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Name ____________________________

4º “B” - Revision Units 5 – 9

Prof. Marcela Catrare


1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example: If I had (have) a lot of money, I’d buy a new car.
1 I got to the school at 12.00 but Maria’s lesson ________ (not finish yet).
2 This hotel _______ (build) a hundred years ago.
3 He told her he _______ (want) to see her again.
4 A I didn’t see the Pyramids when I went to Egypt.
B Neither _______ (do) I.
5 I _______ (know) Pam for ten years. She’s my best friend.
6 If Jack really loved Sue, he _______ (ask) her to marry him.
7 A How long _______ you _______ (be) afraid of water?
B Since I was a small child.
8 A I _______ (not like) ice-cream.
B Neither do I.
9 The teacher asked me if I _______ (want) to take an exam.
10 A Why are you going to the supermarket?
B _______ (buy) some bread.
11 The secretary asked me who I _______ (wait) for.
12 If they _______ (get) here before eight o’clock, we’ll go out for a meal.
13 This sports centre _______ (open) by the Queen in 1998.
14 BMW cars _______ (make) in Germany.
15 What would you do if you _______ (lose) your mobile phone?

2 Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: When did you finish / have you finished your work?
1 It’s important to learn / learning a language when you’re young.
2 It’s too / enough hot to sit here. Let’s go inside.
3 Was / Did he use to play football for Liverpool?
4 When I was ill I couldn’t eat nothing / anything.
5 What have you seen / did you see at the cinema last night?
6 The concert might / will finish early. It depends how many songs they sing.
7 You shouldn’t / don’t have to sunbathe without suncream.
8 I’d like to go / going to London for a weekend.
9 I get on well with my parents / with my parents well.
10 They’ve lived in this town since / for 20 years.
11 You don’t have to / mustn’t pay to see the film. It's free.
12 He’s very interested in study / studying Art at university.
13 A I love going out in the evening.
B So / Neither do I.
14 I might go/ to go to the party. I’m not sure.
15 If I don’t do my homework, my teacher will be / would be very angry.
Name ____________________________
4º “B” - Revision Units 5 – 9
Prof. Marcela Catrare

3 Complete the sentences with one word.

Example: The boy ran into the street to catch his ball.
1 He hasn’t seen his brother _______ last November.
2 I ran into the shop and went _______ the stairs to the first floor.
3 _______ you ask him, he’ll help us.
4 A _______ they use to have a small shop in the town centre?
B Yes, but it closed two years ago.
5 He isn’t old _______ to learn to drive. You have to be 17.
6 I phoned Tim but he _______ already left.
7 The teacher _______ me if I knew the answer.
8 The picture was painted _______ the French painter, Monet.
9 I’m bored. There’s _______ to do in this town.
10 If I drink _______ many cups of coffee, I get a bad headache.
Grammar total 40


4 Underline the odd word(s) out.

Example: duck eagle swan mosquito
1 football golf cycling tennis
2 retire earn miss get a job
3 physics maths chemistry biology
4 throw kick push shoot
5 wear put on try on carry
6 spider cow horse pig
7 get an email get home get a present get a salary
8 crocodile swan dolphin giraffe
9 an exam housework yoga your bed
10 rabbit bear crocodile tiger

5 Write the opposite.

Example: turn on (the TV) turn off
1 turn up (the radio) _______
2 put on (a coat) _______
3 forget (a name) _______
4 get better _______
5 stand up _______
Name ____________________________
4º “B” - Revision Units 5 – 9
Prof. Marcela Catrare

6 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).

Example: Would you like to look at my holiday photos?
watch look at read
1 When I saw her she was walking _______ the lake.
across through towards
2 Last night we _______ a cake for his birthday.
made did paid
3 She always _______ a handbag.
wears puts carries
4 Go _______ the supermarket and the bank is on your left.
over past along
5 I _______ broke my friend’s camera.
luckily accidentally immediately
6 He looks _______ his father.
like as same
7 I looked _______ the new words in the dictionary.
down through up
8 A I love computer games.
B _______ do I!
So Also Neither
9 I’m looking _______ Jan’s baby while she’s out.
forward after for
10 I gave _______ smoking two years ago.
down off up
11 I am working very hard because I want to _______ at 50 and go travelling.
retire separate leave
12 Did you know text-messaging was _______ by a Finnish company?
discovered invented designed
13 I went to Morocco in August and it was _______ hot. In fact it was boiling.
a bit quite incredibly
14 The lion looked asleep but it _______ jumped up and ran away.
luckily accidentally suddenly
15 The little girl said she wanted to get married and _______ ten children.
have get become

7 Complete the sentences with one word.

Example: I woke up very early this morning.
1 The student _______ me he had been in the school for a month.
2 A Shall we go out for dinner?
B That’s OK. I _______ mind cooking.
3 I’m looking _______ Ben. Have you seen him?
4 I get on very _______ with Jackie. She’s like a sister to me.
5 I do the same thing every day. It is so _______. I want to do something different and
more exciting.
6 We walked _______ the bridge to see the ducks in the river.
Name ____________________________
4º “B” - Revision Units 5 – 9
Prof. Marcela Catrare

7 I cooked the meal and my wife _______ the washing up.

8 Please don’t _______ a noise. The baby’s sleeping.
9 A What are you doing here?
B I’m waiting _______ a friend.
10 The boy _______ that he wanted to dance with me.
Vocabulary total 40


8 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: address
1 newspaper
2 kangaroo
3 invented
4 divorced
5 salary
6 elephant
7 towards
8 dolphin
9 imagination
10 directed

9 Match the words with the same sound.

hope get tiger forget turn divorced

send discover wear enjoy finish

Example: remember send

1 promise _______
2 dangerous _______
3 across _______
4 mosquito _______
5 whale _______
6 elephant _______
7 throw _______
8 earn _______
9 pretend _______
10 try _______
Pronunciation total 20
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 100

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