SAD Challenge 2

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SAD Challenge 02

01. Given below are some statements associated with object modeling. Identify the
correct statement(s) from among them.
(a) The object modeling technique prescribes the use of methodologies and
diagramming notations
which are completely different from the ones used for data modeling and process
(b) In the late 80s and early 90s, many different object oriented methods were used
throughout the
(c) The UML prescribes a method for developing systems.
(d) The UML is widely accepted as a standard for object modeling.
(e) Encapsulation literally means ‘many forms’, the concept that different objects can
respond to the
same message in different ways.

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02. Given below are some statements associated with modeling. Identify the correct
statement(s) from among them.
(a) In data modeling, primary key is a candidate key that will most commonly be used
to uniquely
identify a single entity instance.
(b) Cardinality in data modeling is the minimum and maximum number of occurrences
of one entity that may be related to a single occurrence of the other entity.
(c) Foreign key in data modeling is a primary key of an entity that is used in another
entity to identify instances of a relationship.
(d) A decomposition diagram is a planning tool for more detailed process models,
namely data flow diagrams.
(e) In a data flow diagram, it is legal to have a data flow between a data store and an
external entity.

03. Consider the following tools

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(i) Oracle’s Designer 2000

(ii) Rational ROSE
(iii) Microsoft’s Visual Studio.NET

Which of the above is/are considered as CASE tools?

(a) Only (ii) (b) Only (i) and (ii) (c) Only (ii) and (iii)
(d) Only (i) and (iii) (e) All

04. Which of the following is/are correct regarding Project Management?

(a) ‘Microsoft Project’ is an example of project management software.
(b) A Gantt chart is a graphical network model used to show the interdependencies
between projects tasks.
(c) A PERT chart is a bar chart used to show the tasks of a project against a calendar.
(d) A Gantt chart is commonly used for projects scheduling and progress evaluating.

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(e) Gantt charts are more effective for project scheduling and progress evaluation
whereas PERT
charts are more effective when one wants to study the relationships between tasks.

05. Which of the following is/are correct regarding Automated tools and technology?
(a) They improve productivity through automation of tasks.
(b) They improve quality because automated tools check for completeness, consistency
and contradictions.
(c) They provide better and more consistent documentation.
(d) They do not support the requirement analysis phase of the system development life
(e) They reduce lifetime maintenance.

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06. Match the expression in column A with the most appropriate word in column B.

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(a) (i)-F, (ii)-D, (iii)-E, (iv)-B

(b) (i)-C, (ii)-D, (iii)-E, (iv)-F
(c) (i)-C, (ii)-A, (iii)-B, (iv)-E
(d) (i)-C, (ii)-A, (iii)-E, (iv)-F
(e) (i)-F, (ii)-A, (iii)-B, (iv)-C

07. A Modern structured design decomposes the system’s processes into manageable
components. When decomposing, the modules should be
(a) Highly Cohesive.
(b) Loosely Coupled.
(c) Tightly Coupled.
(d) Loosely Cohesive.
(e) Adaptable.

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08. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding physical data flow
(a) Any type of non computerized file can be represented using a physical data flow.
(b) They model the technical and human decisions to be implemented as part of an
information system.
(c) Physical processes, data flows, external agents and data stores make up the
physical data flow diagram.
(d) A physical process represents the import data from another information system
across a network.
(e) The external agents will remain the same when transforming the logical DFD to the
physical DFD.

09. Consider the following statements.

(i) System design is also known as physical design.

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(ii) JRP is the merger of various structured techniques with prototyping techniques and
joint application development techniques to accelerate systems development.
(iii) JAD emphasizes participative development among system owners.

Which of the above statements is/ are true regarding system design?
(a) Only (i) (b) Only (ii) (c) Only (iii)
(d) Only (i) and (ii) (e) Only (i) and (iii)

10. Consider the following question answer pairs

(i) Q: What serves as a blueprint for the detailed design and implementation?
A: Application Architecture
(ii) Q: What are the issues which should be addressed during the database design?
A: Programming data structures and their impact on performance and flexibility, record
size and
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storage volume requirements

(iii) Q: What is the purpose of designing the system database?
A: Designing editing controllers to ensure the accuracy of input data.
Which of the above question / answer pair is correct regarding system design tasks?
(a) Only (i)
(b) Only (i) and (ii)
(c) Only (ii) and (iii)
(d) Only (i) and (iii)
(e) All

11. Consider the following statements.

(i) Gantt charts are more effective when you want to study the relationships between
(ii) PERT chart is a simple horizontal bar chart that depicts project tasks against a
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(iii) PERT stands for Project Evaluation and Review Technique

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

(a) Only (i) (b) Only (ii) (c) Only (iii)
(d) Only (i) and (ii) (e) Only (i) and (iii)

12. Given below are some statements associated with prototyping. Identify the correct
statement(s) from among them.
(a) Prototyping increases creativity since it allows quick feedback.
(a) An approved prototype is equivalent to a paper design specification.
(b) Prototyping encourages shortcuts through the life cycle.
(c) Prototypes negate the requirement for the system analysis phase.
(d) The scope and the complexity of the system can quickly expand beyond original

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13. Match the terms in first column with appropriate definitions in second column

Database server A server that hosts services which ensures that all
databases updates for a transaction succeed or fail as a

Groupware server A server that hosts internet or intranet websites.

Transaction server A server that hosts services for groupware.

Application server A server that hosts one or more databases.

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A. Client C. WAN
B. Data D. Application
F. Server
G. Distributed data

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Which of the following gives the correct mapping?

(a) (I)-C, (II)-F, (III)-D, (IV)-A
(b) (I)-C, (II)-A, (III)-B, (IV)-F
(c) (I)-E, (II)-F, (III)-B, (IV)-A
(d) (I)-E, (II)-A, (III)-D, (IV)-F
(e) (I)-G, (II)-F, (III)-C, (IV)-A

15. Each of the blanks labelled (I) – (III) of the paragraph given below has to be filled
with the most appropriate word selected from those labelled (A) – (F).
Project management is the process of ---------(I)-----------, planning, ---------(II)-----------,
directing, and controlling the development of an acceptable system at a ------(III)-----
cost within a
specified time frame.
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A. Analyzing E. Minimum
B. Scoping F. Maximum
C. Implementing
D. Staffing

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Which of the following gives the correct mapping?

(a) (I)-B ,(II)-C, (III)-F
(b) (I)-D,(II)-A, (III)-E
(c) (I)-D ,(II)-B, (III)-E
(d) (I)-B ,(II)-A, (III)-E
(e) (I)-B ,(II)-D, (III)-F

16. Each of the blanks labelled A – E of the paragraph given below has to be filled with
the most appropriate word selected from the phrases labelled (i) – (v).
(i). Distributed systems
(ii). Centralized systems
(iii). Personal computers
(iv). A multi-user computer
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(v). Network computing systems

….A….. are a multi-tired solution in which the presentation and presentation logic
layers are implemented in client-side web browsers using content downloaded from a
web server. ….B…. are systems that use ...C….. to process data. ….D… use ….E….. to
process data and may or may not have data, processes or interfaces.

(a) A – (i) B – (ii) C – (iii) D – (v) E – (iv)

(b) A – (i) B – (ii) C – (iii) D – (i) E – (iv)
(c) A – (v) B – (ii) C – (iv) D – (i) E – (iii)
(d) A – (i) B – (i) C – (iii) D – (ii) E – (iv)
(e) A – (v) B – (i) C – (iv) D – (ii) E – (iii)

17. Which of the following is/are not a step/steps in the linear system development
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(a) Testing design (b) Prototyping (c) Requirements definition

(d) Development (e) Post-installation

18. Which of the following is a/are document(s) used for fact finding?
(a) Company’s customer list
(b) Company’s employee list
(c) Customer complaints
(d) Samples of the company databases (e) The company’s mission statement and plan

19. Select the activities which are most appropriate for batch processing.
(a) Producing a delivery note
(b) Sending out utility bills
(c) Sending an online registration notification
(d) Updating bank savings books
(e) Sending out monthly magazines
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20. Given below are some statements associated with structured English used for
process description.
Identify the correct statement(s) from among them.
(a) The body of every process in structured English starts with BEGIN and ends with
(b) The only decision structure in structured English is IF-THEN-ELSE.
(c) REPEAT-UNTIL is the only repetition structure in structured English.
(d) DO, OF, FOR are some key words used in structured English.
(e) Structured English uses arithmetic and Boolean operators.

21. Given below are some statements associated with decision tables used for process
description. Identify the correct statement(s) from among them.
(a) Decision tables cannot be used when the specified process selects one of the
possible sets of actions using a set of complex rules.
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(b) Decision tables are divided into two parts, the conditions and actions.
(c) A single row of a decision table corresponds to one condition combination.
(d) It is better to use decision tables than structured English when processes repeat
(e) A single column of a decision table corresponds to one action.

22. Each of the blanks labelled A – E of the paragraph given below has to be filled with
the most appropriate word selected from among the phrases labelled (i) – (v). Note that
one word or phrase might be used more than once.

(i). Application logic layer (iv). Data layer

(ii). Presentation logic layer (v). Data manipulation layer
(iii). Presentation layer

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The ....A…. does the editing of input data and formatting of output data. The ….B….. is
the actual
user interface. The commands and logic required to store and retrieve data are
included in the ….C….The …..D…. includes all the logic and processing required to
support the actual business program.The ….E….. is the actual data store.
(a) A – (iv) B – (iii) C – (i) D – (ii) E – (v)
(b) A – (ii) B – (iii) C – (v) D – (i) E – (iv)
(c) A – (i) B – (ii) C – (iv) D – (iii) E – (v)
(d) A – (i) B – (iii) C – (iv) D – (ii) E – (v)
(e) A – (iii) B – (ii) C – (v) D – (i) E – (iv)

23. A project is considered successful if

(a) The system was delivered on time.
(b) Minimum time was spent for requirement gathering and designing the system.
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(c) The system was delivered within budget.

(d) The system development process had a maximum impact on the ongoing business
(e) The system meets at least some of the customer’s requirement.

24. Given below are some statements associated with forward and reverse
engineering. Identify the correct statement(s) from among them.
(a) Reverse engineering can be used to improve poorly designed systems.
(b) Reverse engineering requires the system analyst to draw system models from
scratch or templates.
(c) Reverse engineering allows a case tool to read the program code and transform
that code into a
representative system model.
(d) Forward engineering does not require the system analyst to draw system models.

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(e) CASE tools which allow bidirectional engineering are said to provide for round-trip

25. Given below are some statements associated with CASE. Identify the correct
statement(s) from among them.
(a) CASE tools are software programs.
(b) CASE tools complicate the system development process.
(c) System models can be stored in the CASE repository.
(d) CASE tools do not allow the translation of system models into application programs.
(e) CASE products require high powered server machines.

26. Which of the following are not CASE facilities?

(a) Diagramming tools
(b) Prototyping tools

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(c) Quality management tools

(d) Description tools

(e) System analyzing tools

27. Match the following description with the correct function.

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a) The project manager defines the boundaries of the project.

b) Each task that is required to complete the project must be estimated.
c) The project manager identifies the tasks that required completing the project.
d) Once the project has begun the project manager must direct the team’s
e) Good project managers always assess success and failures at the conclusion of a
f) The project managers must monitor and report progress against goals,
schedules and costs and, make appropriate adjustments when necessary.
g) The project manager should make sure that members of the project team
understand their own individual roles and responsibilities.

(organizing, scoping, estimating, planning, directing, closing, controlling)

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28. Fill in the blanks using correct words.

a) A ……………………… is a graphical network model that depicts a projects’ tasks

and the relationships between those tasks.
b) A ……………………… chart is a simple horizontal bar chart that depicts project
tasks against a calendar.
c) Gantt charts offer the advantage of clearly showing ……………………………….
tasks which can be performed at the same time.
d) ………………………… charts are more effective when you are seeking to
communicate schedule.
e) …………………………. charts are more effective when you want to study the
relationships between tasks.

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29. Match the definitions of the CASE facilities in the column A with the tools in the
column B.

Used to analyze the system models, descriptions and Dictionary tools

specifications and designs for completeness, consistency
and conformance to accepted rules of the methodologies.

Used to draw the system models required or Testing tools

recommended in most system development

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Used to develop mock ups of system components such as Diagramming tools

inputs and outputs.

Used to record, delete, edit, and output detailed QM Tools


Used to simulate transactions and data traffic, measure Design Tools

performance and provide configuration management of

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test plans and test scripts.

30. Select the benefits of using CASE tools in system development.

a) Provide automatic systems design.

b) Better documentation.
c) Reduce life time maintenance.
d) Reverse engineering and backward engineering supports.
e) Improve productivity and quality.

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31. Select the correct statements about the ADE from among the following.

a) ADEs make programming simpler and more efficient.

b) ADEs does not provide productivity and quality management facilities.
c) Help authoring tools help programmers quickly build the user interfaces using a
component library.
d) Repository links permit the ADE to integrate with CASE tool products as well as
other ADEs and development tools.
e) Middleware is software that helps programmers integrate the software being
developed with various databases and computer networks

31. Examples of ADE are given below. Select the correct ones.

a) IBM’s web sphere (Java)

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b) Borland’s Builder(Java)
c) Macromedia’s cold fusion
d) Microsoft’s visual studio.NET
e) Oracle’s developer
f) Sybase’s PowerBuilder

32. Match A with B

Programming languages Used to build and execute test scripts that can consistently
or interpreters and thoroughly test software.

Interface construction Help multiple programmer teams manage multiple versions

tools of a program both during development and after

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Middleware Are used to write online help systems, user manuals and
online training.

Testing tools Links permits to ADE to integrate with CASE tool products
as well as other ADEs and development tools.

Version control tools Is software that helps programmers integrate the software
being developed with various databases and computer

Help authoring tools Help programmers quickly build the user interfaces using a
component library.

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Repository Heart of an ADE. Powerful debugging features and

assistance are usually provided to help programmers
quickly identify and solve problems.

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