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NAMA: ___________________________


Kertas 1
Satu Jam
1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50 soalan objektif yang diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan A, B,
C, dan D. Anda dikehendaki untuk memilih hanya satu jawapan yang terbaik.
2. ulatkan jawapan yang dipilih pada kertas jawapan yang disediakan.
!. Jawab semua soalan.
1. "his #uestion paper $onsists of 50 obje$ti%e #uestions followed by four answer $hoi$e A, B, C
and D. &ou are re#uired to $hoose only the best answer possible.
2. 'ir$le your answer in the answer sheet pro%ided.
!. Answer all #uestions.
Kertas soalan ini mengandungi ( halaman ber$etak
1. A ' ) 2*. A ' )
2. A ' ) 2(. A ' )
!. A ' ) 2+. A ' )
,. A ' ) 2-. A ' )
.. A ' ) !/. A ' )
*. A ' ) !1. A ' )
(. A ' ) !2. A ' )
+. A ' ) !!. A ' )
-. A ' ) !,. A ' )
1/. A ' ) !.. A ' )
11. A ' ) !*. A ' )
12. A ' ) !(. A ' )
1!. A ' ) !+. A ' )
1,. A ' ) !-. A ' )
1.. A ' ) ,/. A ' )
1*. A ' ) ,1. A ' )
1(. A ' ) ,2. A ' )
1+. A ' ) ,!. A ' )
1-. A ' ) ,,. A ' )
2/. A ' ) ,.. A ' )
21. A ' ) ,*. A ' )
22. A ' ) ,(. A ' )
2!. A ' ) ,+. A ' )
2,. A ' ) ,-. A ' )
2.. A ' ) ./. A ' )
%&st"#n '('0
Look at the signs below and answer the question that
1. "he sign abo%e in the park tells us not to
______ the grass.
A) $ut C) trim
B) mow D) walk on
Study the label below and answer the question that
2. 0hom do you think will buy the $arton of
milk abo%e1
A) Slim girls C) )rug addi$ts
B) 2ld people D) &oung $hildren
Study the poster below and answer the question that
!. 3ow $an we help feed the orphans1
A) 4i%e $lothing
B) )onate money
C) 5lay with them
D) uy their handi$rafts
Study the advertisement below and answer the
question that follows.
,. 6daran Sumber Sdn hd is gi%ing dis$ounts
A) books C) $omputer disks
B) junk food D) writing materials
Study the recipe below and answer the question that
.. 0hat does the word toast refer to1
A) 7lour C) 2nions
B) read D) 5epper
Look at the picture below and answer the question that
*. "he pi$ture abo%e tells us that drugs are
A) safe C) important
B) good D) dangerous
(. "he %ehi$le abo%e is used by a
A) plumber C) firefighter
B) postman D) poli$eman
+. "he sign abo%e shows that bags are
A) sold C) not allowed
B) made D) not a$$eptable
-. 7rom the $on%ersation abo%e, we know that
9da is
A) not going for the pi$ni$
B) afraid to go for the pi$ni$
C) not going to enjoy the pi$ni$
D) afraid of going out alone at night
1/. &ou must not use the lift during
A) a fire
B) s$hool hours
C) a so$ial fun$tion
D) international affairs
%&st"#n ''(20
Choose the most appropriate preposition to place
in the blanks for every question that follows.
11. "here are a lot of beautiful shells _____ that
stret$h of the bea$h.
A) a$ross C) under
B) along D) in
12. 0e all had to stay _____ late last night to
$omplete the proje$t.
A) off C) on
B) down D) up
1!. 0ould you mind turning _____ the %olume a
bit so that 9 $an hear what the news is about1
A) by C) off
B) up D) down
1,. 4uo :ing pla$ed a bowl of soup _____ the
A) under C) through
B) on D) into
1.. "he bell will ring _____ three o;$lo$k for
A) after C) at
B) in D) o%er
1*. She built a sand$astle _____ a spade and pail.
A) in C) through
B) o%er D) with
1(. )o not $ry _____ spilt milk.
A) o%er C) under
B) along D) up
1+. 9 would ha%e gone to bed _____ the time you
$ome home.
A) by C) down
B) at D) below
1-. :y best friend, Kumar, sits _____ me in $lass.
A) through C) between
B) beside D) to
2/. 2ur dog always runs _____ the gate when it
hears my father;s $ar.
A) behind C) towards
B) near D) o%er
Do not use the lift
during emergency
%&st"#n 2'(*0
Fill in the blanks with the most suitable answer.
:aria and :arina are twin sisters. "hey are identi$al twins. <o one $an tell them apart. =1> _____
father mi?es them up so often that they take turns pretending to be the other whene%er it suits them. "he =2>
_____ person who $ould tell them apart is their mother who =!> _____ an un$anny kna$k of knowing who is
who. "hey $ould ne%er fool their mother. 6%eryone in the family, from grandparents to un$le to aunties to
$ousins is none the =,> _____ when it $omes to telling them apart. =.> _____ the days of their kindergarten to
today, when they first entered se$ondary s$hool, =*> _____ their tea$hers nor their $lassmates $an tell the
differen$e when they are standing side by side, espe$ially as they ha%e the same hairstyle and are $lothed in
their tur#uoise blue uniform. "o add =(> _____ trouble to the tea$hers, there are fi%e =+> _____ of identi$al twins
in the $lass. 9t must =-> _____ the year when the stork de$ides to bring twins into the world and =1/>_____
$onfusion into the uni%erse.
1. A) "hey B) "heirs C) "heir D) "hemsel%es
2. A) on$e B) first C) only D) other
!. A) has B) had C) is D) was
,. A) wise B) wise C) more wise D) wisest
.. A) 2f B) 7or C) "hen D) Sin$e
*. A) either B) neither C) or D) for
(. A) mu$h B) more C) most D) %ery
+. A) paired B) pair C) sets D) set
-. A) has been B) had been C) ha%e been D) ha%ing been
1/. A) bring B) brought C) has brought D) bringing
%&st"#n *'(*5
Refer to the advertisement below and answer the question that follows.
!1. "he word basic $an be repla$e by
A) simple C) $omple?
B) amateur D) user
!2. 3otlink asi$ 5lan $o%ers these features except
A) S:S C) @ideo 'alls
C) 4lobal 5ositioning System D) ::S
!!. 7or %oi$e and %ideo $alls made to :a?is numbers, the rate is
A) !- senAmin C) ./ senA::S
C) ( senAS:S D) !! senAmin
!,. 0hi$h is the $heapest to $all to from 3otlink asi$ 5lan1
A) )igi
B) 'el$om
C) :a?is
D) "elekom
!.. 0hen is it $heapest to use )ata ser%i$e1
A) offBpeak C) peak
B) Saturday D) 0eekdays
%&st"#n *+(,0
Choose the word that has the same meaning as the
word underlined.
!*. &our answer is $orre$tC
A) prominent C) right
B) left D) untrue
!(. )on;t $onsume this food yet. Det;s wait for the
others to arri%e.
A) dine C) meal
B) eat D) ate
!+. Always s$ibble your address in front of the
en%elope for the postman to read.
A) paste C) ink
B) write D) draw
!-. 9 always pur$hase my gro$eries at my lo$al
A) buy C) rent
B) google D) obser%e
,/. 9 need to take a rest before we $ontinue with the
ne?t game.
A) sleep C) dinner
B) $omfort D) break
%&st"#n ,'(,5
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
,1. A) &es, he is my brotherBinBlaw.
B) &es he isC :y brotherBinBlaw.
C) &es, he is my brotherBinBlaw1
D) &es he is my brotherBinBlaw.
,2. A) efore 9 met your mother. 9 dated her sister.
B) efore 9 met your mother 9 dated her sister.
C) efore 9 met your mother, 9 dated her sister.
D) efore, 9 met your mother 9 dated her sister.
,!. A) 3e $alled me, but 9 didn;t pi$k up the phone.
B) 3e $alled me but, 9 didn;t pi$k up the phone.
C) 3e $alled me. ut 9 didn;t pi$k up the phone.
D) 3e $all me but. 9 didn;t pi$k up the phone.
,,. A) 2f all the men, you;re the worstC
B) 2f all the men you;re the worstC
C) 2f all the men, you;re the worst1
D) 2f all the men you;re the worst1
,.. A) 6?$use meC 3a%e we met beforeC
B) 6?$use me. 3a%e we met before1
C) 6?$use me ha%e we met before1
D) 6?$use me1 3a%e we met before.
%&st"#n ,+(50
Choose the correct adjectives in each of the following
,*. Ali is the _______ boy in our $lass. 3e always
gets number 1 in $lass.
A) smart C) smarter
B) smartest D) less smart
,(. &ou might not be able to lift that bag. 9t is too
A) hea%y C) hea%ier
B) hea%iest D) least hea%y
,+. 2ur banner needs to be ________ $ompared to
last year;s banner if we want to win the
A) $olorful C) more $olorful
B) most $olorful D) $olorless
,-. &our pudding is sure is tasty, but 3amid made a
sweet $ho$olate pudding that is ______ than
A) tasty C) tastier
C) tastiest D) tasteless
./. 0e;re lu$ky to ha%e our parents. :ost orphans
are those who are ________ than us ne%er e%en
met their parents.
A) fortunate C) less fortunate
B) least fortunate D) most fortunate

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