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In Association with
German Association for Water,
Wastewater and Waste
Senlor WasLewaLer 1reaLmenL and process Lnglneer aL Lnglcon wlLh a
8.Sc. ln chemlcal and LnvlronmenLal Lnglneerlng from Sara[evo
Un|vers|tyand Alexandrla unlverslLy, LgypL (olluLlon ConLrol). Pe has
38 years of a unlque experlence ln Lhe waLer and envlronmenLal secLors
boLh naLlonally and lnLernaLlonal. CapaclLy bulldlng and Lralnlng has
been an lnLegral parL of Abdu| WahabMatar's work LhroughouL hls
career. Pe was an experL responslble for upgradlng and Lralnlng local
sLaff and operaLlon of Sana' LreaLmenL planL wlLh a capaclLy of S0,000
m3]day and exLended aeraLlon process.

Dr. Eyad Batarseh

ur. 8aLarseh has a LoLal of 1S years of experlence ln Lhe unlLes SLaLes, !ordan, unlLed
Arab LmlraLes, and Saudl Arabla worklng on varlous envlronmenLal englneerlng pro[ecLs
wlLh focus on plannlng, deslgn and consLrucLlon supervlslon of munlclpal solld wasLe
faclllLles. Pls h.D. from CenLral llorlda was relaLed Lo modern / susLalnable munlclpal
wasLe landfllls called 8loreacLor landfllls. Pe has parLlclpaLed ln Lhe deslgn and
consLrucLlon supervlslon of several landflll pro[ecLs, plannlng for recycllng faclllLles
pro[ecLs, |andf||| gas e|ectr|c ut|||zat|on and refuse derlved fuel faclllLles.

Who Should Attend

Governmental employees
involved in waste management
planning and operations
Private waste management
companies involved in waste
management planning and
Environmental and engineering
consulting companies

International Center for
Training and Development
Tel.: +971 (0) 2 6322275
Fax: +971 (0) 2 6342422
Abu Dhabi UAE
2125 Sep 2014

Dubai, UAE
AccredlLed by Lhe
Cerman AssoclaLlon for
WaLer, WasLewaLer and
WasLe (uWA)

Munlclpal solld wasLe managemenL ls an lmporLanL parL of Lhe urban
lnfrasLrucLure LhaL ensures Lhe proLecLlon of envlronmenL and human
healLh. 1he acceleraLed growLh of urban populaLlon wlLh unplanned
urbanlzaLlon, lncreaslng economlc acLlvlLles and lack of Lralnlng ln
modern solld wasLe managemenL pracLlces ln Lhe developlng counLrles
compllcaLes Lhe efforLs Lo lmprove solld wasLe servlces. 1he changes ln
consumpLlon paLLerns wlLh alLeraLlons ln Lhe wasLe characLerlsLlcs have
resulLed ln a quanLum [ump ln solld wasLe generaLlon. AlLhough Lhe urban
resldenLs of Lhe developlng counLrles produce less solld wasLe per caplLa
Lhan Lhe hlgh-lncome counLrles, Lhe capaclLy of Lhe clLles Lo collecL,
process or reuse and dlspose solld wasLe cosL-effecLlvely ls llmlLed.


Modu|e (01) Introduct|on to Integrated
Mun|c|pa| So||d Waste (MSW) and
nazardous Waste Management Modern
1.1 lnLroducLlons and pre course evaluaLlon
1.2 1he dlfferenL Lypes and composlLlon
of munlclpal solld wasLe
1.3 roperLles of munlclpal solld wasLe
1.4 Munlclpal solld wasLe generaLlon
and collecLlon
1.3 Munlclpal solld wasLe mlnlmlzaLlon
1.6 Munlclpal solld wasLe
separaLlon, processlng, and LreaLmenL
1.7 Munlclpal solld wasLe LransporL
1.8 WasLe dlsposal ln modern sanlLary landfllls
1.9 Pouse hold hazardous wasLe
1.10 8ole of legal regulaLlons ln munlclpal
and hazardous solld wasLe managemenL

Modu|e (02) MSW 1ransfer Stat|on Des|gn
and Cperat|on
2.1 need for MSW Lransfer sLaLlons
2.2 1ypes of MSW Lransfer sLaLlons
2.3 SlLe selecLlon of MSW Lransfer sLaLlons
2.4 LnvlronmenLal conslderaLlons relaLed
Lo MSW Lransfer sLaLlons

Modu|e (03) Modern Lff|c|ent MSW kecyc||ng
Systems Des|gn and Cperat|on
3.1 Source separaLlon of recyclables
3.2 LayouL and processlng equlpmenL ln
3.3 clean and dlrLy maLerlal recovery
3.4 faclllLles (M8l)
3.3 8euse and recycllng opporLunlLles
3.6 LnvlronmenLal conslderaLlons relaLed
Lo M8ls

1hls course provldes a comprehenslve sLudy of modern lnLegraLed solld
wasLe managemenL lncludlng efflclenL LransporL opLlons, landflll
operaLlons, recycllng sysLems wlLh lssues Lo conslder when plannlng,
operaLlng, and closlng of wasLe dlsposal faclllLles

ueLalled slLe selecLlon, deslgn, consLrucLlon, and operaLlon lnformaLlon
relaLed Lo solld wasLe faclllLles lncludlng wasLe recycllng, wasLe
processlng and modern landfllls. ln addlLlon Lo remedlaLlon of old
dlsposal slLes and wasLe Lo energy pro[ecLs.

18AlnlnC ML1PCuCLCC?
1hls Lralnlng program ls lecLure-based and cusLomlzed Lo Lhe needs of
Lhe audlence, provldlng meanlngful experlence. ually sesslons lnclude
formal presenLaLlon, prepared ln Lhe ower olnL, lnLerspersed wlLh
dlrecLed dlscusslon and case sLudy. ln addlLlon Lo formal lecLures and
dlscusslons, Lhe delegaLes wlll learn by acLlve parLlclpaLlon Lhrough Lhe
use of self-assessmenL, group dlscusslons, analysls of real-llfe case

CerLlflcaLe wlll be lssued from Lhe lnLernaLlonal CenLre for 1ralnlng &
uevelopmenL (lC1u) and Lnglcon C&M, accredlLed by Lhe Cerman
AssoclaLlon for WaLer, WasLewaLer and WasLe (uWA) Lo all aLLendees
compleLlng mlnlmum of 83 of Lhe LoLal Lralnlng hours.


Modu|e (04) MSW |andf|||s s|te se|ect|on, des|gn, and construct|on
4.1 lnLroducLlon Lo MSW land fllllng
4.2 MSW Landflll slLe selecLlon resLrlcLlons
4.3 MSW degradaLlon lnslde landflll cells
4.4 1ypes and componenLs of MSW landflll llners
4.3 MSW LeachaLe collecLlon sysLems
4.6 Landflll gas collecLlon sysLems
4.7 MSW landflll closure

Modu|e (0S)

3.1 MSW landfllls operaLlons
3.1.1 Screenlng of rohlblLed wasLes
3.1.2 Landflll operaLlon equlpmenL
3.1.3 CperaLlonal Lechnlques
3.1.4 LeachaLe managemenL
3.1.3 Landflll gas managemenL
3.2 LnvlronmenLal monlLorlng around landfllls
3.2.1 Cround waLer monlLorlng
3.2.2 Alr monlLorlng
3.3 osL closure care
3.3.1 osL closure care requlremenLs

Modu|e (06)

6.1 SlLe 8emedlaLlon and roper Closure of Cld MSW dumplng locaLlons:
6.1.1AssessmenL of exlsLlng condlLlons
6.1.2 ueLermlnlng remedlaLlon ob[ecLlves
6.1.3 ueslgn of closure and remedlaLlon pro[ecL componenLs
6.2 WasLe Lo Lnergy ro[ecLs:
6.2.1 Landflll gas uLlllzaLlon ln energy
6.2.28efuse derlved fuel
6.2.3 WasLe lnclneraLlon
6.3 Modern 1rends for Lnhanced Land fllllng CperaLlons - 8loreacLor
6.3.1 ueflnlLlon and beneflLs of Lhe 8loreacLor landflll Lechnology
6.3.2 As bullL and reLroflL bloreacLor landflll deslgn

leedback/ LvaluaLlon
Course LesL and evaluaLlon
Da||y Course 1|m|ng
07:30 - 08:00 Mornlng Coffee / 1ea
08:00 - 10:00 llrsL Sesslon
10:00 - 10:20 Coffee / 1ea / Snacks
10:20 - 12:20 Second Sesslon
12:20 - 13:30 Lunch 8reak & raylng 1lme
13:30 - 13:30 LasL Sesslon

3,300 US5 1hls raLe lncludes parLlclpanL's
manual, Pands-CuLs, buffeL lunch,
coffee/Lea on arrlval, mornlng &
afLernoon of each day.

!"#$%&'(&$)* ,"(,-$*"%.
/"0"* ,(1% 2'$)' &) 3)4'%" )55"'$*#

Send (3) delegaLes and geL a 678
,$%3)4*& on Lhe Lhlrd parLlclpanL.

ln-PCuSL 8LnLll1S
! A ta||ored approach
! keduced costs
! keduce d|srupt|on
! Conven|ent

IC1D - Internat|ona| Center for 1ra|n|ng and Deve|opment
1o reglsLer, please emall/fax Lhls page Lo us. lor more lnformaLlon or ln-PCuSL, conLacL:

Mr. Ahmed Al Cohary +971 (0) 326472884 agohary[
Ior fu|| ||st of courses, v|s|t our webs|te at http:]]www.|

Course]Sem|nar 1|t|e: Course Date:

art|c|pant Deta||s 95)' (,,$&$)*(- 2('&$3$2(*&%: 2-"(%" ;(<" 3)2$"% )5 &=$% 5)';>
nAML !C8 1l1LL LMAlL Auu8LSS


Ior us to serve you better |n the future, p|ease |nd|cate your mode of referra| for th|s tra|n|ng course:
LxlsLlng lC1u CllenL lC1u WebslLe lC1u Lmall-llyers Cnllne CLhers

lease lndlcaLe by puLLlng an x" ln Lhe relevanL box,.

Company Name: Company Address:

keg|strat|on Contact - A ] nk

Accounts ] 8||||ng Contact

ayment 1erms 9?-"(%" $*,$3(&" @ABCDBE@F/A E GFHIJ!FHKB!> ?-"(%" conLacL lC1u

1erms and Cond|t|ons
1. arLlclpanL reglsLraLlon ls conflrmed upon recelpL of reglsLraLlon form.
2. Courses wlll be conflrmed 3 weeks before daLe of commencemenL of course.
3. Cnce a course ls conflrmed, full paymenL has Lo be made lmmedlaLely.
4. lC1u, Abu uhabl reserves Lhe rlghL Lo reschedule or cancel any course ln Lhe evenL of unforeseen clrcumsLances, every efforL wlll be made Lo
lnform Lhe parLlclpanLs.
3. lull fees are refundable provlded wrlLLen noLlflcaLlon ls recelved 14 days before course commencemenL, and 30 of Lhe fee ls chargeable lf
noLlflcaLlon ls recelved wlLhln 14 days precedlng course commencemenL. AfLer whlch full course fees wlll be charged.
6. 8y submlLLlng Lhls reglsLraLlon form, you have accepLed and agreed Lo Lhe Lerms and condlLlons as sLaLed

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