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TRI grants of up to $400 will be given by the Tennessee Reading Association for the purpose of
improving reading instruction.
The applicant must submit an idea for improving reading instruction by experimenting with
new techniques and/or materials, developing innovative programs or whatever the chosen
proposals require.
The applicant must be a Tennessee educator who is a member of the International Reading
Association at all levels (IRA, TRA, and a local council). Former recipients are eligible to re-
apply after five years.
An application form can be obtained from the local reading council president. (on following page)
The complete application should be emailed or mailed to the above address, postmarked no later
than January 31, 2015. A committee of TRA members will review the proposals and make
their selections. Grants will be awarded in April 2015.
Proposals will be carried out within a time frame determined by the applicant. Proposals,
including the final report, must be concluded by May 2015.
Grantee responsibilities are as follows:
Keep receipts from expenses and return unused funds to TRA.
Prepare a short final report.
Share final results by being interview for possible article, writing an article, or making
presentation at a TRA conference.

Grant recipients must be members of local, state, and international organizations (must be
member of all three organizations). Former grant recipients are eligible to re-apply after five
Do not put your name, the name or location of your school, or anything else that might identify
you on the grant proposal.

Include the following information on a separate sheet: Name
Home Phone
Local Council and Number
IRA Membership Number
Letter from your Council President stating that you are a member
Please limit your proposal to three pages or less.
1. What is the primary focus of your proposal to improve reading?
2. What are your specific goals?
3. Summarize your proposal plans in one or two paragraphs.
4. How many students will be affected by this proposal?
5. How will you determine if your project was successful?
6. What is the time frame for this project?
7. Itemize your budget to the best of your ability.
8. How are you willing to share your results with other TRA members (summary in
Reading Matters, summary in the Tennessee Reading Teacher, presenting at a state
Please type the answers to these questions on separate sheets and email: Sherry Scott
Deadline: Grant proposal must be postmarked no later than January 31, 2015.
A committee will read your proposal.
This $500 scholarship is available to any and all students who qualify. The scholarship is for
one year and is non-renewable.
Criteria for Eligibility:
1. College junior, senior, or graduate student.
2. Undergraduate Major: Education, with an interest in reading education.
Graduate Major: Education, with a reading concentration.
3. Grade point average of 3.0/B or better.
4. Must be a member of a local council.
5. Must be a member of Tennessee Reading Association.
6. Application must be received by June 1, 2015.
1. Complete the application form on the following page.
2. Submit proof of academic standing: copy of most recent transcript. (A student
copy will meet this requirement.)
3. Submit a word-processed, original response to the following topic: Why do
you want to learn more about literacy instruction?
1. Response should be limited to two double-spaced pages.
2. Response must be signed by the applicant.
4. Submit a completed Reference Form.
5. Email or mail all materials, postmarked no later than June 1, 2015, to:
Sherry Scott
6. Decision date will be July 2015.
A screening committee will review each application.
Decisions made by the committee are final.
All submitted materials are the property of the Tennessee Reading Association.

Personal Information
Name ___________________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________
Institution of Current Enrollment ____________________________________________
Major and/or Concentration __________________________________________________
Certificate of Academic Standing
I certify that _________________________________________________ is currently enrolled at (Applicants Name)
___________________________________ and has a current overall GPA of __________. (Institution)
Date _________________ Faculty Advisor Signature ______________________________
Reference Form
(To be completed by a faculty member.)
Name of Applicant____________________________________________________________
1. Name of sponsoring faculty member or chair of applicants major program:
2. Position and Department _______________________________________________
3. Institution ____________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ______________________________________________________
4. Is the applicant enrolled in a degree program? Yes ________ No __________
5. How long have you known this applicant?________________________________
6. In what capacity have you known this applicant?___________________________

Date _________________ Signature ______________________________

This scholarship, in the amount of up to $250, is available to any and all educators who qualify.
The scholarship is for one conference and is non-renewable. Award recipients may apply funds
to the following purposes:
Full Conference Registration
Hotel Accommodations (receipts must be submitted) Travel (receipts must be submitted)
Criteria for Eligibility:
1. Professional educator.
2. Must be a member of a local council.
3. Must be a member of Tennessee Reading Association.
4. Application must be received by September 15, 2014.
1. Complete the attached application form.
2. Submit a Reference Form.
3. Submit a word-processed, original response to the following topic: Why do
you believe it is important that you attend this conference, and how will the
information/experience/ideas you gain be reflected in your professional activities?
1. Response should be limited to two double-spaced pages.
2. Response must be signed by applicant.
4. Decision date will be October 15, 2014.
5. Mail all materials, postmarked no later than September 15, 2014, to:
Sherry Scott
A screening committee will review each application.
The decision of the committee is final.
All submitted materials are the property of the Tennessee Reading Association.

(Please print or keyboard.)
Name of Applicant ______________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ____________________________________________________________
Name and Number of Sponsoring Reading Council ____________________________
Name of Person Providing Reference__________________________________________
How long have you known this applicant? ____________________________________
In what capacity have you known this applicant? _______________________________
In your opinion, would new knowledge be reflected in this persons professional activities
following this conference? ________ Yes ________ No

Date _________________ Signature ______________________________

TRA Community Service Project Grant Application 2014-2015
Name of person making application: Name of local council:
Contact information (e-mail &/or phone #):
1. Briefly describe your project.

2. How many students (people) were impacted by your project?

3. Were other community groups involved in carrying out this project? If so, identify them and
describe their role.

4. What expenses were incurred? Tell the amount and for what.

This application should be postmarked by March 10th. Mail or e-mail to: Sherry Scott
Also, the IRA Local Council Community Service Award application must be postmarked by October 31 and received by
November 7. That application is on the IRA website, listed in the alphabetical listing of awards under L for Local.

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