analysis means"
/)/)8)/ Pro&lems and Related #n(l$ence
!" '95ipment so6tware and hardware
;or hardware 6a5lts2 5s5ally there is alarm in6ormation at the 8ackgro5nd2 s5ch as the
antenna 6eeder 4WR alarm and the low power alarm" 4ome hardware 6a5lts witho5t
any alarm can also 8e located thro5gh network data analysis" The occ5rrence o6 an
e95ipment 6a5lt will ca5se poor per6ormance indices o6 a single Node ? or a Node ?
*" Network engineering parameters
These parameters incl5de the azim5th2 down tilt2 mo5nting height and position o6 the
antennas" To handle the co)erage and inter6erence pro8lems d5ring the network
optimization a6ter the network constr5ction is completed 85t 8e6ore the n5m8er
allocation2 yo5 can ad75st the network engineering parameters"
!$ Co)erage
Cenerally2 the pilot signal strength is 5sed to indicate the network co)erage conditions<
The pilot strength recei)ed 8y -,K o6 the co)erage areas shall 8e greater than L.- d?m
(densely:pop5lated 5r8an areas$ or L-/ d?m (5r8an areas$" The pilot signal 95ality is
5sed to indicate the inter6erence conditions< The pilot 'cF(o meas5red in -,K o6 the
co)erage areas shall 8e greater than L!# d?"
To locate a co)erage pro8lem<
Determine the co)erage 8lind spots 8y analyzing the dri)ing test data"
')al5ate the se)erity o6 these co)erage 8lind spots and sort these spots
in the priority se95ence"
*$ (nter6erence
To locate an inter6erence pro8lem<

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Determine the areas where the pilot 'cF(o is lower than the threshold"
Check the pilot le)el o6 these areas (these areas may pro8a8ly ha)e
more than three pilot signals$"
;ind any 5ne=pected pilot (s5ch pilot signals come 6rom the cells that
are not designed to pro)ide co)erage 6or these areas$ 6rom the pilots
recei)ed 8y these areas"
Network co)erage and inter6erence pro8lems will ca5se AP(s s5ch as call s5ccess ratio2
call drop ratio2 access delay and hando)er s5ccess ratio to 6ail to meet the re95irements"
+" Radio parameters o6 the network
Radio parameters o6 the network are in)ol)ed in 8oth engineering optimization and
O@M optimization" One o6 the main tasks o6 O@M optimization is to impro)e the
network AP(s" This incl5des ad75sting the access parameters2 paging parameters2 power
control parameters2 hando)er parameters2 search parameters and other parameters"
!$ Ad7acent cell list
D5e to the sel6 inter6erence 6eat5re o6 the WCDMA system2 any strong signal not in the
ad7acent set will ca5se strong inter6erence to the c5rrent ser)ing cell2 res5lting in s5ch
pro8lems as low call completion ratio2 poor )oice 95ality2 high call drop ratio2 or 6ail5re
to initiate high:speed ser)ices (the most 6re95ent pro8lem is call loss ca5sed 8y missing
ad7acent cell con6ig5ration$" Do not 6orget to p5t the ad7acent cells with the 8est signal
into the ad7acent cell list"

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WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

Preca5tions related to ad7acent cell list optimization<
The network planning tools can a5tomatically plan the ad7acent cell list
8y 5se o6 a proper algorithm" Cenerally2 the algorithm is 8ased on the
inter6erence among cells"
(6 the pilot signal o6 a certain cell is 95ite strong 85t the cell is not
added to the acti)e set2 then the signal o6 the cell 8ecomes a )ery
strong inter6erence so5rce"
The ad7acent cells can 8e con6ig5red 5nidirectionally or 8idirectionally"
The 6ollowing sho5ld 8e considered 6irst d5ring the setting o6 the
ad7acent cell list< The inter6erence generated 8y the cell and the
possi8ility o6 8ecoming the main ser)ing cell o6 the >'"
*$ Call parameters
Co5nter T+## indicates the call wait time and co5nter N+## indicates the retransmission
co5nt" They are closely related to the call s5ccess ratio"
+$ Gando)er parameters
The hando)er in the WCDMA system is di)ided into the 6ollowing three types
according to the types o6 so5rce cell and destination cell< (ntra:6re95ency hando)er2
inter:6re95ency hando)er and inter:system hando)er" The 6ollowing te=t disc5sses
se)eral parameters a66ecting intra:6re95ency hando)er"
!A e)ent< The signal o6 a primary CP(CG enters the reporting range"
Reporting Range Constant and Gysteresis are important parameters
5sed to 75dge whether to trigger the !A e)ent" They a66ect the 75dgment
threshold and hysteresis range o6 the !A e)ent"
!? e)ent< The signal o6 a primary CP(CG goes o5t o6 the reporting
range" Reporting Range Constant and Gysteresis are important
parameters 5sed to 75dge whether to trigger the !? e)ent" They a66ect
the 75dgment threshold and hysteresis range o6 the !? e)ent"

&T' CORPORAT(ON All Rights Reser)ed /*
WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

The !C e)ent takes place when the signal 95ality o6 a cell (cell!$ in the
monitoring set is 8etter than that o6 the worst cell (cell*$ in the acti)e
set" Gysteresis is the pre6erence margin o6 the cell in the acti)e set
when the !C e)ent is triggered"
The !D e)ent means changes ha)e occ5rred to the 8est cell" Gysteresis
is the pre6erence margin o6 the cell in the acti)e set when the !D e)ent
is triggered"
/$ (nter:system hando)er
458scri8er access pro8lems<
(n the hy8rid network o6 *C and +C2 the d5al:mode >' selects the *C network once
8eing powered on and hence cannot access the +C network" ;or some >'s2 yo5 may
sol)e the pro8lem 8y locking the 6re95ency and the network" Gowe)er2 calls may get
lost when the >' reaches the co)erage edge o6 the +C network"
,$ (nner loop power control
;or the 5plink2 6irst the Node ? meas5res the 4(R o6 each radio link recei)ed2 and then
compares it with the target 4(R (4(Rtarget$ needed 6or the ser)ice" (6 4(R is e95al to or
larger than 4(Rtarget2 then the Node ? sends a Transmitted Power Control (TPC$
command with a 8it )al5e 8eing U#V to the >' thro5gh the downlink control channel to
re95est the >' to red5ce its transmit power" (6 4(R is less than 4(Rtarget2 then the Node
? sends a TPC command with a 8it )al5e 8eing U!V to the >' thro5gh the downlink
control channel to re95est the >' to increase its transmit power" Then the >' 75dges
whether to increase or decrease its transmit power according to the recei)ed TPC
command and the power control algorithm speci6ied 8y the network layer" The
ad75stment step is TPCW4T'PW4(&'" This operating mechanism also applies to the
The inner loop power control algorithm and the power control step are important 6actors
a66ecting the power control e66ect"
/" Ad75stment a6ter capacity analysis or tra66ic grooming analysis
The U6ine areasV in a city only acco5nt 6or a )ery small proportion o6 the co)erage area
85t can acco5nt 6or .#K o6 the total planned capacity" They are the constr5ction 6oc5s o6
the C5stomerBs WCDMA radio network and the ma7or so5rce o6 the C5stomerBs 65t5re
re)en5es" (6 the network capacity cannot 8e well e=panded to satis6y the h5ge 5pgrade
re95irements o6 these 6ine areas2 the C5stomer wo5ld s566er a 8ig loss"
The 6ollowing meas5res may 8e adopted< Adding Node ?s2 5sing m5ltiple carriers2
splitting cells2 5sing microcell Node ?s and R; remote stations2 and others"

&T' CORPORAT(ON All Rights Reser)ed /+
WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

/)/)9 2orm$lation o( the Optimization Plan
A6ter the network pro8lem is located2 generally there is a set (or se)eral sets$ o6
sol5tions a)aila8le" Do5 need to make the 8est optimization ad75stment plan 8ased on
the speci6ic site conditions2 and o5tp5t the Opti"i#ation / A+%-st"ent $lan &or the
'()*A Ra+io Network in XX Seri!e Area" ;or di66erent network pro8lems2 di66erent
optimization @ ad75stment plans can 8e adopted<
!" Ad75stment strategy o6 e95ipment so6tware and hardware pro8lems
(6 so6tware pro8lems are 6o5nd d5ring parameter check2 yo5 need to timely con6irm the
so6tware )ersion and 5pdate the so6tware" '95ipment hardware pro8lems o6ten lie in
8oard 6a5lts and yo5 sho5ld replace the 6a5lty 8oards then"
*" Ad75stment strategy o6 engineering parameters
Do5 may impro)e the network co)erage and red5ce the inter6erence 8y ad75sting the
azim5th2 down tilt2 mo5nting height and position o6 the antennas"
Pay attention to the impact o6 the strategies on the co)erage o6 the original
ser)ing area o6 the cell"
Gowe)er2 to red5ce the inter6erence2 it is 6ar 6rom eno5gh to only ad75st the
engineering parameters" Do5 may also need to ad75st other parameters (6or
e=ample2 the transmit power o6 common channels o6 the cell$"
+" Ad75stment strategy o6 radio parameters
!$ Ad7acent cell list ad75stment

&T' CORPORAT(ON All Rights Reser)ed //
WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

4ol)e the possi8le pro8lem o6 missing ad7acent cell con6ig5ration 8y 5sing the
pro6essional optimization analysis so6tware &MPO4 CNA! (>MT4 'dition$ and the
ad7acent cell planning tools and com8ining the dri)ing test data"
*$ Call parameter ad75stment
To impro)e the call s5ccess ratio2 yo5 m5st optimize parameters s5ch as T+## and
N+##" ?y red5cing the )al5e o6 T+## and increasing the )al5e o6 N+##2 yo5 can shorten
the wait time and increase the retransmission co5nt2 th5s impro)ing the call s5ccess
Ta8le *"*:! Ad75stment o6 Call Parameters
4etting ?e6ore
4etting A6ter
T+## D,### D*###
N+## + ,
+$ Gando)er parameters
(6 ping:pong hando)er occ5rs2 yo5 may increase the Gysteresis )al5e o6 the !A e)ent" (6
it is di66ic5lt to add the ad7acent cell signal to the acti)e set2 yo5 may increase the )al5e
o6 Reporting Range Constant L GysteresisF*" The higher )al5e2 the lower 75dgment
threshold o6 the !A e)ent"
/$ (nter:system hando)er
To handle s58scri8er access pro8lems<
4peci6y that +C s58scri8ers all sho5ld pre6erentially access the +C
network and 8e retained in the +C network"
When a +C >' hands o)er to the *C system and completes the call2 it
sho5ld immediately complete registration in the +C network 6irst"
A 'C s58scri8er sho5ld not cond5ct cell reselection 6rom WCDMA to
C4M 5nless it has gone o5t o6 the +C network co)erage"
A +C s58scri8er sho5ld immediately initiate the cell reselection
proced5re 6rom C4M to +C once it ret5rns to the +C network
,$ (nner loop power control"

&T' CORPORAT(ON All Rights Reser)ed /,
WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

The power control step may 8e ad75sted to a slightly larger )al5e i6 the signal intensity
changes rapidly d5e to the comple= radio en)ironment"
/" Network capacity e=pansion sol5tion
The 6ollowing capacity e=pansion sol5tion is a)aila8le 6or the 6ine areas<
+dd carriers
+dd power amplifiers
,ransmit diversity
+dd --.s
/ulti0layer coverage
+dd carriers
-eplace the power
,he capacity
increases by 123
,he capacity
increases by 413
,he capacity
increases by 563
(nitial 4tage
Middle 4tage Eate Middle 4tage Eate 4tage
Construction &hase
;ig" *"*:!0 + 4eries WCDMA Node ? '95ipment '=pansion Roadmap
As the WCDMA network s58scri8ers keep increasing2 we can add a
carrier to the network"
(6 the n5m8er o6 s58scri8ers increases again a6ter a carrier is added2 we
can add a power ampli6ier 6or each carrier"
(6 the n5m8er o6 s58scri8ers still increases2 then we need to deploy the
third carrier and replace the power ampli6iers with those o6 larger
(n places where s58scri8ers are especially densely pop5lated2 the m5lti:
layer cell e=pansion sol5tion is recommended i6 three *#W carriers still
6ail to meet the capacity re95irements2 that is2 5se R; remote station
e95ipment to constr5ct micro cells where the macro cell co)erage
e66ect is not ideal or s58scri8ers are highly centralized"
/)/); #mplementation o( the Optimization Plan
Complete ad75stments 6or the optimization in accordance with the Opti"i#ation /
A+%-st"ent $lan &or the '()*A Ra+io Network in XX Seri!e Area2 and o5tp5t the
Opti"i#ation / A+%-st"ent Re!or+s on the '()*A Ra+io Network in XX Seri!e Area"

&T' CORPORAT(ON All Rights Reser)ed /0
WCDMA Radio Network Optimization Process and Technology (!"#$

/)/).< Optimization "((ect =eri(ication
A6ter implementing the network optimization sol5tion2 )eri6y i6 the network pro8lems
ha)e all 8een sol)ed or i6 the network per6ormance has 8een impro)ed"
!" D5ring optimization e66ect )eri6ication2 6irst collect the network r5nning data and then
analyze the collected data"
*" A6ter implementing the optimization sol5tion2 assess the network per6ormance once
again 8y analyzing the DT data2 C3T data2 OMC per6ormance meas5rement data2
s58scri8er complaints2 alarm data and other rele)ant data"
+" Compare the per6ormance inde=es o6 the network a6ter the optimization with those
8e6ore the optimization to )eri6y i6 the network pro8lems ha)e all 8een sol)ed or the
network per6ormance satis6ies the re95irements a6ter the optimization"
The network optimization work6low is also a process o6 testing :J analysis :J
assessment :J ad75stment :J testing :J X
/)/).. Pro'ect Acceptance
Cond5ct the acceptance test on the per6ormance indices o6 the optimized network
against the contract cla5ses" The test ro5tes2 test points2 call mode and other rele)ant
contents o6 the acceptance test shall 8e set according to the contract or the principles
determined in the re95irement analysis phase" (n principle2 the C5stomer shall
participate in the acceptance test"
/)/)./ Doc$ment Archi%ing
A6ter optimization e66ect )eri6ication and pro7ect acceptance2 it is necessary to s58mit
the Opti"i#ation Report on the Ra+io Network in XX Seri!e Area and archi)e the
related doc5mentsFdata"
The network optimization report shall co)er these contents< Analysis and localization o6
the 6o5nd pro8lems2 the optimization meas5res taken2 a comparison o6 the indices 8e6ore
and a6ter the optimization2 and s5ggestions on the o5tstanding pro8lems o6 the network
or s58se95ent constr5ction o6 the network"

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