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To understand how owner feels about the product or service

To utilize this information from a marketing managers perspective.
A depth interview was conducted which lasted for about 30 minutes.
PROFILE of the consumer
Name: Purva Modi
Student: MBA FT (2012-2014), Institute of Management, Nirma University
Age: 22
Engineering background(Gold Medalist)
Business class family
Parents, sibling
Interests & Hobbies: Reading books Thrillers, Mythology, Love stories
Favorite Movies: The Shawshank Redemption, Mystic river, A Walk to Remember,
TV shows: Games of thrones, Rome, FRIENDS, Da Vincis Demons, Seinfeld, The
Big Bang theory
A product or service costing over Rs 5000/- that the customer feels reveals something about
the kind of person he or she is.
Product: Mango Handbag
Price: Rs. 6799
Q1 . How would you describe the consumption experience?
Ans. She has used it for past 8-9 months. She uses it for travelling, formal parties. She
doesnt use it very often, occasional parties.
Feeling associated with the product is mostly of sophistication. It gives her a feeling that
she is using something that sets me apart from others. It kind of fulfills my social/ self-
esteem needs.
Q2. What type of relationship does the customer have with the product?
Ans. 8-9 months
It hasnt been a lot of time. But she says, initially utility was high, the self-esteem needs were
fulfilled to a greater extent, but with time, utility had diminished.
She describes her relationship as Good and she loves it.
Q3.What kind of things has grown in the relationship?
Ans. Value has decreased with time because of wear and tear on repeated use.
Q4.What positive surprises have occurred?
Ans : Welcome communication. As I have carried it to different places, people(strangers)
have come up to me and complimented the bag.
Q5. Is the customer satisfied or dissatisfied with the product?
Ans: Highly satisfied.
The design was a major factor. The brand name associated with the product. Recognition
associated with the product. Expectations were formed based on the brand value and friends
influences. The product met her expectations as it serves the purpose and gives her added
She was the sole initiator while buying the product. After seeing the products picture, she
really liked the bag and asked her parents whether she could buy the bag as it was a costly
product. Her parents agreed instantly and asked her to go ahead and purchase the bag.
Q6. What is the meaning of this product to the customer?
Ans: The product serves her utilitarian as well as hedonistic needs.
Q7. What role does the brand play in all of this?
Ans: The brand plays a very important role. If it was not Mango , she wouldnt have paid
more than Rs. 2000-2500 for that bag. But with the brand she was willing to pay more than
that. With brand, added value is perceived and she personally associated genuineness with a
good brand name involvement.

Name: Sam
Age: 23 years.
College: Institute of Management, Nirma University
Product:Nike sports shoes
(Rs 5495)

Consumption experience
User: He himself is the user
When and where: Whenever he goes for running or playing any sports or for
travelling purpose
How often: Regularly
Opinions and feelings: Shoes are comfortable, provides flexibility and are light in
Relationship with customer
How long: Since 3 years.
Evolved and changed: Before 3 years he was using some non-branded shoes with
which he was not comfortable during playing. Thus, Nike shoes were suggested by
his elder brother and his friends. Also Nike is a famous brand. Now because of its
quality and good experience he is loyal towards Nike.
Anything wrong with the relationship
Until now nothing went wrong with the relationship.
Positive experience
Performance above expectation:
It lasted for almost around 3 years (durable) even if it is used regularly by him.
Also he was able to play and run for a longer period of time which he was not able to
Satisfied his functional as well as aesthetic needs.
Satisfied or dissatisfied with the product
He is extremely satisfied with the product.
Expectations were formed when he heard positive reviews about the shoes from his
elder brother and his friends. He also got positive feedback when he searched on
Product was able to meet the expectation.
It was flexible, comfortable and durable
Meaning of this product
It has become internal part of his life as he wears it regularly.
What role does a brand play?
Brand plays an important role in customer loyalty.
Famous brand names can disseminate product benefits and lead to higher recall of
advertised benefits than non-famous brand names (Keller, 2003). There are many
unfamiliar brand names and alternatives available in the market place. Consumers
may prefer to trust major famous brand names.

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