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Boiler Operator

Training & Certification

Senlor WasLewaLer 1reaLmenL and process Lnglneer aL Lnglcon wlLh a
8.Sc. ln chemlcal and LnvlronmenLal Lnglneerlng from Sara[evo
Un|vers|tyand Alexandrla unlverslLy, LgypL (olluLlon ConLrol). Pe has
38 years of a unlque experlence ln Lhe waLer and envlronmenLal secLors
boLh naLlonally and lnLernaLlonal. CapaclLy bulldlng and Lralnlng has
been an lnLegral parL of Abdu| WahabMatar's work LhroughouL hls
career. Pe was an experL responslble for upgradlng and Lralnlng local
sLaff and operaLlon of Sana' LreaLmenL planL wlLh a capaclLy of S0,000
m3]day and exLended aeraLlon process.

Who Should Attend


International Center for
Training and Development
Tel.: +971 (0) 2 6322275
Fax: +971 (0) 2 6342422
Abu Dhabi UAE
0913 Nov 2014

Muscat, Oman
In-House Training
A gour couang rouiso
is auailablo. Conac us
ior a guoo

lL Lakes a comblnaLlon of operaLlng experlence and educaLlon Lo quallfy for and
pass many of Lhe boller operaLor cerLlflcaLlon programs. 1he educaLlon parL of
Lhls equaLlon may be dlspersed over a large Llme perlod. 1he exam examlnes
currenL knowledge.

lL can be very lmporLanL for Lhe employers Lo have Lhe saLlsfacLlon LhaL Lhelr
boller operaLors are knowledgeable ln Lhe operaLlon and malnLenance of Lhelr
bollers and assoclaLed equlpmenL. 1hls Semlnar glves Lhe employers Lhe peace of
mlnd LhaL Lhe employees are prepared for Lhe examlnaLlon. 1he examlnaLlon
lLself ls lnLended Lo deLermlne, lf lndeed, Lhe lndlvldual ls quallfled Lo operaLe Lhe
bollers and Lhe equlpmenL assoclaLed wlLh Lhe bollers.

CerLlflcaLe wlll be lssued from Lhe
lnLernaLlonal CenLre for 1ralnlng &
uevelopmenL (lC1u) Lo all aLLendees
compleLlng mlnlmum of 83 of Lhe LoLal
Lralnlng hours.

Modu|e (01) Introduct|on
1.1 8oller 1heory
1.2 8oller CperaLlon

Modu|e (02) 8o||ers
2.1 8oller MaLhemaLlcs
2.2 ConsLrucLlon and ueslgn
2.3 SLeam SysLems and ConLrols
2.4 CombusLlon and olluLlon
2.3 leed waLer
2.6 Corroslon
2.7 WaLer 1reaLmenL
2.8 8oller ConLrols
2.9 umps and ln[ecLors
2.10 lanL Auxlllarles Lo lnclude leed waLer
2.11 SLeam non-8eLurn valves
2.12 Lxpanslon !olnLs
2.13 PeaLers
2.14 SLeam SeparaLor
2.13 SlghL leed LubrlcaLor
2.16 SLeam 1rap 8educlng valve
2.17 leed WaLer 8egulaLor
2.18 SLeam Lnglnes
2.19 SLeam 1urblnes
2.20 SLeam Condensers
2.21 SLeam lanL Accessorles

8y Lhe end of Lhls program, arLlclpanLs wlll:

! LsLabllshes and malnLalns unlform sLandards as Lo quallflcaLlons for power
! romoLes safeLy as per preamble.
! AsslsLs cerLlfylng agencles Lo deLermlne Lhe compeLence of power englneers
Lhrough lnvesLlgaLlons and examlnaLlons, whlch LesL Lhe quallflcaLlons of
volunLary candldaLes for cerLlflcaLlons Lo be lssued under Lhe rules of Lhe
! CranLs and lssue commlsslons Lo cerLlfylng agencles applylng and quallfylng.
! MalnLalns a reglsLry of all cerLlfylng agencles meeLlng Lhe requlremenLs.
! Serves as a clearlnghouse Lo faclllLaLe reclproclLy beLween all cerLlfylng
! MalnLalns a reglsLry of all examlners who meeL Lhe requlremenLs and are
commlssloned by Lhe cerLlfylng agency.
! uevelops and keeps currenL unlform Lerms and deflnlLlons, updaLlng
Lermlnology and ellmlnaLlng obsoleLe Lerms.
! Lncourages Lhe enforcemenL and compllance Lo all codes, laws, and acLs
assurlng Lhe proLecLlon of healLh, llfe and properLy.
! ubllshes a sLandard currlculum for Lhe sLudy, educaLlon, requlremenLs,
power equlpmenL raLlng, and auLomaLlon, eLc.
! AcLs as advlsor Lo educaLlonal enLlLles engaged ln Leachlng of power
englneerlng and Lechnology.

18AlnlnC ML1PCuCLCC?
1hls Lralnlng program ls lecLure-based and cusLomlzed Lo Lhe needs of Lhe
audlence, provldlng meanlngful experlence. ually sesslons lnclude formal
presenLaLlon, prepared ln Lhe ower olnL, lnLerspersed wlLh dlrecLed
dlscusslon and case sLudy. ln addlLlon Lo formal lecLures and dlscusslons, Lhe
delegaLes wlll learn by acLlve parLlclpaLlon Lhrough Lhe use of self-assessmenL,
group dlscusslons, analysls of real-llfe case sLudles.

Modu|e (03) Iue| Systems and Contro|s
3.1 8oller CraLes
3.2 8urners

Modu|e (04) Draft and I|ue Gas Systems
4.1 CombusLlon and olluLlon
4.2 8oller CperaLlon & MalnLenance
4.3 SafeLy LlecLrlclLy

Modu|e (0S) A|r Cond|t|on|ng
3.1 8efrlgeraLlon
3.2 Alr Compressors

Modu|e (06) Logs

6.1 Log 8evlew
6.2 lnspecLlon
6.3 8egulaLlons

Modu|e (07) Lxam|nat|on

Da||y Course 1|m|ngs
07:30 - 08:00 Mornlng Coffee / 1ea
08:00 - 10:00 llrsL Sesslon
10:00 - 10:20 Coffee / 1ea / Snacks
10:20 - 12:20 Second Sesslon
12:20 - 13:30 Lunch 8reak & raylng 1lme
13:30 - 13:00 LasL Sesslon

3,300 US5 1hls raLe lncludes parLlclpanL's
manual, Pands-CuLs, buffeL lunch,
coffee/Lea on arrlval, mornlng & afLernoon
of each day.

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Send (3) delegaLes and geL a 678
,$%3)4*& on Lhe Lhlrd parLlclpanL.

ln-PCuSL 8LnLll1S
" A ta||ored approach
" keduced costs
" keduce d|srupt|on
" Conven|ent

IC1D - Internat|ona| Center for 1ra|n|ng and Deve|opment
1o reglsLer, please emall/fax Lhls page Lo us. lor more lnformaLlon or ln-PCuSL, conLacL:

Mr. Ahmed Al Cohary +971 (0) 326472884 agohary[
Ior fu|| ||st of courses, v|s|t our webs|te at http:]]www.|

Course]Sem|nar 1|t|e: Course Date:

art|c|pant Deta||s 95)' (,,$&$)*(- 2('&$3$2(*&%: 2-"(%" ;(<" 3)2$"% )5 &=$% 5)';>
nAML !C8 1l1LL LMAlL Auu8LSS


Ior us to serve you better |n the future, p|ease |nd|cate your mode of referra| for th|s tra|n|ng course:
LxlsLlng lC1u CllenL lC1u WebslLe lC1u Lmall-llyers Cnllne CLhers

lease lndlcaLe by puLLlng an x" ln Lhe relevanL box,.

Company Name: Company Address:

keg|strat|on Contact - A ] nk

Accounts ] 8||||ng Contact

ayment 1erms 9?-"(%" $*,$3(&" @ABCDBE@F/A E GFHIJ!FHKB!> ?-"(%" conLacL lC1u

1erms and Cond|t|ons
1. arLlclpanL reglsLraLlon ls conflrmed upon recelpL of reglsLraLlon form.
2. Courses wlll be conflrmed 3 weeks before daLe of commencemenL of course.
3. Cnce a course ls conflrmed, full paymenL has Lo be made lmmedlaLely.
4. lC1u, Abu uhabl reserves Lhe rlghL Lo reschedule or cancel any course ln Lhe evenL of unforeseen clrcumsLances, every efforL wlll be made Lo
lnform Lhe parLlclpanLs.
3. lull fees are refundable provlded wrlLLen noLlflcaLlon ls recelved 14 days before course commencemenL, and 30 of Lhe fee ls chargeable lf
noLlflcaLlon ls recelved wlLhln 14 days precedlng course commencemenL. AfLer whlch full course fees wlll be charged.
6. 8y submlLLlng Lhls reglsLraLlon form, you have accepLed and agreed Lo Lhe Lerms and condlLlons as sLaLed

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