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Famous 2 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five

Chapter One
It next the for more the all long George made It year. last happened had that things the all remembering exciting, was
day, arrive. would friends three her when
"I we fun greatest the be would "That George. thought week," a for island the on live and go us let would Mother wish
could island!" own very my on live To have.
It could George that back, years three or two said, had she but mother, her to belonged really It island. George's was
have birds wild the all her, to belonged it on rabbits the all that felt She own. her really as it of thought now George and it,
and creatures. other
"I'll excitedly. thought, she come," others the when week, a for there go we that suggest
"We'll Crusoe." Robinson like feel shall We ourselves. by quite there live and everything, and food our take
She she but come, to wanted mother Her herself. by trap and pony the driving day, next the cousins her meet to went
said very feel didn't she said had mother her lately often So her. about worried bit a felt George well. very feel not did she
well. nothing brought had day after Day lately. hot very so been had weather The summer. the of heat the was it Perhaps
but sunburnt her in blue startlingly were eyes her and dark-brown, a burnt been had George sunshine. and sky blue
face. girl. a or boy a was she whether know to difficult was really it and usual, than shorter even cut hair her had had She
The delight. in shouted George and window, a from madly waved hands Three in. came train
"Julian! last." at here You're Anne! Dick!
The porter. a to yelled Julian carriage. their of out pell-mell tumbled children three
"Our grown." you've Golly, you? are How George! Hallo, van. guard's the in are bags
They Kirrin on adventures exciting their had had they when than bigger year a and older year a all were They had. all
Island. her knocking almost George, on herself flung She now. girl small a such look didn't youngest, the Anne, Even
over, friends. three his see to joy with mad quite was who Timothy, beside knees her on down went then and
There the thought "We stopping. without barked Timothy and once, at news their shouted all They noise. terrific a was
train here!" get never would
"Oh ever!" as same the just you're darling, you Timothy,
"Woof, woof!" woof,
"Mother's too." you meet and come couldn't she sorry
"George, fun." have to going we aren't say, I are! you brown how
"Shut you!" see to grand it's dog, old dear you Oh, half. in almost tie my bitten you've down; get do and darling, Tim up,
The it and pony, waiting the to clicked George pony-cart. the in was it soon and luggage, their up wheeled porter
cantered for else, anyone than loudly more far Tim voices, their of top the at once at talked all cart little the in five The off.
his powerful. and strong was voice doggy
"I having loved and kind, and gentle was She Fanny. Aunt his of fond was who Julian, said ill?" isn't mother your hope
them all.
"I George. said heat," the be must it think
Famous 3 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"What right?" all he "Is Anne. asked Quentin?" Uncle about
The although and tempers, fierce very into get could he because father, George's like much very not did children three
he with awkward little a felt always they So children. for care really not did he house, his to cousins three the welcomed
him, there. not was he when glad were and
"Father's when much her notice to seem doesn't He Mother. about worried he's "Only cheerfully. George, said right," all
she's the at him of careful bit a be So her. with wrong goes anything if upset awfully gets he but cheerful, and well
moment. worried." he's when like he's what know You
The cross a of thought the even not But wrong. went things when avoided best was Quentin Uncle know. did children
uncle there and sea, the by were they Cottage; Kirrin to going were they holiday; on were They today. them damp could
was them. for store in kinds all of fun and them, beside Timothy old dear
"Shall weather The summer. last since there been haven't We let's! "Do Anne. asked George?" Island, Kirrin to go we
was gorgeous." it's Now holidays. Easter and winter the in bad too
"Of marvellous be would it thought I thought? I what know you "Do shining. eyes blue her George, said go," we'll course
to us." let would Mother sure I'm and now, older are We ourselves! by week whole a for there stay and go
"Go true." be to good too be would That "Oh! Anne. cried week!" a for island your on stay and
"Our I Well, it? share all we'd and four, into it divide would I said I remember you "Don't happily. George, said island,"
meant mine." not ours, It's know. you it,
"What too?" him for one bits, five it make we Can't well? as share a have to he "Oughtn't Anne. said Timothy?" about
"He out gazed dog the and children four the and stop, a to pony the drew She George. said mine," share can
across haven't I now. it to get to wait hardly can I island. little "Dear George. said Island," Kirrin "There's bay. blue the
been mended." wasn't boat my because yet, there go to able
"Then ever." as tame as just are rabbits the if wonder "I Dick. said together," go all can we
"Woof!" excited. get to "rabbits" word the hear to only had He once. at Timothy said
"It's Tim." them, chase to you allow don't I know "You George. said Kirrin," on rabbits the about thinking your good no
Timothy's agree. not did George and he which on thing only the was It George. at mournfully looked he and dropped tail
Tim they that convinced firmly as just was George and chase, to him for meant were rabbits that convinced firmly was
were not.
"Get very and Cottage, Kirrin towards on trotted creature little The reins. the jerked and pony, the to George said on!"
soon gate. front the opposite all were they
A luggage. their with down them help to door back the from out came woman sour-faced
The her. know . not did children
"Who's George. to whispered they she?"
"The this got Mother Then leg. her broke who mother, her after look and go to had "Joanna George. said cook," new
cookMrs. is." name her Stick
Famous 4 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"Good I long. for here stick doesn't she hope I same the all But stick! old real a looks "She Julian. grinned her," for name
hope Timmy." to nice was she and Joanna, fat old liked I back. comes Joanna
"Mrs. Tim moth-eaten. and mangy of sort all Tim, than smaller animal, dreadful "A George. said too," dog a has Stick
can't it." bear
"Where round. looking Anne, asked it?" is
"It's He it! eat he'd sure I'm because too, thing "Good George. said it," near allowed isn't Tim and kitchen, the in kept
can't mad." goes nearly Stick Mrs. till door shut the round sniffing goes and kitchen, the in what's think
The had Julian indoors. go to ready were and now, pony-cart the from down climbed all had They laughed. others
helped to how-do-you-do say to in went three other the and away, pony-cart the took George bags. the all with in Stick Mrs.
their aunt. and uncle
"Well, I'm all? you are "How down. lying was she where sofa the from them at smiling Fanny, Aunt said dears,"
sorry out is Quentin Uncle you. meet to come not could I
_for and wash and upstairs, go better had You walk. a
change. tea." for down come Then
The went Anne bay. the over out looking window its and roof, slanting queer its with bedroom, old their to up went boys
to these have would they fun What Kirrin! at again back be to was it good How George. with shared she room little the
holidays Timmy! old dear and George with
Chapter Two.
IT the hear to and windows, the at in shining sun the see and Cottage Kirrin at morning next the up wake to lovely was
far-off how and was, sea the blue how see to rush and bed of out leap to gorgeous was It sea. the of plash-plash-plash
lovely the>bay. of entrance the at looked Island Kirrin
"I'm trunks. bathing his up snatched and Julian, said breakfast," before bathe a for going
"Coming, Dick?"
"You go." all We'll girls. the "Call Dick. said bet!"
So his and dozen, the to nineteen wagging tail his them, behind galloping Tim with them, of four the went, they down
long were They them. round all swam and others, the with water the into went He mouth. his of out hanging tongue pink
all best. the were George and Julian but swimmers', good
They breakfast to back Then jerseys. and jeans on pulled and dry bodies their rubbed themselves, round towels put
they surprise. in stared and garden back the in boy a noticed Anne hunters. as hungry as went,
"Who's said. she that?"
"Oh, and tongue his out putting like things, silly does He him. like don't "I George. said boy," Stick's Mrs. Edgar, that's
calling names." rude
Edgar listen. to stopped Anne gate. the at in went others the when singing be to appeared
"Georgie-Porgie, a fourteen, or thirteen about seemed He face. his on look silly a Edgar, sang pie!" and pudding
stupid, pie!" and pudding "Georgie-porgie youth. sly-looking yet
Famous 5 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
George He suppose. I "George", called I'm because "Just furiously. said, she that," singing always "He's red. went
thinks him." bear can't I clever. he's
Julian silly!" jolly only funny, not You're up! shut "You Edgar. to out called
"Georgie-porgie," at he and him, towards step a made Julian face. red wide his on smile silly a again, Edgar began
once house. the into disappeared
"Shan't his slapped haven't you wonder I George. do, you wonder "I voice. decided a in Julian, said him," of much stand
face, fierce." so be to used You things! other few a done and off ears his bitten foot, his on stamped
"WellI at songs silly singing Edgar hear I when me inside down fierce frightfully feel "I George. said really," still, am
me Edgar, for go I if well jolly know I and well, been hasn't really Mother see, you namesbut out calling and that like
Mrs. hold just I So present. at to fit isn't really she and work, the all do to have would Mother old poor and leave, will Stick
myself same." the do will Timmy that hope and in,
"Good times. at temper her keep to George for was it hard how knew he for admiringly, Julian, said thing!" old you, for
"I George. said bed," in breakfast like she'd if see and room Mother's to up go just I'll think
"Hang him." for go might he again, appears Edgar If you? will moment, a Timmy old to on
Julian his still, stock stood he now garden, the in been had Edgar when growled had Timmy collar. Timmy's to on hung
nose smell. some trace to trying were he if as twitching
Suddenly seemed patches which of out coat, white dirty a had It door. kitchen the of out appeared dog mangy-looking a
to legs. its between well was tail its and bitten, been have
"Wooooof!" his go let boy the and dog, big a was he for over, Julian pulled He dog. the at leapt and joyfully, Timmy, said
hold the into go to tried and whine fearful a gave who dog, other the on excitedly pounced Timmy collar. dog's the of
kitchen again. door
"Timmy! earsor dog's other the off snap to trying busy was He hear. didn't Timmy But Julian. yelled sir!" here, Come
at door, kitchen the at appeared Stick Mrs. and help, for yelled dog other The doing. be to appeared he what is that least,
a hand. her in saucepan
"Call dog own her hit it and dodged he but saucepan, the with Timmy at out hit She screeched. she dog!" that off
instead, more. the all yelp it making
"Don't TIMMY!" Timmy, Hi, dogs. the hurt "You'll Julian. said that!" with out hit
Edgar at it hurl to chance his watching be to seemed and stone a up picked He scared. very looking appeared, now
Timmy. shrieked. Anne
"You're boy!" wicked bad You to! not you're stone; that throw to not
In irritable. and angry looking appeared, Quentin Uncle turmoil this all of middle the
"Good life." my in row a such heard never I on? going this all is What heavens!
Then dogs two the to rushed She Timothy. beloved her rescue to wind, the like door the of out flying appeared, George
and her. at yelled father Her away. Timmy pull to tried
"Come the Where's hands? bare your with dogs fighting two separate to than better know you Don't idiot! little you away,
garden hose?"
Famous 6 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
It dogs. two the on it turned and hose the up picked He tap. the on turned and it to ran Julian nearby. tap a to fixed was
At and near, standing Edgar saw Julian surprise. in apart leapt they and them, at out spurted water of jet the once
couldn't . once. at in ran and scream a gave He soaked. was boy the that so little a hose the swinging resist
"What not you tell I didn't Stick Mrs. once. at up Timothy tie "George, annoyed. Quentin, Uncle said for?" that do you did
to the Where's happening. thing of kind this have won't I lead? a on him had .you unless kitchen the of out dog your let
breakfast? usual!" as Late
Mrs. looking George, her. with dog drenched her taking grumbling, and muttering kitchen, the into disappeared Stick
sulky, mistress. his at beseechingly looking kennel, his in down lay He up. Timothy tied
"I've severely. George, said dog," mangy-looking that of notice any take to not you told
"Now angry so be will Stick Mrs. and day, the of rest the for temper bad a into Father put You happens! what see you
she tea!" for cakes any make won't
Timmy was It mouth. his of corner the from hairs few a licked He paws. his on down head his put and whine, a gave
sad ears! dog's dreadful that of one of tip the off bit a bitten had he anyhow upbut tied be to
They couldn't I off. arm my tore nearly he "But George. to Julian said go," Timmy let I "Sorry breakfast. to in went all
possibly he?" hasn't dog, powerful awfully an into grown He's him! hold
"Yes," too." Edgar And him. let we'd if mouthful a in up dog Stick's Mrs. eat could He has. "He proudly. George, said
"And them." of any like don't I them. .of "All Anne. said Stick," Mrs.
Breakfast a in Quentin Uncle wasand Quentin Uncle but there, not was Fanny Aunt as meal, subdued a rather was
bad the at glared and George at snapped He breakfast-table. the at have to person cheerful very a not was temper
others. the of rest the of thought she when rose spirits her But Cottage! Kirrin to come hadn't they wished almost Anne
daythey Uncle Island. Kirrin to out go even maybe beachor the on it have and perhaps, out, dinner their take would
Quentin things. spoil to them with be wouldn't
Mrs. table. the on down plates the banged She bacon. the in bring and plates porridge the away take to appeared Stick
"No no and Quentin, Uncle of scared was She nothing. said Stick Mrs. irritably. Quentin, Uncle said that," do to need
wonder! quietly. down plates of lot next the put She
"What breakfast. of end the towards Quentin, Uncle asked today?" do to going you are.
He him. round faces subdued such see to like didn't and time, that by better little a feeling was
"We will Stick Mrs. if might, we said She Mother. asked "I eagerly. George, said picnic," a for out go might we thought
make sandwiches." us
"Well, "But politely. smiled all They joke. little a make to trying Quentin, Uncle said hard," very try she'll think shouldn't I
you her." ask can
There sandwiches. for Stick Mrs. asking of idea the liked Nobody silence. a was
"I here." wasn't he if easier be would "Everything gloomily. George, said Stinker," brought hadn't she wish do
"Is startled. Quentin, Uncle asked son?" her of name the that
George jolly he's and bath, a has ever hardly he because him, for name bad a be wouldn't it Though no. "Oh grinned.
smelly. awful." smell does really he because Stinker, him call I but Tinker, him calls She mean. I dog her It's
Famous 7 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"I giggles. others" the of midst the in father, her said name," nice very a it's think don't
"No, dog." nice very a isn't he then, "but George; said isn't," it
In sandwiches. the about arranged and Stick Mrs. saw who Fanny Aunt was it end the
Mrs. with though sandwiches, make to agreed and bed, in breakfast having was who Fanny, Aunt see to up went Stick
a grace. bad very
"I sulkily. said, she along," traipsing come to children more three for bargain didn't
"I when myself ill so feeling be should I know didn't "I patiently. Fanny, Aunt said Stick," Mrs. coming, were they you told
they help to you ask only can I things. more many done and sandwiches their made have could I well been had I If came.
as and so, or week a for time good a have children the Let tomorrow. right all be may I better. feel I till can you as much
then, first." time good a have them let But bit. a help and to turn all will they sure am I ill, feel still I if
The as sly and stupid as looking Edgar, met they way the On off. set and sandwiches of packets their took children
usual. do." I it, about lot a know I island. that to go "Let's said. he you?" with along come me let you don't "Why
"No, see? island, my It's you. take never I'd And it. about anything know don't "You flash. a in George, said don't," you
Well, go." to you allow never should We too. Timmy, and us of four all to belongs It ours.
"'Tisn't is!" that lie, a "That's Edgar. said island," your
"You to talking time waste can't We others! you on, "Come scornfully. George, said about," talking you're what know don't
They voice: his up lifted he distance safe a at were they as soon As angry. and sulky looking him, left
"Georgie-porgie, pie!" and pudding Georgie-porgie, lie, a tell to how knows She pie, and pudding
Julian on. him pulled George but Edgar, rude the after back go would he if as made
"He'll just "I'll said. she Mother," help to one no be there'll and out walk she'll and mother, his to tales tell and go only
have nose pimply his hate I creature! Nasty though. back, own our get to way some of think and try We'll it. with up put to
and eyes."! screwed-up
"Woof!" feelingly. Timmy, said
"Timmy That laughed. all they and George, explained ears," little silly and tail miserable Stinker's hates he says
made him. about all forgot and song, silly Edgar's of hearing of out soon were They better. feel them
"Let's island." old dear the to out row could we maybe "Then Julian. said ready," is boat your if see and go
Chapter Three.
GEORGE'S it. on paint of coat last a having was It quite. not but ready, almost was boat
It too. red painted were oars the and paint, red bright a chosen had George for gay, very looked
"Oh, boatman. the Jim to George said afternoon?" this it have possibly we can't
He head. his shook
"No, paint. red with up messed be to want all you unless "not said, he George," Master
It'll before." not but tomorrow, dry be
Famous 8 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
It Georgina call fishermen and boatmen the hear to smile others the made always
"Master and plucky how too, knew, they and boy, a be to wanted she badly how knew all people local The George."
straightforward if and boy, a like behaved she reckoned they "Well, said: and another one to laughed they so was, she
she called be to wanted
"Master it!" deserved she Georgina", "Miss of instead George"
So as boat her using beach, the on jersey and jeans her in about strutting enjoyed and George, Master was Georgina
well all. them than faster swimming and fisher-boy, any as
"We'll today. beach the on picnic just "We'll Julian. said then," tomorrow island the to go
Then walk." a for go we'll
So nice. very not were sandwiches The lunch. their half than more sharing Timothy with sands the on picnicked they
The He mind. didn't Timothy But thick. too far were they and inside, butter enough not was there stale; too was bread
gobbled everyone. over sand sent it that hard so wagging tail his could, he as many as up
"Timothy, fourth the for hair his over all sand getting Julian, said it," wag to want you if sand the of out tail your take do
time. laughed. Everyone him. over shower another sent and again, hard tail his wagged Timmy
"Let's go?" we shall Where exercise. good some with do could legs "My up. jumping Dick, said now," walk a for go
"We'll wreck old the is "George, Anne. said we?" shall time, the all island the see can we where cliff-top, the along walk
still there?"
George the of bottom the at lain had that wreck old an with time exciting most a had once had children The nodded.
sea. had and then, wreck the explore to able been had They rocks. the on firmly it set and up it lifted had storm great A
found found. be to was treasure hidden where to as instructions with it, in castle the of map a
"Do them?" found and gold of ingots the for looked we how and wreck, the in map old that found we how remember you
said all. it remembered he as gleaming eyes his Julian,
"Isn't George?" yet, pieces to battered wreck the
"No," from it see can't we so remember, you island, the of side other the on rocks the on It's so. think don't "I George. said
here. tomorrow." island the on go we when it at look a have might we But
"Yes, now." winters many last won't it guess I wreck! old "Poor Anne. said let's,"
They ruined the and easily island the see could They them. of ahead capering Timothy with cliff-top the along walked
castle middle. the from up rising
"There's circling jackdaws the at Look it? hasn't down fallen tower's other "The looking. Anne, said tower," jackdaw the
round George!" tower, the round and
"Yes. that tower the about round sticks of masses the remember you "Don't George. said year," every it in build They
the once." them with fire a made and up some picked We nests? their built they when dropped jackdaws
"I'd did George, island. the on week a stay we if night each it do Let's really. would "I Anne. said again," that do to like
you mother?" your ask
"Oh see." would she but might, we thought she said "She George. said yes,"
"I all, after something do you let won't they means often so "It Anne. said see," they'll say grown-ups when it like don't
but time." the at you tell to like don't they
"Well, year. last than older much we're all, "After George. said us," let will she expect I
Why, small." is Anne Only Dick. will so and be shall soon I and already, teens his in is Julian
Famous 9 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"I'm younger." being help can't I are. you as strong as "I'm indignantly. Anne, said not,"
"Hush, "Hallolook! face. furious her at laughing and back the on sister little his patting Julian, said baby!" hush,
What's island?" the on there over that
He gave George Kirrin. at gazed and round swung Everyone Anne. teasing was he as something of sight caught had
an exclamation.
"Gollya island." my on Someone's smoke! it's Surely smoke! of spire
"On see can't We island. the beyond out steamer a from come must smoke That be! can't "It Dick. corrected island," our
it, the know don't They us. but island the to get can one no know We steamer. a from comes smoke the bet I But all. that's
"If ." . . I'llI'llI'll island, my on anyone's "if angry, and fierce very looking George, began island," my on anyone's
"You'll or steam off letting steamer a only was it sure I'm now. gone "Thereit's Dick. said smoke!" in up go and explode
smoking do." they whatever hard,
They smoke. more no see could they but that, after time some for Island Kirrin watched
"If boat, my get and go to mind good a I've afternoon. this over go "I'd restlessly. George, said ready!" was boat my only
even wet." tr paint the if
"Don't red. bright things our all with home go we if into get we'd row awful an what know "You Julian. said idiot!" an be
Have George." sense, of bit a
George the into come to another, or island the of side one at appear to steamer a for watched She idea. the up gave
bay, came. none but
"Probably day?" the of rest the for spot this to rooted stand to going we Are on! "Come Dick. said there," out anchored
"We'd up, is mother your hope I tea-time. almost "It's wrist-watch. his at looking Julian, said home," back get better
George. meals." at she's when nicer much It's
"Oh, back!" go let's then on, "Come George. said be," will she expect I
They the in gulls or jackdaws was see could they all but walked, they as Island Kirrin watched They back. go to turned
sky steamer! a been have must It appeared. smoke of spires more No it. above
"All turn I'll island my visiting are trippers any "If firmly. George, said look," a have to tomorrow over going I'm same, the
them " off."
"Our us." with it share you'd said you remember you'd wish I "George, Dick. said island,"
"WellI hungry." getting I'm on! Come island. my still it's feeling help can't I "but George, said you," with out it share did
They surprise great their To sitting-room. the into then and hall, the into went They Cottage. Kirrin to last at back came
Edgar books. Julian's of one reading there, was
"What book?" my borrow could you you told who "And Julian. said here?" doing you are
"I'm I?" shouldn't why read, quiet a have to want I "If Edgar. said harm," any doing not
"You his into gone you'd if goodness, "My George. said here," about lolling you finds and in comes Father my till wait
study, sorry." been have you'd
"I've with." working he's instruments funny those seer "I've surprisingly. Edgar, said there," in been
"How for As study. Father'; my into go to allowed not are we even "Why, rage with white going George, said you!" dare
touching well!" things his
Famous 10 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
Julian insolent. so be suddenly should boy the why imagine not could He curiously. Edgar eyed
"Where's mad. be must He Edgar. with deal to him get better had we think "I said. he George?" father, your
"Call irritating most a in book Julian's of pages the over flicking and chair, the in lolling still Edgar, said like," you if him
way. come." won't "He
"What mother?" my "Where's scared. suddenly feeling George, said mean?" you do
"Call her." Call on! "Go sly. looking boy, the said like," you if too, her
The loudly. shouting room, mother's her to upstairs flew George mean? Edgar did What afraid. felt suddenly children
"Mother! you?" are Where Mother!
But bedrooms, other the all into flew George empty. was it madebut been not had It empty. was bed mother's her
shouting you?" are Where Father! Mother! "Mother! desperately:
But her. at up grinned Edgar white. very face her downstairs, ran George answer. no was there
"What come." wouldn't they but liked, you all call could you said "I said. he you?" tell I did
"Where once!" at me "Tell George. demanded they?" are
"Find Edgar. said yourself," out
There at flown had George hand. his with cheek left his holding feet, his to leapt Edgar and slap, resounding a was
him front. in stood Julian but back, her slap to hand his lifted Edgar could. she smack hardest the him dealt and
"You're on." you take I'll fight, a want you If girl. a "She's said. he George," fighting not
"I I if see you him, beat I'll and Edgar, fight "I'll away. Julian push to trying George, shouted boy!" a I'm girl; a be won't
But there. Dick found he but doorway, the towards edge to began Edgar off. her kept Julian
"One aunt?" and uncle our are where go you "Before Dick. said minute,"
"Gr-r-r-r-r-r-r," The fright. in him at stared Edgar that voice threatening a such in Timothy, said suddenly
dog frightening. very looked He neck. his on hackles the up put had and teeth, great his bared had
"Hold me." at spring to going he's if as looks "He trembling. voice his Edgar, said dog!" that
Julian quickly, us tell and know, to want we what us tell Edgar, "Now, said. he Tim!" "Quiet, collar. Tim's on hand his put
or sorry." be you'll
"Well, "Your on. went and George at look a shot He Timothy. on eye his keeping Edgar, said tell," to much isn't there
mother to away her taken they've and doctor the got they hereand pain terrible a with ill very taken suddenly was
hospital, all!" That's her. with went father your and
George sick. rather and still paler looking sofa, the on down sat
"Oh!" happened?" what's out find we can dearhow Oh today. out gone hadn't I wish I Mother! "Poor said. she
Famous 11 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
Edgar was door kitchen The follow. not should Timmy that so him behind door the shutting room, the of out slipped had
slammed, Fanny! Aunt Poor George! Poor dismayed. and sorry feeling another, one at stared children The too.
"There big the of rim the into stuck letter a saw He room. the round looked and Julian, said somewhere," note a be must
mirror "Oh Anne. said quickly," it, "Read , father. George's from was It her. to it gave He George. to addressed there,
dearthis here!" holidays our to beginning horrid a really is
Chapter Four.
GEORGE hurry. great a in written been evidently had and long, very not was It loud. out letter the read
Your better. getting is she till her leave not shall I hospital. the to her with going am I ill. very taken been has mother
That tell to morning the in o'clock nine at day each you to telephone will I time. week's a in or time, days" few a in be may
you Mrs. is. she how
Stick back. come I till right all manage to Try all. you after look will
Your FATHER. loving.
"Oh way a in once for and dearly, mother her loved George feel. must George dreadful how knowing Anne, said dear!"
the this. like gone mother her find and home come to terrible was it criedbut never George eyes. her in tears had girl
And Edgar. and Stick Mrs. but there one No too! Father
"I might "Sheshe cushion. a in head her buried and suddenly, George sobbed this," like going Mother bear can't
never back." come
"Don't shouldn't Why will. she course "Of her. round arm his putting and down sitting Julian, said George," silly, be
she? be would that betterand getting was she till her with staying was he say father your Didn't
probably this." like way give to you like isn't It George! up, Cheer time, days" few a in
"But I me. of instead sandwiches, the for Stick Mrs. ask her made I "And George. poor sobbed good-bye," say didn't I
want myself." is she how see and Mother find and go to
"You tea. some have "Let's gently. Dick, said in," you let wouldn't they did, you if and her, taken they've where know don't
We that." after better feel all shall
"I They them. lick to tried and hands, her into nose his pushed Timothy fiercely. George, said anything," eat couldn't
were little. a whined dog The face. buried her under
"Poor George." unhappy, are you because upset awfully "He's Anne. said understand," can't He Timmy!
That over hands her rubbed She up. sit George made
her to on get to tried He taste. salty the at surprised looked He them. off tears wet the lick Timmy let and eyes,
George's knee.
"Silly now, better I'm all! that's shock, a got just I upset. be "Don't voice. ordinary more a in George, said Timmy!"
Timmy. hurt." not I'm right. all I'm silly! that, like whine Don't
But pawing and whining, kept he and that, like cry to way some in injured or hurt really was George certain felt Timothy
at knee. her to on get to trying and George,
Julian was he thought others The out. went and said, he tea," our want we Stick Mrs. tell to going "I'm door. the opened
rather Stick. Mrs. face to brave
Famous 12 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
Julian had George where scarlet, face his of side one there, sitting was Edgar it. opened and door kitchen the to went
slapped grim, looking there, was Stick Mrs. it.
"If threateningly. said, she her," after be I'll again Edgar my slaps girl that
"Edgar please?" tea, some have we "Can Julian, said got," he what deserved
"I've "That's Julian. at growled and corner its from up started dog Her Stick. Mrs. said none," you get to mind good a
right, Mrs. said Edgar,I slap that folks at growl You Tinker!
Julian "Where boy. the said myself," it get I'll tea, any us get to going not are you "If Tinker. of afraid least the in not was
is cakes?" the are where and bread, the
Mrs. woman, unpleasant most a was she thought He steadfastly. her al back looked boy the and Julian, at stared Stick
and go to her tell could he wished He him. of better the get to her allow to going not was certainly he
but breath. his of waste a be would it so wouldn't, she that feeling a had he
Mrs. other no you get I'll you from nonsense any I've if "but said, she tea," your get "I'll first. eyes her dropped Stick
"And unexpectedly. Julian, said police," the to go shall I you from nonsense any have I if
He startled looked She Stick. Mrs. on effect surprising a had it but suddenly, quite out came It that. say to meant hadn't
and alarmed.
"Now, upset, we're and shock, a of bit a had all "We've voice. polite more much a in said she nasty," be to call no there's
likeI'll now." right tea your you get
Julian polite. more much so Stick Mrs. made had police the to going of threat sudden his why wondered He out. went
Perhaps Quentin Uncle back. tearing come would "he and Quentin Uncle his to on get would police the afraid was she
wouldn't Sticks! Mrs. hundred a for care
He everyone!" up, cheer "So said. he coming," "Tea's others. "the to back went
It of ashamed feeling now was George in. brought Stick Mrs. tea the to down sat that company cheerful very a wasn't
her soon he that flat so fell they but up, everyone cheer to jokes silly few a make to tried Dick upset. still was Anne tears.
gave grown-up. very suddenly helpful, and grave was Julian up. it
Timothy Anne. thought that," like me loved who dog a had I wish do "I knee. her on head his George, beside close sat
Timmy mistress little his but anyone for ears or eyes no had He eyes. devoted brown big of out George at up gazing kept
now sad. was she
Nobody same the all but tea, for had they what noticed
it bell telephone the case in afterwards beach the to out go to like didn't They it. after better felt they goodIand them did
rang, telephone. the for open ear an keeping garden, the in about sat they So mother. George's of news was there and
From song. a came kitchen the
"Georgie-porgie, Georgie-porgie cry, good a had and down herself Sat pie, and pudding
. ." .
Julian alone. there was Edgar in. looked and window kitchen the to went He up. got
"Come along!" Come song. another sing to you teach I'll voice. grim a in Julian, said Edgar!" here, out on
Edgar said. he to?" want I if sing I "Can't stir. didn't
"Oh out!" along Come another. you teach I'll song. that not "but Julian, said yes,"
Famous 13 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"No me." fight to want "You Edgar. said fear,"
"Yes, little nasty singing sitting than you for better be would fighting honest good of bit little a think "I Julian. said do," I
songs out? coming you Are miserable. is who girl a about
Or you?" fetch and in come I shall
"Ma!" you?" are Where "Ma! panicky. feeling suddenly Edgar, called
Julian that hard so it pulled and nose, over-long Edgar's of hold caught window, the at in arm long a reached suddenly
Edgar pain. in yelled
"Led dose!" by go Led me! hurding You're go! Led go!
Mrs. at flew She doing. was Julian what saw she when scream a gave She kitchen. the into hurrying came Stick
him. window. the outside stood and arm, his withdrew Julian
"How you with matter the What's nose! his pull you then and Edgar, slaps girl that "First Stick. Mrs. yelled you!" dare
"Nothing," Stick. Mrs. Edgar, with wrong lot awful an there's "but pleasantly; Julian, said
We it." done have to seem don't you but course, of job, your be should It right. it put must just we feel
"You're furious. and outraged Stick, Mrs. said insolent," downright
"Yes, effect." same the has Stinker me. on has Edgar effect the just "It's Julian. said am," I say dare I
"Stinker!" it." know you well and name, dog's my not "That's still. angrier getting Stick, Mrs. cried
"Well, instead." Tinker him call we'll maybe and bath, a him "Give off. strolling Julian, said be," to ought really it
Leaving a seemed somehow He curiously. him at stared They others. the to back went he fury, in muttering Stick Mrs.
different Julian. frightening rather a Julian, grown-up very a Julian, determined and grim Juliana
"I'm fat his off nearly nose Edgar's old pulled "I grass. the on down sitting Julian, said now," fire the in fat's the afraid
face, we'll if doubt I on. now from time merry very a have shan't We now! warfare open it's guess I it. doing me saw Ma and
get meals." any
"We'll horrid that hate I back. come would Joanna wish I Stick. Mrs. hate "I George. said then," ourselves them get
Edgar Stinker." awful that and too,
"Lookthere But growl. a with risen had who Timothy, catch to hand his out putting Dick, said suddenly Stinker!" is
Timmy But escape. to tried and howl woeful a gave Stinker once. at grass the across leapt and hand his off shook
Timothy rat. a like him shaking was and neck the by him had
Mrs. hit. she dog which mind to seeming not out, lashed and stick a with appeared Stick
Julian before. him to happened had what remembering once, at indoors skipped Edgar again. hose the for rushed
The once at Stinker teeth. his in held he mongrel howling the go let and gasp a gave Timothy and out, gushed water
hurled terror. with trembling skirts her in hide to tried and Stick, Mrs. on himself
"I'll poison I'll or out look You mine. to on setting "Always George. to furiously, Stick, Mrs. said yours!" of dog that poison
She you "Do alarmed. really looked George again. down sat and went children four the and indoors, disappeared
suppose voice. scared a in Julian, asked she Timmy?" poison to try might really she
Famous 14 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"She's day us, by close Timmy old keep to well as just be would it think "I tone. low a in Julian, said work," of bit nasty a
and plates." own our from ourselves, him feed to only and night,
George was really Stick Mrs. But him. poison to want might anyone that thought the at horrified her, to Timothy pulled
awfulshe thought. George that, like anything do might
How this. like own, their on be to horrid was It back! were mother and father her wished she
The Timmy and feet, their to leapt all They jump. everyone made and out shrilled suddenly bell telephone
growled. fast. beat to began heart her and voice, father's her heard She receiver. the lifted and indoors flew George
"Is everything." you tell and stay to time hadn't I right? all you "Are father. her said George?" you, that
"Fatherwhat George. said she?" is quickhow me Tell Mother? about
"We too. morning next the. then and morning tomorrow telephone "I'll father. her said next," after day the till know shan't
I better." she's know I till back come shan't
"Oh horrid." so is Stick "Mrs. George. poor said Mother," and you without awful Fatherit's
"Now, Mrs. with do make and yourselves to see can children you "surely impatiently, rather father, her said George,"
Stick is." it as worry enough I've now. things such about me worry Don't back! get I till
"When Mother?" see and come I "Can George. said think?" you do back, be you will
"No," can. I as soon as back be I'll say. they weeks, two least at for "Not father. her said
But you." of all good, be and Good-bye me. needs She now. Mother your leave to going not I'm
George said. she next," after day the till Mother about know "Shan't others. the face to turned She receiver. the back put
"And it?" isn't awful, It's be! will that when knows goodness backand comes Father till Stick Mrs. with up put to got we've
Chapter Five.
MRS. all. at supper no was there that evening that temper bad a such in was STICK
Julian locked. door kitchen the found he but some, about ask to went
He a is really "She said. he door," the locked "She's hungry. all were they for face, gloomy a with others the to back went
dreadful " tonight." supper any get we'll believe don't I creature.
"We'll can we what see and then, larder the in hunt and down go "We'll George. said bed," to goes she till wait to have
They too. bed, to go to Edgar and Stick Mrs. for listened Julian hungry. bed to went
When dark was It kitchen. the into down slipped he shut, had doors their sure was and upstairs, going them heard he
there, wondered He heavily. breathing someone of sound the heard he when light the on put to about just was Julian and
who be. could it
Was being. human a like sounded It dog. the be couldn't Noit Stinker? it
Julian because burglar, a be couldn't It scared. little a and puzzled switch, light the over hand his there, stood
burglars it? was who Then Edgar. or Stick Mrs. be couldn't It rob. to come have they house the in sleep to go don't
Famous 15 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
He a of figure the on fastened eyes Julian's and radiance, with flooded was kitchen The light. the on snapped
small open. wide mouth his asleep, fast was He sofa. the on lying man
He He bluish-black. were chin and cheeks his and days, some for shaved not had He sight. pleasant very a not was
didn't had He finger-nails. his were so and black, were hands his for that, than longer even for washed have to seem
untidy Edgar's. like exactly nose a and hair
"Must be to chance much hadn't Edgar poor Well, sight! a "What himself. to Julian thought father," Edgar's dear be
decent his." like mother and father a with
The He do. to what wondered Julian snored. man
badly row. a have and man the up wake to want particularly didn't he hand other the on but larder, the to go to wanted
He husband Stick's Mrs. to agreed have might uncle and aunt his knew he all outfor him turn could he how see didn't
coming so. thought hardly he though again, and now there
Julian creep and again light the off snap him made larder the in things good the of thought The hungry. very was
towards sort. some of pie a like felt Good!that shelves. the along felt He door. the opened He dark. the in door larder the
He sniffed. and up it lifted
It meat-piegood! A meat. of smelt
He round were they for jam-tarts, be must thought he what were which on plate a to came and again shelf the along felt
and hungry four for right all be to ought jam-tarts and meat-pie a Well, middle. the in sticky something had and flat,
Julian to door the pushed He larder. the of out carefully way his made and tarts, of dish the and meat-pie the up picked
with room. the of out go to turned he Then foot. his
But sofa! the into straight walked luck bad by and way, wrong the went he dark the in
The woke and man, sleeping the of mouth open the on landed It off. fell them of one and jerk sudden a got tarts of dish
him start. a with up
"Blow!" sleep to go and over turn would man the that hoping quietly, away back to began and himself, to Julian said
again. jerk. a with up sat he and man, the startled had chin his down sliding jam-tart sticky the But
"Who's here?" down doing you What Edgar? you, That there?
Julian he where to over lurched and up leapt man The door. the was hoped he what towards sidled but nothing said
thought Julian. at astonishment greatest the in stared He on. it switched and it found He was. switch light the
"What demanded. he here?" doing you are
"Just uncle's my in sleeping here, doing you're think you do "What coolly. Julian, said you? ask to about was I what
"I've she? isn't here, cook wife's "My voice. rude a in man, the said here," be to right a
My see?" then, here come could I wife my with arranged uncle Your leave. on I'm and in ship's
Julian be would It house! the in Stick Master and Mrs. a as well as Stick Mr. a have to awful How much. as feared had
quite unbearable.
"I to want I please. way, my of out get "Now Julian. said morning," the in telephones he when it about uncle my ask can
go upstairs."
"Ho!" "Ho! carrying. was Julian that jam-tarts and meat-pie the eyeing Stick, Mr. said
Stealing say." must I goings-on Nice see! I larder, the of out
Famous 16 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
Julian will "I said. he way," my of out "Get top-dog. was he that felt evidently who Stick, Mr. with argue to going not was
talk telephoned." has uncle my after morning the in you to
Mr. taller much not man, little nasty a there, stood He all. at way the of out get to going was he if as seem didn't Stick
than face. unshaven his on smile sarcastic a Julian,
Julian off jumping Timothy was That above. floor the on bump a came There whistled. and lips his up pursed
George's coming! was Timmy passage. kitchen the. up ,and stairs the down feet of pattering the came there Then bed!
He Mr. growled. and teeth his bared hackles, his up put doorway, the in Stick Mr. smelt
Stick Julian. at grinned He face. dog's the in door the banged neatly then and doorway the from himself removed hastily
"Now said. he do?" to going you are what
"Shall your into straight meat-pie juicy nice this hurl to going "I'm rising. suddenly temper his Julian, said you?" tell I
grinning face!"
He ducked. Stock Mr. and arm, his raised
"Now upstairs go can You meat-pie. nice that waste you Don't see? leg, your pulling only "I'm said. he that," do you don't
if to." want you
He growling. in bounded Timothy and door the opened Julian sofa. the to away moved
Mr. uncomfortably. him eyed Stick
"Don't dogs." like don't "I said. he me," near come dog great nasty that let you
"Then growling worth not He's alone. him Leave Timmy! here, "Come Julian. said Stinker," of rid get don't you wonder I
Julian happened, had what wondering him, round crowded others The heels. his at close Timothy with upstairs went
for at meat-pie the thrown nearly had he how them told Julian when laughed They downstairs. voices the heard had they
Mr. Stick.
"It been have shouldn't we because pity, great a been have would it "though Anne, said right," him served have would
able gorgeous." is pie This cook. can she but horrible, simply be may Stick Mrs. Well, it. eat to
The ship. his from leave on coming Stick Mr. about all them told Julian too. tarts, the and pie the all finished children
"Three ourselves. for manage and all them of rid get can't we "Pity thoughtfully. Dick said much," too lot a are Sticks
George, ourselves?" after look and Sticks the of rid get us let to tomorrow father your persuade possibly you can't
"I'll try. I'll But with. argue to difficult isawfully he what know you "But George. said try,"
Golly, in now, sight my of out you let to going hardly I'm feet. my on Lie bed! to get let's Timmy, on, Come now. sleepy I'm
case you!" poison Sticks awful those
Soon their to up coming Sticks the fear not did They peacefully. sleeping were hungry, longer no now children, four the
rooms, have. could they guard best the was Timmy once. at them warn and wake would Timmy that knew they for
In "Guess much. very children the surprised which breakfast, of sort some produced actually Stick Mrs. morning the
she Julian, said George," telephone, will father your knows
"and it's Well, it? wasn't o'clock, Nine "phone? would he say he did When right. the in herself keep to wants she
half-past back." and beach the to down run quick a for go Let's now. eight
Famous 17 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
So at faces silly his of some make to ready garden back the in stood who Edgar, ignoring them, of five the went, they off
them. age. Julian's of boy a like all at behave didn't He mad. bit a be must he thinking help couldn't children The
When said rings," telephone the till sitting-room the in sit "We'll nine. to minutes ten about was it back came they
Julian. first." it answer to Stick Mrs. want don't "We
But hall! the in telephone the using Stick Mrs. heard they house, the reached they as dismay, great their to
"Yes, things make do they if even sir, children, the manage can I right. all quite is "everything say, her heard they sir,"
a can he because sir, ship, his from leave on home is husband my lucky it's sir, Well, sir. course, Of sir. Yes, difficult. bit
help till back come to bother you don't and sir, nothing, about worry you Don't easier. things makes it and like, round, me
you're everything." manage I'll ready.
George hand. Stick's Mrs. of out receiver the snatched and thing, wild a like hall the into flew
"Father! quick!" me Tell Mother? How's George! me, It's
"No hear to glad I'm morning. tomorrow till definite anything know shan't we "But voice. father's her said George," worse,
from you that Mother your tell can I feel to glad I'm and worried, and upset very I'm right. all is everything that Stick Mrs.
are Cottage." Kirrin at smoothly going is everything and right, all
"But ourselves?" by things manage us let and go Sticks the Can't horrid. all It's isn't. "It wildly. George, said isn't," it
"Good annoyed. and surprised voice, father's her said not," course of me, gracious
"What say..." must I helpful. and sensible be would you that George, hope, did I of? thinking be you can
"You ear his to it put boy The hand. Julian's into receiver the thrust and helplessly, George, said Julian," him, to talk
and voice." clear his in telephone the into spoke
"Good worse." no is aunt my glad I'm Julian! is This sir. morning,
"Well, voice. exasperated an in Quentin, Uncle said Cottage," Kirrin at wrong going are things thinks she if be will she
"Can't I two? or week a for Sticks the with up put she can't gracious, Good reason? see her make and George manage you
tell your back bring to me for ready house the want absenceI my in Sticks the sack to going not am I Julian, frankly, you
aunt. the of rest the for back you take can they if parents own your from out find better had you them, with up put can't you If
holidays. subject." the on word last my That's Cottage. Kirrin at stay to is She you. with go to not is George But
"But, you tell must "I uncle, hot-tempered his with properly deal could he world the in how wondering Julian, began sir,"
that ." . .
There no was There gone. and receiver his down put had Quentin Uncle "phone. the of end other the at click a was
more frowning. others, the at round looked and mouth his up pursed Julian Blow! said. be to
"He's him." with reason to trying was I as just off me "Cut said. he gone!"
"Serves and here I'm stand. you where know you "Now hall. the of end the from voice harsh Stick's Mrs. said right!" you
I'm you." for worse the be it'll or yourselves, behave to going all you're And orders. uncle's your on here, staying
Chapter Six.
Famous 18 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
THERE and Edgar to triumphantly news the telling heard be could Stick Mrs. and shut, door kitchen The slam. a was
Mr. gloomily. another one at stared and down sat sitting-room, the into went children The Stick.
"Father's anything." to listen will never "He furiously. George, said awful!"
"Well, Stick Mrs. that so nine, before rang he that pity great a was "It reasonably. Dick, said upset," very is he all, after
got first." in say her
"What exactly." us "Tell George. said you?" to say Father did
"He Julian. said parents," own our to back go to were I and Dick and Anne Sticks, the with up put couldn't we if that said
"But here." stay to were you
George look can I back. go all better you'd so Sticks, the with up put can't "you last, at said she "Well," Julian. at stared
after myself."
"Don't look I say can't I you. desert wouldn't we know "You shake, friendly a arm her giving Julian, said idiot!" an be
forward that. than things worse are there but two, or week a for Sticks amiable the of thumb the under being of idea the to
We'll together." it "stick"
But thumbs three Sticks" the under being of idea The Anne. from even smile, a raise didn't joke little feeble the
was round. looked and him patted She knee. George's on head his put Timothy prospect. unpleasant most a
"You look he'll and Timmy, got I've it. in not you're and own, my of plan a got "I've others. the to said she home," back go
after tomorrow." home go and parents your to Telephone me.
George sort. some of plan a made had she that but doubt no was there and up, was head Her defiantly. round stared
Julian uneasy. felt
"Don't staying we're But it. into come we'll plan, a got you've If this. in together stand all we you tell "I said. he silly," be
here happens." whatever you, with
"Stay Timothy! on, Come end. the in home go to have you'll find you'll and on, goes plan my "but George, said like," you if
Let's ready." is boat my if see and Jim to go
"We'll very was she knew he and defiance, her below see could He George. for sorry was He Dick. said you," with go
unhappy, on staying were others the felt she because upset and father, her with angry mother, her about worried
because time. lovely a have and home back go could they when her, of
It and home back go should others the that insisting on kept and stand-offish, very was George day. happy a not was
leave not. would they that insistent as were they when angry quite grew She her.
"You're plan my spoiling you're you, tell I might. really you back, go might "You last. at said she plan," my spoiling
"Well, that so plan, a got you've pretending just you're feeling help can't "I impatiently. Julian said plan?" your is what
we'll go."
"I'm have I plan, a got I've say I If don't! I know You pretend? ever I "Do temper. her losing George, said pretending," not
got plan." private secret, own my It's me. asking good no it's so away, it giving not I'm But plan. a
"Well, we're And we? aren't friends, best your we're all, "After hurt. quite Dick, said us," tell might you think do really I
going you." with here stay still shall we say, you as plan, your spoil we if even planyes, no or plan you, by stick to
Famous 19 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"I Sticks the like just me, against You're mean. "You're flashing. eyes her George, said plan," my spoil you let shan't
"Oh, Sticks, awful those with quarrelling enough bad It's quarrel. let's "Don't tears. in almost Anne, said don't," George,
without too." quarrelling us
George's ashamed. looked She risen. had it as quickly as down died temper
"Sorry!" you tell shan't I and plan, my with on go shall I say. I what mean do I But quarrel. won't I idiot. an "I'm said. she
what me." believe Please you. for holidays the spoil will it do, I if because is, it
"Let's go I'll today. house this from away better feel all "We'll up. getting Julian, said again," us with out dinner our take
and Stick." old the tackle
"Dear moment. that at Stick Mrs. face and go than died have rather would who Anne, said brave!" he isn't Ju, old
Mrs. rather felt She difficult. very proved Stick
victorious disappeared. had jam-tarts and meat-pie beautiful her that find to annoyed very also was and time, the at
Mr. appeared. Julian when gone had they where her telling of middle the in was Stick
"How began, she know!" don't I jam-tarts, and meat-pie my stolen you've when picnic a for sandwiches expect can you
indignantly. that you give wouldn't I more, what's And all. that's and your-picnic, for jam and bread dry have can "You
either you." of rid be to glad I'm that except
"Good of kind some reading sofa, the on sprawled lying was He himself. to Edgar murmured rubbish," bad to riddance
highly-coloured paper. comic
"If dangerously. Julian, said it," say and outside come Edgar, me, to say to anything you've
"You once. at Stick, Mrs. said alone," Edgar leave
"There's him? with be to wants "Who scornfully. Julian, said better," like should I nothing
Cowardly spotty-face!" little
"Now, . . corner. his from Stick, Mr. began "ere!" look now,
"I once. at Julian said you," at look to want don't
"Now, up. standing angrily, Stick, Mr. said "ere," look
"I've sight." pleasant a not "You're Julian. said to," want don't I you told
"Insolence!" temper. her losing rapidly Stick, Mrs. said
"No, him. at glared Stick Mrs. airily. Julian, said truth," plain the insolencejust not
Julian politely. so everything said he and tongue, ready a such had He her. defeated
The Julian. like people understand didn't Stick Mrs. spoke. he politely more the were, words his ruder
She sink, the on down viciously saucepan a banged and boy, the hated She her. for clever too were they that felt
wishing sink. the of instead saucepan the under head Julian's was it that
Stinker noise. sudden the at growled and up jumped
"Hallo, you?" aren't ever, as smelly as no! Alas, yet? bath a "Had Julian. said Stinker!"
"You kitchen." my of out get "You angrily. Stick, Mrs. said Stinker," isn't name dog's that know
Famous 20 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"Right!" than better bit a something manage I'll jam. and bread dry the about bother Don't go. to "Pleased Julian. said
He bad to riddance "Good beIore: said had he what loudly repeated Edgar and growled, Stinker whistling. out, went
"What again. door kitchen the at in head his poking suddenly Julian, said say?" you did
But his as merry as nearly feeling not but merrily, whistling again, Julian went off so it, repeat to dare not did Edgar
whistle. very be to going not was life this, as difficult as meals make to going was Stick Mrs. if all, After worried. was He
pleasant Cottage. Kirrin at
"Anyone I "Not? others. the to returned he when Julian, inquired lunch?" for jam and bread dry have to inclined feel
rather offer. kind Stick's Mrs. down turned I so so, thought
I sausage-rolls." good has village the in shop That decent. something buy and go we vote
George thinking probably was She knew. others the mother, her about worrying was She day. that all silent very was
about be. could it whatever wondered and thought, they too, plan her
"Shall they if worries, her off mind George's take would it that thinking Julian, asked today?" Island Kirrin to over go we
went island. beloved her to
George head. her shook
"NoI it. like feel don't just I knowbut I ready, all boat's The it. like feel don't "I said. she
You-see, telephone a If house. the of reach of out be to want I feel don't I better, get to going is Mother know I till
message couldn't he island, the on was I if meand for look to Edgar send always could Sticks the Father; from came
find me."
The with them provided Stick Mrs. and tea, to back went They all. at nothing doing day, that about messed children
bread all they which milk, without tea have to everyone-had and too, sour was milk The cake. no but jam, and butter and
As on down it put and hand, his in bowl tin a held He window. the outside Edgar heard children the tea, their ate they
the outside. grass
"Your yelled. he dinner," dog's
"He creature!" "Messy disgust. in Dick, said himself," dinner dog's a like looks
That you do sideboard, the on tin that in biscuits "Any Anne. said Dinner!" Dog's the "Edgar, laugh. everyone made
think, George?"
George George, it. at sniffed He for.him. down put dish the to went and doors of out slipped Timothy see. to up got
coming poison of thought the once At him. saw and passed she as window the of out looked sideboard, the from back
came skins. their of out jump others the making Timothy, to yelled she and mind her to back
TIM! it!" touch Don't TIM!
Timothy the up picked and doors, of out rushed George anyway. it, touch to mean didn't he say to if as tail his wagged
mess it. at sniffed She meat. raw of
"You anxiously. said, she Timothy?" you, have it, touched haven't
Dick window. the of out leaned
. dosed been it's bet I it. touch wouldn't he but it, about and round all sniffed He him. watched I any. eat didn't he "No,
with something." or rat-poison
George would stuff, poisoned touch wouldn't You dog. sensible a such "You're said. she Timmy!" "Oh white. very was
Famous 21 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"Woof!" door. kitchen the of out nose his put and bark the heard Stinker decidedly. Timmy, said
George voice: loud a in him to called
"Stinker, is!" it here Stinker, along, Come it. have can You dinner. his want doesn't Timmy here! come Stinker,
Edgar said. he him," to that give you "Don't Stinker. behind out rushing came
"Why not." why me Edgartell on, "Go George. asked not?"
"He biscuits." dog eats only "He pause. a after Edgar, said meat," raw eat don't
"That's Stinker Here, yesterday. meat eating him saw "I up. flaming George, said lie!" a
this." eat and come you
Edgar go to about was George speed. top at indoors ran and her, at snarling almost George, from bowl the snatched
after her. stopped up, came Edgar when window the of out jumped had who Julian, but him,
"No by fire kitchen the of back the at probably meat's The him. of out anything get won't "You said. he thing!" old good,
now. that afraid be Don't money. own our with butcher the from bought meat with ourselves Timothy feed we on, now From
he'll that." for dog a wise too He's stuff. poisoned eat
"He "I inside. sick felt She now. green rather looking George, said Julian," hungry, awfully terribly, was he if might,
wasn't the of one poisoned, was that guessed I but course, of stuff, poisoned that eat Stinker let to going
Sticks it?" doesn't poisoned, was it proves it So did. Edgar And it. eating Stinker stop and out rushing come would
"I poisoned." be won't Timmy George. worry, don't "But Julian. said does," it think rather
"But I Julian. it, of thought the bear can't I "Oh, head. dog's big the on hand her putting George, said might," he might, he
can't, can't." really I
"Don't biscuit!" a have "Here, again. indoors her taking Julian, said then," it about think
"You if as biscuit her at gazing and scared suddenly looking Anne, said you?" do us, poison would Sticks the think don't
it her. bite might
"No, well," so us guards he because way the of out Timmy get to want only They idiot.
said You'll all. after time grand a have we'll and two, or day a in down settle will this All scared. so look "Don't Julian.
But Dick Anne, take could he wished He worried. very was he Secretly sister. little his comfort to this said only Julian
and was It Sticks? the to her leave they could how And come. wouldn't George knew he But home. own his to back George
quite Quentin Uncle and Fanny Aunt until things face must they somehow and together, stick must Friends impossible.
came back.
Chapter Seven.
"Do said again?" larder the of out food some get and bed to gone have Sticks the after down slip better we'd think you
Dick, evening. that appeared supper no when
Julian thing whole the but him, of afraid was he that Not again. Stick Mr. confront and down sneak to inclined feel didn't
was sly? the on it take or it, for beg to have they should why theirsso was food the house, their was This unpleasant. so
It ridiculous. was
"Come inquiringly. boy the at up looking Julian, to went and side George's left dog The Julian. said Timothy!" here,
"You're Julian, said larder!" the of out things best the us give to Stick Mrs. kind dear persuade and me with come to going
with grin. a
Famous 22 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
The once. at up cheering laughed, others
"Good fun." the see and come all we "Can Dick. said idea!"
"Better myself." by fine manage can "I Julian. said not,"
He was he till Julian heard kitchen the in one no so inside, going was radio The kitchen. the to passage the down went
actually Julian. as well as Timothy saw and up looked Edgar Then door. the inside standing
Edgar there, stayed and sofa kitchen the behind went He fiercely. growling now was who dog, big the of scared was
eyeing fearfully. Timmy
"What radio. the off turning Stick, Mrs. said want?" you do
"Supper," cooked money, uncle's my with larderbought the of out things best The "Supper! pleasantly. Julian, said
on supper! foryes, pays she gas with stove aunt's my
Open there." in is there what see let's and door larder the
"Well, amazement. in Stick, Mr. began nerve!" the all of
"You word." last my that's "and Stick, Mrs. said cheese," some and bread of loaf a have can
"Well, don't but like, you all Growl heel! to keep Timmy, door. larder the to went he and Julian, said word," last my isn't it
bite anybodyyet!"
Timmy's was he Stinker, for As room. the of end other the at himself put Stick Mr. Even frightful. really were growls
nowhere wringer. the behind shivering how was and growl, first very the at scullery the into gone had He seen. be to
Mrs. said. she out," clear and cheese and bread the take "You line. straight hard a into went mouth Stick's
Julian said word!" "My else. anything than more Stick Mrs. annoyed which softly, whistling door, larder the opened
Julian, one smelt I thought I chicken! roast A Stick. Mrs. say, must I larder, a stock to how know do "You admiringly.
cooking. tomatoes! fine what And squawking. of lot a heard I thought I today. chickens our of one killed Stick Mr. suppose I
Best say must I tart! treacle marvellous perfectly a Stickwhat Mrs. oh, And doubt. no I've village, the from got be to
you're must." really I cook, good a
Julian and tomatoes, of dish the chicken, the up picked
then top. the on tart treacle the with plate the balanced
Mrs. " him. at yelled Stick
"You there." them leave You supper! our That's alone! things them leave
"You've do could we and today, eat to little very had We've supper! our It's politely. Julian, said mistake," little a made
with awfully!" Thanks supper. good a
"Now away. walking supper lovely his seeing at furious angrily, Stick, Mr. began "ere!" look
"You amazement. of tone a in Julian, said again," you at look to me want don't surely
"What you." at look not rather I'd think I mind don't you if So, not. afraid I'm washed? yetor shaved you Have for?
Mr. away, breath his took Julian like boy a and time, any at tongue his with ready not was He speechless. was Stick
and 'ere!" look "Now, favourite his except say to nothing with him left
"Put off walk you if supper our for have to going we're think you do "What sharply. Stick Mrs. said down," things them
with that!" me tell you them;
Famous 23 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"Easy!" cheese!" and bread Stick, Mrs. cheese, and supperbread our you offer me "Let Julian. said
Mrs. at leapt immediately Timothy But raised. hand her with Julian after go to started and noise, angry an made Stick
her, click. loud a with together snapped teeth his and
"Oh!" don't." I if see you day, one him for do I'll brute! The off! hand my took nearly yours of dog "That Stick. Mrs. howled
"You "That's face. woman's the on straight eyes his fixing voice, quiet a in Julian, said you?" didn't today, try good a had
a Mrs. careful, Be it? isn't police, the for matter
Stick. tomorrow." police the to go to mind good a I've
Just step a took and husband her at look a cast She Stick. Mrs. frighten to seemed police the of mention the before, as
backward. to seemed never He police. the from hiding was and wrong something done had man the if wondered Julian
put doors. of out foot a
The get to able been hadn't he that disappointed heels, his at followed Timmy triumphantly. passage the up went boy
a table. the on down carefully dishes the set and sitting-room, the into marched Julian Stinker. at nibble
"What Sticks" gotthe I've what "Look said. he ho!"
own loudly. laughed they and happened, had that all others the told he Then supper!"
"How a It's Ju. wild, feel them make you wonder don't "I admiringly. Anne, said say?" to things those all of think you do
good up." us back to Timmy got we've thing
"Yes, Julian. said Timmy," without bold so nearly feel shouldn't I
It plates fruit with do made children the and sideboard, the in forks and knives were There supper. good very a was
from were they so tea, their from over bread was There kitchen. the from plates get and go than rather too, sideboard the
able thoroughly. it enjoyed They meal. good very a make to
"Sorry can You you. injure and you inside split might they "but George, said Tim," bones, chicken the you give can't we
have Stinker!" for any leave don't you See scraps. the all
Timmy that tart treacle of scraps any for waiting sat then and plate, his cleared he gulps great three or two With didn't.
might way. his descend
The a except left was Nothing chicken. the eaten completely had They meal. good a such after cheerful felt children
pile tart. treacle the of scrap every enjoyed and bread, the finished too, tomatoes the all eaten had They bones. of
It of game a having like feel don't "I said. she bed," to go "Let's too. yawned George then and yawned, Anne late, was
cards anything." or
So his time, some for awake there lay He feet. George's on heavily lay Timothy usual as and bed, to went they
ears whine a heard He closing. doors heard He bed. to up go Sticks the heard He below. from noises hear to cocked
from for cocked ear one kept he sleptbut and paws his to on head his dropped Timmy silence. was all Then Stinker.
danger. did! children the than more any Sticks the trust didn't Timothy
The window the to went Julian day. marvellous a was It first. awoke Julian morning. the in early very awoke children
and smooth too, blue clean a was sea The it. about floated clouds rosy-pink and blue, pale very a was sky The out. looked
and it if as looked always morning early the in world the that said saidshe often Anne what remembered Julian calm.
had fresh! and new and clean so laundry the from fresh back come
Famous 24 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
The father George's that afraid eight, half-past at back were they time this and breakfast, before bathed all children
might her. to called and stairs the on Stick Mrs. saw Julian again. early telephone
"Has yet?" telephoned uncle my
"No," out, were children the while ring would telephone the that hoping been had She tone. surly a in woman, the said
then, first. in words few a get and it, answer could she before, day the done had she as
"We'll for had we'd what us ask might uncle My Stick. Mrs. breakfast, good "A. Julian. said please," now, breakfast have
breakfast, know." never You he? mightn't
Mrs. so breakfast, for butter and bread only them gave she if uncle his tell might Julian that thought evidently Stick
very tomatoes. with garnished it of dish a in brought Stick Mrs. frying. bacon of smell delicious a smelt children the soon
She the with table the on down it banged
plates. saucers. and cups of tray a and tea of pot a with arrived Edgar
"Ah, spotty-face!" old "Dear surprise. amiable of tone a in Julian, said Edgar!" dear is here
"Garn!" life. his for fled Edgar and growled, Timmy teapot. the down banged and Edgar, said
George was she that knew He it. over plate a put and dish warm the in back hers put Julian breakfast. any want didn't
waiting not. or better really was mother her if know would she ringthen would telephone the only If news. for
It the put She pealing. stopped had bell the before there was George meal. the through halfway were they as ring did
receiver Mother?" How's George. it's Yes, "Father! ear. her to
There to George for waiting silence, in listened and eating stopped children the All listened. George as pause a was
speak. not. or good was news the if words next her by know would They
"Ohoh, yesterday? operation the have she "Did say. George heard they glad!" so I'm
Oh, I can't Father, Oh her. see to want do I love. my her Give Mother! Poor it? is now, right all it's But me! told never you
Evidently good-bye. said and words more few a spoke then while, a for listened George no. was answer the
She and now, right all get She'll better. "Mother's joyfully. said, she you?" didn't heard, "You sitting-room. the into ran
will about news good It's home. her brings he till back come won't Father days. ten about soonin home back be
Motherbut Sticks." the of rid get can't we afraid I'm
Chapter Eight.
MRS. knew She it. of side George's heard had she least, telephoneat the on conversation the overheard had STICK
that be would That home. brought be could mother her till return not would father her that and better was mother George's
in that! about doubt no then, till time fine a have could Sticks The days! ten about
George with round dish the scraped and hungrily, bacon her ate She back. come had appetite her that found suddenly
a contentedly. back sat then and tea, of cups three had She bread. of piece
Famous 25 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"I it If right. all be to going was aunt her that glad very was She hers. in hand her slipped Anne said. she better," feel
wasn't time. lovely a have could they Sticks awful those for
Then cross. Julian made that something said George
"Well, want I So Timmy. with myself by right all Sticks the to up stand can I better, be to going is Mother know I that now
you right." all be shall I me. without hols the finish and home back go to three
"Shut any it, change don't I mindand my up made I've before. out all this argued "We've Julian. said George," up,
more cross." me make You up. it made I've when do, you. than
"Well," afraid I'm it, into come don't you planand a got I'd you told "I George, said
and find you'll
you'll not." or to mean you whether home back go to have
"Don't plan? strange this is "What impatiently. Julian, said George!" mysterious, so be
You'd us?" trust you Can't it. in not we're if even us, tell better
"Yes, sulky. looking George, said me," stop to try might you But course. of
"Then into ideas got she once madcap a such was George uneasy. feeling Julian said us," tell better certainly you'd
her do! might she what knows Goodness head.
But of out George let to not mind his up made secretly but last, at up it gave Julian word. another say wouldn't George
his eye! Julian's, his, under it do to have would she then plan, wild some out carry to going was she If day. that sight
But them, with walk a for went others, the with again bathed She plan. wild any out carrying be to seem didn't George
and didn't she that thinking her, press didn't others the so Island, Kirrin to go to want didn't She sea. the on row a for went
want father. her from message a with came Edgar case in beach the of sight of out be to
It Timmy beach. the on picnicked and fruit, and again, rolls sausage bought children The day. pleasant a quite was
had butcher's. the from bone juicy and large a
"I've tea some getting is Stick Mrs. if see and go others "You tea-time. about George, said do," to shopping of bit a got
for want." I what get and shops the to down fly I'll and us,
Julian this out carry to alone be could she that so off them sending George Was once. at ears his up pricked
mysterious hers? of plan
"I'll him." with Timmy take and once, for Stick Mrs. tackle can "Dick up. getting Julian, said you," with come
"No, long." be won't "I George. said go," you
But without Stick Mrs. face to want not did Dick for George, with went all they end the In go. to not determined was Julian
Julian George. or
George a and matches, of boxes two bought She torch. her for battery new a got and shop general little the into went
bottle spirit. methylated of
"Whatever surprise. in Anne said for?" that want you do
"Oh, more. no said and George, said useful," in come might it
They bread merely being tea, thrilling a not was it True, table! the on actually was Tea Cottage. Kirrin to back went all
and eatable. was and there, was it teastill hot of pot a and jam
It had they that now lighter were hearts Their cards. played and table the round sat children The evening. that rained
had in him at stared others The bell. the rang and up got Julian game the of middle the In mother. George's of news good
the surprise. greatest
"What astonishment. with wide eyes her George, asked for?" bell the ringing you are
Famous 26 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"To again rang Julian So bell. the answered one no But grin. a with Julian, said supper," some bring to Stick Mrs. tell
and again. then
The came Stick Mrs. and last at opened door kitchen
up sitting-room. the into came She temper. bad a in evidently passage, the
. you." by rung bells any answering not "I'm angrily. said, she bell!" that ringing stop "You
"I it got and came I rather would you if that say to "And Julian, said supper," some wanted we that you tell to it rang
myself supper decent a bring can you not, if But pleasure. with come I'll night, last did I Timmyas larderwith the from
to yourself." us
"If Stick. Mrs. began ." . . I'llI'll again, larder my of out things stealing come you
"You'll policeman local our see can I much. very us please would That "Do. her. for finished Julian police!" the in call
taking few." a quite him give could I notebook. his in details the all down
Mrs. the down off went and him, kill could she if as Julian at glared breath, her under rude something muttered Stick
passage was Stick Mrs. that plain was it kitchen the in crockery of crashing and . clattering the of sound the By again.
getting cards. the out dealt he as himself to grinned Julian and them, for supper of sort some
Supper a of remains the and cheese ham, cold little a was It bad. not was it but before, night the as good as not was
milk Timmy. for meat cooked of plate a also was There pudding.
George again. it poisoned you've bet "I said. she away," that "Take sharply. it at looked
Take away!" it
"No. If, it. test to him. get and tomorrow chemist local the to down it take "I'll Julian. said here," it leave contrary, the On
as us." tell to things interesting of lot a have might chemist the poisoned, it's thinks, George
Mrs. hate I "How her. to close Timothy pulling George, said woman!" "Horrible word. a without away meat the took Stick
her! Timmy." for afraid so feel I
Somehow I "Bed, Julian. said o'clock," ten "It's sleepy. became children the dark grew it As evening. the spoilt that
think, this." as late as up stay to enough old nearly isn't She ago. long gone have to ought Anne everyone!
"Well!" I?" can younger, being help can't I I? aren't George, as old as nearly "I'm indignantly. Anne, began
"All in together keep all We worry. don't yourself, by bed to off go you make shan't "I laughing. Julian said right!" all right,
this on! Come about. are Sticks the while house
We'll we?" shall now, go
The he but while, little a awake keep to tried Julian day. that rowed and walked swum, had They tired. were children
too quickly. very asleep fell
He quiet. was everything But noise. a. heard had he that thinking jump, a with awoke
What have would Tim or that, be couldn't Noit about? creeping Sticks the of one it Was been? have noise the could
barked it? was what Then down. house the
Something him. waked have must
"I felt He up, sat He suddenly. Julian, thought hers!" of plan that about anything doing George old not it's suppose
about see to torch his on switched and room, girls" the to crept he Dick waking Without on. it put and dressing-gown his for
that right. all were they
Anne gone! were clothes George's empty. was bed George's But peacefully. sleeping bed, her in was
Famous 27 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"Blow!" is!" mother her where find to away run she's bet I gone? she has "Where breath. his under Julian, said
His it. to over softly stepped He pillow. George's to pinned "envelope white a out picked torch
It it. read and open it ripped Julian . "JULIAN." letters. bold in it on printed name his had
"Dear note, the said JULIAN,"
"Don't Timmy. poison somehow Sticks the case in longer any Cottage Kirrin in stay daren't I please. me, with angry be
You Please back. come Father and Mother till island our on myself by live to gone I've So heart. my break would that know
leave soon as mast the from flying flag red little his with Island Kirrin near sail to Jim ask to him tell and Father for note a
as be would It gone. I've now parents own your to back go must Anne and Dick and You home. come I'll Then back. are they
silly there. not I'm now Sticks the with Cottage Kirrin at stay to
Love from
Julian come didn't we why "That's himself. to said he plan!" her was that guess I didn't why "Well, through. note the read
into so for Island Kirrin on herself by all live can't She that. do her let can't I Timmy. with herself by off go to meant She it!
long. know!" ever would one no and herself, hurt and rock a on slip might She ill. fall might She
. do. to what wondered He girl. little determined the about worried really was boy The
That down tore he If really. start long very a got have couldn't she So George. by made been have must heard he noise
to beach, the
George her. stop could he and there, be still might
So, had rain The beach. the to road the took and gate, the of out path, front the down ran he gown, dressing his in
stopped, night. light a all at not was it But out. were stars the and
"How rock, a on boat her strike She'll mad! "She's thought. he dark," the in rocks those through get to expect George can
and sink."
He and torch, her for battery new a wanted she wonder "No himself. to aloud talking darkness, the in on tore
matchesand would It us? tell she couldn't ever Why stove! cooking little her for was spirit methylated the suppose I
have her." with go to fun been
He soft the in sinking feet his it, to ran He boat. her kept George where torch a of light the saw He beach. the to came
wet sand.
"George! Julian. called night!" of dead the in alone, all this like off go to not You're Idiot!
George she me!" stop can't "You voice. Julian's heard she when jumped She water. the into out boat her pushing was
said. off!" just "I'm
But this. like go can't You mej to listen "George, water. the in waist his to up waded he as boat, the of hold caught Julian
You'll back!" Come rock. a strike
"No," boat!" my go Let right. all be shall I Julian. home, own your to back go can "You cross. getting George, said
"George, shall I waves! these "Dash wave. a by feet his off swept almost Julian, said plan?" your me tell you didn't why
have boat." the into get to
He felt he but George, see not could He in. climbed
quite legs. wet his licked Timmy him. at glaring was she certain
"You're upset. was she meant that voice her in break a with George, said everything," spoiling
Famous 28 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"I'm I'll And George. now, me with Cottage Kirrin to back come "Listen!you voice. gentle a in Julian, said silly!" not,
faithfully we? shouldn't Why us. of lot whole The See? you. with island the to go all we'll Tomorrow something. you promise
Your Sticks. horrible those of reach the of out be shall We she? didn't anyway, there, week a spend could we said mother
We together go us let and George, now, back come you will So time. marvellous a have and ourselves, enjoy shall
Chapter Nine.
THERE darkness, the of out came voice George's Then boat. the round splashing waves the for except silence, a was
lifted joyfully.
"Oh because this, doing for trouble into get I'd afraid was I me? with come really you Will it? mean really you Juliando
Father I if knew I But disobedience. hates he how know you backand came he till Cottage Kirrin at stay must I said
stayed I away. come I'd thought I Sticksso horrid those with miserable be to you want didn't I tooand would you there,
didn't you." asking of thought even never I trouble! into getting of because too, come you'd think
"You're so trouble, into getting about care we'd if "As Julian. said George?" you, aren't sometimes, person stupid very a
long another! one by sticking together, all were we as
Of fault." my it's father your tell and escape, this for responsibility the all take I'll youand with come we'll course
"Oh know You it. to up own to afraid not I'm wrong, do I If idea. my was it say shall "I quickly. George, said won't," you no
"Well, the all do to Island Kirrin on days ten or week a least at have shall "We Julian. said now," that argue won't we
arguing quiet nice a have and bit, a for others the up wake now, back get islet's thing The to. want we
talk idea!" good very very, a it's say must I yours. of plan this about night of dead the in
George The are! they here Oh, oars? the are "Where said. she Julian," you, hug could I if as feel "I overjoyed. was
boat's out." way long a quite floated
She He help. George's with beach, the up boat the pulled and out jumped Julian shore. the to back strongly rowed
shone exclamation. an gave and boat the into torch his
"You've to manage you did How stuff. and butter and ham and "Bread said. he here," things of store little nice a quite
get " larder?" the of out them got and down slipped you suppose I tonight? you seeing Stick Mr. old without them
"Yes, Mr. Perhaps tonight. kitchen the in one no was there "But George. said did," I
Stick crept I when there one no was there Anyway, ship. his to back gone has he maybe Or upstairs. sleep to gone has
down, Stinker." even not
"We'd there's guess will one No lid. the down shut and locker that into them "Stuff Julian. said here," them leave better
anything fun!" be to going is this Golly, island. the on live to going all we're if stuff more lot a down bring to have We'll there.
The round flapped dressing-gown wet Julian's excited. and thrilled feeling house, the to back way their made children
his way. the of out be to high up it pulled he and legs,
Timothy doings. night's the at surprised all at seeming not round, gambolled
When happened had what to astonishment in listened who two, other the woke they house the to back got they
that joy. in voice her raised she that island the on live to going all were they that think to excited so was Anne night.
"Oh! ." . . think do I Oh, happen! could that thing loveliest the That's
Famous 29 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"Shut Sticks!" the wake "You'll whispers. loud in voices furious three said up!"
"Sorry!" exciting." awfully terribly, so ohit's "But Anne. whispered
They Julian. said stores," of plenty take must we days, ten or week a for go we "If plans. their discuss to began
"The be would that if doubt I larder the empty entirely we if Even long? so for enough food find possibly we iscan thing
enough somehow." people, hungry such seem all We so. or week a for
"Julian," her in store-cupboard a has Mother do! we'll what know "I something, remembering suddenly George, said
room. the to go can't and winter, the in up snowed get ever we case in there, food of tins of dozens and dozens keeps She
village. cupboard the open we Can't key! the keeps Mother where know I And know. you twice or once happened has That
and tins?" some out get
"Of take we what of list a make can we anyway, And mind. wouldn't Fanny Aunt know "I delighted. Julian, said course!"
and then." money get to sure am I and soon, birthday my be will It mind. does she if her, for them replace
"Where's Dick. whispered key?" the
"Let's-go where you show I'll and room, Mother's into
she her." with it taken hasn't" she hope only "I George. said it," keeps
But keys. cupboard of think to home left she when ill too far felt had mother George's
George thin with together tied keys three or two out brought and dressing-table the in drawer a of back the at fumbled
string. door. the opened one second The wall. the in set cupboard a into another then and one first fitted She
Julian shelves. the on arranged neatly kinds, all of food of tins with filled was It cupboard. the into torch his shone
"Golly!" milk fruittinned of meattins of "Souptins gleaming. eyes his Dick, said
sardinestinned here!" want we everything There's vegetables! butterbiscuitstinned
"Yes," you do George, about, anywhere two or sack a there Is carry. can we all take We'll fine. "It's pleased. Julian, said
Soon to stole children The again. locked and shut was door cupboard The sacks. two into packed quietly were tins the
their more. once rooms own
"Well, there bread what take and too, larder the raid "We'll Julian. said solvedfood," problem biggest the that's
isand island?" the on any there Is George? water, about What cake.
"Well, can't we anything, or bucket no there's as "but thinking, George, said well," old that in some is there suppose I
get I coming! all are you now more three or two fill better we'd mebut with water fresh of container big a taking was I any.
know new." and clean quite some, are there where
So so was It boat. the to take to ready sacks, the with them put and water, fresh with containers some filled they
exciting was it and whisper, a to down voice her keep hardly could Anne night! the of middle the in things these all doing
a others. the of excitement the sensed he for bark, didn't Timothy that wonder
There front the in forming was that heap the to added were those so made, freshly larder, the in cakes of tin a was
garden. heap, the with that put and cloth a in it wrapped George and too, meat of joint large a was There
telling behind! him leave would she it at sniffed as much so he if that voice fierce a in Timmy
Famous 30 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"I've George. whispered anything," up heating or on, water boiling for stove little my got
"It's for matches the And you? did guess, didn't You course. of for, spirit methylated the bought I what That's boat. the in
lighting out." run soon would batteries the time, the all torches our use can't We candles? about saywhat I it.
They spoons, and forks and knives old some saucepan, a kettle, a cupboard, kitchen the in candles of pound a found
and of bottles small some across came also They want. possibly might they thought they things other many good a
ginger-beer, Sticks. the by use own their for stored evidently
"All hot a on it drink to nice be will It too. ginger-beer the take we'll "Well, George. said money!" mother's my of out bought
"Where room one just is there where castle, old the of part ruined that "In Julian. said night?" at sleep to going we are
with walls?" and left, roof a
"That's the on grows that heather the of some of bed my make to going was "I George. said sleep," to planned I where
island, boat." the in down got I've which two, or rug a by covered
"We'll don't I thrilling? simply this isn't say, I pillows. for cushions some "And Julian. said find," can we rugs the all take
know prisoner a like feel I excited. so felt I've when
.escaping gone!" us find they when amazed be Sticks the Won't freedom! to
"Yes sending them .want don't "We soberly. rather George, said them," to say to what decide to have we'll
people there." gone we've know should they think don't I back. come us making island, the to us after
"We'll dawn." be soon will It dark. it's while boat the to everything get to is thing "The Dick. said later," that discuss
"How of light the by goods of pile enormous the at looking Anne, said boat?" George's to down this all get to going we are
her all!" them carry to able be never "We'll torch.
Certainly "If George. asked he shed?" the in barrows any there "Are usual. as idea, an had Julian pile. great a looked it
we the wheel could We journey. one in everything take easily could we barrows, of couple a into things the pile could
barrows noise." any make don't we that so road the of side sandy the on along
"Oh, from and to journeys five about make to had I before. that of thought I'd wish "I delighted. George, said idea!" good
the we'll but wheel, squeaky a has One them. get We'll shed. the in barrows two are There things. own my took I when boat
hope it." hears one no
Stinker did He softly. growled and ears his up pricked He room. Stick's Mrs. of corner a in lay he as squeak, the heard
not even not soundly, slept She growl. the hear not did Stick Mrs. up. Timothy bringing of afraid was he for bark, to dare
stirring. downstairs. on going was what idea no had She
The they end the In unguarded. there them leaving like didn't children The boat. the into stowed all were things
decided Dick. without back went they before moment a for thinking stood They rugs. the on sleeping there, Dick leave to
"I haven't We know! "GollyI forehead. her up wrinkling George, said want," shall we all remembered we've hope do
remembered that lids tin little those got They've bottles. ginger-beer the of tops the off take to thing a tin-openernor a
have opener." an by off forced be to
"We'll in some seeing remember "I Julian. said them," find and house the to back get we when pockets our in those put
the soon as baker's the at bread some get must We off. row to early very down be We'll Dick. Good-bye, drawer. sideboard
as he
Famous 31 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
opens, Timmy. for butcher's the at bone large very a up pick can we if see we'll and any, hardly got we've because
George too." him for boat the in biscuits of bag a got has
The fell soon He rugs. the on comfortably up curled Dick leaving Timmy, with house the to back off set them of three
asleep sky. the from fade soon would that stars the to upturned face his again,
The don't "I last. at Julian, said anything," them tell won't we think "I Sticks. the tell to what about talked others
particularly dothere we'll what know I truth. the them tell to going not certainly I'm and lies, deliberate them tell to want
is own our to back going were we if catch we'd one the be would which o'clock, eight about station the leaves that train a
home. all we'll then and train, a up looking been we'd if as table, dining-room the on open it leave time-table, a find We'll
set station." the to going were we if as house, the of back the at moor the across off
"Oh never will "They Anne. said home," back train the catch; to gone and away, run we've think will Sticks the yesthen
guess island." the to gone we've
"That's back?" get Mother and Father when know we shall how "But pleased. George, said idea," good a
"Is trust?" really could you withsomebody message a leave could you anyone there
asked Julian.
George wasn't I when me for Tim after look to used "He last. at said she fisher-boy," the Alf "There's hard. thought
allowed away." us give not he'd know I house. the in him have to
"We'll the at table the on open it lay and time-table that for look let's "Now, Julian. said then," go we before Alf on call
right place."
They think would Sticks the that hoped they train the underlined and page, right the found time-table, the for hunted
they more three or two found Julian pockets. their into them put openers,and bottle and tin the found They catching. were
boxes enough. long last not would two thought He too. matches of
By said open," is baker the if wonder "I sunshine. early with flooded being was house the and come had dawn time this
Julian. o'clock." six about It's see. and go well as might "We
They made. been already had loaves new the but open, not was He baker. the to went
The morning. the in new-made it sell to ready night, at bread his baked had He himself. sunning outside, was baker
He children. the at grinned
"Up for?" whatever gracious, Good Six! many? loaveshow my of some want you "What, said. he today," early
"To not was shop His butcher's. the to went they and loaves, enormous six for paid Julian grinning. George, said eat,"
open please?" Timmy, for bone big very a buy we "Could outside. path the sweeping was himself butcher the but either,
asked knew! he days, for him last would bone a Such longingly. it at looked Timmy and one, enormous an got She George.
"Now," make and house, the to back then'go boat, the into things these pack "we'll boat, the to off set they as Julian, said
a are we think will Sticks the hope and moors, the across off set we'll Then there. we're know Sticks the that so noise
making train." the for
They bone. and bread the in packed and boat, the in peacefully sleeping still was who Dick, woke
"Take beach the on anyone from there hidden be shall We that? do you "Can George. said cove," next the into boat the
then. fishing. boats, their in out all are fishermen The
We then." by back be We'll time. hour's an about offin set we if seen, be shan't
Famous 32 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
They Julian and Timmy, to whistled George up. getting just were they if as noise a made and house the to back went
sang in moors, the across cut and path the down out set they doors of banging great a with Then, voice. his of top the at
full window. kitchen the of sight
"Hope they'll expect "I window. the of out staring Edgar seeing Julian, said us," with isn't Dick notice won't Sticks the
think ahead." gone he's
They they Then Cottage. Kirrin at watcher any from hidden were they where dip, a to came they until path the to kept
took for anxiously waiting there, was He boat. the taken had Dick where cove the to unseen, them, led that path another
"Ahoy begin." to about is adventure "The excitement. in Julian, yelled there!"
Chapter Ten.
THEY tongue His stood. always he where prow, the to ran and lightly in leapt Timothy boat. the into clambered all
hung wagged and panted he wonder No it! in was he upand was something that well quite knew He excitement. in out
his hard. tail
"Off the awfully boat the "down weighing is luggage The Anne. bit, a there over "Sit oars. the taking Julian, said go!" we
other go!" we Off right. That's better. balance the keep to Anne by sit Dick, end.
And blew breeze good a but calm, fairly was sea The waves. the on down and up rocking boat, George's in went they off
through very felt all children The noise. friendly gurgly, nice a made and boat the round splashed water The hair. their
happy. with Island, Kirrin on stay to going were They Sticks. horrid the from escaping were They own. their on were They
the jackdaws. and gulls and rabbits
"Doesn't do bit, a grab just we "Can usual. as hungry very feeling Dick, said good?" awfully smell bread new-made that
you think?"
"Yes, and rowing, was who Julian, to some handed crust, brown warm the of bits off broke they So George. said let's,"
chewed mouth. his into went it as soon as gone was his but too, bit a got Timmy bread. new-made delicious the
"Timmy's it drink to seems dohe we as food his eats never "He Anne. said funny,"
just water!" was it if as it, swallows and mouth his into it takes
The for them on rightchews all those eats always "He George. said bones." his drink doesn't "He laughed. others
hours Timothy?" you, Don't hours. and
"Woof!" the But now. it have could he wishing was, bone enormous that where place the eyed He agreeing. Timmy, said
children pity. a be would that and overboard, go might it afraid were They him. let wouldn't
"I going about him told We course. of fisher-boy, the Alf "Except Julian. said going," us noticed has anyone believe don't
to else." nobody but Dick, island, the
They and away was mother His back.: the at yard the in alone was Alf cove. the to way their on house Alf's at called had
his to faithfully promised and head tousled his nodded had Alf and secret, their him told had They fishing. out was father
tell all. at nobody
He trusted. being at proud very evidently was
"If hail and dare, you as island the near as "Sail George. said know," us let must you back, come father and mother my
us. else." anyone than it to nearer get can You
"I'll them. with go could he wishing Alf, promised that," do
Famous 33 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"So, we than sooner return does Fanny Aunt chance any by "if island, the to out rowed he as Julian, said Dick," see, you
expect, well." very everything planned we've think I back. come and once at know shall we
"Yes, nearer. coming was which island, the faced and turned He Dick. said have," we
"We in?" boat the guide and oars the take to going George Isn't there. be soon shall
"Yes," different the of out and in way our weave to got we've where now, bit difficult the to come "We've George. said
rocks Ju." oars, the me Give up. sticking keep that
She the of out and in skillfully boat big the guided girl the as admiration in watched others the and oars, the took
hidden her. with safe perfectly felt They clever. very was certainly She rocks.
The rocks High sand. of stretch a to up running water the with harbour, natural a was It cove. little the into slid boat
sheltered . sand. the up quickly boat the tugged hands willing of pairs four and eagerly, out jumped children The it.
"Higher the sure be to want We bay. this in up blow suddenly storms awful what know "You George. panted still," up
boat run." seas the high how matter no safe, quite is
The have "Let's blowing. and puffing down, sat children The sand. of stretch the up high side, one on lay soon boat
breakfast for want we what get We'll moment. the at things heavy those all unloading like feel don't "I Julian. said here,"
breakfast, sand." of bit warm this on here it have and
They plates. and forks and knives found Anne jam. of pot a and tomatoes few a ham, cold some bread, new of loaf a got
Julian ginger-beer. of bottles two opened
"Funny as is anyone when gorgeous simply "But sand, the on down bottles the setting said, he breakfast," of sort
hungry are." we as
They biscuits. own his of some and bone his given was Timmy loaf. the of third a about except everything ate
He bone. fine the gnaw to contentedly down sat then and once, at biscuits the up crunched
"How sun, the in back her on lying Anne, said about," bother to cup or fork or knife or plate no Timmywith be to nice
feeling more. anything eat couldn't really she that
"Oh, would Who back. go to want never shall I island, the on this like meals mixed-up have to going always are we if
have together?" well so go would ginger-beer and jam and ham that thought
Timmy like didn't He drink. a him give would George that wishing out hanging tongue his with sat He thirsty. was
George lazily. him eyed
"Oh then minutes, few a wait to have You'll up! get can't really I if as feel J dear, "Oh said. she thirsty?" you Timmyare
I'll you." for water some out empty and boat the to go
But them of one in hole a In sea. the of reach of out were which rocks, nearby some to off went He wait. couldn't Timothy
he eagerly. up it lapped he and rain-water, some found
The laughed. and it, lapping him heard children
"Isn't that." of thought have never should "I Anne. murmured clever?" Timmy
The they one by One sleepy. very were and things, good of full were they now and night, the half up been had children
fell children the all were here Yet night-time! wasn't It astonishment. in them eyed Timothy sand. warm the on asleep
sleeping beside down himself threw Timothy So time! any at too sleep to go always could dog wella Well, tightly.
George, eyes. his closed and middle, her on right head his put
Famous 34 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
The sun the for indeed, hot very feeling Dick, then first, awoke Julian "awoke. company little the when high was sun
was yawning. up, sat They down. blazing
"Goodness!" we Did tonight. by sore terribly be shall I properly. me caught has sun "The arms. his at looking Dick, said
bring Julian?" cream, any
"No. sun's The ends. day this time the by more much burnt be You'll up! "Cheer Julian. said it," of thought never We
going sky!" the in cloud a not hotthere's be to
They your put you when nightmares me give "You tummy. her off head Timmy's pushed George girls. the up woke
heavy bed in back was I thought I moment a For we? aren't island, the on saywe're I "Oh, complained. she there," head
at Cottage!" Kirrin
"Isn't like!" we what just do to able eat, to things nice of tons with ourselves, by all ages, for are we gorgeoushere it
said contentedly. Anne,
"I all read and sitting-room the in loll to able be will Face "Spotty Dick. said gone," we've glad are Sticks old the guess
our to." wants he if booksI
"And Timothy that afraid being without bed anybody's on lie and house the over all wander to able be will Stinker-dog
will escaped." I've that now anything about care don't I him. let "Well, George. said whole," him eat
It got awake, was he once long, for rest never could who Julian, soon But everything. about talk and there lie to fun was
up himself. stretched and
"Come along!" Come Lazy-Bones! do, to work is "There others. the to said he on!"
"Work astonishment. in George said mean?" you do What do? to
"Well, to happens rain the if spoilt get won't it where somewhere everything pack and boat the unload to got we've
come," pile and beds our for heather the get and sleep, to going we're where exactly decide to got we've "And Julian. said
the them. on rugs
There's do!" to plenty
"Oh, sand. warm the of out up get to wanting all at not Anne, said yet," it do let's don't
But boat. the unload to work to set all they together and up, her pulled others the
"Let's left one only the It's sleep. we'll where room little the find "And Julian. said castle," the at look a have and go
whole, one." that be to have will it so
They castle, ruined old the towards way their made and rocks the to on up climbed inlet, the of top the to right went
whose island. little the of middle the from up rose walls
They it. at gaze to stopped
"It's ours!" all is this Fancy, own! our of castle a and island an have to lucky we "Aren't Dick. said ruin," old fine a
They now but towers, fine two had once had castle The beyond. steps old to archway, broken-down big a through gazed
one loudly. talking there, collected jackdaws black The half-ruined. air, the in high rose other The gone. almost was
"Chack, chack! chack,
Chack, chack!" chack,
"Nice stop ever they if wonder I Anne? heads, their of back the at patch grey the See them. like "I Dick. said birds,"
"I ever!" than rabbitstamer the at look "Oh, George. said so," think don't
The them eyed who rabbits, big of full was courtyard
as they one by one tamebut so were they them, pat to possible be would it if as seemed really It near. came they
edged approached. children the as away
Timothy Why rabbits! those Oh end. to end from quivered tail his and excitement, of state great a in was
Famous 35 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
couldn't bit? a run them make he couldn't Why rabbits? about difficult so George was Why them? chase he
But the even chase to dare you don't Timothy, "Now, glance. stern him: gave and collar, his on hand her had George
smallest them." o one every mine, They're rabbits. these of
"Ours!" island. the and castle the in as well as rabbits, the in share to wanted She once. at Anne corrected
"Ours!" nights." the spend we'll where room dark little the at look a have and go "Let's George. said
They inside. looked and doorway a to came They ruined. so quite be to seen not did castle the where to way their made
"Here dark." quit it's and here, slits only are windows The torch. my us to have shall "I in. peeping Julian, said is!" it
He and goods their store to proposed they where room old the into gaze< all children the torchand his on turned
George summer." last since in fallen has roof The room! this use can't We "Golly! exclamation. loud a gave
So floor. the over all scattered stones, fallen of heap a to on shone torch Julian's had. it
It more if as looked it for so, do to dangerous be might it case any In now. room old the use to impossible quite was
stones moment. any at fall might
"Blow!" sleeping-place!" an storing a for else somewhere find to have shall W this? about do we shall "What Julian. said
Chapter Eleven.
IT was that castle ruined the in room other no was there knew They spoilt. plans their have to shock a quite was
sufficiently the at fine was weather the although for shelter, of sort some find must they And them. shelter to whole
moment, up. blow might storm a dayor any hard rain might it
"And storm the remember you "Do two. or one remembering Julian, said violent," very so are Kirrin about round storms
that George?" sea, the of bottom the from up wreck your tossed
"Oh I'd can. we if today wreck the see and go "Let's eagerly: added Anne and together, Anne, and George said yes,"
love it." explored we when year, last was it as rocks, those on balanced still it's if see to
"Well, firmly. Julian, said sleep," to going are we where minds our up make must we first
"I with out sandtired the on hours for slept We afternoon! the in o'clock three about it's but it, realise you if know don't
our beds." our make and once, at there things our put and place safe some find must really We suppose. I night, exciting
"Well, castle." old the in place other no "There's Dick. said go?" we shall where but
"There's mysterious." and dark so It's there. go to want don't I "But shivering. Anne, said below," dungeon the
Nobody Dick dungeons! the in down sleep to wanted
frowned there?" living of chance "Any said. he wreck?" the about "What hard. thought and
Famous 36 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"We the on high still it's if wreckbut rotting old damp a on living fancy somehow don't "I Julian. said see," and go might
rocks, there." stores and bed our have to possible be might it and it, dried have will sun the maybe
"Let's it. round ran that wall old the to castle ruined the from way their made they So George. said now," see and go
From rocks. some on firmly settled had and before, year the up cast been had It wreck. the see to able be would they there
They in Julian, said moved," "It's it. expected had they where not was it but wreck, the for looked and wall the on stood
surprise. battered been It's wreck! old Poor before. was it than shore the to rocksnearer those on look, is, it "There
about summer." last did it than wreck real a of more much looks It it? hasn't winter, last this bit good a
"I food store to able be might We battered. dreadfully "It's Dick. said there," sleep to able be shall we believe don't
there, island." the from out run that rocks those from it to get could we believe I know, you Do though.
"Yes, I down, is tide the when summerbut last boat by safely it reach only could "We George. said could," we believe I
think itself." wreck the to right rocks, of line the over out climb could we
"We'll then." by rocks the off be will tide "The excited. feeling Julian, said hour," an about in try
"Let's Here, castle. the of courtyard the to back way their made they and Dick, said well," old the at look a have and go
the dungeons the past rock, the through down deep ran that well-shaft the to entrance the found had they before, summer
below, water. fresh to sea, the of level the than lower
The back. it drew They cover. wooden old the to came and well, the for about looked children
"There in. peering Dick, said year," last down went I ladder iron old the of rungs the are
"Now here." near somewhere are it into down steps The dungeon. the to entrance the find let's
They said that?" did "Who it. across pulled been had stones enormous some surprise their to but entrance, the found
George, here!" been has Someone didn't! "We frowning.
"Trippers, bet I day? other the here smoke of spire a saw we thought we that remember you "Do Julian. said suppose," I
it last it in found we treasure the and dungeons, and castle old its and Island, Kirrin of story the know, You trippers. was
year, landing and trippers taking by money making been has fishermen the of one expect I newspapers. the in all was
them island." our on
"How says that board a up put shall "I fierce. very looking George, said they?" dare
"Trespassers island." our on strangers have won't I prison." to sent be will
"Well, go to want us of any think don't "I Julian. said entrance," dungeon the across pulled stones" the about worry don't
down funny?" he Isn't unhappily. most rabbits those at gazing He's Timmy! old poor at Look there.
Timothy grown weed the round all rabbits of ring the at mournfully most looking children, the behind down sitting was
courtyard. rabbits. atthe back looked he then George, at looked he then and rabbits the at looked He
"No rabbits. about mind my change to going not "I'm firmly. George, said Timmy," good,
You're island." our on them chase to not
"I island the of quarter your share might he said you all, "After Anne. said him," to unfair most you're thinks he expect
with too!" rabbits your of share his have to ought he thinks he so youand
Famous 37 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
Everyone courtyardand the across walked all They George. at hopefully looked and tail his wagged Timmy laughed.
then stop. a to came suddenly Julian
"Look!" they where is This here! been has Someone "Look! ground. the on something to pointing surprise, in said he
built fire!" a
Everyone the into Stamped fire. a from left evidently quite there, wood-ash of heap a was There ground. the at gazed
ground island! the on been had itsomeone about doubt no absolutely was There too. end, cigarette a was
"If to belong doesn't it place, own our is "This fury. a in George, cried them!" to on Timmy set I'll here come trippers
anybody See?" us! except legs, two on anybody chase can you but here, rabbits chase mustn't you Timothy, all. at else
Timmy somebody see to hoped he if as round all looked He agreeing. quite said, he "Woof!" once. at tail his wagged
appearing one. no was there But chase. could he that
"I and them along climb we'll is it If see. and go "Let's Julian. said now," by rocks those off about is tide the think should
see the round all raging is sea the and fall, and slip might She come. not better had Anne wreck. the to get can we if
"Of am." I as fall to likely as just "You're indignantly Anne, cried coming!" I'm course
"Well, rocks of line the to down wall, castle the over way their made They Julian said dangerous," too looks it if see I'll
that safe. fairly seemed it but occasionally, rocks the over wash did waves Big wreck the towards seawards, out ran
"If parts, difficult over you help us let must you "But Julian. said Anne," come can you Dick, and me between keep you
and away." washed get and in fall to you want don't We fuss. a make not
They got the; as farther even down went tide The rocks. slippery rugged of line the along way their make to began
nearer to right get to now possible was It rocks. the off washed being of danger little very was there soon and wreck, the to
the before. summer the do to able been not had they thing rocksa the across wreck
"Here they that now ship big a was She wreck. old the of side the on ham his put he and last, at Julian said are!" we
were water The old. and musty smelling seaweed, and shell-fish with thick them, above towered She her. to near
washed highest. its at was tide the when even water, the of out right was part top the but her, of part bottom the round
"She's side, her in hole new more lot a are "There her. at looking George, said winter," last bit a about thrown been
aren't her." to up get we can How deck. the of some and gone is mast old her of part And there?
"I've loop a make minuteI'll a "Half waist. his round wound had he that rope a undid he and Julian, said rope," a got
and there." up out sticking post that round it throw can I if see
He At impatiently. him from it took George post. the round loop the get not could but times, three or two rope the threw
the things, some in boy a than thatbetter like things at indeed good very was She post. the round it got she throw first
Anne admiringly. thought
She a at caught but slipped, almost She deck. slippery sloping the on stood soon and monkey, a like rope the up was
broken followed. boys two the then and up, go to Anne helped Julian time. in just deck of piece
"It's look and go I'll think don't I this? like smell wrecks all "Do nose. her up wrinkling Anne, said it?" isn't smell, horrid a
down there." worse be would smell The time. last did we like cabins the in
Famous 38 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
So smelly, the to down went They bit. a explore to went they while deck half-rotten the on up Anne left others the
seaweed-hung they could only not that plain quite was it But lot. the of biggest the cabin, old captain's the into and cabins,
not rotten. and damp was place whole The either. there, anything store to hope not certainly could they but there, sleep
Julian moment. any at planking the through go would foot his afraid half was
"Let's too." dark hereawfully down nasty "It's said. he deck," the to up go
They quick! here, Come say! "I Anne, from shout a heard they when up, going just were
I've something!" found
They had they where standing was Anne deck. sloping the on sliding and slipping could, they as fast as up hurried
left said it?" is "What ship the of side opposite the on something to pointing was She brightly. shining eyes her her,
George. The pointing. still Anne, said surely!" before here came we when here wasn't "Lookthat matter?" the "What's
others small a was it into stuffed and deck, the o side other the at locker open an saw They pointed. she when looked
black extraordinary! How trunk!
"A quite eitherit's long there been not It's before. there wasn't "Nothat surprise. in Julian, said trunk!" black little
dry here?" be it should why And to? belong it does Whoever new! and
Chapter Twelve.
CAUTIOUSLY locker. the towards deck slippery the down way their made children the
The been had as hidden, not was trunk the that so open, come had but trunk the on shut been evidently had this of door
Julian there? trunk a put anyone should Why amazed. were children the All trunk. black little the out pulled
"Smugglers, gleaming. eyes his Dick, said think?" you do
"Yesit for place good very a be would "This trunk. the of straps the undo to trying thoughtfully, Julian, said be," might
smugglers. their on go and here, them leave goods, smuggled with boat a off cast in, put could way the knew that Ships
way, leisure." their at goods the collect and come could people that knowing
"Do excitement. in Anne, asked trunk?" the inside goods smuggled are there think you
"What Silks?" Diamonds? be? there would
"Anything Julian. said country," the into get can it before it on paid be to duty a has that
"Blow them." undo can't I straps! these
"Let the had time short a in and buckles, the at work to began She fingers. little deft very had who Anne, said try," me
straps good two were There locked! truly and well was trunk The them. awaited disappointment further a But undone.
locks, keys! no and
"Blow!" now?" open trunk the get we can How sickening! "How George. said
"We had goods the that to belongs it whoever warn would it because open, it smash mustn't we "And Julian. said can't,"
been catch and try to want We game. little their discovered have we that smugglers the to-warn want don't We found.
"Ooooh!" could?" we think really you Do Julian! Oh smugglers! the "Catch excitement. with red going Anne, said
Famous 39 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"Why might we island, the approaching ship a saw we whenever hid we If here. are we knows one "No Julian. said not?"
see using are smugglers the that think should I happening. is what out find and watch could we and it, to coming boat a
this or Village Kirrin from Someone them? fetches and comes who wonder I goods. for dropping-place of sort a as island
the think." should I places, nearby
"This It's Kirrin to come we when adventures have to seem always "We Dick. said exciting," awfully be to going is
absolutely had." have we one third the be will This them. of full
"I seeing and ship the of side the over looking suddenly Julian, said rocks, the over back getting be to ought we think
that I'll hours! and hours for here stay to have and tide the by caught be to want don't we on "Come turned. had tide the
go Anne." come, you Then first. rope the down
They rock of stretch last the reached they as Just excited. very feeling again, rocks the over climbing soon were
leading stopped. Dick itself, island the of cliff rocky the to
"What's on!" get "Do him. behind pushing George, said up?"
"Isn't would it was, it If me. to one like awfully looks "It pointing. Dick, said there?" rock big that beyond just cave, a that
be sea." the of reach of out was it if in, sleep to even and in, things our store to place lovely simply a
"There did really at pointing was Dick What short. stopped she then and George, began Kirrin," on caves any aren't
look one. was it if seeing while worth was It cave. a like
After lay that cave the of sight catch to able been never had so and rocks, of line this explored never had George all,
just land. the from seen be possibly not could It beyond.
"We'll they come, had they way the back climbing of instead and direction, their changed they So said. she see," and go
cut be. to seemed cave the which in cliff, the of part jutting-out a towards way their made and rock of mass the across
They was it it, seen had Dick where from Except it. hid half and entrance, the guarded rocks Steep last. ,at it to came
really well-hidden. so was it it, of sight catch to impossible
. one!" fine a what my, "And it. into stepping delight, in Dick, said cave!" a is "It
It was cave the for dry, perfectly and powder, as soft as sand, white fine with spread was floor Its beauty. a was really
clearly ledge. stone a ran it of side one Round storm. winter bad a in possibly except, reached, tide the than higher
"Exactly here. things our all put can "We joy. in Anne, cried us!" for made shelf a like
How come Let's lovely!
and roof!" the in skylight a got even Julianwe've look, And here. sleep and here live
The the to on giving part, one in open was cave the of roof the that saw others the and upwards, pointed girl little
cliff-top making cave, the to down looked that hole a was above cliff heathery the on somewhere that plain was It itself.
what "skylight'. a called Anne
"We plans. making quickly Julian, said hole," that through down things our all drop could
"We cliff the on out are we when there up hole that find can we If rocks. the over them bringing time awful an have would
again, I here. just low are cliffs the for it, calls Anne as "skylight", high very a not It's rope. a on everything down let can we
believe to rocks the over clambering of bother the have needn't we that so easily, rope a down ourselves swing could we
the by!" in come just have we entrance seaward
This a got "We've happily. Anne, said thought," we than exciting more even is island "Our discovery. grand a was
beautiful now!" share to cave
The all they out So cave. the of roof the to led that hole the find and cliff the on up go to was course, of do, to thing next
went, slippery the on funny was Timmy too. Timmy
Famous 40 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
rocks. fell he pools the across swam just he But water. the into fell he times three or two and about, slithered feet His
into, slithering. his with again on went and out clambered
"He's him!" to happens whatever up, gives never "He laugh. a with Anne, said George!" like
They there. was it knew they once hole the find to easy was It cliff. the of top the to up climbed
"Pretty on run have might us of one "Any down. peering was and it, found had he when Julian, said really," dangerous,
this brambles." blackberry with criss-crossed all it's See, accident. by hole the down popped and cliff
They look could they hole, the cleared had they Once brambles. the from hole the free to trying hands, their scratched
right easily. quite cave the into down
"It's hole." this down slide ourselves let we if down, jump could we if as almost looks "It Anne. said down," far very not
"Don't into down hanging up, fixed rope a get we till Wait leg. your break "You'd Julian. said sort," the of anything do you
the easily." out and in get to manage can we Then cave.
They island, the of side seaward the to across everything took They it. unloading began and boat, the to back went
where intervals. at thickly it knotted and rope strong a took Julian was. cave the
"To will knots These hands. our hurt we'll quickly, too down drop we "If explained. he down," go we as hold a feet our give
stop up." climb to us help and slipping us
"Let hand, over hand went, she down So George. said me," to things our all lower can you then and first, down go me
her down. go to way good a was It another. after one for feeling knots, thick the finding easily feet
"How hole, the of edge the at anxiously whining been had who Timothy, But Julian. said down?" Timmy get we shall
watching himself. difficulty the solved him, from away sliding George
He below. from shriek a came There it! down disappeared and hole the into jumped
"Oh! yourself?" hurt you Have Timmy! Oh this! what's goodness, My
The then and shake a himself gave He all. at himself hurt not had Tim and cushion velvet a like soft, very was sand
barked holes mysterious down disappearing mistress his have to going wasn't He again! George with was He joyfully.
without Timmy! Not once. at her following
Then Julian and rugs, in together things the tied Dick and Anne goods. the all down lowering of business the followed
lowered the went back then and goods, the out took her, reached it as soon as rope the untied George carefully. them
rope bundle. another round tied be to again
"Last that you telling mind don't I and too, come we down "Then work. hard really of spell long a after Julian, called one!"
before meal, a had we since hours and hours It's meal! good jolly a have to is job next our anything, or beds our make we
and starving." I'm
Soon and bread of slices huge cut meat, of tin a opened They cave. the of floor soft warm the on sitting all were they
made of full tin the of out them spooning those, ate and chunks pineapple of tin a opened they Then sandwiches.
sweetness It biscuits. wit! out them dug and sardines of tins two opened they so hungry felt still they that After juice. and
made meal. grand really a
"Ginger-pop this?" like meals have always people don't why word, "My Dick said please," with up finish to
Famous 41 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"We'd sleepily. George, said beds," our for heather get to able be shan't we or up hurry better
"Who shall I two. or rug a and cushion a wantand shall I all is sand soft lovely This don't! "I Dick, said heather?" wants
sleep bed!" in did I ever than here better
So the and dark, grew it as lighted was candle A cave. the of floor sandy the on out spread were cushions and rugs the
four George. with was usual, as Timmy, another. one at looked children sleepy
"Good-night," ery . . . ev "Good-night, minute. another awake keep can't "I George. said
. night!" . . . good . . . body . .
Chapter Thirteen.
THE cave the into pouring was sun The up. woke they when day next the were they where knew hardly children
entrance, felt bed her why wondering half-dozing, lay she and her awoke It face. sleeping George's on all of first fell and
rather usual. than soft less
"But herself. to suddenly thought she course!" of Island, Kirrin on bedI'm my in not I'm
She island!" the on We're sleepy-head! up, "Wake punch. a Anne gave and up sat
Soon all," after bed, my for today heather get to going I'm think "I eyes. their from sleep the rubbing awake all were they
said bit." a after hard gets it but first, at soft feels sand "The Anne.
The they Then covering. for rugs with sand, the on set beds, their for heather get all would they that agreed others
would beds. fine really have
"It's dungeons! and castle a as well as island, our on this like cave fine a having "Fancy Dick. said cave," a in live to fun
We lucky." very really arc
"I bread, ham, cold Then breakfast. have we before bathe a have and go "Let's Julian. said dirty," and sticky feel
pickles me!" for marmalade and
"We we're while boil to on kettle the put and stove little my light better "We'd George. said bathe," our after cold be shall
bathing. shivering!" back come we when cocoa hot some make can we Then
"Oh water with kettle the fill I'll let's. "Do before. stove tiny a such on anything boiled never had who Anne, said yes,"
from milk?" for do we shall What containers. the of one
"There's tin-opener?" the Where's that. open can "We Julian. said pile," the in somewhere milk of tin a
It well. was all so pocket, his in it discovered Julian last at But exasperating. most was which found be to not was
The children the Then top. on set and filled was kettle The lighted. and spirit, methylated with filled was stove little
went bathe. to off
"Look! never "We've pointing. Julian, called there!" over rocks those of middle the in pool marvellous simply a There's
spotted us!" for specially made swimming-pool, small a like it's Golly, before. it
"Kirrin see And gorgeous! looks onit Come though! owners, the to "Free Dick. said dip!" a pence five Pool, Swimming
how better!" be Couldn't pool. the into splashing and rocks the of top the over washing keep waves the
Famous 42 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
It splashing thoroughly, themselves enjoyed children The cold. too not and clear deep, rock-pool, lovely a was really
about beautifully. in went and rocks, the of one off dive a tried George floating. and swimming and
"George never I But George. like swim and dive could I wish "I admiringly. Anne, said water," the in anything do can
"We water. the of out coming Julian, said here," from nicely wreck old the see can
"Blow! towels." any bring didn't We
"We'll remember you saydo I one. thinnest the fetch and go "I'll Dick. said about," turn and turn rugs, the of one use
that it?" wasn't Odd, yesterday? wreck the in saw we trunk
"Yes, collect to comes who see and wreck the on watch a keep to have We'll it. understand don't "I Julian. said odd," very
the trunk."
"I send quietly and island the of side this round slinking come smugglerswill are they smugglersif the suppose
off if see and look-out, strict a keep better we'd "Well, vigorously. herself drying George, said wreck," the to boat a
anything ship." or boat steamer, small a of way the in there out sea the on appears
"Yes. at They'd warned. are and us see they if anything out find shan't "We Dick. said us," spot to them want don't We
once at anything spot can we that so look-out, a keeping at turns take us of each we vote I island. the to coming up give
once cover." under get and
"Good breakfast And drink. hot that get and cave, the to race Let's warm. very not but dry, I'm "Well, Julian. said idea!"
turkey." a of nothing say to well, as duck a probably and chicken whole a eat Icould golly,
The few a over climbing and sand the over running cave, the to off raced They same. the felt all They laughed. others
rocks, . sunshine. with splashed still entrance, big the into and cave-beach the to down then
The of loaf a and out ham the "Get spout. tin its from up steam of cloud a sending merrily, away boiling .was kettle
bread, and cocoa of tin the take you George, milk. of tin the open "I'll Julian. ordered brought," we pickles of jar that and
that us." of all for enough make and jug,
"I'm It's feeling. lovely a "It's breakfast. her eating cave, the to entrance the at sat she as Anne, said happy," terribly so
simply like." we what do to able ourselves, by all this, like island our on being gorgeous
They blue. so were sea and sky the and too, day lovely a such was It same. the felt all
They old the beyond rocks the over spray into break waves the watching sea, to out gazing drinking, and eating sat
wreck. coast. rocky very a was certainly It
"Let's to liked always and four, the of tidiest the was who Anne, said cave," the in nicely very everything arrange
play our have each we'll And beds. proper four make We'll home. our house, our be shall "This could. she if "houses" at
own us!" for made been have might It there. shelf stone big that on tidily everything arrange we'll And in. sit to place
"We'll and go "We'll again. legs her stretch to longing was who George, said herself," by "houses" play to Anne leave
get there?" comes who see to wreck, old the on watch a keeping us of one about oh!what And beds. for heather some
"Yesthat's this above just cliff the on up be would place best The watch. first take "I'll once. at Julian said important,"
cave. right all me hide will that bush gorse a find can I
Famous 43 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
from watches. two-hourly take will We heather. the get others You sea. at out anyone
We up." looking on keep we as long so like, we if read can
Dick tied hole, the through down hung still that rope knotted the up climbed Julian heather. the get to went George and
firmly bush. gorse enormous an of root old great the to
He panting. heather the on lay and cliff the on out himself pulled
He sun, the in down lay He sky-line. the on out miles steamer big some for except all at sea to but nothing see could
enjoying nice! very be to going was job look-out This body. his of inch every into poured that warmth the
He cave-roof the through up came voice Her "house'. her up tidied she as cave the in down singing Anne hear could
hole, thoroughly. herself enjoying was Anne knew He smiled. Julian muffled. rather
So little convenient most a in breakfast, for used had they crockery of bits few the washed had She was. she
rain-pool washing- for it using Anne mind to seem didn't he but too, drinking-water for it used Timmy cave. the outside
up so. doing for him to apologised she though water,
"I'm it if know I that dog sensible a such are you "but said, she darling," Timmy water, drinking your spoil I if sorry
suddenly rain-pool." another find and off go will you you, to nasty tastes
"Woof!" soft, of masses with armed Dick, with back arriving just was who George, meet to off ran and Timmy, said
sweet-smelling beds. for heather
"Put ready." I'm when inside beds the make "I'll Anne. said George," please cave, the outside heather the
"Right!" fun?" having we Aren't more. some get and go "We'll George. said
"Julian's don't does, he hope I unusual. anything sees he if yell "He'll Anne. said cliff," the of top the to rope the up gone
"It sorry "Oh him. burying nearly and Timmy, of top on heather his down putting Dick, agreed exciting," be would
Timmyare luck!" Bad there? you
Anne and forks and knives and shelf-crockery the on beautifully everything arranged She morning. happy very a had
spoons piled neatly fruit of tins together, soup of tins next, meat of tins another in kettle and saucepan place one in
on dresser! and larder splendid a was really It another. one of top
She coolest the in cave the of back the at it put and brought, had they tablecloth old an in up bread the all wrapped
place drinks. of bottles the all did so and too, there went water of containers The find. could she
Then cave. the of side each on one ones, big nice two make to decided She beds. the make to work to set girl little the
"George bed. a of shape the into heather the down patting busy thought, she side," this one the have will Tim and I and
"And I time! in just You're Dick? you, that is Oh, heather. more lots want shall I side. other the have can Dick and Julian
want heather." more
Soon covers. for rugs better two and under-blanket, an for rug old an had each and beautifully, made were beds the
Cushions pillows. made
"What the under them put and neatly them folded have could "I Anne. thought night-things," bring didn't we pity a
cushions. house." beautiful a got We've lovely. looks all It There!
Julian admiringly. round looked He cave. the to cliff the from rope the down sliding came
"My girl." little good a are You tidy. so looking and order in Everything fine! look does cave Annethe word,
Famous 44 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
Anne girl. little a her calling him like didn't she though praise, Julian's hear to pleased was
"Yes, Ju?" cliff, the on up watching you aren't why "But said. she it?" doesn't nice, look does it
"It's two, or one with do could I if as feel I biscuits? any bring we Did up. are hours two "The Julian. said now," turn Dick's
and Dick." with there are Timmy and George some. have and cliff-top the to up go all Let's too. could others the bet I
Anne Julian cliff-top the to up climbed and ten out took She biscuits. of tin the on hand her put to where exactly knew
went didn't he least, At too. Timmy biscuits, at nibbling gorse-bush, big the b) sitting were five all Soon rope. the on up
nibble. swallowed. just He
The severely was Anne though look-out, being at turns took They lazily. rather and pleasantly very passed day
scolded cried. and herself of ashamed very was She watch. her during asleep falling for afternoon the in Julian by
"You're it." do better had Timmy and three "We Julian. said is," it what that's look-out, a be to little too
"Oh, ." . . and hot so was sun the But again. asleep fall will never never, "I Anne. poor begged too," me let do no,
"Don't Anne, chance, another you give rightwe'll All do. you if worse things makes only "It Julian. said excuses," make
and do." we things the do to enough big really are you if see
But children The appeared. none vessel, strange any for sea the on watch a kept and turns, their took all they though
were contained. it what and why, and wreck the on trunk that put had who know to want badly so did They disappointed.
"Better o'clock. nine about "It's low. sank sun the when Julian, said now," bed to go
Come nicely!" so made has Anne that beds heathery lovely those on sleep a to forward looking really I'm on!
Chapter Fourteen.
IT it that candlelight by nice so looked cave the but candle, a light to enough dark quite really not cave, the in dark was
was round all jumped shadows queer once At candle. the lighted and candle-stick the down took Anne So one. light to fun
the daylight! by knew they cave the like all at not place, exciting rather a became it and cave,
"I Anne. said fire," a have could we wish
"We'd no There's this. like cave a in fire a have can't You out. us smoke would it "And Julian. said hot," too far be
"Yes, a as act would it hole, that under just fire a lighted we "If roof. the in hole the to pointing Anne, said is," there
chimney, it?" wouldn't
"It be wouldn't we and smoke, stifling of full cave the get simply We'd so. think don't I "But thoughtfully. Dick, said might,"
able choking." for sleep to
"Well, fire a have to ought home real a that felt who Anne said then?" entrance cave the at fire a light we couldn't
somewhere. book. history my in so says It did. times old of people the what That's say! beasts, wild away keep to "Just
They around." prowling be might that animal wild any away keep to night at entrance cave the at fires lighted
"Well, come to likely are think you do beasts wild what
Famous 45 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
and "Lions? cocoa. of cup a up finishing lazily, Julian, asked cave?" this into peep
Tigers? two." or elephant an of afraid are you perhaps Or
Everyone Anne. said come," would that like animals think really don't "NoI laughed.
"Onlyit sleep." to go we when watch to fire glowing red, a have to nice be would
"Perhaps Dick. said something," or toes our nibble and in come might rabbits the thinks Anne
"Woof!" rabbits. of mention the at did always he as ears his up pricking Tim, said
"I anyone to warning a give and sea at out seen be might it "because Julian, said fire," a have to ought we think don't
thinking smuggling." of bit a do to island the to coming of
"Oh said sea," to out fire a see could one no sure I'm that well-hidden so is cave this to entrance Julianthe no,
George, to fun rather be would it think I completely. it hide must which front, in rocks high of line that "There's once. at
have excitingly." and queerly so cave the up light would It fire. a
"Oh her. with agreeing someone find to delighted Anne, said George!" good,
"Well, move. to comfortable too far was who Dick, said now," it for sticks get and out fag possibly can't we
"You we case in cave, the of back the at them stored and today, myself plenty got "I eagerly. Anne, said to," need don't
wanted fire." a
"Isn't she's but look-out, she's when sleep to go may "She admiration. great in Julian, said house-wife!" little good a she
wide-awake you!" for fire a make Annewe'll right, All cave! a of out us for house a making to comes it when enough
They up picked had and tower jackdaw the to been had Anne cave. the of back the from sticks the fetched and up got all
armfuls fire. little nice a make to up them built They tower. the in nests their making when dropped had birds the that
Julian it. into drop to too, seaweed dried some got
They their to back went children The once. at up blazed sticks dry the and cave-entrance, the at fire the lighted
heather-beds, and cave the up lit glow red The crackling. and leaping flames red the watching them, on" down lay and
made exciting. and weird very it
"This Here, feet. my on heavy so You're do. bit a move Timmy, Oh lovely. "Really half-asleep. Anne, said lovely," is
George, you." on lying him to used .You're side. your to over Timothy pull
"Good-night," all sure I'm it. on wood more any put to bothered be can't I but down, dying is fire .'The sleepily. Dick, said
the away." frightened been have elephants and bears and tigers and lions
"Silly!" Good-night." have! I as much as it enjoyed you've it about me tease needn't "You Anne. said
They jump. a with awoke Julian things. many of peacefully dreamed and asleep fell all
Some listening. still, lay He him. awakened had noise queer
Timothy "Gr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r!" went. he "R-r-r-r-r-r-r," throat. his in down right deeply, growling was
George said. she Tim?" matter, the "What's sleepily. hand her out put and too, awoke
"He's a in Julian, said George," something, heard
low cave. the of side other the .on bed his from voice
George stopped. he and George said "Sh!" growling. still was Timmy cautiously. up sat
He cocked. well ears his straight, up sitting was
Famous 46 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"Perhaps back. her down ran feeling prickly funny a and George, whispered night," the in come smugglers the it's
Somehow different. seemed they night at welcomebut quite and exciting rather were time day the in smugglers
George then! just any meet to want all at didn't
"I'm the up go I'll Dick. wake to not as so quietly, bed his off getting Julian, said anything," spy can I if see to out going
rope there." from better see can I cliff. the of top the to
"Take it. want didn't Julian But George. said torch," my
"No, not," or see can I whether well, quite rope knotted that up way the feel can I thanks.
he said.
He out looked and cliff the to on up climbed He turned. rope the as round twisting body his dark, the in rope the up went
to dark. too far was It wreck. the even not all, at ship no see could he and night, dark very a was It sea.
"Pity then." something see to able be might "I Julian. thought moon," no there's
He feet. his at queerly out coming roof, the in hole the through came voice George's then and minutes, few a for watched
"Julian! up?" come I Shall see? to anything there Is
"Nothing growling?" still Timmy "Is Julian. said all," at
"Yes, him." upset what's imagine can't "I George. said collar," his off hand my take I when
Suddenly in watched He rocks. of line the beyond way good a light, a was It something. of sight caught Julian
excitement. Yes was! wreck the where about just be would That
it lantern! a with "wreck the on someone be must
"George! hole. the inside head his putting said, he up!" Come
George cliff-top. the on Julian by sat She below. growling Timothy leaving monkey, a like hand, over hand up, came
"See a see can you darkbut too it's itself, wreck the see can't you least, "At Julian. said there!" over wrecklook, the
lantern there." put has someone that
"Yesthat's the it's if wonder I "Oh, excited. feeling George, said lantern!" a with wreck, our on someone
smugglerscoming things." more bring to
"Or there is Look!whoever see. and go we'll for tomorrow, know we'll "Well, Julian. said trunk," that fetching somebody
is And wreck. the of side the by boat a into getting be must lowerthey going is lantern the of light nowthe off moving
now out." gone light's the
The water. the over voices of sound the or oars of splash the discover could they if hear to ears their strained children
They voices. hear could they thought both
"The out right light faint a see can I believe "I Julian. said something," or ship a join to off gone have must boat
thereout it." to going is boat the Maybe look! sea, to
There They cave. the to back rope knotted the down slid them of two the soon and hear, or see to more nothing was
didn't peacefully. sleeping still were who others, the wake
Timothy and Julian andlicked up leapt
George, more. any growl not did He joyfully. whining
"You're it?" does ears, sharp your escapes ever "Nothing him. patting Julian, said you?" aren't dog, good a
Timothy It gone. had him disturbed had that was it whatever that plain was It again. feet George's on down settled
must on strangers or stranger the of presence the been have
Famous 47 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
the or away taken been had what discover could they if see and morning the in there go would they Well, wreck. old
brought night. the in there
Anne tale. Julian's heard they when morning next the indignant most were Dick and
"You crossly. Dick, said us!" waked have might
"We lantern, a from light the just only was there "But George. said see," to much anything been had there if have would
and voices." of sound the heard we thought we that except else nothing
When and up clambered They wreck. the to rocks the over off set Timothy and children the enough low was tide the
stood the of door The stood. had trunk little the where locker the towards looked They deck. slippery slanting, the on
locker time. this shut was
Julian from locker the keep to in wood of piece a stuffed had Someone open. it pull to tried and it towards down slid
swinging easily. opened door the Then out. it pulled Julian open.
"Anything Julian. to deck slimy the over carefully stepping George, said there?" in else
"Yes," live and come to going was someone if as thingsjust and plates and cups And food! of Tins "Look! Julian. said
on candles some are here And before. as locked too, here still is trunk The funny? it Isn't too! island the
- for?" here they are Whatever rags. of bundle a lampand little a. and
It out. it think to trying minutes, few a for frowned Julian puzzle. a was really
"It whatever in take and there wait to bitprobably a for island the on stay and come to going is someone if as looks
goods night!" or day them, for look-out the on be shall Wellwe smuggled. be to going are
They there. them find possibly could one caveno their in hiding-place fine a had They excited. feeling wreck, the left
And, island. the to wreck, the from and, wreck, the from and to coming anyone watch could they hiding-place their from
"What they knowif you cove, that use might "They suddenly. George, said boat?" our put we where cove, our about
came near-by." beach rocky the to get to tried anyone if wreck, the from island the reach to dangerous rather It's boat. a in
"Wellif we?" hadn't it, hide better "We'd alarm. in Dick, said boat," our see they'd cove, our to came anyone
"How?" theirs. as big as boat a hide to thing difficult a be would it that thinking Anne, said
"Don't look." a have and go "We'll Julian. said know,"
All of reach of out up, high pulled was boat The boat. their rowed had they which into cove the to off went Timmy and four
the rock? big this round boat the pull could we think you "Do idea. an had then and well, cove the explored George waves.
It once." at it see would rock the round going anyone though it, hide about just would
The trying, while worth be would it thought others
anyway. " her. hid completely almost which rock, the round boat the hauled they puffing, and panting much with So,
"Good!" showed. boat the of much very if see to cove the into down going George, said
"A seaweed!" with it drape Let's still. show does her of bit
So went anyone unless that, after and hand, at find could they seaweed the all with boat the of prow the draped they
deliberately all. at noticeable not was really boat the rock, big the round
Famous 48 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"Good!" this all doing been we've while know, you and, tea-time past long sayit's "I watch. his at looking Julian, said
with are!" we idiots What cliff-top. the on post look-out the on someone have to forgot quite we boat, the
"Well, of bit big fine a putting Dick, said cave," the from away been we've since happened has anything expect don't I
seaweed night." at come only will smugglers the bet "I touch. last a as boat, the of prow the on
"I too. night, at look-out a keep better we'd think "I Julian. said right," you're say dare
The there." up curl and cliff-top the to up rugs take could look-out
"Timmy Timmy mistake, by sleep to goes look-out the if "Then Anne, said watch," keeping is whoever with be could
would anything." saw he if up them wake and growl
"You tea." some have and cave the to back get onlet's "Come grinning. Dick, said sleep," to go you when mean,
And again! growl to began suddenly Timothy then
Chapter Fifteen.
"Sh!" everyone!" quick, bush, this behind down "Get once. at Julian, said
They a behind crouched all they Now growled. Timmy when castle the towards walking were and cove the left had
mass fast. beating hearts their brambles, of
"Don't on quivering, and stiff stood he but once, at stopped He ear. nearest Timothy's in George, said Timmy," growl,
the watch.
Julian the in somebody see just could He hands. his scratching and brambles the parting bush, the through peeped
courtyardone they looked, he as even but see, and try to eyes his strained He three. personsmaybe persontwo
"I he there," down gone have and dungeons, the to entrance the over stones big those moved they've believe
whispered. me." spot anyone let won't I see. and bit a out creep I'll and here, "Stay
He you Do smugglers? the be can they think you Do dungeons. the down gone "Yesthey've nodded. and back came
suppose course." of place, marvellous a be would It there? down goods smuggled their storing are they
"Let's by away game the give will Timmy afraid so "I'm George. said underground," are they while cave the to back get
barking. noise." of sort some make to not trying himself bursting just He's
"Come get we till it round scramble we'll and shore the for courtyardmake the across go "Don't Julian. said then!" on,
to the who see to there gorse-bush big that behind hide and hole the through up pop can us of one Then cave. the
smugglers off-shore." rocks the through cleverly rowing by or wreck, the from either boat by in come have must They are.
They than others, the by helped rope, the up shinned Julian had sooner no But in. went and last at cave the to got
Timothy there round turned George when and turned, were backs others" the while cave the of out ran He disappeared!
was seen! be to Timmy no
"Timmy!" you?" are Where "Timmy! voice. low a in called she
But do to was he dog bad a What him! see didn't smugglers the only If own. his on off gone had Timmy came! answer no
Famous 49 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
But dog-smell knewa he smell a smelt had exciting-he something smelt had Timmy
and his on dogs allow to going not was Timmy "Gr-r-r-r-r-r!" tail! and ears his off bite and it of owner the find to meant he
Julian there and wreck, the" on seen be to nothing was There round. all watching gorse-bush, the beside close sat
was the among below down hidden was island the to strangers the brought had that boat the Probably sea. to out ship no
rocks. sight! astonishing an saw he looked, he as even castleand the towards him, behind looked Julian
A Timothy! was up, hackles his all him, behind up creeping awayand far not bushes the about sniffing was dog
Timothy round, leapt and him heard suddenly dog other The rabbit! a stalking cat a were he if as dog the stalking was
facing Timothy.
Timmy fright. in howled dog the and howl, blood-curdling a with dog the on himself flung
Julian whose dog other the especially noise, fearful a made dogs two The do. to what knowing not horror, in watched
howls everywhere. resounded rage of yelps and terror of
"This Julian. thought island," the on someone there's know and Timmy see will they and "up, smugglers the bring will
"Oh, quiet?" keep and George with stay you didn't Timmy!why you, blow
From dogand their to happening was what see to pell-mell running figures, three came castle ruined the of walls the
Julian and Stick Mrs. Stick, Mr. than other no were people three the for amazement.- greatest very the in them at stared
"Golly!" we've guessed They've us! after come "They've quickly. hole the to get to bush the round crawling Julian, said
gone pity a what oh, But us! find won't they Well, back! go us make to beasts, the us, for look to come they've and here
Timmy's away!" show the given
There feeling was dogs, the from row the hearing who, George, was It him. below down from whistle shrill a came
worried, hold his go let he and obeyed, always dog the whistle a was It Timmy. for whistle piercing her out sent had and
of bleeding, their up picked and scene, the on arrived Sticks three the as just once, at cliff-top the to off shot and dog the
whining mongrel.
Edgar Timmy appearing. Edgar spotted he when cave the to down dropped Julian cliff-top. the to up Timmy, after tore
ran George. on himself flung He Julian. of top on almost landing down, bodily dropped and hole the to
"Shut away, hiding-place our give to want you "Do dog. excited the to whisper urgent an in George, said up!" shut up,
you idiot?"
Edgar, disappear apparently Timothy see to amazed completely was and cliff-top, the on arrived puffing, and panting
into cliff. the on longer no was dog the that clear was it but bit, a for about hunted He earth. solid the
Mr. like?" he was "What Stick. Mrs. shouted go?" dog that did "Where too. up came Stick Mrs. and
"He everyone by heard be clearly could voice His Edgar. said children's," the of dog horrible that like awfully looked
down mice. as quiet as kept children The cave. the in
"But off making too, dog the and them, saw homewe gone have children "The voice. Stick's Mrs. came be!" couldn't it
towards tripper." a by here left dog stray of sort some be must It railway. the
"Well, now." about anywhere dog no see "Can't voice. hoarse Stick's Mr. said then?" he, is where
"He voice. surprised a in Edgar, said earth," the into disappeared
Famous 50 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
Mr. said. he do," you tales, lovely tell "You noise. scornful and rude a made Stick
"Disappeared good Tinker poor into teeth his got he Well, think. should I cliff, the over Fell next? What earth! the into
and him!" shoot I'll dog, that see I if word, My proper.
"He look!" a have "Let's Stick. Mrs. said cliff," this about hiding-place some "have might
The Sticks the that hear could They collar. Timmy's on hand warning a with George mice. as quiet as sat children
were moment! any at hole the down fall to them of one expected Julian near. very really
But they while though, it, to near quite stood They, cave. the to down led that hole the on happen didn't they mercifully
were problem. the discussing
"If Mrs. said home," going of instead island, this to come have must kids tiresome those then dog, children's the it's
Stick. know." I till peace no have I'll out. find to have shall We right! all plan our upset would "That
"We all they'll somewhereand here be will boat Their that. about worry to need "No Stick. Mr. said out," find soon can
be starts anyone once island small this on hidden be to boat a and dog a children, four for impossible It's too! about,
hunting hiding be may They castle. the about round along get you Clara, way. that round go you Edgar, them! for
somewhere here." about look a have I'll ruins. the in
The no that hoped they How found! be not would boat their that hoped they How cave. the in together crouched children
one It again! Stinker-dog that find and go could he that wishing softly, growled Timmy all! at them of traces any find would
had hard. ears his bite to lovely been
Edgar somewhere. Timmy against up coming of scared more deal good a and children, the finding of half-scared was
So been had boat the where cove the into went He boat. the or children the either for search a of much make not did he
pulled at sea-water the by out smoothed barely up, hauled been had vessel the where traces saw he although and up,
high-tide, hidden. was it which behind rock the round out sticking boat the of prow seaweedy the notice not did he
"Nothing she But nook. likely every into looking ruins, the about and round going was who mother, his to called he here!"
found Stick. Mr. did neither and either, nothing
"Couldn't but boat, their would so and was, he if here be "They'd last. at Stick, Mr. said dog," children's the been have
there's Gone it. about doubt no him, for out look to Have stray. wild some been have must dog That all. at them of sign no
wild, think." should I
The the boiled They them. for looking up given have must Sticks the that thinking hour, an about after relaxed children
kettle to again out wandered he case in up tied was Timmy sandwiches. some cut to began Anne and tea, some make to
look Stinker. for
They said all," after us, for look to here come haven't Sticks "The whisper. a above speaking not quietly, tea their ate
Julian. and George taking home, train the catch to gone had we thought they that said they what from plain quite "It's
Timmy us." with
"Then turn and go Let's here. right no They've island! our "It's fiercely. George, demanded for?" here they are what
them out." clear don't they if them to on him set we'll say and us with him take We'll Timmy. of scared They're off!
"No, he or here, are we father your telling and off rushing them want don't We sensible. be "Do Julian, said George,"
may of." thought I've thing another Andthere's back. us order to home flying come and temper his lose
"What?', idea. an had he when did they way the in gleam eyes Julian's seeing others, the asked
Famous 51 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"Well," think you Don't smugglers? the with do to something are Sticks the that possible it's think you "don't Julian, said
they sailor, a is Stick Mr. safety? in off them take can they till them hide to or goods, smuggled off take to here come may
isn't right." all smugglers the of pay the in he's bet I smuggling. about all know would He he?
"I down go we'll then and gone, have Sticks the till wait "Wellwe'll excitement. in George, said right!" you're believe
into terribly be will It it! stop and game little their out find We'll there! anything hidden they've if see and dungeons the
thrilling, it?" won't
Chapter Sixteen.
BUT and again, and now every cave-roof the of top the at spy-hole the of out peeped children The go! didn't Sticks the
saw to down ran Julian go. didn't Sticks the Still dark. be to began it and on went evening The Sticks. the of other or one
the rowed island, the round way their find to managed had Sticks the So there. boat small a discovered and shore nearby
near against. strike might they rocks the avoiding cleverly shore, the to come then and too, it on landed maybe wreck, the
"It isn't here, stay our spoil to going is "This gloomily. Julian, said night," the for stay to come have Sticks the if as looks
it? bad." too It's again. us of top on are Sticks the behold! and lo Sticksand the from escape to here away rush We
"Let's cave. the in candle one the of light the by shining eyes her .George, said them," frighten
"What were. sometimes they as mad ideas, George's liked always He up. cheering Dick, said mean?" you do
"Well, they?" mustn't rooms, dungeon the of one in down living be must they suppose I
said other only the ourselvesand there be we'd or shelter, proper in live to ruins the in place no is "There George.
place mind." would Sticks the suppose don't I but myself, there sleep to care wouldn't I dungeons. the in down is
"Well, idea?" your "What's Dick. said it?" about what
"Couldn't how know "You George. said round?" all up start echoes the that so shouting, of bit a do and down, creep we
frightening the and words, two or one say to had only We dungeons. the into down went first we when echoes the found we
echoes us." at back them shouting again over and over them saying began
"Oh and him, at back barked echoes The barked! he when frightened Timmy wasn't "And Anne. said remember," I yes,
he frightened." awfully was He there! down hiding dogs of thousands were there thought
"It's away, them frighten can we If this! like island our to coming for right Sticks the "Serve Julian. said idea," good a
that it." do Let's us! to up one be would
"What behind?" him leave better we "Hadn't Anne. said Timothy?" about
"No. George. said us," for it guard to entrance dungeon the at stand and come can He
"Then behind." him leave to going not I'm warning. us give could Timmy come, to happened smugglers real the of any if
"Come as and torch, my got I've but dark, quite It's play. to trick fine a be would "It Julian. said now!" go let's then, on,
soon joke." our play to start can we dungeons, the in down are Sticks the that certain are we as
There voices of sound no seen, be to was candle or fire of light No about. anywhere Sticks the of sound or sign no was
to so entrance, the from taken been had stones The dungeons. the in below were they or gone, had they Either heard. be
the there. down were they sure felt children
Famous 52 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"Now unless. not but comes, anyone if "Bark Timmy. to George whispered here," quiet and still quite stay you Timmy,
We're dungeons." the into down going
"I dungeon the of look dark the like didn't She suddenly. Anne, said Timothy," with here up stay I'll perhaps think
entrance. himself." by here up lonely or frightened be might GeorgeTimmy see, "You
The said, he then," here, stay "You arm. her squeezed Julian frightened. was Anne knew They chuckled. others
kindly. company." Timmy old keep "You
Then Castle. Kirrin of dungeons old deep the into led that steps of flight long the down went Dick and George Julian,
They again! were they here now treasure; lost for seeking been had they when before, summer the there been had
They were There castle. the below rock the of out cut dungeons or cellars many the to came and steps the down crept
scores had prisoners unhappy maybe, which, in rooms underground damp queer, small, some and big some those, of
been days. olden the in kept
The and here chalk-line a drew and him, with chalk white of piece a had Julian passages. dark the down crept children
there back. way the find easily might he that so went, he as walls rocky the on
Suddenly ears. other's each in together softly whispered and stopped They light. a saw and voices heard they
"They're we shall noises What out! camping they're where That's year! last treasure the found we where room that in
"I'll cow." a be I'll cow. a like awfully moo can "I Dick. said cow," a be
"I'll begin!" you Dick, horse. a like just hrrrumph and whinny can You horse. a be you "George, Julian. said sheep," a be
So the once At pain. in cow a like dolefully, mooed and mouth his opened he pillar, rocky a behind Hidden began. Dick
echoes cows thousand a if as seemed it till passages, underground the all along it sent it, magnified mooing, the up took
had together. mooing were and there wandered
The noise. awful sudden the at fright and amazement in listened Sticks
"What terrified. cave, the of back the at crouched Stinker tears. in almost Edgar, said Ma?" it, is
"It's here?" be to get cows did how But moos? the hear you Can't cows. there's "Them amazed. Stick, Mr. said cows,"
"Nonsense!" me telling be You'll mad! You're caves! these down "Cows little. a herself recovering Stick, Mrs. said
there's next!" sheep
It one His sheep. of flock a like baa-ing begin to moment that chose Julian for that, said have should she that funny was
long, lost poor of hundreds if as suddenly seemed it and once, at echoes the by up taken was "baa-baa-aa-aa" bleating
sheep dungeons! the down way their baa-ing were
Mr. sheet. a as white as feet, his to jumped Stick
"Well, them." like did never I dungeons? "ere these in What's up? "What's said. he now!" sheep isn't it if
"Baa-aa-AAAAAAAAAAP and whinnying her started George then And about. and round all bleats mournful the went
neighing, girl little The horse. impatient an like just
Famous 53 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
tossed once at and foot, her with stamped she then and horse a like exactly hrrrumphed and darkness the in head her
the than louder times twenty cave Sticks" into stamping and neighing and whinnying the sending too, stamped echoes
George them. made had
Poor was He pitifully. whine to began Stinker
frightened Edgar it. into disappear to like would he if as floor the against himself pressed He life. his of out almost
clutched cows and . horses and sheep of hundreds There's here. stay can't "I said. he up," go "Let's arm. mother's his
roaming them." of scared I'm and hoofs, and voices got they've but real, not They're them. hear can you dungeons, these
Mr. loudly. shouted and in, were they room the of door the to went Stick
"Get are!" you Whoever out! Clear you! out,
George voice. hoarse deep, very a in out shouted she Then giggled.
"BE-WARE!" round. all out thundered echoes the And
Mr. into led that door wooden big the shut He candle. another lighted and cave-room, the into quickly back went Stick
the shaking. were hands His room.
"Queer night." every happening thing of kind this get we if longer much here stay "Shan't said. he goings-on,"
Julian, sheep. or horses more-cows, any imitate not could they that giggle of state a such in now were George and Dick
George and snorts The laughing. of died nearly Dick that grunt and snort realistic a such gave and pig, a be to begin did
grunts everywhere. echoed were
"Come out!" Come laugh. to not trying with burst shall "I last. at Julian, gasped out"
"Come out!" out, out, "Come echoes. the whispered out!"
They light the by easily chalk-marks Julian's following went, they as mouths their into hankies stuffing out, stumbled
of guiding-lines. his followed they if passage wrong the take to impossible was It torch. his
They "We done. had they all related they as laughter with choked and Timmy, and Anne with steps dungeon the on sat
heard George, said out," clear to us to yelling Stick old
"and will Sticks the bet I him. from growl smallest the even heard never we Stinker, for As stiff. scared sounded he
clear fright." terrible most a them given have must It this! after tomorrow off
"Oh, elephant an like trumpet might I feeling just was I laugh. to began I pity a was "It Julian. said grand!" was that
next. that!" like would echoes The
"Funny not they're Cottagebut Kirrin left "They've thoughtfully. Dick, said this," like island the on staying all Sticks the
looking your with job the took Stick Mrs. why that's Perhaps right. all smugglers the with league in be must They us. for
mother, George
help." their wanted smugglers the camewhen time the when island the near be to
"We nearly not .was island, the loved she as much who, Anne, said we?" couldn't Cottage, Kirrin to back go really could
so there. were Sticks the that now it on keen
"Go if back Go Anne. are, you silly "How scornfully. George, said beginning!" it's when just adventure an Leave back!
you you." with go will nobody sure I'm but to want
"Oh, should she suggestion the at hurt feel would Anne that knowing Julian,, said right," all us with stay will Anne
leave worry!" don't go, to have who Sticks the be will "It them.
Famous 54 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"Let's made and up got They candle. little bright and safety its of longingly thinking Anne, said cave," the to back go
their to steps their turned and it over climbed They castle. the round ran that wall little the to courtyard the across way
the he and dark, the in clearly see to impossible was it for safe, was, it thought he when torch his on switched Julian cliff.
did rope. the by properly down climbing of instead hole, the down fall to them of any want not
Julian He one. by one safety, in rope the down climb might others the that so torch his shining last, at hole the by stood
glanced intently. stared then and there, stood he" as sea, dark the over looking up,
There torchlight! his seen have must It signalling. was it and sea, to out light a was
Julian signalling. was it why and was, it out far how and signalling, was that ship a was it if wondering watched,
"Perhaps I'd How are. they if wonder "I thought. he find," to Sticks the for wreck old the into stuff more put to going they're
like us." see Sticks the case in daylight in there go to dangerous be would it outbut find to
The out make him of life the for not could Julian flashed. being was message a if as time, long a for on went signalling
what some of message or signal a mean must it But him. to lantern a of flash-flash-flash the like looked simply It .was. it
sort Sticks. the to
"Well, the think rather "I stopped. signalling the last at when chuckle, a with Julian, thought tonight!" it get won't they
Stick dungeons!" those in about rushing horses and cows and sheep of scared too tonight, are they where stay will family
Julian till room underground their of out them get would Nothing were! they where stay did Sticks rightthe quite was
Chapter Seventeen.
THE could important nothing that sure were they all, at growl not did Timothy as and night, that well slept children
have ginger-beer. and syrup golden butter, and bread peaches, tinned tongue, of breakfast fine a had They happened.
"That's gorgeous a is ginger-beer say must "I regretfully. Julian, said afraid," I'm ginger-beer, the of end the
drinkseems everything." simply with go to
"That if wonder I Island. Kirrin on meals lovely have do We was. really "It Anne. said had," ever I've meal nicest the was
the too." meals nice having are Sticks
"You find." can they best the taken and cupboards Fanny's Aunt ransacked have they expect "I Dick. said are!" they bet
"Oh, taken and house the robbed have may thatthey of thought never "I flashing. eyes her George, said beasts!" the
all things." of kinds
"They your if George, awful, How somehow. that, of thought never I say, "I frowned. he and Julian, said have," probably
mother gone!" belongings her half found and weak, and ill feeling back, came
"Oh dreadful?" be that wouldn't "George, dismayed. Anne, said dear!"
"Yes," come to cheek the have they If Sticks! those of anything believe would "I angry. very looking George, said
to out." find could we wish I house. mother's my from steal to cheek the they've here, live and island our
Famous 55 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
They If boat. by here come have must "They Julian. said boat," their in away things of lot a quite brought have could
they suppose." I dungeons, the in somewheredown them put have must they goods, stolen bring did
"We Dick. suggested us," seeing Sticks the without anything, spy can we if see and round look a have might
"Let's once. at things doing liked always who George, said now," round look a have
"Anne, you?" will us, for cave-house our tidy and up washing the do you
Anne "house" play to longing and others, the with go to wanting between torn was
again. she said she end the In cave. the up tidying and beds the making and everything arranging love so did She
would go. could others the and stay
So and up, him tied Anne bark. might he afraid were they because Anne, with stayed Timothy went. they rope the up
he noise. terrible a make not did but little, a whined
The even but, about, one no be to seemed There castle. ruined the on down looking cliff-top, the on flat lay three other
as the in be to glad seemed They dungeons. the from up coming apparently appeared, Sticks three the watched, they
sunshine, dark. and cold so were dungeons the for surprised, not were children the and
The down. well tail his Stick, Mrs. to close kept Stinker round. all looked Sticks
"They're to Dick whispered night!" last dungeons the in down heard they and-horses sheep and cows the for looking
The Edgar wreck. the faced that shore the of direction the in off went then and two, or minute a for together spoke Sticks
went in. fallen had roof whose one sleepthe to planned first had children the which in room the to
"I'm to." up is Edgar what see two "You others. the to Julian whispered Sticks," two the stalk to going
Julian and George them. followed and went, Sticks the where watched he as bushes behind keeping disappeared,
Dick They island. little the of middle the in castle the to cliff the over quietly and cautiously went
could castle. the of courtyard the about running was Stinker whistling. Edgar hear
Edgar George there. stored been evidently had which cushions, of pile a carrying room, ruined the of out appeared
went fiercely. arm Dick's clutched and rage with red
"Mother's beasts!" the "Oh, whispered. she cushions!" best
Dick Kirrin left had they when handy anything to themselves helped had Sticks the that plain quite was It too. angry felt
Cottage. Stinker, and Edgar between fell It air. the into it flung and aim, careful took earth, of clod a up picked He
breaking earth. of shower a into
Edgar from fallen had something thought he that plain was It fright. in air the into up looked and cushions, the dropped
the a gave dog the and Stinker, over all fell It air. the into high it flung and aim, took clod, another up picked George sky.
yelp, dungeons. the into led that hole the down scuttled and
Edgar open. wide mouth his him, about and round all then and sky the into up looked
What big a sent more once then and direction, opposite the in looking was he until waited Dick happening? be could
clod Edgar. startled the over all itself scattered and bits into fell It air. the into
Then almost spot, the to rooted stood Edgar and pain, in cow a like exactly moos, realistic his of one gave Dick
frightened they? were Where again! cows Those skin. his of out
Famous 56 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
Dick disappeared He steps. dungeon the down fell almost and feet, his found yell, a gave Edgar and again, mooed
with ground. the on cushions the all behind leaving howl, dismal a
"Quick!" anyhow. minutes, few a for back be won't "He feet. his to jumping Dick, said
He'll in down them use should Sticks the why see don't I here. them bring and cushions the grab Let's scared. too be
those dungeons." old awful
The looked Dick hiding-place. their to back raced and cushions the up picked courtyard, the to raced children two
across from. them brought had Edgar where room the to
"What said. he away?" stored they've else what seeing and there across slipping about
"I theirs." isn't that anything have to allowed be should they why see don't
"I'll see you if again moo to got only "You've George. said entrance," dungeon the by watch keep you and across, go
Edgar, miles." for run he'll and
"Right," was There dungeons. the to underground led that steps of flight the to swiftly went and grin, a with Dick, said
no Stinker. of nor all, at Edgar of sign
George her to themselves helped had certainly Sticks the Yes, anger. in round gazed and room ruined the to went
mother's into gone have must Stick Mrs. food. of kinds all and silver and blankets were There that! about doubt no things,
the use. weekly for there stored things various out taken and stairs the under cupboard big
George whisper. fierce a in said, she things!" our of heaps are "There Dick. to ran
"Come back." come Sticks the or appears, Edgar before all them take can we if see We'll them. get to me help and
Just a heard they together, whispering were they as
low them. joined He along. coming Julian saw and round, looked They whistle.
"The Pa Old rocks. those among down somewhere boat old an got "They've said. he wreck," the to off rowed have Sticks
Stick rocks." hidden awful those of out and in boat the take to able be to sailor good a be must
"Oh, had George things the of Julian told hurriedly He pleased. Dick, said do," to want we what do to time got we've then
seen room. ruined the in
"Awful some got They've plain. that's Cottage, Kirrin to back go to mean don't "They indignantly. Julian, said thieves!"
business ship a join goods, stolen their all with off go they'll done is that when hereand smugglers the with on
somewhere, scot-free." off get and
"No, watch keep to going Dick's cave! the to it take and everything get to going are "We once. at George said won't," they
for hole the down them drop can We away. things the carry quickly can Julian, I, and you and entrance, cave the at Edgar
into cave." the
"Hurry probably They've long. be they'll expect don't I and return, Sticks the before it do must "We Julian. said then!"
gone wreck. the in else anything and trunk the fetch to
You the in something leaving were smugglers the that signal a that's nightmaybe last sea to out light a saw I know
wreck fetch." to Sticks the for
George cliff, the on them hide to ran then and there, goods the with arms their piled room, ruined the to ran Julian and
ready lay to easiest was whatever taken just had Sticks the if as looked It time. had they when hole the to them take to
their clock! kitchen the got even had They on. hands
Edgar After others. the watch and dungeon the of steps the by sit but do to nothing had Dick so all, at appear not did
some them. join to went and place his left He Dick. to beckoned and relief of sigh a gave George and Julian time
Famous 57 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"We've they're If yet. returning are Sticks the if see to cliff-edge the to going just "I'm Julian. said now," everything got
not cave." the of roof the in hole the to things the carry all we'll
He the get let's on, Come yet. while some for safe "We're said. he wreck," the to tied boat their see can "I returned. soon
things luck." of bit a is really This safety! to
They hole. the down put to things of tons got We've "Anne! Anne. to it down called and hole the to things the carried
Stand catch!" to by
Soon astonished. most was Anne cave! the into hole the down came things of kinds all
The rope. a by down let then and blankets, the in up wrapped first was fall a by hurt be might that anything and silver
"My too!" things these all arranged have I when soon, house a like look really will cave "This Anne. said goodness!"
Just distance. the in voices heard children the job their finishing were they as
"The right. was He cliff-top. the over cautiously looked and Julian, said back!" are Sticks
They wreck. the from trunk the carrying castle, the to back way their on now even were and boat, their to returned had
"Let's everyone!" on, "Come Julian. grinned gone," everything find they when happens what see and them, follow
They watch. and hide could they which behind bushes of clump a to came and tummies, their on cliff the over wriggled
The seen. be to nowhere was Edgar But Edgar. for round looked and down, trunk the put Sticks
"Where's Edgar!" Edgar! Edgar! everything. do to time of plenty had "He's impatiently. Stick, Mrs. said boy?" that
Mr. Stick. Mrs. to back came He inside. peeped and room ruined the to went Stick
"He's empty." quite room's That dungeon. the in down be must "He said. he down," everything taken
"I dungeons. them in down healthy 'Tisn't " Stick. Mrs. said finished," he'd when sun the in sit and up come to him told
This extremely looked He dungeon. the to entrance the of out looking appeared, head his and heard, Edgar time
"Come now." sunshine the in here up stay better you'd and. down, things the all got "You've Stick. Mrs. said up!" on
"I'm alone." here up staying not "I'm Edgar. said scared,"
"Why . astonished. Stick, Mr. said not?"
"It's me. at things throwing and me, round a-mooing all Pa, them, of "Hundreds Edgar. poor said again!" cows them
They're alone!" here up coming not I'm and are, they animals, dangerous
Chapter Eighteen.
THE mad. was he if as Edgar at stared Sticks
"Cows thing." any throw don't Cows that? by mean you do "What last. at Stick Mrs. said things?" throwing
"These "They him. with sympathise parents his make to order in exaggerate to began then and Edgar, said did," ones
were they And voices. mooing awful and reindeer, as long as horns with them, of were-hundreds they cows, dreadful
threw me at things
Famous 58 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
and hide." to away rushed and down, taking was I cushions the dropped I I. was so and was, he scared Proper Tinker.
"Where ate cows the us tell you'll suppose I cushions. no see can't "I round. looking Stick, Mr. said cushions?" the are
"Didn't There's now. empty room's that "Because Stick. Mrs. demanded dungeons?" the into down everything take you
not it." in thing a
"I cushions the dropped "I entrance. dungeon the of out cautiously coming Edgar, said all," at down nothing take didn't
just them?" to happened What's standing. you're where about
"Look gone? been we've since 'ere been 'Oo's " amazement. in Stick, Mr. said "ere!"
Someone's them?" put they have Where too. else everything and cushions them taken
"Pa, silver and cushions with off walking cows see to expected he if as round all looking Edgar, said cows," them was it
and blankets.
"Shut this on cows any aren't there thing one "For temper. her losing suddenly Stick, Mrs. said cows," them about up
island, of sort queer been have must night last heard we What morning. this it over all looked we for know, do we that and
echoes island!" the on somebody w there if as Looks this. all about funny something there's boy my No, round. rumbling
A to daring not and below, alone being at terrified Stinker, was It ground. the below from up echoing came howl dismal
come up.
"Poor else. anyone of than Stinker of fonder much seemed who Stick, Mrs. said lamb!"
"What's him?" with up
Stinker her, followed Stick Mr. him. to go to steps down-the hurried Stick Mrs. and howl, doleful more even an out let
and them. after going in time no lost Edgar
"Quick!" Run!" trunk! that get to time have just may We Dick. me, with "Come up. standing Julian, said
The it lifted and trunk, small the of handle a took Each castle. ruined the of courtyard the to down quickly ran boys two
between it. with George to back staggered They .them.
"We'll happens." what see and minutes few a here stay "You Julian. whispered cave," the to it take
The appeared Stick Mr. watched. and bush her behind herself flattened George trunk. the with cliff the over went boys
again he when astonishment in open fell mouth His trunk. the for round looked and minutes, few a in
saw dungeon. the to entrance the down yelled He gone. was it that
"Clara! gone!" trunk's The
Mrs. and out climbed She behind. just Edgar and her beside close Stinker with up, way her on already was Stick
stared round.
"Gone?" gone?" it Where's "Gone? surprise. enormous in said, she
"That's by off Walks goes. it then and minutes few a here it leave "We Stick. Mr. said know!" to like I'd what
itselfjust things!" other the all like
"Look Pa?" gun, your Got is. it who out find to going I'm "And Stick. Mrs. said island," this on someone There's here!
"I out ferret don't we If Tinker. take we'll and too, stick stout good a get "You belt. his slapping Stick, Mr. said have,"
whoever's Stick!" not name's my plans, our spoil to trying
Famous 59 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
George several pulled she cave, the into rope the down slid she Before others. the warn to quietly away slipped
bramble happened. had what others the told and cave, the of floor the to down dropped She hole. the across sprays
Julian tale. her out" panted George as up looked He locked.. still was it but trunk, the open to trying been had
"We'll don't and everyone, quiet keep "Now said. he roof!" the in hole that down falls one no as long so here right all be
you Timmy!" growl, to dare
Nothing are "They Julian. said now," "Quiet distance. the in came bark Stinker's then and time, some for heard was
near here."
The behind bush great the to came They bush. every behind carefully searching more, once cliff the on up were Sticks
which there. grass flattened the saw and hid, often children the
"Someone's bush this of middle the in they're if wonder "I Stick. Mr. said here," been
it's gun." my with by stand you while Clara, in, way my force and try I'll army! an half hide to enough thick
Edgar in live to enough foolish be would nobody that certain feeling happening, was this while himself by off wandered
the His falling! himself found he horror, awful his to then, and cliff the across walked He bush. prickly a such of middle
legs himself. save not could but sprays thorny some at clutched he hole, a into disappeared
Down downcrash! downand and down and went, he
Edgar and eyes, startled children's the before appeared suddenly He cave. the of roof the in hole the down fallen had
landed just off him pulled George but growl, fearsome a with him on pounced once at Timmy sand. soft the on heap a in
in time.
Edgar children The shut. eyes his groaning, cave, the of floor the on lay He fall. his and fright with half-stunned was
stared or do to what know didn't and aback taken completely were they moments few a For another. one at then and him at
say. four the at round stared He fright. in eyes his opened, Edgar that ferociously ferociouslyso growled Timmy
children horror. and surprise utmost the in dog their and
He shall Timmy and once just "Yell it. over hand large Julian's found once at but help, for yell to mouth his opened
have it? try to Like "See? growl. Timothy's as ferocious as voice a in Julian, said likes!" he you of part any of out bite a
Timmy's bite." to waiting
"I I off. dog that "Keep him. hear hardly could others the that whisper low a such in speaking Edgar, said yell," shan't
shan't yell."
George show and him by here Lie him! for go just you shouts, boy this Timothyif listen, you "Now Timothy. to spoke
him yells." he if like you wherever him Bite teeth. big your
"Woof!" lay He pleased. really looking Timmy, said
down moved. he time every nearer came Timmy But away. move to tried boy the and Edgar, by
Edgar home." gone you'd thought "We said. he island?" this on doing you "What children. the at round looked
"It's at right no have you tobut want we if it on be to right every "We've voice. fierce very a in George, said island!" our
all. for?" here mother and father your and you are What None!
"Don't sulky. looking Edgar, said know,"
"You'd smugglers." with league in you're know "We Julian. said us;" tell better
Famous 60 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
Edgar to nothing want don't I nothing. me tell don't Ma and Pa that. know didn't "I said. he "Smugglers?" startled. looked
do smugglers." with
"Don't Island?" Kirrin to come you've why know you "Don't Dick. said any-thing?" know you
"I as do I nothing. me tell never They me. to mean are Ma and "Pa tone. injured an in Edgar, said nothing," know don't
I'm that." you tell I smugglers, about nothing know don't I all. that's told,
It the to coming parents his for reasons the of anything know not did really Edgar that children the to plain quite was
island. bet. I could, he if them blab "He'd Julian. said secrets," their into Spotty-Face let don't they surprised not I'm "Well,
Anyway, in." up mixed they're smuggling it's know we
"You here." me keep to right no got "You sullenly. Edgar, said go," me let
"We're you'd parents, your to back go you let we If now. prisoner our "You're once. at George said go," you let to going not
tell see." you plans, pretty their spoil to going We're here. we're know to them want don't we and us, about all them
Edgar things?" and cushions the took that you it "Was sick. rather felt He things. of lot a quite saw He saw.
"Oh the about mother your told you how remember you Don't it? wasn't cows, the was "It Dick. said Edgar," dear no,
hundreds forgotten haven't you Surely dropped? you cushions the stole and things threw and you at mooed that cows of
your already?" cows
"Funny, flat." that's here, stay won't I me? with do to going you "What sulkily. Edgar, said you?" aren't
"But this up cleared we've till be won't that goand you let we till here stay will "You Julian. said Spotty-Face," will, you
little Timmy." by punished be will part your on nonsense any that you warn me let And mystery. smuggling
"Lot half won't Ma and Pa "My children. four the obey but nothing do could he that seeing Edgar, said are," you beasts of
be you." with furious
His bush, thick big the in hiding nobody been course, of had, There astonished. extremely feeling were Pa and Ma
and be to not was Edgar And Edgar. for round looked had he bleeding, and scratched out, wriggled had Stick Mr. when
"Where's ED-GAR!" "Edgar! him. for shouted and said, he boy?" dratted that
But underground. and ground above both Edgar, for looking time long very a spent Sticks The answer. not did Edgar
Mrs. Stinker But him. find to Stinker send to tried she and dungeons, the in lost was Edgar poor that convinced was Stick
only He cave. first the as far as went
remembered dungeons. the exploring on keen all at not was and before night the of noises peculiar the
Julian said. he somehow," this open to going "I'm with. dealt been had Edgar once trunk, little the to attention his turned
"I'm what." knows goodness though in, goods smuggled got it's sure
"You'll managed He locks. two the smash to tried and rock small a got Julian Dick. said then," locks the smash to have
to lid. the back threw children The too. way gave other the then and while, a after open one wrench
On smuggled the see to expecting off, it pulled Julian rabbits. white with embroidered blanket, child's a was top the
goods clothes! child's a were there astonishment his to But below.
Famous 61 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
He bottom the At coat. warm a and knickers and vests some skirt, blue a jerseys, blue two were There out. them pulled
of bear! teddy a and dolls some were trunk the
"Golly!" did why islandand the to these bring Sticks the did Why for? these all are "What amazement. in Julian, said
the puzzler!" a It's wreck? the in them hide smugglers
Edgar Anne and George kind. some of goods valuable expected had too He rest. the as astonished as be to appeared
pulled them. scorned George though dolls, loved She her. to up them cuddled Anne ones. lovely were They dolls. the out
"Who anyone should Why funny? it isn't Julian, them? have to not besad she won't "Oh said. she to?" belong they do
bring Island?" Kirrin to dolls and clothes of full trunk a
Chapter Nineteen.
NOBODY and trunk the into stared children The questions. surprised Anne's to answers the guess even could
puzzled tins toothe wreck the in things other the remembered They smuggle. to thing funny a such seemed It it. over
of it. in point any seem didn't There island. the into smuggle to things queer were They food.
"Funny," be wouldn't Sticks the or here, afoot are things queer that doubt no There's me. beats "It last. at Dick, said
hanging we if thought We on. going Something's Sea. to out ship a from signals seen we've And island. our around
opened deeper." mystery the made only it's but us help might it trunk this
Just back. shout to dare not did Edgar But Edgar. for shouting heard be could Sticks parent two the of voices the then
Timmy's to again and now every growled Timmy time. any at nipped be might He leg. his against poked was nose
remind there. still was he that Edgar
"Do Edgar. to turning Julian, asked night?" at island this to signals that ship the about anything know you
The the expected she that saying mother my heard just "I said. he signals," no of heard "Never head. his shook boy
Roomer meant." she what know don't I but tonight,
"The what?" boator a manor thata "What's once. at George, said Roomer?"
"I yourself." out Find asked. I'd if ear the on clip a got have only "I'd Edgar. said know," don't
"We information." the for Thanks tonight! Roomer the for out watch "We'll grimly. Julian, said will,"
The again. arrange to things of plenty had who Anne, but caveall the in day boring rather and quiet a spent children
Really, as rugs the used and bed, the on blankets the put She finished! had she when home-like most looked cave the
carpets. imposing! most looked really cave the So
Edgar moment. a for him leave didn't Timothy and cave, the of out go to allowed not was
He that before night the much so him frightened had things" and cows "them that complaining time, the of most slept
he'd wink. a sleep to able been not
The that together, two and two cliff-top, the on watch keep to decided They voices. low in plans their discussed others
night. then. plans fresh make hurriedly would they came, Roomer the If happened. what see and wait would They
The sardines, of supper good very a after softly, snored Edgar sea. the over dark up came night The sank. sun
pressed milk. tinned and apricots tinned sandwiches, beef
Anne ten. half-past about was It watch. first the keep to up went Dick and
At report. to nothing had They two. other the joined and rope knotted the up climbed George and Julian twelve half-past
They their into got cave, the into down went
Famous 62 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
comfortable guard. on still Timmy corner, his in away snoring was Edgar sleep. to went and beds
Julian any for watching sea, to out looked George and
sign and voices, low heard they Suddenly dark. so quite not were things and night, that up was moon The ship. a of
saw below. rocks the by down figures shadowy
"The suppose." I again, wreck the to out row to "Going Julian. whispered Sticks," two
There nudged George time same the At water. the over out move boat a saw children the and oars, of splash the was
Julian barely could children the that ship a from out, way good a shown being was light A sea. to out pointed and violently
see. time. some for nothing see could they and cloud, a behind went moon the Then
They "Roamer'? the it of owner the was Or Roomer? the out way good a ship shadowy that Was breathlessly. watched
Were tonight? work at smugglers the
"There's has moon the Now sea. to out ship that from coming be must "It George. said cominglook!" boat another
come think." should I meeting-place, a be must It wreck. old the to going is It it. see just can you again, out
Then, grew children the that long so there remained and again, cloud a behind went moon the irritatingly, most
impatient. water. the up lighted and again out sailed it last At
"Both the over passed meetingand their had "They've excitedly. Julian said now," wreck the leaving are boats
smuggled back coming is boat, Sticks" the other, the and ship, the to returning is boat one now supposeand I goods,
here goods." the put they where see and back get they when Sticks the follow We'll goods. the with
After they presently but then, anything see not could children The again. shore to came boat Sticks" the time long a
saw shoulder. his over flung bundle, large a like looked what carried Stick Mr. castle. the towards back going Sticks the
They anything. carried Stick Mrs. if see not could
The entrance. dungeon the to came and castle, the of courtyard the into went Sticks
"They're from watching now were children The George. to Julian whispered there," down goods smuggled the taking
behind get other or somehow must We plans. more some make and others, the tell and back go "We'll wall. nearby a
those police!" the with touch in get and mainland the to back them take and ourselves, goods
Just children watching the frightened and scream, terrified high-pitched, a was It night. the in out rang scream a then
very from. came it where idea no had They much.
"Quick! They cave. the to down led that hole the to could they as fast as ran two the and Julian, said Anne!" be must It
dropped her make to Anne to happened had What anxiously. cave quiet the round looked Julian and rope the down
scream that? like
But eyes his watched, Timmy and snored still Edgar Dick. was so and bed, her on asleep peacefully was Anne
gleaming green.
"Funny," been have possibly couldn't It that? like screamed Who queer. "Awfully startled. still Julian, said
Annebecause others." the wakened have would she that, like sleep her in screamed had she if
"Well, was It it. like didn't I Julian? weird, it "Wasn't scared. rather feeling George, said then?" screamed, who
somebody be?" it could who But frightened. awfully was who
They to interested was Dick startled. very was Anne scream. strange the about them told and Anne and Dick woke
hear taken and sort, some of goods smuggled back brought had Sticks the that and wreck, the at met had boats two that
them dungeons. the in down
Famous 63 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"We'll fun." good have "We'll cheerfully. said, he somehow!" tomorrow, those get
"Why scream?" girl's a was it think you "Did Anne. asked screaming?" me was it think you did
"Yes. suddenly," you at out jumps us of one when give you scream the like sounded It
said gives." boy a like yell, a screamnot girl's little proper "A Julian,
"It's her. beside in got George and again, bed her into down cuddled She Anne. said funny,"
"Oh You too! here is bear teddy that dollsand those of full simply bed our got "you've disgust, in George, said Anne!"
really baby!" a are
"No, with not they're because lonely and frightened are babiesthey are bear the and dolls "The Anne. said not," I'm
the glad." be would girl little the sure I'm instead! me with bed in them had I So to. belong they girl little
"The a of full trunk small a found tonightwe scream girl little a heard we thought "We slowly. Julian, said girl!" little
little mean?" all it docs What dolls. girl's little a and clothes, girl's
There a stolen They've girl! little a are goods smuggled The know! "I excitedly. spoke Anne then silenceand a was
little to her for time, same the at stolen were that clothes her are there over those and dolls, her are these awayand girl
dress with. play and in
The little
girl's the into down her carried Sticks horrid those when tonight scream her heard nowyou island this on here,
"Well isn't It right. you're think I Anne! girl, little "Clever Julian. said idea," right the on hit has Anne believe do I
smugglers kidnappers!" islandit's this using are who
"What Anne. said kidnappers?" are
"People for out paid is money of sum large a till somewhere them hide and grown-ups or children away steal who
them," captors." the by held is prisoner the paid, is ransom the Till ransom. a called "It's Julian. explained
"Well, George. said then!" here happened what's that's
"I and ship some from boat by wreck the to brought awayand stolen been has girl rich little poor Some has! it bet
taken creatures!" Wicked Sticks. horrible those by over
"And underground," down taken was she as just scream thing little poor the heard we
said her." rescue to got we've "Julian, George.
"Yes, tomorrow." her rescue We'll fear! never will, "We Julian. said course," of
Edgar who?" "Rescue said. he about?" talking you "What suddenly. conversation the in joined and up woke
"Never Julian. said mind," you
George whispered. and him nudged
"All said. she girl," little the of mother the as Edgar dear her losing about upset as feeling is Stick Mrs. that is hope I
"Tomorrow take and somehow, girl little the find we
her way." a find we'll but guard, on be will Sticks the expect "I Julian. said away,"
"I'm dolls these put do Anne, Oh fresh. and nice up wake We'll sleep. to go "Let's down. lying George, said now," tired
your three." least at on lying I'm side.
Famous 64 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
Anne say. her heard George lonely," feel "Don't bed. the of side her on them arranged and bear the and dolls the took
"I'll tight!" Sleep mistress. own your to back go you till right all you after look
Soon on anyone put to need no was There long. night all open eye one with lay who Timothy, but sleptall all they
guard have. could they guardian best the was He there. was Timmy while
Chapter Twenty.
THE them saw He about. were Sticks the if see to cliff-top the to rope the up went and early awake was Julian day next
coming Mrs. dungeons. the from led that steps the up
Stick worried. and pale looked
"We've the in down not He's Edgar. our find to got we've you tell "I Stick. Mr. to saying kept she Edgar," our find to got
dungeons. there." down hoarse ourselves yelled We've know. do I That
"And our took then, here was whoever think I yesterday. it over all hunted "We Stick. Mr. said island," the on not he's
goods, think." I what That's boat. their in else everything and him with off made and Edgar, caught
"Well, a ask and there back go and boat our take better "We'd Stick. Mrs. said then," mainland the to him taken they've
few scared. me makes It plans? our with interfering and here about messing it is iswho know to like I'd What questions.
Just Too!" nicely going are things when
"Is still is yesterday here was whoever "Suppose doubtfully. Stick, Mr. said now?" just here leave to right all it
herethey gone." we're when dungeons the into down pop might
"Well, the yell Edgar our anywouldn't got you've if sense, common your "Use firmly. Stick, Mrs. said here," not they're
place been have must he you tell I him? hear we wouldn't islandand little this on prisoner kept being was he if down
taken it." like don't I And gone. are that things other the all with together boat, a in off
"All nuisance a always boy's "That tone. grumbling a in Stick Mr. said right!" all right,
always sort." some of trouble silly in
"How Goodness captured! being likes child poor the think you "Do Stick. Mrs. cried that?" like Edgar poor of talk you can
knows me." without lonely and frightened feeling through going he's what
Julian in down girl little a had she yet Spotty-Faceand old about that like talking Stick Mrs. was Here disgusted. felt
the was. she beast a What Edgar! than younger much child dungeonsa
"What the to entrance the guard to we, hadn't here, him leave "Better tone. sulky a in Stick, Mr. said Tinker?" about
dungeons? right." is say you what if here, anyone be will there that Not
"Oh, behind. dog the leaving embark, them saw Julian boat. the to off setting Stick, Mrs. said Tinker," leave we'll
Tinker courtyard, the to back ran and turned he Then legs. his between down well tail his away, rowing them watched
and that. and way this . looking kept he and cocked were ears His uneasy. very was He sun. the in dolefully down lay
He noises. unexpected its and island queer this like didn't
Julian much. very Edgar startling rope, the down dropped and cave the to back tore
"Come all They them. hear to Edgar want didn't He others. the to Julian said plans," my you tell I'll and cave the outside
went outside.
Famous 65 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
Anne stove. little the on merrily away boiling was kettle the and gone, been had Julian while ready breakfast got had
"Listen!" precious their find can they if see to mainland the to back boat their in off gone have Sticks "The Julian. said
little afraid she's and him with off gone someone's thinks she because bothered and hot all is Stick Mrs. Edgar. darling
the lonely!" and frightened feeling be will boy poor
"Well!" woman horrid a What worse? much feeling be must girl kidnapped little the that think she "Doesn't George. said
she is!"
"You're little the rescue and now dungeons the into down go thiswe'll is do to propose I what "Well, Julian. said right,"
girland breakfast. for cave our to here her bring
Then is she that them to telephone and are, parents her where out find police, the to go boat, our in off her take we'll
"What Anne. said Edgar?" with do we shall
"I girl! little the of instead dungeon the into Edgar put "We'll once. at George said know!"
Think dungeon the in up shut Edgar dear their and gone girl little the find to be will Sticks the astonished how
"Oooh!that agreed. and laughed others the all and Anne, said idea," good a is
"You Julian. said girl," little the for butter and bread more some cut and Anne, here, stay
He dungeons. the into down going hated Anne that knew
Anne pleased.. nodded,
"All away." boil will water the else or too, bit a for off kettle the take just I'll will. I right,
They Timmy." too, come "You Julian. said Edgar," us, with "Come cave. the into back went all
"Where suspiciously. Edgar, said me?" take to going you
"A on! "Come Julian. said you," at get can't cows where place, comfortable cosy, nice
Buck up."
"Gr-r-r-r-r-r," hurry. a in up got Edgar leg. Edgar's against nose his Timmy, said
They with But couldn't. he sure was and scared, terribly was Edgar though another, after one rope, the up went all
Timmy Julian. by top the at out hauled was and quickly, remarkably rope the up climbed he below, ankles his at snapping
"Now, quick And returning. of thought Sticks the before over everything get to wanted who Julian, said march!" quick
march courtyard. the into down and castle, the of wall low the over cliffs, the over was, it
"I'm alarm. in Edgar, said you," with dungeons them into down going not
"You amiably. Julian, said Spotty-Face," are,
"Where's round. all anxiously looking Edgar, said Ma?" and Pa my
"Those know." you things, threw and you at mooed and came that ones "The George. said expect," I them, got have cows
Everyone The all. at adventure of kind this like not did He pale. and worried looked who Edgar, except giggled,
children way the opened that stone the down closed only not had Sticks the that found and entrance, dungeon the to came
to it. across rocks heavy dragged also had but dungeons, the
"Blow to hands all yourself stir on, Come everybody. for trouble of lot a "Making Edgar. to Julian, said parents!" your
these don't." you if trouble into get You'll on! Go pull. we when pull Edgar, stones.
Famous 66 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
Edgar up hauled was stone trapdoor heavy the Then away. moved were rocks the one by one and rest, the with pulled
too, darkness. into down leading exposed was steps of flight the and
"There's quite hiding, there, was Tinker away. distance some bush a to pointing Edgar, cried suddenly Tinker!"
terrified again. Timothy seeing at
Tat eat did you if nice taste wouldn't He here! Stay him. eat to not Timmyyou're "No, Julian. said is," Stinker good of lot
Timothy at might he rabbits, chase couldn't he If island. the round and round Stinker chase to able be to not sorry was
least Stinker! chase to allowed be
They find to easy was it so walls, rocky the on still were chalk-marks white Julian's dungeons. the into down went all
the the that sure felt They ingots. golden of piles found had summer, last children, the where room cave-like the to way
little outside. the on bolted be could that door wooden big a had cave this for there, put been had girl kidnapped
They inside. from sound no was There bolted. truly and well was It door. the to came
Everyone inside. someone was there knew He gently. whining door, the at scratched Timmy and outside halted
"Hallo, you." rescue to come We've right? all you "Are voice. cheerful and loud a in Julian, shouted there!"
There cave. the from sounded voice small a Then stool. a from up got had someone if as noise, scrambling a was
"Hallo! frightened!" and lonely so I'm me! rescue please do Oh, you? are Who
"Just be soon You'll afraid. be don't so here, out children all "We're cheerfully. Julian, back called door!" the undoing
He with girl, small a stood lantern, a by lighted was which cave, the Inside door. the open flung and bolts, the back shot
a been evidently had she and cheeks, her round tumbled hair red Dark eyes. dark large and face, white little scared
crying tear-stained. and dirty was face her for bitterly,
Dick your to back you take We'll safe. "You're said. he now," right all "Everything's her. round arm his put and her to went
"I being like don't I here? I am "Why again. cheeks her down ran tears and girl, little the said do," I do, I her, want do
"Oh, over. nearly least, nowat over "It's Julian. said. had," you've adventure an just it's
There's a We've cave. our in us with breakfast have and come to you want We though. bit, nice lefta it of bit a still
lovely cave."
"Oh, people." other those like didn't I but you, like I you, with go to want "I eyes. her rubbing girl, little the said you?" have
"Of you." with friends be to wants He dog. our Timothy, is This "Look! George. said didn't," you course
"What neck. Timmy's around arms her flung and girl, little the said dog!" lovely simply a
He girl. little the round arm her put She pleased. was George delight. ir her licked
"What's said. she name?" your
"Jennifer yours?" "What's girl. little the said Armstrong," Mary
"George," in dressed was she for girl, a not boy, a was George that thinking nodded, girl little the and George, said
jeans curly. very though too, short, was hair her and Dick, and Julian like just
The nothing. said had who Edgar, at looked she then namesand their her told others
Famous 67 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"This Jennifer. here, you put who mother and father his was It ours. of friend a isn't "He Julian. said Spotty-Face," is
Now it?" won't them, for surprise pleasant a such be will It place. . your in here him leave to going are we
Edgar the into flying him sent that shove strong a him gave Julian awaybut back to tried and dismay of yell a gave
"There's grimly. boy, the said pay!" doesn't wickedness that parents your and you like people teach to way one only
"And All silly. and soft being just it's think You kindness. understand don't you like People hard. you punish to is that
rightyou too! good of lot a parents your do and good, you do will It had. has Jennifer what of taste a have can
Edgar wailed. he starve!" shall "I bottom. and top door wooden big the bolted Julian as dismally howl to began
"Oh go to good you do would It yourself. help so there, in water and food of plenty "There's Julian. said won't," you no,
hungry same." the all while, a for
"Mind echoes the for much, very Jennifer startled that moo realistic a gave he and Dick, called you!" get don't cows the
came too. round mooing
"It's sobbing cave, the in away howled Edgar torch-light. the in her at smiling George, said echoes," the rightonly all
like baby. a
"Little breakfast." my for hungry awfully I'm back. get onlet's "Come Julian. said he?" isn't coward,
"So Thank am. I now but cave that in all at hungry wasn't "I Julian's. into hand small her slipping Jennifer, said I," am
you me." rescuing for
"Don't Spotty-Face old put to one greater even an pleasureand real a "It's her. at grinning Julian, said it," mention
there medicine." own their of dose a Sticks the give to Nice you. of instead
Jennifer dark, the through back way their made They chuckled. they and did, others the but meant, he what know didn't
musty of flight the to last at came They way. the on small, and big caves, many passing dungeons, the of passages
steps sun-light. dazzling the into them up went and
"Oh!" I?" am Where lovely! is This "Oh! air. sea-smelling fresh, the. of gulps great in breathing Jennifer, said
"On you heard We boat. a in night last here brought were You castle. ruined our is this "And George. said island," our
scream, prisoner." a made being were you guessed we how that's and
They eager was She rope. knotted the down disappeared they way the at amazed was Jennifer and cliff, the to walked
to cave. the into down slid soon and too, try
"Nice have!" we than adventure an of more even had she's word, "My George. to Julian said she?" isn't kid,
Chapter Twenty-One.
ANNE in cave well-furnished the round looked Jennifer kiss. a and hug a her gave and much, very Jennifer liked
amazement on bed, neatly-made Anne's to pointed She joy. and surprise of scream gave-a she then wonderand and
which teddy-bear. large a and dolls, beautiful of number a sat
.'My and Josephine Oh so! them missed I've them? get you did where oh, Oh, too! Teddy, and "Oh, said. she dolls!"
Angela me?" missed you have Marigold, and Rosebud and
Famous 68 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
She told she well," them after looked "I've names. their hear to interested very was Anne dolls. the on herself flung
Jennifer. right." all quite "They're
"Oh, breakfast!" lovely a saywhat I Oh, nice. all you're think do "I happily. girl, little the said you," thank
It big a made and butter, and bread some cut milk, of tin a peaches, of tins two salmon, of tin a opened had Anne was.
jug paleness her lose to began she ate, she as and hungry, very was She eat. to began and down sat Jennifer cocoa. of
and . happy. and rosy look
The herself. about them told Jennifer ate. they as busily talked children
"I fetch to indoors gone had nurse when suddenly, "and said, she nurse," my with garden the in playing was
something, know, you sea, the by live We away. me took and head, my round shawl a threw wall, the over climbed man a
and a to taken was I boat. a into put being was I knew I and shore, the on splashing waves the of sound the heard soon I
big I that frightened so was I night. one here brought was I suppose I Then days: two for cabin a in down locked and ship,
"That on going smuggling was there thought had We it. heard we lucky was "It George. said heard," we scream the was
here, your found had we screamthough you heard we till kidnapping, of case a was it guess didn't islandwe our in
trunk toys." and clothes your with
"I at like didn't I one was There him. helped maids our of one "Maybe Jennifer. said those," got man the how know don't
all. Stick.'- Sarah called was She
"Ah!" maid, your Stick, Sarah here. you brought who Stick Mrs. and Mr. was It then! one, the "That's once. at Julian, said
must a had who thinksomeone should I else, someone of pay the in been have must They theirs. of relation some be
ship, you." hide to here you bring could and
"Jolly out." it found have ever would us but one "No George. said too," hiding-place, good
They plans. future their discussed and cocoa, more some made breakfast, their all ate
"We'll with police-station the to straight go "We'll Julian. said morning," this mainland the to go and boat our take
Jennifer. once." at her recognise will police the and disappearance, her of full are newspapers the expect I
"I Jennifer that hear they as soon as air thin into disappear won't they hope "I George. said Sticks," the catch they hope
is found."
"Yeswe are Sticks the till abroad news the spread not "Better thoughtfully. Julian, said that," of police the warn must
caught. are." they where wonder I
"Let's is she know to thrilled be will parents Jennifer's about. waiting in point no "There's Dick. said now," boat the get
"I lived I wish "I now. herself enjoying thoroughly was who Jennifer, said cave," lovely this leave to want really don't
here, Julian?" here, live and island the to back come to going you Are too.
"Well, moment the at empty is home aunt's our see, "You Julian. said expect," I more, days few a for back come shall we
because her. with is uncle our and ill away is she
So back." come they till island our on stay well as might we
"Oh, cave a in living of thought the at joy with alight face round small her Jennifer, begged you?" with back come I could
on .Timmy." love so do I And it. like so would I me! let do "Oh, dog. lovely their and children nice these with island an
Famous 69 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"I kidnapped," been just you've after especially you, let would parents your expect don't
said like." you if them, ask can you "But Julian.
They the saw They rocks. the of out and in boat the steered George off. pushed Julian in. got and boat the to went all
wreck, to get to ought they thought others the but stop, to wanted badly She indeed. much very Jenny interested which
land possible. as quickly as
Soon waved. and them saw He there. was fisher-boy the Alf, beach. the near were they
He boat. their in pull to them help to ran
"I George. Master back, father's "Your said. he morning," this boat my in out coming was
But time." week's a in back be will and say, they better, getting She's mother. your not
"Well, surprise. in George, demanded for?" back come father my what's
"He all you where me asked and down came "He Alf. explained telephone," the answered nobody because worried got
were. secret. your kept I course. of him, tell didn't I
But him give to there one No wild? he wasn't nightand last back got He morning. this you warn to out coming just was I
any now." station police the at He's gone! things the half and down upside house the all food
"Golly!" an in be won't he hope do I dear, Oh there. him meet shall We too! going are we where just "That's George. said
awful cross." he's when father my with anything do can't just You temper.
"Come George here, is father your that way, a in thing, good a "It's Julian. said on!"
we see to surprised very looked who Alf, left They time." same the at police the to and him to everything explain can^
Jennifer island the to out started not had she Certainly from. come had she where out make couldn't He others. the with
with Alf. to mysterious very seemed It that? was How boat. their in back come had she thembut
The there. policeman the of surprise the to much in, marched and station police the at arrived children
"Hallo!" up?" own to come and something, or burglary, a doing Been matter? the "What's said. he
"Listen!" voice!" Father's "That's theirs. to next .room the in voice loud a hearing suddenly, George, said
She there. in Inspector's The there. in go you don't "Now shocked. her, to called policeman The door. the to darted
Come interrupted." be mustn't and has, he special, here over
But "George! feet. his to rose He her. saw and turned father Her inside. gone and door the open flung had George
Where and right robbed been It's everything! and house the leave and this like away go you dare How been? you have
left! stolen." been have that things the all about Inspector the telling been just I've
"Don't Mother?" How's all. them found We've worry. don't "Really George. said Father," worry,
"Better, her tell and back go can I goodness "Thank angry. and amazed looking still father, her said better," much
where I but her- worry to not as so right, all were you saying keep to had I and all, you about me asking kept She are. you
hadn't you?" were Where you. with displeased very feel I gone. had you where or you to happening was what idea any
"On tell will "Julian her. with angry was father her when did often she as sulky, rather looking George, said island," the
you it." about all
Famous 70 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
Julian eyes dark with man clever-looking big, a Inspector, The Timothy. and Jennifer Anne, Dick, by followed in, came
under closely. all them at looked eyebrows, shaggy
When feet. his to rose suddenly then hardand stared he Jennifer, saw he
"What's said. he girl?" little name, your
"Jennifer voice. surprised a in Jenny, said Armstrong," Mary
"Bless walks she forand looking is country whole the child the "Here's voice. startled a in the-Inspector, said all!" us
in from?" come she did where sakes, Lands cucumber! a as cool as here
"What haven't I for? looking country whole the is child "What surprised. looking father, George's said mean?" you do
read days." some for papers the
"Then pulling and down sitting Inspector, the said kidnapped?" being Armstrong Jenny little about know don't you
Jenny and her kidnapped somebody Well, know. you millionaire, the Armstrong, Harry of daughter the "She's him. near
wants her for country the combed we've word, My her. for ransom pounds thousand hundred a
you have Where knew. ever I thing queerest the is blessedthis I'm Well, please. you as merry as is, she here and
been, Missy?" little
"On all." it tell "Julianyou Jenny. said island," the
So he as down notes took and in, came outside from policeman The end. to beginning from story whole the told Julian
spoke. adventures What head. his of out fell nearly eyes his father, George's for As amazement. in listened Everyone
these everything! managed they well how and sure be to have, did children
"And a sent that one alongthe Jenny Miss little brought that ship the of owner the was who know to happen you do
boat Inspector. the asked take?" to Sticks the for there her put and wreck the to off
"No," night." that coming was Roomer the that was heard we "All Julian. said
"A-HA!" right all Roomer the know We oho! and "Aha voice. his in satisfaction great with Inspector, the said
a dabbling he's think we of- suspicious very very, we're somebody by timeowned some for watching been we've ship
in we can how Sticksand the are where is thing The indeed. news good very is this Now deals. shady of lot whole a
catch everything." deny probably They'll clutches? their of out Jenny Miss got you've now red-handed, them
"I dungeon same the in locked Edgar, son, nasty their left "We've quickly. Julian, said them," catch could we how know
where the to back go they'd is, Edgar where is that that Sticks, the to word the pass could us of one only If Jenny. put they
island that denying them good much be wouldn't it there, them found you if dungeonsso the into right go and right, all
they there." been never have and island, the about anything know don't
"That came policeman another and bell a pressed He Inspector. the said easier," lot a things make certainly would
into round countryside the watch to him told and Stick, Mrs. and Mr. of description full a him gave Inspector The room. the
about, found. were they when report and
"Then, the said Edgar," son, their about them with conversation little a have and go to like might you Julian, Master
Inspector, for you Thank want. we evidence the all get and them, follow shall we island, the to back go do they "If smiling.
your safe." is she them tell and parents Jenny's Miss to telephone must we Now help. great very
Famous 71 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"She had that all at dazed rather looking still father, George's said us," with Cottage Kirrin to back come can
happened. someone be will there so straight, things put to while a for back come to cook, old our Joanna, got "'I've
there back." come all must They children. the to see to
"Well, Kirrin on week another spend to plan we but today, for just back come will "we firmly, George, said Father,"
Island Kirrin at stay Joanna Let there. time fine a such having are we and could, we said She back. comes Mother till
Cottage after looking of bother the want won't she home comes she when Mother for ready it get and order in it keep and
us island." the on ourselves after look can We too.
"I done," have they work good the for. reward a deserve children these think certainly
remarked matter. the settled that and Inspector, the
"Very Mother your when back be must you againbut island the to off go all can "you father, George's said well,"
returns, George."
"Of our on be rather would I her. without nice isn't home But Mother. see to want badly "I George. said will," I course
"And ask can I that so please Kirrin, to come to parents my "Ask unexpectedly. Jenny, said too," there, be to want I
them children." other the with go can I if
"I'll up. stood father George's much. very him liked They children. five the at grinning Inspector, the said best," my do
"Come anything got has Joanna if see and go We'll hungry. feel me made has this All lunch. my want "I said. he along!"
for us."
Off seemed always He bewildered. quite feel father poor George's making dozen, the to nineteen talking went, all they
to about! were children these when adventure some of middle the into get
Chapter Twenty-Two.
SOON and welcome, good a them gave before, had had they cook old the Joanna, Cottage. Kirrin at was everyone
listened while. the all ready lunch the getting astonishment, in adventures their to
It knew he figure a of sight caught suddenly window, the of out looking Julian, that lunch having were they while was
very hedge. the behind along skulking wellsomeone
"Old everyone." here, Stay him. after go "I'll up. jumped and said, he Stick!" Pa
He Stick." Mr. with face to face came and corner a round ran house, the of out went
"Do mysteriously. Julian said is?" Edgar where know to want you
Mr. say. to what knowing not Julian at stared He startled. looked Stick
"He's mysteriously. more even Julian, said cave," that in locked dungeons, the in down
"You home?" go you Didn't been? you have "Where Stick. Mr. said Edgar," about nothin' know don't
"Never cave!" that in Edgarlook find to want you if "But Julian. said mind," you
Mr. Mr. that sure felt He station. police the up rang and indoors hurried Julian him. left and glare a boy the gave Stick
Stick he what if see to island the to back going on insist would Stick Mrs. that and said, had he what Stick Mrs. tell would
had see and shore the along boats the on watch a keep to police the for was done be to needed that all So true. was said
when left. Sticks the
Famous 72 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
The to want would who wife, his to return must he that announced Quentin Uncle and dinner, their finished children
know extraordinary the all her tell can we "and said, he island," the on time fine a having are you her tell "I'll news. his
details better." home, returns she when
He wait to decided they But not. or island their to return now might they whether wondered children the and car, a in left
a Jennifer. with do to what know not did they for little,
Very red dark with man tall a jumped Out Cottage. Kirrin of gate the outside stopped and up drove car large a soon
hair, Julian. said Jenny," mother, and father your be must "They woman. pretty a and
They breath. her lost quite she that kisses and hugs many so got Jennifer wereand
She had they all for enough others the and Julian thank not could father her and again, and again story her tell to had
"Ask am I grateful how you tell to able be never never, shall I it. have can you "and said, he like!" you reward any for me
to Jenny." little our rescuing for you
"Ohwe adventures." like We much. very all it enjoyed "We politely. Julian, said you," thank anything, want don't
"Ah, father. Jenny's said want!" you something me tell must you but
Julian none that knew He others. the at round glanced
of vigorously. head her nodded and hard him nudged Jenny reward. a wanted them
Julian laughed.
"Well," much." very like all we'd thing one is "there said, he
"It's father. Jenny's said it!" ask you before granted
"Will pressed and squeal a gave Jenny Julian. said island?" our on us with week a spend and come Jenny let you
Julian's hands. small two her between hard very arm
Jenny's knowand you kidnapped, been just "wellshe's father, her said "Well," taken-aback. rather looked parents
we and..." moment the at sight our of out her let to inclined feel don't
"You me. let do please "Oh urgently. Jenny, said Daddy," promised, you asked, he what grant you'd Julian promised
I've castle, ruined wonderful a and cave, marvellous perfectly a got has one this And island. an on live to wanted always
and " and kept, was I where dungeons the
"And much to come could isnobody he fellow powerful big a what "See Julian. said us," with dog, our Timothy, take we
harm Tim?" they, could about Timmy with
"Woof!" voice. deepest his in Timothy, said
"Well, come mother, your and I that is that "and last, at father girl's little the said condition," one on Jenny, go, can you
over you." for right all is everything that see to island, the on day the spend and tomorrow
"Oh, delight. in room the round danced and Jenny, cried Daddy!" you, thank you, thank
A lovelier? be could What dog! the Timmy and .hers, of friends new these with island the on week whole
"Jenny suppose?" I hotel, the at staying be "You'll George. said she?'. can't night, the here stay can
Soon see to went children The kidnapping. the of details the all get to station police the to went and left parents Jenny's
if tea. for cakes make to going was Joanna
Just outside. stood policeman large A the-door. at knocking a came there tea-time about
Famous 73 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
"Is boat, their in island the for left just have Sticks The sir. want, we boy the you're "Oh, said. he here?" Julian Master
and all lie that rocks hidden those of out and in way the know we think don't we But follow. to beach the on ours got we've
round Island. Kirrin
Could think?" you do us, guide Georgina Miss or you
"I'm voice. cold a in George, said Georgina," Miss not George, Master
"Sorry, too?" come you could "Well, grin. a with policeman, the said sir,"
"We'll Why tonight. again cave our in sleep and island old dear the to back go to want "I up. jumping Dick, said come!" all
should come." all We'll boat. own our in tomorrow people Jenny's fetch can We night? single a miss we
The to time no was there as and insisted, children the but arrangement, the about doubtful little a was policeman
waste, their in way the leading Julian and George policemen, big three with boats, two the into crowding in ended all they
own usual. as feet George's at down lay Timmy boat.
George had Sticks The cove. sandy little usual the in landed they soon and ever, as cleverly as boat the guided
evidently part. rockier the on landed and usual, as wreck the by round gone
"Now, was There courtyard. the into came and ruin, the towards quietly went all They warningly. Julian, said noise," no
no Sticks. the of sign
"We'll dear out letting already, there down are Sticks the expect I torch. my got "I've Julian. said underground," down go
They big the of one of hand the to on holding time, this too, went Anne dungeons. dark the into steps the down went
policemen. passages. winding dark, long, the through quietly moved They
They bottom! and top the at bolted still was It Edgar. imprisoned had they which in cave the of door the to last at came
"Look!" yet." here down been haven't Sticks "The door. the to on torch his shining whisper, a in Julian, said
"Sh!" expect." I Sticks, the It's Hide! coming. someone "There's softly. growled Timmy as George, said
They Mrs. of voice the then and nearer, coming footsteps hear could They by. near ran that wall the behind hid all
Stick anger. in raised
"If don't I that. like boy innocent poor a up Locking it! about say to something have I'll there, in locked Edgar's my
understand done has boss the that belief my It's girl? the Where's that. me answer You girl? the where's there, he's If it.
some kept we if pounds thousand a us give he'd that say he Didn't money. the of share our of out us do to double-crossing
Jenny girl the taken us, on tricks played island, this to someone sent have must he think I Now week? a for Armstrong
himself Edgar." our up locked and
"You Julian boy this did how "But nearer. and nearer coming voice his Stick, Mr. said Clara," right, be may
know this." all about understand don't I lot a There's was? Edgar where
Now and hiding in others the smelt Stinker heels. their at Stinker with cave, the of door the at right were Sticks the
whined him. kicked Stick Mr. fear. in
!Stop too!" whines your without round all away echoing voices own our hear to enough It's it!
Mrs. Edgar!" there? you Are "Edgar! loudly: out calling was Stick
"Ma! out!" me Let scared. proper I'm quick! out, me "Let Edgar. yelled here!" I'm Yes,
Famous 74 Blyton Enid By Together Away Run Five - 03 Five
Mrs. ran He Edgar. saw she cave the in lantern the of light the By door. the open flung and once at bolts the undid Stick
to half-crying. her,
"Who poor a Putting Pa? you, won't off, heads their knock he'll and Pa your tell "You Stick. Mrs. demanded here?" you put
frightened do!" to thing wicked a It's this. like cave dark a into child
Suddenly one in torch shadows, the of out stepped policeman large a for lives their of fright the had family Stick the
hand other! the in notebook and
"Ah!" a is cave that in child frightened poor a up shut To Stick. Clara right, "You're voice. deep a in policeman, the said
wicked it? isn't did, you what that's and do to thing
You that but harm any to coming wasn't he knew yours of boy This girl. little a only She's there! Armstrong Jenny put
little death!" to scared was girl
Mrs. squealed Stick Mr. say. to word a finding not goldfish, a like mouth her shutting and opening there, stood Stick
like corner. a in caught rat a
"We're copped!" We're it that's trap, a It's copped!
Edgar suddenly Sticks The him. with disgusted felt children other The four-year-old. a like sobbing cry, to began
caught torch; his on switched Julian when children the all of sight
"Snakes greatest the of tone a in Stick, Mr. said too!" Armstrong Jenny there's childrenand the all there's alive,
amazement. Edgar?" up shut Who happening? What's this? all "What's
"We'll policeman. big the said police-station," the to get we when answers the you tell
"Now, quietly?" coming you are
The himself he and prison, in father and mother his imagined He himself. to away sobbing Edgar quietly, went Sticks
sent both Sticks, the. for matter, would that that Not years. for mother his see to allowed not school, difficult and hard a to
mother the for chance a be might There things. bad but nothing him taught had and Edgar, to good no were father, and
wretched one. bad a of instead example good a set and them, from away kept were he if boy
"We go could You night. the here staying "We're policeman. the to politely, Julian, said you," with back coming be shan't
back he Then him." call we isStinker, he There you. with dog their Take right. all way the know They boat. Sticks" the in
added, boat!" police the in follow could colleagues your guess I
The to glad too, in jumped Stinker in. got Edgar and Sticks grown-up two the policeman, the and found was boat Sticks'
get eyes. green Timothy's of glare the from away
Julian too. good-bye, waved children other the and called, he "Good-bye!" out. boat the pushed
"Good-bye; he case in better, Edgar after look Stick, Mrs. Good-bye, children. more any kidnapping go don't Stick, Mr.
gets as soon as bath a get do Stinker, Good-bye, boy! better a be and try Spotty-Face, Good-bye, again! kidnapped
possible. Good-bye!"
The to trying angry, and sullen sat They wave. they did nor word, a not said Sticks The waved. and grinned policemen
work this. like up end things make to happened had what minds their in out
The got We've ever! for gonegone "They've Dick. said "Hurrah!" sight. of out soon were and rock high a rounded boats
our have." to going we're time lovely a What it! over all you show we'll Jenny, on, Come last. at ourselves to island
They them leave will we And loved. they island an on alone dog, a and children five carefree, and happy away, raced
there it! deserve do really They happiness. week's their enjoy to

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