Prehistoric Period 4000 Bce (Before Common Era) - 100 Bce

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4000 BCE The Indo-European migrations begin, starting in the regions around the Caspian Sea or southern
steppes or Russia.
1500 BCE Brone !ge begins in S"andina#ia. 1000 BCE The an"estors o$ the %ermani" peop&es, sett&ed
in the genera& area o$ modern S"andina#ia,
begin to de#e&op a &inguisti"'"u&tura&'re&igious "omp&e( separate $rom that o$ the genera& Indo-
European sto"). 500 BCE S"andina#ian Iron !ge begins. "a. 500*00 BCE Ce&ti" ru&e throughout most o$
"ontinenta& Europe.
4+4 4*5 BCE ,erdoto "re-a .ue /eto, &a 0adre"isne, hab-a &&egado desde &a &e1ana ,iperb2rea hasta %re"ia,
donde na"ieron sus hi1os !rtemisa 3 !po&o.
"a. *00 BCE The East %ermani" $o&)s 4%oths, Burgundians, and others5 migrate do6n $rom S"andina#ia
to Eastern Europe, sett&ing the steppes and the B&a") Sea area. The 7est %ermani" peop&es migrate do6n6ards
into the area o$ modern %erman3, disp&a"ing the Ce&ts 6ho had pre#ious&3 ru&ed the region. B3 this time, the
8roto-%ermani" &anguage is beginning to di#ide into 9orth %ermani" 4S"andina#ian &anguages5, 7est %ermani"
4"ontinenta& %erman and &ater !ng&o-Sa(on, e#entua&&3 %erman, Eng&ish, :iddish, and ;ut"h5, and East
%ermani" 4%othi"< no modern sur#i#ors5< b3 400 CE, these dia&e"ts 6i&& be mutua&&3 in"omprehensib&e.
*50 BCE !&so )no6n as 0 RE 4Runi" Era5. !""ording to modern tradition, 7odana re#ea&ed the runes to
human)ind in this 3ear. 0an3 =satr> groups date $rom this 3ear rather than using the Christian or Common Era
s3stem o$ dating< simp&3 add *50 to the Common Era date.
Ca. *50-100 BCE The runes are dis"o#ered'de#e&oped in the human 6or&d.
Ca. 150100 BCE The %ermans meet the Romans hate at $irst sight. Ca. 100 BCE500 CE The pra"ti"e
o$ sa"ri$i"ing'e(e"uting peop&e in bogs is "arried out in S"andina#ia
on a $air&3 regu&ar basis. ? CE 4Common Era5 ,ermann 4@!rminiusA5 de$eats the Romans at the batt&e o$
Teutoberger 7a&d,
pre#enting a Roman "on.uest o$ %ermania. Ca. 50 CE The $irst sur#i#ing arti$a"t 6ith runes on it, the
0e&dor$ broo"h, is made in ;enmar). ?+ CE Ta"itus 6rites the %ermania, the ear&iest $u&& a""ount o$ the
"u&ture and re&igion o$ the %ermani" $o&).
*1* *50 Bi#e !mbrosio, padre de &a ig&esia .uien igua&2 a %othus "on %og.
C11 C+C Bi#e e& D&$i&as, heresiar"a arriano.
Ca. C*5400 The %oths "on#erted to !rian 4as opposed to Catho&i"5 Christianit3< D&$i&as 6rites his trans&ation
o$ the 9e6 Testament, the on&3 sur#i#ing 6or) o$ 6ritten %othi", "a. C50CE5.
CE+ The %oths de$eat the Romans in the East at the batt&e o$ !drianop&e.
40F'E ! "oa&ition o$ %ermani" tribes "ross the Roman $rontier at the Rhine and ta)e &ands on the Roman
side. 410 !&ari", )ing o$ the Bisigoths, "on.uers Rome. 4CF'E The ,uns, aided and en"ouraged b3 the
Roman patri"ian !etius, o#errun the East %ermani"
Burgundian )ingdom on the Rhine, )i&&ing the )ing %undahari 4%unther or %unnar o$ the &ater sour"es5 and the
rest o$ the ro3a& $ami&3< a ma1or histori"a& sour"e o$ the 9ibe&ungen&ied ' BG&sunga saga stor3.
44? ,engest and ,orsa begin the !ng&o-Sa(on "on.uest o$ Britain. "a. 450 The 7est %ermani" tribes
&i#ing around the 9orth Sea 4!ng&es, Sa(ons, and Hrisians5 begin to
add runes to the E&der Huthar) to dea& 6ith "hanges in the sound-s3stem o$ their o6n dia&e"t,
"reating the !ng&o-Hrisian Huthor".
4FF 511 Bi#e Chi&deri"o, >&timo re3 eteno de &os $ran"os.
4?C 5*F Bi#e Teodori"o e& %rande, heresiar"a arriano.
5005C0 Beo6u&$, ,rothgar, ,ro&$ Ira)i, and the other "hara"ters o$ their "3"&e &i#e.
5C4 5+0 Bi#e Eormenri"o de Ient, >&timo re3 eteno ang&osa12n.
551 Jordanes pub&i"a %eti"a 4;e origine a"tibus.ue %etarum de& origen 3 &as proeas de &os godos5.
FC+ !ppro(imate date o$ the Sutton ,oo ship-buria&, the ri"hest %ermani" buria& e#er $ound in Britain<
notab&e parti"u&ar&3 $or the ship in the "airn and the e&aborate&3 6or)ed boar-he&met.
F5? 8enda, &ast heathen )ing o$ Eng&and, dies heroi"a&&3 in batt&e. "a. E00 8rimiti#e 9orse, or Runi", gi#es
6a3 to K&d 9orse. EE* Char&emagne begins his geno"ida& 6ars against the Sa(ons, destro3ing the Irminsu&.
VIING AGE 7!3 10""
E?C The 9orse sa") the !ng&o-Ce&ti" monaster3 on /indis$arne. E?5 9orse begin raiding Jre&and Ca. +00
The E&der Huthar) gi#es 6a3 to the :ounger 41F-rune5 Huthar) in S"andina#ia. +10 ;eath o$ Char&emagne.
+44'5 9orse raiding 0oorish Spain. +5* The S6edish Rus be"ome dominant a&ong the Bo&ga. +F0s Ragnar
/Gddbro) )i&&ed at :or)< the Rus $ound 9o#gorod and Iie#. +E0 The sett&ement o$ I"e&and begins. +E+
!&$red the %reat o$ Eng&and o#er"omes %uthrum and $or"es him and his arm3 to "on#ert to
Christianit3 in return $or &ands in Eng&and. ,ara&dr ,air$air $inishes o#er"oming and uniting the
6ho&e o$ 9or6a3 and the Kr)ne3s< man3 9or6egians $&ee to I"e&and. ?1* %ongu-,ro&$ and his men ta)e &ands
in 9ormand3 as #assa&s o$ the Hren"h )ing and be"ome the
9ormans. ?** Ibn Had&an, an !rab ambassador to the S"andina#ians 4Rus5 a&ong the Bo&ga, 6rites his a""ount
their "ustoms, in"&uding a $u&& des"ription o$ a ship'"remation $unera&. ?C0 Hirst !&thing he&d at Thing#e&&ir in
I"e&and. ?F5 ,ara&dr B&uetouth, )ing o$ ;enmar), "on#erted to Christianit3. ?+* Eir-)r the Red dis"o#ers
%reen&and. ?+F %reen&and sett&ed. ??0 Egi&& S)a&&agr-msson, $amed s)a&d, 6arrior, and Ldhinsmadhr dies.
1000 I"e&and o$$i"ia&&3 "on#erts to Christianit3 b3 de"ree o$ the /a6spea)er Thorgeirr< heathen pra"ti"e is
sti&& permitted in pri#ate. L&M$r Tr3gg#ason )i&&ed. 10001005 /ei$r Eir-)sson ma)es his #o3ages to Bin&and
4!meri"a5< attempts to sett&e there are made but
are unsu""ess$u&. 101F Brian Boru triumphs o#er the 9orse in Ire&and at the batt&e o$ C&ontar$, in 6hi"h he and
the Jar&
Sigurdhr o$ Kr)ne3 are s&ain, 10C0 L&M$r the /a6brea)er 4St. L&M$r5 )i&&ed. 10FF ,ara&dr ,ardrada, )ing o$
9or6a3, dies $ighting against ,aro&d %od6inson, )ing o$ Eng&and< ,aro&d
%od6inson is )i&&ed in batt&e against 7i&&iam the Bastard o$ 9ormand3 and the 9orman Con.uest
ta)es p&a"e. The pra"ti"e o$ @going #i)ingA 9orse sea raids on the southern rea&ms ends.
Ca. 10E5 !dam o$ Bremen 6rites his des"ription o$ the great heathen ho$ at Dppsa&a.
1100-Christian missionaries destro3 the great ho$ at K&d Dppsa&a, e#entua&&3 rep&a"ing it 6ith a Christian "hur"h.
"a. 11E5 The origina& 9ibe&ungen&ied is 6ritten in %erman3.
1*001450 The I"e&andi" sagas, most o$ 6hi"h are based on a "orpus o$ ear&ier #erses, are 6ritten.
1**0 Snorri Stur&uson 6rites the 8rose Edda. "a.
1*4C Rodrigo To&etnus es"ribe %oternas historia, un &ibro sobre &a historia de EspaNa, .ue a& hab&ar sobre e&
origen es"andina#o de &a aristo"ra"ia espaNo&a, &o "ua& "ontribu32 $uertemente a "imentar e& sentido de identidad
espaNo&a, e& "ua& a"ab2 por 1ugar un pape& de"isi#o durante &a Re"on.uista.
1*501C00 0ost o$ the poems o$ the 8oeti" Edda, 6hi"h had pre#ious&3 been "ir"u&ating ora&&3 are "o&&e"ted
and 6ritten do6n in the manus"ript "a&&ed Code( Regius, the o&dest manus"ript "ontaining the Eddi" poems.
14C4 E& obispo Rig#a&di ensa&a &as proeas de &os godos.
15C* Ja"ob Oieg&er es"ribe S"hondia.
15C? K&aus 0agnus imprime &a Carta 0arina .ue "onten-a una tab&a r>ni"a..
1554 /os hermanos 0agnus 4K&aus P Johannes5 se #ue&#en pre"ursores de& goti"ismo "on su obra ,istoria de
Kmnibus %othorum Sueonum.ue Regibus. TambiQn se dedi"an a &a runo&og-a.
15F+ 1F5* Bi#e Juan Bureo.
15?+ 1FE* Bi#e %eorg Stiernhie&m, Su"esor de Bureo.
1F1+ 1F+* Bi#e K&aus Bere&ius, $undador de &a Es"ue&a ,iperb2rea, pre"ursora de& goti"ismo.
1F*0 ,istoria de Kmnibus %othorum Sueonum.ue Regibus es tradu"ido a& sue"o.
"a.1F501E00 The @%othi" mo#ementA in S6eden, a nationa&'anti.uarian mo#ement headed b3 Johannes
0agnus and Johannes Bureus o$ S6eden, begins. The ;ane K&e 7orm a&so "arries out a massi#e bod3 o$
histori"a&'re&igious'"u&tura& S"andina#ian studies.
1FE? 1E0* K&o$ Rudbe") 41FC0 - 1E0*5 es"ribe !t&anti"a, donde re#e&a &a "one(i2n entre e& pasado
at&ante 3 &a tradi"i2n Qdi"a.
1E0E 1EE+ Bi#e Car&os /ineo, "ient-$i"o interesado en &a runo&og-a 41E415.
1E1* 1EF? Ju&ius B1Grner 3 Johann %Gransson di$unden e& rudbe")ianismo, trasmitiQndo&o a
a"adQmi"os "omo K&o$ Ce&sius 41FE0 - 1E5F5.
1E4F Johan %Gransson pub&i"a ;e 3#erborna at&ingars e&&er s#iogGtars o) nordmRnners Edda.
1E+? 1+C? Bi#e Johan % /i&1ebren, re-p&antea &a runo&og-a "omo "ien"ia.
1+11 Se "rea &a %Gtis)a $Grbundet, a &a .ue pertene"ieron %ei1er, /ing, TegnQr, %rundt#ig 3
Ke&ens"h&Rger. En ese mismo aNo, !tterbom 41E?0 1+555 pub&i"a e& poema mito&2gi"o S)a&der-0a&,
"on "omentarios en &os .ue e(p&i"a .ue &os dioses n2rdi"os son &a representa"i2n de prin"ipios
1+15 Se "rea &a 0anhems$Grbundet "on &os mismo idea&es .ue &a so"iedad g2ti"a, pero orientada mMs
ha"ia 12#enes "on .uienes organiaba paseos de "ampo, e1er"i"ios gimnMsti"os 3 una estru"tura de ritos
ini"iMti"os "on nue#e grados.
1+44 Ja"ob %rimm pub&ishes Teutoni" 03tho&og3, a massi#e "ompendium o$ %ermani" &egend, $o&)&ore, and
&inguisti" studies.
1+EF Hirst per$orman"e o$ Ri"hard 7agnerSs ;er Ring des 9ibe&ungens.
/ate 1?th "entur3 The Bo3 %uides 4Eng&ish5 and Bo3 S"outs 4!meri"an5 are $ounded spe"i$i"a&&3 and
"ons"ious&3 $or the purpose o$ edu"ating 3oung men in the #a&ues o$ their !ng&o-Sa(on $orebears.
1?0+ The %erman %uido #on /ist, inspired b3 the 8oeti" Edda and his o6n #isions, "reates the 1+-rune
!rmanen Huthar) and 6rites @Se"ret o$ the Runes.A
1?EC Stephen 0a"9a&&en $ounds the =satr> Hree !ssemb&3 4!.H.!.5 in !meri"a< S#einb1orn Beinteinson
$ounds the =satr>menn o$ I"e&and.
1?+0 Edred Thorsson $ounds the Rune-%i&d. 1?+E !.H.!. brea)s up< Edred Thorsson $ounds the Ring o$
Troth. 1?++ =satr> !&&ian"e is $ounded.

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