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Name: Siti Aminah

Student No: 09360062

Manager vs. leader
Wisdom vs. talent
Manager and Leader have distinct traits. There are fundamental differences in the way of
thinking and executing things. A manager tries to get maximum benefits of the available
resources. He/She relies on high efficiency and roductivity of existing resource. A leader on
other hand has a creative mind. He/She is an inventor and is constantly thinking of changing and
imroving the way things are done. He/She can sacrifice efficiency or roductivity for some time
to romote creativity and hence finding novel unconditional ways. A leader is more risk savvy
then the usual manager. A leader is always on look out for new ideas. He/She looks at his/her
resources like eole! machinery and comuter systems in a different way then the manager.
Manager aims to extract maximum value from these resources unlike a leader who aims to get
different more valuable outut from the same resources.
An organi"ation or a society needs both leaders and managers. Too many leaders! too many
innovators make a risky scenario. #t also leads to unstability and often mutual clashes. A manager
on other hand is a stabili"er and ensures smooth at times boring functioning of things.
Leader dreams! is hoeful and ursues things on his own.. Manager executes! is a good lanner
and is ersuasive. $oth leaders and managers can make history. #f their ventures fail! leader get
badly hurt and often temorarily and also ermanently go in oblivion. Managers are often at risk
of getting %aded and exhausted. They have linear rise and fall. The world needs both. Stability
and &reativity need to go hand in hand.
The ma%ority of nowadays modern comanies are more administrated 'managed( than leaded.
According to some of the different characteristics we can create the following list)
He manages wisely the resources #nnovator! discovers new oortunities
Maintains the economic balance *evelos new activities
#s interested in systems and structures #nterested in the human factor
*ecisions are based on control *ecisions are based on trust
Long term vision Short term vision
He usually asks how! when+ He usually asks why+
Aiming the result Aiming the concet! the idea
He imitates success stories He creates the success stories
He accets the destine He challenges his own destine
#s a classic cometent soldier #s his own general
Makes things in a roer manner Makes roer things
He is using a lan He is based on intuition
He resects the efficiency He resects the innovation
,mhasi"e rationality and control- are roblem.solvers 'focusing on goals! resources!
organi"ation structures! or eole(- often ask /uestion! 01hat roblems have to be solved! and
what are the best ways to achieve results so that eole will continue to contribute to this
organi"ation+0- are ersistent! tough.minded! hard working! intelligent! analytical! tolerant and
have goodwill toward others.
2erceived as brilliant! but sometimes lonely- achieve control of themselves before they try to
control others- can visuali"e a urose and generate value in work- are imaginative! assionate!
non.conforming risk.takers.
Managers and leaders have very different attitudes toward goals.
Adot imersonal! almost assive! attitudes toward goals- decide uon goals based on necessity
instead of desire and are therefore deely tied to their organi"ation3s culture- tend to be reactive
since they focus on current information.
Tend to be active since they envision and romote their ideas instead of reacting to current
situations- shae ideas instead of resonding to them- have a ersonal orientation toward goals-
rovide a vision that alters the way eole think about what is desirable! ossible! and necessary.
Managers' and leaders' conceptions of work.
4iew work as an enabling rocess- establish strategies and makes decisions by combining eole
and ideas- continually coordinate and balance oosing views- are good at reaching comromises
and mediating conflicts between oosing values and ersectives- act to limit choice- tolerate
ractical! mundane work because of strong survival instinct which makes them risk.averse.
*evelo new aroaches to long.standing roblems and oen issues to new otions- first! use
their vision to excite eole and only then develo choices which give those images substance-
focus eole on shared ideals and raise their exectations- work from high.risk ositions because
of strong dislike of mundane work.
Managers and leaders have very different relations with others.
2refer working with others- reort that solitary activity makes them anxious- are collaborative-
maintain a low level of emotional involvement in relationshis- attemt to reconcile differences!
seek comromises! and establish a balance of ower- relate to eole according to the role they
lay in a se/uence of events or in a decision.making rocess- focus on how things get done-
maintain controlled! rational! and e/uitable structures - may be viewed by others as inscrutable!
detached! and maniulative.
Maintain inner ercetiveness that they can use in their relationshis with others- relate to eole
in intuitive! emathetic way- focus on what events and decisions mean to articiants- attract
strong feelings of identity and difference or of love and hate- create systems where human
relations may be turbulent! intense! and at times even disorgani"ed.
The self-identity of managers versus leaders is strongly influenced by their past.
5eort that their ad%ustments to life have been straightforward and that their lives have been
more or less eaceful since birth- have a sense of self as a guide to conduct and attitude which is
derived from a feeling of being at home and in harmony with their environment- see themselves
as conservators and regulators of an existing order of affairs with which they ersonally identify
and from which they gain rewards- reort that their role harmoni"es with their ideals of
resonsibility and duty- eretuate and strengthen existing institutions- dislay a life
develoment rocess which focuses on sociali"ation...this sociali"ation rocess reares them to
guide institutions and to maintain the existing balance of social relations.
5eortedly have not had an easy time of it- lives are marked by a continual struggle to find some
sense of order- do not take things for granted and are not satisfied with the status /uo- reort that
their 0sense of self0 is derived from a feeling of rofound searateness- may work in
organi"ations! but they never belong to them- reort that their sense of self is indeendent of
work roles! membershis! or other social indicators of social identity- seek oortunities for
change 'i.e. technological! olitical! or ideological(- suort change- find their urose is to
rofoundly alter human! economic! and olitical relationshis- dislay a life develoment
rocess which focuses on ersonal mastery...this rocess imels them to struggle for
sychological and social change.
Source) htt)//www.ideas6bi".com/i6bas/

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