Module 6a - Polymer Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM) Software

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PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

Class Notes for PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM) Page 1/19
Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.

Learning Objectives
After completing this additional material you will be able to:
Run waterflooding projects
Run polymerflooding projects
Run the comparison between polymer and waterflooding projects
Interpret results

Waterflood/Polymer Injection Software

This document will help you get familiar with the software "Polymer Flood Predictive
Model" (PFPM) which is provided by the Department of Energy (DOE) and can be
downloaded from the website

This website contains the software and the corresponding manual. I will encourage you to
scan through the manual to grasp the main concepts of the program.

After clicking the software button for the "Polymer Flood Predictive Model" (PFPM) you
will download a zip file: Wflood.ZIP. After un-zipping this file, you will obtain a set of files
including the Setup.EXE. After running this file, you will install the PFPM where the
program is run by clicking in the Wflood.EXE file.
Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM) Software
Department of Energy (DOE)

Suggested reading: PFPM Manual from DOE, MAB Class Notes
PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

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Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.

Note that you may encounter some error messages regarding some missing files
(DoPrnSetup, DoPrintFile, GetCDLFile, DogetFile, BretValue, etc.) or that FoxPro can not
be open. In any of these cases click the Ignore button, and continue.
This program will not run in Windows NT or Windows 2000, but it should be able to run fine
in all other Windows environments.

The program "Polymer Flood Predictive Model" (PFPM) will open (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - PFPM software window.

The menu options are self-explanatory. In Project, you can create a brand new project,
open an existing one, copy an existing one with another name, delete a project, validate the
data entered in a project, and/or run it.

You can type the data for a new project; or you can open an old one, copy it with another
name, and change the data as required.
A detailed explanation about the different windows to be filled in to enter data follows. The
figures were taken based on the default project available: Base Case Incremental.

PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

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Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.
When you open a project the window in Figure 2 opens, and you can choose any of the
available projects (including the ones you will eventually develop).

Figure 2 - Open a project window.

If you choose the Base Case Incremental, a window with the control cards that need to be
chosen is displayed in Figure 3.

PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

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Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.

Figure 3 - Control cards window.

At the bottom of the screen, there is an Edit button that you need to press to be able to
make changes. After pressing the Edit button, this button turns into a Save button. When
you finished making the changes you need to Save them. The Prior/Next buttons help you
change back/forth the data windows. The Quit button takes you out of the data windows to
begin validating or running the chosen project.
Note that when you are in the editing mode and the cursor is in the cell of one of the
options, the units and some information on the nature of this option is displayed at the
bottom of the window.
In this first window (Figure 3), you can opt to run, or not economics; you can decide the
process (waterflood, polymer, or incremental -the resulting difference between polymer and
waterflooding); you can choose the number of streamtubes (1, 4 or 8); you can define the
PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

Class Notes for PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM) Page 5/19
Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.
heterogeneity of your reservoir (layers definition); and the lithology (sandstone or
The next window deals with the definition of reservoir properties and some injection
parameters (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Reservoir properties window.

There are two injection parameters that need to be defined in this window: Injection
Coefficient and Injection Rate Override.
Injection Coefficient CP [psi/ft]:
The injection rate is calculated based on a given pressure drop per depth (CP). This
value can be fed by the user, or calculated by the program through the default option.
PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

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Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.
CP*depth = maximum pressure drop between injector and producer. CP ranges from
about 0.7 if the injectors are injecting at their fracture limit and the producers are
completely pumped off; to about 0.27 if the producers have a water head. See section
1.5 of the PFPM DOE manual (pages 4 and 20). Defaults:
- If (depth<3000, and CP< 0), CP=(200.+0.433* depth)/depth;
- if (depth>3000, and CP<0), CP=((200+0.433*3000)+0.003*(depth-3000))/depth)
Injection Rate Override QRES [RB/day]:
If the injection rate is calculated with the previous injection coefficient, QRES=0.
However, the user has the option to override this calculation and feed the injection reate
QRES uses as a constant injection rate over the life of the flood.

The next window will depend on the way the layers were defined in the window shown in
Figure 3. For example, Figure 5 shows the case in which the layers have equal thickness,
and their heterogeneity is defined by a Dykstra-Parsons coefficient (see Section 1.6 of the
PFPM DOE manual).

PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

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Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.

Figure 5 - Reservoir layers properties window.

Figure 6 refers to the polymer data. In the PFPM program, the effect of non-Newtonian
polymer rheology is accounted for only in the calculation of injection rate. The lower
polymer viscosity due to shear near and in the injection wellbore results in a higher
injectivity than would be calculated based on the average polymer viscosity in the reservoir.
This increased injectivity can be simulated by introducing a negative, rate-dependent skin
factor (Bondor et al., 1972). The effect of shear at the producing wells is neglected
because of dilution of polymer in the reservoir. The modified Blake-Kozeny model (Bird et
al., 1960) for power-law fluids is used to represent the pseudo-plastic behavior of polymer
flow in porous media. For this case, the program requires data for the Power Law
Coefficient and Power Law Exponent (see Section 1.7 and 1.8 of the PFPM DOE manual).

PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

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Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.

Figure 6 - Polymer data window.

The next window, Figure 7 contains the economics control data. In case all economics
levels are run (decided in the card shown in Figure 3), there is additional information on
Costs, Capital and Taxes (Figure 9) and in Prices and Costs (Figure 11) that is required.

PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

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Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.

Figure 7 - Economics process control data window.

PFPM software has the ability to calculate the behavior of a pattern, or the performance of
a complete project. In the case of calculating the performance of a complete project, the
window for Drilling data (Figure 8) and the window for defining the Pattern Initiation
Schedule (Figure 10) need to be completed.

Figure 8 - Drilling data window.
PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

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Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.

Figure 9 - Costs, capital and taxes data window.

Figure 10 - Pattern initiation schedule data window.
PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

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Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.

Figure 11 - Price and cost data window.

Figure 12 - Validating window.
PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

Class Notes for PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM) Page 12/19
Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.
After entering all this data, you are ready to validate the data (Project drop-down menu).
When you are validating the data, a window similar to the one shown in Figure 12 will be

Then, you will run the program (Project drop-down menu). When you want to run the
program, the window shown in Figure 13 will appear in your screen asking for the name
you want to put to the results file. The program will create 3 files with the same root name
(the one you type in) but 3 different extensions: OUT, PLT and DAT. In this case, the
program will create: Myriam.OUT, Myriam.PLT and Myriam.DAT.

BE AWARE that the program will NOT check for the previous existence of a file with the
name that you are typing; so, the program WILL OVERWRITE any file with the same
name that you typed.

Figure 13 - Run window, with the declaration of filenames.
PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

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Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.
If your run is successful, a window as the one shown in Figure 14 will be displayed. This
window gives you the option to see the text output, create graphs or close.

Figure 14 - Result of the run window.

If you opt for the Text Output option, a window similar to the one shown in Figure 15 will be
displayed. In this mode, you will not be able to edit or copy some of the results that appear
in this window. However, you could open the *.OUT (in this case, Myriam.OUT) and you will
be able to print, copy, etc., any information.

Figure 15 - Text output.
PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

Class Notes for PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM) Page 14/19
Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.

If you choose the Create Graph option, a window as the one in Figure 16 will be shown.

Figure 16 - Available graphs window.

In this window you can select the type of graphs you want. There are 4 types:
1. Relative Permeability Table,
2. Annual Pattern and Project Volumes,
3. Pattern Injection Report, and
4. Pattern Production Report.

This window also directs you to the Economics Graphs. After clicking the Economics
Graph button, a window as the one in Figure 17 will appear.
PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

Class Notes for PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM) Page 15/19
Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.

Figure 17 - Available economics graphs window.

This is all that it takes to get results f orm the PFPM sof tware!
However, entering the data and getting the results are NOT all what is
involvedNow, you have to
- get f amiliar with the sof tware,
- run some cases changing the data, and
- interpret the results!

PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

Class Notes for PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM) Page 16/19
Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.
Some examples of the graphs that can be created follow.

Figure 18 - Example of choosing a permeability graph window.

PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

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Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.
Figure 19 - Permeability graph window.

Figure 20 - Oil rate vs. time graph window.

PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

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Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.
Figure 21 - Cumulative water vs. time graph window.

Figure 22 - WOR vs. time graph window.

PETE 609 Polymer/Water Flood Predictive Model (PFPM)

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Author: Dr. Maria Antonieta Barrufet Fall, 2001.
Figure 23 - Cumulative water and polymer vs. time graph window.

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