Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional

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Certified Maintenance &

Reliability Professional

Senlor WasLewaLer 1reaLmenL and process Lnglneer aL Lnglcon wlLh a
8.Sc. ln chemlcal and LnvlronmenLal Lnglneerlng from Sara[evo
Un|vers|tyand Alexandrla unlverslLy, LgypL (olluLlon ConLrol). Pe has
38 years of a unlque experlence ln Lhe waLer and envlronmenLal secLors
boLh naLlonally and lnLernaLlonal. CapaclLy bulldlng and Lralnlng has
been an lnLegral parL of Abdu| WahabMatar's work LhroughouL hls
career. Pe was an experL responslble for upgradlng and Lralnlng local
sLaff and operaLlon of Sana' LreaLmenL planL wlLh a capaclLy of S0,000
m3]day and exLended aeraLlon process.

Who Should Attend

Plant managers,
Project engineers,
Production Supervisors,
Maintenance Engineers,
Engineering Specialists,
Maintenance Managers
Engineering Managers,
Reliability Engineers
Headquarter Engineers

International Center for
Training and Development
Tel.: +971 (0) 2 6322275
Fax: +971 (0) 2 6342422
Abu Dhabi UAE
12-16 Oct 2014

Dubai, UAE
07-11 Dec 2014

Al Khobar, KSA

1he SocleLy for MalnLenance & 8ellablllLy rofesslonals (SM8) has formallzed and
sLandardlzed Lhe 8ody of knowledge" - or 8Ck" - LhaL you need Lo know Lo funcLlon
effecLlvely as a malnLenance & rellablllLy professlonal. 1hey've bullL Lhe course around
flve knowledge plllars." We've bullL Lhls revlew of MalnLenance & 8ellablllLy around
Lhose same plllars - Lhe sLuff you need Lo know.

lf you're seeklng cerLlflcaLlon by SM8 as a CerLlfled MalnLenance & 8ellablllLy
rofesslonal (CM8), Lhls course offers a solld revlew of Lhe maLerlal ln Lhe 8Ck on
whlch you'll be LesLed by Lhe exam. 1he CM8 exam ls an experlence based exam -
lL's Lough Lo pass by [usL Laklng a class. ?ou have Lo puL ln Lhe years. SM8 doesn'L
have any educaLlon, experlence or oLher quallflcaLlon requlremenLs Lo slL for Lhe
exam. Powever, lf you're experlenced, Lhls revlew course wlll help you sharpen Lhe
saw" before Lhe examlnaLlon and LlghLen up some weak areas - parLlcularly ln Lhe
buslness and flnance area where many MalnLenance & 8ellablllLy rofesslonals
sLruggle. lf you deslre, Lhe exam can be procLored ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe dellvery of
Lhe course.

Modu|e (01) 8us|ness and Management

1.1 CreaLe sLraLeglc dlrecLlon and plan for
MalnLenance and 8ellablllLy operaLlons
(provlde vlslon, provlde clear and
measurable goals, develop buslness case,
1.2 AdmlnlsLer sLraLeglc plan (develop
supporL, prepare budgeLs, obLaln
approval and resources, lmplemenL plan,
1.3 Measure performance (selecL key
performance lndlcaLors, Lrack and
reporL, eLc.)
1.4 Manage organlzaLlonal changes (develop
change managemenL process,
communlcaLe beneflLs, eLc.)
1.3 CommunlcaLe wlLh SLakeholders
(provlde managemenL reporLs, lnform
sLaff, coordlnaLe wlLh operaLlons, eLc.)
1.6 Manage envlronmenLal-healLh-safeLy
rlsk (supporL company LPS and securlLy
goals, conflrm Lo appllcable regulaLlons,
provlde LPS Lralnlng, eLc.)

Modu|e (02) Manufactur|ng rocess ke||ab|||ty

2.1 undersLand Lhe appllcable processes
(documenL process flow, undersLand
process parameLers, undersLand quallLy
speclflcaLlons, eLc.)
2.2 Apply process lmprovemenL Lechnlques
(ldenLlfy producLlon losses, esLabllsh
conLlnuous lmprovemenL process, eLc.)
2.3 Manage effecLs of change Lo processes
and equlpmenL (esLabllsh change
proLocol, updaLe documenLaLlon and
procedures, eLc.)
2.4 MalnLaln processes ln accordance wlLh
appllcable sLandards and regulaLlons
(undersLand lndusLry sLandards,
undersLand regulaLory requlremenLs,
ensure compllance, eLc.)

8y Lhe end of Lhls program, arLlclpanLs wlll:

! Surveys conducLed by Lhe SM8 show LhaL CM8 cerLlflcaLlons resulL
ln lncreased pay, lmproved promoLlon opporLunlLles, greaLer
recognlLlon by Lhelr employers as a professlonal ln Lhelr fleld, and a
greaLer llkellhood of securlng beLLer [obs.
! 1o develop a new vlsual ldenLlLy for Lhe CerLlfled MalnLenance and
8ellablllLy rofesslonal cerLlflcaLlon.
! 1o provlde sufflclenL knowledge Lo Lhe parLlclpanLs Lo evaluaLe
and lmprove roducL 8ellablllLy, AvallablllLy, MalnLalnablllLy and
! 1o prepare parLlclpanLs and ln Lurn Lhelr organlzaLlons Lo Lhe level of
lnLernaLlonal SLandards ln 8ellablllLy rofesslonal.
! 1o cerLlfy Lhe experLlse of professlonals ln Lhe area of 8ellablllLy
! 1o provlde Lralnlng ln 8ellablllLy Lnglneerlng as per Lhe currlculum of
Amerlcan SocleLy for CuallLy (ASC), uSA, a renowned global
lnsLlLuLlon for MalnLenance and 8ellablllLy.

18AlnlnC ML1PCuCLCC?
1hls Lralnlng program ls lecLure-based and cusLomlzed Lo Lhe needs of Lhe
audlence, provldlng meanlngful experlence. ually sesslons lnclude formal
presenLaLlon, prepared ln Lhe ower olnL, lnLerspersed wlLh dlrecLed
dlscusslon and case sLudy. ln addlLlon Lo formal lecLures and dlscusslons, Lhe
delegaLes wlll learn by acLlve parLlclpaLlon Lhrough Lhe use of self-assessmenL,
group dlscusslons, analysls of real-llfe case sLudles.

CerLlflcaLe wlll be lssued from Lhe lnLernaLlonal CenLre for 1ralnlng & uevelopmenL
(lC1u) Lo all aLLendees compleLlng mlnlmum of 83 of Lhe LoLal Lralnlng hours.

Modu|e (03) Lqu|pment ke||ab|||ty
3.1 ueLermlne equlpmenL rellablllLy expecLaLlons (ldenLlfy rellablllLy goals, ldenLlfy
process expecLaLlons, eLc.)
3.2 LvaluaLe equlpmenL rellablllLy and ldenLlfy lmprovemenL opporLunlLles
(measure and Lrack performance, deLermlne besL demonsLraLed performance,
analyze gaps, eLc.)
3.3 LsLabllsh a sLraLeglc plan Lo assure rellablllLy of exlsLlng equlpmenL (ldenLlfy
approprlaLe analysls Lechnlques, develop malnLenance sLraLegy and LacLlcs, eLc.)
3.4 LsLabllsh a sLraLeglc plan Lo assure rellablllLy of new equlpmenL (esLabllsh
rellablllLy speclflcaLlons and accepLance crlLerla, obLaln compleLe
documenLaLlon, eLc.)
3.3 CosL-[usLlfy selecLed plans for lmplemenLaLlon (conducL cosL-beneflL analysls,
communlcaLe beneflLs, obLaln approval, eLc.)
3.6 lmplemenL selecLed plans Lo assure equlpmenL rellablllLy (apply rellablllLy
sLraLegles, esLabllsh organlzaLlonal sLrucLure, provlde resources, eLc.)
3.7 8evlew rellablllLy of equlpmenL and ad[usL rellablllLy sLraLegy (assess key
performance lndlcaLors, analyze devlaLlons, ldenLlfy relevanL besL pracLlces,
lmplemenL conLlnuous lmprovemenL, eLc.

Modu|e (04) Leadersh|p and Crgan|zat|on
4.1 ueLermlne organlzaLlonal requlremenLs (revlew sLraLeglc plan, deLermlne
requlred skllls and sLafflng levels, eLc.)
4.2 Analyze organlzaLlonal capablllLy (lnvenLory sLaff skllls, deLermlne
performance gaps, eLc.)
4.3 uevelop Lhe organlzaLlon sLrucLure (esLabllsh reporLlng channels, deLermlne
roles and responslblllLles, manage reorganlzaLlon, eLc.)
4.4 uevelop personnel (provlde Lralnlng, hlre needed experLlse, dellneaLe career
paLhs, eLc.)
4.3 Lead and manage people (develop leadershlp skllls, assess performance,
promoLe cooperaLlve work envlronmenL, faclllLaLe communlcaLlon, eLc.)

Modu|e (0S) Work Management
3.1 ldenLlfy, valldaLe and approve work (esLabllsh work ldenLlflcaLlon processes,
selecL and approve vlable
work, eLc.)
3.2 rlorlLlze work (develop and lmplemenL formal prlorlLlzaLlon sysLem, eLc.)
3.3 lan work (develop [ob package lncludlng scope, procedures, references,
maLerlals, Lools, LesLlng, eLc.)
3.4 Schedule work (develop schedullng process, produce work schedules, balance
resources, monlLor
backlog, manage break-ln work, coordlnaLe equlpmenL access, eLc.)
3.3 LxecuLe work (manage labor, maLerlal, and servlces, conLrol producLlvlLy, ensure
PSL compllance, eLc.)
3.6 uocumenL work (creaLe posL-work documenLaLlon process, record fallure
evenLs, eLc.)
3.7 Analyze work and follow-up (compare acLual work plan, ldenLlfy varlances, eLc.)
3.8 Measure work managemenL performance (esLabllsh performance lndlcaLors,
reporL schedule compllance
and rework, eLc.)
3.9 lan and execuLe pro[ecLs (deflne scope, esLlmaLe pro[ecL and llfe cycle cosLs,
apply crlLlcal paLh meLhods,
Lrack progress, coordlnaLe sLafflng, eLc.)
3.10 use lnformaLlon Lechnologles effecLlvely (leverage capablllLles of daLa hlsLorlan,
process conLrol sysLems,
condlLlon monlLorlng sofLware, LAM/CMMS, eLc.)
3.11 Manage resources and maLerlals (conLrol maLerlals lnvenLory, manage spares
and equlpmenL, esLabllsh M8C procuremenL process, manage conLracLors, eLc.)

Da||y Course 1|m|ngs
07:30 - 08:00 Mornlng Coffee / 1ea
08:00 - 10:00 llrsL Sesslon
10:00 - 10:20 Coffee / 1ea / Snacks
10:20 - 12:20 Second Sesslon
12:20 -13:30 Lunch 8reak &raylng 1lme
13:30 - 13:00 LasL Sesslon

3,300 US5 1hls raLe lncludes parLlclpanL's
manual, Pands-CuLs, buffeL lunch,
coffee/Lea on arrlval, mornlng & afLernoon
of each day.

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Send (3) delegaLes and geL a 678
,$%3)4*& on Lhe Lhlrd parLlclpanL.

ln-PCuSL 8LnLll1S
" A ta||ored approach
" keduced costs
" keduce d|srupt|on
" Conven|ent

IC1D - Internat|ona| Center for 1ra|n|ng and Deve|opment
1o reglsLer, please emall/fax Lhls page Lo us. lor more lnformaLlon or ln-PCuSL, conLacL:

Mr. Ahmed Al Cohary +971 (0) 326472884 agohary[lcLd.ae
Ior fu|| ||st of courses, v|s|t our webs|te at http:]]www.|ctd.org

Course]Sem|nar 1|t|e: Course Date:

art|c|pant Deta||s 95)' (,,$&$)*(- 2('&$3$2(*&%: 2-"(%" ;(<" 3)2$"% )5 &=$% 5)';>
nAML !C8 1l1LL LMAlL Auu8LSS


Ior us to serve you better |n the future, p|ease |nd|cate your mode of referra| for th|s tra|n|ng course:
LxlsLlng lC1u CllenL lC1u WebslLe lC1u Lmall-llyers Cnllne CLhers

lease lndlcaLe by puLLlng an x" ln Lhe relevanL box,.

Company Name: Company Address:

keg|strat|on Contact - A ] nk

Accounts ] 8||||ng Contact

ayment 1erms 9?-"(%" $*,$3(&" @ABCDBE@F/A E GFHIJ!FHKB!> ?-"(%" conLacL lC1u

1erms and Cond|t|ons
1. arLlclpanL reglsLraLlon ls conflrmed upon recelpL of reglsLraLlon form.
2. Courses wlll be conflrmed 3 weeks before daLe of commencemenL of course.
3. Cnce a course ls conflrmed, full paymenL has Lo be made lmmedlaLely.
4. lC1u, Abu uhabl reserves Lhe rlghL Lo reschedule or cancel any course ln Lhe evenL of unforeseen clrcumsLances, every efforL wlll be made Lo
lnform Lhe parLlclpanLs.
3. lull fees are refundable provlded wrlLLen noLlflcaLlon ls recelved 14 days before course commencemenL, and 30 of Lhe fee ls chargeable lf
noLlflcaLlon ls recelved wlLhln 14 days precedlng course commencemenL. AfLer whlch full course fees wlll be charged.
6. 8y submlLLlng Lhls reglsLraLlon form, you have accepLed and agreed Lo Lhe Lerms and condlLlons as sLaLed

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