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Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta.


CIVIL COD OF !" P"ILIPPI#S$ Preliminary !itle
Article Summary Summarized Annotation: Added Info:
Article 1: Civil Code of the
Art. 2: Laws shall take effect 15
days following the completion
of their pulication
% Ci&il 'ode too( e))e't on A*+*st ,0- .9/0
% O 200 0as iss*ed 1y President A2*ino on 3*ne .945 06i'6
7ro&ided t6at 7*rs*ant to t6e r*lin+ in !a8ada &. !*&era
7*1li'ation need not 1e made in t6e O))i'ial 9a:ette- 'onsiderin+
its errati' release and limited readers6i7.
% #e0s7a7ers )or +eneral 'ir'*lation 'o*ld 1etter 7er)orm t6e
)*n'tion o) 'omm*ni'atin+ t6e la0s to t6e 7eo7le;more
a&aila1le- 0ider 'ir'*lation- 'omes o*t re+*larly.
% I) a stat*te does not 7ro&ide )or its e))e'ti&ity- it 0ill only ta(e
e))e't ./days a)ter t6e 'om7letion o) its 7*1li'ation. (#o one
s6all 1e '6ar+ed *nder t6e stat*te *ntil t6e 'om7letion o) t6e
% Stat*tes may 7ro&ide )or anot6er n*m1er o) days )or 7*1li'ation.
!6e statement <*nless ot6er0ise 7ro&ided= re)ers only to t6e ./
days (06i'6 'an 1e '6an+ed to a di))erent n*m1er) and not t6e
re2*irement o) 7*1li'ation. ;P*1li'ation is indis7ensa1le.
>'e7tion m*ni'i7al ordinan'es
R*les and re+*lations internal in nat*re
Inter7retati&e re+*lations
>'e7tion )rom e>'e7tion
Penal in nat*re
It &iolation o) t6e 'ertain ri+6ts o) indi&id*al
!6e e))e't o) non 7*1li'ation o) la0 is non e))e'ti&ity o) t6e la0
1e'a*se o) d*e 7ro'ess
!anada Vs !*&era
?6at is a ne0s7a7er o) +eneral 'ir'*lation- %
%7*1lis6ed 0it6in 'o*rt @*risdi'tion
%It is 7*1lis6ed at re+*lar inter&al
Co&ered Ander t6is R*le$
% Presidential de'rees and
e>e'*ti&e orders 1y t6e
7resident in e>er'ise o)
6is le+islati&e 7o0ers.
% Administrati&e r*les and
re+*lations i) t6eir
7*r7ose is to en)or'e or
im7lement e>istin+ la0
7*rs*ant to a &alid
% City '6arter m*st 1e
7*1lis6ed e&en i) it is only
a77li'a1le to a 7ortion o)
national territory
B Inter7retati&e re+*lation and
t6ose internal in nat*re need not
1e 7*1lis6ed.
Art. !: "gnorance of the law
e#cuses no one
% It is t6e 7res*m7tion t6at e&ery 7erson (no0s t6e la0.
% I+noran'e 'annot 1e 7*t *7 as a de)ense 1e'a*se it 'an al0ays
1e *sed 'a*sin+ disorder in so'iety
D. So1re7e8a 1
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

% !6is is t6e reason 06y 7*1li'ation is an essential element- so
t6at no one 'an e>'*se 6imsel) or 6ersel) )or not (no0in+.
Art. $: Laws shall not e
retroactive unless provided
% Stat*tes are to 1e 'onstr*ed as 6a&in+ 7ros7e'ti&e or )*t*re
o7eration only it is not meant to 1e a77li'a1le to t6e 7ast unless
it is e>7ressly 7ro&ided )or or is 'learly and ne'essarily im7lied
)rom t6e la0.
Cases 06en t6e la0 may 1e +i&en retroa'ti&e e))e't$
.. !6e la0 e>7ressly 7ro&ides
2. ?6en t6e la0 is '*rati&e or remedial C meant to '*re de)e'ts in
order to en)or'e e>istin+ o1li+ations. !o ena1le 7eo7le to 'arry
into e))e't 06at t6ey intended in t6e o1li+ation 1*t 'o*ld not d*e
to some stat*te. #ot meant to im7air o1li+ation or a))e't &ested
,. ?6en t6e la0 is 7ro'ed*ral C 06en it deals 0it6 7ro'ed*re it
a77lies to all a'tions- 06i'6 6a&e a''r*ed- or 7endin+ and )*t*re
>. ?6en t6e le+islat*re 7ro&ides t6at all 1ills s6o*ld *nder +o D
readin+s instead o) ,. !6is a))e'ts all 1ills t6at 6a&e 1een 'reated and
e&en t6ose already *nder+oin+ readin+s.
D. ?6en t6e la0 is 7enal in '6ara'ter and is )a&ora1le to t6e
>'e7tion )rom e>'em7tion
Constit*tional limit
>7ost )a'to la0
In 'ase o) do*1t la0s a77ly 7ros7e'ti&ely not retroa'ti&ely
Art. 5: Acts committed against
mandatory and prohiitory
laws shall e void.
MA#DA!ORE PROVISIO#S OF LA?S$ I) one )ails to 'ommit 'ertain
a'ts t6at are mandatory in t6e la0- it renders t6e 7ro'eedin+ or a'ts to
06i'6 it relates as ille+al or &oid.
>. !6e la0 7ro&ides < !6e a'tion to re&o(e t6e donation *nder t6is
arti'le m*st 1e 1ro*+6t 0it6in / years )rom t6e time t6e de'ree o) le+al
se7aration 6as 1e'ome )inal.= (Arti'le FD- Family Code)
PRO"IGI!ORE LA?S$ !6ose t6at one is not s*77osed to do. Co*'6ed
in ne+ati&e terms.
>. !6e la0 7ro&ides t6at < #o le+al se7aration may 1e de'reed *nless
D. So1re7e8a 2
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

t6e 'o*rt 6as ta(en ste7s to0ards re'on'iliation.= (Arti'le /9- Family
Marria+e solemni:e 1y a 7erson not a*t6ori:ed to do so
?6en t6e l
Art. %: &aiver of 'ights % Ri+6ts may 1e 0ai&ed *nless it is 'ontrary to la0- 7*1li' 7oli'y-
morals or +ood '*stoms- or 7re@*di'ial to a t6ird 7erson 0it6 a
ri+6t re'o+ni:ed 1y la0.
% !6e ri+6t m*st e>ist at t6e time o) t6e 0ai&er.
.. !6e 7erson (no0s t6at a ri+6t e>ists
2. "as ade2*ate (no0led+e *7on 06i'6 to ma(e an intelli+ent
,. Hno0led+e o) t6e )a'ts related to t6e ri+6t to 1e 0ai&ed
D. M*st 1e s6o0n t6at t6e 0ai&er is made (no0in+ly and
% Ri+6ts 7ro&ided )or in stat*tes 'an +enerally 1e 0ai&ed *nless t6e
o1@e't o) t6e stat*te is to 7rote't or 7romote 7*1li' interest
#at*ral ri+6ts ri+6t to li)e
Politi'al ri+6ts s*))ra+e
Ci&il Ri+6ts 7ro7erty ri+6ts marria+e- )reedom o) 'ontra't- )amily ri+6ts
Re2*isite o) 0ai&er
>am7les o) 06at 'annot 1e
.. ?ai&er a+ainst t6e ri+6t to
7*r'6ase land.
2. ?ai&e an a'tion a+ainst
)*t*re )ra*d
,. ?ai&e ri+6t to re'ei&e less
t6an t6e 'om7ensation a
0or(er is to re'ei&e *nder
t6e la0.
Art. (: 'epealed Laws % La0s are re7ealed only 1y s*1se2*ent ones
% Get0een a la0 and t6e Constit*tion- t6e latter 7re&ails
% Administrati&e or e>e'*ti&e a'ts are &alid only 06en t6ey are not
'ontrary to la0s or t6e Constit*tion
RPAL$ le+islati&e a't o) a1olis6in+ a 7re&io*s stat*te t6ro*+6 a ne0
% ?6ere a 7ortion o) a stat*te is rendered *n'onstit*tional and
7art is &alid t6e arts may 1e se7arated i) t6ey 'an stand
inde7endently o) one anot6er.
>7ressly 06en 7ro&ided 1y la0
Im7liedly 06en
D. So1re7e8a 3
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Latter is re7*+nant to t6e earlier
Art. ): *udicial decisions form
case laws
% 3*di'ial de'isions- a77lyin+ and inter7retin+ la0s and t6e Constit*tion-
ass*me t6e same a*t6ority as la0s.
Art. +: 'esponsiility of the
% 3*d+es m*st not e&ade 7er)orman'e o) t6eir res7onsi1ility 1e'a*se o)
an a77arent non%e>isten'e or &a+*eness o) a la0 +o&ernin+ a 7arti'*lar
le+al dis7*te.
Art. 1,: "t is presumed that the
lawmaking ody intended right
and -ustice to prevail
% !6e 'o*rt m*st )irst a77ly t6e la0- only 06en t6ere is am1i+*ity
in its a77li'ation s6o*ld t6ere 1e any (ind o) inter7retation.
% !6e inter7retation s6o*ld 1e in line 0it6 t6e intent o) t6e
le+islat*re or t6e end so*+6t to 1e attained.
Art. 11: Customs
Art. 12: Customs must e
proved accdg. to the rules of
CAS!OM$ a r*le o) 'ond*'t )ormed 1y re7etition o) a'ts- *ni)ormly
o1ser&ed as a so'ial r*le- 06i'6 is le+ally 1indin+ and 6as o1li+atory
Pra'ti'e )or a lon+ 7eriod o) time
Pra'ti'e 1y a +ro*7 o) 7eo7le
Re'o+ni:ed 1y t6e 7eo7le
!6ere is neit6er 'rime or 7*nis6ment 0it6o*t a la0
3ARIDICAL CAS!OM$ Can 1e a s*77lementIaddition to a stat*tory la0
*nli(e a so'ial '*stom- 06i'6 'annot do so.
Art. 1!: .ears/ days/ months Eears$ ,F/ days ea'6
Mont6s$ ,0 days C i) desi+nated 1y t6eir name- t6ey s6all 1e 'om7*ted
1y t6e n*m1er o) days t6at t6ey res7e'ti&ely 6a&e
"o*r$ 2D 6o*rs
#i+6ts$ S*nset to s*nrise
% In 'om7*tin+ a 7eriod )irst day e>'l*de last day in'l*ded
Art. 1$: Penal laws % All 'iti:ens or )orei+ners 06o so@o*rner are s*1@e't to all 7enal
la0s and la0s meant )or 7*1li' se'*rity and sa)ety.
% !erritoriarity
Forei+ners 06o are imm*ne )rom
s*it and t6*s 'annot 1e '6ar+ed
(di7lomati' a+ents)
Art. 15: 0ationality rule % Re+ardless o) 06ere a 'iti:en o) t6e P6ili77ines mi+6t 1e 6e or
s6e 0ill still 1e +o&erned 1y P6ili77ine la0s 06en it 'omes to
!6*s a Fili7ino 'annot +et a
di&or'e e&en i) 6e or s6e +oes
D. So1re7e8a 4
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

)amily ri+6ts- d*ties- or to 6is or 6er le+al stat*s and le+al
a1road- sin'e di&or'e is not
re'o+ni:ed in t6e P6ili77ines
Art. 1%: 'eal 1 Personal
% Real and Personal Pro7erty are s*1@e't to t6e la0 o) t6e 'o*ntry
06ere it is )o*nd. "o0e&er- 06en it 'omes to t6e order- amo*nt-
and intrinsi' &alidity o) t6e s*''ession it s6all 1e re+*lated 1y t6e
la0 o) t6e 7erson 06ose s*''ession is 1ein+ 'onsidered
re+ardless o) 06ere t6e 7ro7erty is to 1e )o*nd.
>'e7tion amo*nt
Art. 1(: 2orms and 3olemnities
of contracts4will/ acts done
efore consular officials/
prohiitive laws
Extrinsic validity$ t6e la0s s6all +o&ern t6e )orms o) 'ontra'ts and 0ills
06ere t6ey are made. !6*s a 0ill made in t6e A.S. m*st )ollo0 t6e la0s
re+ardin+ t6e )orms o) 0ills in t6e A.S.
Acts before Diplomatic and Consular Officials: Any a't or 'ontra't
made in a )orei+n 'o*ntry made 1e)ore t6e di7lomati' and 'ons*lar
o))i'ials m*st also 'on)orm to P6ili77ine la0s. !6is is 1e'a*se in t6e
7remises o) a di7lomati' o))i'e t6e )orei+n 'o*ntry 0ai&es its @*risdi'tion
so t6e P6ili77ine la0s +o&ern in t6e 7remises o) t6e P6ili77ine
Di7lomati' O))i'e in )orei+n 'o*ntries.
Prohibitive a!s: Pro6i1iti&e la0s 'on'ernin+ 7ro7erty- 7ersons- t6eir
a'ts and t6ose meant )or 7*1li' order- 7*1li' 7oli'y- or +ood '*stoms 0ill
'ontin*e to 1e in e))e't e&en i) t6e 7erson is in a di))erent 'o*ntry 0it6
di))erent la0s.
>. A Fili7ino +ets married to 2 0omen in anot6er 'o*ntry 06ere 1i+amy
is le+al- t6e se'ond marria+e is &oid sin'e 1i+amy is not 7ermitted in t6e
Rem1oi do'trine
Do'trine o) o7erati&e )a'ts
Art. 1): 5eficiency in the Code
of Commerce and special laws
% ?6en t6ere are de)i'ien'ies in t6e Code o) Commer'e and
S7e'ial La0s t6e 'i&il 'ode 0ill +o&ern s*'6 de)i'ien'y.
>. In t6e Code o) Commer'e t6ere is no stated 7res'ri7tion date )or a
'ertain a't- t6*s t6e 7ro&isions on 7res'ri7tion in t6e 'i&il 'ode 0ill
% "o0e&er one m*st '6e'( t6e (ind o) transa'tion at 6and and
06et6er t6e 'i&il 'ode 7ro&ision is a77li'a1le
>. In a 7re&io*s 'ase- t6e Carria+e o) 9oods 1y Sea A't t6ere is a one
year 7res'ri7tion )or ma(in+ a 'laim )or loss or dama+e and t6e 7lainti))
1elie&ed t6at 6e 'o*ld e>tend t6e 7res'ri7ti&e 7eriod 1y +i&in+ a 0ritten
demand 7*rs*ant to Art. ..// o) t6e 'i&il 'ode- es7e'ially sin'e t6e 'i&il
'ode is meant to 1e s*77lementary a''ordin+ to Art. .4. "o0e&er t6e
S*7reme Co*rt r*led t6at it 0as not a77li'a1le 1e'a*se 06en it 'omes
D. So1re7e8a 5
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

to matters o) +oods in trans7ort it is desira1le t6at it 1e resol&ed at on'e
ta(in+ into 'onsideration t6e nat*re o) t6e +oods.
Art. 1+: Ause of right
% Meant to 1e a la0 o) @*sti'e and )airness es7e'ially in instan'es
06erein t6ere is no s7e'i)i' la0 to 7re&ent a'ts o) a1*se to anot6er.
% It is a r*le o) 'ond*'t t6at is meant to 'reate a 6armonio*s and orderly
relation s6i7 1et0een 7eo7le
% !6e a1*se o) ri+6t is t6e +reatest 7ossi1le 0ron+
% Sole intent o) in@*rin+ anot6er
B!6e t6ree arti'les are
related to ea'6 ot6er and
*nder t6ese arti'les an a't-
06i'6 'a*ses in@*ry to
anot6er- may 1e made t6e
1asis )or an a0ard )or
Art. 2,: willfully or negligently
causes damage to another
% S7ea(s o) t6e +eneral san'tion )or all ot6er 7ro&isions o) la0- 06i'6 do
not es7e'ially 7ro&ide t6eir o0n san'tion.
% Desi+ned to )ill in t6e 'o*ntless +a7s in t6e stat*es- 06i'6 lea&e many
&i'tims 0it6o*t re'o*rse.
Di))eren'e o) 20 to 2. 20 does not a77ly to all la0s- Art 2.
Art. 21: Contrary to good
customs/ morals/ or pulic
.. !6ere is an a't 06i'6 is le+al
2. G*t 06i'6 is 'ontrary to morals- +ood '*stoms- 7*1li' order- 7*1li'
,. And it is done 0it6 intent to in@*re
% Pres*77oses material or ot6er loss 06i'6 one may s*))er as a res*lt o)
anot6er 7ersonJs a't
Promise o) marria+e
%so'ial 6*miliation
Art. 22: 6ne who comes into
the possession of another is
oliged to make restitution
Art. 2!: 7ven if the act was not
A#3AS! #RIC"M#!$ one s6o*ld not *nd*ly 7ro)it on somet6in+ 06i'6 6e
does not o0n
% !6*s i) one is 1ene)ited at t6e e>7ense o) anot6er- 6e m*st 7ay or indemni)y
t6e ot6er )or 06at 6e 6as +ained.
%#o one s6all *n@*stly enri'6 6imsel)
%A'2*isition is *nd*e in t6e e>7ense o) anot6er does not in'l*de ser&i'es
Remedy re'o&ery )or t6e 7ayment o) 06at 6as @*st 1een
State is not an essential element
D. So1re7e8a 6
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

due to ones fault or negligent
he is still liale for indemnity if
he was enefited.
Art. 2$: Protecting the rights
of the disadvantage
It is t6e 'o*rts d*ty to render @*sti'e and +i&e 7rote'tion on a''o*nt o) t6ose
06o are disad&anta+e d*e to moral de7enden'e- i+noran'e- indi+en'e
(7o&erty)- mental 0ea(ness- tender a+e or ot6er 6andi'a7.
%Prin'i7le o) Parens Patria
Art. 25: 7#travagance during
acute pulic want or
!6e 'o*rts at t6e instan'e o) t6e +o&ernment or any 7ri&ate '6arita1le instit*tion
'an order one to sto7 e>treme s7endin+ d*rin+ times o) emer+en'y.
>. !6ere is a +asoline s'ar'ity and a ri'6 man 1*ys tons and tons o) +asoline
to 7o0er 6is 7ri&ate am*sement 7ar(. Ct6e 'o*rt may order 6im to sei:e s*'6 at
t6e instan'e o) t6e +o&ernment or '6arita1le instit*tion to 7re&ent s*'6 in times
o) emer+en'y.
%It 'an 'a*se '6aos 1e'a*se o) la'( o) 'on'ern
Art. 2%: 'espect privacy of
others. 'espect for human
% Meant to en)or'e t6e ri+6t o) one to 6is 7ri&a'y in oneJs o0n 6ome- reli+io*s
)reedom- 7re&ent moral s*))erin+- &e>ation- 6*miliation-
% May not 'onstit*te a 'riminal a't
Art. 2(: Pulic servant refuses
or neglects to do his duty
without -ust cause
% One may )ile an a'tion )or dama+es a+ainst t6e o))i'er 06o does not 7er)orm
6is o))i'ial d*ty 0it6o*t @*st 'a*se.
% A 7*1li' o))i'er 06o 'ommits a tort or ot6er 0ron+)*l a't is still lia1le to t6e
BI) t6e o))i'er is no day o))-
t6en one 'annot )ile an
a'tion a+ainst 6im.
Art. 2): 8nfair competition % #e'essary to 7romote a system o) )ree enter7rise and a )air '6an'e )or ot6ers
to en+a+e in 1*siness and earn a li&in+.
Art. 2+: Civil action when guilt
is not proved eyond
reasonale dout
% I) in a 'riminal 'ase- t6e a''*sed is not 7ro&en +*ilty 1eyond reasona1le do*1t
a 'i&il a'tion may 1e made and t6e de+ree o) 7roo) ne'essary is only a
7re7onderan'e o) e&iden'e 06i'6 means t6at more e&iden'e is add*'ed to
7ro&e t6e +*ilt o) t6e a''*sed 'om7ared to t6at to de)end 6im.
%reason t6e e&iden'e re2*ired is di))erent
Art. !,: Civil oligation arising
from a criminal offense
% A 'i&il o1li+ation arisin+ )rom a 'riminal o))ense only needs a 7re7onderan'e o)
e&iden'e as t6e 2*ant*m o) 7roo)-
Art. !1: Civil oligation not
arising from the felony 21 22
2! 21((
% As*ally a 'riminal 7ro'eedin+- i) 'ommen'ed- m*st 1e terminated
1e)ore a 'i&il 7ro'eedin+ 'an 1e+in. I) a 'i&il 7ro'eedin+ 6as 1e+*n and
later on a 'riminal 7ro'eedin+ is )iled- t6e 'i&il 7ro'eedin+ is 7*t on 6old
*ntil t6e 'riminal 7ro'eedin+ 6as )inis6ed.
% "o0e&er 06en t6e 'i&il o1li+ation is se7arate )rom t6e 'rime
'ommitted it may 7ro'eed inde7endently o) t6e 'riminal 7ro'eedin+.
D. So1re7e8a 7
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

% Certain in@*ries do not arise )rom t6e 'ommission o) a 'rime.
>. A 1*s dri&er 'ras6es t6e 1*s 1e'a*se 6e is dr*n(. !6e 'i&il a'tion 6ere is
1ased )rom t6e 1rea'6 o) t6e 'ontra't*al o1li+ation o) all 'ommon 'arriers to
ta(e e>tra dili+en'e in dri&in+ 6is 7assen+ers. !6e 'riminal a'tion 6ere is 1ased
on t6e dri&erJs 'riminal ne+li+en'e. !6e )irst is +o&erned 1y t6e 'i&il 'ode and
t6e se'ond is )rom t6e Re&ised Penal Code.
R*le o) 'o*rt ...
Art. !2: Civil action for
violation of constitutional
% #e'essary to 6a&e an a1sol*te se7arate and inde7endent 'i&il a'tion )or t6e
&iolation o) 'i&il li1erties )or t6e e))e'ti&e maintenan'e o) demo'ra'y.
Art. !!: Civil action for
violation of private rights
% Prin'i7le is to allo0 t6e 'iti:en to en)or'e 6is ri+6ts re+ardless o) State a'tion
so t6at 'iti:ens 0ill not de7end *7on t6e +o&ernment )or t6e &indi'ation o) t6eir
o0n 7ri&ate ri+6ts.
% In'l*des )ra*d- de)amation- 76ysi'al in@*ries and are *nderstood in t6eir
ordinary sense.
%Cons*mated "omi'ide is in'l*ded in P6ysi'al In@*ries 'arandan+ &s Santia+o
Mar'elo 3er&oso 49,0F P6ysi'al In@*ries is *sed in a +eneri' sense
BCriminal ne+li+en'e
(re'(less im7r*den'e) is not
in'l*ded in t6is arti'le- t6*s
an inde7endent a'tion )or
s*'6 'annot 1e made
inde7endently )rom t6e
'riminal 7rose'*tion.
Art. !$: 9emers of the Police
% ?6en t6ere is dan+er to li)e or 7ro7erty- s*'6 7ea'e o))i'er s6all 1e
7rimarily lia1le )or dama+es- and t6e 'ity or m*ni'i7ality s6all 1e
s*1sidiarily res7onsi1le.
% An inde7endent 'i&il a'tion 'an 1e instit*ted 06erein a 7re7onderan'e
o) e&iden'e is all t6at is re2*ired.
% Reason is t6e 7oli'e man is t6e sym1ol o) a*t6ority o) t6e +o&t
Art !5: 'eservation of civil
% ?6en a 7erson 'laimin+ to 1e in@*red 1y a 'riminal o))ense- '6ar+es anot6er
1*t t6e @*d+es )ails to )ind any 'rime to 6a&e 1een 'ommitted or i) t6e
7rose'*tin+ attorney re)*sesI)ails to instit*te 'riminal 7ro'eedin+s
Art. !%: Pre-udicial :uestions % !6e +eneral r*le is t6at t6e 'riminal 'ase ta(es 7re'eden'eK an
e>'e7tion 0o*ld 1e i) t6ere e>ist 7re@*di'ial 2*estions- 06i'6 s6o*ld 1e
resol&ed 1e)ore t6e 'riminal 'ase.
% lements
% !6e resol*tion o) t6e 'riminal a'tion
PR3ADICIAL LAS!IO#$ !6at 06i'6 m*st 7re'ede t6e 'riminal a'tion t6at
06i'6 re2*ires a de'ision 1e)ore a )inal @*d+ment is rendered in t6e 7rin'i7al
a'tion 06ere t6e said 2*estion is 'losely 'onne'ted. !6e resol*tion o) t6e
Pre@*di'ial 2*estion 0ill determine i) t6e 'riminal a'tion may 7ro'eed.
D. So1re7e8a 8
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

>. A and G +ot married. G t6en married C. A )iled a 'ase )or 1i+amy a+ainst G.
G also )iled a 'i&il 'ase a+ainst C (t6e se'ond s7o*se) 'ontendin+ t6at s6e 0as
intimidated into marryin+ C. !6e 'i&il 'ase to determine 06et6er t6ere 0as
intimidation or not m*st ne'essary 1e resol&ed 1e)ore t6e 1i+amy 'ase. I) G
0as indeed intimidated in marryin+ C- t6ere is no 1i+amy.
Art. !(: *uridical Capacity and
Capacity to Act.
3ARIDICAL CAPACI!E$ )itness to 1e t6e s*1@e't o) le+al relations- in6erent in
e&ery 7erson and is lost only t6ro*+6 deat6.
% A'2*ired 06en one is 'on'ei&ed (ri+6ts o) t6e *n1orn '6ild)
CAPACI!E !O AC!$ 7o0er to do a'ts 0it6 le+al e))e't- may 1e a'2*ired o) lost
% A'2*ired 06en one rea'6es t6e a+e o) ma@ority- lost in 'ases li(e 'i&il
Art. !): 'estrictions on the
capacity to act
Art. !+: 9odification or limit
capacity to act
Restri'tions on t6e 'a7a'ity to a't$ Minority- insanity or im1e'ility- state o) 1ein+
a dea)%m*te- 7rodi+ality- and 'i&il interdi'tion are mere restri'tions on t6e
'a7a'ity to a't. C Do not e>em7t t6e 7erson )rom 'ertain o1li+ations.
Modi)yIlimit 'a7a'ity to a't$ a+e- insanity- im1e'ility- t6e state o) 1ein+ a dea)%
m*te- 7enalty- 7rodi+ality- )amily relations- aliena+e- a1sen'e- insol&en'y- and
B Got6 men and 0omen are
2*ali)ied )rom all a'ts o) 'i&il
li)e 06en t6ey rea'6 t6e a+e
o) ma@ority (.4 years old)
Art. $,: Commencement of
Civil personality
Art. $1: conditions to
determine when the child is
considered conceived.
% Girt6 determines 7ersonality 1*t t6e 'on'ei&ed '6ild s6all 1e 'onsidered
1orn )or all 7*r7oses t6at are )a&ora1le to it. Pro&ided t6at t6e
'on'ei&ed '6ild is later 1orn 0it6 t6e 'onditions in Art. D..
% !6e )et*s is 'onsidered 1orn i) it is ali&e )rom t6e time it 0as 'om7letely
deli&ered )rom t6e mot6erJs 0om1. GA! i) t6e )et*s 0as ali&e in t6e
0om1 )or less t6an 5 mont6s it is not deemed 1orn i) it dies 0it6in 2D
6o*rs it is deli&ered )orm t6e 0om1.
%For 7*r7oses o) in6eritan'e
and s*''ession- a '6ild
'on'ei&ed at t6e time o)
deat6 o) t6e de'edent 'an s
Art. $2: Civil personality
e#tinguished at death
% Deat6 7*ts an end to 'i&il 7ersonality
% Dead 7erson 'ontin*es to 6a&e 7ersonality only t6ro*+6 'ontra't- 0ill-
or as determined 1y la0. C Creditors 'an still 'laim )rom t6e estate o)
t6e de'eased any o1li+ation d*e to t6em.
% #o 6*man 1ody s6all 1e 1*ried *nless t6e 7ro7er deat6 'erti)i'ate 6as
1een 7resented and re'orded 6o0e&er d*rin+ an e7idemi' 1odies may
1e 1*ried 7ro&ided t6at t6e deat6 'erti)i'ate 1e se'*red 0it6in / days
a)ter t6e 1*rial.
An a''essory 7enalty )or t6e 'ommission o) an o))ense- 06i'6 de7ri&es t6e o))ender d*rin+ t6e time o) 6is senten'e t6e ri+6ts o) 7arental a*t6ority- or
+*ardians6i7- ri+6t to mana+e 6is 7ro7erty and t6e ri+6t to dis7ose o) s*'6 7ro7erty 1y any a't.
D. So1re7e8a 9
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Art. $!: 5out etween the
death of two or more persons
% A77lies to 7ersons 06o are 'alled to s*''eed ea'6 ot6er li(e mot6er
and '6ild. (#e'essary to determine t6e amo*nt o) in6eritan'e one is to
re'ei&e- transmission o) ri+6ts- et'.)
% I) t6ere is no 7roo) as to 06o died )irst- t6ey are 7res*med to 6a&e died
at t6e same time and t6*s no transmission o) ri+6ts )rom one to t6e
% Proo) o) deat6 'annot 1e esta1lis6ed )rom mere in)eren'e or
7res*m7tions. It m*st 1e esta1lis6ed 1y 'lear 7ositi&e e&iden'e.
Art. $$: &ho are -uridical
Art. $5: &hat governs -uridical
Art. $%: 'ights and oligations
of -uridical persons
3ARIDICAL PRSO#$ Gein+ o) le+al e>isten'e s*s'e7ti1le o) ri+6ts and
.. State$ or+ani:ed 'or7orate so'iety *nder a +o&ernment 0it6 t6e le+al
'om7eten'e to e>a't o1edien'e o) its 'ommands. It 'an enter into
treaties and 'ontra'ts.
% !6e state 'annot 1e s*ed 0it6o*t its 'onsent (im7lied or e>7ressed)
2. Political subdivisions$ m*ni'i7al 'or7orations t6at 'onsist o)
7ro&in'es- 'ities and m*ni'i7alities. !6ey 'an 1e s*ed 1e'a*se it is
+ranted 1y t6eir '6arters 1*t t6ey are +enerally not lia1le )or torts
'ommitted in t6e dis'6ar+e o) t6eir +o&ernmental )*n'tions.
,. Corporation: An arti)i'ial 1ein+ 'reated 1y o7eration o) la0 and 6as t6e
7o0ers and attri1*tes +ranted to it 1y t6e la0- 06i'6 'reated it.
D. Partnership: 2 or more 7ersons 1ind t6emsel&es to ma(e 'ontri1*tions
to a 'ommon )*nd 0it6 t6e intention o) di&idin+ t6e 7ro)its amon+
BCor7orations- 7artners6i7s- and asso'iations )or 7ri&ate interest and 7*r7ose
may 1e +ranted a se7arate and distin't 7ersonality )rom t6e s6are6olders or
mem1ers (t6is is (no0n as t6e &eil o) 'or7orate )i'tion). "o0e&er- t6is &eil may
1e 7ier'ed- t6*s ma(in+ t6e s6are6olders and mem1ers lia1le- 06en t6e )i'tion
is *sed to de)eat 7*1li' 'on&enien'e- @*sti)y 0ron+- 7rote't )ra*d- de)end 'rime-
7er7etrate de'e7tion- et'.
BState and 7oliti'al s*1di&isions- ot6er 'or7orations- instit*tions- and entities )or
7*1li' interest or 7*r7ose are +o&erned 1y t6e la0s 'reatin+ t6em.
BPri&ate 'or7orations are re+*lated 1y la0s o) +eneral a77li'ation on t6e s*1@e't
BPartners6i7s are +o&erned 1y t6e 7ro&isions o) t6is Code 'on'ernin+
B3*ridi'al 7ersons may a'2*ire and 7ossess 7ro7erty o) all (inds and in'*r
o1li+ations in 'on)ormity 0it6 t6e la0s and re+*lations o) t6eir or+ani:ation.
D. So1re7e8a 10
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Art. $(: 5issolution of
% A7on t6e dissol*tion o) s*'6 entities mentioned a1o&e- t6eir 7ro7erties
and ot6er assets s6o*ld 1e dis7osed o) in 7*rs*an'e o) la0 or t6e
'6arter 'reatin+ it.
% I) t6ere is not6in+ in t6e la0- it s6all 1e a77lied )or a similar 7*r7ose )or
t6e 1ene)it o) t6e re+ionI7ro&in'eI'ity it is in.
Art. $): &ho are
citi;ens of the
Art. $+: 0aturali;ation
and reac<uisition of
loss citi;enship
Art. 5,: 5omicile of
natural persons
Citi:ens o) t6e P6ili77ines$
.. !6ose 06o are 'iti:ens at t6e time o) t6e ado7tion o) t6e P6ili77ine
2. !6ose 1orn in t6e P6ili77ines- 1e)ore t6e ado7tion o) t6e said 'onstit*tion-
0it6 )orei+n 7arents 06o 6a&e 1een ele'ted to 7*1li' o))i'e in t6e
,. !6ose 06ose Fat6ers are Fili7ino
D. !6ose 06ose mot6ers are Fili7ino and ele't P6ili77ine Citi:ens6i7 06en
t6ey rea'6 t6e a+e o) ma@ority.
/. !6ose 06o are nat*rali:ed
DOMICIL$ Fi>ed 7ermanent resident- a 7la'e 06erein- alt6o*+6 one may 1e
a1sent )rom- one still 6as t6e intention o) ret*rnin+ and remainin+ )or an *nlimited
time. !6ere is only one domi'ile.
% A minor )ollo0s t6e domi'ile o) 6is 7arents
C6an+e in Domi'ile$
1. An a't*al remo&al or an a't*al '6an+e or domi'ile
2. A bona fide intention o) a1andonin+ t6e )ormer domi'ile and esta1lis6in+ a
ne0 one.
3. A't- 06i'6 'orres7ond 0it6 t6e 7*r7ose (76ysi'al 7resen'e in t6e area-
mo&e )amily in area- re+ister as a &oter in t6e area- et'.)
RSID#C$ Indi'ates a 7la'e o) a1ode 06et6er 7ermanent or tem7orary- not
ne'essarily t6e domi'ile. !6ere may 1e more t6an one residen'e.
"us San#uinis$ Re)ers to
'iti:ens6i7 1y 1lood. !6is is t6e
'on'e7t )ollo0ed in t6e
"us Soli$ Re)ers to 'iti:ens6i7 on
t6e 1asis o) t6e 7la'e o) 1irt6
Ac$uisition of Citizenship$ )or
a )orei+ner to 1e a1le to 1e'ome
a P6ili77ine 'iti:en- a 7ro7er
7etition s6all 1e )iled in t6e
7ro7er 'o*rt.
%round for &eac$uisition of
..Gy nat*rali:ation
2.Re7atriation o) deserters o) t6e
Army- #a&y or Air Cor7s.
(?oman 06o 6as lost 6er
'iti:ens6i7 1y reason o) marria+e
to an alien may 1e re7atriated
a)ter t6e termination o) 6er
marital stat*s)
,.Gy dire't a't o) 'on+ress
Art. 51: 5omicile of
-uridical person
% ?6en t6e la0 'reates or re'o+ni:es a @*ridi'al 7erson 1*t doesnJt )i> t6e domi'ile it
s6all 1e *nderstood to 1e t6e 7la'e 06ere it 6as le+al re7resentation
D. So1re7e8a 11
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

'(E )A*I+ CODE O) '(E P(IIPPI,ES: !oo( e))e't on A*+*st ,- .944 si+ned 1y President Cora:on A2*ino (>e'*ti&e Order 209)
Arti'le S*mmary o) Annotation Additional
Art. 1: Marriage is a se!ial !on"ra!" of er#anen"
union be"$een a #an and a $o#an en"ered in"o in
a!!ordan!e $i"% "%e la$ for "%e es"ablis%#en" of
!on&ugal and fa#il' life.
I" is "%e founda"ion of "%e fa#il' and an in(iolable
so!ial ins"i"u"ion $%ose na"ure) !onse*uen!es) and
in!iden"s are go(erned b' la$ and no" sub&e!" "o
s"iula"ion) e+!e" "%a" #arriage se""le#en"s #a' fi+
"%e roer"' rela"ions during "%e #arriage $i"%in "%e
li#i"s ro(ided b' "%e !ode.
#at*re o) Marria+e$
%Marria+e is one o) t6e <1asi' 'i&il ri+6ts o) man.= !6e
)reedom to marry 6as 1een re'o+ni:ed as a &ital
7ersonal ri+6t to0ards t6e 7*rs*it o) manJs 6a77iness.
%Still 'onsidered as a s7e'ial 'i&il 'ontra't re+*lated 1y
la0 d*e to t6e 6i+6 state interest in 7rote'tin+ and
sa)e+*ardin+ t6e )amily.
%A 'ontra't to marry- *nli(e ot6er 'ontra'ts- 'annot 1e
modi)ied or '6an+ed. On'e it is e>e'*ted a relation is
)ormed 1et0een t6e 7arties t6at 'annot 1e altered. !6e
la0 ste7s in to 6old or 1ind t6e 7arties to+et6er.
%A s*1se2*ent marria+e 1et0een t6e ra7ist and ra7ed
&i'tim e>tin+*is6es t6e 'riminal a'tion or 7enalty o) t6e
ra7ist. In 'ase o) marital ra7e
Marria+e Stat*s$ Marria+e 'reates a so'ial stat*s-
06i'6 t6e state is interested in 7rote'tin+. It is a 'ase
06ere a do*1le stat*s is 'reated- in&ol&es and a))e'ts
t0o 7ersons.
Marria+e in International La0$ men and 0omen o) )*ll
a+e 0it6o*t any limitation d*e to ra'e- nationality or
reli+ion 6a&e t6e ri+6t to marry and )o*nd a )amily.
.. Ani&ersal De'laration o) "*man Ri+6ts
2. International Co&enant on 'onomi'- So'ial and
C*lt*ral Ri+6ts
,. International Co&enant on Ci&il and Politi'al Ri+6ts.
BMarria+e as a s7e'ial
'ontra't 'annot 1e restri'ted
1y dis'riminatory 7oli'ies o)
7ri&ate indi&id*als or
*AI-O&DE& .&IDE$
'onsidered as a 'riminal
o))ense 1e'a*se marria+e is
&ested 0it6 7*1li' interest.
(Conne'ted 0it6 t6e Anti%
!ra))i'(in+ A't)
A'ts 7*nis6ed$
.. Carry on s*'6 a 1*siness
2. !o ad&ertise t6e 7romotion
o) s*'6 a'ts.
,. Soli'it or attra't or any
Fili7ino 0oman to 1e'ome a
mem1er in a 'l*1 t6at
mat'6es 0omen )or marria+e
to )orei+n nationals )or a )ee.
D. Ase t6e 7ostal ser&i'e to
7romote t6e 7ro6i1ited a'ts.
+o&erned 1y t6e la0 e))e'ti&e
at t6e time o) t6e 'ele1ration
o) t6e marria+e.
Marital ra7e is no0 'onsidered a 'rime 06erein t6e le+al 6*s1and is t6e o))ender and t6e 0i)e is t6e &i'tim. Prior to t6is marital ra7e 0as not 'onsidered a 'rime
1e'a*se it 0as 'onsidered t6e ri+6t o) t6e 6*s1and to 6a&e se>*al inter'o*rse 0it6 6is 0i)e 06ene&er 6e 7leased.
D. So1re7e8a 12
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Constit*tional Prote'tion$ !6e State re'o+ni:es t6e
san'tity o) )amily li)e and s6all 7rote't and stren+t6en it.
!6e state also re'o+ni:es marria+e as an in&iola1le
so'ial instit*tion and t6e )o*ndation o) t6e )amily and
s6all 1e 7rote'ted 1y t6e state.
B !6e 'onstit*tional 7ro&isions on marria+e 6o0e&er do
#O! mean t6at le+islat*re 'annot ena't a la0 allo0in+
a1sol*te di&or'e. Marria+e is s*1@e't to t6e 'ontrol o)
t6e le+islat*re 1*t it m*st not 'ontra&ene mandates o)
Pro7erty Relations$ Only 7ro7erty relations may 1e )i>ed
and arran+ed in a marria+e settlement 7rior to t6e
marria+e 'eremony. "o0e&er it m*st still )ollo0 t6e
mandatory 7ro&isions o) t6e Family Code.
Art 2: ,o #arriage s%all be (alid unless "%ese
essen"ial re*uisi"es are resen":
1. -egal !aa!i"' of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies $%o
#us" be a #ale and fe#ale.
2. .onsen" freel' gi(en in "%e resen!e of "%e
sole#ni/ing offi!er
E%A CAPACI'+$ Marryin+ a+e is .4 years old and
a1o&e- t6*s i) one o) t6e 'ontra'tin+ 7arties is 1elo0 .4
years o) a+e- t6e marria+e is &oid.
% !6ey 'annot 1e related to ea'6 ot6er as
7ro&ided 1y Art. ,5 and Art. ,4 (in'est*o*s
marria+es and t6ose a+ainst 7*1li' 7oli'y).
% !6ere s6o*ld 1e no 7re&io*s &alid s*1sistin+
marria+eK ot6er0ise t6e s*1se2*ent marria+e
0ill 1e 1i+amo*s.
DI))E&E,' SE/$ !6ere s6o*ld 1e a male and a
)emale. Marria+e is desira1le d*e to t6e im7ortan'e o)
7ro'reation 06i'6 is one o) t6e reasons 06y same se>
marria+es are 7ro6i1ited (d*e to t6e im7ossi1ility o)
.. M*st 1e )reely +i&en
2. Made in t6e 7resen'e o) t6e solemni:in+ o))i'er
% A1sen'e o) 'onsent ma(es t6e marria+e &oid.
"o0e&er i) t6ere is 'onsent 1*t s*'6 0as
o1tained t6ro*+6 )or'e- )ra*d- *nd*e in)l*en'e-
et' t6en it is only &oida1le.
Se> '6an+e$ 6as not 1een
s6o0n t6at se> reassi+nment
s*r+ery 0o*ld allo0 one to
7rod*'e 6*man 1ein+s.
!6o*+6ts to 7onder$ Marria+e
s6o*ld no to 1e en@oyed only
1y 6eterose>*al 'o*7les. !6e
ri+6t to marry- )o*nd a )amily-
identity- 7ersonality are all
ri+6ts o) 6*man 1ein+s.
BParties m*st 1e 7ersonally
7resent- 7ro>y marria+es is
7ro6i1ited in t6e P6ili77ines.
D. So1re7e8a 13
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Art. !: T%e for#al re*uisi"es of #arriage are:
1. Au"%ori"' of "%e sole#ni/ing offi!er
2. A (alid #arriage li!ense e+!e" in "%e !ases
ro(ided for in .%a"er 2 of "%is "i"le
3. A #arriage !ere#on' $%i!% "a0es la!e $i"%
"%e aearan!e of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies
before "%e sole#ni/ing offi!er and "%eir
ersonal de!lara"ion "%a" "%e' "a0e ea!% o"%er
as %usband and $ife in "%e resen!e of no"
less "%an 2 $i"nesses of legal age.
Art. $: T%e absen!e of an' of "%e essen"ial or for#al
re*uisi"es s%all render "%e #arriage (oid ab ini"io)
e+!e" as s"a"ed in Ar"i!le 31 223 206en one o) t6e
'ontra'tin+ 7arties 1elie&ed in +ood )ait6 t6at t6e
solemni:in+ o))i'er 6ad a*t6ority t6en t6e marria+e is
A defe!" in an' of "%e essen"ial re*uisi"es s%all render
"%e #arriage (oidable as ro(ided in Ar"i!le 41.
An irregulari"' in "%e for#al re*uisi"es s%all no" affe!"
"%e (alidi"' of "%e #arriage bu" "%e ar"' or ar"ies
resonsible for "%e irregulari"' s%all be !i(ill')
!ri#inall' and ad#inis"ra"i(el' liable.
Art. 5: An' #ale or fe#ale of "%e age of eig%"een
'ears or u$ards no" under an' of "%e i#edi#en"s
#en"ioned in Ar"i!les 35 and 36 2in'est*o*s marria+es
and t6ose a+ainst 7*1li' 7oli'y.3 #a' !on"ra!"
Art. %: ,o res!ribed for# or religious ri"e for "%e
sole#ni/a"ion of "%e #arriage is re*uired. I" s%all be
ne!essar') %o$e(er) for "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies "o
aear ersonall' before "%e sole#ni/ing offi!er and
de!lare in "%e resen!e of no" less "%an "$o $i"nesses
A0'(O&I'+ O) '(E SOE*I1I,% O))ICE&:
% !6ose en*merated in Arti'le 5- 6e m*st 6a&e
t6e a*t6ority. !6*s a 7riest 06o 6as not
rene0ed 6is li'ense to marry does not 6a&e t6e
a*t6ority and 'annot 1e 'onsidered )or
% !6e Lo'al 9o&ernment Code (3an. .- .992)
7ro&ides t6at a mayor o) a 'ity or m*ni'i7ality
may no0 solemni:e marria+es.
Chapter 2 'itle 3 of )amily Code: exempt from
.. Ar"i!le 25$ Got6 7arties are in arti'*lo mortis
marria+e 0ill 1e &alid e&en i) t6e ailin+ 7arty
2. Ar"i!le 26$ Residen'e is in a remote 7la'e
In 1ot6 'ases t6e solemni:in+ o))i'er m*st state
in an a))ida&it t6at t6e marria+e 0as 7er)ormed
as s*'6 and t6at 6e too( ne'essary ste7s to
as'ertain t6e a+es and t6at t6ere 0ere no le+al
im7ediments to t6e marria+e.
,. Ar"i!le 33$ Marria+es amon+ M*slims or et6ni'
'*lt*ral 'omm*nities- as lon+ as 7er)ormed in
a''ordan'e 0it6 t6eir '*stoms- rites- 7ra'ti'es.
D. Ar"i'le ,D$ Co6a1itation 1y t6e 'o*7le )or /
B M*slims are +o&erned 1y Code o) M*slim 7ersonal
la0s o) t6e P6ili77ines and not t6e Family 'ode 1*t t6e
ot6er et6ni' +ro*7s m*st 'om7ly 0it6 t6e ot6er
re2*isites as t6ey are +o&erned 1y t6e Family 'ode.
/. Arti'le ,D$ Co6a1itation 1et0een man and
0oman )or at least / years 0it6 no le+al
im7ediment at time o) marria+e.
% Lasts )or .20 days )rom t6e date o) iss*e and e))e'ti&e
BPres*m7tion leans to0ards
t6e le+ality o) t6e marria+e
t6*s t6e a*t6ority o) t6e o))i'er
is 7res*med a1sen'e t6e
s6o0in+ any 7roo) to t6e
Merely Irre+*larities in
marria+e li'ense$
.. Marria+e li'ense 0as
made in a di))erent
7la'e ot6er t6an t6eir
2. #ame stated t6erein
is di))erent or
,. Misre7resentation o)
a+e (1*t 6as to 1e
years and a1o&e)
D. #on%dis'los*re o)
7rior marria+e and
/. Falsely stated t6at 6e
or s6e 6ad not 1een
7re&io*sly married.
F. Falsely s0ore t6at 6e
or s6e is not *nder
B I) t6e 'o*7le 6a&e a &alid
marria+e li'ense 1*t )or+ot to
1rin+ it t6en marria+e 0ill 1e
&alid (1*t i) t6ey donJt 6a&e
one and 7ro'*red one a)ter
t6e marria+e 'eremony t6e
marria+e 0ill 1e &oid)
D. So1re7e8a 14
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

of legal age "%a" "%e' "a0e ea!% o"%er as %usband and
$ife. T%is de!lara"ion s%all be !on"ained in "%e
#arriage !er"ifi!a"e $%i!% %all be signed b' "%e
!on"ra!"ing ar"ies and "%eir $i"nesses and a""es"ed
b' "%e sole#ni/ing offi!er.
In !ase of #arriage in ar"i!ulo #or"is) $%en "%e ar"'
is a" "%e oin" of dea"% is unable "o sign "%e #arriage
!er"ifi!a"e) i" s%all be suffi!ien" for one of "%e $i"nesses
"o "%e #arriage "o $ri"e "%e na#e of said ar"') $%i!%
fa!" s%all be a""es"ed b' "%e sole#ni/ing offi!er.
0it6in any 7art o) t6e P6ili77ines only.
*A&&IA%E CE&E*O,+:
% Family 'ode only re'o+ni:es 'eremonial marria+es 1*t
t6ere is no 7res'ri1ed )orm o) marria+e 'eremony.
% !6e minim*m re2*irement is t6at t6e 7arties 7ersonally
a77ear 1e)ore t6e solemni:in+ o))i'er and de'lare t6at
t6ey ta(e ea'6 ot6er in t6e 7resen'e o) at least 2
0itness o) le+al a+e.
B De'laration does not 6a&e to 1e &o'ally e>7ressed
may 1e in)erred 1y t6e 0ords *sed- t6e manner t6e
'eremony 0as made- et'. I) a 0eddin+ too( 7la'e t6ere
is a 7res*m7tion t6at t6ere 0as an e>'6an+e o) &o0s.
B !6e a1sen'e o) 2 0itnesses o) le+al a+e is merely an
irre+*larity in t6e 'eremony and does not a))e't t6e
&alidity o) t6e marria+e.
B Common la0 marria+es-
06i'6 are non%'eremonial- are
not re'o+ni:ed in t6e
Art. (: Marriage #a' be sole#ni/ed b':
1. An' in!u#ben" #e#ber of "%e &udi!iar' $i"%in
"%e !our"7s &urisdi!"ion
2. An' ries") rabbi) i#a#) or #inis"er of an'
!%ur!% or religious se!" dul' au"%ori/ed b' %is
!%ur!% or religious se!" and regis"ered $i"%in
"%e !i(il regis"rar general) a!"ing $i"%in "%e
li#i"s of "%e $ri""en au"%ori"' gran"ed %i# b'
%is !%ur!% or religious se!" and ro(ided "%a"
a" leas" one of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies belongs
"o "%e sole#ni/ing offi!ers !%ur!% or religious
3. An' s%i !a"ain or airlane !%ief in !ases
#en"ioned in Ar"i!le 31
4. An' #ili"ar' !o##ander of a uni" "o $%i!% a
% !6ere is a need to limit t6e 7ersons 06o 'an
solemni:e marria+es sin'e marria+e is an
im7ortant instit*tion t6e state 0ants to
sa)e+*ard and 7rote't.
% Ge'a*se t6e state is interested in marria+e- it
1e'omes a 7arty t6ereto 1y mani)ested in t6e
'onsent re2*ired and +ranted to limited n*m1er
o) o))i'ers.
3AD9S$ t6ey 'an only solemni:e marria+es 0it6in
t6eir @*risdi'tion and t6ey m*st 1e in'*m1ent.
Co*rt o) !a> A77eals- Sandi+an1ayan- Co*rt o) A77eals-
S*7reme Co*rt$ #ational @*risdi'tion
A1sen'e o) @*risdi'tion 0o*ld mean t6e a1sen'e
o) t6e a*t6ority o) t6e solemni:in+ o))i'er and
t6*s t6e marria+e 0ill 1e n*ll and &oid.
B Sto7o&ers d*rin+ a )li+6t or
&oya+e are still 'onsidered
7art o) t6e @o*rney.

BI) t6e 6ost 'o*ntry allo0s
marria+es to 1e solemni:ed
1y 'ons*ls t6en e&en i)
1et0een a Fili7ino and non%
Fili7ino- t6e marria+e 0ill still
1e &alid in a''ordan'e 0it6
Art. 2F- 06i'6 re'o+ni:es
international 'omity.
%OOD )AI'( O) PA&'IES:
D. So1re7e8a 15
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

!%alain is assigned) in "%e absen!e of "%e
la""er) during a #ili"ar' oera"ion) li0e$ise onl'
in "%e !ases #en"ioned in Ar"i!le 32 or
1. An' !onsul8general) !onsul or (i!e !onsul in
"%e !ase ro(ided in Ar"i!le 19.
SC!$ 6e s6o*ld 1e a*t6ori:ed 1y t6e '6*r'6 to do so-
6e m*st 1e re+istered 0it6 t6e 'i&il re+istry- and at least
one o) t6e 'ontra'tin+ 7arties 1elon+s to 6is or 6er
S"IP CAP!IA#IPILO!$ one o) t6e 7arties m*st 1e at t6e
7oint o) deat6- t6e marria+e m*st 1e 1et0een t6e
7assen+ers or 're0mem1ers- and t6e s6i7 or 7lane
m*st 1e at sea or in )li+6t.
An assistant 7ilot 6as no a*t6ority to solemni:e
marria+es e&en i) t6e main 7ilot dies.
MILI!ARE COMMA#DR$ "e or s6e s6o*ld 1e a
military 'ommander o) a *nit- 6e or s6e m*st 1e a
'ommissioned o))i'er (6is ran( s6o*ld start )rom se'ond
lie*tenant)- a '6a7lain s6o*ld 6a&e 1een assi+ned to t6e
*nit and s*'6 '6a7lain is a1sent- t6e 'ontra'tin+ 7arties
m*st also 1e in arti'*lo mortis eit6er mem1ers o) t6e
military o7eration or 'i&ilians- m*st 1e 0it6in military
:one (t6ere s6o*ld 1e 0ides7read military a'ti&ity not
merely 7ra'ti'e).
t6ey 'an only solemni:e marria+es a1road 06en 1ot6
t6e 'ontra'tin+ 7arties are Fili7ino.
B !6ey also 7er)orm t6e d*ties o) a lo'al 'i&il re+istrar
(li(e iss*in+ t6e li'ense et'.)
B #o matter 06ere t6ey are t6e solemnities and
re2*irements mandated 1y P6ili77ine La0 s6all 1e
MAEOR$ P*rs*ant to t6e Lo'al 9o&ernment Code- t6e
mayor o) a 'ity or m*ni'i7ality 'an no0 solemni:e
B ?6en t6e mayor 'annot 7er)orm 6is d*ties- t6e a'tin+
mayor 6as t6e a*t6ority to solemni:e marria+es.
i) t6e 7erson 06o solemni:ed
t6e marria+e did not le+ally
6a&e t6e a*t6ority to
solemni:e a marria+e- i) 1ot6
or one o) t6e 'ontra'tin+
7arties 1elie&ed t6at s*'6 a
7erson did 6a&e t6e a*t6ority
t6e marria+e 0ill 1e &alid.
>. A 7riest did not rene0 6is
li'ense to marry t6ere)ore
does not 6a&e t6e a*t6ority to
marry. I) one o) t6e
'ontra'tin+ 7arties (ne0 o)
t6is 1*t t6e ot6er did not t6e
marria+e is still &alid.
"O?VR- t6ey m*st 1e one
o) t6e 7eo7le 06o 'an 1e
a*t6ori:ed i) t6ey are not t6e
marria+e 0ill 1e &oid
(i+noran'e o) t6e la0 e>'*ses
no one)
>. A 'o*7le +oes to a @anitor
to +et married. &en i) 1ot6
7arties are in +ood )ait6 in
t6in(in+ t6at a @anitor 'an
solemni:e a marria+e t6ey
s6o*ld (no0 06o 1y la0 are
a*t6ori:ed to.
D. So1re7e8a 16
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Art. ): T%e #arriage s%all be sole#ni/ed ubli!l' in
"%e !%a#bers of "%e &udge or in oen !our" in "%e
!%ur!%) !%ael or "e#le) or in "%e offi!e of "%e !onsul8
general) !onsul or (i!e8!onsul) as "%e !ase #a' be)
and no" else$%ere) e+!e" in "%e !ases of #arriages
!on"ra!"ed a" "%e oin" of dea"% or in re#o"e la!es in
a!!ordan!e $i"% Ar"i!le 2: of "%is .ode) or $%ere bo"%
of "%e ar"ies re*ues" "%e sole#ni/ing offi!er in $ri"ing
in $%i!% !ase "%e #arriage #a' be sole#ni/ed a" a
%ouse or la!e designa"ed b' "%e# in a s$orn
s"a"e#en" "o "%a" effe!".
% #ot mandatory 1*t dire'tory in nat*re.
% Its non%'om7lian'e 0ill not ma(e t6e marria+e
&oid 1*t 0ill only 'a*se 'i&il- 'riminal- or
administrati&e lia1ility.
>'e7tions to &en*e stated$
.. ?6en t6e marria+e is in arti'*lo mortis
2. ?6en t6e marria+e is in a remote 7la'e
(trans7ortation et'. is di))i'*lt to 'ome 1y)
,. ?6en re2*ested 1y 1ot6 7arties in 0ritin+.
Art. +: A #arriage li!ense s%all be issued b' "%e lo!al
!i(il regis"rar of "%e !i"' or #uni!iali"' $%ere ei"%er
!on"ra!"ing ar"' %abi"uall' resides) e+!e" in
#arriages $%ere no li!ense is re*uired in a!!ordan!e
$i"% .%a"er 2 of "%is Ti"le.
% !6e marria+e li'ense s6o*ld 1e 7ro'*red )rom t6e 'i&il
re+istrar o) t6e 'ity or m*ni'i7ality 06ere eit6er o) t6em
resides. "o0e&er i) t6ey o1tain it )rom anot6er 7la'e it is
merely an irre+*larity and does not a))e't t6e &alidity o)
t6e marria+e.
Art. 1,: Marriages be"$een Filiino !i"i/ens abroad
#a' be sole#ni/ed b' a !onsul8general) !onsul or
(i!e !onsul of "%e Reubli! of "%e ;%iliines.
T%e issuan!e of "%e #arriage li!ense and "%e du"ies of
"%e lo!al !i(il regis"rar and of "%e sole#ni/ing offi!er
$i"% regard "o "%e !elebra"ion of #arriage s%all be
erfor#ed b' said !onsular offi!ial.
% !6e 'ons*lar o))i'ials a1sor1 t6e d*ties o) t6e
lo'al 'i&il re+istrar and t6e solemni:in+ o))i'er
06en Fili7inos 0is6 to 1e married a1road.
% !6e 'eremony and re2*irements s6o*ld 1e in
a''ordan'e 0it6 P6ili77ine la0.
Art. ..$ ?6ere a marria+e li'ense is re2*ired- ea'6 o)
t6e 'ontra'tin+ 7arties s6all )ile se7arately a s0orn
a77li'ation )or s*'6 li'ense 0it6 t6e 7ro7er lo'al 'i&il
re+istrar 06i'6 s6all s7e'i)y t6e )ollo0in+$
.. F*ll name o) t6e 'ontra'tin+ 7arties
2. Pla'e o) 1irt6
,. A+e and date o) 1irt6
D. Ci&il Stat*s
/. I) 7re&io*sly married- 6o0- 06en and 06ere
t6e 7re&io*s marria+e 0as dissol&ed or
F. Present residen'e and 'iti:ens6i7
5. De+ree o) relations6i7 o) t6e 'ontra'tin+
% Statin+ all rele&ant )a'ts needed in order to
determine le+al 'a7a'ity to marry and t6e
eli+i1ility o) t6e 7arties.
% Main 7*r7ose is to dis'o*ra+e de'e7tion- and
relie&e )rom do*1t t6e stat*s o) 7arties 06o li&e
% Pro&ides e&iden'e o) t6e stat*s and le+itima'y
o) o))s7rin+.
MARRIA9 APPLICA!IO#$ t6e 'i&il re+istrar 6as to
7ro'ess and iss*e a marria+e li'ense. &en i) t6e 'i&il
re+istrar (no0s o) a le+al im7ediment 6e 'annot
dis'ontin*e *nless sto77ed 1y t6e 'o*rt. (!6is is to
7re&ent 1ri1ery and a1*se 1y t6e 'i&il re+istrar)
D. So1re7e8a 17
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

4. F*ll name- residen'e and 'iti:ens6i7 o) t6e
9. F*ll name- residen'e and 'iti:ens6i7 o) t6e
.0. F*ll name- residen'e and 'iti:ens6i7 o) t6e
+*ardian or 7erson 6a&in+ '6ar+e- in 'ase t6e
'ontra'tin+ 7arties 6as neit6er )at6er nor
mot6er and is *nder t6e a+e o) t0enty one
!6e a77li'ants- t6eir 7arents or +*ardians s6all not 1e
re2*ired to e>6i1it t6eir residen'e 'erti)i'ate in any
)ormality in 'onne'tion 0it6 t6e se'*rin+ o) t6e
marria+e li'ense.
Art. 12: T%e lo!al !i(il regis"rar) uon re!ei(ing su!% ali!a"ion) s%all re*uire "%e resen"a"ion of "%e original bir"%
!er"ifi!a"es or) in defaul" "%ereof) "%e ba"is#al !er"ifi!a"es of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies or !oies of su!% do!u#en"s
dul' a""es"ed b' "%e ersons %a(ing !us"od' of "%e originals. T%ese !er"ifi!a"es or !er"ified !oies of "%e
do!u#en"s b' "%is Ar"i!le need no" be s$orn "o and s%all be e+e#" fro# "%e do!u#en"ar' s"a# "a+. T%e
signa"ure and offi!ial "i"le of "%e erson issuing "%e !er"ifi!a"e s%all be suffi!ien" roof of i"s au"%en"i!i"'.
If ei"%er of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies is unable "o rodu!e %is bir"% or ba"is#al !er"ifi!a"e or a !er"ified !o' of ei"%er
be!ause of "%e des"ru!"ion or loss of "%e original or if i" is s%o$n b' an affida(i" of su!% ar"' or of an' o"%er
erson "%a" su!% bir"% or ba"is#al !er"ifi!a"e %as no" 'e" been re!ei(ed "%oug% "%e sa#e %as been re*uired of
"%e erson %a(ing !us"od' "%ereof a" leas" fif"een da's rior "o "%e da"e of "%e ali!a"ion) su!% ar"' #a' furnis%
in lieu "%ereof %is !urren" residen!e !er"ifi!a"e or an ins"ru#en" dra$n u and s$orn "o before "%e lo!al !i(il
regis"rar !on!erned or an' ubli! offi!ial au"%ori/ed "o ad#inis"er oa"%s. Su!% ins"ru#en" s%all !on"ain "%e s$orn
de!lara"ion of "$o $i"nesses of la$ful age) se""ing for"% "%e full na#e) residen!e and !i"i/ens%i of su!%
!on"ra!"ing ar"' and of %is or %er aren"s) if 0no$n) and "%e la!e and da"e of bir"% of su!% ar"'. T%e neares" of
0in of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies s%all be referred as $i"nesses) or) in "%eir defaul") ersons of good reu"a"ion in "%e
ro(in!e or "%e lo!ali"'.
T%e resen"a"ion of bir"% or ba"is#al !er"ifi!a"e s%all no" be re*uired if "%e aren"s of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies
aear ersonall' before "%e lo!al !i(il regis"rar !on!erned and s$ear "o "%e !orre!"ness of "%e la$ful age of said
ar"ies) as s"a"ed in "%e ali!a"ion) or $%en "%e lo!al !i(il regis"rar s%all) b' #erel' loo0ing a" "%e ali!an"s uon
"%eir ersonall' aearing before %i#) be !on(in!ed "%a" ei"%er or bo"% of "%e# %a(e "%e re*uired age.
Art. 1!. In !ase ei"%er of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies %as been re(iousl' #arried) "%e ali!an" s%all be re*uired "o
furnis%) ins"ead of "%e bir"% or ba"is#al !er"ifi!a"e re*uired in "%e las" re!eding ar"i!le) "%e dea"% !er"ifi!a"e of
% man'i7ation is o1tained at
.4K marria+e no lon+er
eman'i7ates a '6ild 1e'a*se
t6ey m*st 1e .4 years o) a+e
to marry.
% Contra'tin+ 7arties .4 years
old and a1o&e 1*t GLO? 2.
years o) a+e m*st o1tain t6e
'onsent o) t6eir )at6er-
mot6er- s*r&i&in+ 7arent- or
+*ardian in t6e order
mentioned. (#on%'om7lian'e
ma(es t6e marria+e
D. So1re7e8a 18
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

"%e de!eased souse or "%e &udi!ial de!ree of "%e absolu"e di(or!e) or "%e &udi!ial de!ree of annul#en" or
de!lara"ion of nulli"' of %is or %er re(ious #arriage.
In !ase "%e dea"% !er"ifi!a"e !anno" be se!ured) "%e ar"' s%all #a0e an affida(i" se""ing for"% "%is !ir!u#s"an!e
and %is or %er a!"ual !i(il s"a"us and "%e na#e and da"e of dea"% of "%e de!eased souse.
Art. 1$. In !ase ei"%er or bo"% of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies) no" %a(ing been e#an!ia"ed b' a re(ious #arriage)
are be"$een "%e ages of eig%"een and "$en"'8one) "%e' s%all) in addi"ion "o "%e re*uire#en"s of "%e re!eding
ar"i!les) e+%ibi" "o "%e lo!al !i(il regis"rar) "%e !onsen" "o "%eir #arriage of "%eir fa"%er) #o"%er) sur(i(ing aren" or
guardian) or ersons %a(ing legal !%arge of "%e#) in "%e order #en"ioned. Su!% !onsen" s%all be #anifes"ed in
$ri"ing b' "%e in"eres"ed ar"') $%o ersonall' aears before "%e roer lo!al !i(il regis"rar) or in "%e for# of an
affida(i" #ade in "%e resen!e of "$o $i"nesses and a""es"ed before an' offi!ial au"%ori/ed b' la$ "o ad#inis"er
oa"%s. T%e ersonal #anifes"a"ion s%all be re!orded in bo"% ali!a"ions for #arriage li!ense) and "%e affida(i") if
one is e+e!u"ed ins"ead) s%all be a""a!%ed "o said ali!a"ions.
Art. 15: An' !on"ra!"ing ar"' be"$een "%e age of "$en"'8one and "$en"'8fi(e s%all be obliged "o as0 "%eir aren"s
or guardian for ad(i!e uon "%e in"ended #arriage. If "%e' do no" ob"ain su!% ad(i!e) or if i" be unfa(orable) "%e
#arriage li!ense s%all no" be issued "ill af"er "%ree #on"%s follo$ing "%e !o#le"ion of "%e ubli!a"ion of "%e
ali!a"ion "%erefore. A s$orn s"a"e#en" b' "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies "o "%e effe!" "%a" su!% ad(i!e %as been soug%")
"oge"%er $i"% "%e $ri""en ad(i!e gi(en) if an') s%all be a""a!%ed "o "%e ali!a"ion for #arriage li!ense. S%ould "%e
aren"s or guardian refuse "o gi(e an' ad(i!e) "%is fa!" s%all be s"a"ed in "%e s$orn s"a"e#en".
Art. 1%. In "%e !ases $%ere aren"al !onsen" or aren"al ad(i!e is needed) "%e ar"' or ar"ies !on!erned s%all) in
addi"ion "o "%e re*uire#en"s of "%e re!eding ar"i!les) a""a!% a !er"ifi!a"e issued b' a ries") i#a# or #inis"er
au"%ori/ed "o sole#ni/e #arriage under Ar"i!le 5 of "%is .ode or a #arriage !ounselor dul' a!!redi"ed b' "%e
roer go(ern#en" agen!' "o "%e effe!" "%a" "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies %a(e undergone #arriage !ounseling. Failure
"o a""a!% said !er"ifi!a"es of #arriage !ounseling s%all susend "%e issuan!e of "%e #arriage li!ense for a eriod
of "%ree #on"%s fro# "%e !o#le"ion of "%e ubli!a"ion of "%e ali!a"ion. Issuan!e of "%e #arriage li!ense $i"%in
"%e ro%ibi"ed eriod s%all sub&e!" "%e issuing offi!er "o ad#inis"ra"i(e san!"ions bu" s%all no" affe!" "%e (alidi"' of
"%e #arriage.
S%ould onl' one of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies need aren"al !onsen" or aren"al ad(i!e) "%e o"%er ar"' #us" be
resen" a" "%e !ounseling referred "o in "%e re!eding aragra%
% A1sen'e o) 7arental ad&i'e
does not a))e't t6e marria+e.
% Only delays t6e iss*an'e o)
t6e marria+e li'ense )or ,
mont6s 1*t a)ter , mont6s t6e
li'ense m*st 1e iss*ed.
Art5 36: !6e lo'al 'i&il re+istrar s6all 7re7are a noti'e-
06i'6 s6all 'ontain t6e )*ll names and residen'es o)
t6e a77li'ants )or a marria+e li'ense and ot6er data
% It is t6e d*ty o) t6e 'i&il re+istrar to 7ost a noti'e
in)ormin+ t6e 7*1li' o) t6e im7endin+ marria+e. !6e
7*r7ose o) 06i'6 is so t6at 7ersons 6a&in+ (no0led+e
D. So1re7e8a 19
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

+i&en in t6e a77li'ations. !6e noti'e s6all 1e 7osted )or
ten 'onse'*ti&e days on a 1*lletin 1oard o*tside t6e
o))i'e o) t6e lo'al 'i&il re+istrar lo'ated in a 'ons7i'*o*s
7la'e 0it6in t6e 1*ildin+ and a''essi1le to t6e +eneral
7*1li'. !6is noti'e s6all re2*est all 7ersons 6a&in+
(no0led+e o) any im7ediment to t6e marria+e to ad&ise
t6e lo'al 'i&il re+istrar t6ereo). !6e marria+e li'ense
s6all 1e iss*ed a)ter t6e 'om7letion o) t6e 7eriod o)
o) any im7ediment to t6e marria+e 'an in)orm t6e lo'al
'i&il re+istrar.
% It is to 1e 7osted )or .0 'onse'*ti&e days on a 1*lletin
1oard o*tside t6e o))i'e
% !6e 'i&il re+istrar s6all 1e iss*ed a)ter t6e 7eriod o)
Art. 1): In !ase of an' i#edi#en" 0no$n "o "%e lo!al
!i(il regis"rar or broug%" "o %is a""en"ion) %e s%all no"e
do$n "%e ar"i!ulars "%ereof and %is findings "%ereon in
"%e ali!a"ion for #arriage li!ense) bu" s%all
none"%eless issue said li!ense af"er "%e !o#le"ion of
"%e eriod of ubli!a"ion) unless ordered o"%er$ise b' a
!o#e"en" !our" a" %is o$n ins"an!e or "%a" of an'
in"eres" ar"'. ,o filing fee s%all be !%arged for "%e
e"i"ion nor a !orresonding bond re*uired for "%e
issuan!es of "%e order.
Art. 1+. T%e lo!al !i(il regis"rar s%all re*uire "%e
a'#en" of "%e fees res!ribed b' la$ or regula"ions
before "%e issuan!e of "%e #arriage li!ense. ,o o"%er
su# s%all be !olle!"ed in "%e na"ure of a fee or "a+ of
an' 0ind for "%e issuan!e of said li!ense. I" s%all)
%o$e(er) be issued free of !%arge "o indigen" ar"ies)
"%a" is "%ose $%o %a(e no (isible #eans of in!o#e or
$%ose in!o#e is insuffi!ien" for "%eir subsis"en!e a fa!"
es"ablis%ed b' "%eir affida(i") or b' "%eir oa"% before "%e
lo!al !i(il regis"rar.
% I) an im7ediment is made (no0n to t6e 'i&il re+istrar
6e s6all merely note it do0n 1*t 6e m*st nonet6eless
iss*e t6e li'ense. !6is is 1e'a*se t6e im7ediments
may not 1e &alid at all.
% !6e 7*r7ose o) 06i'6 is to 7re&ent +ra)t and
'orr*7tion on t6e 7art o) t6e 'i&il re+istry.
% I) t6e marria+e li'ense 0as iss*ed des7ite 'o*rt
inter&ention- t6e marria+e 0ill still 1e &alid 1*t t6e
7arties res7onsi1le may 1e 'riminally or
administrati&ely lia1le.
.. !6e 'o*rts dire't 'i&il
re+istry to re)*se
+i&in+ o*t t6e li'ense
2. ?6en t6e re2*ited
'erti)i'ate o) le+al
'a7a'ity o) )orei+ners
is not +i&en (Art. 2.)
Art. 2,: T%e li!ense s%all be (alid in an' ar" of "%e
;%iliines for a eriod of one %undred "$en"' da's
fro# "%e da"e of issue) and s%all be dee#ed
% !6e marria+e li'ense is only &alid 0it6in t6e
P6ili77ines and not a1road.
% It is +ood )or .20 days )rom t6e date o) iss*e.
D. So1re7e8a 20
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

au"o#a"i!all' !an!eled a" "%e e+ira"ion of "%e said
eriod if "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies %a(e no" #ade use of
i". T%e e+ir' da"e s%all be s"a#ed in bold !%ara!"ers
on "%e fa!e of e(er' li!ense issued
Art. 21: <%en ei"%er or bo"% of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies
are !i"i/ens of a foreign !oun"r') i" s%all be ne!essar'
for "%e# before a #arriage li!ense !an be ob"ained) "o
sub#i" a !er"ifi!a"e of legal !aa!i"' "o !on"ra!"
#arriage) issued b' "%eir rese!"i(e dilo#a"i! or
!onsular offi!ials.
S"a"eless ersons or refugees fro# o"%er !oun"ries
s%all) in lieu of "%e !er"ifi!a"e of legal !aa!i"' %erein
re*uired) sub#i" an affida(i" s"a"ing "%e !ir!u#s"an!es
s%o$ing su!% !aa!i"' "o !on"ra!" #arriage.
% A 'erti)i'ate o) le+al 'a7a'ity is meant to s6o0
t6at a )orei+ner is 'a7a'itated to marry in 6is or
6er 'o*ntry. !6e P6ili77ines ad6eres to t6e
national la0 o) t6e 'ontra'tin+ 7arties 0it6
res7e't to t6eir le+al 'a7a'ity to 'ontra't
>. In t6e AS .F years old is t6e a+e 06en one 'an
'ontra't marria+e. A .F%year%old AS 'iti:en may
'ontra't marria+e in t6e P6ili77ines 7ro&ided t6at 6e
+i&es a 'erti)i'ate )rom 6is em1assy statin+ t6at .F
years old is t6e le+al a+e to marry.
% I) 1ot6 are 'iti:ens o) a )orei+n 'o*ntry and t6ey are
married in t6eir em1assy t6ere is no need to )ollo0 t6e
re2*irement o) marria+e in t6e P6ili77ines- only t6ose
o) t6eir 'o*ntry.
%I) one is a )orei+ner and one is a Fili7ino e&en i) t6ey
marry in t6e 'ons*l o) t6e )orei+ner t6e 'erti)i'ate o)
le+al 'a7a'ity and a marria+e li'ense is still ne'essary.
B !6e 'i&il re+istry 'annot
iss*e a li'ense 0it6o*t t6e
'erti)i'ate o) le+al 'a7a'ity
6o0e&er i) t6e 'i&il re+istry
does iss*e t6e marria+e 0ill
still 1e &alid.
Art. 22. T%e #arriage !er"ifi!a"e) in $%i!% "%e ar"ies s%all de!lare "%a" "%e' "a0e ea!% o"%er as %usband and $ife)
s%all also s"a"e:
1. T%e full na#e) se+ and age of ea!% !on"ra!"ing ar"'
2. T%eir !i"i/ens%i) religion and %abi"ual residen!e
3. T%e da"e and re!ise "i#e of "%e !elebra"ion of "%e #arriage
4. T%a" "%e roer #arriage li!ense %as been issued a!!ording "o la$) e+!e" in #arriage ro(ided for in .%a"er
2 of "%is Ti"le
1. T%a" ei"%er or bo"% of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies %a(e se!ured "%e aren"al !onsen" in aroria"e !ases
=. T%a" ei"%er or bo"% of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies %a(e !o#lied $i"% "%e legal re*uire#en" regarding aren"al
ad(i!e in aroria"e !ases and
5. T%a" "%e ar"ies %a(e en"ered in"o #arriage se""le#en") if an') a""a!%ing a !o' "%ereof.
BPres*m7tion is al0ays in t6e
&alidity o) marria+e.
Proo)s o) marria+e$
.. Marria+e 'ontra't or
2. P6oto'o7ies o) t6e
'erti)i'ate or 'ontra't
)rom t6e lo'al 'i&il
,. Family 1i1le
D. So1re7e8a 21
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Art. 2!. I" s%all be "%e du"' of "%e erson sole#ni/ing "%e #arriage "o furnis% ei"%er of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies "%e
original of "%e #arriage !er"ifi!a"e referred "o in Ar"i!le = and "o send "%e duli!a"e and "rili!a"e !oies of "%e
!er"ifi!a"e no" la"er "%an fif"een da's af"er "%e #arriage) "o "%e lo!al !i(il regis"rar of "%e la!e $%ere "%e #arriage
$as sole#ni/ed. ;roer re!ei"s s%all be issued b' "%e lo!al !i(il regis"rar "o "%e sole#ni/ing offi!er "rans#i""ing
!oies of "%e #arriage !er"ifi!a"e. T%e sole#ni/ing offi!er s%all re"ain in %is file "%e *uadruli!a"e !o' of "%e
#arriage !er"ifi!a"e) "%e !o' of "%e #arriage !er"ifi!a"e) "%e original of "%e #arriage li!ense and) in roer !ases)
"%e affida(i" of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"' regarding "%e sole#ni/a"ion of "%e #arriage in la!e o"%er "%an "%ose
#en"ioned in Ar"i!le 6.
D. Ga7tismal- 1irt6
'erti)i'ates o) (ids
/. 3*di'ial de'isions
F. !estimonies o)
7arties- 0itness-
solemni:in+ o))i'ers
5. Co6a1itation and
4. Statement in a 0ill
B A 'erti)i'ate o) marria+e
made years a)ter t6e marria+e
is inadmissi1le as e&iden'e.
Art. 2$: I" s%all be "%e du"' of "%e lo!al !i(il regis"rar "o
reare "%e do!u#en"s re*uired b' "%is Ti"le) and "o
ad#inis"er oa"%s "o all in"eres"ed ar"ies $i"%ou" an'
!%arge in bo"% !ases. T%e do!u#en"s and affida(i"s
filed in !onne!"ion $i"% ali!a"ions for #arriage
li!enses s%all be e+e#" fro# do!u#en"ar' s"a# "a+.
Art. 25. T%e lo!al !i(il regis"rar !on!erned s%all en"er
all ali!a"ions for #arriage li!enses filed $i"% %i# in a
regis"r' boo0 s"ri!"l' in "%e order in $%i!% "%e sa#e are
re!ei(ed. >e s%all re!ord in said boo0 "%e na#es of "%e
ali!an"s) "%e da"e on $%i!% "%e #arriage li!ense $as
issued) and su!% o"%er da"a as #a' be ne!essar'
- !6e lo'al 'i&il re+istrar is t6e +o&ernment o))i'ial
'6ar+ed 0it6 t6e 7re7aration and t6e (ee7in+ o) all t6e
o))i'ial do'*ments.
Art. 2%. All #arriages sole#ni/ed ou"side "%e
;%iliines) in a!!ordan!e $i"% "%e la$s in for!e in "%e
!oun"r' $%ere "%e' $ere sole#ni/ed) and (alid "%ere
as su!%) s%all also be (alid in "%is !oun"r') e+!e" "%ose
ro%ibi"ed under Ar"i!les 31 213) 243) 213 and 2=3) 3=35
and 36. 215a3
<%ere a #arriage be"$een a Filiino !i"i/en and a
foreigner is (alidl' !elebra"ed and a di(or!e is
"%ereaf"er (alidl' ob"ained abroad b' "%e alien souse
!aa!i"a"ing %i# or %er "o re#arr') "%e Filiino souse
s%all %a(e !aa!i"' "o re#arr' under ;%iliine la$.
% Art. 2F re)ers to )ormal re2*isites only- 6o0e&er
t6e marria+e m*st still 1e solemni:ed.
% Marria+es t6at are solemni:ed a1road and are
re'o+ni:ed as &alid t6ere 0ill also 1e
re'o+ni:ed as &alid 6ere (international 'omity)
>. I) in Vietnam a do'tor is a*t6ori:ed to solemni:e a
marria+e and a Fili7ino 'o*7le +ets married in Vietnam
1y a do'tor s*'6 marria+e 0ill 1e 'onsidered &alid in
t6e P6ili77ines.
PROOF OF FORI9# MARRIA9$ ne'essary to
7ro&e t6e )orei+n la0 and t6en 7ro&e t6e 'ele1ration o)
NCP!IO#S to international
%it6er or 1ot6 'ontra'tin+
7arties are Fili7inos and
1elo0 .4 years o) a+e
%Poly+amo*s and 1i+amo*s
marria+es re'o+ni:ed a1road
0ill not 1e &alid 6ere.
%Marria+e a1road 06ere t6ere
is mista(e o) identity o) t6e
ot6er 'ontra'tin+ 7arty is not
re'o+ni:ed 6ere.
D. So1re7e8a 22
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

marria+e. I) t6e la0 o) t6e ot6er state is not 7leaded nor
7ro&ed t6e la0s o) t6e P6ili77ines 0ill 1e 7res*med to
1e similar to t6at o) )orei+n la0s.
AR!. ./$ la0s relatin+ to )amily ri+6ts and d*ties- or to
t6e stat*s- 'onditions and le+al 'a7a'ity o) 7ersons are
1indin+ *7on 'iti:ens o) t6e P6ili77ines e&en li&in+
AR!. .5$ 7ro6i1iti&e la0s 'on'ernin+ 7ersons- t6eir a'ts
or 7ro7erty and t6ose 06i'6 6a&e )or t6eir o1@e't 7*1li'
order- 7*1li' 7oli'y and +ood '*stoms s6all not 1e
rendered ine))e'ti&e 1y la0s or @*d+ments 7rom*l+ated-
or 1y determinations or 'on&entions a+reed *7on in a
)orei+n 'o*ntry
A1sol*te di&or'e is not re'o+ni:ed in t6e P6ili77inesK
e&en i) t6e 'o*7le 0as married a1road t6e di&or'e 0ill
not 1e re'o+ni:ed 6ere i) one o) t6em is a Fili7ino. !6e
di&or'e may 1e re'o+ni:ed in t6e )orei+n 'o*ntry 06ere
it 0as o1tained 1*t not in t6e P6ili77ines. G*t t6e
di&or'e o) a )orei+n 'iti:en a1road is re'o+ni:ed in t6e
P6ili77ines as t6e P6ili77ines re'o+ni:es le+al 'a7a'ity
o) a )orei+n 7erson.
BI) a Fili7ino '6an+es 'iti:ens6i7 t6en 6e 'an +et a
di&or'e and i) 6e rea'2*ires 6is Fili7ino 'iti:ens6i7
a)ter t6at t6e di&or'e 0ill still 6old.
% I) a Fili7ina marries a )orei+ner and t6e
)orei+ner o1tains a di&or'e- t6e Fili7ina 'an
% I) t6e Fili7ina o1tains a di&or'e alt6o*+6 not
re'o+ni:ed in t6e P6ili77ines- it 0ill 1e
re'o+ni:ed a+ainst t6e )orei+ner and t6*s t6e
)orei+ner 0ill not 6a&e le+al standin+ to s*e )or
ad*ltery or 'laim )or 7ro7erty a)ter t6e di&or'e.
%Marria+e 1y a Fili7ino to one
06o is 7sy'6olo+i'ally
in'a7a'itated is not &alid 6ere
%Marria+es t6at are
in'est*o*s are not &alid 6ere
e&en i) 'ele1rated a1road and
&alid t6ere. (Art. ,5)
%Marria+es a+ainst 7*1li'
7oli'y are not &alid 6ere eit6er
(Art. ,4)
%Common la0 marria+es are
not re'o+ni:ed 6ere- t6e
marria+e m*st still 1e
solemni:ed and not
%Same se> marria+es
1et0een Fili7inos are not &alid
e&en i) done a1road.
B I) a Fili7ino 'ontra'ts a
)orei+n marria+e 06i'6 is n*ll
and &oid *nder t6e la0s o) t6e
state 06ere it 6as 1een
solemni:ed t6en s*'6
marria+e 0ill li(e0ise 1e n*ll
and &oid in t6e P6ili77ines.
BI) a marria+e 'ele1rated
a1road is in&alid in t6at
'o*ntry 1*t 'onsidered &alid
in t6e P6ili77ines- t6e
marria+e 0ill still 1e in&alid.
!6e la0 06ere t6e marria+e
6as 1een solemni:ed s6all
D. So1re7e8a 23
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Art. 2(: In !ase ei"%er or bo"% of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies
are a" "%e oin" of dea"%) "%e #arriage #a' be
sole#ni/ed $i"%ou" ne!essi"' of a #arriage li!ense and
s%all re#ain (alid e(en if "%e ailing ar"' subse*uen"l'
% Solemni:in+ o))i'ers and t6e mayor are
em7o0ered to solemni:e marria+es e&en
0it6o*t a marria+e li'ense i) eit6er or 1ot6 o)
t6e 'ontra'tin+ 7arties are at t6e 7oint o) deat6.
% &en i) t6e ailin+ 7arty s*r&i&es a)ter t6e
marria+e- t6e marria+e 0ill still 1e &alid.
Art. 2). If "%e residen!e of ei"%er ar"' is so lo!a"ed
"%a" "%ere is no #eans of "ransor"a"ion "o enable su!%
ar"' "o aear ersonall' before "%e lo!al !i(il
regis"rar) "%e #arriage #a' be sole#ni/ed $i"%ou"
ne!essi"' of a #arriage li!ense.
- !6is en&isions a sit*ation 06erein t6e residen'e o)
eit6er 7arty is so lo'ated t6at t6ere is no means o)
trans7ortation to ena1le s*'6 7arty to a77ear
7ersonally 1e)ore t6e lo'al 'i&il re+istrar- t6e marria+e
may 1e solemni:e 0it6o*t a marria+e li'ense.
Art. 2+: In "%e !ases ro(ided for in "%e "$o re!eding
ar"i!les) "%e sole#ni/ing offi!er s%all s"a"e in an
affida(i" e+e!u"ed before "%e lo!al !i(il regis"rar or an'
o"%er erson legall' au"%ori/ed "o ad#inis"er oa"%s "%a"
"%e #arriage $as erfor#ed in ar"i!ulo #or"is or "%a"
"%e residen!e of ei"%er ar"') se!if'ing "%e barrio or
baranga') is so lo!a"ed "%a" "%ere is no #eans of
"ransor"a"ion "o enable su!% ar"' "o aear
ersonall' before "%e lo!al !i(il regis"rar and "%a" "%e
offi!er "oo0 "%e ne!essar' s"es "o as!er"ain "%e ages
and rela"ions%i of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies and "%e
absen!e of legal i#edi#en" "o "%e #arriage.
% !6e solemni:in+ o))i'er 6ere are t6ose
a*t6ori:ed to solemni:e *nder Arti'le 5 and t6e
mayor 7ro&ided t6at t6ey solemni:e t6e
marria+e 0it6in t6eir @*risdi'tion and 0it6in t6e
a*t6ority +i&en to t6em.
Art. !,: T%e original of "%e affida(i" re*uired in "%e las"
re!eding ar"i!le) "oge"%er $i"% "%e legible !o' of "%e
#arriage !on"ra!") s%all be sen" b' "%e erson
sole#ni/ing "%e #arriage "o "%e lo!al !i(il regis"rar of
"%e #uni!iali"' $%ere i" $as erfor#ed $i"%in "%e
eriod of "%ir"' da's af"er "%e erfor#an!e of "%e
Art. !1: A #arriage in ar"i!ulo #or"is be"$een
assengers or !re$ #e#bers #a' also be sole#ni/ed
b' a s%i !a"ain or b' an airlane ilo" no" onl' $%ile
"%e s%i is a" sea or "%e lane is in flig%") bu" also
during s"oo(ers a" or"s of !all.
% A 7ilot or s6i7 'a7tain may solemni:e only
marria+es at t6e 7oint o) deat6 06ile t6e 7lane
is in )li+6t or t6e s6i7 is at sea e&en d*rin+
sto7o&ers (it is still 'onsidered 7art o) t6e
B I) somet6in+ 6a77ens to t6e
main or 7rin'i7al 7ilot t6e
se'ond in 'ommand 'annot
solemni:e marria+es. (!6ey
are not a*t6ori:ed to 1y la0)
D. So1re7e8a 24
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

% !6ey 'an only solemni:e marria+es 1et0een
t6eir 7assen+ers and 're0 mem1ers
Art. !2: A #ili"ar' !o##ander of a uni") $%o is a
!o##issioned offi!er) s%all li0e$ise %a(e au"%ori"' "o
sole#ni/e #arriages in ar"i!ulo #or"is be"$een
ersons $i"%in "%e /one of #ili"ar' oera"ion) $%e"%er
#e#bers of "%e ar#ed for!es or !i(ilians.
% !6e military 'ommander m*st 1e a
'ommissioned o))i'er (6isI6er ran( s6o*ld start
)rom 2
lie*tenant- ensi+n and a1o&e)
% "e s6o*ld 1e a 'ommander o) a *nit.
% !6ere s6o*ld 1e a '6a7lain assi+ned to t6e
% !6e marria+e s6o*ld 1e at t6e 7oint o) deat6
and in t6e a1sen'e o) t6e '6a7lain assi+ned
% !6e marria+e m*st 1e solemni:ed 0it6in t6e
:one o) military o7erations.
% !6e 'ontra'tin+ 7arties may eit6er 1e mem1er
o) t6e armed )or'es or 'i&ilians.
Art. !!: Marriages a#ong Musli#s or a#ong #e#bers
of "%e e"%ni! !ul"ural !o##uni"ies #a' be erfor#ed
(alidl' $i"%ou" "%e ne!essi"' of #arriage li!ense)
ro(ided "%e' are sole#ni/ed in a!!ordan!e $i"% "%eir
!us"o#s) ri"es or ra!"i!es.
% Marria+es 1et0een 7arties t6at 1elon+ to
et6ni' +ro*7s- 7a+ans or M*slims are e>em7t
only )rom 7ro'*rin+ a marria+e li'ense. !6e
marria+e m*st still 1e solemni:ed in
a''ordan'e 0it6 t6eir '*stoms- rites and
% M*slims are +o&erned 1y t6e Code o) M*slim
Personal La0s o) t6e P6ili77ines t6*s t6ey are
not +o&erned 1y t6e Family Code *nli(e ot6er
et6ni' +ro*7s 06o do not 6a&e se7arate la0s.
Art. !$: ,o li!ense s%all be ne!essar' for "%e #arriage
of a #an and a $o#an $%o %a(e li(ed "oge"%er as
%usband and $ife for a" leas" fi(e 'ears and $i"%ou"
an' legal i#edi#en" "o #arr' ea!% o"%er. T%e
!on"ra!"ing ar"ies s%all s"a"e "%e foregoing fa!"s in an
affida(i" before an' erson au"%ori/ed b' la$ "o
ad#inis"er oa"%s. T%e sole#ni/ing offi!er s%all also
s"a"e under oa"% "%a" %e as!er"ained "%e *ualifi!a"ions
of "%e !on"ra!"ing ar"ies are found no legal
% Persons 'o6a1itin+ )or at least / years li&in+
to+et6er as 6*s1and and 0i)e are e>em7t )rom
o1tainin+ a marria+e li'ense.
% At t6e time o) marria+e- t6ey s6o*ld 1e 0it6o*t
any le+al im7ediment to marry ea'6 ot6er.
!6*s d*rin+ t6e / year 7eriod- it is not
ne'essary t6at t6ere is no le+al im7ediment it
is only ne'essary at t6e time o) marria+e t6at
t6ere is none.
*!6e solemni:in+ o))i'er s6all
also state *nder oat6 t6at 6e
as'ertained t6e 2*ali)i'ations
o) t6e 7arties and t6at 6e
)o*nd no le+al im7ediment.
!6e )a't t6at t6e o))i'er to
in&esti+ate s6all not in&alidate
t6e marria+e.
D. So1re7e8a 25
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

i#edi#en" "o "%e #arriage. % !6e 7arties s6all state t6e )a't o) t6eir
'o6a1itation and t6e a1sen'e o) any le+al
im7ediment to marry in an a))ida&it *nder oat6.
*atters that don7t affect the validity of the marria#e:
Article 38$ i) t6e 'i&il re+istry +i&es t6e li'ense des7ite t6e 'o*rts orderin+ an in@*n'tion to order t6e 'i&il re+istry not to +i&e t6e marria+e li'ense.
Article 23: i) t6e 'i&il re+istry +i&es t6e li'ense des7ite a1sen'e o) 'erti)i'ate o) le+al 'a7a'ity o) )orei+ners.
Article 9:: ?6en t6e solemni:in+ o))i'er )ailed to in&esti+ate 06et6er or not t6ere 0as an im7ediment to t6e marria+e in marria+es a)ter / years o)
MARRIA9S VOID AG I#I!IO$ #ot &alid )rom its in'e7tion. #o ri+6ts 'an )lo0 )rom it and 'an ne&er 1e rati)ied. (3*di'ial de'laration o) n*llity).
Art. !5: T%e follo$ing #arriages s%all be (oid fro# "%e
213 T%ose !on"ra!"ed b' an' ar"' belo$ eig%"een
'ears of age e(en $i"% "%e !onsen" of aren"s or
223 T%ose sole#ni/ed b' an' erson no" legall'
au"%ori/ed "o erfor# #arriages unless su!%
#arriages $ere !on"ra!"ed $i"% ei"%er or bo"% ar"ies
belie(ing in good fai"% "%a" "%e sole#ni/ing offi!er %ad
"%e legal au"%ori"' "o do so?
233 T%ose sole#ni/ed $i"%ou" li!ense) e+!e" "%ose
!o(ered "%e re!eding .%a"er?
243 T%ose biga#ous or ol'ga#ous #arriages no"
failing under Ar"i!le 41?
213 T%ose !on"ra!"ed "%roug% #is"a0e of one
!on"ra!"ing ar"' as "o "%e iden"i"' of "%e o"%er? and
2=3 T%ose subse*uen" #arriages "%a" are (oid under
Ar"i!le 13.
Article 2; 9; <$ 06en all t6e essential and )ormal re2*isites o) a marria+e are a1sent
% Only marria+es de'lared 1y t6e le+islat*re- as &oid s6o*ld 1e treated as s*'6.
!6ere 'an 1e no ot6er &oid marria+e e>'e7t t6ose 7ro&ided 1y la0.
Void Marria+e Voida1le
CanJt 1e a so*r'e o) ri+6ts Can 1e so*r'e o) ri+6ts
CanJt 1e rati)ied Rati)ied 1y 7res'ri7tion or
Can 1e atta'(ed 'ollaterally. Can only 1e atta'(ed dire'tly
Can 1e 2*estioned a)ter deat6
o) 7arties
Only assailed d*rin+ li)etime
o) 7arties
A'tion )or n*llity 6as no
A'tion 7res'ri1es
% sto77el or a'2*ies'en'e does not a77ly to remedy t6e in)irmity o) a &oid
marria+e. !6*s i) one o) t6e 7arties stated *nder oat6 t6at t6ey 0ere 2/ 06en
t6ey 0ere a't*ally .F t6e marria+e is &oid des7ite t6e oat6.
% 9ood )ait6 and 1ad )ait6 +enerally is immaterial in &oid marria+es e>'e7t$ 06en
eit6er o) t6e 7arties 1elie&ed in +ood )ait6 t6at t6e solemni:in+ o))i'er 6ad t6e
a*t6ority to solemni:e t6e marria+e 06en in )a't 6e 6ad none. Se'ond- in 'ase
t6e s7o*se disa77ears )or D years or 2 years in 7ro7er 'ases t6e 7resent s7o*se
D. So1re7e8a 26
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

may marry a+ain i) t6ere is a @*di'ial de'laration o) 7res*m7ti&e deat6 and at t6e
time o) t6e 'ele1ration o) marria+e eit6er s7o*se is in +ood )ait6 t6at t6e a1sent
s7o*se is still a1sent.
>. ? is married to " and ? disa77ears )or D years and is @*di'ially de'lared
7res*m7ti&ely dead. " later on is to marry ?2. ?2 6o0e&er sees ? t6e day
1e)ore t6e 0eddin+ 1*t does not tell ". As lon+ as " is in +ood )ait6 and does not
(no0 o) t6e 7resen'e o) ? t6e marria+e 0ill still 1e &alid.
% 9enerally e&iden'e ot6er t6an a @*di'ial de'laration o) n*llity 'an 1e 7resented
e>'e7t (dire't atta'( needed) )or 7*r7oses o) remarria+e- &alidity o) marria+e is
essential to t6e determination o) t6e 'ase- and 06en a donor desires to re&o(e a
donation ro"er nu"ias.
GLO? .4 EARS OF A9$ not 'a7a'itated to marry e&en i) 0it6 7arental 'onsent.
(istory$ .D male- .2 )emale$ minim*m a+e )or e))e'ti&e 7ro'reation
.F male- .D )emale$ Mat*rity and res7onsi1ility 0ere ta(en into 'onsideration.
9ender Roles$ a1ility o) men to 7ro&ide and a1ility o) 0omen to 'are )or t6e
.4 )or 1ot6$ #o si+ni)i'ant di))eren'e in terms o) mat*rity o) male and )emale.
S'ien'e s6o0s 1elo0 .4 leads to *nsa)e 7re+nan'ies.
>'e7tion$ I) I!"R or 1ot6 o) t6e 'ontra'tin+ 7arties 1elie&ed in +ood )ait6 t6at 6e 6ad
s*'6 a*t6ority. !6e +ood )ait6 o) t6e 7arty is 06at is re)erred to not t6e solemni:in+
% Anless it 0as i+noran'e o) t6e la0 t6en t6e marria+e 0ill 1e &oid. !6e 7erson m*st 1e
one o) t6e 7eo7le in Arti'le 5 t6*s i) a 'o*7le is married 1y a @anitor- t6em 1elie&in+ t6at a
@anitor 'an 'ele1rate a marria+e- t6e marria+e 0ill 1e &oid.
>'e7tion$ Marria+e 0as done a1road and s*'6 o))i'er is &alid in t6at 'o*ntry
GI9AMOAS OR POLE9AMOAS MARRIA9$ la0 7ro6i1its married men or 0omen )rom
'ontra'tin+ a s*1se2*ent marria+e 06en t6eir 'onsort is still ali&e.
% !6at mentioned in Arti'le D. re+ardin+ a77earan'e o) a s7o*se a)ter a
de'laration o) 7res*m7ti&e deat6.
% !6ose 7ro&ided )or *nder t6e M*slim 'ode.
% ?6en t6e )irst marria+e 0as a't*ally &oid 0it6 a @*di'ial de'laration o) n*llity.
D. So1re7e8a 27
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

?it6o*t @*di'ial de'laration o) n*llity t6en 2
marria+e 0ill 1e &oid *nder Arti'le
MIS!AH I# ID#!I!E$ An instan'e o) )ra*d- 06i'6 is a +ro*nd )or t6e n*llity o) t6e
marria+e. "ere t6e 'ontra'tin+ 7arty a1sol*tely did not intend to marry t6e ot6er- as t6e
same is not t6e 7erson 6e or s6e a't*ally (ne0 1e)ore t6e marria+e.
Does not in'l*de$ mista(e in name- '6ara'ter o) 7erson- attri1*tes- a+e- so'ial standin+-
reli+ion- 7edi+ree- 7e'*niary means- tem7eraments- a'2*irements- 'ondition in li)e-
7re&io*s 6a1it.
VOID A#DR AR!ICL /,$ Marria+es t6at 6a&e ann*lled or de'lared n*ll and &oid m*st
*nderta(e t6e li2*idation- 7artition and distri1*tion o) t6eir 7ro7erties- deli&ery o)
7res*m7ti&e le+itimes- et'. to 1e a1le to remarry.
Art. !%: A #arriage !on"ra!"ed b' an' ar"' $%o) a"
"%e "i#e of "%e !elebra"ion) $as s'!%ologi!all'
in!aa!i"a"ed "o !o#l' $i"% "%e essen"ial #ari"al
obliga"ions of #arriage) s%all li0e$ise be (oid e(en if
su!% in!aa!i"' be!o#es #anifes" onl' af"er i"s
Psy'6olo+i'al in'a7a'ity to 'om7ly 0it6 t6e essential
marital o1li+ation o) marria+e a" "%e "i#e of #arriage-
e&en i) it 1e'omes mani)est a)ter t6e solemni:ation o)
t6e marria+e.
% #ot de)ined and t6*s le)t on a 'o*rt%to%'o*rt
1asis. A 7erson may a't*ally 1e e))i'ient in
doin+ ot6er t6in+s s*'6 as 6is 7ro)ession 1*t
0it6 re+ards to 6is married li)e it 'an 1e
% #ot @*st st*11orn re)*sal 1*t attri1*ted to
7sy'6olo+i'al 'a*ses (not ne'essarily insane)
% La'(in+ in t6e e>er'ise o) t6e @*d+ment not
la'( o) @*d+ment
% !r*e ina1ility to 'ommit onesel) to t6e
essentials o) marria+e C 7sy'6ose>*al
disorders or ot6er 7ersonality disorders
% Ina1ility to 'ommit to t6e essentials o) marria+e
C 7ro'reation- ed*'ation o) o))s7rin+-
'omm*nity o) li)e and lo&e
M*st 1e '6ara'teri:ed 1y$
.. 9ra&ity% +ra&e or serio*s
P.I. Insanity
Cannot 1e
Can 1e
#o 'onsent
sin'e 6e
does not
(no0 t6e
tr*e meanin+
o) marria+e
Consent 'an
1e +i&en
d*rin+ l*'id
PROOF to s6o0 P.I.$
.. O1ser&e o) d*ties
(li&in+ to+et6er- et'.)
2. Pro'reation
,. O1li+ation o) 7arents to
D. Senseless and
7rotra'ted re)*sal to
6a&e inter'o*rse
/. Anreasona1le
atta'6ment to ones
D. So1re7e8a 28
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

2. 3*ridi'al ante'eden'e C rooted in 6istory o) t6e
7arty and may mani)est a)ter t6e marria+e.
,. In'*ra1ility
3*ris7r*dential 9*idelines (CA &. Molina)$
.. G*rden o) 7roo) to s6o0 t6e n*llity o) marria+e
1elon+s to t6e 7lainti)).
2. Root 'a*se m*st 1e #edi!all' or !lini!all'
iden"ified- alle+ed in t6e 'om7laint- suffi!ien"l'
ro(en b' e+er"s- 'learly e>7lained 1y t6e
de'ision- #us" be s'!%ologi!al not 76ysi'al.
,. Pro&en to 1e e>istin+ at t6e time o) t6e
'ele1ration o) t6e marria+e
D. M*st 1e in'*ra1le (may 1e a1sol*te or relati&e
to t6e +i&en s7o*se)
/. M*st 1e +ra&e
F. ssential marria+e o1li+ations are t6ose
em1ra'ed in arti'les F4 to 5.
and Arti'les 220-
22.- 22/ 0it6 re+ards to 7arents and '6ildren.
5. Inter7retations in #ational A77ellate
Matrimonial tri1*nal o) Cat6oli' C6*r'6 t6o*+6
not 1indin+ are 7ers*asi&e
ot6er )amily or 1ar(ada
F. !rans&estism
5. Ind*l+en'e o) 7ri&ate
4. Al'o6olIs*1stan'e
9. >treme immat*rity
Art. !(: Marriages be"$een "%e follo$ing are
in!es"uous and (oid fro# "%e beginning) $%e"%er
rela"ions%i be"$een "%e ar"ies be legi"i#a"e or
213 @e"$een as!endan"s and des!endan"s of an'
degree? and
223 @e"$een bro"%ers and sis"ers) $%e"%er of "%e full or
%alf blood.
Reasons to Condemn In'est*o*s Marria+es$
.. A16orrent to nat*re
2. Grin+s a1o*t 'on)*sion o) ri+6ts and d*ties
,. De)i'ient and de+enerate o))s7rin+
D. Control se> ri&alries 0it6in )amilies
/. !o +*ide one to0ards t6e 'reation o) ne0
n*'lear )amily
F. Grin+s a1o*t 'on)*sion 0it6 stat*s
B !6e relations6i7 1ein+
le+itimate or ille+itimate is
Art. !): T%e follo$ing #arriages s%all be (oid fro# "%e
beginning for reasons of ubli! oli!'
213 @e"$een !olla"eral blood rela"i(es $%e"%er
% Sim*lates 1lood relations alt6o*+6 le+al )i'tion (1ond 'reated 1y la0- a+ainst
7*1li' 7oli'y)
COLLA!RAL GLOOD RLA!IVS$ may 'a*se t6e same reasons as Art. ,5 1*t to a
Arti'le F4$ 6*s1and and 0i)e are o1li+ed to li&e to+et6er- o1ser&e m*t*al lo&e- res7e't- and )idelity- and render m*t*al 6el7 and s*77ort. Arti'le F9$ "*s1and and 0i)e s6all )i> t6e
domi'ile and in 'ase o) disa+reement t6e 'o*rt s6all de'ide. Arti'le 50$ s7o*ses are @ointly res7onsi1le )or t6e s*77ort o) t6e )amily and t6e e>7enses )or s*'6 s*77ort and ot6er
'on@*+al o1li+ations s6all 1e 7aid )rom 'omm*nity 7ro7erty- in'ome or )r*its o) se7arate 7ro7erty- or se7arate 7ro7erty. Arti'le 5.$ mana+ement o) 6o*se6old s6all 1e ri+6t and d*ty o)
1ot6 s7o*ses.
D. So1re7e8a 29
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

legi"i#a"e or illegi"i#a"e) u "o "%e four"% !i(il
223 @e"$een s"e8aren"s and s"e8!%ildren?
233 @e"$een aren"s8in8la$ and !%ildren8in8la$?
243 @e"$een "%e ado"ing aren" and "%e ado"ed
213 @e"$een "%e sur(i(ing souse of "%e ado"ing
aren" and "%e ado"ed !%ild?
2=3 @e"$een "%e sur(i(ing souse of "%e ado"ed !%ild
and "%e ado"er?
253 @e"$een an ado"ed !%ild and a legi"i#a"e !%ild of
"%e ado"er?
263 @e"$een ado"ed !%ildren of "%e sa#e ado"er?
2:3 @e"$een ar"ies $%ere one) $i"% "%e in"en"ion "o
#arr' "%e o"%er) 0illed "%a" o"%er ersonAs souse)
%is or %er o$n souse.
lesser de+ree.
7ro&ide t6at marria+es 1et0een 'ollateral 1lood relati&es 1y t6e 6al)%1lood are 7ro6i1ited.
Case La0$ In Re$ Simms state
% Ge'a*se o) s7e'i)i'ation in 1rot6ers and sisters and no s7e'i)i'ation 0it6 *n'les
and nie'es- marria+e 1et0een *n'les and nie'es are not 7ro6i1ited
% Anli(e r*lin+ in A*dley 06ere it deemed it 0as *nne'essary
% Marria+e 1et0een *n'les and nie'es 06o are 6al)%1lood is &alid d*e to t6e
7res*m7tion in )a&or o) marria+e.
RLA!IO#S"IP GE AFFI#I!E (made t6ro*+6 marria+e)$ !6e only marria+es 1y a))inity
7ro6i1ited in t6e Family Code are marria+es 1et0een ste77arents and ste7'6ildren and
7arents%in%la0 and '6ildren%in%la0. (May destroy t6e 7ea'e)*lness in )amily relations)
Ste71rot6er and ste7sister 'an marry ea'6 ot6er sin'e not in'l*ded in
t6e 7ro6i1ition.
BIn t6e e&ent t6at t6e marria+e is ann*lled or n*lli)ied or in t6e e&ent t6at t6e marria+e is
terminated 1y deat6 a))inity is terminated and t6*s t6ose t6at 0ere 7ro6i1ited d*e to
a))inity 'an no0 marry ea'6 ot6er. Anless t6ere are li&in+ iss*es ('6ildren) in 06om t6e
1lood o) t6e 7arties 'ontin*e to 'ommin+le.
?6o t6ey 'annot marry$
Ado7ter Ado7ted
!6e ado7ted !6e ado7ter
!6e s*r&i&in+ s7o*se o) t6e ado7ted
(n&isions t6at t6e marria+e 0as
terminated d*e to deat6. G*t i) t6e
marria+e 0as terminated a)ter t6e )inality
o) a n*llity or ann*lment de'ree t6en t6ey
'an +et married)
!6e s*r&i&in+ s7o*se o) ado7ter
(n&isions t6at t6e marria+e 0as
terminated d*e to deat6. G*t i) t6e
marria+e 0as terminated a)ter t6e )inality
o) a n*llity or ann*lment de'ree t6en t6ey
'an +et married)
Le+itimate '6ildren o) ado7ter
Ot6er ado7ted '6ildren o) t6e ado7ter
?6o 'an t6ey marry$
Ado7ter Ado7ted
C6ildren o) ado7ted Parents o) ado7ter
#at*ral 7arent Ille+itimate '6ild o) t6e ado7ter
D. So1re7e8a 30
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Ot6er relati&es Ot6er relati&es
S7o*se o) ado7ted i) ali&e and not
married to ado7ted
S7o*se o) ado7ter i) ali&e and not married
to ado7ter
I#!#!IO#AL HILLI#9 OF SPOAS$ !6e +*ilty 7arty m*st 1e animated 1y an intention
to marry t6e ot6er 7erson- i) not t6en not 'onsidered a+ainst 7*1li' 7oli'y.
>. A 0anted to marry G. G 0as married to C. A (ills C 1e'a*se C stole )rom A. !6en A
later on marries G. S*'6 a marria+e is &alid.
B#o 'riminal 'on&i'tion is ne'essary mere 7re7onderan'e o) e&iden'e is re2*ired to
7ro&e t6e (illin+.
Art. !+: T%e a!"ion or defense for "%e de!lara"ion of
absolu"e nulli"' of a #arriage s%all no" res!ribe
% !ime to )ile an a'tion )or de'laration o) n*llity o)
a marria+e or to in&o(e s*'6 n*llity as a
de)ense does not 7res'ri1e.
% it6er 7arty in a &oid marria+e 'an )ile a n*llity
'ase e&en t6o*+6 s*'6 7arty is t6e 0ron+doer.
Only 6*s1and and 0i)e 'an )ile a 'o*rt 'ase
de'larin+ t6e marria+e &oid. G*t it 'an still 1e
'ollaterally atta'(ed 1y any interested 7arty in
any 7ro'eedin+ 06ere t6e determination o) t6e
&alidity o) marria+e is ne'essary to +i&e rise to
'ertain ri+6ts.
Art. $,: T%e absolu"e nulli"' of a re(ious #arriage
#a' be in(o0ed for uroses of re#arriage on "%e
basis solel' of a final &udg#en" de!laring su!%
re(ious #arriage (oid.
In relation to$
Art. 52: T%e &udg#en" of annul#en" or of absolu"e
nulli"' of "%e #arriage) "%e ar"i"ion and dis"ribu"ion of
"%e roer"ies of "%e souses and "%e deli(er' of "%e
!%ildrenAs resu#"i(e legi"i#es s%all be re!orded in
"%e aroria"e !i(il regis"r' and regis"ries of roer"'?
o"%er$ise) "%e sa#e s%all no" affe!" "%ird ersons.
Art. 5!: Ei"%er of "%e for#er souses #a' #arr' again
af"er !o#lian!e $i"% "%e re*uire#en"s of "%e
i##edia"el' re!eding Ar"i!le? o"%er$ise) "%e
% A @*di'ial de'laration o) marria+e is t6e only
a''e7ta1le 7roo) so t6at a 7arty 'an 'ontra't a
s*1se2*ent &alid marria+e. ?it6o*t it t6e
s*1se2*ent marria+e 0ill 1e 'onsidered &oid.
% In 'onne'tion 0it6 it- Arti'les /2 and /, 06i'6
6as to do 0it6 t6e li2*idation- 7artition and
distri1*tion o) t6e 7ro7erties 0it6o*t 06i'6 t6e
marria+e 0ill li(e0ise 1e &oid.
GI9AME$ Committed 1y any 7erson 06o s6all 'ontra't
a se'ond or s*1se2*ent marria+e 1e)ore t6e )ormer
marria+e 6as 1een le+ally dissol&ed or 1e)ore t6e
a1sent s7o*se 6as 1een de'lared 7res*m7ti&ely dead
1y @*d+ment.
% Marria+e 1e'omes &oid not 1e'a*se o) 1i+amy 1*t
1e'a*se o) 'ertain im7ositions in la0 t6at m*st 1e
B !6e s*1se2*ent marria+e is
not 'onsidered 1i+amo*s sin'e
t6e )irst marria+e is not &alid. In
a 1i+amo*s marria+e t6e )irst
s*1sistin+ marria+e is &alid.
Gi+amy en&isions 2 &alid
marria+es. I) t6e )irst or t6e
se'ond marria+e is &oid t6en
t6ere 'an 1e no 1i+amy.
D. So1re7e8a 31
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

subse*uen" #arriage s%all be null and (oid. done 1e)ore 'onta'tin+ a se'ond marria+e.
B?it6o*t arti'le D0 one 'annot 7er)orm Arti'le /2.
Art. $1: A #arriage !on"ra!"ed b' an' erson during
subsis"en!e of a re(ious #arriage s%all be null and
(oid) unless before "%e !elebra"ion of "%e subse*uen"
#arriage) "%e rior souse %ad been absen" for four
!onse!u"i(e 'ears and "%e souse resen" %as a $ell8
founded belief "%a" "%e absen" souse $as alread'
dead. In !ase of disaearan!e $%ere "%ere is danger
of dea"% under "%e !ir!u#s"an!es se" for"% in "%e
ro(isions of Ar"i!le 3:1 of "%e .i(il .ode) an absen!e
of onl' "$o 'ears s%all be suffi!ien".
For "%e urose of !on"ra!"ing "%e subse*uen"
#arriage under "%e re!eding aragra% "%e souse
resen" #us" ins"i"u"e a su##ar' ro!eeding as
ro(ided in "%is .ode for "%e de!lara"ion of
resu#"i(e dea"% of "%e absen"ee) $i"%ou" re&udi!e
"o "%e effe!" of reaearan!e of "%e absen" souse.
- A de'laration o) 7res*m7ti&e deat6 is needed
)or t6e a1sentee in order to 'onta't a ne0
Article <2: !6e s*1se2*ent marria+e made 0ill
1e'ome &oid 0it6 t6e re'ordin+ o) t6e a))ida&it o)
rea77earan'e o) t6e s*1se2*ent s7o*se. S*'6 noti'e
0ill 1e )iled in t6e 'i&il re+istry o) t6e residen'e o) t6e
7arties in s*1se2*ent marria+e- and +i&e t6em d*e
noti'e% O#LE CAS ?"R MARRIA9 IS
!RMI#A!D N!RA3ADICIALLE. Any interested
7arty 'an )ile )or t6e a))ida&it o) rea77earan'e.
Exception to <2: i) t6e a))ida&it is )ra*d*lent t6en it is
Exception: Prior s7o*se 6as
1een a1sent )or D 'onse'*ti&e
years and t6ere is a 0ell
)o*nded 1elie) (m*st e>er'ise
d*e dili+en'e to as'ertain
06erea1o*ts or i) s6e is dead
or ali&e) t6at a1sent s7o*se is
dead (2 years 0ill s*))i'e i)
t6ere 0as dan+er o) deat6)
Art. $!: T%e "er#ina"ion of "%e subse*uen" #arriage
referred "o in "%e re!eding Ar"i!le s%all rodu!e "%e
follo$ing effe!"s
213 T%e !%ildren of "%e subse*uen" #arriage
!on!ei(ed rior "o i"s "er#ina"ion s%all be !onsidered
223 T%e absolu"e !o##uni"' of roer"' or "%e
!on&ugal ar"ners%i) as "%e !ase #a' be) s%all be
dissol(ed and li*uida"ed) bu" if ei"%er souse
!on"ra!"ed said #arriage in bad fai"%) %is or %er s%are
of "%e ne" rofi"s of "%e !o##uni"' roer"' or
!on&ugal ar"ners%i roer"' s%all be forfei"ed in fa(or
of "%e !o##on !%ildren or) if "%ere are none) "%e
!%ildren of "%e guil"' souse b' a re(ious #arriage or
in defaul" of !%ildren) "%e inno!en" souse?
233 Bona"ions b' reason of #arriage s%all re#ain
(alid) e+!e" "%a" if "%e donee !on"ra!"ed "%e #arriage
in bad fai"%) su!% dona"ions #ade "o said donee are
% A77lies to Arti'le D0- Arti'le D. and &oida1le
S'A'0S O) C(ID&E,: C6ildren 'on'ei&ed d*rin+
t6e s*1se2*ent marria+e 'ontem7lated in Art. D. are
le+itimate e&en i) one o) t6e 'ontra'tin+ 7arties is in
1ad )ait6.
E))EC' O) 'E&*I,A'IO, O, '(E P&OPE&'+
&E%I*E: !6e 7ro7erty re+ime s6all 1e dissol&ed and
li2*idated. A)ter t6e 7ayment o) all de1ts- t6e s7o*ses
s6all di&ide t6e net 7ro)its o) t6e 7ro7erty e2*ally or in
a''ordan'e 0it6 t6e sti7*lated s6arin+. I) a s7o*se
a'ted in 1ad )ait6- t6e +*ilty s7o*se s6all not +et 6is
s6are in t6e net 7ro)its (6isI6er s6are 0ill 1e )or)eited in
)a&or o) t6e 'ommon '6ildren- i) none t6e '6ildren o)
t6e +*ilty s7o*se 1y a 7re&io*s marria+e- i) none to t6e
inno'ent s7o*se.
DO,A'IO,S .+ &EASO, O) *A&&IA%E$ I) 1ot6
7arties are in +ood )ait6- t6e donation s6all 1e &alid. I)
BDonation made 1et0een
7ersons 06o are +*ilty o)
ad*ltery or 'on'*1ina+e at t6e
time o) t6e donation is &oid.
D. So1re7e8a 32
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

re(o0ed b' oera"ion of la$?
243 T%e inno!en" souse #a' re(o0e "%e
designa"ion of "%e o"%er souse $%o a!"ed in bad fai"%
as benefi!iar' in an' insuran!e oli!') e(en if su!%
designa"ion be s"iula"ed as irre(o!able? and
213 T%e souse $%o !on"ra!"ed "%e subse*uen"
#arriage in bad fai"% s%all be dis*ualified "o in%eri"
fro# "%e inno!en" souse b' "es"a"e and in"es"a"e
t6e donee a'ted in 1ad )ait6 in 'ontra'tin+ t6e
marria+e- t6e donation 1y reason o) marria+e is
terminated 1y o7eration o) la0. I) 1ot6 are in 1ad )ait6
neit6er 'an re'o&er 06at t6ey 6a&e +i&en.
POIC+: !6e inno'ent s7o*se 6as t6e '6oi'e o)
re&o(in+ t6e 1ene)i'iary in an ins*ran'e 7oli'y e&en i)
t6e 7oli'y is irre&o'a1le. (S6o*ld in)orm t6e ins*ran'e
DIS=0AI)ICA'IO, AS 'O I,(E&I'A,CE: !6e
s7o*se 06o a'ted in 1ad )ait6 s6all 1e dis2*ali)ied to
in6erit )rom t6e inno'ent s7o*se. I) 1ot6 s7o*ses are in
1ad )ait6 a''ordin+ to Arti'le DD t6e marria+e is &oid
and t6e 7arties 'annot in6erit.
Art. $$: If bo"% souses of "%e subse*uen" #arriage
a!"ed in bad fai"%) said #arriage s%all be (oid ab ini"io
and all dona"ions b' reason of #arriage and
"es"a#en"ar' disosi"ions #ade b' one in fa(or of "%e
o"%er are re(o0ed b' oera"ion of la$.
- !6e marria+e s6all 1e 'onsidered &oid only i)
1ot6 s7o*ses in t6e s*1se2*ent marria+e are
in 1ad )ait6.
- !6e +ood )ait6 o) t6e s7o*se m*st 1e 7resent
*7 to t6e time o) t6e 'ele1ration o) t6e
s*1se2*ent marria+e.
VOIDAGL MARRIA9S$ &alid *7 to t6e 7oint 06en t6ey are ann*lled. !6ese are t6e only +ro*nds- 06i'6 'an 1e 'onsidered )or ann*lment
Arti'le Annotation >'e7tionI Filin+$
Article <:: *ust exist at the time of
35 !6at t6e 7arty in 06ose 1e6al) it is so*+6t to
6a&e t6e marria+e ann*lled 0as ei+6teen
years o) a+e or o&er 1*t 1elo0 t0enty%one- and
t6e marria+e 0as solemni:ed 0it6o*t t6e
'onsent o) t6e 7arents- +*ardian or 7erson
6a&in+ s*1stit*te 7arental a*t6ority o&er t6e
7arty- in t6at order- *nless a)ter attainin+ t6e
a+e o) t0enty%one- s*'6 7arty )reely 'o6a1ited
0it6 t6e ot6er and 1ot6 li&ed to+et6er as
6*s1and and 0i)e
% !6e 7arents o) t6e '6ild 'an ann*l t6e
marria+e at any time 7rior to t6e time t6e '6ild
rea'6es t6e a+e o) 2..
Rati)i'ation$ !6ro*+6 'o6a1itation a)ter
rea'6in+ t6e a+e o) 2. years old.
Party to )ile s*it$ Parent or +*ardian 1e)ore t6e
'6ild rea'6es 2. and t6e 7arty 06o did not
o1tain 'onsent 0it6in / years a)ter rea'6in+
D. So1re7e8a 33
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

25 !6at eit6er 7arty 0as o) *nso*nd mind-
*nless s*'6 7arty a)ter 'omin+ to reason-
)reely 'o6a1ited 0it6 t6e ot6er as 6*s1and and
% M*st 1e 'lear t6at illness is serio*s t6at
'annot *nderstand marria+e 'ontra't at t6e
time o) t6e marria+e.
Rati)i'ation$ !6ro*+6 'o6a1itation 1y t6e
7erson 0it6 t6e *nso*nd mind a)ter 6e 6as
'ome to reason
BOn'e rati)ied t6e marria+e 0ill 1e &alid and no
lon+er ann*lla1le e&en i) t6e insanity 'omes
B I) t6e s7o*se (ne0 t6at t6e s7o*se 0as
insane 7rior to t6e 'ele1ration o) t6e marria+e
s6e 'annot ann*l t6e marria+e.
Party to )ile s*it$ Sane s7o*se 0it6o*t
(no0led+e 1e)ore t6e deat6 o) eit6er 7arty-
relati&e or +*ardian o) insane at any time
1e)ore t6e deat6 o) eit6er 7arty- and insane
s7o*se 1e)ore t6e deat6 o) eit6er 7arty.
95 !6at t6e 'onsent o) eit6er 7arty 0as
o1tained 1y )ra*d- *nless s*'6 7arty
a)ter0ards- 0it6 )*ll (no0led+e o) t6e )a'ts
'onstit*tin+ t6e )ra*d- )reely 'o6a1ited 0it6 t6e
ot6er as 6*s1and and 0i)e
Article <>: Fra*d$ e>istin+ at time o) marria+e
.. #on%dis'los*re o) 7re&io*s 'on&i'tion
1y )inal @*d+ment o) a 'rime in&ol&in+
moral t*r7it*de.
2. Con'ealment o) t6e 0i)e o) t6e )a't
t6at s6e 0as 7re+nant at t6e time o)
marria+e 1y anot6er man.
,. Con'ealment o) S!D re+ardless o) its
nat*re e>istin+ at t6e time o) t6e
D. Con'ealment o) dr*+ addi'tion-
6a1it*al al'o6olism- or 6omose>*ality
or les1ianism e>istin+ at t6e time o) t6e
B#o ot6er misre7resentations 0ill 1e
a''e7ta1le to 'onstit*te )ra*d to ann*l a
PRVIOAS CO#VIC!IO#$ #o need )or
in&esti+ation on t6e 7art o) t6e 7arty 1*t t6ere
m*st 1e a )inal @*d+ment.
Con'ealment m*st 1e done in 1ad )ait6. !6*s-
i) t6e 0oman tr*ly 1elie&ed s6e 0as not
7re+nant 06en s6e 0as t6e marria+e 'annot
1e ann*lled.
- Misre7resentation t6at s6e 0as
7re+nant to ind*'e t6e man to marry
6er 06en s6e 0as in )a't not 7re+nant
is not 'onsidered )or ann*lment.
CO#CALM#! OF S!D$ #at*re or +ra&ity is
irrele&antK t6e )a't t6at it 0as 'on'ealed 0as
CO#CALM#! OF ADDIC!IO#S$ #o e>a't
meanin+ 1*t 6as 1een de)ined as 7ersistent
6a1it o) 1e'omin+ into>i'ated- irresisti1le 6a1it.
BDoes not need to +et dr*n( all t6e time- t6e
6a1it o) 1e'omin+ 7eriodi'ally dr*n( and 1ein+
*na1le to resist 06en t6e o77ort*nity arises.
PRFR#C$ 'onsiders t6e e))e't on t6e
Exception to <>?2@: I) t6e 0oman 0as
*n'6aste and t6e man (ne0 o) 6er *n'6aste
Exception to <>?2@: I) 0oman did not in)orm
t6e man 1*t 7re+nan'y 0as a77arent.
Party to )ile s*it$ In@*red 7arty 0it6in / years
a)ter t6e dis'o&ery o) )ra*d
D. So1re7e8a 34
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

in@*red s7o*se in 7er)ormin+ 6isI6er marital
d*ties. Mental )itness- 6ealt6- et'. Does not
n*rt*re a nat*ral and 06olesome )amily-
Rati)i'ation$ Co6a1itation a)ter t6e inno'ent
s7o*se 6as )*ll (no0led+e o) t6e )a'ts
'onstit*tin+ t6e )ra*d
<5 !6at t6e 'onsent o) eit6er 7arty 0as
o1tained 1y )or'e- intimidation or *nd*e
in)l*en'e- *nless t6e same 6a&in+ disa77eared
or 'eased- s*'6 7arty t6erea)ter )reely
'o6a1ited 0it6 t6e ot6er as 6*s1and and 0i)eK
% Violen'e 6ere may 1e 76ysi'al or moral.
% Intimidation is 06en t6ere is a reasona1le
and 0ell%ro*nded )ear o) an imminent and
+ra&e e&il *7on 6is 7erson or 7ro7erty.
Rati)i'ation$ Co6a1itation a)ter t6e 'a*se o) t6e
&itiated 'onsent 'eases.
Party to )ile t6e s*it$ In@*red 7arty 0it6in /
years )rom t6e time t6e )or'e- intimidation or
*nd*e in)l*en'e disa77eared or 'eased.
:5 !6at eit6er 7arty 0as 76ysi'ally in'a7a1le o)
'ons*mmatin+ t6e marria+e 0it6 t6e ot6er- and
s*'6 in'a7a'ity 'ontin*es and a77ears to 1e
% Permanent ina1ility on t6e 7art o) one o) t6e
s7o*ses to 7er)orm t6e 'om7lete a't o) se>*al
inter'o*rse (m*st 1e in'*ra1le).
- Can ori+inate )rom a 7sy'6olo+i'al 7ro1lem-
06i'6 a))e'ts t6e 76ysi'al.
% M*st e>ist at t6e time o) t6e marria+e.
% May 1e 'a*sed 1ot6 1y 6*s1and and 0i)e.
#O RA!IFICA!IO# 1y 'o6a1itation
R*le o) triennial 'o6a1itation$ 7res*m7tion o)
im7oten'e arises 06en 0i)e remains a &ir+in
a)ter , years )rom t6e time o) marria+e.
Exception: Sterility is not 'onsidered
im7oten'y 1e'a*se 6e 'an still en+a+e in
se>*al 'oition. Or+ans )or 'on'e7tion not
ne'essary 1e'a*se t6ere is still 7assion.
Party to )ile t6e s*it$ ?it6in / years a)ter t6e
marria+e 'eremony
>5 !6at eit6er 7arty 0as a))li'ted 0it6 a
se>*ally%transmissi1le disease )o*nd to 1e
serio*s and a77ears to 1e in'*ra1le
#o rati)i'ation 1y 'o6a1itation
Art. $): In all !ases of annul#en" or
de!lara"ion of absolu"e nulli"' of #arriage) "%e
.our" s%all order "%e rose!u"ing a""orne' or
fis!al assigned "o i" "o aear on be%alf of "%e
S"a"e "o "a0e s"es "o re(en" !ollusion
be"$een "%e ar"ies and "o "a0e !are "%a"
e(iden!e is no" fabri!a"ed or suressed
- !6e state 0ill ens*re t6e 7re&ention o)
'oll*sion 1et0een t6e 7arties (06o
may ma(e *7 a +ro*nd to ann*l t6e
marria+e) and to ens*re t6at t6e
e&iden'e is not )a1ri'ated
- #o @*d+ment s6all 1e 1ased on a
'on)ession and a sti7*lation o) )a'ts
D. So1re7e8a 35
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

In "%e !ases referred "o in "%e re!eding
aragra%) no &udg#en" s%all be based uon a
s"iula"ion of fa!"s or !onfession of &udg#en"
Art. $+: Buring "%e enden!' of "%e a!"ion and
in "%e absen!e of ade*ua"e ro(isions in a
$ri""en agree#en" be"$een "%e souses) "%e
.our" s%all ro(ide for "%e suor" of "%e
souses and "%e !us"od' and suor" of "%eir
!o##on !%ildren. T%e .our" s%all gi(e
ara#oun" !onsidera"ion "o "%e #oral and
#a"erial $elfare of said !%ildren and "%eir
!%oi!e of "%e aren" $i"% $%o# "%e' $is% "o
re#ain as ro(ided "o in Ti"le IC. I" s%all also
ro(ide for aroria"e (isi"a"ion rig%"s of "%e
o"%er aren".
- ?6ile trial is on +oin+ t6e s*77ort o)
t6e s7o*ses and '*stody o) t6e
'6ildren s6all 1e +o&erned 1y
06ate&er a+reement t6e 7arties 6a&e
made. I) none t6en t6ey s6all 1e
s*77orted )rom t6e a1sol*te
'omm*nity o) 7ro7erty or 'on@*+al
7artners6i7 o) +ains.
- !6e 'o*rt may 6o0e&er ma(e t6e
ne'essary ad@*stments in 'ase t6e
a+reement is inade2*ate.
B In n*llity 'ases- i) t6e marria+e is deemed to
1e &oid t6en t6e one 06o +ot s*77ort s6o*ld
ret*rn it 0it6 le+al interest to t6e 7erson 06o
)*rnis6ed s*77ort sin'e s*'6 7erson 0as not
entitled to t6e s*77ort t6ere 1ein+ no marria+e.
Art. 5,: T%e effe!"s ro(ided for b'
aragra%s 223) 233) 243 and 213 of Ar"i!le 43
and b' Ar"i!le 44 s%all also al' in "%e roer
!ases "o #arriages $%i!% are de!lared ab
ini"io or annulled b' final &udg#en" under
Ar"i!les 49 and 41.
T%e final &udg#en" in su!% !ases s%all ro(ide
for "%e li*uida"ion) ar"i"ion and dis"ribu"ion of
"%e roer"ies of "%e souses) "%e !us"od' and
suor" of "%e !o##on !%ildren) and "%e
deli(er' of "%ird resu#"i(e legi"i#es) unless
su!% #a""ers %ad been ad&udi!a"ed in re(ious
&udi!ial ro!eedings.
All !redi"ors of "%e souses as $ell as of "%e
absolu"e !o##uni"' or "%e !on&ugal
ar"ners%i s%all be no"ified of "%e ro!eedings
for li*uida"ion.
In "%e ar"i"ion) "%e !on&ugal d$elling and "%e
lo" on $%i!% i" is si"ua"ed) s%all be ad&udi!a"ed
in a!!ordan!e $i"% "%e ro(isions of Ar"i!les
Arti'le D,$ e))e'ts o) termination o) s*1se2*ent
marria+e (li2*idation- dis7osition- donation-
ins*ran'e- in6eritan'e)
Arti'le DD$ Got6 s7o*ses o) t6e s*1se2*ent
marria+e are in 1ad )ait6 t6e marria+e s6all 1e
Arti'le D0$ Final @*d+ment de'larin+ a marria+e
0as &oid )or a s*1se2*ent marria+e.
% In all ot6er 'ases o) a &oid marria+e t6e
7ro7erty re+ime 0ill 1e +o&erned 1y Art. .D5
(0a+es and salaries o0ned 1y t6em in e2*al
s6ares 7ro7erty +o&erned 1y 'o%o0ners6i7)
Art. .D4 (7ro7erties a'2*ired t6ro*+6 @oint
'ontri1*tions only and di&ided in 7ro7ortion to
t6eir 'ontri1*tions)
B!6e @*d+ment and de'ree o) n*llity or
ann*lment 0ill 1e'ome )inal *7on t6e
e>7iration o) ./ days )rom t6e re'ei7t o) t6e
7arties o) t6e de'ision. (!6*s any marria+e
7rior to t6e ./ days may 1e 'onsidered
1i+amo*s sin'e t6e marria+e is still s*1sistin+
at t6at time.)
D. So1re7e8a 36
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

192 and 12:.
Art. 51: In said ar"i"ion) "%e (alue of "%e
resu#"i(e legi"i#es of all !o##on !%ildren)
!o#u"ed as of "%e da"e of "%e final &udg#en"
of "%e "rial !our") s%all be deli(ered in !as%)
roer"' or sound se!uri"ies) unless "%e
ar"ies) b' #u"ual agree#en" &udi!iall'
aro(ed) %ad alread' ro(ided for su!%
T%e !%ildren or "%eir guardian or "%e "rus"ee of
"%eir roer"' #a' as0 for "%e enfor!e#en" of
"%e &udg#en".
T%e deli(er' of "%e resu#"i(e legi"i#es
%erein res!ribed s%all in no $a' re&udi!e "%e
ul"i#a"e su!!essional rig%"s of "%e !%ildren
a!!ruing uon "%e dea"% of ei"%er of bo"% of "%e
aren"s? bu" "%e (alue of "%e roer"ies alread'
re!ei(ed under "%e de!ree of annul#en" or
absolu"e nulli"' s%all be !onsidered as
ad(an!es on "%eir legi"i#e.
Pres*m7ti&e Le+itime$ Part o) t6e 7ro7erty o)
t6e testator- 06i'6 'annot 1e dis7osed o)
1e'a*se t6e la0 6as reser&ed it )or 'ertain
'om7*lsory 6eirs. !6e de'ree o) ann*lment or
n*llity o) marria+e 7ro&ides )or t6e deli&ery o)
t6e 7res*m7ti&e le+itimes t6is is in order to
7rote't t6e le+itime o) t6e '6ildren )rom
s*1se2*ent marria+e.
>. I) A 6*s1and o) G dies- t6eir '6ild C 0ill
in6erit a le+itime )rom AJs 7ro7erties. In t6is
'ase t6ere is no deat6 t6*s t6e le+itime is
7res*med (06at AJs 7ro7erties 0o*ld 1e i) 6e
died at t6is time) and t6at is 06at is +i&en to C.
In t6e e&ent t6at t6e eit6er or 1ot6
7arents die later on t6e 7res*m7ti&e
le+itime +i&en is 'onsidered an
ad&an'e on t6eir le+itime and are @*st
+i&en t6e remainin+ 1alan'e d*e t6em.
In &oid marria+es ot6er t6an t6at
7ro&ided )or in Art. D0- t6e 7res*m7ti&e
le+itime is not deli&ered.
B !6e '6ildren or t6e +*ardian may see( t6e
en)or'ement )or t6e deli&ery o) t6e 7res*m7ti&e
Art. 5$: .%ildren !on!ei(ed or born before "%e
&udg#en" of annul#en" or absolu"e nulli"' of
"%e #arriage under Ar"i!le 3= %as be!o#e final
and e+e!u"or' s%all be !onsidered legi"i#a"e.
.%ildren !on!ei(ed or born of "%e subse*uen"
#arriage under Ar"i!le 13 s%all li0e$ise be
% 9enerally- '6ildren 'on'ei&ed and 1orn
o*tside a &alid marria+e or inside a &oid
marria+e are ille+itimate e>'e7t t6ose 'omin+
)rom a marria+e &oid d*e to 7sy'6olo+i'al
in'a7a'ity and t6ose d*e to la'( o) @*di'ial
de'ree o) n*llity or li2*idation or dissol*tion o)
B I) t6e '6ild is 'on'ei&ed 7rior to t6e marria+e
and t6e marria+e is terminated *nder Art. ,F or
/, '6ild 0ill 1e ille+itimate (t6e s*1se2*ent
&oid marria+e e&en *nder t6ese arti'les 0ill not
le+itimate t6em)
L9AL SPARA!IO#$ Does not a))e't t6e marital stat*s o) t6e 'o*7le- merely a se7aration o) 1ed and 1oard. (>'l*si&e list)
Violen'e A+ainst ?omen and C6ildren (VA?C RA 92F2)$ in'l*des s7o*se- +irl)riends- and e&en one%ni+6t stands (le&el o) intima'y). Men 'an )ile
on 1e6al) o) '6ildren. Many arti'les o) VA?C en'om7ass le+al se7aration and i) t6is is so t6e re2*ired 'oolin+ o)) 7eriod is no lon+er ne'essary.
In'l*ded as 7art o) VA?C s*'6 as 'orr*7tion (O,) in'l*ded as &iolen'e- e&en 7sy'6olo+i'al &iolen'e (1i+amy- se>*al in)idelity).
D. So1re7e8a 37
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

% !6e '6ildren in'l*ded in VA?C are t6ose *nder t6e 'are o) t6e 0omen e&en t6ose o) t6e res7ondentJs '6ild )rom a 7re&io*s marria+e.
Article 55: >aens af"er #arriage !ere#on'
1. Reea"ed %'si!al (iolen!e or grossl'
abusi(e !ondu!" dire!"ed agains" "%e
e"i"ioner) a !o##on !%ild) or a !%ild of "%e
P6ysi'al &iolen'e 6ere is meas*red not 1y t6e
se&erity 1*t 1y t6e )re2*en'y. "o0e&er i) it is
not re7eated or is not 76ysi'al &iolen'e it may
1e 'onsidered as +rossly a1*si&e 'ond*'t.
9rossly a1*si&e 'ond*'t need not 1e re7eated
1*t more o) a serio*s a't$ rely on
7ro7ortionality and a1*si&e 'ond*'t to 06at
0as 'ommitted.
- Contin*ed indi))eren'e or a&ersion to
s7o*se and 7ersistent ne+le't o)
d*ties in'ident to marital relation- et'.
- Ase o) o))ensi&e and a1*si&e lan+*a+e
0it6 intent and )i>ed 7*r7ose o)
'a*sin+ *n6a77iness.
- Ot6er a'ts o) 'orr*7tion- 06i'6 do not
)all *nder 7rostit*tion.
B Does not in'l*de a +ro*nd )or le+al
se7aration 06en t6e res7ondent%s7o*se in)li'ts
&iolen'e on 6isI6er o0n '6ild )rom a 7re&io*s
marria+e 1*t may 'a*se to s*s7end or
terminate 7arental a*t6ority.
Art. 2,. (.)$ Parental a*t6ority 'an 1e
s*s7ended 06en t6e 7arent treats t6e '6ild
0it6 e>'essi&e 6ars6ness or 'r*elty
2. ;%'si!al (iolen!e or #oral ressure "o
!o#el "%e e"i"ioner "o !%ange religious or
oli"i!al affilia"ion
% !6ere s6o*ld 1e *nity in t6e )amily and t6*s
t6e 'o*7le s6o*ld learn to li&e 0it6 ea'6
ot6erJs 7oliti'al ideas.
Bn)or'e 6*man ri+6ts t6ro*+6 a''e7tan'e o)
t6e ot6erJs ri+6t
3. A""e#" of resonden" "o !orru" or indu!e
"%e e"i"ioner) a !o##on !%ild) or a !%ild of "%e
e"i"ioner) "o engage in ros"i"u"ion) or
!onni(an!e in su!% !orru"ion or indu!e#en"
% !6e '6ildren 6ere may or may not 1e
% !6e 'orr*7t a't 6ere re)ers to 7rostit*tion
only- a mere attem7t is eno*+6 t6e res7ondent
need not 1e s*''ess)*l at t6e 'orr*7tion or
% !6ere is no 'a*se o) a'tion 06en t6e '6ild
in&ol&ed is t6at o) t6e res7ondent )rom anot6er
B Ot6er )orms o) 'orr*7tion 'an )all *nder +ra&e
a1*se o) 'ond*'t
4. Final &udg#en" sen"en!ing "%e resonden"
"o i#rison#en" of #ore "%an si+ 'ears) e(en if
% !6e 'rime need not 1e a+ainst t6e ot6er
s7o*se. It 'an 1e a+ainst anyone.
% !6e )a't t6at t6e 'rime 6ad 1een 7ardoned
doesnJt matter as lon+ as t6ere is a )inal
1. Brug addi!"ion or %abi"ual al!o%olis# of "%e
% !6e e>tent and nat*re o) s*'6 is t6e same- as
t6ose in ann*lment 'ases 1*t s*'6 +ro*nds
D. So1re7e8a 38
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

may e>ist e&en a)ter t6e marria+e 'eremony
*nli(e ann*lment.
=. -esbianis# or %o#ose+uali"' of resonden" % Considered as a )orm o) 'r*elty or mental
% M*st en+a+e in 6omose>*al a'ts
5. Resonden" !on"ra!"s a subse*uen"
biga#ous #arriage
% Ille+ally 'ontra'tin+ a marria+e des7ite )*ll
(no0led+e t6at t6e )irst marria+e still &alidly
e>ists or 0it6o*t o1tainin+ a @*di'ial de'laration
o) 7res*m7ti&e deat6.
B?6et6er t6e marria+e 0as done in t6e
P6ili77ines or a1road is immaterial.
6. Se+ual infideli"' or er(ersion % Ot6er a'ts o) se>*al in)idelity s6ort o)
'on'*1ina+e and ad*ltery are eno*+6 as lon+
as t6ey 'onstit*te a 'lear 1etrayal o) tr*st.
% Se>*al 7er&ersion 'an 1e done to ones o0n
Exception: I) t6e 0i)e 'ondones se>*al
7er&ersion 0it6 6er 6*s1and t6en it 'annot 1e
a +ro*nd )or le+al se7aration.
:. A""e#" b' "%e resonden" agains" "%e life of
"%e e"i"ioner
% M*st 'ome )rom an e&il desi+n or *nla0)*l
% #o nee )or any 'riminal 'on&i'tion-
7re7onderan'e o) e&iden'e is eno*+6. (I) t6ere
is a 'riminal 'on&i'tion- t6e ot6er s7o*se 'an
1e disin6erited e&en i) t6ere is no le+al
se7aration 'ase )iled)
Exception: 06en it is )or sel)%de)ense (or
some ot6er @*sti)ia1le reason)
Exception: S7o*se 'a*+6t t6e ot6er in
flagran"e deli!"o
19. Abandon#en" of e"i"ioner b' resonden"
$i"%ou" &us"ifiable !ause for #ore "%an one
For uroses of "%is Ar"i!le) "%e "er# D!%ildD
s%all in!lude a !%ild b' na"ure or b' ado"ion
?ill)*lly le)t t6e d0ellin+ 0it6o*t intention o)
B!6ere m*st 1e a 0ron+)*l intent to desert-
'ontin*ed )or t6e stat*tory 7eriod.
BI) t6ere is an *n@*sti)ia1le )or lea&in+ t6en it is
not 'onsidered a1andonment.
Article :>: Denial of le#al separation if they fall on the follo!in# #rounds
1. <%ere "%e aggrie(ed ar"' %as !ondoned "%e offense or
a!" !o#lained of
% May 1e e>7ressed or im7lied )or+i&eness
% #ot loo(in+ )or an errin+ 0i)e a)ter s6e 'ommits
an o))ense does not mean )or+i&eness.
Exception: i) a)ter t6e
'ondonation t6e +*ilty s7o*se
re7eats t6e o))ense t6en 'an
still )ile )or le+al se7aration.
25 <%ere "%e aggrie(ed ar"' %as !onsen"ed "o "%e
!o##ission of "%e offense or a!" !o#lained of
it6er s7o*se a+reed or did not o1@e't to t6e
o))ense GFOR it 0as 'ommitted.
95 <%ere "%ere is !onni(an!e be"$een "%e ar"ies in "%e
!o##ission of "%e offense or a!" !ons"i"u"ing "%e ground for
legal seara"ion
% ?6ere t6e s7o*ses a+ree t6at one s7o*se 0ill
'ommit t6e o))ense to +i&e +ro*nds )or le+al
D. So1re7e8a 39
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

% ?6ere one o) t6e 7arties em7loyed a ,
7arty to
ind*'e t6e ot6er s7o*se to 'ommit t6e o))ense to
+i&e +ro*nds.
% Corr*7t 'onsentin+
<5 <%ere bo"% ar"ies %a(e gi(en ground for legal
% ?6en t0o 7ersons a'ted in 1ad )ait6- t6ey s6o*ld
1e 'onsidered as 6a&in+ a'ted in +ood )ait6.
:5 <%ere "%ere is !ollusion be"$een "%e ar"ies "o ob"ain
de!ree of legal seara"ion
% In 'oll*sion t6e 'o*7le ma(es it a77ear t6at t6ere
is a +ro*nd )or le+al se7aration 1*t a't*ally t6ere is
% Corr*7t a+reement
% !6e a't need not a't*ally 6a77en
>5 <%ere "%e a!"ion is barred b' res!ri"ion % An a'tion )or le+al se7aration m*st 1e )iled 0it6in
/ years )rom t6e o''*rren'e o) t6e 'a*se.
% From t6e time t6e a't o''*rred not t6e dis'o&ery
o) t6e 'a*se o) a'tion.
Art5 :6$ An a!"ion for legal
seara"ion s%all be filed $i"%in
fi(e 'ears fro# "%e "i#e of "%e
o!!urren!e of "%e !ause
Art. 5): An a!"ion for legal seara"ion s%all in no !ase be
"ried before si+ #on"%s s%all %a(e elased sin!e "%e filing
of "%e e"i"ion
% !6e de)endant is re2*ired to ans0er t6e 7etition
./ days )rom t6e date o) t6e re'ei7t o) t6e
'om7laint. "o0e&er 06et6er or not t6e de)endant
)iles an ans0er or not t6ere s6o*ld 1e no 6earin+
on t6e merits 1y t6e 'o*rt *ntil a)ter a F%mont6
'oolin+%o)) 7eriod is terminated.
BFail*re to o1ser&e t6e F%
mont6 'oolin+ o)) 7eriod is a
+ro*nd to set aside a de'ision
+rantin+ le+al se7aration.
BOt6er in'idents may 1e
6eard d*rin+ t6e F%mont6
7eriod s*'6 as s*77ort and
Art. 5+: ,o legal seara"ion #a' be de!reed unless "%e
.our" %as "a0en s"es "o$ard "%e re!on!ilia"ion of "%e
souses and is full' sa"isfied) desi"e su!% effor"s) "%a"
re!on!ilia"ion is %ig%l' i#robable.
% !6e 'o*rt m*st try to sal&a+e t6e marria+e 1y
ta(in+ ste7s to0ards re'on'iliation.
B "o0e&er e&en i) t6ere is no
trial t6e 'o*7le may '6oose
not to li&e to+et6er. !6ey
'annot 1e )or'ed to li&e
Art. %,: ,o de!ree of legal seara"ion s%all be based uon
a s"iula"ion of fa!"s or a !onfession of &udg#en".
In an' !ase) "%e .our" s%all order "%e rose!u"ing a""orne'
or fis!al assigned "o i" "o "a0e s"es "o re(en" !ollusion
be"$een "%e ar"ies and "o "a0e !are "%a" "%e e(iden!e is
no" fabri!a"ed or suressed.
- I) t6e de)endin+ 7arty )ails to ans0er 6e or
s6e 'annot 1e de)a*lted and t6e 'o*rt s6all
order t6e 7rose'*tin+ attorney to
in&esti+ate 06et6er t6ere is 'oll*sion or not
1et0een t6e 7arties.
- &en i) t6e 7arty ans0ers t6e )is'al is still
mandated to ma(e s*re t6ere is no
'oll*sion and t6at t6e e&iden'e is +en*ine.
B I) t6e 'ase is &e6emently
o77osed and 'ontested and it
is 'lear t6at t6e liti+ation is a
no%6olds 1arred 'ontest and
not 'oll*sion t6e non%
inter&ention o) t6e 7rose'*tin+
attorney is not )atal to t6e
&alidity o) t6e 7ro'eedin+s.
D. So1re7e8a 40
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Art. %1: Af"er "%e filing of "%e e"i"ion for legal seara"ion)
"%e souses s%all be en"i"led "o li(e seara"el' fro# ea!%
T%e !our") in "%e absen!e of a $ri""en agree#en" be"$een
"%e souses) s%all designa"e ei"%er of "%e# or a "%ird
erson "o ad#inis"er "%e absolu"e !o##uni"' or !on&ugal
ar"ners%i roer"'. T%e ad#inis"ra"or aoin"ed b' "%e
!our" s%all %a(e "%e sa#e o$ers and du"ies as "%ose of a
guardian under "%e Rules of .our".
- In t6e a1sen'e o) a 0ritten a+reement
1et0een t6e s7o*ses- t6e 'o*rt s6all
desi+nate 06o s6all administer t6e
7ro7erties (it 'an 1e a t6ird 7erson).
B Deat6 o) t6e 7lainti)) 1e)ore
t6e )inal de'ree in an a'tion
)or le+al se7aration terminates
t6e 'ase.
Art. %2: Buring "%e enden!' of "%e a!"ion for legal
seara"ion) "%e ro(isions of Ar"i!le 4: s%all li0e$ise al'
"o "%e suor" of "%e souses and "%e !us"od' and suor"
of "%e !o##on !%ildren.
Art. D9$ D*rin+ t6e 7enden'y o) t6e a'tion and in
t6e a1sen'e o) a 0ritten a+reement- t6e 'o*rt 0ill
7ro&ide )or t6e s*77ort and '*stody.
Art. %!: T%e de!ree of legal seara"ion s%all %a(e "%e
follo$ing effe!"s:
1. T%e souses s%all be en"i"led "o li(e seara"el' fro#
ea!% o"%er) bu" "%e #arriage bonds s%all no" be se(ered?
2. T%e absolu"e !o##uni"' or "%e !on&ugal ar"ners%i
s%all be dissol(ed and li*uida"ed bu" "%e offending souse
s%all %a(e no rig%" "o an' s%are of "%e ne" rofi"s earned b'
"%e absolu"e !o##uni"' or "%e !on&ugal ar"ners%i) $%i!%
s%all be forfei"ed in a!!ordan!e $i"% "%e ro(isions of
Ar"i!le 43223?
3. T%e !us"od' of "%e #inor !%ildren s%all be a$arded "o
"%e inno!en" souse) sub&e!" "o "%e ro(isions of Ar"i!le 213
of "%is .ode? and
4. T%e offending souse s%all be dis*ualified fro# in%eri"ing
fro# "%e inno!en" souse b' in"es"a"e su!!ession.
Moreo(er) ro(isions in fa(or of "%e offending souse #ade
in "%e $ill of "%e inno!en" souse s%all be re(o0ed b'
oera"ion of la$.
% !6o*+6 t6e s7o*ses are entitled to li&e se7arately
t6e marria+e 1ond s6all not 1e se&ered. !6ey are
still married to ea'6 ot6er.
% !6e 7ro7erty s6all 1e li2*idated- t6e o))endin+
s7o*se s6all 6a&e no s6are or ri+6t to t6e 7ro)its
earned and s6all 1e )or)eited in )a&or o) t6e
'ommon '6ildren i) none t6e '6ildren o) t6e +*ilty
s7o*se i) none t6en to t6e inno'ent s7o*se.
% !6e inno'ent s7o*se s6all +enerally 6a&e '*stody
o) t6e '6ildren 6o0e&er t6e ma@or 'onsideration is
al0ays t6e 7aramo*nt interest o) t6e '6ildren.
% !6e o))endin+ s7o*se s6all 1e dis2*ali)ied )rom
in6eritin+ )orm t6e inno'ent s7o*se 1y intestate
s*''ession )*rt6ermore 7ro&isions in )a&or o) t6e
o))endin+ s7o*se made in t6e 0ill o) t6e inno'ent
s7o*se s6all 1e re&o(ed 1y o7eration o) la0.
B #o '6ildren 1elo0 5 years
old s6all 1e se7arated )rom
t6e mot6er *nless t6e 'o*rt
)inds 'om7ellin+ reasons to
order ot6er0ise (!ender Eears
Art. %$: Af"er "%e finali"' of "%e de!ree of legal seara"ion)
"%e inno!en" souse #a' re(o0e "%e dona"ions #ade b'
%i# or b' %er in fa(or of "%e offending souse) as $ell as
"%e designa"ion of "%e la""er as benefi!iar' in an' insuran!e
oli!') e(en if su!% designa"ion be s"iula"ed as
irre(o!able. T%e re(o!a"ion of "%e dona"ions s%all be
- !6e la0 +i&es t6e o7tion to inno'ent 7arty
06et6er to re&o(e or not t6e donation o)
t6e +*ilty 7arty in an ins*ran'e.
- !6e re&o'ation m*st 1e made 0it6in /
years )rom t6e time t6e de'ree o) le+al
se7aration 6as 1e'ome )inal.
D. So1re7e8a 41
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

re!orded in "%e regis"ries of roer"' in "%e la!es $%ere
"%e roer"ies are lo!a"ed. Aliena"ions) liens and
en!u#bran!es regis"ered in good fai"% before "%e re!ording
of "%e !o#lain" for re(o!a"ion in "%e regis"ries of roer"'
s%all be rese!"ed. T%e re(o!a"ion of or !%ange in "%e
designa"ion of "%e insuran!e benefi!iar' s%all "a0e effe!"
uon $ri""en no"ifi!a"ion "%ereof "o "%e insured
T%e a!"ion "o re(o0e "%e dona"ion under "%is Ar"i!le #us" be
broug%" $i"%in fi(e 'ears fro# "%e "i#e "%e de!ree of legal
seara"ion be!o#e final.
B !6e re&o'ation o) or '6an+e in t6e desi+nation o)
ins*ran'e 1ene)i'iary s6all ta(e e))e't a)ter 0ritten
noti)i'ation to t6e ins*rer not t6e ins*red sin'e it
ma(es more sense 6o0e&er t6e la0 states
noti)i'ation s6o*ld 1e +i&en to t6e ins*red t6*s t6at
s6o*ld 1e )ollo0ed.
Art. %5: If "%e souses s%ould re!on!ile) a !orresonding
&oin" #anifes"a"ion under oa"% dul' signed b' "%e# s%all be
filed $i"% "%e !our" in "%e sa#e ro!eeding for legal
- I) t6e 'ase is still 7endin+ t6en it s6all 1e
terminated- i) t6e de'ree 6as 1een iss*ed
t6en it s6all 1e set aside.
- Se7aration o) 7ro7erties 0ill still s*1sist-
1*t t6e 7arties 'an enter into an a+reement
to re&i&e t6e 7rior 7ro7erty re+ime.
B !6e 'reditors s6o*ld 1e
in)ormed o) t6e '6an+es 0it6
re+ard to t6e 7ro7erty et'.
Art. %%: T%e re!on!ilia"ion referred "o in "%e re!eding
Ar"i!les s%all %a(e "%e follo$ing !onse*uen!es:
1. T%e legal seara"ion ro!eedings) if s"ill ending) s%all
"%ereb' be "er#ina"ed a" $%a"e(er s"age? and
2. T%e final de!ree of legal seara"ion s%all be se" aside)
bu" "%e seara"ion of roer"' and an' forfei"ure of "%e
s%are of "%e guil"' souse alread' effe!"ed s%all subsis")
unless "%e souses agree "o re(i(e "%eir for#er roer"'
T%e !our"As order !on"aining "%e foregoing s%all be
re!orded in "%e roer !i(il regis"ries.
Art. %(: T%e agree#en" "o re(i(e "%e for#er roer"'
regi#e referred "o in "%e re!eding Ar"i!le s%all be
e+e!u"ed under oa"% and s%all se!if':
1. T%e roer"ies "o be !on"ribu"ed ane$ "o "%e res"ored
2. T%ose "o be re"ained as seara"ed roer"ies of ea!%
souse? and
3. T%e na#es of all "%eir 0no$n !redi"ors) "%eir addresses
and "%e a#oun"s o$ing "o ea!%.
T%e agree#en" of re(i(al and "%e #o"ion for i"s aro(al
- 9enerally t6e la0 7ro&ides t6at one 'an
only )i> t6e 7ro7erty re+ime 1e)ore t6e
marria+e 'ele1ration 1*t t6e r*les no0 set
)ort6 t6at t6e ado7tion o) anot6er 7ro7erty
re+ime 'an 1e made aside )rom t6at 06i'6
t6ey 6ad 7re&io*sly e>istin+ d*rin+ t6eir
.. I) 'reditors are noti)ied t6ey s6o*ld )ile
o77osition on 7ro7erties i) t6ey 6a&e de1ts
t6at s6o*ld 1e 7aid 1y eit6er s7o*se.
2. I) 'reditors are noti)ied 1*t t6ey donJt )ile
t6ey 'annot +et )rom t6e 7ro7erties t6at 0ill
1e 7la'ed in 'o%o0ners6i7 in t6e re&i&al.
,. I) 'reditors are not noti)ied t6en t6ey 'an
'olle't )rom 7ro7erties 'o%o0ned.
D. I) 'reditors are not noti)ied 1*t t6ere are
se7arate 7ro7erties t6ey 'anJt +et )rom 'o%
o0ned 7ro7erties.
D. So1re7e8a 42
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

s%all be filed $i"% "%e !our" in "%e sa#e ro!eeding for legal
seara"ion) $i"% !oies of bo"% furnis%ed "o "%e !redi"ors
na#ed "%erein. Af"er due %earing) "%e !our" s%all) in i"s
order) "a0e #easure "o ro"e!" "%e in"eres" of !redi"ors and
su!% order s%all be re!orded in "%e roer regis"ries of
T%e re!ording of "%e ordering in "%e regis"ries of roer"'
s%all no" re&udi!e an' !redi"or no" lis"ed or no" no"ified)
unless "%e deb"or8souse %as suffi!ien" seara"e roer"ies
"o sa"isf' "%e !redi"orAs !lai#.
Art. %): T%e %usband and $ife are obliged "o
li(e "oge"%er) obser(e #u"ual lo(e) rese!" and
fideli"') and render #u"ual %el and suor".
Reason$ So 'o*7les 0ont a1andon ea'6 ot6er
1ased on t6eir 06ims and 'a7ri'es
- Pro'reation is also an essential marital
- A 'o*rt 'annot 'om7el t6e s7o*ses to
li&e to+et6er- o1ser&e m*t*al lo&e-
res7e't and )idelity.
.. Committed 1y a man a+ainst a 0oman 06o
s6all 6a&e 'arnal (no0led+e o) 6er t6ro*+6
)or'e- intimidation or t6reatK 06en s6e is
de7ri&ed o) reason or 'ons'io*sness-
ma'6inations or +ra&e a1*se o) a*t6ority.
2. &en i) none o) t6e 'ir'*mstan'es are
7resent i) 0oman is 1elo0 .2 or demented.
,. Any 7erson 06o inserts any )orei+n o1@e't
into +enital or anal ori)i'e (ra7e 'an 1e
'ommitted a+ainst a man)
D. Any 7erson 06o inserts 7enis into oral or
anal ori)i'e.
B Remedy i) ot6er s7o*se is not li&in+ 0it6 yo*$
see( relie) )rom 'o*rt so t6at yo* do not 6a&e
to +i&e 6im s*77ort.
A 6*s1and 'an 1e lia1le )or ra7in+ 6is
0i)e 6o0e&er t6e s*1se2*ent
)or+i&eness 1y t6e 0i)e to t6e o))ended
7arty s6all e>tin+*is6 t6e 'riminal
GFOR$ Matrimonial e>em7tion )rom ra7e
.. Man and 0oman 1e'ome . so man
'annot ra7e 6imsel)
2. Marria+e 'ontra't means 0i)e
'onsents to all and any se>*al
inter'o*rse 0it6 6*s1and.
.. ?oman 6as 'ertain ri+6ts and li1erties-
06i'6 se7arate 6er )rom t6e man.
2. A1sol*te 'onsent is not so*nd sin'e
marria+e itsel) is re&o'a1le.
Art. %+: T%e %usband and $ife s%all fi+ "%e
fa#il' do#i!ile. In !ase of disagree#en") "%e
!our" s%all de!ide.
T%e !our" #a' e+e#" one souse fro# li(ing
$i"% "%e o"%er if "%e la""er s%ould li(e abroad or
- !6e domi'ile o) nat*ral 7ersons is t6e
7la'e o) t6eir 6a1it*al residen'e-
06ere 7arties intend to 6a&e t6eir
7ermanent residen'e.
- In 'ase o) disa+reement 1et0een t6e
D. So1re7e8a 43
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

"%ere are o"%er (alid and !o#elling reasons
for "%e e+e#"ion. >o$e(er) su!% e+e#"ion
s%all no" al' if "%e sa#e is no" !o#a"ible
$i"% "%e solidari"' of "%e fa#il'.
6*s1and and t6e 0i)e t6e 'o*rt s6all
- !6e s7o*se not li&in+ in t6e domi'ile
m*st 7ro&e t6e intent o) 6*s1and is )or
solidarity o) )amily.
Art. (,: T%e souses are &oin"l' resonsible
for "%e suor" of "%e fa#il'. T%e e+enses for
su!% suor" and o"%er !on&ugal obliga"ions
s%all be aid fro# "%e !o##uni"' roer"'
and) in "%e absen!e "%ereof) fro# "%e in!o#e
or frui"s of "%eir seara"e roer"ies. In !ase of
insuffi!ien!' or absen!e of said in!o#e or
frui"s) su!% obliga"ions s%all be sa"isfied fro#
"%e seara"e roer"ies.
.. From t6e 'omm*nity 7ro7erty
2. In a1sen'e t6ereo) in'ome o) )r*its o)
t6e se7arate 7ro7erties
,. I) ins*))i'ient or a1sent )rom t6e
se7arate 7ro7erties t6emsel&es.
Art. (1: T%e #anage#en" of "%e %ouse%old
s%all be "%e rig%" and "%e du"' of bo"% souses.
T%e e+enses for su!% #anage#en" s%all be
aid in a!!ordan!e $i"% "%e ro(isions of
Ar"i!le 59.
Art. (2: <%en one of "%e souses negle!"s %is
or %er du"ies "o "%e !on&ugal union or !o##i"s
a!"s $%i!% "end "o bring danger) dis%onor or
in&ur' "o "%e o"%er or "o "%e fa#il') "%e
aggrie(ed ar"' #a' al' "o "%e !our" for
- S6all 1e t6e ri+6t and d*ty o) 1ot6
s7o*ses re+ardless o) 06at t6e
7ro7erty re+ime is.
- In t6e e&ent t6at one o) t6e s7o*ses
ne+le'ts 6is or 6er d*ties or 'ommits
a'ts t6at endan+er or dis6onor t6e
)amily 6e a++rie&ed 7arty may a77ly to
t6e 'o*rt )or relie).
.. Le+al se7aration
2. Psy'6olo+i'al in'a7a'ity
,. Petition )or re'ei&ers6i7 @*di'ial-
se7aration o) 7ro7erty to 1e'ome sole
administrator o) 7ro7erty.
Art. (!: Ei"%er souse #a' e+er!ise an'
legi"i#a"e rofession) o!!ua"ion) business or
a!"i(i"' $i"%ou" "%e !onsen" of "%e o"%er. T%e
la""er #a' ob&e!" onl' on (alid) serious) and
#oral grounds.
In !ase of disagree#en") "%e !our" s%all de!ide
$%e"%er or no":
1. T%e ob&e!"ion is roer? and
2. @enefi" %as o!!urred "o "%e fa#il' rior "o
- Gased on 7res*m7tion- des7ite
o1@e'tion (1e)ore or a)ter) it 0ill still +o
to )amily.
- VA?C$ I) 6*s1and 7re&ents yo* )rom
doin+ a ri+6t t6en 7*nis6a1le 1y la0.
- !6e o1@e'tion m*st 1e all &alid-
serio*s- and on moral +ro*nds at t6e
same time.
- I) it is an isolated a'ti&ity;'ontra't;
>'e7tions$ For t6e se7arate 7ro7erties to 1e
lia1le t6e ot6er s7o*se m*st 6a&e no
(no0led+e o) t6e immoral a'ti&ity and
t6ere)ore 'o*ld not +i&e an o1@e'tion e&en i)
1ene)it a''r*es to t6e )amily.
>'e7tion lia1ility a+ainst se7arate 7ro7erty$ I)
t6e 'reditor did not (no0 o) t6e immoral a'ti&ity
or t6o*+6t it 0as to 1e *sed )or a le+itimate
D. So1re7e8a 44
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

"%e ob&e!"ion or "%ereaf"er. If "%e benefi"
a!!rued rior "o "%e ob&e!"ion) "%e resul"ing
obliga"ion s%all be enfor!ed agains" "%e
seara"e roer"' of "%e souse $%o %as no"
ob"ained !onsen".
T%e foregoing ro(isions s%all no" re&udi!e
"%e rig%"s of !redi"ors $%o a!"ed in good fai"%.
0it6o*t 'onsent o) ot6er s7o*se- t6e
'on@*+al s7o*se 'anJt 1e lia1le
.. O1li+ations in'*rred 1e)ore or a)ter t6e
marria+e 1*t redo*ndin+ to t6e 1ene)it
o) t6e )amily s6all 1e '6ar+ed to t6e
'on@*+al 7ro7erties
2. S7o*seJs @o1 redo*nds to t6e 1ene)it
o) t6e )amily t6*s o1li+ations 'an 1e
satis)ied )rom t6e 'on@*+al 7ro7erty.
,. I) t6e 1ene)it a''r*ed 7rior to t6e
o1@e'tion- t6e res*ltin+ o1li+ation s6all
1e en)or'ed a+ainst t6e se7arate
7ro7erty o) t6e s7o*se 06o 6as not
o1tained 'onsent.
1*siness- 'reditor 'an 'olle't )rom 'on@*+al
Art5 6<: !6e 7ro7erty relations6i7 1et0een
6*s1and and 0i)e s6all 1e +o&erned in t6e
)ollo0in+ order$
.. Gy marria+e settlements e>e'*ted 1e)ore
t6e marria+eK
2. Gy t6e 7ro&isions o) t6is CodeK and
,. Gy t6e lo'al '*stom.
Marria+e Settlements$ m*st 1e in 0ritin+
si+ned 1y t6e 7arties- and made 7rior to t6e
'ele1ration o) t6e marria+e i) it is not in 0ritin+
it s6all 1e *nen)or'ea1le.
- I) t6ere is no marria+e settlement
a+reed *7on or i) t6e same is &oid-
t6en t6e a1sol*te 'omm*nity i)
7ro7erty 0ill 7re&ail.
.. Pro7erty in marria+e settlement is
re+istered did not redo*nd to )amily-
'reditor 'ant +et )rom 'o%o0ned
2. I) marria+e settlement is not
re+istered- 'an +et )rom 'o%o0ned
,. I) redo*nded to 1ene)it o) )amily 'an
+et )rom 'o%o0ned e&en i) not
BMarria+e settlement m*st 1e )air- t6ey m*st
e>er'ise +ood )ait6 in 'ontra'tin+ t6e marria+e
.. I) t6e mort+a+e 0as re+istered t6en
t6e ne0 s7o*seJs 7ro7erty 0ill also 1e
2. I) t6e mort+a+e 0as not re+istered t6e
ne0 s7o*se 0ill not 1e lia1le 1*t t6e
mort+a+e 0ill 1e im7aired and t6e
de1tor s7o*se 0ill loose t6e ri+6t to
ma(e *se o) t6e 7eriod.
M*st +i&e ne0 se'*rities so as
not to loose t6e 7eriod.
B I) t6e marria+e settlement does not
7arti'*lari:e any &alid 7ro7erty re+ime s*'6
7ro&ision is &oid and t6*s t6e a1sol*te
'omm*nity o) 7ro7erty s6all 7re&ail.
D. So1re7e8a 45
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

settlement. "o0e&er i) t6e a+reement is not
)air as lon+ as t6e disad&anta+ed s7o*se
s6o0s t6at 6eIs6e *nderstood it t6en t6e
marria+e settlement s6all 1e maintained.
LOCAL CAS!OMS$ r*le o) 'ond*'t )ormed 1y
re7etition o) a'ts *ni)ormly o1ser&ed as a
so'ial r*le- le+ally 1indin+ and o1li+atory.
Art. (5: T%e fu"ure souses #a') in "%e
#arriage se""le#en"s) agree uon "%e regi#e
of absolu"e !o##uni"') !on&ugal ar"ners%i of
gains) !o#le"e seara"ion of roer"') or an'
o"%er regi#e. In "%e absen!e of a #arriage
se""le#en") or $%en "%e regi#e agreed uon is
(oid) "%e s's"e# of absolu"e !o##uni"' of
roer"' as es"ablis%ed in "%is .ode s%all
% I) a marria+e settlement is a1sent or 7ro7erty
re+ime a+reed *7on is &oid- A1sol*te
'omm*nity o) 7ro7erty 0ill +o&ern.
Article (%: Modifi!a"ions in #arriage
se""le#en" #us" be #ade before "%e
!elebra"ion of "%e #arriage.
Art5 66: !6e marria+e settlements and any
modi)i'ation t6ereo) s6all 1e in 0ritin+- si+ned
1y t6e 7arties and e>e'*ted 1e)ore t6e
'ele1ration o) t6e marria+e. !6ey s6all not
7re@*di'e t6ird 7ersons *nless t6ey are
re+istered in t6e lo'al 'i&il re+istry 06ere t6e
marria+e 'ontra't is re'orded as 0ell as in t6e
7ro7er re+istries o) 7ro7erties.
(Oral marria+e settlement is VOID)
Exception under Article >> and >6: Re&i&al
or ado7tion o) ne0 7ro7erty re+ime 06en t6ose
le+ally se7arated 6a&e re'on'iled.
Exception under Article 328: in 'ase o)
a1andonment o) a s7o*se ot6er s7o*se 'an
7etition )or re'ei&ers6i7 or administration o)
7ro7erties or @*di'ial de'ree o) se7aration o)
Exception under Article 39:: F*rt6er +ro*nds
)or @*di'ial se7aration o) 7ro7erty
Exception under Article 39>: &ol*ntary and
&eri)ied 7etition in 'o*rt o) 1ot6 s7o*ses to
modi)y re+ime into se7arate 'omm*nity o)
7ro7erty re+ime.
Art. (): A #inor $%o a!!ording "o la$ #a'
!on"ra!" #arriage #a' also e+e!u"e %is or %er
#arriage se""le#en"s) bu" "%e' s%all be (alid
onl' if "%e ersons designa"ed in Ar"i!le 14 "o
gi(e !onsen" "o "%e #arriage are #ade ar"ies
"o "%e agree#en") sub&e!" "o "%e ro(isions of
Ti"le IC of "%is .ode.
- #o0 a minor or a 7erson 1elo0 .4 years old
'annot 'ontra't to a marria+e. An .4%year%old
7erson de'idin+ to +et married 'an e>e'*te a
marria+e settlement 0it6o*t o1tainin+ 'onsent.
D. So1re7e8a 46
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Art. (+: For "%e (alidi"' of an' #arriage
se""le#en" e+e!u"ed b' a erson uon $%o# a
sen"en!e of !i(il in"erdi!"ion %as been
ronoun!ed or $%o is sub&e!" "o an' o"%er
disabili"') i" s%all be indisensable for "%e
guardian aoin"ed b' a !o#e"en" !our" "o be
#ade a ar"' "%ere"o.
- It is mandatory t6at a 7erson 0it6 'i&il
interdi'tion m*st 6a&e a +*ardian a77ointed 1y
t6e 'o*rt to 1e in&ol&ed in ma(in+ t6e marria+e
CIVIL I#!RDIC!IO#$ de7ri&es t6e o))ender
d*rin+ t6e senten'e- ri+6ts in marria+e-
7arental ri+6ts- and administration o) 7ro7erty.
Art. ),: In "%e absen!e of a !on"rar'
s"iula"ion in a #arriage se""le#en") "%e
roer"' rela"ions of "%e souses s%all be
go(erned b' ;%iliine la$s) regardless of "%e
la!e of "%e !elebra"ion of "%e #arriage and
"%eir residen!e
T%is rule s%all no" al':
1. <%ere bo"% souses are aliens?
2. <i"% rese!" "o "%e e+"rinsi! (alidi"' of
!on"ra!"s affe!"ing roer"' no" si"ua"ed in "%e
;%iliines and e+e!u"ed in "%e !oun"r' $%ere
"%e roer"' is lo!a"ed? and
3.<i"% rese!" "o "%e e+"rinsi! (alidi"' of
!on"ra!"s en"ered in"o in "%e ;%iliines bu"
affe!"ing roer"' si"ua"ed in a foreign !oun"r'
$%ose la$s re*uire differen" for#ali"ies for i"s
e+"rinsi! (alidi"'.
>trinsi' &alidity$ !6e )orm o) t6e 'ontra't 6as
to )ollo0 06ate&er is t6e la0 in t6e 'o*ntry )or
'6an+es to 1e made ('6an+e title et'.)
Art. )1: E(er'"%ing s"iula"ed in "%e
se""le#en"s or !on"ra!"s referred "o in "%e
re!eding ar"i!les in !onsidera"ion of a fu"ure
#arriage) in!luding dona"ions be"$een "%e
rose!"i(e souses #ade "%erein) s%all be
rendered (oid if "%e #arriage does no" "a0e
la!e. >o$e(er) s"iula"ions "%a" do no"
deend uon "%e !elebra"ion of "%e #arriages
s%all be (alid.
- !6e reason )or t6e marria+e settlement is t6e
marria+e itsel) t6*s i) it does not ta(e 7la'e t6e
marria+e settlement s6all not 1e &alid.
- !6e 7ro&isions in a marria+e settlement are
se7ara1le t6*s i) t6ere are 7ro&isions 06i'6
are in&alid t6en only t6e in&alid 7ro&isions 0ill
1e ine))e't*al 06ile t6e rest 0ill 1e en)or'ed.
A Donations in marria+e settlements are
re&o(ed 1y o7eration o) la0.
AR!ICL 5F !6ose not 0ritten- si+ned and made 1e)ore t6e
Arti'le 5F !6ose t6at sti7*late t6at neit6er lo'al '*stom
D. So1re7e8a 47
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

nor a1sol*te 'omm*nity o) 7ro7erty 0ill +o&ern
0it6o*t sti7*latin+ any ot6er (ind o) 7ro7erty
Arti'le 40 !6ose made 1y a 7erson *7on 06o a senten'e
o) 'i&il interdi'tion is +i&en
Exception: *nless a +*ardian a77ointed made
1y a 'om7etent 'o*rt is made 7arty t6ereto
Arti'le 4. !6ose sti7*lated in marria+e settlement or
'ontra'ts made in 'onsideration o) marria+e
(donations) 0ill 1e &oid i) marria+e does not
ta(e 7la'e
Exception: sti7*lations t6at donJt de7end on
t6e 'ele1ration o) t6e marria+e s6all remain
))e'ts on 'reditors
Marria+e settlements % Only needs to 1e re+istered in order to 1ind t6ird
7arties. I) re+istered t6ird 7arties 'annot +o a)ter 'on@*+al
Exception to third party rule: I) inde1tedness
1ene)ited to t6e )amily t6en 'an +o a)ter 'omm*nity
o) 7ro7erty.
#o marria+e settlements$
A1sol*te 'omm*nity o)
I) t6ere is no marria+e settlement$
.. I) 7ro7erty is re+istered t6en s7o*se is 1o*nd 1y
2. I) 7ro7erty is not re+istered t6en 7ro7erty is
im7aired and t6e de1tor looses 7eriod o) loan.
Exception to impairment of property: i) de1tor
immediately +i&es ne0 7ro7erty e2*ally satis)a'tory
or +et 'onsent o) N to t6e se'*rity or 'ollateral
already esta1lis6ed- t6en 6e does not loose 7eriod
o) loan.
Art5 82$ Bona"ions b' reason of #arriage are
"%ose) $%i!% are #ade before i"s !elebra"ion) in
!onsidera"ion of "%e sa#e) and in fa(or of one
or bo"% of "%e fu"ure souses.
Art. )!: T%ese dona"ions are go(erned b' "%e
rules on ordinar' dona"ions es"ablis%ed in Ti"le
III of @oo0 III of "%e .i(il .ode) insofar as "%e'
are no" #odified b' "%e follo$ing ar"i!les.
Art. )$: If "%e fu"ure souses agree uon a
regi#e o"%er "%an "%e absolu"e !o##uni"' of
roer"') "%e' !anno" dona"e "o ea!% o"%er in
"%eir #arriage se""le#en"s #ore "%an one8fif"% of
"%eir resen" roer"'. An' e+!ess s%all be
!onsidered (oid.
Bona"ions of fu"ure roer"' s%all be go(erned
b' "%e ro(isions on "es"a#en"ar' su!!ession
.. Donations are to 1e made 7rior to t6e 'ele1ration o)
2. M*st 1e made in )a&or o) . or 1ot6 o) t6e s7o*ses.
Can 1e made 1y a t6ird 7arty in t6e settlement.
Donation bet!een spouses:
.. A &alid marria+e settlement m*st sti7*late
anot6er re+ime t6an A1sol*te Comm*nity o)
Pro7erty (ACP)
2. Donation 'annot 1e more t6an .I/ o) t6e
7resent 7ro7erty o) t6e donee s7o*se.
,. M*st 1e a''e7ted and 'om7ly 0it6 ot6er.
>'e7tion$ .I/ r*le 0ill not a77ly i) donation is in a
se7arate deed- 7ro&ided 6e 6as eno*+6 to s*77ort
6imsel) and t6ose relyin+ on 6im.
.. A''e7ted 7ersonally or
2. Made in li)etime o) donor and
,. Can 1e orally +i&en as lon+ as
0it6 sim*ltaneo*s deli&ery or
do'*ment re7resentin+ ri+6t o)
donated (i) a1o&e /000 t6en m*st
1e in 0ritin+)
..m*st 1e in 7*1li' do'*ment
2. A''e7tan'e made in t6at
do'*ment or se7arate
,. M*st 1e made in li)etime o) donor.
D. So1re7e8a 48
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

and "%e for#ali"ies of $ills. .. Made in )a&or o) t6e
s7o*ses a)ter t6e
'ele1ration o) t6e marria+e
2. >e'*ted in )a&or o) t6e
)*t*re s7o*ses 1*t not in
'onsideration o) marria+e
,. 9ranted to 7ersons ot6er
t6an t6e s7o*ses e&en
t6o*+6 t6ey may 1e
)o*nded on t6e marria+e.
Article )5: Bona"ions b' reason of #arriage of
roer"' sub&e!" "o en!u#bran!es s%all be (alid.
In !ase of fore!losure of "%e en!u#bran!e and
"%e roer"' is sold for less "%an "%e "o"al
a#oun" of "%e obliga"ion se!ured) "%e donee
s%all no" be liable for "%e defi!ien!'. If "%e
roer"' is sold for #ore "%an "%e "o"al a#oun"
of said obliga"ion) "%e donee s%all be en"i"led "o
"%e e+!ess.
#CAMGRA#C$ Anyt6in+ t6at im7airs t6e *se or
trans)er o) 7ro7erty (1*rdened)
% I) t6e o1@e't o) t6e donation is en'*m1ered it is still
&alid 1*t t6e doneeJs ri+6ts is still s*1@e't to t6e
.. Donee 0ont 1e lia1le )or ins*))i'ien'y o) 7ro7erty to
'reditor. !6e donor 0ill still 1e lia1le )or t6at.
2. Donee 'an (ee7 e>'ess i) 7ro7erty more t6an
satis)ies t6e de1t.
,. Donee 'annot as( )or reim1*rsement )rom donor i)
mort+a+e is )ore'losed.
% G*t 0ont 1e lia1le )or de)i'ien'y- and +ets t6e e>'ess i)
sold )or more t6an amo*nt.
Art. )%: A dona"ion b' reason of #arriage #a'
be re(o0ed b' "%e donor in "%e follo$ing !ases:
1. If "%e #arriage is no" !elebra"ed or &udi!iall'
de!lared (oid ab ini"io e+!e" dona"ions #ade in
"%e #arriage se""le#en"s) $%i!% s%all be
go(erned b' Ar"i!le 61?
2. <%en "%e #arriage "a0es la!e $i"%ou" "%e
!onsen" of "%e aren"s or guardian) as re*uired
b' la$?
3. <%en "%e #arriage is annulled) and "%e
donee a!"ed in bad fai"%?
4. Uon legal seara"ion) "%e donee being "%e
guil"' souse?
.. Marria+e is not 'ele1rated or is &oid a1 initio
(in'l*din+ art. /2%/,)
- Marria+e is &oid$ / years )rom 3*di'ial
De'laration o) #*llity (i) doesnJt 0ant to +i&e it
1a'(- 7res'ri1e a)ter 4 years )or mo&a1le- ,0
years )or immo&a1le)
- Marria+e not 'ele1rated$ / years )rom 06en it
0as not 'ele1rated
Exception$ I) t6e donation is in t6e
marria+e settlement it 0ill 1e
re&o(ed 1y o7eration o) la0.
Exception: I) t6e marria+e is &oid
d*e to Arti'le D0- or Arti'le DD- t6en
a*tomati'ally re&o(ed
2. Marria+e ta(es 7la'e 0it6o*t 'onsent o) 7arents
% / years )rom t6e time 6e 6ad (no0led+e t6at 'onsent
0as not o1tained- a)ter t6e marria+e.
D. So1re7e8a 49
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

1. If i" is $i"% a resolu"or' !ondi"ion and "%e
!ondi"ion is !o#lied $i"%?
=. <%en "%e donee %as !o##i""ed an a!" of
ingra"i"ude as se!ified b' "%e ro(isions of "%e
.i(il .ode on dona"ions in general.
,. A7on le+al se7aration 06en donee is t6e +*ilty
- / years )rom )inality o) de'ree.
Exception: i) t6e +ro*nd )or le+al
se7aration is in)idelity in t6e )orm o)
ad*ltery or 'on'*1ina+e it 0ill 1e
a*tomati'ally &oid.
D. ?6en t6ere is a resol*tory 'a*se and t6e
'ondition 6as 1een 'om7lied 0it6
/ years )rom t6e 6a77enin+ o) t6e resol*tory 'ondition.
Exception: 1et0een 6*s1and and
0i)e 7res'ri7tion does not r*n.
F. A'ts o) in+ratit*de$
% Donee 'ommits an o))ense a+ainst t6e 7erson or
7ro7erty o) t6e donor- 6is 0i)e- or '6ildren
% Donee im7*tes to t6e donor any 'riminal o))ense
in&ol&in+ moral t*r7it*de *nless it a+ainst t6e donee
% Donee *nd*ly re)*ses to s*77ort donor 06en 6e is
le+ally or morally 1o*nd to +i&e s*77ort.
% . year )rom t6e time t6e donor 6ad (no0led+e o) t6e
)a't o) in+ratit*de
Art. )(: E(er' dona"ion or gran" of gra"ui"ous
ad(an"age) dire!" or indire!") be"$een "%e
souses during "%e #arriage s%all be (oid)
e+!e" #odera"e gif"s $%i!% "%e souses #a'
gi(e ea!% o"%er on "%e o!!asion of an' fa#il'
re&oi!ing. T%e ro%ibi"ion s%all also al' "o
ersons li(ing "oge"%er as %usband and $ife
$i"%ou" a (alid #arriage.
- ?6at 'onstit*tes a moderate +i)t de7ends on
t6e )inan'ial 'a7a'ity o) t6e donor.
- Ander t6e last senten'e o) Art. 45it m*st 1e
s6o0n t6at t6e donation 0as made at a time
06en t6ey 0ere still li&in+ to+et6er as 6*s1and
and 0i)e 0it6o*t t6e 1ene)it o) marria+e.
- Validity o) donation or trans)er 'annot 1e
'6allen+ed 1y anyone *nless t6ose t6at 0ill 1e
a))e'ted 1y t6e donation.
RSRVA !RO#CAL$ t6e as'endant 06o in6erits )rom
6is des'endant any 7ro7erty 06i'6 t6e later may 6a&e
a'2*ired 1y +rat*ito*s title )rom anot6er as'endant or
si1lin+ is o1li+ed to reser&e s*'6 7ro7erty )or t6e 1ene)it
o) relati&es 0it6in t6e ,
de+ree and 06o 1elon+ to t6e
same line.
>. " is married to ? and 6as a son S. " 6as a 1rot6er
G. " dies and donates to S 6is 7ro7erty. A)ter 06i'6- S
dies 0it6o*t any 6eirs and t6*s t6e 7ro7erty +oes to ?.
I) ? dies t6e 7ro7erty does not +o to 6er 6eir 1*t to G so
4oid Donations: ('onsidered
indire't donations to t6e s7o*se)
.. !o a ste7'6ild 06o 6as no
'om7*lsory or le+al 6eirs
2. !o a 'ommon '6ild 06o 6as
o 'om7*lsory or le+al 6eirs
,. !o t6e 7arents o) t6e ot6er
D. !o t6e ot6er so*seJs
ado7ted '6ild
/. !o 'ommon ado7ted '6ild
06o 6as no ot6er
'om7*lsory and or le+al
D. So1re7e8a 50
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

t6at t6e 7ro7erty stays in t6e same line o) t6e ori+inal
o0ner (on'e o0ed 1y ") and is 0it6in t6e t6ird de+ree o)
Property &e#ime Bhat included Bhat excluded ,otes Char#es i$uidation process
community of
Art. ))$ T%e
!o##uni"' of
roer"' be"$een
souses s%all
!o##en!e a" "%e
re!ise #o#en"
"%a" "%e #arriage is
!elebra"ed. An'
s"iula"ion) e+ress
or i#lied) for "%e
!o##en!e#en" of
"%e !o##uni"'
regi#e a" an' o"%er
"i#e s%all be (oid
(De)a*lt re+ime i)
not6in+ sti7*late C
marria+e a)ter
deat6 0ill
a*tomati'ally 1e
CSP i) t6ere 0as no
7ro7er li2*idation o)
t6e 7ro7erties o)
t6e 7re&io*s
All 7ro7erties
o0ned 1e)ore and
Art. +1: Unless
o"%er$ise ro(ided
in "%is .%a"er or in
"%e #arriage
se""le#en"s) "%e
roer"' s%all
!onsis" of all "%e
roer"' o$ned b'
"%e souses a" "%e
"i#e of "%e
!elebra"ion of "%e
#arriage or
a!*uired "%ereaf"er.
Art. +!: ;roer"'
a!*uired during "%e
#arriage is
resu#ed "o
belong "o "%e
!o##uni"') unless
i" is ro(ed "%a" i" is
one of "%ose
Article C2:
..7ro&ided in marria+e
2. Personal and e>'l*si&e
*se o) eit6er s7o*se
(e>'e7t @e0elry)
% "o0e&er i) e>'l*si&e
7ro7erty is *sed to
7*r'6ase somet6in+ else
s*'6 7ro7erty 1e'omes
7art o) ACP
..Pro7erty a'2*ired 1y
+rat*ito*s title in'l*din+
t6e )r*its and in'ome
A#LSS t6e +*arantor
e>7ressly said t6ey 0ill
)orm 7art o) ACP
% M*st 1e a &alid donation
('ant 1e donation made
1y one s7o*se to
2.Pro7erty a'2*ired 1y
eit6er s7o*se 06o 6as
le#itimate descendants
and t6e )r*its o) t6at
B?innin+s )rom +am1lin+
(losses 1orne 1y looser)
Art5 8C$ ,o $ai(er of rig%"s)
s%ares and effe!"s of "%e
absolu"e !o##uni"' of
roer"' during "%e
#arriage !an be #ade
e+!e" in !ase of &udi!ial
seara"ion of roer"'.
<%en "%e $ai(er "a0es
la!e uon a &udi!ial
seara"ion of roer"') or
af"er "%e #arriage %as been
dissol(ed or annulled) "%e
sa#e s%all aear in a
ubli! ins"ru#en" and s%all
be re!orded as ro(ided in
Ar"i!le 55. T%e !redi"ors of
"%e souse $%o #ade su!%
$ai(er #a' e"i"ion "%e
!our" "o res!ind "%e $ai(er
"o "%e e+"en" of "%e a#oun"
suffi!ien" "o !o(er "%e
a#oun" of "%eir !redi"s.
B #o 0ai&er o) ri+6ts-
interests- s6ares- and
e))e'ts 0it6o*t @*di'ial
se7aration or dissol*tion or
ann*lment o) marria+e C
s6all a77ear in a 7*1li'
instr*ment ('reditors may
res'ind 0ai&er *7 to e>tent
Article C<$
35 S*77ort (s7o*ses-
'ommon P le+itimate
% &en 1eyond a+e o)
25 De1ts P o1li+ations
made 1y 1ot6-
administrator- or 0it6
'onsent o) ot6er s7o*se
(e&en i) did not redo*nd)
95 D P O 0it6o*t 'onsent
1*t redo*nded.
<5 >7enses )or
'omm*nity 7ro7erty
(ta>es- liens- '6ar+es)
:. !a>es P e>7enses )or
7reser&ation d*rin+
marria+e o) se7arate
7ro7erty used 1y )amily
>. >7enses )or sel)%
im7ro&ement or
6. Anten*7tial de1ts
redo*ndin+ to )amily
85 Donation made 1y both
s7o*ses )or '6ildren to
7*rs*e &o'ation or sel)%
C. For ille+itimate '6ildren-
)ines )or 'rimesI2*asi
Art. +(: Ei"%er
souse #a' disose
b' $ill of %is or %er
in"eres" in "%e
!o##uni"' roer"'.
Art. +): ,ei"%er
souse #a' dona"e
an' !o##uni"'
roer"' $i"%ou" "%e
!onsen" of "%e o"%er.
>o$e(er) ei"%er
souse #a') $i"%ou"
"%e !onsen" of "%e
o"%er) #a0e
#odera"e dona"ions
fro# "%e !o##uni"'
roer"' for !%ari"' or
on o!!asions of
fa#il' re&oi!ing or
fa#il' dis"ress
Article CC:
.. Deat6
% Same 7ro'eedin+
as settlement o)
S7o*se s6all li2*idate
7ro7erty i) no @*di'ial
7ro'eedin+ 0it6in .
D. So1re7e8a 51
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Art. +,: T%e
ro(isions on !o8
o$ners%i s%all
al' "o "%e
!o##uni"' of
roer"' be"$een
"%e souses in all
#a""ers no"
ro(ided for in "%is
o) t6e de1t)
Art. +%: T%e ad#inis"ra"ion
and en&o'#en" of "%e
!o##uni"' roer"' s%all
belong "o bo"% souses
&oin"l'. In !ase of
disagree#en") "%e
%usbandAs de!ision s%all
re(ail) sub&e!" "o re!ourse
"o "%e !our" b' "%e $ife for
roer re#ed') $%i!% #us"
be a(ailed of $i"%in fi(e
'ears fro# "%e da"e of "%e
!on"ra!" i#le#en"ing su!%
In "%e e(en" "%a" one
souse is in!aa!i"a"ed or
o"%er$ise unable "o
ar"i!ia"e in "%e
ad#inis"ra"ion of "%e
!o##on roer"ies) "%e
o"%er souse #a' assu#e
sole o$ers of
ad#inis"ra"ion. T%ese
o$ers do no" in!lude
disosi"ion or en!u#bran!e
$i"%ou" au"%ori"' of "%e
!our" or "%e $ri""en !onsen"
of "%e o"%er souse. In "%e
absen!e of su!% au"%ori"'
or !onsen") "%e disosi"ion
or en!u#bran!e s%all be
(oid. >o$e(er) "%e
"ransa!"ion s%all be
!ons"rued as a !on"inuing
offer on "%e ar" of "%e
deli't in 'ase o)
insufficiency. (Ad&an'es)
3D. >7enses )or liti+ation
B Solidary lia1ility does not
in'l*de ante%n*7tial de1ts
not redo*ndin+- s*77ort o)
ille+itimate- lia1ilities t6r*
Art. +5: <%a"e(er #a' be
los" during "%e #arriage in
an' ga#e of !%an!e)
be""ing) s$ees"a0es) or
an' o"%er 0ind of
ga#bling) $%e"%er
er#i""ed or ro%ibi"ed b'
la$) s%all be borne b' "%e
loser and s%all no" be
!%arged "o "%e !o##uni"'
bu" an' $innings
"%erefro# s%all for# ar"
of "%e !o##uni"' roer"'.
year. A)ter . year
'annot may
en'*m1ran'e on
2. Le+al se7aration
D. Ann*lled or &oid
(+o&erned 1y art. .D5
P .D4 e>'e7t i) &oid
*nder Arti'le D0)
/. 3*di'ial se7aration
o) 7ro7erty
F. Rea77earan'e o) a
s7o*se 7res*med
Article 3D2:
.. In&entory (se7arate
and 'omm*nity)
2. DPO o) ACP s6all
1e 7aid o*t- in 'ase
o) ins*))i'ien'y
solidarily lia1le 0it6
se7arate 7ro7erty.
,. >'l*si&e 7ro7
D. #et remainder o)
ACP di&ided e2*ally
*nless di))erent
7ro7ortion in
settlement or 0ai&er.
/. Deli&ery o)
F. Con@*+al d0ellin+
0it6 s7o*se 0it6
most '6ildren
D. So1re7e8a 52
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

!onsen"ing souse and "%e
"%ird erson) and #a' be
erfe!"ed as a binding
!on"ra!" uon "%e
a!!e"an!e b' "%e o"%er
souse or au"%ori/a"ion b'
"%e !our" before "%e offer is
$i"%dra$n b' ei"%er or bo"%
B S7o*ses administer and
en@oy 7ro7erty @ointly.
"*s1and de'ision 7re&ails
s*1@e't to re'o*rse o) 0i)e
0it6in / years )rom date o)
'ontra't im7lementin+
de'ision. GA! i) 0i)e rati)ies
'ontra't e>7ress or im7lied
'ant ann*l anymore.
% I) dis7osition is made
0it6o*t (no0led+e or
'onsent o) ot6er 7erson no
Art. 1,,: T%e seara"ion in fa!" be"$een
%usband and $ife s%all no" affe!" "%e regi#e of
absolu"e !o##uni"' e+!e" "%a":
1.T%e souse $%o lea(es "%e !on&ugal %o#e or
refuses "o li(e "%erein) $i"%ou" &us" !ause) s%all
no" %a(e "%e rig%" "o be suor"ed?
2.<%en "%e !onsen" of one souse "o an'
"ransa!"ion of "%e o"%er is re*uired b' la$)
&udi!ial au"%ori/a"ion s%all be ob"ained in a
su##ar' ro!eeding?
3. In "%e absen!e of suffi!ien" !o##uni"'
roer"') "%e seara"e roer"' of bo"% souses
s%all be solidaril' liable for "%e suor" of "%e
- A1andonment is di))erent )rom se7aration in )a't.
A1andonment 6as to do 0it6 total a1di'ation o) all marital
and 7arental a*t6ority.
% I) t6e s7o*se le)t 0it6 a &alid 'a*se 6e or s6e 'an still
1e s*77orted )rom t6e ACP.
% !6e ACP 'an still 1e lia1le )or o1li+ations in'*rred 1y
t6e se7aratin+ s7o*se t6at may redo*nd to t6e 1ene)it o)
t6e )amily.
% &en t6e +*ilty s7o*se 'an 'om7el t6e sale o) 7ro7erty-
06i'6 0ill redo*nd to t6e 1ene)it o) t6e )amily.
% Only t6e 7resent s7o*se is +i&en standin+ 1y t6e la0 to
)ile a 7etition to en'*m1er or administer t6e 7ro7erty o)
t6e ot6er s7o*se.
D. So1re7e8a 53
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

fa#il'. T%e souse resen" s%all) uon roer
e"i"ion in a su##ar' ro!eeding) be gi(en
&udi!ial au"%ori"' "o ad#inis"er or en!u#ber an'
se!ifi! seara"e roer"' of "%e o"%er souse
and use "%e frui"s or ro!eeds "%ereof "o sa"isf'
"%e la""erAs s%are.
ACP Art. 1,1: If a souse $i"%ou" &us" !ause
abandons "%e o"%er or fails "o !o#l' $i"% %is or
%er obliga"ions "o "%e fa#il') "%e aggrie(ed
souse #a' e"i"ion "%e !our" for re!ei(ers%i)
for &udi!ial seara"ion of roer"' or for au"%ori"'
"o be "%e sole ad#inis"ra"or of "%e absolu"e
!o##uni"') sub&e!" "o su!% re!au"ionar'
!ondi"ions as "%e !our" #a' i#ose.
T%e obliga"ions "o "%e fa#il' #en"ioned in "%e
re!eding aragra% refer "o #ari"al) aren"al or
roer"' rela"ions.
A souse is dee#ed "o %a(e abandoned "%e
o"%er $%en %er or s%e %as lef" "%e !on&ugal
d$elling $i"%ou" in"en"ion of re"urning. T%e
souse $%o %as lef" "%e !on&ugal d$elling for a
eriod of "%ree #on"%s or %as failed $i"%in "%e
sa#e eriod "o gi(e an' infor#a"ion as "o %is or
%er $%ereabou"s s%all be ri#a fa!ie resu#ed
"o %a(e no in"en"ion of re"urning "o "%e !on&ugal
A.A,DO,*E,': Im7lies a de7art*re 1y one s7o*se
0it6 t6e a&o0ed intent ne&er to ret*rn- )ollo0ed 1y
7rolon+ed a1sen'e 0it6o*t @*st 'a*se.
% S6o*ld not only 1e 76ysi'al 1*t also )inan'ial and moral
Partnership of
Art5 3D:: In !ase
"%e fu"ure souses
agree in "%e
se""le#en"s "%a" "%e
regi#e of !on&ugal
Article 3D>:
% Pro'eeds- 7rod*'ts-
)r*its and in'ome
)rom t6eir se7arate
% !6ose a'2*ired 1y
t6eir e))orts or '6an'e
% In'ome and )r*its 1y
+rat*ito*s title (di))
Article 3DC:
.. Gro*+6t into t6e
marria+e as 6is or 6er
2. A'2*ired 1y
+rat*ito*s title
% Gy 0ay o) s*''ession
% "onorari*m (+i&en in
a77re'iation )or
Art5 3D6$ T%e rules
ro(ided in Ar"i!les 66 and
6: s%all also al' "o
!on&ugal ar"ners%i of
Art. 1,): T%e !on&ugal
ar"ners%i s%all be
go(erned b' "%e rules on
Article 323:
..s*77ort o) s7o*se
'ommon and le+itimate
2.DPO 1y admin- 1ot6 or
eit6er s7o*se 0it6 'onsent
o) ot6er.
,.DPO 0it6o*t 'onsent o)
ot6er 1*t redo*ndin+.
Article 32>:
2.Le+al Se7aration
,. Ann*lled or
de'lared &oid.
D.3*di'ial Se7aration
Arti'le .25 and .24$
D. So1re7e8a 54
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

ar"ners%i gains
s%all go(ern "%eir
roer"' rela"ions
during #arriage)
"%e ro(isions in
"%is .%a"er s%all
be of
T%e ro(isions of
"%is .%a"er s%all
also al' "o
ar"ners%is of
gains alread'
be"$een souses
before "%e
effe!"i(i"' of "%is
.ode) $i"%ou"
re&udi!e "o (es"ed
rig%"s alread'
a!*uired in
a!!ordan!e $i"%
"%e .i(il .ode or
o"%er la$s) as
ro(ided in Ar"i!le
Pres*m7tion is t6at
all 7ro7erty
a'2*ired d*rin+
marria+e e&en i) in
t6e name o) one
s7o*se is 'on@*+al
*nless ot6er0ise
)rom ACP)
% Ann*ity$ retirement
on an ann*ity
(re'ei&ed as a matter
o) ri+6t)
%Pension$ serio*s
7re&io*sly rendered
)or 06i'6 )*ll and
'om7ensation 0as
not re'ei&ed at t6e
Article 336:
.. A'2*ired 1y
onero*s title *sin+
'ommon )*nds.
2. O1tained 1y la1or
or ind*stry or 0or(
,. Fr*its- nat*ral-
ind*strial- or 'i&il d*e
re'ei&ed d*rin+
marria+e )rom
'ommon 7ro7
% ,et )r*its o)
e>'l*si&e 7ro7erty
GA! 7ersonal
dama+es are not
D. S6are in 6idden
/. Fis6in+ and
F. >'ess li&esto'(
(t6ose 1ro*+6t in to
t6e marria+e 1y one
0ill reim1*rsed
5. A'2*ired 1y
ser&i'es rendered)
,. A'2*ired 1y ri+6t o)
redem7tion- 1arter-
% &en i) money *sed
to redeem is 'on@*+al
D. Go*+6t 0it6
e>'l*si&e money o)
eit6er s7o*se.
BOnero*s donations
BDesi+nated s6are in
B9rat*ity (amo*nt
+i&en 1y +o1Js )or
7re&io*s 0or()

Art. 11,: T%e souses
re"ain "%e o$ners%i)
ad#inis"ra"ion and
en&o'#en" of "%eir
e+!lusi(e roer"ies.
Ei"%er souse #a')
during "%e #arriage)
"ransfer "%e
ad#inis"ra"ion of %is or
%er e+!lusi(e roer"'
"o "%e o"%er b' #eans
of a ubli! ins"ru#en")
$%i!% s%all be
re!orded in "%e
regis"r' of roer"' of
"%e la!e "%e roer"'
is lo!a"ed.
"%e !on"ra!" of ar"ners%i
in all "%a" is no" in !onfli!"
$i"% $%a" is e+ressl'
de"er#ined in "%is .%a"er
or b' "%e souses in "%eir
#arriage se""le#en"s.
Pro6i1ition on 0ai&er.
BPro7erties 1ro*+6t into
t6e marria+e 1y t6e
'ontra'tin+ 7arties 1elon+
to ea'6 o) t6em
% it6er s7o*se 'an
trans)er admin o) 7ro7 to
ot6er s7o*se t6r* 7*1li'
Art. 11): ;roer"' boug%"
on ins"all#en"s aid ar"l'
fro# e+!lusi(e funds of
ei"%er or bo"% souses and
ar"l' fro# !on&ugal funds
belongs "o "%e bu'er or
bu'ers if full o$ners%i
$as (es"ed before "%e
#arriage and "o "%e
!on&ugal ar"ners%i if
su!% o$ners%i $as
(es"ed during "%e
#arriage. In ei"%er !ase)
an' a#oun" ad(an!ed b'
"%e ar"ners%i or b'
ei"%er or bo"% souses
s%all be rei#bursed b' "%e
o$ner or o$ners uon
li*uida"ion of "%e
D.e>7enses )or 'on@*+al 7ro7
(ta>es- liens)
/.ta>es and e>7enses )or
preservation o) se7arate
7ro7erty (no need )or *se)
F.e>7enses )or s7o*se )or
7ro)ession or sel)%
5.Anten*7tial de1ts
redo*ndin+ to )amily.
4.donation o) 1ot6 )or
'6ildren )or 7ro)ession or
9.e>7enses o) liti+ation
1et0een s7o*ses
,ot to be paid by cp#:
Article 322:
%Payment o) 7ersonal de1ts
'ontra'ted 1y t6e 6*s1and
or 0i)e 1e)ore or d*rin+ t6e
marria+e *nless t6ey
redo*nded to t6e 1ene)it o)
t6e )amily.
"o0e&er- )ines and
indemnities im7osed s*77ort
o) ille+itimate '6ildren 'an
1e 7aid 1y t6e assets
AF!R t6e 7ayment o)
o1li+ations 7ro&ided in Art.
.2.. G*t at t6e time o)
li2*idation t6e s7o*se 06o
*sed s*'6 )*nds 0ill 1e
If char#es are paid; and no
property or insufficient
CP% pays:
%Fines- de1ts before t6e
%Pro&isions on
se7aration in )a't and
a1andonment 6as t6e
same a77li'ation as
in ACP arti'le .00
and .0..
Article 32C:
..In&entory o)
se7arate and
'on@*+al 7ro7
2.Payment o)
,.Reim1*rsement to
t6e s7o*ses.
D.DPO 7aid o*t 1y
CP9- ins*))i'ien'y
solidarily lia1le.
/.e>'l*si&e 7ro7
F.loss or deterioration
o) mo&a1les 7aid
)rom CP9
5.#et remainder to 1e
di&ided (*nless MS
or 0ai&er)
4.Deli&ery o)
7res*m7ti&e le+itimes
9.Con@*+al d0ellin+
Arti'le .,0$ in 'ase o)
deat6 t6e li2*idation
7ro'eedin+ 0ill 1e in
t6e same 7ro'eedin+
as t6e settlement o)
t6e estate o) t6e
de'eased. (Same
D. So1re7e8a 55
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

7ro&ided. '6an'e
Property bou#ht before
but title re#istered after
marria#e: still 'onsidered
e>'l*si&e 7ro7erty e&en i)
s7o*se is made 'o%o0ner
in title ('onsidered a tr*st)
Separate property plus
conEu#al funds to buy a
ne! property: ne0
7ro7erty 0ill 1e 'onsidered
Property bou#ht on
installment partly from
exclusive and partly
from conEu#al: 06en title
0as &ested 0ill +o&ern-
t6en reim1*rse (Art. ..9)
Principal payments and
interest paid to a spouse
durin# marria#e: 7rin'i7al
amt is e>'l*si&e 06ile
interest is 'on@*+al.
%S*77ort o) ille+itimate
BS*1@e't to reim1*rsement
(ACP no need to 7ay o*t all
'6ar+es )irst)
Article 32D
35I) im7ro&ement made 1y
'7 is more t6an &al*e o) t6e
7ro7erty- entire 7ro7erty 0ill
1e 'on@*+al Creim1*rse
25 I) amo*nt is not more t6an
it 0ill still 1e se7arate
7ro7erty s*1@e't to
reim1*rsement to CP9.
(O0ners6i7 0ill &est *7on
Art5 329$ <%a"e(er #a' be
los" during "%e #arriage in
an' ga#e of !%an!e or in
be""ing) s$ees"a0es) or an'
o"%er 0ind of ga#bling
$%e"%er er#i""ed or
ro%ibi"ed b' la$) s%all be
borne b' "%e loser and s%all
no" be !%arged "o "%e
!on&ugal ar"ners%i bu" an'
$innings "%erefro# s%all
for# ar" of "%e !on&ugal
ar"ners%i roer"'.
a77li'ation as in ACP
arti'le .0,)
Art5 399: Fro# "%e
!o##on #ass of
roer"' suor" s%all
be gi(en "o "%e
sur(i(ing souse and
"o "%e !%ildren during
"%e li*uida"ion of "%e
in(en"oried roer"'
and un"il $%a"
belongs "o "%e# is
deli(ered? bu" fro#
"%is s%all be dedu!"ed
"%a" a#oun" re!ei(ed
for suor" $%i!%
e+!eeds "%e frui"s or
ren"s er"aining "o
CP% Art. 11,: T%e souses re"ain "%e o$ners%i)
ossession) ad#inis"ra"ion and en&o'#en" of
"%eir e+!lusi(e roer"ies.
Ei"%er souse #a') during "%e #arriage)
- a'6 s7o*se is to retain o0ners6i7-
administration- 7ossession and en@oyment o)
t6eir e>'l*si&e 7ro7erties.
- Administration in'l*des enterin+ into 'ontra'ts-
en+a+in+ in liti+ation- and 'olle'tion o) )r*its-
D. So1re7e8a 56
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

"ransfer "%e ad#inis"ra"ion of %is or %er
e+!lusi(e roer"' "o "%e o"%er b' #eans of a
ubli! ins"ru#en") $%i!% s%all be re!orded in
"%e regis"r' of roer"' of "%e la!e "%e roer"'
is lo!a"ed.
7ro)its and in'ome arisin+ )rom se7arate
- !6e o0ner s7o*se 'an trans)er administration o)
t6e 7ro7erty not only to t6e ot6er s7o*se 1*t also
to any t6ird 7erson 0it6o*t t6e 'onsent o) t6e
ot6er s7o*se.
CP% Art5 333: A souse of age #a' #or"gage)
en!u#ber) aliena"e or o"%er$ise disose of %is
or %er e+!lusi(e roer"') $i"%ou" "%e !onsen" of
"%e o"%er souse) and aear alone in !our" "o
li"iga"e $i"% regard "o "%e sa#e.
Art5 332: T%e aliena"ion of an' e+!lusi(e
roer"' of a souse ad#inis"ered b' "%e o"%er
au"o#a"i!all' "er#ina"es "%e ad#inis"ra"ion o(er
su!% roer"' and "%e ro!eeds of "%e
aliena"ion s%all be "urned o(er "o "%e o$ner8
- Art. ... is no lon+er ne'essary- as t6e a+e o)
marria+e is also t6e a+e o) eman'i7ation.
- I) t6e o0ner%s7o*se alienates 6is 7ro7erty t6e
administration 1y t6e ot6er s7o*se o&er s*'6
7ro7erty 0ill 'ease and t6e 7ro'eeds 0ill +o to
t6e o0ner.
- !6e o0ner%s7o*se 'annot re&o(e a @*di'ially
a77ro&ed administration 1y t6e ot6er s7o*se o)
6is 7ro7erty 1y alienatin+ it. !6*s to alienate t6e
7ro7erty 6e m*st +et t6e 'onsent o) t6e
administrator%s7o*se or 'o*rt a77ro&al.
CP% Art. 11!: ;roer"' dona"ed or lef" b' $ill "o "%e
souses) &oin"l' and $i"% designa"ion of
de"er#ina"e s%ares) s%all er"ain "o "%e donee8
souses as %is or %er o$n e+!lusi(e roer"')
and in "%e absen!e of designa"ion) s%are and
s%are ali0e) $i"%ou" re&udi!e "o "%e rig%" of
a!!re"ion $%en roer.
Art. 11$: If "%e dona"ions are onerous) "%e
a#oun" of "%e !%arges s%all be borne b' "%e
e+!lusi(e roer"' of "%e donee souse)
$%ene(er "%e' %a(e been ad(an!ed b' "%e
!on&ugal ar"ners%i of gains.
Art. 115: Re"ire#en" benefi"s) ensions)
annui"ies) gra"ui"ies) usufru!"s and si#ilar
benefi"s s%all be go(erned b' "%e rules on
gra"ui"ous or onerous a!*uisi"ions as #a' be
roer in ea!% !ase.
- !6e donor may donate 06ate&er 6e 0is6es to
06ome&er 6e 0ants. !6*s 6e may donate a
7ie'e o) 7ro7erty to 1ot6 s7o*ses @ointly or may
s7e'i)y 6o0 m*'6 o) t6e 7ro7erty s6o*ld +o to
t6e 6*s1and and 6o0 m*'6 s6o*ld +o to t6e
ACCR!IO#$ addition o) 7ro7erty to anot6er 7ro7erty
9eneral r*le$ in a @oint donation one 'annot a''e7t
inde7endently o) 6is 'o%donee *nless it is sti7*lated or
*nless it is 1et0een 6*s1and and 0i)e.
>. D donates land to " and ? 06o are married. D
donates .I, to ? and 2I, to ". I) ? does not a''e7t t6e
donation it 0ill 1e 'onsidered added on to t6e s6are o)
t6e 6*s1and. "o0e&er i) it is a s7e'i)i' desi+nation s*'6
as " 0ill +et a 'ar and ? 0ill +et a 6orse- a''retion 0ill
not a77ly.
% In t6e 'ase o) 0ills )or a''retion to ta(e e))e't- t6e
nat*re o) t6e in6eritan'e m*st 1e ro indi(isio (not
di&ided- t6e terms Q or in e2*al s6ares is does not ma(e
D. So1re7e8a 57
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

it di&ided).
CP% Art. 12$: T%e ad#inis"ra"ion and en&o'#en" of
"%e !on&ugal ar"ners%i s%all belong "o bo"%
souses &oin"l'. In !ase of disagree#en") "%e
%usbandAs de!ision s%all re(ail) sub&e!" "o
re!ourse "o "%e !our" b' "%e $ife for roer
re#ed') $%i!% #us" be a(ailed of $i"%in fi(e
'ears fro# "%e da"e of "%e !on"ra!"
i#le#en"ing su!% de!ision.
In "%e e(en" "%a" one souse is in!aa!i"a"ed or
o"%er$ise unable "o ar"i!ia"e in "%e
ad#inis"ra"ion of "%e !on&ugal roer"ies) "%e
o"%er souse #a' assu#e sole o$ers of
ad#inis"ra"ion. T%ese o$ers do no" in!lude
disosi"ion or en!u#bran!e $i"%ou" au"%ori"' of
"%e !our" or "%e $ri""en !onsen" of "%e o"%er
souse. In "%e absen!e of su!% au"%ori"' or
!onsen") "%e disosi"ion or en!u#bran!e s%all
be (oid. >o$e(er) "%e "ransa!"ion s%all be
!ons"rued as a !on"inuing offer on "%e ar" of
"%e !onsen"ing souse and "%e "%ird erson)
and #a' be erfe!"ed as a binding !on"ra!"
uon "%e a!!e"an!e b' "%e o"%er souse or
au"%ori/a"ion b' "%e !our" before "%e offer is
$i"%dra$n b' ei"%er or bo"% offerors. ?3>:a@
Art. 125: ,ei"%er souse #a' dona"e an'
!on&ugal ar"ners%i roer"' $i"%ou" "%e
!onsen" of "%e o"%er. >o$e(er) ei"%er souse
#a') $i"%ou" "%e !onsen" of "%e o"%er) #a0e
#odera"e dona"ions fro# "%e !on&ugal
ar"ners%i roer"' for !%ari"' or on o!!asions
of fa#il' re&oi!ing or fa#il' dis"ress.
- Any alienation made 1y eit6er s7o*se 0it6o*t t6e
'onsent o) t6e ot6er is in&alid.
- In 'ase t6e 6*s1and dis7oses o) 7ro7erty o&er
t6e o1@e'tion o) t6e 0i)e- t6e 0i)e may )ile a 'ase
to ann*l t6e entire 'ontra't or 7art o) it.
Separation of
Art. 1!$: In "%e
absen!e of an
- !6ey o0n e&eryt6in+ se7arately 1*t still lia1le
)or )amily e>7enses in 7ro7ortion to t6eir in'ome
or in de)a*lt t6ereo) in 7ro7ortion to se7arate
7ro7. G*t lia1ility to t6eir 'reditor is still solidary.
Article 39>: Vol*ntary Se7aration
%S7o*ses may a+ree on t6e se7aration o) t6eir 7ro7erties
0it6 'o*rt a77ro&al- no reason needed. (G*t i) reason is
stated and it is a+ainst 7*1li' 7oli'y t6e 'o*rt 0ill re@e't it)
Article 3<3:
..termination o) 'i&il
D. So1re7e8a 58
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

e+ress de!lara"ion
in "%e #arriage
se""le#en"s) "%e
seara"ion of
roer"' be"$een
souses during "%e
#arriage s%all no"
"a0e la!e e+!e"
b' &udi!ial order.
Su!% &udi!ial
seara"ion of
roer"' #a' ei"%er
be (olun"ar' or for
suffi!ien" !ause.
(Can 1e sti7*lated
in MS 06i'6 s6all
+o&ern and FC 0ill
only 1e
s*77lementary in
nat*re- in t6e
a1sen'e t6erein it
'annot ta(e 7la'e
d*rin+ t6e marria+e
e>'e7t 1y @*di'ial
%May re)er to
7resent or )*t*re
7ro7erty or 1ot6
%May 1e 7artial or
%!6ose not a+reed
as se7arate 0ill 1e
Article 39:: Sufficient cause for Eudicial
separation of property:
.. Ci&il interdi'tion
2. A1sentee s7o*se
%2 years )rom last ne0s a1o*t a1sentee- or /
years i) an administrator 6as 1een le)t.
,. Loss o) 7arental a*t6ority de'reed 1y
'o*rt (termination or de7ri&ation not
mere s*s7ension)
%O&er le+itimate or ille+itimate '6ild 06et6er o)
7re&io*s or 7resent marria+e
D. A1andonment or )ail*re to 'om7ly 0it6
6is or 6er o1li+ations
/. A1*sed 7o0er o) administration
F. Se7aration in )a't )or at least . yr
Art. 1!(: On!e "%e seara"ion of roer"' %as
been de!reed) "%e absolu"e !o##uni"' or "%e
!on&ugal ar"ners%i of gains s%all be li*uida"ed
in !onfor#i"' $i"% "%is .ode.
Buring "%e enden!' of "%e ro!eedings for
seara"ion of roer"') "%e absolu"e !o##uni"'
or "%e !on&ugal ar"ners%i s%all a' for "%e
suor" of "%e souses and "%eir !%ildren.
Art. 1!): Af"er dissolu"ion of "%e absolu"e
!o##uni"' or of "%e !on&ugal ar"ners%i) "%e
ro(isions on !o#le"e seara"ion of roer"'
s%all al'.
Art. 1$$: Seara"ion of roer"' #a' refer "o
resen" or fu"ure roer"' or bo"%. I" #a' be
"o"al or ar"ial. In "%e la""er !ase) "%e roer"'
no" agreed uon as seara"e s%all er"ain "o "%e
absolu"e !o##uni"'.
%Di&ision o) 7ro7erty m*st 1e e2*al *nless t6ere is a
di))erent 7ro7ortion a+reed in MS or 0ai&er.
%!a(es e))e't a)ter @*di'ial order o) de'ree (not si+nin+ o)
%Creditors 0ill 1e listed in 7etition and noti)ied)
%In 7ro'ess deli&ery o) 7res*m7ti&e le+itimes is not
BArt5 3<2: Admin o) e>'l*si&e 7ro7 o) eit6er s7o*se may
1e trans)erred 1y 'o*rt to ot6er s7o*se or i) not 2*ali)ied
to anot6er 7erson 06en$
..s7o*se 1e'omes t6e +*ardian
2.t6e ot6er is @*di'ially de'lared an a1sentee
,.'i&il interdi'tion
D.)*+iti&e )rom @*sti'e- 6idin+ as an a''*sed
Art 3<9: I) t6e 'o*7le 0ants a re+ime o) se7aration o)
7ro7erty t6ey 6a&e to enter into a &alid marria+e
settlement 7rior to t6e marria+e sti7*latin+ s*'6 re+ime.
Art5 3<:: Administration is le)t 0it6 ea'6 s7o*se 0it6
re+ard to 6isI6er o0n 7ro7erty 0it6o*t t6e need )or t6e
'onsent o) t6e ot6er. arnin+s o) ea'6 s6all also 1elon+
to ea'6 s7o*se.
Art5 3<>$ Got6 s7o*ses s6all 1ear t6e )amily e>7enses in
7ro7ortion to t6eir in'ome or t6eir se7arate 7ro7erty.
Lia1ility o) s7o*ses to 'reditors to )amily e>7enses are
solidary (t6ey are 1ot6 lia1le to t6e 'reditor )or t6e 06ole
amo*nt i) t6e 'reditor see(s it )rom one o) t6em. S*'6
s7o*se is entitled to reim1*rsement )rom t6e ot6er
B &en i) t6ere is an a+reement on 7ro7ortion o) s6arin+
et'- it 0ont a))e't t6e 'reditors.
,.'o*rt satis)ied t6at
administration 0ill not
1e a+ain a1*sed
D.Res*m7tion o)
'ommon li)e 0it6
ot6er s7o*se
/.7arental a*t6ority
restored'on'iliation o)
t6ose se7arated in
5.For t6ose 06o
&ol*ntarily se7arated
7ro7erty- a+ree to
re&i&e )ormer
7ro7erty re+ime (1*t
a)ter t6at 'anJt
se7arate 7ro7erty
- Art5 >6 revival:
A+reement *nder
oat6 0ill state$
..7ro7erties to 1e
2.t6ose to 1e retained
as se7arate
,.names o) (no0n
*arria#e !ithout
unions ?#overns
Art5 3<6: <%en a #an and a $o#an $%o are
!aa!i"a"ed "o #arr' ea!% o"%er) li(e e+!lusi(el'
..Ca7a'itated to marry ea'6 ot6er
D. So1re7e8a 59
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

void marria#es@ $i"% ea!% o"%er as %usband and $ife $i"%ou"
"%e benefi" of #arriage or under a (oid
#arriage) "%eir $ages and salaries s%all be
o$ned b' "%e# in e*ual s%ares and "%e
roer"' a!*uired b' bo"% of "%e# "%roug% "%eir
$or0 or indus"r' s%all be go(erned b' "%e rules
on !o8o$ners%i.
In "%e absen!e of roof "o "%e !on"rar')
roer"ies a!*uired $%ile "%e' li(ed "oge"%er
s%all be resu#ed "o %a(e been ob"ained b'
"%eir &oin" effor"s) $or0 or indus"r') and s%all be
o$ned b' "%e# in e*ual s%ares. For uroses
of "%is Ar"i!le) a ar"' $%o did no" ar"i!ia"e in
"%e a!*uisi"ion b' "%e o"%er ar"' of an'
roer"' s%all be dee#ed "o %a(e !on"ribu"ed
&oin"l' in "%e a!*uisi"ion "%ereof if "%e for#erAs
effor"s !onsis"ed in "%e !are and #ain"enan!e of
"%e fa#il' and of "%e %ouse%old.
,ei"%er ar"' !an en!u#ber or disose b' a!"s
in"er (i(os of %is or %er s%are in "%e roer"'
a!*uired during !o%abi"a"ion and o$ned in
!o##on) $i"%ou" "%e !onsen" of "%e o"%er) un"il
af"er "%e "er#ina"ion of "%eir !o%abi"a"ion.
<%en onl' one of "%e ar"ies "o a (oid #arriage
is in good fai"%) "%e s%are of "%e ar"' in bad
fai"% in "%e !o8o$ners%i s%all be forfei"ed in
fa(or of "%eir !o##on !%ildren. In !ase of
defaul" of or $ai(er b' an' or all of "%e !o##on
!%ildren or "%eir des!endan"s) ea!% (a!an"
s%are s%all belong "o "%e rese!"i(e sur(i(ing
des!endan"s. In "%e absen!e of des!endan"s)
su!% s%are s%all belong "o "%e inno!en" ar"'. In
all !ases) "%e forfei"ure s%all "a0e la!e uon
"er#ina"ion of "%e !o%abi"a"ion.
%#ot 'a7a'itated$ in'est*o*s- a+ainst 7*1li' 7oli'y- *nder
.4- 1i+amo*s marria+e e>'l*si&ely 0it6 ea'6 ot6er as 6*s1and and 0i)e
,.?it6o*t 1ene)it o) marria+e or *nder a &oid marria+e.
BIn'l*des marria+es o) 7sy'6olo+i'al in'a7a'ity-
rea77earan'e o) 0i)e- non%li2*idation o) 7ro7erty-
a1sen'e o) )ormal re2*isites.
.. Salaries and 0a+es s6all 1e o0ned 1y e2*al
2. Pro7erty a'2*ired 0it6 e>'l*si&e )*nds is o0ned
1y t6em e>'l*si&ely
,. Pro7erty a'2*ired t6ro*+6 0or( or ind*stry
+o&erned 1y 'o%o0ners6i7
D. Pro7erty a'2*ired 06ile t6ey li&e to+et6er 0ill 1e
o0ned 1y t6em in e2*al s6ares. (Contri1*tion
'an 1e in t6e )orm o) 'are and maintenan'e o)
)amily- 6o*se6old)
/. Fr*its o) se7arate 7ro7erty not 7art o) 'o%
F. Con@*+al 6ome 0ill 1e o0ned e2*ally.
%CanJt en'*m1er or dis7ose o) 6isI6er s6are 0it6o*t
'onsent o) t6e ot6er or a)ter 'o6a1itation.
%Can alienate in )a&or o) t6e ot6er 6is or 6er s6are GA!
'ant 0ai&e any interest in 'o%o0ners6i7
%4oid marria#e: net share of bad faith is forfeited to:
.. Common '6ildren
2. ?ai&er o) 'ommon '6ildren- des'endants
,. A1sen'e o) des'endants- inno'ent 7arty
Void marria+es in'l*ded$
Art. ,F$ 7sy'6olo+i'al in'a7a'ity
Art. DD$ 1ad )ait6 o) 1ot6 s7o*ses in a s*1se2*ent
Art. /,$ non%li2*idation- dissol*tion- distri1*tion o) 7ro7.
!6ose 06ere t6ere is a1sen'e o) 'onsent- a*t6ority o)
solemni:er- li'ense- marria+e 'eremony.
*arria#e !ithout Art5 3<8: In !ases of !o%abi"a"ion no" falling &e$uisites:
D. So1re7e8a 60
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

unions ?#overns
void marria#es@
under "%e re!eding Ar"i!le) onl' "%e roer"ies
a!*uired b' bo"% of "%e ar"ies "%roug% "%eir
a!"ual &oin" !on"ribu"ion of #one') roer"') or
indus"r' s%all be o$ned b' "%e# in !o##on in
roor"ion "o "%eir rese!"i(e !on"ribu"ions. In
"%e absen!e of roof "o "%e !on"rar') "%eir
!on"ribu"ions and !orresonding s%ares are
resu#ed "o be e*ual. T%e sa#e rule and
resu#"ion s%all al' "o &oin" deosi"s of
#one' and e(iden!es of !redi".
If one of "%e ar"ies is (alidl' #arried "o ano"%er)
%is or %er s%are in "%e !o8o$ners%i s%all
a!!rue "o "%e absolu"e !o##uni"' or !on&ugal
ar"ners%i e+is"ing in su!% (alid #arriage. If
"%e ar"' $%o a!"ed in bad fai"% is no" (alidl'
#arried "o ano"%er) %is or %er s%all be forfei"ed
in "%e #anner ro(ided in "%e las" aragra% of
"%e re!eding Ar"i!le.
T%e foregoing rules on forfei"ure s%all li0e$ise
al' e(en if bo"% ar"ies are in bad fai"%
% Co6a1itation not )allin+ *nder arti'le .D5.
% Parties are 'o%o0ners o) 7ro7erty a'2*ired
d*rin+ 'o6a1itation only *7on 7roo) t6at ea'6 o)
t6em made an a't*al 'ontri1*tion.
.. Salaries and 0a+es are se7arately o0nedK i)
eit6er is married t6e salaries +o to t6at marria+e.
2. Pro7erty a'2*ired 1y t6e money o) one- 1elon+s
to t6at 7erson e>'l*si&ely
,. Only 7ro7erties a'2*ired 1y 1ot6 o) t6em t6ro*+6
@oint 'ontri1*tion 0ill 1e o0ned 1y t6e in 'ommon
in 7ro7ortion to 06at t6ey +a&e (money- 7ro7erty-
or ind*stry C 1*t 'ant 1e mere 'are and
maintenan'e o) )amilyI6o*se6old). (Pres*m7tion
is t6at s6ares o&er 7ro7erty o0ned is e2*al
s6ares 1*t 'an 1e re1*tted t6ro*+6 7roo)
s6o0in+ ot6er0ise.
D. I) one o) t6e 7arties is &alidly married- t6at
7ersonJs s6are in t6e 'o%o0ners6i7 0ill a''r*e to
t6e marria+e.
Gad )ait6$ net share of bad faith is forfeited to:
.. Common '6ildren
2. ?ai&er o) 'ommon '6ildren- des'endants
,. A1sen'e o) des'endants- inno'ent 7arty
% I) 1ot6 are in 1ad )ait6 t6ey s6all 1e 'onsidered as in
+ood )ait6 and t6eir s6ares s6all +o to t6em.
Exception to insolvency: i) redo*nded to t6e 1ene)it o) t6e )amily t6en t6e 7ro7erty 'an 1e assi+ned )or 7ayment o) insol&en'y
% Administration is @oint 1y 1ot6 s7o*ses- 6*s1ands de'ision 0ill 7re&ail s*1@e't to re'o*rse 1y t6e 0i)e 0it6in / years )rom t6e 'ontra't
im7lementin+ t6e de'ision. Contra't 0ill 1e a 'ontin*in+ o))er *7on a''e7tan'e 1y ot6er s7o*se or 'o*rt order.
Art. 1$+: T%e fa#il') being "%e founda"ion of "%e na"ion)
is a basi! so!ial ins"i"u"ion $%i!% ubli! oli!' !%eris%es
% Paramo*nt im7ortan'e is +i&en to t6e )amily as
7ro&ided in t6e .945 'onstit*tion.
D. So1re7e8a 61
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

and ro"e!"s. .onse*uen"l') fa#il' rela"ions are
go(erned b' la$ and no !us"o#) ra!"i!e or agree#en"
des"ru!"i(e of "%e fa#il' s%all be re!ogni/ed or gi(en
% Family relations are +o&erned t la0 and no '*stom
or 7ra'ti'e destr*'ti&e o) t6e )amily 0ill 1e
Art. 15,: Fa#il' rela"ions in!lude "%ose:
1. @e"$een %usband and $ife?
2. @e"$een aren"s and !%ildren?
3. A#ong bro"%ers and sis"ers) $%e"%er of "%e full or
Art. 151: ,o sui" be"$een #e#bers of "%e sa#e fa#il'
s%all roser unless i" s%ould aear fro# "%e (erified
!o#lain" or e"i"ion "%a" earnes" effor"s "o$ard a
!o#ro#ise %a(e been #ade) bu" "%a" "%e sa#e %a(e
failed. If i" is s%o$n "%a" no su!% effor"s $ere in fa!"
#ade) "%e sa#e !ase #us" be dis#issed.
T%is rules s%all no" al' "o !ases $%i!% #a' no" be "%e
sub&e!" of !o#ro#ise under "%e .i(il .ode
% Any 7erson not in'l*ded in t6e en*meration 'annot
1e 'onsidered as 0it6in t6e term <)amily relations.=
% Ge)ore a s*it 'an 1e )iled 1y 7eo7le 1elon+in+ to
t6e same )amily as 7ro&ided in Art. ./0- earnest
e))orts m*st 1e made to settle t6e 'ase ami'a1ly.
Barnest e))ort s meant )or 'i&il a'tions only.
!6e )ollo0in+ are e>'*sed )rom 'riminal lia1ility (only 'i&il
lia1ility in'*rred) )or t6e)t- s0indlin+ or mali'io*s mis'6ie)$
.. S7o*ses- as'endants- and des'endents or
relati&es 1y a))inity in t6e same line.
2. !6e 0ido0ed s7o*se 0it6 res7e't to t6e 7ro7erty
o) t6e de'eased GFOR someone else 7ossess
,. Grot6ers and sisters and 1rot6ers%in%la0 and
sisters%in%la0 i) t6ey are li&in+ to+et6er.
>em7tion is not a77li'a1le to stran+ers
7arti'i7atin+ t6erein.
Pres'ri7tion does not r*n 1et0een 6*s1and and 0i)e-
7arents and '6ildren d*rin+ t6e latterJs minority or insanity-
and 1et0een +*ardian and 0ard d*rin+ t6e +*ardians6i7.
>'e7tion to earnest
% arnest e))ort is not
re2*ired i) in'l*ded in t6e
s*it 1et0een )amily
mem1ers is a stran+er
not o) t6e same )amily.
% Does not a77ly to
'ases- 06i'6 may not 1e
% Does not a77ly to
settlement o) estate
+*ardians6i7- '*stody o)
'6ildren- and 6a1eas
Art. 152: T%e fa#il' %o#e) !ons"i"u"ed &oin"l' b' "%e
%usband and "%e $ife or b' an un#arried %ead of a
fa#il') is "%e d$elling %ouse $%ere "%e' and "%eir fa#il'
reside) and "%e land on $%i!% i" is si"ua"ed.
Art. 15!: T%e fa#il' %o#e is dee#ed !ons"i"u"ed on a
%ouse and lo" fro# "%e "i#e i" is o!!uied as a fa#il'
residen!e. Fro# "%e "i#e of i"s !ons"i"u"ion and so long
as an' of i"s benefi!iaries a!"uall' resides "%erein) "%e
fa#il' %o#e !on"inues "o be su!% and is e+e#" fro#
e+e!u"ion) for!ed sale or a""a!%#en" e+!e" as
% "ome is deemed 'onstit*ted )orm t6e time it is
a't*ally resided *7on and o''*7ied 1y t6e )amily.
#o need )or @*di'ial or e>tra@*di'ial re2*irement-
deemed 'onstit*ted 1y o7eration o) la0.
% !6ere m*st 1e t6e element o) 7ermanen'e (t6*s a
1oat on 0ater 'annot 1e 'onsidered a )amily 6ome)
% M*st 1e 'onstit*ted 1y 1ot6 6*s1and and 0i)e
@ointly- t6e *nmarried 6ead o) t6e )amily- or t6e
o''*7an'y o) 1ene)i'iaries in a 6ome 'an 1e
'onstit*ted as a )amily 6ome.
% !6e )amily 6ome is e>em7t )rom e>e'*tion- )or'ed
B >em7tion )rom
e>e'*tion is not a1sol*te
as it is s*1@e't to 'ertain
limitation s*'6 as
inde1tedness in 'ertain
instan'es (to 1e
dis'*ssed in t6e ne>t
D. So1re7e8a 62
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

%ereinaf"er ro(ided and "o "%e e+"en" of "%e (alue
allo$ed b' la$.
sale or atta'6ment as 7ro&ided 1y la0
Art. 15$: T%e benefi!iaries of a fa#il' %o#e are:
1. T%e %usband and $ife) or an un#arried erson $%o is
"%e %ead of a fa#il'? and
2. T%eir aren"s) as!endan"s) des!endan"s) bro"%ers
and sis"ers) $%e"%er "%e rela"ions%i be legi"i#a"e or
illegi"i#a"e) $%o are li(ing in "%e fa#il' %o#e and $%o
deend uon "%e %ead of "%e fa#il' for legal suor"
% !6e a't*al o''*7an'y o) t6e 1ene)i'iaries in a
6ome may 'onstit*te t6e same as a )amily 6ome
as lon+ as t6ey 6a&e t6e 'onsent o) t6e 6*s1and or
0i)e 06o o0n t6e 6o*se and lot e&en i) t6e o0ners
do not reside in t6em.
Art. 155: T%e fa#il' %o#e s%all be e+e#" fro#
e+e!u"ion) for!ed sale or a""a!%#en" e+!e":
1. For nona'#en" of "a+es?
2. For deb"s in!urred rior "o "%e !ons"i"u"ion of "%e
fa#il' %o#e?
3. For deb"s se!ured b' #or"gages on "%e re#ises
before or af"er su!% !ons"i"u"ion? and
4. For deb"s due "o laborers) #e!%ani!s) ar!%i"e!"s)
builders) #a"erial #en and o"%ers $%o %a(e rendered
ser(i!e or furnis%ed #a"erial for "%e !ons"ru!"ion of "%e
% !6e 06ole &al*e o) t6e )amily 6ome may 1e *sed
to 7ay o1li+ations *nder Art. .//.
Art. 15%: T%e fa#il' %o#e #us" be ar" of "%e roer"ies
of "%e absolu"e !o##uni"' or "%e !on&ugal ar"ners%i)
or of "%e e+!lusi(e roer"ies of ei"%er souse $i"% "%e
la""erAs !onsen". I" #a' also be !ons"i"u"ed b' an
un#arried %ead of a fa#il' on %is or %er o$n roer"'.
,e(er"%eless) roer"' "%a" is "%e sub&e!" of a
!ondi"ional sale on ins"all#en"s $%ere o$ners%i is
reser(ed b' "%e (endor onl' "o guaran"ee a'#en" of
"%e ur!%ase ri!e #a' be !ons"i"u"ed as a fa#il' %o#e.
% !6e )amily 6ome m*st 1e 'onstit*ted at a 7la'e
06ere t6ere is a )i>ed and 7ermanent 'onne'tion
0it6 t6e 7ersons 'onstit*tin+ it.
#ot 'onsidered$
.. Goat or &essel
2. A7artment or 6o*se 1ein+ rented
,. "o*se on anot6erJs 7ro7erty
Considered$ Pro7erty 06ere o0ners6i7 is reser&ed to
t6e one ma(in+ t6e )amily 6ome.
Art. 15(: T%e a!"ual (alue of "%e fa#il' %o#e s%all no"
e+!eed) a" "%e "i#e of i"s !ons"i"u"ion) "%e a#oun" of "%e
"%ree %undred "%ousand esos in urban areas) and "$o
%undred "%ousand esos in rural areas) or su!%
a#oun"s as #a' %ereaf"er be fi+ed b' la$.
In an' e(en") if "%e (alue of "%e !urren!' !%anges af"er
"%e ado"ion of "%is .ode) "%e (alue #os" fa(orable for
"%e !ons"i"u"ion of a fa#il' %o#e s%all be "%e basis of
% !6ose a1o&e t6e amo*nt sti7*lated (,00-000 in
*r1an- 200-000 in r*ral) 0ill not 1e e>em7t )rom
e>e'*tion )or'ed sale or atta'6ment.
% Prior to t6e )amily 'ode 'onstit*tion o) a )amily
6ome 0as not a*tomati' t6ere 0as a need to )ile
)or s*'6. I) 7rior to t6e )amily 'ode t6ere are 'ertain
6o*ses )allin+ *nder t6e &al*e o) a )amily 6ome at
t6e time o) t6e 'onstit*tion o) t6e )amily 'ode (A*+.
D. So1re7e8a 63
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

For uroses of "%is Ar"i!le) urban areas are dee#ed "o
in!lude !%ar"ered !i"ies and #uni!iali"ies $%ose annual
in!o#e a" leas" e*uals "%a" legall' re*uired for !%ar"ered
!i"ies. All o"%ers are dee#ed "o be rural areas.
,- .944) 7ro&ided )or t6e )amily 6ome is deemed
a*tomati'ally 'onstit*ted.
Art. 15): T%e fa#il' %o#e #a' be sold) aliena"ed)
dona"ed) assigned or en!u#bered b' "%e o$ner or
o$ners "%ereof $i"% "%e $ri""en !onsen" of "%e erson
!ons"i"u"ing "%e sa#e) "%e la""erAs souse) and a #a&ori"'
of "%e benefi!iaries of legal age. In !ase of !onfli!") "%e
!our" s%all de!ide
?ritten 'onsent needed )or t6e dis7osition o) t6e )amily
.. Persons 'onstit*tin+ t6e )amily 6ome
2. LatterJs s7o*se
,. Ma@ority o) 1ene)i'iaries o) le+al a+e
Art. 15+: T%e fa#il' %o#e s%all !on"inue desi"e "%e
dea"% of one or bo"% souses or of "%e un#arried %ead
of "%e fa#il' for a eriod of "en 'ears or for as long as
"%ere is a #inor benefi!iar') and "%e %eirs !anno"
ar"i"ion "%e sa#e unless "%e !our" finds !o#elling
reasons "%erefor. T%is rule s%all al' regardless of
$%oe(er o$ns "%e roer"' or !ons"i"u"ed "%e fa#il'
% Se'*rity o) t6e )amily is t6e 'on'ern o) t6e la0 t6*s
t6ey 7ro&ide )or a .0 year 7eriod des7ite t6e deat6
o) t6e 7erson 06o 'onstit*ted t6e )amily 6ome.
F*rt6ermore t6e 6eirs 'annot 7artition t6e same
*nless t6e 'o*rt )inds 'om7ellin+ reasons
Art. 1%,: <%en a !redi"or $%ose !lai#s is no" a#ong
"%ose #en"ioned in Ar"i!le 111 ob"ains a &udg#en" in %is
fa(or) and %e %as reasonable grounds "o belie(e "%a" "%e
fa#il' %o#e is a!"uall' $or"% #ore "%an "%e #a+i#u#
a#oun" fi+ed in Ar"i!le 115) %e #a' al' "o "%e !our"
$%i!% rendered "%e &udg#en" for an order dire!"ing "%e
sale of "%e roer"' under e+e!u"ion. T%e !our" s%all so
order if i" finds "%a" "%e a!"ual (alue of "%e fa#il' %o#e
e+!eeds "%e #a+i#u# a#oun" allo$ed b' la$ as of "%e
"i#e of i"s !ons"i"u"ion. If "%e in!reased a!"ual (alue
e+!eeds "%e #a+i#u# allo$ed in Ar"i!le 115 and resul"s
fro# subse*uen" (olun"ar' i#ro(e#en"s in"rodu!ed b'
"%e erson or ersons !ons"i"u"ing "%e fa#il' %o#e) b'
"%e o$ner or o$ners of "%e roer"') or b' an' of "%e
benefi!iaries) "%e sa#e rule and ro!edure s%all al'.
A" "%e e+e!u"ion sale) no bid belo$ "%e (alue allo$ed for
a fa#il' %o#e s%all be !onsidered. T%e ro!eeds s%all
% Gidders 'annot 1id 1elo0 t6e amo*nt o) ,00-000
% I) t6e 6o*se is sold- ,00-000 is +i&en to t6e o0ner
o) t6e 6o*se and t6e 1alan'e to t6e 'reditor to
satis)y 6is de1t. !6is 6a77ens e&en i) t6e de1t is
not )*lly satis)ied. (Idea is to +i&e ,00-000 so t6at
t6e de1tor 'an 1*y a 6o*se) !6is 6o0e&er does not
a77ly 06en i) t6e 'reditor is one o) t6ose
mentioned in Arti'le .// (t6e de1t m*st 1e satis)ied
e&en i) not6in+ is le)t 0it6 t6e o0ner).
D. So1re7e8a 64
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

be alied firs" "o "%e a#oun" #en"ioned in Ar"i!le 115)
and "%en "o "%e liabili"ies under "%e &udg#en" and "%e
!os"s. T%e e+!ess) if an') s%all be deli(ered "o "%e
&udg#en" deb"or.
Art. 1%1: For uroses of a(ailing of "%e benefi"s of a fa#il' %o#e as ro(ided for in "%is .%a"er) a erson #a'
!ons"i"u"e) or be "%e benefi!iar' of) onl' one fa#il' %o#e.
Art. 1%2: T%e ro(isions in "%is .%a"er s%all also go(ern e+is"ing fa#il' residen!es insofar as said ro(isions are
C6ildren 'on'ei&ed or 1orn d*rin+ t6e
C6ildren 1orn or 'on'ei&ed o*tside a &alid
marria+e or in a &oid marria+e *nless
ot6er0ise 7ro&ided
C6ildren as a res*lt o) arti)i'ial insemination
are le+itimate 7ro&ided t6at 1ot6 a*t6ori:ed or
rati)ied t6e insemination in a 0ritten instr*ment
si+ned 1y 1ot6 o) t6em 1e)ore t6e 1irt6 o) t6e
'6ild (re+istered 0it6 t6e 1irt6 'erti)i'ate). I
I) t6e re2*isites are not )ollo0ed and t6e )at6er
does not im7*+n t6e le+itima'y o) t6e '6ild- t6e
'6ild s6all still 1e 'onsidered le+itimate.
I) 6*s1and is a1le to im7*+n le+itima'y
0it6 re+ards to 6im '6ild 0ill sim7ly not 1e
related- 1*t in relation to t6e mom t6e '6ild
0ill 1e 'onsidered ille+itimate
Art5 3>9$ T%e filia"ion of !%ildren #a' be b' na"ure
or b' ado"ion. ,a"ural filia"ion #a' be legi"i#a"e or
% Paternity and )iliation re)er to t6e relations6i7 or tie- 06i'6
e>ists 1et0een 7arents and t6eir '6ildren.
Art. 1%$: .%ildren !on!ei(ed or born during "%e
#arriage of "%e aren"s are legi"i#a"e.
.%ildren !on!ei(ed as a resul" of ar"ifi!ial
inse#ina"ion of "%e $ife $i"% "%e ser# of "%e
%usband or "%a" of a donor or bo"% are li0e$ise
legi"i#a"e !%ildren of "%e %usband and %is $ife)
ro(ided) "%a" bo"% of "%e# au"%ori/ed or ra"ified
su!% inse#ina"ion in a $ri""en ins"ru#en" e+e!u"ed
and signed b' "%e# before "%e bir"% of "%e !%ild. T%e
ins"ru#en" s%all be re!orded in "%e !i(il regis"r'
"oge"%er $i"% "%e bir"% !er"ifi!a"e of "%e !%ild.
% Ille+itimate '6ildren are t6ose 'on'ei&ed and 1orn
o*tside a &alid marria+e or inside a &oid marria+e.
AR!IFICIAL I#SMI#A!IO#$ 0i)e is arti)i'ially im7re+nated
0it6 t6e semen o) 6er 6*s1and or 0it6 t6e semen o) a t6ird
% C6ild o) arti)i'ial insemination is 'onsidered
le+itimate 7ro&ided t6at 1ot6 t6e 6*s1and and 0i)e
a*t6ori:e or rati)y s*'6 insemination in a 0ritten
instr*ment and si+ned 1y t6em 1e)ore t6e 1irt6 o)
t6e '6ild and t6at it is re'orded in t6e 'i&il re+istry
to+et6er 0it6 t6e 1irt6 'erti)i'ate o) t6e '6ild.
D. So1re7e8a 65
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Art. 1%5: .%ildren !on!ei(ed and born ou"side a
(alid #arriage are illegi"i#a"e) unless o"%er$ise
ro(ided in "%is .ode.
% I) t6e re2*irements +i&en are not )ollo0ed and t6e
6*s1and does not im7*+n t6e le+itima'y o) t6e
'6ild on +ro*nds 7ro&ided 1y la0 0it6in t6e
7res'ri7ti&e 7eriod t6e '6ild 0ill still 1e 'onsidered
Art5 3>>: -egi"i#a!' of a !%ild #a' be i#ugned
onl' on "%e follo$ing grounds:
1. T%a" i" $as %'si!all' i#ossible for "%e %usband
"o %a(e se+ual in"er!ourse $i"% %is $ife $i"%in "%e
firs" 129 da's of "%e 399 da's $%i!% i##edia"el'
re!eded "%e bir"% of "%e !%ild be!ause of:
2a3 "%e %'si!al in!aa!i"' of "%e %usband "o
%a(e se+ual in"er!ourse $i"% %is $ife?
2b3 "%e fa!" "%a" "%e %usband and $ife $ere
li(ing seara"el' in su!% a $a' "%a"
se+ual in"er!ourse $as no" ossible? or
2!3 serious illness of "%e %usband) $%i!%
absolu"el' re(en"ed se+ual in"er!ourse?
2.T%a" i" is ro(ed "%a" for biologi!al or o"%er
s!ien"ifi! reasons) "%e !%ild !ould no" %a(e been "%a"
of "%e %usband) e+!e" in "%e ins"an!e ro(ided in
"%e se!ond aragra% of Ar"i!le 1=4? or
3. T%a" in !ase of !%ildren !on!ei(ed "%roug%
ar"ifi!ial inse#ina"ion) "%e $ri""en au"%ori/a"ion or
ra"ifi!a"ion of ei"%er aren" $as ob"ained "%roug%
#is"a0e) fraud) (iolen!e) in"i#ida"ion) or undue
%rounds to impu#n le#itimacy of the child:
1. P6ysi'ally im7ossi1le )or 6*s1and to 6a&e se>*al
inter'o*rse 0it6 0i)e 0it6in t6e )irst .20 days o) t6e
,00 days immediately 7re'edin+ t6e 1irt6 o) '6ild
d*e to$
a. P6ysi'al in'a7a'ity
1. Li&in+ se7arately$ m*st 1e li&in+ in s*'6 a
0ay t6at se>*al inter'o*rse is im7ossi1le.
(Mere remoteness is not s*))i'ient)
'. Serio*s illness
% ?6en a '6ild is 1orn inside a marria+e- se>*al inter'o*rse
is 7res*med to 6a&e o''*rred 1et0een t6e 6*s1and and
0i)e 0it6in t6e )irst .20 days o) t6e ,00%day 7eriod 1e)ore
t6e 1irt6 o) t6e '6ild. (Lon+est +estation 7eriod)
2. Giolo+i'al or s'ienti)i' reasons t6e '6ild 'o*ld not
6a&e 1een t6at o) t6e 6*s1and (e>'e7t )or arti)i'ial
insemination);i) )or 1iolo+i'al reasons o))s7rin+
'o*ld not 6a&e 1een t6at o) t6e 6*s1and li(e i) t6e
'6ild 0as a di))erent ra'e )rom t6e )at6erJs.
% Vase'tomy is not eno*+6 7roo) 1e'a*se t6ere are times
06en t6e s7erm 'an re%'6annel itsel) and e))e't )ertili:ation.
3. In 'ase o) arti)i'ial insemination t6e a*t6ori:ation or
rati)i'ation 0as o1tained t6ro*+6 mista(e- )ra*d-
&iolen'e or intimidation or *nd*e in)l*en'e.
B In t6e e&ent t6at any o) t6e +ro*nds are 7ro&en- t6e '6ild
0ill not 1e 'onsidered le+itimate or ille+itimate 1*t t6at
sim7ly t6e 6*s1and and '6ild are not related. In so )ar as
t6e mot6er is 'on'erned t6e '6ild 0ill 1e 'onsidered
% Pres*m7tion is in )a&or o) le+itima'y.
Art. 1%(: T%e !%ild s%all be
!onsidered legi"i#a"e
al"%oug% "%e #o"%er #a'
%a(e de!lared agains" i"s
legi"i#a!' or #a' %a(e been
sen"en!ed as an adul"eress.
B&en i) 0i)e im7*+ns
le+itima'y- '6ild is still
le+itimate- only 6*s1and and
in 7ro7er 'ases t6e 6eirs 'an
im7*+n t6e le+itima'y.
0nless: s6e did not deli&er
t6e '6ild 6ersel)- or did not
'ome )rom 6er o0n 0om1.
Art. 1%): If "%e #arriage is "er#ina"ed and "%e A Merely s*77letory- i) t6ere is 1etter 7roo) t6en s*'6 s6o*ld
D. So1re7e8a 66
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

#o"%er !on"ra!"ed ano"%er #arriage $i"%in "%ree
%undred da's af"er su!% "er#ina"ion of "%e for#er
#arriage) "%ese rules s%all go(ern in "%e absen!e of
roof "o "%e !on"rar':
1. A !%ild born before one %undred eig%"' da's af"er
"%e sole#ni/a"ion of "%e subse*uen" #arriage is
!onsidered "o %a(e been !on!ei(ed during "%e
for#er #arriage) ro(ided i" be born $i"%in "%ree
%undred da's af"er "%e "er#ina"ion of "%e for#er
2. A !%ild born af"er one %undred eig%"' da's
follo$ing "%e !elebra"ion of "%e subse*uen" #arriage
is !onsidered "o %a(e been !on!ei(ed during su!%
#arriage) e(en "%oug% i" be born $i"%in "%e "%ree
%undred da's af"er "%e "er#ina"ion of "%e for#er
1e a''e7ted.
% Se>*al inter'o*rse is 7res*med 1et0een s7o*ses d*rin+
t6eir marria+e.
% I) '6ild is 1orn 0it6in .40 days a)ter t6e se'ond
marria+e and 0it6in ,00 days a)ter t6e termination
o) t6e )irst marria+e t6e '6ild s6all 1e 'onsidered to
6a&e 1een 'on'ei&ed o) t6e )irst marria+e *nless
ot6er 7roo) is +i&en.
% I) t6e '6ild is 1orn a)ter .40 days a)ter t6e se'ond
marria+e t6e '6ild s6all 1e 'onsidered to 6a&e
1een 'on'ei&ed o) t6e se'ond marria+e *nless
ot6er 7roo) is +i&en.
BG*t eit6er 0ay t6e '6ild is still le+itimate.
Art. 1%+: T%e legi"i#a!' or illegi"i#a!' of a !%ild
born af"er "%ree %undred da's follo$ing "%e
"er#ina"ion of "%e #arriage s%all be ro(ed b'
$%oe(er alleges su!% legi"i#a!' or illegi"i#a!'.
- I) t6ere is no s*1se2*ent marria+e a)ter ,00 days a)ter t6e
termination o) t6e marria+e t6ere is no 7res*m7tion and
t6*s 'on&in'in+ 7roo) is ne'essary.
Art. 1(,: T%e a!"ion "o i#ugn "%e legi"i#a!' of "%e
!%ild s%all be broug%" $i"%in one 'ear fro# "%e
0no$ledge of "%e bir"% or i"s re!ording in "%e !i(il
regis"er) if "%e %usband or) in a roer !ase) an' of
%is %eirs) s%ould reside in "%e !i"' or #uni!iali"'
$%ere "%e bir"% "oo0 la!e or $as re!orded.
If "%e %usband or) in %is defaul") all of %is %eirs do
no" reside a" "%e la!e of bir"% as defined in "%e firs"
aragra% or $%ere i" $as re!orded) "%e eriod s%all
be "$o 'ears if "%e' s%ould reside in "%e ;%iliines?
and "%ree 'ears if abroad. If "%e bir"% of "%e !%ild %as
been !on!ealed fro# or $as un0no$n "o "%e
%usband or %is %eirs) "%e eriod s%all be !oun"ed
fro# "%e dis!o(er' or 0no$ledge of "%e bir"% of "%e
!%ild or of "%e fa!" of regis"ra"ion of said bir"%)
$%i!%e(er is earlier.
Prescription for impu#nin# the le#itimacy of the child
.. ?it6in one year )rom t6e (no0led+e o) t6e 1irt6 or
its re'ordin+ i) 6*s1and resides in 'ity 06ere 1irt6
too( 7la'e or re'orded.
2. ?it6in 2 years- i) t6e 6*s1and li&es else06ere in
t6e P6ili77ines.
,. ?it6in , years- i) 6e li&es a1road
D. I) t6e 1irt6 o) t6e '6ild 6as 1een 'on'ealed-
7res'ri7tion 0ill 1e+in )rom t6e dis'o&ery or
(no0led+e o) 1irt6 o) '6ild or t6e )a't o) re+istration
o) t6e 1irt6 (06i'6e&er is earlier).
BIt is )rom t6e (no0led+e o)
t6e '6ildJs birth not t6e
(no0led+e t6at it is not 6is
B&en i) t6e 1irt6 0as
'on'ealed- i) it 0as
re+istered and t6e )at6er did
not im7*+n t6e '6ildJs
le+itima'y d*rin+ t6e 7eriod
7ro&ided t6en t6e '6ild is
le+itimate. (Cannot im7*+n
sin'e re+istry is earlier)
D. So1re7e8a 67
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Art. 1(1: T%e %eirs of "%e %usband #a' i#ugn "%e
filia"ion of "%e !%ild $i"%in "%e eriod res!ribed in
"%e re!eding ar"i!le onl' in "%e follo$ing !ases:
1. If "%e %usband s%ould died before "%e e+ira"ion
of "%e eriod fi+ed for bringing %is a!"ion?
2. If %e s%ould die af"er "%e filing of "%e !o#lain"
$i"%ou" %a(ing desis"ed "%erefro#? or
3. If "%e !%ild $as born af"er "%e dea"% of "%e
- Le+itima'y 'annot 1e 'ollaterally atta'(ed or im7*+ned.
Prin'i7ally only t6e 6*s1and 'an )ile a dire't a'tion to
im7*+n t6e le+itima'y o) t6e '6ild e&en i) t6e '6ild is not
% !6e 6eirs are mere s*1stit*tes o) t6e 6*s1and and 'annot
)ile t6e a'tion i) t6e 6*s1and 6imsel) )ailed to )ile s*'6
a'tion des7ite (no0led+e o) t6e ille+itima'y 0it6in t6e
7res'ri1ed 7eriod.
Art. 1(2: T%e filia"ion of legi"i#a"e !%ildren is
es"ablis%ed b' an' of "%e follo$ing:
1. T%e re!ord of bir"% aearing in "%e !i(il regis"er
or a final &udg#en"? or
2. An ad#ission of legi"i#a"e filia"ion in a ubli!
do!u#en" or a ri(a"e %and$ri""en ins"ru#en" and
signed b' "%e aren" !on!erned.
In "%e absen!e of "%e foregoing e(iden!e) "%e
legi"i#a"e filia"ion s%all be ro(ed b':
1. T%e oen and !on"inuous ossession of "%e
s"a"us of a legi"i#a"e !%ild? or
2. An' o"%er #eans allo$ed b' "%e Rules of .our"
and se!ial la$s.
- !6e re'ord o) 1irt6 a77earin+ in t6e 'i&il re+istry s6o*ld
6a&e t6e 6*s1andJs si+nat*re and s*'6 1irt6 'erti)i'ate
si+ned 1y t6e 7arents is ade2*ate 7roo) o) 7aternity 0it6o*t
need )or )*rt6er 'o*rt a'tion.
% Admission in 7*1li' or 7ri&ate 6and0ritten do'*ment is a
'om7lete a't o) re'o+nition 0it6o*t need )or 'o*rt a'tion
A mere instr*ment not in t6e 6and0ritin+ o
t6e 7arent or not a 7*1li' instr*ment 0ill not
% O7en 'ontin*o*s 7ossession means t6e )at6er treats t6e
'6ild as 6is o0n dire'tly and not t6ro*+6 ot6ers-
s7ontaneo*sly and 0it6o*t 'on'ealment
M*st 1e s7ontaneo*s and *ninterr*7ted
Proo)s )rom r*les o) t6e 'o*rt
or s7e'ial la0$
.. Ga7tismal 'erti)i'ate
2. 3*di'ial admission
,. Family 1i1le
D. Common re7*tation
/. Admission 1y silen'e
F. !estimony o) 0itness
Art. 1(!: T%e a!"ion "o !lai# legi"i#a!' #a' be
broug%" b' "%e !%ild during %is or %er life"i#e and
s%all be "rans#i""ed "o "%e %eirs s%ould "%e !%ild die
during #inori"' or in a s"a"e of insani"'. In "%ese
!ases) "%e %eirs s%all %a(e a eriod of fi(e 'ears
$i"%in $%i!% "o ins"i"u"e "%e a!"ion.
Action to claim le#itimacy by the child
May 1e 1ro*+6t 1y t6e '6ild d*rin+ 6is or 6er li)etime and
may 1e transmitted to 6eirs i) t6e '6ild dies d*rin+ minority
or in a state o) insanity or a)ter it 6as already 1een
instituted by the child and child dies5
"eirs 6a&e )i&e years to instit*te a'tion
Article 36:: Ille#itimate
%Same as le+itimate '6ildren
e>'e7t 06en 7roo) is t6ro*+6
o7en and 'ontin*o*s
relations6i7 or ot6er r*les o)
'o*rt in 06i'6 'ase it may
only 1e 1ro*+6t d*rin+ t6e
li)etime o) t6e alle#ed 7arent.
Exception: i) t6e '6ild is 1orn
in a &alid marria+e t6o*+6
di))erent man- 6e 'annot 'laim
ille+itima'y. !6e man in t6e
D. So1re7e8a 68
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

marria+e m*st )irst im7*+n
t6e le+itima'y o) t6e '6ild
Article 36>: &i#hts of an ille#itimate child
.. Gear t6e s*rname o) t6e mot6er
&en i) 7aternity is 'ertain- mot6er
s*rnames unless )at6er admits t6at is
6is '6ild and li&es 0it6 t6em t6en
s*rname o) )at6er 'an 1e *sed.
2. Ge *nder t6e 7arental a*t6ority o) t6e
mot6er- entitled to s*77ort )rom 6er
&en i) 7aternity is 'ertain- i) )at6er is
not li&in+ 0it6 t6em 6e 'annot 6a&e
7arental a*t6ority.
I) t6e )at6er a'(no0led+es t6e '6ild and
'o6a1its- 6e 0ill 1e &ested 0it6 7arental
a*t6ority. &en i) 6e lea&es a)ter t6at it
0ill not 1e 'onsidered a 0ai&er o) 6is
7arental a*t6ority *nless &iolated le+al
+ro*nds 7ro&ided )or termination o)
7arental a*t6. (6e 0ill also 1e
&i'ario*sly lia1le )or dama+es 'a*sed
1y t6e '6ild)
,. Le+itime 0ill 1e Q o) t6e le+itime o) a
le+itimate '6ild
D. Can +et s*77ort only *7 to t6e
+rand7arents- and no ri+6t o)
re7resentation (i) 7arent dies 'ant in6erit
strai+6t )rom +rand7arents)
/. Ille+itimate '6ild 6as 6is or 6er li)etime to
)ile an a'tion to 'laim ille+itima'y i) 6eIs6e
6as 7roo) *nder Art. .52 ('laim )or 6is
stat*s in not transmissi1le to 6is 6eirs)
Article 1($: -egi"i#a"e !%ildren s%all %a(e "%e rig%":
1. To bear "%e surna#es of "%e fa"%er and "%e #o"%er) in
!onfor#i"' $i"% "%e ro(isions of "%e .i(il .ode on
2. To re!ei(e suor" fro# "%eir aren"s) "%eir as!endan"s)
and in roer !ases) "%eir bro"%ers and sis"ers) in
!onfor#i"' $i"% "%e ro(isions of "%is .ode on Suor"? and
3. To be en"i"led "o "%e legi"i#a"e and o"%er su!!essional
rig%"s gran"ed "o "%e# b' "%e .i(il .ode.
% A le+itimate '6ild 6as 6is or 6er 06ole li)etime to )ile an
a'tion to 'laim 6is or 6er le+itima'y.
D. So1re7e8a 69
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Art5 366: Onl' !%ildren !on!ei(ed and born ou"side
of $edlo!0 of aren"s $%o) a" "%e "i#e of "%e
!on!e"ion of "%e for#er) $ere no" dis*ualified b'
an' i#edi#en" "o #arr' ea!% o"%er #a' be
Art. 1(): -egi"i#a"ion s%all "a0e la!e b' a
subse*uen" (alid #arriage be"$een aren"s. T%e
annul#en" of a (oidable #arriage s%all no" affe!"
"%e legi"i#a"ion.
Art. 1(+: -egi"i#a"ed !%ildren s%all en&o' "%e sa#e
rig%"s as legi"i#a"e !%ildren. 2252a3
Art. 1),: T%e effe!"s of legi"i#a"ion s%all re"roa!"
"o "%e "i#e of "%e !%ildAs bir"%.
e#itimated Children ?le#itimate by operation of la!@
.. C6ildren 'on'ei&ed and 1orn o*tside 0edlo'(
2. O) 7arents 06o 6ad no le+al im7ediments to marry
at t6at time t6e '6ild 0as conceived and
,. !6ey +et married later on. (!6e )a't t6at it is a
&oida1le marria+e 0ill not a))e't t6e le+itimation-
1*t i) it is a &oid marria+e t6en ille+itimate)
IF t6e '6ild dies 1e)ore t6e 'ele1ration o) t6e
marria+e- it 0ill still 1ene)it t6eir des'endants.
Only 1y t6ose 06o are 7re@*di'ed in t6eir ri+6ts
0it6in / years )rom t6e time t6eir 'a*se o) a'tion
a''r*es. (Re)ers 1asi'ally to in6eritan'e ri+6ts 1*t i)
t6e 'reditors are really 7re@*di'ed t6ey m*st s6o0
6o0 le+itimation a))e'ted s*'6;&ested ri+6ts 7rior
to le+itimation t6en t6ose ri+6ts 0ill not 1e ta(en
)rom t6em)
Ri+6t o) a'tion a''r*es only *7on deat6 o) 7arents
06en le+itimes 0ill &est
Ado7ted '6ildren 'an 1e 7re@*di'ed 0it6 re+ards to
ado7ter 7arents or e&en nat*ral 7arents.
BS6all en@oy same ri+6ts as
le+itimate '6ildren- s6all
retroa't to t6eir 1irt6.
B#o need )or t6e
a'(no0led+ment o) t6e )at6er
*nli(e t6e 'i&il 'ode.
BLe+itimation 0ill not a))e't
7ro7erty ri+6ts already &ested.
BI) t6ere is a le+al im7ediment
at t6e time o) 'on'e7tion t6e
remedy is ado7tion.
Exception: t6ose 1orn
t6ro*+6 ad*ltero*s
relations6i7 and 1i+amo*s
marria+e 'annot 1e
Art. 1)1: T%e legi"i#a"ion of !%ildren $%o died
before "%e !elebra"ion of "%e #arriage s%all benefi"
"%eir des!endan"s.
% In e))e't +i&es t6e '6ildren 06at t6ey s6o*ld 6a&e
en@oyed d*rin+ t6e li)etime o) t6eir )at6er or mot6er.
Art. 1)2: -egi"i#a"ion #a' be i#ugned onl' b'
"%ose $%o are re&udi!ed in "%eir rig%"s) $i"%in fi(e
'ears fro# "%e "i#e "%eir !ause of a!"ion a!!rues.
% Contem7lates in6eritan'e or s*''essional ri+6ts-
'reditors ('ommer'ial or 7ro7erty ri+6ts) are
e>'l*ded *nless it 'an 1e s6o0n t6at t6e
le+itimation a))e'ted t6eir ri+6ts and t6ey are really
Art. 1+$: Suor" !o#rises e(er'"%ing
indisensable for sus"enan!e) d$elling) !lo"%ing)
#edi!al a""endan!e) edu!a"ion and
&eryt6in+ indis7ensa1le )or s*stenan'e-
d0ellin+- 'lot6in+- medi'al attendan'e-
ed*'ation- and trans7ortation (in (ee7in+ 0it6 t6e
Art5 2D:: ri+6t to +i&e or o1tain
s*77ort s6all not 1e le&ied *7on
on atta'6ment or e>e'*tion.
D. So1re7e8a 70
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

"ransor"a"ion) in 0eeing $i"% "%e finan!ial
!aa!i"' of "%e fa#il'.
T%e edu!a"ion of "%e erson en"i"led "o be
suor"ed referred "o in "%e re!eding aragra%
s%all in!lude %is s!%ooling or "raining for so#e
rofession) "rade or (o!a"ion) e(en be'ond "%e
age of #a&ori"'. Transor"a"ion s%all in!lude
e+enses in going "o and fro# s!%ool) or "o and
fro# la!e of $or0.
)inan'ial 'a7a'ity o) t6e )amily)
S'6oolin+ or trainin+ s6all 1e a77li'a1le e&en
1eyond t6e a+e o) ma@ority
!rans7ortation in'l*des +oin+ to and )rom s'6ool
and 7la'e o) 0or(
Can 1e +i&en e&en 1eyond t6e a+e o) ma@ority
S*77ort is ne&er )inal (no res @*di'ata) 'an 1e
% Cannot 1e made to satis)y any
@*d+ment a+ainst t6e re'i7ient.
Except: t6e e>'ess 1eyond
re2*ired )or le+al s*77ort in a 0ill
or 'ontra't*al s*77orts 6all 1e
s*1@e't to le&y or e>e'*tion.
(Contra't*al s*77ort is s*1@e't to
ad@*stment 06ene&er modi)i'ation
is ne'essary)
Art5 3C:: Sub&e!" "o "%e ro(isions of "%e
su!!eeding ar"i!les) "%e follo$ing are obliged "o
suor" ea!% o"%er "o "%e $%ole e+"en" se" for"%
in "%e re!eding ar"i!le:
1. T%e souses?
2. -egi"i#a"e as!endan"s and des!endan"s?
3. ;aren"s and "%eir legi"i#a"e !%ildren and "%e
legi"i#a"e and illegi"i#a"e !%ildren of "%e la""er?
4. ;aren"s and "%eir illegi"i#a"e !%ildren and "%e
legi"i#a"e and illegi"i#a"e !%ildren of "%e la""er?
1. -egi"i#a"e bro"%ers and sis"ers) $%e"%er of full
or %alf8blood
.. S7o*ses
2. Le+itimate as'endant and des'endants
,. Parents and t6eir le+itimate '6ildren and t6eir
ille+itimateIle+itimate +rand'6ildren
D. Parents and t6eir ille+itimate '6ildren and t6eir
ille+itimateIle+itimate +rand'6ildren
/. Le+itimate 1rot6ers and sisters 06et6er 06ole or
6al) 1lood
F. Grot6ers and sisters not le+itimately related are
also o1li+ed to s*77ort unless i) 6eIs6e is o) a+e
and is d*e to 'laimants )a*lt or ne+li+en'e no
% A '6ild inside a 0om1 is already 'onsidered 1orn t6*s
entitled to all 1ene)its t6at a''r*e to 6imI6er 7ro&ided t6at
t6e '6ild is 1orn a)ter.
BAdo7ted '6ildren only *7 to
7arents )or s*77ort. Ot6ers arenJt
o1li+ed to s*77ort. (I) t6e ado7ter
dies or a1andons t6en t6e state
ta(es o&er)
BMandatory and essential 'annot
1e transmitted to a ,
7erson nor
'an it 1e 0ai&ed.
(Pro6i1ition a+ainst any
'om7romise o) t6e ri+6t to )*t*re
BI) relations6i7 1et0een one to 1e
s*77orted and t6e one to s*77ort
is in iss*e- stat*s o) t6e 7arties
s6o*ld 1e esta1lis6ed )irst.
Art. 1+%: @ro"%ers and sis"ers no" legi"i#a"el'
rela"ed) $%e"%er of "%e full or %alf8blood) are
li0e$ise bound "o suor" ea!% o"%er "o "%e full
e+"en" se" for"% in Ar"i!le 1:4) e+!e" onl' $%en
"%e need for suor" of "%e bro"%er or sis"er)
being of age) is due "o a !ause i#u"able "o "%e
!lai#an"As faul" or negligen!e.
% !6ey are no lon+er 1o*nd 06en t6e '6ild is
a1o&e t6e a+e o) ma@ority or d*e to t6e
Article 1+(: In !ase of legi"i#a"e as!endan"s?
des!endan"s) $%e"%er legi"i#a"e or illegi"i#a"e?
and bro"%ers and sis"ers) $%e"%er legi"i#a"el' or
illegi"i#a"el' rela"ed) onl' "%e seara"e roer"'
S*77ort )or le+itimate as'endants- des'endants
(le+itimate or ille+itimate)- 1rot6ers and sisters
(le+itimate or ille+itimately related) s6all 1e ta(en
)rom se7arate 7ro7erty
BIF t6e le+itimate des'endants are
t6e 'ommon '6ildren t6en ACP
and CP9 s6all 1e 7rin'i7ally
D. So1re7e8a 71
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

of "%e erson obliged "o gi(e suor" s%all be
ans$erable ro(ided "%a" in !ase "%e obligor %as
no seara"e roer"') "%e absolu"e !o##uni"' or
"%e !on&ugal ar"ners%i) if finan!iall' !aable)
s%all ad(an!e "%e suor") $%i!% s%all be
dedu!"ed fro# "%e s%are of "%e souse obliged
uon "%e li*uida"ion of "%e absolu"e !o##uni"' or
of "%e !on&ugal ar"ners%i
If no separate properties )rom ACP or CP9
.ut i) it is t6e ille+itimate '6ildren- ins*))i'ien'y is
eno*+6 to ma(e ACP lia1le and ins*))i'ien'y 7l*s
7ayment o) '6ar+es to ma(e CP9 lia1le.
For s7o*ses- +enerally )rom ACP or CP9 absence
o) t6en )rom )r*its o) ACP or CP9 insufficiency or
absence o) )rom t6e se7arate 7ro7erties
BS*77ort 'anJt 1e ta(en )rom t6e
'6ildrenJs 7ro7erty *nless t6ere
0as no need or demand )rom
re'i7ient. (I) t6is 6a77ens 'an
)or)eit 1ond made 1y +*ardian
7arent o&er 7ro7erty%art. 22/)
Art. 1+): Buring "%e ro!eedings for legal
seara"ion or for annul#en" of #arriage) and for
de!lara"ion of nulli"' of #arriage) "%e souses
and "%eir !%ildren s%all be suor"ed fro# "%e
roer"ies of "%e absolu"e !o##uni"' or "%e
!on&ugal ar"ners%i. Af"er "%e final &udg#en"
gran"ing "%e e"i"ion) "%e obliga"ion of #u"ual
suor" be"$een "%e souses !eases. >o$e(er)
in !ase of legal seara"ion) "%e !our" #a' order
"%a" "%e guil"' souse s%all gi(e suor" "o "%e
inno!en" one) se!if'ing "%e "er#s of su!% order.
S*77ort 7endin+ liti+ation +enerally o1tain )rom ACP
or CP9
In 'ase o) s*77ort 1et0een 6*s1and and 0i)e 06ere
&alidity o) marria+e is in iss*e- a++rie&ed 'annot 1e
+i&en s*77ort 7endent elite 1y t6e ot6er s7o*se
()rom 6is se7arate 7ro7erty)
Le+al se7aration or ann*lment$ s7o*ses s6all 1e
s*77orted 1y ACP or CP9.
BA)ter de'laration o) n*llity or
ann*lment no more o1li+ation to
BIn le+al se7aration s*77ort
'eases *nless +*ilty s7o*se is
ordered to s*77ort inno'ent.
BI) 0i)e is ad*ltero*s it 'an 1e a
de)ense in an a'tion )or s*77ort
a+ainst se7arate 7ro7erty o) t6e
s7o*se but 0i)e 'an still +et
s*77ort )rom ACP or CP9.
Art. 1++: <%ene(er "$o or #ore ersons are
obliged "o gi(e suor") "%e liabili"' s%all de(ol(e
uon "%e follo$ing ersons in "%e order %erein
1. T%e souse?
2. T%e des!endan"s in "%e neares" degree?
3. T%e as!endan"s in "%e neares" degree? and
4. T%e bro"%ers and sis"ers.
Art. 2,,: <%en "%e obliga"ion "o gi(e suor"
falls uon "$o or #ore ersons) "%e a'#en" of
"%e sa#e s%all be di(ided be"$een "%e# in
roor"ion "o "%e resour!es of ea!%.
>o$e(er) in !ase of urgen" need and b' se!ial
!ir!u#s"an!es) "%e &udge #a' order onl' one of
"%e# "o furnis% "%e suor" ro(isionall') $i"%ou"
!6e list is in order o) 7riority o) 06o s6o*ld
s*77ort )irst. !6e ot6ers are not o1li+ed to +i&e
s*77ort i) t6ose 6i+6er on t6e list are 7resent.
Art5 2DD$i) t6e lia1ility to s*77ort )alls on 2 7eo7le it 0ill
1e di&ided 1et0een t6em in t6e 7ro7ortion o) t6eir
%G*t in 'ase o) *r+en'y- t6e @*d+e may order only one o)
t6em to +i&e and t6en @*st +et reim1*rsed )rom t6e ot6er
%?6en t6ere are t0o or more 7eo7le 'laimin+ )or s*77ort
and t6e one o1li+ed to +i&e doesnJt 6a&e eno*+6- order
0ill 1e )ollo0ed except 06en t6e one 06o needs s*77ort
is a s7o*se and a '6ild in 06i'6 'ase t6e '6ild s6all 1e
7re)erred. (?i)e is 7re)erred 06en it is an ille+itimate
D. So1re7e8a 72
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

re&udi!e "o %is rig%" "o !lai# fro# "%e o"%er
obligors "%e s%are due fro# "%e#.
<%en "$o or #ore re!iien"s a" "%e sa#e "i#e
!lai# suor" fro# one and "%e sa#e erson
legall' obliged "o gi(e i") s%ould "%e la""er no"
%a(e suffi!ien" #eans "o sa"isf' all !lai#s) "%e
order es"ablis%ed in "%e re!eding ar"i!le s%all be
follo$ed) unless "%e !on!urren" obligees s%ould
be "%e souse and a !%ild sub&e!" "o aren"al
au"%ori"') in $%i!% !ase "%e !%ild s%all be
Art. 2,1: T%e a#oun" of suor") in "%e !ases
referred "o in Ar"i!les 1:1 and 1:=) s%all be in
roor"ion "o "%e resour!es or #eans of "%e gi(er
and "o "%e ne!essi"ies of "%e re!iien".
Art. 2,2: Suor" in "%e !ases referred "o in "%e
re!eding ar"i!le s%all be redu!ed or in!reased
roor"iona"el') a!!ording "o "%e redu!"ion or
in!rease of "%e ne!essi"ies of "%e re!iien" and
"%e resour!es or #eans of "%e erson obliged "o
furnis% "%e sa#e.
Art. 2,!: T%e obliga"ion "o gi(e suor" s%all be
de#andable fro# "%e "i#e "%e erson $%o %as a
rig%" "o re!ei(e "%e sa#e needs i" for
#ain"enan!e) bu" i" s%all no" be aid e+!e" fro#
"%e da"e of &udi!ial or e+"ra8&udi!ial de#and.
Suor" enden"e li"e #a' be !lai#ed in
a!!ordan!e $i"% "%e Rules of .our".
;a'#en" s%all be #ade $i"%in "%e firs" fi(e da's
of ea!% !orresonding #on"% or $%en "%e
re!iien" dies) %is %eirs s%all no" be obliged "o
re"urn $%a" %e %as re!ei(ed in ad(an!e.
S*77ort 'an 1e in'reased or de'reased
de7endin+ on t6e needs of the recipient and
t6e resources of the person obli#ed to #ive it5
3*d+ment )or s*77ort does not 1e'ome )inal
Demandin# support
Demanda1le )rom t6e time 7erson 06o 6as t6e
ri+6t to re'ei&e it needs it (need )or s*77ort is
not 7res*med- m*st 1e esta1lis6ed).
,o support #iven !ithout Eudicial or
extraEudicial demand. (Made 0it6in t6e )irst /
years o) e&ery mont6)
Demand is essential s6o0s mani)estation o)
Art5 2D<: T%e erson obliged "o gi(e suor"
s%all %a(e "%e o"ion "o fulfill "%e obliga"ion ei"%er
(o! to provide support
Can 1e 1y +i&in+ t6e money or allo0an'e
D. So1re7e8a 73
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

b' a'ing "%e allo$an!e fi+ed) or b' re!ei(ing
and #ain"aining in "%e fa#il' d$elling "%e erson
$%o %as a rig%" "o re!ei(e suor". T%e la""er
al"erna"i(e !anno" be a(ailed of in !ase "%ere is a
#oral or legal obs"a!le "%ere"o.
Or 1y allo0in+ t6e 7erson to stay in )amily
d0ellin+ unless t6ere is a le+al or moral o1sta'le
(*s*ally re)ers to ille+itimate '6ildren 06o are
+enerally not allo0ed to +et )rom ACP or CP9)
Art. 2,5: T%e rig%" "o re!ei(e suor" under "%is
Ti"le as $ell as an' #one' or roer"' ob"ained
as su!% suor" s%all no" be le(ied uon on
a""a!%#en" or e+e!u"ion.
!6e ri+6t to re'ei&e s*77ort and t6e money or
7ro7erty o1tained as s*'6 s*77ort 'annot 1e
made to satis)y any @*d+ment a+ainst t6e
A "o0e&er in 'ase o) 'ontra't*al
s*77ort or t6at +i&en 1y 0ill- t6e
e>'ess amo*nt 1eyond t6at
re2*ired )or le+al s*77ort 'an 1e
s*1@e't o) e>e'*tion.
Art. 2,%: <%en) $i"%ou" "%e 0no$ledge of "%e
erson obliged "o gi(e suor") i" is gi(en b' a
s"ranger) "%e la""er s%all %a(e a rig%" "o !lai# "%e
sa#e fro# "%e for#er) unless i" aears "%a" %e
ga(e i" $i"%ou" in"en"ion of being rei#bursed.
Art. 2,(. <%en "%e erson obliged "o suor"
ano"%er un&us"l' refuses or fails "o gi(e suor"
$%en urgen"l' needed b' "%e la""er) an' "%ird
erson #a' furnis% suor" "o "%e need'
indi(idual) $i"% rig%" of rei#burse#en" fro# "%e
erson obliged "o gi(e suor". T%is Ar"i!le s%all
ar"i!ularl' al' $%en "%e fa"%er or #o"%er of a
!%ild under "%e age of #a&ori"' un&us"l' refuses "o
suor" or fails "o gi(e suor" "o "%e !%ild $%en
urgen"l' needed.
Art5 2D> &e$uisites:
!6ere is a need to be supported and !ithout
Fno!led#e of person obli#ed to #ive support
it is +i&en 1y anot6er- 6e 'an reim1*rse *nless
6e 6as no intention o) 1ein+ reim1*rsed.
I) 7erson o1li+ed to +i&e s*77ort unEustly
refuses a t6ird 7erson 'an +i&e it 0it6 ri+6t o)
Art5 2D6 &e$uisites:
.. Ar+ent need to 1e s*77orted on t6e 7art o) t6e
2. !6e 7erson o1li+ed to s*77ort *n@*stly re)*ses or
)ails to +i&e s*77ort.
,. !6ird 7erson )*rnis6es t6e s*77ort to t6e needy
BI) all are 7resent ,
7erson s6all 6a&e ri+6t to
L*asi%'ontra't$ @*ridi'al relation
06i'6 arises )rom 'ertain la0)*l-
&ol*ntary and *nilateral a'ts to t6e
end t6at no one s6all 1e *n@*stly
enri'6ed or 1ene)ited at t6e
e>7ense o) anot6er (1asis )or
reim1*rsement o) one 06o +i&es
Art. 2,): In !ase of !on"ra!"ual suor" or "%a"
gi(en b' $ill) "%e e+!ess in a#oun" be'ond "%a"
re*uired for legal suor" s%all be sub&e!" "o le('
on a""a!%#en" or e+e!u"ion
% !6is is di))erent )rom le+al s*77ort- 06i'6 'annot
1e le&ied *7onK 'ontra't*al s*77ort 6o0e&er is
not mandated 1y la0.
% !6e e>'ess in amo*nt o) le+al s*77ort s6all 1e
s*1@e't to le&y on atta'6ment or e>e'*tion.
D. So1re7e8a 74
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Art. 2,+: ;ursuan" "o "%e na"ural rig%" and du"' of
aren"s o(er "%e erson and roer"' of "%eir
une#an!ia"ed !%ildren) aren"al au"%ori"' and
resonsibili"' s%all in!lude "%e !aring for and
rearing "%e# for !i(i! !ons!iousness and
effi!ien!' and "%e de(elo#en" of "%eir #oral)
#en"al and %'si!al !%ara!"er and $ell8being.
% #at*ral a))e'tion 1et0een t6e 7arents and t6e
o))s7rin+ 6as al0ays 1een re'o+ni:ed as an
in6erent and nat*ral ri+6t.
% Parental a*t6ority in&ol&es a mass o) ri+6ts and
Art. 21,: ;aren"al au"%ori"' and resonsibili"'
#a' no" be renoun!ed or "ransferred e+!e" in
"%e !ases au"%ori/ed b' la$.
% Parental a*t6ority and res7onsi1ility may not 1e
reno*n'ed or trans)erred e>'e7t in t6e 'ases
a*t6ori:ed 1y la0. Parental a*t6ority and
res7onsi1ility 'annot 1e reno*n'ed or trans)erred
Except 06en 7ro&ided 1y la0
(Cases o) ado7tion- +*ardians6i7
and s*rrender to a '6ildrenJs
6ome or or76ana+e)
%?6en a 7arent +i&es a*t6ority to
anot6er it merely tem7orary
'*stody not ren*n'iation.
Art. 211: T%e fa"%er and "%e #o"%er s%all &oin"l'
e+er!ise aren"al au"%ori"' o(er "%e ersons of
"%eir !o##on !%ildren. In !ase of disagree#en")
"%e fa"%erAs de!ision s%all re(ail) unless "%ere is
a &udi!ial order "o "%e !on"rar'.
.%ildren s%all al$a's obser(e rese!" and
re(eren!e "o$ards "%eir aren"s and are obliged
"o obe' "%e# as long as "%e !%ildren are under
aren"al au"%ori"'.
In 'ase o) disa+reement t6e )at6erJs de'ision
s6all 7re&ail *nless t6ere is a @*di'ial order.
C6ildren s6o*ld o1ser&e res7e't and are o1li+ed
to o1ey t6em as lon+ as t6ey are *nder t6eir
7arental a*t6ority
A77lies to 1ot6 le+itimate and ille+itimate
&e$uisites for it to apply to ille#itimate:
.. Paternity is (no0s or t6e )at6er is 'ertain.
2. Ille+itimate is li&in+ 0it6 t6e )at6er and mot6er
06o are 'o6a1itin+ 0it6o*t t6e 1ene)it o)
(I) one o) t6e re2*isites are missin+ only mot6er 6as
7arental a*t6ority)
BFat6erJs s*1se2*ent se7aration does not mean a
ren*n'iation. On'e 7arental a*t6ority is &ested 'annot 1e
Art. 212: In !ase of absen!e or dea"% of ei"%er
aren") "%e aren" resen" s%all !on"inue
e+er!ising aren"al au"%ori"'. T%e re#arriage of
"%e sur(i(ing aren" s%all no" affe!" "%e aren"al
au"%ori"' o(er "%e !%ildren) unless "%e !our"
aoin"s ano"%er erson "o be "%e guardian of
I) a s7o*se dies- t6e ot6er s7o*se still 6as
7arental a*t6ority
Remarria+e does not a))e't t6e 7arental a*t6ority
o) t6e 7arent.
Les1ianism not a +ro*nd to de7ri&e o) '*stody.
A#e0 s7o*se does not +et
7arental a*t6ority 1y t6e )a't o)
marria+e. #e0 s7o*se m*st ado7t
t6e '6ildren to 6a&e 7arental
D. So1re7e8a 75
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

"%e erson or roer"' of "%e !%ildren.
Art. 21!: In !ase of seara"ion of "%e aren"s)
aren"al au"%ori"' s%all be e+er!ised b' "%e
aren" designa"ed b' "%e .our". T%e .our" s%all
"a0e in"o a!!oun" all rele(an" !onsidera"ions)
ese!iall' "%e !%oi!e of "%e !%ild o(er se(en
'ears of age) unless "%e aren" !%osen is unfi".
In 'ase o) se7aration t6e 'o*rt s6all desi+nate a
7arent to 6a&e 7arental a*t6ority (ta(in+ into
'onsideration '6oi'e o) t6ose 5 and a1o&e)
#o '6ild 1elo0 5 s6all 1e se7arated )rom mot6er
unless there is compellin# reason not to do
so. (A+e is 'onsidered )rom 06en t6e de'ision is
made or 06en '*stody is +i&en)
C*stody may also 1e +i&en to ,
7ersons i) t6e
sit*ation so 0arrants.
A!6is does not mean t6at t6e
ot6er 7arent 6as no more PA.
B"a1eas 'or7*s is 7ro7er remedy
to +et '*stody o) a '6ild )rom t6e
ot6er 7arent or ,
Art. 21$: In !ase of dea"%) absen!e or
unsui"abili"' of "%e aren"s) subs"i"u"e aren"al
au"%ori"' s%all be e+er!ised b' "%e sur(i(ing
grandaren". In !ase se(eral sur(i(e) "%e one
designa"ed b' "%e !our") "a0ing in"o a!!oun" "%e
sa#e !onsidera"ion #en"ioned in "%e re!eding
ar"i!le) s%all e+er!ise "%e au"%ori"'.
In 'ase o) deat6- a1sen'e or *ns*ita1ility o) t6e
7arents s*1stit*te 7arental a*t6ority s6all 1e
e>er'ised 1y t6e s*r&i&in+ +rand7arent.
In 'ase se&eral +rand7arents s*r&i&e- t6e 'o*rt
0ill de'ide.
Art. 215: ,o des!endan" s%all be !o#elled) in a
!ri#inal !ase) "o "es"if' agains" %is aren"s and
grandaren"s) e+!e" $%en su!% "es"i#on' is
indisensable in a !ri#e agains" "%e des!endan"
or b' one aren" agains" "%e o"%er.
#o des'endant s6all 1e 'om7elled in a 'riminal
'ase to testi)y a+ainst 6is 7arents or
+rand7arents *nless t6e 'rime is a+ainst t6e
des'endant or 1y one 7arent a+ainst t6e ot6er.
"*s1and and 0i)e d*rin+ or a)ter t6e marria+e
'annot 1e e>amined 0it6o*t t6e 'onsent o) t6e
ot6er (marital 7ri&ile+e). Except: in a 'i&il 'ase
1y one a+ainst t6e ot6er- in a 'riminal 'ase 1y
one a+ainst t6e ot6er or to t6e latterJs
des'endant or as'endant.
A#ot mandatory in nat*re so i) t6e
'6ild 0ants to 6e 'an do so
Art. 21%: In defaul" of aren"s or a &udi!iall'
aoin"ed guardian) "%e follo$ing erson s%all
e+er!ise subs"i"u"e aren"al au"%ori"' o(er "%e !%ild
in "%e order indi!a"ed:
1. T%e sur(i(ing grandaren") as ro(ided in Ar".
$ 7arents e>er'ise 7arental a*t6ority t6en a @*di'ially
a77ointed +*ardian in de)a*lt o) s*'6 +*ardian$
.. S*r&i&in+ +rand7arent
2. Oldest 1rot6er or sister o&er 2.
,. C6ildJs a't*al '*stodian o&er 2.
A!6ey 0ill 6a&e t6e ri+6ts and
res7onsi1ilities o) a 7arent
en*merated in art. 220 on0ards.
BOrder is not mandatory$
7aramo*nt interest
D. So1re7e8a 76
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

2. T%e oldes" bro"%er or sis"er) o(er "$en"'8one
'ears of age) unless unfi" or dis*ualified? and
3. T%e !%ildAs a!"ual !us"odian) o(er "$en"'8one
'ears of age) unless unfi" or dis*ualified.
<%ene(er "%e aoin"#en" or a &udi!ial guardian
o(er "%e roer"' of "%e !%ild be!o#es ne!essar')
"%e sa#e order of referen!e s%all be obser(ed.
B !6e list is merely a +*ideline- )itness- 'a7a1ilities-
et' m*st still 1e 'onsidered.
Art. 21(: In !ase of foundlings) abandoned
negle!"ed or abused !%ildren and o"%er !%ildren
si#ilarl' si"ua"ed) aren"al au"%ori"' s%all be
en"rus"ed in su##ar' &udi!ial ro!eedings "o
%eads of !%ildrenAs %o#es) or%anages and si#ilar
ins"i"u"ions dul' a!!redi"ed b' "%e roer
go(ern#en" agen!'.
In 'ase o) no )amily mem1ers ()o*ndlin+- a1andoned-
ne+le'ted or a1*sed '6ildren and ot6er '6ildren similarly
- Parental a*t6ority s6all 1e entr*sted in
s*mmary @*di'ial 7ro'eedin+s to 6eads o)
'6ildrenJs 6omes- or76ana+es- et'.
'ransfer of parental authority:
.. In&ol*ntary$ 1y DS?S 06o )iles 0it6 'o*rt to
6a&e '*stody o&er t6e '6ild.
2. Vol*ntary$ 7arent or '6ild 'ommits to t6e DS?S
(s*rrendered in 0ritin+ 1y 7arents- i) only . and
t6e ot6er is dead or a1andoned )or at least .
year . 7arent a*t6ori:ation is eno*+6)
Art. 21): T%e s!%ool) i"s ad#inis"ra"ors and
"ea!%ers) or "%e indi(idual) en"i"' or ins"i"u"ion
engaged in !%ild are s%all %a(e se!ial aren"al
au"%ori"' and resonsibili"' o(er "%e #inor !%ild
$%ile under "%eir suer(ision) ins"ru!"ion or
Au"%ori"' and resonsibili"' s%all al' "o all
au"%ori/ed a!"i(i"ies $%e"%er inside or ou"side "%e
re#ises of "%e s!%ool) en"i"' or ins"i"u"ion.
Art. 21+: T%ose gi(en "%e au"%ori"' and
resonsibili"' under "%e re!eding Ar"i!le s%all be
rin!iall' and solidaril' liable for da#ages !aused
b' "%e a!"s or o#issions of "%e une#an!ia"ed
#inor. T%e aren"s) &udi!ial guardians or "%e
ersons e+er!ising subs"i"u"e aren"al au"%ori"'
S'6ool- administrators- tea'6ers- indi&id*als or
entities en+a+ed in '6ild 'are s6all 6a&e s7e'ial
7arental a*t6ority and res7onsi1ility o&er t6e
minor '6ild 06ile *nder t6eir s*7er&ision-
instr*'tion- '*stody. (!6is a*t6ority a77lies to
a*t6ori:ed a'ti&ities inside or o*tside t6e
!6ose +i&en s7e'ial a*t6ority s6all 1e 7rin'i7ally
and solidariliy lia1le ('i&il lia1ility) )or dama+es
'a*sed 1y t6e a'ts or omissions o) t6e minor.
(M*st 1e tea'6er in '6ar+e et').
Parents or t6ose 06o 6a&e s*1stit*te 7arental
a*t6ority s6all 1e subsidiarily liable ?i) 7ersons
0it6 s7e'ial a*t6ority 'annot 'o&er t6e lia1ility)
Ander t6e 'i&il 'ode- arti'le 2.40- tea'6ers et'
Except: no lia1ility 1y t6ose 0it6
s7e'ial 7arental a*t6ority i) it 'an
1e 7ro&en t6at s*'6 7erson
e>er'ised t6e 7ro7er dili+en'e in
t6e 'ir'*mstan'es. Parents
can7t use dili#ence as a
defense (im7*ted lia1ility )lo0s
)rom )ilial relation).
BCan 1e an a'ademi' or non%
a'ademi' s'6ool.
D. So1re7e8a 77
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

o(er said #inor s%all be subsidiaril' liable.
T%e rese!"i(e liabili"ies of "%ose referred "o in "%e
re!eding aragra% s%all no" al' if i" is ro(ed
"%a" "%e' e+er!ised "%e roer diligen!e re*uired
under "%e ar"i!ular !ir!u#s"an!es.
All o"%er !ases no" !o(ered b' "%is and "%e
re!eding ar"i!les s%all be go(erned b' "%e
ro(isions of "%e .i(il .ode on *uasi8deli!"s.
'an still 1e 6eld lia1le 06en '6ildren are not
anymore minors s*1@e't to t6e de)ense o)
7ro7er dili+en'e.
Art. 22,: T%e aren"s and "%ose e+er!ising
aren"al au"%ori"' s%all %a(e $i"% "%e rese!" "o
"%eir une#an!ia"ed !%ildren on $ards "%e
follo$ing rig%"s and du"ies:
1. To 0ee "%e# in "%eir !o#an') "o suor")
edu!a"e and ins"ru!" "%e# b' rig%" re!e" and
good e+a#le) and "o ro(ide for "%eir ubringing
in 0eeing $i"% "%eir #eans?
2. To gi(e "%e# lo(e and affe!"ion) ad(i!e and
!ounsel) !o#anions%i and unders"anding?
3. To ro(ide "%e# $i"% #oral and siri"ual
guidan!e) in!ul!a"e in "%e# %ones"') in"egri"') self8
dis!iline) self8relian!e) indus"r' and "%rif")
s"i#ula"e "%eir in"eres" in !i(i! affairs) and insire in
"%e# !o#lian!e $i"% "%e du"ies of !i"i/ens%i?
4. To furnis% "%e# $i"% good and $%oleso#e
edu!a"ional #a"erials) suer(ise "%eir a!"i(i"ies)
re!rea"ion and asso!ia"ion $i"% o"%ers) ro"e!"
"%e# fro# bad !o#an') and re(en" "%e# fro#
a!*uiring %abi"s de"ri#en"al "o "%eir %eal"%) s"udies
and #orals?
1. To reresen" "%e# in all #a""ers affe!"ing "%eir
=. To de#and fro# "%e# rese!" and obedien!e?
5. To i#ose dis!iline on "%e# as #a' be
Ri+6ts and d*ties o) 7arents$
35 S*77ort- ed*'ate and instr*'t t6em- 7ro&ide )or
t6eir *71rin+in+ in (ee7in+ 0it6 t6eir means.
25 Lo&e and a))e'tion- ad&i'e- 'o*nselin+-
'om7anions6i7- and *nderstandin+
95 Moral and s7irit*al +*idan'e
<5 P6ysi'al and mental 6ealt6
:5 9ood and 06olesome ed*'ational materials and
7re&ent t6em )rom 1ad 'om7any
>5 Re7resent t6em in all matters a))e'tin+ t6eir
65 Demand res7e't and o1edien'e
85 Im7ose dis'i7line
C5 Ot6ers im7osed 1y la0
Dis'i7linary A'tions$ 7arents may in)li't a reasona1le
meas*re o) 'or7oral 7*nis6ment.
(Read C6ild and Eo*t6 ?el)are Code CRi+6ts o) t6e
ACases in t6e AS 0o*ld s6o0
t6at s*77ort 'an 1e 0it66eld )rom
t6e '6ild as a dis'i7linary
san'tion i) t6e '6ild re)*ses to
o1ey t6e )at6er. (G*t mere
disa+reements or delin2*ent
1e6a&ior does not +enerally
terminate s*77ort). RO V. DO.
D. So1re7e8a 78
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

re*uired under "%e !ir!u#s"an!es? and
6. To erfor# su!% o"%er du"ies as are i#osed b'
la$ uon aren"s and guardians.
Art. 221: ;aren"s and o"%er ersons e+er!ising
aren"al au"%ori"' s%all be !i(ill' liable for "%e
in&uries and da#ages !aused b' "%e a!"s or
o#issions of "%eir une#an!ia"ed !%ildren li(ing in
"%eir !o#an' and under "%eir aren"al au"%ori"'
sub&e!" "o "%e aroria"e defenses ro(ided b'
Parents are 7rimarily lia1le ('i&illy) )or in@*ries
and dama+es 'a*sed 1y t6e a'ts and omissions
o) t6eir *neman'i7ated '6ildren li&in+ in t6eir
'om7any and *nder t6eir 7arental a*t6ority.
Exception: i) 7arents 'an s6o0
t6at t6ey e>er'ised t6e dili+en'e
o) a +ood )at6er- t6en no lia1ility.
Art. 222: T%e !our"s #a' aoin" a guardian of "%e
!%ildAs roer"' or a guardian ad li"e# $%en "%e
bes" in"eres"s of "%e !%ild so re*uires.
Co*rt may a77oint a +*ardian )or 7*r7oses o)
t6e la0s*it 06en t6e 1est interest o) t6e '6ild
re2*ires it.
9AARDIA#S"IP$ tr*st relation o) t6e most sa'red
Art5 229: T%e aren"s or) in "%eir absen!e or
in!aa!i"') "%e indi(idual) en"i"' or ins"i"u"ion
e+er!ising aren"al au"%ori"') #a' e"i"ion "%e
roer !our" of "%e la!e $%ere "%e !%ild resides)
for an order ro(iding for dis!ilinar' #easures
o(er "%e !%ild. T%e !%ild s%all be en"i"led "o "%e
assis"an!e of !ounsel) ei"%er of %is !%oi!e or
aoin"ed b' "%e !our") and a su##ar' %earing
s%all be !ondu!"ed $%erein "%e e"i"ioner and "%e
!%ild s%all be %eard.
>o$e(er) if in "%e sa#e ro!eeding "%e !our" finds
"%e e"i"ioner a" faul") irrese!"i(e of "%e #eri"s of
"%e e"i"ion) or $%en "%e !ir!u#s"an!es so $arran")
"%e !our" #a' also order "%e deri(a"ion or
susension of aren"al au"%ori"' or ado" su!%
o"%er #easures as i" #a' dee# &us" and roer.
Person 06o 6as 7arental a*t6ority may see( t6e
assistan'e o) t6e 'o*rt to dis'i7line t6e '6ild
and 0it6 a 'o*nsel s6all *nder+o a s*mmary
I) t6e 'o*rt )inds t6at it is t6e 7etitioner at )a*lt-
t6e 'o*rt may s*s7end or de7ri&e 6im o)
7arental a*t6ority.
D*rin+ t6e 'ommitment o) t6e '6ild t6e 7arent
'annot inter)ere 0it6 t6e 'are o) t6e '6ild but
0ill provide support.
!6e 'o*rt may terminate t6e 'ommitment o) t6e
'6ild 06ene&er @*st and 7ro7er.
Art. 22$: T%e #easures referred
"o in "%e re!eding ar"i!le #a'
in!lude "%e !o##i"#en" of "%e
!%ild for no" #ore "%an "%ir"'
da's in en"i"ies or ins"i"u"ions
engaged in !%ild !are or in
!%ildrenAs %o#es dul' a!!redi"ed
b' "%e roer go(ern#en"
T%e aren" e+er!ising aren"al
au"%ori"' s%all no" in"erfere $i"%
"%e !are of "%e !%ild $%ene(er
!o##i""ed bu" s%all ro(ide for
%is suor". Uon roer e"i"ion
or a" i"s o$n ins"an!e) "%e !our"
#a' "er#ina"e "%e !o##i"#en"
of "%e !%ild $%ene(er &us" and
Art. 2255 T%e fa"%er and "%e #o"%er s%all &oin"l'
e+er!ise legal guardians%i o(er "%e roer"' of "%e
une#an!ia"ed !o##on !%ild $i"%ou" "%e ne!essi"' of
#o need )or a @*di'ial 'o*rt to a77oint
7arents as +*ardians. It is 7res*med t6at t6e
D. So1re7e8a 79
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

a !our" aoin"#en". In !ase of disagree#en") "%e
fa"%erAs de!ision s%all re(ail) unless "%ere is a &udi!ial
order "o "%e !on"rar'.
<%ere "%e #ar0e" (alue of "%e roer"' or "%e annual
in!o#e of "%e !%ild e+!eeds ;19)999) "%e aren"
!on!erned s%all be re*uired "o furnis% a bond in su!%
a#oun" as "%e !our" #a' de"er#ine) bu" no" less "%an
"en er !en"u# 219E3 of "%e (alue of "%e roer"' or
annual in!o#e) "o guaran"ee "%e erfor#an!e of "%e
obliga"ions res!ribed for general guardians.
A (erified e"i"ion for aro(al of "%e bond s%all be
filed in "%e roer !our" of "%e la!e $%ere "%e !%ild
resides) or) if "%e !%ild resides in a foreign !oun"r') in
"%e roer !our" of "%e la!e $%ere "%e roer"' or
an' ar" "%ereof is si"ua"ed.
T%e e"i"ion s%all be do!0e"ed as a su##ar' se!ial
ro!eeding in $%i!% all in!iden"s and issues regarding
"%e erfor#an!e of "%e obliga"ions referred "o in "%e
se!ond aragra% of "%is Ar"i!le s%all be %eard and
T%e ordinar' rules on guardians%i s%all be #erel'
sule"or' e+!e" $%en "%e !%ild is under subs"i"u"e
aren"al au"%ori"') or "%e guardian is a s"ranger) or a
aren" %as re#arried) in $%i!% !ase "%e ordinar' rules
on guardians%i s%all al'.
7arents a't )or t6e 1est interest o) t6e '6ild.
Pro6i1ition ('ases 06ere a 7arent 'annot 1e t6e
administrator o) t6e 7ro7erty)$
.. ?6en a 7arent is disin6erited and 6isI6er
'6ild in6erits )rom t6e '6ildJs +rand7arents
6is s6are o) t6e 'om7*lsory in6eritan'e- t6e
7arent 'annot administer s*'6 7ro7erty. !6e
7arent 6o0e&er 'an administer 06ate&er is
+i&en to t6e '6ild 1y 0ay o) &ol*ntary 0ill.
2. ?6en t6e 7arent is *n)it to administer t6e
7ro7erty and t6*s a +*ardian is needed.
- ParentJs a*t6ority o&er t6e estate o) t6e 0ard
as a le+al%+*ardian 0o*ld not e>tend to a'ts
o) en'*m1ran'e or dis7osition- as
distin+*is6ed )rom a'ts o) mana+ement or
.. i) t6e mar(et &al*e o) total 7ro7erty or in'ome o)
'6ild is more t6an P/0(- t6e 7arent 6as to +i&e a
1ond not less t6an .0R o) &al*e o) 7ro7erty to
+*arantee 7er)orman'e o) t6e o1li+ations 7res'ri1ed
)or +eneral +*ardians. (to 1e s*re t6at +*ardians
donJt a1*se t6eir a*t6ority and do 06at t6ey are
re2*ired to do)
2. r*les on +*ardians6i7 a77ly s*77lementary to
7arents- 1*t i) '6ild is *nder s*1stit*te 7arental
a*t6ority or +*ardian is a stran+er t6en r*les on
+*ardians6i7 a77ly.
B7arentJs a*t6ority o&er t6e estate does not in'l*de
alienation or en'*m1ran'e- or 'om7romise or 0ai&er
(&oid). C a*t6ority is needed )rom 'o*rt.
Art. 22%. T%e roer"' of "%e une#an!ia"ed !%ild
earned or a!*uired $i"% %is $or0 or indus"r' or b'
onerous or gra"ui"ous "i"le s%all belong "o "%e !%ild in
o$ners%i and s%all be de(o"ed e+!lusi(el' "o "%e
la""erAs suor" and edu!a"ion) unless "%e "i"le or
"ransfer ro(ides o"%er$ise.
T%e rig%" of "%e aren"s o(er "%e frui"s and in!o#e of
C6ildJs salary still )or 6isI6er e>'l*si&ely *sed
)or 1ene)it o) '6ild 1*t '6ild also 6as
o1li+ation to s*77ort as'endants t6*s salary
'an 1e *sed.
ParentJs 'annot *se 7ro7erty )or 7ersonal
-t6e '6ild s6all o0n exclusively 06ate&er 6e earns
D. So1re7e8a 80
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

"%e !%ildAs roer"' s%all be li#i"ed ri#aril' "o "%e
!%ildAs suor" and se!ondaril' "o "%e !olle!"i(e dail'
needs of "%e fa#il'.
or 1y onero*s or +rat*ito*s title.
%t6e )r*its o) s*'6 'an only 1e *sed 1y t6e 7arents )or
t6e s*77ort o) t6e '6ild and se'ondarily )or t6e
s*77ort o) t6e )amily.
Art. 22(: If "%e aren"s en"rus" "%e #anage#en" or
ad#inis"ra"ion of an' of "%eir roer"ies "o an
une#an!ia"ed !%ild) "%e ne" ro!eeds of su!%
roer"' s%all belong "o "%e o$ner. T%e !%ild s%all be
gi(en a reasonable #on"%l' allo$an!e in an a#oun"
no" less "%an "%a" $%i!% "%e o$ner $ould %a(e aid if
"%e ad#inis"ra"or $ere a s"ranger) unless "%e o$ner)
gran"s "%e en"ire ro!eeds "o "%e !%ild. In an' !ase)
"%e ro!eeds "%us gi(e in $%ole or in ar" s%all no" be
!%arged "o "%e !%ildAs legi"i#e.
Parents 06o en+a+e t6eir *neman'i7ated
'6ild to ta(e 'are o) t6eir 7ro7erties are to
+i&e t6eir '6ild a mont6ly allo0an'e ta(en
)rom t6e +ross 7ro'eeds o) t6e 7ro7erty )or
t6e mont6. S*'6 0ill not 1e '6ar+ed to t6e
'6ildJs le+itime.
!6e net 7ro'eeds or t6e 1alan'e le)t a)ter t6e
7ayment o) t6e allo0an'e and e>7enses 0ill
+o to t6e 7arents
Art. 22): ;aren"al au"%ori"' "er#ina"es er#anen"l':
1. Uon "%e dea"% of "%e aren"s?
2. Uon "%e dea"% of "%e !%ild? or
3. Uon e#an!ia"ion of "%e !%ild.
!6e 'o*rt *7on t6e deat6 o) t6e 7arents 'an
a77oint a +*ardian on 7etition o) a relati&e-
)amily )riend- or DS?D.
!6ese sit*ations e>tin+*is6es 7arental
A7arental a*t6ority 'annot 1e
re&i&ed in t6ese 'ases.
Art. 22+: Unless subse*uen"l' re(i(ed b' a final
&udg#en") aren"al au"%ori"' also "er#ina"es:
1. Uon ado"ion of "%e !%ild?
2. Uon aoin"#en" of a general guardian?
3. Uon &udi!ial de!lara"ion of abandon#en" of "%e
!%ild in a !ase filed for "%e urose?
4. Uon final &udg#en" of a !o#e"en" !our" di(es"ing
"%e ar"' !on!erned of aren"al au"%ori"'? or
1. Uon &udi!ial de!lara"ion of absen!e or in!aa!i"'
of "%e erson e+er!ising aren"al au"%ori"'.
9ro*nds )or termination$
.. Ado7tion C all le+al ties are se&ered an are
&ested on t6e ado7ter.
2. a77ointment o) +*ardian
,. a1andonment o) '6ild (*7on @*di'ial
de'laration in a 'ase )iled )or t6e 7*r7ose)
D. )inal @*d+ment )rom 'o*rt de7ri&in+ 7arental
/. @*di'ial de'laration o) a1sen'e or in'a7a'ity
o) 7erson
A)or t6e reinstatement o) 7arental
a*t6ority @*di'ial de'laration is
needed )or reinstatement o)
7arental a*t6ority.
Art. 2!,: ;aren"al au"%ori"' is susended uon
!on(i!"ion of "%e aren" or "%e erson e+er!ising "%e
sa#e of a !ri#e $%i!% !arries $i"% i" "%e enal"' of
!i(il in"erdi!"ion. T%e au"%ori"' is au"o#a"i!all'
reins"a"ed uon ser(i!e of "%e enal"' or uon ardon
or a#nes"' of "%e offender.
% 7arental a*t6ority is s*s7ended *7on 'on&i'tion o)
t6e 7arent o) a 'rime t6at 6as 'i&il interdi'tion (loss o)
ri+6ts o) 7arental a*t6ority- +*ardians6i7 to 7erson
and 7ro7erty o) 0ard- marital a*t6ority- ri+6t to
mana+e 6is 7ro7erty and ri+6t to dis7ose o) s*'6.
A7arental a*t6ority is
automatically reinstated *7on
ser&i'e o) senten'e or 7ardon.
D. So1re7e8a 81
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Art. 2!1: T%e !our" in an a!"ion filed for "%e urose in
a rela"ed !ase #a' also susend aren"al au"%ori"' if
"%e aren" or "%e erson e+er!ising "%e sa#e:
1.Trea"s "%e !%ild $i"% e+!essi(e %ars%ness or !ruel"'
2. Gi(es "%e !%ild !orru"ing orders) !ounsel or
3. .o#els "%e !%ild "o beg? or
4. Sub&e!"s "%e !%ild or allo$s %i# "o be sub&e!"ed "o
a!"s of las!i(iousness.
T%e grounds enu#era"ed abo(e are dee#ed "o
in!lude !ases) $%i!% %a(e resul"ed fro# !ulable
negligen!e of "%e aren" or "%e erson e+er!ising
aren"al au"%ori"'.
If "%e degree of seriousness so $arran"s) or "%e
$elfare of "%e !%ild so de#ands) "%e !our" s%all
deri(e "%e guil"' ar"' of aren"al au"%ori"' or ado"
su!% o"%er #easures as #a' be roer under "%e
T%e susension or deri(a"ion #a' be re(o0ed and
"%e aren"al au"%ori"' re(i(ed in a !ase filed for "%e
urose or in "%e sa#e ro!eeding if "%e !our" finds
"%a" "%e !ause "%erefor %as !eased and $ill no" be
Suspension of parental authority ('an 1e )rom a
'ase related- o))s6oot o) anot6er 'ase. Does not
6a&e to 1e 'ase )iled )or t6e 7*r7ose)
.. treats t6e '6ild 0it6 excessive 6ars6ness or
2. +i&es '6ild 'orr*7tin+ orders- e>am7le or
,. Com7els t6e '6ild to 1e+
D. S*1@e'ts or allo0s 6im to 1e s*1@e't to a'ts
o) las'i&io*sness (not a't*al se>*al a't-
)or'e or intimidation 0it6 le0d desi+n)
B !6is may in'l*de 'ases 06ere t6e 7arent 0as
ne#li#ent or didnJt do anyt6in+ a1o*t t6e sit*ation.
Ai) t6e de+ree or serio*sness so
0arrants 7arent may 1e de7ri&ed
o) a*t6ority.
BParental a*t6ority may 1e
re&i&ed in a 'ase )iled )or its
7*r7ose or in t6e same
7ro'eedin+ i) t6e 'o*rt )inds t6at
t6e 'a*se 6as 'eased.
Art. 2!2: If "%e erson e+er!ising aren"al au"%ori"'
%as sub&e!"ed "%e !%ild or allo$ed %i# "o be sub&e!"ed
"o se+ual abuse) su!% erson s%all be er#anen"l'
deri(ed b' "%e !our" of su!% au"%ori"'.
I) t6e 7erson e>er'isin+ 7arental a*t6ority
6as sub&e!"ed t6e '6ild or allo$ed %i# "o be
sub&e!"ed ('*l7a1le ne+li+en'e o) a 7arent)
to sexual abuse parental authority !ill be
permanently deprived
0nder &PC: any 7erson entr*sted 0it6 7arental
a*t6ority o) a '6ild *nder .F years o) a+e to deli&er-
+rat*ito*sly or in 'onsideration o) a 7ri'e- s*'6 '6ild
to &a+rant or 1e++ar- em7loys '6ildren in e>6i1itions
('ir'*s- 'arni&al- et'.)
A7arental a*t6ority 'annot 1e
re&i&ed )or se>*al a1*se.
BRPC$ 7arental a*t6ority 'an 1e
de7ri&ed or s*s7ended *7 to t6e
dis'retion o) t6e 'o*rts.
Art. 2!!: T%e erson e+er!ising subs"i"u"e aren"al
au"%ori"' s%all %a(e "%e sa#e au"%ori"' o(er "%e
erson of "%e !%ild as "%e aren"s.
In no !ase s%all "%e s!%ool ad#inis"ra"or) "ea!%er of
Corporal punishment of those !ith special
parental authority:
- t6ose e>er'isin+ s*1stit*te 7arental a*t6ority
0ill 6a&e all t6e same ri+6ts and a*t6orities
D. So1re7e8a 82
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

indi(idual engaged in !%ild !are e+er!ising se!ial
aren"al au"%ori"' infli!" !ororal unis%#en" uon "%e
o&er t6e '6ild ('an in)li't 'or7oral
- t6ose 0it6 s7e'ial 7arental a*t6ority 'annot
in)li't 'or7oral 7*nis6ment on t6e '6ild.
(s'6ools 'an im7ose 'ertain meas*res o)
dis'i7linary a'tion 1*t 'annot in)li't any
76ysi'al 7*nis6ment)
Criminal liability of parents:
.. 'on'eals or a1andons t6e '6ild 0it6 intent to ma(e 6imI6er loose 6is 'i&il stat*s
2. a1andons '6ild de7ri&in+ 6im o) t6e lo&e- 'are- and 7rote'tion 6e needs
,. sells or a1andons '6ild )or a &al*a1le 'onsideration
D. ne+le'ts t6e '6ild 1y not +i&in+ 6im t6e ed*'ation 06i'6 t6e )amily 'an a))ord
/. )ails or re)*ses 0it6o*t @*sti)ia1le reason to enroll '6ild
F. 'a*ses- a1ates- or 7ermits tr*an'y o) t6e '6ild. (a1sen'e 0it6o*t 'a*se )or more t6an 20 days- not ne'essarily 'onse'*ti&e)
5. e>7loits '6ild 1y *sin+ 6im )or 1e++in+- et'.
4. in)li'ts 'r*el and *n*s*al 7*nis6ment
9. en'o*ra+es or 'a*ses '6ild to lead an immoral or dissol*te li)e
.0. 7ermits '6ild to *se or 'arry dan+ero*s 0ea7ons
... allo0s or re2*ires '6ild to dri&e 0it6o*t a li'ense.
Art. 2!$: E#an!ia"ion "a0es la!e b' "%e
a""ain#en" of #a&ori"'. Unless o"%er$ise
ro(ided) #a&ori"' !o##en!es a" "%e age of
- man'i7ation is attained *7on rea'6in+ .4 years o)
a+e. Marria+e is no lon+er a +ro*nd )or eman'i7ation
sin'e no0 one 'an only 'ontra't a marria+e 06en t6ey
Art. 2!%: E#an!ia"ion for an' !ases s%all
"er#ina"e aren"al au"%ori"' o(er "%e erson
and roer"' of "%e !%ild $%o s%all "%en be
*ualified and resonsible for all a!"s of !i(il of
life) sa(e "%e e+!e"ions es"ablis%ed b'
e+is"ing la$s in se!ial !ases.
.on"ra!"ing #arriage s%all re*uire aren"al
!onsen" un"il "%e age of 21.
,o"%ing in "%is !ode s%all be !ons"rued "o
- Parental 'onsent is more in (ee7in+ 0it6 Fili7ino '*lt*re
and tradition.
- On'e eman'i7ated 6eIs6e 'an s*e or 1e s*ed alone-
and is res7onsi1le and 2*ali)ied )or all a'ts o) 'i&il li)e
ParentJs lia1ility$
- !6e )at6er and in 'ase o) deat6 or in'a7a'ity t6e
mot6er are res7onsi1le )or t6e dama+es 'a*sed 1y t6e
'6ildren 1et0een .4 and 2. 06o li&e in t6eir 'om7any.
- Parents are also s*1sidiary lia1le )or t6e a'ts or
BIlle+itimate '6ildren$ lia1ility
is 0it6 t6e mot6erK t6e )at6er
is only relied *7on )or s*77ort.
D. So1re7e8a 83
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

deroga"e fro# "%e du"' or resonsibili"' of
aren"s and guardians for !%ildren and $ards
belo$ "$en"'8one 'ears of age #en"ioned in
"%e se!ond and "%ird aragra%s of Ar"i!le
2169 of "%e !i(il !ode.
omission o) t6eir eman'i7ated '6ild li&in+ in t6eir
9*ardianJs lia1ility$
- 9*ardians are lia1le )or dama+es i) t6e 7erson is *nder
t6eir a*t6ority and li&e in t6eir 'om7any.
Summary proceedin#s:
- 'laims )or dama+es 1y eit6er s7o*se m*st 1e done in a se7arate a'tion.
- Preliminary 'on)eren'e$ done 1y @*d+e 0it6 t6e 7arties !Go counsel5 G*t i) t6e 'o*rt deems it ne'essary- t6ey 'an 1e assisted 1y 'o*nsel
- De'isions 1e'ome )inal and e>e'*tory immediately (no more la7se o) ./ days et') 6o0e&er a++rie&ed 7arty 'an still a77eal to 6i+6er
'o*rts on t6e 1asis o) denial o) d*e 7ro'ess.
)amily courts:
- s6all esta1lis6 )amily 'o*rts in e&ery 7ro&in'e and 'ity. I) t6e 'ity is t6e 'a7ital o) t6e 7ro&in'e t6en in t6e m*ni'i7ality 0it6 t6e 6i+6est
n*m1er o) 7eo7le.
3*risdi'tion o&er$
.. 'riminal 'ases o) t6ose 9%.4 years o) a+e (1*t all 'ases 'on'ernin+ determination o) a+e still 0it6 )amily 'o*rts)
2. 7etitions )or +*ardians6i7- '*stody- 6a1eas 'or7*s
,. ado7tion and re&o'ation t6ereo)
D. ann*lment- n*llity- relatin+ to marital stat*s- 7ro7erty relations- dissol*tion o) CP9
/. s*77ort and a'(no0led+ment
F. s*mmary @*di'ial 7ro'eedin+s
5. de'laration o) stat*s o) '6ildren- 'ommitment o) '6ildren- s*s7ension termination or restoration o) 7arental a*t6ority.
4. Constit*tion o) )amily 6ome
9. Cases a+ainst minors (dan+ero*s dr*+s a't)
.0. Violations o) 5F.0
... Violations a+ainst VA?C (*nless 1e'omes 'riminal in 06i'6 'ase o))ender 0ill 1e s*1@e't to 'riminal 7ro'eedin+s)
Bi) any 1e'ome an in'ident to a 'ase 7endin+ in t6e re+*lar 'o*rts it s6all 1e de'ided t6ere.
- same arran+ement esta1lis6ed )or s*77ort (s7o*ses- des'endants t6en as'endants in t6e nearest de+ree- 1rot6ers and sisters a1o&e 2.)
Grot6ers and sisters or des'endants Coldest are 7re)erred- as'endants C 7aternal is 7re)erred.
- In (ee7in+ 0it6 t6e so'ial 7osition o) t6e de'eased- and in a''ordan'e to t6e e>7ressed 0is6es o) t6e de'eased- in t6e a1sen'e reli+io*s
1elie)s- in 'ase o) do*1t s6all 1e de'ided *7on 1y t6e 7erson ma(in+ t6e arran+ements a)ter 'ons*ltation 0it6 t6e )amily.
- "*man remains 'anJt 1e dis7osed or e>6*med 0it6o*t t6e 'onsent o) t6e 7ersons in arran+ement.
- A 7erson 06o allo0s disres7e't to t6e dead 0ill 1e lia1le to t6e )amily )or moral and material dama+es.
D. So1re7e8a 84
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

- Ma*sole*m or a tom1 is 7art o) )*neral e>7enses- 06i'6 s6all 1e '6ar+ea1le to t6e 7ro7erty re+ime i) t6e s7o*se is ma(in+ arran+ements.
Art. !%$: -egi"i#a"e and legi"i#a"ed !%ildren s%all
rin!iall' use "%e surna#e of "%e fa"%er.
- Le+itimate- le+itimated '6ildren *se s*rname o)
t6eir dad
Art. !%5: An ado"ed !%ild s%all bear "%e surna#e
of "%e ado"er.
- Ado7ted '6ildren are 'onsidered t6e le+itimate
'6ild o) t6e ado7ter )or all intents and 7*r7oses
and t6*s is entitled to all t6e ri+6ts and
o1li+ations 7ro&ided 1y la0.
- Ado7ted '6ildren 1ear t6e name o) t6eir
Art. !%%: A na"ural !%ild a!0no$ledged b' bo"%
aren"s s%all rin!iall' use "%e surna#e of "%e
fa"%er. If re!ogni/ed b' onl' one of "%e aren"s) a
na"ural !%ild s%all e#lo' "%e surna#e of "%e
re!ogni/ing aren".
Art. !%(: ,a"ural !%ildren b' legal fi!"ion s%all
rin!iall' e#lo' "%e surna#e of "%e fa"%er.
Art. .5F$ ille+itimate '6ildren s6all *se t6e s*rname o)
t6e mot6er and s6all 1e *nder t6eir 7arental 'ontrol.
- Art. .5F 6o0e&er does not a77ly i) t6e )at6er o)
t6e ille+itimate '6ild is 'ertain as 06en t6e said
)at6er 'ate+ori'ally admits t6at t6e ille+itimate
'ommon '6ild is 6is and at t6e same time s*'6
)at6er li&es 0it6 t6e ille+itimate '6ild and t6e
Art. !%): Illegi"i#a"e !%ildren referred "o in Ar"i!le
265 s%all bear "%e surna#e of "%e #o"%er.
- Ille+itimate '6ildren s6all 7rin'i7ally *se t6e
name o) t6e mot6er
Exception: )at6er is 'ertain or
re'o+ni:es ille+itimate '6ild and
t6e )at6er li&es 0it6 t6e ille+itimate
'6ild and mot6er. !6en 'an *se
)at6ers s*rname
Art. !%+: .%ildren !on!ei(ed before "%e de!ree
annulling a (oidable #arriage s%all rin!iall' use
"%e surna#e of "%e fa"%er.
- C6ildren conceived 1e)ore t6e de'ree ann*llin+
a &oida1le marria+e s6all *se s*rname o) )at6er.
- De'ree o) ann*lment is )inal ./ days a)ter it is
made t6*s e&en i) t6e '6ild 0as 1orn d*rin+ t6at
./ day 7eriod t6e '6ild 0ill still 1e le+itimate.
Art. !(,: A #arried $o#an #a' use:
1. >er #aiden firs" na#e and surna#e and add
%er %usbandAs surna#e) or
2. >er #aiden firs" na#e and %er %usbandAs
Married 0oman may *se$
.. "er o0n name
2. maiden )irst name- s*rname and 6*s1ands
D. So1re7e8a 85
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

surna#e or
3. >er %usbandAs full na#e) bu" refi+ing a $ord
indi!a"ing "%a" s%e is %is $ife) su!% as DMrs.D
,. maiden name and 6er 6*s1ands s*rname
D. 6*s1ands )*ll name 7l*s <Mrs.=
B O7tion is +i&e to t6e 0oman.
Art. !(1: In !ase of annul#en" of #arriage) and
"%e $ife is "%e guil"' ar"') s%e s%all resu#e %er
#aiden na#e and surna#e. If s%e is "%e inno!en"
souse) s%e #a' resu#e %er #aiden na#e and
surna#e. >o$e(er) s%e #a' !%oose "o !on"inue
e#lo'ing %er for#er %usbandAs surna#e) unless:
1. T%e !our" de!rees o"%er$ise) or
2. S%e or "%e for#er %usband is #arried again "o
ano"%er erson.
Art. !(2: <%en legal seara"ion %as been
gran"ed) "%e $ife s%all !on"inue using %er na#e
and surna#e e#lo'ed before "%e legal
Art. !(!: A $ido$ #a' use "%e de!eased
%usbandAs surna#e as "%oug% %e $ere s"ill li(ing)
in a!!ordan!e $i"% Ar"i!le 359.
In case of annulment:
.. 0i)e is +*ilty$ s6all res*me 6er maiden name
2. inno'ent$ res*me 6er maiden name or 'ontin*e
*sin+ 6er 6*s1ands name unless t6e 'o*rt
de'rees ot6er0ise or i) eit6er o) t6em remarries.
In case of le#al separation: 0i)e !ill 'ontin*e to *se
t6e name s6e *sed 7rior to se7aration
Bido!: may 'ontin*e to *se de'eased 6*s1andJs
Art. !($: In !ase of iden"i"' of na#es and
surna#es) "%e 'ounger erson s%all be obliged "o
use su!% addi"ional na#e or surna#e as $ill
a(oid !onfusion.
Art. !(5: In !ase of iden"i"' of na#es and
surna#es be"$een as!endan"s and des!endan"s)
"%e $ord DFuniorD !an be used onl' b' a son.
Grandsons and o"%er dire!" #ale des!endan"s
s%all ei"%er:
1. Add a #iddle na#e or "%e #o"%erAs surna#e) or
2. Add "%e Ro#an ,u#erals II) III) and so on.
I) t6ere are similar names- t6e yo*n+er 0ill 1e
o1li+ed to *se additional names
I) 1et0een as'endants and des'endants t6e
0ord <@*nior= 'an only 1e *sed 1y a son .
%randsons and direct male
descendants !ill use:
.. add middle name or
mot6ers s*rname
add roman n*merals
Art. !(%: ,o erson !an !%ange %is na#e or #o '6an+e in name or s*rname 0it6o*t @*di'ial Exception: i) it is )or merely
D. So1re7e8a 86
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surna#e $i"%ou" &udi!ial au"%ori"'. a*t6ority
&easons for chan#e in surname:
.. ridi'*lo*s name
2. '6an+e o) 'i&il stat*s
,. to a&oid 'on)*sion
Bla0s do not 7ermit a le+itimate '6ild o) anot6er to ado7t
t6e s*rname o) anot6er 7erson e&en i) t6at 7erson is
e>er'isin+ 7arental a*t6ority. G*t i) it is an ille+itimate
'6ild- '6an+e o) s*rname is 7ermitted
- '6an+e o) name does not alter )amily relations-
ri+6ts or d*ties- le+al 'a7a'ity- 'i&il stat*s or
'6an+in+ 'leri'al or ty7o+ra76i'al
error no need )or @*di'ial a*t6ority
(m*st not in&ol&e a '6an+e in
nationality- a+e- stat*s- or se>)
Chan#e in nicFname:
.. ridi'*lo*s- tainted 0it6
dis6onor- di))i'*lt to
2. 6a1it*ally *sed and
(no0n 1y ot6er 7eo7le as
,. '6an+e 0ill a&oid
Art. !((: Usura"ion of a na#e and surna#e #a'
be "%e sub&e!" of an a!"ion for da#ages and o"%er
Art. !(): T%e unau"%ori/ed or unla$ful use of
ano"%er ersonAs surna#e gi(es a rig%" of a!"ion
"o "%e la""er.
!6e *s*r7ation or *se o) a name and s*rname
0it6o*t a*t6ority 'o*ld res*lt in a 'laim )or
Ana*t6ori:ed or *nla0)*l *se o) anot6erJs name
also +i&es ri+6t )or an a'tion to t6e latter.
A*s*r7ation means some in@*ry to
t6e interests o) t6e 7erson
(7ossi1ility o) 'on)*sion o) identity
Art. !(+: T%e e#lo'#en" of en na#es or s"age
na#es is er#i""ed) ro(ided i" is done in good
fai"% and "%ere is no in&ur' "o "%ird ersons. ;en
na#es and s"age na#es !anno" be usured.
Art. !),: E+!e" as ro(ided in "%e re!eding
ar"i!le) no erson s%all use differen" na#es and
Pen names and sta+e names 7ermitted as lon+
as done in +ood )ait6 and no one +ets in@*red.
Asta+e names 'annot 1e *s*r7ed
as t6e 7eo7le 6a&e &ested ri+6ts
in t6em as 0ell.
- at t6e instan'e o) an interested 7arty t6e @*d+e may a77oint a 7erson to re7resent 6im
- @*d+e s6all ta(e ne'essary meas*res to sa)e+*ard ri+6ts and interests o) a1sentee (s7e'i)y 7o0ers- re+*lations et'.) Cs7o*se is 7re)erred
i) no le+al se7aration.
Declaration of absence - 2 yrs i) no ne0s a1o*t t6e a1sentee
- : yrs i) a1sentee le)t someone in '6ar+e
Bho may seeF
declaration of absence
- s7o*se 7resent
- 6eirs instit*ted in a 0ill
B@*di'ial de'laration s6all not ta(e e))e't *ntil >
months a)ter its 7*1li'ation.
D. So1re7e8a 87
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

- relati&es 06o may s*''eed 1y t6e la0 o) intesta'y
(le+itimate- ille+itimate relati&es- 'ollateral relati&es)
- t6ose 06o 6a&e ri+6t to t6e 7ro7erty s*1ordinated to t6e
'ondition o) 6is deat6
Some of its effects - 'a*se )or in&ol*ntary @*di'ial se7aration
- 1asis )or termination o) 7ro7erty re+ime
- trans)er o) e>'l*si&e 7ro7erties to t6e 7resent s7o*se
- termination o) 7arental a*t6ority
Bs7o*se 'anJt alienateIen'*m1er 7ro7erty
0it6o*t @*di'ial a*t6ority.
'ermination of
- 06en a1sentee a77ears o) 6is a+ent
- deat6 o) t6e a1sentee is 7ro&ed and 6is 6eirs a77ear
- ,
7erson a77ears 0it6 a ri+6t o&er t6e 7ro7erty
Presumption of death
throu#h absence
- 6 years )or intents and 7*r7oses e>'e7t s*''ession
- 3D yrs )or 7*r7oses o) o7enin+ s*''ession
- i) disa77eared a)ter t6e a+e o) 5/- / years eno*+6
Bi) t6e a1sentee a77ears or 6is e>isten'e is
7ro&en 6e s6all re'o&er all 6is 7ro7erty in t6e
'ondition t6ey are in 1*t 'annot 'laim t6e )r*its
or rents.
Bi) t6e a1sentee is t6e 6eir- 6is s6are s6all
a''r*e to 6is 'o%6eirs- *nless 6i 6as 6eirs or a
re7resentati&e. (ri+6t o) re7resentation). If
absentee reappears 6e 6as 'laim to +et 06at
0as s*77osed to 1e 6is )rom t6ose t6at +ot it
0it6in t6e 7res'ri7ti&e 7eriod.
Presumption of death in
dan#erous situations
- on 1oard a lost vessel d*rin+ sea &oya+e- air7lane t6at is
missin+ and 6as not 1een 6eard o) in < years sin'e loss.
(i) t6ere is a 0re'(a+e and 7erson is missin+- not D years)
- Person in t6e armed )or'es en#a#ed in !ar and is
missin+ )or D years
- Person in dan+er o) deat6 and e>isten'e 6as not 1een
(no0n )or D years.
D. So1re7e8a 88
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Adoption: Rig%" "o !rea"e rela"ions%i of aren" and !%ild be"$een ersons $%o are no" rela"ed e+is"s onl' b' (ir"ue of s"a"u"e.
Domestic adoption
- Poli'y o) t6e state to ens*re t6at '6ild is 7ro&ided 0it6 lo&e- 'are and remains 0it6 7arents and only 06en t6e '6ild 'anJt 1e 7la'ed 0it6
e>tended )amily s6all ado7tion 1y *nrelated 7erson 1e 'onsidered.
In a''ordan'e 0it6 tenets o)$
.. A# Con&ention on Ri+6ts o) a C6ild
2. A# De'laration o) So'ial and Le+al Prin'i7les Relatin+ to t6e Prote'tion and ?el)are o) C6ildren
,. "a+*e Con&ention on t6e Prote'tion o) C6ildren and Coo7eration in Res7e't o) Inter%'o*ntry Ado7tion.
State Poli'y$
.. Sa)e+*ard 1iolo+i'al 7arents )rom ma(in+ 6*rried de'isions. (Co*nselin+- no 'ommitment to a 7otential ado7ter 1e)ore 1irt6- et'.)
2. Pre&ent '6ild )rom *nne'essary se7aration )rom 7arents
,. Prote't ado7ti&e 7arents )rom dist*r1an'e o) t6eir 7arental a*t6ority o&er ado7ted.
D. Promote sensiti&e en&ironment )or ado7tion t6ro*+6 'am7ai+ns and 7*1li' in)ormation
/. 9o&ernment 6as s*))i'ient 'a7a'ity to 7ro&ide )or ado7tion 7ro7erly.
F. n'o*ra+e domesti' ado7tion and ma(e inter%'o*ntry ado7tion a last resort.
- Gein+ a stat*tory 'reation- all re2*irements m*st 1e met 0it6 i) not- no ri+6ts may )lo0 )rom t6is.
Pre%Ado7tion Ser&i'es$ Co*nselin+ )or nat*ral 7arents- ado7ter- and ado7tee.
.. Fili7ino 'iti:en o) le+al a+e 0it6 )*ll 'i&il 'a7a'ity and le+al ri+6ts.
a. #ot 'on&i'ted o) a 'rime in&ol&in+ moral t*r7it*de
1. motionallyIPsy'6olo+i'ally 'a7a1le o) 'arin+ )or '6ildren
'. At least .F years older t6en t6e ado7tee (*nless ado7ter is t6e 1iolo+i'al 7arent or s7o*se o) t6e 1iolo+i'al 7arent)
d. In a 7osition to s*77ort and 'are )or
2. Aliens 0it6 same 2*ali)i'ations 7l*s
a. Co*ntry 6as di7lomati' relations 0it6 P6ili77ines
1. Li&in+ in t6e P6ili77ines )or at least , 'ontin*o*s years
i. Residen'y re2*irement is 0ai&ed i) t6e ado7ter 0as$
.. Former Fili7ino 'iti:en 06o see(s to ado7t a relati&e 0it6 in t6e D
de+ree o) 'onsan+*inity or a))inity
2. See(s to ado7t le+itimate '6ild o) Fili7ino s7o*se
,. One 06o is married to a Fili7ino and see(s to ado7t @ointly 0it6 6er a relati&e 0it6in t6e D
de+ree o)
'onsan+*inity or a))inity o) Fili7ino s7o*se.
'. Forei+n 'o*ntry 0ill allo0 t6e ado7tee to enter s*'6 'o*ntry
d. Certi)ied to 1e le+ally 'a7a'itated to ado7t
D. So1re7e8a 89
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

,. 9*ardian 0it6 res7e't to 0ard (a)ter 'learan'e o) )inan'es
"*s1and and 0i)e s6all @ointly ado7t e>'e7t$
.. One s7o*se see(s to ado7t le+itimate '6ild o) ot6er
2. One s7o*se ado7ts 6isI6er o0n ille+itimate '6ild 7ro&ided ot6er s7o*se si+ni)ies 'onsent to t6is
,. S7o*ses are le+ally se7arated
?6o may 1e ado7ted$
.. Gelo0 .4- @*di'iallyIadministrati&ely de'lared a&aila1le )or ado7tion
2. Le+itimate '6ild o) one s7o*se 1y t6e ot6er
,. Ille+itimate '6ild 1y 2*ali)ied ado7ter to im7ro&e stat*s
D. A 7erson o) le+al a+e o) 06en yo*n+er 0as treated as ado7terJs '6ild sin'e minority
/. A '6ilde 06ose ado7tion 6as 1een 7re&io*sly res'inded
F. C6ild 06ere 7arents 6a&e died (no 7ro'eedin+ *ntil a)ter F mont6s )rom time o) deat6)
Consent needed$ !o ma(e s*re e&eryone (no0s and a''e7ts t6e ado7tion
.. !6e ado7tee i) .0 years and o&er
2. ?6o e&er 6as le+al '*stody o) t6e '6ild (7arent- +*ardian- +o&Jt.)
,. Le+itimate and ado7ted '6ildren o) ado7tee (.0 years and a1o&e)
D. Ille+itimate '6ildren i) li&in+ 0it6 ado7ter (.0 years or o&er)
/. S7o*se o) ado7ter
- #o 'onsent 'an 1e +i&en 7rior to 1irt6 o) '6ild. F%mont6 7eriod to re&o(e 'onsent 1y 7arent a)ter de'ision 6as 1een made. A)ter t6at
'onsent is 1indin+.
.. Co*rt needs 7roo) t6at t6ere 0asnJt a 6*rried de'ision.
2. So'ial 0or(er s6o*ld ma(e 'ase st*dy o) ado7ter and ado7tee 7rior to any 6earin+ )or ado7tion
,. Ge)ore ado7tion de'ree 1e'omes )inal t6ere is F mont6 '*stody 7eriod
- Only a dire't atta'( in 'ases o) ado7tion- 'anJt 1e 'ollaterally atta'(ed
- De'ree 1e'omes e))e'ti&e as o) t6e date 7etition 0as )iled
Retroa'ts e>'e7t 06en it 'omes to &i'ario*s lia1ility
- "earin+ in ado7tion 'ases 0ill 1e 'onsidered 'on)idential and not o7en to 7*1li'.
))e'ts o) Ado7tion$
.. Parental a*t6ority C all le+al ties 1et0een 1iolo+i'al 7arent and ado7tee se&ered (*nless 1iolo+i'al is t6e one ado7tin+)
2. Le+itima'y C )or all intents and 7*r7oses ado7tee is 'onsidered le+itimate '6ild
a. Relations6i7 esta1lis6ed is only 1et0een 7arent and '6ild- does not e>tend to ot6er relati&es *nless e>7ressly 7ro&ided 1y la0
,. S*''ession % ado7ter and ado7tee 1e'ome le+itimateI le+al 6eirs o) one anot6er (entitled to le+itime)- 1iolo+i'al 7arents 0onJt +et
- #o ri+6t o) re7resentation (Meanin+ i) ado7ter dies- ado7tee 'anJt +et )rom 7arents o) ado7ter)
- Does not in6erit )orm t6e ot6er relati&es- et'.
- "o0e&er i) somet6in+ is le)t 1y 0ill t6e ado7teeI1iolo+i'al 7arent 'an in6erit ()rom t6e )ree 7ortion)
D. So1re7e8a 90
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Res'ission o) ado7tion$ 1y ado7tee or +*ardian$
.. Re7eated 76ysi'al or &er1al maltreatment
2. Attem7t on t6e li)e o) t6e ado7tee
,. Se>*al assa*lt or &iolen'e
D. A1andonment and )ail*re to 'om7ly 0it6 7arental o1li+ations
- Ado7ter 'annot res'ind ado7tion ('an only disin6erit)
- I) ado7tion is res'inded t6en 7arental a*t6ority o) 1iolo+i'al 7arents or De7artment o) So'ial ?el)are 0ill 1e restored i) ado7tee is still a
minor. G*t ado7ter and ado7tee relations6i7 e>tin+*is6ed.
Inter-country Adoption:
- So'io%le+al 7ro'ess o) ado7tin+ a Fili7ino C6ild 1y a )orei+n national or Fili7ino Citi:en residin+ a1road 06ere 7etition )or ado7tion is )iled
Inter%'o*ntry ado7tion 1oard$ a't as 'entral a*t6ority )or all matters relatin+ to inter%'o*ntry ado7tion
- Goard s6all ens*re t6at ado7tion in )amily 'ode 6as 1een e>6a*sted and inter%'o*ntry ado7tion is in t6e 1est interest o) t6e '6ild.
- !6e 1oard *7on re'ommendation o) t6e 7la'ement 'ommittee s6all only a77ro&e mat'6in+ o) a '6ild to a )orei+n ado7ti&e )amily.
F*n'tions o) Goard$
.. R*les and re+*lations
2. 9*idelines )or t6e 'on&enin+ o) inter%'o*ntry ado7tion 7la'ement 'ommittee
,. 9*idelines )or Mat'6in+IColle'tion
D. Fees and C6ar+es to 1e e>e'*ted
/. Form and Contents o) a77li'ation
F. Form*late 7oli'ies et' to 7rote't '6ildren
5. Pre&ent im7ro7er )inan'ial +ain
4. Promote de&elo7ment o) ado7tion ser&i'e
9. A''reditIa*t6ori:e )orei+n ado7tion a+en'y
.0. ns*re 'on)identiality o) re'ords
... Pre7areIModi)y a+reements
.2. Assist ot6er a+en'ies
.,. Ot6ers
?6o may 1e ado7ted$ Only a le+ally )ree '6ild (&ol*ntarily or in&ol*ntarily 'ommitted)
?6o may ado7t$ Any alien or Fili7ino 'iti:en residin+ a1road 7ro&ided$
.. At least 25 years old and .F years older t6en t6e ado7ted *nless ado7ter is 1iolo+i'al 7arent. I) married- t6ey m*st @ointly )ile ado7tion.
2. "as 'a7a'ity to a't and ass*me ri+6ts and res7onsi1ilities o) a 7arent *nder 6is national la0s. Also 6as *nder+one 'o*nselin+ )orm an
a''redited 'o*nselor in 6isI6er 'o*ntry
,. #ot 1een 'on&i'ted o) a 'rime in&ol&in+ moral t*r7it*de
D. li+i1le to ado7t *nder 6is nationality la0s
/. A1le to +i&e 7ro7er 'are and s*77ort
F. A+rees to *76old 1asi' ri+6ts o) '6ild
D. So1re7e8a 91
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

5. Comes )rom a 'o*ntry t6at t6e P6ili77ines 6as di7lomati' ties 0it6. (P6ili77ine maintains a*t6ori:ed and a''redited a+en'y- ado7tion is
allo0ed *nder 6is or 6er la0s)
- !o 1e )iled 0it6 t6e R!C or t6e 1oard t6ro*+6 an a+en'y.
Mat'6in+$ 3*di'io*s 7airin+ o) t6e a77li'ant and t6e '6ild to 7romote a mentally satis)yin+ 7arent%'6ild relations6i7.
- #o mat'6in+ arran+ement 1et0een a77li'ant and 7arents 1e)ore t6e 'ommitteeJs 7ro7osal *nless it is relati&e or it is )or t6e '6ildJs 1est
- A77li'ant m*st )et'6 '6ild 0it6in ,0 days a)ter noti'e o) iss*an'e o) &isa.
!rial '*stody$ F mont6s 0it6 s*1mission o) 7ro+ress re7orts 1e)ore ado7tion de'ree 1e'omes )inal.
- I) 7re%ado7ti&e relations6i7 is *nsatis)a'tory- it 0ill 1e terminated and Goard may '6oose )rom roster o) a77li'ants a 2*ali)ied )amily-
a1sen'e t6e )orei+n a+en'y may 7ro7ose.
>e'*ti&e A+reement$ DFA *7on re7resentation o) t6e Goard s6all 'a*se t6e 7re7aration o) >e'*ti&e A+reements 0it6 'o*ntries o) t6e )orei+n
ado7tion a+en'ies.
Ille+al Ado7tion (7res*med)$
.. Consent )or ado7tion a'2*ired t6ro*+6 or attended 1y )or'e- 'oer'ion- et'.
2. #o a*t6ority )rom 1oard
,. Pro'ed*res and sa)e+*ards not 'om7lied 0it6
D. C6ild e>7osed to dan+er- a1*se and e>7loitation
- Attem7t to 'ommit o))ense 7*nis6a1le
- A'ts 7*nis6a1le a1o&e 'onsidered '6ild tra))i'(in+
'A (%1,: 3pecial Protection of Children Against Child Ause/ 7#ploitation and 5iscrimination Act.
- State s6all inter&ene 06en 7erson 06o is s*77osed to 7rote't a '6ild 'annot or i) t6ose a'ts are 1ein+ 'ommitted 1y t6e 7arent a+ainst t6e
C6ildren .4 years or 1elo0 or t6ose a1o&e .4 1*t are *na1le to 7rote't t6emsel&es )rom e>7loitationIdis'rimination d*e to 76ysi'al or mental
C6ild A1*se$ 6a1it*al or non%6a1it*al maltreatment
.. Psy'6olo+i'al or 76ysi'al a1*se (ne+le't- 'r*elty emotional maltreatment- se>*al a1*se)
2. A'ts 1y deeds or 0ords- 06i'6 de+rades or demeans intrinsi' 0ort6 or 6*man di+nity o) '6ild.
,. Anreasona1le de7ri&ation o) 1asi' needs
D. Fail*re to +i&e immediate medi'al treatment 06en needed.
Cir'*mstan'es- 06i'6 +ra&ely t6reaten or endan+er s*r&i&al and normal de&elo7ment$
.. Li&in+ in an area a))e'ted 1y armed 'on)li't
2. ?or(in+ *nder 'onditions 6a:ardo*s to li)e- sa)ety- morals
,. Li&in+ or )endin+ )or t6emsel&es 0it6o*t t6e 'are o) anyone
D. Li&in+ in an area la'(in+ 1asi' ser&i'es (indi+eno*s '*lt*ral 'omm*nity- e>treme 7o&erty- *nderde&elo7ed area)
/. Vi'tim o) 'alamity
F. Analo+o*s sit*ations.
D. So1re7e8a 92
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

C6ild 7rostit*tion and ot6er se>*al a'tsIa1*se$ For any 'onsideration or t6ro*+6 'oer'ion or in)l*en'e ind*l+e in se>*al a'ts.
Attem7t to 'ommit$ Any 7erson 06o is in a se'l*ded area 0it6 a '6ild and s*'6 7erson is not a relati&e.
C6ild tra))i'(in+$ tradin+- dealin+- 1*yin+- and sellin+ o) '6ildren
Attem7t to 'ommit$ C6ild tra&els alone to )orei+n 'o*ntry 0it6o*t reason or 'learan'e )orm DS?S- 7re+nant 0omen 'onsents to ado7tion
)or a 'onsideration- esta1lis6ment 06i'6 re'r*its 0omen to 1ear '6ildren. Person en+a+ed in )indin+ '6ildren )rom lo0%in'ome )amilies.
O1s'ene 7*1li'ations and inde'ent s6o0s$ 7er)orm o1s'ene e>6i1itions in s6o0s- &ideo or model and sellsIdistri1*tes t6is.
Ot6er a'ts o) a1*se$ *se 'oer'ion- )or'e or intimidation to ma(e a '6ild 1e+- tra))i' dr*+s- or 'ond*'t ot6er ille+al a'ti&ities
- sta1lis6ments 06ere t6ese a'ts are done 0ill 1e 'losed and t6eir li'ense to o7erate 0ill 1e 'an'eled.
?or(in+ C6ildren$ 1elo0 ./ years o) a+e 'an 0or( 7ro&ided$
.. ?or( 7ermit )rom DOL
2. m7loyer s6all ens*re 7rote'tion- 6ealt6- sa)ety- morals
,. Pre&ent e>7loitation or dis'rimination
D. Contin*o*s trainin+ o) '6ild
- Cant em7loy '6ild in 'ommer'ials )or al'o6ol- to1a''o- &iolen'e
C6ildren o) Indi+eno*s C*lt*ral Comm*nities$
- Instit*te an alternati&e ed*'ation )or '6ildren 06i'6 is '*lt*re s7e'i)i' and rele&ant to t6eir needs
- Deli&ery o) 1asi' so'ial ser&i'es.
Sit*ations o) Armed Con)li't$
- Poli'y o) state to resol&e s*'6 )or 1est interest o) '6ildren
.. S6all not 1e o1@e't o) atta'(K entitled to s7e'ial res7e't
2. #ot re'r*ited in army
,. Deli&ery o) 1asi' so'ial ser&i'es
D. P*1li' in)rastr*'t*res (s'6ools- 6os7itals) not to 1e *sed
/. Fa'ilitate re*nion o) )amilies
C6ildren arrested )or reasons o) armed 'on)li't$
.. Se7arate detention 'ells )rom ad*lts *nless t6ey are )amily.
2. Immediate )ree le+al assistan'e
,. Immediate noti'e to 7arents
D. Release 0it6in 2D 6o*rs to DS?D or ot6er
?6o may )ile$ o))ended 7arentsI +*ardians- as'endants- relati&e 0it6in t6e ,
de+ree o) 'onsan+*inity so'ial 0or(er o) DS?S or ot6er-
Garan+ay '6airman- , 'iti:ens o) t6e 7la'e 06ere it o''*rred.
D. So1re7e8a 93
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Article 8>: Donor may revoFe
donation by reason of marria#e in
the follo!in# cases
/. Marria+e is not 'ele1rated or is &oid a1 initio
(in'l*din+ art. /2%/,)
- marria+e is &oid$ / years )rom 3*di'ial De'laration
o) #*llity (i) doesnJt 0ant to +i&e it 1a'(- 7res'ri1e
a)ter 4 years )or mo&a1le- ,0 years )or immo&a1le)
- marria+e not 'ele1rated$ / years )rom 06en it 0as
not 'ele1rated
Exception$ I) t6e donation is in t6e
marria+e settlement it 0ill 1e re&o(ed 1y
o7eration o) la0.
Exception: I) t6e marria+e is &oid d*e to
Arti'le D0- or Arti'le DD- t6en a*tomati'ally
F. Marria+e ta(es 7la'e 0it6o*t 'onsent o) 7arents
% / years )rom t6e time 6e 6ad (no0led+e t6at 'onsent 0as
not o1tained- a)ter t6e marria+e.
5. A7on le+al se7aration 06en donee is t6e +*ilty
- / years )rom )inality o) de'ree.
Exception: i) t6e +ro*nd )or le+al
se7aration is in)idelity in t6e )orm o)
ad*ltery or 'on'*1ina+e it 0ill 1e
a*tomati'ally &oid.
4. ?6en t6ere is a resol*tory 'a*se and t6e 'ondition
6as 1een 'om7lied 0it6
/ years )rom t6e 6a77enin+ o) t6e resol*tory 'ondition.
Exception: 1et0een 6*s1and and 0i)e
7res'ri7tion does not r*n.
F. A'ts o) in+ratit*de$
% donee 'ommits an o))ense a+ainst t6e 7erson or 7ro7erty
o) t6e donor- 6is 0i)e- or '6ildren
% donee im7*tes to t6e donor any 'riminal o))ense in&ol&in+
moral t*r7it*de *nless it a+ainst t6e donee
% donee *nd*ly re)*ses to s*77ort donor 06en 6e is le+ally
or morally 1o*nd to +i&e s*77ort.
% . year )rom t6e time t6e donor 6ad (no0led+e o) t6e )a't
o) in+ratit*de
Article 86 %6*s1and and 0i)e 'anJt donate to ea'6 ot6er
%also t6ose 06o 'o6a1itate 0it6 ea'6 ot6er
Exception: 'an +i&e moderate +i)ts.
&evoFed by operation of la!$
.. Article <9: Donations made in s*1se2*ent marria+es 0it6o*t @*di'ial de'laration o) n*llity or in 'ase o) rea77earan'e i) t6e donee a'ted
0it6 1ad )ait6.
D. So1re7e8a 94
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

2. Article <<: ?6en 1ot6 s7o*ses a'ted 0it6 1ad )ait6 t6en all donations and testamentary dis7ositions s6all 1e re&o(ed.
,. Article ><: (Le+al se7aration) t6e o))endin+ s7o*se 0ill 1e dis2*ali)ied )rom in6eritin+ )rom inno'ent s7o*se in intestate s*''ession-
7ro&isions in )a&or o) t6e o))endin+ s7o*se in t6e 0ill o) t6e inno'ent s7o*se s6all 1e re&o(ed 1y o7eration o) la0.
D. Article 83: Donations and ot6er sti7*lations made in t6e marria+e settlement 1y reason o) marria+e s6all 1e re&o(ed 1y o7eration o) la0
is marria+e is not 'ele1rated
/. Article 86: Donations 1et0een 6*s1and and 0i)e (dire't or indire't)- or t6ose 06o 'o6a1it S &oid
a. &en i) made 1y 1ot6 s7o*ses )or a 7*r7ose ot6er t6an &o'ational or 7ro)essional.
F. Donations +i&en to one 1y anot6er 06en t6ey 6a&e 'ommitted ad*ltery or 'on'*1ina+e is &oid and re&o(ed 1y o7eration o) la0.
&i#hts under title 32 of civil code
.. entitled to 7arental 'are
2. re'ei&e at least elementary ed*'ation
,. moral and 'i&i' trainin+
D. li&e in an atmos76ere 'ond*'i&e to 6is 76ysi'al- moral and intelle't*al de&elo7ment
duties of the child
.. o1ey and 6onor 6is 7arents or +*ardian
2. res7e't 6is +rand7arents- old relati&es and t6ose 0it6 s*1stit*te 7arental a*t6ority.
,. >ert 6is *tmost )or 6is ed*'ation and trainin+.
D. Coo7erate 0it6 t6e )amily
Le+itimate Ille+itimate
!6ose 'on'ei&ed in t6e ./%day 7eriod 7rior to t6e )inality o) t6e
de'ree o) ann*lment.
C6ildren 1orn in a &alid marria+e 1*t is im7*+ned 1y t6e
Con'ei&ed or 1orn 1e)ore a &oida1le marria+e is terminated C6ildren 'on'ei&ed or 1orn in a &oid marria+e
C6ildren 'on'ei&ed or 1orn in a &oid marria+e 7*rs*ant to arti'le
D0- /2- and /,
Cannot 1e le+itimated$ 06en )rom an ad*ltero*s
relations6i7 or 1i+amo*s marria+e.
C6ildren 'on'ei&ed or 1orn in a &oid marria+e 1e'a*se o)
7sy'6olo+i'al in'a7a'ity
B1*t i) '6ild 0as 'on'ei&ed and 1orn 7rior to t6e marria+e- marria+e
does not ma(e '6ild le+itimate
C6ildren 'on'ei&ed and 1orn 7rior to t6e marria+e i) t6ere are no
le+al im7ediments at t6at time t6en t6e s*1se2*ent marria+e 0ill
ma(e t6em le+itimate.
Exception to !hen parents cannot administer property:
D. So1re7e8a 95
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

.. '6ildren and des'endants o) 6e 7erson disin6erited s6all ta(e 6is 7la'e and s6all 7reser&e ri+6ts o) 'om7*lsory 6eirs 0it6 res7e't to
i. Arti'le. 9.9$ )ollo0in+ s6all 1e s*))i'ient 'a*ses )or disin6eritan'e o) '6ildren- des'endants
.. C6ild or des'endant 6as 1een )o*nd +*ilty o) an attem7t a+ainst t6e li)e o) t6e testator 6is or 6er s7o*se-
des'endants or as'endants.
2. ?6en t6e '6ild- des'endant 6as a''*sed t6e testator o) a 'rime- 06i'6 t6e la0 7res'ri1es im7risonment )or F
years or more- i) it is )o*nd to 1e +ro*ndless.
,. ?6en a '6ild or d 6as 1een 'on&i'ted 0it6 ad*ltery or 'on'*1ina+e 0it6 t6e s7o*se o) t6e testator.
D. ?6en a '6ild or d 1y )ra*d- &iolen'e- intimidation- or *nd*e in)l*en'e 'a*ses t6e testator to ma(e a 0ill or '6an+e
one 6e 6as already made.
/. A re)*sal 0it6o*t @*sti)ia1le 'a*se to s*77ort t6e 7arent or as'endant 06o disin6erits s*'6 '6ild or des'endant
F. Maltreatment o) t6e testator 1y 0ord or deed 1y t6e '6ild or d
5. C6ild or des'endant leads a dis6onora1le or dis+ra'e)*l li)e
4. Con&i'tion o) a 'rime 0it6 'i&il interdi'tion
ii. Arti'le 920$ )ollo0in+ s6all 1e s*))i'ient 'a*ses )or disin6eritan'e o) 7arents or as'endants- 06et6er le+itimate or
.. ?6en 7arents 6a&e a1andoned t6eir '6ildren- ind*'ed t6eir da*+6ters to li&e 'orr*7t or immoral li)e- or attem7ted
a+ainst t6eir &irt*e
2. Parent or as'endant 6as 1een 'on&i'ted o) an attem7t a+ainst t6e li)e o) t6e testator 6is or 6er s7o*se-
des'endants or as'endants.
,. A''*sed testator o) a 'rimeT
D. Parent or as'endant 'on&i'ted o) 'on'*1ina+e 0it6 s7o*se o) testator
/. Parent or as'endant 1y )ra*d- &iolen'e- *nd*e in)l*en'e 'a*ses ne0 0ill or '6an+e 0ill
F. Loss o) 7arental a*t6ority
5. Re)*sal to s*77ort '6ildren or des'endants 0it6o*t @*sti)ia1le 'a*se.
4. Attem7t o) one o) t6e 7arents a+ainst t6e li)e o) t6e ot6er- *nless t6ere 6as 1een re'on'iliation
iii. Arti'le 92.$ disin6eritin+ a s7o*se
.. S7o*se 'on&i'ted o) attem7t a+ainst..
2. S7o*se a''*sed testator o) 'rimeT
,. S7o*se 1y )ra*d- intimidationT
D. S7o*se 6as +i&en 'a*se )or le+al se7aration
/. ?6en t6e s7o*se 6as +i&en +ro*nds )or loss o) 7arental a*t6ority.
F. An@*sti)ia1le re)*sal to s*77ort t6e '6ildren or ot6er s7o*se
2. ?6en 7arent is in'a7a'itated to s*''eed one d*e to *n0ort6iness$
i. Art. .0,2$ *n0ort6iness
.. Parents a1andoned t6eir '6ildren- or ind*'ed t6eir da*+6ters to li&e a 'orr*7t or immoral li)e- attem7ted a+ainst
6er &irt*e
D. So1re7e8a 96
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

2. Con&i'ted o) an attem7t a+ainst t6e li)e o) t6e testator- 6is s7o*se- or des'endants or as'endants.
,. A''*sed o) a 'rimeT
D. Any 6eir o) )*ll a+e 06o- 6a&in+ (no0led+e o) t6e &iolent deat6 o) t6e testator- s6o*ld )ail to re7ort it to an o))i'er
0it6in a mont6 *nless a*t6orities 6a&e already ta(en a'tion. (not a77li'a1le 06erein la0 t6ere is no o1li+ation to
ma(e an a''*sation.
/. Person 'on&i'ted or ad*ltery or 'on'*1ina+e 0it6 t6e s7o*se o) t6e testator
F. Ca*se testator to ma(e or '6an+e 0ill
5. Gy same means- 7re&ents one )rom ma(in+ 0ill- re&o(in+ 0ill- or 'on'ealin+ 0ill
4. Falsi)ies or )or+es 0ill o) de'edent
1. In'a7a1le o) s*''eedin+
i. Art. .025$ t6e )ollo0in+ are in'a7a1le o) s*''eedin+
.. Priest et' 06o 6ear 'on)ession o) testator d*rin+ 6is last illness or minister 06o e>tended s7irit*al aid to 6im
2. Relati&es o) . 0it6in t6e )o*rt6 de+ree- t6e '6*r'6 or instit*tion to 06i'6 s*'6 minister may 1elon+
,. !6ose made to a +*ardian 1y 6is 0ard 1e)ore t6e )inal a''o*nts 6a&e 1een a77ro&ed *nless +*ardian is
as'endant- des'endant- 1rot6er or sister or s7o*se
D. Any attestin+ 0itness to t6e e>e'*tion o) a 0ill- t6e s7o*se- 7arents or '6ildren or an one 'laimin+ *nder s*'6
0itness- s7o*se- 7arents or '6ildren.
/. P6ysi'ian- s*r+eon- n*rse- et' 06o too( 'are o) testator d*rin+ last illness
F. Indi&id*als- asso'iations- 'or7orations not 7ermitted 1y la0 to in6erit.
Pro6i1ited 'om7romise$ matters 06i'6 'annot 1e ne+otiated nor set 1y a+reement$
Ci&il stat*s
Validity o) marria+e or o) a le+al se7aration
9ro*nd )or le+al se7aration
F*t*re s*77ort
3*risdi'tion o) t6e 'o*rts
F*t*re le+itimes
A1andonment$ 6e or s6e 6as le)t t6e 'on@*+al d0ellin+ 0it6o*t intention o) ret*rnin+. A s7o*se 06o 6as le)t t6e 'on@*+al d0ellin+ )or a 7eriod o) ,
mont6s or 6as )ailed 0it6in t6e same 7eriod to +i&e any in)ormation as to 6is or 6er 06erea1o*ts s6all 1e 7rima )a'ie 7res*med to 6a&e no
intention o) ret*rnin+ to t6e 'on@*+al d0ellin+. (76ysi'al- )inan'ial and moral desertion)
- s7o*se 'an see( )or re'ei&ers6i7- @*di'ial se7aration o) 7ro7erty- and sole administration
- a1andonment )or more t6an one year 'an lead to le+al se7aration
D. So1re7e8a 97
Persons and Family Relations 2009 (Atty. Sta. Maria)

Article Contents DeadlinesGprescriptions
Arti'le ,0 Marria+e 'erti)i'ate 0it6 a))ida&it )or marria+es in
ar"i!ulo #or"is or remote residen'e
?it6in ,0 days a)ter t6e 7er)orman'e o) t6e
Arti'le ,4 A'tion or de)ense )or a1sol*te n*llity (anyone 'an )ile) Does not 7res'ri1e
Arti'le D5
BI) rati)ied t6en 'an no lon+er
1e ann*lled.
For one 06o o1tains a marria+e 0it6o*t 7rior 'onsent
a)ter 6e rea'6es t6e a+e o) 2.
% Any time 1et0een .4%2. years old 1y 7arents
% / years a)ter rea'6in+ 2. 1y t6e 7arty.
Arti'le D5 Gy t6e sane s7o*se 0it6o*t (no0led+e o) insanity-
relati&e- +*ardian- or 7erson 6a&in+ le+al '6ar+e
Anytime 1e)ore t6e deat6 o) eit6er 7arty.
Arti'le D5 Gy t6e insane d*rin+ a l*'id inter&al Anytime 1e)ore t6e deat6 o) eit6er
Arti'le D5 Consent t6ro*+6 )ra*d / years a)ter 6a&in+ (no0led+e
Arti'le D5 Consent t6ro*+6 intimidation- )or'e- *nd*e in)l*en'e / years a)ter it 'eases
Arti'le D5 For S!D and 76ysi'al in'a7a'ity / years a)ter t6e marria+e
Arti'le /0%/. ntry o) @*d+ment and de'ree o) n*llity 1e'ome )inal ./ days )rom re'ei7t o) t6e 7arties o) t6e de'ision
Arti'le /5 Pres'ri7tion o) a'tion )or le+al se7aration /years )rom t6e occurrence of the cause5
Arti'le /4 Le+al se7aration trial (d*rin+ trial t6ey are entitled to
li&e se7arately already)
A)ter t6e la7s o) F mont6s a)ter t6e )ilin+ o) t6e
Arti'le F. A)ter )ilin+ o) 'om7laint res7ondent s6o*ld ans0er 1*t
is not in de)a*lt i) not ans0ered
./ days a)ter re'ei7t o) s*mmons
Arti'le F. A'tion )or le+al se7aration !erminates *7on deat6 o) eit6er s7o*se
Arti'le FD Re&o'ation 1y '6oi'e o) t6e inno'ent s7o*se o)
donations a)ter de'ree o) le+al se7aration
/ years a)ter t6e de'ree o) le+al se7aration
1e'omes )inal. (Anless t6e donation is a't*ally &oid
Art. 45)
Arti'le .42 Im7*+nin+ le+itima'y 1y t6ose 06o are 7re@*di'ed / years )rom t6e time t6eir 'a*se o) a'tion a''r*es
D. So1re7e8a 98

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