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After the four month of vacation of HSC holidays. There

was a beautiful environment waiting for us. In !
august "## we all
met that location. $e were all formed there. In that environment some
of them already %nown and few of them were new to others. The day
&asses all met each other and introduced and at that time we formed
as one. The whole day' wee%s and month &asses away with ha&&iness
and finally semester e(am came ) we had com&leted it and
en*oyed the semester holidayswith &ongal festival. In that we were free
from rules' restrictions. +ur staff gave us full freedom to us and
en*oyed a lot.
After &ongal holidays' we once again gathered to en*oy the
second semester with same fun and ha&&iness . As we e(&ected most
of the staff are same to us li%e a first semester with addition of two
staff members- changed. The time &asses very s&eed because of fewer
wor%ing days in the even semester. In that wor%ing days we have s&orts
day' annual day functions were celebrated. +nce again we came to the
end of the semester

In the "
year we have a lot of e(&ectation when
were entered in to the de&artment. $ith us some of the new friends
were *oined' it gave e(tra strength to us. The fun' ha&&iness' comments
were increased more than that we had in a
year. Those guys mingled
with us very soon so our strength has been increased from /0 to 10.
2uring that day we lost some of our freedom by having s&ecial class'
but it did not affect our ha&&iness. As we have entered in to our
de&artment the entire bloc% have been changed and also the staffs .$e
all were new to that atmos&here so the days &assed soon and we
reached the semester and had less leave days

The new and most e(&ected semester by ours because of the first
sym&osium' annual day' fare well after we entered in to the
de&artment and also with some new friend. As our e(&ectation the
days &assed 4uic%ly with lot of en*oyment' some +.2 and holidays.
After finished the e(am we were went for industrial visit' it was the four
day tri& we en*oyed that by visiting 5E6A land' cochin boating' and
im&ortantly we visited 7E8 com&any and gathered more and more
%nowledge about transformer 9I ho&e you understand dudes:. After
finished the tri& we went to home with full tired by dancing on entire
return day in bus and en*oyed the remaining holidays.

;e(t we entered in to the .
year with name of &re<final year. There
was something new to us li%e &rinci&al' H+2. In that we have a new
friend to our family. In that year we wrote lot of test in morning as well
as evening' to ada&t to this situation it was very tuff to us. In that year
our friend courage and enthusiastic 9I-m not lying: &erson dineshwaran
was elected as *oint secretary of our de&artment. The semester
com&leted with *oy

The si(th semester' it was another even semester. This time we do not
have sym&osium and annual day that time. +ur &rinci&al have be
changed to 2r.=.Surya Rao .+nce again the rules has been changed to
liberal the morning
&eriod test have be removed so we en*oyed a lot
again. The A;;A =;I5ERSITY announced leave for nearly / day we left
each and every one and moved to our home town for a while .The
semester came again too fast because of the long leave by university
after that once again we had a chance to go a enthusiastic tour called
industrial visit of . days to >angalore ',ysore and Coorg we en*oyed an
awesome tri& we our friends those days are remar%able and
unforgettable to each and every one those who too% &art in it then the
tour has com&leted and we moved to our final year
The entire three years have &assed as the three days when we reached
to the final year we felt that. The res&onsibilities have been increased
to all of us because we have to choose our carrier very soon because
this is the last before semester. Some of the staff for this semester
came from our &revious semester the final semester lab fear was so
high but the lab com&leted without any &roblem the semester started
soon and also ended soon
$e are in the final stage of our collage life only ?# more days to leave
the college and also our students life. It is going to be end after this
semester after that few of them move with their own ideas li%e
entre&reneur 'higher studies and most of them to *ob this becomes our
turning &oint of our entire life this changes. Everyone should ta%e &art
in their friends growth and lift them to high &osition. 9I HOPE THAT YOU
It is *ust a model' the original @2A will be released at the end of
our final day of the college with full and full of fun 9including
teachers and their comments to us during lecture: now it is
censored to &ublish

If anything in this hurts anybody' I %indly a&ologiBe you
and also all the comments are well come from you either
in &ositive and negative way.
Its is just the beginning, lots to be added at the end
= A+ E;+

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