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Master College

English – 10th Grade

Prueba de Inglés 2º Medio B

English Test – 10th Grade B

 Date: October 28th, 2009

 Content: Phrasal Verbs – Use of would for past – Book texts.

 Se evaluará el reconocimiento y uso apropiado de los Phrasal

Verbs, ya sea en su forma infinitiva como en las distintas
conjugaciones posibles.

 También se incluirá el uso del auxiliar “would” para su uso en la

descripción de actividades constantes realizadas en pasado.

 Además se evaluará los textos y el vocabulario visto en las

páginas 78 a la 86 y 113 a la 117 del libro “Global English 2º”.

 Composición del Instrumento de Evaluación:

 La prueba constará de al menos 3 ítems, entre los cuales se

incluirá la modalidad de:

 Alternativas
 Completación.
 Redacción (párrafo y oraciones).

 Ejemplos de Ejercicios a realizar en la prueba:

Hugo Peña Hernández
English Teacher
Master College
English – 10th Grade

 Match the phrasal verb with his corresponding meaning.

1. Put on ___ to return

2. Turn off ___ completely used, consumed

3. Go back ___ to dress

4. Run out ___ to stop a electric device

 What do the following phrasal verbs mean?

1. Take off

a) undress b) extinguish c) fight

2. Go on

a) search b) leave b) continue

3. Give away

a) buy b) deliver c) solve

 Fill in the gap with a Phrasal verb from the box.

get to – ask after – fly away - break up

1. I forgot to _____________ Mario‘s daughter. She was sick last week.

2. My brother still _____________ because of his girlfriend ____________ last


3. Please try to ____________ the meeting on time!

 Write 3 sentences using a different Phrasal verb in each one and with a
different verbal time.

Hugo Peña Hernández

English Teacher
Master College
English – 10th Grade
o –

o –

o –

 Write in 4 lines what you used to do during the summer.





 Read the text about the “Chinchorro” people and answer.

1. What was the main characteristic of Chinchorro people?



2. What would they do to survive?



Hugo Peña Hernández

English Teacher

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